Benefits of Inquiry Based Learning

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Benefits of Collaboration and Inquiry-Based Learning

There are many benefits to implementing inquiry-based learning programs. These benefits
include the following:

Leads to more motivated students (Harada)

Helps develop information literacy
Helps develop critical thinking skills
Results in better long term retention of information (Bruner)
Helps develop deeper understanding of subjects (Youthlearn)
Helps students become better learners and helps prepare them to be life-long learners (Bruner)
Encourages self-direction (Harada)
Reinforces physical, emotional and cognitive growth (Youthlearn)
Encourages development of interpersonal and team skills (Harada)
Emphasizes intrinsic rather than extrinsic rewards (Bruner)
Can give students the opportunity to teach and learn from each other
May engage students who do not function well in a more traditional learning environment
Validates the knowledge and experiences of students, including those from minorities and
disadvantaged groups (Youthlearn)
Can be adapted for any age group
Pace and content can be adapted to suit individual learning needs of students

Ideally, inquiry-based learning should be a collaborative effort involving all stakeholders,

including students, teachers, media specialists, administrators and parents. All stakeholders
benefit during the process of collaboration. According to Harada and Yoshina, three main
benefits exist:

Access to a wide range of resources

Support in using various technologies for learning and teaching
Opportunities for creative synergy and collegial problem solving (19)

Additionally, Donaldson and Sanderson mention that collaboration will result in "enriched
teaching, learner-centered planning, and better learning" (3) and will eliminate "hierarchical
structure, bureaucracy, union-management hostilities, and over-regulation" (4-5).

Informed students become informed community members, and they are then better prepared
to become critical thinkers who can ably participate in and contribute to a democratic society.

Because students and staff often are the key participants, specific benefits apply to them:

Acquire skills needed in the workplace (working in small groups, communicating clearly, applying
knowledge to solve real problems)
Participate in opportunities for reflection
Engage in interesting research
Learn how to become lifelong learners
Become more engaged and interested
Determine own direction of learning
Evaluate a wide range of resources

10 Benefits Of Inquiry-Based
by TeachThought Staff || 10 months ago || 2 minutes read || Critical Thinking
10 Benefits Of Inquiry-Based Learning
by TeachThought Staff

Inquiry-based learning is a term that educators and parents alike hear bandied about without a
clear sense of exactly what it is, why its effective, how it works, and what its benefits are.
For now, lets define inquiry-based learning simply as an open-ended approach to learning
guided by students through questions, research, and/or curiosity.

Sketch-noter Sylvia Duckworth took Trevor MacKenzies ideas on the benefits on inquiry-based
learning and put together the image above. Weve linked to a few of our resources on some of
the highlights below for extended learning and reflection.

What benefits of inquiry-based learning do you see in your classroom? Let us know in the
comments section below.

10 Benefits Of Inquiry-Based Learning

1. Nurture student passions and talents

(See 25 Ways to Promote Passion-Based Learning In Your Classroom)

2. Empower student voice and honor student choice

(See 4 Principles Of Student-Centered Learning)

3. Increase motivation and engagement

(See 27 Ways to Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom)

4. Foster curiosity and a love of learning

(See 4 Stages of Curiosity)

5. Teach grit, perseverance, growth mindset, and self-regulation

(See 4 Strategies to Promote Smarter Grit)

6. Make research meaningful and develop research skills

(See 8 Reasons Why Students Should Still Write Research Papers)

7. Deepen understanding to go beyond facts and content

(See 6 Tips & 18 Resources To Extend Learning Beyond The Classroom)

8. Fortify the importance of asking good questions

(See 7 Strategies To Help Students Ask Great Questions)

9. Enable students to take ownership of their learning and to reach their goals

(See 60 Ways to Help Students Think For Themselves)

10. Solve the problems of tomorrow in the classrooms of today

(See 12 Principles for Modern Learning)

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