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An Education in the Values for the

Strengthening of the Social Leadership







LISTENING LEXICAL FOCUS The student can LISTENING -The student will be Taking into -Teachers guide.
understand -Mother nature. produce simple Understand the able to use the first account that
instructions for -Body beautiful. texts with main idea when conditional to talk Gimnasio -Audio CDs.
performing different listening to topics about possibilities. Cerromar has
everyday actions. 1, STRUCTURAL FOCUS functions such related to -The student will be defined its -Markers.
2 -First conditional. as: narrate, environmental able to use the time educational
I identify the main -Time clauses. describe and problems and clauses to narrate policies in order -Eraser.
idea of an oral text -Verb patterns discuss about lifestyles. simple situations. to have student
when I have prior (Simple present environmental -The student will be access to higher -Laptop
knowledge of the tense). problems and READING able to use the simple levels of computer.
subject. 2 -Modals of ability. lifestyles by Understand texts present tense to talk intellectual
I identify -Comparatives. using the about the about general truths development, -Video beam.
connectors in a -Superlatives. vocabulary environment and and facts scientifically the English
speech situation to belonging to lifestyles. proved. program has -Lesson
understand its FUNCTIONAL FOCUS units one and -The student will be been designed planning.
meaning. 1, 2 -Talking about two. SPEAKING able to use the modals to follow a
I identify people, environmental Talk and ask and to talk about abilities sequential and -Dictionary.
situations, places problems. answer questions in present tense. progressive plan
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
and the subject in -Vocabulary related about -The student will be to be developed
simple to organic farming. environmental able to use the through the
conversations. 2. 3 -Talking about problems and comparatives to application of a
lifestyles. lifestyles. compare two specific mixture of
READING -Vocabulary related situations of real life. strategies back-
I identify to the family. WRITING -The student will be up by
keywords within the Write an essay able to use the pedagogical
text that let me giving an opinion superlative to talk principles and
understand your about any about the major methodologies
general sense. 1, 2 environmental problems in both, based on
I identify the point problem and environmental learning
of view of the complete matters and lifestyles. strategies and
author. 2 curriculum vitae cognitive tasks.
assume a critical with a job Those
position on the application letter. methodologies
point of view of the include.
I identify the Active and
values of other interactive
cultures and that activities where
allows me to build the joyful game
my interpretation of factor let
their identity. students be
actors in the use
WRITING of the English
I structure my language while
texts given formal learning.
elements of
language as Meaningful
punctuation, learning
spelling, syntax, activities
coherence and centered at
cohesion. 1, 2 students
I plan, I review necessities and
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
and edit my writing interests.
with the help of my
classmates and Affective factor
teacher. to get student
I Narrate in detail Setting activities
experiences, facts or according to the
stories of my age and level of
interest and the cognitive and
interest of my linguistic
audience. 1, 2 mother
I make oral language
presentations on development.
topics of my interest
and related to the Getting familiar
school curriculum. with foreign
2. 3 cultures to
I use appropriate promote
vocabulary to esteem not only
express my ideas of the cultures
clearly on issues of associated to
curriculum and my foreign
interest. languages but
also of the own
spontaneously in Develop pupils
conversations on abilities in four
topics of interest to skills, listening,
me using clear and speaking,
simple language. 1, reading and
2 writing.
answer questions
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
considering my
partner and context.
1, 2
I use an intelligible
pronunciation for
communication. 1, 3
Use my previous
knowledge to
participate in a
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership


LISTENING LEXICAL FOCUS The student can LISTENING -The student will be Taking into -Teachers guide.
understand -United nations. produce simple Understand when able to use the account that
instructions for -The logical choice. texts with listening to people present perfect to talk Gimnasio -Audio CDs.
performing different talking about about actions that Cerromar has
everyday actions. 1, STRUCTURAL FOCUS functions such different aspects of started in the past and defined its -Markers.
2 -Present perfect. as: narrate, multiculturalism continue to the educational
I identify the main -Since and For. describe and and scientific present. policies in order -Eraser.
idea of an oral text -Countable and discuss about matters. to have student
when I have prior uncountable nouns. the different -The student will be access to higher -Laptop
knowledge of the -Second conditional. cultures and READING able to use the levels of computer.
subject. 2 -Passive voice scientific Understand texts countable and intellectual
I identify (present tenses). advances by about people living uncountable nouns to development, -Video beam.
connectors in a -Phrasal verbs. using the in different talk about food. the English
speech situation to vocabulary countries and program has -Lesson
understand its
FUNCTIONAL FOCUS belonging to scientific articles. -The student will be been designed planning.
meaning. 1, 2 -Talking about the units two and able to use the second to follow a
I identify people, place where you are three. SPEAKING conditional to talk sequential and -Dictionary.
situations, places
from. Talk and ask and about strong progressive plan
and the subject in -Talking about what answer questions possibilities. to be developed
simple we eat in Christmas about different through the
conversations. 2. 3 day. aspects of -The student will be application of a
-Talking about multiculturalism able to use the passive mixture of
READING multicultural and scientific facts. voice to give strategies back-
I identify education. importance to the up by
keywords within the -Vocabulary related WRITING direct object. pedagogical
text that let me to food. Write an essay principles and
understand your giving an opinion methodologies
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
general sense. 1, 2 -Vocabulary related about any kind -The student will be based on
I identify the point to science. food and one of able to use the phrasal learning
of view of the the latest scientific verbs to complement strategies and
author. 2 discoveries. actions in sentences. cognitive tasks.
assume a critical Those
position on the methodologies
point of view of the include.
I identify the Active and
values of other interactive
cultures and that activities where
allows me to build the joyful game
my interpretation of factor let
their identity. students be
actors in the use
WRITING of the English
I structure my language while
texts given formal learning.
elements of
language as Meaningful
punctuation, learning
spelling, syntax, activities
coherence and centered at
cohesion. 1, 2 students
I plan, I review necessities and
and edit my writing interests.
with the help of my
classmates and Affective factor
teacher. to get student
I Narrate in detail Setting activities
experiences, facts or according to the
stories of my age and level of
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
interest and the cognitive and
interest of my linguistic
audience. 1, 2 mother
I make oral language
presentations on development.
topics of my interest
and related to the Getting familiar
school curriculum. with foreign
2. 3 cultures to
I use appropriate promote
vocabulary to esteem not only
express my ideas of the cultures
clearly on issues of associated to
curriculum and my foreign
interest. languages but
also of the own
spontaneously in Develop pupils
conversations on abilities in four
topics of interest to skills, listening,
me using clear and speaking,
simple language. 1, reading and
2 writing.
answer questions
considering my
partner and context.
1, 2
I use an intelligible
pronunciation for
communication. 1, 3
Use my previous
knowledge to
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
participate in a
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership



LISTENING LEXICAL FOCUS The student can LISTENING -The student will be Taking into -Teachers guide.
understand -Exploring inner produce simple Understand the able to use the account that
instructions for space texts with gist of recordings relative pronouns to Gimnasio -Audio CDs.
performing different related to relate known places Cerromar has
everyday actions. 1, STRUCTURAL FOCUS functions such emotional such as Georgia and defined its -Markers.
2 -Relative pronouns as: narrate, intelligence and Okkeefe. educational
I identify the main and clauses. describe and identify how policies in order -Eraser.
idea of an oral text -Reflexive pronouns. discuss about people feel. -The student will be to have student
when I have prior -Adjectives to Georgia and able to use the access to higher -Laptop
knowledge of the describe feelings Okeefe and READING reflexive pronouns to levels of computer.
subject. 2 and situations (ED- how they feel Understand a talk about him and intellectual
I identify ING). by using the biography of an others. development, -Video beam.
connectors in a vocabulary artist and texts the English
speech situation to FUNCTIONAL FOCUS belonging to related to The student will be program has -Lesson
understand its
-Talking what you unit five. emotional able to use the Ed been designed planning.
meaning. 1, 2 know about Georgia intelligence adjectives to describe to follow a
I identify people, Okeefee. feelings and states. sequential and -Dictionary.
situations, places
-Talking about what SPEAKING progressive plan
and the subject in emotional Talk about how The student will be to be developed
simple intelligence is people feel and able to use the ING through the
conversations. 2. 3 -Talking about talk about aspects adjectives to describe application of a
intrapersonal of emotional situations. mixture of
READING inventory intelligence strategies back-
I identify -Vocabulary related up by
keywords within the to journalism. WRITING pedagogical
text that let me Write a journal principles and
understand your entry. methodologies
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
general sense. 1, 2 -Vocabulary related based on
I identify the point to psychology. learning
of view of the strategies and
author. 2 cognitive tasks.
assume a critical Those
position on the methodologies
point of view of the include.
I identify the Active and
values of other interactive
cultures and that activities where
allows me to build the joyful game
my interpretation of factor let
their identity. students be
actors in the use
WRITING of the English
I structure my language while
texts given formal learning.
elements of
language as Meaningful
punctuation, learning
spelling, syntax, activities
coherence and centered at
cohesion. 1, 2 students
I plan, I review necessities and
and edit my writing interests.
with the help of my
classmates and Affective factor
teacher. to get student
I Narrate in detail Setting activities
experiences, facts or according to the
stories of my age and level of
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
interest and the cognitive and
interest of my linguistic
audience. 1, 2 mother
I make oral language
presentations on development.
topics of my interest
and related to the Getting familiar
school curriculum. with foreign
2. 3 cultures to
I use appropriate promote
vocabulary to esteem not only
express my ideas of the cultures
clearly on issues of associated to
curriculum and my foreign
interest. languages but
also of the own
spontaneously in Develop pupils
conversations on abilities in four
topics of interest to skills, listening,
me using clear and speaking,
simple language. 1, reading and
2 writing.
answer questions
considering my
partner and context.
1, 2
I use an intelligible
pronunciation for
communication. 1, 3
Use my previous
knowledge to
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
participate in a
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership



LISTENING LEXICAL FOCUS The student can LISTENING -The student will be Taking into -Teachers guide.
understand -Mind, body and produce simple Understand when able to use the account that
instructions for spirit. texts with listening to people present perfect to talk Gimnasio -Audio CDs.
performing different talking about about events that Cerromar has
everyday actions. 1, STRUCTURAL FOCUS functions such different aspects of started in the past and defined its -Markers.
2 -Past perfect as: narrate, spirituality. continued into educational
I identify the main -Indirect speech. describe and present. policies in order -Eraser.
idea of an oral text -Reported discuss about READING to have student
when I have prior questions. my religions, Understand texts -The student will be access to higher -Laptop
knowledge of the alternative about alternative able to use the levels of computer.
subject. 2 FUNCTIONAL FOCUS therapies and therapies and indirect speech to tell intellectual
I identify -Retelling a ghost visions about palmistry; read a what someone told. development, -Video beam.
connectors in a story. the future by ghost story the English
speech situation to -Talking about using the -The student will be program has -Lesson
understand its alternative vocabulary SPEAKING able to use the been designed planning.
meaning. 1, 2 therapies. belonging to Tell a mystery reported speech to to follow a
I identify people, -Talking about my unit six. story. retell what someone sequential and -Dictionary.
situations, places religion. has told in a direct progressive plan
and the subject in -What is beyond the WRITING way. to be developed
simple grave? Write a horror through the
conversations. 2. 3 story. application of a
mixture of
READING strategies back-
I identify up by
keywords within the pedagogical
text that let me principles and
understand your methodologies
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
general sense. 1, 2 based on
I identify the point learning
of view of the strategies and
author. 2 cognitive tasks.
assume a critical Those
position on the methodologies
point of view of the include.
I identify the Active and
values of other interactive
cultures and that activities where
allows me to build the joyful game
my interpretation of factor let
their identity. students be
actors in the use
WRITING of the English
I structure my language while
texts given formal learning.
elements of
language as Meaningful
punctuation, learning
spelling, syntax, activities
coherence and centered at
cohesion. 1, 2 students
I plan, I review necessities and
and edit my writing interests.
with the help of my
classmates and Affective factor
teacher. to get student
I Narrate in detail Setting activities
experiences, facts or according to the
stories of my age and level of
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
interest and the cognitive and
interest of my linguistic
audience. 1, 2 mother
I make oral language
presentations on development.
topics of my interest
and related to the Getting familiar
school curriculum. with foreign
2. 3 cultures to
I use appropriate promote
vocabulary to esteem not only
express my ideas of the cultures
clearly on issues of associated to
curriculum and my foreign
interest. languages but
also of the own
spontaneously in Develop pupils
conversations on abilities in four
topics of interest to skills, listening,
me using clear and speaking,
simple language. 1, reading and
2 writing.
answer questions
considering my
partner and context.
1, 2
I use an intelligible
pronunciation for
communication. 1, 3
Use my previous
knowledge to
An Education in the Values for the
Strengthening of the Social Leadership
participate in a

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