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Supreme Court of the Philippines

346 Phil. 506

G.R. No. 120122, November 06, 1997
A woman spurned and beguiled now whines - a costly odyssey in relations extra
Gloria R. Cruz was the owner of Lot 10, Blk. 565, PSD-38911, with an area of
747.7 square meters, together with the improvements thereon, situated at 22
Bituan St., Bgy. Doa Imelda, Quezon City, covered by TCT No. 242553 in her
name; in 1977 she and respondent Romeo V. Suzara lived together as husband
and wife without benefit of marriage; in September 1982, solely out of love and
affection for Suzara, she executed a deed of absolute sale over Lot 10 in favor of
Suzara without any monetary consideration; thereafter, Suzara registered the
document in his favor and used the property as collateral for a bank loan of
P350,000.00; he however failed to pay the loan so that after four (4) years the
mortgage was foreclosed. She paid the bank P40,638.88 to restructure the loan
resulting in the extension of the redemption period to two (2) years. However,
without her knowledge and before the expiration of the extended period, Suzara
redeemed the property. She tried to talk to him but he avoided her. Finally, to
protect her interest, she executed an Affidavit of Adverse Claim which she filed
with the Register the Deeds of Quezon City asserting that her sale in favor of
Suzara was null and void for lack of consideration and being contrary to law and
public policy.

On 22 February 1990 she filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court of
Manila against respondent Suzara for quieting of title, declaration of nullity of
documents and damages with prayer for writ of preliminary injunction.

Denying petitioner's claim, respondent Suzara claimed that he was already the
registered owner of the property as evidenced by TCT No. 295388, having
acquired the same from petitioner through a notarized deed of absolute sale; the
sale was for a valuable consideration and not tainted with fraud nor executed
under duress; and, petitioner was estopped from impugning the validity of the sale
and questioning his title over the property.

On 22 March 1990 the trial court issued a temporary restraining order enjoining
private respondent, his agents and/or any person or persons acting in his behalf,
from disposing and/or encumbering the litigated property until further orders.

On 3 April 1990 petitioner filed an ex parte motion to admit her amended

complaint impleading respondent Manuel R. Vizconde as additional defendant
and praying that the Register of Deeds of Quezon City be ordered to annotate her
notice of lis pendens on respondent Suzaras title. Favorably resolving her motion,
the trial court admitted her amended complaint and ordered the Register of Deeds
to show cause why it was refusing to annotate the notice of lis pendens filed by

On 22 May 1990 the Register of Deeds filed a manifestation informing the trial
court that the property had been sold by respondent Suzara to his co-respondent
Vizconde who was already the registered owner thereof and since Vizconde was
not impleaded in the case the notice of lis pendens could not be annotated on his
title until the requirements of law were met and the annotation of the notice
judicially ordered. As stated in the immediately preceding paragraph, the motion
to admit amended complaint impleading respondent Vizconde was filed ex parte
on 3 April 1990.[1]

On 24 September 1990, responding to the amended complaint, Vizconde

answered that there was no privity of contract between him and petitioner; he
(Vizconde) was a purchaser for value in good faith; the sale between him and
Suzara was executed on 22 December 1989 or long before the execution of the
Affidavit of Adverse Claim; and, the action was barred by laches, estoppel and

On 24 May 1993 the trial court rendered a decision dismissing the complaint and
the counterclaims as well as the cross claim of respondent Vizconde. It ruled that
the sale between petitioner and respondent Suzara was valid with "love, affection
and accommodation" being the consideration for the sale. It also found Vizconde
an innocent purchaser for value because at the time he purchased the property he
was unaware of the adverse claim of petitioner.[2]

On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the judgment of the court a quo.[3]

Petitioner now comes to us for review on certiorari seeking to reverse and set
aside the decision of the Court of Appeals and that of the trial court. She contends
that the lower courts erred in holding that the sale between her and Suzara was
valid; that she had no legal personality to question the legality of the sale in his
favor, and, respondent Vizconde was an innocent purchaser for value in good

Petitioner insists that there being a factual finding by the trial court and the Court
of Appeals that she and respondent Suzara were common-law husband and wife,
the sale between them was void and inexistent, citing Art. 1490 of the Civil Code.
She argues that the consideration of "love, affection and accommodation" for the
sale was not a valid cause for the conveyance of the property as there was no price
paid in money or its equivalent, and since her sale to Suzara was null and void the
issue of its illegality cannot be waived or ratified; resultantly, the sale by Suzara to
his co-respondent Vizconde must also be declared null and void the latter being a
purchaser in bad faith. Petitioner also contends that although she filed her adverse
claim on 22 January 1990 or after the execution of the deed of sale between the
private respondents on 22 December 1989, the sale was nevertheless nullified
when it was substituted by a second deed of sale dated 5 February 1990, registered
6 March 1990, to avoid payment of fines and penalties for late registration.

We cannot sustain petitioner. Although under Art. 1490 the husband and wife
cannot sell property to one another as a rule which, for policy consideration and
the dictates of morality require that the prohibition apply to common-law
relationships,[4] petitioner can no longer seek reconveyance of the property to her
as it has already been acquired by respondent Vizconde in good faith and for value
from her own transferee.

The real purpose of the Torrens system of registration is to quiet title to land and
to put a stop to any question of legality of the title except claims which have been
recorded in the certificate of title at the time of registration or which may arise
subsequent thereto.[5] Every registered owner and every subsequent purchaser for
value in good faith holds the title to the property free from all encumbrances
except those noted in the certificate. Hence, a purchaser is not required to explore
further what the Torrens title on its face indicates in quest for any hidden defect
or inchoate right that may subsequently defeat his right thereto.[6]

Where innocent third persons, relying on the correctness of the certificate of title
thus issued, acquire rights over the property the court cannot disregard such rights
and order the total cancellation of the certificate.[7] The effect of such an outright
cancellation would be to impair public confidence in the certificate of title, for
everyone dealing with property registered under the Torrens system would have to
inquire in every instance whether the title has been regularly or irregularly issued.
This is contrary to the evident purpose of the law.[8] Every person dealing with
registered land may safely rely on the correctness of the certificate of title issued
therefor and the law will in no way oblige him to go behind the certificate to
determine the condition of the property.[9] Even if a decree in a registration
proceeding is infected with nullity, still an innocent purchaser for value relying on
a Torrens title issued in pursuance thereof is protected. A purchaser in good faith
is one who buys the property of another without notice that some other person
has a right to or interest in such property and pays a full and fair price for the
same at the time of such purchase or before he has notice of the claim of another

Both lower courts found that at the time respondent Suzara executed the deed of
absolute sale on 22 December 1989 in favor of respondent Vizconde, which was
acknowledged before a notary public, Suzara was the registered owner appearing
in the certificate of title. When the sale was executed, nothing was annotated in
the certificate to indicate any adverse claim of a third person or the fact that the
property was the subject of a pending litigation. It was only on 22 January 1990,
after the sale to respondent Vizconde, that petitioner filed her adverse claim with
the Register of Deeds. Based on this factual backdrop, which we consider binding
upon this Court, there is no doubt that respondent Vizconde was a purchaser for
value in good faith and that when he bought the property he had no knowledge
that some other person had a right to or an adverse interest in the property. As the
Court of Appeals observed, Vizconde paid a full and fair price for the property at
the time of the purchase and before he had any notice of petitioner's claim or
interest in the property. For purposes of resolving the present controversy, the
allegation that there was a second deed of sale executed solely for the purpose of
evading the penalties resulting from late payment of taxes and registration is
immaterial. The fact is, petitioner herself admits that the actual sale of the property
occurred on 22 December 1989. A contract of sale is consensual and is perfected
once agreement is reached between the parties on the subject matter and the
consideration therefor.

We cannot grant petitioner's prayer to have respondent Vizconde's certificate of

title declared null and void. Neither can we order the reconveyance of the
property to petitioner. Vizconde being a purchaser of registered land for value in
good faith holds an indefeasible title to the land. This is without prejudice
however to any appropriate remedy petitioner may take against her erstwhile
common-law husband, respondent Suzara.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The decision of the Court of Appeals

affirming that of the trial court is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
Davide, Jr. (Chairman), Vitug, and Kapunan, JJ., concur.
[1]This date, "3 April 1990," could be erroneous because the ex parte motion is
dated "3 May 1990," and the Amended Complaint attached thereto is dated "3
May 1990" and subscribed and sworn to before her counsel himself as Notary
Public on even date, "3 May 1990;" hence, "3 April 1990" would appear antedated.
[2] Rollo, pp. 44-52.
[3] Id., pp. 29-40.
[4] Calimlim-Canullas v. Fortun, G.R. No. 57499, 22 June 1984, 129 SCRA 675.
[5] Republic v. Umali, G.R. No. 80687, 10 April 1989, 171 SCRA 647.
PNB v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 71753, 25 August 1989, 176
SCRA 736.
[7] Pino v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 94114, 19 June 1991, 198 SCRA 434.
[8] Sec. 39, Act 496, The Land Registration Act.
[9] Lopez v. Court of Appeals, No. L-49739, 20 January 1989, 169 SCRA 271.

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