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Page 1

ECUMASTER EMU can be used only for motor sports and cannot be
used on public roads!

The installation of the device can be performed only by trained

specialists. The installation performed by an unskilled person may
lead to the damage of both the device and the engine!

Incorrect tuning of the engine with ECUMASTER EMU can result in

a serious damage of your engine!

Never modify the devices settings when the car is moving because it
may cause an accident!

Ecumaster company is not responsible for the damages caused by an

incorrect installation or/ and tuning of the device!

To ensure proper use of ECUMASTER EMU and to prevent risk of

damage to your vehicle, you must read these instructions and
understand them thoroughly before attempting to install this unit.

Page 2
The manual below refers to the firmware version 0.986 of the

Modification of the tables and parameters should be performed only by

people who understand the working rules of the device and working
rules of the modern injection and ignition systems.

Never short-circuit the wires of the engines wiring loom as well as the
outputs of the ECUMASTER EMU device.

All modifications of the engines wiring loom must be performed with

the disconnected negative terminal of the battery.

It is very important that all connections in wiring loom should be

properly insulated.

All signals from the variable reluctant sensors and knock sensors
should be connected using shielded cables.

The device must be disconnected during welding of any car body


Page 3
ECUMASTER EMU DEVICE.................................................................................................5
CONNECTOR PINOUT DETAILS........................................................................................8
DESCRIPTION OF BASIC CONTROLS.............................................................................16
CONNECTING THE EMU DEVICE.....................................................................................23
SENSORS CALIBRATION...................................................................................................27
FUELING PARAMETERS....................................................................................................37
CONFIGURATION OF IGNITION PARAMETERS..............................................................51
CONFIGURATION OF ENGINE START PARAMETERS....................................................64
KONFIGURACJA PARAMETRW ENRICHMENTS..........................................................67
CONFIGURATION OF OUTPUTS PARAMETERS.............................................................71
CONFIGURATION OF IDLE PARAMETERS......................................................................75
CONFIGURATION OF KNOCK SENSORS PARAMETERS...............................................80
APPENDIX 1 - DESCRIPTION OF LOGGED PARAMATERS............................................83

Page 4

ECUMASTER EMU device is fully programmable, universal engine management unit for
controlling spark-ignition engines using Speed Density or Alpha-N algorithms, using wide range of
fuels (PB/E85/LPG/CNG). Due to utilizing modern technology and state of the art software, device
can fully control fuel mixture using closed loop feedback based on wide band oxygen sensor, is
capable of fully sequential injection and ignition, and can sense engine knock what allows optimal
ignition advance.

ECUMASTER EMU supports wide range of OEM sensors (IAT, CLT, MAP, KS, etc). It has also lots
of features used in motor-sports like gear dependent shift-light, flat shift, launch control, NO2
injection control, advanced boost control, and much more.

Page 5
1 Power supply 6-20V, immunity to transients according to ISO
2 Current requirement 400mA
3 Operating temperature -40 do 100 C
4 Supported number of cylinders 1-6 full sequential injection and ignition
1-12 - wasted spark
5 Max supported RPM 12000
6 Injection time 0.1ms 50ms, resolution 16us
7 Ignition timing 60 BTDC 20 ATDC,resolution 0,5
8 Injectors outputs 6 protected outputs, max. current 5A
9 Ignition outputs 6 outputs, max. current 7A, software selectable
passive / active coils
10 AUX outputs 6 protected outputs, max. current 5A
11 AUX / Stepper 4 outputs,max. current 1A
12 Lambda sensors - narrow band 4 wires sensor,
- wide-band sensor Bosch LSU 4.2
13 Knock sensing 2channels, knock resonant frequency 1-20kHz
14 Crank / Cam signal (primary VR sensor (adaptive input), HALL / Optical, software
trigger) configurable
15 CAM sensors 2 inputs, VR or HALL / Optical software configurable
16 VSS VR or HALL / Optical software configurable
17 EGT 2 channels, K-Type thermocouples
18 Analog inputs 7 protected analog inputs for sensors TPS, IAT, CLT, etc.
19 Additional outputs Extension port: CANBus, DataLoger, Bluetooth, etc.
20 Other Built in 400 kPa MAP and Baro Sensor
21 Communication USB port
22 Client software Windows XP, VISTA, Windows 7

Page 6
1 Fuel calculation algorithm Speed Density or Alpha-N
2 Fuel Table 16x16, resolution 0,1% VE
3 Injectors configuration Phase and injection angle, injectors dead time
calibration(16x1), injector flow rate configuration
4 AFR Table 16x16, resolution 0.1 AFR, closed loop feedback
5 Ignition triggers 12 60 primary trigger tooth , 0-2 missing tooth, 1 tooth
cam sync synchronization
6 Ignition table 16x16, resolution 0,5
7 Ignition coils dwell Dwell time table (16x1), dwell correction table in function
of RPM (16x1)
8 Ignition advance corrections Correction in function of CLT and IAT (16x1), per
cylinder correction
9 IAT, CLT sensors Calibration table (20x1), sensors wizard
10 Cranking fuel table Table 16x1
11 Enrichments ASE, Warmup, Acceleration, Deceleration
12 Knock sensing Resonant frequency, knock window, knock actions like
ignition retard, fuel mixture enrichment
13 Idle control PID based control over stepper motor or idle vale.
Ignition angle control. Idle Target table (16x1)
14 Parametric outputs Fuel pump, radiator fans, tachometer, user defined
15 Boost control PID base, DC table 16x16, Boost target, Gear and speed
16 Sport functions Launch control, Nitrous injection, flat shift, gear
dependent shiftlight, etc.
17 Others Check Engine light, fail save values for sensors,
password protection
18 Log functions Logging over 100 parameters, real time view

Page 7

Device View

1 EGT In #1 1 Ignition coil #6
2 Knock Sensor In #1 2 Stepper motor #1 winding A
3 Analog In #2 3 Stepper motor #2 winding A
4 CLT In 4 AUX 6
5 WBO Vs 5 AUX 3
6 Camsync In #2 6 Injector #4
7 Primary trigger In 7 Injector #1
8 Ignition coil #5 8 Ignition coil #1
9 EGT In #2 9 Ignition coil #3
10 Knock Sensor In #2 10 Stepper motor #1 winding B
11 Analog In #3 11 Stepper motor #2 winding B
12 TPS In 12 AUX 5
13 WBO Ip 13 AUX 2
14 VSS In 14 Injector #5
15 Camsync #1 15 Injector #2
16 Ignition coil #4 16 Ignition coil #2
17 ECU Ground 17 Power Ground
18 Sensor Ground 18 Power +12V
19 Analog In #4 19 WBO Heater
20 Analog In #1 20 AUX 4 / Tacho
21 IAT In 21 AUX 1
22 WBO Vs/Ip 22 Injector #6
23 +5V supply 23 Injector #3
24 Power Ground 24 Power Ground

Page 8

Client for Windows

Communication with ECUMASTER EMU device is performed using USB AA cable, and Microsoft
Windows based client software. Client allows to modify all settings (parameters, tables) stored in
internal device flash memory as well as gathering real time data from engine sensors. Software is
included on CD included in the package. For the latest software please visit
web page.


Firmware is an internal EMU software that controls all aspects of device behavior. Due to the fact
that device firmware can be upgraded, in future there will be new device functions available. It is
required to use latest client software with new firmware. The client software is compatible
backwards, what means that all previous firmware will work correctly. However the old client will
not work with new firmware (appropriate message will be shown). Firmware is always included
with client software package and can be download from

Software versions

Main software version is the first digit. The subversion is defined by 2 digits after the dot mark. The
third digit means that there are only changes in windows client software and there is no firmware
update. For example 1.01 means 1st main version with first software and firmware modification,
1.013 means first firmware update and fourth modification of Windows Client.

Software installation

Windows client installation version is included on ECUMASTER CD or can be downloaded form To install client insert CD into drive and choose appropriate button or run
EmuSetup_xxx.exe. The software is compatible with the Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
It might be also required to install USB drivers that are also included on ECUMASTER CD.
If you have any problems with software installation please contact our technical support at
[email protected]

Page 9
Firmware upgrade

To upgrade firmware please choose option Upgrade firmware from File menu. After selecting
proper firmware version press Open button. The upgrade should begin immediately. Do not turn of
the device during firmware upgrade! When upgrade is finish turn off the device. The process is
finished. All parameters and tables are automatically imported.
If the upgrade process fails, turn off device, turn it on, and make the following procedure again.

Attention !
In case of firmware upgrade failure the project should be saved on a disc before

Attention !
Firmware upgrade should not be performed if there are problems with the
communication between the device and PC computer!!!

Attention !
Before you prform firmware upgrade, please disconnect injectors and ignition
coils !

First connection
During first connection to the EMU device, there will appear a window with the device name.
By default there will be device unique serial number what user can change for any name. Based on
this name there will be sub-directory created in directory My documents / EMU. In this sub-
directory there will be stored desktop configuration for given EMU, and projects and logs will be

Projects extension is *.emu. Data logs are saved with extension *.emulog. User desktops
configuration is stored in file desktops.xml. If no EMU device is connected all data is stored in
Default sub-directory.

Page 10
User interface

The picture below shows Windows client after first launch.

User interface is divided into 4 areas:

1. Menu
2. Tree view with device functions (you can hide / show it with key F9)
3. Desktop
4. Event log (you can hide / show this area by keys combination SHIFT + F9)


A menu bar consists of functions the following items:


Page 11

Name Function
Open project Open emu project files (*.emu)
Save project as Save current project to disc
Show full screen Enter full screen mode (to leave full screen press CTRL+F)
Upgrade firmware Upgrade device firmware
Restore to defaults All tables and paramters will be restored to factory defaults
Make permanent Save all tables and parameters into internal DataFlash
Exit Exit to Windows

Page 12

Nazwa Funkcja
Undo Undo last operation
Redo Redo last undo operation
Show undo list Show list of operations
Toggle panel Toggle tree view panel
Toggle log Toggle event log windo

Page 13
Menu Window

Name Function
Cascade Cascades all open windows
Tile horizontally Tiles all windows horizontally
Tile vertically Tiles all windows vertically
Next Switch to the next open window
Previous Switch to the previous open window
Close all windows Close all open windows
Open windows list List of all windows on desktop

Page 14
Functions tree view

On the left there is a list of all available EMU functions grouped in

functional blocks. Depending on firmware version there could be
different set of functions. By expanding functional group user can
access parameters and tables.
Category Sensors setup contains all options required for calibrating
engine sensors as well as fail safe values.
Engine start category groups all function and tables used during
engine cranking. Enrichments group is responsible for all mixture
enrichments, and categories Fueling and Ignition respectively for fuel
dose and ignition angle. Category Knock Sensor contains functions
required for knock sensor configuration, category Idle is responsible for controlling engine's idle
speed. To configure AUX outputs (eg. Fuel pump, coolant fan, PWM outputs) category Outputs
needs to be used. Category Boost controls boost pressure, Sport contains functions used in
motorsport, Nitrous is responsible for nitrous oxide systems. For logging data and visaul
representation of EMU parameters categories Log i Gauges should be used.

There are 7 desktops in the Windows Client. On each desktop user can place tables, parameters
blocks, gauges, etc. Desktops layout is assigned to the specific EMU device and is stored on disk
when the windows client is closed.

Page 15

The Client of EMU device consists of several basic controls, which task is to facilitate the proper
configuration of the device. We can divide it into particular types:

Wizard (creatior)
Paramblock (parameter's block)
Table 2D
Table 3D
Visual log (parameters log)
Graph log (graphical log)

This tool allows you a quick selection of the saved, pre-specified, configuration of the given sensor.
An example of a wizard for a intake air temperature sensor is as follows:

The first cell in the right column is always in the form of a drop-down list. It allows to select the right
characteristics from the sensors or other devices defined by the manufacturer, such as:
thermistors, NTC, injectors, or by the option "User defined" open a blank column to fill in the
values for other sensors not defined in the program. Options of specific wizards will be discussed
in appropriate sections of the manual.

Page 16
Paramblock (parameters block)

It is a table, in which there are included particular options connected with the configuration of EMU
functions. Because of this, it is possible to set all parameters required for the configuration of the
given function.

Paramblock always has two columns, while the number of lines may vary from the example
indicated above, depending on the configured device function.
In cells of the left column there are descriptions of particular options, while in the right column there
are its values.
After clicking on the cell in the right column we get a chance to modify its content this can either
be a selection from the list, "on-off" option or simply a place to enter the value.

On the toolbar of this window there are 3 icons described below:

Open the file with the configuration of the given parameters block
Save the file with the configuration of the given parameters block
Restore default values of the given parameters bloc

Saving particular parameters blocks is useful during the exchange of configuration with other
users or to create the base of settings (e.g., configuration of various ignition systems).

Page 17
Table 2D

2D tables have the form of two-dimensional graphs, and are used to describe two-dimensional
non-linear functions. Thanks to their graphical form, they are clear and easy to use.

The table in the bottom are values presented in the graph. You can change the content of all cells,
while the values from the upper line correspond to the vertical axis on the graph, and values in the
lower axis to the horizontal one (bins).
In order to change the content you should mark the cells, which you want to modify, and then enter
the desired value. You can also change the value of cells by using the + and - keys. We will obtain
a smaller change if we press the ALT key, and greater if we press SHIFT.
On the toolbar of this window there are 2 icons described below:

Open the file with a 2D map

Save the file with a 3D map

Page 18
Table 3D
Below is an example of the three-dimensional map.

It consists of two main parts:

- Table with numeric values,
- Three-dimensional graph.

The way of modifying 3D maps is identical like in the case of 2D maps.

Additionally, on the toolbar there are the following icons:

Open the file with a 3D map

Save the file with a 3D map
Display only numeric values
Display only the 3D graph
3D graph and map of values are horizontally divided
3D graph and map of values are vertically divided

Additionally, on each 3D map you can modify values on the load axis (axis X), and values of
rotations (axis Y). To do this you should start the right wizard (they are available by right clicking on
the selected axis), or you can manually modify particular cells.

Page 19
X axis bins wizard

This wizard is used for automatic generation of values for the load axis (X).
Load min value minimal value for axis X,
Load max value maximal value for axis X,
Interpolation type way of dividing values on axis X
between the minimal and maximal value. We have 3
options to choose from:

Linear interpolation linear interpolation between values,

Exponential interpolation 1 exponential interpolation, version 1,
Exponential interpolation 2 exponential interpolation, version 2.

Table modification defines the way of tables value processing in relation to the scale change of
axis X.
Do not modify table do not modify the tables value,
Rescale this table modify only this table,
Rescale all tables modify all tables using this definition of axis X (recommended)

RPM bins wizard

Wizard of RPM values for scale Y acts identically as
wizard for axis X.

Page 20
Visual log
Using the parameters log we can real-time track the selected
parameters of the engines work. Parameters are grouped
according to the function, what facilitates tracking of the
devices functions (e.g. Idle control)

It is an informative tool, used to control particular parameters values in the real time. Apart from
the analogue display with a needle on the scale at the 270 degree angle, the indicator also shows
the precise value in the digital form. Examples are presented in the picture below:

Page 21
Graph log
Graph log is a control used to observe and analyse selected parameters of the engines work. The
presented data are in the graph form, while the precise reading of these data can be obtained by
moving the cursor on the selected point of the graph. The description of all logged parameters in is
appendix 1 at the end of the manual.

On the toolbar of this window there are 7 icons described below.

Open the file with a 2D table

Save the file with a 2D table
Expand the logos area
Decrease the logos area
Clean the graph
/ Pause / resume displaying data. Registration of data in the memory takes place
independently of this parameter.
Add / subtract the displayed parameters from the list

Page 22

When connecting the EMU device, special attention should be paid to the connection of devices
grounds and their wiring in the cars installation. Wrong connections can create loops, so called
Ground loops. Bad ground connections can cause many problems, such as noisy readings from
analogue sensors or problems with trigger errors. EMU device has several kinds of grounds.
Devices grounds (pin B17) is a ground used to power the device, analogue ground (pin B18) is
the ground point for analogue sensors, and power grounds (B24, G17 i G24) are used to supply
power outputs and ignition outputs. The perfect situation is when the devices ground and power
ground are connected to one ground point on the block / engines head and are lead through
separate wires. Power grounds in case of using active coils should be connected using wires with
the 1,5 2mm diameter. +12V power supply should be connected through the 3A fuse.

Below are the examples of grounds connections to the device.



Sensors ground
Device ground

Power grounds
Ground point
on the engine
EMU device power scheme

Page 23
In case of sensors used in cars electric installations, we are dealing with several types:
resistance sensors,
voltage sensors,
magneto-inductive sensors,
optical sensors / Halls,

Resistance sensors are used to measure temperatures (e.g. temperature of cooling liquid) or the
position of a throttle (TPS sensors). Voltage sensors are characterised by the fact that the value
they measure is expressed in voltage. Such sensors include the sensor of absolute pressure in the
intake manifold or the knock sensor.

The key sensors, from the point of view of engines management work, are sensors of crankshafts
positions and/or of camshaft, thanks to which it is possible to read the speed of the engine and to
control the ignition angle and injection.

The most popular sensor of this type is the variable reluctant (VR) sensor. It works on the principle
of inducing the electromotive force in the winding of sensors coil wound on a permanent magnet,
under the influence of ferromagnetic movement of the impulse wheel. The induced voltage is
proportional to the sensors distance from the impulse wheel and its rotational speed.

VR Sensor

Scope trace of VR sensor output using trigger wheel 60-2

Page 24
What is characteristic for this sensor is the fact that it has polarity, what is crucial when connecting
it to EMU. Inversely connected will prevent the synchronization of ignition. Signal from such sensor,
especially with low speeds, where its amplitude reaches several hundred millivolts, is very
sensitive to interference. For that reason it must always be connected with the cable in the screen.
It should also be emphasized that the screen connected to the mass can be only on one side of the
A different kind of sensor of engine speed is
a sensor using the so-called Halls +5V
phenomenon. In contrast to the variable
reluctant sensor, it requires powering. In Hall sensor
most such cases, sensors have open
collector outputs and require using the
pullup resistor (in case of EMU computer,
pullup 4K7 resistor is activated with the
proper output configuration. Czujnik Halla

Hall sensor

Scope trace of Hall sensor output using trigger wheel 60-2

Halls sensors require powering (5-12V), but they are much more resistant to interference than
magneto-inductive sensors. In practice, we also use shielded cables to minimise chances of
interference of the signal from the sensor.

In case of signals waveform from Hall sensors, we are also dealing with the term of so-called
signal edge (signal edge). We can distinguish two edges: rising (rising, when the voltages value
grows) and falling (falling, when the voltages value falls).

Page 25
In the picture above the falling edges are marked with red colour, and the rising edges with green

Page 26
Calibration of analogue sensors is done from the Sensors Setup level.

Coolant temperature sensor (CLT) and intake air temperature (IAT)

AT and CLT sensors are in most cases the NTC thermistors. NTC
thermistor is a nonlinear resistor, which resistance depends
strongly on temperature of the resistance material. As the English
names indicates - Negative Temperature Coefficient thermistor
has a negative temperature coefficient, so its resistance
decreases when temperature grows.

These sensors are connected to the EMU device in the following way:



CLT and IAT sensors wiring diagram

IAT and CLT sensor calibration takes place by using 2D tables, respectively, IAT Calibration and
CLT Calibration. This table defines the
dividers voltage created by the sensor
and built in the EMU pull-up resistor
corresponding to the given
temperature. In order to facilitate the
sensor calibration, you should use the

Page 27
Using the wizard we can use the predefined sensor, or create its characteristic, providing the
sensor resistance for 3 known temperatures. The highest difference of temperatures is
recommended in the wizard (these data can be found in the cars service book or can be collected
with ohmmeter in 3 different temperatures)

Predefined sensors names of predefined

sensors. In case of choosing the User defined
sensor it is possible to add temperature values
and resistance of own sensor.
After selecting the sensor, you should press the
OK button, what will create the calibration table.

Uwaga !
To permanently save a change in the devices FLASH memory, you should
select Make Maps Permanent option (shortcut key F2).

MAP SENSOR (manifold absolute pressure sensor)

Pressure sensors are used to measure pressure in the engines intake manifold (MAP sensor) and
atmospheric pressure (baro sensor). MAP sensor fulfils the following functions:
1. In algorithm Speed Density determines the engines load and is the basic parameter while
calculating the fuels dose and the angle of ignitions timing.
2. In case of boost control in the feedback loop, the pressures value in the intake collector is the
basic information for the algorithm.
3. Fuel cut, when the pressure value is very low or exceeds the maximum value (overboost fuel
4. BARO sensor is used to calibrate the fuel dose in case of algorithm Alpha-N

MAP sensor pressure should be taken from the intake manifold from the place closest to the
throttle, so that its value most closely matches the average pressure value in the intake manifold.
Pressure hoses should be as short as possible, with hard walls. In case of individual throttle
bodies, pressure from each runner should be connected to the collecting can and only then to the
MAP sensor. EMU device has an in-built pressure sensor with the measuring range of 400kPa, and
the in-built barometric pressure sensor. It is possible to use the external MAP sensor connected to
one of the analogue inputs.

Page 28
Using the configuration of the MAP sensor we
can decide whether use the in-built sensor
(Use built in map) or the external one. In case
of using the external sensor we should choose
the analogue input, to which we connect
(Analogue input) and we enter its measuring
scope 0 (MAP range and MAP offset).

B3, B11, B20, B19


Schemat podczenia zewntrznego czujnika MAP

TPS (Throttle position sensor)

Throttle position sensor is, next to MAP sensor, the key sensor allowing to define the engines load
in algorithm Alpha-N, to calculate the coefficient of enriching the mixture with the acceleration and
controlling engine idle. Calibration of this sensor is limited to the determination of 2 limit positions
of the boundary locations of acceleration pedal. Below is the configuration of this sensor:

Page 29
TPS sensor should be connected as follows:



TPS sensor wiring diagram

Lambda sensor

Lambda sensor allows to determine the

composition of fuel-air mixture. EMU device
supports both the narrowband sensor and
the wideband sensor (Bosch LSU 4.2) The
selection of the sensor is done in the set of
parameters Oxygen Sensor (Sensor Type).
In case of narrowband sensor, the further
configuration is not required. In case of
LSU 4.2 probe you should choose the fuel type (ARF value depends on it), and set the Rcal value
(this is the value of sensors calibration resistor and it can be measured with ohmmeter (ranges
from 30-300 ohms) between pins of 2 and 6 of LSU 4.2 sensor connector)

Uwaga !
Incorrect Rcal value will cause false readings of the lambda sensor!

Page 30
Values connected with PID controllers of lambda sensor controller should not be modified.
In case of LSU 4.2 probe, you should apply the following guidelines:
- the probe must be installed in the place, where temperature of exhaust gas does not exceed 750
- in turbo cars we install oxygen sensor in downpipe,
- the sensor should be installed in the position close to vertical,
- you should always use original connectors,
- the connectors must be clean and dry. You must not use means like contact spray or other anti-
corrosion means,
- you must not drive without a connected sensor into the EMU device, as it will cause a significant
shortening of probes life,
- EMU requires calibration (Rcal parameter) when being connected to the new probe.

6 4 2

5 3 1

Installation of the lambda probe in the exhaust system. Pionout of the LSU 4.2 connector

B5 1
G19 4 LSU 4.2
B22 5
B13 6


Bosch LSU 4.2 wiring diagram

Page 31

Vehicles speed sensor is usually placed in the gearbox. It is used by factory systems, e.g.,
speedometer or the system supporting the steering wheel (e.g., electrical support system).
Vehicles speed can be also read from ABS sensors.
Ecumaster EMU device uses the VSS reading to regulate the boost pressure towards the vehicles
speed, controlling idle or the recognition of the currently selected gear.

To configure the VSS sensor, you should open the set of parameters VSS and gearbox.
Types of sensors and signals, which they generate, have been described in the following sections.

Sensor type type of sensor used to read the speed. We can choose Halls sensor or inductive
sensor (VR sensor),
Trigger edge selection of the signals edge, which is to be used to read the speed,
Enable pullup switching the internal pull-up resistor (4K7), used in case of Halls sensor,
Speed ratio value of the multiplier of signals frequency from VSS sensor giving the right speed
expressed in km/h,
Gear 1- 6 ratios relation of frequencies from VSS sensor to the engines RPM. Information about
the current value can be read from the log (channel Gear ratio),
Ratio tolerance percentage value of the error while determining the current gear.

Page 32
VSS sensors connection



VSS wiring diagram. Hall type sensor



VSS wiring diagram. VR type sensor

Page 33

EMU device can use the K type thermocouple to measure the exhaust temperature. Sensor should
be installed as close to heads exhaust channels as possible.




K type thermocouples connection diagram

To maintain the accuracy of a thermocouple measurement system, K type
thermocouple cable is required to extend from the thermocouple sensor to the EMU

Page 34

In case of failure of essential engine's sensors, EMU device is equipped with a protection, enabling
the further ride under certain conditions. Smooth operation of the engine and its power will be
significantly lost, however this allows to keep the vehicles mobility, which allows you to reach the
service point.
In case of failure of any sensors IAT, CLT or MAP, EMU device will automatically take on values
determined by the user for the damaged sensor. These values can be adjusted in the parameter
set Failsafe.

Page 35
Analog Inputs

EMU device has 4 analogue inputs, which can be used as inputs activating functions of the device,
such as, e.g., launch control, or to log in signals from additional sensors. There is a possibility to
configure sensors, so that voltage from the sensor is presented as physical value, e.g., pressure
expressed in bars. To configure sensors connected to analogue inputs you have to use parameters
Analogue Inputs.

Unit - unit, in which values of the given analogue output will be represented,
Ratio - multiplicative constant of equation,
Offset - additive constant of equation,
Min. - minimal value of signal,
Max. - maximal value of signal.

Output value [UNIT] = Input voltage * RATIO + OFFSET

Page 36

Configuration of Fuelling parameters is responsible for fuel dosing, both for the doses size and the
fuel injection angle. The performing element in case of fuel dosage is the injector. It is the electro
valve that allows the precise dosage of the sprayed fuel. Fuel dosage is regulated by the width of
electric impulse on the winding of injector coil.
Directly to EMU we can connect Hi-Z injectors (>= 8 Ohm). Up to 2 Hi-Z injectors can be
connected to one Injector output . In case of Lo-Z injectors (<4 Ohm) we should apply the resistor
limiting the current (4,7 Ohm 50W) for each injector or additional external Peak and Hold controller.

Attention !
Connecting Lo-Z injectors directly to EMU device can lead to the damage of the
device or injectors.

Attention !
Injectors should be powered by the properly selected fuse. The fuses value results
from the maximal current taken by the given injectors.

Injectors are controlled by switching to the ground and require the connected power grounds (G17,
G24, B24)







4 Hi-Z injectors wiring example

Page 37

4R7 50W
4R7 50W
4R7 50W
4R7 50W


4 Lo-Z injectors wiring example

To determine required injectors flow rate, you should know the engine's BSFC. BSFC (brake
specific fuel consumption) is the amount of fuel needed to generate 1 horsepower per hour. For
naturally aspirated engines this value is about 5,25cm 3/min, while for turbo engines about
6cm3/min. We select injectors' flow rate to achieve the expected power with 80% duty cycle (DC).
Fuel injector duty cycle is a term used to describe the length of time each individual fuel injector
remains open relative to the amount of time that it is closed and is expressed in %.

Injectors flow rate = (Horsepower * BSFC) / (number of injectors * max. DC)

For example, for 4 cylinder naturally agitated engine with 150KM power

Injectors flow Rate = (150 * 5,25) / (4 * 0,8) = 246 cm 3/min

Page 38

Engine displacement engine displacement in cm3

Fueling type selection of algorithm used for calculating fuels dose. Description of algorithms
has been presented on the next page.
Enable baro correction activates real time correction of fuels dose in the function of barometric
pressure. The correction is defined in Barometric correction table. This function should be used in
algorithm Alpha-N.
Injectors size - flow rate of the single injector in cm3/min. It is assumed that the number of
injectors is equal to the number of cylinders. If their number is different, you should give the
average flow rate for a single cylinder.

Page 39

The basic algorithm of calculating the fuel dose can be used for turbo engines as well as for
naturally aspirated ones. It can be characterized by the fact that engines load is defined by the
value of absolute pressure in the intake manifold.

In this algorithm the fuel dose is calculated as follows:

PW = INJ_CONST * VE(map,rpm) * MAP * AirDensity * Corrections +

AccEnrich + InjOpeningTime

PW (pulse width) final time of injectors opening

INJ_CONST a constant for the given size of injectors, engines displacement,
pressure 100kPa, temperatures of the intake air 21C, VE 100%,
time of injectors opening required to obtain the stoichiometric
mixture (Lambda = 1)
VE(map, rpm) value of volumetric effectiveness read from the VE table
MAP(manifold absolute Intake manifold pressure
AirDensity percentage difference of air density towards air density in
temperature 21C
Corrections fuel dose corrections (discussed in the following pages)
AccEnrich acceleration enrichment
InjOpeningTime the time it takes for an injector to open from the time it has been
energized until it is fully open (value from the calibration map
Injectors cal.)

Page 40

Algorithm used in naturally aspirated engines, where there is no stable vacuum (sport cams, ITB,
etc.). It is characterized by the fact that the load is defined by the TPS. It is not sutable for
turbocharged engines.

PW = INJ_CONST * VE(tps,rpm) * AirDensity * Corrections + AccEnrich + InjOpeningTime

PW (pulse width) final time of injectors opening

INJ_CONST a constant for the given size of injectors, engines displacement,
pressure 100kPa, temperatures of the intake air 21C, VE 100%,
time of injectors opening required to obtain the stoichiometric
mixture (Lambda = 1)
VE(tps, rpm) value of volumetric effectiveness read from the VE table
AirDensity percentage difference of air density towards air density in
temperature 21C
Corrections fuel dose corrections (discussed in the following pages)
AccEnrich acceleration enrichment
InjOpeningTime the time it takes for an injector to open from the time it has been
energized until it is fully open (value from the calibration map
Injectors cal.)

Page 41
ALPHA-N with MAP multiplication

Algorithm combining features of Speed Density and Alpha-N. The load is defined by TPS, while VE
value is multiplied by the value of absolute pressure in the intake manifold. It can be used for both
naturally aspirated and turbocharged engines.

PW = INJ_CONST * VE(tps,rpm) * MAP * AirDensity * Corrections + AccEnrich +


PW (pulse width) final time of injectors opening

INJ_CONST a constant for the given size of injectors, engines displacement,
pressure 100kPa, temperatures of the intake air 21C, VE 100%,
time of injectors opening required to obtain the stoichiometric
mixture (Lambda = 1)
VE(tps, rpm) value of volumetric effectiveness read from the VE table
MAP(manifold absolute Intake manifold pressure
AirDensity percentage difference of air density towards air density in
temperature 21C
Corrections fuel dose corrections (discussed in the following pages)
AccEnrich acceleration enrichment
InjOpeningTime the time it takes for an injector to open from the time it has been
energized until it is fully open (value from the calibration map
Injectors cal.)

Page 42

Corrections = Baro * Warmup * ASE * EGO * KS * NITROUS

Corrections Final percentage value of fuel dose correction

Baro(barometric correction) Barometric correction used in Alpha-N algorithm
Warmup(warmup value of mixture enrichment in the function of cooling liquid
enrichment) temperature expressed in percentage
ASE(Afterstart enrichment) Enrichment applied after engine start for given number of engine
EGO(Exhaust gas oxgen correction according to indications of the Lambda probe
sensor correction)
KS(Knock Sensor enrichment in the moment of knock occurrence
NITROUS enrichment of the mixture with the activation of nitrous oxide system

Page 43

Injector Phase table combines the moment of fuel injection of specific ignition event. Ignition events
in the engines work cycle amounts to the number of cylinders. In the picture above there is
presented the configuration of injectors in the full sequence for the ignition order 1-3-4-2. In case of
the wasted spark injector, Injector Phase table may look as follows:

It should be emphasized that each injector is activated only once during the engines work cycle
(720 degrees).

Page 44

Parameters Fuel Cut are responsible for cutting the fuel dose in case of exceeding the demanded
RPM, pressure in the intake manifold or in case of closing the throttle plate.

RPM Limit engines speed, above which the fuel dose is completely cut.
Fuel cut above pressure pressure in the intake manifold above which the fuel dose is
completely cut. It is used as the protection from overboost.
Fuel cut under pressure cutting the fuel dose in case the pressure drops below the defined
Fuel cut TPS limit value from the TPS sensor below which the fuel dose can be cut, if engine
speed is above Fuel cut above RPM,
Fuel cut above RPM if the value of TPS sensor is below the value Fuel cut TPS limit
and RPM are above this value, the fuel dose is cut.
Fuel resume below RPM value of RPM below which the fuel dose is resumed,
Overrun fuel cut decay rate in case the fuel dose is cut, it defines the percentage how the fuel
dose should be decreased in the next engine turnover.

Page 45

EGO Feedback function is used to configure the work of algorithm of fuel dose correction using the
feedback from the Lambda sensor (both narrow and wide band). In case of narrow band probe,
we can only maintain value of NBO Ref Target. In case of wide band probe, AFR value for the
desired RPM and engine load is defined in the AFR table.

Enable EGO feedback activates the function of fuel dose correction,

Rich limit percentage value of the maximal enrichment of the fuel dose,
Lean limit percentage value of the maximal leaning the mixture,
NBO change step value used only in case of narrow band probe, it determines the percentage
the fuel dose can be changed,
NBO change rate - value used only in case of narrow band probe, it determines how often the
change of fuel dose can be made,
NBO ref target reference value of narrow board probe voltage,
Warmup time - value determining the minimal time from the moment of starting the engine, after
which the correction of fuel dose is allowed,
TPS limit value from the TPS below which the mixture correction is allowed,
Min CLT minimal value of temperature of the cooling liquid above which the mixture correction is
Min RPM minimal value of RPM above which the mixture correction is allowed,

Page 46
Max RPM value of RPM, above which the mixture correction is switched off,
Min MAP minimal value of pressure in the intake manifold above which the mixture correction is
Max MAP maximal value of pressure in the intake collector above which the dosage correction is
Fuel Cut delay ime in ms after which the correction is resumed, after cutting the Fuel Cut,
EGO kP gain coefficient of the proportional term of the PID algorithm,
EGO kI gain coefficient of the integrator term of the PID algorithm,
EGO Integral Limit value of the limit of the integrator term of the PID algorithm.

Page 47

Injectors cal. map is used to calibrate the time of injectors opening in the function of voltage in the
electrical system. The lower the voltage, the more time passes from energized injector's selenoid
until it is fully open. These times are different depending on the type of injector and the fuels
pressure. The higher the pressure, the longer injector opens.

In case of popular injectors, we can use the Injectors Wizard.

Page 48

The table of barometric correction defines how the fuel dose will change depending on the
barometric pressure. Used in the ALPHA-N algorithm. To activate this function you have to mark
the Enable Baro Connection option in General options.


VE table is the table of volumetric efficiency for the given load and RPM. In case of ALPHA-N
algorithm, the load is defined by the throttle position sensor, while in the case of Speed Density
algorithm through pressure in the intake manifold. Table resolution equals 0,1% VE.

Page 49

Afr Table indicates the desired AFR target for every engine speed and load point that the engine
might operate. To use this table EGO Feedback must be active.

Page 50

Configuration of ignition parameters is crucial from the point of view of the correct engine work and
should be performed with the utmost care.


Primary trigger is responsible for the type of signal controlling the work of the ignition system and
the base configuration of ignition timing.
Currently, there are supported signals from trigger wheel having from 12 to 60 symmetrical teeth.
In case 1 or 2 teeth are missing, it is not required to have the camshaft position sensor, however
this prevents the work in the full sequence of ignition and fuel.
Sensor type type of sensor on the trigger wheel. The choice includes the magneto-inductive
sensor (VR Sensor) and the Halls / Optical sensor. In the second case you should also activate
the Enable pull-up option.
Enable pullup activates the 4,7K resistor between the input and +12V. Function is mainly used
in case of optical sensors and Halls sensors, which output is usually the open collector,
Enable VR window filter digital filter for sensors of the magneto-inductive sensors. Should be
used with care,
Trigger type describes a kind of signal from the ring gear. Currently, there are 3 types available
to chose from:
Toothed wheel with 2 missing teeth - trigger wheel with two missing teeth (e.g., popular system
Bosch 60-2),

Page 51
Toothed wheel with 1 missing tooth - trigger wheel with one missing tooth (e.g., popular Fords
system 36-1),
Multitooth trigger wheel without missing teeth.

In next versions of the software the next types of trigger wheels will be implemented.

Number of cylinders number of engines cylinders. It also defines the number of ignition events,
which number is equal to the number of cylinders,

Num teeth (incl. Missing) number of teeth on the trigger wheel, including the missing teeth,

First trigger tooth - index of a tooth, which will mark out the first Ignition Event,

Trigger angle the angle defining how many degrees before the TDC of a cylinder is the first
trigger tooth. It is also the maximum spark advance. It should be usually within the 50-60 degrees

0 57

60O 60O

TDC 19 39

Sample ignition configuration for 60-2 trigger wheel

The above example of Trigger Tooth is defined as tooth 9, which is 60 degrees before TDC of the
first cylinder (tooth 19). The next ignition event will fall out on tooth 39 (in the engine the 4 cylinder
spark takes place every 180 degrees). It is crucial that trigger tooth for the next ignitron event
does not fall on the place of the missing tooth (teeth)! The configuration should be checked
with the ignition timing light!

Page 52
Depending on the type of the sensor, the scheme of connections looks as follows:

B7 Hall


Hall's / Optical sensor connection


B18 -

VR sensor connection

Uwaga !
In case of VR sensors connecting the sensor with the device must be done with the
shielded cable, while the shield must be connected to the ground only at one end!

Uwaga !
In case of VR sensor the sensors polarity is important!

Page 53

Secondary trigger is used to synchronize the ignition with the given cylinder, and what follows, it
enables the work in the full sequence of ignition and fuel injection. The currently supported system
of synchronization is the trigger wheel with one tooth placed on the camshaft. Both VR and Halls /
optical sensors are supported.
The selected edge of the signal informs the EMU device that the next trigger tooth will be the
ignition event number 1. In case this does not suit the first cylinder, we should change the order of
ignition outputs in the table of Ignition outputs.

Sensor type type of sensor on the trigger wheel. The choice includes the magneto-inductive
sensor (VR Sensor) and the Halls / Optical sensor. In the second case you should also activate
the Enable pull-up option.

Enable pullup activates the 4,7K resistor between the input and +12V. Function is mainly used
in case of optical sensors and Halls sensors, which output is usually the open collector,

Trigger type type of the trigger signal:

Do not use cam sync - do not use the synchronization of the camshaft position sensor,
1 tooth cam sync - use the synchronization with the camshaft position sensor and trigger wheel
with one tooth,

Trigger edge edge of signal from the camshaft position sensor, to which the first ignition event
will be synchronized.

Page 54
Depending on the type of the sensor, the scheme of connections looks as follows:

B15 Hall


Hall's / Optical sensor connection


B15 +
B18 -

VR sensor connection

Uwaga !
In case of VR sensors connecting the sensor with the device must be done with the
shielded cable, while the shield must be connected to the ground only at one end!

Uwaga !
In case of VR sensor the sensors polarity is important!

Page 55

Ignition Outputs table is responsible for assignment of particular cylinders (or pairs of cylinders in
case of wasted spark) to particular ignition events (Ignition events).

Spark distribution determines whether the EMU device will use the ignition distributor
(Distributor) or whether it will use ignition coils (distributorless systems), both single or double.

Coils type defines the type of the used ignition coils. In case of passive coils without ignition
modules we should choose the option of Coils without amplifier, in case of coils with the in-built
ignition module or by using the external ignition modules, you should choose option of Coils with
built in amplifier.

Uwaga !
In case of passive coils, the choice of the option of Coils with built in amplifier will
lead to the damage of coils or the EMU device!!!!

Uwaga !
In case of passive coils, the device can become hot. You should provide the device
with the way of getting rid of excessive heat.

Page 56
In ignition events fields we have a chance to assign the appropriate ignition outputs to ignition

4-cylinder engine, 1 passive coil is connected to

the ignition output #1, distributor.

4-cylinder engine, full ignition sequence, order of

cylinders ignition 1-3-4-2, active coils connected
in the following order: coil of the first cylinder to
the ignition output #1, coil of the second cylinder
to the ignition output #2, etc,

4-cylinder engine, wasted spark, ignition order 1-3-

4-2, passive coils connected in the order: coil of the
first cylinder to the ignition output #1, coil of the
fourth cylinder to the ignition output #2, coil of the
third cylinder to the ignition output #3, and coil of
the second cylinder to the ignition output #4.

Page 57
In case when the first ignition event does not occur in the first cylinder, you should properly modify
the table of Ignition Outputs. In the table below it is illustrated how the table of ignition outputs will
look like in case of ignition sequence 1-3-4-2, when the first ignition event does not correspond to
the first cylinder:

First Ignition Ignition Ignition Ignition

cylinder Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4
1 Ignition output 1 Ignition output 3 Ignition output 4 Ignition output 2
2 Ignition output 3 Ignition output 4 Ignition output 2 Ignition output 1
3 Ignition output 4 Ignition output 2 Ignition output 1 Ignition output 3
4 Ignition output 2 Ignition output 1 Ignition output 3 Ignition output 4

Example of connecting the ignition coils to the EMU device







Connection of 4 passive ignition coils

Uwaga !
In case of passive coils, you should never connect two coils to one ignition output.

Page 58






Sample of connection of 4 passive coils using ignition module

In case of active coils or using ignition modules, there is a chance to connect two coils or module
inputs to one ignition output in order to do wasted spark ignition.


For each ignition event you can introduce the angle correction of ignition advance by using the
table of Ignition event trims.

Page 59

Soft limiter of engine speed, as opposed to the limiter of engine speed based on fuel cut ( Fuel
Cut), enables the smooth RPM limitation. This limiter should be set below the Fuel Cut rev limiter.

Enable soft rev limiter - activates function of the engine speed soft limiter,

Rev limit value of limiters RPM,

Control range RMP range in which the spark cut takes place,

Spark cut percent maximal number of sparks in percentage, which may be cut in order to
maintain the RPM limit. If this value is too small, the algorithm will not be able to keep RPM limit.

Page 60

The coil dwell time table determines how long the ignition coil should be charged, depending on
the voltage in the electrical system. The lower the voltage, the longer the time of charging. Too
short time of coil charging will result in a weak spark and misfire, too long time will cause EMU and
ignition coil overheating.
In order to create the coil dwell time table you should use the wizard (Coils dwell wizard) or use
ignition coil manufacturers data.

In the wizard we select the coil model from the list and accept it by clicking the OK button, what will
cause the filling of Coil dwell time table with appropriate values.

Page 61

Coil dwell corr. table is used to correct the coil dwell time in the function of engines speed.


Ignition vs. CLT table determines the correction of the ignition advance in the function of
temperature of the cooling liquid.


Ignition vs. IAT table determines the correction of the ignition timing in function of the intake air

Page 62

Ignition angle table , is the main table of the ignition timing angle. Tables resolution is 0,5 degree.
Positive values mean the angle before TDC, while negative values after TDC. The total angle of
ignition advance is calculated as follows:

Angle = IGN(load,rpm) + CYLCorr(cyl) + IATCorr + CLTCorr + KSCorr + IDLECorr +

LCCorr + Nitro(load, rpm)

IGN(load,rpm) angle value of the ignition advance from the ignition table
CYLCorr(cyl) correction of the ignition timing in cylinder function
IATCorr correction of the ignition timing towards the intak air temperature
CLTCorr correction of the ignition timing towards the cooling liquid
KSCorr correction of the ignition timing due to the occurrence of engine
IDLECorr correction of the ignition timing by the idle function,
LCCorr correction of the ignition timing with the activation of the Launch
Control function
NITRO(load,rpm) correction of the ignition timing from the table of nitrous ignition mod.

Page 63

Settings in the parameter group Engine Start are used in the start-up phase of the engine.


Enable prime pulse activates the prime pulse function, so the additional fuel is injected whene
device is turn on. It is injected before starting the motor, so the fuel has the time to evaporate,
what makes starting engine easier. The size of the prime pulse is defined in the Prime Pulse table.

Batch all injectors turning on this option will make all injectors active the same time during
cranking (work in the full group mode). This option usually makes starting engine easier. In case of
small injectors, using this option may be necessary.

Cranking treshold RPM value when the device changes the working mode from Cranking to
After-start. Above these RPM the engine starts working by using the VE tables and all enrichments
and corrections. This value must be set higher than the engines speed while cranking.

Engine stall rev limit engine speed below which the device states that the engine stops working
and is initializing to the state after being turned on.

Page 64

This table defines the starting fuel dose expressed in ms, in function on the engines temperature.
The higher the temperature, the lower the dose. For temperature -40C the dose should be about
three times higher than for temperature 70C.

Uwaga !
Too high values of the starting dose may lead to engine flooding, making it
difficult for spark plugs to ignite the compressed mixture. For this reason, you
should start from short times and extend them until you reach the optimal
engine start up.


This table determine how the values from the Fuel during cranking table should be scaled,
depending on the current TPS position. In case of 100% opening of the throttle, the 0% value is
applied, what functions as the anti flood, so it prevents the spark plugs from flooding and allows the
cleaning of the combustion chamber from the excessive fuel.

Page 65

This table defines the injectors opening time during of the Prime pulse. This function should be
additionally activated in Parameters options (Enable Prime Pulse). The lower the temperature of
the engine, the higher the time of prime pulse.

Page 66

When the engine starts, the After-start Enrichment phase begins, in which the additional
enrichment of the fuel dose is active in order to maintain stable engine revolutions. This enrichment
depends on the temperature of the cooling liquid (the colder the engine, the bigger the
enrichment). 2D table of this enrichment has the name of ASE table.

ASE Duration parameter is the time in Enrichment (%)

Start enrichment
engines work cycles through which the After-
start enrichment takes place. It should be Duration
emphasized that with each cycle of engines
work, this enrichment gets smaller in the linear
Engine's cycles

Page 67

Enrichment of the fuel dose in the function of the cooling liquid temperature is used to compensate
the fact that fuel in low temperatures doesn't evaporate well. When the engine gets working
temperature, enrichment should equal 100% (lack of enrichment). For the additional protection of
the engine from overheating, we can introduce additional enrichment of the mixture above the
working temperature (additional fuel in many cases may help cool the engine).


During acceleration (rapid opening of the throttle plate) the rapid change of pressure in the intake
manifold takes place, and what follows is the air flow, what leads to the temporary leaning of the
mixture and the impression of the car poor acceleration. To prevent this phenomenon we use the
so-called Acceleration Enrichment. It is calculated based on the speed of throttle position angles
change, current angle of throttles plate and current engine speed.

Page 68
Parameters of Acceleration enrichment

dTPS Threshold - change of dTPS values (speed of throttle plate angles change) below which the
mixture enrichment is not applied. This value aims at eliminating the enrichment connected with
the noise of signal from the throttle positions sensor.

Sustain rate determines the rate at which the acceleration enrichment goes away. The higher
the value, the longer last the enrichment.

Enrichment Limit maximal enrichment of the mixture calculated by the function of Acceleration

Three 2D tables are connected with the function of Acceleration enrichment.

Acc. DTPS Rate

This table defines how much the fuel dose will be enrich in the function of change of the throttle
plate angle (dTPS). The faster the change of this angle, the greater the enrichment.

Page 69
Acc. TPS Factor

This table defines how the value from the table of Acc. dTPS rate should be scaled depending on
the current throttle angle. The higher the throttle angle, the smaller the enrichment.

Acc. RPM Factor

This table defines how the value resulting from the table of Acc. dTPS rate should be scaled
depending on the engines speed. The higher the engine speed, the lower the value of the

Acc enrichment = Acc. dTPS rate(dTps) * Acc. RPM Factor(rpm) * Acc. TPS Factor(tps)

Page 70


Configuration of Fuel Pump determines the output and parameters of controlling the fuel pump:

After start activity - determines the time for which the fuel pump will be activated after turning on
the ignition. This time must be long enough to achieve the nominal pressure in the fuel line.

Output name of the output to which we connect the relay controlling the fuel pump,

Invert output reversal of the output. It can be used to test the actions of the fuel pump,

Fuel pump should be connected with using the relay and the appropriate fuse (10-20A)

+12V +12V
30 86

87 85
G24 M

Sample connection of fuel pump

Page 71

The support of the coolant fan is performed by the Coolant Fan function.

Activation temperature temperature of activating the coolant fan,

Hysteresis hysteresis defines how much the temperature must fall below Activation Temperature
to turn off the fan,

Output name of the output to which we connect the relay controlling the fan,

Invert output reversal of the output. It can be used to test the fans actions.

+12V +12V
30 86

87 85
G24 M

Sample connection of coolant fan

Page 72

Tacho Output function is used to control the electronic tachometers. Based on the engine speed it
generates the square wave with the frequency proportional to the RPM. Tachometer should be
connected to the Aux 4 output which is equipped with 10K resistor connected to +12V. In case of a
different output, you should use an external pull-up resistor.

Output devices output to which the tachometer is connected,

RPM Multiplier value scaling the output frequency.




Sample connection of tachometer

Page 73
PWM #1

PWM #1 function is used to control the external solenoid valve using PWM signal, with the duty
cycle defined in the 3D table.
Output devices output to which the solenoid valve is connected,
Frequency frequency of the PMW signal,
Disable output if no RPM if the engine does not work, the PWM output is turned off ( DC = 0)

The duty cycle of PWM signal is defined in the 3D table PWM #1 Table,

In case of solenoid valves with large power consumption or high PWM frequency, you should use
the external Flyback diode.




Sample connection of PWM controlled selenoid with flyback diode

Page 74
Idle control is responsible for the regulation of the engine idle speed. Due to the changing
performance of the engine depending on its temperature, and also the change of its load by the
external devices (alternator, air-conditioning, etc.) it is necessary to introduce the correction of the
amount of the air flow on the idle speed. This function can be accomplished by the change of air
dosage the change of throttle position angle or the electro valve plugged in the by-pass system.
We distinguish the following types of air valves:

ON/OFF such valve has only two conditions: on and off. It is always a by-pass. Valves of such
type occur in old cars and it is a rarely used solution.




Sample connection of ON/OFF valve

PWM valve with the possibility of the smooth change of opening through the modulation of
impulses width. It is always a by-pass. Usually the increase of the duty cycle causes the increase
of the amount of air flowing through the valve. In case of valves controlled by high frequency (e.g.,
Bosch 0280 140 512) you should use the external flyback diode.




Sample connection of PWM valve with flyback didoe

Page 75
Stepper motor valve, which performing element is the stepper motor. It only requires the power
supply during the change of the stepper motor position.



Sample connection of PWM stepper motor

3 Wire PWM valve using two windings (e.g., Bosch 0280 140 505). When it is not powered, it is
in the middle position. Depending on which winding is powered, the valve will get more closed or




Sample connection of 3 wire PWM valve

Page 76

The basic configuration of control of engine idle speed is in the Idle Parameters options.

Idle valve type type of the connected valve (On/Off, PWM, Stepper), or its lack (Disable),
Frequency frequency of PWM valve or stepper motor,
Stepper steps range range of the stepper motor steps (you should provide the number of
Reverse work in the reverse direction (stepper motor), or with the reverse duty cycle
Idle PWM output output to which the PMW or On/Off valve is connected,
Afterstart RPM increase value which will be used to increase the engines speed for a short
time after the start-up towards the nominal speed determined in the map of Idle Target RPM,
Afterstart duration it determines what time after start-up the engine will work with the increased
idle speed,
Idle On if TPS below - TPS value below which the control of idle speed is turned on,
Idle Off if TPS over - TPS value above which the control of idle speed is turned off,
Increase idle above VSS vehicles speed above which the engine will have increased idle
VSS idle increase value value which will be used to increase the idle speed above the
demanded (as Increase idle above VSS parameter),

Page 77

Enable PID control activates PID regulator of the idle speed,

kP, kI, kD - gains of PID kP, kI, kD terms,
Integral limit+ maximal positive saturation of the regulators integrator,
Integral limit- maximal negative saturation of the regulators integrator,
Max feedback +, - -maximal value (appropriately + and ) which can be changed by the
regulator in the output DC defined in the table Idle ref table,
Deadband RPM maximal difference between the real engine speed and the one specified in the
table of Idle Target RPM below which the regulator will not correct the idle speed.


Enable ignition control activates the modification of ignition angle for the control of the idle
Max ignition advance specifies the maximal advance of ignition towards the nominal angle
resulting from the Ignition angle table and correction values,
Max ignition retard specifies the maximal retard of ignition towards the nominal angle resulting
from the Ignition angle table and correction values,
Igntion angle change rate specifies how often the correction of the ignition angle should be

Page 78

Idle Target RPM table defines the desired idle speed in the function of the cooling liquid
temperature. It should be underlined that in order to control idle speed towards this table, it is
necessary to activate the PID controller and/or ignition angle controller (Ignition control).


The base DC table of PMW valve or stepper motor steps, on which we perform the regulation of
idle speed. In case of the stepper motor, the value in this table means the scale of the maximal
amount of steps. E.g., 50 means 50% of the Stepper steps range value.

Page 79

MU device supports knock sensors (two channels) to take actions aiming at avoiding the
uncontrolled combustion (by enrichment of the mixture and retard the ignition angle).



Knock sensor sample connection

Uwaga !
Knock sensors should be connected using cables whith shield connected to the
ground at one end.


Knock frequency resonant knock frequency. This frequency is characteristic for each engine.
Gain gain of the signal from the knock sensor. It should be selected so that the value of sensor
voltage in the full RPM range with the no knocking does not exceed 3V,Integrator signals
integral time constant from the knock combustion sensor. It influences the voltage value from the
knock sensor.

Page 80

In sampling options we can define the so-called Knock window so the range in degrees of
crankshaft position, in which may appear the knock combustion. The signal from the sensor is
integrated only in this range.

Knock window start Crankshaft angle measured from the TDC, from which the time window

Knock window duration determines the time window length in degrees,

Ignition event 110 knock input defines from which knock sensor input the signal for particular
ignition events should be considered (dependency between events, and the order of ignition is
defined in Ignition Outputs).

Page 81

Engine Noise table defines the maximal voltage from the knock sensor for the proper combustion
of the mixture in the RPM function. If the voltage from the sensor exceeds the voltage from this
table, this will mean the knock occurs. The bigger the difference (Knock level), the stronger the

Knock action defines how the EMU device should behave in case of knock (Knock level > 0V).
Active activates the function of the prevention of the knock ,
Min RPM minimal engine speed above which the function is active,
Max RPM engine speed above which the function is deactivated,
Fuel enrich rate percentage mixture enrichment for each 1V of the Knock level value ,
Max fuel enrich maximal mixture enrichment,
Ignition retard rate the angle which the ignition is retarded for each 1V of the Knock level value,
Max ignition retard maximal ignition retard,
Restore rate number of engine revolutions counted from the moment of the knock
disappearance, after which the restoration of the nominal fuel dose and ignition advance takes

Page 82


ACC. ENRICHMENT Percentage value of mixture enrichment connected with acceleration
ACC. ENRICHMENT PW Time in ms, which will be used to extend the injection time due to
acceleration enrichment
ACC. IGNITION Ignition angle change due to acceleration enrichment
AFR Value of air to fuel ratio measured with the wide band Lambda sensor
AFR TARGET Value from AFR target table for the given load and engine speed
AFTERSTART Value of after-start enrichment
ANALOG 1 Analog input #1 value
ANALOG 2 Analog input #2 value
ANALOG 3 Analog input #3 value
ANALOG 4 Analog input #4 value
BARO Value of barometric pressure
BARO CORRECTION Percentage value of fuel dose correction in the barometric pressure
BATTERY VOLTAGE Voltage value from the battery
BOOST DC Final duty cycle of boost control selenoid valve
BOOST DC FROM Duty cycle of boost control selenoid valve from Boost DC table
BOOST DC PID Correction of duty cycle of boost control selenoid applied by PID
CORECTION regulator
BOOST TABLE SET Current boost tables set
BOOST TARGET Final value of the expected boost pressure
BOOST TARGET FROM Value of the expected boost pressure from the Boost target table
CAM SIGNAL PRESENT Information about the signals presence from the camshaft position
sensor on the input CAM 1
CAM SYNC TRIGGER Number of the tooth from the crank position sensor by which the
TOOTH signal from camshaft position sensor takes place
CLT Coolant liquid temperature value
CLT IGNITION TRIM Ignition angle correction due to coolant liquid temperature

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DWELL ERROR Error of the real versus desired time of the coils dwell timeIgnition
angle correction due to
DWELL TIME Value of the expected coils dwell time
EGO CORRECTION Correction of fuel dose based on Lambda probe readings
EGT 1 Temperature of exhaust gas probe #1
EGT 2 Temperature of exhaust gas probe #2
EMU RESET Information about EMU reset
EMU STATE Current device state:
INACTIVE - device is waiting for the signal from the shafts sensor,
CRANKING - engines speed forced by the starter,
AFTERSTART running engine, after-start dose enrichment
RUNING engine is working normally
FLAT SHIFT ACTIVE Flat shift function active
FLAT SHIFT FUEL CUT Information about fuel cut cased by flat shift
FLAT SHIFT IGN. CUT Information about spark cut caused by flat shift
FUEL CUT Information about fuel cut
GEAR Current gear
GEAR RATIO Ratio of engine speed and vehicle speed
IAT Value of intake air temperature
IAT IGNITION TRIM Ignition angle correction due to intake air temperature
IDLE CONTROL ACTIVE Idle control active
IDLE IGNITION Ignition angle correction due to idle speed control algorithm
IDLE MOTOR STEP Position in steps of idle control stepper motor
IDLE PID DC Value of DC correction of the valve controlling idle speed introduced
CORRECTION by PID algorithm
IDLE TARGET Required value of idle speed
IDLE VALVE DC DC value of idle control selenoid valve
IGNITION FROM TABLE Ignition angle from Ingition table
IGNITION ANGLE Final ignition angle
INJECTORS CAL. TIME Time form Injectors cal. table
INJECTORS PW Final injectors pulse width
KNOCK ACTION FUEL Percentage value of mixture enrichment in connection to the detection
ENRICHMENT of the knock
KNOCK ACTION IGN. Value of ignition angle correction due to occurrence of knock
KNOCK ENGINE NOISE Voltage value from Engine noise table

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KNOCK LEVEL Value of knock (0 if no knock present)
KNOCK SENSOR VALUE Raw value of voltage from knock sensor
LAMBDA Lambda value of mixture
LC ACTIVE Launch control function active
LC FUEL ENRICHMENT Value of mixture enrichment by the Launch control function
LC IGN. RETARD Value of ignition angle correction due to Launch control function
MAP Value of manifold absolute pressure
NITROUS ACTIVE Active function of controlling the nitrous oxide injection
NITROUS FUEL SCALE Value of mixture enrichment by functions of controlling the nitrous
oxide injection
NITROUS IGN. Value of modification of the ignition angle by the function of nitrous
MODIFICATION oxide control
OVERDWELL Information about occurrence of overdwell
PARAM. OUTPUT 1 Parametric output #1 active
PARAM. OUTPUT 2 Parametric output #2 active
PWM 1 DC Duty cycle of PWM #1 output
RPM Engine speed
SHIFT LIGHT ON Shift light output active
TPS RATE Rate of change of throttle position
TRIGGER ERROR Trigger error:
NO ERROR correct signal from crank and cam sensors
TOOTH OUT OF RANGE tooth number of primary trigger out of
predefined range
UNEXPECTED MISSING TOOTH unexpected missing tooth on
primary trigger input
CAM SYNC ERROR cam synchronization error
TRIGGER SYNC Ignition synchronisation status:
STATUS NO SYNC no synchronization
SYNCHRONISING trying to synchronizing
SYNCHRONISED synchronized. Spark and fuel injection starts to
VE Value of volumetric efficiency from VE table
VEHICLE SPEED Vehicle speed
VSS FREQUENCY Frequency of signal from VSS
WARMUP ENRICHMENT Fuel enrichment due to Warmup enrichment table
WBO HEATER DC WBO heater duty cycle

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WBO IP MEAS. Measured value of WBO IP
WBO IP NORM. Normalized value of WBO IP
WBO RI Measured value of WBO RI
WBO VS Measured value of WBO VS

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