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The Gheranda Samhita

Samadhi Yoga
Gheranda said:

1. The Samadhi is a great Yoga; it is acquired by great good fortune. It is obtained through
the grace and kindness of the Guru and by intense devotion to him.

2. That Yoga quickly attains this most beautiful practice of Samadhi, who has confidence (or
faith) in knowledge, faith in his own Guru, faith in his own Self; and whose mind (manas)
awakens to intelligence from day to day.

3. Separate the Manas from the body, unite it with the Para-mama. This is known as
Samadhi or Mukti from all the states of consciousness.

4. I am Brahma, I am nothing else, the Brahma is certainly I, I am not a participator of

sorrow, I am Existence, Intelligence, and Bliss; always free, of one essence.

5-6. The Samadhi is four-fold, i.e., Dhyana-Samadhi, Nada-Samadhi, Rasananda Samadhi,

and Laya Samadhi: respectively accomplished by Sambhavi Mudra, Khechari Mudra,
Bhramari Mudra and Yoni-Mudra. The Bhakti-Yoga Samadhi is fifth, and Raja-Yoga Samadhi,
is attained through Mano-Murchha Kumbhaka, is the sixth form of Samadhi.

1. Dhyana-Yoga Samadhi
7. Performing the Sambhavi Mudra perceive the Atma. Having seen once the Brahma in a
Bindu (point of light), fix the mind in that point.

8. Bring the Atma in Kha (Ether), bring the Kha (Ether or Space) in the Atma. Thus seeing the
Atma full of Kha (space or Brahma), nothing will obstruct him. Being full of perpetual bliss,
the man enters Samadhi (Trance or Ecstasy).

2. Nada-Yoga Samadhi.
9. Turn the tongue upwards, closing the wind-passages, by performing the Khechari Mudra;
by so doing, Samadhi (trance asphyxiation) will be induced; there is no necessity of
performing anything else.

3. Rasananda Yoga Samadhi

10-11. Let him preform the Bhramari Kumbhaka, drawing in the air slowly: expel the air
slowly and slowly, with a buzzing sound like that of beetle. Let him carry the Manas and
The Gheranda Samhita
place it in the center of this sound of humming beetle. By so doing, there will be Samadhi
and by this, knowledge of ‘so’ ‘ham’ (I am That) arises, and a great happiness takes place.

4. Laya Siddhi Yoga Samadhi

12-13. Perform the Yoni-Mudra, and let him imagine that he is Sakti, and Paramatma is
Purusha; and that both have been united in one. By this he becomes full of bliss, and relizes
Aham Brahma, “I am Brahma.” This conduces to Advaita Samadhi.

14-15. Let him contemplate within his heart his special Deity; let him be full of ecstasy by
such contemplation, let him shed tears of happiness, and by doing so he will become
entranced. This leads to Samadhi and Monomania.

6. Raya-Yoga Samadhi
16. Performing Anouchka Kamchatka, unite the Manas with the Atma. By this Union is
obtained Raya-Yoga Samadhi.

7. Praise of Samadhi
17. O Chanda! thus have I told thee about Samadhi which leads to emancipation. Raja-Yoga
Samadhi, Unman, Sahajaavastha are all synonyms, and mean the Union of Manas with

18. Vishnu is in water, Vishnu is in earth, Vishnu is on the peak of the mountain; Vishnu is in
the midst of Volcanic fired and flames: the whole Universe is full of Vishnu.

19. All those that walk on land or move in the air, all living and animate creation, trees,
shrubs, roots, creepers and grass, etc., oceans and mountains-all, know ye, to be Brahma.
See them all in Atma.

20. The Atma confined in the body is Chaitanya or Consciousness, it is without a second, the
Eternal, the Highest; knowing it separate from body, let him be free of desires and passions.

21. Thus is Samadhi obtained, free from all desires. Free from attachment to his own body,
to son, wife, friends, kinsmen, or riches; being free from all, let him obtain fully the

22. Siva has revealed many Tatvas, such as Laya Amrita, etc.; of them I have told thee an
abstract, leading to emancipation.
The Gheranda Samhita
23. O Chanda! thus have I told thee of Samadhi, difficult of attainment. By knowing this,
there is no rebirth in this Sphere.

The End

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