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permission of the publisher except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.

Published in the United States of America

Copyright 2017 by Samantha Powell


Table of Contents


















There is something beyond our mind, which abides in silence within
our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let ones mind
rest on that and not rest on anything else.
Maitri Upanishad

Human mind craves transcendence; a state that can only be obtained
when the mind is calm and thoughts cease to appear. Its a feeling of
moving beyond space and time, and staying in a bliss that resides
eternally within. If the mind is an ocean, thoughts are like the moving
waves constantly rising and falling on the surface. Underneath the
surface of the ocean, the vast body of water is relatively still.
Similarly, underneath the stream of thoughts, there is stillness.
Transcendental meditation is a journey towards that stillness and
silence. In this stillness, the meditator finds his whole being
enveloped in bliss. In the profound state of meditation, one attains
transcendental consciousness, where the mind experiences itself. It is
the state where healing, awakening and enlightenment take place.

For thousands of years, the rishis in Himalayas practiced meditations,
and passed over the knowledge to a chosen few. However in the last
few decades, the pioneers of Raja yoga, some of whom were the
descendants of Himalayan rishis, spread those teachings among the
common people in a non-religious way. Among the Vedic meditations,
the transcendental meditation pioneered by late Mahesh Yogi,
became widely popular for its extraordinary simplicity and
effectiveness for obtaining material and spiritual goals, from healing

ailments to attaining self-realisation. Transcendental meditation is a
life transforming practice. Those who integrated this meditation into
their lives not just experienced the its positive effects on their
physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, but enjoyed success in
many aspects of their life.

The methods of transcendental meditation are being used for
millennia for attaining spiritual enlightenment. But since we are
explaining a spiritual practice in a non-religious way, the religious
rituals followed by the practitioners of traditional Vedic meditation
wont be discussed in this book. However, practicing TM meditation
will definitely improve the spiritual aspects of life. The practitioners
may also experience the awakening of subtle qualities and intuition.
They will feel more connected with their inner-self and the universe.

Chapter 1

Transcendental Meditation: A brief History

The history of Vedic meditation or raja yoga dates backs over five
thousand years. Sanskrit word Veda means knowledge. Veda is the
scripture of ancient India, which is the source of Yoga and Ayurveda.
The techniques of Vedic meditations had been passed over for
generations through an unbroken line of Vedic masters. There are
various techniques of yogic mediations, but the most powerful
techniques were traditionally accessible to an elected small number
of disciples. That changed in 1953.

Before his death, the famous sage of northern India of
Shankaracharya lineage, Brahmananada Saraswati also called Guru
Dev, assigned one of his disciples to spread a powerful technique of
Vedic meditation all over the globe and make it available for
everyone. That disciple was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of
transcendental mediation.

To carry out his masters order, Maharishi began his transcendental
meditation tour in the Far East. In 1958, he arrived in America. Within
ten years, Maharishi became a widely recognized figure and his
movement began to attract people from all wakes of life. Celebrities
including most popular rock band Beatles joined his movement, and
made it even popular. Meditation in the west came to be seen as
normal practice as taking vitamins or doing exercises. Scientists began
to research on it and in 1970, the first scientific papers were

published espousing the technique, and its benefits for health and
longevity had been documented.

Maharishi kept working tirelessly traveling around the globe,
writing books, making disciples, building meditation centers and
institutions. Before his death on February 5, 2008, maharishi certified
40,000 meditation teachers and made his teachings available virtually
every corner of the world.

Defining Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is a form of Raja Yoga or Vedic meditation.
Techniques of TM have been there since the beginning of raja yoga.
To distinguish this technique from other forms of Raja Yoga, maharishi
first named this meditation by the expressive Sanskrit name of
Niskam Karma Yoga. Later in order to be understandable for the
western audience, it became known as Transcendental meditation.
Comparing to other Vedic meditations, TM is simple, effortless,
generous, and it does not have hard and fast rules to follow.

To understand transcendental meditation, we have to know the forms
of consciousness described in the scriptures. According to the ancient
Vedic writings, there are four forms of consciousness waking,
sleeping, dreaming and Turiya. We already have the understanding of
the states of waking, sleeping and dreaming. Turiya is fourth state
that transcends the other three forms of consciousness. It is a state of
awakening beyond and underlying the waking dreaming and sleeping

state. Turiya is not merely a state of consciousness, rather a natural
state of the self that permeates all other states. Turiya is the state of
transcendence. In the profound level of transcendental meditation,
the meditator enters into the state of transcendence; his whole being
is uplifted into a kind of rapturous delight or mystic ecstasy, he enjoys
an inexplicable bliss. The ultimate goal of transcendental meditation
is to achieve self-realization through transcendence.

Transcendental meditation is not a mental exercise of concentration
or visualization, nor even mindfulness. During the meditation, a
mantra (sound) is uttered gently and innocently, allowing the mind to
follow its natural tendency towards peace and stillness, and
eventually settle into silence. The resulting peace allows the body to
relax and get a deep rest, which is much deeper than sleep. All the
accumulated stress, the negative effects of traumatic memories
dissolve, and the person feels rejuvenated after meditation.
Transcendental meditation liberates the mind from the limiting
beliefs, generates lasting peace, and heals the body in the cellular

Comparison of Methods
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of meditations are
practiced today. They differ in procedures, objectives and beliefs from
one another. The process of meditations also differs in their
neurophysiological effect and behavioral outcome. As most of the
meditations involve paying attention, experts generally classify these

meditations based on the way they focus attention. Experts
categorize meditations into two types: one is focused attention and
another is open monitoring.

Focused attention method involves resting the focus on a physical or
imaginary object during the whole meditation session. Practitioners
keep maintaining their focus either on a particular location of the
body (i.e. heart chakra, solar plexus) or an imaginary object,
throughout the duration of meditation. As the practitioner advances,
his attention span improves. He becomes able maintain the focus on
the chosen object for a prolonged period of time. Methods like chakra
meditation, Kundalini meditation, visual imagery, mantra meditation
falls into that category.

Open monitoring meditation does not involve focusing on a particular
object. The practitioner rather keeps it open monitors and remains
aware of all aspects of the experience without judgment and
criticism. Thoughts, feelings, impulses, sensations, are recognized and
seen and accepted the way they are. It is the process of passive
monitoring of the content of experience from moment to moment,
without being involved. Mindfulness, Vipassna, some types of Taoist
meditation can be the examples of open monitoring meditation.

Transcendental meditation does not fall into above categories. You
neither need active focus, nor passive attention during this
meditation. It is an automatic, self-transcending process, which does
not require any mental effort. This process automatically leads the
meditator towards pure consciousness. Because of the simplicity and
effectiveness of this unique method, transcendental meditation is
becoming increasingly popular among the practitioners with various
meditation goals.

So the fundamental difference between TM and other approach is,
most meditations emphasize on controlling or training the mind. But
the process of transcendental meditation does not involve any
attention or control. TM allows the mind to spontaneously go beyond
the movement of thoughts towards the source of thoughts, where
there is stillness and silence.

Every meditation technique has its own benefits. The first two types
of meditations utilize the power of the mind by increasing focus and
control and obtain various outcomes. Transcendental meditation
however, allows the mind to go beyond thoughts into the source,
where the mind expands to infinity. When the mind experiences its
source, it becomes aware of its infinite potentials as a result the
practitioner enjoys much greater range of mental, physical and
spiritual benefits.

Meditation Benefits
Transcendental meditation offers numerous benefits that cover every
aspect of life. The positive effects of transcendental meditation have
been supported by more than 650 scientific studies spanning around
50 years. Here are some of the benefits of this amazing meditation.

Slowing down the aging process: A growing body of evidence
suggests that practicing TM can slow the aging process at the cellular
level. One of the major contributors for premature biological aging is
stress. Researchers found that stress and work related exhaustion
causes negative effect on DNA in cells by shorting the length of
sections called telomeres. Short telomere is associated with aging
symptoms like wrinkled skin and immune system decline as well as
the onset of many age related diseases including hypertension,
cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes and dementia. By
counteracting the effect of stress, TM meditation slows down the
aging. Researchers also found that the long-term practice of TM can
actually create a reversal of biological aging process. One study
published in the international journal of neuroscience in 1982,
revealed that people practicing TM for more than 5 years became
physically 12 years younger.

Improving asthma and other respiratory problems: Practicing TM
improves breathing. Some researches indicated that practicing TM
improved the condition of patients with bronchial asthma and chronic
bronchitis. The patients experienced improvement in breathing and
gained more respiratory control.

Boosting heart health: TM has shown its efficacy in decreasing
cardiovascular and all-causes of morbidity and mortality (journal of
social behavior and personality, 2005).

Other physiological benefits of TM may include improving blood
circulation, decreasing insomnia and promoting good sleep, reducing
chronic fatigue, and improving digestion. TM improves the quality of
life of people suffering from chronic illnesses.

Transcendental meditation improves the brains efficiency keeps
us alert, vibrant, invigorated at any age. Practicing TM wards off
depression and stress. Those who suffer from psychological disorders
like generalized anxiety and chronic depression will experience some
progress within a few weeks of practicing. Research indicates that TM
improves executive functions and reduces impulsivity in ADHD
patients. Sufferers of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) have
impaired prefrontal cortex (PFC) function, which is critical for
decision-making. In a study researchers noticed that practicing TM,
boosted the PFC function of autistic individuals. Another study
suggested that practicing TM improves symptoms of Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Although TM has the potentials to improve the various health
conditions, it is important to note that TM is not a treatment
alternative of any of the above-mentioned health problems. It is not
a replacement for prescribed medications, Always consult your
doctor before you make change in your prescribed medications or

TM not just heals diseases. It boosts energy, confidence and self-
esteem. But the greatest gifts of TM are the effects that are carried
over beyond the meditative state into the waking life. This state is
known as cosmic consciousness. The practitioner starts to feel these
effects within days of his practice, usually in the form of peace and
tranquility that stays for a while after meditation. But gradually this
feeling prolongs its stay. Long-term meditators reported that the bliss
they experienced in the meditative state, pervaded their waking
hours. There was less of a contrast between activity and meditation
it was as if their whole life turned into meditation. People who
develop this state of consciousness becomes more centered and even
tempered than before they began their practice. As they become less
dependent on the outside world for the sense of peace or fulfillment,
they feel less knocked about by the difficult times, and can make wise

Who is TM for?
Returning to the bliss within is our true nature. Everyone has the
birthright to experience transcendence, because it is the experience
of staying with our inner-self, our true self. Experiencing
transcendence is like coming home. Therefore Transcendental
meditation is everyone. Anyone can learn TM there is no age
restriction for this meditation.

Chapter 2

What is Mantra?
The practice of transcendental meditation involves repeating a
specialized sound, which is called mantra. But what mantra really is?
Of course it is a common word in our language today. But the word
mantra is very old. Mantras are the sacred sounds that have a
spiritual effect on the user of the mantra. Mantra is a Sanskrit word
consists of two parts, the root word Man, which means mind,
and Tra which means tool. Mantra is the instrument of the mind,
which guides the mind, beyond the thoughts towards the source of
the mind, which is spirit.

Mantras encapsulates the aim of the meditation a very subtle form. In
Sanskrit, this aim is called Shankalpa. Mantras take the intention of
the meditator to the Source or pure consciousness. Mantras are
magical words each of the mantras creates a unique vibration.
These are the ancient power words, which can do wonders, if
practiced correctly with sincerity and regularity.
Practicing mantras generally calms and integrates the mindthe mind
gradually becomes silent and reflective, allowing our awareness
vibrate with the mantra. Eventually the meditator enters into the
state of transcendences, where the mantras may fall away. The power
of the mantra builds up in the mind overtime. When the mantra is
uttered each time when the mind becomes agitated, the mantras
power to calm the mind increases. Mantras help the practitioner to

break up the deep-rooted mental and emotional patterns,
conditioning, even from the childhoodand frees the mind from the
effects of repressed memories and unresolved conflicts. In Ayurveda,
the science of life, the goal is always to return the mind and body to a
level of perfect balance, which lies within everyone, no matter how ill
he is. Mantras help to return to that balance.

Mantras may or may not have meanings. It is not necessary for TM
practitioners to look for the literal meaning of their mantra, because
meditating on the meaning may hinder transcendence. However
every mantra has a personal meaning or relevance which appears
from the words themselves.

Can I Choose my own mantra?

Yes. You can. Traditionally in transcendental meditation, a practitioner
receives his mantra from a qualified teacher. But you can choose your
own mantra without a teacher of guru. However there are few rules:
The first rule is, you cant reveal your mantra to anyone. The mantra
has to be kept private.

Second rule once you choose your personal mantra, you should not
change it. But you can add supplementary mantras if you feel the
need for strengthening a particular aspect of your life, although it is
better to stick to a single mantra.

In later chapters we will learn how to choose your personal mantra.

Time, Environment and Posture

Time and Environment

You can meditate at anytime. But the ideal times for meditation is on
an empty stomach right before the breakfast and right before the
dinner. TM meditation should be practiced for 20 minutes, twice a
day. However if the practitioner is under 18, then the duration is one
minute for every year of age.

Although you can practice anytime, maintain a minimum 6-hour
time-gap between two sessions. Dont practice within two hours after
a heavy meal. Wear comfortable clothing during your meditation.
Quiet environment is ideal for meditation. But natural sounds like the
twittering of birds, or ocean waves dont distract the mind. If you
have a separate room for meditation alone, decorate the room with
the pictures that soothe the mind. Put some flowers, you can burn
incense if you like. Turn this room into a sanctuary. Dont sleep in
your meditation room. You can have a shower before entering into
the room. Make sure you are clean in your body and mind. Allow only
the like-minded persons into this room. Dont enter into the room
when you are angry or agitated. Gradually an atmosphere of holiness
will be created. And whenever you enter into the room, you will feel
positive vibrations. However, as this is not a religious meditation, you
dont have to be very strict about these rules.

A separate room for meditation is ideal, not mandatory. But it is
important to practice in a quiet place in the beginning. In time when

youll become an advanced practitioner, you will be able to meditate
even in the noisy environment without being distracted by the sound.
It is better to meditate daily in the same place at the same time. Turn
off your phone or any devices that can create distractions. And make
sure that you wont be disturbed during meditation. Dont meditate
when you are feeing unwell, or feeling very miserable and depressed.

Meditation postures
Any posture you feel comfortable with is your ideal posture. You can
sit on a chair, on your bed, on a couch, or on the floor. If you are
sitting on a chair, make sure that your feet are touching the ground
with legs uncrossed.

If you are a practitioner of yoga and comfortable either in lotus Pose
(Padmasana) or Ease Pose (Swastikasana), you can use either of these
postures. Sit comfortably with your back straight and chin up. Place
your hands on your lap one on top of another, or on your knees.

If you have back pain, or you feel difficulty in sitting upright for 20
minutes, you can practice meditation in a relining posture at about a
forty-five degree angle. In this case, you can use a foam wedge, or
pillows to support your torso. You can meditate in reclining position
also if you are ill. Keep your eyes and mouth closed during the
practice. With your eyes closed, you can get rid of the visual
distractions, and hence reduce around seventy five percent of brain
activity and absorb deeply into contemplation.

Getting Prepared
TM meditation itself is effortless. But a little preparation will be
helpful to get the most of your meditation practice. The best way to
prepare the mind is to do some breathing exercises.

You may have already noticed that the way we feel, changes the way
we breathe. Like when we feel tensed, our breath becomes short and
shallow; when we feel relaxed, the breath becomes slow and deep.
But surprisingly the opposite is also true. As how we feel changes the
way we breathe. How we breathe can also change the way we feel.
Thats why practicing pranayama breathing exercises will prepare your
body and mind for meditation.

In Sanskrit, breath is called Prana or the life force. In raja yoga,
breath training is essential for deep meditation. In TM however,
pranayama breathing is not mandatory, but it can be very helpful to
calm the agitated mind in the early days of meditation.

Apart from releasing stress, pranayama breathing will also help to
detoxify your body, improve your posture, oxygenate and nourish
every cell of your body in more effective way, strengthen your heart
and lunges, make your body immune to diseases and improve your
stamina. Breathing exercises can be practiced everyday.

Exercise: 1
Sit down in a comfortable position with your spine straight. Breathe in
through your nose as you slowly count from one to five in your mind.
Take the air into your stomach; let your belly expand as you inhale
and contract as you exhale. This is called Diaphragmatic breathing or
abdominal breathing.

When you exhale, empty your stomach by pushing the air out. Take
more time in exhaling, count one to eight in your mind.

Breathe in again as you count five and breathe out as you count eight.
Practice this exercise for at least five times.

Exercise: 2
This is a little advanced exercise and if practiced regularly, it can have
an amazing effect over our emotional and physical health.

Sit upright. Inhale deeply with your left nostril to the count of five
while blocking the right nostril with your thumb. Now block your both
nostrils with your index finger and thumb; hold your breath until you
count five.

Now release your breath, this time through your right nostril, with
your left nostril blocked. Count from one to eight as you slowly
breathe out.

Hold your breath again and block both of your nostrils until you count

This is one round. Try it again. Here is the sequence

Breathe-in (left): Onetwofive.
Hold: OneTwoFive.
Breathe Out (right): OneTwoEight.
Hold: OneTwoFive.

Do this exercise for at least one more time.

In yoga, this breathing technique is called alternate nostril breathing
or Nodi Shodhan Pranayama. If you want to follow the exact
pranayama instructions for this exercise, practice it sitting on the
floor with spine erect, and use your ring finger and little finger of your
right hand to open or close your right and left nostril, and place the
tip of your index finger and middle finger between your eyebrows.
This exercise works best in empty stomach. Keep the flow natural and
dont force -breathe. If this exercise is too advanced for you, dont
hold your breath after you breath out; instead breathe in and follow
three sequences.

Please note that practicing pranayama breathing is helpful but not
mandatory for a TM practitioner.

Chapter 3

Day One
Today is the first day of our TM program. We have already learned
that the best time for the first session is in the morning in empty
stomach. But if you must eat, you may take a light meal. Both hunger
and overeating disrupt the sadhana (meditation practice).

It is recommended to practice in a sitting position with your back
straight without back support. You can sit on a chair, on a cushion or
on the floor. However not everyone can sit still for twenty minutes. In
this case, it is advisable to choose different positions and pick the one
that produces least bodily discomfort.

Meditation can also be practiced in the lying posture. But it is not
recommended for the beginners. However, if the practitioner is ill or
bedridden, then it is alright to practice in lying posture. The most
natural and effective way to meditate lying down, is savasana or
corpse position lie on your back with your spine straight, legs
apart, and hands spread out about a foot away from each hip with
palms facing upward. If you dont feel comfortable in this position,
then choose the posture you feel comfortable with.

We will practice 10 different mantras in 10 sessions in five days. Then
we will repeat for another five days then another five days. After
practicing three rounds, we will pick the mantra that is most suitable
for us our personal mantra.

You are in a quiet, comfortable place, sitting or lying in a relaxed
posture. Allow your mind to settle. You may practice a pranayama
exercise from the previous chapter if you like.

When you are ready, say your mantra AYEIM.

After 3-second pause, say again AYEIMthen again after 3 seconds,

Repeat the mantra two more times.

Now say the mantra more quietly, AYEIM. AYEIMAYEIM (five

Close your eyes, and more quietly Say AYEIM(five times), maintain
2/3-second pause between each sound. Make sure, your mantra does
not interrupt your natural breathing.

Now say the mantra mentally, without moving your lips, AYEIM (five
times). Now remain silent for 15 seconds. Gently open your eyes.
How did you feel? Isnt it simple? In transcendental meditation, you
dont need to concentrate; you only have to allow the mantra to flow
at effortless ease.

Gently close your eyes againand mentally repeat the
mantraslowlyeffortlessly. You will start to feel relaxed. Dont hold
your breathkeep the breathing natural and think your mantra. You
dont need to control your mind. Remember, mental repetition does
not mean pronouncing perfectly in your mind. Therefore, if you feel
the urge of being perfect, let go the urge and return to your mantra.
Occasionally during the meditation you may feel that you are
forgetting the mantra. Dont try to hold onlet go. Think your mantra.
Thoughts will appear; sometimes you may feel lost in the
thoughtsdont struggle let the thoughts come and go of their own
accord. Gently come back to your mantra.

Think about your mantra easily you dont need any active or passive
attention. Our aim is not to increase our attention span and stay
longer with the mantra. If a thought enters into the mind, allow it to
take the space.

You may feel sleepy, as your body gets fully relaxed. If you feel sleepy
at any time during your practice, dont try to be active in order to
think the mantra. You can even lie down in bed and sleep a while, if
the sleep seems to be too strong. Dont mind the time and come back
to your mantra when you naturally wake up.

After twenty minutes of mentally repeating your mantra, stay silent
for thirty seconds. Then softly open your eyes. You are feeling fresh,

In the upcoming sessions we will learn new mantras, as well as how
to deal with different issues that may arise during meditation and
cause disruption.
Although the process of meditation is very simple and effortless, still
there are many things a practitioner needs to know to become better
at their practice. The meditators also need to know the subtle aspects
of this meditation, so that they dont confuse the method with
mindfulness or similar meditation techniques.

Select a specific time in the afternoon or evening for your second
meditation session and try to make sure that you start your practice
at the same time everyday. Avoid taking caffeine (tea/coffee/fizzy
drinks) at least one hour before your meditation.

For TM practice, you dont have to make any major lifestyle change.
Practitioners are not even asked to give up any bad habit, obsession,
or addiction. Because as the meditator advances in his practice, he
overcomes all the addictions, and starts enjoying the life

You will spontaneously develop good habits as a result of your
meditation. Good posture is very important. Practitioners are usually
recommended to sit on a chair, unless they prefer not to. 20 minutes,
twice a day is recommended duration for each session. But if you
cant afford 40 minutes a day, choose the length of time you are
comfortable with.

When you are ready, settle down in a comfortable position in a quiet
room. Turn off phones, dim the lights, and prepare yourself for your
journey. Place your hand on your lap or on your knees, whatever is
comfortable for you. If you think a breathing exercise makes you feel
more prepared, you can do it.

Now gently say the mantra SHAM
Say again, SHAM,
Again, SHAM
Two more times: SHAMSHAM
Maintain minimum 2-second pause between two sounds.
Now say more quietly: SHAMSHAMSHAM(two more times)
More quietly: SHAMSHAM(three more times).
Close your eyes
Now say your mantra mentallySHAM. SHAMSHAM
Keep repeating the mantra mentally to yourself: gently, softly, and

Mantra is the vehicle for inward movement of your mind. Allow the
mantra take you wherever it pleases. Dont concentrate on your
mantra, dont attempt to analyze or judge the mantrajust keep
thinking your mantra.

Mantras are known by experience gather over centuries to bring on
transcendence. But since you are not yet familiar with the state of
transcendence, dont imagine it just keep thinking your mantra.

After few minutes, your mind will start to go deeperyou may feel
that your whole being is in harmony with the mantra.

If your mind tells you, this is transcendence, dont accept or reject
it. Keep thinking your mantra. In TM meditation, we will neither
believe nor disbelieve what the mind tells us.

There are forces of the mind that often try to deviate the meditator
from his course by generating self-talks or bodily sensations. Stay
neutral, and think your mantra. However if you start to feel that a
particular thought is overpowering and make it impossible to think
the mantra, then dont try to think the mantra by force against the
intrusive thought. Just allow the mind to remain easy, without trying
to pick the mantra. Return to your mantra, when the thought is
dissolved. Remember, thoughts are the part of meditation process.
Dont try to suppress the thought, or think they should not come.

After twenty minutes, stop thinking your mantra. Keep your eyes
closed, stay silent for two minutes. Then slowly open your eyes.
Gently stretch your hands and legs.

We will introduce a new mantra in each session. After each
meditation, evaluate your experience. Of course you will feel stillness
and a sense of peace on every mantra. But not all mantras are the
same. Each mantra has its own qualities and purpose encoded in
them. Therefore, the experience you get from each meditation wont
be the same. The differences can be subtle, but different mantras
work differently and through different energy channels. Remembering
your experience on a particular mantra will help you to choose the
best mantra for you.

Chapter 4

Day Two
Unlike mantra meditation, TM practice does not involve chanting
mantra. Because chanting the mantra keeps the part of your body
(mouth, throat etc.) active, which may hinder the natural transition of
the mind from wakefulness to transcendence. Chanting controls the
mind, and does not allow it where it spontaneously wants to go.
Although prior to practicing a new mantra you have to pronounce it
few times, during the meditation you only think the mantra or the
sound. TM practice does not emphasize on the focusing on the
mantra, but as the mantra serves as the vehicle of the mind, our
attention gently and innocently rests on the mantra during

Today is the second day of your TM program. So prepare yourself for
the morning meditation.

During the Transcendental meditation, the excitations of the mind
gradually settle down, and the meditator journeys into a state of
inner wakefulness where there are no thoughts, only the absolute
consciousness and awareness. Its like remaining awake in deep sleep.
But this is a spontaneous process; we cant force the mind to go into
that level. That is not possible. So we have to be patient, and allow
the mind to take the time it needs to achieve transcendence. If we
keep asking why it is not happening, we are being impatient, which
may delay the progress. Therefore it is important to be sincere with
the practice and let go the expectations.

So lets begin. Take a comfortable seat; place your hands on your lap,
or on your knees. Sit quietly for a minute or twoallow the minds
momentum to slow down a little. When you are ready, introduce
todays mantra, which is the sound KRIM.

This mantra is pronounced as KREEM.

Say the mantra at a slow, steady pace for five times:
In a quieter and softer voice: KREEMKREEM(5 times)
More quieter: KREEMKREEM(three more times)

Now close your eyes softly. Think the mantra. Repeat the sound
mentallygently and innocently. After mentally repeating the mantra
for a couple of minutes, let it go. Allow the mantra to change the way
it wants. The sound can get louder, quieter or fainterthe
pronunciation may change slightlythe mantra may speed up or slow
down. Allow the mantra to do whatever it pleases. Take it, the way it
appears each time. Allow the mantra to repeat itself. You are
remaining calm and effortless; let the mantra guide you towards the
pure consciousness, toward your true self.

Thoughts will come. Thoughts are allowed naturally come and go
along with the mantra. We wont in any way prevent the thoughts
from appearing, nor push the thoughts out of our mind or wish the
thoughts wouldnt come. Thoughts will appear as long as we need
them. The more we ask why the thoughts are there, the more they
will be there.

Although the aim of the meditation is to go beyond thoughts, if we
try to suppress the thoughts to get there, our attempt will become
paradoxical and we will be overwhelmed by thoughts. We will move
away from transcendence.

Remember, thoughts are part of the meditation process, every time
we are allowing a thought to blissfully come and go, we are releasing
a bubble of stress from the bottom of our mind. More we become
easy with thoughts, the more we are nearing transcendence.

So when the mantra disappears and mind goes off on thoughts, gently
come back to the mantra. Once we become aware that we are no
longer hearing the mantra, that awareness should be enough to bring
back the mantra.

Stay with your mantra for twenty minutes.

After twenty minutes, it is time to wake up. Release the mantra.
Remain quiet for a couple of minutes. Then wake upopen your eyes.

You are feeling confident, vibrant and energized. Start you day with
this feeling. Remember, you always have access to this feeling.

In transcendental mediation, understanding the process is very
important. Not just the intellectual understanding, but the
experiential understanding. For some practitioners it takes time to
understand the state of effortlessness. Its true that you cant remain
completely effortless when you are deliberately thinking the mantra.
But after a while, when the mind becomes completely attuned to the
mantra, the effortlessness takes place. When you are asked to think
the mantra effortlessly, it means that you just rest your attention
lightly on the mantra, without trying to concentrate or hold it there.
Trying and effort may arise in subtle ways...but it will shrink soon
after you become aware of it.

When you are ready, find a comfortable position. Take a minute or
two to feel relaxed in body and mind.

Before we enter into silence lets say the mantra, HRIM which is
pronounced HREEM.

Like the previous session, we will first repeat the mantra slowly for
five times:


Again more quietly for five times: HREEM..
Then again more quietly for five times: HREEM
Close your eyes. Now hear the sound HREEM in your mind. First
mentally repeat the mantra for two minutesthen think the sound
effortlessly. Dont put effort into being effortless. Just think the
mantra. A moment must come, when you dont even have to think
the mantra. It will happen. Methods are there to help us to get
transcendence. All the great masters say that one day you have to get
rid of the methods and sooner you drop it, the better.

Therefore if you find that the mind is actively working to repeat the
mantra, dont botherjust be aware, and let go. In the process of
letting go, the only practice helpful, is just remaining in the state of
no doing.

Let go the mantrait will come back.

Dont try to control anything or analyze anything. Dont try to achieve

If the mind becomes noisy, let go the mind. But dont try to empty the

Remember, when you let go, you are not doing anything

Out mind is addicted to efforts. It constantly tries to get you make
effort. Dont listen to the mindallow the mantra to take care of

The mantra will remove all the blocks of the mind that imprisoned
youprevented you from being with your true self. And when you go
beyond the thoughts or the mind, watching it, being aware of it, you
will discover an intelligence that will liberate you from all the sorrows,
limiting beliefs, and unwanted emotions. In yogic sense, mantra
reflects cosmic thinking beyond the preset notions and biases of
human mind.

When it is time to wake up, maintain silence for two minutes. Then
open your eyes.

Practitioners, who are new to meditation, often feel the need for
reassurance that they are going in the right direction. But in this early
stage, it is hard to tell whether youre making any progress. However,
if your stick to your practice, remain sincere, the progress will be
visible in a couple of weeks.

It is advisable to notice and appreciate small changesit will help you
to keep going. The common changes most beginners report include
feeling more relaxed, improved concentration, feeling more friendly
and generous. After few months of practicing some meditator
experience unusually beautiful things like delightful rhythm in the
breathing, improved awareness, improved ability to think profoundly,
and overall improvement in the quality of life. Some practitioners
might experience odd things, like seeing patterns of moving lights,
which is a positive sign that indicates the meditator is in an advanced
stage of practice. However it is advisable not to pay much attention to
those changes, it may create distraction and delay the progress.

Chapter 5

Day Three
Our mind is conditioned to turn toward the external in its quest for
happiness. Generally happiness is defined by having fulfilled the
needs and desires in all levels, which can be mental physical or
spiritual depending on the individual. But according to the ancient
scriptures, there are three types of happiness: Tamasic, Rajasic and

Tamasic happiness comes from the delusion, and ignorance. For
example, when someone compares himself with others, and gets a
certain type of joy by thinking that he is somehow better than that
person, or when someone drives happiness from drug or alcohol
addiction, they experience tamasic happiness. Some people obtain
tamasic happiness by harming themselves or others. This type of
happiness always leads to dark path.

Second type of happiness Rajasic, which is actually the happiness
most of us look for. This happiness is based on attachment, passion
and action. We all search for Rajasic happiness in relationships,
material possessions, or personal achievements. This type of
happiness eventually leads to some form of disappointment. For
example, you think if I only had the thing A, my life will be better, I
will be happier. Then you get it, may be a new car, or a house, and
you love having it for few days. Overtime you will get bored and look

for happiness in something else. We all see this pattern repeated
constantly throughout our life. This material happiness short lived.
Third type of happiness is Sattvic, which is born in the tranquility of
the mind. This is the purest form of joy, which is always present in the
depth of mind. When we achieve transcendence in the process of
meditation, we dive deep into that level and discover the sattvic
peace and happiness within.

Once the mind has the access to this pure bliss, it stops generating
thoughts; and the meditation turns into a completely effortless
process. Therefore in early days of your meditation, if you cant
remain completely effortless while thinking the mantra, dont bother.
Meditators often experience a state of no-mind during
transcendence, and subsequently they cant explain their
experiences. Transcendence is inexplicable, because in this state, the
experiencer and the experience becomes one. The mind that
analyzes, brings references, imposes qualities is absent in this level.
Although, this experience cant be intellectually explained, but
emotionally and spiritually this state can account for some most
powerful aspects of personal life. Every time you meditate, you step
closer to transcendence. Today is the third day. Let us get prepared
for the morning session.

Sitting still for 20 minutes can be hard for some practitioners. Body
aches are not uncommon in the beginning days of meditation. This

initial soreness may arise until you have more practice. If sitting for
twenty minutes causes body aches, give yourself a little break after
ten minutes of comfortable meditation. Then start again.

When you are ready, sit comfortably, and allow yourself to relax.
Usually the practitioners of TM, spend 30 seconds in silence to
prepare the mind for the practice. However, if breathing exercise
makes you feel more relaxed, you can do it for a minute or two.
Now say the mantra to yourself slowly and gently for five times:

LAM. Say the mantra and feel the vibration of the sound.
In a quieter voice:

More quieter: LAM (5 times)

Close your eyes and hear the sound in your mind. Allow the inner
sound appear at whatever speed feels comfortable to the
mindsometimes very slowother times very fast. If you find that the
mantra is going with the heartbeat, or breath or the ticking of the
clock. Dont bother. Neither try to keep up with rhythm of heartbeat,
clock-ticking or breath, nor try to forget about that. Mantra is all our
concern; if the mantra comes with rhythm of the breath, we wont
mind. Innocently we favor the mantra.

Occasionally you will find the mantra fading away and rising again.

Sometimes you may find that the feeling of mantra is there, no sound
or remembering the syllables is going on. Be aware of it, the mantra
will come back on its own.

At the advanced stage of meditation, your breath will slow
downyour blood pressure and body temperature will drop and
muscles relax you will feel as if you are awake in deep sleep. You
will feel completely enveloped in an indescribable, soft, divine
gentleness. It is not an experience; it is you. Because in this level of
meditation, the observer and the observed become one. You become
the consciousness itself. There is nothing as an object for you but only
your subjectivity. This state is a gift of meditation, one that comes on
its own through effortless innocent practice.

At the end of your meditation, keep your eyes closed, let go the
mantra and stay mentally silent for a couple of minutes. Then slowly
open your eyes.

Some beginners complain about shaking/tremors/convulsion-like
responses while meditating. These kinds of responses are not unusual
during meditation. There can be various explanations for these
symptoms. One explanation is that the process of meditation breaks
up some of your established thought patterns. Your thoughts are
expressed though the body by a set of muscular tensions. Your
responses to stimuli are programmed into your fascia. The process of

meditation can activate some of the fascia patterns in preparation for
them to be restructured. Shaking, convulsions are also the
expressions of the release of stress. Dont resist the movements,
allow them to come and go. But dont involve in the movements in
order to continue them. Dont hold this idea that, the more we
move, the more stress will be released, therefore let the movement
continue. Your slightest support to promote the movements can
prolong it beyond natural needs.

If the movement intensifies, and seems to be going out of control,
instead of resisting it, just open your eyes. Resume your meditation,
when the body becomes still.

Now we are going to begin the afternoon TM session. Get yourself

Stay silent or deep breathe, get the body and mind prepared for
meditation. When you are ready, Say the mantra YAM.

Repeat the mantra to yourself slowly for another four times.

Lower the sound and say the mantra slowly again for five times:

And again for five times (more quieter):

Now think the sound with your eyes closed. Breathe naturally. The
mantra starts to pulse at its own pace when it is disconnected from

Dont concentrate or pay attention settle your awareness innocently
on the mantra. If you get distracted by thoughts, simply be
awarethe mantra will come back. Dont try to keep the tempo of the
mantra the same.

Think your mantra and allow other energies travel through your mind
without engaging them. Soon the repetition of the sound will occur
with an effortless momentum in your mind.

If the mind shifts from the mantra effortlessly, a thought will arise, I
am off the mantra which is also an effortless process. These two
shiftings of the thought happened effortlessly. Therefore the third
shifting, which is coming back to the mantra is natural and effortless.
Eventually a time will come when you will hear the mantra sound,
whenever you want, simply by closing your eyes.

After twenty minutes when it is time to wake up, let go the mantra
and let the mind be silenced. After two minutes, open your eyes.

In meditation, the position of head should be balanced. However if
the head goes down or to the side, it is ok. Many beginners feel that
during mediation their head is not properly balanced. If you become
aware that the head is tilted forward, you can slowly bring the head
to an upright position. If the head is tilted backward, instead of
moving the head, bend forward very slowly from the waist. This will
make your head come forward. If you are still unsure whether the
head is correctly positioned, dont bother; continue with thinking the

If you become aware that the head is moving from front to back or
sideways, dont do anything about it. Your awareness is enough to
stop the movement. Once the moving is stopped, gently bring the
head to the upright position.

Chapter 6

Day Four
Through transcendental meditation we connect with the
transpersonal part of ourselves. When this happens, we experientially
learn that our potentials are infinite. In Sanskrit the state of
transcendence is called Samadhi. There are eight kinds of
shamadhis mentioned in yogic scriptures. These eight kinds of
samadhis are categorized into two types: Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa
Samadhi. Savikalpa samadhis are blissful and ecstatic. Nirvikalpa
samadhis are beyond pleasant and unpleasant; they dont have any
qualities or attributes. In savikalpa Samadhi theres still a self that
perceiving the world and a self that feels a sense of unity with it. But
nirvikalpa Samadhi is the highest form of consciousness, where we
dont just become one with absolute reality, we become it.

Today is the fourth day of TM program. One thing we all need to know
that meditation is not against action. It is not an escape from life, nor
it can be used as an escape from reality. Meditation will fail to
produce desired result if one uses it as a refuge or spiritual bypass.
We cant use meditation as a mean to avoid uncomfortable feelings or
challenges that are inevitable in our life. If your aim of attaining
transcendence is to escape from the lifes reality, you wont be able to
attain it. Your meditation practice will teach you a new way of life. It
will bring steadiness and presence in the face of lifes difficulties

without being disengaged in an unproductive way. So practice your
meditation regularly, but avoid over-practicing.

One more thing is needs to be mentioned here: You must experience
some progress in a couple months. You also should have a meditation
goal. Rote repetition of an approach without progress toward the goal
may lead you into a condition where the practice has lost its vitality
and dynamism. So be sincere with your practice, be aware of the
progress and appreciate it.

Session -7
We dont try to meditate. Meditation is our intrinsic nature and it
happens spontaneously. Transcendence is not something that the
mind can achieve. The mind cant reach transcendence.
Transcendence actually begins when the mind ends. Thats why
experience of transcendence cant be described. So dont bring your
imagination here, dont think that you are supposed to experience
like this or that. Allow the mantra to guide you and let things unfold
in their own way and time. We dont know about the dimension that
lies beyond the mind until we be there; so lets not imagine it.
Meditation should be a jump into the unknown. It is and experiment
to the unknown realm. You dont need any belief or any concept of
God to practice TM. Beliefs and concepts often create hindrances.

Let us prepare for the morning meditation. Have a seat. Get
comfortable and relaxed. After a while, when you are ready, say the
mantra: SHRIM.

This mantra is pronounced as SHREEM.

Like previous sessions we have to do it audibly for 15 times; then we
will think the mantra.

Say the mantra for five times:
Again quieter: SHREEM(Five times)
More quieter: SHREEM(Five times)

Now close your eyes and keep repeating the sound slowly in your
mind. Then think the mantra. As thoughts appear and disappear
effortlessly, the thought of the mantra will spontaneously come and

If the mind constantly tries to make effort, dont feel guilty about
that. These efforts stem from the wrong vision of the mind. Just be
aware and let go.

You dont have to think the mantra clearly. The mantra may change in
different ways when it comes back. It may appear vague or
distortedtake it how it comes.

Dont anticipate the change, nor resist the change, just think the
mantra innocently.

Human mind is intelligent; it goes on rationalizing all its actions. It can
even rationalize dullness as transcendence. Dont listen to the mind
when it says, this is transcendence. Meditation is just to be. No
action! You just are! This is the delight. Mantra is the vehicle to get
you there. When we reach our destination, we leave the vehicle.
When you are in transcendence, mantra will disappear. You are not
doing anything, yet still it happening! Where does it come from?
Nowhere! Where it will go? Nowhere! It was there from the
beginning. It resides in stillness and silence. When we become still
and silent, we realize, its there! Its been always there! This is

Now it is time to come back. Release the mantra. Wait silently for a
couple of minutes. Then open your eyes.

Noise is not a hindrance to meditation. Once the disciples of a great
Buddhist master was complaining to him that they couldnt meditate,
because the villagers surrounding their monastery held a party that
night. And the noise was disturbing their meditation. The master
replied, It is not the noise that disturbs you, it is you who disturb the

Dont fight the noise during meditation. The more you try get rid of it,
the more it will bother you. Because what you resist, persists. Noise is
not the problem, your reaction to noise is! When you are not
bothered by the noise, there comes a point when you transcend this
noise, and it stops bothering you.

Prepare yourself for meditation. When you are ready, be silent for 30
seconds. Then introduce the mantra. It is the sound, HUM.

Say the mantra to yourself for five times:

Again for five times (quieter): HUM
Then again for five times (more quieter): HUM

Close your eyes and start mentally repeating the mantra. Then after a
while, stop mental repetition, just think the mantra. In the beginning
the mantra plays along with your thought waves. But if you remain
patient, the mantra will take your consciousness spontaneously from
the surface layer of your thought to the deeper content of your mind.
At certain points during your meditation, you may experience
transcendence, which may last for seconds to few minutes. Adepts
can enter into this state at will and stay there for long.

After twenty minutes, let go the mantra. Bring your mind back to
silence. Stay there for a couple of minutesthen gently open your
Chapter 7

Day Five
Sometimes during your meditation an insight will simply arise,
unbidden, like a basket of fruit left on your doorstep. Its may be
because meditation removes the blocks that stops them from
surfacing. Insights may arise in the form of a single sentence that
represent a complete solution to your to your lifes problem. An
insight just happens. As you advance in your practice, you will notice
more insights are coming to you. However going into meditation with
the expectation of revelations can interrupt the process. Also you
cant attain transcendence when you have expectations in your mind
during the practice. Insight while meditation is not the primary goal
of TM. Its a gift that will come to you if you dont ask for it. Sages in
the earlier times used to gain different knowledge from meditation.
Classic yoga texts like Patanjalis Yoga Sutras explains that
practitioners can gain advanced capacities through meditation. These
capacities are known as siddhis. However TM meditation is not
guaranteeing the attainment of any advance capacity. But if you are
sincere in your practice, in time you may discover the limitless store
of intelligence, energy and invaluable knowledge within you.

Today is the fifth day. I hope you are already experiencing the some
benefits of your TM program. But more benefits will be visible as you
make progress in your practice.

Let us prepare for the morning meditation. Begin with getting
comfortable. Deep-breathe to feel more relaxed or stay silent for 30
seconds to a couple of minutes.

Now you are ready to introduce the mantra. Say the mantra to
yourself: KLEEM

Like previous sessions say the mantra for five times:

Then consciously pitch your voice lower and say the mantra again for
five times: KLEEM(four more times)
More lower: KLEEM(four more times)

Now close your eyes and hear your inner voice says, KLEEM. Think
your mantra effortlessly like mist rising off a lake at dawn. If the mind
wanders, know that its the nature of the mind and it is the part of
the process. Dont do anything about the wandering mind. If you
experience agitation or confusion or boredom or bliss or anything,
know that it is the part of the process. Think the mantra allow the
sound come back to you. Stay compassionate and non-judging when
your inner-dialogues get louder. This is also a part of meditation. Stay
innocent. Dont bring any intention. Dont force your practice. Let it
innocently unfold.

Hear the soundlet the mantra bubble up. Allow your mantra to
spontaneously guide you inward, into the fourth state of
consciousness, where you become the conscious subject you have

After twenty minutes, release the mantra. Allow yourself to return
slowly back to waking consciousness. This will take a couple of

When you are silent after releasing the mantra, if you feel any
sensation in the body or any movement anywhere in the body, in the
head, or any tension somewhere, keep feeling it. Stay with it neutrally
even if it increases in intensity. Keep your eyes closed until these
sensations or movements have significantly shrunk or faded away.
Normally it takes 2/3 minutes for the sensations to diminish. But if
you see no sign of improvement in three minutes, continue with it in
an innocent and easy way. You may lie down and relax for 5 to 10
minutes. If you fall asleep, dont mind the time, and come out when
you naturally wake up. This is a sign that some big block of stress just

This is the last session of your first round of TM program. You have
already understood the process. Although the sessions were
repetitive in their instructions, in every session you not just learned a
new mantra, but some new information. TM is a very simple method.

We call it method, but when you are in meditation, you leave the
method behind. The mantra of this session is, RAM

Get yourself readyget comfortablefeel relaxed and say the mantra:

Again in a quieter voice, RAM for five times:
Then again in more quieter voice, RAM(five times)

Close your eyes. Think RAM. Let the mantra echo in your mind. Let it
spontaneously arise in your serene state of awareness. Let it guide
you toward the deep primordial wisdom, which is as old as the
universe itself.

When it is time to end your meditation, let go the mantra. Stay silent.
Then open your eyes.

Choosing Your Personal Mantra

In the last five days, you have practiced ten different mantras. This is
one round of your meditation program. Practice for another two
rounds. Each mantra has some unique qualities, and their effect on
the body and mind is different. Although the difference can be too
subtle to notice in the beginning, if you continue your practice for
another ten days, the difference will be visible. Knowing the effect of
each mantra on your mind will help you to choose the best mantra
that suits you. The mantra that gives you the best experience is the

most suitable mantra for you. Maintaining a notebook can help you in
this process. After practicing on each mantra, you can write your
experience on that particular mantra in a few sentences. You can also
rate your experience on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the most
significant experience 1 being the least).

If you have similar experience on more than one mantra, pick the one
that sounds better. If you cant find any difference at all, choose

Once you select your personal mantra, you wont share it with
anyone. You will leave other mantras, and meditate only on that
mantra in both sessions everyday. You will skip the part of your
practice that involves saying the mantra for 15 times. Once the
personal mantra is chosen, youll only mentally repeat or think the
mantra. You can think your personal mantra at anytime you like.

Things You Need to Know

Meditation methods are doings, because you are instructed to do
something. When we sit quietly even meditate, we do something.
Even not doing anything is a sort of doing. So apparently the methods
described in this book are all doings. But in deeper sense, they are
not. Because when you become succeed in them, the doings
disappear. Therefore in the beginning days of your meditation if mind
makes some degree of effort to remember the mantra, dont bother.

There is bound to be effort in the beginning. When the process
becomes spontaneous, no effort on your part is required.

Be patient if you dont see any progress in few days. You have sown
the seed. Now wait patiently and see what happens. The seed may
take time to bloom and grow. You cant speed the process. Being
impatient in your practice will slow the progress.

You may have a meditation goal. But meditation itself is not a goal-
oriented state. Therefore let go your expectation during the practice.
Meditation is a great mystery. Sometimes you may fail to explain
things happen during meditation with your rational mind. Dont

You may see transformation in many aspects in your life within a few
months of your practice. It is better not to analyze them. Just enjoy
the fruit.

Finally let the mantra be your guide because it knows the path to


Transcendental meditation is simple. But this is not an ordinary
relaxation method. It is a way to connect with our absolute aspect of
existence. When you will discover the effortless art of TM, youll be
aware of its limitless potentials, which can transform every aspect of
your life. TM is the art of being what we really are. It is the art of
liberating the mind from all the limiting beliefs and prejudices that
hinder our progress. No one can explain the experience of
transcendence, but it is the blissful state our heart always seeks. You
may feel relieved from stress and experience more energy, more
vitality, and more creativity in daily life as a result of your mediation,
but when you experience transcendence, you will know that it is
something we all unconsciously look for throughout our life. You will
realize that freedom is not in the realm or pursuit of experience itself
but in the dimension of transcendence of experience.

Additional Resources

Ready to take your transcedental meditation to the next level? Check
out these amazingly helpful resources that will help you attain
complete mastery over your mind, body and soul! I highly
recommend that you give at least one of these programs a try.
Because these are the same exact products that Ive used to attain
everything that Ive achieved:

1. Pure Reiki Healing Mastery
2. Chakra Activation System
3. The Amazing You System
4. Vibrational Manifestation
5. Tesla Code Secrets
6. Cosmic Ordering Secret


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