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Kumpulan Exercise SMK Kelas XI

Exercise 1
Active and passive voice

Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. I know him.

2. His conduct will surprise you.

3. His failure disgusted his parents.

4. One must endure what one cannot cure.

5. They say that honesty is the best policy.

6. He had to pay the fine.

7. What does this box contain?

8. I want you to do this.

9. I expect you to help her.

10. Women like men to adore them.

11. One should help the poor.

12. The farmer grows vegetables.


1. He is known to me.

2. You will be surprised at his conduct.

3. His parents were disgusted at his failure.

4. What cannot be cured must be endured.

5. It is said that honesty is the best policy.

6. The fine had to be paid by him.

7. What is contained in this box?

8. I want this to be done by you.

9. I expect her to be helped by you.

10. Women like to be adored by men.

11. The poor should be helped.

12. Vegetables are grown by the farmer.

Exercise 2
Adjective or adverb

Complete the following sentences.

1. I feel

a) Unhappy
b) Unhappily

2. I will get the car

a) Ready
b) Readily

3. She is too a person to refuse.

a) Polite
b) Politely

4. We will have to think

a) Quick
b) Quickly

5. She danced into the room.

a) Happy
b) Happily

6. She sang

a) Bad
b) Badly

7. I remember him very -

a) Good
b) Well

8. Cyanide is a poison.

a) Dead
b) Deadly

9. This steak is very cooked.

a) Badly
b) Bad

10. He was in love with her.

a) Mad
b) Madly

11. They were playing - fast.

a) Unusual
b) Unusually

12. I believed that you wanted to help me.

a) Wrong
b) Wrongly


1. I feel unhappy.

2. I will get the car ready.

3. She is too polite a person to refuse.

4. We will have to think quickly.

5. She danced happily into the room.

6. She sang badly.

7. I remember him very well.

8. Cyanide is a deadly poison.

9. This steak is very badly cooked.

10. He was madly in love with her.

11. They were playing unusually fast.

12. I wrongly believed that you wanted to help me.

Exercise 3

Complete the following sentences using appropriate adverbs.

1. you are not going out in that old coat?

a) Surely
b) Sure

2. She is sleeping -

a) Sound
b) Soundly

3. Can you be there at six oclock -?

a) Sharp
b) Sharply

4. She looked at him

a) Sharp
b) Sharply

5. We have differing opinions.

a) Wide
b) Widely

6. I hate arriving

a) Late
b) Lately
7. I havent been to the opera much

a) Late
b) Lately

8. I have got any clean clothes left.

a) Hard
b) Hardly

9. Isnt that girl dressed ?

a) Pretty
b) Prettily

10. Throw it as as you can.

a) High
b) highly


1. Surely you are not going out in that old coat?

2. She is sleeping soundly.
3. Can you be there at six oclock sharp?
4. She looked at him sharply.
5. We have widely differing opinions.
6. I hate arriving late.
7. I havent been to the opera much lately.
8. I have hardly got any clean clothes left.
9. Isnt that girl dressed prettily?
10. Throw it as high as you can.

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs. Choose from those given in the table.

Slowly Even Only Tomorrow Quickly Completely Probably

Upstairs Certainly Neatly Definitely Happily Often always

1. Polite people .. say thank-you.

2. I have headaches.
3. You have .. been working too hard.

4. He always wears a coat, in summer.

5. .. he can do a thing like that.

6. I have got a meeting in New York.

7. She got dressed

8. This time tomorrow I will be . working in my garden.

9. It will rain this evening.

10. The children are playing ..

11. I . feel better today.

12. My brother .. forgot my birthday.

13. Write your answers

14. She read the letter .


1. always

2. often

3. definitely

4. even

5. only

6. tomorrow

7. quickly

8. happily

9. probably

10. upstairs

11. certainly
12. completely

13. neatly

14. slowly

Exercise 5
And, but and or

Complete the following sentences using the conjunctions and, but or or.

1. I know the answer will not tell you.

2. We rushed to the station . the train had gone.

3. The bus was crowded .. I managed to get in.

4. This Sunday we can go for a picnic visit Uncle James.

5. On a warm summer day, will you wear a black shirt a white


6. I think he will come, . I am not sure.

7. Aunt Emma is eighty years old . her eyes are still sharp.

8. I called .. he did not answer.

9. If you want it, come . get it.

10. Most people work by day .. sleep at night.


1. I know the answer but will not tell you.

2. We rushed to the station but the train had gone.

3. The bus was crowded but I managed to get in.

4. This Sunday we can go for a picnic or visit Uncle James.

5. On a warm summer day, will you wear a black shirt or a white shirt?
6. I think he will come, but I am not sure.

7. Aunt Emma is eighty years old but her eyes are still sharp.

8. I called but he did not answer.

9. If you want it, come and get it.

10. Most people work by day and sleep by night.

Exercise 6
Auxiliary verbs

Fill in the blanks with appropriate auxiliary verbs. Each question has only one correct
answer. Choose the most appropriate one.

1. He . writing a novel. (is / am / has)

2. He .. to retire next year. (is / am / was)

3. They .. marching forward. (are / have / will)

4. The dinner . being cooked. (is / has / will)

5. They . being questioned. (are / has / will)

6. They engaged in a heated argument. (were / will / am)

7. I . a cable from my son in New York. (am / had / was)

8. They .. violated the agreement. (have / are / were)

9. She .. never promised to do it. (had / is / were)

10. I . forgotten to post the letter. (am / had / was)


1. He is writing a novel.

2. He is to retire next year.

3. They are marching forward.

4. The dinner is being cooked.

5. They are being questioned.

6. They were engaged in a heated argument.

7. I had a cable from my son in New York.

8. They have violated the agreement.

9. She had never promised to do it.

10. I had forgotten to post the letter.

Exercise 7
Conditional clauses

Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verb.

1. If I know her name, I you.

a) Would tell
b) Will tell
c) Would have told

2. If I became the President, I - taxes.

a) Would abolish
b) Will abolish
c) Would have abolished

3. If you harder, you would pass your exam.

a) Worked
b) Had worked
c) Would work

4. I will phone you if I - time.

a) Have
b) Had
c) Would have

5. If my nose were a little bigger, I - look much better.

a) Would
b) Will
c) Would have

6. It would be nice if you - me a bit with the housework.

a) Helped
b) Would help
c) Had helped

7. I will give her your love, if I her.

a) Meet
b) Met
c) Will meet

8. If the policeman had run a bit faster, he the thief.

a) Could have caught

b) Could catch
c) Caught

9. I - be perfectly happy if I had a house full of kids.

a) Will
b) Would
c) Will have

10. If you eat too much, you fall ill.

a) Will
b) Would
c) Would have


1. Will tell
2. Would abolish
3. Worked
4. Have
5. Would
6. Helped
7. Meet
8. Could have caught
9. Would
10. Will

Exercise 8
Conditional Sentences

Fill in the blanks with suitable conditional verb forms.

1. If you to learn a musical instrument, you have to practise.

a) want
b) wanted
c) would want
d) have wanted

2. If you maths at school, you would find commerce difficult to understand.

a) learned
b) didnt learn
c) doesnt learn
d) wont learn

3. If that was John, why he stop and say hello?

a) do
b) did
c) dont
d) didnt

4. If I - enough time tomorrow, I will come and see you.

a) get
b) will get
c) had got
d) have got

5. If I her name, I would tell you.

a) know
b) knew
c) have known
d) had known

6. If I married you, we both be happy.

a) will
b) would
c) would have
d) would been

7. oil - if you pour it on water.

a) float
b) floats
c) would float
d) floated

8. She would have come if you her.

a) would invite
b) had invited
c) invited
d) invite

9. If he well, he would have passed the examination.

a) studied
b) study
c) had studied
d) has studied

10. If you asked him neatly, he you.

a) would have helped

b) will have helped
c) would help
d) will help


1. want
2. didnt learn
3. didnt
4. get
5. knew
6. would
7. floats
8. had invited
9. had studied
10. would help

Exercise 9

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.

1. I am right you are wrong.

a) And
b) Or
c) But
d) Though

2. - he was not invited, he did not come.

a) So
b) As
c) For
d) That

3. somewhat boastful, he is a good companion.

a) As
b) Though
c) But
d) Since

4. Give every man thy ear, few thy voice.

a) But
b) As
c) For
d) And

5. He knew more about culture and philosophy any man living.

a) Than
b) And
c) Since
d) For

6. And God called the light day, the darkness He called night.

a) And
b) But
c) Or
d) For

7. He may be right wrong in his opinion.

a) Or
b) And
c) But
d) Since

8. Small service is true service it lasts.

a) When
b) While
c) If
d) So

9. He may enter he is a friend.

a) As
b) So
c) And
d) But

10. Either you are mistaken, - I am.

a) And
b) Nor
c) Or
d) But

11. Blessed are the merciful, they shall obtain mercy.

a) For
b) So
c) And
d) Till

12. He fought - a brave man should do.

a) For
b) As
c) Since
d) And

13. Time - tide do not wait for anybody.

a) But
b) And
c) Nor
d) Neither

14. A book is a book, there is nothing in it.

a) If
b) Although
c) Yet
d) But

15. They carved not a line, - they raised not a stone.

a) But
b) Yet
c) And
d) Or


1. But 11. For

2. As 12. As
3. Though 13. And
4. But 14. Although
5. Than 15. and
6. And
7. Or
8. If
9. As
10. Or

Exercise 10
Direct and Indirect Objects

Rewrite the following sentences putting the indirect objects before the direct objects.

1. Jane told a secret to me.

2. Johns father left a huge property for him.

3. Call a taxi for me.

4. They promised their help for us.

5. My mother gifted a necklace to me.

6. My friend did a great favor for me.

7. She lent her necklace to me.

8. The principal granted leave for us.

9. I promised my support for him.

10. The President awarded a gold medal to him.

11. Our guest told an interesting story to us.

12. I bade a sad farewell to my friends.


1. Jane told me a secret.

2. Johns father left him a huge property.

3. Call me a taxi.

4. They promised us their help.

5. My mother gifted me a necklace.

6. My friend did me a great favor.

7. She lent me her necklace.

8. The principal granted us leave.

9. I promised him my support.

10. The President awarded him a gold medal.

11. Our guide told us an interesting story.

12. I bade my friends a sad farewell.

The indirect object comes before the direct object when it is shorter than the direct object, or
when the direct object has to be made prominent.

Exercise 11
Formation of questions

Change the following statements into questions

1. James has gone home.

2. Peter has bought a new car.

3. He has done his homework.

4. The girls have gone to the market.

5. Jane speaks Spanish.

6. Mary is ill.

7. We are visiting them next week.

8. She is better now.

9. Alice can swim.

10. He will win the match.


1. Has James gone home?

2. Has Peter bought a new car?

3. Has he done his homework?

4. Have the girls gone to the market?

5. Does Jane speak Spanish?

6. Is Mary ill?
7. Are we visiting them next week?

8. Is she better now?

9. Can Alice swim?

10. Will he win the match?

Grammar notes

In a question the auxiliary verb comes before the subject.

She has come. (Statement)

Has she come? (Question)

If there is no other auxiliary verb, we use do, does or did to form the question.

He plays well. (Statement)

Does he play well? (Question)
She sings sweetly. (Statement)
Does she sing sweetly? (Question)

Do is not used together with other auxiliary verbs or with be.

She can knit. (Statement)

Can she knit? (Question) (NOT Does she can knit?)

Exercise 12
Gerund and Infinitive

Replace the gerund by an infinitive and the infinitive by a gerund in the following

1. To laugh is better than to frown.

2. Writing a story is not easy.

3. He likes to collect books and does not like giving them away.

4. Flying kites is a good sport, but to bet on them is bad.

5. He likes to read and to write.

6. She likes dancing and singing.

7. Seeing is believing.

8. She loves making dolls.

9. To wait for people who were late made him angry.

10. To sell insurance is a pretty boring job.


1. Laughing is better than frowning.

2. To write a story is not easy.

3. He likes to collect books and does not like to give them away.

OR He likes collecting books and does not like giving them away.

4. Flying kites is a good sport, but betting on them is bad.

5. He likes reading and writing.

6. She likes to sing and

7. To see is to believe.

8. She loves to make dolls.

9. Waiting for people who were late made him angry.

10. Selling insurance is a pretty boring job.

Exercise 13
Indirect speech

Change the following into indirect speech.

1. What do you want? he said to her.

2. He said, How is your mother?

3. Are you free? he asked.

4. He said to us, Why are you all wasting your time?

5. Are you coming from India? the princess asked the handsome boy.

6. The poor man exclaimed, Will none of you help me?

7. The slave asked his master, What have I done to deserve so severe a blow?

8. Can you speak English? she asked me.

9. Have you anything to say on behalf of the accused? the judge said to the lawyer.

10. Have you anything to tell me, little bird? asked Ulysses.


1. He asked her what she wanted.

2. He asked how my/his/her father was.

3. He asked whether I / he/she was free.

4. He asked us why we were all wasting our time.

5. The princess asked the handsome boy whether he was coming from India.

6. The poor man exclaimed whether none of them would help him.

7. The slave asked his master what he had done to deserve so severe a blow.

8. She asked me if I could speak English.

9. The judge asked the lawyer if he had anything to say on behalf of the accused.

10. Ulysses asked the little bird whether it had anything to tell him

Exercise 14
Personal pronouns

Supply suitable personal pronouns.

1. Peter is in the cricket team. .. is a good bowler.

2. Alice is learning music. .. has a golden voice.

3. John and Peter are close friends. . like each other very much.

4. . are on a picnic.

5. .. are all great friends James, Mina, Peter and the dog!

6. On my birthday, Peter gave .. a nice gift.

7. Mary is in the same class as Jane and Peter. likes both of

8. Harry used to be afraid of dogs. Now likes .

9. She likes watching birds living on a tree near . house.

10. The nests have baby birds in


1. Peter is in the cricket team. He is a good bowler.

2. Alice is learning music. She has a golden voice.

3. John and Peter are close friends. They like each other very much.

4. We / they are on a picnic.

5. They are all great friends James, Mina, Peter and the dog!

6. On my birthday, Peter gave me a nice gift.

7. Mary is in the same class as Jane and Peter. She likes both of them.

8. Harry used to be afraid of dogs. Now she likes them.

9. She likes watching birds living on a tree near her house.

10. The nests have baby birds in them.

Exercise 15
Place Prepositions

1. The cat was hiding - the bed.

a) On
b) In
c) Under
d) Over

2. She sat her children.

a) Between
b) Among
c) On
d) In

3. Are you still the same address?

a) On
b) In
c) To
d) At

4. It is very hot the center of the earth.

a) In
b) At
c) On
d) To

5. The plane stopped for an hour - New York.

a) On
b) To
c) At
d) From

6. Sorry, I couldnt come yesterday I was - the theatre.

a) On
b) In
c) At
d) With
7. The cat fell the well.

a) On to
b) Into
c) Out
d) On

8. London is the Thames.

a) At
b) In
c) On
d) By

9. There arent many mangoes the tree this year.

a) In
b) At
c) To
d) On

10. He asked the boy to stop throwing stones the cat.

a) In
b) On
c) At
d) To


1. Under
2. Among (We use between to talk about two people or things. We use among to talk

about more than two people or things.)

3. At (We generally use at to talk about addresses.)
4. At (We use at to talk about position at a point.)
5. At
6. At
7. Into
8. On (We use on for position by a lake, river or sea.)
9. On (= attached to)
10. At
Exercise 16

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. He has been very negligent .. his studies.

a) In
b) For
c) With

2. He sat there lost his dreams.

a) In
b) With
c) At

3. This may lead . complications later.

a) At
b) To
c) For

4. We all look him for help and guidance.

a) Up to
b) After
c) For

5. We must prevent him . making a fool of himself.

a) From
b) With
c) At

6. They quarreled some minor issues and started fighting.

a) Over
b) With
c) For

7. There is no room building a garage here.

a) For
b) Of
c) On

8. We have run . coal.

a) Of
b) Out of
c) For

9. The villagers are steeped . ignorance and superstition.

a) In
b) With
c) For

10. Do you subscribe . the doctrine of rebirth?

a) To
b) At
c) With


1. He has been very negligent in his studies.

2. He sat there lost in his dreams.
3. This may lead to complications later.
4. We all look up to him for help and guidance.
5. We must prevent him from making a fool of himself.
6. They quarreled over some minor issues and started fighting.
7. There is no room for building a garage here.
8. We have run out of coal.
9. The villagers are steeped in ignorance and superstition.
10. Do you subscribe to the doctrine of rebirth?

Exercise 17
Question tags

Add appropriate question tags to the following statements.

1. Thats the postman, ?

2. Not a very good novel, ?

3. They promised to repay us within two months .?

4. It is not warm, ..?

5. You didnt meet Jane, .?

6. John gave you an envelope, ?

7. You havent seen my keys anywhere, .?

8. Lets go for a walk, ..?

9. You never say what you are going to do, ?

10. There is little we can do about it, .?

11. Im late,?

12. He has a bad temper, ?


1. Thats the postman, isnt it?

2. Not a very good novel, is it?

3. They promised to repay us within two months, didnt they?

4. It is not warm, is it?

5. You didnt meet Jane, did you?

6. John gave you an envelope, didnt he?

7. You havent seen my keys anywhere, have you?

8. Lets go for a walk, shall we?

9. You never say what you are going to do, do you?

10. There is little we can do about it, is there?

11. Im late, arent I?

12. He has a bad temper, hasnt he / doesnt he?

Grammar notes

After lets, we use shall we?

Non-negative tags are used after sentences containing negative words like never, no,
nobody, hardly, scarcely and little.

Its no good, is it? (NOT isnt it?)

When have refers to states, question tags with have and do are both possible in British
English. In American English, do is more common.

She has three kids, doesnt she / hasnt she?

Exercise 18
Relative pronouns

Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns.

1. He got married again two months later .. surprised everybody. (which /

where / what)

2. The idea she put forward didnt impress me. (which / what / who)

3. This is Jane, does my hair. (who / that / which)

4. She married an engineer . she met on a bus. (who / whom / that)

5. Have you got a book . is easy to read? (that / who / where)

6. We bought some oranges from . we extracted the juice. (which / whom

/ that)

7. James lent me a mattress on I slept soundly. (which / whom / who)

8. My aunt gave me her laptop for . I was very grateful. (which / what / whom)
9. Have you got anything belongs to me? (that / what / which)

10. The only thing . matters now is to find a good job. (that / which / what)


1. He got married two months later which surprised everybody.

2. The idea which she put forward didnt impress me.

3. This is Jane, who does my hair.

4. She married an engineer whom she met on a bus.

5. Have you got a book that is easy to read?

6. We bought some oranges from which we extracted the juice.

7. James lent me a mattress on which I slept soundly.

8. My aunt gave me her laptop for which I was very grateful.

9. Have you got anything that belongs to me?

10. The only thing that matters now is to find a good job.

Exercise 19
Sentence completion (prepositions)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the options
given below each question.

1. Before the game started she felt certain .. winning, but after a few
minutes she realized that it wasnt going to be easy.

a) of
b) for
c) to
2. I am not afraid .. tell the truth.

a) of

b) to
c) for

3. You seem very sure passing the test.

a) of
b) on
c) to

4. I am interested . finding out what she did with that money.

a) in
b) to
c) of

5. I was interested . read in the paper that scientists have discovered

extraterrestrial planets that could possibly support life.

a) in
b) to
c) at

6. I am not accustomed .. giving personal information about myself to strangers.

a) to
b) of
c) with

7. I dont drive fast because I am afraid .. crashing.

a) of
b) to
c) for

8. I am sorry . losing my temper this morning.

a) about
b) of
c) to

9. I am keen .. building a career in publishing.

a) for
b) on
c) at
10. She insisted coming with me.

a) to
b) on
c) at


1. of
2. to
3. of
4. in
5. to
6. to
7. of
8. about
9. on
10. on

Exercise 21
Subject or Object Pronouns

Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns.

1. Rita goes to school with .. (me / I)

2. . is my friend. (she / her)

3. Can you help ? (me / I)

4. She is taller than .. is. (he / him)

5. I earn as much as .. does. (she / her)

6. go to school by bus. (we / us)

7. She has lost .. memory. (she / her)

8. We are going for a drink. Would you like to come with ? (us / we)

9. The invitation was for Jane and (me / I)

10. John and . are going skiing this weekend. (I / me)


1. Rita goes to school with me.

2. She is my friend.

3. Can you help me?

4. She is taller than he is.

5. I earn as much as she does.

6. We go to school by bus.

7. She has lost her memory.

8. We are going for a drink. Would you like to come with us?

9. The invitation was for Jane and me.

10. John and I are going skiing this weekend.

Grammar notes
The subject pronouns are: I, he, she, they, you and we.

Object pronouns are: me, his, her, them, you and us. Note that you do not change.

Subject forms are used when the pronoun is the subject of the verb. Object forms are used
when the pronoun is the object of the verb or preposition.

Exercise 22
These and those

Change the number of the underlined nouns and rewrite the sentences.
1. Can you help me carry this box?

2. I have not been to that place.

3. I want to hear that story.

4. I have to wash these shirts.

5. Can you clean that window?

6. Answer these questions.

7. Who planted this tree?

8. I am watching that bird.

9. You can eat this mango.

10. I like this dress.


1. Can you help me carry these boxes?

2. I have not been to those places.

3. I want to hear those stories.

4. I have to wash this shirt.

5. Can you clean those windows?

6. Answer this question.

7. Who planted these trees?

8. I am watching those birds.

9. You can eat these mangoes.

10. I like these dresses.


These is the plural form of this. Those is the plural form of that.

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