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United States Patent [19] [11] 4,004,542

Holmes [45] Jan. 25, 1977

[54] WATERJET PROPELLEI) PLANING HULL 3,623,447 11/1971 Jacobson ...... .. 115/70
, _ 3,776,168 12/1973 W k ..... .. .. 1l4/66.5 P
176] Invent: wlu'am H- Homes, 931 Sunset 3,911,846 10/1975 Enegelatsld ......................... .. 115/12 R
' Drive, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627
[22] Filed: June 3, 1975 Primary ExaminerGeorge E. A. Halvosa
l A . .:
Assistant ExaminerJesus
D. Sotelo
. .
[2 1 pp NO 583,283 Attorney, Agent, or FirmFulw1der, Patton, R1eber,
_ Related US. Application Data Lee & Utecht
[63] Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 341,886, March 16, [57] ABSTRACT
1973, abandoned. _ _ i
- A boat for use with a waterjet propulsion unit. The boat
[52] US. Cl.2 .................................... .. 115/14; 9/6 R includes a planing hull having a generally V-shaped
[51] Ill. Cl. ....................................... .. B63" bottom formed at its mid_portion with a depending
[58] held of Search 1 """""" 1 15/1 1 12 R 14' 6 ?at-bottomed support pod that houses the lower part of
' 115/70 9/6 4/56, 66'5 R 66'5 P 67 A the propulsion unit. The sides and intermediate por
15 l tions of the boat bottom are provided with depending,
[56] References Cited longitudinally extending, stabilizing strakes that pro
. UNITED STATES PATENTS vide advantages not found in conventlonal waterjet
propelled boats.
3,038,179 6/1972 Wagemaker ............................. .. 9/6 .
3,363,598 1/1968 Mortrude ..... .. 114/56 ' \
3,600,733 8/197l Lippisch .................................. .. 9/6 3 Claims, 16 Drawing Figures
US. Patent Jan. 25, 1977 Sheet 2 of4 4,004,542

,, F|G.7

2%? Ji 1 u

250 _ W40
US. Patent Jan. 25, 1977 Sheet 3 of4 4,004,542
US. Patent Jan. 25, 1977 Sheet 4 of4 4,004,542

1. 2
FIG. 6 is a rear view of the boat shown in FIG. 5;
WATERJET PROPELLED PLANING HULL v FIG. 7yis a side view similar to FIG. 5, but showing
This is a continuation-in-part of my copending appli saidlboat performinga turn; ,_
cation Ser. No. 34l,_886 filed Mar. 16, 1973, now aban FIG. 8 is a rear view of the boat shown in FIG. 7;
doned. - FIG. 9 is a perspective view showing the underside of
a second form of waterjet propelled boat embodying
the present invention; - .
l. Field of the Invention I _ . FIG. 10 is a rear elevational view in enlarged scale of
,. .
The present invention relates generally .to the art of the boat shown in FIG. 9; 1
boat construction and more particularly, a waterjet IO FIG. 11 is a front view of the boat of FIG. 9;
propelled boat. - FIG. 12 is a bottom view of the boat of FIG. 9;
2. Description of the Prior Art . FIG. 13 is a side elevational view of the boat of FIG.
It is a major disadvantage of conventional planing 9 showing the boat a?oat;
waterjet propelled boats that they readily spin-out FIG. 14 is a rear elevational view of the boat shown
when encountering natural or man made waves, partic in, FIG. 13; _
ularly during a .tum. This tendancy to spin-out is en FIG. 15 is a side view similar to FIG. 13, but showing
hanced by the fact that the more power applied by the said boat performing a turn; and
jet propulsion unit, the farther out of the water the boat FIG. 16 is a rear view of the boat shown in FIG. 15.
transom rides. As the'transom rises, the nozzle of the
jet likewise rises and therefore loses its water expelling 20 DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
capability. This in turn results in a loss of the control EMBODIMENT
normally afforded by the jet propulsion unit. Thus, "Referring to FIGS. 1 through 7 of theaccompanying
when a conventionalplaning hull boat engages a wave, . drawings, there is shown a ?rst form of boat construc
the waterjet will often be momentarily robbed of water tion embodying the present invention that includes
thereby resulting in consequent loss of power and-con planing'boat hull H, provided with a conventional wa
trol, giving rise to a spin-out. Certain planing hull'boats terjet propulsion unit U at its rear portion. The under
also have a tendency to dig in their bows at high speeds. side of hull H is of a generally ?at or soft V-shaped
con?guration formed at its mid-portion with a depend
SUMMARYVOF THE INVENTION _ ing support pod, generally designated 10, that receives
It is a major object of the present invention topro 30. the lower part "of waterjet propulsion unit U. The outer
vide a planing waterjet propelled boat which is resistant sides 12 and 14 of hull H are formed with a pair of
to spinning-out when encountering waves. depending, stabilizing strakes or sponsons, generally
An additional-object of the present invention is to designated 16 and 18, that extend longitudinally from
provide a waterjet propelled boat of the aforedescribed the transom 19 to the bow portion of the hull along the
natureutilizing a center support pod which houses the 35 major length of such hull. The underside of the hull H
lower portion of the waterjet propulsion unit, such boat is also provided-with a pair of intermediate, depending
also being- provided with depending, longitudinally strakes 20 and 22, which extend longitudinally from
extending, stabilizing strakes along the major portion of transom 19 to the bow portion 24 of the hull along the
the underside of its hull. -'At normal speeds the boat will major length of the latter. The inner surfaces 25v of
ride on the support pod, with the stabilizing strakes 40 strakes l6 and 18 and the outer surfaces 26 of strakes
providing- lateral resistance against spin-out. 20 and 22 are substantially vertically extending. .
A. further object of the present invention is to provide More particularly, the hull H will be preferably of
a waterjet propelled boat of the aforedescribed nature ?berglass construction, although other suitable mate
which is not appreciably more costly than conventional rial may be utilized in its construction. The aforemen
boat constructions of the waterjetpropelled type. 45 jtioned support pod 10 includes a ?at underside 30 and
Yet another object of the present invention is to a pair of outwardly and upwardly extending sidewalls
provide a waterjet propelled boat of the aforedescribed 32 and 34. It will be noted that the rear portion of pod
nature which additionally incorporates depending in 10 extends generally parallel to the length of hull H and
termediate strakes between the support pod and the is provided at its underside with a water intake 36 for
stabilizing strakes, with an air cushion being generated 50 the waterjet propulsion unit U. The support pod l0
between the intermediate and the stabilizing strakes. tapersv forwardly and inwardly to approximately the
Yet '_-a further object of the present invention is to mid-portion of the length of hull H. The rear end wall
provide a waterjet propelled boat that is so configured 38 of the support pod 10 is contiguous with the hull
as to be resistantto digging in of its bow. transom 19; I I
These vand other objects and advantages of the pre The stabilizing strakes l6 and 18 are mirror images of
sent invention will become apparent from the following one another and are seento taper forwardly and in
detailed description, when taken in conjunction with wardly from transom 19 to the bow portion 24 of the
theappended drawings. hull. Similarly, the intermediate strakes 20 and 22 also
taper forwardly and inwardly from transom 19 to the
DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 60 front portion of hull H. The support pod 10, stabilizing
FIG. '1 isja broken perspective view showing the rear strakes l6 and 18 and intermediate strakes and 20 and
and'underside of a ?rst form of a waterjet propelled 22 are preferably integral with the hull H.
boatlembodying the present invention; ' In the operation of the aforedescribed boat and refer
FIG; v2 is a rear elevational view of said boat; ring ?rst particularly to FIG. 5 and 6, during forward
FIG.v 3 is a front view of said'boat'; : ' " ' 65 motion of the hull H at cruising speed, the transom will
FIG. 4 is a bottom view of said boat; " ' rise and the bow lower until the hull assumes the posi
FIG. 5 is a side elevational view of said boat, showing tion of these ?gures since at this time the hull weight
the boat afloat; will be supported primarily by the support pod 10. The
4,004,542 4
more power applied by unit U, the higher the transom tional hull lift coupled with better handling characteris
will rise. It should also be noted that in this position, the tics. Thu'sQas indicated in FIGS. 9 and 12, the support
discharge nozzle 40 of the propulsion unit U is below bed 10 affords a ?at horizontal surface that extends
the water surface 50. Also, at this time the pointed bow from the transom to the front portion of the hull where
ends of the stabilizing strakes 16 and 18 and of the such ?at surface joins the outwardly and rearwardly
intermediate strakes 20 and 22 provide a smooth flow I directed intermediate strakes 20' and 22'. This ex
of water rearwardly over the underside of the hull. tended ?at surface provides a riding surface that
Moreover, an air cushion is generated between the supports the major portion of the hull H, its engine and
spaces 52 and 54, separating intermediate strake 22 thepassengers. In practice it has been determined that
and stabilizing strake 18. The double slot provided by the front end of support pod 10' should extend for
spaces 52 and 54 allows both air and water to be wardly from the boats transom at least 80 percent of
trapped under the hull, which in practice appears to ~ the total hull length. -
produce six important performance characteristics, as It should also be noted that the stabilizing sponsons
follows: . _l6' and 18 extend deeper into the water than the stabi
l. The trapped air provides lift for the entire hull at lizing strakes or sponsons l6 and 18 of the boat of
high speeds, thereby providing faster boat speeds for a FIGS. 1-8. As indicated in FIGS. 15 and 16, such low~
given power output of the propulsion unit U while ered stabilizing sponsons dig into the water during side
affording an easier ride for the occupants of the boat. ward movement of the hull so as to exert considerable
2. The compressed water beneath the double slots lateral resistance against sideward movement of the
creates water packing around the pump inlet in tight hull thereby effectively resisting a spin-out.
turns thereby preventing an inadvertent power loss and Various modi?cations and changes may be made
a consequent spin-out. with respect to the foregoing detailed description with
3. The generally vertical surfaces 25 and 26 of out departing from the spirit of the present invention.
I claim:
strakes l6, l8 and 20, 22 afford lateral resistance
against skidding into a spinning-out. 25 1. A planing boat hull for use with a waterjet propul
4. The stabilizing outer sponsons by increasing dis sion unit having a downwardly-facing water intake and
placement as they are depressed into the water prevent I a rearwardly directed discharge nozzle, said boat hull
excessive hull lean in corners.
5. Low speed tracking and maneuverability is im a generally ?at V-shaped bottom;
proved. , 30 a depending support pod extending forwardly from
6. The traditional soft V-bottom ride has not been
the transom of said hull, said support pod having a
disturbed because no signi?cant ?atbottom surfaces
flat underside and a pair of upwardly extending
sidewalls, said support pod receiving the lower
have been created. ' .
portion of said waterjet propulsion unit, with the
It is important to note that disposing the lower por water intake of said unit being provided at the
tion of the propulsion unit U within the support pod 10 35
underside of said support pod;
serves to dispose the nozzle 40 of the propulsion unit at a pair of depending stabilizing strakes extending lon
the farthest possible distance below the designed water gitudinally along the major length of said hull from
level 50. The designed water level may be considered the transom thereof, with the inwardly-facing side
as the water level of a boat carrying the number and surfaces of said strakes being substantially verti
weight of passengers specified by the manufacturer of 40
cally extending so as to provide lateral resistance
the boat. The lowered position of the propulsion unit U against sideward movement of said hull during
as compared to prior art boat constructions results in a forward travel thereof, the ?at underside of said
lower center of gravity for the hull, thereby improving support pod primarily supporting the weight of said
the stability thereof. boat at planing speeds of said boat, but with said
Referring now to FIGS. 7 and 8, assuming the boat 45
pod extending into the water sufficiently so that the
engages in a turning maneuver, it will roll towards the discharge nozzle of said propulsion unit is below
position indicated in these two ?gures. In this position, the water level at planing speeds; and
the inner surfaces 58 of the stabilizing strake 16 pro a pair of intermediate depending strakes which ex
vides appreciable lateral resistance against sideward tend longitudinally along said bottom of the hull,
movement of the hull to the right, in FIG. 8, thereby said intermediate strakes being disposed between
preventing a spin-out. The right-hand side surface 60 of the opposite sides of said support pod and the stabi
the intermediate rib 20 will provide additional lateral lizing strakes whereby an air cushion is generated
resistance. It will be understood that such resistance to between the spaces separating each intermediate ,
spin-out will be provided without any appreciable in strake and the inwardly facing side of the stabiliz- .
crease in the cost of construction of the hull, nor in any ing strake proximate thereto, and with the outer
appreciable lowering of the boats forward speed. sides of said intermediate strakes being generally
Referring now to FIGS. 9 through 15 of the accompa vertically extending so as to provide additional
nying drawings, there is shown a second form of water lateral resistance against sideward movement of
jet propelled boat embodying the present invention, said hull during forward travel thereof.
with like parts bearing primed reference numerals. The 2. A planing boat hull as set forth in claim 1 wherein:
second form of boat is generally similar in con?gura the front ends of said support pod and said stabilizin
tion and operation to the form of FIGS. 1 through 8. It strakes merge. - i
should be noted, however, that the support pod 10' 3. A planing boat hull as set forth in claim 2 wherein:
runs farther forward along the underside of the hull H said support pod extends forwardly from the rear end
than the above-described support pod 10. Additionally, of said hull at least 80 percent of the total length of
support pod 10 is wider than support pod 10. The said hull. '
provision of the modi?ed support pod l0 affords addi * * * * *

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