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Child labour; the effect on child, causes

and remedies to the revolving menace

Department of Human Geography

University of Lund, Sweden Author: Lana Osment
Utvecklingsstudier, kandidatkurs UTVK01
Spring 2014 Supervisor: Erik Jnsson
Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Research purpose and questions ......................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Methodology ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Delimitation ........................................................................................................................................ 7
1.5 Outline................................................................................................................................................. 8
2 Background ................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Child labour in India ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 The legal framework and policies to control child labour in India ................................................... 10
2.3 Child labor in Nigeria ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 The legal framework and policies to control child labour in Nigeria ............................................... 11
3 Defining and contextualising child labour ............................................................................................... 12
3.1 Definition of child labour.................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Overview of Child labour ................................................................................................................. 13
3.3 Rural and urban child labour ............................................................................................................. 14
3.4 Gender differentials in child labour .................................................................................................. 15
3.5 Child labour and poverty .................................................................................................................. 15
3.6 Types of child labour ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.7The International Organizations......................................................................................................... 17
3.7.1 ILO Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment and work (1973) .. 17
3.7.2 ILO Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labour (1999) ............................................ 17
3.8 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).................................................. 18
3. 9Tackling child labour on International instruments .......................................................................... 19
4 Socio-economic factors related to child labour........................................................................................ 20
4.1 Poverty as root cause..................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Family size .................................................................................................................................... 20

4.3 Family condition ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Traditional or cultural factor ......................................................................................................... 20
4.5 Corruption ..................................................................................................................................... 21
4.6 Civil war........................................................................................................................................ 21
4.7 Urban migration ................................................................................................................................ 21
4.8 Globalization ..................................................................................................................................... 22
4.9 Relationship between Child Labour, Family income and Education ................................................ 22
4.9.1 Child labour and schooling ............................................................................................................ 23
4.9.2 The opportunity costs of education ................................................................................................ 23
4.9.3Combining school and work ........................................................................................................... 24
4.9.4 The impact of child labour on educational achievement ............................................................... 24
5 Comparing child labour in India and Nigeria .......................................................................................... 25
5.1 India .................................................................................................................................................. 25
5.1.2Nigeria............................................................................................................................................. 25
5.1.3 The legal framework in India and Nigeria ..................................................................................... 26
5.1.4 Determinants of child labour and school attendance in India and Nigeria .................................... 28
5.1.5 Correlates of child labour ............................................................................................................... 29
6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 30
6 Reference ................................................................................................................................................. 32

List of Abbreviations:

CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child

CSR Committee on the Rights of the Children

C138 ILO Convention No. 138 on the Minimum Age

for Admission to Employment and work

C182 ILO Convention Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the
Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour No. 182

ILO International Labour Organization

IPEC International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

It has been observed over decades that, poverty forces poor families to send their children to
work, which results in a serious problem the world is facing nowadays. Child labour can leave
many severe consequences on children and their families. When children work, it does not mean
as a standard, they support their families economically, neither all of them get paid for their work
since many of them work as bonded labour or as slaves. In addition to that, they face many
problems which may cause permanent damage to their childhood.

Children usually work to contribute and provide financial support to their families. Their health
is often ignored by their parents or they may not be aware about their childrens health. This
paper illustrates how both India and Nigeria have adopted laws and regulations to eliminate child
labour. However despite all the efforts, child labour and the factors that influence the incidence
of child labour continues to be prevalent.

The results from this study explain the reasons which forces children to work, poverty. This
paper also draws conclusion that governments, societies, and communities should cooperate in a
better way with each other to decrease child labour. Possible and innovate solutions and
suggestions are arose at the end of this paper.

Keywords: child labour, poverty, education, India, Nigeria, governments, International labour

Child labour; the effect on child, causes
and remedies to the revolving menace

1 Introduction
For many years, child labour has been one of the biggest obstacles to social development. It is a
challenge and long-term goal in many countries to abolish all forms of child labour. Especially in
developing countries, it is considered as a serious issue these days. Child labour refers to
children who miss their childhood and are not able to have the basic amenities which a child
should have. Recently the International Labour Organization (ILO,2013) estimated there are
around 215 million children between the ages five to fourteen who works worldwide. They
are often mistreated and work for prolonged hours, in very bad conditions. This can affect their
health physically, mentally and emotionally. These children do not have the basic rights like
access to school or health care.

According to ILO (2013) the largest numbers of child labourers are working in hazardous work
and the total number of child workers is increasing, even though it is forbidden by law. These
children are vulnerable to diseases and they struggle with long-term physical and psychological
pain. The main cause that induces children to work is poverty. These children work for their
survival and their families. (Mapaure, 2009).Some studies like Dessy and Pallage (2003) argue
not all the work that children do is harmful or brutal. Some work may provide successful
learning opportunities, such as babysitting or newspaper delivery jobs, but not if the work
exposes them to psychological stress, like human trafficking, prostitution and pornographic

The international organizations have made great efforts to eliminate child labour across the
world. Many countries have adopted legislation to prohibit child labour; nonetheless child labour
is widespread throughout the world. It is not easy task for low income countries to achieve
banning child labour. Several studies and international organizations considered that education is
the key strategy in addressing child labour, and it can help children to stay away from work.
However not every family can afford to send their children to school or, even if they enrolled,
afford to keep them attending the school.

1.2 Research purpose and questions

Child labour is a serious problem and a challenge for many developing countries. Many
countries have enacted various laws and have taken serious initiatives to eradicate child labour,
but still the problem is very widespread throughout the world. This paper critically examined
child labour in India and Nigeria and how both governments undertake various programs to
eradicate child labour through different organizations and agencies. In addition to understanding
and investigating different reasons behind the plague of child labour that has engulfed
throughout the world and a brief review on how child labour has so far been studied .Further,
this paper states how to contribute to in raising the governments awareness about the importance
of issues related to child labour, education and their living condition.
This research work addresses a question:

What are the current patterns in child labour in India and Nigeria now?
What kind of policies are adopted to address child labour in India and Nigeria?
How does policies adopted relate to previously identified causes?

1.3 Methodology

This study it has been based on a comparative case study between two countries. The
comparative method is going to give the researchers practical tools for analysis and research.
This approach allows the researcher to understand when two or more cases are set against one
another(Bryman 2008, p.58). In order to answer research question secondary data is collected
through literature material researched from academic books, articles, and news and research
reports on child labour, poverty education and public health of child labour. The literature review
is mostly based on research papers of different scholars and reports provided by UNICEF, ILO
and World Bank in terms of international labour standards and human rights conventions.
Secondary data were also extracted from international organisations like the ILO, the UN and the
World Bank. This paper attempts to provide with realistic overview of the child labour situation.
Peer reviewed online resources and academic articles written by different scholars, were used in
this paper to determine the existing child labour policies.

1.4 Delimitation

Since child labour is an extremely complex phenomenon, this study is limited to examining the
nature and extent of child labour aged between five and fourteen years old. The largest number
of working children between the ages of five and fourteen involved in economic activities
worldwide. The study focuses on the fight against child labour, and the importance of legislation
for working children. This study looks at the two countries India and Nigeria and to describe

what policies have already been implemented to tackle child labour. India and Nigeria have been
chosen for the study because today, Asia has more child labour in the world, for example India
has the largest number of worlds working children with almost every third child being a child
labour and every fourth child between the age group of five to fifteen is engaged in some
economic activities. While, Nigeria has the highest the incidence of child labourers in Africa.
Both countries have been experiencing the burden of the phenomenon and difficulties to
eradicate it(Bhat& Rather, 2009; Owolabi, 2012).

1.5 Outline

This study is divided into four chapters. Chapter One provides the background of the problem,
the purpose of the research question, methodology, delimitations and outline. Chapter Two
explores the situation of child labour in India and Nigeria and then explains the problems of
enforcing child labour regulations. Chapter Three gives an overview and definition of child
labour- , rural and urban, the differences between boys and girls engaged in economic activity,
the link between child labour and poverty, various factors involved in child labour. After a
description of the International Legal frameworks of ILO and UNICEF and also describes some
of the major international and regional organizations, governments and the work they have done
to fight against child labour. Chapter Four presents the theoretical framework which gives
outline of the causes behind child labour,the child labour problems in relation to primary
schooling and the reasons which makes children drop out of school or not go to school. Chapter
Five, the results of the study is reported. In Chapter six presents the conclusion.

2 Background
The incidence of child labour is most prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa followed by Asia and the
Pacific. The prevalence of child labour is very high in sub-Saharan Africa especially in Nigeria.
About 48 million child laborers across sub-Saharan Africa, including 15 million in Nigeria
engaged in child labour (Ajakaye,2013) In Asia and the Pacific is the region with the largest
number of child labour, India has the largest number of children in the world (ILO,2012)Child
labour is an old phenomenon in both India and Nigeria According to Vaknin(2009), it is
traditional in both countries to send a child to work children participated in agricultural and
household work. Parents consider that the work help children learn new skills, however these
children are exposed to hazards and to physical factors.

Both countries were colonized by British. Nigeria became a British colony in 1800 but acquired
its independence in 1960. Since independence the country experienced a very violent history.
Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with more than 170 million people. The country
has the largest oil and gas reserves in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite its oil wealth, however,
Nigeria remains highly underdeveloped. Poor governance and corruption have limited
infrastructure development and social service delivery and slowing economic growth keeping
much of the population suffers from extreme poverty (Ploch,2013)
In 1612 India became British colony and independent in 1947. India is world's second most
populous country with 1.2 billion people. Indian economy is among the fastest in the world,
however the level of poverty in India is still high with high rate illiteracy rates, disease, and
malnutrition and largest awareness of poor people in the world(Krishna , 2012)

In this chapter I look into the child labour situation in India and Nigeria and how government
supporting to eliminate child labour.

2.1 Child labour in India

The use of child labour is very prevalence in India and the cause is deep rooted with poverty.
UNICEF India has estimated 28 million children aged five to fourteen involved in work
(UNICEF,2011) Child labour is not a new phenomenon in India where children has always
worked. During the industrial revolution child labour increased, due to the shift of labour
movements to colonial countries. Children can be found in every sector of the informal economy
(Molanka,2008).The incidence of working children in India are engaged in hazardous
occupations such as factories manufacturing diamonds, fireworks, silk and carpets, glass and
bricks(Waghamode& Kalyan,2013). There are several factors that force children to work such as
inadequate economic growth, poverty, unemployment over population and lack of education and
health care (Ahmad,2012).

On school attendance in India a large number of children between ten to fourteen years of age
are not enrolled in school because of household economic condition. Attendance in school or
dropout differs for male and female while boys are more likely to provide financial income for
the family, girls are more involved in household chores (Kakoli & Sayeed ,2013).High illiteracy
and dropout rates are high in India due to inadequacy of the educational system. Even through
many poor families dont see education as a benefit to society, they consider that work develops
skills that can be used to earn income (Ahmed, 2012)

2.2 The legal framework and policies to control child labour in India
The India government has established various proactive policies towards elimination of child
labour. India has not yet ratified ILO Conventions 138 and 182 on banning child labour and
eliminating the worst forms of exploitation. However the government of India implemented a
child labour law in 1986(The Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act) the legislation sets a
minimum age for employment of children at fourteen years and forbid child labour in dangerous
sectors. The Government prohibits forced and bonded child labour but is not able to enforce this
prohibition. The Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act does not forbid child labour but
consider about regulating it.But indeed the law does not eliminate all forms of child labour
specially when the vast majority of children under the age of fourteen are working in family
farms or doing households (Venkatarangaiya Foundation;2005).
India has a number of child labour projects which have been implemented to help children from
hazardous occupations and provide them an education. Including the National Child Labour
Policy (NCLP) started in 1987. The aim of NCLP is to help children in hazardous activities and
provide non-formal education, vocational training, supplementary nutrition etc. The ILO IPEC
(International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour) is also another progarmme which
eliminate child labour, the programme sponsors 175 projects in India(Padmanabhan,2010 )
Furthermore, several NGOs like Care India, Child Rights and You, Global March against Child
Labour, etc. have taken up the task to get the children back to school and also volunteers along
with villagers. The MV Foundation is non-governmental organisation (NGO) whose mission is
to tackle child labour through promoting elementary education, even approaching parents to send
their children to school. In spite of various laws regarding child labour and much efforts done by
the non-governmental organizations, nonetheless children continue to work on a massive scale in
most parts of the country. This is a problem because most child labour laws in India do not cover
all types of work such as agriculture, wholesale trade, restaurants and domestic works. Usually
these children are the most vulnerable child labourers (Venkatarangaiya Foundation;2005).
Despite these efforts, child labour legislation to protect children has been unsuccessful, this is
because of the majority of Indian population lives in rural areas with lack of infrastructure and is
difficult to enforcement of laws and policies in rural areas. Many of the policies and legislative
tools in India are rooted deeply in defection, allowing for illegal behaviours to take advantage of
flaws. Many people believe that the cause of these behaviours is something technical, it will be
shown that there is a relative heavy percentage of human omitting factor involved, often arising
from the mentioned attitudes towards childrens work(Murphy, 2005).

2.3 Child labor in Nigeria
Child labour is prevalent in urban centers in Nigeria. This is because a large number of people
move from the rural areas to urban area. Over the years there has been a rapid growth in
Nigerias population because of massive rural-urban migration. For instance Uyo is the capital of
Akwa Ibom State, the city has experienced rapid urbanization and many poor rural families
struggle for a better life in urban areas. This pushes families to force their children to work in
order to supplement family incomes (Okafor,2010; Nseabasi & Abiodun 2010).
The number of child labour is increasing in Nigeria, in 1995, the number of child labour was
twelve million while by 2006 the number of child labour under the age fourteen has risen to
fifteen million (Adegun,2013). The International Labor Organization estimates that about 25
percent of Nigerias 80 million children under the age of fourteen are involved in child labour.
Children works in different sectors such as farms, domestic help, in fishing, mining, armed
conflict, street hawking, and child trafficking. The number of child labour involved in street
hawking is a very common form of child labour in Nigerian cities, these children working from
morning to evening and as a result of this, they do not have the time to enroll in schools or most
of them drop out of school. Awosusi& Adebo (2012) assumes that many child labourers in
Nigeria are abused physically, mentally, sexually and psychologically. They work long hours
under dangerous and hazardous conditions with little or no pay benefits.

Education in Nigeria is compulsory for a child that till nine years old. Nigerian government
makes primary education free and compulsory for all children However, many children do not
attend school, about six million children in Nigeria, both boys and girl, are estimated to be
working .The dropout rates for primary school are high for both boys and girls because of several
factors such as poverty and early marriage teenage pregnancy poor school, or cultural and
religious issues (Awosusi& Adebo,2012; Elijah & Okoruwa,2006)

2.4 The legal framework and policies to control child labour in Nigeria
Several policies and legislations have been adopted by the Federal Government of Nigeria for
improving the welfare of children by eradicating child labour. However, ILO (2000) states some
of the legislation and policies have deteriorated, and are not being imposed. Although, there is no
direct labour policy in the country, there are several policies and social programmes which aims
at improving education, health, population, social development, and child welfare if enforced
would help to reduce child labour (ILO,2000)

The Federal Labor Act Government have set the minimum age for the employment of children at
twelve years and is in force in all the 36 states of Nigeria. The Nigerias Labor Act permits
children at any age to perform light work in domestic service or work with family member in
agriculture. However, the Child Rights Act prohibits the worst forms of child labour, including
the forced labour of children and use of children in prostitution or in armed conflict. The Labor
Act sets different ages for various hazardous occupations. For instance, a child aged fifteen or
older can work in industries. The law forbids children under age of sixteen to work underground
or to work with machines but clearly allow children aged between sixteen to eighteen to do these
hazardous occupations. However, the same law prohibits employment of child under the age of

eighteen to work in harmful environment. The law does not remove children from domestic
service, this can increased incentives for parents to send their children to work (United States
Department of Labor, 2011).
In 2002 Nigeria ratified Convention No. 138, the Minimum Age Convention and Convention No.
182, the Worst Forms of Child Labour. Nigeria also adopted the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child, and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, which
appeared to have laid rest to the argument that children have no clearly definable rights in
Nigeria. Both the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination
of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) were adopted in 1991 and 1985
respectively. However both the CRC and CEDAW have now been domesticated in Nigeria.
The African Charter has also been domesticated by Nigeria. However, the National Assembly
should seriously look into these and other international laws, especially human rights issues that
adversely affect the rights and fundamental freedoms of the citizenry. Thus, the problem now is
how effectively to enforce and monitor the implementation of these provisions as they affect
childrens and womens rights in Nigeria. This also presupposes that all social rights should be
made justifiable in Nigeria so as to empower the less privileged in the society (Onyemachi,
The Nigerian government has provided an enabling environment and support for these civil
society organizations (CSOs) to thrive and has drawn from their work formulate policies,
programmes and interventions for child victims of abuse and violence (Ekpenyong& Sibirii,
2011). On 2000, the Nigerian Government established a national program to eliminate the worst
forms of child labour in Nigeria (Elijah& Okoruwa, 2006). Despite all these children are still
abused. Ekpenyong and Sibirii (2011) states the reason child labour is prevalent is due to the
economic situation where many families live below poverty and can barely earn enough to feed
themselves and their children. Furthermore mainly child laborers are engaged at the household
level or street hawking Togunde and Arielle (2008) argues that regulations regarding street
hawking have been difficult to control by the government.

3 Defining and contextualising child labour

3.1 Definition of child labour

The term child labour has many definitions by different scholars. According to Suda(2011) the
term child labour refers to when children is working in any type of work that is dangerous and
harmful to childrens health or the work hinders their education. For Moyi (2011) child labour
refers to low wages, long hours, physical and sexual abuse. According to Edmonds and Pavcnik
(2005) child labour is viewed as a form of child labour abuse, when children work in bad
conditions and hazardous occupations.

The meaning of the term of child labour also varies among organizations, ILO argues that child
labour is difficult to define. It depends on the type of the job and, if the age is under eighteen and
if the job intervenes the childrens education and development (ILO: 2004). A child, according to

the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 1989 refers to a person under the age of
eighteen. The World Bank assumes that child labour can do serious threat to long-term national
investment. Furthermore, according to UNICEF the problem of child labour can have more bad
consequences besides all the concerns of investment or its relation to economic activity (ILO,
2013; Weston, 2005).
Bhat (2010) asserts that the definition of child labour is not simple because it includes three
difficult concepts to define, which are child, work and labour. He claims that the term of
childhood can be defined by age but in some societies, people cease to be a child at different
ages. The onset of puberty occurs at different ages for different people. Therefore in the Article
1 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ILO Convention on the
Worst Forms of Child Labour, 1999 (No. 182) defines a child who is under the age of eighteen
years (Bhat, 2011). The definition of child labour differs among societies, for example in Africa
and Asia they do not consider the work of fifteen years old person as a child labour, they view
child labour as a good task that children learn skills from work. They distinguish between child
labour and child work, where child work is considered to be a part of the childrens training to be
responsible adults while child labour is thought to be exploitative (Omokhodion & Odusote
Not all work that children does is severe, according to ILO reports (2002) if a work does not
hinder childrens schooling or do not affect their health physically and mentally, then it is
generally not categorized as child labour. For instance helping parents at home, looking after
siblings or working for pocket money after school hours and during holidays. Also Aqil (2012)
assumes that not all work that children do can harm their health or considered as exploitative but
it depends on what kind of work they are involved in and how many hours they work. It also
depends on work conditions, or environment. However Weston (2005) argues that any work
children do, can be damaging to their health because the work can be abusive, exploitative or
hazardous and it can influence their health. Omokhodion and Odusote (2006) argued that any
work that children does outside home is classified as child labour. According to them working
outside home is usually exposed to environmental hazards which may affect their health and

3.2 Overview of Child labour

During the beginning of the industrial revolution children were forced to work around family
farms, in factories, tending crops or preparing food. They work in industries and their
conditions of work were very dangerous and often deadly. At that time, the industry preferred
children to work because children provided cheap labour and more malleable workers (Basu et
al. 1999). In 1833 and 1844 the first legislation came to ban child labour. It implied that children
should not work, and the idea was to remove all children from labour which interfered with
school. However many children continued to be involved as child labour which was prohibited
by law (Bhat 2011).

Indeed child labour was almost completely reduced from the developed world, however
currently, child labour still continues to rise in developing countries because of rapid
population growth, high rates of unemployment, inflation, poverty, malnutrition, bad leadership,

corruption and low wages (Bass, 2004). Child labour is taking place everywhere in the world
particularly in low income countries and these children are working in all sectors of the
economy, such as agriculture, manufacturing, fishing, construction, domestic service street
vending etc. In addition to that children are normally unregistered as employers and working in
very poor and dangerous conditions without social protection. (Serwadda-Luwaga ,2005)

The incidence of child labourers throughout the world is difficult to verify because of the lack of
reliable statistics of child labour. The reason is that the governments usually do not collect
current data regarding child labour, and many child labourers are invisible (Das, 2012). Although
reliable data is not available, ILO has estimated the number of child labourers in 2008 were 215
million boys and girls aged between five to seventeen years worldwide, with 115 million of them
working in hazardous jobs (Aqil, 2012). The table 1.1 below shows that Asia-Pacific region has
the highest number of child labourers with (113.6 million), after that sub-Saharan Africa (65.1
million) and Latin America and the Caribbean (14.1 million) (Muhumuza, 2012).

Table 1.1
Asia-Pacific sub-Saharan Africa Latin America and the Caribbean

113.6 million 65.1 million 14.1 million

Source: Accelerating action against child labour: 2010

3.3 Rural and urban child labour

Child labour has been a complex rural problem, as well with children helping out in the farm
with their families. The vast majority of child labour is involved in agriculture. On the other hand
agricultural sector is the mainstay of developing countries economy, particularly in Africa.
(Baker,2008).Generally, throughout the world rural children were more likely to be engaged in
economic labour activities compared to urban children, because poverty is more prevalent in
rural areas especially among those who depend on agriculture(Akarro& Mtweve, 2011). Poor
rural families considers making their children work in farms, may increase households income
(Serwadda-Luwaga,2005). Rickey (2009) points out that many rural areas lack basic services
such as electricity and access to drinking water. In such cases their children must fetch water
especially girls, who are more involved in housework.

Child labour also exists in cities. According to World Bank, child worker is typically a sign of
urban poverty in many countries, and special in Sub-Saharan Africa. Urban children usually are
involved in domestic work or sales. Their working conditions are very poor, unhealthy and
crowded. They work for long hours with very low wage or no wage. Girls are usually the most
vulnerable; they are typically trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation in urban centres such
as Mumbai, Calcutta and New Delhi (Baker, 2008). They face many problems due to poverty.
Poor urban children are at particular risk of many problems such as lack of education, healthcare
and social protection (Baker, 2008). Urban children attend more to school than rural children.
Urban areas provide better educational access, quality and infrastructure than rural areas. For
poor rural children living far off from school, transportation cost often becomes a challenging

affair for their families (Hueble, 2008). According to Edmonds (2007) rural children work more
and for longer hours than urban regions. Regarding attendance, due to limited access to school
rural children are more likely to be involved in child labour. Moreover, urban and rural areas
differ in the terms of how schooling and child labour are related. Education levels are generally
very low among children in rural areas.

3.4 Gender differentials in child labour

There is gender discrimination among child labour. Boys and girls often do different jobs and its
differs by country and industry, for instance boys are more economically active than girls in
Latin American countries like Bolivia and Colombia, but in Africa such as Cte dIvoire and
Ghana, girls are more involved in economic activities. Girls and boys can be found in different
types of economic activities. For example boys are more concentrated in manufacturing, trade,
restaurants, hotels, and transport, while girls are more concentrated in agriculture and domestic
work(World Bank: 2005).

Another study by Edmonds (2007) found that a large number of child labourers are engaged in
domestic works who are employed by private households, for example Kenya, Tanzania and
Zambia. Edmonds (2007) assumes that boys in Bangladesh tend to engage more in industrial
activities than girls. Boys are more likely to be found in fishing, wood furniture manufacturing,
construction site, retail trade of grocery ,while girls are likely to work in textile, handcrafting and
in private household services.

Mamadou (2009) asserts that boys tend to be engaged more in economic activities, while girls
are more involved in household chores or taking care of siblings. In general, girls are often made
invisible in labour whereas they represent a very large proportion of working children. This is
because, parents often have to decide to send only some of their children to school, and it is often
the girl who loses out(Bhat: 2010). Ray (2001) carried out a research in Nepal and Pakistan.
Where he assumed that gender bias was more prevalence in case of Pakistan than compared to
Nepal. In Pakistan boys are more likely work longer hours than girls and rural children are
poorer than urban, while it was the opposite in Nepal.

3.5 Child labour and poverty

Poverty create many problems such as child labour, prostitution, corruption, robbery, increased
unemployment, poor living conditions, malnutrition etc. ( Owolabi,2012;Ekpenyong& Sibirii,
2011). Child poverty refers to children who are born to poor parents. Child poverty differs from
adult poverty because it has different reasons and effects, for example it robs a child of his/her
childhood. It may affect or bear a long lasting or psychological make up in their mind and the
impact of poverty during childhood leaves permanent effects on children. Poverty influences
children in many social ways, for instance that malnutrition can affect health and education
which in turn may impact a childs long term development (Ortiz et al.2012). According to
UNICEF child poverty is based on child rights, these children lack adequate nutrition, lack

decent water and sanitation facilities, health services, education and information (Ortiz et
Practically, poor people face inadequate basic needs such as food, clothing, health facilities etc.
People who live below poverty line, live in sever housing conditions and poor sanitary and
hygienic conditions. Many of them live in slums or poor residential areas and some of them lack
hosing, health care and nutrition sufficiency. Although illiteracy is far more prevalent among
poor people, many of them lack education or they drop out of school because of high cost of
schooling. In general, poor people earn little and in such cases parents are not able to take care of
all the responsibilities of their children and they oblige their children to work to increase
household income (Khan,2001). Hosen (2010) showed that in Bangladesh poor rural parents can
barley afford food let alone pay for school fees for their children.
Several empirical studies show the link between living standards and child labor. Krueger (1996)
showed evident trend from cross-country sample, that low income households are more likely to
send their children to labour market which is uncommon in richer households. Duryea, Lam, and
Levison (2007) found in urban Brazil that the father's unemployment compels their children to
work to in order increase families income.
Aqil (2012) assumes that when parents have worked in their childhood their children will work
as well, passing it from generation to a generation. As a result, once they are grown, they become
uneducated and low-skilled. Therefore parents education plays a vital role in children education
as it can increase the possibility for their children to have a good education (Aqil, 2012; Wahba,
2000). Fasih (2007) assumes that child labour creates unskilled and uneducated labour which in
turn affects countrys development and economy.

3.6 Types of child labour

Child labourers are involved in many different forms of works, which include risks and hazards.
These children are vulnerable to physical pain and injury particularly being exposed to health
hazards (Levison& Murray, 2005). According to ILO (2012) the vast majority of child labour is
involved in hazardous occupations such as agriculture, mining, manufacture, construction
bonded child labour, domestic work and fishing. Environmental and occupational conditions can
impact on the health and development of the children. Children working in different sectors such
as agriculture, factories, domestic labour, sex workers and carrying out their illicit activities,
migrant labourers, and on the streets as vendors etc. The effect of job and activities can vary
from a country to a country. Also working conditions, ages and gender of children involved in
the differences too (O. ODonnell et al., 2002). According to Amon et al., (2012) mainly child
labourers in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Southeast Asia are involved in the worst forms of child
labour , which persists such as child trafficking, bonded child labour, child domestic work,
hazardous child labour, etc. More than 90 percent of working children in hazardous jobs which
are exposed to chemicals, and dangerous tools.

3.7The International Organizations
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations International Childrens
Emergency Fund (UNICEF) are two of the predominant international agencies working against
child labour. The ILO support governments on setting policies or convention as well as
implementing numerous programs. These include direct projects such as offering vocational
training to children and indirect projects to strengthen the skill of government officials
employers and organizations workers. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) improves
the healthcare and the quality of education. The ILO set two international labour standard
conventions, which are presented as the following. The aim of two conventions are to protect the
children from exploited employment, unsafe and unhealthy work and set a minimum age,
children under the age of fourteen are not allowed to work. Many organizations like ILO and
UNICEF and scholars recommend that child labour can be tackled through public and education
policy. (Bhat,2010;Bhat et al,2009) Moreover, many countries around the world have established
child labour laws; however some countries have failed or could not achieve that goal because of
social economic problems; such as poverty which makes poor families to push many children
into labour market to increase family income. Huebler(2008) suggested that policy on child
labour is not effective for society if the family lacks basic human needs. They are forced to send
children to earn money ignoring the policies on education. Most countries have child labour laws
to protect children under a certain age from workplace, although child labour laws are very
difficult to enforce. Betcherman el., (2004) claims this is because of most child labourers work
in rural areas or work for their families, or remain invisible working in domestic homes and
unregistered establishments (Betcherman el., 2004).

3.7.1 ILO Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment
and work (1973)
The ILOs Convention No. 138 Minimum Age Convention ratied by 161 countries and adopted
by International Labour Organization in 1973. The main aim of ILOs Convention 138 is to set a
minimum age for employment and that children under fifteen years of age should not be
working. For light work the age should not be under thirteen, harmful to a childs health and
does not interfere with their school. Children under eighteen are not allowed to work in
hazardous work. On the other hand, State Parties allow some types of hazardous work from the
age of sixteen if they provide adequate protection and training. Some countries like Brazil, China
and Kenya have already set the minimum age for hazardous work at sixteen years (ILO,2012).
While the ILO Convention 138, has reduced child labour in some places, many consumers in
North America and Europe prohibits imports made by child worker or boycotted companies
using child labour in their supply chains. For example in Bangladesh garment industry removed
50,000 children who were involved in poor condition with less payment, and mostly girls under
the age fourteen were removed from work( Betcherman et al., 2004).

3.7.2 ILO Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labour (1999)
The term Worst forms of child labour was found by ILO, and 174 countries ratified Worst
Forms of Child Labour Convention 182 in 1999, which focuses on elimination of hazards in
child labour under the age of eighteen. It prohibits all types of jobs such bonded labour,

prostitution pornography, illicit activities, trafficking child soldiers, or jobs which are dangerous
or unhealthy that exposes children to physical, psychological, moral damage, or sexual abuse.
Like working in streets for long hours or begging money. Much of hazardous works are
happening in poor countries, where children lack access to healthcare infrastructure or basic
information on health risks and protective measurements (ILO, 2012; Aqal, 2012; Miller, 2010).
ILO stated that the largest numbers of child labourers are involved in worst forms of child labour
and 115 million children are working in hazardous works and the total number of child workers
in the worst forms is increasing. One of the reasons that Dessy and Pallage(2003) pointed out
was children easily can get the harmful forms of jobs. Usually parents are aware that their
children are involved in unacceptable and harmful jobs, but they are forced to send their children
into Worst-Forms jobs. However poor households do not usually think of the consequences. That
is why the Convention 182 is promoting governments, and civil society organizations' resources
on working against child labour. In recent years the number of child labour in hazardous work
dramatically increased hence the ILO set the goal of eliminating the worst forms of child labour
by 2016 (Amon et al., 2012; Miller,2010).

3.8 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
The United Nations established the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989.
Almost all nations signed the convention but there are three countries; Somalia, South Sudan and
the United States which have not ratied it yet. As opposed to the ILO Minimum Age
Convention the CRC contains provisions on human rights for children. The CRC consists of 54
articles which are internationally recognized and include civil political, economic, social and
cultural rights widely ratied in human rights agreement today. CRC makes the state primary
education compulsory and free, and it encourages the development of secondary education,
including vocational training.
There are five provisions in CRC which support child labour. The definition of child that CRC
defines in (Article 1) is a person who is under the age of eighteen. (Article 19) Children need
protection from violence and exploitation (Article 28), children need protection from sexual
exploitation and abuse. (Articles 32) every child should be protected from work exploitation and
from hazardous jobs which hinder childrens education, or harm their health and development.
(Article 34) mentions all children have the right to access primary education and in (Article 34),
a child has right to be protected from all forms of exploitation (Article 36) (Aqil, 2102).
The United Nations (UN) adopted the Millennium Declaration on year 2000. The aim of the
Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to achieve eight
goals by 2015; 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2) Achieve universal primary education
3)Promote gender equality and empower women4) Reduce child mortality5) Improve maternal
health 6). Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases7). Ensure environmental sustainability
8) Develop a global partnership for development (Rena,2009).
The Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) has greatly
reduced the problem of child labour, for example by the fight against poverty, which forces
children into work. Universal primary education can also help free children from the workforce,

and the promotion of gender equality can reduce discrimination against the education of girls and
lessen the traditional burdens which keep them in their own households. A large number of child
labourers are HIV/AIDS orphaned, so child labour can also be mitigated by reducing HIV/AIDS
deaths ( Okusa, 2008).

3. 9Tackling child labour on International instruments

Many strategies have been developed for the eradication of child labour, some of which are
innovative ideas from international organisations such as International Programme on the
Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) created in 1992 which focuses on protecting children from
exploitative work and promoting free education. IPEC monitors and takes immediate action to
prohibit and eradicate the worst forms of child labour. IPEC cooperates with the governments,
employers and workers. The programme is running in fifteen countries from Eastern Europe,
Asia (Central, South, and Southeast regions), North Africa, and Lebanon (Miller; 2010). Other
partners are also working among the wide network of organizations that combat child labour and
includes government agencies, international agencies and some non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) working towards combating child labour and advocate childrens right such as
International Save the Children Alliance (ISCA) established in 1919, Anti-Slavery International
and Global March Against Child Labour found in 1998 (Weston; 2005).
Governments of countries all over the world have different policies and programmes across
borders to directly or indirectly combat child labour menace, example of this is the Cash Transfer
Programme; today many countries have conditional cash transfer programmes which promote
cash deposit as a relief to poor families, such as Bolsa Escola, the Brazilian Child Labor
Eradication Program (PETI), Mexican Program for Education, Health and Nutrition
(PROGRESA), Bangladeshs Food-for-Education (FFE) program. One of the biggest
programmes is Bolsa Escola; which is an anti-poverty program of the Brazilian government; The
Bolsa programme was implemented in 1990s .The aim of the program is to break the poverty
cycle, rising and improving educational attainment and combating child labour. The program
provides several forms of subsidies such as educational stipend and food supplement support.
The program has increased while dropout rates have decreased (Sakurai,2006). Studies suggest
the disadvantage of cash transfer programmes in low-income countries is that these programmes
are less helpful at combating child labour than they are at increasing schooling. While other
studies suggest these programmes rises income for poor households and can reduce the number
of child labour, (Emerson & Knabb; 2005) for example, Edmonds (2006) assumes that number
of child labour in South Africa declined and more children attend school when poor families get
money (ILO, 2013).
Ravallion and Wodon (2000) found evidence that a food-for-education programme in
Bangladesh did indeed raised school enrollment. Skouas and Parker (2001) found that the
conditional cash transfer programme, PROGRESA, in Mexico showed the programmes has
impact on both school enrollment and child labour.

4 Socio-economic factors related to child labour
This chapter presents the theoretical framework, which is based on the socio -economic factors
that causes child labour.

4.1 Poverty as root cause

There are several circumstances that affect child labour. Studies have demonstrated that the most
notable reason being poverty (Bhat& Rather,2009). Decisions about child labour and schooling
are generally made by parents. If the family live below the poverty line, parents see children as
part of contributor in their family income. Basu (1998) used a theoretical model of child labour,
where he showed the only reason parents send children to labour is because of their low income.
Consequently poor parents cannot afford schooling for their children. Thus, mainly poor
households are to send forced their children to labour instead of sending to school. Rena (2009)
shows that that poverty and underdevelopment drives child labour. She found that the high
prevalence of poverty amongst countries, including India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique, Malawi, Sudan, and Chad increases
the child labour. Therefore, child labour is widespread throughout Africa, and Asia. According to
the studies of Edmonds and Pavcnik (2005); O'Donnell et al. (2005) and Akarro and Mtweve
(2011) they assume that tackling poverty can be a perfect solution to reduce child labour. Beside
poverty, many factors influence the incidence of child labour which can be listed in the
following points.

4.2 Family size

Indeed, large poor households usually have more children involved in child labour than children
from smaller households, which demonstrates family size have an effect on child labour. Parents
oblige their children to work because they are not able to manage the demands of a large size
family. There is also gender differences among household size. Not everyone and of all age in
the family are working as child labour, which depends on the childs age and gender, for
example boys are more likely to attended to school than girls. Older siblings often contribute
more to the family income (Ahamd, 2012; Boyden J and Myers, 1998). Okpukpara et al., (2006)
found that in Nigeria, younger children, where are more likely to go to school than older
children, where mostly boys attend schools than girls.

4.3 Family condition

A growing number of children who have either lost one or both the parents and those impacted
by HIV/ADIS in the family, are forced to work in order to support themselves and their siblings.
The numbers of orphaned children are increasing particularly in sub Saharan Africa, many whom
become street children, and live in very different circumstances (Vandenberg,2007).
4.4 Traditional or cultural factor
Culture is another factor which is driving children into labour market. Different cultures of many
societies make children start work at very young age which are related to traditions and cultural
factors. They assumed that children need to learn skills that can be good for their future.
According to Tauson (2009) in rural Guatemala; parents prefer their children to work because

they consider it beneficial for them as they learn work skills. Obinna E and Osita-Oleribe (2007)
assume that many families in Africa want their children to help in contributing towards family

4.5 Corruption
Corruption is the one of main reason for abusing resources, wherever there is poverty; there is
also corruption(Murphy,2005).According to United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)
(2012)Corruption exacerbates poverty and inequality, undermines human development and
stability, encourages and sustains conflict, violates human rights, and erodes the democratic
functioning of countries.
Onyemachi(2010) points out that corruption among government officials is another reason that
hinders social and economic growth and increases poverty. Corruption can have hugely negative
effect on childrens right that deprives basic services such as health care, education and
infrastructure. Corruption can diminish childrens ability to escape poverty. For example in many
countries employers corrupt labour inspectors to hire underage children such as India, where the
incidence of large number of child labourers indicates towards corruption (United Nations
Development Programm,2012).

4.6 Civil war

The civil war is another factor contributing to child labour. The war destroys the economy of the
country, people become much poor and all resources go to the war. As Doucet noted in a BBC
articles on September 25, 2013 that Syrian refugee families who have fled Syria's civil war send
their children to work to earn money for basic necessities of life. These children are are exposed
to exploitation. Wars burn all good things that any country could have. It brings diseases,
poverty, damages, and many other horrible things. Again, no help will be of use as long as the
war is continues.

4.7 Urban migration

Many rural families migrate to urban areas because of rural push and urban pull factors. As a
consequence of that, they are often forced to live and work in the street as they lack access to
basic requirements such as food, shelter etc. and these children become street workers as
vendors. Mostly street workers are vulnerable to violence and become more susceptible to illegal
works, such as stealing, trafficking drugs and prostitution (Yadav & Sengupta ,2009). These
children live in urban poverty, many child labourers live in unhealthy poor conditions slum areas
and work in poor environment such as domestic work, or work in hotels and restaurants etc.
Many cities in developing countries have experienced rapid urbanization. This means that the
population is increasing in cities due to immigration and natural growth. Urban poverty is a
multidimensional phenomenon. Urban poverty in developing countries faces many challenges in
their daily lives. Many poor people living under great hardship, due to unemployment, housing

shortages, violence and unhealthy environments. The problem of poverty can have weaknesses in
the economy and lack of equity to the provision of services (Shitole 2005:129). Poverty refers to
a function of social, economic and political structures and processes that creates unequal
distribution of resources, both within and in the global context between communities(Lister
2004:51). Increased urbanization has resulted in poverty in the cities. Urban poverty raises
slums. These areas are characterized by high unemployment, poor sanitation, inadequate access
to clean drinking water and inadequate housing. According to Dash (2013) many poor rural areas
migrates to Delhi, where migrant families and their children are forced to work for survival and
economic opportunities.

4.8 Globalization
Globalization is another cause of child labour. Globalization has positive and negative impacts,
nevertheless; globalization might give developing countries the opportunity to increase their
gross domestic production (GDP) per capita via new trade possibilities and ascend their foreign
direct investment (FDI) inflows. Globalization also has brought adverse impacts on child labour
in developing countries. In recent years, many international companies moved their production
abroad. These companies often indulge in hiring children as cheap labours as they are endurable,
and carry out commands given by their employers even if theyre abused and exploited
(Mapaure, 2009). Mishra(2012) claims that in India, globalization has obliged more children to
work in hazardous occupations like brick kiln , motor garage, hotels, shops, transportations,
manual loading work etc.
Some studies suggest that higher income and higher standard of living can reduce the potential
problem which resulted from the increasing child labour of globalization (Congdon Fors,2012).
Other argues that globalization will increase the opportunity of exploiting cheap labour specially
from low income countries. For example countries like Vietnam, Mexico and Thailand have
provided evidence that child labour declines due to globalization, but countries like Bolivia and
Zambia have showed a decline in schooling and an increase in child labour(Mishra,2012).

4.9 Relationship between Child Labour, Family income and Education

Lack of education or poor quality education is another factors that contribute to high incidence of
child labour. Education is considered one of the main alternatives to abolish child labour.
Practically family income affects children's education and poor parents cannot afford to pay for
children however, children are compel to work and are less enrolled. In the following section
provides an overview between education and child labour and how education is most important
potential substitute for child labour second the reasons why children do not attend school. Third,
how children combining work and school. Finally the impacts of child labour on education.

4.9.1 Child labour and schooling
Several studies and international organizations such as ILO UNICEF, UNESCO and World Bank
have confirmed that education can reduce child labour (Kruger,2007). According to Budhwani et
al. (2004) and Bhat et al. (2009) education can be significant for development, for example
education can make children develop and learn resulting in intelligent societies in the future,
besides education can provide skilled workers. Also, education can improve childrens life both
for themselves and their families. Besides, well educated children can learn how to be grateful to
society and be likely to are charitable in the future when they grow up.
According to Khan (2007) children who lack education or drop out of their school, usually lack
knowledge and are more vulnerable to exploitation. As a result they become uneducated or
unskilled labour. A number of agencies such as IPEC-ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO and World Bank
are fighting against child labour by trying to provide access to education to all children
(UNICEF, UNESCO, 2008). They consider that education is a first a priority. Thus UNICEF is
working with other aid agencies, governments and UN agencies to meet the UN Millennium
Development Goals by 2015 to ensure primary education to all children. Today many countries
have already achieved the goal of universal primary education. But, the progress is still very
slow in low income countries, for example in Sub-Saharan Africa.
According to Akarro and Mtweve (2011) the number of primary and secondary school remains
low in developing countries because millions of children are being forced to work instead of
going to school. Although there could be different reasons other than child labour, which affects
primary school enrollment. Parental unemployment, poor quality of teachers and high cost of
education, unfortunately have affected enrollment rates in low income countries (Sakurai,2006).

4.9.2 The opportunity costs of education

The cost of education is another problem amongst poor households. This has contributed to the
exploitation of children. Schools need to be affordable and accessible. Kondylis and Marco
(2006) assume, that schools available in developing countries may help to increase school
enrollment but may not reduce the incidence of child labour. For example it shows in rural
Tanzania many children drop out school and contribute to household income.

Bhat (2010) argues that the quality education can help to keep children away from work,
consequently it is important for a school to have educated teachers in adequate numbers to
maintain high students teacher ratio in the classrooms. However for many poor parents it can be
costly to send their children to school, as they families live on childrens income and cannot
afford school fees, uniforms or other additional costs. (Bhat,2010). This is a problem in
developing countries to provide quality free primary education because it will cost money for
governments (Budhwani et al. 2004).
Betcherman et al., (2004) assumed that schools need improving through quality teaching and
learning. It is somehow very important that each country provides educational policies to
increase education amongst children. Bhat (2011) emphasized that compulsory education
legislation can help children to attend school and tackle child labour, the policy programme
regarding child labour must provide free good quality and compulsory education to working

children in poor regions. Baht meant that quality education for children up to fifteen years should
be provided. This is how the flow of children into the labour market can be reduced by providing
working children and former working children with educational opportunities(Baht, 2011).
It is both illegal for children to be out of school and for them to work. On the other hand there
are many children combing work with school or dropping out of school. There are large drop
outs in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan with 13 million children drop out-of-school and rising.
Pakistan alone has 7.3 million primary school aged children, not enrolled in school (Brown,
2012). Parents consider sending their children to work instead of school because of the cost of
education , poor quality lack of teachers and school supplies or poor teaching.

4.9.3Combining school and work

Many children have to work in order to be able to go to school and cover the direct costs of
household income. ILO states that if a child combines school with work it might be difficult for
him or her to attend school because of long hours work can interfere with class or homework
(ILO;2004). However, some studies argue that child labour does not have an impact on
childrens school attendance. These include ; Omokhodion and Odusote (2006), they argued
that child labour and schooling may not be linked because many child labourers who attend
school also work , to enhance family income and school fees. For children in Kenya, Moyi
(2011) shows 45% of the children in the study combine work and education, only 5% of the
children devote their time exclusively to work. Haile and Haile (2011) using survey data from
rural Ethiopia show that boys are more prone to attend school and to combine school with family
economic activity . However, girls are more apt to combine domestic work with school or
involved in domestic work with no school attendance.
Khan (2001) claims many child labourers attend school, and work after school. As they need to
increase family income and also to pay for their schooling (Khan,2001). Another study by
Ravallion and Wodons (2000) found that child labour in Bangladesh have no impact on school
enrollment. However, other empirical studies suggest that the consensus of child labour impact
school enrollment and is harmful. Some studies have also found evidence of the adverse
consequences of child labour on school grades. According to Psacharopoulos (1997) when a is
child working(under certain employment) it can impede their school enrollment. Khanam and
Russell (2005) study on Bangladesh provides evidence that child labour affect children
education, and many girls do not go to school.

4.9.4 The impact of child labour on educational achievement

Both of these organizations, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) education and two
ILO conventions, the Minimum Age Convention (No. 138, 1973) and the Worst Forms of Child
Labour Convention (No. 182, 1999) cover child labour and their right to education. ILO stated
that education has a large contribution in abolishing child labour and good quality education is
an useful tool in prevention of child labour (ILO, 2004).
The reasons for dropout amongst children are many, however, poverty being the main factor.
Shikdar et al., (2013) found evidence that in Bangladesh more than 30 percent people live in

extreme poverty. These families are deprived of their basic needs, and their life conditions are
very poor. Many families cannot adequately fulfil their basic needs; meanwhile parents oblige
children to engage in risky jobs at an early age. The numbers of child labour is increasing in
Bangladesh, due to family condition which can have an adverse influence on childrens
educational with about 50% of primary school children drops out before they complete their fifth
grade. Young Kim, (2009) assumes that in Cambodia most children have access to basic
education but still combine school and work, due to poverty.

5 Comparing child labour in India and Nigeria

5.1 India
There are several key factors that affect child labour in India most notably is poverty. Child
labour in India is to be found in almost every sector of the informal economy. The state of Uttar
Pradesh has the highest child labour population followed by Andhra Pradesh. As Singh
mentioned in The Times of India article on October,18,2013 that Uttar Pradesh has the highest
number 20 % of India s child labourers ,children between the aged of ten to fourteen years old
.The rate of poverty is highest among people in Uttar Pradesh however, the proportion of urban
population living in slums. The region is dominated by families with large sizes generally people
are living in households with eight members.
There is gender difference that existed between boys and girls in India.There are more male
children are involved in economic activity than female children. Since girls work is more
invisible and as a result hidden and not reported.
The high incidence of child labour is much higher in rural areas than urban areas and most of the
child labour in rural areas is engaged in agricultural activities .During 2009-10 the numbers of
child labour in the age of group five to fourteen years has declined by ten per cent, but still a
large numbers of children working specially in rural India, because of the agricultural activities
(Sharma et al, 2012).However, the incidence of child labour in rural areas are high than urban
areas. Although most of child labourers prepositioned from the poor households and poverty is
more prevalent in rural areas than urban India. Another reason is bonded labour which is usually
common in rural areas in India where traditional class or caste. Migrant labourers, are mostly
vulnerable to bonded labour because they have no choice sources of credit so, due to debt their
whole family forcing their children work as bonded labour.

Since independency, the Nigerians political situation has been very unstable the country has
been facing with so many problems, which have affected the levels of poverty, high rates of
unemployment and inflation etc. During the end of the oil boom of the 1970s has driven millions
of children into work in order to increase the family income and ensure survival.

The incidence of child labour is highest in North East than any other regions in Nigeria
(Okpukpara et al., 2006) Poverty in Nigeria is chronic due to among others prostitution,
corruption, robbery, street life, and increased unemployment. Urbanization is also causes child
labour in Nigeria, many cities are growing faster in Nigeria due to rural urban migration. Street
hawking is common forms of child labour in Nigeria cities both boys and girls engage it between
twelve and seventeen years. As result they become street children (Nseabasi &Abiodun ,2010).
HIV/AIDS have combined to prevent in Nigeria. Many children in Nigerian children had been
orphaned by HIV and AIDS. As a consequence HIV/AIDS contribute the incidence of child
labour high.
The most common forms of work performed by children in Nigeria are: farming, selling, street
vendors and domestic servant. Besides domestic work, agriculture children are involved in
trafficking, According to Elijah and Okoruwa (2006) child trafficking is a problem in Nigeria
which are caused by corruption among government officials and commercial sexual exploitation
of children. Many children are trafficked, especially from neighboring countries such as
Cameroon, Gabon, Benin, Equatorial Guinea, Togo and other West African countries to work in
agricultural enterprises, as domestic servants, prostitutes or in other forced labour conditions and
at time girls are sometimes sold into marriage(Elijah & Okoruwa,2006).
Corruption creates poverty and lack of knowledge. Unfortunately, without solving corruption
there will be no solution for child labour problem. Any fund or any help given to these countries
will be used by the persons that abuse them. Children will never benefit from the external
resources and the problem will continue. No matter how much effort is made on these countries
behalf, they will still not manage their resources properly, perpetuating the problem. There are
many examples in the world where the country is very in of natural resources but still the country
is suffering from all kind of problems, child labour being one of them. For example a country
like Nigeria, is Africas third richest country because the country has large oil, even though
poverty is very pervasive in Nigeria. Millions of children are forced to work in order to support
the family and to survive (Owolabi,2012;Ekpenyong& Sibirii, 2011). Children are vulnerable to
exploitation, violence, drug and poor children dont have basic education and have no access to
health care services. As Onyemachi (2010) argues that corruption hinders social and economic
growth and increases poverty. As result corruption also drags the whole countrys development
down by stealing its resources, however the money is abused and citizens are suffering from all
kind of problems. The international organizations try to help these countries, but as long as
corruption exist, no forward steps will be a success.

5.1.3 The legal framework in India and Nigeria

Nigeria adopted three International Labour Organisation (ILO), the ILO Conventions No. 138
and No. 182, CRC. In addition, the country signed a memorandum of understanding in
cooperation with ILO to launch a country programme under the International Programme for
Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC).Despite the child labour laws and educational enforcement
requirements that are in force in Nigeria, still many children are forced to work and exposed to
unhealthy environments and sexual.
Government of India has various laws to protect children from being engaged in economic
activity although still the number of child labour is very high. The Child Labour Prohibition and

Regulation act1986 does not apply all children up to the age of eighteen only a person who has
not completed his/her fourteen years of age in certain occupation and process is prohibited.
Furthermore the act allows children to work with their family. According article 32 of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child every child should be protected against economic
exploitation. Although, India has lack of political solution or follows upping their laws; the
country is the home to the largest number of children in the world. This is one of the reasons
that make the issue so complex and difficult to eradicate child labour. Due to high huge amount
of child labour appears in rural areas and some of rural child labour is often invisible as it is
hidden it is quite difficult to identify and eliminate or regulate.
Murphy (2005) assumes that child labour legislation in India has been unsuccessful due to a
majority portion of such child labour may happen in a rural setup, where tending to their own
domestic need may not be even considered or appreciated as child labour. In urban set up, there
is an age old practice of the concept of house maids. At times underage children may often are
employed, and they are treated very badly, and in case anyone complains the police comes and
takes action. Also, it gets very difficult for such a large country and population to be monitored
and checked.
It is important to consider why children are involved in child labour. There are several socio -
economic and demographical factors involved. Some of the child labour forms cannot be
influenced easily by policy makers. Like collecting firewood or fetching water. Many rural
household dont have access to basic service like access to clean water and children are used to
fetching water. In this context, it may be worthwhile to note government must first realize the
cause which leads to child labour. Child labour prevails in many forms in both countries within
the formal and informal sector. Both countries prohibit worst forms of child labour yet many
children are exposed to physical, psychological or sexual abuse. However, there is lack of
legislation that the law does not cover childrens work in domestic service or agricultural sectors
where the majority of children are involved. Consequently the laws of policies are not adequately
implemented(Murphy,2005)The child labour policies must be effectively enforced throughout
the country as well.
Furthermore, it is not only enough to establish policies and laws the government must act to
improve the living conditions of the poor households. Rural urban migration is a problem in
developing countries e.g. cities in Nigeria are growing faster where poor rural people are
migrating in search of better life. However, often they are left with no jobs and forced to live in
slums. The children growing up in slums tend drop more out of school and become child labour.
A responsible government should notice this and devote itself to make better welfare programme
for the citizens, especially for the poor. If the parents of the children cannot find jobs to support
families, the situation relapse, thus governments should create more opportunities for citizens.
Another way could be developing the economy of the rural areas, where people can have a better
living condition and the number of immigrations will shrink. Building more roads connecting the
rural areas and the urban areas will help the villagers have a better connection with the outside
world, and the products of agriculture from the rural area can be transported to the urban more
easily, this will stimulate the increasing of rural economy and keep people home rather than
immigrating to slums. Besides, strict laws must be made and carried out seriously. Government
should be aware of cases where the child labour may have lost one or both parent, and offer them
orphanage a commendation, shelters and necessary living expenses for education.

5.1.4 Determinants of child labour and school attendance in India and Nigeria
Lack of education provisions is also a problem in both India and Nigeria. Primary education is
compulsory but not enforced, mainly in the rural part of the countries. In rural Nigeria, child
labourers have lower school attendance compared to their urban working children. In case of
education in rural India fewer girls are enrolled in schools than boys.
Some may hold the opinion (Bhat,2010; Bhat et al,2009) that education is the cure for child
labour. Furthermore, governments in India and Nigeria have been adapted and implemented
various educational policies, and made education compulsory up to a certain age for all children.
However, school attendance is a persistent problem and school dropout rates are high while the
child labour is also growing vigorously. So, what is behind all this? Again poverty can withdraw
children from school. Basumatary (2012) claims that in India many organizations have been
promoting education for all children, however, there have been high rate of school dropouts in
India, because of poor economic conditions(Basumatary, 2012). Ahmad (2012) carried out a
research in Aligarh city of Uttar Pradesh in India, where he assumes that poor children under the
age of fourteen years are obliged to work in different sector. According to him the city has low
school participation however children are forced to work due to poverty. About 90 per cent of
child labour are illiterate. Many of these children are migrant workers, the majority coming from
surrounding areas of Aligarh district and Bihar, who are force to work to increase family income.
Besides poverty there other causes that make children do not attend school or drop out of school
like poor quality of school, culture, gender discrimination. With regard to gender difference, in
Nigeria girls are often forced to drop out of school and placed into early marriages, domestic and
agricultural labour, or street vending. While boys are more likely attend to school than girls.
Girls in India have considerably lower school enrollment rates than boys.
Furthermore, rural families and urban families have a huge difference of income, tuition fees
may not be a problem for an urban family, but the same amount of money can be headache for
rural family. Poor quality of schools can reduce the number of children which is a problem in
developing countries and many schools suffer from overcrowding, inadequate sanitation, under-
skilled or uneducated teachers. Therefore, parents see little use in sending their children to school
when they could be at home learning a skill (for example, agriculture) and supplementing family
income. However improving incentives for schooling with quality education through better
teachers, curricula and materials, or other reforms can encourage parents to send their children to
school. Although the control parents have over the decision-making process, their perception of
the value of school is a main determinant of child attendance. Parents who are educated
understand the importance of schooling from personal experience.
With regard to the relationship between education and child labour, many child labourers work
and also attend school. It is poverty which forces these children to work. This is a global problem
but there are variations depending on which nation is involved. In addition, many parents do not
have a problem with their children working and attending school but they are not always aware
of the consequences for the child. Furthermore, education of child alone cannot do without
education of parent and society re-evaluation of the core value for children and humanity. If this

is done in a sincere way, it will not only solve the child labour problem however can improve the
thinking process. The triggering point is poverty and international organization should look into
how living standards of a family can be improved by relieving high cost responsibility off their
shoulders; if the health can be subsidised or made available, if education is made free, social
amenities are made to be within reach at no cost and many loose end like that are taken care of.

5.1.5 Correlates of child labour

Child labour are comprised of poverty, cultural traditions, lack of quality education and
HIV/AIDS. Poverty is the most notable that pushing children into workforce in order to increase
the family income. As Basu (1998) argues the reason parents send children to work is because of
their low income household.
Rapid rural-to- urban migration is contribute to increasing rate of child labor in urban areas of
developing countries. Families leave the severity of agricultural working conditions for cities in
order to search for better life that often do not exist. In Uttar Pradesh, India has high rural-to-
urban migration. As fact of that many people living in urban poverty. Even though many cities
in Nigeria growing faster as Serwadda-Luwaga(2005) points out many children work such as
domestic work or, forced begging , work on the streets or work in hotel and restaurant etc.
The conception about who is a child and what comprises child labour is quite different across
cultures. As in Indian and Nigerian societies believe the work that children perform can help
children to learn new skills, necessary for their survival in the future (Vaknin,2009).These
children are used to working at a very young age, which is actually child labour, against the
regulations made by CRC that the minimum age for working children is eighteen. They also
regard a person under eighteen as a child and a person over eighteen as an adult. But these are
cultural matters related to customs and traditions which are out of date but still cannot be easily
changed by the regulations of the government. Globalization is also identified as cause of child
trafficking and forced labour. Children who work as domestic work especially girls have been
trafficked. Practically children considered as cheap labour.
Furthermore, parents educational can play a meaningful role in childrens life, Emerson and
Souza (2002) assume parents with no education usually send their children to work to contribute
households income. Educated parents are more be inclined to knowledgeable about the
importance of education for children and keep children in school by creating an environment
conducive for learning (such as directly helping with schoolwork).

6 Conclusion

The problem of child labour appears in severe form and various factors are involved. The reasons
for the incidence of child labour in both countries are complex and deeply rooted into the
society. Poverty seems to be the main cause. In general poor children contribute to household
income. Child labour can be found in urban and rural areas. However the vast majority of child
labour occurs in rural areas since poverty is more rampant. Although, many poor rural families
struggle for a better life in urban areas, this pushes families to force their children to work in
order to increase the family income and ensure survival. Study found children under the age of
fourteen years are still engaged in economic activity in India and Nigeria. These children tend to
work more consequently they are not regularly in school. However, besides poverty there are
other causes such lack of schools, lack of regulations and enforcement, corruption, lack of
awareness and rapid population growth.
Both India and Nigeria have been implementing policies and programmes to eradicate the child
labour. Various policies and programmes are also created by organizations on the global
challenge of the child labour. Nigeria has ratified all the important instruments concerning the
issue, the ILO Conventions No. 138 and No. 182, CRC. Which for India has not been yet
possible because it is not ratified, the ILO Conventions. The governments of Indian and
Nigerinan have enacted strategic policies which includes the prohibitation of all forms of child
labour. India introduced national legislation through Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation
act1986. Both countries have their child labour problem even though they have some kind of
solutions provided by the government or NGOs. Any attempt to solve this problem should take
in mind the root cause behind the problem and how it can be solved. Corruption could lead to the
collapse of the country. Poverty and poor quality education is one of the major causes behind the
problem, no magic solution are there. However, a successive and continuous controlling of
countries resources and possibilities leads to a continued development. Building and establishing
new culture were people refrain corruption, and take their responsibilities in developing their
country is the only way to survive in all challenges that the country could face.
Details about the child labour are very similar in India and Nigeria. Children who work are both
boys and girls and the majority of them start working are under the age of fourteen. The most
common forms of work performed by children are: agriculture, and domestic service. The
incidences of child labour in India are high in rural areas than urban areas, while child labour in
Nigeria is more rampant in urban centers due to rapid urbanization.
Furthermore female children in India are more invisible than male child labour. In Nigeria the
gender difference is not as prominent as in India. Many children in India and Nigeria under the
aged of eighteen are unprotected and children are denied the right to an education. Even though,
both governments provide education for all children up to fourteen years. Since poverty is key
factors that force children out of school into labour and enforcement alone cannot help solve it,
government should improving the economic conditions of their families. Both India and Nigeria
have weak legal protection of children in labour market. The legislations in both countries have

been inadequate due to several causes which impede child labour including poverty, inadequate
policing and corruption.As a result, the policy enforcement has failed in India and Nigeria. Not
only because the laws themselves have drawbacks, but also because of the human factors, and
usually an international organizations and NGOs cannot fix the problem on their own, what they
need is to intensify the cooperation with the governments who has the right of making laws. In a
word, the key of the reduction of child labour is to emancipate children.

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