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CAB202 Tutorial 7

Teensy Introduction and Basic IO

The first half of this unit has involved using the C programming language to perform complex
software-based operations on a computer. The next step is using the capabilities of the C language
to perform low level operations (turning on LEDs, responding to button presses, controlling an LCD
screen, etc.) on a real microcontroller (the Teensy). This tutorial will work through the setup of the
environment required for the microcontroller and will be needed for the remainder of CAB202. The
tutorial will also introduce the basics behind configuring and performing digital input and output (IO)
on a real microcontroller with C code. This tutorial is worth 3% of your final mark for this subject.

Configuring a development environment for the Teensy

The general development environment we will be using is mostly the same as what has been
used throughout the unit so far. You can use the same text editing program you have used in
previous tutorials to edit your files. However to compile programs for an AVR, or any microcontroller
you need a C compiler with a slightly different configuration. The main noticeable difference, is that
rather than compiling source code into a standard executable type, AVRs require a *.hex type
executable file. The compiler used to generate this executable is called avr-gcc and it is used
create executables that can be run on the AVR microcontroller architecture. You can run the
compiler in a terminal window, including Cygwin, Console2, and Command Prompt.

The installation files and setup instructions can be found here for:

Windows Systems: Installation Files and Setup Instructions

Mac Systems: Installation Files and Setup Instructions
Unix Systems: Setup Instructions (no external download of installation files is
required, all done through the terminal)

(Note: Some of the university computers already have WinAVR installed).

To test that avr-gcc is installed and setup correctly on your computer, or is already installed on a
university computer, type in the following command into your chosen terminal window:

avr-gcc --version

If everything was installed and setup properly you should see an output similar to this:

avr-gcc (WinAVR 20100110) 4.3.3

Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
Compiling your first program
Once you have installed avr-gcc for your system, you can compile through the following
process in a terminal window. Make sure the terminal is in the same directory as your source code,
just like previously when compiling C code with normal GCC. The compilation for the Teensy
microcontroller is done with the following avr-gcc commands:

avr-gcc mmcu=atmega32u4 Os DF_CPU=8000000UL <C source

files> -o <applicationName>.o

Once that command has finished, use the following command to complete compilation and produce
a *.hex file:

avr-objcopy O ihex <applicationName>.o <applicationName>.hex

So for a helloworld program you would use the following two lines in a terminal to create a
*.hex file ready for upload to the Teensy with the Teensy uploader application:

avr-gcc mmcu=atmega32u4 Os DF_CPU=8000000UL helloWorld.c

-o helloWorld.o
avr-objcopy O ihex helloWorld.o helloWorld.hex

Please take note that the DF_CPU flag is compiling the program with a CPU speed of 8MHz. In your
code you must also request a CPU speed of 8MHz. This is done by setting the CLKPCE bit of the
Clock Prescaler Register (CLKPR), and then providing a prescaler selection in bits 3-0. See the
cpu_speeds.h header for a series of macros that perform this (and see the datasheet on
Blackboard for the port and pin configurations). In short, always start your main() function with:


Loading your first program

You will also need to download a standalone executable, developed by the same people who
created the Teensy board, called Teensy Loader (download here). This executable will take the
*.hex file compiled with the compiler and upload them to the Teensy. Explicit instructions on how
to use this application can also be found on the site, however, all you need to know is that there are
3 buttons: 1) select file, 2) send file to Teensy, and 3) reboot Teensy.
Input and Output
In this tutorial, you will be running your first program on the Teensy microcontroller, with
provided code that sets LED0 blinking at a rate of 1 Hz. You will also be writing a program that turns
the LEDs on and off based on input from the buttons. To understand the provided code and to write
your own program using the LEDs and the buttons, you will need to know how to configure and use
the digital IO registers.

Configuring and using digital IO registers

There are 3 registers which affect the way in which the microcontroller is setup for digital
input and output. These registers are called the data direction register (DDRx), the port register
(PORTx) and the pin register (PINx). The ensuing section discusses how each of these 3 registers are
used ( provides a
great explanation of these as well).

The data direction register is used to configure a pin in an AVR microcontroller as an output
or an input. Setting a bit to a 1 will make the respective pin an output, while setting it to a 0 will
make it an input. The following example would set the 0th pin in PORTB (also referred to with PB0) as
an output, while the rest of the pins on the port are set as inputs:

DDRB = 0b00000001;

This line of code can also be performed using bit shifting. Bit shifting is a lot easier to debug and
understand as it explicitly states what bit is being set:
DDRB = (1<<0);

To set a pin as an input we need to set the respective bit to a 0. This can be achieved through
complementing (NOT operator) the bit shifting operation. The following line would bit shift 1 three
places, then take the bitwise NOT of the value. The result is pin 3 of PORTB set as an input:

DDRB = ~(1<<3);

However, it should be noted that the if the following lines of code were ran sequentially, the second
line would override what was done in the first line, and in fact pin 2 of PORTB (PB2) would be
configured as an input. The reason for this is simple, we first write the binary value of 0b11111011
to the DDRB register, but then we write the value of 0b11110111, and so we are overriding that
previously written zero in the second bit.

DDRB = ~(1<<2);
DDRB = ~(1<<3);

There is a common solution to this however; we can use the OR and AND bitwise operators. If we
perform a bitwise AND or a bitwise OR on the register with whatever we are trying to setup as an
input or output, we will only change those bits we indeed wanted as an input or output (while the
rest of the register stays the same). For example to configure pin 3 of PORTB as an input, and not
affect the rest of the bits, we would have the following code:

DDRB = DDRB & ~(1<<3);

The DDRB register is in some unknown state, and all we know is that we dont want to change it. So
we shall write it as 0bxxxxxxxx, where x is an unknown bit state. Also performing the bit shifting
and complement (NOT) of the second part of the line we would get 0b11110111. Thus we would

DDRB = 0bxxxxxxxx & 0b11110111

Now let us perform the bitwise AND operation. We have 2 cases, we either have the bitwise AND of x
and 1, or the case of x and 0. In each of these cases there are, again, two cases for the value of x.
However, for example in case 1, AND of x and 1, we could have x = 1 or x = 0. Performing the
operation for both of these cases would get a result of 1 for the case x = 1, and a result of 0 for the
case x = 0. Thus the result is simply the value of x. The same can be done for the second case when
the AND of x and 0 is found. These are the results of the 4 possible cases:

AND of X and 1 AND of X and 0

X=1 1 (Value of X, so stays in same state as 0 (Bit equals 0 as desired, does not depend
previously) on original value of X)
X=0 0 (Value of X, so stays in same state as 0 (Bit equals 0 as desired, does not depend
previously) on original value of X)

So this bitwise AND technique can be used when we wish to set a register to a value of 0, and do not
want to change the any of the other bits. The same sort of process can be applied to bitwise OR,
which is used when we want to set a bit in a register to a value of 1 and do not want to change any
of the other values. The following table summarise the bitwise OR cases:

OR of X and 1 OR of X and 0
X=1 1 (Bit equals 1 as desired, does not depend 1 (Value of X, so stays in same state as
on original value of X) previously)
X=0 1 (Bit equals 1 as desired, does not depend 0 (Value of X, so stays in same state as
on original value of X) previously)

It should also be mentioned that these lines of code can be written in a compound form by using the
compound assignment operators (

DDRB = DDRB & ~(1<<3); // Long version

DDRB &= ~(1<<3); // Equivalent using &=

The PORT register is used to set pins that are configured as outputs to either high / on / 1 or
low / off / 0. This is done by configuring the bit you wish to be high or low as 1 or 0 respectively,
assuming that the bit you wish to set high or low was already configured by the corresponding DDR
register. For example, the following line of code would configure pin 7 on PORTA (PA7) to output 1,
assuming previously set up as an output using the DDRA register.

PORTA |= (1<<7); // set PA7 high using shorthand bitwise OR

The PIN register is used to read the states of a pin, again assuming that the pins you wish to
read was setup previously as an input. For example, the following code would read all the values on

char readValue = PINC;

However this would read all 8 bits from PINC into the variable readValue. In most cases, you are
only interested in reading a single bit of this register (i.e. finding whether it is logical low or high).
This becomes a lot clearer with a solid example. For example, consider a scenario where pin 3 on
port C is connected to a button and when the button is pressed the pin value goes high (i.e. to 1).
Obviously, we are only interested in the value of pin 3 (there could be other buttons on other pins
that obviously shouldnt effect checking the state of the button on pin 3). To only check the value of
a single bit in PINC, bit operators are used. The following code checks if bit 3 of PINC is logical high
and stores the result in switchValue:

char switchValue = (PINC>>3) & 1;

Assume that the pin on bit 3 is some unknown value (denoted by S) and the values of all the other
bits on the PINC register are unknown (denoted by x). So that means PINC defined as:

PINC = 0bxxxxSxxx

Now, the bit shifting operation is performed (PINC>>3). This means that the value of PINC is
shifted 3 places to the right. The result of this operation is:
(PINC>>3) = 0b000xxxxS

Note that the bit of interest (S) is now in the least significant bit (LSB) position. The AND bitwise
operation is then executed with this bit shifted value and the value 1. Therefore, the result is as

(PINC>>3) & 1 = 0b000xxxxS & 0b00000001 = 0b0000000S

Consequently, the original line of code will store the above value is in the switchValue variable.

switchValue = 0b0000000S

So if S was equal to 1, then the result would be 1, and if S was 0 the result would be 0. Importantly,
as was desired at the start of this explanation, switchValue would be equal to 1 if the switch was
logical high, or 0 if it was logical low.

Non-assessable Exercises
NOTE: These exercises are not assessable. Assessable exercises are in the following section.

1. Understanding the role of data registers

Which register(s) would be required if we wish to set pin 3 of PORTC to an output and then set that
pin to 1?

2. Bitwise operations
What would the following bitwise operations equal in binary and in hex?

(1<<3) | (1<<7)

What would equivalent bitwise operations be for the following hex values?


3. Understanding a typical bitwise operation on the Teensy

What would the following line of code do when compiled for an Atmega32u4?

DDRB = (1<<3);

a) Sets the value of the DDRB register to 3, which sets pin 3 high.
b) Sets the value of the DDRB register to 8, which sets pin 3 of PORTB as an output.
c) Sets the third bit of PORTB to an output.
d) Pin 3 of PORTB is set low.

4. Understanding the role of data registers

Which register(s) would be required if we wish to set pin 4 of PORTD to an input and then read that
a) Registers DDRD and PORTD
b) Register DDRD only
c) Register PIND and PORTD
d) Register PIND and DDRD

5. Running your first program on the Teensy microcontroller

Download the source code blink_1hz.c from Blackboard and compile the program with
avr-gcc to get a *.hex file. Then using the Teensy Uploader Application program the
microcontroller with that generated *.hex file. Demonstrate the Teensy with LED0 blinking at a
rate of 1 Hz.

6. Write your first program for the Teensy microcontroller

Write a program that when a button is pressed the LED with the same number is on, and
when a button is not pressed, the LED with the same number is off. That is, when SW0 (Button 0) is
pressed and held LED0 is on, when SW0 is not pressed LED0 is off, when SW1 (Button 1) is pressed
and held LED1 is on, and when SW1 is not pressed, LED1 is off. You can use blink_1hz.c as a basis
for your program.

Assessed Exercises (AMS)

Complete the assessed exercises in the week 8 section on the AMS. The AMS is available at the URL

Challenge Exercises
Flash both LEDs at approximately 1 Hz.
Flash the LEDs alternatively at 1 Hz (one on, one off like a railroad crossing).
Flash LED0 at a rate of 3Hz and flash LED1 at a rate of 0.4Hz.
Write a program to toggle the LEDs when a button is pressed. (Google switch debouncing, or
talk to your tutor).

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