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Morillo vs.

People, 777 SCRA 207

In July, 2003, Richard Natividad, Milo Malong and Bing Nanquil, representing themselves as contractors
with business in Pamanga, bought contraction materials from Armilyn, worth P500,054.00. Per their
agreement, 20% of the amount should be paid within seven days, while the remaining 80% shall be paid
within 35 days, with post-dated checks. After the last delivery, Richard paid P20,000.00 and issued two
post-dated checks drawn from Metrobank, Pampanga branch. Upon maturity, Armilyn deposited the
checks in her account with Equitable PCI Bank; they were however. When Armilyn communicated the fact
of dishonour to Richard, the latter replaced the checks with two post-dated Metrobank checks, which again
were dishonored. Despite demand, Richard and his partners failed to make good on the checks, hence
Armilyn filed a case for BP 22 against Richard and Milo Malong before the MeTC of Makati City.
After trial, the MeTC Makati City convicted Richard as charged, hence he appealed to the RTC, arguing
that the MeTC of Makati City had no jurisdiction over the case. He asserted that since the subject checks
were issued, drawn, and delivered to petitioner in Subic, the venue of the action was improperly laid for
none of the elements of the offense actually transpired in Makati City. He also assailed the absence of the
public prosecutor, as the latter delegated the prosecution of the case to the private prosecutor.
The RTC affirmed the conviction. The Court of Appeals, however, reversed the lower courts. It ruled that
MeTC had no jurisdiction over the case, as all the elements of the crime of BP 22 happened in
Pampanga. The checks were issued in Richards office in Pampanga; the knowledge of dishonor also
happened in Pampanga, when Armilyn proceeded to Richards office and informed him of the dishonor of
the checks; the third element of dishonor of the checks by the drawee bank also occurred in Pampanga,
where Metrobank Pampanga is located. Since all the elements of the crime happened in Pampanga, thhe
case should have been filed in Pampanga, not where Armilyn deposited the checks, in Makati City.
Aggrieved, Armilyn appealed to the Supreme Court.
Whether or not the court of the place where the checks were deposited, had jurisdiction to try a case for
BP 22.
It is well settled that violations of BP 22 cases are categorized as transitory or continuing crimes, meaning
that some acts material and essential thereto and requisite in their consummation occur in one municipality
or territory, while some occur in another. In such cases, the court wherein any of the crimes essential and
material acts have been committed maintains jurisdiction to try the case; it being understood that the first
court taking cognizance of the same excludes the other. Thus, a person charged with a continuing or
transitory crime may be validly tried in any municipality or territory where the offense was in part committed
The OSG, relying on our ruling in Rigor v. People, concluded that the Supreme Court regarded the place
of deposit and the place of dishonor as distinct from one another and considered the place where the check
was issued, delivered and dishonored, and not where the check was deposited, as the proper venue for
the filing of a B.P. Blg. 22 case. The Court, however, cannot sustain such conclusion.
In said case, She accused therein obtained a loan from the Rural Bank of San Juan, Metro Manila, and in
payment thereof, he issued a check drawn against Associated Bank of Tarlac. Thereafter, Rural Bank
deposited the check at PS Bank, San Juan, but the same was returned for the reason that it had been
dishonored by Associated Bank of Tarlac. When all other efforts to demand the repayment of the loan
proved futile, Rural Bank filed an action against the accused for violation of BP 22 at the RTC of Pasig City,
wherein crimes committed in. San Juan are triable. The accused, however, contends that the RTC of Pasig
had no jurisdiction thereon since no proof had been offered to show that his check was issued, delivered,
dishonored or that knowledge of beneficiency of funds occurred in the Municipality of San Juan. The Court,
however, disagreed and held that while the check was dishonored by the drawee. Associated Bank, in its
Tarlac Branch, evidence clearly showed that the accused had drawn, issued and delivered it at Rural Bank,
San Juan, viz.:
Lastly, positioner contends that the Regional Trial Court of Pasig had no jurisdiction over this case since
no proof has been offered that his check was issued, delivered, dishonored or that knowledge of
insufficiency of funds occurred in the Municipality of San Juan, Metro Manila.

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