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Commentary on the Letter Issued by Pope Francis; Civil Orders

The original and de jure Constitutional for the United States Republic at North America and its Republican Form of

Government (set forth and established at Article IV Section 4) was secretly overthrown and converted into a foreign, privately

owned, and for-profit corporation in the year 1871 (See The Act of 1871). That misprision derived and foreign, Feudal Law -

entity was styled as, The United States Corporation Company which is commonly referred to as, The U. S. Democracy. That

privately owed entity, created by acts of Misprision, and all its corporate franchisees were and are ultimately and factually owned

by the Vatican; - being members of the (Roman Curia). This politically and socially subdued truth is actually the source of the

functioning jurisdictional powers that gives the Pope of Rome or the Vatican / Bishopric the valid and affirmable Authority

expressed and executed via this impacting Letter.

This Letter titled Civil Orders was posted on August 19, 2015; but if this said posting is correct, the measured time reports

that it was apparently sent to President Obama over a year ago, - being July 4th, of 2014. The Popes Letter not only confirms that

the United States (U.S.) is operating under a corporation, but the Popes Letter also confirms that General Carter Ham will be

heading up the New Republic when it is announced. The announcement will be part of the NESARA announcements. This

current Pope is working for the Light. Anyway, dont waste your time on the political circus concerning the U.S. election. I dont

expect to see one. When NESARA is announced, the new interim president becomes the president of the New Republic for six

months after which free elections are held. We can then elect the interim president for another four years or elect someone else. The

content of the letter below is pretty self-explanatory. You may want to check out the attachment. MrT.


Pope Francis Sends Obama Powerful Letter via Attorney [on] July 4th 2014 Posted on August 19,

Pope Francis Sends Obama Powerful Letter via Attorney
[on] July 4th 2014
Issued to All Members of the Domestic Police Forces; U.S. Marshals Service; the Provost
Marshal; Members of the American Bar Association; and the American Armed Services.
These organic American states of the Union known as The United States of America
(major) exercising plenary civil power upon the land hereby appoint General Carter F. Ham
to lead and command The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) and its successors under the
guidance of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and with their full support.

Should it become necessary to suppress commercial mercenary forces operating under the
guise of being federal government agencies including but not limited to the Department of
Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Administration, the Internal
Revenue Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, etc., General Ham shall
assume immediate command and control of all armed forces and services owed to The
United States of America (major) stationed in North America and shall join them under his
Command as The Grand Army of the Republic. All forces of air, land, and sea are to be

Any cost or loss suffered as a result of deployment of The Grand Army of the Republic
shall be charged as stipulated prior.

All effort shall be made by The Grand Army of the Republic to spare life and property
while undertaking any action whatsoever within the states of the Union without exception.
The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) is uniquely enabled by these Orders to operate on
the land of the fifty (50) organic states for the purposes of securing the lives and property of
the American States and American State Citizens. The GAR is not a foreign army and is
composed primarily of American State Citizens.

If required to take field position, the local commanders shall make every effort to
communicate the basis of their authority and the reasons for their presence on American
State soil to ensure a prompt cessation of hostilities and a widespread understanding of the
usurpations and acts of fraud which have led to any conflict. All parties must be brought to
understand the nature of the federal government, the limitations of its authority, and their
own obligation to act in favor of the organic states of the Union. The Grand Army of the
Republic shall continue to operate under General Order 100 known as the Lieber Code,
extant from the pen of the last Republic President, Abraham Lincoln.

No orders, Executive or otherwise, issued by Barack H. Obama pretending authority on

the land of the American States while operating as President of the UNITED STATES
Corporation nor as the President of the United States of America (minor) are owed any
performance by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Ham, or any Ordinary. All plainly stated
grants of contractual authority evident in The Constitution for the united States of America
remain in place, subject to good faith performance of the accompanying obligations and

Mr. Obama is the President of a governmental services corporation under contract to

provide stipulated services to the organic states and is on their payroll. He otherwise acts as a
foreign dignitary representing the United States of America (minor). In neither of these
capacities is he allowed any granted authority to impose upon American State Citizens,
endanger American State property, or command mercenary forces on American State soil,
however veiled as federal civilian service agencies. We require the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
General Ham to commence measures to disarm federal civilian agency personnel and to
seize control of the vast stockpiles of arms which have been improperly amassed by the
Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, and other agencies employed by the UNITED

The only federal agency allowed free egress on the land of the American States is the U.S.
Marshals Service, and then only when their personnel are engaged in their duty to protect the

U.S. Mail and sworn to act as constitutional officers. All other federal agency personnel are
limited to unarmed service until further notice.
We direct the Joint Chiefs of Staff to communicate these first two General Civil Orders
directly to Mr. Obama, the members of the US Congress, the administrators of all
federal agencies, the members of the Supreme Court and those acting as Governors to
compel their rapid understanding and cooperation.

Any expense or damage incurred by these organic states or any American State Citizen as
a result of actions undertaken by any federal agency personnel acting as armed mercenaries
on American State soil will be understood as the result of violent crimes committed against
the peaceful inhabitants of the land and will incur immediate judgment liquidating the assets
of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Federal Reserve (FEDERAL RESERVE)
in payment of the stipulated reparations. Such crimes shall also be considered contract
default increasing the public debt subject to bounty.

Any and all corporate officers of the UNITED STATES or any successor organization(s)
inheriting federal service contracts who support, condone, or promote such crimes against
the American States or against American State Citizens shall be subject to arrest and
prosecution for commercial and violent crimes. All foreign officials operating as elected or
appointed officials of the United States of America (minor) who support, condone, or
promote such crimes against the American States or against American State Citizens shall be
subject to arrest, confiscation of their assets, and deportation to Puerto Rico, Guam, or such
other states as may be willing to receive them.

Such foreign officials include members of the American and British Bar Associations
who were licensed to act as privateers against the interests of the American States and the
American State Citizens from 1845 to 2013 in flagrant Breach of Trust. All such licenses are
now extinguished. Members of the Bar Associations are required to cease and desist assaults
against the American States and American State Citizens and shall be subject to arrest,
confiscation, and deportation otherwise.

Insomuch as corporate officers operating the United States of America, Incorporated, and
the UNITED STATES have contrived under conditions of fraud and semantic deceit to re-
venue the estates of the American States and living American State Citizens to the foreign
jurisdiction of the United States of America (minor) they are found guilty of capital crimes,
including acts of fraud and treason committed between 1933 and 1945, and are condemned
posthumously. Insomuch as elected officials operating the United States of America (minor)
have similarly committed war crimes against the American States and their peaceful
inhabitants during the same time period, they stand condemned posthumously.

No enforcement upon any American State or American State Citizen is owed as a result of
any Act of any Congress operating as the sovereign government of the United States of
America (minor), nor as the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees of any incorporated
entity whatsoever.

All those Estates and ESTATES erroneously believed to represent the American States
and American State Citizens and which were conveyed by fraud and legal deceit to the
United States of America (minor) and more recently to the City-State of the United Nations,
are re-venued without exception to the geographically defined American States and the
American State Citizens where they shall remain in perpetuity as assets belonging to the
rightful and lawful beneficiaries.

All legal fiction entities however structured and named after the American States and
American State Citizens are returned to them and their control, free and clear of any debt,
promise, encumbrance or obligation alleged against them as a result of false claims made in
their behalf by officers of the United States of America, Inc. and the UNITED STATES,
INC. or by any foreign officials operating the United States of America (minor), or the
United Nations City State falsely claiming to represent them or have jurisdiction over

We note that the current circumstance is in part the result of criminal acts engaged in 150
years ago, which resulted in the commercial enslavement of African Americans who were
summarily claimed as chattels backing US government debt in the wake of the Civil War.
Despite every act of abolition and declaration of prohibition against both peonage and
slavery, it has been the policy of the US government to enslave its citizens and to operate
as a rogue state among the nations of the world. Instead of freeing African Americans the
sum total result of the Civil War was to vastly expand public sector ownership of slaves,
giving rise to the outrageous and improper claims that have been made against the American
States and the American State Citizens that we are dealing with today. It is uniquely fitting
that The Grand Army of the Republic is recalled to settle this circumstance in favor of the

CIVIL ORDERS Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von
Lettow-Vorbeck, Private Attorney in service to His Holiness, Pope Francis Documents
Related: The United States Isnt a Country; Its a Corporation!
The Hidden Vatican Crown Empire.

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