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Undertaken at





(Lecturer) MBA (2nd SEM)
ROLL NO - 23



Industrial training is an indispensable part of any curriculum. It provides the

students with an opportunity to gain experience on the practical application of their

The goal was fixed, moves were calculated and I moved with full enthusiasm,
vigor and keen interest.

It’s a sheer pleasure for me to state with candidly that this entire project is a
heartily attempt to reach maximum accuracy. I thereof take this opportunity to
express my utmost gratitude and indebt nests to all who have contributed in some

I express my gratitude to all the people at Sambhav Gems Ltd. (SGL) who helped
me. The exposure and experience gained at SGL has been unique. The SGL family
teaches strict self discipline, and a goal oriented approach.

I would like to thank Mr. SANDEEP JAIN for giving me this opportunity to work
in the department and know more about the system of marketing department in
SGL. Despite his taxing schedule, he helped me throughout and always showed the
way ahead. A wonderful leader indeed!


1. Acknowledgement
2. Scope of the study
3. Objective of the study
4. Industry Profile
a) Executive Summary
b) Review of literature
c) Growth chart
5. Company Profile
a) Review of literature
b) Growth chart
c) Swot Analysis
d) Induction Orientation and Rewards & recognition
6. Review of Literature
7. Current Scenario
8. Research Methodology
a) Type of research methodology
b) Data collection method
c) Method of collection
9. SWOT analysis
10. Conclusion
11. Bibliography
12. Annexure

Executive Summary

Diamonds, gems and Jewelry have been a part of the Indian civilization since its

recorded history, the significance of the gems and Jewelry industry in the Indian

economic scenario is a development of the last three or four decades. In 1966-67,

the export turnover of the Gems & Jewelry industry was just Rs 220 m

representing a 3per cent of total merchandise exports. However, it has now grown

to become one of the leading export oriented industries in India recording an

export turnover of around Rs 91617.53 crore during 2008-09, making it a

significant foreign exchange earner for the country.

The gems and jewelry sector, which has seen a substantial fall in exports since
2007 due to the withdrawal of a 6per cent duty concession under the Generalized
System of Preferences on jewelry exports to the US, has been severely affected by
the economic meltdown.

As a result, India’s share of gems and jewelry exports to the US has come down
from 36 per cent in 2006 to 20 per cent in 2009.

The UAE was the largest importer of gems and jewelry from India in 2008-09,

with a share of 31 per cent. This was followed by Hong Kong with a 25 per cent

and the US with 20 per cent. The gems and jewelry sector accounted for 13 per

cent of India’s total merchandise exports.

During April 2009, the total gems and jewelry exports of the country was

$1,144million, as against $1,740 million during the same period last fiscal, a fall of

about 34 per cent.

August glittered for India’s gems and jewelry sector, with demand from domestic

as well as foreign markets rising sharply ahead of the festival season. Indications

of revival in the global economy ensured robust jewelry demand in the US market.

Experts believe the trend will continue for the rest of the financial year, on stable

gold prices and positive global economic indicators.

“Demand from the Americas have rebounded, with the 40 per cent growth we have
witnessed in jewelry sales there,” said Mehul Choksi, chairman of Gitanjali Gems,
which runs a chain of 130 retail shops in the world’s largest jewelry consuming
market, contributing 13 per cent of the company’s turnover.

Since the US alone constitutes nearly 40 per cent of global retail jewelry sales, the
rebound in the country’s overall sales is good news for us, Choksi added.

Gems and Jewels Sector

Diamonds, gems and Jewelry have been a part of the Indian civilization since its

recorded history, the significance of the gems and Jewelry industry in the Indian

economic scenario is a development of the last three or four decades. In 1966-67,

the export turnover of the Gems & Jewelry industry was just Rs 220 m

representing a 3per cent of total merchandise exports. However, it has now grown

to become one of the leading export oriented industries in India recording an

export turnover of around Rs 875 billion during 2006-07 and contributing 16 per
cent of total exports, making it a significant foreign exchange earner for the


Gems and Jewelry sector

Polished Diamond Gem Stones Gold & Jewelry Synthetic Stones

Gems and Jewelry sector

1. Polished Diamond

India is one of the best markets in the world in the polished diamonds for its

world-class quality of diamonds as well as exquisite cutting skills. Over

83per cent of India’s Gems and Jewelry cut and polished diamonds account

for exports. Jaipur and Surat are famous as world class designing and

polishing centers.

2. Gem Stones:
This category refers to the stones other than diamonds; these stones come
under two basic categories that are precious stones and Semi precious
stones. There is a huge demand for these gemstones especially of Sapphire,
Emerald and Ruby. India's exports of gems have crossed 5000000 carats this
3. Gold & Jewelry:

This category represents the gold and Jewelry, which is used in the

manufacturing of various ornaments. India is a country that is the largest

consumer of gold in the world, in the year 2007 gold consumption in India

was 850 tons 33% up from 2006.

4. Synthetic Stones:
Synthetic diamond is diamond produced through chemical or physical
processes in a laboratory. Like naturally occurring diamond it is composed
of a three-dimensional carbon crystal. Synthetic diamonds are also called
cultured diamonds. Synthetic diamond is not the same as diamond imitation,
which can be made of other material. This is an upcoming market in India.
India Gems and Jewelry Market

The Gems and Jewelry (G&J) market essentially comprises of sourcing,

processing, manufacturing and selling of precious metals and gemstones, such as,
Gold, Platinum, Silver, Diamond, Ruby, and Sapphire etc. The G&J market is a
significant contributor to the Indian economy, based on the size of the domestic
market and through its contribution to the country’s exports. India is the largest
consumer of gold (around 20 percent of global consumption) and also the largest
diamond processor (around 90 percent by pieces and 55 percent by value of the
global market). 

India’s G&J industry is highly unorganized and fragmented with 96 percent of the
total players being family owned businesses. The gold processing industry has
around 15,000 players, with only 80 having revenues over USD 5 million. India is
also home to around 450,000 goldsmiths, 100,000 gold jewelers along with 6,000
diamond processing players and 8,000 diamond jewelers. 

The value chain of the industry starts from sourcing and mining of the metals and
extends to jewelry retail. While India is not a major miner of previous metals and
stones, the country’s inexpensive and well skilled workforce makes it a world
leader in processing of diamonds. The country’s jewelry retail sector is also
expected to evolve with a shift among consumers towards branded jewelry, driven
by greater quality consciousness. 

There are a few major players in the G&J segment, with Sambhav Gems being the
most dominant name. Other key players in the field include Gitanjali Gems,
Suhashish Diamonds, Su-Raj Diamonds, Vaibhav Diamonds, D’damas and
Tanishq. Many of these players are focused on developing strong brands, large
retail operations, strengthening their core manufacturing operations and building a
strong international presence. 

India’s large population and rapid economic growth offer significant opportunities
for growth of the industry. The emergence of jewelry retail chains provide
customers with convenience and assurance of quality. The entry of foreign players
is also likely to increase competition and provide consumers with greater choice.
Apart from the above, there are other factors that contribute to a favorable outlook
for the industry. 
India’s Position in World’s Market
 In India, it accounts for nearly 20 per cent of total Indian exports. It
provides employment to 1.3 million people directly and indirectly.
 Increasing purchasing power and disposable incomes of India’s middle class
has resulted in consumption growth of this industry by about 11 per cent in
the five-year period preceding 2006-07. Add to that the insatiable Indian
craving for gems and jewelry, and the demand will skyrocket to US$ 20
billion by 2010 and US$ 30 billion in 2015, according to industry experts.
 India’s gems and jewelry industry has been allowed 51 per cent foreign
direct investments by the government in single brand retail stores attracting
both global and domestic players to this sector.
 Experts believe that by 2013, India will become the biggest consumer of
 In the recent years a large number of players have been attracted to the
Indian gems and jewelry retail sector.
 Reliance Retail is planning an aggressive entry into the jewelry retail market
through its about 400 to 500 jewelry retail outlets across the country. 

The gems and diamonds industry contributes over 15 per cent of India's total
exports. The industry is jewelry industry is predominantly divided into two
segments: Gold jewelry and fabricated studded jewelry (diamonds as well as
gemstone studded jewelry) 
Company Profile
The gemstones business is as old as 250 years. It started when Maharaja of Jaipur
bought in artisans from all over the country and patronized them. Most of the
companies are Traditional but advanced and updates with various happenings
about stones and are there for generations. Sambhav Gems Ltd. (SGL) and its
promoters are first generations in this industry. SGL, founded in 2001, with mere
four (4) person staff and today the company has a work force of 250 people
working in State of art factory in Sitapura, Jaipur. Jaipur traditionally called a
“gems” city is now emerging as one of the leading centre in the stones segment as
well as in the jewelry sector.
SGL has a well-equipped manufacturing unit in Jaipur. The company has a team of
experienced employees who are well versed with the art of buying, manufacturing
and selling of loose colored stone’s as well as jewelry. It believes in fair and just
policy for its employees, motivating and rewarding the deserving candidates. It
abides by all the labor laws of the land. It is also to be noted that right from the day
one the company is in DTA and is paying tax.
Whatever company has achieved is because of dedication towards work by
professionals who are working for the company. The company is system dependent
and not person dependent.
The company is also involved in various philanthropic activities. So, whenever
there is a call for anything to be done for the society SGL family is always there.
Quality Policy of SGL:

“We Commit Ourselves To Fulfill Customers

Expectations Completely, In Quality, Innovation & Services”

Sambhav means “possible”. Sambhav is a very auspicious word in most of the

Indian languages. Sambhav Gems Ltd. (SGL) is an ambitious retail venture all
over the world. SGL has conducted an extensive research across the country and as
a result of the research; SGL has developed an exclusive range of five thousand
jewelry designs suitable for a cross section of Indian population. SGL will have
presence across India in rural, semi-urban and urban areas. SGL have four formats
of stores starting from small rural stores to large urban stores. SGL will be
positioned as a value-for-money brand, suitable for majority of geographical
locations for a cross-section of Indian population. SGL would be a brand for
masses and would be positioned as the family’s first choice for gold and diamond
SGL would offer guaranteed purity of gold over a wide range of designs at the
most attractive prices. SGL will be distinct and different from any other Jewelers
or from any other brand of jewelry in the country due to the following
 Guaranteed purity: SGL offers guaranteed 22cts purity gold jewelry, each
piece of jewelry at SGL is guaranteed for absolute 22cts gold purity. SGL
jewelry is guaranteed to pass hall marking standards of any country across
the world. The diamond jewelry at SGL is made in guaranteed 18cts gold
with VVS quality of diamonds in GH color.
 Wide and exclusive range of jewelry: SGL has designed an exclusive
portfolio of Five thousand designs for SGL. This would be an exclusive
range with designs representing the various geographical regions of India.
The range has been developed after detailed research on local tastes and
customs by leading jewelry designers. The range would be exclusive for
“SGL” and would not be available anywhere else.
 Technological superiority: SGL is technically the most advanced jewelry
manufacturing facility in the world. SGL has introduced many special
features in its jewelry. The color, shine and tarnish resistance are the
distinguishing features of SGL jewelry. SGL has also laid special emphasis
on the weight of the designs, the jewelry would be durable for a long term
and would weigh less than similar designs available elsewhere. SGL has
conducted extensive research and has developed standardized findings and
mountings for the jewelry which would ensure comfort fit and safety to the
 Value for money: SGL is the lowest cost jewelry manufacturer in the world.
SGL offers guaranteed gold jewelry at value for money prices. SGL
guarantees the lowest prices for its gold and diamond jewelry. The value for
money proposition of SGL will be one of the most attractive features to the
clients, due to the availability of guaranteed jewelry at the lowest prices.
 Service: SGL offers international class service at all its showrooms. All the
showrooms are connected online, which helps to serve the customers better.
Any jewelry purchased at any store of SGL would be exchangeable at any
other store of SGL. Apart from offering innovative schemes to the clients,
SGL offers a lifetime buy-back guarantee of all its products at the prevailing
gold prices. SGL also offers lifetime free wear and tear repair services on
any of its jewelry.
One hundred SGL stores would be launched in the first phase in the four southern
states of India, under the unique associate model with the jewelers. SGL would
expand the SGL presence to 450 stores across the country over a period of next
five years.
SGL is confident that SGL will emerge as every Indian family’s first choice for
Gold and Diamond Jewelry. SGL will herald a revolution in retailing of Gold &
Diamond Jewelry by its strong brand positioning based on its product and pricing
strength and by reaching the masses in the most interior regions of India.


SGL’s objective is to establish itself firmly as a leader in the global jewelry market
by manufacturing and marketing the finest quality jewelry to consumers across the
world. To achieve this objective SGL will put in all required efforts and
consequently emerge as a global leader in the field of jewelry"
Awards/ Prizes
There have been list of award received by company for their growth, success and
dedication toward their work. The list of awards listed below:
 Sambhav Gems received State level for meritorious performance for its
highest exports by the chief guest- Vasundhara Raje at a gala function held
at the B.M Birla Auditorium on December7,2005.
 Sambhav Gems Received “Best Gold jewelry Exports” Regional award
presented by actress Mahima Choudhary in a ceremony organized by Gold
Souk & Jaipur jewelry show,2007.
 Rajiv Jain, CMD of Sambhav Gems Ltd, Jaipur was honored with the
“business visionary award-2006”, on the occasion of a National Seminar on
individual achievements & National Building held in Mumbai May 19,2007.
 Sambhav Gems has been awarded “Best Employer 2007” in the medium
scale industry category in Rajasthan region presented by Dr. Digamber
Singh, Minister of Industry, Govt. of Rajasthan in a ceremony held on 31st
January, 2008.
 Rajiv Jain, Chairman & Managing Director of Sambhav Gems Ltd. received
the exporter of the year award for jewelry from head of the Rajasthan State
Assembly Smt. M.S. Sumitra Singh on the occasion of 2nd Motisons Industry
Design Award.
 Sambhav Gems received its highest export award for his Excellency by Shri
Bhairon Singh Shekhawat Hon’ble Vice President on 23rd October,2004.
 Received award from Union Minister for power, Jayantiben Mehta for
Highest export in a function held in Mumbai on December 25,2003. This
award was given to the company for good performance in colored Gemstone
 Sambhav Gems Ltd., exporters of colored stones was recently awarded by
export Shriomani and gold medal in Delhi, for its outstanding exports in last
year. In a function organized by Indian counseling of small & medium
exports, companies head & MD Mr. Rajiv Jain was Awarded with a token of
remembrance and certificate by Mr. Bishma Narayan Singh ex Chief
Minister of Tamil Nadu & Assam.
 Award for excellence in exports from Hon’ble chief Minister Smt.
Vasundrae Raje For the year 2002-03 in a function organized by jewelers
About CMD

Rajiv Jain, the man with an vision has an experience of 23 years in the gems
jewelry industry. He was trained in manufacturing of gemstones in Jaipur.
He has a vast
experience and knowledge of rough stones identification and manufacturing
of the same. He has a vast experience of sourcing the rough stones from
around the world wherever it is available.

He has been an active member of various Trade Organizations and has

contributed a lot towards the gems & jewelry Industry as
 Vice President, Jewelers Association, Jaipur.
 Regional Chairman, Gems and jewelry export promotion Council.
 Director, ICA(International Colored Gemstone Association) with its
Head Office in New York.
 Hon. Secretary, JJS (Jaipur Jewelry Show).
 Vice Chairman, Indian Institute of Gems and Jewelry, Jaipur.
 Former Chairman, CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), Rajasthan.
 Vice Chairman, IACC (Indo- American Chamber of Commerce).

He was awarded Gunijan 2004 by Governor of Rajasthan for outstanding citizen of

SGL’S Vision and Mission

Our vision “We Commit Ourselves to Fulfill Customers
Expectations Completely, In Quality, Innovation & Services”


Our mission is to provide our independent retailer partners with a combination of

world class service, fashion-forward designs, innovation, and creative marketing


We believe customer satisfaction starts with creativity and innovation. We ensure

this by providing: world-class service, continually improving our state-of-the-art

operation, and producing high quality products. As one of the largest jewelry

marketing companies, we offer site holder strength and continuity. SGL is able to

provide the personal attention that our valued customers deserve. We produce high

quality jewels with a large selection of styles to satisfy the most demanding

retailer. Our value-added services, such as, print ready product photography and

customized marketing programs which will provide our retailers with the

additional support they need to run a profitable business. SGL has a world-wide

reputation for: outstanding design, manufacturing and marketing savvy, which

makes us one of the industry’s leading suppliers to the independent retailer.

Back Bone of Sambhav Gems Ltd. (SGL)

Every Company has a bunch of professionals on whose shoulders the whole

company depends. Same goes with SGL. It too has a group of individuals who are
specialized in different fields and make the company run and function.

These people are the backbone of the company.

1. Rajiv Jain

CMD, a post graduate associated with the Gems and Jewelry Industry since
1979 and has been awarded for outstanding export performance of cut &
polished gemstones several times. He is the convener of colored gemstone
panel of GJEPC, of India. He is the Ex-chairman for Confederation of Indian
Industry Rajasthan State Council (2002-03). He was also the Ambassador
from India for International Colored gemstone Association.

This is not it h is also the Executive member in Jewelers Association.

He was one of the Founder conveners of JPDC, Jaipur. And he was also
awarded with Awarded Gunjan 2004 by Governor of Rajasthan for
outstanding citizen of India.

2. Mrs. Chandra
She is the secretary to Mr. Rajiv Jain. She takes care of all the Secretarial
work, memos, cash and coordinates with accounts. She is the on who takes
the appointments and coordinates for everyone.

3. Diwakar Jain
He takes care of the Sales & Marketing of loose Color Stones. He has a good
experience in this field and has an eye to judge a stone. He also buys loose
stones. He is the person in charge of the stone department tell they are
exported or consumed by jewelry section.

4. Sanjeev Sharma
He takes care of complete jewelry production. He is the person loaded will
all types of technical know how about jewelry.
5. Naveen Kumar Sharma
He is a marketing wizard. He coordinates with the customers and make sure
that all the orders are going on time.

6. Surabhi Jain
She takes care of the designing and the product development. She is the one
who follows up with samples and get them going. She is the one who
converts ideas and concepts into reality.

7. Neeraj Sinha
He takes care of the finance and accounts of the company. He follows up
with the payments. He is the one who buys gold and takes care of the stock.

8. Manoj Choudhary
He also takes care of the accounts and is responsible of buying
infrastructural things and also maintains the stock for the same.
SWOT Analysis

SWOT helps a company to see itself for better and for worse. Companies
are inherently insular and inward looking SWOT is a means by which a company
can better understand what it does very well and where its shortcomings are.
SWOT·s will help the company size up the competitive landscape and get some
insight into the vagaries of the marketplace.
SWOT analysis has been a framework of choice among many managers
for a long time because of its simplicity and its portrayal of the essence of sound
strategy formulation - matching a firm’s opportunities and threats with its strengths
and weaknesses. Central to making SWOT analysis effective is accurate internal
analysis ² the identification of specific strengths and weaknesses around which
sound strategy can be built.

Product Range:
 Cut and Polished Colored Gemstones like Tanzanite, Chrome Diopside,
Garnet, Aquamarine, and Tourmaline etc. cut and polished into various
forms i.e. Faceted, Cabochons, and Carving etc.
 Gemstones Studded Gold Jewelry.

Production Process:
1. Manufacturing of Colored Gemstones
Rough Gemstones are first assorted and then pre shaped by grinding process.
Calibration is done within the specified tolerance and as per the specified
shape. In this process the stones are grinded to an exact shape and size to be
fitted in pre-cast molded jewelry and for exporting loose stones. The next
stage is faceting in which the surface of the stone is cut at specified angles to
enhance the sparkle and beauty. The stones are then graded as per quality.

2. Manufacturing of Studded Gold Jewelry

The gold jewelry is being manufactured by Lost Wax Process. The process
involves several steps:-

a. Master Making
The approved designs are first crafted into a silver model which serves as a
‘Master Piece’ for further production.

b. Mould Making & Vulcanizing

This master is then packed in rubber and vulcanized to get an exact replica
in the form of rubber mold.

c. Waxing
In this stage, the rubber molds are injected with wax to obtain wax pieces.

d. Sprueing
The wax models are fixed on the wax-sprue to form a tree-like structure.
e. Investment
The Wax tree so made is placed in a steel vessel and filled with ‘investment
plaster’ under vacuum in Vacuum Investment Machine.

f. Burnout
The investment flasks are heated in Burnout Furnaces at a temperature of
approximately 1399 degree Fahrenheit. This burns the wax and leaves a
cavity in the flask in the exact shape and size on the wax tree.

g. Casting
The next stage involves heating and melting of gold alloy in a crucible and
forcing the molten alloy into the cavity of the invested flask under vacuum.
The result is a gold tree exactly similar to the wax tree.

h. De-Sprueing
This involves cutting of the models from the tree. The stem and the sprues
left behind are reused.

i. Filing and Soldering

The models are then filed and soldered to improve the finish or to undertake
any repairs that might be necessary.

j. Setting
The gemstones are set into the gold casting using different types of setting
like Channel Setting, Bezel Setting, Tube Setting, Prong Setting etc. The
choice of setting method depends on the piece and design.

k. Polishing
The finished products are then cleaned and polished. It is done by motor
driven buffing wheels. This provides shine and gloss to the product.

Any gold lost in the process is recovered using a dust collector which is then
refined and melted for reuse.

Process Flow Chart for Colored Gemstones Manufacturing

Rough Inventory  Sawing & Rough Assorting  Sawing & Pre Shaping 
Calibration  Faceting & Polishing  Assorting & Grading  Packaging &
Quality Check is done at every step to maintain the standard and quality of the
final product

Process Flow Chart for Jewelry Manufacturing (Lost Wax Process)

Designing  Master Making  Vulcanizing & Mold Cutting  Waxing 

Sprueing  Investment  Burn Out  Casting  De Sprueing  Filing &
Soldering  Setting  Final Polishing

Quality Check is done at every step to maintain the standard and quality of the
final product


 This is the next step after wax pulling and the wax tree making.

 All the casting work is under the supervision of Mr. Sanjeev Sharma.

 He only tells which style’s wax needs to be pulled and casted first.

 Besides casting gold, casting of silver is also done. This is for the model
making department as discussed earlier.

 Whatever models are made in wax are to be casted in silver which are then
finished to make a silver model used for cutting the mold.

 Whatever wax come from model making is soldered on to the tree and sent
for casting.

 Entry of it is made as mentioned in the Mold Cutting & Wax Pulling forum
and sent to the casting department.

 The wax pulling department puts a sticker on the tree and the casting people
put that sticker on to the flask.
 They also make a marking saying the gold carat or silver and the tree
number on it so that we have fewer chances of errors.

 The weight of the wax tree is given to the casting department. By knowing
this they can obtain the weight of the silver required. This is done by
multiplying the weight of the wax with the specific gravity between 10.5-

 According to the weight calculated silver is taken from the gold control
department along with cupper to make the silver 95% pure.

 First the wax tree is invested in the flask which has the investment powder
mixed with distilled water in 5:2 ratios under vacuum.

 The flask is then heated in the furnace over-night at a temperature of around

600-610 Celsius.
 Now silver is taken and alloyed with cupper and melted.

 The casting temperature at which the silver is casted takes place at around
1010-1020 Celsius.

 The silver is poured and left for around 20 min so that the temperature goes
little down.

 The investment powder put in the flask cracks and gives the tree out.

 Then it is washed under high speed water jet and given to the gold control
for weighing.

 They also give the dust & the rest small particles along with it. The gold
control checks the weight issued and received and hand it over to the casting
HOD again for cutting of the sprue.

 Once the sprue is cut the metal is given back to the gold control to be issued
to the model making department for further processing.

 Let’s see what all entries are made in the casting section.
 So, all the details as mentioned are filled and as required.

 Same details are filled and maintained when gold is casted.

 This helps us to keep a track of the gold loss%.

 Let us look in to the technical details of gold casting. It is more or less same
as that of gold.

 Same way wax tree is made and sent to the casting unit.

 The tree weight is specified. So, as per the karat of gold required they take
the specific gravity and hence the gold is issued by the gold control
department HOD Mr. Vinod Gupta.
 Below is the specific gravity considered as per the gold karat…..

Wax Weight x 11.5 for 09K

Wax Weight x 13.0 for 14K
Wax weight x 16.0 for 18K

 This wax tree is invested with the same proportion of distilled water and
investment powder.
 This is done at a temperature of 600-610 Degree Celsius in the case of
yellow gold and 660 Degree Celsius for white gold in 10K and the
temperature keeps on reducing as the gold karat increases like 650 Degree
Celsius for 14K and 640 Degree Celsius for 18K.

 After this, alloying of gold is done as per the customer’s requirement i.e.
10K, 14K, 18K and so on.

 This is done manually and hence the temperature has to be kept on a little
higher side at around 1100 Degree Celsius.

 After the metal is mixed properly with the alloy it is poured in the flask.

 Flask is then left for at least 20 min to get the temperature low.
 As the temperature goes down the investment powder cracks and gives the
tree out.

 Then tree is washed properly so that dust is removed.

The weight of the tree and the scrap is written on the bag in which gold was issued
and given back to the gold control for checking the weight.

Sambhav Gems Ltd.

Tree Gold Gold Gold Gold
No. Karat Issued Returned Returned
Before After
Cutting Cutting
 Above we see that weight of the gold is checked twice ones before cutting
the sprue and once after cutting the sprue.

 This is checked by Gold Control HOD Mr. Vinod.

 Any problems pertaining to casting like porosity or cracks are solved by Mr.
Sanjeev Sharma and Mr. Rakesh.

 So, after the sprue is cut the casting along with the balance gold tit bits is
given in gold control for further production.
Color Stone Manufacturing

 A game of experience and eyes. The size, cut and shape of the stones are
made as per customers need.

 Our team of experts lead by Mr. Diwaker Jain, Mr. Sandeep Jain and Mr.
Mayank Arya try to yield the maximum output from the rough to achieve the
target and to make maximum profit out.

 Lot of care needs to be taken as all the profit and loss is decided at this stage

 Roughs are brought into production as per the requirement of stones by the
jewelry section for which order is generated by Mrs. Benu Sharma and for
exporting loose stone for which order is generated by Mr. Diwaker Jain.

 A Purchase Order is given to the manufacturing HOD’s Mr. Sandeep Jain

and Mr. Mayank Arya to plan their work and finish the order on time.

 Roughs need to be handled very carefully. Few points to be kept in mind are.
1. Few rough stones are always kept in water else they develop cracks ad
fissures. Example: Chrome Diopside.
2. Few roughs are very soft and fragile hence breaks very easily.
Example: Kunzite.
3. The stones should be oiled at regular intervals so that one can easily
see the stones color and clarity easily.
4. Stones like Citrine, Iolite etc. one has to be really careful about the
direction of the flow of color.
5. In Moon Stone, various Cat’s Eye one has to be really careful about
the sheen and the light effect.
6. The stones which get ready need to be kept in cotton or separate bag
so that they don’t collide and get chipped or develop cracks.

 So, above are the few points to be kept in mind while manufacturing and
rest all is left to ones experience and eyes to look at the stone.

 Now let’s see how the rough is manufactured.

 First the required rough is brought from the store by Mr. Neeraj Tiwari.
And entry of it is made. This below mentioned note is kept in the store.

  Sambhav Gems Ltd.  
  Lot Number  
Weight of the rough Name of the
Date Stone taken person

 Once the rough is bought into the production arena then again Mr. Kuldeep
Sharma and Mr. Neeraj Tiwari enters the details of the rough. It is called
the rough pad.
  Sambhav Gems Ltd.  
Serial No. Name of the Rough Lot No.

 Above is the index of the rough pad. Now let’s see what is inside the rough

Sambhav Gems Ltd.  
Issue To Weight
Date Lot No. Name Issued Signature

 Lot No. contains the month and the weight of the rough arrived here.

 Then the rough is put in water and washed properly to remove all the dust
and dirt from it. This is done so that one can clearly see the internal features
like cracks, fissures and impurities of the stone.
 After the washing and cleaning it is assorted as per shape and purity. The
pieces which are clean and can be sent for pre shaping directly are
separated from the one which needs to be sawed.

 Which piece to be sent for sawing and which for pre shaping is decided by
Mr. Sandeep Jain, Mr. Kuldeep Sharma (Supervisor) and Mr. Neeraj Tiwari

 These three have a close look at the rough and marks the stone which need
to be sawed and from where. The main motive of sawing is to remove the
cracks, fissures and impurities so that we get a clear and a vibrant finished
final product.

 They accept few impurities also if we are getting a big size final product
out of it.

 Then these rough pieces are given to the cutters who saw the stones as
marked by the Manufacturing Supervisors and the HOD.

 Stones are always kept wet when being sawed as lot of heat is generated
when the blade runs through the stone hence there is a whole lot of
possibility that the stone might get damaged due to heat.

 It is not necessary that the stone is going to be sawed once but it can
happen way number of times depending upon the type of inclusions and
number of cracks and fissures present.

 Whatever is given for sawing is entered in a note pad as the workers are on
contract basis. So, whatever is cut and approved by the HOD and the two
Supervisors are taken into their account and if rejected by these three then it
is not taken into account.
v Gems Ltd.

Cutting Pad  
Dat Lot Stone Issue Selection Tal/Direc
e No. Name Wt. Wt. t Tal

 Sometimes without sawing only the rough piece is declared as rejected or

‘Tal’ as we call here.

 These rough pieces which are passed after sawing is given to the next set of
workers who pre shape the pieces.

 These workers are experienced players who decide on their own about which
shape and size piece will come out of that piece of rough.

 Sometimes they are asked to make specific size and shape. This happens
when we have a specific shape and size order from a customer. But the yield
of the rough in this case may suffer.

 Issuing the work is not the end it’s the beginning. After the stones are pre
shaped they are brought to the HOD Manufacturing or to the Supervisors for
quality checking and if the pre shaped pieces pass the quality then they are
taken into account of that worker as these people are on contract.

 These people are paid labor on the basis of the stone and on per carat basis.

 Whatever is approved is washed again and soaked in oil.

 The entry of these pre shape making workers are made in a note pad. These
entrie are made by Mr. Kuldeep Sharma or Mr. Neeraj Tiwari.
Sambha Gems
v Ltd.


S.No Stone
. Name Lot No.

 Above is the index. Check the details written inside the pad below.

Gems Ltd.

e Name / Lot Number

Name Of the
Date Worker Weight

 Then they are separated and

assorted properly by Mr.
Neeraj Tiwari, Chetan and Madho
Lal as per approximate size it can achieve after calibration. While the
packets are being made as per sizes the shape, height of the stone and the
width are also taken into consideration. All these parameters need to be
proportional to each other.

 Now these goods are transferred to the next department for processing. So,
entry is made in the transfer register by Mr. Chetan and he is responsible for
it. In his absence this work is done by Mr. Neeraj Tiwari. These two count
and weight the separated and assorted goods and then only transfer it.

 Let’s see what all entries are made in the transfer register.
Sambha Gem
v s

Stone Serial Lot

Name No. No.

 Above is the index and the details entered are mentioned below.

Sambhav Gems Ltd.

r Register

Dat No. of Wt. Of the Signatur

e Shape Pieces Pieces e

 After every transfer a summary having the total weight and pieces
transferred are mentioned for future reference. This helps us to find the
percentage yield of that color stone rough lot.

 Goods transferred are checked by Mr. Mayank Arya and then only he gives
his signature of acceptance.

 So at the end of every month Mr. Kuldeep Sharma makes the final account
of all the workers and gives it to Mr. Neeraj Sinha HOD accounts for
 Mr. Mayank Arya and his team take charge of the further processing.

 We outsource majority of our work.

 Whatever goods are issued to the worker outside are issued on the voucher
and the entry of it is also made in the register.

 The entry is then marked as received once they finish their work and return
the goods.

 Let us now see what entries are made while issuing the goods.

Sambha Gem
v s Ltd.
Issue Receive Repe Cost Am
d d at Tal @ t
Dat S. Ston Pcs/ Pcs/ Pcs/
e No. e Shape Size Wt Pcs/Wt Wt Wt

 So, the entry is made for all the goods out sourced. As these details only
help us to calculate their account.

 These above mentioned entries are made at every step which we are going to
see in the details coming up in the following page.

 Then these stones are given for calibration i.e. perfect sizing or MM as we
call it and for further processing to Mr. Mayank Arya.

 The packets received from pre shaping are sent for calibration or MM or
girdle sizing.

 But before giving we enter all the details as specified before.

 We get this MM done in house and we give to people outside also.

 The worker looks at the piece and tries to give it a perfect size and shape.
Sometimes they have to reduce the size by one step. This happens in the
case when the shape or the size i.e. the height, width etc are not in

 After the MM is done the pieces are brought back to Mr. Mayank Arya and
Mr. Rohit for QC.

 Once the QC is done it goes for making the pavilion.

 We are able to fulfill are needs in house itself.

 The stone is put on a dope and the peak or the pavilion is made properly i.e.
in the centre and of a proportionate height.

 Once this is done it is removed from the dope and given to Mr. Mayank
Arya and Rohit for QC.

 Once it clears QC it goes for the next step of faceting and polishing.

 If the piece does not pass the QC test then it is returned back to the
respective worker for redoing it.

 The entry in the issue register is made received.

 Now in the same way the piece is issued for faceting and polishing.

 It is advised that the person who is doing faceting does the polishing also as
he/she is aware of the angle at which he/she has made the angle on.

 We out source majority of our faceting and polishing work and pay the
worker according to the stone and the weight of the stone approved.

 After the polishing work is done it again come for QC to the HOD Mr.
Mayank Arya and to his supervisors.
 The stones which pass QC goes for the girdle polishing and the balance are
send back to the respective worker for redoing.

 Girdle Polishing is the last and final step in manufacturing.

 We are able to handle this department in house only but on contract.

 In this the stone’s girdle is polished with lot of care.

 A mistake here can put all the hard work into drain.

 After the girdle polishing, again the pieces come for QC to Mr. Mayank
Arya and Mr. Rohit.

 Now the pieces are cleaned properly and are assorted again as per size and

 After the assortment is over the goods are transferred into inventory.

 Entry of the goods transferred is made and the signature of the authority is
taken for the receipt.

Sambh Gem
av s Ltd.

Transfe Goo
r ds
Dat Ston Piec Weig Signatu Remar
e e Shape Size e ht re k

 Inventory is handled by Mr. Mukesh Rhoila.

 He checks the goods which are transferred and signs.

 From the inventory either the stones are used for jewelry purpose or they are
exported loose.

 The stones which are used in jewelry are taken for bagging under Mr.

 And the stones which are supposed to be exported loose are shaded and
assorted properly by Mr. Saurabh.

 We will look into the detail of bagging and the export section in later stage.

 The use of stone for jewelry or for export is done under the instruction of
Mr. Rajiv Jain and Mr. Diwaker Jain.
Model Making

 Making of a model is the most crucial one in the whole process of jewelry.

 While making a model one has to consider about all the steps of jewelry.

 Model is the base of the product.

 The model makers needs to be creative and should have mechanical brains.

 There are a lot of big and small instruments and machines used which have
their own importance and work.

 Below is the list of all the tools and machines which are used for making a
model along with their working. Point to be noted is that the same type of
work is done by different tools but the finishing, shape and surface varies.
The tools and machines used are like Rolling Machine, Ring Sizer, Motor,
Hand Piece, ire pulling Machines, Gas Burner, Caliber, Hammer, Prong
Nipper, Wax, Files, Burs, Buffs, Graber, Copper, Silver 95%, Magnetic
Polisher, Ultrasonic and so on.

 Type of metal used is also important as the durability and flexibility of

working on it will largely depend on the metal the workers work on.

 Model Performa is given to the model maker with complete explanation by

the designers.
Model Performa
 The model of the design is made either in silver or sometimes made in wax
Type of platform to be used depends upon the design and is decided by the
HOD of designing.

 It is easier to make a design in wax rather in silver but designs which has lot
of filigree work and has lot of delicate curves comes better on silver. The
reason is that wax is softer and when the piece is delicate it has more
chances of breaking and getting spoilt but making a piece in wax saves time
and also saves silver.

 The design is made in wax and the HOD of designing checks it for quality
and the required specifications and then it is send for silver casting.

 Casting of the wax model is received and finished.

 The finished silver piece is again checked by the HOD of designing and is
then sent to mold cutting by making all the required entries.

 Model is also made in silver directly. 95% pure silver is used.

 Silver is issued by the Gold Control HOD. He weighs and issues it to the
model maker for making model or issues it to the casting department for
doing casting of the wax models made.
  Sambhav Gems Ltd.  
  Silver and Issue & Receipt Entry    
Dat Received Received Issue Issue Balanc Signature of
e From Weight To Weight e Receiver
  Purchase   Model      
  Refining   SDS      
Entry Made in Gold Control

 Gold Control HOD also gives 10K gold for soldering purpose to model


  Gems Ltd.  
  Silver Received  
Weight Silver Remar
Date Received for Casting k
  Making Model Weight  
Entry Made in Model Making for Silver

 The silver received is given to the Model Making Supervisor. He makes the
silver in 95% purity, weighs and gives to the workers for making model.

  Sambhav Gems Ltd.
Silver Issued to Model Maker
Name of the
Date Worker Issued Weight
Silver Weight Issued to Model Maker

 After the model maker is finished with silver he has he gives back the dust.
The entry of the weight of the dust is also made.

  Sambhav Gems Ltd.
Silver Dust from Model Maker
Date Name of the Dust Wt.
Silver Dust Received from the Worker

 Then the total dust is collected and weighed. The weight is entered and sent
to Gold Control HOD for refining.

Sambhav Gems
Total Dust
Date Weight
Total Silver Dust Weight

 This helps us to find the total silver loss.

 Master is made in silver and is monitored by the designer and their HOD at
every step so that the piece made is perfect and up to the standard and as per
the customer’s choice.

 After the master is made it is completely checked for quality and for
customer’s taste and is sent for mold cutting.

 But before the silver can go for cutting of mold it goes to Model Supervisor
for his approval and remarks, Design HOD or to the designer for approval of
the design and their remarks on it, Marketing HOD for his approval on the
metal weight, stone weight etc. as per the customer interaction and finally
goes to the Production HOD for his approval about the master in terms of
production and his remarks.

 If any one has problems or issues with the master then the repair work is
done on the master and then given for further processing.

 After the mold is cut the silver master is returned to the model making
department for storing it in a proper and systematic manner so that it can be
retrieved when ever required.

 Entry of all this movement is entered in the note book.

 Gold Control HOD gets back the silver dust and finally the refined silver
which is reused for casting and making masters.

 After master is made the work of the PD Supervisor starts.

Sambhav Gems
  Limited TD No.    
        Client :  

Components :-                
Master Model
wt :   Gms Parts    
MODEL Approved By: REMARKS  
Design Dept.              
Marketing Dept.              
Production Dept.              
Model Received for Dia
Approval Sheet

 So, after master is ready it is issued to the mold cutting department for
cutting the mold. And the master is signed as received when it is returned
back to the department from mold cutting.

 Entry of the issue is also made when some one else takes the master for
any type of work and is signed as received when returned.

  Sambh Gems  
av Ltd.
  l Issue Return      
Serial Desig Issue Signatu n Signatu Remar
No. n No. Date re Date re ks

Issue/Return Entry

 Now it’s time for the PD Supervisor to follow up with the sample.
Mold Cutting & Wax Pulling

 Mold Cutting is important and has to be done really carefully. One has to
use that same mold itself to pull out waxes for that style when the order
comes. So, if the mold is cut in a bad way then all the wax pieces pulled out
will have some problem to it and hence the production people will have a
nightmare while processing the piece and to final pack it.

 Master is received from the model maker and given for cutting of the mold.

 The model maker makes the entry of it and gives it to them and makes the
entry as received when they return it. So, end of the day we know how many
models were transferred for cutting of the mold and how many are returned

 Below is the format of the entries made before the model is transferred to the
mold cutting and when it is received back for storage.

Sambha Gems
  v Ltd.  
  l Issue Return      
Serial Design Issue Signatu Return Signatu Remar
No. No. Date re Date re ks

 Then the mold is cut and the master is given back to the model making
department with the remarks regarding and breakage or repair.
Sambhav Gems
Model Return Received by Remark
No. Date Signature s

 Now the mold is cut and stored properly in serial order in the store so that
when an order is received it becomes really easy to take the mold out to pull

 Once the waxes are pulled the mold is hand to hand returned back to the
store and kept at its place as per serial.

 Every cabinet has a slip pasted to it which has the design numbers of the
molds kept in that cabinet written on it.

 Order is received and the molds of the desired styles are pulled out from the

 If the customer has asked for any changes then they try to do it in the wax
only when it is pulled and if it is not feasible then they repair the master
only. This decision is taken by Production HOD.

 So, if master has to be changed then Model Making department is informed

about the changes and a new mold is cut accordingly.

 Once the mold is cut as per the required specifications then the wax is
 Waxes are not pulled immediately as soon as the order comes. Waxes of
only those styles are pulled for which bagging is received and is ready and
of those which are urgent.

 This is instructed to them by Production HOD.

 After the waxes are pulled they are cleaned and sized as per the order and
the instructions given to them by Production HOD.

 Then these waxes are soldered to a wax bark/stick and after the finished
waxes of the rings, pendants extra are soldered on to this wax stick it looks
like a tree. Hence called wax tree.

 The wax supervisor puts a sticker along with the wax tree.

No. Karat Color of Gold

 Entry of the tree transferred is made in the register for future reference and
to keep a track of what all is finished and what all is pending from a
particular order.

Sambha Gem
  v s Ltd  
Dat Tree Tree Order Desig Ring Gold Color of
e No. Wt. No. n No. Quantity Size Karat Gold

 The tree which is transferred also has a small wax plate which has the karat
of gold engraved in it. This wax is casted along with the tree and it goes for

 This is done to keep up the standard and quality along with purity.

 Thee tree goes for casting.

Product Development

 Developing a new product takes in a lot of research and development.

 PD in Sambhav Gems Ltd. is taken care by the Designing HOD and is

assisted by the PD supervisor.

 Lot of brain storming has to be done before and while the product is being

 PD involves knowledge of all the spheres of jewelry.

 The major ground work of PD is done when the design is being made and
when first silver master piece is made.

 If the work in these two departments are done maintaining all the standards
and rules of manufacturing jewelry then rest of the steps of mold cutting,
wax pulling, casting, filing, setting and polishing becomes very easy and
convenient. We grade all these above mentioned steps in Sampling.

 It is necessary to monitor the product at every step. This is done by the


 The supervisor runs behind bagging, casting, filing, setting, polishing and
packing of the sample. So, that any problem regarding creating the sample
can be solved there and then.

 Basically he follows the product at all the steps and gets it approved by the
Designing HOD.

 The first product/sample which is made is sent to the client and order is
received on that basis.

 Basically, Product Development involves three major steps. First is

Designing Second is Model Making and third and the last one is Sampling.

 Designing is nothing but the act of working out the form of jewelry (as by
making a sketch or outline). This is also a crucial and an important step. This
is taken care by HOD Designing.
 Model Making is crafting the design in silver by following the norms of
jewelry. This is taken care HOD Designing.

 Sampling includes all the balance steps like casting, filing, setting, polishing
etc. This is taken care by HOD Designing and PD Supervisor.
Color Stone Rough and Finished-Cut Stones Buying

 There are different types and variety of stones available.

 It is really necessary to know the source of the rough. If a person knows the
source of the rough then he/she can buy it at a better price and hence the cost
of his/her final product will be less.

 So, the cost of the final product largely depends upon the cost and quality of
the rough.

 You should have the experience and eye to buy roughs and cut & finished
color stones.

 There are four major points to be taken care before buying the rough and the
thing to notice is that all the three points depend on the other.

Let’s see those four points.

1. Cost of the rough: The cost of the rough largely depends upon the quality
and the availability. Better quality and less availability makes the cost high.
And poorer the quality and easily available then less is the cost. So, the cost
of the final product will largely depend upon the initial cost of the rough.
2. Quality of the rough: Higher quality and less availability leads to high cost.
So, decide the price band you want to sell your goods then buy the rough.
3. Availability of the rough: If the availability is less than the cost is high and
if the rough of the desired stone is available in abundance then cost is less.
4. Our requirement: If we need the rough of the desired stone and we have
the customer who we can sell at a little higher price then we can go ahead
and buy it but still try to bargain maximum while purchasing. This happens
when the sellers know that we need it badly and can’t do without or the
rough of the desired stone is not readily available.

 Besides the above mentioned points buying of rough comes down to

experience and ones eye to judge the stone.

 There are six major points to be taken care before buying the finished goods.
Let’s see those points to be considered.

1. What can you sell?

2. How much you can sell?
3. Cost of selling?
4. Cost of the rough of that stone.
5. The average percentage yield which depends upon the source it is mined
6. The source of the rough of that stone.

 Again the person with lot of experience and a good eye can run the show
else there are all chances of making loss.

 Color Stone rough is purchased by Mr. Rajiv Jain. He purchases roughs

from the local as well as the international market.

 Roughs are also purchased by Mr. Diwaker Jain and Mr. Sandeep Jain but
only from the local market.

 Mr. Rajiv Jain and Mr. Diwaker Jain also purchases cut and polished stones
as per our requirements. This happens only if we don’t have the rough of the
stone and the order is urgent and when manufacturing of that stone is
expensive and we can source the ready goods cheaper.

 Whenever they want to buy rough or the cut and finished goods they call the
broker to the city office and after bargaining on the price and the weight of
the stone they either close the deal or cancel it. So, they have to keep
updated with the market knowledge.

 After the rough is bought it is handed over to Mr. Neeraj Sinha who adds it
into stock and keeps it in safe.

 Below is the format of the entries made by Mr. Neeraj Sinha.

av Gems Ltd.

Stock ok For Rough

Invoi Tota Tota

ce Party Stone l Rate/Car Rate/Gra l
S. No. No. Name Name Wt. at m Amt.

 He gives the updated stock list to Mr. Sandeep Jain and Mr. Diwaker Jain
time to time so that they know what all is there in stock.

 After the stones are bought a meeting is held between Mr. Rajiv Jain, Mr.
Diwaker Jain and Mr. Sandeep Jain to discuss the further proceedings of

 After the discussion is done HOD Manufacturing Mr. Sandeep Jain and Mr.
Kuldeep Sharma takes the rough from the store for manufacturing.

 They have to keep the points discussed in the meeting while manufacturing
the goods.

 But before taking the rough into production they have to enter the details of
the rough taken and the copy of it are also sent to Mr. Neeraj Sinha.
  v Gems Ltd.  
  Lot Number  
Weight of the rough Name of the
Date Stone taken person

 Mr. Diwaker gives the stones to Mrs. Benu Sharma as per her demand
generated when the order comes.

 So, we can say the stones are sometimes bought or manufactured as per the
order generated by Mrs. Benu Sharma for jewelry and by Mr. Diwaker Jain
for exporting it loose.

 The cut and polished stones bought for jewelry by Mr. Rajiv Jain and
Mr.Diwaker Jain are added into the inventory first and then issued as per

Sambha Gem
  v s Ltd.

Polishe Ston
Cut & d e

Invoic Dat Party Ston Shape Size Wt. Rate/ct Total

e e e s or Gms Amt.

 This is how buying of rough and cut & polished colored stones take place.
Now let’s see the manufacturing segment.
 Sampling work is handled by PD Supervisor. His work starts after model is
made and mold is cut.

 His basic work is to follow up with bagging, casting, setting and polishing.
And as soon as the sample goes into marketing PD Supervisors work is

 PD Supervisor has one person from all the departments i.e. filing, setting
and polishing under him to do the sampling work.

 There is a possibility of change at any step while the sample is being

developed. There can be a change at the gold stage or at the setting stage
and even at the final marketing stage when the piece is all ready with

 There can be a change in type of stones used or there can be a change in

type of gold or the shape or the look.

    SAMPLE ORDER STATUS             Hold    

  Bagging rcvd
Order no.: # Client :               Sample made
Dt.of Order : /06 Dt.of Delivery : ASAP         Detachable  
Design Stone Dia. Gold
Image Stone Shape Size Pcs. Shape Size Pcs. Bagging Casting Filing Setting Polishing Export
no. Type Qty. KT

 After the mold is cut the sample order is generated by the PD Supervisor
as above.

 The sample order which is made is updated at every step as the piece
moves through the production scene. The updating shown using color

 The copy of the sample order is given to HOD Bagging. So, that he can
arrange for the bagging for that sample.

 After the bagging is received PD Supervisor asks the Wax Department

HOD to pull the wax and send it for casting.

 Casting is done as per the requirement and given to Gold Control HOD.
 So, the casting which is received has this sheet along with it which has all
the information about the gold weight which is required by the gold control

 PD Supervisor goes to Gold Control and collects the casting and gets it
issued on to the floor for production.

Sambha Gems
  v Ltd.  
  Floor Issue  
Dat PO Design Ring No. of Gold Stone
e No. No. Tree No. Size Pieces Wt. Name
Entry to be made before issuing

 After every step of production the entry of issuing the sample of one
department to the other is done. This is done in order to keep a track of the

 Then he gives the gold sample to the filing department to the PD

department filer.

 Entry of gold is made at every step to keep a track of the gold loss.

 After the filing is done the sample goes for pre polishing.

 After the pre polishing is done the bagging is put and the weight of the
colored stones and diamonds issued is entered into the sample register kept
with the Jewel’s Software In charge.
Sambha Gems
  v Ltd.  
  Sample Register  
Po. Design
No. No.

Stone No. of Wt. of

Name Shape Size Stones Stone Rate

Details of the sample are entered

 The entry of the gold and the stones is also made on the bag in which the
piece floats around on the production floor.
 The above slip which is put on the bag contains all the information about
the piece like the gold weight at every step, stones used and so on.

 Software in charge then enters the data on to the computer for future

 Then the bagging is given to the PD setter to the setting work.

 After setting is done it is shown to the HOD Designing and PD.

 After her approval it is given in polishing department for polishing and


 Then it goes to the final QC stage and once it passes QC it goes to


 Now the sample is approved at every step by respective department heads

and also by HOD PD.

 If some problem is faced at any step then it is corrected in the master and a
new casting is generated immediately with the changes.
 And again the same procedure is followed making the sample.

 The entry of each step is also entered in the sample data sheet which
includes all the information about the piece at various stages.

 Below is the front of the data sheet used while sampling.

 Above is the back of the data sheet used for sampling.

 Along with this the image of the sample is attached.

 Any changes pertaining to stone, gold, and design etc. has to be changed
on the sample data sheet and the bag in which the piece floats.

 These entries have to be perfect and precise as these are the one which are
referred when the order is received on those samples.

 This sample data sheet is filed carefully and filed with the designing HOD
for future reference.

 After the piece is given to marketing then the work of PD Supervisor is

over and the marketing person is in charge of the sample.

So, this is how the sample is developed. And important thing to note is that it is
monitored at every step by the PD Supervisor and HOD Designing.
Back Bone of Sambhav Gems Ltd. (SGL)

Every Company has a bunch of professionals on whose shoulders the whole

company depends. Same goes with SGL. It too has a group of individuals who are
specialized in different fields and make the company run and function.

These people are the backbone of the company.

9. Rajiv Jain

CMD, a post graduate associated with the Gems and Jewelry Industry since
1979 and has been awarded for outstanding export performance of cut &
polished gemstones several times. He is the convener of colored gemstone
panel of GJEPC, of India. He is the Ex-chairman for Confederation of Indian
Industry Rajasthan State Council (2002-03). He was also the Ambassador
from India for International Colored gemstone Association.

This is not it h is also the Executive member in Jewelers Association.

He was one of the Founder conveners of JPDC, Jaipur. And he was also
awarded with Awarded Gunjan 2004 by Governor of Rajasthan for
outstanding citizen of India.

10.Mrs. Chandra
She is the secretary to Mr. Rajiv Jain. She takes care of all the Secretarial
work, memos, cash and coordinates with accounts. She is the on who takes
the appointments and coordinates for everyone.

11.Diwakar Jain
He takes care of the Sales & Marketing of loose Color Stones. He has a good
experience in this field and has an eye to judge a stone. He also buys loose
stones. He is the person in charge of the stone department tell they are
exported or consumed by jewelry section.

12.Sanjeev Sharma
He takes care of complete jewelry production. He is the person loaded will
all types of technical know how about jewelry.
13.Naveen Kumar Sharma
He is a marketing wizard. He coordinates with the customers and make sure
that all the orders are going on time.

14.Surabhi Jain
She takes care of the designing and the product development. She is the one
who follows up with samples and get them going. She is the one who
converts ideas and concepts into reality.

15.Neeraj Sinha
He takes care of the finance and accounts of the company. He follows up
with the payments. He is the one who buys gold and takes care of the stock.

16.Manoj Choudhary
He also takes care of the accounts and is responsible of buying
infrastructural things and also maintains the stock for the same.
Definition of Marketing

Marketing is a
 Process
 To Create Value for Customer
 To Maintain Customer Relationship
 To Get Maximum Profit

Functions of Marketing Departments

 Environmental Analysis: Monitoring and adapting to external factors that

affect success or failure, such as the economy and competition; and
collecting data to resolve specific marketing issues.

 Marketing Management: Planning, implementing, and controlling the

marketing program (strategy) and individual marketing functions; appraising
the risks and benefits in decision making; and focusing on total quality.

 Total Marketing Effort: The total marketing is all about latest trends
organizing marketing and sales, building customer-focused culture,
improving marketing skills and monitoring market.

 Product Planning: Developing and maintaining products, product

assortments, product images, brands, packaging, and optional features, and
deleting faltering products.

 Broadening the Scope of Marketing: Deciding on the emphasis to place,

as well as the approach to take, on societal issues, global marketing, and the

 Consumer Analysis: Examining and evaluating consumer characteristics,

needs and purchase processes; and selecting the group's of consumers at
which to aim marketing efforts.
 Promotion Planning: Communicating with customers, the general public,
and others through some type of advertising, public relations, personal
selling, and/or sales promotion.

 Distribution Planning: Forming logistical relationships with

intermediaries, physical distribution, inventory management, warehousing,
transportation, allocating goods and services, wholesaling, and retailing.

 Price Planning: Determining price levels and ranges, pricing techniques,

terms of purchase, price adjustments, and the use of price as an active or
passive factor.
Online Social Network
Online or virtual Social Network, allow people with common interests to meet,
communicate and share ideas and information, through a network like the web.
While doing this, participants develop bonds with each other and the community as
a whole. Online Social Network have emerged as one of the most potential levers
of action the web. Such Social Network can be built around demographic groups
-students, parents, professional groups - doctors or programmers or who share a
particular personal interest- bikers or clock repairers.
Threaded by a common interest, community participants have a lot to share with
each other. Once established, online Social Network provides a new way for
brands to reach customers with special interest in their products. Online Social
Network aims to achieve the following:
• Engage citizens in participating democracy, discuss their own issues etc.
• Encourage citizen-source journalism that complements and in some cases
competes with local for- profit news organizations
• Enable government officials to communicate with constituents more often,
more easily and in a more meaningful way.

The target audience is anyone interested in local community issues/ any other

How do online Social Network interact?

Online Social Network interacts by virtue of their shared passion. They can be
found in a variety of web destinations offering expression to interest-related
activities. Like discussion forums, book sites, auction sites, trading/exchange sites,
blogs and so on. The tools used are generally message boards, blogging
applications, text chat.

The building blocks of an online community

Online virtual Social Network makes use of a range of technologies that support
person-to-person and person-to-group communications. The enabling technologies
facilitate two distinct types of communication:
Real time (or synchronous) Communication: through text chat and instant
Non-real time (or asynchronous) Communication: through message boards, mail
lists, member and community web pages, and surveys.
Additionally virtual Social Network also depend on a member database and may
also include technologies to support registration, electronic commerce, directories
(of products, services, suppliers, etc.) and searches (for searching member profiles,
community documentation, reports, articles, transcripts, archives, etc.).
Social Network

All the social networks in which SGL place there product’s are listed below:
1. Orkut: Orkut is an online community that connects people through a
network of trusted friends.
We are committed to providing an online meeting place for people to
socialize, make new acquaintances and find others who share their interests.
orkut is an online community designed to make your social life more active
and stimulating. Orkut's social network can help you maintain existing
relationships with pictures and messages, and establish new ones by
reaching out to people you've never met before.
Orkut makes it easy to find people who share your hobbies and interests,
look for romantic connections or establish new business contacts. You can
also create and join a wide variety of online communities to discuss current
events, reconnect with old schoolmates or even exchange your favorite

2. You tube: YouTube is a place for people to engage in new ways with video
by sharing, commentingon, and viewing videos. YouTube originally started
as a personal video sharing service,and has grown into an entertainment
destination with people watching more than 70million videos on the site
With YouTube, people can:
 Upload, tag and share videos worldwide
 Browse millions of original videos uploaded by community members
 Find, join and create video groups to connect with people who have
similar interests
 Customize the experience by subscribing to member videos, saving
favorites, and creating playlists
 Integrate YouTube videos on websites using video embeds or APIs
 Make videos public or private—users can elect to broadcast their videos
publicly or share them privately with friends and family upon upload.
3. CodePlex is Microsoft's open source project hosting web
site. You can use CodePlex to create new projects to share with the world,
join others who have already started their own projects, or use the
applications on this site and provide feedback
4. Each month more than 29 million people visit
Whether it is home repair and decorating ideas, recipes, movie trailers, or car
buying tips, our Guides offer practical advice and solutions for everyday life.
Wherever you land on the new, you’ll find other content that is
relevant to your interests. If you're looking for "How To" advice on planning
to re-finish your deck, we'll also show you the tools you need to get the job
done. If you've been to About before, we'll show you the latest updates, so
you don't see the same thing twice.
5.  MySpace: MySpace is an online community that lets you meet your friends'
friends. Create a private community on MySpace and you can share photos,
journals and interests with your growing network of mutual friends! See who
knows who, or how you are connected.
MySpace is for everyone:
 Friends who want to talk Online
 Single people who want to meet other Singles
 Matchmakers who want to connect their friends with other friends
 Families who want to keep in touch--map your Family Tree
 Business people and co-workers interested in networking
 Classmates and study partners
 Anyone looking for long lost friends.
6. LiveJournal: LiveJournal is a simple-to-use communication tool that lets
you express yourself and connect with friends online.
You can use LiveJournal in many different ways: as a private journal, a blog,
a social network and much more.
7.  BuddyBridge: BuddyBridge takes pride in maintaining a commitment to
quality, service, support, and, most importantly, its users and affiliates.
Three internet companies teamed up to bring you buddyBridge. One hosting
company, which provides secure, dedicated state of the art equipment. A
development and marketing company to build the web interface and market
the website. Along with a database creation team which provides the
backbone for which buddyBridge is built upon. buddyBridge is still very
much in its growth stages.

8. HI5: Hi5 is a global brand for young people, where over 50 million
members have established accounts and personal pages. From Miami to
Mumbai, Lima to Lisbon, Sydney to SanFrancisco, hi5 is the place where
young people come to stay in touch with friends, meet new people, create &
explore content, and express themselves.
While on hi5, members discover friends, artists, and content. Hi5 provides a
platform for established artists, underground talent, and everyday people to
all gain prominence amongst a worldwide audience. Our members voice
their opinions and increase the significance of an artist, a person, or a piece
of content.
Each day, millions of people across the globe come together to discover,
connect, and communicate on hi5. We’re dedicated to bringing people
together and making it easy to communicate all over the World.
9. LinkedIn is an online network of more than 8 million
experienced professionals from around the world, representing 130
The LinkedIn is used to:
 Find potential clients, service providers, subject experts, and partners
who come
 recommended
 Be found for business opportunities
 Search for great jobs
 Discover inside connections that can help you land jobs and close deals
 Post and distribute job listings
 Find high-quality passive candidates
 Get introduced to other professionals through the people you know
10. Facebook: Facebook is the same as orkut works but this is more globally
used because of its advance and new technology than orkut. It is an online
community that connects people through a network of trusted friends.
It’s an online community to attract people from different parts of the world.
These kinds of network are helping a lot to capture more market and to build
new business around the world.
11. This is one of the famous selling site in the world which
carry most of the products used in daily life. It is easy to order and saves lot
of time for the buyer and provide them with the best price available.

The Scope of Marketing

While marketing can be stated as a distinct function of the marketing manager; it

has certain tools by which one can scan, monitor, assess & reach to the market and

implement any strategies they formulate; perhaps one needs to understand the

strong insights of consumers instead of implementing mere boardroom ideas, for

which the study of perception is the first step

Market Segment
Market Segment is a subgroup of people, who share singular or plural similar
features which make them have similar product wants. In other words a Market
Segment is a procedure which distinguishes the market into various segments that
have the same need or behave in a similar pattern. As each subset is quite
homogeneous in their demands and needs, there are huge chances that they would
respond in the same way to a particular marketing strategy.
Scope of the study
 Amid the growing number of online “social” feature offers, many
companies, from major actors to start-ups, may ask themselves:
• How online social features can impact their customer relationship
• Which social features and practices bring value to their activities
• What the best candidate for an acquisitions is
 This study aims at answering part or the totality of these questions by:
• Providing a social networking website typology and understanding the
specificities of these different categories
• Identifying social networking website best practices and trends and
proposing specific analyses for each site
• Assessing the profitability for firms to be involved in online social
networking activities, under which conditions and regarding what type
of investments
 This document provides a general background for understanding social network
websites and the study of online matchmaking websites and business network
 This study is only the first step. Distributed under creative commons license, it
should be completed and improved through the contribution of external experts,
firms and web users as major moves in the industry are expected to occur in the
coming months
An introduction to social networking website analysis requires the
presentation of a set of five principles


Virtual Identity
Basic Economic

Typology of
Relevant Metrics Social Network
Social network business generally generates economies of scale

 Economies of scale imply that the operating costs of the website are less
than proportional to the number of users on the platform, e.g. the more users
the website has the less it has to spend per user
 This effect depends mainly on:
• The centralization and the independence of the website users: if the
community functioning is strongly decentralized and relies on peer to
peer relations, the CRM costs and monitoring costs will increase less
than proportionally with the number of users. By contrast, if there is a
strong need for monitoring and managing users’ interactions (e.g.
moderation), the costs will tend to be strictly proportional
• The existence of viral marketing: if viral marketing is strong in the
segment of the market where the social networking website operates,
the acquisition cost of new subscribers will be lower since users are
going to ensure the advertising instead of the website.
Social networking websites are extensively used worldwide

Frequency of visitation: Social Networking Sites [% of the internet users] 2007





30% In the past 30 Days

Over 30 Days ago
















Information plays a fundamental role in
managing social networks
 Managing social networking websites also requires alleviation of the mistrust of
potential users:
• Evaluating the interest of a network before joining it
is very difficult
• Knowing if the services will meet users’ expectations is hard, even if
they can estimate the value of the services promoted
 Managers have different tools to tackle these issues. For instance in online
matchmaking they can:
• Offer free registration that allows users to look at the profiles (or some of
the profiles) of other registered users
• Broadly communicate about their balanced user base between men and

Social networks have a specific structure

 Many online social networks are scale free networks

• They are organized around some central nodes
• They grow through the principle of preferential attachment : the more a
node has connexions, the more chance it has to add new connections

Example of random network:

Social networks have all their specificities: four criteria can be identified
1. Degree of decentralization of the network: how far are interactions between
users and profiles monitored and how “open” is the platform? (far instance
can users develop their own applications?)
2. Number of different types of interaction allowed: Is the network dedicated to
a unique type of service (such as online matchmaking) or does it allow many
more kinds of services?
3. Type of identity: Is the identity developed on the network does to the real
identity of the user or is it a fantasized identity?
4. Potential size of the network: what part of the internet population might join
the network? Niche vs. mainstream network

Limitations of the study

There were some limitation I faced while preparing this project:

 It was difficult to reach to each and every department.

 Entry was restricted to certain areas such as Casting, etc.
 Sample size (i.e.30) was not sufficient enough to cover the whole universe
population of jewles (i.e. 7129) which was just (.01 %) of the whole universe to
conduct the survey
 Lastly, we were only limited to the Jaipur plant for the survey and did not
include the other plant in it.
 The study is based upon the responses of the trainees and the employees of the
company the responses can be biased.
While preparing this project report I learnt many concepts of “Marketing
Management” like “implementation planning, public relation, project management,
new product development, marketing communication, pricing, reporting,
measurement, feedback, etc.

Marketing Management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical

application of marketing techniques and the management of a firm's marketing
resources and activities. Rapidly emerging forces of globalization have compelled
firms to market beyond the borders of their home country making International
marketing highly significant and an integral part of a firm's marketing
strategy. Thus, “marketing department” plays an important role in influencing the
level, timing, and composition of customer demand accepted definition of the term.
In part, this is because the role of a marketing department can vary significantly
based on a business' size, corporate culture, and industry context. To create an
effective, cost-efficient Marketing management strategy, firms must possess a
detailed, objective understanding of their own business and the market in which
they operate. In analyzing these issues, the discipline of marketing management
often overlaps with the related discipline of strategic planning.

Indeed, marketing departments’ biggest challenge is involved with the customer

relationship that first to find out the prospective customers, retaining of the
customers, providing them with high quality services, (such as on-time delivery),
technical support, etc. The current environment makes this challenge more
pronounced due to the focus on sever competition among different firms. So, it is
required for a marketing department to work on the customer relationship and
make a strong bond between them.

I have done this project with reference to Sambhav Gems Ltd. (SGL) and I found
out many facts while working on this project which has added a valuable
experience in my life.


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