PangChongLei QED50B Assignment3

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1. What are 3 new ideas/insights I have picked up from this topic?

Firstly, teachers response to students needs and profile is guided by the five

key principles of differentiation. One of the key principles of differentiation is by pre

and on-going assessment and adjustment of tasks. Lessons and activities can be

tiered to cater to learning abilities of different students readiness. There can be pre

assessment to assess students learning and activities can be designed according to

the results for different students readiness.

Secondly, according to Tomlinsons equalizer, teacher can focus on key

concepts and ideas but differentiate according to student readiness by varying the

degrees of difficulty. For example, to involve single facets at the first stage of task for

lower progress students and introduce multiple facets of task for higher progress

students. Teacher can provide guidance and scaffolding at the beginning of lesson,

and remove scaffolding for more independent assignment when students are ready.

Thirdly, there are 9 types of adaptable to curriculum and instruction. Teacher

can make use of it to facilitate student learning and tasks at different aspect. For

example, level of support refers to the amount of assistance given to the learner by

the teacher and degree of participation refers to the extent to how the learner is

actively involved in the tasks.

2. What are 2 implementation ideas I will try out in my classroom?

I will like to incorporate multiple intelligence in my lesson. While it is

impossible to involve every intelligence in each lesson, I can make use of each

intelligence per lesson in order to meet the needs of every student. I can use visual

aids or cue cards for spatial learners, collaborative learning for interpersonal learners,
physical activities for kinesthetic learners and other learning styles to engage

different learners.

While differentiating process according to students readiness level, I will also

like to introduce blooms taxonomy of cognitive objectives to design activities or

instructions to help learners think at different levels of complexity. For low progress

students, I will design knowledge questions to recall for information and

comprehension questions to check or understanding. For middle progress students, I

can design application questions to allow students use a concept in new situation

and analysis questions to separate concepts into components parts so that its

organizational structure may be understood. For high progress students, I can

design evaluation questions to allow students make judgements about the value of

ideas and synthesis questions to create a new meaning or structure.

3. What is 1 concern/challenge I may face in the implementation and how I can

address it?

The challenge I will face is to push low progress students or middle progress

students from recall, understand, apply level to analysis, evaluate or even to

synthesis level. It is difficult to assess if students are ready to proceed to the higher

level of Blooms taxonomy. Teachers commonly ask students on recall and

understand questions. However, what set them thinking are actually application,

analysis and evaluation questions. I think I can start with lower level of the

Taxonomy as pre-assessment, once students are able to answer recall and

understand questions, students should already comprehend the passage or lessons.

I am ready to proceed to application and analysis questions.

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