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Case 1:15-cv-01649-BAH Document 41 Filed 11/09/17 Page 1 of 20




Civil Action No. 15-1649 (BAH)
Judge Beryl A. Howell



The plaintiff, David T. Hardy, seeks attorneys fees and costs as a prevailing party

under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(E), Pl.s Mot. Attys

Fees (Pl.s Mot.) at 1, ECF No. 36, in this lawsuit challenging aspects of the response by

defendants, the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (OIG) and Bureau of

Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), to the plaintiffs FOIA request. See

Compl. 10, 18, 21, ECF No. 2. 1 After the parties cross-motions for summary judgment were

granted in part and denied in part, the parties stipulated to a dismissal of the case, except for the

plaintiffs claim for attorneys fees. Pl.s Mot. 15. For the reasons set forth below, the

plaintiffs motion for attorneys fees is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part.


The factual and procedural history to this case is fully set out in this Courts prior

Memorandum Opinion and, consequently, only those facts pertinent to resolving the instant

motion are summarized below. See Hardy v. Bur. of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives

The complaint describes Mr. Hardy as an attorney and internet blogger who disseminates information
relating to firearms law issues. Compl. 4.

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(Hardy I), 243 F. Supp. 3d 155, 15961 (D.D.C. 2017). In March 2015, the plaintiff submitted a

FOIA request to OIG and ATF seeking documents regarding ATFs policies on registered

handguns and any statements, surveys, or reports of interviews given to OIG in connection

with an OIG report issued in June 2007 titled The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and

Explosives National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record (NFRTR). Id. at 15960.

The parties agreed that the requested records each fell into one of three categories: (1) records

of interviews and notes of telephone interviews, (2) survey results, a draft survey, survey data

summaries, and survey data analysis, and (3) miscellaneous work papers, including indexes of

materials and interviews; and summaries of a document and emails that were reviewed. Id. at


In August 2015, OIG prepared a response to the plaintiffs request stating that all

responsive records were exempt from disclosure pursuant to the deliberative process privilege

under Exemption 5 of the FOIA. Id. (citing Defs. Mot. Summ. J., Ex. 2, Decl. of Deborah M.

Waller (Waller Decl.) 56, ECF No. 22-2); see also Defs. Answer, Ex. 1, OIG Resp. Pl.s

FOIA Request, Aug. 27, 2015 (OIG Response), ECF No. 13-1 (stating that responsive

documents have been reviewed and [i]t has been determined that these documents be withheld

in their entirety). The plaintiff then initiated this lawsuit in October 2015 challenging both

defendants responses to his FOIA request. Compl. 1722.

In January 2016, the Court imposed a scheduling order, consistent with the parties

proposal in a Joint Status Report, ECF No. 15, requiring the release of any nonexempt material

by February 29, 2016. Minute Order (Jan. 9, 2016). OIG subsequently reviewed sixty

responsive documents and determined that the portions that had been directly quoted in the

publicly available NFRTR could be segregated and released without compromising the

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deliberative processes of the OIG. Waller Decl. 7. Three days ahead of the Courts February

29, 2016, disclosure deadline, OIG provided forty pages of highly redacted documents and an

index of responsive records withheld under claim of exemption, pursuant to Vaughn v. Rosen,

484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973) (the Vaughn Index), reflecting the withholding of a total of 511

pages. Hardy I, 243 F. Supp. 3d at 160161, 165. Likewise, after a first release on February 26,

2016, and a rolling production through June 29, 2016, ATF provided 539 documents, a

production that the plaintiff acknowledged complied with [his] FOIA request. Id. at 159 n.1;

Pl.s Statement of Facts (Pl.s Facts) 9, ECF No. 36; Defs. Oppn Pl.s Mot. Attys Fees

(Defs. Oppn), Ex. 2, Decl. of Peter J. Chisholm, Acting Chief, Disclosure Division, Bureau of

Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (Chisholm Decl.) 5, ECF No. 37-2.

The parties cross-motions for summary judgment were each granted in part and denied

in part. Hardy I, 243 F. Supp. 3d at 159. Specifically, of the three categories of withheld

records, the Court concluded that OIG was entitled to summary judgment as to the first category

of records described as records of interviews and notes of telephone interviews, id. at 170, but

only as to a single document in category two (i.e., Survey Draft), id. at 174, and a single

document in category three (i.e., Interview Workpaper), id. at 177. Otherwise, OIG was

denied summary judgment. The plaintiff was granted summary judgment and OIG was ordered

to disclose three documents in category two (i.e., two Survey Results and Final Survey

Data). Id. at 173. For the remaining category two and three documents, both parties motions

were denied because OIG ha[d] not provided sufficient information for the Court to determine,

one way or the other, whether these documents [were] protected by Exemption 5. Id. at 175;

see also id. at 178. In total, of the sixty documents withheld, three documents were ordered to be

released, all documents in category one and two other documents in the remaining categories

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were deemed properly withheld, and OIG was denied summary judgment concerning the

remaining documents.

In June 2017, OIG provided three documentstwo documents labeled Survey Results

and one document labeled Final Survey Datato the plaintiff as required by the Courts

Order. Pl.s Facts 14; Hardy I, 243 F. Supp. 3d at 179. OIG also released five other

documents as to which the Court held there was insufficient information to grant either partys

motion. Defs. Oppn, Ex. 1, Decl. of Deborah M. Waller (Waller Fees Decl.) 8, ECF No.

37-1. The parties then stipulated to a dismissal of this case in its entirety, except for the

plaintiffs instant claim for attorneys fees. Stip. of Dismissal at 1, ECF No. 35. The plaintiff

now seeks attorneys fees for time spent litigating the merits of this case as well as fees for time

spent on the fee motions.


The FOIA authorizes an award of attorneys fees reasonably incurred by a plaintiff who

has substantially prevailed in the litigation. 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(E)(i). This statutory

provision naturally divides the attorney-fee inquiry into two prongs, which our case law has

long described as fee eligibility and fee entitlement. Brayton v. Office of the U.S. Trade

Representative, 641 F.3d 521, 524 (D.C. Cir. 2011) (citing Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Dept of

Commerce, 470 F.3d 363, 36869 (D.C. Cir. 2006)). Accordingly, the plaintiff must

demonstrate both eligibility and entitlement to the award. See McKinley v. Fed. Hous. Fin.

Agency, 739 F.3d 707, 710 (D.C. Cir. 2014); Weisberg v. U.S. Dept of Justice, 745 F.2d 1476,

1495 (D.C. Cir. 1984) ([E]ligibility alone is not enough . . . the complainant must [also] show

that he or she is entitled to an award.) (citation omitted). If the plaintiff has established both

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eligibility and entitlement, he must also establish the reasonableness of the fee request. See

Covington v. District of Columbia, 57 F.3d 1101, 110708 (D.C. Cir. 1995).

To satisfy the eligibility requirement, the plaintiff must show that he or she substantially

prevailed in the underlying FOIA litigation by gaining relief from either: (I) a judicial order, or

an enforceable written agreement or consent decree; or (II) a voluntary or unilateral change in

position by the agency, if the complainants claim is not insubstantial. 5 USC 552(a)(4)(E)(ii).

Under the first prong, the claimant substantially prevails when the order changed the legal

relationship between [the parties], and . . . the plaintiff was awarded some relief on the merits of

his claim. Judicial Watch, Inc. v. FBI, 522 F.3d 364, 367 (D.C. Cir. 2008) (quoting Davy v.

C.I.A. (Davy I), 456 F.3d 162, 165 (D.C. Cir. 2006)) (internal quotations omitted). Under the

second prong, or catalyst theory, attorneys fees may be awarded solely due to a change in an

agencys position, for example, when the plaintiffs lawsuit substantially caused the government

to release the requested documents before final judgment. Brayton, 641 F.3d at 52425. 2

If the plaintiff has substantially prevailed, the court proceeds to the entitlement prong.

The D.C. Circuit has long applied a multi-factor standard for evaluating whether a plaintiff who

is eligible for attorneys fees is also entitled to such fees. McKinley, 739 F.3d at 711. Four

non-exclusive factors typically govern the entitlement inquiry: (1) the public benefit derived

from the case; (2) the commercial benefit to the plaintiff; (3) the nature of the plaintiff's interest

in the records; and (4) the reasonableness of the agencys withholding of the requested

The catalyst theory was utilized by this Circuit until 2001, when the Supreme Court held that the catalyst
theory is not a permissible basis for the award of attorneys fees. Buckhannon Bd. & Care Home, Inc. v. W. Va.
Dept of Health & Human Res., 532 U.S. 598, 610 (2001). Congress responded by resurrecting the catalyst theory
for FOIA cases in the Open Government Act of 2007. See Davis v. U.S. Dept of Justice, 610 F.3d 750, 752 (D.C.
Cir. 2010). The purpose and effect of this law, which remains in effect today, was to change the eligibility prong
back to its pre-Buckhannon form. Brayton, 641 F.3d at 525. As a result, plaintiffs can now qualify as
substantially prevail[ing], and thus become eligible for attorney fees, without winning court-ordered relief on the
merits of their FOIA claims. Id. (alteration in original).

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documents. Id. (quoting Tax Analysts v. U.S. Dept of Justice, 965 F.2d 1092, 1093 (D.C. Cir.

1992)). While [n]o one factor is dispositive, if the Governments position is correct as a

matter of law, that will be dispositive. Davy v. CIA (Davy II), 550 F.3d 1155, 1162 (D.C. Cir.

2008). The sifting of those criteria over the facts of a case is a matter of district court

discretion. Tax Analysts, 965 F.2d at 1094.

If the plaintiff has established eligibility and entitlement, the plaintiff must then establish

the reasonableness of the calculation in its fee request. See Covington, 57 F.3d at 110708. The

reasonableness determination involves three parts: (1) determination of the number of hours

reasonably expanded [sic] in litigation; (2) determination of a reasonable hourly rate or

lodestar; and (3) the use of multipliers as merited. Save Our Cumberland Mountains, Inc. v.

Hodel, 857 F.2d 1516, 1517 (D.C. Cir. 1988) (citation omitted). The plaintiff must submit

evidence regarding the attorneys billing practices; the attorneys skill, experience, and

reputation; and the prevailing market rates in the relevant community. Covington, 57 F.3d at

1107. The reasonable hourly rate is most commonly determined by the Laffey Matrix, which

sets out a general guideline for awarding attorneys fees based on experience . . . adjusted for

inflation. Salazar v. District of Columbia, 809 F.3d 58, 62 (D.C. Cir. 2015). Provided that the

plaintiff has submitted the required information, the presumption is that the number of hours

billed and the hourly rates are reasonable. Jackson v. District of Columbia, 696 F. Supp. 2d 97,

101 (D.D.C. 2010) (citing Blackman v. District of Columbia, 677 F. Supp. 2d 169, 172 (D.C. Cir.

2010)). The burden then shifts to the defendant to provide specific contrary evidence tending to

show that a lower rate would be appropriate. Covington, 57 F.3d at 110910 (internal

quotations omitted).

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The defendants challenge the plaintiffs fee request on the grounds that he is not entitled

to fees and that the fee request is excessive. These issues are considered in turn below.

A. The Plaintiff Is Eligible for Fees from OIG but Not from ATF

The plaintiff contends he is eligible for fees from both defendants because neither OIG

nor BATFE produced any documents prior to the filing of the Complaint. Pl.s Mot. at 3.

While the plaintiffs assertion about the timing of production is correct, this fact is not

dispositive of his eligibility for attorneys fees. As the D.C. Circuit has made clear, in the

context of FOIA attorneys fees, the mere filing of the complaint and the subsequent release of

the documents is insufficient to establish causation. Weisberg, 745 F.2d at 1496. When the

plaintiff advances a catalyst theory to establish eligibility for FOIA attorneys fees, the focus is

highly contextual on what occurred in the lawsuit at issue, including consideration of the

sufficiency of the agencys explanation for production delays. Codrea v. Bur. of Alcohol,

Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, Civ. No. 15-0988, 2017 WL 4334119, at *4 (D.D.C. Sept. 28,


Each agency responded differently to the plaintiffs FOIA request. OIG, in August 2015,

initially informed the plaintiff that all responsive records were exempt from disclosure under

FOIA Exemption 5s deliberative process privilege. Waller Decl. 5. Only after the plaintiff

initiated this lawsuit and the Court entered a scheduling order requiring the disclosure of

nonexempt documents by February 29, 2016, did OIG review sixty responsive documents and

determine that portions of those records could be released. Then, three days before the

Scheduling Order deadline, OIG produced forty highly redacted pages to the plaintiff. Hardy I,

243 F. Supp. 3d at 160; Pl.s Facts 10; Defs. Oppn at 24. Upon judicial scrutiny of OIGs

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claimed withholdings, the parties cross-motions for summary judgment were each granted in

part and denied in part, requiring OIG to produce certain withheld documents, while approving

the withholding of other documents and deferring judgment on other documents. Hardy I, 243 F.

Supp. 3d at 179. After the decision, OIG released the required documents to the plaintiff and

also voluntarily released five documents for which the Court had otherwise required further

explanation for withholding. Defs. Oppn at 3.

The defendants recognize that authority exists holding that a FOIA plaintiff substantially

prevails where a court issues a scheduling order requiring an agency to produce responsive

documents by a date certain, as the Court did here. Defs. Oppn at 45. Both the fact that OIG

produced records when a scheduling order was in place, after initially declining to do so, and the

fact that the plaintiff obtained relief through . . . a judicial order, 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(E)(ii)(I),

by partial grant of the plaintiffs cross-motion for summary judgment, Hardy I, 243 F. Supp. 3d

at 179, establishes that the plaintiff is eligible for fees from OIG.

The same cannot be said of ATF. ATFs production satisfied the plaintiffs request in

full, and accordingly, summary judgment was granted and final judgment entered for ATF.

Hardy I, 243 F. Supp. 3d at 159 n.1 (noting the plaintiffs view that ATFs timely production

under the Scheduling Order complied with [his] FOIA request); Pl.s Facts at 9. The plaintiff

argues that this production makes him a prevailing party because ATF did not produce[ ] any

documents prior to the filing of the Complaint. Pl.s Mot. at 3. This sequence of events does

not, on its own, demonstrate that the institution and prosecution of the litigation cause[d] the

agency to release the documents obtained during the pendency of the litigation. Church of

Scientology v. Harris, 653 F.2d 584, 587 (D.C. Cir. 1981) (emphasis added). Causation requires

more than correlation, and thus [t]he causation requirement is missing when disclosure results

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not from the suit but from delayed administrative processing. Short v. U.S. Army Corps of

Engrs, 613 F. Supp. 2d 103, 106 (D.D.C. 2009) (citing Weisberg, 848 F.2d at 126871); see

also Church of Scientology, 653 F.2d at 588 (explaining that where an unavoidable delay

accompanied by due diligence in the administrative processes was the actual reason for the

agencys failure to respond to a request, then it cannot be said that the complainant substantially

prevailed in [its] suit) (quoting Cox v. U.S. Dept of Justice, 601 F.2d 1, 6 (D.C. Cir. 1979))

(internal citations omitted).

Here, ATF explained that its delay in producing records to Plaintiff was caused by an

administrative backlog, not bad faith. Defs. Oppn at 15. Around the time the plaintiff submitted

his request, ATF was experiencing a significant increase in FOIA related requests from the public

and oversight entities, which has resulted in a backlog of FOIA requests. Defs. Oppn, Ex. 2,

Decl. of Peter J. Chisholm, Acting Chief, Disclosure Division, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,

Firearms and Explosives (Chisholm Decl.) 14, ECF No. 37-2. In addition, the Disclosure

Division was heavily involved with the review of approximately 20,000 pages of documents

responsive to Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:12-cv-01510) and drafting the

associated Vaughn index. Id. 15. After the plaintiff submitted his request, a high priority

redaction project consumed the entire Disclosure Division that took the Division six weeks to

complete, thus taking staff away from all other workloads. Id. Along with the preexisting

backlog, this project understandably caused delays in responding to the plaintiffs request. The

ATF proffered nearly identical reasons for its delay in production in a recent FOIA lawsuit before

this Court. See Codrea, 2017 WL 4334119 at *34. As in Codrea, ATF has fully explained that

the delays due were due to backlog and other projects and has provided a sufficient description of

its administrative difficulties to establish that causation is lacking here. Accordingly, the plaintiff

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has not demonstrated that this litigation caused ATF to produce nearly 600 documents and thus he

is not eligible for an award of attorneys fees from ATF.

B. Entitlement to Fee Awards

The defendants contend that, even if he is eligible for fees from OIG, the plaintiffs

motion should nevertheless be denied because he is not entitled to them. Defs. Oppn at 5.

Review of the four relevant factors in determining entitlement to fees, McKinley, 739 F.3d at

711, demonstrates that the plaintiff is entitled to some attorneys fees from OIG. 3

1. Public Benefit

The first factor, public benefit derived from the case, requires consideration of both the

effect of the litigation for which fees are requested and the potential public value of the

information sought. Davy II, 550 F.3d at 1159. If a plaintiffs victory is likely to add to the

fund of information that citizens may use in making vital political choices, such a public benefit

weighs in favor of granting the plaintiff attorney fees. Short, 613 F. Supp. 2d at 107 (internal

quotations omitted). In evaluating the public benefit of the information, [t]he court must also

consider the extent to which the information released is already in the public domain. Nw.

Coal. for Alts. to Pesticides v. Browner, 965 F. Supp. 59, 64 (D.D.C. 1997).

OIG produced survey results, survey data, and survey question analyses surrounding the

OIGs review of the NFRTR. Pl.s Mot. at 2. The plaintiff says this information is in the public

interest because the Work Papers disclose evidence of reasonable doubt that the NFRTR is

accurate and reliable; because the ATF has consistently tried to avoid disclosing evidence that

the NFRTR is inaccurate, incomplete, and unreliable; and because the work papers are Brady

material that should be disclosed to defense counsel. Pl.s Mot., Ex. 4, Decl. of Eric Martin

The plaintiff is not eligible for fees from ATF; thus, his entitlement to fees from ATF is not assessed.

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Larson (Larson Decl.) 3, ECF No. 36-4. The defendants dispute any public benefit to

disclosure of these records because that information [wa]s already in the public domain after

the NFRTR was made public in 2007. Defs. Oppn at 6. Specifically, the defendants say that

the NFRTR is filled with statements similar to those that were released to the plaintiff,

including statements made in survey responses concerning the technical issues, backlogs in

updates, errors, and discrepancies associated with the NFRTR. Id.

While the NFRTR was publicly available before this lawsuit, the mere fact that material

is in the public domain does not justify denying a fee waiver. Campbell v. U.S. Dept of

Justice, 164 F.3d 20, 36 (D.C. Cir. 1998). The survey data and question analyses turned over to

the plaintiff included agency-generated summaries of the survey responses, somebut not all

of which had been made publicly available in the NFRTR. The fact that an agency record

disclosed in response to a FOIA request incorporates publicly available information, however,

does not detract from its value independent of the source material. Id. Rather, insight into

how the agency reacted to the study and what information they chose to release is the kind of

public understanding of government operations that FOIA was designed to foster. Id.

Accordingly, public value is present in seeing which portions of the survey data and question

analyses OIG chose to make public in the NFRTR.

2. Commercial Benefit and the Nature of the Plaintiffs Interest

The second and third factors, commercial benefit to the plaintiff and the nature of the

plaintiffs interest in the records, are often considered together and address whether the

plaintiff had a sufficient private incentive to pursue his FOIA request even without the prospect

of obtaining attorneys fees. McKinley, 739 F.3d at 712 (internal quotations omitted). When a

litigant seeks disclosure for a commercial benefit or other personal reasons, an award of fees is

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usually inappropriate because the plaintiff has sufficient motivation to bring suit without the

promise of attorneys fees. Cotton v. Heyman, 63 F.3d 1115, 1120 (D.C. Cir. 1995). If the

sought-after information was scholarly or journalistic or public-interest oriented, however, a

court would generally award fees unless the plaintiffs interest was of a frivolous or purely

commercial nature. Davy II, 550 F.3d at 116061 (internal quotations omitted and alterations


Here, the plaintiff says that the documents are being publicized at no profit to him and

that his interest in the documents is as an attorney and internet blogger on firearms law. Pl.s

Mot. at 11. He published an article online after the documents were received, and he also

provided the documents to a defense attorney in a National Firearms Act prosecution. Id. The

defendants point to the plaintiffs status as an attorney to argue that he has both a personal and

commercial interest in the information he requested. Defs. Oppn at 11. The defendants also

aver that providing the documents to another attorney demonstrates a purely personal, if not

commercial, reason for wanting the information. Id. at 12. These arguments are unpersuasive.

The plaintiff has already blogged about the documents he received, and his past publications

indicate his scholarly interest in the topic. Pl.s Mot. at 11; Pl.s Reply Defs. Oppn Pl.s Mot.

Attys Fees (Pl.s Reply) at 6, ECF No. 38. He has shared the information he received with

law professors and attorneys interested in the right to arms and in firearms law, and he did not

charge fees for that distribution. Pl.s Mot., Ex. 5, Decl. of David T. Hardy (Hardy Decl.)

6, 10, ECF No. 36-5; see also Davy II, 550 F.3d at 1162 (noting that a plaintiff who

request[ed] information under FOIA about what the government was up to that he intend[ed] to

share with the public did so as part of his scholarship and news-gathering role, rather than

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merely to promote his private commercial interests). The second and third factors are therefore


3. Reasonableness of the Defendants Withholdings

The fourth factor, the reasonableness of the agencys withholding of the requested

documents, considers whether the agencys opposition to disclosure had a reasonable basis in

law and whether the agency had not been recalcitrant in its opposition to a valid claim or

otherwise engaged in obdurate behavior. Davy II, 550 F.3d at 1162 (internal citation and

quotations omitted). [I]f the Governments position is correct as a matter of law, that will be

dispositive. If the Governments position is founded on a colorable basis in law, that will be

weighed along with other relevant considerations in the entitlement calculus. Id. (internal

citation omitted).

The plaintiff posits that OIGs rationale for withholding some of the documents is not

correct as a matter of law as set forth in th[e] Courts opinion, Pl.s Mot. at 12, while the

defendants counter that OIG acted reasonably because the vast majority of contested

withholdings were upheld, Defs. Oppn at 1215. Both parties arguments have merit. As

detailed in the Memorandum Opinion granting partial summary judgment to OIG, the

withholding of documents in category one concerning Records of Interviews and Telephone

Interview Notes, which constituted the bulk of the withheld records, as well as two documents

from the remaining two categories, was correct as a matter of law. Hardy I, 243 F. Supp. 3d at

16870, 17374, 17677. As for the three documents OIG was instructed to releasetwo

Survey Results and the Final Survey DataOIG did not have a colorable basis for its

withholding. These documents [we]re not summaries by individuals who culled information

from a much larger universe of facts, d[id] not reflect an exercise of judgment by OIG, and,

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as a matter of law, were not covered by FOIA Exemption 5. Id. at 171 (alterations adopted and

internal quotations omitted). Yet, OIGs motion for summary judgment was denied for the

remaining documents, for which the agency had provided insufficient information to justify

withholding. Id. at 17476, 179. Without more, OIG has not established a colorable basis for

withholding these documents and the plaintiff is likewise entitled to fees.

In sum, the plaintiff is eligible for and entitled to reasonable attorneys fees from OIG

due to OIGs release of records, after initially claiming all were exempt before the lawsuit was

filed and a scheduling order in place, and the plaintiffs partial success on his cross-motion for

summary judgment.

C. Reasonable Fee Award

Although the plaintiff is eligible for and entitled to some award of fees, that award must

be reasonable. See Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Dept of Justice, 878 F. Supp. 2d 225, 238

(D.D.C. 2012) (The FOIA permits an award of reasonable attorney fees and other litigation

costs to a plaintiff that demonstrates its eligibility for and entitlement to such an award.

(quoting 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(E)(i)) (emphasis in original)). The usual method of calculating

reasonable attorneys fees is to multiply the hours reasonably expended in the litigation by a

reasonable hourly fee, producing the lodestar amount. Bd. of Trs. of Hotel & Rest. Emps.

Local 25 v. JPR, Inc., 136 F.3d 794, 801 (D.C. Cir. 1998). The defendants have not challenged

either the plaintiffs claimed $436 in costs or the plaintiffs claimed hourly rate of $395 per hour

for an attorney with eight to ten years of experience and $339 per hour for an attorney with six to

seven years of experience, based on the Laffey Matrix. Thus, only the hours reasonably expended

in the litigation is at issue. See Pl.s Mot. at 14; Defs. Oppn at 1518. The hours expended can

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be broken down into time spent on the merits of the case and time spent on the request for

attorneys fees. These two fee categories will be addressed in turn.

1. Fees for Litigation of the Merits

When a plaintiff has achieved only partial or limited success, [t]here is no precise rule or

formula for determining the reasonable amount of attorneys fees. Hensley v. Eckerhart, 461

U.S. 424, 436 (1983). The district court may attempt to identify specific hours that should be

eliminated, or it may simply reduce the award to account for the limited success, and where the

plaintiff achieved only limited success, the court should award only that amount of fees that is

reasonable in relation to the results obtained. Id. at 436, 440. The essential goal in shifting

fees . . . is to do rough justice, not to achieve auditing perfection. So trial courts may take into

account their overall sense of a suit, and may use estimates in calculating and allocating an

attorneys time. Fox v. Vice, 563 U.S. 826, 838 (2011).

Here, the plaintiff achieved partial success: after this lawsuit was initiated, ATF made a

compliant production and OIG turned over some redacted documents. Hardy I, 243 F. Supp. 3d

at 159 & n.1. This Court then granted the parties summary judgment motions in part and denied

them in part, requiring that OIG produce additional documents to the plaintiff. Id. at 179. OIG

ultimately produced those documents, as well as other documents as to which OIG had been

denied summary judgment. Pl.s Mot. 15. At the same time, the bulk of OIGs withheld

documents were found to be properly exempt from disclosure. Thus, some adjustment to the

plaintiffs request for fees is warranted as he did not completely succeed in his efforts. As

discussed, the plaintiff is not entitled to fees from ATF. Accordingly, the time spent on tasks

related to only ATF will be deducted from the plaintiffs hours. This amounts to a reduction of

19.1 hours (8 for Stamboulieh and 11.1 for Beck). See Pl.s Mot., Ex. 7, Decl. of Stephen D.

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Stamboulieh (Stamboulieh Decl.) at 516, ECF No. 36-7; Pl.s Mot., Ex. 8, Decl. of Alan Beck

(Beck Decl.) at 45, ECF No. 36-8.

The defendants also challenge the plaintiffs request by arguing that the plaintiff seeks

fees for noncompensable tasks, including time spent reviewing documents produced by the

defendants and time spent on simple tasks such as heeding the Courts scheduling orders.

Defs. Oppn at 1718. Regarding document review, it would seem critical to the prosecution

of a FOIA lawsuit for a plaintiff to review an agencys disclosure for sufficiency and proper

withholding during the course of its FOIA litigation. Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr. v. U.S. Dept of

Homeland Sec., 811 F. Supp. 2d 217, 23940 (D.D.C. 2011). The plaintiff is therefore entitled

to fees for time spent reviewing the adequacy of the defendants production to determine how to

proceed in this litigation. See Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr. v. FBI, 80 F. Supp. 3d 149, 159 (D.D.C.

2015) ([T]o the extent that the released documents are being reviewed to evaluate the

sufficiency of the release or the propriety of a specific withholding so that the attorney can then

challenge the release or withholding, such document review time is properly included in a FOIA

attorneys fees award.).

The plaintiff is not, however, entitled to recover for time spent reviewing the documents

turned over as a result of the Courts Memorandum Opinion, as Plaintiff would have had to

expend this time had [the defendants] timely produced the documents without litigation.

Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics in Wash. v. U.S. Dept of Justice, 825 F. Supp. 2d 226, 231

(D.D.C. 2011). Nor is the plaintiff entitled to fees for time spent reviewing documents produced

by ATF, as discussed above. According to the plaintiffs records, this amounts to a one-hour

deduction for the time spent reviewing documents produced after the Courts opinion, in addition

to the deduction for time spent on ATF-related matters. Stamboulieh Decl. at 15.

Case 1:15-cv-01649-BAH Document 41 Filed 11/09/17 Page 17 of 20

As for the fees associated with heeding reset deadlines and other simple tasks, the goal

in awarding attorneys fees is not line-item supervision of billing practices but rough justice.

Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr. v. Dept of Homeland Sec., 197 F. Supp. 3d 290, 295 (D.D.C. 2016).

The Court need not engage in a picayune battle of the ledgers. Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr. v. U.S.

Drug Enft Admin, Civ. No. 15-00667, 2017 WL 3049403, at *6 (D.D.C. July 18, 2017). While

the inefficiencies in the plaintiffs billing are noted, judicial resources will not be spent

evaluating the reasonableness of each individual entry in the plaintiffs ledgers.

The defendants also challenge the plaintiffs requested amount as excessive given the

plaintiffs barely minimal success. Defs. Oppn at 16. The plaintiff recognizes that his

success was limited and has voluntarily imposed a ten percent reduction in fees to account for

duplication of work between the two attorneys and partial success on Plaintiffs Motion for

Summary Judgment. Pl.s Mot. at 15. The defendants do not acknowledge this reduction and

do not suggest a more appropriate reduction. Rather, the defendants proffer an alternative

method of calculating the plaintiffs fees, in which the requested amount is reduced in proportion

to the pages spent arguing the successful claims on the merits. See Defs. Oppn at 1617 (citing

Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr. v. U.S. Dept of Homeland Sec., 982 F. Supp. 2d 56, 63 (D.D.C. 2008)).

While this method has been employed several times within this district, see, e.g., Elec. Privacy

Info. Ctr., 197 F. Supp. 3d at 297, adoption of this methodology would create a perverse

incentive for parties to write more simply in order to increase their potential fee awards.

A ten percent reduction does not adequately reflect the plaintiffs partial success. Of the

sixty documents at issue at the summary-judgment stage, the plaintiff succeeded as to only three

documents. Thus, awarding [the plaintiff] its entire fee, and thus compensating it at least in part

for time spent on a losing claim, would be an abuse of discretion. Natl Sec. Archive v. Dept of

Case 1:15-cv-01649-BAH Document 41 Filed 11/09/17 Page 18 of 20

Defense, 530 F. Supp. 2d 198, 205 (D.D.C. 2008). OIG later voluntarily released five additional

documents, for a total of eight documents disclosed. In this case, however, an award of fees

proportional to the number of documents released would, given OIGs initial blanket

withholding of all responsive records, understate the degree of plaintiffs success and would

almost amount to a free pass for the governments obdurate behavior. Bloomgarden v. U.S.

Dept of Justice, 253 F. Supp. 3d 166, 179 (D.D.C. 2017). Thus, to accomplish rough justice

in the award of fees, the plaintiffs award will be reduced by fifty percent.

In sum, from the plaintiffs stated 98.1 hours spent litigating the merits of this case (67.2

for Stamboulieh and 30.9 for Beck), 19.1 hours will be deducted for work pertaining to only

ATF (8 for Stamboulieh and 11.1 for Beck), and one hour will be deducted for time spent by

Stamboulieh reviewing documents produced by OIG after the Courts order on summary

judgment. With these reductions, the plaintiff will be awarded fees for 78 hours of work (58.2

for Stamboulieh and 19.8 for Beck) which, after a 50 percent reduction, amounts to 39 hours

(29.1 for Stamboulieh and 9.9 for Beck). At undisputed rates of $395 for Stamboulieh and $339

for Beck, the total award for fees on the merits is $14,850.60 ($11,494.50 for Stamboulieh and

$3,356.10 for Beck). The plaintiff is also entitled to $436 in costs; the defendants have not

challenged that amount. Pl.s Mot. at 14.

2. Fees on Fees

Finally, the plaintiff requests fees for time spent on the Motion for Attorneys Fees and

accompanying reply brief. The law is settled in this circuit that [h]ours reasonably devoted to

a request for fees are compensable. Noxell Corp. v. Firehouse No. 1 BarBQue Rest., 771

F.2d 521, 528 (D.C. Cir. 1985). [T]he party requesting fees on fees has the burden of

establishing the reasonableness of the request and must submit supporting documentation that

Case 1:15-cv-01649-BAH Document 41 Filed 11/09/17 Page 19 of 20

provides sufficient detail so that the Court can determine with a high degree of certainty that the

hours billed were actually reasonably expended. Boehner v. McDermott, 541 F. Supp. 2d 310,

325 (D.D.C. 2008) (internal quotations omitted and alterations adopted) (emphasis in original).

In support of the fee motion, the plaintiffs attorneys submitted contemporaneous billing

records. These records were detailed and, given the presumption of reasonableness that

accompanies compliant records, the plaintiff is entitled to fees for time spent on the Motion for

Attorneys fees. See Jackson, 696 F. Supp. 2d at 101. Those records did not include entries for

time spent preparing the plaintiffs reply to its Motion for Attorneys fees. See Pl.s Reply at 13.

The plaintiff later submitted contemporaneous billing records for six hours spent by attorney

Stamboulieh for the time spent on the reply. See Pl.s Response Min. Order, Ex. 1, Decl. of

Stephen D. Stamboulieh (Stamboulieh Supp. Decl.) 48, ECF No. 39-1; Pl.s Response

Min. Order, Ex. 2, Decl. of Alan Alexander Beck (Beck Supp. Decl.) 39, ECF No. 39-2. 4

Consequently, the attorneys records reflect 25.4 hours spent on the Motion for Attorneys Fees

(18 by Stamboulieh and 7.4 by Beck), and 6 hours spent by attorney Stamboulieh on the reply

brief. This amounts to $11,988.60 ($9,480.00 for Stamboulieh and $2,508.60 for Beck).

Courts in this district commonly award the applicant the same percentage of fees for fee

litigation as it does for fees on the merits. Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr., 982 F. Supp. 2d at 61; see

also Judicial Watch, 878 F. Supp. 2d at 241 ([T]he Court must reduce Judicial Watchs

requested fees on fees award commensurate with the Courts reduction of Judicial Watchs

The plaintiff attempts to estimate and recreate additional time spent on the reply, Stamboulieh Supp.
Decl. 68, Beck Supp. Decl. 48, but in this circuit, fee applications must include contemporaneous time
records of hours worked and rates claimed, plus a detailed description of the subject matter of the work with
supporting documents, In re Donovan, 877 F.2d 982, 994 (D.C. Cir. 1989) (per curiam); see also Natl Assn of
Concerned Veterans v. Secy of Def., 675 F.2d 1319, 1327 (D.C. Cir. 1982) ([C]asual after-the-fact estimates of
time expended on a case are insufficient to support an award of attorneys fees. Attorneys who anticipate making a
fee application must maintain contemporaneous, complete and standardized time records which accurately reflect
the work done by each attorney.). Thus, attorneys fees on the reply are limited to those hours for which the
requisite records are submitted.

Case 1:15-cv-01649-BAH Document 41 Filed 11/09/17 Page 20 of 20

award for the litigation of this case.). Here, the plaintiff originally requested $37,019.10 for

fees on the merits; as discussed, the plaintiff will be awarded $14,850.60, which amounts to a

59.9 percent reduction. The same reduction will be applied to the plaintiffs fee request for fee

litigation. Imposing the 59.9 percent reduction as discussed above, this amounts to $4,809.35 in

fees on fees ($3,803.00 for Stamboulieh and $1,006.35 for Beck).


For the reasons discussed above, the plaintiff is eligible for and entitled to attorneys fees

and costs in the total amount of $20,095.95 from OIG, which amount includes $436 in costs,

$14,850.60 for attorneys fees, and $4,809.35 in fees on fees. The plaintiff is not eligible for fees

from ATF. Accordingly, the plaintiffs Motion for Attorneys Fees and Costs, ECF No. 36, is

granted in part and denied in part. An appropriate Order accompanies this Memorandum


Date: November 9, 2017

United States District Judge


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