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Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer


Atty. Palabricas Lectures All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals,
coal petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forcer of
HISTORY potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife,
flora and fauna, and other natural resources are
Spanish Influence Legal significance to ownership of owned by the State. With the exception of
the land agricultural lands, all other natural resources
shall not be alienated. The exploration,
Regalian Doctrine all lands are owned by the
development, and utilization of natural resources
shall be under the full control and supervision of the
state. The state may directly undertake such
How lands were owned during the Spanish Era
activities, or it may enter into co-production, joint
venture, or production-sharing agreements with
1. Titulo Real (Royal Title) Land is given to
Filipino citizens, or corporations or associations at
Spanish people to encourage them to settle
least 60% of whose capital is owned by such
in the Philippines. Among those granted are:
a. Discoverers citizens. Such agreements may be for a period not
exceeding 25 years, renewable for not more than 25
b. Settlers
years, and under such terms and conditions as
2. Special Grant Grant given by the governor maybe provided by law
assigned in the Philippines. No special law
is required to empower governor to grant.

3. Adjustment Title given to a person who has

ownership of land but the land was not defined. Exceptions to Regalian Doctrine:
By virtue of such, he acquires ownership of 1.) Religious and ecclesiastical properties are not
encroached land. owned by the State. Such are held IN TRUST by
these religious organizations. (Bishop of Cebu
4. Title of Purchase applicable to lands of public vs Mangaron)
domain 2.) Native title - lands owned by indigenous people
since time Immemorial. RA 8173 or IPRA of
5. Possessory Information Title title showing 1997. (Cruz vs. DENR)
possession of land
P.D. 1529 Property Registration Decree codifies all other laws
Regalian Doctrine Enshrined in the Constitution. pertaining to title registration as it supersedes the same. However, all
other laws not inconsistent are still applicable.
Section 2, Article 12

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

Torrens System inspired by the Merchant Shipping Registration,

and applied the same to Land Registration
It is Judicial in character and not merely administrative in
nature. a. Description:
i. Government issues official certificate
It provides for a system for the registration of titles to lands showing ownership of title
whereby the official certificate will always show the state of the title ii. Subjects the same to liens
and the person in whom it is vested. or encumbrances
iii. Indefeasible
Real purpose of Torrens system is to quiet title to land and to iv. Incontrovertible after one year
stop forever any question as to its legality.
b. Principles:
It does not vest title it merely confirms and records i. Best evidence of ownership
title already existing and vested. ii. Notice for the whole world that the
property belongs to the owner.
Origin iii. Any claim over the land before issuance
of the Torrens title is deemed barred.
1. Spanish Mortgage Law of 1893 provided for a iv. Imprescriptible squatters will not
systematic way of Registering titles acquire ownership through prescription

2. Act 926 of 1903 otherwise known as First Public Land Every person registering in good faith and
Law. Applicable to Public Lands. SUBSTANTIVE. for value need not go beyond the title.
Among its functions are: Person who fraudulently registers the land in his
name is holding the property as a trustee and
a. Providing for Homesteading aggrieved party has option to recovery.
b. Issuance of Patents
c. Completion of imperfect title
d. System of Sales and Lease 4. Act 141 of 1936 Amended 1903 Torrens System. More
e. Rids of Spanish concession substantial than procedural

Act 2874 of 1918 Amendatory act of Act 926. 5. Act 496 Land Registration act of 1903.
3. Torrens System of 1903 Otherwise known as Land
Registration Act. Copied verbatim the 1898 Torrens In a nutshell: Act 926 provided for the substantive
System of Massachusetts by Robert Torrens, a South requirements seen in PD 1529, while Act 496
Australian Registrar of Deeds. He was said to be enumerated the procedures to be undertaken.

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

As between 2 innocent purchasers the one

6. Cadastral Act of 1913 Derived from the opinions of the who caused the wrong shall bear the loss.
President. Initiated by the President as instructed by O He who registers first is preferred as far as
him. 3 persons are concerned
O As between two certificates of title
7. P.D. 1529 The mother load. Otherwise known as pertaining to the same land, the earlier
Property Registration Decree. certificate prevails.
O A forged document may be the root of a
Sec. 2 Nature valid title when sold to an innocent
In Rem or Against the whole world through purchaser for value.
notice of publication, all interested parties O Forgery must show that the name of the
may oppose. supposed owner was changed to the
name of the forger.
Courts of First Instance/ RTC has
exclusive jurisdiction
1. Filed in proper C.F.I. subject to
Sec. 3 Spanish Mortgage Law is discontinued, all
provisions of Judiciary Act of 1980 as
lands without Torrens Title are deemed unregistered.
amended by RA 7691
There Could be a delegation
Sec.4-13 Agencies/Offices that control Torrens system.
of jurisdiction when:
There is no controversy
The value of Land is
O One Registry of Deeds for
less than P100,000.
each province
Value is determined by O One Registry of Deeds for each City
affidavit of claimant or
declared value.
Pursuant to SC Administrative Circular 6-93-A,
O If the case is filed before the effectivity of
the circular, and there has been NO I. APPLICATION
HEARING yet, the case may be Sec 14-22 PD 1529
O If the hearing has started, the case may be Section 14. Who may apply. The following persons may file
delegated if the parties agree in the proper Court of First Instance an application for
registration of title to land, whether personally or through
The Torrens Title though indefeasible is not a their duly authorized representatives:
shield of fraud.

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

(1) Those who by themselves or through their Pertains to Original registration Involves land
predecessors-in-interest have been in open, of public domain that are alienable, its purpose
continuous, exclusive and notorious possession and is to perfect the imperfect title held by the
occupation of alienable and disposable lands of the possessor.
public domain under a bona fide claim of ownership Section 14 is a colorable right
since June 12, 1945, or earlier. June 12 1945 does not pertain to the status
of Alienable and Disposable but rather to
(2) Those who have acquired ownership of private the Bona Fide Ownership.
lands by prescription under the provision of We have until December 31, 2020 to perfect
existing laws. imperfect titles. So what are you waiting for?

(3) Those who have acquired ownership of private

lands or abandoned riverbeds by right of
accession or accretion under the existing laws. Applicant Requisites:

(4) Those who have acquired ownership of land 1.) Filipino Citizen
in any other manner provided for by law.
Can a corporation be an applicant for
registration of land? Corporations cannot
Where the land is owned in common, all the co-owners
own lands of Public Domain therefore cannot
shall file the application jointly.
be an applicant for original registration.
O BUT Filipino Corporations can own
Where the land has been sold under pacto de retro, the private lands if land has already been
vendor a retro may file an application for the original registered.
registration of the land, provided, however, that should the If owned previously by a private
period for redemption expire during the pendency of the individual, then sold to a Filipino
registration proceedings and ownership to the property Corporation, the latter may
consolidated in the vendee a retro, the latter shall be become an owner. This is
substituted for the applicant and may continue the because the moment all the
proceedings. requisites or application are
complied with, the owner may
A trustee on behalf of his principal may apply for original be given ad GOVERNMENT
registration of any land held in trust by him, unless prohibited grant. (Republic vs Sineza)
by the instrument creating the trust. In fact the corporation may
continue the application
proceedings when upon the
original registration of the owner

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

of the land, such land becomes If land is not Alienable but occupied for a long
a private land. time, it still cannot be registered since the
O BUT Foreign Corporations cannot own land was not being occupied through a bona
public or private lands, whether fide claim.
registered or not. (Director of Lands
vs. ACME Mineer and Plywood Occupation of Predecessor-in-interest is
Company). TACKED to the applicant, that it is not important
O Foreigners cannot own lands in the that the status of Alienable and Disposable
Philippines. (Rivenco vs Registry of need not be since June 12, 1945. (Republic vs.
Deeds) Naguit)

Who may acquire private lands? 3.) Must be open, continuous, exclusive and
notorious under a bona fide ownership since June
1.) Filipino Citizen 12, 1945.
2.) Alien through hereditary
succession Not casual, nor merely for cultivation.
3.) Filipino Corporation June 12, 1945, not pertaining to status.
4.) Filipino who has lost citizenship
pertains to time when property 4.) Application must be filed in the proper RTC
was acquired and not during
registration. (Republic vs. Applicable only to untitled
Lipana) lands O Prescription:
Extraordinary 30 years
2.) Must have by themselves or through their Ordinary - 10 years
predecessors in interest possessed and
occupied alienable and disposable land. Sec. 15 - Form
Unclassified Lands cannot be disposed. Only Signed
Agricultural Lands Writing
Only Agricultural Lands may be Alienable. Under oath
O Only the President and other
State the description of the Land
subordinate executive departments
may declare land alienable the Courts Civil Status
do not have such power. Owners of Adjoining Lots

Sec. 16 Non Resident Applicant

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

d. Hearing shall not be held earlier than 45

Apply through Representative days and later than 90 days from the
publication of initial hearing.
Sec. 17 Where to File
Purpose of publication is two-fold
RTC O To confer jurisdiction to the court
O Serve as a notice to all those concerned
Sec. 18 Application for 2 or more parcels of land of such registration

Possible if located in the same place Publication is mandatory and jurisdictional

Purpose of publication in Newspaper of
Sec. 19 Amendments General Circulation to reach audience not
reached by publication in O.G. because of its
If amendment is substantial i.e. expanding limited circulation.
boundaries, it is not valid unless published. Amendments to application may be done with
or without publication.
Sec. 22 Pending Registration O Substantial amendments such as
If application is on going, applicant may deal the inclusion of additional land
land but must attach the instrument and state requires republication.
the relief/ prayer. As a result, court may approve O Exclusion of land is not substantial.
or issue a reconveyance.
2. Mailing
a. Within 7 days after publication of said notice in
II. PUBLICATION AND NOTICE b. Commissioner of Land Registration
Sec. 23 PD 1529 causes mailing
c. What to Mail Notice of initial hearing
What is being published is the order of the d. Who to mail:
initial trial, not the application for registration. i. Mailing to Persons named in the
Nature of proceeding is in rem application
ii. DPWH, Governor, Mayor if adjoining a
1. Publication public road
a. Within 5 days upon receipt of application. iii. Minister of Agrarian Reform, Sol-Gen,
b. Court orders the publication Director of Lands, DPWH, Director of
c. Once in Official Gazette and once n Newspaper Forest Development, Director of Mines,
of General Circulation Director of Fisheries and Aquatic

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

Resources If land borders on a body Default does not automatically relieve the
of water applicant the burden to prove ownership
over such property.
Mailing is binding despite failure of giving O He must rely on the strength of his
personal notice since nature of proceeding is in evidence and not on the weakness of
rem the oppositor.

3. Posting
a. Within at least 14 days before the date of IV. HEARING
initial hearing. Sec. 27 PD 1529
b. Caused by the Sheriff
c. Posted in a conspicuous place on each parcel A. Involves the presentation of evidence, what to prove?
of land included in the application and on the 1. The court has jurisdiction
bulletin board of municipal building. 2. Applicant is the Owner
3. The identity of the Land
4. Land is alienable and disposable
Sec. 25 PD 1529 1.) How to prove jurisdictional area?
i. Publication
Any person who has interest in the property 1. Copy of NPGC
or those mentioned in the notice may be an 2. Affidavit of the Editor
oppositor. 3. Copy of OG
A private individual may not represent the 4. Affidavit of OG
government. ii. Mailing
The Solicitor General may represent the 1. Affidavit of LRA
Government in such opposition, but may iii. Posting
delegate such power to prosecutors. 1. Certification of the
There are two types of default
2.) How to prove ownership?
O General no opposition was filed i. Imperfect title pursuant to Sec.
by anyone 14
O Special an opposition was filed by an
aggrieved party, hence all others who do 3.) How to prove Land Identity?
not file their respective oppositions are i. Survey and Description by
declared in Special default. Bureau of Land Management

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

4.) How to prove that Land is alienable

and disposable?
i. Declared by the President, or NON-REGISTRABLE LANDS
through executive department.
1. Presidential
May not be registered regardless of number
of years of occupation
2. Executive orders
These are lands devoted to public service or use
3. Circulars
regardless whether it is abandoned. (Laurel vs.
Sec. 28 PD 1529 Only the president has the power to Declassify

A. Two Types of Judgment Public Property May be disposed of by government,

1.) Partial a portion is being contested i.e. the Land i.e. land of public domain which may be subject to
Management approves subdivision plan. (Sec. 25 alienation Government Property Cannot be subject to
PD 1529) sale, distribution.
2.) Conditional subject to a condition, as in required to
submit documents from time to time. Only public lands may be subject to cadastral
Clerk of Court delivers decision to LRA
Public Property includes
Sec. 31 PD 1529 2. Forest Lands
3. Watershed
A. The Court after hearing, directs the LRA to issue the 4. Mangrove forest
decree of Registration 5. Mangrove Swamps
B. The LRA issues decree of registration bearing 6. Military and naval reserves
the date, hour and minute of its entry. And SIGNED by the
commissioner. The determining factor is whether it is more valuable to
preserve the land or develop.
Reclamation only National Government may reclaim.
There are 2 certificates issued by the LRA Reclaimed lands cannot be subject to private ownership
1. Original Judicial Registration forwarded to except through CONGRESSIONAL law, and even so, only
the Registry of Deeds for the purpose of private citizens may avail.
recording liens.
2. Owners Certificate of Title

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

3. Through fraud
REMEDIES 4. Petition is within one year from issuance of
the decree.
5. The property has not yet passed to an innocent
purchaser for

A. Who?
Any person including the government deprived of
their land may file petition for review. He does not need to be
an oppositor from the get-go.

B. When?
He must file the petition not later than 1 year from
the date of entry of decree of registration. This decree
pertains to that mentioned in Sec. 31 PD 1529. Fraud
1.) New Trial may be availed of before decision becomes final. must be Actual or Extrinsic fraud.
Decision becomes final after 15 days without appeal. Its purpose is
to set aside judgment. Extrinsic Fraud- any fraudulent act of the successful
The grounds for new trial are: party in a litigation which is committed outside the trial of a
a. Fraud, accident, mistake or case against the defeated party whereby said defeated party
excusable negligence. is prevented from presenting fully and fairly his side the
b. Newly discovered evidence which case.
would alter the result of the trial
c. Awards of excessive damages Intrinsic Fraud acts of a party in a litigation
during the trial such as forged instruments, or perjured
2.) Appeal must be initiated within 15 days after judgment testimony which did not affect the presentation of the case
but did prevent a fair and just determination of the case.
3.) Petition for Relief When decision is final, petition for relief may
be availed of within 60 days, not more than 6 months from 5.) Action for Reconveyance may be filed when a person is
knowledge. holding the property in trust in order to reconvey the land. In order to
transfer title to true owner. It does not however change the decree
4.) Petition for Review May be filed by parties deprived of issued as it respects the incontrovertibility of he title. May be availed
their land by adjudication of title obtained by ACTUAL fraud. of even after the lapse of one year.

1. Petitioner has a real and dominical right 6.) Damages May be instituted when after the lapse of one year,
2. He has been deprived thereof the property is sold to an innocent purchaser for value. Aggrieved

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

party may file an action for damages against the immediate party CADASTRAL PROCEEDINGS
causing the sale.
Innocent Purchaser for value one who has no notice
Another means to bring lands under operation of Torrens
that some other person owns the land/property or any defect as to
the right of the person owning the property.
Ordinary registration is slow for lack of initiative on part of
landowners, innovation was conceived to hasten and
Reckoning time time when the transaction was
accelerate registration
made. Hence if such defect comes into knowledge,
Government initiates that all lands within a stated region are
the buyer has the obligation to go beyond the title,
up for registration whether or not owners are interested to
otherwise he will be in bad faith.
settle their titles
In case of Double sale the rules are:
O The one who registers first in good
faith is the rightful owner;
O The one who first possessed the
In rem
property in good faith is the No defendant & no plaintiff
rightful owner; Compulsory
O The one who presents the oldest title
is the rightful owner. PROCEDURE:
7.) Reversion An action filed by the government in the event when Conducted by the Director of Lands
part of the land awarded is actually non-registrable. 2. FILING OF PETITION
After survey and plot been made, Director represented
8.) Cancellation of Title An action filed when part of the property by Sol Gen institutes cadastral proceeding by filing
awarded is property of other persons. petition in court against holders, claimants, possessors,
9.) Action for annulment of judgment or final order Grounded Parcel of lots given their cadastral numbers
Court to order date of hearing
If remedy is used in previous actions, it shall LRA to notify public by publishing notice 1x in OG and 1x
not be availed of anymore. in newspaper of general circulation & copy mailed to
person whose address is known & other copies posted
10.) Criminal Action in the event of perjury in conspicuous place designated bylaw
Any person claiming interest in any part of lands subject
to petition is required to file answer

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

In any convenient place where land lies Sec. 48 Direct vs. Collateral Attack
Like an ordinary RTC trial
Conflicting claims are determined Direct filing an action to annul the judgment
Lots claimed are awarded to persons entitles if they Collateral Praying for a relief other than
could prove title annulment, questioning the validity is incidental
If none could prove title land is declared public domain
6. DECISION Sec. 49 Splitting of Title Administrative Proceeding, no need for
Claimants are notified of decision hearing
7. ISSUANCE OF DECREE AND CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Purpose to provide for separate certificates of title to
Upon order of court, LRA to enter decree of registration several distinct parcels of land covered by only one
Decree made basis for issuance of OCT Certificate of Title
1. Submit a written request to the Register of Deeds
2. Surrender Owners duplicate certificate
CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 3. ROD will cancel Owners duplicate certificate
and Original Certificate
Sec. 44 Statutory Liens affecting title holder shall hold the title free 4. ROD will issue several certificates of title
from all encumbrances except those noted on said certificate and
any of the following encumbrances which may be subsisting namely: Sec. 50 Subdivision and Consolidation Same as Splitting
1. Those arising under the laws and Constitution which are
not require to appear of record in order to be valid Subdivision plan may become a judicial proceeding only
2. Unpaid real estate taxes levied and assessed within 2 when 2 people do not agree to divide the land
years immediately proceeding the acquisition of any right
over the land by innocent purchaser for value without
prejudice to right of government to collect taxes payable
3. Public highway or private way established before the
registration Voluntary Upon the parties choice
4. Any disposition of the property or limitation on the use Involuntary Even against the will of the party
pursuant to Agrarian Reform
Is a contract of Sale executed abroad valid in the
Sec. 46 General Incidents of Registered Land Philippines? Yes, but it has to be authenticated first by the
Ambassador by putting a seal and signing the instrument
Does not relieve registered land from any burdens. When is it deemed registered?
1. Submission of Deed of Sale
Sec 47 Registered land not subject to prescriptions 2. Sale has been entered
3. OCT surrendered

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

4. Payment of filing fees 2. To have a new title therefore, the title to the
Actual issuance of Certificate is not the date of registration, portion of the land conveyed
it retroacts to the date it is entered in the day books
Sec. 59 Conveyance is a Lien, it subsists and carried over to the new
Sec. 56 Primary Book Records of all instruments including writs
and processes pertaining to Registered Land.

VOLUNTARY DEALINGS Mortgage is not equivalent to Ownership, it is possession

less than ownership, hence there is no need of a new title. What
Sec. 57 CONVEYANCE is required is an annotation.

How to Register: Mortgage is a security, a contract to guarantee fulfillment of

a principal obligation.
Secure and Submit
1. Deed of Conveyance
a. Need not be notarized, deed is a private contract
between the vendor and vendee
b. Notarization is a requirement only to bind third
2. Owners Duplicate Certificate
After registration, the Register of Deeds will issue new certificates 1. It is to guarantee fulfillment of a principal obligation
1. Original Certificate of Title 2. Mortgagor is the Absolute Owner
2. Owners Duplicate Certificate of Title Third persons may mortgage in favor
of a debtor if the former are not part of
Sec. 58 If only a portion of Land is to be conveyed the principal obligation
3. Mortgagor has free disposal of the property
Seller must make a Survey Plan:
1. Stating the technical description of the Land Characteristics:
to be conveyed
2. Approved by the Land Management Bureau 1. Constituted on a Real Property
3. Submit to the Register of Deeds 2. Real Contract
3. Indivisible
The owner has two Options 4. Inseparable
1. To have 2 separate Titles; or

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

5. Limitation on Ownership 3. When upon or after the expiration of the rights to

6. Accessory Contract repurchase, another instrument extending the period of
the redemption or granting a new period is executed;
4. When the purchases retains for himself a part of
Indivisibility the purchase price;
5. When the vendor binds himself to pay the taxes on
the thing sold;
6. In any other case where it may be fairly inferred that the
real intention of the parties is that the transaction shall
secure the payment of a debt or the performance of any
other obligation.
If A mortgaged his part of the land in favor of a Mortgagee, is
SC: Equitable Mortgage is not a mortgage in form, but is
Bs portion affected? Yes. Due to the characteristic of Indivisibility.
still a mortgage regardless of the name of the agreement.

Antichresis possession of land transferred to someone but

in favor of another person.
A Mortgage Lien is inseparable from property. Thus, if a
property is mortgaged and henceforth mortgaged again, the Lien on Chattel vs. Real Estate Mortgage
the property still subsists.
1. Chattel A mortgage on a Movable Property
If there is no principal contract, such in the case of a contract
2. Real Estate On an Immovable
of Loan, there is no Accessory contract as in the case of the 3. Redemption No redemption on Chattel Mortgage,
mortgage conract. Redemption possible in Real Estate
4. In Real Estate Mortgage, in terms of deficiency, balance
may be collected
The Mortgagor retains the possession because ownership is
not mortgaged, it does not transfer ownership or possession.
Equitable Mortgage
1. When the price of the sale is unusually inadequate; Sec. 63
2. When the vendor remains in possession as lessee
or otherwise; Judicial - General Rule is that there is no RIGHT of Redemption
Extra Judicial RIGHT of Redemption is available

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

There is no need to cancel the title and 3. Hearing

mortgagee may even register without a. Determine the amount of the loan that is due
the consent of the mortgagor. 4. Judgment
May and alien be a mortgagee? Yes 5. Auction Sale
and may even foreclose, but they 6. Certificate of Sale issued by the Sheriff
cannot own, hence they cannot be a 7. Hearing for confirmation of Certificate issued by
bidder in an auction sale. the Sheriff
How to Discharge Mortgage 8. Order confirming the sale
1. Get a Release order or a 9. Redemption if available
document pertaining to such Generally none in Judicial
discharge from the mortgagee Foreclosure, exceptions:
2. The Register of Deeds will 1. Banking Institutions
cancel the annotation 2. DBP
Judicial - Governed by Sec. 68 of the 3. Rural Banks
Rules of Court 4. Banking and
Extra-judicial Governed by Sec. Financial Insitutions
63 of 1529 If the following are mortgaged
individually, property cannot be
redeemed except through EQUITY
When the debtor fails to comply with the principal obligation, redemption.
the remedies are:
1. Foreclose the Mortgage Equity Redemption, made within 1 year from
2. Seek for deficiency judgment the confirmation of the Sale
Creditor may only choose 1 remedy,
not both
Separate civil action waives
potential right afterwards



1. File a complaint in the RTC where the land is situated If the property is redeemed, the
a. All who has interest on the land are included ownership retroacts to the date of
as party the actual sale
2. Filing of an Answer by those who have interest on the

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

If the property is not redeemed upon

the expiration of the period, There is a RIGHT of Redemption, within 1 year from the time
mortgagee may execute the absolute the certificate of Sale is registered. Reference must be made to the
deed of sale stipulation inserted in a mortgage authorizing the sale in case of
Upon Execution: default. Reason behind this is the Special Power of Attorney
1. The deed shall be registered; authorizing the sale in case of default.
2. Certificate of Title shall be
cancelled; When is there default?
3. New Certificate of Title is issued When the obligation becomes due, in spite of the
demand made by the creditor the debtor fails to comply.

EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORECOLOSURE If the only stipulation in the S.P.A. is to

Allowed only if stipulated by the parties and expressly mortgage, does it include the authority
provided by law. to sell? Yes, authority is implied
Mortgagee executes the Deed of Sale
Steps: Sheriff conducts the auction Sale
Senior Mortgagee (1 ) has a better
1. File for foreclosure of mortgage with RTC where the land right than the Junior mortgagee (2nd)
is situated through the Clerk of Court acting as the ex- When property is foreclosed, the
officio Sheriff. Junior Mortgagee has a right to
2. Clerk of Court dockets and returns to examine the REDEEM, NOT to RETAIN
application for Extra-Judicial foreclosure, after receiving
the Filing Fee Section 64. Special Power of Attorney
3. Publication of Notice of Auction Sale in 3 conspicuous
places SPA Authoriing a person to do a particular act, more
4. Raffle, the Sheriff the conducts the auction sale specifically in dealings with Real Estate.
5. Actual Auction sale The SPA in order to take effect must
a. If the sale did not push through, there is a need be annotated to the title and
for republication of the notice Registered, otherwise it cannot be
b. The Sheriff records the bidding used.
c. The Sheriff issues the certificate of Sale o the
highest Bidder
6. Mortgagee executes the deed of Sale.
The deed of sale is NOT absolute Involves Involuntary Documents
because there is still a right of

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

Cooperation of the owner is nor

necessary, and may even be done Although they are not registered,
against his will knowledge after the levy is
1. Attachment equivalent to registration
2. Lis Pendens
3. Adverse Claim Although the knowledge came after
the Levy, purchaser may still be
A. Preliminary attachment - Attachment initiated at the time considered innocent purchaser for
of filing the case. (Sec. 69) value since, at the time of the sale, he
was still in good faith.
1. Debtor is Insolvent Not all property are subject to Levy
2. Debtor Absconds or Attachment, it is in this light that
Attachment must be registered to although the ROD s duty is
have a preferential right over other ministerial, ROD may refuse to
creditors register if it cannot be levied.
In the event that a favorable Examples:
decision is rendered, the debt is paid
from the property attached 1. CA 459
2. Family Home exempt
Steps: from Execution
1. Secure order of attachment with
description of property from the Preferential Right Determine the
Register of Deeds date of Registration of Attachment as
2. Notice that the property is it retroacts to the date of attachment
Attached of lien. It must be referred back to the
3. Leave order with the Occupant date of registration of attachment.
Purpose of registration is to determine
who has a better right.
B. Levy to go after the property for payment of debt
Adverse Claim
C. Garnishment attachment of money in possession of
3rd party, refers to money deposited in the bank. Purpose:
To apprise a third person of such
Involuntary dealings are deemed claim
registered upon entry in the Day Book. Protect Interests of the adverse
(DBP vs. ROD of Nueva Ecija) complainant

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

Action of Sum of Money no

Characteristics: requirement of Lis Pendens
Sum of money with Prayer for
Claim must be adverse to registered Attachment
land a. Based on the opinion of
Claim should arise subsequent to Consulta, there should
the original registration be no Lis pendens since
Claim is last resort, as it cannot be attachment is merely
registered in any other provision ex: incidental.
1. The Deed of Sale cannot be
registered as an adverse claim, PATENT
there is no other way to protect
The lifespan of and adverse claim is LAW:
30 days, after which, it is not 1. Deed of conveyance issued by government patent/grant
automatically cancelled 2. Registered with Register of Deeds mandatory: operative act to
Registered land, despite a notice of convey & transfer title
adverse claim cannot be subject to 3. Actual physical possession, open & continuous
acquisitive prescription Land ceased to be part of public domain & now ownership
vests to the grantee
Lis Pendens Pending Suit Any further grant by Government on same land is null &
void Upon registration, title is indefeasible
If case is directly related to property, it
will affect the property Terms:
If the case is directly affecting the
land, it must be registered as Lis Emporium power to govern subjects by the government
Pendens. Dominium Power to use, dispose of natural resources, lands,
Example: by the state
1. Action for Declaring the Nullity Public Domain Unappropriated, not owned
of Marriage Public Land Disposable or Alienable Ancestral
a. Lis Pendens is Domain belongs to the indigenous
necessary because the
property is directly Delos Angeles vs. Santos - If public Land is granted to a private
affected, the dissolution person, the patent is null and void.
of marriage will affect
the property rights of
the spouses

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

Both Public Land Act and Torrens 1. File a case with the Land Management Bureau
system are not binding unless 2. Upon approval, applicant will be authorized to
registered. take possession
3. Within 6 months after approval, 1/5 of the land should be
The proceeding in Homestead cultivated.
patents is administrative in nature. 4. Notice of intention of the applicant must be submitted,
This, notwithstanding, the and also the submission of Final proof of Possession of
requirement to undergo the Torrens 1 year.
system still persists. 5. Survey shall be conducted
6. Patent shall be sent after payment of the fees
PD 1529 applies when the subject
matter is aprivate land by virtue of an RESTRICTIONS:
imperfect title. (Sec. 14)
Sec. 118 of Public Land Act
Title issued pursuant to registration of O Land cannot be alienated or conveyed within
patent is indefeasible when registered, 5 years after the approval of the application
at it is deemed incorporated with for patent. (Mandatory)
Torrens system; 1 year after issuance O There shall be no valid conveyance within 5
of patent to 20 years from approval, if the conveyance
is made without the approval of the secretary
1. Those conveyed under the Rural Bank Laws
Benevolent intention of government to 2. Those conveyed in favor of the Government
distribute disposable agricultural land to
destitute citizens for their home and
As a matter of public policy, may be RIGHT OF REPURCHASE
repurchased even if after 5 years
provided not for profit The Land belongs to the Patentee, if the same dies, it
shall be transferred to his heirs.
Right of repurchase not allowed if sold Right of Repurchase may be availed of within 5 years
within family & not for cultivating or from the execution of the deed of conveyance
living but for speculation purpose Mortgage:
Procedure: O If it is extra-judicial foreclosure, Redeem within 1
year from approval of the sale

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

O If it is judicial foreclosure, Redeem within 1 year RA 6657 or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law was enacted
from confirmation of the sale. amending P.D. 27
O Hence under the Patent Law, the right of
redemption sums up to 6 years. Covers lands regardless of kinds of crops
Redemption of Land owner
CONSULTA O Retention shall be 5 hectares
O Plus 3 hectares for each child, provided:
A form of administrative Appeal The child is more than 15 years old
Pertains to removal of submitted documents The child must have actually tilled
Happens when ROD is not sure what to do with the or managed the land
issue The option to choose or retain or determine which land
Remedy is to raise the issue to LRA for referral as to the to occupy belongs to the land owner, which shall be
proper measure to be taken exercised within 6 months from the grant otherwise,
Pursuant to Sec 17, if ROD denies the application, he BARO determines
must put in writing. And within 5 days may appeal to If the landowner shall take the land and the land
Consulta. is tenanted, the options of the tenant are:
1. The right to Remain and establish a leasehold
Agreement, as a result losing his right as
2. Disregard the action hence becoming a
P.D. 27 Agrarian Reform Law
Covers all lands planted with Rice and Corn
If land owner had already acquired 7 hectares from PD
27, will it diminish the right to get the 5 hectares from RA
Emancipation Patent 6657? No, the law expressly so provides. Hence the law
recognizes that the land holdings of a homesteader may
O Gives retention area for land owners which shall
amount to 12 hectares.
be 7 hectares.
Once a person has complied with the requirements,
O Transfers ownership to tenants, provided they
he will be issued a CLOA or a Certificate of Land
For the first 3 year-average of Ownership award.
O CLOA is equivalent to Emancipation Patent,
harvest, modify by 2.5
which must be registered in the ROD. After
Ensure that the landowner will not be
which, a TCT will be issued.
deprived of compensation
O Such process puts the land under the Torrens
system because of the issuance of the certificate
Sec. 104 Emancipation Patent
of title. Consequently, holder may enjoy the
privileges granted by the Torrens title.

Land Titles and Deeds Reviewer

Sec. 109-110

Certificate of Title
An evidence of ownership

Sec. 109 Owners Certificate of Title

Importance of keeping the certificate of title
O A forger may validly convey the property under
the following circumstances:
The transfer was made in the name
of the forger
It was conveyed to an Innocent
Purchaser for value

Lost title, procedure for recovery:

1. Inform ROD of the loss/theft
2. File a petition for replacement of certificate,
similar to the procedure in applying
Original Certificate of Title, with the
allegation of the loss/theft.
3. Verified under oath
4. Notice and Hearing to ROD and other
interested parties
5. The court may direct issuance of a new
duplicate certificate of title, wherein no
publication is required.


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