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shall be required of the applicants for inter-country adoption.

a) Application Form. An application form prescribed by the Board which includes the
following shall be accomplished by the husband and wife:

Undertaking under oath signed by the applicants

Information and Personal Data of the Applicants

b) Home Study Report to be prepared by the Central Authority or an ICAB accredited

Foreign Adoption Agency.

c) Supporting Documents. The supporting documents to be attached to the Application

shall consist of the following:

1) Birth Certificates of the Applicants and, in cases of relative adoption,

such relevant documents that establish the relationship between the
applicant claiming relationship to the child to be adopted;

2) Marriage Contract of the applicants, and in the proper case, Decree of

Divorce of all the previous marriages of both spouses;

3) Written consent to the adoption in the form of a sworn statement by the biological
and/or adopted children of the applicants who are ten (10) years of age or over;

4) Physical and medical evaluation by a duly licensed physician;

5) Psychological evaluation by a psychologist;

6) Latest income tax return or other documents showing the financial capability of the

7) Clearances issued by the Police Department or other proper government agency of

the place where the applicants reside;
8) Character reference from the local church/minister, the applicants employer and a
member of the immediate community who have known the applicant(s) for at least five
(5) years; and

9) A Certification from the appropriate government agency that the applicant is qualified
to adopt under his/her national law and that the child to be adopted is allowed to enter
the country for trial custody and reside permanently in the said place once adopted;

10) Recent postcard size pictures of the applicant, their immediate family members and
their home; and

11) Self-Report Questionnaire (required when the Psychological Evaluation is


SECTION 29. FEES, CHARGES AND ASSESSMENTS. - There shall be a fee to be

determined by the Board upon filing of the application for adoption. Upon acceptance of
the matching proposal, a corresponding fee shall be charged based on the schedule
of fees fixed by the Board and communicated to all Central Authorities and Foreign
Adoption Agencies. These and other fees shall be charged to support the operational
expenses of the inter-country adoption program. Such fees, charges and assessments
shall be indicated in the application form and communicated to all Central Authorities and
foreign adoption agencies.

SECTION 30. WHERE TO FILE APPLICATION. - The application shall be filed with the
Board through the Central Authority or an accredited Foreign Adoption Agency (FAA) in
the country where the applicant resides. Foreigners who file a petition for adoption in the
Philippines under the Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 otherwise known as RA 8552, the
Court, after finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance and a proper case
for inter- country adoption, shall immediately transmit the petition to the Board for

appropriate action. The Board shall then act on the application following the procedures
described in these Rules.

SECTION 31. ROSTER OF APPROVED APPLICANTS. - The Board shall establish a

Roster of Approved Applicants to be updated at least quarterly. The Board shall act on
each application within one (1) month from receipt thereof, provided the application and
documentary requirements are complete.


child who has been committed to the Department and who may be available for inter-
country adoption shall be endorsed by the Department to the Board. The endorsement
shall contain a certification by the Department that all possibilities for adoption of the child
in the Philippines have been exhausted and that inter-country adoption is in the best
interests of the child.

In cases of relative adoption, a Certification issued by the DSWD Field Office

Director together with the Child Study Report (CSR) and other supporting
documents shall be endorsed to the Board.

SECTION 33. CHILDS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. - The following documents

pertaining to a.

b. c.

d. e. f.

the child shall be attached to the endorsement:

Child Study and Updated Report (if CSR had been prepared more than six (6) months
ago) prepared by the social worker of the DSWD or NGO Child Caring/Child Placing
Agency at the time of matching shall include information about the childs identity,
upbringing, and ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds, social environment, family
history, medical history and special needs;

Security Paper (SECPA) of the Birth or Foundling Certificate;

Certified True Copy of the Decree of Abandonment together with the Certificate of Finality
for such judgment or the Notarized Deed of Voluntary Commitment executed after the
birth of the child;

Certified True Copy of the Death Certificate of the childs birthparent/s, if applicable;

Updated medical evaluation and history of the biological family, if available,

Psychological evaluation for children above five (5) years old or as may be deemed
necessary by the ICPC;

g. Childs own written consent to adoption, if he/she is ten (10) years or older, witnessed
by a social worker of the Child Caring/Placing Agency and after proper counseling;

h. Most recent whole body size picture of the child (taken within six (6) months upon
submission of documents). If applicable, any physical impairment of the child
should be visible in the picture.


ADOPTION.- A Roster of Children endorsed by the Department for inter-country adoption
shall be prepared, maintained and updated by the Secretariat on a monthly basis.

SECTION 35. MATCHING. - The matching of the child with an applicant shall be carried
out during a matching conference by the Committee together with the head or social
worker of the agency or the Secretariat social worker of the ICAB to whom the
presentation is delegated . The Board shall set the guidelines for the manner by which
the matching process shall be conducted. These are the matching procedures:

a. Pre-Matching

i. Review of Adoption Dossiers

ii. Submission of Matching Proposal

b. Matching Conference

i. Presentation of the Social Worker

ii. Deliberations

iii. ICPC Recommendation

c. Post Matching Conference

i. Presentation by the ICAB Secretariat Social Worker

ii. Board Action

SECTION 36. APPROVAL OF MATCHING. - The Committee shall endorse the matching
proposal to the Board for its approval or other appropriate action. The endorsement shall
state the reasons for the Committees recommendation of the placement.


immediately act on the matching proposal of the Committee. If the same is approved, a
notice of matching shall be sent to the concerned Central Authority or foreign adoption
agency within five (5) days from the date of approval and shall be accompanied by the
following documents:

a. Child Study Report and Updated Report (if CSR had been prepared more than six (6)
months ago;

b. Updated medical evaluation of the child and psychological evaluation, if applicable;

c. Most recent whole body size picture of the child (taken within six (6) months upon
submission of documents); and

d. Itemized pre-adoptive placement costs.

The applicant/s shall notify the Central Authority or Foreign Adoption Agency in writing of
their decision on the matching proposal within fifteen (15) working days from receipt of
said proposal. If the applicant needs additional information about the child and/or they
need more time to arrive at a decision, an extension of thirty (30) working days may be


matching arrangement except under these Rules shall be made between the applicant
and the childs parents/guardians or custodians, nor shall any contact between them
concerning a particular child be done before the matching proposal of the Committee has
been approved by the Board. This prohibition shall not apply in cases of adoption of
a relative or in cases where the childs best interests as determined by the Board
is at stake.

SECTION 39. PLACEMENT AUTHORITY. - The Board shall issue the Placement
Authority within three (3) working days upon receipt of the applicants acceptance of the
matching proposal and the corresponding fees from the Central Authority or the FAA.

The Board shall transmit a copy of the Placement Authority to the Department of Foreign
Affairs and to the Central Authority or FAA.

SECTION 40. PRE-ADOPTIVE PLACEMENT COSTS. - Upon acceptance of the

matching proposal, the applicant, through the Central Authority or the FAA, shall pay the
expenses incidental to the pre-adoptive placement of the child, including the cost of the
childs travel, medical and psychological evaluation and other related expenses.


of the Placement Authority and prior to the departure, the child shall be prepared for
his/her placement by the concerned Child Caring/Placing Agency to minimize the anxiety
and trauma due to separation from the persons with whom the child may have formed
attachments. Further, the preparation shall ensure that the child is physically able and
emotionally ready to travel and to form new relationships.

SECTION 42. PHYSICAL TRANSFER OF THE CHILD. - The adoptive parents or anyone
of them shall personally fetch the child from the Philippines not later than twenty (20)
working days after notice of issuance of the visa of the child for travel to the country where
the applicant resides. The applicant shall stay in the country with the child for at least five
(5) days to allow bonding to occur between and among them.

Should the applicants be unable to fetch the child/children within the said period, a letter
from the CA or FAA explaining such shall be required. The unauthorized failure of the
applicant/s to fetch the child within said period may result in the cancellation of the
Placement Authority.


adoption of the child is not pursued during the applicants period of stay in the country,
the Board and the concerned Child Caring Agency shall be duly notified by the applicant.
Appropriate steps shall be undertaken by the Board to ensure that the best interest of the
child is protected.

The Board shall immediately inform the Central Authority and/or the FAA about the
decision of the applicants to leave the child/children behind.

All travel documents of the child shall be turned over by the applicants to the Secretariat
before returning to their country. In accordance with Article 19 (3) of the Hague
Convention, the applicants documents shall be returned to the Central Authority or FAA

SECTION 44. TRANSFER OF CUSTODY OF THE CHILD. - Trial custody shall start upon
physical transfer of the child to the applicant who, as custodian, shall exercise substitute
parental authority over the person of the child.
and/or the FAA of the State to which the child has been transferred shall supervise and
monitor the placement of the child with the applicants, maintaining communication with
the applicants from the time the child leaves the Philippines up to the time adoption is

The FAA shall be responsible for the pre-adoptive placement, care and family counseling
of the child for at least six (6) months from his/her arrival in the residence of the
applicant/s, when applicable. During the pre-adoptive placement, the FAA shall furnish
the Board with quarterly reports on the childs health, psycho-social adjustment, and
relationship with the applicant/s. The report shall also include updated information
regarding the applicants personal circumstances, if any. The Board shall furnish the
childs CCA a copy of the reports.

Relative adoptions are subject to the same requirements under this Section.

period, the Central Authority and/or the FAA shall immediately notify the Board if any
serious ailment, injury or abuse is suffered by the child from the adoptive parent(s) or
from other household members or the adoptive parent/s suffer from any serious ailment
or injury that will make the adoption untenable.

The Central Authority and/or the FAA shall take the following measures to protect the

a. Medical/psychological interventions;

b. Emergency foster care; and

c. Respite care.

A report shall be submitted to the Board within seventy-two (72) hours, to include the
nature of the injury and the interventions provided.

In the event that all efforts to restore the parent-child relationship between the child and
the applicant/s fail, Sections 48 and 49 of these Rules shall apply.


serious damage in the relationship between the child and the applicant/s where the

placement of the child is not in his/her best interests, the Central Authority and/or the FAA
shall take the necessary measures to protect the child, in particular, to cause the child to
be withdrawn from the applicant/s and to arrange for his/her temporary care.

The Central Authority and/or FAA shall exhaust all means to remove the cause of the
unsatisfactory relationship which impedes or prevents the creation of a mutually
satisfactory adoptive relationship. A complete report should be immediately forwarded to
the Board with actions taken as well as recommendations and appropriate plans. Based
on the report, the Board may terminate the pre-adoptive relationship.

In every instance, the collaboration between and among the Central Authority and/or the
FAA and the Board shall be carried out to ensure the protection of the child.

SECTION 48. NEW PLACEMENT FOR CHILD. - In the event of termination of the pre-
adoptive relationship, the Board shall identify from the Roster of Approved Applicants a
suitable family with whom to place the child. The Central Authority and/or the FAA may
also propose a replacement family whose application shall be filed for the approval of the
Board. No adoption shall take place until after the Board has approved the application of
such replacement family.

Taking into consideration the age and degree of maturity of the child, he or she shall be
consulted and, when appropriate, his or her consent shall be obtained.

In the entrustment of the child to a replacement family, Section 39 and Sections 44-46 of
these Rules shall apply.

A foster family who eventually decides to adopt the child under its care shall comply with
the requirements of Sections 26-30 and Sections 34-36 of these Rules.

SECTION 49. REPATRIATION OF THE CHILD. - If the Board, in coordination with the
Central Authority and/or the FAA is unable to find a suitable replacement family for the
child within a reasonable period after the termination of the pre-adoptive relationship, the
Board, as a last resort, shall arrange for the childs repatriation. The current prospective
adoptive parents through the CA/FAA shall shoulder the cost of the childs repatriation.
The Board shall inform the Department, the Child Caring/Placing Agency concerned and
the Department of Foreign Affairs of the decision to repatriate the child.

SECTION 50. CONSENT TO ADOPTION. - If a satisfactory pre-adoptive relationship is

formed between the applicant/s and the child, the Board shall transmit an Affidavit of
Consent to the Adoption executed by the Department to the Central Authority and/or the
FAA within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the last post placement report.

SECTION 51. FILING OF PETITION FOR ADOPTION. - The Central Authority and/or the
FAA shall ensure that the applicant/s file the appropriate petition for the adoption of the
child to the proper court or tribunal or agency in accordance with their national law.

SECTION 52. DECREE OF ADOPTION. - A copy of the final Decree of Adoption or its
equivalent, including the Certificate of Citizenship/Naturalization, whenever applicable,
shall be transmitted by the Central Authority and/or the FAA to the Board within one (1)
month after its issuance. The Board shall require the recording of the final judgment in
the appropriate Philippine Civil Registry.


disapproval of the petition for adoption by the foreign tribunal or agency filed by the
applicant, the procedures under Sections 48, 49 and 50 shall apply.

SECTION 54. POST ADOPTION SERVICES. - The Board shall allocate funds for Post
Adoption Services and Research. It shall also establish guidelines to cover this program.


SECTION 55. RECORDS. - All records relating to adoption cases and proceedings shall
be kept confidential. No information thereof shall be released without written authority
from the Board or from any of the following:

a. The adopted person of legal age; b.The guardian of the adopted person if still a minor
or under guardianship;

c. The adopted persons duly authorized representative;

d.The court or proper public official whenever necessary in an administrative, judicial or

other official proceeding to determine the identity of the parent or parents or of the
circumstances surrounding the birth of the adopted person; or

e. The nearest of kin, e.g. spouse, adoptive parent(s), direct descendant(s), etc. in case
of the death of the adopted person.
FROM ICAB website (pero it says for relative adoption lang pero feel ko same lang sya
until after the adoption process)
Pre-application application pre-placement placement post-placement

Pre-Application Phase:

There is a need to first determine if the child being sought for adoption by the Prospective
Adoptive Parents (PAPs) is eligible for inter-country adoption. The process of
establishing the eligibility of the child is undertaken by the Department of Social Welfare
and Development (DSWD).

The agency will conduct the child study as well as facilitate the submission of the required
supporting documents. To better enable the ICAB to refer the childs case to the DSWD,
the prospective adoptive parents are required to accomplish and submit the
Questionnaire for Relative Adoption Applicants (QRAA) including its required
attachments to the Central Authority (CA) or ICAB accredited Foreign Adoption Agency
(FAA) in their country of residence.

The CA/FAA shall endorse to ICAB the the completed QRAA with the agencys
assessment and recommendation on the prospective adoptive parents.

The PAPs should indicate the complete name, current address and any contact numbers
(telephone/e-mail address) of the child and the guardian/s or custodian/s in the
Philippines. This form can be downloaded from the ICABs website:

The eligibility assessment period of the child may take 3-6 months from the time the ICAB
referred the case of the child to the DSWD.

Should the DSWD determine the childs proposed adoption by relatives abroad redound
to his/her best welfare and interests, the DSWD will prepare and endorse officially the
Child Study Report and supporting documents to the ICAB.

Application Phase:

Simultaneously with the eligibility assessment being done on the prospective adoptive
child by the DSWD, the PAPs must contact any of ICABs accredited Foreign Adoption
Agency (FAA) or Central Authority (CA) in the Country/State/Province/Territory where the
PAPs reside.

The list of CAs/FAA/Government Adoption Agency (GAA) is available in the ICABs


The CA/FAA/GAA will not only assess the PAPs capability, eligibility, and suitability via
the undertaking of the Home Study Report but also facilitate the official endorsement of
the adoption application, required supporting documents and application fee to the ICAB.

Once the childs and PAPs dossier are received by the ICAB, the social worker in-charge
or assigned to the case will undertake the needed complete staff work.

Review/assess and evaluate both the childs and PAPs dossier based on the
requirements of the ICA Law as well as the existing guidelines of the Board. If there are
some lacking pieces of information and/or supporting documents on either or both parties
(child/PAPs), a request will be made to the concerned DSWD Field Office or CA/FAA

If the information and documents are complete and substantive, the ICAB social worker
will evaluate the case and come up with recommendation/s for the Boards disposition.

The ICAB social worker will inform the DSWD Field Office and the CA/FAA on the action
taken by the Board on the proposed adoptive placement (i.e. approval, disapproval or

In cases of disapproval, the PAPs are given the chance to appeal for the Boards
consideration of their decision. They should provide the Board with sufficient grounds for
their appeal.

Pre-Placement Phase:

In cases of approved adoptive placements, the PAPs through their CA/FAA

are required to pay the processing fee and pre-travel fees quoted in the notice of
approval so that the ICAB Secretariat could start processing the childs/rens travel
documents (i.e. Birth Certificate in security Paper(SECPA) of the National Statistics
Office (NSO), passport, visa medical (if applicable), visa picture, visa fee, Commission on
Filipino Overseas (CFO), Department of Tourism (DOT), etc.).

The processing time varies from one country to another. There are countries that do not
require visa medical examinations and visa interviews.

Placement Phase:

Upon completion of the childs travel documents, the ICAB sends the Notice of Travel to
the PAPs through the CA/FAA for the PAPs scheduling of their travel/trip to the Philippines
to fetch the child.
The ICAB must be informed of the PAPs travel itinerary/travel dates to the Philippines.

Upon arrival in the Philippines, the PAPs must contact the ICAB for the schedule of the
Pre-Departure Visit (PDV) at the ICABs office.

During the PDV of the child and the PAPs at the ICAB office, all travel documents of the
child are officially turned over/endorsed to the PAPs. The PAPs may share their initial
experiences in caring for the child or have clarificatory queries with the concerned
ICAB social worker.

Post Placement Phase:

The Philippine Inter-country Adoption Law requires a six (6) months post placement
period or trial custody period where three (3) Post Placement Supervisory Reports along
with pictures of the child and the PAPs (or extended family) must be submitted to the

The third (3rd) or final Post Placement Report (PPR) contains the recommendation of the
CA/FAA that a satisfactory parent-child relationship has been established and that the
adoption can now be finalized.

Upon receipt of the (PPR) indicating a mutually, satisfying parent-child relationship, the
ICAB issues the Affidavit of Consent to Adoption (ACA) executed by the DSWD. The
ACA is the document issued within 30 days after receipt of the 3rd PPR.
In cases of disruption, please refer to Section 47 of the Amended Implementing Rules
and Regulations of RA 8043.

Adoption Phase:

Once the adoption has been finalized at the foreign court/tribunal/administrative office in
the country of residence of the PAPs, the CA/FAA is required to submit to the ICAB a
Certified True Copy of the Adoption Decree/Order and if applicable, the Certificate of

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