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Robo Advisors: Can an Algorithm Replace your

Wealth Manager?

Automated, algorithm-based portfolio management

services, or robo advisors offer low-cost, high
quality financial advice for investors. As these services
become mainstream, traditional broker-dealers and
registered investment advisors will face stiffening
competition from these automated digital competitors.


1. What is a Robo Advisor?
Robo advisory is an automated, algorithm-based portfolio management service provided by wealth management firms. By virtue of its
automated nature, a robo advisor significantly reduces underlying management costs, enabling wealth management firms to offer this as a low-
cost service for their customers. Also, robo advisors often have no minimum investment requirements, which make them attractive to the tech-
savvy Millennial generation of investors.

Low cost pricing and transparency in portfolio construction are two additional benefits associated with robo advisory services. These factors
differentiate its investment style from the traditional method of asset servicing and wealth management. It is vital for providers of this
service to invest heavily in creating awareness among the various investor demographics described below, especially the Pioneers and the


Younger consumers
Pioneer Highly employed
Sophisticated and risk taking investors

Slightly older than Pioneers

Enthusiasts Highly employed
Less sophisticated and more cautious investors

Slightly older than Enthusiasts

Potential Late Adopters Limited investment experience

Older consumers
Unlikely Adopters High incidence of retirees
Non-risk takers

2. Key Features and Benefits of Robo Advisory Services

Do-it-yourself investing requires a great deal of research about various financial products or money making avenues, primarily through
coverage in financial media and research on internet. Investing through a robo advisor not only provides access to top quality investment
advice, but also offers low fees, regular rebalancing of portfolio, tax-efficient investing and low minimum investment requirements.


Automated portfolio construction eliminates bias in investment advice, improves customer trust and increases transparency in the services
being provided to customers. Since the investment advice is algorithm-based, there is never a question of impartiality on the part of the advisor.


Eliminating human intervention also reduces the cost of advice. For example, Wealthfront, a leading robo advisor, charges a management fee
of just 0.25% of the assets under management (AUM) and the first $10,000 is managed absolutely free . In contrast, the average fee charged by
traditional wealth managers is as high as 1.18%. The management fee can also be reduced further as more funds are managed.


With the volatility of todays market, a well-allocated portfolio can become imbalanced in just a day or a weeks time, and regular portfolio
monitoring and rebalancing is not easy. With a robo advisor, the portfolio is created, tracked and automatically rebalanced based on the
customers expected return, financial goals and risk appetite.

Cost reduction in advising and managing portfolios has resulted in robo advisors accepting clients with minimum investments as low as $500.
This feature has attracted many new investors to the market, including individuals who might have been excluded earlier because of prohibitive
minimum investment requirements.


Maximizing customer profit is at the core of any asset managers strategy, and taxes can have a major impact on investment returns. Many robo
advisors offer tax loss harvesting an intelligent way to offset capital gains taxes by selling investments that have experienced a loss which
has been shown to optimize the total investment performance by at least 1% annually.


Most robo advisors offer 24/7 financial advice to their customers on a variety of platforms and devices. This is a very attractive feature for
people whose daily schedules dont allow them to meet with an investment professional during normal business hours, or for those who prefer
to manage and track their finances more frequently.


Process automation leads to faster, hassle-free client onboarding as well as easy, anywhere/anytime reporting, giving the customer a feeling of
extreme proximity.

3. The Relevance of Robo Advisor to Financial Institutions

The coming years will be challenging and exciting for Wealth and Asset Managers. As the Baby Boomer generation continues to age and their
wealth passes on to younger generations, significant shifts will be observed in client behavior, investment patterns and financial expectations.

Having experienced the recession of 2008-09, their investment patterns may be driven more by a survival mentality, and their risk tolerance
may be much lower as compared to preceding generations. In fact, a recent survey
Baby Boomers: Born 1946 1964 conducted by MFS Investment Management found that nearly half of Millennials
Generation X: Born 1965 1981 are uncomfortable investing in the stock market . The survey also indicated that
Millennials: Born 1982 2003 Millennials maintain most of their assets in cash, making it potentially the most
financially conservative generation since those that experienced the Great Depression.

One of the key challenges for wealth managers is to stay involved with the management of assets as they pass on from Boomers to younger
generations. A research report by Accenture Consulting claims that in North America, $30 trillion in financial and non-financial assets
are expected to shift from Baby Boomers to their heirs in over the next 30-40 years . The report also reveals the challenges that Wealth
Management firms face in maintaining loyalty of Boomers while appealing to Millennials.

To accomplish this difficult task, businesses need to rely on and harness the benefits of digital technology as an essential part of their core
business a fundamental shift from their usual method of working. Now, nearly every business is incorporating automation into their
workflow to eliminate manual work, and harnessing digital technology to deliver superior customer experience and drive operational efficiency.

Robo advisors can reduce the cost of operation, enhance the customer experience, attract Millennial customers, and free up valueable staff time
to focus on higher value areas like financial planning and wealth management.


4. How The Market is Preparing for this Paradigm Shift
With the benefits of offering robo advisory services well established, wealth management firms have taken a few different approaches to
capitalize on this trend. Some wealth management firms have developed their own in-house robo capability, while others have integrated a
standalone robo advisor solution.

Vanguard Personal Advisor Services, a leading wealth management firm, has built a hybrid advisory service that offers automated investments
combined with human financial advice . The human advisor provides financial planning and ongoing support, while the automated platform
handles asset allocation for the client combining a personal touch with robust web accessibility that enables clients to track their portfolio
and visualize progress towards their investment goals.

Robo advisory is also enabling other financial institutions like asset managers, independent financial advisors and insurance companies to
expand their customer base and distribution channels with cost-effective financial planning services.

5. The Technology Behind Robo Advisors

The primary computing techniques that enable robo advisors to provide effective, unbiased financial advice are artificial intelligence and
process automation, along with other related technologies.

Artificial intelligence is used to create a clients investment profile and construct their portfolio. The client interacts with a system to
capture data like their age, financial status, risk appetite, financial goals, and investment horizon. This information is analyzed in order
to segment the client according to these characteristics and create the clients investment profile. This profile is used to create a portfolio
by proportionally allocating financial instruments that are mapped to the clients investment horizon, financial goals and risk appetite.
Artificial intelligence is also used to trigger a portfolio rebalancing if and when needed, based on market movements or a change in the
clients financial goals.

Algorithmic trading is utilized to purchase financial instruments. This service is triggered upon construction of the portfolio, or when an
alternative rebalanced portfolio needs to be built.

An automated interactive query answering system is usually employed to answer any questions that clients might have. It not only helps
clients understand their current portfolio performance, but also encourages increased financial literacy by guiding clients to supplemental
information within the system. The technology that enables this feature includes natural language processing, machine learning,
reasoning, and information analysis, retrieval and presentation.

Predictive analytics are used to analyze structured and unstructured data from various data sources and social media to create a more
accurate, personalized client profile as well as to predict market movements. This is an automated process that helps capture changes
in client interests, and also enables the system to anticipate market movements in order to improve investment returns.

6. Adoption Models
There are a number of different models available for financial advisory and investment management firms to deploy robo advisory services.
Among these, the most prevalent are:
In-house development
White label offering from a robo advisory service provider
Customized or un-customized API from a robo advisory provider

In this case, the wealth manager would develop a custom product in-house, which could be integrated with their existing system to provide
automated advice and investment management services. Developing such a system helps improve the efficiency and productivity of the services
they provide to customers, but requires not just functional expertise but also a high degree of technological expertise.


This refers to a pre-packaged offering from a robo advisory service provider which is licensed to the business without the service providers
branding. The product can be labelled and customized by the wealth manager according to their requirements, and appears to users to be their
own product. There may be a one-time implementation fee, or it may be structured as a price-per-transaction model.


Most robo advisory service providers have the ability to bundle a few high-touch services like execution, advisory and discretionary portfolio
management as a scalable, cloud-based digital platform. Such services can be integrated into the wealth managers ecosystem through an
application program interface, or API, provided by the robo service provider. In such a case, each individual service would be adopted through
an API and integrated with business systems according to their functional and system requirements.

7. Business Benefits
In coming years, the client base served by robo advisors will continue to grow, especially among young investors who are more comfortable
using online services as compared to human interactions. Some features, like easy onboarding procedures, low minimum investments and
online access to information will be big differentiators for wealth management firms with robo advisory capabilities.

Robo advice also offers distinct benefits to insurance companies, enabling them to allocate their resources effectively to manage wealth, and
letting agents concentrate on insurance sales. Discount brokers can also provide robo advice by leveraging their traditional direct customer
engagement model. Similarly, full-service advisors are also looking to robo advice as an accelerator to manage smaller accounts and improve
advisor productivity.

Since their debut in U.S. market, several robo advisors have become established and are growing stronger by the day. A few of these front
runners include Betterment, Wealthfront, Personal Capital, Future Advisor, Rebalance IRA and Acorns. Recent research conducted by A.
T. Kearney states that the total assets managed by robo advisors are estimated to grow to approximately $2.2 trillion by 2020 in the United
States i.e. about 5.6% of the total investible assets .

8. The B2B Model

A handful of automated investment advisory firms are partnering with financial firms to up-sell their dashboards for investment analytics,
information on existing products and instruments, and risk assessment. An easy signup process grants investors access to free analytics
and financial information on their existing portfolios. Wealth managers are providing these services as value add in order to retain existing
customers and attract new ones. In this case, the B2B robo advisor is paid some percentage of the advisory fees by their partners.

However, a few B2B robo advisors are aggressively shifting from purely aggregating and supplying online financial information to asset
managers, and beginning to offer portfolio analytics software to banks and other financial institutions in the investment management domain.

Other advisory firms are envisioning future customers that are not limited to financial firms, but also telecommunication, technology and
media companies who wish to offer investing and saving options to their growing customer base via their devices.


Online investing
Digital Investment Manager Automated rebalancing
Portfolios using ETFs

Automated advice
Digital Advisory Manager Simplified guidance on asset selection
Various asset classes

Digital plus video/web chart

Hybrid Digital Wealth Manager Online investing
Automated advice

Model portfolios
Other Innovative Models Preference-based investing
Socially responsible investing

9. Conclusion
As robo advisory services become mainstream over the next decade, traditional broker-dealer advisory firms and registered investment advisors
will face uphill competition from robo advisors or digitized wealth management firms.

Many in this new generation of tech-savvy investors will gravitate to digital wealth management services rather than engaging a human
advisor, because of attractive features such as their convenience, low cost, and ease of use not to mention the inherent familiarity that
Millennials have with the online / mobile / social model.

It is imperative that investment and wealth management firms invest in technology and robo advisory platforms, but at the present time,
investors are yet to give a clear indication about the robo advisory model that will add maximum value to them. For the time being, robo
advisory may be more of an exploratory exercise, but it will be exciting to observe if and how long it takes automated investment advisors to
overtake their human counterparts.

10. References
1. Retrieved from

2. Clash of Generations - Boomers vs. Millennials: Attitude Change Will Disrupt Wall Street and Corporate America from

3. The "Greater" Wealth Transfer: Capitalization on the Intergenerational Shift in Wealth. Retrieved from

4. Will robos transform the wealth management industry? Retrieved from

5. Hype vs. Reality: The Coming Waves of Robo Adoption. Retrieved from
about SYNTEL:
Syntel (Nasdaq:SYNT) is the global leader in digital modernization
services, with a core suite of automation-driven IT and knowledge
process services. Syntel helps global enterprises thrive in the Two-
Speed World by building agile, efficient technology infrastructures
that blend legacy business models with disruptive digital
innovations. Syntels recursive automation platform, SyntBots,
enables clients to manage, migrate, and modernize their business
and technology ecosystems. Syntel believes in a "Customer for Life"
philosophy to build collaborative partnerships and creates long-
term business value for its clients by investing in IP, solutions and
industry-focused delivery teams with deep domain knowledge.

About the Authors

Dilip Samal, Senior Business Analyst

Dilip holds a bachelors degree in Mathematics from
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar and PGDBM in
Finance from Welingkar Institute of Management and
Research, Mumbai, India. He is an IT professional
with 13+ years of experience across Capital Markets
Asset and Wealth Management.

Pawan Mishra, Senior Business Analyst

Pawan holds a Post Graduate Diploma in
Management from T.A. Pai Management Institute,
Karnataka, India and a bachelors degree in
Engineering. He is an IT professional with close to 4
years of experience in Banking and Financial Services. SYNTEL
He drives account based marketing initiatives across 525 E. Big Beaver, Third Floor
multiple accounts.
Troy, MI 48083
Asutosh Mishra, Practice Head - Capital Market phone 248.619.3503
Asutosh holds a Masters degree in Management email [email protected]
specializing in Finance and a bachelors degree in
Engineering. He has 19+ years of knowledge of capital
Markets and supports a broad range of process &
Technology transformation.

v i s i t S y n t e l ' s w e b s i t e a t w w w . s y n t e l i n c . c o m

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