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Gablasova observes the L2s description of word meaning that the learners derived from the text

book in an article entitled Learning technical words through L1 and L2: Completeness and accuracy of
word meanings. A comparison of the description is also made to the L1 users who derive the same
words from L1 texts. Most discussions in Gablasoves article contain the evidences regarding L2
vocabulary acquisition and the suggestions on strategies to enhance the understanding of technical
words in a text.

The objective of Gablasova study indicates the variables. The research objective of the chosen study
refers to the statement of purpose for which a research is conducted on the participants understanding
of the technical words in reading text. The independent variable is the test conducted for the reason to
assess the readers on technical vocabulary in L1 and L2 texts. The dependent variables are the word
knowledge, characteristics of the readers and textual characteristics. The aim is to focus on several
aspects in developing word knowledge of the L2 on technical term used in academic subject.

To investigate the participants, Glablasova surveys 72 students from two high schools in Solvakia. The
participants age is between 17 to 20 years old. The participants are divided into two groups to assess
their understanding on twelve targeted words (TW) which are respectively appear parallel in native (L1)
and non-native (L2) texts. They are tested by using three tests namely; pre-test, reading session and
post-test. The pre-test is to measure the acquisition of the new word meaning; meanwhile the post-test
is an oral session that asks question regarding the text. In between of pre and post-test is a reading
session which requires the participants to tick their selected option with a number scale.

In term of the result analysis, Globlasova first research question on completeness of word meaning
shows a significant different between the definition produced by L1 and L2 groups. L2 group provides
words that are less complete and less precise. For the second research question which focuses on error
identified in the word meaning of the TW, the result shows L2 group made more errors in both types;
error because of missing component and error due to the inclusion of incorrect meaning components.
The analysis in the study indicates a high level of reliability. In addition, no misinterpretation of the test
is made in the procedure of the test which means a valid test is arranged accordingly as same as
previous study.

There are a few implications discussion in this study in which the researcher suggests several
recommendations. First is the pedagogical attention which requires the focus on completeness and
accuracy of the technical word meaning. Second is the effectiveness of technical terms learning which
requires the students engage in defining the terms. Third is semantic error which requires students to be
exposed to multiple words meaning. Since Kangs study focuses on lexical knowledge of performance,
the verbalise knowledge development is suggested for future research. Other limitations which need
attention are characteristic of the text and word characteristics.

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