Kertas Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 4 Pemahaman

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Nama: ___________________________________________ Kelas: TAHUN 4_____________

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak

013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT

[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. The children ______ playing in the park a 4. The princess went to the ________ few minutes ago. for
the dance party.
A is A market
B are B forest
C was C palace
D were D school

2. Kassim is a _________. He mends shoes. 5. The man entered the shop______

A carpenter he didnt buy anything.
B shoemaker A so
C gardener B but
D grocer C because
D although

3. The singer ______ the song sweetly that 6. The scouts are ________ in the all the audience enjoyed
themselves. forest.
A sing A swimming
B sings B camping
C sang C eating
D singing D cycling

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.
The pupils are at the canteen. They are (7)____________ their food and sitting on long benches. The

food at the canteen (8) ____________ cheap. The pupils keep their canteen clean. They (9)

_____________ not throw rubbish, plates or glasses around.

7. A buy 8. A is 9. A do B buys B are B did

C buying C am C does
D bought D the D have

013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT

Choose the word that has the similar meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan
yang sama maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. Who is staying in that big room?

A crowded
B spacious
C small D full

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11. A Im sending you to sabah during the school holidays, said his father.
B Im sending you to Sabah during the school holidays, said his father.
C Im sending you to Sabah during the school holidays, said his father.
D Im sending you to Sabah during the School Holidays, said his father.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Last Sunday, Maria had a birthday party at her house. It was her (12)
_________ birthday this year. She (13) _____________ her friends and relatives to the party. Her mother
prepared a lot of food for the occasion. Maria looked pretty (14) ______________ her pink dress. Her friends
gave her (15)_____________ presents.

12. A ten 14. A in

B tenty B on
C tenth C for
D twenty-one D with

13. A invite 15. A a few

B invites B a little
C invited C many
D inviting D much
013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT

Questions 16 to 20
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow Baca petikan di
bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Grace enjoys herself by becoming a volunteer. Last Saturday, she volunteered at a home for disabled
children. The children were going on an outing to Zoo Negara on that day, Grace and the home workers helped
the children to board the bus safely.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the zoo. The children were very excited to see many animals at the zoo.
Grace helped to push a little boy in a wheelchair around the zoo. She also helped to distribute food for lunch
to the children. She took pictures with them and everyone had a good time at the zoo.

After returning to the home from the zoo, the children thanked Grace for helping them. The home workers
were also glad that Grace came to volunteer at the home. She enjoyed doing what she did with the disabled
children and she was indeed a happy camper. She promised to keep volunteering at the home and other
places as well.

16. What did Grace do last Saturday 19. Who were glad that Grace comes to A went shopping at a mall
volunteer at the home? B helped her mother do household A The disabled children
chores B Her parents
C volunteered at a disabled childrens C The zookeeper
home D The home workers
D played netball with her friends

17. The phrase happy camper shows that 20. From the passage, we know that
Grace was ____________. Grace __________.
A satisfied with what she did A is a very helpful girl
B angry with what she did B is a talkative person
C disappointed with what she did C wants people to pay her kindness
D curious with what she didi D loves animals

Why were the children happy upon their arrival at the zoo?
A They can take pictures.
B They saw many animals.
C They can buy some souvenirs.
D They can eat their lunch.


Mac 2016




1. Tulis nombor kad pengenalan atau

nombor sijil kelahiran dan angka giliran Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
kamu pada petak yang disediakan.

2. Jawapan kamu hendaklah ditulis pada Kod Pemeriksa:

ruang jawapan yang disediakan dalam
kertas soalan ini.
No. Soalan Markah
21 (b)
22 (c)
23 (c)
25 (b)
Jumlah 30

013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT

SECTION B [30 marks]

Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write you answers in the space provided.

Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh. Tulis jawapan di
tempat yang disediakan.


[2 marks]


[2 marks]


[2 marks]

013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT

Question 22

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow. Baca cerita di
bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Once there was a fairy princess named Rosemary. She lived in the kingdom of Renosia with the fairies
and elves. One day, some fierce monsters attacked Renosia and captured all the magical creatures.
Fortunately, Rosemary flew through a secret tunnel and escaped. She wanted to free her people by
getting help from other creatures.
While flying in the forest, Rosemary found four gnomes sitting on the toadstools. She told them about
the evil monsters who took over her kingdom. She asked the gnomes for help.
The gnomes planned a surprise attack on the monsters. They made magic potions that could turn the
monsters into stones.
When they were ready, Rosemary and the four gnomes returned to Renosia and splashed the magic
potions on the monsters. All the monsters immediately turned into stones.
Rosemary and the gnomes ran to the jail and freed all the prisoners. Everybody was happy and grateful
to Rosemary and the brave gnomes. Good will always triumph over the evils and they all lived happily ever

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

(a) Whom did Rosemary live with in Renosia?

Fairies and gnomes

Gnomes and elves
Fairies and elves [1 mark]

(b) The magic potions had turned the monsters into

stones [1 mark]

(c) What did the fierce monsters do to Renosia?

[2 mark]

013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT

(d) What do you understand with the word good will always triumph?
[2 mark]

(e) Do you think Rosemary is a brave princess? Why?

[2 mark]

013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT

Melissa : Teacher, why are sea turtles endangered?

What can we
to save
do the
Mimi Lets

Ms Mimi : The sea turtles are endangered because the beaches where they nest are polluted. There is
also too much development on the beaches. The noise and

bright lights will disturb the turtles.

Melissa : Owh! Thats horrible. That is the reason why we cannot
see so many turtles coming to the sea to lay their
Ms Mimi : Not just that Rahim. Adult sea turtle are also accidently
caught in fishing nets all the time. Some people eat
the eggs, too.
Melissa : That is so irresponsible. We should do something Mr. Siva. What can we do to protect the sea turtle?
Ms Mimi There are some many things we can do, Rahim. We should not throw rubbish into the sea or on the
beach. We should not disturb the turtles when they nest.
Melissa : Yes, Mr Siva. We should protect their eggs too.
Ms Mimi : Yes Rahim. We should also protect their eggs by cooperating with the officer at the Turtle Sanctuary.
We can help to take the hatchlings out to the beach safely. Together we can protect their eggs
from being stolen and eaten by the irresponsible people.

Question 23
Tick (/) the correct answer.
(a) Ms Mimi and Melissa are discussing on how to protect
[1 mark]

(b) The turtles are easily get distracted with .

pollution and noise
noise and bright lights
[1 mark]
lights and rubbish

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is given below.
List A List B
We should not throw rubbish caught in fishing nets all the time.

Adult sea turtle are also accidently will disturb the turtles.

The noise and bright lights into the sea.

Turtles egg should not be stolen and eaten.

8 [2 marks] 013 2016 SKLP_YA


Write your answer in the space provided.

(d) Saving endangered species like sea turtles are very important? Why?
[2 marks]

(e) What do you understand from the word hatchlings?

[2 marks]

013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT

Study the poster and answer the questions that follow.

Question 24 and 25

Tick (/) the correct answer.

(a) Where is the Family Day going to be held?

School hall
School field
School hall and school field [1 mark]

(b) Who will give a speech at the event?

Chairperson of the Parent - Teachers Association

[1 mark]


013 2016 SKLP_YA SULIT


What does this phrase tell us about the event?

[2 marks]

(d) Malik and his father love to sing. Will they enjoy themselves at the event? Give your reasons for your

[2 marks]

(e) Most of the school will have their own Family Day. What is the benefits of having a Family Day to the
parents and teachers?

[2 marks]



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