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The importance of incisor positioning in the

esthetic smile: The smile arc
David M. Sarver, DMD, MS
Birmingham, Ala

The smile arc is defined as the relationship of the curvature of the incisal edges of the maxillary incisors and canines
to the curvature of the lower lip in the posed smile. The ideal smile arc has the maxillary incisal edge curvature
parallel to the curvature of the lower lip. Evaluation of anterior smile esthetics must include both static and dynamic
evaluations of profile, frontal, and 45 views to optimize both dental and facial appearance in orthodontic planning
and treatment. This article presents the concept of the smile arc and how it relates to orthodonticsfrom the
recognition of its importance, to its impact on orthodontic treatment planning, to how procedures and mechanics are
adapted to optimize the appearance of the smile. Three cases are used to illustrate how treatment is directed,
emphasizing how facial and smile goal setting go hand in hand. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;120:98-111)

he subject of the smile and facial animation as stages I and II, and Ackerman et al3 designated the
they relate to communication and expression of stage I smile as the posed smile and stage II as the
emotion is, and should be, of great interest to unposed (spontaneous) smile. The posed smile (Fig 1,
orthodontists. Although the English language is replete A) is voluntary and need not be elicited or accompanied
with words that conjure up images of specific types of by emotion. A posed smile is static in the sense that it
smilesinsipid, wry, sardonic, ironic, inscrutable, can be sustained. The lip animation is fairly repro-
infectious, warm, and enigmaticthese descriptions ducible, similar to the smile that may be rehearsed for
are entirely subjective. An attractive smile helps win photographs or school pictures.4,5
elections, and a beautiful smile sells products for com- The unposed smile (Fig 1, B) is involuntary and is
panies whose subliminal message in advertising is induced by joy or mirth. It is dynamic in the sense that
look better, feel younger. But even a well-treated it bursts forth but is not sustained. An unposed smile is
orthodontic case in which the plaster casts meet every natural in that it expresses authentic human emotion.
criterion of the American Board of Orthodontics for Lip elevation in the unposed smile is often more ani-
successful treatment may not produce an esthetic mated, as seen in the laughing smile, for example.
smile. In orthodontic smile analysis, we usually evaluate
Few objective criteria exist for assessing attributes the posed smile on the basis of 2 major characteristics:
of the smile, establishing lip-teeth relationships as the amount of incisor and gingival display and the
objectives of treatment, or measuring the soft tissue transverse dimension of the smile.
outcomes of treatment. It would be nice to have some Most orthodontists and dentists prefer that the ele-
sort of a tool to quantitatively assess beauty but, cur- vation of the lip for the posed smile stop at the gingival
rently, one does not existand it probably never will. margins of the maxillary incisors, as depicted in Figure
As a result, an eye for beauty is an important attribute 1, A. Some amount of gingival display is certainly
for an orthodontist. acceptable and, in many cases, is even esthetic and
When a patient looks in the mirror, the smile he or youthful appearing (Fig 2). Conversely, a complete
she sees is framed by what Lavater,1 more than 200 lack of gingival display (defined in terms of the per-
years ago, called the lip curtain and what is currently centage of incisor show on smile) is not as attractive as
called the soft tissue drape. Smiles can be either posed complete tooth display or even some gingival dis-
or spontaneous. Peck and Peck2 classified smiles as play.6,7 Males, as a group, show less of the maxillary
incisors and more of the mandibular incisors at rest and
Adjunct Professor, University of North Carolina, Department of Orthodontics, on smile than do females.8 It is a characteristic of aging
and in Private Practice, Vestavia Hills, Alabama.
Reprint requests to: David M. Sarver, 1705 Vestavia Parkway, Vestavia Hills, to show less of the maxillary incisors at rest and on
AL 35216; e-mail, [email protected]. smile, so that, to a degree, more tooth display is con-
Submitted, November 2000; revised and accepted, January 2001. sidered a more youthful smile.
Copyright 2001 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2001/$35.00 + 0 8/1/114301 The transverse dimension of the smile was first
doi:10.1067/mod.2001.114301 introduced in the prosthodontic literature by Frush and
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Volume 120, Number 2

B Fig 2. Some gingival display on smile is esthetically

appealing because of the youthfulness of incisor show.
Fig 1. A, Posed smile is voluntary and may produce
fairly reproducible lip animation; B, unposed smile is
involuntary and spontaneous, often characterized by
more lip elevation than in posed smile. appear straight across the smile, and contrasts it with
the youthful smile in which the front teeth are longer
and create a line that comes slightly downward in the
Fisher.9 This smile characteristic is referred to in terms middle of the smile, traveling superiorly to the corners.
of broadness to the smile and the presence and the Frush and Fisher9 proposed that there should be har-
amount of buccal corridors (more commonly referred mony between the curvature of the incisal edges of the
to by orthodontists as negative space). It is well docu- maxillary anterior teeth and the curvature of the upper
mented in the prosthodontic literature that one charac- border of the lower lip; this is referred to as the smile
teristic of an unrealistic or contrived smilea denture arc.
smileis the lack of buccal corridors. Anything can
be overdone. Again, the orthodontists eye for beauty is Definition of the smile arc
an important factor in creating appropriately sized buc- The smile arc should be defined as the relationship
cal corridors. This smile feature has been thought of of the curvature of the incisal edges of the maxillary
primarily in terms of maxillary width, but there is evi- incisors and canines to the curvature of the lower lip in
dence that the buccal corridors are also heavily influ- the posed smile. The ideal smile arc has the maxillary
enced by the anteroposterior position of the maxilla rel- incisal edge curvature parallel to the curvature of the
ative to the lip drape.10,11 lower lip upon smile; the term consonant is used to
A characteristic of the esthetic smile that has not describe this parallel relationship (Fig 3, A). A noncon-
been as well recognized is the relationship of the cur- sonant, or flat, smile arc is characterized by the maxil-
vature of the maxillary anterior teeth (smile arc) in the lary incisal curvature being flatter than the curvature of
esthetic smile. The term smile arc has a number of def- the lower lip on smile, as shown in Figure 3, B.
initions depending on whether one is reading literature
from prosthodontics, orthodontics, or cosmetic den- Conceptual evolution
tistry. In his cosmetic dentistry text, Goldstein12 The importance of the smile arc, as an esthetic con-
describes the older smile, in which the incisal edges cept, has probably not been fully appreciated by ortho-
100 Sarver American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2001

Fig 3. A, Ideal smile arc is characterized by consonant relationship of arc formed by maxillary teeth
and lower lip on smile; B, nonconsonant, or flat, smile arc is characterized by maxillary incisal arc
line that is flatter than curvature of lower lip on smile.

dontists. Hulsey4 assessed standardized photographs of smile arc where it is appropriate. A set formula for
40 subjects, 20 treated orthodontically and 20 consid- bracket placement based on tooth measurements, as is
ered to have normal occlusion. He noted that the cur- often taught in orthodontic courses and programs, is
vature of the incisal edges of the maxillary anterior not appropriate for maximum esthetics. For example, if
teeth was flatter in those who were treated orthodonti- all patients routinely have their maxillary central
cally. A panel judged the smiles with flatter arcs as incisors placed 4.5 mm above the incisal edge, their lat-
being less attractive, confirming the hypothesis of eral incisors at 4 mm, and their canines at 5 mm, with-
Frush and Fisher.9 Zachrisson13 has made similar out the clinician taking into account the relationship of
observations that some treated smiles are less esthetic. the incisal edges to the lower lip curvature in each indi-
In a recent study, Ackerman et al3 evaluated the vidual case, the positioning may or may not fit the
smile arc in both treated and untreated patients in their esthetic criteria required. Just as patients get individu-
own practice. Almost 40% of the treated patients alized treatment plans, they also should have individu-
showed a discernible change in the smile arc; flattening alized designs for appliance placement.
of the smile arc occurred in 32%. In the untreated Bracket placement may unwittingly lead to supe-
group, 13% had a change in the smile arc, and flatten- rior repositioning of the incisal edges relative to the
ing of the arc occurred in only 5%. They noted no gen- posterior buccal segment heights. For example, with
der differences in the smile characteristics when the our emphasis on the goal of attaining canine guidance,
treated and untreated groups were compared.3 it is possible that we are creating relative intrusion of
Smile arc flattening during orthodontic treatment the maxillary incisors while extruding the maxillary
can occur in several ways. Normal orthodontic align- canines. The 14-year-old patient in Figure 4, A, has a
ment of the maxillary and mandibular arches may nonconsonant smile arc with 80% of the maxillary
result in a loss of the curvature of the maxillary incisors incisors displayed on smile. While canine guidance has
relative to the lower lip curvature. In case evaluation, it been emphasized in this case, it may be at the expense
is important to assess and visualize the incisor-smile of the appearance of the smile. Another possibility
arc relationships and place brackets so as to extrude the arises when lower bracket placement in the same
maxillary incisors in flat smiles and to maintain the patient is evaluated (Fig 4, B). Note that the mandibu-
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Volume 120, Number 2

lar incisor brackets were placed very close to the gingi-

val margins, probably in an effort to avoid occlusal
interferences that might cause unwanted bracket loss.
Unfortunately, this resulted in extrusion of the
mandibular incisors, and the maxillary incisors had to
be compensated vertically to open the bite, which also
contributed to flattening of the smile arc.
In patients in whom excessive gingival display on
smile is noted, and for whom one of the treatment
objectives is to reduce the gumminess of the smile,
maxillary incisor intrusion may improve the gingival
display on smile. However, if the smile arc relationship
has not been noted and evaluated, unwanted flattening A
of the smile arc may result. Maxillary intrusion arches
or maxillary archwires with accentuated curve could
result in a flattening of the smile arc.
The subjects inherent growth pattern may also be
at fault. The studies of smile arc flattening have shown
that, while treated patients did have a higher rate of
smile arc flattening, 5% of the untreated population
also experienced smile arc flattening. More vertical
growth in the posterior maxilla than in the anterior
maxilla could result in a changed relationship between
the occlusal plane and the curvature of the lower lip
upon smile. In this type of patient, high-pull headgear
keeps the maxillary posterior teeth superior to the
incisors and is therefore an aid in maintaining or
improving the smile arc.
It is also possible that growth in the brachyfacial Fig 4. A, Bracket placement to emphasize canine guid-
pattern (low mandibular plane angle and a tendency for ance may be at the expense of appearance of the smile
parallelism of the sella-nasion line, palatal plane, and by relatively intruding maxillary incisors, resulting in flat
occlusal plane) may lead to a flat smile arc. Patients smile arc; B, maxillary incisor intrusion is required to
with this skeletal pattern might, theoretically, have a open the bite, resulting in flattening of smile arc.
tendency for the anterior maxilla to lack the clockwise
tilt needed for an ideal smile arc; in some cases it might
even exhibit a counterclockwise tilt that results in a flat however, were concerned about the mandibular defi-
smile arc. Whether this is fact, however, is yet to be ciency and its effect on her facial appearance and were
proven. committed to a treatment plan directed at facial
Habits may also be an etiologic factor. The reduc- improvement in addition to occlusal correction (Fig 5,
tion in anterior vertical dentoalveolar development sec- A-C).
ondary to thumb sucking is the most obvious example. Data from systematic analysis of the patient, begin-
ning appropriately with an examination of facial pro-
CASE ILLUSTRATIONS portions, was summarized.6,14
Case 1 Profile. Relative to the upper face, the maxilla
Treatment planning for this patient was a challenge appeared to be moderately procumbent, but the most
because of discordant esthetic and functional goals. remarkable aspects of the patients profile included an
This demonstrates how problem-oriented treatment obtuse chin-neck angle, a short lower facial height with
planning helps us identify a path to the attainment of short chin height, and a deep labiomental sulcus with
our desired treatment goals. In this patient, the smile eversion of the lower lip (Fig 5, A).
arc was an important consideration in planning treat- Frontal at rest. The lower facial height was short,
ment. with the upper lip and chin height ratio approximating
At age 11, the patients chief complaint was the 50:50, versus the ideal 33:66 ratio. The lower facial
diastema between the maxillary incisors. The parents, height presented a problem in reaching occlusal goals,
102 Sarver American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2001

Fig 5. A, This patients profile was characterized by deficient mandibular height, in both horizontal
projection and vertical height; B, patient had short lower facial height with everted lower lip; C,
approximately 80% of maxillary incisor showed on smile; with further maturation and aging, this
amount of tooth show is expected to decrease.

Fig 6. Anterior open bite was present, an occlusal relation-

ship not frequently associated with short-faced patients.

as will be seen later in this analysis, because the patient

had an open bite. She also had an everted lower lip and
a deep labiomental sulcus (Fig 5, B). Fig 7. Growth modification through use of cervical
headgear was chosen. Outer bow was shortened and
Frontal on smile. Only 80% of the maxillary incisor
placed inferiorly in an effort to have desirable effects of
was exposed on smile, and with further maturation and
cervical headgear (maxillary retardation, downward
aging, this amount was expected to decrease.8 There- vector to increase lower facial height) in addition to pro-
fore, the lack of incisor show was considered both an ducing rotational effect on palatal plane to continue
initial esthetic problem and a long-term problem increase in incisor show and continue bite closure.
because it was expected to worsen with further growth
and maturation. Also present was the large maxillary
midline diastema (Fig 5, C). The treatment goals for this patient were to correct
Dental relationships. The patient had an anterior both the esthetic problems and the Class II open bite
open bite with bilateral Class II molar relationships malocclusion. The esthetic problems in this case, as
(Fig 6). The maxillary incisors were flared and a large summarized from the facial characteristics and the
maxillary midline diastema present. Spacing of incisor-smile relationship, were:
approximately 5 mm was also present in the mandibu- 1. Marked mandibular deficiency noted on profile,
lar arch. with concomitant obtuse chin-neck angle;
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Sarver 103
Volume 120, Number 2


Fig 8. A, Final profile reflected vast improvement of lower facial projection and increase in facial height;
B, final frontal picture demonstrates significant increase in lower facial height; C, on smile, all maxillary
teeth show, with beautiful smile vertically, as well as ideal smile arc relationship; D, 45 view clearly
shows excellent smile arc relationship as well as improved submental and submandibular soft tissue.

2. Short lower facial height, a problem for both pro- The major treatment challenge in this case was that
file and frontal relationships; several changes to correct the open bite and the Class
3. Maxillary anterior dental spacing; II relationships would also tend to exacerbate esthetic
4. Lack of incisor show at rest and on smile; problems. We very rarely see an anterior open bite in a
5. Flat smile arc. short-faced patient, and the orthopedic forces used to
104 Sarver American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2001

Fig 9. Final frontal dental pictures reflect successful bite


Fig 11. Overall superimposition reflects that rotation of

palatal plane was favorably clockwise and amount of
mandibular growth was significant, resulting in remark-
able improvement in skeletal relationships.

ing the incisors through retraction on round wire (to

allow the crown to rotate inferiorly) would elongate the
crowns of the teeth, which would accomplish the func-
tional goal of closing the bite and increasing the
amount of tooth show at rest and on smile.6 Extrusion
of the maxillary incisors also offered the advantage of
steepening the smile arc to be more consonant with the
lower lip. Extrusion of the maxillary incisors would
allow more tooth to show on smile and would close the
bite but would not increase lower facial height.
Growth modification also required careful choices.
The goal was to bring the mandible relatively forward
and increase the lower facial height to improve overall
Fig 10. Superimposition on palatal plane demonstrates vertical facial proportionality and the deep labiomental
uprighting of maxillary anterior teeth resulting in retrac- sulcus. The everted lower lip was due to a combination
tion and lengthening of maxillary incisors relative to
of soft tissue redundancy created by the decreased ver-
upper lip. This movement improved smile by increasing
tooth display. Mandibular superimposition demonstrates
tical dimension of the face and excessive overjet. How-
uprighting and retraction of mandibular incisors, result- ever, an increase in the lower facial height would work
ing in bite deepening and increased overjet. against closing the bite. Thus, growth modification
with cervical headgear was selected to place force on
the maxilla; however, the outer bow was shortened and
reduce vertical growth and close the open bite would placed inferiorly (Fig 7). The use of cervical headgear
work against the goal of increasing lower face height. in a patient with an open bite is unusual, but full appli-
Extrusion of the maxillary anterior teeth to increase ance engagement of the entire maxillary arch would
the amount of tooth exposure on smile was both desir- theoretically result in clockwise rotation of the palatal
able and possible because the teeth were markedly plane, which would also close the bite and extrude the
flared and space was present. Space closure by upright- anterior segment to increase incisor show.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Sarver 105
Volume 120, Number 2

Fig 13. Dental relationships were distinguished by

crowded maxillary and mandibular incisors and 100%
deep bite.

The cephalometric superimpositions reflect the

changes accomplished with the total orthodontic and
orthopedic treatment. Superimposition on the palatal
plane (Fig 10) demonstrates the uprighting of the max-
illary anterior teeth with the rotational effect that
resulted in retraction and lengthening of the maxillary
Fig 12. This 35-year-old female had a chief complaint of incisors relative to the upper lip. This movement
dental crowding. Frontal facial proportions at rest were improved the smile by increasing tooth display. The
normal, and smile line was characterized by ideal incisor mandibular superimposition demonstrates the upright-
curvature to lower lip line. ing and retraction of mandibular incisors, which con-
tributed to closure of the open bite. The overall super-
imposition (Fig 11) documents that the rotation of the
Treatment was initiated during the prepubertal palatal plane was favorably clockwise, and the amount
growth phase at age 11 with a maxillary fixed appli- of mandibular growth was significant, resulting in a
ance and cervical headgear; additional appliances were remarkable improvement in the skeletal relationships.
placed as the remaining permanent teeth erupted. Once This case illustrates nicely the principle of the face
.016-in archwires were attained (in a .018-in appli- as determinant of treatment choice because the growth
ance), elastic chain was used to close the maxillary modification and orthodontic mechanics were all cho-
diastema, and the remainder of treatment was directed sen, not just to correct the malocclusion, but to improve
toward managing the maxillary rotation and bite clo- facial esthetics as well.
sure. After approximately 30 months of treatment, the
patients profile (Fig 8, A) was dramatically improved Case 2
with improved mandibular projection, an increase in This 35-year-old woman came for treatment with a
the lower facial height, and a significant change in the chief complaint of dental crowding. Her frontal facial
chin-neck angle. An improvement in the cervicomental proportions at rest were normal, and an evaluation of
angle should be expected with increased mandibular her smile line revealed an ideal incisor curvature to the
projection, but the soft tissue changes with the growth lower lip line (Fig 12). Her dental relationships (Fig
spurt were also a great addition.15 The resting frontal 13) were distinguished by crowded maxillary and
relationship (Fig 8, B) was characterized by an increase mandibular incisors and a 100% deep bite.
in the lower facial height. The smile was greatly Treatment choices in regard to both orthodontic
improved with much more incisor show on smile (Fig problems have esthetic ramifications that must be con-
8, C) and a consonant smile arc. The 45 view (Fig 8, sidered. Options for treatment of crowding include
D) shows the smile and the lower facial changes expansion of the arches or extraction of first or second
attained. The final dental relationships were greatly premolars. The criteria would include the amount of
improved (Fig 9), with some mild unilateral Class II crowding, the vertical skeletal pattern, periodontal con-
asymmetry remaining. dition and attachment, and profile considerations. In
106 Sarver American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2001

Fig 14. A, Frontal view shows beautiful smile with excellent incisor display; B, 45 view shows con-
sonance of maxillary anterior dental curvature with curvature of lower lip.

Fig 15. Final dental result was good functionally and

esthetically, with alignment and bite opening achieved.

this case, the amount of gingival attachment on the

mandibular incisors was adequate and the amount of Fig 16. Overall cephalometric superimposition reflects
crowding was moderate. Nonextraction treatment flaring of mandibular incisors resulting in bite opening
would produce more lip fullness to counteract the nor- (advancement of mandibular incisor crown with its rota-
mal thinning of the lips that occurs with aging.16 It was tion point at root apex; this resulted in a more inferior
position of incisal tip) and increased lower lip fullness.
decided to treat the crowding problem without extrac-
tion by flaring the mandibular incisors forward. This
movement would moderately increase lip protrusion. reverse curve archwires was one option. This treatment
Several options were considered for correction of might result in some undesirable leveling of the maxil-
the deep overbite. Alignment and leveling with normal lary arch. Because the smile arc would be affected by
bracket positions and conventional accentuated or this maxillary leveling, it was important to maintain the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Sarver 107
Volume 120, Number 2


Fig 17. A, Profile exhibited strong lower face, with lower lip more prominent than upper lip; B, lower
facial height was long with disproportionately long chin; upper lip comprised only 25% of lower facial
vertical third, and lower lip and chin comprised 75%; C, on smile, there was slightly more gingival
display in posterior aspect of smile than in anterior display. Posterior maxilla was tilted with moder-
ate posterior cant that contributed to flat smile arc relative to curvature of lower lip.

maxillary incisor position rather than to intrude the

maxillary incisors during any phase of leveling.
Extrusion of the posterior teeth would also help to
correct the deep overbite. This option offered the
advantage of not changing the smile arc while having a
tendency to increase the lower facial height. However,
there is evidence that posterior dental extrusion is diffi-
cult in adult patients.17
Another option was intrusion of the mandibular
incisors. This would permit us to leave the maxillary
incisors vertically where they were, so that the smile
arc would be protected. Inferior positioning of the
mandibular incisor crowns can occur through 2 mecha- Fig 18. Occlusal relationships were quite good; however,
some slight dental compensation (uprightness of
nisms: intrusion arch mechanics (like a utility arch or
mandibular incisors) was still present.
auxiliary intrusion arch) or inferior positioning of the
crowns with anterior tipping of the teeth through level-
ing with reverse curve lower archwires. Reverse curve edge than to the center of the tooth. Bracket placement
archwires place an intrusive force on the bracket ante- is very important to protect the maxillary smile arc and
rior to the center of resistance, resulting in labial flare to avoid the complications noted in Figure 4, A and B.
and a decrease in crown height. Reverse curve lower archwires, with flat upper arch-
Bite opening was to be achieved with bracket place- wires, were also used to achieve bite opening.
ment on the maxillary incisors to maintain the present Total treatment time was 14 months. The frontal
maxillary incisor vertical position, and placement of view shows a beautiful smile with excellent incisor dis-
the mandibular incisor brackets nearer to the incisal play (Fig 14, A). The 45 view shows the consonance
108 Sarver American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2001

Fig 19. A, After maxillomandibular surgery and clockwise occlusal plane rotation with rhinoplasty
and vertical genioplasty, profile was improved in facial height, nasal form, and lip balance; B, 45
view reflects contribution of advancement of maxilla and change in upper lip projection relative to
lower lip, along with refinement of midface by means of rhinoplasty.

of the maxillary anterior dental curvature with the cur- mandibular reduction at age 24. She was seeking fur-
vature of the lower lip (Fig 14, B). The final dental ther treatment because she felt she had not attained the
result was good, both functionally and esthetically, esthetic benefit of treatment that she desired. A sys-
with alignment and bite opening achieved (Fig 15). The tematic evaluation included the profile, frontal at rest,
overall cephalometric superimposition shows that the frontal on smile, and dental relationships.
maxillary incisors and molars remained virtually Profile. The profile problem list was characterized
unchanged vertically, whereas the mandibular incisors by a nasal tip that was slightly over-projected and
were tipped facially (Fig 16). This produced more located more inferiorly than was desirable (Fig 17, A).
lower lip fullness and resulted in a more inferior posi- The nasolabial angle was slightly acute because of low
tion of the incisal tip. This was not true intrusion but it nasal tip placement. The upper lip was not as procum-
did have the effect of opening the bite. bent as the lower lip, and the mandible was slightly
Obviously, this patient could have been treated in a ahead of the maxilla.
number of ways and maintained her attractive appear- Frontal at rest. The lower facial height was long
ance. But attention to maintaining her existing incisor- with a disproportionately long chin (Fig 17, B). The
to-lip relationship, so that the orthodontic mechanics did upper lip comprised only 25% of the lower facial ver-
not alter the smile arc, enhanced the esthetic outcome. tical third, while the lower lip and chin comprised 75%
of the lower facial height (a 1:2 ratio is more esthetic).
Case 3 Nasal width was slightly narrower than the intercanthal
This 28-year-old patient had a history that included width, and the vermilion show of the upper lip was
orthodontic treatment as an adolescent with 4 premolar slightly less than that of the lower lip.
extractions, followed by an unfortunate period of Class Frontal on smile. On smile, the transverse smile
III growth. She underwent orthodontic retreatment with relationships were quite good, and the amount of gin-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Sarver 109
Volume 120, Number 2

Fig 20. A, Final frontal picture characterized by slightly wider nose; vertical facial proportionality
improved significantly by shortening of chin height; B, smile relationship was changed with elimina-
tion of posterior gingival display. Consonance of occlusal plane and lip line improved dramatically by
means of surgically tilting palatal plane.

gival display in the upper central area was excellent The frontal facial relationships and the treatment of
(Fig 17, C). However, there was slightly more gingival the smile line virtually dictated the rest of the ortho-
display in the posterior aspect of the smile than the dontic and orthognathic treatment plan. Because of the
anterior display. The posterior maxilla was tilted with a posterior gingival display and the flatness of the smile
moderate posterior cant that contributed to a flat smile arc, posterior maxillary impaction was recommended
arc relative to the curvature of the lower lip. to reduce posterior gingival display and tip the occlusal
Dental relationships. The occlusal relationships plane clockwise. This movement would improve the
were excellent. However, some dental compensation posterior smile line and, at the same time, tip the max-
(uprightness of the mandibular incisors) was still pres- illa so that the incisal alignment is more consonant
ent (Fig 18). with the lower lip, resulting in a better smile arc.
The observations outlined above can be broken The profile would be favorably affected by the
down into treatment options, starting from superior to clockwise occlusal plane rotation. Because of the tip to
inferior: the maxilla, the anterior nasal spine would travel for-
1. Nasal overprojection. Consider rhinoplasty for ward when the anterior tip of the maxilla is performed
reduction of tip projection, as well as rotation of surgically, and some maxillary advancement could also
the tip more superiorly to improve the nasolabial be performed. Then the mandible would necessarily be
angle. repositioned surgically to rotate it in a clockwise fash-
2. Retrusive upper lip relative to lower lip. Although ion to compensate for the changed palatal plane. This,
movement of the lower lip back is an option, this in essence, would rotate the mandible back, while the
would tend to flatten the profile, and 2 mandibular maxilla travels forward.18,19 The posterior maxillary
premolars had already been removed. Maxillary impaction would also upright the flared maxillary
advancement might be considered, but was con- incisors relative to the upper face. Vertical chin reduc-
traindicated because of the existing Class I occlusion. tion was also recommended as part of the treatment
3. Maxillary lip augmentation with rhinoplasty. This plan. Recall that the vertical proportions of the lower
is an option but is unpredictable. face were less than ideal, with the upper lip represent-
110 Sarver American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2001

Fig 21. Final occlusal photographs reflect good final


ing 25% of the facial height and the lower lip and chin
75%, as compared with the one thirdtotwo thirds
ideal. Therefore, a wedge genioplasty was planned to
shorten the lower facial height.
The surgical plan summary was as follows:
1. Maxillomandibular surgery to rotate the occlusal Fig 22. Cephalometric superimposition reflects clock-
plane and lower face in a clockwise fashion was wise rotation of occlusal plane by means of posterior
chosen. The point of rotation was planned to be at maxillary impaction and saggital split osteotomy.
the incisal edge, with the posterior maxilla going
up approximately 3 mm (the amount of gingival
display measured on smile) and no anterior bution of the advancement of the maxilla and the
impaction because the incisor-to-lip relationships change in upper lip projection relative to the lower lip
were ideal. Rotation around the incisal edge to and, again, the refinement of the midface with rhino-
bring the upper part of the maxilla forward was plasty.
designed to improve lip projection and widen the The final frontal picture (Fig 20, A) is characterized
slightly narrow nose. The mandibular procedure by a slightly wider nose, and the vertical facial propor-
would rotate the mandible in a clockwise fashion tionality improved significantly by the shortening of
and thus reduce mandibular projection and bal- the chin height. Finally, Figure 20, B, represents the
ance the lower lip with the upper lip. change in the smile relationships, with the posterior
2. Adjunctive and simultaneous rhinoplasty would gingival display eliminated. The consonance of the
be performed to elevate the nasal tip and reduce occlusal plane and the lip line was improved dramati-
projection. No effort was made to control nasal cally.
width because a wider nose was desired. The limiting constraint in this case was the contour
3. Vertical genioplasty with wedge reduction to of the lower lip in relation to the smile arc. For this
reduce the chin height and normalize facial patient, surgery was the only option that could change
heights was planned. these relationships. The final occlusal relationship is
Figure 19, A, represents the finished profile. The shown in Figure 21.
elevation of the nasal tip and the elegance provided by The cephalometric superimposition (Fig 22)
the rhinoplasty dramatically improved the appearance reflects the clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane by
of the midface. Also note the improved relationship of means of posterior maxillary impaction and saggital
the upper lip to the lower lip, and the increased vermil- split osteotomy. Note that the maxillary incisor posi-
ion show in the upper lip. The reduction in chin height tion was maintained vertically and horizontally while
improved the vertical facial proportionality, but also the palatal plane rotated around the incisal edge, which
deepened the labiomental sulcus, which was flatter in resulted in advancement of the superior portion of the
the preoperative picture. It is important to look at the maxilla and more upper lip and midfacial fullness. The
patient at a 45 angle (Fig 19, B) and note the contri- clockwise rotation of the mandible resulted in less
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