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This spreadsheet will analyse a simply supported, rectangular, pre-stress concrete beam

Click on the Stresses tab at the bottom of the worksheet to determine an acceptable size for the beam
The size will be determined by the moments that the beam are subjected to.
if you are not sure what to enter in a cell, just hold the cursor over the cell marked with a red tab in the corner
and a comment with some advice will be displayed
Enter values (in the green cells) for the dead and imposed moments and trial values for P, e and Z

NOTE so that formulae are not accidently overwritten, the cells have been 'locked'.
If you wish to change a 'locked cell' - for example, if you do not have a rectangular cross section, you may wish to insert y
choose Tools, Protection, Protect Sheet. The click on the protect worksheet and contents of locked cells
for the beam
like this
ed tab in the corner

section, you may wish to insert your own values for Ig and Z
ents of locked cells check box
enter the beam specification and loads here and see if the
concrete stresses have been exceeded


Moment Due to Dead load (Md) 0 kN-m

Moment Due to Superimposed Dead Load (Msi) 0 kN-m
Moment due to imposed load (Mi) 0 kN-m
Transfer Moment (Mt) 0 kN-m
Maximum Service moment 0 kN-m
Ultimate moment 0 kN-m
Concrete cube strength (fcu) 50 MPa Type of prestressing
Concrete Strength at Transfer (fci) 50 MPa
Concrete modulus of Elasticity (Ec) 32000 MPa Strand 2
partial material safety factor for concrete 1.5 Wire
Area of Pre-stress 3000 mm2 Bars
Ultimate strength of Pre-stress 1616 MPa
Pre-stress modulus of elasticity 205000 MPa
partial materail safety factor for pre-stress 1.05
Peff 100 kN
stress in pre-stress at transfer 39 MPa
eccentricity e 0 mm check beam is deep enough to achiev
% loss of prestress 15%
P Transfer 118 kN
Max allowable concrete compressive stress - Working (fcs) 16.5 MPa Method of prestressing
Max allowable concrete tensile stress - Working (fts) 3.18 MPa 1
Max allowable concrete compressive stress - Transfer (fct) 25 MPa 0
Max allowable concrete tensile stress - Transfer (ftt) 3.18 MPa
Class of Prestresssed Member
0 Class 1
1 Class 2

Zmin 0.000E+00 mm3

Beam Dimensions

Overall Depth D 100 mm

Breadth B 100 mm
effective depth 50 mm
Gross area (A) 1.00E+04 mm2
Actual Section Modulus, Bottom Fibre (Zbot) 1.67E+05 mm3
Actual Section Modulus, Top Fibre (Ztop) 1.67E+05 mm3
Gross second moment of area (Ig) 8.33E+06 mm4
ytop 50
ybot 50
Working stress - TOP -10.00 MPa stress okay
Working stress - Bottom -10.00 MPa stress okay
Transfer stress - Top -11.76 MPa stress okay
Transfer stress - Bottom -11.76 MPa stress okay

working transfer fcw ftw fct ftt
-10 -11.76471 -16.5 3 -25.0 3.18 0
-10 -11.76471 -16.5 3 -25.0 3.18 100

am is deep enough to achieve this eccentricity

f prestressing

Prestresssed Member

service stresses
Concrete Stresses Transfer Stresses
120 fcw
100 fct
D epth from soffet of beam (mm)





-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
Stress (MPa)

D epth fr

-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
Stress (MPa)
P only


Page 6
P and e



Page 7
this spreadsheet calculates the allowable cable profile for the beam entered in the 'stresses' spreadsheet.
enter the minimum and maximum moments that occur along the beam and the graph will plot the allowable cable profile

stress in the stress in the stress in the stress in the

bottom fibre top fibre at bottom fibre top fibre
at transfer transfer at working working
governs governs governs governs
% distance from end min moment max moment e< e< e> e >
0 0 0 -19 -21 22 11
0.1 63.36 83.52 -557 -560 -813 -824
0.2 115.2 149.76 -998 -1000 -1476 -1487
0.3 155.52 198.72 -1341 -1343 -1965 -1976
0.4 184.32 230.4 -1585 -1588 -2282 -2293
0.5 201.6 244.8 -1732 -1735 -2426 -2437
0.6 207.36 241.92 -1781 -1784 -2397 -2408
0.7 201.6 221.76 -1732 -1735 -2196 -2207
0.8 184.32 184.32 -1585 -1588 -1821 -1832
0.9 155.52 129.6 -1341 -1343 -1274 -1285
1 115.2 57.6 -998 -1000 -554 -565

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Top Fibre Failure - In Serv
-1000 Bottom Fibre Failure - In S
Bottom Fibre Failure - Tra
-1500 Top Fibre Failure - Transfe

owable cable profile


Top Fibre Failure - In Service (e>)

Bottom Fibre Failure - In Service (e>)
Bottom Fibre Failure - Transfer (e<)
Top Fibre Failure - Transfer (e<)
This spreadsheet calculates the ultimate load of a pre-stress concrete
beam with a rectangular x-section. The beam specification is entered
in the 'Stresses' spreadsheet. On this spreadsheet, just enter values
of x in cell 'D4' until the error in cell 'D16' is zero. Then just read of
the ultimate moment Mu from cell 'D18'. Or use the Solver in the
Tools to solve for 'x'

depth to neutral axis x 50 mm Stress Strain Dia

Compression in the concrete stress block Cc -101 kN 180

Stress (MPa)
Strain in pre-stress due to initial pre-strain epe 0.00016 140
Stress in concrete at level of pre-stress due to initial pre-stressing sce 10.0 Mpa 120
Strain in concrete at level of pre-stress due to initial pre-stressing ece 0.0003125 100
Strain in concrete due to ultimate load ecp 0 80
Total strain in pre-stress at ultimate load epu 0.000475102 60
Stress in pre-stress at ultimate load spu 97 Mpa 40
Tension in pre-stress at ultimate load Tp 292 kN

Check this error -191%

Ultimate moment capacity Mu 3 kN-m

Stress Strain Diagram for Prestress (including Partial Material Saety Factor)

Stress (MPa)

1539 2
emid ###

1200 1231 plotting

0.0000 1000
0 0.0000 ### 0.000 1231 0.006 0 0.013 0 0.005 0
0.0060 1231
0.0125 ###s =0.006 41860 e0.006 ### 0.013 1539 0.013 1539
922 + 1231
0.0125 1539
0.0400 1539

0 11 1
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030


Page 12
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Under Construction

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