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of the

New Kingdoms
For this campaign the following races remain mostly unchanged from their listings
in the Fifth Edition PHB:

Halfling Lightfoot & Stout

Human Normal and Variant

The following races have slight differences from their PHB versions:

Elf Wood Elf

Wood elves have antlers. As they represent the wood elfs age, experience, and
standing within their society, they are never used to fight with.

Dragonborn are not born this way they are humans who exhibit one (or more) of
the seven deadly sins to such an extent that they begin the transformation into
dragons. Thus dragonborn are rarely of good alignment and are generally

Lose Darkvision and Fey Ancestry, gain the Elder Ancestry trait of the Kale Elves.

The following races do not exist at all:

Dwarves (all subraces)

Gnomes (all subraces)

And the following races have been added:

There are two very different origins of dwarves in the world. The native dwarves
are the descendants of the Giants of Law who tend to the roots of the world. As
generations of their children get further from the roots of the world and lose track
of their purpose for existing, they grow smaller, becoming the dwarves known as
the Stone Dwarves or the Root Dwarves.

The new dwarves arrived during the war against the Kale Empire. They collected
as many of their kin as they could into their mighty earthships and dug deep
towards the centre of their world and eventually emerged from the heat and
pressure in our own, digging up from below. They provided succor and military aid
to the factions warring against the Kale, as well as offering their engineering skills
to construct underground shelters against elven raiders. When the war ended,
most of these dwarves then departed, loading their clans back into their
earthships to attempt to return to their own world. But many of the earthships
were destroyed or damaged in the fighting, and some dwarves decided to remain
behind to help guide this world they had helped liberate. Those new dwarves who
remain are known as the Iron Dwarves or the Dark Dwarves (because of their
much darker skin tone compared to the native dwarven populace).

Dwarf Traits
Ability Score Increase: Constitution score increases by 2.

Age: Dwarves mature at the same rate as humans, but theyre considered young
until they reach the age o f 50. On average, they live about 350 years.

Alignment: Most dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits o f a well-
ordered society. They tend toward good as well, with a strong sense of fair play
and a belief that everyone deserves to share in the benefits of a just order.

Size: Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and average about 200 pounds.
Their size is Medium.

Speed: Base walking speed is 25 feet. Dwarven speed is not reduced by wearing
heavy armour.

Darkvision: Accustomed to life underground, dwarves have superior vision in

dark and dim conditions. They can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They cannot discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.
Dwarven Resilience: Dwarves have advantage on saving throws against poison,
and have resistance against poison damage.

Tool Proficiency: Dwarves gain proficiency with the artisans tools of their
choice: smiths tools, brewers supplies, or masons tools.

Subrace: Two main subraces of dwarves populate the New Kingdoms: stone
dwarves and iron dwarves. Dwarves of both subraces can interbreed, with the
children generally favouring one subrace. Choose one of these subraces.

Stone Dwarf Traits

Ability Score Increase: Increase Wisdom score by 1.

Dwarven Toughness: Increase hit point maximum by 1, and increase by 1 every

time a level is gained.

Stonecunning: Whenever making an Intelligence (History) check related to the

origin of stonework, or making a Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
(Investigation) check searching for unsafe stonework or stonework traps, stone
dwarves are considered proficient in the appropriate skill and if already proficient
they double their proficiency bonus to the check, instead of their normal
proficiency bonus.

Languages: Stone Dwarves can speak, read, and write Common and Traditional
Dwarvish. Traditional Dwarvish is full of hard consonants and guttural sounds, and
those characteristics spill over into whatever other language a stone dwarf might

Dwarven Weapon Training: Stone dwarves have proficiency with all crossbows,
battleaxe, handaxe, throwing hammer, and warhammer.

Iron Dwarf Traits

Ability Score Increase: Increase Strength score by 2.

Stonecunning: Whenever making a Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence

(Investigation) check searching for unsafe stonework or stonework traps, iron
dwarves are considered proficient in the appropriate skill and if already proficient
they double their proficiency bonus to the check, instead of their normal
proficiency bonus.

Languages: Iron Dwarves can speak, read, and write Common and Far Dwarvish.
Far Dwarvish shares many words and general diction with traditional dwarvish but
focuses on deep ululations and softer consonants and guttural sounds, and those
characteristics spill over into whatever other language an iron dwarf might speak.

Dwarven Combat Training: Iron dwarves have proficiency with light and
medium armor, all crossbows, long sword, short sword, and javelin.
Elves - Kale
The Elves who ruled the Empire of the Kale are a pale and tall prehuman folk with
elongated skulls, pointed ears, and strong aquiline noses. They are generally
distrusted, disliked, and often despised by the other races of the world,
particularly by humans and goblins. However, they are also respected as potent
sorcerers, natural leaders, and mighty swordsmen.

Kale Elf Traits

Ability Score Increase: Increase Charisma by 1 and Intelligence by 1.

Age: Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans,
elves age much more slowly afterwards, and often accumulate experience and
knowledge in a much different way than the younger races. An elf can live to be
250 years old.

Size: Kale elves are generally 2 to 6 inches taller than the equivalent human, and
have a more slender build. Their size is Medium.

Speed: Kale base walking speed is 30 feet.

Keen Senses: Kale have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Elder Ancestry: Kale have advantage on saving throws against being charmed,
and against magics that cause them to sleep be confused.

Languages: Kale speak, read and write Common and Kale. Kale is a fluid and
intricate language often used to scribe magics and to explain metaphysical

Class Restriction: Due to the culture of the Kale and history of interdimensional
exploitation and governance, Kale cannot be clerics or druids. They understand
that the gods are powerful extradimensional entities, but the idea of worshipping
them is unfathomable.

Subrace: While all kale consider themselves to be of exquisite nobility, the

distinctions between the highest of the noble bloodlines has resulted in a number
of subraces the Noble Kale who are of the bloodlines of emperors and sorcerer-
kings, the High Kale who were the household nobles, generals and soldiers, and
the Eld, those Kale bloodlines that have expanded the empire to other worlds for
enough generations that they returned slightly different from their kin.

Noble Kale Traits

Ability Score Increase: Increase Charisma score by 1.
Noble Blades Training. Noble kale have proficiency with the longsword,
shortsword, and rapier.

Sorcerous Bonds of Antiquity: Noble kale have been invested with the magic
of two cantrips of the players choice from the sorcerer spell list. Charisma is the
spellcasting ability for these cantrips.

Extra Language: Noble kale can speak, read, and write one extra language of
the players choice.

High Kale Traits

Ability Score Increase: Increase Strength score by 1.

Kale War Training: High kale have proficiency with light and medium armour
and with longswords, halberds, and rapiers.

Of Sorcerous Blood: High kale have been invested with the magic of a cantrip of
the players choice from the sorcerer spell list. Charisma is the spellcasting ability
for this cantrip.

Eld Traits
Ability Score Increase: Increase Constitution score by 1.

High Magics: Eld have learned a cantrip of the players choice from the wizard
spell list. Intelligence is the spellcasting ability for this cantrip.

Eld Weapon Training: Eld are proficient with longswords, shortswords, longbows,
and shortbows.

Returning to the Source: Eld have advantage on saving throws against magics
that would send them to other worlds such as banishing or maze or even hostile
forms of teleportation.

Extra Language: Eld can speak, read, and write one extra language of the
players choice.
Classes & Archetypes

- Primeval Guardian (Unearthed Arcana)

- Oath of Conquest (Unearthed Arcana)
- Oath of Treachery (Unearthed Arcana)

- Path of the Kensai (Unearthed Arcana)

- Samurai (Unearthed Arcana) (not an actual samurai, more of a noble warrior
- Sharpshooter (Unearthed Arcana)

- Circle of the Old Gods (Personal)
- Circle of Dreams (Unearthed Arcana)
- Circle of the Shepherd (Unearthed Arcana)
- Circle of Twilight (Unearthed Arcana)

- Forge Domain (Unearthed Arcana)
- Protection Domain (Unearthed Arcana)
- Death Domain (Dungeon Masters Guide)

- College of Whispers (Unearthed Arcana)

- Path of the Ancestral Guardian (Unearthed Arcana)
- Path of the Storm Herald (Unearthed Arcana)
- Path of the Zealot (Unearthed Arcana)

- Seeker Patron (Unearthed Arcana)

- Arcane Tradition: Theurgy (Unearthed Arcana)

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