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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 3, March-2016 572

ISSN 2229-5518

Dynamic Model Analysis of Three Phase

Induction Motor Using Matlab/Simulink
Pratyusha Biswas Deb, Sudhangshu Sarkar

Abstract This paper reproduce the dynamic model of three phase induction motor derived from detailed mathematical equation in
MATLAB/Simulink and study the transient performance as well as steady state response of machine including the constant moment of
inertia and load torque for the external system. Dynamics generalized approach [1] of digital computer simulation of three phase induction
machine is universally applicable method to propose for simulating a dynamic behavior of a large, non linear, time varying physical system.
The model can account for unbalanced on both sides of the air gap provided the structure of winding remains unaltered. The simulation in
the three-phase Induction motor is with variations in moment of inertia [2]. Transient performance of any electrical machine is greatly
affected by sudden changes in its supply system operating speed, shaft load including any variation of moment of inertia due to gear
arrangement application. Rotor reference frame is used for the simulation study of this machine. MALTLAB/ Simulink based model is
adopted to compare a transient performance of induction machine including main flux saturation with and without the moment of inertia.
Simulated results have been compared and verified with experimental results on a test machine setup. During the development of dynamic
models of induction motors, most of the researchers neglected the effect of magnetic saturation and assumed inductances to be constant
[2]. The computer simulation for these various modes of operation is conveniently obtained from the equations which describe the
symmetrical induction machine in an arbitrary reference frame.

Index Terms d-q axis, Dynamic model, Leakage inductance, Magnetic saturation, Reference frame, Transient analysis,


T hree phase squirrel cage type Induction Motors (IM) are

commonly utilized in the industries from the capacity of
several kilowatts to thousands of kilowatts as the driving
the main magnetizing field contributes significantly to the in-
equality between the induction machines computer simulation
results and the experimentally derived results [15]. As a result,
units for the fans, pumps and compressors [1]. The motor fa- the effect of saturation in induction machines can be included
vours because of its good self starting capability, simple and through variation of main flux inductance while assuming the
rugged structure, low cost and reliability etc. Usually, the mo- leakage inductances to be constant. Transient performance of
tors are maintained periodically. However, when the ground any electrical machine is greatly affected by sudden changes in
fault occurs at the motor terminal, a serious damage may be its supply system, operating speed, shaft load including any
brought to the motor [3]. Also it has been known that re- variation of moment of inertia.
switching the supply onto a squirrel cage IM can result in the MATLAB / SIMULINK, which has been found to be a very
production of large negative torque transients. Therefore it is useful tool for modeling electrical machine and it is used to
significant to understand the transient phenomenon under predict the dynamic behavior of the machines [10]. In this pa-
abnormal conditions for the optimal design of the IM. The per, MATLAB / SIMULINK based model using rotor refer-
traditional methods of modeling of IMs have been applied by ence frame and including saturation effect is proposed for
several authors. In this method of analysis it is assumed that simulation purpose. Simulated results as obtained have been
the effect of saturation is negligible. compared and verified with experimental results on a test ma-
In order to investigate the problems like large currents, volt- chine setup. During simulation sufficient time span is includ-
age dips, oscillatory torques and harmonics in power systems ed to predict the complete behavior of the machine. A close
during severe transient operations and introduce, the dq-axis agreement between the simulated results proves the validity
model has been found to be well tested and proven describes of proposed mode. Apart from this it can be stated that anoth-
the basic concept of transient modeling of the machine [2]. er objective is to gain experience and understanding the prob-
Dynamic behavior of the machine may be analyzed using ro- lem associated with an implementation of Induction Motor
tor reference frame and stationary reference frame, recom- Model. The transformation to the arbitrary reference frame is
mends exact tests to estimate the machine parameters to pro- modified to accommodate rotating circuits. Once this ground
ceed with transient modeling [10]. The effect of considering work has been laid, the machine voltage equations are written
the main flux saturation is investigated. It has been shown that in the stationary reference frame, directly without a laborious
exercise in trigonometry with which one is faced when start-
ing from the substitution of the equations of transformations
Pratyusha Biswas Deb is currently working as Assistant Professor in elec- into the voltage equation expressed in machine variables. The
trical engineering department in Narula Institute of Technology, India equation may then be expressed in any reference frame by
PH-+919748941162. E-mail: [email protected] appropriate assignment of the reference frame speed in the
Sudhangshu Sarkar is currently working as Assistant Professor in electric stationary reference frame voltage equation rather than per-
engineering department in Narula Institute of Technology, India
PH-+919830054232. E-mail: [email protected] forming each transformation individually as in the past. Alt-
IJSER 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 3, March-2016 573
ISSN 2229-5518
hough the stationary reference frame, the reference frame The induction machine d-q or dynamic equivalent circuit is
fixed in the rotor and the synchronously rotating reference shown in fig 3.1.
frame are most frequently used, the arbitrary reference frame
offers a direct means of obtaining the voltage equations in
these and all other reference frames. Computer solutions are
used to illustrate the dynamic performance of typical induc-
tion motor and to depict the variables in various reference
frames during free acceleration.


The mathematical description of an ideal symmetrical squirrel
cage type induction motor in rotor reference frame is given by
as follows. The stator windings are identical, sinusoidal dis-
tributed windings, displaced 120, with Ns equivalent turns
and resistance r s and the rotor windings will also be consid-
ered as three identical sinusoidal distributed windings, dis-
placed 120, with N r equivalent turns and resistance r r . The Fig 3.1 d-q equivalent circuit of an Induction Machine
positive direction of the magnetic axis of each winding is
shown. It is important to note that the positive direction of the According to this model the modeling equation in flux link-
magnetic axes of the stator windings coincides with the direc- age form are as follows:
tion of f as , f bs , and, f cs as specified by the equations of the dFqs e R
transformation. = b [vqs Fds + s ( Fmq + Fqs )] (6)
The voltage equations in machine variables may be expressed dt b X ls

dFds R
V rs iabcs + pabcs = b [vds + e Fqs + s ( Fmd + Fds )] (7)
(1) b
dt X ls
V rr iabcr + pabcr
( r )
For a magnetically linear system, the flux linkages may be ex- dFdr R
= b [vdr + e Fqr + r ( Fmd Fdr )] (8)
pressed as dt b X lr
abcs Ls Lsr iabcs dFqr (e r )
= ( L )T (2) R
Lr iabcr =b [vqr Fdr + r ( Fmq Fqr )] (9)
abcr sr dt b X lr
The voltage equations expressed in terms of machine variables For a Squirrel Cage Induction Machine as in the case of this
referred to the stator windings may be written as paper, V qr and V dr are set to zero. The modeling equations of a
Vqs Rs + Ls p r Ls Lm p r Lm iqs Squirrel cage Induction motor in state space become:

Vds = r Ls Rs + Ls p r Lm Lm p ids (3) dFqs e Rs X *ml X ml *
0 Lm p 0 Rr + Lr p 0 iqr = b [vqs Fds + ( Fqr + ( 1) Fqs )]

Rr + Lr p idr
dt b X ls X lr X ls
0 0 Lm p 0
The torque and rotor speed are related by
dFds R X X * *

2 = b [vds + e Fqs + s ( ml Fdr + ( ml 1) Fds )]

=Te J ( ) pr + TL (4) dt b X ls X lr X ls
In the analysis of the induction machines it is also desirable to (11)
transform the variables associated with the symmetrical rotor dFqr (e r ) Rr X ml *
X *

windings to the arbitrary reference frame. b [

= Fdr + ( Fqs + ( ml 1) Fqr )]
A change of variables which formulates a transformation of dt b X lr X ls X lr
the 3-phase variables of the rotor circuits to the arbitrary refer- (12)
ence frame is: f 'qd 0 r = K r f 'abcr (5)
dFdr ( ) R X X * *
= b [ e r Fqr + r ( ml Fds + ( ml 1) Fdr )]
In this paper, stationary reference frame is used for the simula-
tion study of three phase Induction motor. Matlab / Simulink d r p
= (Te Tl )( ) (14)
based modeling is adopted to compare the transient perfor- dt 2J
mance of three phase induction motor including main flux
saturation of the system attached to the motor.
IJSER 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 3, March-2016 574
ISSN 2229-5518
Using SIMULINK, the simulation model can be built up sys- In this paper, the performance analysis of three phases IM is
tematically starting from simple sub-models. The main ad- discussed in details. The behavior of stator output current per
vantage of SIMULINK over other programming software is phase, d-q axis stator current, d-q axis rotor current, speed and
that, instead of compilation of program code, the simulation torque characteristics are also briefly explained with respect to
model is built up systematically by means of basic function time. The detail implemented MATLAB/Simulink model of
blocks. The induction motor model developed may be used IM is used for performance analysis. Performance analysis
this software, it can be incorporated in an advanced motor simulation is done using ode23tb (stiff/TR-BDF2) solver, for a
drive system [2]. A set of machine differential equations can total time of 0.2 sec. and relative tolerance is 1e-3.
thus be modeled by interconnection of appropriate function From all curves, the nature of the implemented IM is ex-
blocks, each of which performing a specific mathematical op- plained in transient as well as steady state condition.
eration. Programming efforts are drastically reduced and the 50
Stator Current in q-axis Iqs

debugging of errors is easy.

Since SIMULINK is a model operation programmer, the simu- 0

lation model can be easily developed by addition of new sub-

models to create for various control functions. As a sub-model

mag (in Ampere)


the induction motor could be incorporated in a complete elec-

tric motor drive system [35]. This complete simulink model -100

which depend on mathematical d-q model equation is given


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
time (in Second)

Fig.5.1 Stator Current in q- axis versus time curves (iqs vs. time)

Stator Current in d-axis Ids



mag (in Ampere)



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
time (in Second)

Fig.5.2 Stator Current in d- axis versus time curves (ids vs. time)
Stator Current in d-q-axis Iqds




Fig. 4.1 MATLAB Simulink model of Induction Motor

mag (in Ampere)



A generalized dynamic model of the induction motor consists of an 60

electrical portion to implement the three-phase to two-axis (3/2) 40

transformation of stator vsoltage and current calculation, a torque 20

sub-model to calculate the developed electromagnetic torque and a 0

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

mechanical sub-model to yield the rotor angular speed. In electrical time (in Second)

engineering, dq0 transformation is a mathematical transformation

used to simplify the analysis of three phase circuit. In this case of Fig.5.3 Stator Current in dq- axis versus time curves (iqds vs.
balanced three phase circuits, applications of dq0 transform reduce
the three ac quantities to 2 dc quantities. Simplified can then be
carried out on this imaginary dc quantities before performing the The peak value of the stator current in d- axis is greater than
inverse transform to recover the actual three phase ac results. the value of resultant q-d axis stator current. All absolute
peaks are calculated from the transient condition of these cur-
rent whereas from this steady state condition, the average val-
ues of the stator and rotor currents are calculated and all are
IJSER 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 3, March-2016 575
ISSN 2229-5518
mentioned in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2
Absolute Peak value and Average Value of Stator Current
Type Stator Stator Stator Stator Stator Stator
Current Current Current Current Current Current
(I a ) (I b ) (I c ) (amp) in q-axis in d-axis in q-d
(amp) (amp) (I qs ) (I ds ) axis (I qds )
(amp) (amp) (amp)
Average 0.003427 0.004096 0.0004784 -16.19 3.563 11.06
Absolute 214.5096 218.3873 255.0835 192.6226 214.4895 170.1812

Fig 5.6 Speed - Torque Characteristics
Absolute Peak value and Average Value of rotor current in
d-q axis:
Type Rotor Current Rotor Current Rotor Current
in q-axis (I qr ) in d-axis (I dr ) in q-d axis 6 RESULT & DISCUSSION
(amp) (amp) (I qdr ) (amp) To analyze the performance of induction motor with
Average 0.0984 2.913 1.983 Matlab/Simulink, the model is simulated when pure sinusoi-
dal three phase voltage is applied. In this paper, the dynamic
responses of speed and stator currents for the starting process
with constant torque applied and a constant command flux are

Absolute 173.33 215 160.4594
shown in simulation results. The peak values and the average
Peak Value values of speed and torque are shown in above. It can be said
that the rotor angular velocity is one fourth () of the rated
angular speed.
Speed-Time Characteristic In this paper, the comparison between simulink imple-
mented model and Matlab/Simulink model in explained. The

simulink implemented model means which is implemented by
250 us based on detail mathematical equation, as discussed in
above. On the other hand the Matlab/Simulink demo model
Speed (in rad/sec)


means the model which is already exists in the
MATLAB/Simulink software. For this comparison of three
phases IM, same parameters for both models should be taken,

which are already mentioned in table-6.1. The fundamental
0 supply voltage is applied to the both models for this compari-
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time (in Sec)

Fig5.4 Torque Characteristics Parameters of three phase Induction Motor

Motor Parameters Motor 1

Torque-Time Characteristic Rated Voltage (V) 220
700 Stator resistance () 0.435
600 Rotor resistance () 0.816
Stator leakage inductance () 0.754
Rotor leakage inductance ()
Torque (in N-m)

Mutual inductance ()

Load torque (N-m) 11.9
0 Moment of inertia (Kg-m2) 0.089

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Matlab simulink model of three phase asynchronous machine
Time (in Sec) is taken from the MATLAB/Simulink software. After getting
the model, the parameters are putted, which are already used
Fig5.5 Speed Characteristics to the implemented model. These detail natures of comparison
IJSER 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 3, March-2016 576
ISSN 2229-5518
are shown in below figure. Here firm line denotes the Matlab
implemented simulink model, whereas, dotted line denotes
the Matlab / Simulink demo model.

Stator Current in q-axis Characteristics


200 Iqs (main)

Current (in Ampere)



-50 Fig6.4 Torque Characteristics

Torque-time Characteristics

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time (in Second) 600


Fig.6.1 Stator Current in q- axis versus time curves (iqs vs. time)

Torque (in N-m)


Stator Current in d-axis Characteristics 300


Iqs(demo) 100

100 0
Current (in Ampere)

50 -100

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time (in Second)

Fig6.5 Speed Characteristics




0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time (in Second)

Fig.6.2 Stator Current in d- axis versus time curves (ids vs. time)
Stator Current in q-d-axis Characteristics



Current (in Ampere)


Fig 6.6 Speed - Torque Characteristics


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time (in Second) CONCLUSION
In this paper, a simulation approach was proposed to analyze
Fig.6.3 Stator Current in dq- axis versus time curves (iqds vs. the transient behavior as well as steady state behavior of three
time) phase induction motor. Electrical and mechanical parts of in-
duction motor were implemented by detail mathematical
equations which are explained. The dynamic model is pre-
sented in this paper has shown very accurate simulation re-
sults. The main disadvantage of this implementing IM model
is the value of the rotor angular velocity is times of actual
rated rotor angular velocity.
IJSER 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 3, March-2016 577
ISSN 2229-5518
FUTURE WORK [9] P.C.Krause,Analysis of Electrical Machinery 1rd ed. Vol.2, 4, 5,
McGraw-Hill: New York, 1986.
Future work will be on the simulation of induction motor [10] Burak Ozpineci, Leon M. Tolbert,Simulink implementation of In-
model by taking the effect of saturation of flux in supply side duction Machine Model-A Modular Approach IEEE, 0-7803-7817-
and variable load torque, with and without MOI and friction 2/03/2003.
co-efficient. Also the work will be on operation of the Induc- [11] M.L.De Aguiar, M.M.Cadd,The concept of complex transfer func-
tion motor model to simulate for generator responses at a var- tions applied to the modeling of induction motors, Power engineer-
iable load torque. Apart from this, we will consider the effect ing Society Winter Meeting, 2000, pp.387-391.
of higher order odd harmonics on induction motor. The total [12] A. Dumitrescu, D. Fodor, T. Jokinen, M. Rosu, S. Bucuren-
MATLAB/Simulink model will be implemented by the State cio,Modeling and simulation of electric drive systems using
space equation of the IM. Matlab/Simulink environments, International Conference on Elec-
tric Mechines and Drives (IEMD), 1999, pp.451-453.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [13] Scott. Wade, M.W. dunnigor, B.W. Williams, Modeling and simula-
It is a pleasant task to express our gratitude to all those who tion of induction machine vector control with rotor resistance identi-
have accompanied and helped us in this work. fication,IEEE Transactions on power electronics, Vol.12, no.
First and foremost, we take this opportunity to express deep 3,May1997,pp.495-506.
sense of gratitude to our Guide (late) Dr. Prof. A. K. Mukha- [14] H. Le-Huy, Modeling and Simulation of electric drives using Matlab
padhaya, Department of Electrical Engineering, Narula Insti- /Simulink and power system Blockset, The 27th Annual conference
tute of Technology, Kolkata- India, for his invaluable sugges- of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON01), Denver/ Colo-
tions and encouragement throughout the project which helped rado, pp.1603-1611.
[15] Paul C. Krause, O. Wasynczuk and S. D. Sudhoff. 2004. Analysis of
us a lot to improve this project work. We are also indebted to
Electric Machinery and Drive Systems. IEEE Press Series on Power
Principal and HOD-EE of Narula Institute of Technology, Kol-
Engineering, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publication.
kata- India their kind help and co-operation during this work.
[16] K.L. Shi, T.F. Chan, Y.K Wong and S.L Ho department of electrical
Our sincere thanks to all our family members for their moral

engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Modeling and
support and encouragement, without which, the work would
Simulation of the Three phase Induction motor using Simulink.
not have been possible.
[17] R. Krishnan. 2007. Electric Motor Drives. Pearson Prantice Hall.
Last but not least, we extend our thanks and appreciation to
[18] S.I. Moon and A. Keyhani. 1994. Estimation of Induction Machine
our friends, colleagues, batch-mates and everyone who have
Parameters from Standstill Time-Domain Data. IEEE Transactions on
helped us directly or indirectly to get this work done.
Industry Applications. 30(6): 1609-1615.

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that never ends

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IJSER 2016

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