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CAREER POINT Pl HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS For Ofice Use Only: KOTA | HAMIRPUR ‘sisson Granted CU CSS Om =— ee dee eee tise Signatory Tick the campus you wish to join Admission Level] First Year [Colle Transfer [] Lateral Entry ‘Mode of Study C] Ful-Time C1ParTime Cero horned ae Course: Campus [1 Kota (Raj) Hamirpur (HP) i Aix your Specialization/Branch th evar peteenes) {ates passport sie photograph (Sol Aste) 1 a 2 5 a @ EN UNeeelenene Sudan Name (eect psas ne cantestes allrg exis) Fate's Nome Motes Name Date fit na |W loonie Gender Mae Forte Categoy Gn SG STK 8d Gp Pain Foren Farin pate see COUPE Ee Aes oy Pe Site County Mobile (Student) « STD Code = PN, Ema st) Esra Part Eee Class Year of Passing | Medium | % of Marks ‘or COPA, Mater © 0 on eivaert iP or Fabre Diora a Ean Gokaiono East Der “Foray Soe CSTs [Fash deta on th basso bch you sealing fer aris] parisons []éwanetans 1] eens siting ams etme: E]uemin []simorer —— EJorucsrr Jota Hetmeetoms Fer MBA Oe Gow Cvs Eps Cote fen fore Jone Jone For manner Reed Poq, — []NET Ose Clouser Cote Camo uner feat: Dera]. wate] oscred Pocono PU ST (Crane rey Egil Sea Te) CPU RET GaP es Rasch Eta Tat) Buna re unc rishi ithe parca of achiever in spertctaand ter ce-coricub ates Level (College Particular of Atty Year ‘StteMation) ‘Achiovemont with Remarks any) CE Ge inary eonbom abonontyon: Jin [Je as any ds Yes Thon Dota of Disciplinary Action Year Cn eee HomeTown ual Townstip oy ‘Are you Related to any person employed with Career Pint Unversity Yes): Name of Employed Person Designation Febtion ‘Aro you Related to Student of Caoor Pont University (it Yor: Name of taort cozse Name Fattion Name of tert couse Name Fobtion EMPLOYMENT HISTORY OF CANDIDATE (if Applicable, Attach experience certificate) Wiork Experience? |if "Yes" total years of work experience | sind Fon Last Desgnation yes No | Yeas Monts Fultere Farce Dette of currents job Organisation Name Adress of Organisation iy ua ADDITIONAL FACILITY REQUIRED Hostel Ys Ne “Transport ve Noyes Boning Poin os COMET ed Education Loan ves Ne Govt. 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