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1. Ifa says that the person, for whom this Odu is revealed either at Ikosedaye or Itenifa,
needs to beware of the type of friends he associates with. This becomes necessary in order
to avoid being accused wrongly. Ifa says that such friends do not have enough patience and
capability to investigate matters properly before arriving at a conclusion. Therefore, there
is the tendency for them to make wrong allegation against him.
There is the need however for him to offer ebo with a matured he-goat, three pieces of
kolanuts, palm oil and money. He also needs to feed Esu-Odara as well. On this, Ifa says:

Sadi idiri
Olokuu kii fi oku sile
Dia fun Onisorun ti sale oja
Won ni ko ba won wa iya awon
Ebo ni won ni ko ya muse
Ko peo, ona o jin
E wa ba ni lajase ogun

Sadi Idiri
The relation of a corpse will not allow the corpse to lie unattended to
This was the message of Ifa of Onisorun in the downtown
He was accused wrongly of putting into custody his friends mother
He was advised to offer ebo
Not too long, soon after
Come and meet us in victorious battle

Ifa says it will not allow the person for whom this Odu is revealed to suffer underserved
punishment and will also protect him from wrong accusations.

2. Ifa foresees the Ire of Wealth for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that
this person needs to be more active in his endeavours and avoid unnecessary rhetorics. Ifa
says that success opportunities abound which had been provided specially for him by Ifa
that are only waiting for him to catch in on. In this wise, he needs to offer ebo with
matured she-goat. This goat must be used to serve Ifa.
Thereafter, success is guaranteed for this person. On this, a stanza is Osadi reads thus:

Osa dii awo Ile Alara

Kain-kain womu awo oke Ijero
Odu dubuule awo igbekun ona
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba yoo fi owo otun silekun ola sile
A nawo osi si Akapo re ko mu ewure wa
Ebo ni won ko se
O gbeobo, o rubo
Ire aje wa je de eyinkule awo

Osa and Odi, the resident awo of Alara
Kain-kain womu the resident awo of Ijero land
A lying corpse on the ground has barred people from passing across
These were the awo who cast Ifa for Orunmila
When baba would open the door of wealth with his right hand
And would stretch his left hand towards
Akapo for him to bring a she-goat
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
In abundance
Aje, deity of wealth now flourish in the home of Awo

3. Ifa says tha the person for whom this Odu is revealed needs to offer ebo for his children
in order for them not to die prematurely and to succeed in life. Ifa says that this ebo is
important irrespective of the fact that the person has children now or is yet to have any. Ifa
says that the success of these children would be so great that people will become envious
of and which may result to their lives being put in jeopardy. He however needs to offer ebo
with one matured he-goat, white clothe, red clothes and money. On this, Ifa says:

Osa dii awo ile Ala

Kain-kain womu awo oke Ijero
Dia fun Oniporo
Omo afata werewere modi nitori omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Oke fefe ndidi
Irunbi ko maa lo

Osa and Odi, the resident awo of Alara
Kain-kain womu the resident awo of Ijero land
They cast Ifa for Oniporo
The one who used plenty of small peppers to fortify himself because of his children
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Up in the air I command
Go ye, all negative forces

4. Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed need to uphold Ifa as his pillar of
support and solace at all times.
Ifa says that the Itenifa (Ifa Initiation), which he had done, now attests to the fact that he is
ready to uphold Ifa. Ifa says that this person will be protected from all evils and will be
adequately provided for as long as he upholds Ifa. He also needs to be propitiating Ifa from
time to time. The armor of Ifa is always there to shield him from all attacks. On these, Ifa
has this to say:

Sadii sadii
Dia fun Iyere
Ti nlo reee dipo ope mu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Opr mo di o mu o
Koo ma yin mi nu
Iyere ara igi oko
Kii won danu
Enikan kii sa di ojoope
Ki iku o pa ni

Run for solace
This was the Ifas declaration to Iyere,
When going to uphold the pillar of Ope, Ifa
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ope, I hold on to you for support
Do not let me off
Iyere does not go off the tree
Nobody runs to Ope, Ifa for solace
For him to be killed permanently

5. Ifa foresees the Ire of accomplishment for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa
says that his Egbe in heaven will always be hand to assist him in all his undertakings. Ifa
says that as soon as his Egbe notices a downward trend in his life, they shall always be
there for him. However, Ifa advises him to offer ebo, propitiate Egbe and to procure Egbe
Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed shall never be in want of the good
things of life including good companions. On this, Ifa says:

Osa didi ndii

Odi dada nda
Ogbele gbungudu kan Oran
Dia fun Borokini Aye
A bu fun tOde orun
Won niko rubo
O gbebo, o rubo
Borokini orun kii je ki taye o te
Kaka ki borokinnni taye o te
Egbe re tode orun a gbe e nija
Egbe e ma ma je ki nte o
Eniyan rere kii te boroboro

Osa didi ndii
Odi dada nda aliases
Ogbele gburugudu kan Orun
They were the awo who cast Ifa fo Borokin of the earth
And also cast for Borokin of heaven
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Borokini of heaven will not allow the one on the earth to be disgraced
Instead of the Borokini of the earth to be disgraced
The one of the heaven will assist him
My Egbe, do not let me be disgraced
A virtuous person can never be disgraced

6. Ifa advises the person for whom this Odu is revealed to always speak out his problems
as failure to do so may affect him adversely. Ifa says that there is a particular ailment that
is affecting this person presently and which he had kept quiet about. Ifa advises him not to
be shy about reporting to those who are really in charge of taking care of such ailment.
There is also the need however to offer ebo inorder to overcome this ailment with one
matured he-goat and money. He needs to feed Ifa with a she-goat and also feed the elders
of the night with four big rats and palm-oil. On these, Osa-di says

O sa dedii awo ile Alara

Kainkain womu awo oke Ijero
Aidun ejo nii sun molonku-molonku
Dia fun Adake-jeje ile yii
O nsogbogbo arun
O nnaju ati dide
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Eeyan kii waa dakee ku
Adake-jej ile yii nkuu lo o

Osa dedii, the resident awo of Alara
Karinkan womu, the resident awo of Ijero land
These were the awo who cast Ifa for Adake-jeje, he-who-keeps-mute
When he was suffering from ailment
And wish he would be up and about
He was advised to offer ebo
One cannot be silent to the point of death
Adake-jeje of this household is dying

7. Ifa says that there is a particular person who needs to placate the elders of the night. Ifa
says that there dragnet has really captured him without any means of escape. Ifa also
advises the person for whom this Odu is revealed to offer ebo and feed the night in order
to avert falling victim of these people of the night or to avoid a situation whereby he would
fall ill and become bedridden so a long time.
Ifa advises him to offer an ewe, 200 kolanuts, 200 bitter kola, 10 bottles of palm-oil big pot
and money. This ewe will be sliced open, together with other ingredients and offered the
elders of the night. On these, Ifa says:

O sa dedii awo Eleye

Dia fun Eleye
O ntorun bo waye
Ebo ni won ni o se
Eeyan ni o sehun
Eeyan ni o sehun
Eeryan ni o seeyan
Eeyan o ba ti roju ojo kan
A rubo Eleye o

Osa and Odi, the awo of eleye, the night
Cast Ifa for Eleye
When coming from heaven to earth
They were advised to offer ebo
Human beings are not grateful
Human beings are the wicked
Human beings would have endured at least for a day
In order to offer ebo for the night

8. Ifa foresees victory for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa advises this person
to offer ebo in order to avert a situation of being in detention for sometime. Ifa also advises
him to beware of conduct or situation on which may lead him into trouble or litigation and
which may also result to being detained and stripped off of his freedom.
Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed will be blessed with free gift, but
needs to offer ebo in order not to miss the opportunity. Ifa however advises this person to
offer ebo with a matured he-goat, a basket and money. On these, Ifa says:

Erin sadii, erin gba asa

Efon sadii, efon fese hu poolo
Oko kan seere
Balogun Asa lo kifa fun Asa
Olumodi, akogun eye
Igbati nlo ogun alemu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni larunsegun
Asa o peko bawonyi ri o
Ona lo jin

The elephant ran for solace, yet was attacked
The buffalo ran for solace, yet it fell into trap with its legs
A stone that hits its target, the chief warrior of Asa, the hawk
Cast Ifa for Asa, the hawk
The one who was the Olumodi and war general of the birds
When he was going to the war and being held captive
He was advised to offer ebo
Not too long, soon after
Come and meet us with an offering of victory
Asa does not usually stay too long in the farm
Perhaps, he has traveled far

In this Odu above, Asa, hawk wanted to go out for his usual hunting expedition. He was so
sure that he never went for hunting without coming back with a prey. Due to his swiftness
and accuracy in snatching his prey, he was made the Akogun, the general in the bird
kingdom. This time around, a thought just occurred to him to go for Ifa consultation in
order to find out the outcome of his hunting expedition. Would he be able to catch his prey
as usual? Would he be able to come back home to enjoy his catch? Would he not also fall
prey to other predators? These were the questions that obsessed his mind during Ifa
The Awo assured him that he would be able to catch his prey as usual but he needed to
offer ebo with a basket in order not to gall into detention and subsequently not falling a
prey to other predators. Asa decided within his mind that since Ifa had said he would catch
his prey as usual that because of his swiftness in movement and flight that nobody can
catch up with him. As a result, he refused to offer the ebo.
On the other hand, there was this particular farmer who had been advised by Ifa to offer
ebo that a free gift will soon come his way. This farmer also refused to comply.
On the day that Asa went for hunting, he saw a beautiful and robust chicken in the farmers
farm. As he was about to land and pick the chicken, his wing had tapped the basket placed
on top a table beside the place where the chicken was. Suddenly, the basket turned and
covered aim without any way of escape. Seeing this, the wife of the farmer quickly rushed
in and placed a big stone on the basket. To her, this fr4ee gift will be good for supper.
Worried about the inability to Asa to return home since morning, his parent quickly went
for Ifa consultation and was told that Asa was presently in detention. The Awo advised
them to act fast and offer ebo in order to aid his release. They complied immediately.
Later in the day, Onyagbe, the farmer was feeling thirsty and was looking for a cup to drink
water. He searched everywhere but could not find any. Suddenly, he saw a covered basket
and then decided to check under it, perhaps the cup might be there. As he opened the
basket, Asa swiftly flew away!. The farmer regretted that Asa escaped. Asa got home in the
evening and asked people to rejoice with him that he had just escaped danger. He narrated
his experience to them and they all rejoiced together.

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