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Exercises on mixed tenses 1

Fill in the blanks with correct tense.

1. When _______ (be) you born? ---I ______ (be) in 1988.

2. My uncle in London _________ (send) me a present yesterday.
3. ______ you ______ (have) a good meal last night?
4. Father and I ______ (go) to the park every week last year.
5. When ______ he ______ (buy) the DVD player?
He_____ (buy) it a few years ago.
6. Those students _________ (go) to the factory next month.
7. You __________ (not sweep) the floor yesterday. You have to do it today.
8. _______ (hold) on for a minute, please! I ___________ (look) for a pen now.
9. ______ you ________ (wait) for a bus at the moment?
10. I _______ (feel) weak 10 minutes ago, but now I _______ (feel) better.
11. When we _______ (get) home, we _______ (be) very tired.
12. My brother _______ (start) to learn Japanese last month.
13. Mrs. King ________ (buy) a new dress just a moment ago.
14. When ______ your uncle ______ (come) to see you last time?
15. Tom _______ (not be) at home last night, _______ he ?
16. I cant remember what he ________ (say) at the meeting.
17. I was reading a newspaper when the telephone _______ (ring).
18. He ___________ (not tell) us a story yesterday evening.
19. Who _________ (leave) the classroom just now?
20. We _________ (move) to Beijing next week.
21. I dont know when she __________ (return), but when she ________ (return), I ___
(let) you know.
22. Wait here, please, and I __________ (be) back in a minute.
23. There _______ (be) a meeting next week.
24. My parents __________ (give) me a present for my birthday tonight.
25. Next time I go there, I __________ (visit) them.
26. John ________ (study) very hard at Chinese. So he can ______ (speak) good Chinese.
27. What _____ he _______ (do)? He _______ (do) with the math problem now.
28. There __________ (be) more pollution on the earth in the future.
29. The plane _____________ (take off) in a short time.
30. My brother has gone to the school. He __________ (come) back soon.
31. The students _________ (watch) the match, wont they?
32. There __________ (be) less water in the world.
33. Its 2:30 p.m. We ___________ (have) an english class.
34. James _________ (wait) for his friends. They ________ (be) here in a minutes.
35. How long it (take) you to get to school every day?
36. He usually (get) to school by train.
37. Nina (leave) for school at seven every morning.
38. Dont be stressed out, it will make you __________(feel) sick.
39. I with my sister sometimes ______ (go) swimming in the river.
40. He __________ (not see) the film with us last night.
41. You draw quite well. I think you _______ (be) a good painter in the future.
42. If I ________(have) time tomorrow, I ______(go) to the movies with you.
43. Mother __________ (grow) vegetables in the garden now.
44. My father ______________ (do) some washing when I got home yesterday evening.
45. Somebody knocked on my window when I __________ (watch) TV last night.
46. Grandma ___________ (cook) breakfast while I was doing my homework this morning.
47. Please ________(tell) Tom the news as soon as you _______(see) him tomorrow.
48. Our teacher told us that the moon _________ (move) around the earth .
49. Last night Tom __________ (download) some useful information about several countries and
wanted to travel on holiday .
50. His father ________ (be)back in three weeks .
51. I didnt know if he ___________ (come) tomorrow .
52. Listen ! Someone __________ (sing) in the next room .
53. Nobody ________(know) how to use theis machine.
54. They _________ (know) each other well since 1990.
55. We _________ (learn) 15 lessons so far.
56. Neither I nor he ________ (know) the language of German.
57. ---Listen! Who _______ (sing)?
---Oh, its David. He often ________ (sing) in the morning.
58. He asked which shirt she ________ (like) best?
59. She ________ (visit) the Palace Museum last Sunday. She ________(visit) it again next
summer vacation.
60. Father told me that he _______ (buy) me a computer the next month .
61. _____ you ever ______ (throw) a flying disk before ?
No, never.
62. She ________ (work) in a foreign company for five years before she became an English
teacher .
63. When ______ you ______ (buy) the house?
I _______ (buy) it in 2005. I _________ (buy) it for about three years.
64. How long ______ you _______ (live) in this city?
Twenty years. Next month I ______ (move) to a new city
65. Dont make so much noise. The baby _______ (sleep).
66. Dont make so much noise. The baby _______ (fall) asleep.
67. I ______ (be) to the bookstore twice this week. But last week I ______ (go) there only once.
68. The CD player _________ (not work) last week. We ______ (have) it repaired the day before
yesterday. It __________ (be) in good condition ever since.
69. He __________ (get) up already.
He __________ (get) up for about 20 minutes already.
70. The film _______ already _______ (begin).
The film _________ (begin) for five minutes.
71. My little dog ______ already _______ (die).
My little dog _________ (die) for two years.
72. I _______ already ________ (borrow) this book from the library.
I __________ (borrow) this book from the library since last Tuesday.
73. Micheal ________ already _______ (leave) America.
Micheal _________ (leave) from America since three days ago.
74. They _______ already _________ (marry).
They __________ (marry) for about thirty years.
75. His brother _________ already ________ (join) the army.
His brother _____________ (join) the army for two years.

1. werewas 28. will be 57. is singingsings
2. sent 29. will take off (is 58. liked
3. Didhave taking off) 59. visitedwill visit
4. went 30. will come 60. would buy
5. didbuybought 31. will watch 61. Havethrown
6. will go (are going) 32. will be 62. has worked
7. didnt sweep 33. are having 63. didbuybought
8. Holdam looking 34. is waitingwill be have had
9. Arewaiting 35. doestake 64. havelivedwill
10. feltfeel 36. gets move
11. gotwere 37. leaves 65. is sleeping
12. started 38. feel 66. has fallen
13. bought 39. go 67. have beenwent
14. didcome 40. didnt see 68. didnt workhad
15. wasntwas 41. will be has been
16. said 42. havewill go 69. has got has been
17. rang 43. is growing 70. hasbegunhas
18. didnt tell 44. was doing been on
19. left 45. was watching 71. hasdiedhas
20. will move (are going 46. was cooking been dead
to move/are moving) 47. tellsee 72. have borrowed
21. will returnreturn 48. moves have kept
will let 49. downloaded 73. haslefthas been
22. will be 50. will be away
23. will be (is going to 51. would come 74. havemarried
be) 52. is singing have been married
24. will give 53. knows 75. hasjoinedhas
25. will visit 54. have known been in
26. studiesspeak 55. have learned
27. isdoingis doing 56. knows

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