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Part of
Answer Key Mark
the Q
Competencies: Utilize text-related clues to comprehend discourse
Develop interpretive understanding of printed discourse
Expand writing skills through guided and semi-guided activities

I.A Headings Paragraph Number(s)

The problem 1
Causes of the problem 2-3
Effects of the problem 4
I.B Putting an end to forest destruction is urgently needed. 1

I.C.1 When forests are cleared, trees and other species disappear. 0.5
I.C.2 People cut trees because they need meat to feed a growing human 0.5
I.C.3 Short time ago, lumber companies were obliged to replant trees. 0.5
Recently, lumber companies have been obliged to replant trees.

I.D.1 1. They are set on fire to make way for cattle grazing 1
2. They are cut down to produce lumber for construction and furniture.
I.D.2 1. Disappearance of species 1
2. Causing the problem of global warming
I.D.3 1. Replanting new trees 1
2. Stopping the destruction of rain forest immediately
I.D.4 1. which refers to number of species 1
2. they refers to rain forests.

I.E.1 harming = threatening (Paragraphs 1-2) 0.5

I.E.2 essential to life = vital (Paragraphs 1-2) 0.5
I.E.3 support = sustain (Paragraphs 2-3) 0.5
I.E.4 natural home = habitat (Paragraphs 4-5) 0.5

I.F.1 The need for more meat to feed more people (are) is the major cause of 0.5
forest destruction.
I.F.2 Some lumber companies have been trying to replant as many trees as they 0.5
can (since) for a year.
I.F.3 Environmentalists still dont know why (do) people insist on cutting 0.5
I.F.4 Deforestation (has been) was an important issue a few years ago. 0.5
Deforestation has been an important issue (a few years ago) recently.

II.A Graphic Organizer and Title 2

II.B Ideas 3
II.C Language 3

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