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Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

Jonas Gehring
Michael Auli
David Grangier
Denis Yarats
Yann N. Dauphin
Facebook AI Research

arXiv:1705.03122v3 [cs.CL] 25 Jul 2017

Convolutional neural networks are less common for se-

quence modeling, despite several advantages (Waibel et al.,
The prevalent approach to sequence to sequence 1989; LeCun & Bengio, 1995). Compared to recurrent lay-
learning maps an input sequence to a variable ers, convolutions create representations for fixed size con-
length output sequence via recurrent neural net- texts, however, the effective context size of the network can
works. We introduce an architecture based en- easily be made larger by stacking several layers on top of
tirely on convolutional neural networks.1 Com- each other. This allows to precisely control the maximum
pared to recurrent models, computations over all length of dependencies to be modeled. Convolutional net-
elements can be fully parallelized during training works do not depend on the computations of the previous
to better exploit the GPU hardware and optimiza- time step and therefore allow parallelization over every ele-
tion is easier since the number of non-linearities ment in a sequence. This contrasts with RNNs which main-
is fixed and independent of the input length. Our tain a hidden state of the entire past that prevents parallel
use of gated linear units eases gradient propaga- computation within a sequence.
tion and we equip each decoder layer with a sep-
arate attention module. We outperform the accu- Multi-layer convolutional neural networks create hierarchi-
racy of the deep LSTM setup of Wu et al. (2016) cal representations over the input sequence in which nearby
on both WMT14 English-German and WMT14 input elements interact at lower layers while distant ele-
English-French translation at an order of magni- ments interact at higher layers. Hierarchical structure pro-
tude faster speed, both on GPU and CPU. vides a shorter path to capture long-range dependencies
compared to the chain structure modeled by recurrent net-
works, e.g. we can obtain a feature representation captur-
ing relationships within a window of n words by applying
1. Introduction only O( nk ) convolutional operations for kernels of width
Sequence to sequence learning has been successful in k, compared to a linear number O(n) for recurrent neu-
many tasks such as machine translation, speech recogni- ral networks. Inputs to a convolutional network are fed
tion (Sutskever et al., 2014; Chorowski et al., 2015) and through a constant number of kernels and non-linearities,
text summarization (Rush et al., 2015; Nallapati et al., whereas recurrent networks apply up to n operations and
2016; Shen et al., 2016) amongst others. The dominant non-linearities to the first word and only a single set of
approach to date encodes the input sequence with a se- operations to the last word. Fixing the number of non-
ries of bi-directional recurrent neural networks (RNN) and linearities applied to the inputs also eases learning.
generates a variable length output with another set of de- Recent work has applied convolutional neural networks to
coder RNNs, both of which interface via a soft-attention sequence modeling such as Bradbury et al. (2016) who in-
mechanism (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Luong et al., 2015). troduce recurrent pooling between a succession of convo-
In machine translation, this architecture has been demon- lutional layers or Kalchbrenner et al. (2016) who tackle
strated to outperform traditional phrase-based models by neural translation without attention. However, none of
large margins (Sennrich et al., 2016b; Zhou et al., 2016; these approaches has been demonstrated improvements
Wu et al., 2016; 2). over state of the art results on large benchmark datasets.
The source code and models are available at https:// Gated convolutions have been previously explored for ma- chine translation by Meng et al. (2015) but their evaluation
was restricted to a small dataset and the model was used
in tandem with a traditional count-based model. Architec-
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

tures which are partially convolutional have shown strong state hi and the last prediction yi ; the result is normalized
performance on larger tasks but their decoder is still recur- to be a distribution over input elements.
rent (Gehring et al., 2016).
Popular choices for recurrent networks in encoder-decoder
In this paper we propose an architecture for sequence to se- models are long short term memory networks (LSTM;
quence modeling that is entirely convolutional. Our model Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) and gated recurrent units
is equipped with gated linear units (Dauphin et al., 2016) (GRU; Cho et al., 2014). Both extend Elman RNNs (El-
and residual connections (He et al., 2015a). We also use man, 1990) with a gating mechanism that allows the mem-
attention in every decoder layer and demonstrate that each orization of information from previous time steps in order
attention layer only adds a negligible amount of overhead. to model long-term dependencies. Most recent approaches
The combination of these choices enables us to tackle large also rely on bi-directional encoders to build representations
scale problems (3). of both past and future contexts (Bahdanau et al., 2014;
Zhou et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2016). Models with many lay-
We evaluate our approach on several large datasets for ma-
ers often rely on shortcut or residual connections (He et al.,
chine translation as well as summarization and compare to
2015a; Zhou et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2016).
the current best architectures reported in the literature. On
WMT16 English-Romanian translation we achieve a new
state of the art, outperforming the previous best result by 3. A Convolutional Architecture
1.9 BLEU. On WMT14 English-German we outperform
Next we introduce a fully convolutional architecture for se-
the strong LSTM setup of Wu et al. (2016) by 0.5 BLEU
quence to sequence modeling. Instead of relying on RNNs
and on WMT14 English-French we outperform the like-
to compute intermediate encoder states z and decoder states
lihood trained system of Wu et al. (2016) by 1.6 BLEU.
h we use convolutional neural networks (CNN).
Furthermore, our model can translate unseen sentences at
an order of magnitude faster speed than Wu et al. (2016)
on GPU and CPU hardware (4, 5). 3.1. Position Embeddings
First, we embed input elements x = (x1 , . . . , xm ) in dis-
2. Recurrent Sequence to Sequence Learning tributional space as w = (w1 , . . . , wm ), where wj Rf
is a column in an embedding matrix D RV f . We also
Sequence to sequence modeling has been synonymous equip our model with a sense of order by embedding the ab-
with recurrent neural network based encoder-decoder ar- solute position of input elements p = (p1 , . . . , pm ) where
chitectures (Sutskever et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2014). pj Rf . Both are combined to obtain input element rep-
The encoder RNN processes an input sequence x = resentations e = (w1 + p1 , . . . , wm + pm ). We proceed
(x1 , . . . , xm ) of m elements and returns state representa- similarly for output elements that were already generated
tions z = (z1 . . . . , zm ). The decoder RNN takes z and by the decoder network to yield output element represen-
generates the output sequence y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) left to tations that are being fed back into the decoder network
right, one element at a time. To generate output yi+1 , the g = (g1 , . . . , gn ). Position embeddings are useful in our
decoder computes a new hidden state hi+1 based on the architecture since they give our model a sense of which
previous state hi , an embedding gi of the previous target portion of the sequence in the input or output it is currently
language word yi , as well as a conditional input ci derived dealing with (5.4).
from the encoder output z. Based on this generic formula-
tion, various encoder-decoder architectures have been pro- 3.2. Convolutional Block Structure
posed, which differ mainly in the conditional input and the
type of RNN. Both encoder and decoder networks share a simple block
structure that computes intermediate states based on a fixed
Models without attention consider only the final encoder number of input elements. We denote the output of the l-
state zm by setting ci = zm for all i (Cho et al., 2014), or th block as hl = (hl1 , . . . , hln ) for the decoder network,
simply initialize the first decoder state with zm (Sutskever and zl = (z1l , . . . , zm
) for the encoder network; we refer
et al., 2014), in which case ci is not used. Architectures to blocks and layers interchangeably. Each block contains
with attention (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Luong et al., 2015) a one dimensional convolution followed by a non-linearity.
compute ci as a weighted sum of (z1 . . . . , zm ) at each time For a decoder network with a single block and kernel width
step. The weights of the sum are referred to as attention k, each resulting state h1i contains information over k input
scores and allow the network to focus on different parts of elements. Stacking several blocks on top of each other in-
the input sequence as it generates the output sequences. At- creases the number of input elements represented in a state.
tention scores are computed by essentially comparing each For instance, stacking 6 blocks with k = 5 results in an in-
encoder state zj to a combination of the previous decoder put field of 25 elements, i.e. each output depends on 25
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

inputs. Non-linearities allow the networks to exploit the

full input field, or to focus on fewer elements if needed.
Each convolution kernel is parameterized as W R2dkd ,
bw R2d and takes as input X Rkd which is a
concatenation of k input elements embedded in d dimen-
sions and maps them to a single output element Y R2d
that has twice the dimensionality of the input elements;
subsequent layers operate over the k output elements of
the previous layer. We choose gated linear units (GLU;
Dauphin et al., 2016) as non-linearity which implement a
simple gating mechanism over the output of the convolu-
tion Y = [A B] R2d :

v([A B]) = A (B)

where A, B Rd are the inputs to the non-linearity, is

the point-wise multiplication and the output v([A B])
Rd is half the size of Y . The gates (B) control which
inputs A of the current context are relevant. A similar non-
linearity has been introduced in Oord et al. (2016b) who
apply tanh to A but Dauphin et al. (2016) shows that GLUs
perform better in the context of language modelling.
To enable deep convolutional networks, we add residual
connections from the input of each convolution to the out-
put of the block (He et al., 2015a).
Figure 1. Illustration of batching during training. The English
hli = v(W l [hl1 l1 l l1
ik/2 , . . . , hi+k/2 ] + bw ) + hi source sentence is encoded (top) and we compute all attention
values for the four German target words (center) simultaneously.
For encoder networks we ensure that the output of the con- Our attentions are just dot products between decoder context rep-
volutional layers matches the input length by padding the resentations (bottom left) and encoder representations. We add
input at each layer. However, for decoder networks we have the conditional inputs computed by the attention (center right) to
to take care that no future information is available to the de- the decoder states which then predict the target words (bottom
coder (Oord et al., 2016a). Specifically, we pad the input right). The sigmoid and multiplicative boxes illustrate Gated Lin-
by k 1 elements on both the left and right side by zero ear Units.
vectors, and then remove k elements from the end of the
convolution output. target element gi :
We also add linear mappings to project between the embed- dli = Wdl hli + bld + gi (1)
ding size f and the convolution outputs that are of size 2d.
We apply such a transform to w when feeding embeddings For decoder layer l the attention of state i and source el-
to the encoder network, to the encoder output zju , to the fi- ement j is computed as a dot-product between the decoder
nal layer of the decoder just before the softmax hL , and to state summary dli and each output zju of the last encoder
all decoder layers hl before computing attention scores (1). block u: 
exp dli zju
Finally, we compute a distribution over the T possible next alij = Pm l u

t=1 exp di zt
target elements yi+1 by transforming the top decoder out-
put hL The conditional input cli to the current decoder layer is a
i via a linear layer with weights Wo and bias bo :
weighted sum of the encoder outputs as well as the input
p(yi+1 |y1 , . . . , yi , x) = softmax(Wo hL
i + bo ) R
element embeddings ej (Figure 1, center right):
3.3. Multi-step Attention cli = alij (zju + ej ) (2)
We introduce a separate attention mechanism for each de-
coder layer. To compute the attention, we combine the cur- This is slightly different to recurrent approaches which
rent decoder state hli with an embedding of the previous compute both the attention and the weighted sum over zju
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

only. We found adding ej to be beneficial and it resem- of attention mechanisms we use; we exclude source word
bles key-value memory networks where the keys are the zju embeddings. We found this to stabilize learning since the
and the values are the zju + ej (Miller et al., 2016). En- encoder received too much gradient otherwise.
coder outputs zju represent potentially large input contexts
and ej provides point information about a specific input el- 3.5. Initialization
ement that is useful when making a prediction. Once cli
has been computed, it is simply added to the output of the Normalizing activations when adding the output of dif-
corresponding decoder layer hli . ferent layers, e.g. residual connections, requires careful
weight initialization. The motivation for our initialization
This can be seen as attention with multiple hops is the same as for the normalization: maintain the variance
(Sukhbaatar et al., 2015) compared to single step attention of activations throughout the forward and backward passes.
(Bahdanau et al., 2014; Luong et al., 2015; Zhou et al., All embeddings are initialized from a normal distribution
2016; Wu et al., 2016). In particular, the attention of with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1. For layers whose
the first layer determines a useful source context which output is not directly fed
pto a gated linear unit, we initial-
is then fed to the second layer that takes this information ize weights from N (0, 1/nl ) where nl is the number of
into account when computing attention etc. The decoder input connections to each neuron. This ensures that the
also has immediate access to the attention history of the variance of a normally distributed input is retained.
k 1 previous time steps because the conditional inputs
cl1 l1
are part of hl1 l1
which are input For layers which are followed by a GLU activation, we pro-
ik , . . . , ci ik , . . . , hi
pose a weight initialization scheme by adapting the deriva-
to hi . This makes it easier for the model to take into ac-
tions in (He et al., 2015b; Glorot & Bengio, 2010; Ap-
count which previous inputs have been attended to already
pendix A). If the GLU inputs are distributed with mean 0
compared to recurrent nets where this information is in the
and have sufficiently small variance, then we can approx-
recurrent state and needs to survive several non-linearities.
imate the output variance with 1/4 of the input variance
Overall, our attention mechanism considers which words
(Appendix A.1). Hence, we initialize the weights so that
we previously attended to (Yang et al., 2016) and performs
the input to the GLU activations have 4 times the variance
multiple attention hops per time step. In Appendix C,
of the layer input.p
This is achieved by drawing their initial
we plot attention scores for a deep decoder and show that
values from N (0, 4/nl ). Biases are uniformly set to zero
at different layers, different portions of the source are at-
when the network is constructed.
tended to.
We apply dropout to the input of some layers so that in-
Our convolutional architecture also allows to batch the at-
puts are retained with a probability of p. This can be seen
tention computation across all elements of a sequence com-
as multiplication with a Bernoulli random variable taking
pared to RNNs (Figure 1, middle). We batch the computa-
value 1/p with probability p and 0 otherwise (Srivastava
tions of each decoder layer individually.
et al., 2014). The application of dropout will then cause
the variance to be scaled by 1/p. We aim to restore the
3.4. Normalization Strategy
incoming variance by initializing the respective
p layers with
We stabilize learning through careful weight initialization larger weights. Specifically, we use N (0, 4p/nl )p for lay-
(3.5) and by scaling parts of the network to ensure that the ers whose output is subject to a GLU and N (0, p/nl )
variance throughout the network does not change dramati- otherwise (Appendix A.3).
cally. In particular, we scale the output of residual blocks
as well as the attention to preserve the variance of activa- 4. Experimental Setup
tions. We multiplythe sum of the input and output of a
residual block by 0.5 to halve the variance of the sum. 4.1. Datasets
This assumes that both summands have the same variance
We consider three major WMT translation tasks as well as
which is not always true but effective in practice.
a text summarization task.
The conditional input cli generated by the attention is a
WMT16 English-Romanian. We use the same data and
weighted sum of m vectors (2) andp we counteract a change
pre-processing as Sennrich et al. (2016b) but remove sen-
in variance through scaling by m 1/m; we multiply by
tences with more than 175 words. This results in 2.8M sen-
m to scale up the inputs to their original size, assuming the
tence pairs for training and we evaluate on newstest2016.2
attention scores are uniformly distributed. This is generally
not the case but we found it to work well in practice. 2
We followed the pre-processing of
For convolutional decoders with multiple attention, we sample/ and added the back-translated data
scale the gradients for the encoder layers by the number from
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

We experiment with word-based models using a source vo- still fit in GPU memory. If the threshold is exceeded, we
cabulary of 200K types and a target vocabulary of 80K simply split the batch until the threshold is met and pro-
types. We also consider a joint source and target byte-pair cess the parts separatedly. Gradients are normalized by the
encoding (BPE) with 40K types (Sennrich et al., 2016a;b). number of non-padding tokens per mini-batch. We also use
weight normalization for all layers except for lookup tables
WMT14 English-German. We use the same setup as Lu-
(Salimans & Kingma, 2016).
ong et al. (2015) which comprises 4.5M sentence pairs for
training and we test on newstest2014.3 As vocabulary we Besides dropout on the embeddings and the decoder out-
use 40K sub-word types based on BPE. put, we also apply dropout to the input of the convolu-
tional blocks (Srivastava et al., 2014). All models are im-
WMT14 English-French. We use the full training set of
plemented in Torch (Collobert et al., 2011) and trained on
36M sentence pairs, and remove sentences longer than 175
a single Nvidia M40 GPU except for WMT14 English-
words as well as pairs with a source/target length ratio ex-
French for which we use a multi-GPU setup on a single
ceeding 1.5. This results in 35.5M sentence-pairs for train-
machine. We train on up to eight GPUs synchronously by
ing. Results are reported on newstest2014. We use a source
maintaining copies of the model on each card and split the
and target vocabulary with 40K BPE types.
batch so that each worker computes 1/8-th of the gradients;
In all setups a small subset of the training data serves as val- at the end we sum the gradients via Nvidia NCCL.
idation set (about 0.5-1% for each dataset) for early stop-
ping and learning rate annealing. 4.3. Evaluation
Abstractive summarization. We train on the Gigaword We report average results over three runs of each model,
corpus (Graff et al., 2003) and pre-process it identically where each differs only in the initial random seed. Trans-
to Rush et al. (2015) resulting in 3.8M training examples lations are generated by a beam search and we normalize
and 190K for validation. We evaluate on the DUC-2004 log-likelihood scores by sentence length. We use a beam
test data comprising 500 article-title pairs (Over et al., of width 5. We divide the log-likelihoods of the final hy-
2007) and report three variants of recall-based ROUGE pothesis in beam search by their length |y|. For WMT14
(Lin, 2004), namely, ROUGE-1 (unigrams), ROUGE-2 (bi- English-German we tune a length normalization constant
grams), and ROUGE-L (longest-common substring). We on a separate development set (newstest2015) and we nor-
also evaluate on a Gigaword test set of 2000 pairs which malize log-likelihoods by |y| (Wu et al., 2016). On other
is identical to the one used by Rush et al. (2015) and we datasets we did not find any benefit with length normaliza-
report F1 ROUGE similar to prior work. Similar to Shen tion.
et al. (2016) we use a source and target vocabulary of 30K
words and require outputs to be at least 14 words long. For word-based models, we perform unknown word re-
placement based on attention scores after generation (Jean
et al., 2015). Unknown words are replaced by looking up
4.2. Model Parameters and Optimization
the source word with the maximum attention score in a pre-
We use 512 hidden units for both encoders and decoders, computed dictionary. If the dictionary contains no trans-
unless otherwise stated. All embeddings, including the out- lation, then we simply copy the source word. Dictionar-
put produced by the decoder before the final linear layer, ies were extracted from the word aligned training data that
have dimensionality 512; we use the same dimensionalities we obtained with fast align (Dyer et al., 2013). Each
for linear layers mapping between the hidden and embed- source word is mapped to the target word it is most fre-
ding sizes (3.2). quently aligned to. In our multi-step attention (3.3) we
simply average the attention scores over all layers. Fi-
We train our convolutional models with Nesterovs accel-
nally, we compute case-sensitive tokenized BLEU, except
erated gradient method (Sutskever et al., 2013) using a mo-
for WMT16 English-Romanian where we use detokenized
mentum value of 0.99 and renormalize gradients if their
BLEU to be comparable with Sennrich et al. (2016b).4
norm exceeds 0.1 (Pascanu et al., 2013). We use a learn-
ing rate of 0.25 and once the validation perplexity stops 4
improving, we reduce the learning rate by an order of mag- mosesdecoder/blob/617e8c8/scripts/generic/
nitude after each epoch until it falls below 104 . {multi-bleu.perl,}

Unless otherwise stated, we use mini-batches of 64 sen-

tences. We restrict the maximum number of words in a
mini-batch to make sure that batches with long sentences
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

5. Results WMT16 English-Romanian BLEU

5.1. Recurrent vs. Convolutional Models Sennrich et al. (2016b) GRU (BPE 90K) 28.1
We first evaluate our convolutional model on three transla- ConvS2S (Word 80K) 29.45
tion tasks. On WMT16 English-Romanian translation we ConvS2S (BPE 40K) 30.02
compare to Sennrich et al. (2016b) which is the winning
entry on this language pair at WMT16 (Bojar et al., 2016).
Their model implements the attention-based sequence to WMT14 English-German BLEU
sequence architecture of Bahdanau et al. (2014) and uses Luong et al. (2015) LSTM (Word 50K) 20.9
GRU cells both in the encoder and decoder. We test both Kalchbrenner et al. (2016) ByteNet (Char) 23.75
word-based and BPE vocabularies (4). Wu et al. (2016) GNMT (Word 80K) 23.12
Table 1 shows that our fully convolutional sequence to se- Wu et al. (2016) GNMT (Word pieces) 24.61
quence model (ConvS2S) outperforms the WMT16 win- ConvS2S (BPE 40K) 25.16
ning entry for English-Romanian by 1.9 BLEU with a BPE
encoding and by 1.3 BLEU with a word factored vocabu-
lary. This instance of our architecture has 20 layes in the WMT14 English-French BLEU
encoder and 20 layers in the decoder, both using kernels
Wu et al. (2016) GNMT (Word 80K) 37.90
of width 3 and hidden size 512 throughout. Training took
Wu et al. (2016) GNMT (Word pieces) 38.95
between 6 and 7.5 days on a single GPU.
Wu et al. (2016) GNMT (Word pieces) + RL 39.92
On WMT14 English to German translation we compare to ConvS2S (BPE 40K) 40.51
the following prior work: Luong et al. (2015) is based on a
four layer LSTM attention model, ByteNet (Kalchbrenner Table 1. Accuracy on WMT tasks comapred to previous work.
et al., 2016) propose a convolutional model based on char- ConvS2S and GNMT results are averaged over several runs.
acters without attention, with 30 layers in the encoder and
30 layers in the decoder, GNMT (Wu et al., 2016) repre-
sents the state of the art on this dataset and they use eight
encoder LSTMs as well as eight decoder LSTMs, we quote BLEU. Reinforcement learning is equally applicable to our
their result for a word-based model, such as ours, as well architecture and we believe that it would further improve
as a word-piece model (Schuster & Nakajima, 2012).5 our results.
The results (Table 1) show that our convolutional model The ConvS2S model for this experiment uses 15 layers in
outpeforms GNMT by 0.5 BLEU. Our encoder has 15 lay- the encoder and 15 layers in the decoder, both with 512
ers and the decoder has 15 layers, both with 512 hidden hidden units in the first five layers, 768 units in the subse-
units in the first ten layers and 768 units in the subsequent quent four layers, 1024 units in the next 3 layers, all using
three layers, all using kernel width 3. The final two layers kernel width 3; the final two layers have 2048 units and
have 2048 units which are just linear mappings with a sin- 4096 units each but the they are linear mappings with ker-
gle input. We trained this model on a single GPU over a nel width 1. This model has an effective context size of
period of 18.5 days with a batch size of 48. LSTM sparse only 25 words, beyond which it cannot access any infor-
mixtures have shown strong accuracy at 26.03 BLEU for a mation on the target size. Our results are based on training
single run (Shazeer et al., 2016) which compares to 25.39 with 8 GPUs for about 37 days and batch size 32 on each
BLEU for our best run. This mixture sums the output of worker.6 The same configuration as for WMT14 English-
four experts, not unlike an ensemble which sums the output German achieves 39.41 BLEU in two weeks on this dataset
of multiple networks. ConvS2S also benefits from ensem- in an eight GPU setup.
bling (5.2), therefore mixtures are a promising direction.
Zhou et al. (2016) report a non-averaged result of 39.2
Finally, we train on the much larger WMT14 English- BLEU. More recently, Ha et al. (2016) showed that one
French task where we compare to the state of the art re- can generate weights with one LSTM for another LSTM.
sult of GNMT (Wu et al., 2016). Our model is trained with This approach achieves 40.03 BLEU but the result is not
a simple token-level likelihood objective and we improve averaged. Shazeer et al. (2016) compares at 40.56 BLEU
over GNMT in the same setting by 1.6 BLEU on average. to our best single run of 40.70 BLEU.
We also outperform their reinforcement (RL) models by 0.5 6
This is half of the GPU time consumed by a basic model of
We did not use the exact same vocabulary size because word Wu et al. (2016) who use 96 GPUs for 6 days. We expect the time
pieces and BPE estimate the vocabulary differently. to train our model to decrease substantially in a multi-machine
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

WMT14 English-German BLEU BLEU Time (s)

Wu et al. (2016) GNMT 26.20 GNMT GPU (K80) 31.20 3,028
Wu et al. (2016) GNMT + RL 26.30 GNMT CPU 88 cores 31.20 1,322
GNMT TPU 31.21 384
ConvS2S 26.43
ConvS2S GPU (K40) b = 1 33.45 327
ConvS2S GPU (M40) b = 1 33.45 221
WMT14 English-French BLEU ConvS2S GPU (GTX-1080ti) b = 1 33.45 142
Zhou et al. (2016) 40.4 ConvS2S CPU 48 cores b = 1 33.45 142
Wu et al. (2016) GNMT 40.35 ConvS2S GPU (K40) b = 5 34.10 587
Wu et al. (2016) GNMT + RL 41.16 ConvS2S CPU 48 cores b = 5 34.10 482
ConvS2S 41.44 ConvS2S GPU (M40) b = 5 34.10 406
ConvS2S (10 models) 41.62 ConvS2S GPU (GTX-1080ti) b = 5 34.10 256

Table 2. Accuracy of ensembles with eight models. We show Table 3. CPU and GPU generation speed in seconds on the de-
both likelihood and Reinforce (RL) results for GNMT; Zhou et al. velopment set of WMT14 English-French. We show results for
(2016) and ConvS2S use simple likelihood training. different beam sizes b. GNMT figures are taken from Wu et al.
(2016). CPU speeds are not directly comparable because Wu et al.
(2016) use a 88 core machine versus our 48 core setup.

The translations produced by our models often match the

length of the references, particularly for the large WMT14 use Nvidia K80 GPUs which are essentially two K40s. We
English-French task, or are very close for small to medium did not have such a GPU available and therefore run ex-
data sets such as WMT14 English-German or WMT16 periments on an older K40 card which is inferior to a K80,
English-Romanian. in addition to the newer M40 and GTX-1080ti cards. The
results (Table 3) show that our model can generate transla-
5.2. Ensemble Results tions on a K40 GPU at 9.3 times the speed and 2.25 higher
BLEU; on an M40 the speed-up is up to 13.7 times and on
Next, we ensemble eight likelihood-trained models for both
a GTX-1080ti card the speed is 21.3 times faster. A larger
WMT14 English-German and WMT14 English-French
beam of size 5 decreases speed but gives better BLEU.
and compare to previous work which also reported ensem-
ble results. For the former, we also show the result when On CPU, our model is up to 9.3 times faster, however, the
ensembling 10 models. Table 2 shows that we outperform GNMT CPU results were obtained with an 88 core machine
the best current ensembles on both datasets. whereas our results were obtained with just over half the
number of cores. On a per CPU core basis, our model is
5.3. Generation Speed 17 times faster at a better BLEU. Finally, our CPU speed is
2.7 times higher than GNMT on a custom TPU chip which
Next, we evaluate the inference speed of our architecture shows that high speed can be achieved on commodity hard-
on the development set of the WMT14 English-French ware. We do no report TPU figures as we do not have ac-
task which is the concatenation of newstest2012 and new- cess to this hardware.
stest2013; it comprises 6003 sentences. We measure gener-
ation speed both on GPU and CPU hardware. Specifically,
5.4. Position Embeddings
we measure GPU speed on three generations of Nvidia
cards: a GTX-1080ti, an M40 as well as an older K40 In the following sections, we analyze the design choices in
card. CPU timings are measured on one host with 48 hyper- our architecture. The remaining results in this paper are
threaded cores (Intel Xeon E5-2680 @ 2.50GHz) with 40 based on the WMT14 English-German task with 13 en-
workers. In all settings, we batch up to 128 sentences, com- coder layers at kernel size 3 and 5 decoder layers at kernel
posing batches with sentences of equal length. Note that size 5. We use a target vocabulary of 160K words as well as
the majority of batches is smaller because of the small size vocabulary selection (Mi et al., 2016; LHostis et al., 2016)
of the development set. We experiment with beams of size to decrease the size of the output layer which speeds up
5 as well as greedy search, i.e beam of size 1. To make gen- training and testing. The average vocabulary size for each
eration fast, we do not recompute convolution states that training batch is about 20K target words. All figures are av-
have not changed compared to the previous time step but eraged over three runs (4) and BLEU is reported on new-
rather copy (shift) these activations. stest2014 before unknown word replacement.
We compare to results reported in Wu et al. (2016) who We start with an experiment that removes the position em-
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning


ConvS2S 6.64 21.7 1,2,3,4,5 6.65 21.63
-source position 6.69 21.3 1,2,3,4 6.70 21.54
-target position 6.63 21.5 1,2,3 6.95 21.36
-source & target position 6.68 21.2 1,2 6.92 21.47
1,3,5 6.97 21.10
Table 4. Effect of removing position embeddings from our model
1 7.15 21.26
in terms of validation perplexity (valid PPL) and BLEU.
2 7.09 21.30
3 7.11 21.19
4 7.19 21.31
beddings from the encoder and decoder (3.1). These em- 5 7.66 20.24
beddings allow our model to identify which portion of the
source and target sequence it is dealing with but also im- Table 5. Multi-step attention in all five decoder layers or fewer
pose a restriction on the maximum sentence length. Ta- layers in terms of validation perplexity (PPL) and test BLEU.
ble 4 shows that position embeddings are helpful but that
our model still performs well without them. Removing
the source position embeddings results in a larger accuracy 22

decrease than target position embeddings. However, re-

moving both source and target positions decreases accuracy
only by 0.5 BLEU. We had assumed that the model would 21
not be able to calibrate the length of the output sequences BLEU

very well without explicit position information, however, 20.5

the output lengths of models without position embeddings
closely matches models with position information. This in- 20

dicates that the models can learn relative position informa-

tion within the contexts visible to the encoder and decoder 19.5
networks which can observe up to 27 and 25 words respec- Decoder
tively. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Recurrent models typically do not use explicit position em-
beddings since they can learn where they are in the se- Figure 2. Encoder and decoder with different number of layers.
quence through the recurrent hidden state computation. In
our setting, the use of position embeddings requires only a
simple addition to the input word embeddings which is a
a 4% slow down when adding 4 attention modules. Most
negligible overhead.
neural machine translation systems only use a single mod-
ule. This demonstrates that attention is not the bottleneck
5.5. Multi-step Attention in neural machine translation, even though it is quadratic in
The multiple attention mechanism (3.3) computes a sep- the sequence length (cf. Kalchbrenner et al., 2016). Part of
arate source context vector for each decoder layer. The the reason for the low impact on speed is that we batch the
computation also takes into account contexts computed for computation of an attention module over all target words,
preceding decoder layers of the current time step as well similar to Kalchbrenner et al. (2016). However, for RNNs
as previous time steps that are within the receptive field of batching of the attention may be less effective because of
the decoder. How does multiple attention compare to at- the dependence on the previous time step.
tention in fewer layers or even only in a single layer as is
usual? Table 5 shows that attention in all decoder layers 5.6. Kernel size and Depth
achieves the best validation perplexity (PPL). Furthermore,
Figure 2 shows accuracy when we change the number of
removing more and more attention layers decreases accu-
layers in the encoder or decoder. The kernel width for lay-
racy, both in terms of BLEU as well as PPL.
ers in the encoder is 3 and for the decoder it is 5. Deeper
The computational overhead for attention is very small architectures are particularly beneficial for the encoder but
compared to the rest of the network. Training with atten- less so for the decoder. Decoder setups with two layers al-
tion in all five decoder layers processes 3624 target words ready perform well whereas for the encoder accuracy keeps
per second on average on a single GPU, compared to 3772 increasing steadily with more layers until up to 9 layers
words per second for attention in a single layer. This is only when accuracy starts to plateau.
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

DUC-2004 Gigaword
RG-1 (R) RG-2 (R) RG-L (R) RG-1 (F) RG-2 (F) RG-L (F)
RNN MLE (Shen et al., 2016) 24.92 8.60 22.25 32.67 15.23 30.56
RNN MRT (Shen et al., 2016) 30.41 10.87 26.79 36.54 16.59 33.44
WFE (Suzuki & Nagata, 2017) 32.28 10.54 27.80 36.30 17.31 33.88
ConvS2S 30.44 10.84 26.90 35.88 17.48 33.29

Table 6. Accuracy on two summarization tasks in terms of Rouge-1 (RG-1), Rouge-2 (RG-2), and Rouge-L (RG-L).

Kernel width Encoder layers model structure. We expect our model to benefit from these
5 9 13 improvements as well.
3 20.61 21.17 21.63
5 20.80 21.02 21.42 6. Conclusion and Future Work
7 20.81 21.30 21.09
We introduce the first fully convolutional model for se-
quence to sequence learning that outperforms strong re-
Table 7. Encoder with different kernel width in terms of BLEU.
current models on very large benchmark datasets at an or-
Kernel width Decoder layers der of magnitude faster speed. Compared to recurrent net-
3 5 7 works, our convolutional approach allows to discover com-
positional structure in the sequences more easily since rep-
3 21.10 21.71 21.62 resentations are built hierarchically. Our model relies on
5 21.09 21.63 21.24 gating and performs multiple attention steps.
7 21.40 21.31 21.33
We achieve a new state of the art on several public trans-
Table 8. Decoder with different kernel width in terms of BLEU. lation benchmark data sets. On the WMT16 English-
Romanian task we outperform the previous best result by
1.9 BLEU, on WMT14 English-French translation we im-
Aside from increasing the depth of the networks, we can prove over the LSTM model of Wu et al. (2016) by 1.6
also change the kernel width. Table 7 shows that encoders BLEU in a comparable setting, and on WMT14 English-
with narrow kernels and many layers perform better than German translation we ouperform the same model by 0.5
wider kernels. These networks can also be faster since the BLEU. In future work, we would like to apply convolu-
amount of work to compute a kernel operating over 3 input tional architectures to other sequence to sequence learn-
elements is less than half compared to kernels over 7 ele- ing problems which may benefit from learning hierarchical
ments. We see a similar picture for decoder networks with representations as well.
large kernel sizes (Table 8). Dauphin et al. (2016) shows
that context sizes of 20 words are often sufficient to achieve Acknowledgements
very good accuracy on language modeling for English.
We thank Benjamin Graham for providing a fast 1-D con-
5.7. Summarization volution, and Ronan Collobert as well as Yann LeCun for
helpful discussions related to this work.
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summarization which takes a long sentence as input and
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Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

A. Weight Initialization With x N (0, std(x)), this yields

We derive a weight initialization scheme tailored to the   1  2 1 1
E (x)2 E x + (13)
GLU activation function similar to Glorot & Bengio 16 4 2
(2010); He et al. (2015b) by focusing on the variance of 1   1
= V ar x + . (14)
activations within the network for both forward and back- 16 4
ward passes. We also detail how we modify the weight
initialization for dropout. With (7) and V ar[yl1
a b
] = V ar[yl1 ] = V ar[yl1 ], this
results in
A.1. Forward Pass   1  2 1  
V ar xl V ar yl1 + V ar yl1 . (15)
16 4
Assuming that the inputs xl of a convolutional layer l and
its weights Wl are independent and identically distributed We initialize the embedding matrices in our network with
(i.i.d.), the variance of its output, computed as yl = Wl xl + small variances (around 0.01), which allows us to dismiss
bl , is     the quadratic term and approximate the GLU output vari-
V ar yl = nl V ar wl xl (3) ance with
where nl is the number inputs to the layer. For one- V ar[xl ] V ar[yl1 ]. (16)
dimensional convolutional layers with kernel width k and 4
input dimension c, this is kc. We adopt the notation in (He If L network layers of equal size and with GLU activations
et al., 2015b), i.e. yl , wl and xl represent the random vari- are combined, the variance of the final output yL is given
ables in yl , Wl and xl . With wl and xl independent from by
each other and normally distributed with zero mean, this
amounts to 1
V ar[yL ] V ar[y1 ] nl V ar[wl ] . (17)
V ar yl = nl V ar wl V ar xl . (4) l=2

xl is the result of the GLU activation function Following (He et al., 2015b), we aim to satisfy the condi-
yl1 b
(yl1 ) with yl1 = (yl1 a b
, yl1 ), and yl1
a b
, yl1 tion
i.i.d. Next, we formulate upper and lower bounds in or- nl V ar wl = 1, l (18)
der to approximate V ar[xl ]. If yl1 follows a symmetric
distribution with mean 0, then so that the activations in a network are neither exponen-
   a  tially magnified norpreduced. This is achieved by initializ-
V ar xl = V ar yl1 b
(yl1 ) (5) ing Wl from N (0, 4/nl ).
 a b
= E yl1 (yl1 ) E 2 yl1
a b
(yl1 )
A.2. Backward Pass
a b
= V ar[yl1 ]E (yl1 ) . 2
(7) The gradient of a convolutional layer is computed via back-
propagation as xl = Wl yl . Considering separate gradi-
A lower bound is given by (1/4)V ar[yl1 a
] when expand- ents yla and ylb for GLU, the gradient of x is given by
ing (6) with E [(yl1 )] = 1/4:
2 b

   a  xl = Wla yla + Wlb ylb . (19)

V ar xl = V ar yl1 (yl1 ) (8)
 a  2 b
 W corresponds to W with re-arranged weights to enable
= V ar yl1 E (yl1 ) + back-propagation. Analogously to the forward pass, xl ,
 a    (9)
V ar yl1 b
V ar (yl1 ) wl and yl represent the random variables for the values
1  a   a   b
 in xl , Wl and yl , respectively. Note that W and W
= V ar yl1 + V ar yl1 V ar (yl1 ) contain the same values, i.e. w = w. Similar to (3), the
(10) variance of xl is
and V ar[yl1
a b
]V ar[(yl1 )] > 0. We utilize the relation V ar[xl ] = nl V ar[wla ]V ar[yla ] + V ar[wlb ]V ar[ylb ] .
(x) (1/16)x 1/4 + (x) (Appendix B) to provide
2 2
an upper bound on E[(x)2 ]: Here, nl is the number of inputs to layer l+1. The gradients
1 2 1  for the GLU inputs are:
E[(x)2 ] E x + (x) (11)
16 4 yla = xl+1 (ylb ) and (21)
1 2 1
= E[x ] + E[(x)] (12) ylb = xl+1 yla 0
(ylb ). (22)
16 4
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

The approximation for the forward pass can be used for of r and E[x] = 0, the variance after dropout is
V ar[yla ], and for estimating V ar[ylb ] we assume an up-
per bound on E[ 0 (ylb )2 ] of 1/16 since 0 (ylb ) [0, 41 ]. V ar[xr] = E[r]2 V ar[x] + V ar[r]V ar[x] (29)
Hence, 1p
= 1+ V ar[x] (30)
1 1 1
V ar[yla ] V ar[xl+1 ] V ar[xl+1 ]V ar[ylb )] = V ar[x] (31)
4 16 p
1 Assuming that a the input of a convolutional layer has been
V ar[ylb ] V ar[xl+1 ]V ar[yla ] (24)
16 subject to dropout with a retain probability p, the varia-
tions of the forward and backward activations from A.1
We observe relatively small gradients in our network, typ-
and A.2 can now be approximated with
ically around 0.001 at the start of training. Therefore, we
approximate by discarding the quadratic terms above, i.e. 1
V ar[xl+1 ] nl V ar[wl ]V ar[xl ] and (32)
1 1
V ar[yla ] V ar[xl+1 ] (25) V ar[xl ] nl V ar[wla ]V ar[xl+1 ]. (33)
4 4p
V ar[ylb ] 0 (26)
This amounts to a modified initialization of Wl from a nor-
V ar[xl ] nl V ar[wla ]V ar[xl+1 ] (27) mal
p distribution with zero mean and a standard deviation of
4 4p/n. For layers without a succeeding GLU p activation
As for the forward pass, the above result can be general- function, we initialize weights from N (0, p/n) to cali-
ized to backpropagation through many successive layers, brate for any immediately preceding dropout application.
resulting in
B. Upper Bound on Squared Sigmoid
1 The sigmoid function (x) can be expressed as a hyper-
V ar[x2 ] V ar[xL+1 ] nl V ar[wla ] (28)
bolic tangent by using the identity tanh(x) = 2 (2x) 1.
The derivative of tanh is tanh0 (x) = 1 tanh2 (x), and
with tanh(x) [0, 1], x 0 it holds that
and a similar condition, i.e. (1/4)nl V ar[wla ] = 1. In the
networks we consider, successions of convolutional layers tanh0 (x) 1, x 0 (34)
usually operate on the same number of inputs so that most Z x Z x
cases nl = nl . Note that Wlb is discarded in the approx- tanh0 (x) dx 1 dx (35)
imation; however, for the sake of consistency we use the 0 0

same initialization for Wla and Wlb . tanh(x) x, x 0 (36)

For arbitrarily large variances of network inputs and activa- We can express this relation with (x) as follows:
tions, our approximations are invalid; in that case, the ini-
tial values for Wla and Wlb would have to be balanced for 2 (x) 1 x, x 0 (37)
the input distribution to be retained. Alternatively, meth- 2
ods that explicitly control the variance in the network, e.g. Both terms of this inequality have rotational symmetry w.r.t
batch normalization (Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015) or layer nor- 0, and thus
malization (Ba et al., 2016) could be employed.  2
2 1
2 (x) 1 x x (38)
A.3. Dropout 2
1 2 1
Dropout retains activations in a neural network with a prob- (x)2 x + (x). (39)
16 4
ability p and sets them to zero otherwise (Srivastava et al.,
2014). It is common practice to scale the retained activa- C. Attention Visualization
tions by 1/p during training so that the weights of the net-
work do not have to be modified at test time when p is set to Figure 3 shows attention scores for a generated sentence
1. In this case, dropout amounts to multiplying activations from the WMT14 English-German task. The model used
x by a Bernoulli random variable r where Pr[r = 1/p] = p for this plot has 8 decoder layers and a 80K BPE vocabu-
and Pr[r = 0] = 1 p (Srivastava et al., 2014). It holds lary. The attention passes in different decoder layers cap-
that E[r] = 1 and V ar[r] = (1 p)/p. If x is independent ture different portions of the source sentence. Layer 1, 3
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

and 6 exhibit a linear alignment. The first layer shows the

clearest alignment, although it is slightly off and frequently
attends to the corresponding source word of the previously
generated target word. Layer 2 and 8 lack a clear struc-
ture and are presumably collecting information about the
whole source sentence. The fourth layer shows high align-
ment scores on nouns such as festival, way and work
for both the generated target nouns as well as their preced-
ing words. Note that in German, those preceding words
depend on gender and object relationship of the respec-
tive noun. Finally, the attention scores in layer 5 and 7
focus on built, which is reordered in the German trans-
lation and is moved from the beginning to the very end of
the sentence. One interpretation for this is that as genera-
tion progresses, the model repeatedly tries to perform the
re-ordering. aufgebaut can be generated after a noun or
pronoun only, which is reflected in the higher scores at po-
sitions 2, 5, 8, 11 and 13.
Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

Layer 4 Layer 5 Layer 6

Layer 7 Layer 8

Figure 3. Attention scores for different decoder layers for a sentence translated from English (y-axis) to German (x-axis). This model
uses 8 decoder layers and a 80k BPE vocabulary.

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