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CONCESO DIAZ, petitioner, vs.COURT OF APPEALS and TOMAS DE GUZMAN, respondents.

No. L-42180. November 10,1986


The late Teodulo Diaz, who died was the registered owner of the disputed land located at the
Capitol Site, Ilagan, Isabela. He was survived by his wife Maria Espejo (now also deceased) and five
(5) children, one of whom is the herein petitioner Conceso (Diaz).

In 1947, the widow, Maria Espejo sold a portion of this land to herein private respondent Tomas de
Guzman. The transaction was evidenced by a Deed of Sale, The deed was duly registered in the
Registry of Deeds of Isabela and annotated at the back of the OCT. thus, Private respondent Tomas de
Guzman declared the land he purchased for taxation purposes beginning with the year 1960.

Thereafter, private respondent requested the RoD of Isabela to issue the corresponding TCT of the
disputed land. The RoD in turn in a letter, wrote petitioner Diaz to surrender the owner's duplicate
certificate of title in order that the deed of sale could be properly annotated. Due to the refusal of
petitioner to surrender the owner's duplicate certificate of title, private respondent de Guzman had to
filed, in the CFI of Isabela, a petition for the surrender of the owner's duplicate of OCT.

Petitioner Conceso Diaz (as respondent in the lower court) opposed the petition on the following
grounds -

a) the subject matter of the said instrument of sale formed part of the intestate estate of Teodulo Diaz
and the vendor Maria Espejo Diaz had no authority to sell the same, hence, the alleged sale is
void ab initio;that furthermore the vendor never received the purchase price due from the vendee;

b) the Deed of Sale is fatally defective because the identity of the land is not therein clearly expressed
and established;


WON The contention of Diaz in this case is correct.


Upon a consideration of the established facts, The court are of the opinion that the opposition is
baseless. Thus, further explained that:

a) It is never disputed that the title was registered in the name of Teodulo Diaz, married to Maria
Espejo, which only shows that the property was acquired during the existence of the conjugal
partnership. It is a settled rule that adjudication of real property to one of the spouses only, does not
necessarily mean that it is his or her exclusive property, if said land was acquired during the marriage.
Thus, the land covered by OCT was a conjugal property. Upon the death of Teodulo Diaz, the land was
divided into two, one-half became the conjugal share of Maria Espejo and the other half became the
hereditary share of the heirs of Teodulo Diaz by operation of law. When Maria Espejo Vda. de Diaz
sold the lot in question to respondent, she did not sell the same as an administratrix of the estate of her
deceased husband or of the other half which was inherited by her children (without prejudice to her
own hereditary rights therein) from him but that she sold the lot in question as owner of the other half.
There was, therefor, no need for any judicial authority for her to sell her own property or share in the
conjugal partnership.

As to the alleged failure to pay the consideration, the deed of sale is self-explanatory, as the
vendor in said document acknowledged to have received the consideration. Considering that the
document is notarized, the same is evidence of high character and to overcome its recital, it is
incumbent upon the party challenging it to prove his claim with clear and convincing evidence. This,
the petitioner failed to do.

b) As to petitioners claim that the Deed of Sale is fatally defective because the identity of the land is
not therein expressed, the same is without merit. The deed of sale contains the boundaries of the lot
sold, its dimensions and area, from which data, the specific location could be ascertained and the
survey plan prepared, as in fact the survey plan was accordingly prepared. with the technical
description certified correct by the Bureau of Lands.

Same; Same; Same; Same; No need of any judicial authority for a widow to sell her own property or share in the conjugal
partnership.When Maria Espejo Vda. de Diaz sold the lot in question to respondent in 1947, she did not sell the same as
an administratrix of the estate of her deceased husband or of the other half which was inherited by her children (without
prejudice to her own hereditary rights therein) from him but that she sold the lot in question as owner of the other half.
There was, therefor, no need for any judicial authority for her to sell her own property or share in the conjugal partnership.

Same; Same; Consideration; Effect of notarized document; Alleged failure of vendee to pay the consideration of the
purchase price of the property contradicted by recital in the deed of sale; Where the document is notarized, the party
challenging the recital of the document must prove his claim with ctear and convincing evidence.As to the alleged failure
to pay the consideration, the deed of sale is self explanatory, as the vendor in said document acknowledged to have received
the consideration. Considering that the document is notarized, the same is evidence of high character and to overcome its
recital, it is incumbent upon the party challenging it to prove his claim with clear and convincing evidence. This, the
petitioner failed todo.

ame; Same; Identity of land; Deed of sale, not fatally defective where the deed of sale contains the boundaries ofthe lot,
specific location, survey plan and technical description.As to petitioners claim that the Deed of Sale is fatally defective
because the identity of the land is not therein expressed, the same is without merit. The deed of sale contains the boundaries
of the lot sold, its dimensions and area, from which data, the specific location could be ascertained and the survey plan
prepared, as in fact the survey plan was accordingly prepared, with the technical description certified correct by the Bureau
of Lands.

Prepared by:
San Pedro, Dem Roger C.
JD-2C / Sales

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