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1. Golden Sun Finance Corp V.

Ricardo Albano
A.M. No. P-11-2888 July 27, 2011
A complaint was filed for the recovery of a Honda Civic Sedan, against one Lucila S. Reyes, The
subject motor vehicle, registered in the name of Reyes, was encumbered in its favor, The RTC
decided in favor of the complainant and issued a writ of replevin. However, the complainant found
out that the motor vehicle had already been levied upon by the respondent by virtue of a writ of
execution for violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 against Reyes.
It was sold at a public auction conducted by the respondent on April 29, 2009, with the Royal Makati
Credit Resource as the highest bidder. On the same day, a Certificate of Sale was issued in favor of
the Royal Makati Credit Resource.The complainant averred that the levy and sale of the motor
vehicle by the respondent was illegal; and that the encumbrance on the motor vehicle having been
made prior to the suit filed by the Royal Makati Credit Resource, the complainant posited that its
claim should have priority over the formers claims.
The sheriff (respondent) contended that he had no knowledge that the car was encumbered because
the Certificate of Registration was never shown to him. He also had no knowledge that the car was
the subject of a writ of replevin. Thus, the respondent asked for the dismissal of the complaint,
stressing that he had acted within the scope of his duty as sheriff when he enforced the writ of
Whether or not the sheriff is liable for simple neglect of duty
No. The Court held that: the officer shall levy upon the properties of the judgment obligor of every
kind and nature whatsoever which may be disposed of for value and not otherwise exempt from
execution giving the latter the option to immediately choose which property or part thereof may be
levied upon, sufficient to satisfy the judgment. If the judgment obligor does not exercise the option,
the officer shall first levy on the personal properties, if any, and then on the real properties if the
personal properties are insufficient to answer for the judgment.
More so, the duty of the sheriff to execute a writ is simply ministerial and he is bound to perform
only those tasks stated under the Rules of Court and no more

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