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CBK Power Limited vs CIR

GR 193383-84, January 14, 2015, GR 193407, January 14, 2015

In February 2001, CBK Power borrowed money from Industrial Bank of Japan, Fortis-
Netherlands, Raiffesen Bank, Fortis-Belgium, and Mizuho Bank for which it remitted interest
payments from May 2001 to May 2003. It allegedly withheld final taxes from said payments
based on the following rates, and paid the same to the Revenue District Office No. 55 of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR): (a) fifteen percent (15%) for Fortis-Belgium, Fortis-
Netherlands, and Raiffesen Bank; and (b) twenty percent (20%) for Industrial Bank of Japan and
Mizuho Bank.
However, according to CBK Power, under the relevant tax treaties between the Philippines and
the respective countries in which each of the banks is a resident, the interest income derived by
the aforementioned banks are subject only to a preferential tax rate of 10%.
On April 14, 2003, CBK Power filed a claim for refund of its excess final withholding taxes
allegedly erroneously withheld and collected for the years 2001 and 2002 with the BIR Revenue
Region No. 9. CIRs inaction prompted CBK to file a case to CTA.
On August 28, 2008, CTA affirmed the side of CBK. But upon MR of CIR, CTA first division, on
February 12, 2009, modified the decision and reduced the amount payable from P15.67 million
to P14.83 million because it failed to obtain an International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD) ruling
with respect to its transactions in this case. It cited the ruling on Mirant vs CIR, where it
pronounced on February 18, 2008, that an ITAD ruling must first be obtained. Aggrieved, CBK
filed to SC.
W/N the BIR may add a requirement prior application for an ITAD ruling that is not found
in the income tax treaties signed by the Philippines before a taxpayer can avail of preferential
tax rates under said treaties NO
The time-honored international principle of pacta sunt servanda demands the performance in
good faith of treaty obligations on the part of the states that enter into the agreement. In this
jurisdiction, treaties have the force and effect of law.
The issue of whether the failure to strictly comply with RMO No. 1-2000 will deprive persons or
corporations of the benefit of a tax treaty. The obligation to comply with a tax treaty must take
precedence over the objective of RMO No. 1-2000.
It bears reiterating that the application for a tax treaty relief from the BIR should merely
operate to confirm the entitlement of the taxpayer to the relief.
Since CBK Power had requested for confirmation from the ITAD on June 8, 2001 and October 28,
2002 before it filed on April 14, 2003 its administrative claim for refund of its excess final
withholding taxes, the same should be deemed substantial compliance with RMO No. 1-2000, as
in Deutsche Bank. To rule otherwise would defeat the purpose of Section 229 of the NIRC in
providing the taxpayer a remedy for erroneously paid tax solely on the ground of failure to make
prior application for tax treaty relief.
The government has a corollary duty to implement tax laws in good faith; to discharge its duty
to collect what is due to it; and to justly return what has been erroneously and excessively given
to it.

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