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SEBI Guidelines for issue of fresh share capital

1. All applications should be submitted to SEBI in the

prescribed form.

2. Applications should be accompanied by true copies

of industrial license.

3. Cost of the project should be furnished with scheme

of finance.

4. Company should have the shares issued to the public

and listed in one or more recognized stock exchanges.

5. Where the issue of equity share capital involves offer

for subscription by the public for the first time, the value
of equity capital, subscribed capital privately held by
promoters, and their friends shall be not less than 15% of
the total issued equity capital.

6. An equity-preference ratio of 3:1 is allowed.

7. Capital cost of the projects should be as per the standard set with
a reasonable debt-equity ratio.

8. New company cannot issue shares at a premium. The

dividend on preference shares should be within the
prescribed list.

9. All the details of the underwriting agreement.

10. Allotment of shares to NRIs is not allowed without
the approval of RBI.

11. Details of any firm allotment in favor of any

financial institutions.

12. Declaration by secretary or director of the company.

SEBI Guidelines for first issue by new companies in Primary


1. A new company which has not completed 12 months

of commercial operations will not be allowed to issue
shares at a premium.

2. If an existing company with a 5-year track record of

consistent profitability, is promoting a new company,
then it is allowed to price its issue.

3. A draft of the prospectus has to be given to the SEBI

before public issue.

4. The shares of the new companies have to be listed

either with OTCEI or any other stock exchange.

SEBI guidelines for Secondary market

1. All the companies entering the capital market should

give a statement regarding fund utilization of previous
2. Brokers are to satisfy capital adequacy norms so that
the member firms maintain adequate capital in relation to
outstanding positions.

3. The stock exchange authorities have to alter their

bye-laws with regard to capital adequacy norms.

4. All the brokers should submit with SEBI their

audited accounts.

5. The brokers must also disclose clearly the

transaction price of securities and the commission earned
by them. This will bring transparency and accountability
for the brokers.

6. The brokers should issue within 24 hours of the

transaction contract notes to the clients.

7. The brokers must clearly mention their accounts

details of funds belonging to clients and that of their own.

8. Margin money on certain securities has to be paid by

claims so that speculative investments are prevented.

9. Market makers are introduced for certain scrips by

which brokers become responsible for the supply and
demand of the securities and the price of the securities is

10. A broker cannot underwrite more than 5% of the

public issue.
11. All transactions in the market must be reported
within 24 hours to SEBI.

12. The brokers of Bombay and Calcutta must have a

capital adequacy of Rs. 5 lakhs and for Delhi and
Ahmadabad it is Rs. 2 lakhs.

13. Members who are brokers have to pay security

deposit and this is fixed by SEBI.

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