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A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit. Partnerships are
sometimes used in small retail, service, or manufacturing companies. Also accountants, lawyers, and doctors find it
desirable to form partnerships with other professionals in the field.


A partnership is a legal entity. A partnership can own property (land, buildings, equipment), and can sue or be sued. A
partnership also is an accounting entity. Thus, the personal assets, liabilities, and transactions of the partners are
excluded from the accounting records of the partnership, just as they are in a proprietorship. The net income of a
partnership is not taxed as a separate entity. But, a partnership must file an information tax return showing partnership net
income and each partners share of that net income. Each partners share is taxable at personal tax rates, regardless of the
amount of net income each withdraws from the business during the year.


Mutual agency means that each partner acts on behalf of the partnership when engaging in partnership business. The act of
any partner is binding on all other partners. This is true even when partners act beyond the scope of their authority, so long
as the act appears to be appropriate for the partnership. For example, a partner of a grocery store who purchases a delivery
truck creates a binding contract in the name of the partnership, even if the partnership agreement denies this authority. On
the other hand, if a partner in a law firm purchased a snowmobile for the partnership, such an act would not be binding on
the partnership. The purchase is clearly outside the scope of partnership business.


Corporations have unlimited life. Partnerships do not. A partnership may be ended voluntarily at any time through the
acceptance of a new partner or the withdrawal of a partner. It may be ended involuntarily by the death or incapacity of a

Partnership dissolution occurs whenever a partner withdraws or a new partner is admitted. Dissolution does not
necessarily mean that the business ends. If the continuing partners agree, operations can continue without interruption by
forming a new partnership.


Each partner is personally and individually liable for all partnership liabilities. Creditors claims attach first to
partnership assets. If these are insufficient, the claims then attach to the personal resources of any partner, irrespective of
that partners equity in the partnership. Because each partner is responsible for all the debts of the partnership, each partner
is said to have unlimited liability.


Partners jointly own partnership assets. If the partnership is dissolved, each partner has a claim on total assets equal to the
balance in his or her respective capital account. This claim does not attach to specific assets that an individual partner
contributed to the firm. Similarly, if a partner invests a building in the partnership valued at Br 100,000 and the building is
later sold at a gain of Br 20,000, the partners all share in the gain.

Partnership net income (or net loss) is also co-owned. If the partnership contract does not specify to the contrary,
all net income or net loss is shared equally by the partners. As you will see later, though, partners may agree to
unequal sharing of net income or net loss.

Organizations with Partnership Characteristics

If you are starting a business with a friend and each of you has little capital and your business is not risky, you probably want
to use a partnership. As indicated above, the partnership is easy to establish and its cost is minimal. These types of
partnerships are often called regular partnerships. However if your business is risky - say, roof repair or providing some
type of professional service - you will want to limit your liability and not use a regular partnership. As a result, special forms
of business organizations with partnership characteristics are now often used to provide protection from unlimited liability
for people who wish to work together in some activity.

The special partnership forms are: limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies. These
special forms use the same accounting procedures as those described for a regular partnership. In addition, for taxation
purposes, all the profits and losses pass through these organizations (similar to the regular partnership) to the owners, who
report their share of partnership net income or losses on their personal tax returns.


In a limited partnership, one or more partners have unlimited liability and one or more partners have limited
liability for the debts of the firm. Those with unlimited liability are general partners. Those with limited liability are
limited partners. Limited partners are responsible for the debts of the partnership up to the limit of their investment in
the firm.

The words Limited Partnership, or Ltd., or LP identify this type of organization. For the privilege of limited liability,
the limited partner usually accepts less compensation than a general partner and exercises less influence in the affairs of the
firm. If the limited partners get involved in management, they risk their liability protection.


Most states allow professionals such as lawyers, doctors, and accountants to form a limited liability partnership or
LLP. The LLP is designed to protect innocent partners from malpractice or negligence claims resulting from the acts of
another partner. LLPs generally carry large insurance policies as protection against malpractice suits. These professional
partnerships vary in size from a medical partnership of three to five doctors, to 150 to 200 partners in a large law firm, to
more than 2,000 partners in an international accounting firm.


A hybrid form of business organization with certain features like a corporation and others like a limited partnership is the
limited liability Company, or LLC. An LLC usually has a limited life. The owners, called members, have limited
liability like owners of a corporation. Whereas limited partners do not actively participate in the management of a limited
partnership (LP), the members of a limited liability company (LLC) can assume an active management role.


The partnership form is less widely used than the proprietorships and corporate forms. For many business purposes,
however, the advantages of the partnership form are greater than its disadvantages.

Relatively easy and in expensive to organize.
Has an advantage of bringing together more capital, managerial skills, and experience than does proprietorship.
Because a partnership is nontaxable entity, the combined income taxes paid by the individual partners may be lower than
the income taxes that would be paid by a corporation, which is a taxable entity.
Unlimited liability feature for partners
Limited life
Mutual agency
Raising large amounts of capital is more difficult than for a corporation.
The Partnership Agreement

Ideally, the agreement of two or more individuals to form a partnership should be expressed in a written contract, called the
partnership agreement or articles of co-partnership. The partnership agreement contains such basic information as
the name and principal location of the firm, the purpose of the business, and date of inception. In addition, it should specify
relationships among the partners, such as:
1) Names and capital contributions of partners.
2) Rights and duties of partners.
3) Basis for sharing net income or net loss.
4) Provision for withdrawals of assets.
5) Procedures for submitting disputes to arbitration.
6) Procedures for the withdrawal or addition of a partner.
7) Rights and duties of surviving partners in the event of a partners death.
We cannot overemphasize the importance of a written contract. The agreement should attempt to anticipate all possible
situations, contingencies, and disagreements. The help of a lawyer is highly desirable in preparing the agreement.


Most of the day-to-day accounting for a partnership is similar to that illustrated in earlier chapters. However, the
formation, division of net income or net loss, dissolution, and liquidation of partnerships give rise to unique
transactions. In the remainder of this chapter, the unique transactions for partnerships are described and illustrated.


In forming a partnership, the investments of each partner are recorded in separate entries. The assets contributed by a
partner are debited to the partnership asset accounts. If liabilities are assumed by the partnership, the partnership liability
accounts are credited. The partners capital account is credited for the net amount.

To illustrate, assume that Bruk and Beza combine their proprietorships to start a partnership named AB Trading. The firm
will specialize in developing financial modeling software packages. Bruk and Beza have the following assets prior to the
formation of the partnership.

Book Value Market Value
Bruk Beza Bruk Beza
Cash Br 8,000 Br 9,000 Br 8,000 Br 9,000
Office equipment 5,000 4,000
Accumulated depreciation (2,000)
Accounts receivable 4,000 4,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts (700) (1,000)
Br 11,000 Br 12,300 Br 12,000 Br 12,000

The partnership records the investments as follows.

Investment of Bruk
Cash 8,000
Office Equipment 4,000
Bruk, Capital 12,000
(To record investment of Bruk)

Investment of Beza
Cash 9,000
Accounts Receivable 4,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 1,000
Alem, Capital 12,000
(To record investment of Beza)

Note that the partnership records neither the original cost of the office equipment (Br 5,000) nor its book value (Br 5,000 -
Br 2,000). It records the equipment at its fair market value, Br 4,000.The partnership does not carry forward any
accumulated depreciation from the books of previous entities (in this case, the two proprietorships).

In contrast, the gross claims on customers (Br 4,000) are carried forward to the partnership. The partnership adjusts the
allowance for doubtful accounts to Br 1,000, to arrive at a cash (net) realizable value of Br 3,000. A partnership may start
with an allowance for doubtful accounts because it will continue to collect existing accounts receivable, some of which are
expected to be uncollectible. In addition, this procedure maintains the control and subsidiary relationship between Accounts
Receivable and the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.

After formation of the partnership, the accounting for transactions is similar to any other type of business organization. For
example, the partners record all transactions with outside parties, such as the purchase or sale of merchandise inventory and
the payment or receipt of cash, the same as would a sole proprietor.

The steps in the accounting cycle described in Principles of Accounting I for a proprietorship also apply to a partnership. For
example, the partnership prepares a trial balance and journalizes and posts adjusting entries. A worksheet may be used.
There are minor differences in journalizing and posting closing entries and in preparing financial statements, as we explain in
the following sections. The differences occur because there is more than one owner.

Dividing Net Income or Net Loss

Partners equally share partnership net income or net loss unless the partnership contract indicates
otherwise. The same basis of division usually applies to both net income and net loss. It is customary to refer to this basis as
the income ratio, the income and loss ratio, or the profit and loss (P&L) ratio. Because of its wide acceptance, we
will use the term income ratio to identify the basis for dividing net income and net loss. The partnership recognizes a
partners share of net income or net loss in the accounts through closing entries.


As in the case of a proprietorship, a partnership must make four entries in preparing closing entries. The entries are:
1) Debit each revenue account for its balance, and credit Income Summary for total revenues.
2) Debit Income Summary for total expenses, and credit each expense account for its balance.
3) Debit Income Summary for its balance, and credit each partners capital account for his or her share of net income. Or,
credit Income Summary, and debit each partners capital account for his or her share of net loss.
4) Debit each partners capital account for the balance in that partners drawing account, and credit each partners drawing
account for the same amount.
The first two entries are the same as in a proprietorship. The last two entries are different because (1) there are two or more
owners capital and drawing accounts, and (2) it is necessary to divide net income (or net loss) among the partners.

To illustrate the last two closing entries, assume that AB Company has net income of Br 32,000 for 2013. The partners,
Lamrot and Dawit, share net income and net loss equally. Drawings for the year were Lamrot Br 8,000 and Dawit Br
6,000.The last two closing entries are:

Dec. 31 Income Summary 32,000

Lamrot, Capital (Br 32,000 x 50%) 16,000
Dawit, Capital (Br 32,000 x 50%) 16,000
(To transfer net income to partners capital accounts)

Dec. 31 Lamrot, Capital 8,000

Dawit, Capital 6,000
Lamrot, Drawing 8,000
Dawit, Drawing 6,000
(To close drawing accounts to capital accounts)

As in a proprietorship, the partners capital accounts are permanent accounts; their drawing accounts are temporary
accounts. Normally, the capital accounts will have credit balances, and the drawing accounts will have debit balances.
Drawing accounts are debited when partners withdraw cash or other assets from the partnership for personal use.


As noted earlier, the partnership agreement should specify the basis for sharing net income or net loss. The following are
typical income ratios.
1) A fixed ratio, expressed as a proportion (6:4), a percentage (70% and 30%), or a fraction (2/3 and 1/3).
2) A ratio based either on capital balances at the beginning of the year or on average capital balances during the year.
3) Salaries to partners and the remainder on a fixed ratio.
4) Interest on partners capital balances and the remainder on a fixed ratio.
5) Salaries to partners, interest on partners capital, and the remainder on a fixed ratio.

The objective is to settle on a basis that will equitably reflect the partners capital investment and service to the partnership.

A fixed ratio is easy to apply, and it may be an equitable basis in some circumstances. Assume, for example, that Hagos
and Gelila are partners. Each contributes the same amount of capital, but Hagos expects to work full-time in the partnership
and Gelila expects to work only half-time. Accordingly, the partners agree to a fixed ratio of 2/3 to Hagos and 1/3 to

A ratio based on capital balances may be appropriate when the funds invested in the partnership are considered the
critical factor. Capital ratios may also be equitable when the partners hire a manager to run the business and do not plan to
take an active role in daily operations.

The three remaining ratios (items 3, 4, and 5) give specific recognition to differences among partners. These ratios provide
salary allowances for time worked and interest allowances for capital invested. Then, the partnership allocates any remaining
net income or net loss on a fixed ratio.

Salaries to partners and interest on partners capital are not expenses of the partnership. Therefore, these
items do not enter into the matching of expenses with revenues and the determination of net income or net loss. For a
partnership, as for other entities, salaries expense pertains to the cost of services performed by employees. Likewise,
interest expense relates to the cost of borrowing from creditors. But partners, as owners, are not considered either
employees or creditors. When the partnership agreement permits the partners to make monthly withdrawals of cash
based on their salary, the partnership debits these withdrawals to the partners drawing account.


Under income ratio (5) in the list above, the partnership must apply salaries and interest before it allocates the remainder
on the specified fixed ratio. This is true even if the provisions exceed net income. It is also true even if the
partnership has suffered a net loss for the year. The partnerships income statement should show, below net income,
detailed information concerning the division of net income or net loss.

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