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G2Voice Broadcast #52: How to Give G2 Sacraments to Animals and how to

make MMS in your home!

In animals, as with humans, we have learned new things through the on-going use of
MMS. It has become more and more obvious that animals and humans react to the
healing benefits of MMS in similar ways. Basically, all the same rules apply for
animals as well as people when using MMS. That is, if the animal seems to get better
with what you are doing, then continue to do what you are doing. Do not change
anything. If the animal seems to get sicker with MMS, such as having diarrhea or
vomiting, then reduce the dosage you are giving by one half, but do not stop. If you
do not see positive results of
any kind within three to four days, you would then go to the next level of protocol.
With animals, I suggest less waiting time than with people before going to the next
level of the protocol, because normally animals respond (heal) faster than humans.
For the most part you can help an animal with MMS pretty much the same as a
human. - Jim Humble
Jim Humbles 3 Golden Rules of MMS for humans is basically the same for
1. If the animal is improving on the dosage you are
giving and/or what you are doing, do not change
what you are doingas long as you see improve-
ment, keep it up.
2. The same rule applies for animals as for people:
if at any time your animal seems to get sicker on
MMS, reduce the dosage you are giving by 50%.
Once the sickness passes and the animal is OK
with the smaller dosage, you can try to slowly work
back up, but be careful to not make the animal
3. If the animal is not getting better, nor getting
worse on the dosage you are giving, after two or
three days, go to the next higher protocol.
From cancerous tumors to parasites and all in between, Chlorine Dioxide, (activated
sodium chlorite), is restoring health from all of these dis-eases of humans and
animal bodies! All over the world people love their pets and treat them like family.
So, to be able to see these animals healthy again without going to the vet is such a
wonderful thing! It is also a lot cheaper! We also have farmers who are treating their
livestock and having GREAT success! Below, you can see a cat cured of cancer in the
eye! We have MANY more testimonies of animals being healed from many different
types of health issues.
NOTE: All oral doses of MMS for animals must be calculated according to the
weight of the animal.
NOTE: This is mainly dealing with smaller animals like cats and dogs but other
animals under 150 pounds you could do the same.
You will need to get a 5-10 ml syringe, (without the needle) for oral dosing. I
personally like adding the activated drops to bone broth and the animals love it! You
can add MMS to the water also but, they might reject it due to the smell at first so,
use a very weak dose to start.
The General Rule is: 1 activated drop per 25 lbs. This is for dealing with animals
up to 150 pounds more or less. (For large farm animals, youd have to contact us).
Many have given their small animals under 25 pounds, the 1 drop dose without any
problems, BUT if the animal is sick and weighs 10 pounds or so, just start slow with
drop. That would mean you would activate 1 drop in a DRY glass, wait for it to
turn amber, (usually 30 secs or less), then add 4 ounces of water.
Take out two ounces in a syringe and squirt down the animals throat. This would be
like doing the Starting Procedure Protocol we do for humans. You use this to start
with a healthy animal or an animal that has been diagnosed with a particular disease.
NOTE: If I add the dose to bone broth I usually start with the complete 1 drop dose
because the amount of broth can dilute the chlorine dioxide some which is natural so
I add a little more. When I put the dose in water I would start with the drop if under
25 lbs.
We have a Protocol for humans called Protocol 6 & 6 which is a 6-drop dose of
Activated MMS i.e. MMS1 every two hours 3-4 times. You can use a stronger dose
like this if you are dealing with an animal that is sick. What you would do is
double the 1 drop per 25 pounds and give it 3 time 2 hours apart. A lot of times the
animal snaps back quickly. Animals amaze me at how they can recover from a mild
sickness really quick! If you dont see a quick recovery in a day or two of doing this
then go to the slower method every hour or two for 6 8 times a day working up to 1
drop per 25 lbs.
I have 4 street dogs I daily help and they are real healthy now! These dogs are all
over 25 lbs. I activate 3 drops and then add a little water after turning amber and add
to 8 ounces of bone broth and they lick it up! These dogs were just generally skinny
and weak and now healthy!
If the Animal Has Been Diagnosed with a Particular Disease
If your animal has already been diagnosed with a
specific disease, such as pneumonia or cancer or any
other disease, you will need to begin slowly i.e. the Starting
Procedure mentioned above. Do it hourly or every two hours 4-8 times a day until
NOTE: Remember if the animal is getting diarrhea then, you are going too fast and
back down to half as much.
NOTE: Pregnant animals as well as humans can take these protocols without ANY
harm to animal fetus or mother.
I have made another form of Chlorine Dioxide called CDS and injected that into
many dogs and humans but, we found out it isnt necessary for restoring health
among humans or animals.
This week on G2 Voice Broadcast we will cover these topics for animals as well
Skin problems
Eye problems
Mouth and teeth problems
Maintenance dose
Drinking Water for animals
Below are testimonies from around the world of animals with restored health
using Chlorine Dioxide.

Eye Cancer cured in 14 days with MMS and DMSO spray and MMS interally.

Video Animal Testimonies

Heart issues, Prostate cancer, Animal illnesses, Chemical and drug detoxing -
MMS Testimonials:
Lymphoma, Liver Failure, 3 Dogs - MMS Testimony
Flu or Stomach bug and Dog Ear mites - MMS Testimony

Written Animal Testimonies

"Lil Scot's healing"

It's time to tell of the wonders of MMS and my "Lil Scot" (male Scottish terrier).
None of the vets could tell me what was wrong with my dog. He was just sick.
Soon after we started taking MMS," Lil Scot", became very ill. :sick: All together he
had seen 3 different vets, had all the tests they could think of do to him (including a
$200. blood test to rule out tick fever, x-rays, even a sonogram and sent then
everything anyone had ever learned about him to a Medical Specialist Analyst to
analyze it all).
No one could tell me how to rid him of his high temps had been up to 104 and was
easy to tell he was very ill. He would hardly eat anything (most times I had to feed
him by hand to get him to eat). He would eat eggs, oatmeal, and I hand fed him
bread, dipped in oatmeal, just to get something in his stomach. He was on 3 different
antibiotics (one so strong that it would tear up his stomach without food), high temps
still there.
On Jan 7, 2014 I started him on MMS & DMSO, at drop (13 ml) hourly for 4 days
(he improved, but then not so well). Day 5 I decreased his dosage to 3 ml and took
away the DMSO and gave it to him every hr. for 8 hrs. I also started putting it in both
my dogs water, 25 unactivated MMS drops in a 1/2 gal of water in a closed container,
which I change daily. I use distilled water for the internal dosing and reverse osmosis
in his drinking water.
He slowly started getting better, each day some improvement. Day 7, temps started
going down, eyes got their sparkle back, appetite returning and that wonderful tag
wag is back. Day 11, anxious to eat, running, playing, on and on. This is Day 36. Scot
is doing GREAT. Temps have run normal (under 102 for last 17 days. His appetite is
great, runs, plays, my old Scot is back. - Only thing he still has left is a slight nasal
noise used to be very loud. I am still dosing him, each day, but only 3 ml 3 or 4
times a day and both my dogs will ALWAYS have MMS in their drinking water. I
plan on giving him a 2 or 3 ml dose till the slight nasal nose is gone. "God and MMS
have healed my Lil Scot".
I am so grateful to all the ones on the forum that have supported me and helped me in
the dosing of "Lil Scot". It's so wonderful to know that there are so many people who
I have never met, scattered all over the world that care. Thank you to JIM HUMBLE
and all my forum friends. What would the world be without you? Be Blessed! I am!
God & MMS have healed my "Lil Scot"!
Glenda (Blessed1
United States
Posted : 16-02-2014

Animal cured

My name is Didi I wiuld like to share with the world this MMS miracle which i gave
to my dog He had a bad skin disease that left him with no hair only raw skin Having
MMS in my cuboured i decided to try it Well i was blown away with the results
Within two weeks all his hair had grown back plus he has no itch , i started giving
him three drops twice a day and increased it by one so he has been on four drops for
the second week He has fully recovered with great health I put the mixture in his
meat and he ate it all We were so overwhelmed my husband said if it grew hair back
on my dog why wouldn't it grow my hair back So my husband is on it now And i will
keep you all informed .
Posted : 03-01-2016

Staph infection in my poodle

Hi there. My poodle/bichon cross was having this repeat infection on his stomach that
would very quickly overwhelm his system and turn into big crusty matted lumps.
Twice the vet gave him antibiotics which worked okay but the infection was back
almost immediately the dose was finished. I used 6 drops mms 6 drops 50% citric
acid and 1/4 cup water and bathed the sores three times in one day, The sores had
improved a little but on the second day I used 10 drops of dmso with the protocol and
by day three they were considerably reduced. It took another five days of wiping with
the solution twice a day and they were completely gone. THANK YOU JIM.... I WAS
New Zealand
Posted : 22-06-2014

Immune Mediated Haemalitic Anaemia

We have a little dog who weighs 4 kg and is a toy poodle/maltese cross. After we
bought her we never gave her worming paste or immunisation but looked after all
that ourselves. When she was one year old she had a fit and we took her to the vet
who after blood tests said she had Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia and
probably would not live for another two weeks . He wormed her and suggested
cortisone. When we asked what the cortisone would do he said that it would
suppresse the immune system. We said we would not give her the cortisone and
decided to go home and give her MMS. The vet made an appointment for two weeks
and also gave us his home number in case we needed to call him. We gave her 1 drop
of MMS and 5 drops of citric acid twice a day with an eye dropper. We could see her
getting better every day. When we went back in two weeks she bounded in and the
vet said that this was not a sick dog. He took more blood tests and said that
everything was renewing (not sure of this as we didn't understand what he meant).
When he asked what we did we told him about MMS, his reply - he had heard about
it and didn't think it would work and that it must have been the worming. Really!!
Really!! Let's worm all the patients in hospital with aplastic anaemia?? She is now 7
years old and has never had any problems since. Thank you, Jim.
Ruth Barker
Posted : 30-05-2014

Baboon attack

One of our farm dogs was attacked by a rogue baboon and suffered some serious
bites on his neck and half his scalp being ripped off. we took him to our vets who
cleaned the wounds under anaesthetic - they were dubious about his recovery and
said I should bnring him back in a few days for some serious stitching up. I took him
home and began his treatment - CDS with DMSO hourly. I applied colloidal silver
and urine to his scalp wound as they were gentle and not caustic. The healing began
within the first day and continued sxteadily - within a week he was completely healed
and infection free. I would like to note that he absolutely rejected all the medication
provided by the vet and was able to sniff it out no matter how I disguised it with all
sorts of treats! He happily lapped up his doses of CDS and DMSO and did not resist
at all. I'm sorry I did not take pictures but I am really squeamish and the wounds were
quite horrific! So all good and thanks to Jim's wonderful germ fighter! Yvonne Cook,
Yvonne Cook
South Africa
Posted : 29-04-2014

we took 2 of our dogs to be spayed and neutered in October 2013 and came back with
a snotty nose.... we treated them with Boi sil and other products and it cleared up...
only to find out that a few of them started coughing.then it all
cleared..DISTEMPER..and then the neorological effects kicked in. Watching my
babies have seizures was beyond me and agonizing torture for me let alone my dogs..
(they have all had their vaccines)...We recalled helping a child with a sarcoma (cancer
growth ) on his back with DMSO and MMS and it shrank. doing more research on
Jim Humbles products, we started my dogs ,all 21 of them on an 8 hour course of
MMS every hour every day...thankfully, i had just given up my job so i could be here
for all my babies. we subsequently lost 3 dogs from the neurological side effects of
this dreaded virus. we have been using MMS for a week now and the improvements
in their health is AMAZING. Much less coughing and less nasal disharge.they all up
and running again. we started the CDS today Monday 11 November.thank you to
Yvonne,and the team in JHB for helping me get onto the CDS and all the extra
help!!!!! you are ALL AMAZING people!!!
South Africa
Posted : 11-11-2013

Jazzy's strange disease

The story is about my dog Jazzy that I have rescued when she was 3 months old,
from the dog shelter....
She looked pretty skinny and small for her age and also she was quite week on the
back legs when walking; plus she was frieghtend of her own shadow, literally.....was
so very dificult to walk her.
At that point she had already had to many vaccinations and the diet was definitively
not approriate for a canine.
In our care, we gradualy put her on a raw diet and no more vaccinations but within
few months the problems started;
One night while she was sleeping on the floor next to our feet we have noticed blood
on the tiles....we checked her over just to discover the blood was from her bleeding
Next day at the vet we were told she was deficient in vit K and she got few shots for
the next weeks...but this was just the begining of a very bumpy road.
Few months later she started to get itchy and that itchiness increased daily. The vet
suggested antinflamatory tablets and stereoids. I refused.
At that point I have taken the problem in my hands and started to research maddly.
Oh my God!!! so much confusing information on this net; I felt I was going to loose
Found an animal healer but she was very difficult to deal with because was affraid of
me "stealing"her "healing secrets'. She wanted to take my dog to her, 2000km away
but in the mean time found out she was using grains as well to feed the dogs.
My dog was getting worse by the day. She got to the point of chewing herself to
pieces, anywhere where she could reach herself. She was under our supervision 24
hrs a day. Gave up my job and slept next to her ( not much of a sleep or life).
We were desperate!
Went on like this for almost 18 months when I came across of a lady called Pat
Mckay who runs the Wholistic animal hospital in Nevada USA. She put Jazzy on
some homeopathic treatment, supplements and adjusted her diet...but unfortunately
this was still not doing the trick. Some weeks she was good and then suddenly she
was erupting in red pimples again and itchiness.
We went on and off like this until she was 3 years old and then I discovered MMS. I
wasn't sure about the procedure and had some reservation because of the citric
acid..... I gave it to her on and off but not enough to really solve the problem. Like so
many of us, I didn't have enough trust and silly me had delayed her recovery......until
2 months ago when the situation become so serious she was dying. She couldn't even
go to the toilet because she was in pain.
It started with her limping few months ago;on and off; and then it got serious with her
body and face( nose+ eyes) being covered in pimples and itchiness.
At that point I had CDS in the house and I put her on just 6 drops of CDS+3DMSO+1
drop fresh Aloe Vera, every hour for 12-14 hours a day. Also in her food ( raw
meat+veggies) I added moringa leaves+ goji berry leaves+ green paw paw with skin
and seeds. Within 2 days she was up and walking without limping ( in the evening for
few days had a bit of a limp) and now after almost 3 weeks she goes for a bit of a run
as well....and wiggles her tail :-) Her skin is clear and no more itchiness.
I believe Jazzy developed LUPUS and now she is on her way to recovery. She will
stay on CDS for 12 hrs a day for a while and then will be on maintenance for the rest
of her life.
So much trail and error and pain and misery because I didn't trust enough a product
that actualy works.
Nothing worked for her, including a good diet. CDS did it!!!!!
The funny thing was that for years I have been promoting Jim's MMS/CDS to all my
friends and people I met with health problems but didn't do it proprely with Jazzy. Go
and figure?!
Do not make the same mistake. MMS/CDS it does work and I will be for ever
grateful to Jim and his team.
A big hug and so much love to you all,
Zoe Nielsen
Posted : 06-10-2013

MMS saved 1 of my dogs TWICE!

My 11yo Lab/Redbone Hound, Mack, was diagnosed with Granulamatosis

Menengial Encephilatous (sp?) aka: GME in mid-May. I VERY seriously doubt he
would've survived that night, for us to get him to the vet in the morning, were it not
for my squirting diluted MMS1 into his mouth several times over the course of the
night. (He was in too bad of shape to even raise his head to drink.) My vet's a good
guy; and, open-minded; but, has only conventional training. His "solution" was
antibiotics and prednizone... (With conventional treatment, the average diagnosis to
death time is 8 days for focal GME, which is what Mack has/had/???.) He's too large
for me to carry; so, I did intersperse his meds with MMS for the first day. His left
hind leg was swollen 3 times its normal size; and, his right leg wouldn't hold him up.
I was able to get the swelling down by mixing NFZ, MMS1, and DMSO; and, after
washing the leg really well with MMS2 spray, slathering his leg from toes to hip with
this mixture, and wrapping it with saranwrap for 12 hours. Once the swelling was
gone and he could help me move him, I tossed the pills and started dosing him every
hour with MMS1. Progress was slow that 1st day; but, rapid after that. Within about 3
days, Mack was doing better than he had in months. I started scaling back to a
maintainance dose of 2 drops twice a day. He was on that until about 4 days ago. I
needed to worm him and do heartworm preventative; and, I didn't want to risk
Herx'ing him. Also, I had started questioning whether or not he still needed to be on a
maintainance dose; and, even if the diagnosis had been correct. I took him off for
about 2 days.... BIG MISTAKE; and, one that came all too close to being fatal for
him... By Wed. night, he was pretty well comatose. I was having to drizzle diluted
MMS1, mixed with a drop of DMSO, across his tongue and gums. He was
unconscious and I wasn't even getting reflexive swallowing (I was being careful not
to aspirate him.) The only way I even knew that he was still alive was that I could see
shallow breathing, by watching his side. I continued doing this for about an hour and
a half before he finally opened his eyes and raised his head. Shortly after that, he got
up on his own and went outside. He wasn't too steady on his feet; but, he was able to
go out and pee with my just "spotting him." We got back inside and I mixed him a
dose in broth, which he lapped up. An hour later, I went to get a can of dog food, to
mix it into, to see if he'd eat. I turned around and discovered that he'd followed me
the 50 yards or so I'd had to go to get the can. (I have a really weird living
arrangement out here, due to my home burning to the ground back in Jan.) It's now
Fri. night/Sat. morning; and, he's back to moving around normally. I've backed off to
dosing him at about 4 hour intervals, with about a 6 hour gap for me to get some
sleep; and, I'll be working towards getting him back to 2 drops twice a day; but,
barring my finding a way to safely get to the root cause (which is microsporidia in the
spinal fluid), he's going to be kept on a maintainance dose the rest of his life. Also,
I'm not going to be getting complacent again. This last time, there wasn't any focal
swelling that I could see; but, if I'd been asleep (etc.), I'd have been burying Mack on
Thurs........ (And, "kicking myself in the butt" even worse than I am now.) Instead,
he's laying right outside (where it's cool) and waiting to follow me back to "the
micro" (I'm still trying to finish; but, has air conditioning.)
Kathy Renbarger
United States
Posted : 13-07-2013

Infected eyes

My little dog had infected tearduct and her eyes would be blood shot and almost
glued together. I had taken her to a Vet and got some salve to put into her eyes. ($ 60
later) After a week there was a little improvment but not a lot. I reseached the web
site for eye drops and used 4 activated drops in a half of glass of water. I first tried a
couple of drops in my eye to make sure it wouldn't hurt her. Then applied 2 drops of
the diluted mixture in each eye 4 or 5 times a day It took a couple of weeks but her
eyes have all cleared up and have stayed clear after discontinuing the drops.
Gary Courtney
United States
Posted : 09-02-2013

Kennel Cough

I got a puppy from the humane sociaty that had kennel cough. I took her to the vet
where she was diagnosed,given antibiotics and cough syrup. Almost $200.00 later,she
evenually recovered.
6 months or so went by and her cough returned. I gave her MMS. In only one dose
her coughing had almost stopped.I kept giving her doses ( 2 drops 3 times a day in
her mouth )for about a week. It has been over 3 years and her cough has not returned.
I have used MMS for many years with fantastic results !!!!!!!
Gina Helderlein
United States
Posted : 29-01-2013

Gum growth and infection in dog

My 12 year old dog had surgery to remove a huge gum overgrowth (epilis) that had
overgrown her tooth. After the surgery the site was not healing postop and looked
badly inflammed and after a time another growth was forming in the same spot.
Instead of taking her back to the vet i decided to try mms. I applied mms to her
affected area with a soft toothbrush for a few days and was surprised to find that not
only had the inflammation gone away but the new growth had completely vanished.
When you look in her mouth there is no sign of anything wrong. Its completely
Posted : 11-11-201


Hello from Holland,

Our rabbit is a so-called fox-rabbit, who have an approximate expected lifetime of 6-
7 years tops. The veterinarians always tell you to have the rabbit vaccinated every
year to avoid the "standard" parasite e.culiculi, although it regularly happens that
those who did get the shot, will get the parasite anyway.

Our rabbit never had the vaccine, and got the parasite at the age of 9 (nine!) and was
treated with antibiotics by the vet. It all went fine until he started vomiting a while
later. Several vets told us that it was impossible for a rabbit to vomit, however a few
people had witnessed this repeatedly. The treating vet told us there was nothing she
could do, and that we should be very pleased for the rabbit to have lived that long.
At home I started giving him MMS according to his weight, 3 times a day. Within 24
HOURS he was back on his feet and energetic as in his younger years! This happened
6 months ago, and he is still alive and kicking as we speak!
Many warm greetings,
Posted : 08-10-2012

MMS and My Cats

I am a veterinary nurse in UK. I have used conventional medicines in my work and

on my own animals. They have mostly worked, but are very expensive and some
have a high cost to the animals in side-effects, some do not work. My Dad put me
onto MMS a few years back. I have used it on myself, to which it has worked well.
Colds and other viral and bacterial conditions were dealt with. However, there is
always the thing of 'mind over matter' or 'coincidence' that I got better. I then used it
on my cats. One in particular is a nervous little soul, always has been. Bullied by the
others and struggles with illness when he gets ill. I have 4 cats who are all mainly
healthy (I DO NOT vaccinate them ever), but Peter suffers more than the others. I
have tried MMS on him 4-5 times now and each time he got better within 2 days
completely. He had a mouth abscess the last time and within 2 days, it was gone. He
was bouncing around the garden once more! Absolutely amazing.
United Kingdom

Parvo Cured

A few years ago a stray female dog began hanging around our property and
eventually had a batch of puppies. Before too long several of those puppies
developed symptoms of Parvo, the deadly, hardly curable disease that kills many
young dogs every year.
I had some MMS on hand and mixed three drops with lemon juice to activate it, then
mixed it with water and forced the puppies to swallow it-- one of the symptoms of
parvo is that the infected dog won't eat or drink, so you have to hold the dogs head
back, ease the nozzle of a plastic bottle into their mouths and let it trickle down their
throat until they swallow.
The dogs don't like it for sure, however I have seen several puppies cured from Parvo
by the use of MMS in this way. I have gone through two batches of puppies like that
and have seen four of them saved from death by MMS. Often times, its already too
late by the time the dog shows symptoms, sometimes you can't get them to swallow
enough before they wander off to die, but its always worth a shot and makes you feel
better knowing you've done what you can to ease a poor dog's suffering. My sister
works at a Veternarian Clinic and tells me that it is still hard for them to cure Parvo
with the very expensive system of treatment that they use, so using MMS to treat
Parvo is a good step in the right direction.
United States
Posted : 16-09-2012

Cured Cat Eye Herpes

My cat had crusty eyes all the time. The vet would prescribe ointment for her eyes
when it got bad but other than that she said there wasn't anything they could do. It
was a form of herpes in the cat's eyes, probably passed on from the mom cat. I had to
wipe her eyes with a damp cloth every day.

I mixed one drop of activated MMS with water and squirted it in her mouth daily. She
didn't like it, but she didn't throw it up either. Within 2 weeks her eyes cleared up and
remained clear for the rest of her life. Sadly she passed away a year later from old
age, but I'm glad she didn't have crusty, weepy eyes anymore!
Elgin, IL
Posted : 21-07-2012

Ear Infection In Dog

My dog is about 13 years old. He has some kind of tumor on his right side. Its not an
open wound, but it looks like a golf ball under his fur, well maybe not quite that big.
He also has another tumor or growth of some kind on his front leg. It looks like a
penis. Neither of these seem to bother the dog, however, a couple days ago I noticed
he was tilting his head to one side quite often, so I took a flashlight and looked into
his ear. It has some kind of infection, its all full of pus and smells bad as well. The
other ear is fine. I sprayed colloidal silver in his ear, and kind of worked it in there
before he shook his head from side to side. I tried to give him a capsule of oil of
oregano, but he kept spitting it out. I finally took an eye dropper, and opened his
mouth enough to squirt some in. He didnt care for the taste. That was all done
yesterday. Then last night, I did the same with some activated MMS. He does not care
for the taste of that either, but he took it. Today I put a 00 capsule with 8 drops MMS
with 35 drops of citric acid in a piece of banana, and gave it to him. That tricked him.
I also mixed some colloidal silver with some oil of oregano in a small squirt bottle
and sprayed some in his infected ear.
I know dogs make their own Vitamin C, so between that and the oil of oregano, and
the MMS for back up, Im hoping his infection gets cleared up.
I did put some activated MMS into his infected ear. However, I dilluted it so it would
not burn his ear. I also put a couple ounces of colloidal silver in his water dish each
day, and although its only been a few days, he is doing alot better. The pus is all gone,
and so is the bad smell. He is back to his old regular self, so I will just keep an eye on
him for awhile. I might use some 3% hydrogen peroxide as B suggests, if necessary.
Thanks for all the comments and helpful suggestions. He is an old mutt, but I lovem.
I have a feeling that MMS may add some years to his life, and for that I thank Jim
Humble. .PBD

Yes, he appears to be completely healed, and I gotta tell you, his ear was gross. It
looked awfull and smelled even worse. After a couple doses of MMS, his ear is fine. I
am using some 3% hydrogen peroxide as per your suggestion just to clean it out.
Arrow Durfee
Posted : 01-07-2012

My Pregnant Doe Rabbit's Head Shaking is now Better

Hi everyone,
I want to thank whoever made CDS for the health of my animal today. She is a
pregnant Doe. For some reason, this morning her head would just not stop shaking. It
was shaking up and down. I thought it was the heat, so I cooled down the room as
soon as possible, to make it even cooler. But her symptoms did not stop. I was so
worried. I didn't have money to get her to the vet. No vets would take her without
money. Also, her regular vet was too "busy" with other animals. This is the same
runaround that i got from most of the vets I called. I thought I was going to lose her. I
read some things that I thought it might be, hypocalcemia? , or some sort of head tilt?
Or maybe it was an extreme ear infection. I do not know.
But what I did was two things, I gave her a 1/4 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses. It
has magnisium, calcium, and iron. Thankfully she took it. Then , even though i was
very worried about her pregnancy, and her kits, i gave her 1 drop of CDC in water.
From what i know the 1 drop of CDC is much more mild, as it takes 3 drops to equal
1 drop of MMS. It wasnt too long after that her head stoped shaking! And I don't
know if it was the CDC or the Blackstrap mollasses, or a combitnation, but she seems
a lot better now. I am very thankful for natural and alternative means of doing things.
United States
Posted : 09-08-2015

Boston Terrier Cured of Pneumonia in 5 hours!

I left for work on a Thursday and was called by my wife at 11am and told my dog
was very sick and could not breath or even hold his head up, he looked as though he
was going to die. I took him to the vet and they gave me antibiotics for him but said it
would take a week or so for him to show signs of getting better. I went home and read
about the protocol for dogs. I mixed MMS and gave him 3ml in a syringe. After one
hour I noticed the green stuff coming out of his nose was clear. After two more hours
and two more 3ml doses he was able to breath normal and go out to the bathroom on
his own. By 10pm that evening he was eating and looked 100 times better. I gave him
one more 3ml dose and put him to bed with the other dogs. By the morning he was
fine and resumed chasing rabbits and playing with the other dogs. It was a miracle
cure for him. I gave the other dogs a prophylactic dose and neither got ill. My
daughters dog came down with the same virus and after much persuasion she allowed
me to give her dog just two 2 ml doses and by the next morning he was fine.
Thank you Jim!
Jim Carson
Posted : 29-06-2012

Cancer cured in Dog. ( Lymphoma)

Dear folks at MMS,

I've got incredibly good news!
Our dog was CURED of CANCER within 5 days using a combination of MMS and
Amygdalin (Vitamin B17)! We found a tumor, Lymphoma (size of a ping pong ball)
on her throat (neck) last Thursday, 23rd June. By Monday the 27th the tumor was
completely dissolved. Throughout the cure she was active, happy and alert instead of
suffering the pains of conventional chemo-therapy that the doctors recommended.
Indeed we proved what John Armstrong (of Auto Urine therapy) wrote: curing cancer
is child-play!
I started her with 1:5 drops of MMS and administered the activated solution with a
small portion of her raw food every 2 hours during the day. She\'s been on a raw food
diet without grains for the past 8 years. I managed to increase the dosage up to 10
drops and maintained it until she refused to eat her food. The last dose was given to
her mixed with DMSO rubbed into her skin this past Monday. I also gave her 4 x 100
mg of Amygdalin wrapped in some cold cut meat pieces between the MMS dosages
during the day.
She never felt sick during the treatment yet she had been vomiting all over the place
for weeks before we detected the tumor last Thursday. The tumor began declining
consistently until it disappeared altogether within days. I stopped her MMS intake
and resumed feeding her the raw food (raw meat & veggies, w/ cold pressed oils and
ground egg shells) in small portions. Her appetite is good. In order to keep the cancer
away, I\'m planning to continue MMS with a reduced dosage (3:15) once a day with
500 mg of Amygdalin also once a day every 2 or 3 days.
I\'m playing by ear with these protocols and am adjusting to the dog\'s acceptance and
response but I\'d appreciate your expert comments or advice on how to proceed from
now on. We thank you for the MMS solution.
We praise God and give Him the glory for His wonderful, inexpensive and safe
solutions that He had designed for a world without cancer.
Blessings to Mr Humble and all his staff.
Posted : 29-06-2012

Fish and Fish Tank

My daughters pet stingray had a problem with it's disk being eaten from the outside
edge. I activated a 2 drop solution, once a day, sometimes twice. It stopped the
problem and the disk is healing, I now add drops every day or two.
Posted : 29-06-2012

Skin Condition in Dog

I have been suffering along with the neighbor's autistic son's horribly disturbing
agitation, screaming, yelling, crying, banging, stomping and noisy insomnia for 4
years . Suddenly the child is 97% content and quiet. I found out that they are using
MMS and bought some for myself. I am trialing it on my dog's skin condition by
spraying topically and by dosing their drinking water. I have found it to be a perfect
deoderant and tonight I got some flea bites from an infested basement area which
were burning and stinging. This went away immediately after spraying with the 40
gtts / 4 ounces solution. WOW i am going to start oral dosing myself tomorrow.
heather guidi
bocas del toro
Bocas del Toro
Posted : 11-05-2017

Parsites in dog
Hi Jim, I have been using MMS as a for full worming regime for my dogs for about
four years with complete success.
Keep up the good work.
Ross Allan
Struck Oil

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