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Unit tests

conferences. A videophone can 6

Unit test 7 (create) by taking an old computer and adapting it
1 Rewrite the following sentences using the to run a video softphone.
passive. Do not use by + agent. (8 marks)
1 Computer technology can predict earthquakes. 4 Choose the correct alternative. (10 marks)
Computer technology 1 You can information from the
. Internet.
2 Someone found your Ipod next to the computer. a downfall b downcast c download
Your Ipod . 2 I had to have my computer
3 They have blocked access to that website. replaced.
Access to that website a switchboard b keyboard c whiteboard
. 3 The story sounds too to me.
4 They are showing the film at the Odeon. a far-flung b far-reaching c far-fetched
The film . 4 I would never have told you if I had known you
5 They gave the visitors free DVDs. would give the secret .
The visitors . a off b out c away
6 When we switched on the TV, they were 5 What would be the best of action?
interviewing the astronauts. a course b track c way
When we switched on the TV, the astronauts 6 One of the best to learn about
. science is to visit the science museum.
7 They will display their invention at the trade fair. a paths b ways c roads
Their invention 7 You can recharge your mobile phone by
. it into the main electricity supply.
8 They made us queue for ages to buy the tickets. a switching b plugging c wiring
We . 8 Ill give you my email address so we can stay in
2 Rewrite the following sentences using the a touch b sight c earshot
words in bold. Use between two and five words 9 I thought the special in the film The
including the word given. (6 marks) Lord of the Rings were amazing.
1 People dont buy walkmans now. bought a effects b affects c defects
Not many walkmans these days. 10 The new science laboratories are definitely a
2 Someone is designing our webpage for us next up from what we had before.
week. designed a pace b jump c step
We next week.
3 My computer came last week. delivered 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
I last week. of the word in bold. (10 marks)
4 Someone stole my mobile phone from my bag 1 Pythagoras is regarded as the first great
yesterday. had . MATHEMATICS
I from my bag 2 Harry Potter was able to move around unseen
yesterday. under his cloak. VISIBLE
5 Visitors cant touch the exhibits. allowed 3 This new software will be welcomed by all
Visitors .. the exhibits. computer . USE
6 I want you to tidy this room up at once! tidied 4 The Abetti crater on the moon is named
I want at once! after the Italian Antonio
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the 5 Albert Einstein is the worlds best known
verb in brackets. (6 marks) . PHYSICS
VIDEOPHONES 6 The number of hits on our new website is just
When you phone someone, would you like to see ! Im amazed. BELIEVE
them as well as hear them? The first videophones 7 The James Hutton published his
1 (develop) in the 1960s for business theories on rock formation in 1795. GEOLOGY
but businesses 2 (show) little interest 8 The university is seeking for the
in them. In the 1990s, videophones 3 stem-cells project. RESEARCH
(become) available to the public and now they 9 We know relatively little about the
4 (use) by a number of companies for of the human mind. CAPABLE
videoconferencing. You can also 5 (use) 10 The success of Harry Potter is .
the service on your computer for webcam LEGEND

Pearson Education 2008 PHOTOCOPIABLE 105

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