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Discussion Paper No.


The Impact of R&D Subsidies

During the Crisis
Martin Hud and Katrin Hussinger
Discussion Paper No. 14-024

The Impact of R&D Subsidies

During the Crisis
Martin Hud and Katrin Hussinger

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The Impact of R&D Subsidies during the Crisis1

Martin Hud a,b and Katrin Hussinger c,a,d

ZEW Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim (Germany)
Maastricht University (The Netherlands)
University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
K.U. Leuven, Dept. of Managerial Economics, Strategy and Innovation (Belgium)

March 2014

This study investigates the impact of R&D subsidies on R&D investment during the
past financial crisis. We conduct a treatment effects analysis and show that R&D
subsidies increased R&D spending among subsidized small and medium sized firms
in Germany during the crisis years. In the first crisis year, the additionality effect
induced by public support was, however, smaller than in other years. This temporary
decrease may be caused by an altered innovation subsidy scheme in crisis years or by
a different innovation investment behavior of the subsidy recipients. We do not find
support for the countercyclical innovation subsidy scheme having caused the smaller
additionality effect and conclude that it is likely to be driven by subsidy recipient

Keywords: R&D, Subsidies, Policy Evaluation, Financial Crisis, Treatment Effects

JEL Classification: C14, C21, G01, H50, O38

We thank Benjamin Balsmeier, Martin Carree, Dirk Czarnitzki, Clemens Fuest, Georg Licht, Cindy Lopes Bento,
Bettina Peters and Christian Rammer for helpful comments and Pia Neuer for proofreading. The paper has been
presented at the CISS Summer School 2013, ZEW PhD Workshop 2014 and the DRUID Winter Conference 2014.

The global economic crisis of 2008 has hit OECD countries severely. Unemployment has

reached a post-war height of 8.5% in October 2009, GDP declined by 4% (OECD, 2012a) and

long-term investments like innovation expenditure decreased significantly in a range of

countries including Canada, Sweden and the UK (OECD, 2012b, Filipetti and Archibugi,

2011, Archibugi et al., 2013).

It is well understood that private sector research and development (R&D) is a main factor of

sustainable growth of industrialized economies so that even a short-term decline or stagnation

of private R&D activities can have detrimental consequences in the long run (Grossman and

Helpman, 1991, Aghion and Howitt, 1998). Policymakers in many industrialized countries,

including Austria, Denmark and Sweden, reacted immediately and enhanced R&D spending

in order to prevent negative long-term consequences of a short-term decrease in R&D

investment (OECD, 2012b). In Germany, government spending on R&D increased by 9% in

2009 as compared to 2007. Between 2010 and 2013 the federal government invested an

additional 12 billion in key areas of education and research (OECD, 2012b). With these

initiatives Germany ranks in a league of its own against an overall pro-cyclical behavior of

public science and technology budgets in OECD countries (Makkonen, 2013). Overall,

Germany belongs to the few countries that experienced a weak increase in R&D despite of the

crisis. Business enterprise expenditure on R&D increased by 3% in 2009 as compared to 2007

(OECD, 2012b).

This study aims at evaluating the role of public R&D support during the past economic crisis.

Policymakers are well aware of the importance of private sector R&D and also of the fact that

private R&D spending is lower than socially desirable, even in boom periods. Private R&D

investment is below the social optimum because R&D has the characteristics of a public good

and generates positive external effects which cannot be internalized (Arrow, 1962). In

response, projects that would benefit society but do not cover the private cost are not realized.

Governments subsidize R&D in order to make such R&D projects attractive to the private


It is an empirical question whether public funding of private R&D projects leads to an

increase of R&D in the economy as intended by innovation policy. Due to low application

costs virtually all firms have incentives to submit an application for R&D subsidies, including

firms that would be able to conduct their R&D projects with own financial means. In the case

of a successful application, subsidized firms have incentives to substitute private R&D

expenses with public funds. If the majority of subsidized firms would use public funds to

replace private R&D expenses, innovation policy would not stimulate additional private R&D

and a crowding out effect of private R&D investment would occur. 2

Public support for R&D activities is particularly important in times of an economic downturn.

With investment in R&D being risky and returns being uncertain and long-term, firms facing

financial constraints due to recessions are likely to reduce their investment in R&D

(Schumpeter, 1939, Freeman et al., 1982). The consequences for the economy and for the

long-term competitiveness and profitability of the firms themselves can be detrimental. A

means to mitigate these consequences is to smooth R&D investment by innovation policy.

During an economic downturn, incentives for subsidized firms to use the public funds to

substitute private investment are, however, significant. Firms have to cope with the

consequences of a crisis so that the likelihood of a crowding out effect is higher. In addition, it

A crowding out effect can be rejected for the vast majority of R&D subsidy programs worldwide (see Zuniga-Vicente et al.,
2014, for a recent survey).

has been shown that the responsiveness of companies to policy initiatives is weaker in times

of economic uncertainty (Bloom et al., 2007, Bloom, 2008). This is because uncertainty

increases the real option value of investments making firms more cautious with regards to

their R&D investment decision during recessions.

Based on firm-level data for Germany, we investigate the effects of the German Federal

Ministry for Education and Researchs (BMBF) public R&D subsidy program on firms R&D

investment in the crisis period. We focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

because these firms are expected to be more vulnerable during an economic downturn than

large enterprises. The sample covers the period of 2006-2010, with 2009 marking the

beginning of the crisis period in Germany as illustrated in Figure 1. Our analysis answers the

following questions: First, we analyze whether R&D subsidies lead to an additionality effect

in terms of R&D investment or whether there is evidence for a crowding out effect. Our

empirical results from a non-parametric propensity score matching indicate that R&D

subsidies lead to an additionality effect in all crisis and non-crisis years. Second, we

investigate whether R&D subsidies have a different effect in the crisis period than in non-

crisis years. Our results show that the effect of subsidies in the crisis year 2009 is - although

positive - significantly smaller than in all other years. The smaller additionality effect in the

crisis year can be indicative of a different behavior of subsidy recipients or of an altered

innovation policy during the crisis. The budget of the BMBF increased by about 9% in 2009

compared to 2008, which enabled the ministry to subsidize more firms. The additionally

funded firms that only qualify for funding because of the budget increase might be of worse

quality than the subsidy recipients of non-crisis years. A decrease of the average quality of the

subsidized companies could cause a lower additionality effect. An alternative explanation for

the lower additionality effect could be that firms invest less in R&D during the crisis because

they face a reduced demand for products and services and higher incentives to substitute

private with public funds. In the last part of the analysis, we hence investigate whether the

smaller additionality effect in the crisis year 2009 is related to an altered innovation subsidy

scheme. We do not find support for firms subsidized in the crisis being of worse quality than

subsidized firms in pre-crisis years. Hence, we reject the hypothesis that an altered innovation

policy caused the decrease in the magnitude of the additionality effect of the crisis. This

leaves us with the alternative explanation that subsidized firms invest less in R&D because

they have to cope with the consequences of the crisis. Although the average additionality

effect per firm is smaller in the first crisis year, the counter-cyclical innovation policy is likely

to have had a stabilizing effect because it helped SMEs to pay the wages of R&D workers and

allowed them to start new projects.

Figure 1 Real GDP growth

1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012



Source: Eurostat. Own calculations.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next section surveys related

literature. Section 3 presents the empirical strategy. The data set is described in section 4. The

results are discussed in section 5. The last section concludes.


Innovation Expenditure during Economic Downturns

The economic literature has developed different views on the impact of an economic

downturn on innovation activities. One line of research advocates counter-cyclical behavior of

R&D investment. In times of an economic downturn, profitability declines encourage firms to

search for measures to improve productivity. At the same time, opportunity costs of

reallocating productive assets from manufacturing to R&D are relatively low because of a

limited demand for manufacturing (Stiglitz, 1993, Aghion and Saint-Paul, 1998). This is in

line with the Schumpeterian notion of creative destruction according to which a crisis opens

new opportunities. Systematic innovation can open opportunities for economic activities and

set an end to the recession (Schumpeter, 1934).

The contrary perspective suggests that innovation behavior is pro-cyclical. Schmookler (1966)

and Shleifer (1986) argue that innovation strongly depends on demand. If demand is low there

is no incentive to introduce new products into the market. Further, R&D is often financed by

the firms free cash flow that depends on the companys current success so that financial

constraints during an economic downturn reduce investment in R&D (Hall 1992, Himmelberg

and Petersen, 1994, Harhoff, 1998, Rafferty and Funk, 2008).

Prior studies mostly report a pro-cyclical innovation investment behavior. Barlevy (2007)

shows that R&D behaves pro-cyclical, resulting in inefficient R&D investment during

recessions. He suggests that technology leaders should expand their R&D activities during
crisis times to disproportionately gain from growth periods. The threat of spillovers to rival

innovators which refrain from own innovation activities in crisis periods, however,

incentivizes technology leaders to shift the bulk of their R&D investment to upswing periods.

Ouyang (2011) examines the opportunity cost hypothesis and finds an asymmetric response of

R&D to demand shocks. A positive demand shock causes R&D expenditures to decrease due

to rising opportunity costs while a negative demand shock decreases R&D investment due to

liquidity constraints. Ouyang (2011) finds that the liquidity constraints effect outweighs the

opportunity cost effect resulting in a pro-cyclical R&D investment behavior. Aghion et al.

(2010, 2012) and Bovha-Padilla (2009) find evidence that credit constrained firms reveal a

higher share of R&D investment during periods of flourishing sales, underpinning the

hypothesis of pro-cyclicality. 3 This relationship, however, turns out to be counter-cyclical if

firms are not credit constrained. Further empirical evidence on innovation behavior and the

business cycle includes Geroski and Walters (1995) who show for the UK that growth

Granger-causes innovation activity. Guellec and Ioannidis (1999) find that the burst of the

Japanese financial bubble and the German unification (as macroeconomic shocks) had a large

negative impact on R&D investment in the respective countries. In contrast to these results,

Saint-Paul (1993) does not find support for either a pro- or counter-cyclical investment

behavior in R&D. The explanation put forward is that the cash-intensive nature of R&D

offsets the opportunity cost effect.

With regards to the global economic crisis, macroeconomic figures show an overall decline of

innovation activities across OECD countries, whereby different countries are affected by a

different degree (OECD, 2012b). Heterogeneous effects have been found on the firm level as

well. Overall, firms innovation activities declined during the crisis with a few exceptions

Aghion et al. (2010) do not investigate specifically the effect on R&D investment but on long-term investment. They argue,
however, that long-term investment could be e.g. R&D investment.

comprising some new, fast growing firms and some firms that were highly innovative before

the crisis and sustained a high innovation performance during the crisis (Archibugi et al.,

2013). In addition, a few small firms and new entrants show a greater readiness to swim

against the stream in terms of their innovation strategy after the crisis (Archibugi et al.,

2013). For a sample of Latin American countries, Paunov (2012) shows that many firms

stopped ongoing R&D projects during the crisis.

Public Budgets during Recessions

Given that most evidence supports pro-cyclical R&D investment behavior of the private

sector the question remains whether and how the government should react. From a Keynesian

perspective there is the clear proposition that the government should stabilize the economy by

increasing its spending during recessions, reducing taxes and shifting its budget towards a

deficit in order to increase consumption (Romer, 1993).

In a neoclassical framework, the optimal co-movement between government consumption and

private consumption depends on the degree of substitutability in utility between these two

(Arreaza et al., 1999, Lane, 2003a). If public and private consumption are substitutes,

government consumption would be expected to behave counter-cyclically. In case of

complementarity, a pro-cyclical pattern would be expected. If public and private consumption

are separable in utility, the government should seek to perfectly smooth government

consumption over the business cycle.

Empirical evidence supports a pro-cyclical behavior of government spending in OECD

countries (Arreaza et al., 1999, Lane 2003a,b, Abbott and Jones, 2012). This is explained by

dispersed political power and output volatility (Lane 2003a, Abbott and Jones, 2011, 2012).

With focus on public science and technology budgets and the past financial crisis, Makkonen

(2012) reports a pro-cyclical behavior for the majority of countries in the European Union.

The new member states were affected most, while some countries showed a counter-cyclical

behavior increasing their science and technology budgets during the crisis. The largest

percentage increase in budgets took place in Germany, Luxembourg, Denmark, Estonia and

Portugal (Makkonen, 2012). Countries including Austria, Germany, Denmark and Sweden

reacted to the crisis with targeted R&D initiatives (OECD, 2012b). The German government

increased R&D spending by 9% in 2009 as compared to 2007. An additional 12 billion were

devoted to key areas of education and research between 2010 and 2013 (OECD, 2012b). The

empirical part of this paper will investigate the effect of such a counter-cyclical science and

technology policy during the crisis with focus on a direct project R&D subsidy program.

R&D Subsidy Programs

In times of downturn and upswing, governments across the world spend significant amounts

of money on public initiatives to foster private innovation activities to stimulate economic

growth and national competitiveness. The success of these policy measures is ex ante unclear

and has to be evaluated ex post since there is an incentive for subsidy recipients to replace

private R&D investment with public funds. A vast literature of ex post evaluation studies

exists for various R&D subsidy programs in different countries. 4 Early surveys are provided

by David et al. (2000) and Klette et al. (2000). The majority of the surveyed studies find that

R&D subsidies lead to an additionality effect.

E.g. for Finland (Czarnitzki et al., 2007, Takalo et al. 2008), Flanders (Aerts and Czarnitzki, 2005, Aerts and Schmitt, 2008,
Czarnitzki and Lopes Bento, 2013), France (Duguet, 2004), Germany (Czarnitzki and Fier, 2002, Almus and Czarnitzki,
2003, Hussinger, 2008), Israel (Lach, 2002), Italy (Cerulli and Poti, 2010), Canada (Berube and Mohnen, 2009), Luxembourg
(Czarnitzki and Lopes Bento, 2012), Spain (Busom, 2000, Gonzales et al., 2005, Gonzales and Pazo, 2008, Gelabert et al.,
2008), the AMT (advanced manufacturing technologies) program in Switzerland (Arvanitis et al., 2002), the U.S. SBIR
program (Wallsten, 2000) and the U.S. chemical industry (Finger, 2008), South Africa (Czarnitzki and Lopes Bento, 2012)
and Latin America (Hall and Maffioli, 2008). Most of these studies can rule out a full crowding out effect.

The early literature up to the year 2000 is critiqued for disregarding a potential selection bias

of participating firms into R&D subsidy programs. On the one hand, more innovative

companies are more likely to apply for R&D subsidies. On the other hand, these companies

can be more likely to receive the public funds if the government follows a picking the

winner strategy. A simple comparison of subsidized and non-subsidized firms would hence

lead to biased results. The literature since 2000 as surveyed by Cerulli (2010) and Zuniga-

Vincente et al. (2014) takes the selection problem into account. 5 Also after selection is

accounted for, most evaluation studies report a positive effect of the subsidy on the subsidized

firms R&D expenses. 6

The previous literature does not pay attention to the business cycle when evaluating the

effects of R&D subsidy schemes. A notable exception is a recent contribution by Paunov

(2012). Paunov (2012) studies the likelihood to stop ongoing R&D projects of firms in eight

Latin American countries in response to the global financial crisis. She finds that the

likelihood to stop projects correlates negatively with the receipt of public funding. Paunov

(2012) concludes that public funding schemes are an important means to foster counter-

cyclical investment behavior. Her analysis does not account for a potential selection bias.

A distantly related study investigates the effects of subsidies on R&D investment in the

presence of market uncertainty (Czarnitzki and Toole, 2007). While the economic uncertainty

that firms face during an economic downturn is not the same as product market uncertainty, it

Prominent methods that allow controlling for a selection bias are matching estimators (e.g. Czarnitzki and Fier, 2002,
Almus and Czarnitzki, 2003, Czarnitzki et al., 2007, for heterogeneous treatments), instrumental variables methods (e.g.
Wallsten, 2000) and selection models (e.g. Busom, 2000, Hussinger, 2008, for semiparametric versions). Gonzales et al.
(2005) and Takalo et al. (2008) develop structural models to access the effect of subsidies on the subsidized firms.
Exceptions are Busom (2000), who finds a partial crowding out effect for Spain and Wallsten (2000), who reports a
substitutive effect of subsidies for the U.S. SBIR program. Gelabert et al. (2008) find differences in the effectiveness of
public subsidies depending on the level of appropriation in the firms industry.

is still an interesting finding that R&D subsidies reduce the negative effect of product market

uncertainty on R&D investment.


Empirical Strategy
Our empirical approach has three different parts. The first part evaluates the effectiveness of

R&D subsidies. In the second part of the analysis we compare the effect of subsidies in the

crisis period to non-crisis years. In the last part of the analysis, we investigate whether the

altered subsidy scheme in the crisis years has led to different effects of subsidies in crisis and

non-crisis years.

Part 1: Effectiveness of R&D Subsidies

The aim of our policy evaluation is to assess the average effect of the public subsidy on the

R&D spending of the subsidized companies. Since a simple comparison between treated

(subsidized) and non-treated (non-subsidized) companies is likely to be biased due to

selection problems, 7 our empirical approach aims at investigating what the treated

observations would have spent on R&D if they would not have received the subsidy, i.e. the

counterfactual situation. This average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) is defined as


(1) = (1 0 | = 1) = (1 | = 1) (0 | = 1)

where 1 is the R&D spending of the companies having received a treatment and 0 is the

R&D spending of companies that did not receive a subsidy and depicts the actual treatment

(=subsidy) status. This equation illustrates a missing data problem: while we can

For details see Blundell and Costa Dias (2008).

observe (1 | = 1), i.e. the R&D spending of a subsidized firm, we cannot observe what the

subsidized firm ( = 1) would have spent on R&D without the subsidy (0 | = 1).

Constructing a valid proxy for the counterfactual situation is the main issue in empirical

policy program evaluation. Since it is usually not possible to conduct real experiments,

econometric techniques have been developed that aim at proxying the counterfactual

situation. Econometric techniques serving to overcome this problem comprise difference-in-

difference (DID) estimations, control function approaches (selection models), instrumental

variable (IV) estimations, matching techniques and regression discontinuity designs.

The DID approach requires panel data with observations before and after (or while) the

treatment. Since more than 50% of the firms in our sample are only observed once, we have to

disregard the DID approach. The reliability of selection models and IV estimators rests on the

availability of at least one valid exclusion restriction or instrumental variable. In our case it is

difficult to find an exclusion restriction or instrumental variable that is motivated by economic

theory and impacts the likelihood to receive public R&D funding, but does not correlate with

the R&D expenditure of the company. Therefore, we choose a matching method. The

intuition behind the matching approach is to proxy the counterfactual situation, i.e. the

investment of a treated company in the absence of the treatment, by the investment of the

most similar non-treated observation. Functional form assumptions and distributional

assumptions about the error terms are not required.

We apply a nearest neighbor propensity score matching. In practice, this means that we match

each subsidy recipient with the single most similar company in the control group of the non-

subsidized firms. The pairs are chosen based on the similarity in the estimated probability of

receiving a subsidy, i.e. the propensity score. Matching on the propensity score avoids a

curse of dimensionality because all information is bundled in the propensity score which is

then used as the single matching argument (see Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983). In addition, we

require that the selected control observation is observed in the same year as the treated

observation. This is crucial for our analysis because we are interested in comparing treatment

effects across years in the second part of the empirical analysis. We further demand that the

control observations are located in the same geographical area in Germany by distinguishing

between Eastern and Western German companies. We do this because the funding likelihood

as well as the infrastructure for innovation differs between the two regions.

The matching estimators main disadvantage is its reliance on the conditional independence

assumption (CIA). This means that the assignment to treatment has to be independent of the

outcomes, in our case the R&D investment, conditional on a set of observable characteristics

() (Rubin, 1977):

(2) 1 , 0 |

with 1 being the outcome of treated companies, 0 being the outcome of non-treated

companies and representing the actual treatment status. The CIA is satisfied if all

information that affect the treatment assignment and the outcome is included in . If so, the

observed non-treated outcome (0 | = 0) is a valid proxy for the unobservable

counterfactual outcome (0 | = 1). Unfortunately, it is not possible to formally test the

CIA. However, we are confident that our rich set of control variables suffices for the CIA. 8

A further requirement of the matching method is that there has to be sufficient overlap

between the treated and the control group in terms of their propensity to receive a public

subsidy (common support). In order to guarantee common support, we calculate the minimum

Similar control variables have been used in a variety of studies that evaluate the effects of R&D subsidies based on similar
datasets employing a matching approach (e.g.Czarnitzki and Fier, 2002, Almus and Czarnitzki, 2003, Czarnitzki et al., 2007,
Czarnitzki and Lopes Bento, 2013).

and the maximum of the propensity scores of the potential control group, and delete

observations on treated firms with probabilities larger than the maximum and smaller than the

minimum in the potential control group.

If the CIA and the common support are fulfilled, the ATT will be identified and consistently

estimated by estimating the following equation:

(3) = (1 | = 1) (0 | = 0)

The details of our matching procedure are depicted in Table 1.

Table 1 Matching protocol

1. Specify and estimate a probit model to obtain the propensity score ().
2. Restrict the sample to common support: delete all observations on treated firms with
probabilities larger than the maximum and smaller than the minimum in the potential
control group (this step is also performed for other observed characteristics that are used
in addition to the propensity score as matching arguments).
3. Choose one observation from the subsample of treated firms.
4. Calculate the Mahalanobis distance between this firm and all non-treated firms in order
to find the most similar control observation: = ( )1 ( )
Z contains the propensity score, the year and a dummy that indicates whether the
company is located in Eastern Germany or not. is the empirical covariance matrix of
the matching arguments based on the sample of potential controls.
5. Select the observation with the minimum distance from the remaining control group (do
not remove the selected controls from the pool of potential controls, so that it can be
used again).
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for all observations on treated firms.
7. Use the matched comparison group to calculate the average treatment effect on the
treated as mean difference of the matched samples: ( 1 0 ) where
0 is the counterfactual for firm and 1 is the sample size of the treated firms. Note
that the same observation may appear more than once in the group of controls.
8. The ordinary t-statistic on mean differences is biased as we perform sampling with
replacement. That is why we correct standard errors by applying Lechners (2001)
estimator for an asymptotic approximation of the standard errors.

Part 2: Effectiveness of R&D Subsidies in Crisis and Non-Crisis Years
After having identified the ATT that shows whether the R&D subsidy led to additional R&D

investment by the subsidized companies, we investigate whether the effect of subsidies differs

in crisis and non-crisis years. In order to do so we run a regression of the ATT on a set of time

dummies d.

= + +

The estimated coefficients of the year dummies indicate whether the treatment effects differ in

times of crisis. There are two different possible scenarios. On the one hand, one can expect

that the subsidies are more effective in the crisis years because firms face more severe

financial constraints so that the subsidy increases R&D investment substantially. On the other

hand, a lower treatment effect can occur in crisis years if firms match the public funds with

less private investments than they would have made in non-crisis years. The latter effect

would be in line with a prediction from real option theory which state that the responsiveness

of companies to policy initiatives is weaker in times of economic uncertainty because

uncertainty increases the real option value of investments so that firms become more cautious

with regards to their R&D investment decision during recessions (Bloom et al., 2007, Bloom,


Part 3: Explanations for Possible Different Effects of R&D Subsidies in Crisis

and Non-Crisis Years
In the final part of the analysis we investigate explanations for the potential differences of the

effectiveness of R&D subsidy schemes in crisis and non-crisis years in the German context.

Such differences can be motivated by (a) a different funding policy in crisis times or (b) a

different behavior of grant recipients in crisis times:

(a) During the past crisis direct project funding has been increased in terms of amounts

and number of projects funded. This can have implications on the ATT in crisis years

because if more projects are funded the average quality of the recipient is likely to be

lower than in non-crisis years which could in turn lead to a lower ATT.

(b) Subsidy recipients face financial constraints during the crisis. In response, they might

invest less into the subsidized R&D project than they would have spent in non-crisis


We aim at analyzing whether the change in innovation policy influenced the effect of R&D

subsidies in times of crisis. We do so by comparing first time subsidized firms in crisis and

non-crisis years. In case a lower subsidy effect is caused by a lower quality of funded firms

during the crisis years, we should find a significant difference between these groups of firms

in terms of success predictors like firm size or patent stock. If we do not find evidence for an

effect of an altered subsidy scheme on the quality of the subsidy recipients, hypothesis (b) is




To empirically examine a potential additionality effect of R&D subsidies, we construct a

database which consists of firm level information and their subsidy records. The firm level

dataset is the Mannheim Innovation Panel (MIP), which is an annual survey conducted by the

Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry

for Education Research (BMBF) since 1993. The MIP is the German contribution to the

European Commissions Community Innovation Survey (CIS) and provides us with most of

the company characteristics.

Information on the Federal Governments project funding is taken from BMBFs PROFI

database. It contains information on all non-military R&D projects funded by the BMBF. The

BMBF funding is the largest source of public R&D funds for the business sector in Germany

and accounts for more than 80% of the total public R&D funding of the business sector. The

direct project funding program is open to all firms located in Germany. The official

application form requires detailed information on the company and its planned R&D projects.

There is a peer review process according to which grants are assigned as matching grants to

the selected projects, which means that applicants have to contribute at least 50% to the

subsidized projects. The government sponsors at most 50% as is prescribed in the funding

guidelines of the European Commission (1996) and in German regulations (BMBF and

BMWi, 2001).

Further data sources comprise the European Patent Office (EPO) which provides us with

firms patent applications since 1979, the credit rating agency Creditreform and the Center for

Economic Studies (ifo). The ifo conducts a business cycle survey on a monthly base. Every

month, close to 7000 (2500) enterprises operating in the industry (services) sector are

surveyed on their assessment of the actual and future business situation. 9 Based on this

information the ifo publishes a yearly business cycle indicator which we use in order to

account for the business climate in specific industries before and during the crisis. Additional

firm information is retrieved from the largest credit rating agency in Germany, Creditreform,

which provides us with firm age information and a credit rating indicator that proxies the

firms financial fitness.

The final sample covers the years 2006 2010 so that we cover the pre-crisis and the crisis

period. We restricted the sample to firms with more than 4 employees and less than 250

We downloaded ifos business cycle indicator from Thomson Reuters Datastream, the worlds largest financial database.

employees since SMEs are more sensitive to the business cycle. Our sample includes

manufacturing as well as business related service sectors. The final sample consists of 7843

firm-year observations out of which 801 received a R&D subsidy from the BMBF.

Treatment Variable
We measure treatment by a binary indicator that takes on the value 1 if a firm had been

subsidized by BMBF in the respective year. The indicator takes on the value 0 if a firm had

not received any R&D subsidy at all in the respective year, neither from the EU nor from the

Federal Government nor from other sources. Thus, our control group solely consists of non-

subsidized firms, allowing us to rule out side-effects from other subsidy programs.

Outcome Variables
We test the hypothesis of additionality for six outcome variables in order to show robustness

of the results with regards to different definitions of the dependent variable. RD depicts a

firms total R&D expenditure, which is measured in million EUR. PRIVRD is defined as the

private R&D investment, i.e. RD minus the subsidy received. Since these variables are

distributed askew, we employ RDINT (RD over sales) as well as PRIVRDINT (PRIVRD over

sales) as additional dependent variables. In addition, we define RDEMP (RD over number of

employees) and PRIVRDEMP (PRIVRD over number of employees) as alternative measures

for the R&D intensity.

Control Variables
Our control variables encompass firm size as measured by the log of the number of full time

employees, lemp. We allow for a possible non-linear relationship by including the square term

of the log of employees, lemp2. We expect that R&D expenditure correlates with firm size

and that, thus, larger firms are also more likely to apply for subsidies and to receive a grant if

the government is following a picking the winner strategy. The logarithmic specification is

chosen because of the skew distribution of the firm size variable.

If a firm is part of an enterprise group, this membership can increase the accessibility to

innovation capacity and also to information on governmental programs probably resulting in a

higher likelihood to apply for a subsidy. Further, governmental evaluators could be prone to

subsidize firms that belong to a network of firms, being aware of potential knowledge

spillovers within the enterprise group due to the subsidized project. We control for firms

belonging to a firm group with a binary variable, group. Firms with a foreign headquarter,

foreign, could, in contrast, be less likely to receive funding because the government might

want to induce economic effects in the own country. The binary variable east indicates

whether a firm is located in Eastern Germany or in the Western part of the country. East

German firms could be more likely to receive a subsidy as this region is still in a catch-up

process with regards to Western Germany. The log of firm age, lage, covers potential firm age


Firms competing in foreign markets are more innovative than others (Arnold and Hussinger,

2005). Therefore, we also expect export-oriented firms to apply more frequently for R&D

subsidies. Our binary dummy export indicates whether a firm has export sales or not.

To further account for a firms innovation potential and a picking the winner strategy of the

government, we control for a firms past success in creating new knowledge by accounting for

its patent stock. To construct the patent stock, we use patent applications from 1979 onwards

which have been filed at the EPO. The indicator is calculated as a depreciated sum of all these

patent applications until t-1 plus the (non-depreciated) applications in t. The depreciation rate

is set to 0.15 as is common in the literature (see e.g. Hall, 1990, Griliches and Mairesse,

1984). Due to collinearity concerns with firm size, the patent stock is divided by the number

of employees, patemp.

To cover potential financial restrictions a firm might have, particularly during the crisis

period, we include Creditreforms credit rating index, credit. 10 This is an index representing a

firms solvency. The index ranges from 100 to 600. The higher the index, the lower is the

credit rating and the ability to attract debt capital. Firms that have more problems to attract

external finance might be more likely to apply for subsidization.

Another characteristic to be considered is the business climate of the industry the firm takes

an active part in. SMEs usually participate only in one or a few product markets. In case of

economic downturns, these firms may not have the opportunity to compensate a serious

decrease in demand in one of their few markets. We control for the business climate the

companies are facing by including ifos index for business situations, busit. The business

situation indicator ranges from -100 to +100, indicating a positive or negative change

compared to the previous period, respectively. We translated the ifos industry classification

to the NACE industry classification at a 2- to 4-digit level using the most disaggregated

industry level.

To avoid potential endogeneity, we lagged all time-variant explanatory variables and consider

group, foreign, east as time-invariant and lage as truly exogenous.

Descriptive Statistics
Table 2 shows descriptive statistics, comparing the variables mean values for non-subsidized

and subsidized firms. The significant t-tests indicate systematic differences between

subsidized and non-subsidized firms. For example, subsidized firms score higher on all R&D

We also employ a missing value correction. The missing values of credit are set to zero. An additional binary dummy,
creditmiss, that takes on the value 1 if credit equals zero, is included in the estimations.

input measures, they have more patents per employee, more employees and are more likely

to be exporters. Further, subsidized firms are younger and are more frequently located in

Eastern Germany.

Table 2 Descriptive statistics

Variables Unsubsidized irms Subsidized firms

N = 7042 N = 801
Mean Mean
patemp 0.002 0.017 0.021 0.073 ***
lemp 3.174 1.107 3.502 1.083 ***
lemp2 11.302 7.451 13.434 7.673 ***
foreign 0.050 0.218 0.079 0.269 ***
export 0.470 0.499 0.845 0.362 ***
group 0.195 0.396 0.262 0.440 ***
lage 3.117 0.838 2.689 0.717 ***
busit 12.251 29.643 17.209 33.301 ***
credit 225.648 65.554 225.533 51.684
east 0.338 0.473 0.404 0.491 ***
Outcome variables
RD 0.040 0.281 0.406 0.759 ***
PRIVRD 0.040 0.281 0.324 0.703 ***
RDINT 0.005 0.027 0.096 0.150 ***
PRIVRDINT 0.005 0.027 0.062 0.114 ***
RDEMP 0.001 0.003 0.009 0.011 ***
PRIVRDEMP 0.001 0.003 0.006 0.010 ***
Note: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01; the missing value dummy of the credit rating indicator as well as the
industry and time dummies are not reported here; N represents the number of observations.

Subsidized firms on average reveal a higher business situation index which describes that the

industries of the subsidy recipients have experienced a larger upswing as compared to the

previous period than the industries of non-subsidized companies. This suggests that firms are

more likely to apply for and receive a subsidy if the industry is in an upswing. Further, the

credit rating between non-subsidized firms and subsidized firms does not differ significantly.

A value of about 225 means a good financial standing.

Note that most of the differences hint at a picking the winner strategy of the government

when deciding on subsidy recipients. An exception is the difference with regards to firm

location in Eastern or Western Germany. The higher share of subsidized companies in the

formerly socialist part of the country indicates that the subsidy scheme also aims at fostering

firms in the region with a comparatively weak infrastructure.


Funding Propensity
As described in section 3, we employ a matching method to identify the causal effect of the

subsidy treatment. Thus, we have to find non-treated (non-subsidized) observations with the

most similar characteristics to the treated (subsidized) observations. We determine the so-

called nearest neighbors based on the propensity score, i.e. the likelihood of receiving a

subsidy. Therefore, we estimate a probit model for the receipt of public subsidies. Table 3

shows the estimation results. Apart from the dummy indicating membership of a firm group,

the dummy indicating a foreign headquarter and the business situation, each variable reveals

significant effects with the expected sign.

Table 3 Probit estimation

Coefficients Standard errors

patemp 6.435*** 0.7
lemp 0.296** 0.137
lemp2 -0.024 0.02
foreign -0.046 0.099
export 0.894*** 0.061
group -0.098 0.065
lage -0.341*** 0.033
busit 0.002 0.001
credit -0.001** 0.001
east 0.246*** 0.049
constant -1.104*** 0.293
Number of observations: 7843
McFadden's R2: 0.27
Log-likelihood: -1899.98
Test on joint significance of
Time dummies: chi2(4) = 74.21***
Industry dummies: chi2(6) = 309.2***
Note: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01; the missing value dummy of the credit
rating indicator is not reported here but is negatively significant.

Average Treatment Effects on the Treated

In a second step, we determine twin observations for non-subsidized firms for each subsidized

firm based on the propensity score and the additional two matching arguments location in

Eastern Germany and year of observation. Due to the common support criterion we have to

drop two observations for which we cannot determine appropriate control observations.

Table 4 shows the mean values for treated observations and controls after the matching. There

no longer exist significant differences between the treated and the non-treated observations

with regards to the control variables indicating that our matching specification is valid.

Significant differences in the mean values of the outcome variables persist and can be given a

causal interpretation after the matching.

The subsidized firms reveal a higher R&D activity independent of the definition of the

outcome variable. Thus, we find an overall positive ATT signaling that firms increased their

R&D spending due to the subsidy. We can reject a crowding out. The ATT equals 0.224

(0.141) million EUR in terms of R&D (private R&D) expenditures. The ATT in terms of

R&D (private R&D) over sales corresponds to 7.6% (4.3%) points. For R&D intensity as

defined by R&D over employment the ATT amounts to 0.7% (0.4%) points for R&D (private


Table 4 Matching results

Variables Unsubsidized firms Subsidized firms

t-test p-value
N = 799 N = 799
Mean Mean
patemp 0.016 0.018 0.622
lemp 3.582 3.502 0.237
lemp2 14.099 13.436 0.161
foreign 0.085 0.079 0.708
export 0.862 0.845 0.409
group 0.294 0.262 0.232
lage 2.684 2.688 0.920
busit 17.919 17.205 0.723
credit 225.924 225.461 0.883
east 0.404 0.406 0.966
Outcome variables
RD 0.177 0.401 *** 0.000
PRIVRD 0.177 0.318 *** 0.000
RDINT 0.020 0.096 *** 0.000
PRIVRDINT 0.020 0.063 *** 0.000
RDEMP 0.002 0.009 *** 0.000
PRIVRDEMP 0.002 0.006 *** 0.000
Note: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01; the missing value dummy of the credit rating indicator as well as the industry
and time dummies are not reported here.

Average Treatment Effects in the Course of Time
In this sub-section we investigate potential changes of the average treatment effect on the

treated over time. Table 5 presents the results of OLS regressions of the ATT on a set of year

dummies. This models constant represents the ATT of the year 2006, our year of comparison.

Table 5 shows that the ATTs in 2006 are positive and significant as expected. As compared to

2006, the ATT in 2009 is significantly lower while the further year dummies are not

statistically significant. This suggests that the beginning of the crisis period had a significant

negative effect on the ATT.

Table 5 OLS results


2007 -0.18 -0.167 -0.004 -0.009 -0.001 -0.001
-0.125 -0.122 -0.018 -0.015 -0.001 -0.001
2008 0.045 0.069 -0.027 -0.016 -0.001 0.000
-0.098 -0.094 -0.018 -0.017 -0.001 -0.001
2009 -0.179* -0.149* -0.042*** -0.033** -0.003** -0.003**
-0.092 -0.09 -0.015 -0.014 -0.001 -0.001
2010 -0.102 -0.092 0.001 -0.005 0.000 0.000
-0.094 -0.092 -0.017 -0.014 -0.001 -0.001
constant 0.312*** 0.215*** 0.089*** 0.054*** 0.007*** 0.005***
-0.071 -0.068 -0.012 -0.011 -0.001 -0.001
N: 799 799 799 799 799 799
R2: 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Note: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01; standard errors are clustered at the firm level.

Potential Explanations for the Difference

As mentioned in section 3, the significantly lower ATT could be due to a changed funding

policy during the crisis or due to an altered firm behavior. Figure 2 depicts the allocation

policy of the BMBF for SMEs over the observed period. In 2006, 1226 projects were granted

with an overall amount of about 221 million EUR. During the crisis, this amount

corresponded to 435 million EUR for 1437 granted projects. This shows that the BMBF

increased the number of projects granted as well as the total amount in 2009. In 2010, pre-

crisis levels are achieved. The peak of 2009 could imply that the BMBF subsidized firms of

lower average quality than in the pre-crisis years. If so, this should be visible in the funding


Figure 2 Funding development for SMEs

500000 1500
450000 1450
300000 1350
250000 1300
200000 1437
150000 1359
1323 1200
1226 1224 1150
0 1100
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

#Projects granted Subsidies in thousand EUR

Source: BMBF's PROFI database. Own calculations.

In order to provide a formal test for potential quality differences of subsidy recipients before

and during the crisis, Table 6 presents a probit regression of our control variables on a binary

dummy variable. The dummy takes on the value 1 if the regarded firm has been subsidized by

the BMBF for the first time before the crisis of 2009, it takes on the value 0 if the regarded

firm has been subsidized by the BMBF for the first time after the crisis started. If a first time

subsidy recipient before and during the crisis differed, we would see significant differences in

the firm characteristics. The regression results, however, do not uncover systematic

differences between first time subsidy recipients in both periods rejecting the hypothesis of a

quality difference of subsidy recipients. The only significant difference is the business

situation but the estimated coefficient as well as the marginal effect (not presented here) are

negligibly small.

Table 6 Probit of first time funded firms

Coefficients Standard errors

patemp -0.707 0.702
lemp 0.232 0.365
lemp2 -0.031 0.051
foreign -0.199 0.252
export 0.020 0.187
group 0.124 0.177
lage -0.034 0.092
busit 0.005*** 0.002
credit 0.000 0.002
east 0.180 0.129
constant 1.160 0.826
Number of observations: 801
McFadden's R2: 0.05
Log-likelihood: -277.36
Test on joint significance of
Industry dummies: chi2(6) = 8.88
Note: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01; the missing value dummy of the credit rating indicator as well as the industry
are not reported here. We left out the time dummies in this regression as including them does not change the results
but leaves us with about 40% less observations.

Therefore, we reject that the lower ATT in the crisis year 2009 is caused by systematic

differences between subsidy recipients before and during the crisis. The alternative

explanation for the lower ATT is that it is induced by firms investment behavior. Firms had

to cope with the negative consequences of the financial crisis. They may have allocated the

funds that they would have spent on R&D projects to more urgently needed fields during the

crisis. According to Rammer (2011), firms that indicated the most severe effects of the crisis

have been R&D active firms. Since most of the firms in the sample, which received a subsidy

in the past, are R&D active firms it seems to be reasonable that these firms required financial

means to service debt, satisfy long-term orders or to preserve research capacities, e.g. R&D



We explore the effects of R&D subsidies during the global financial crisis. In response to the

crisis, most OECD countries experienced a decrease in employment figures and long-run

investments such as the investment in R&D. This can have detrimental long-term

consequences because innovation is one of the major drivers of sustainable growth and wealth

of industrialized countries. Among the OECD countries, Germany stands out with a slight

increase in R&D activities from 2007 until 2009. Germany is also one of the countries that

employed a counter-cyclical innovation policy to counteract the crisis effects.

Our study examines the effects of R&D subsidies on firms R&D spending during the

financial crisis. We start by investigating the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) of

direct R&D subsidies in Germany during the period 2006-2010. Using propensity score

nearest neighbor matching, we find an overall positive ATT over the observed period. This

means that even in the crisis years R&D subsidies have stimulated additional R&D

investment by the private sector. Further results show that the ATT was - although positive

and significant - lower in the crisis year of 2009. In search for an explanation for this lower

additionality effect, we investigate whether the expansion of the German subsidy program

during the crisis year 2009 has led to the smaller ATT or whether the smaller effect is caused

by a different investment behavior of subsidy recipients in the first crisis year. The extension

of the subsidy program might have caused the average quality of the subsidy recipients to be

lower than in the pre-crisis years. This, in turn, could have lowered the average success of the

subsidy program. In order to test this possibility we compare first time subsidy recipients

before and during the crisis. The results show that there are no systematic differences between

these groups of firms. Hence, we conclude that the smaller effect of the R&D subsidy

program is not caused by the extension of the subsidy program in the crisis years but that it is

caused by firm behavior. Firms may have shifted funds that they would have spent on R&D in

non-crisis years to more urgent needs, such as keeping their stock of employees.

The countercyclical innovation policy of the German government is likely to have had a

stabilizing effect for the innovation investment behavior of SMEs helping them to pay the

wages of R&D workers and to start new projects. The decrease in the ATT lasted only for one

year after which SMEs recovered from the first shock of the crisis and returned to normal

R&D investment behavior.


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