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singing bowls: a natural method of

Series: The Magic Bowl
Viktor Ogui
I dedicate the merit accumulated through
development of this seminar and exchanging of
my experience and knowledge to liberation of
those who practice this useful method of healing
by sound and their patients from suffering.

Viktor Ogui, 2015

Tsybulina Christine, translation, 2015

Anna Tarasenko, cover design, 2015

Viktor Ogui, photo, 2015

Created with Ridero

About the book
Everything connected with Tibetan singing bowls, with Tibet and all Asia now
embraced in an aura of mystics and all sorts of myths, among which there are
pure fairytales, however there are real-world phenomenon. Some of them can be
explained today, from a scientific point of view, and some exist, but there are no
explanations. Some practices, in favor of commercial interest, are delivered as
mystical revelation of the ancient and secret knowledge, and some practices a
strictly kept in silence because of their secrecy. This secrecy is based on the fact
that the Tibetan singing bowls are very powerful and helpful in the capable
hands of the Master. However unskilled, inexperienced or incompetent hands
could easily harm the patient and the therapist.
Tibetan singing bowl in Tibet tradition

To get informed answers and comments on many issues related to Tibetan

singing bowls, their appearance on Earth, especially their use and production
you can by reading this book, which author is a recognized expert and master in
this sphere.
Viktor Ogui Master of the Sound and the singing bowls, a student of Lama
Pema Rangdrol, a doctor of Tibetan medicine Nida Changtsang, the organizer of
expeditions to Tibet, Ladakh, Himalayas, Khakassia, Japan. Masseur, Healer,
Master of traditional Reiki, the Teacher of the Festival The Call of the 13
shamans in Tuva, an honorary member of the Russian league of masseurs, the
member of the Associations: Russian Association of Sport Medicine and
Rehabilitation of sick and disabled people, Russian Association of traditional
medicine, the author of textbooks about the Massage.
From the author
My book Tibetan singing bowls: a method of natural healing opens the series
the Magic Cup, which will include books and training materials about
different practices with Tibetan singing bowls. In addition, I plan to publish
materials which have been collected during expeditions and journeys for the last
5 years.

I appreciate FREE distribution of the books only if they wont be changed! You
can give it as a present, put it on your site or forum, on social networks and on
any other open sources, provided that the book is put like it was in the
beginning, that means: the text, the structure, design, layout, etc. should be kept
the same!!!
The outer Kora of Kailash, September 2014, Tibet

Rostov-on-Don-Nizhny Novgorod-Aylas
About the author
Master of the Sound and Tibetan singing bowls, a personal student of Lama
Pema Rangdrol, a doctor of Tibetan medicine Nida Changtsang, organiser and
researcher of practical expeditions to Tibet (Kailash-Mansarovar-Guge), Ladakh
(Small Tibet), the Himalayas (Nepal: Annapurna, Cave of Milarepa), Japan, the
place of the power of Khakassia (natural complex Sunducki, Trail of the
Anciens, Lake Bele and Tus, Caves: Kushkulakskaya, Pandora), Master of the
Massage, Healer, Master of Traditional Reiki, Master and Teacher at the
International Festival The Call of the 13 shamans in Tuva, an honorary
member of the Russian league of masseurs, member of the Associations:
Russian Association of Sport medicine and Rehabilitation of sick and disabled
people(RASMIRBI), National Society of the Aesthetic Medicine, Russian
Professional Medical Association of Specialists of traditional and natural
medicine (Ranma), author of numerous books and textbooks about the massage
Tcering Ngodrub / Doktor: Viktor Ogui.



[email protected]

[email protected]

Skype: DoktorNN

+7 92029 46677
Viktor Ogui (Tsering Ngodrub)

My mission in life

Sincerely and fully convey give the experience and knowledge that I possess,
making people who are close to me happier.

My professional mission
Make the knowledge of massage techniques available, and skills safe,
qualitative and efficient to use. And while the massage treatments to follow the
principles of compassion, efficiency and safety for the patient!

My life motto:

Im responsible for what I said; I am not responsible for what you have
understood. " (Namkhai Norbu)

Blessing of the Tibetan singing bowl. Viktor Ogui and Lama Pema Rangdrol
The contents of this publication is intended for general information and can not
replace the practical consultation of the expert. The publication should not be
used as a textbook for medicine or for the diagnosis or treatment of any diseases
and their complications. In the case of emergence of those, immediate
consultation with a doctor is recommended. Publisher and authors are not
responsible for the damage caused to health as a result of actions such as
treatment, self-treatment or refusing of the treatment taken on the basis of the
information contained in this publication.

There is more information here. Scan the code and find out more!
There is more information here. Scan the code and find out more!
Tibetan singing bowls (TSB) have been used in one or another form in human
activities since ancient times.

Tibetan singing bowls massage allegedly appeared about 3,900 years ago in the
ancient state of Shang Shung (modern China) and continuously have been
developing over the centuries along with Tibetan medicine.

Traditional Tibetan singing bowls massage is a procedure of the massage

performed by contact or non-contact method of using Tibetan singing bowls.

Tibetan singing bowls have certain physical properties that allow bowls to work
on the physical body, the CNS and PNS, tissues and organs, organ systems. In
addition, Tibetan singing bowls have certain properties that exist but havent
been recorded by modern scientific measuring devices yet. That means that they
have certain esoteric features.

In the tradition of Tcering Ngodrub, two basic techniques of Tibetan singing

bowls massage are used: a technique of Contact sound and methods of sound
bath, as well as individual, group or couple practices that use Tibetan singing
bowls. In addition, there are practices of Tibetan singing bowls with animals.
Methodology Contact sound is characterized by the fact that Tibetan singing
bowls have a contact with the human body. A method of sound bath is when
singing bowls are not in contact with the human body, although they are located
very close. The meditative practices with Tibetan singing bowls show thar
elements of these two methods can be combined for example, in the couple
practices of the harmonization of interaction of man and woman or Bonpo or
shamanic practices of journey into altered states of consciousness (ASC).
Tibetan singing bowls (TSB) have been used in one or another form in human
activities since ancient times.
What gives Tibetan singing bowls sound massage
1. The meditative state, a state of trance;

2. Deep relaxation, accompanied by the release of endorphins in the blood;

3. The synchronization of the left and right hemispheres;

4. Formation of the state of relaxation, inner peace and well-being;

5. Improves the functional state of the body;

6. Increased the level of stress resistance;

7. Accelerating recovery;

8. Increases the ability to learn;

9. The balance of the human energy field;

10. Promotes deeper and more restful sleep, relieves headache, fatigue,
insomnia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, complex or muscle pain,
menstrual disorders, emotional imbalances;

11. Starts rehabilitation mechanisms (self-healing) of the human body;

12. Promotes immunity;

13. The beneficial effect on the liquid medium and the connective tissue of the
body (lymph, blood);

On a psychological level by opening the sensual sphere and unlocking the

body, there is release from the repressed unconscious feelings (as a result of
a trauma);

14. In the course of the practice, massage allows specialist to develop;

15. Has a beneficial harmonizing and preventive effect on the patient, and the
16. No aspect of personal energy using in the practice of Tibetan singing bowls
sound massage there is only sound and vibration;

17. Sound therapy with singing Tibetan bowls is an effective method of

correction of psycho-emotional sphere;

18. It normalizes the general psychophysical condition;

19. In some cases, it can remove the pain;

20. Sound Massage makes a person very open to all the contacts and
interventions by the therapist.
Procedure of Tibetan singing bowls massage
(full version)
How the procedure is going
The procedure is performed on the floor on a comfortable mat, in a warm and
well ventilated area. If possible, in the twilight or in soft light. While using the
technique of sound bath and meditative practices, good soundproofing of the
room from outside noise is recommended. In the case of technique Contact
sound there is no need to have perfect sound insulation.

The technique of vibro-acoustic singing bowls massage sound bath

While the procedure patient is wearing cotton loose clothes, or he is naked and
covered with a cotton sheet. Patients are advised to abstain (for one day before
the procedure and for one day after it) on products of animal origin, smoking and
alcohol. After the procedure of the Tibetan singing bowls massage it is
extremely useful to spend the rest of the day in a relaxed atmosphere,
eliminating the possibility of stress.

In the course of the procedure and the preparation for it is recommended to use
the procedure of Fumigation (LUNG DOUG / RLUNG DUG) from the
section External procedures of traditional Tibetan medicine. In addition, it is
necessary to have a burning candle. Close to the patient it is advised to put the
things symbolizing or representing the five elements.

At the beginning the person receiving a procedure and the Master of the Sound
sit on the floor facing in the direction to that side of the light, which is
conformable for the purpose of the procedure. If the aim is to harmonize, then
choose the direction to the east. The patient is encouraged to imagine himself in
the rainbow transparent sphere. The therapist is configured to the procedure and
removes the first sounds of the Tibetan singing bowl according to the
technology. Next, the therapist moves the singing bowl around the patients
body, periodically removing the sound.

After that the therapist puts Tibetan singing bowl upside down on the patients
head and removes the sound according to the method of the massage. At the end
of this stage the patient is asked to lie down on his stomach in a comfortable
position, and the ankle should be enclosed under the roller. The body of the
patient is hiding with a light natural tissue, the head can be covered with a towel.
Next, the therapist removes the vibration from Tibetan singing bowl and sets it
on the body of a patient according to the scheme which is necessary in
a particular case. He performs this manipulation on the back surface of the
patients body, and then removes the bowl from the body and offers the patient to
turn back.
After the patient is turned back on, the therapist covers his eyes with light tissue,
and performs light traction (stretching) of the lower and upper extremities. And
then removes the vibration of Tibetan singing bowl and sets the bowl on the
body of the patient. Then he moves the bowl on the patients body, removing the
bowls sound.

After finishing the proring, the therapist removes singing bowl from the human

If the patient is performed to the technique Contact sound and methods

of Sound Bath, then after proring of the front surface of the body therapist puts
the bowls around the patient lying on his back on the floor, according to the
methodical recommendations of extracting from them the sound from the
scheme, which is necessary in each case.
Recommendations for the procedure of Tibetan
singing bowls massage
The sounds of Tibetan singing bowls extremely effectively influence on the
release of tension in the body and organs. Such action creates a powerful effect
of beauty, health and youth!

In general, Tibetan singing bowls massage can be considered as a unique health

system that allows you to restore the energy balance of the subtle energies of the
person acting on the first cause of disease or infirmity.

Duration of treatment 1.52 hours

The ideal time for the procedure in the morning or in the evening.

Recommendations: for preventive and curative purposes, for recovery and

relaxation it is normal to have a course of 23 procedures for general Tibetan
singing bowls massage periodically 12 times a week. With the aim of
improving the health 46 treatments periodically 23 times a week is
recommended. With a therapeutic (curative) purpose the course is individually

Tibetan singing bowls massage is perfectly combined with a traditional Tibetan

massage Ku Nye. It is the most effective way to achieve a state of relaxation,
while the therapist, performing a massage, applies a minimal effort. The work
takes place at all levels of the human body, beginning with the physical and
ending with the subtlest levels of consciousness.

Indications and contraindications to perform Tibetan singing

bowls massage


1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

3. Neuritis and neuralgia

4. Relax

5. Harmonization of the psycho-emotional state

6. Psychoprophylaxis

7. Prevention from the diseases

8. Depressions (with caution)

There have been good results in cases of TSB with gynecological problems,
mens and womens reproductive disorders, violation of mens potency.


All contraindications for physiotherapy!!!

About Tibetan singing bowls
Tibetan singing bowls it is primarily a vibration, which is the sound in its turn.
Sound is energy. The energy transforms form into matter, that is because in the
beginning was the word. Myths about the creation of the world in all religions
in one or another form describe the emergence of Sound (vibration) as a
fundamental principle of all things.

Sound (vibration) exists everywhere and in everything: singing of birds, the

rustle of the snow, the crackling logs, rattling of jackhammer. Even if we close
our ears, we will hear the sound of the heart. Sound is a vibration. A vibration is
characterized by a certain length of the wave.

Sound can not only be heard, but also can be seen. For example, a flat plate, on
which something loose and light is spilled, a plate with sand. The dynamic of
musical center is put under it. And you can see the intricate patterns that will
emerge from the sand. Sound or word can kill, but also it may have creative
power. For example, mantrotherapy in Tibetan medicine. The sound should be
harmonious or it will be cacophony. We listen not only by ears, but by body by
every cell.

Rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre, tone, vibration, power and volume all these
are characteristics of the sound.
Myths and Realities of the Tibetan singing bowls
Legends about the appearance of Tibetan singing bowls

The Chinese believed that spirits lived in the products of bronze, for example,
swords and vessels. (A. Heuser, Singing Bowls. Exercises for a personal
harmony M., Dilya, 2005 p.46). Until now, there is no information about the
exact purpose of such products. Maybe they were used as a vessel for food,
sacrificial vessel, ritual or music.

Description of the symbolic construction of the orchestra in a Tibetan temple is

represented in the book Rudy Jansen. (Singing Bowls. Practical guidance on the
use / Tr. from English. SPb.: Publisher Dilya, 2009, p. 1819).
Retreat practice with Tibetan singing bowls, the Himalayas, the plateau of the cave of Milarepa, 4032m

Legend of meteorites. According to this legend, Tibetan singing bowls existed

and were used in the practice of the monks in Tibet, but their properties were
missing something. And then the monks appealed to the supreme beings and
gods to help them. In response to their request meteor rain was sent down to the
Earth, which allowed to include meteoric iron in the standard alloy, from which
the bowls were made. Since then, the bowls began to possess unique properties.

The legend about the wandering blacksmiths. The legend says that in Tibet lived
blacksmiths who were creating Tibetan singing bowls directly on the request of
one who asked them to make it. They could forge a bowl for every need from
economic to spiritual. These blacksmiths lived near the deposits, where all
necessary for the alloy of a certain quality was. And they hammered the bowls
directly on the stones of Tibet. And when the ore or the alloy were ending in this
place, they went on to look for new deposits. They were not just the blacksmiths,
but blacksmiths who were performing specific spiritual practices. In those days it
was impossible to find a new mine ore required for the production of Tibetan
singing bowls without such practices, and without communication with higher

Practice with Tibetan singing bowls, the Himalayas, the cave of Milarepa,
Tibetan singing bowls in the modern world

I can say with confidence that today Tibetan singing bowls are not only a
musical instrument but a completely real thins that can affect on a human or an
animal, and they have some scientifically determinable physical and mechanical

Research, conducted by my students in physically oriented therapy and

bioenergy, confirmed this. As an example, the personal experience in using
Tibetan singing bowls in combination with classical therapeutic massage, I noted
a huge reduction of the acute period of ischialgia and lumbodynia and increasing
the duration of remission periods in my patients.

Nowadays, this clinical research has not been conducted because of the high
price of it.
Singing Bowl, Japan, 2015

In 2014, we conducted a research expedition with the intention to find

answers to many questions about the practice of Tibetan singing bowls in
the Himalayas to Mount Annapurna 3 and to the cave of Milarepa, to the
mystical Mount Kailash and in the sacred lakes Manasarovar and
Rakshastal, in the ancient complex of caves Sunducki and Pandora and in
the cave Koshkulakskaya in Khakassia and in the reserve Pillars
in Krasnoyarsk.

In 2015, we plan the research expeditions to Bhutan, and to the forbidden

kingdom of Mustang. Its known that traditions of Tantric (Tibetan) Buddhism
are still in safe in Bhutan and Ladakh. Unlike Tibet, these countries and regions
avoided the influence of China. And as a consequence of such a Cultural
Revolution, as a result of which in the Tibetan China a huge number of the
cultural values and also the bearers of traditions had been destroyed.

Today it is very difficult to find a real bearer of the traditions of spiritual or

healing practices with Tibetan singing bowls. This is because over the time they
physically become less and less. In addition, only few can keep line tradition
clean and pass it to next generations. And even more, integrating or bringing in
these practices something of your own, that means to take to yourself the
responsibility to carry it into the world! That is because of the probability of
errors and lack of understanding or feeling is very big.

Furthermore, any research in this sphere, as expeditions with the purpose to find
mediums of traditions cost a lot in terms of time and budget.

Ethnic residents of the regions of Tibet (Tibet Autonomous Region, China) and
the Himalayas (in areas around Annapurna) respect the Tibetan singing bowls.
They are very interested in practices with bowls, because other people havent
got them. And if in the Himalayas (Nepal), the residents were interested
in Tibetan singing bowls, they wanted bowls to help them give up smoking,
the Tibet Autonomous Region of China the ethnic Tibetans showed rather
spiritual and religious interest to the bowls. For objectivity in the expedition
to Kailas in September 2014 Tibetan singing bowl which brought particular
interest was with the image of Green Tara rapped on the outer perimeter of the
mantra Om Mani Padme-Hum in Tibetan language.

Practice with Tibetan singing bowls for pilgrims, Chiu-gompa, Lake Manasarovar, Tibet

To show in summary the information above, it should be noted that:

1. Tibetan singing bowls have a certain influence on the human body and
animals, this influence is shown in the harmonization of the psycho-emotional
state of a person.

2. Tibetan singing bowls, using them in certain procedures, submitted by the

tradition, allow to work on psychosomatic blocks in the body, causing a reaction.
To be objective, it should be noted that control or manage of these processes are
impossible for us nowadays.

3. Statement of some authors about scientific unprovability of Planetary tones of

the Tibetan singing bowls seems to us erroneous. At the same time, we believe
that the vibroacoustic impact of the Tibetan singing bowls on the human body is
the phenomenon that cant be denied!

4. Real examples of looses and studies of psychophysiological blocks as a result

of an effect of Tibetan singing bowls by some of our patients certainly deserve
even more studies.

5. Our studies of the impact of Tibetan singing bowls on the human body with
the help of devices and programs of variative pulsometry show that the
phenomenon of contact and contactless exposure of Tibetan singing bowls
exists, and this phenomenon is scientifically confirmed.

Technology of manufacturing of Tibetan singing bowls

In November 2013 we were lucky enough to visit the production of Tibetan

singing bowls. And not only lucky to watch, but also to take part in some of the
stages of production of Tibetan singing bowls, as well as to receive teachings
about the nuances of production of Tibetan singing bowls from our Master. Here
is the main conclusion about the visit of the production of Tibetan singing bowls
and received instruction from the Master:
Singing Bowl, Japanese style

1. Production of Tibetan singing bowls and bowls for tourists and their
production for the mystical and spiritual healing practices has a whopping

2. Production of Tibetan singing bowls is a laborious process that requires the

development of certain skills, however, as in any other affair- at the level of
3. There are at least three common technologies of manufacturing of Tibetan
singing bowls: Tibetan style, Nepali style and Indian style. You can also note
two more exotic styles: Japanese and Thai (Vietnam). Due to the small
distribution or, more precisely, because of the rarer using of this styles with the
property of healing, we can not focus on them.

4. Many elements affect on the quality of the Tibetan singing bowls: the
structure of the ore, the quantitative and qualitative structure of the alloy from
which the bowl is made, micro-climatic characteristics of the region, where the
Tibetan singing bowls are made, the skills of Masters involve in the production
of Tibetan singing bowls in one or another technological operation, storage and
transport of Tibetan singing bowls as well as at the stage of manufacture to
point of sale and as well as from the point of sale to the place of practice.

All which is above is only the first conclusions. Further analysis and decoding of
audio and video recordings, as well as the systematization of the teachings and
observations of Master which were given to Tsering Ngodrubu (Viktor Ogui)
would lift the veil of secrecy over the objects of power the Tibetan singing
bowls, dust off unsubstantiated mystery and scientifically prove high efficiency
of the Tibetan singing bowls for healing, prevention, spiritual and mystical
Production of Tibetan singing bowls forged. Victor Oguy, Nepal, 2013.
Types of Tibetan singing bowls
(Classification of Ogui V., 2013)

According to the technology of production:


Forged bowls are made by traditional manual way of forging hemispherical

certain alloy billets. Historically, this is the first method of producing Tibetan
singing bowls. Today, in such way Tibetan singing bowls are made mainly
in Nepal and India. These singing bowls are used in the practice of Tibetan
singing bowls massage. Generally, the method of extracting the sound from them
shock method. In addition, by the production of them in a certain way it may
be possible to remove the sound by friction.


Cast singing bowls are produced by the tide of the alloy in the form, and then by
properly processing by hand or by machine. Cast singing bowls are made mainly
in north India. Singing Bowls are made by molding, designed mainly to
removing the sound by friction. From the esoteric point of view, these bowls are
suited for spot (local) impact contact method of introducing energy (pranu, tsy,
chi) directly in the place of contact for the elimination of negative energy or
simply excess energy at the place of application contact the cast singing bowl
with the human body. It is really a secret technique, and mediums of tradition
rarely pass to Europeans information about it.
Stamped (factory, souvenir)

By stamping from blanks stamped singing bowls are made predominantly by

industrial way from low qualitative metal for sale in souvenir shops and stores.
Such bowls are not usually used for practices.

By the structure and form:


Thin singing bowls are very rare today! The original technology of their
production didnt survive. There is an assumption that this kind of bowls made
by forging and joining two sheets and this technology forms an air space
between them. These bowls were very light. The structure of the alloy were also
very different from the structure of the alloy of forged or cast modern bowls.


Thick singing bowls are a variety of forged bowls having a sufficiently thick

Bu the quantity and quality f structure of metals in the alloy:

57913 metals
Depending on the presence in the composition of the alloy, of which the Tibetan
singing bowls are made, they may include 579 and 13 components. The most
rare and unique Tibetan singing thickets contain meteoric iron. The most
famous TSB is that in which alloy contains seven metals: gold, silver, mercury,
copper, iron, tin and lead.

By the time of production


Many sellers and manufacturers of Tibetan singing bowls in Nepal and India
argue that there are certain practices that allow you to attach some mystical
properties to manufactured bowls. For example, Tibetan bowls made at the full
moon, have an ability characterized by the influence of the full moon on the
structures of the human body and can be used for the magical practices.

By Material


Metal Tibetan singing bowls are made from an alloy of various metals.

Quartz (crystal)

Quartz or crystal singing bowls are produced industrially from the material
used in the production of microprocessors. Removing the sound of them is
possible only by friction of the walls, and the spectrum of the sound of the bowls
is very narrow.

By date of production


Antique bowls are conditionally all the singing bowls, produced until 1959
until the moment when Tibet was incorporated into the PRC.


Modern bowls are bowls made in our time (after 1959).

Antique Singing Bowl, the Himalayas, 2015
Symbolism and images on the Tibetan singing bowls

Symbols and designs with sacred or spiritual orientation are drawn on the
Tibetan singing bows by stamping or application. There are gods, Buddhas and
Bodhisattvas on the bowls. Images of eight noble characters of Buddhism are
presented on the bowls very often. The local population of Tibet, 99 % of whom
are Buddhists, have obviously very respectful and reverential attitude to any
symbolism, somehow connected with the Dharma (the Teaching). That is why
local pilgrims who were with us in monasteries and places of power in Tibet and
the Himalayas approached us and examined Tibetan singing bowls with interest,
and gladly responded to the proposal to put it on their heads. That is why
I would like to caution practitioners with Tibetan singing bowls from disrespect
to them, especially to those which are the symbols of Buddhism. Even just pull
the foot toward teachers or towards altar top is considered very disrespectful for
a Buddhist!

The reality today is that the Tibetan singing bowls are actively beginning to be
applied in the industry of fitness and wellness. Including procedures with water
(and this is one of the strongest acting properties of Tibetan singing bowls).
From an ethical point of view, any religion which master follows should be
respected. If you take a good bowl without any pictures and pour water in it, and
remove the vibration, wash the feet and legs, this will be useful for the feet.
Although many masters and lamas in Tibet and Ladakh showed us that even one
single on the bowl characterizing Buddhism, even the corporate symbol
of Master makes this bowl related to the Teaching (Buddhism). Of course,
follow or not to follow these recommendations is a private matter of an expert of
beauty industry or of the private practice. As an example, there is an article
describing the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism below.
The eight auspicious symbols of the Dharma

The eight auspicious symbols of the Dharma

Trashi tagye (Tib.)

According to the legend, when Buddha Sakyamuni attained the enlightenment

under the Bodhi tree, the gods gave him eight auspicious symbols: the first of the
Gods Brahma appeared with a golden Buddha Dharmachakra Wheel of the
Teaching; heavenly God Indra brought a white conch to proclaim the true
doctrine; earth God Stavara brought a precious vessel full of the nectar of
immortality; other Gods of Buddha brought two gold fish, the lotus flower, the
banner of victory and a precious umbrella [Chemitdorzhiev 2010: 4849].

All of the eight symbols has become Symbols of Dharma (Skt. Teaching
of Buddha), indicating her direct link with the life of people. As the wisdom of
the Buddhas teachings can achieve prosperity and happiness, these symbols are
also called the eight symbols of luck.

1. Precious Umbrella

PRECIOUS Umbrella (Tib. Arcs) is the symbol of protection, royal majesty,

wealth, power and social status. Coolness presented by the precious umbrella
protects from the scorching rays of suffering, insurmountable unfulfilled desires,
neuroses and malicious forces.

2. The precious vase

VASE (tib. bumpa) the symbol of a secret treasure, vault of nectar of well-
being, health and long life. Jewelry is pouring from it, defending someone who
is developing on the spiritual way, of poverty and untimely death.

3. White sink

WHITE SINK (Tib. Dungkar) a symbol of the vibrating sound of the Dharma
which make beings get up from the sleep of ignorance. Reaching the ears of
beings with different abilities and predispositions, the sounds of the Buddhas
teachings resonate with the inner nature of things, opening the way to liberation,
encouraging to listen to the best in yourself, think, and then enter the
Bodhicharya-avatar (Way of the Bodhisattva).

4. Victorious sign

Victorious sign (tib. gyaltsen) a sign of military superiority. It means a victory

over suffering, death and ignorance. It is a symbol of victory over all internal
and external constraints, overcoming of all obstacles mainly it is two curtains:
five disturbing emotions (and their combinations) and rigid ideas.
5. A pair of goldfish

PAIR goldfish (Tib. Sulfuric) a symbol of courage and joy with which the fish
in the ocean of samsara swims, independently choosing its direction and is not
afraid of suffering. Symbol of lightness and well rebirth of bodhisattvas in the
worlds of Samsara (Skt.; conditioned existence) and the ability to joyfully and
freely slide on its waves.

6. Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower (Tib. Pema) indicates Awakening full flowering of the potential
of Buddha. As a lotus grows from the mud and slime and expand, maintaining its
unblemished beauty on the surface of the marsh, as beings punch through the dirt
and defilements of samsara, carrying on shining qualities of the absolute through
life, absolute means mind, such as intuitive wisdom, happiness, courage,
active compassion and love.

7. An endless knot

Endless knot (tib. palbeu) infinity symbol of knowledge and intellectual depth,
Buddhas teachings (Dharma) out of concept. It demonstrates the
interdependence of all conditioned things and phenomenons manifested in the
world, the unity, non-duality of the exhibition and void.

8. Wheel of Dharma

Wheel of Dharma (Skt. Dharmachakra; Tib., Chokyi Khorlo) a symbol of the

gift of liberating teachings of the Buddha (see an article Wheel of Dharma).
Buddhas rotate golden Dharma wheel in all the worlds to help beings get rid of
ignorance the source of all suffering.

All these signs also can be found singly.

A frequent motive for jewelry and ornaments. Eight symbols of the Dharma
decorate ritual scarves of Hadak, cymbals, are found in national things, clothing,
in the symbolism on the banknotes and coins of Buddhist countries. For
example, the sink is a symbol that appears on the coins of Bhutan.

Eight symbols of the Dharma surround Buddha Vairochana in his mandala.

Properties of the Tibetan singing bowls

Tibetan singing bowls have certain physical properties. For example, while
removing the sound from the TSB by blow of the stick, the cup wall vibrate
mechanically acting on the surrounding area: while contact with the human
body, causing a mechanical action on the tissues and body fluids. In the case of
non-contact action the oscillatory motion of the walls of bowls will be felt by
exposed portions of the human body like a breeze.

In addition to mechanical vibrations and oscillations of TSB walls which

osculate tissues of the human body, a range of audible sound perceived by
human central nervous system will have the physical properties.

Esoteric (Mystical)

Mystical Properties of TSB are phenomenons peculiar to TSB, which have no

scientific explanation or which devices for registration are nor available. For
example, the work of TSB as the resonator (or generator) of some universal
energy, which may be destined with a help of intention (affermation) in this or
that direction.
Buddhist temple in the Himalayas
Action of the Tibetan singing bowls per person
Homeopathy of metals from alloy

There is an assumption that the trace of alloy of TSB in direct contact with the
body may be affect the it in homeopathic doses.

Kransiosacral impact

In the tradition of Tsering Ngodrub at the beginning of procedures or practices

with Tibetan singing bowls a component of the reception is when forged singing
bowl of sufficient size is worn on the head by and the vibration is removed from
it by rubber stick. This technique seems to us as a necessary practice in any
practice with TSB. Protocol in ten steps of kransiosacral therapy Applendzheru
includes effects on the bone of the skull and the diaphragm by 4 soft manual
treatment with a force of no more than 5 grams per square centimeters. We are
confident that the contact proring of TSB has a similar effect on the bodys

Mechanical vibration

Tibetan singing bowls, from which the sound (vibration) is removing one way or
another way due to vibration of the walls, mechanically effect on human tissue.

The impact of the sound resonance

There is an assumption that every organ in the human body has a certain
frequency response, that means it vibrates with a specific frequency. Moreover,
the frequency of vibration of a healthy body will differ from the frequency of the
vibration of the body with any pathology. Presumably, the TSB that has
characteristics of the frequency in a range of vibration frequencies of a healthy
body, it will positively influence on the pathological organ, pulling its
unhealthy vibrations to the healthy vibration of TSB.

As music

Tibetan singing bowls, matched with the notes could be used for playing the
music with their help.

Brain biorhythms

Biorhythms of the brain are certain characteristics of the functioning of the

human brain, characteristics for certain physiological conditions. There is
speculation that TSB can affect a person, stimulating the brain to function in
a particular biorhythm. For example, the TSB can enter a person into altered
states of consciousness (ASC), just as shaman drum.

The frequencies of the human brain (by G. Haffelderu):

G. Haffelder (Germany). Haffelder, G. (1998):

Lernen optimieren, Lernstrungen verhindern. Co med-Fachmagazin fr

Complementre. 10/98.

Kandel, E., Schwartz, J., Jessell, T. (1996):

Neurowissenschaften. Spektrum, Akademischer Verlag.

Delta-rhythm ( 0,1 to 3,5 Hz): The brain: a deep dreamless sleep, trance,
hypnosis. Midbrain: the personal radar, instinct, second sense.

Theta rhythm ( 3,57 Hz): calm state, a dream, inspiration and dreams,
visualization, fantasy

Alpha rhythm ( 714 Hz): relaxed concentration, calm, serene mind. Alpha is
a bridge between the conscious and the subconscious.

Beta-rhythm ( 1428 Hz): Logical thinking, active attention, but also there is an
aggression, stress and frustration.
Mechanical affection on tissues and organs

The mechanical affection of TSB removing the vibration from them will affect
the human tissues and organs. As an example, we can consider the analogy of
taking a stable uninterruptible vibration in classical Russian massage, which
affects the human body by sedative way. Also, TSB located near the lymph node
will produce surging (pumping) if you remove the vibration from it. And when
you move the TSB in the projection of the surface of lymphatic vessels it will
have lymph drainage property.
Book Viktor Ogui Vibro-acoustic singing bowls massage. Training handbook

The impact on the psychosomatic problems

TSB affect the psychosomatic problems. Today, to manage this process is not
possible, since there is no proof about relationship of tensions and blocks in
various parts of the body with mental health problems. At the same time it is
reasonable to build on the experience in body-oriented therapy. Particularly, the
theory of musculo-fascial stress by the Reich. Reich found that chronic muscle
clamps block three main motivations: anxiety, anger and sexual arousal. He
came to the conclusion that the physical (muscle) and the psychological armor
are the same things. To learn how to get rid of the exaggerated and misplaced
clips, blocking feelings this is only one aspect of the psychological growth of
the individual.
Book Viktor Ogui Tibetan singing bowls in the work of the psychologist

Esoteric (magic) affection

Moreover, many schools offer training of practices or massage with Tibetan

singing bowls, reduce the impact of TSB primarily to the sound of music or to
the esoteric aspects such as compliance of certain notes, human energy centers
chakras. Some schools refer to the mysterious knowledge, which were given
to them by masters, producing bowls in Nepal, they offer a completely different
notes to the chakras. For example, there is such a version Vedic (Hindu)
system of performance of chakras and their compliance with the notes.

There is an another table, which is called Tibetan or received from

a Tibetan monastery
In this case it is necessary to clarify a number of important points! As a result of
meeting with the doctors who PRACTICE Tibetan medicine in Ladakh,
Dharamsala, Lhasa, Shigatse, Europe and other regions, as well as on the basis
of scientifically provable facts we can aim that:

In traditional Tibetan medicine, there are two types of anatomy: Normal

anatomy and special anatomy with more subtle level, which is mentioned
in the Bum Shi and in Jude Shi (treatises on Tibetan medicine).
Historically, the system of chakras and channels were developing in two
directions. One of them considers the chakras and channels as part of the
secret tantric teachings. This knowledge will never become public. The
second considers the subtle anatomy as an integral part of Tibetan
Medicine. For example, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang wrote a dissertation of
bachelor of subtle anatomy with a help of Professor at the University
of Lhasa (Tibet Autonomous Region) and teaches a part of it in the section
of the course External procedures. Ku Nye-2 in Europe.
Ku Nye Traditional Tibetan Massage. Ku Nye School. Course textbook
of the Second Level by Dr. Nida Chenagtsang. Sorig Publications.
MATTM 2010.

It says that the chakras are the energy centers, in which the energy rises and
removes to the rest of the body by various channels of the system. The thin
aspect of energy of five elements is the source of five chakras, and on a deeper
level the source of all the components of the physical body. Breathing is
associated with the five elements of the energy chakras (on the inside level each
chakra corresponds to one of the Winds, which is associated with the chakras),
and every breath is associated with all five winds. He leads the table
corresponding to each of the five chakras with the primary element (water, fire,
space, earth, air), mantra, root (seed) to the syllable, color and shape.

Thus, the assertion of some mysterious system of conformity notes with

chakras, which came from the monasteries of Tibet, this system refers to the 7
(seven) chakras is wrong and there is no documentary evidence, other than
references to some masters in Nepal.

In addition, one of the esoteric aspects of Tibetan bowls is their symbolism.

BOWL (as a circle) represents the feminine, and STICK (as vertical, lingam)
masculine; SOUND Activity and SILENCE passivity.
Book Viktor Ogui Tibetan singing bowls: Mystery and Magic
Research results
In the practices of Tibetan singing bowls there are a lot of research which are
done by my students and colleagues:

Study of the impact of Tibetan singing bowls on the human body by the
method of variation pulsometry. (Nizhny Novgorod, 2013., Ryndyk N. V.
Ogui V. O.)

Conclusions. According to a survey by the stress test and on the basis of

personal subjective experience it can be concluded that vibration therapy
with Tibetan bowls improves the treatment.

Document 7914 of scientific and experimental testing from December

25, 2014

Studies are carried out in the framework of long-term research program of

the Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists of traditional
and folk medicine (Ranma) on the basis of agreement between Ranma and
JSC NTC Integrative System from 15.01.2012.


A comprehensive assessment of the impact on functional status (FS) of

recipient of curative procedures conducted by a piloted specialist. This is
supposed to identify the character of a method of influence on the human
body, as well as to determine its probable therapeutic skills.


The effect of rehabilitation techniques on the recipient is objectively

recorded. Taking into account its original functional condition, marked
changes are quite logical;

During the reporting session, there is a pronounced optimization of the

functional state of the piloted specialist that basically corresponds to the
canons of used recreational practice;
There is a clear synergy of participants in the experiment, which is
manifested in a synchronous change of all diagnostic indicators which were
used in the experiment. The degree of partnership on the various stages
of a health-improving session is characterized by different tightness.

Study the affection of Tibetan singing bowls on the human body by the
method of variation pulsometry. (Nizhny Novgorod, 2013., Ryndyk N. V.
Ogui V. O.)

Conclusions. According to a survey by the stress test and on the basis

of personal subjective experience it can be concluded that the Tibetan
bowls vibration therapy improves the quality of patients health. First of all,
it affects the central nervous and cardiovascular system, as it was observed
in the analysis of stress tests and, indirectly, on other systems of the
body, particularly on the musculoskeletal system (from personal
experience). It is not necessary to consider this experience as the ultimate
truth, but it should be considered as an interesting observation on the
recovery of the resources of the human body by unconventional and
fascinating ancient techniques, which include therapy of Tibetan bowls.

Study the impact of Tibetan singing bowls on the human body by the method of variation pulsometry.
(Nizhny Novgorod, 2013., Ryndyk N. V., Ogui V. O.)
Neurological affection Hess Peter of vibrating acoustic massage.// Dr.
Kerstin Gommel (Dr. med. Kerstin Gommel)

Summary: Get an audio massage this is an event in a persons life.

Sounds and vibrations of singing bowls affect people deeply and on several
levels: physically, emotionally and mentally. Subjectively, stress level
reduces, deep dive and relax are possible. There was a research, which
should be continued, it showed that there are objective neurological impact
of the sound massage that appear in a steady change in the pattern of brain
waves, as well as in measuring of persons perception of the speed. These
first measurements have also shown a strong influence of the one who
gives the sound massage to the one who receives it.

Sound Massage makes a person very open to all the contacts and
interventions by the therapist.

Dissertation: Tibetan singing bowls in psychological counseling. The

technique of using non-harmonic overtones of the sound. Supervisor:
Lipets N. V., Student: Mustaev D. V., c. 16, Moscow, 2011.

The result of all client sessions has been the normalization of all
psychophysical condition. In some cases, there was removal of pain.

Antonina Kozyreva, Novosibirsk. Dissertation:

The aim of this work was to study the possibility of correction of psycho-
emotional sphere by sound therapy. Throughout the process we have
studied the concept of art therapy and its impact on the psycho-emotional
sphere. We described the concept of psycho-emotional sphere, its
components, we researched the problem of its imbalance. There was an
empirical study. According to our hypothesis it was supposed to confirm
that the Tibetan bowls sound therapy is an effective method of correction
of psycho-emotional sphere.

During the study we obtained the following conclusions:

1. There are differences between the test and control groups, when the test
group had positive changes that were safe in dynamics.
2. The reduction of the aggressive performance of scales Bass-Darko after
MTPCH is proved, but dynamic character is not revealed.

3. The decrease of personal anxiety of scale Spielberger is confirmed after

MTPCH, its index was safe in dynamics.

4. The group, who was on sessions MTPCH where was high mood level in
dynamics, has an increasing of scales of health, activity and mood by test
called SAN.

Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed. Vibro-acoustic massage by Tibetan

singing bowls can be used as an effective method of correction of psycho-
emotional sphere.
Book Viktor Ogui Tibetan singing bowls: a collection of articles and
How to remove the sound from Tibetan singing bowls

The most common way to remove the sound from TSB is using sticks (mallets,
pistils) by beating or friction techniques. By beating the sound removes from the
small equilateral TSB by straight sticks. From large TSB the sound removes by
rubber sticks, they have something in common with the drum sticks. To remove
the sound from a large TSB by friction you need big round sticks. Friction is
performed with force placing the stick from different angles of the upper edge of
the bowl walls. When you remove the sound by beating, the stick may be from
the outside part of the bowl centripetaly or vice versa. You may destine your
force close to the top or to the bottom edge of the TSB.

Removing the vibration and sound of the cup shock method

There is a method for removing the vibration of a sufficiently large bowls with a
base palm. For this, keeping the TSB in one hand, base of the palm of the other
hand strikes the upper third of the wall.
Where to use the Tibetan singing bowls
(Classification by Ogui. V. 2013)

1. Health

1.1 Prevention of the diseases

1.2. Therapeutic effect

2. Psychology

2.1. Psychoprophylaxis

2.2. Psychosomatics

2.3. Bodily oriented therapy

3. Spa Industry

3.1. Relax

3.2. Assortment

3.3. Integration into the ceremonies and rituals of bath technology

4. Cosmetology

4.1. Face Aesthetics

4.2. Body Aesthetics

4.3. Anti-age treatments

4.4. Bodydrained or myorelaxation effects

4.5. Rehabilitation after plastic surgery

5. Yoga

5.1. Yoga therapy

5.2. Meditative practices:

5.2.1. Group practices

5.2.2. Individual practices

5.2.3. Paired Practice

6. Sexology

6.1.1. Individual practices

6.1.2. Paired Practice

7. Fitness and Sports

7.1. Correction of body weight

7.2. Acceleration of recovery processes

7.3. Exercising with Tibetan singing bowls

8. Tourism and Travel

8.1. Accelerating and improving of adaptive abilities

8.2. Acceleration and improving of acclimatization abilities

9. Veterinary Medicine

9.1. Prevention of diseases in animals

10. Aqua practice with TSB

10.1. In terms of the pool

10.2. In terms of natural water bodies

10.3. Whirlpools

11. Bathroom facilities

11.1. In terms of Russian baths

11.2. In terms of dry air steam

11.3. In terms of steam-bath (hammam).

How to choose a Tibetan singing bowl

The most common suggestion to choose the Tibetan singing bowl in two ways:
Intuitive (like dont like, answering no answer) or by frequency
characteristics: by the sound (the notes).
Tibetan singing bowls in a Russian bath
What determines the price (cost) of the Tibetan
singing bowls
1. The quality of the bowls

2. their mood (in common with yours)

3. Completeness of the sale

4. Seller.

The quality of the bowl:

1. Range (latitude range) of its sound.

2. Characteristics of mechanical properties of vibration.

3. The composition of the alloy from which the bowl is made.

4. The energy component (scientifically its unprovable, but it feels at practices).

5. antique or artistic or cultural values.

6. The duration of the sound / vibration damping.

The size or weight of the bowl it is a controversial point of its quality.

A good bowl is that which vibration responds in the body in contact or non-
contact exposure. Vibration of the walls of such bowl is physically felt in the
body by non-contact method.
It seems to us an empirical way to select a bowl, but it is inefficient for
physicians / patients with low sensitivity.

The offered method of selection of bowls is more focused on physical factors

available to be determined by almost any person.

Singing Bowls Full-Moon

The sort of quality of bowls or their content of five or more metals seems to be
the most subjective and questionable today, as the spectral analysis of the metal,
from which the bowl is made, is expensive, it requires a rare equipment and what
is mostly important it can traumatize the bowl! As a result, it can substantially
change its sound-vibration characteristics.
The minimum set, which is recommended in the tradition of Tsering Ngodrub:
three medium bowl +1 large and 1 small. This will allow to do all the methods.
In the future, you can purchase 2 bowls. Even with a bowl of medium size, the
practitioner will be able to perform virtually all practices and procedures
individually and in groups: Traditional Tibetan singing bowls massage, a
technique Contact sound as an independent process, and integrating it with
the classic massage in bath technology in a Russian bath, or hamam; group or
individual meditation; paired practice, practice with pets, shamanic journeys and
so on.

Set of singing bowls to perform the procedure Sound bath

The simplest methods of health and
meditation practices with the help of Tibetan
singing bowls
Meditation with Tibetan singing bowl
Meditation with Tibetan singing bowl allows you to stop the internal dialogue
easily. Relaxed, you remove the sound from the Tibetan singing bowl, focusing
your attention on its characteristics without marks, just trying to watch the sound
and feel it. It is recommended to do such sessions for 1520 minutes before 1.5
2 hours before bedtime.
Book Viktor Ogui: Meditation with Tibetan singing bowls
Self-massage using Tibetan singing bowls
Tibetan singing bowl is placed on a particular area of the body, and the vibration
is removed from it. For example, midsize Tibetan singing bowl is stably placed
on the front surface of persons chest. The sound is removed from the bowl by
the impact Stick. Or in sitting position, Tibetan singing bowl is placed on the
thighs, the person removes the sound from it by friction.
Book Viktor Ogui: Self-massage with Tibetan singing bowls. Training
Partner practice with the Tibetan singing bowl
The practice of massage or meditation in pairs Tibetan singing bowls for couples
effects on all areas of the human body, harmonizes and builds relationships in
couple, allows us to develop the domestic partners feeling at heart level and
stimulates openness.

For couples who are at the stage start there are special paired practice, conducted
by Master, these practice will be useful because it will make you feel the true
ego of the partner, his aura; it will allow to see and hear the status of the partner
in the beginning of a relationship, while the partner can manifest himself in
social life quite differently because of his programs, behavior models and

For couples whose relations are in conflict state, but still there is mutual respect
and the desire to change the situation, improve and maintain relationships or
harmonize them, specific practices with Tibetan singing bowls will be very

In addition, a special practice with TSB allows to balance the quality state of
energy in the pair in terms of Yin-Yang, that means, male and female beginnings.
For example, a woman in a pair had an aspect stronger masculine energy,
activity, there is no softness and smoothness. Paired practice allows to show and
accentuate in woman her inner woman, the Goddess.

Thus, at any stage of the relationship in a pair of man-woman, in any qualitative

composition of their original energy, with a help of the practice of Tibetan
singing bowls it is possible to harmonize the energy, and the relationship itself
through smooth interaction in pairs or within human himself.
There are Tibetan singing bowls with images of similar reliefs and sculptures of
the temples of Khajuraho (India) showing Kama Sutra. And bowls with images
typical for practicals of Tantric Buddhism (Buddha-form pair bodhisattvas Yab
Yum). This BOWLS are used in couple practices, and they are particularly
effective as they carry symbols and energy of the interaction of men and women.

Partner practice with the Tibetan singing bowl

Practices in an altered state of consciousness
(shamanic journey and return of parts of the soul)
with the help of Tibetan bowls
Use of Tibetan singing bowls allows to get a person into an altered state of
consciousness similar to the trance into which gets the shaman through
tambourine. In the altered state of consciousness a human can make a journey to
different worlds and spaces. Such practices with a help of Master and Tibetan
singing bowls allow a person to make a trip to the Upper World to teachers and
mentors in the Lower World to meet their fears or the middle world, practicing
various forms and manifestations of the interaction in the social environment.

According to the theories of shamanism, as a result of strong affection or

emotional turmoil a person loses or leaves a part of his soul in the past events.
The absence of one or another part of the soul makes a person posting
inconsistent, a person experiences feelings of inadequacy, suffering, frustration,
as he has the connection with the event, and he constantly returns to the memory
while keeping their energy there.

With the help of Tibetan singing bowls people with Master can travel and take
the parts of the soul and bring them back, found theirselves entirely again.
Practices in an altered state of consciousness (shamanic journey and return of
parts of the soul) with the help of Tibetan bowls
Integration of the practices with Tibetan singing
bowls in practice with the Universal Energy of Reiki
Universal Energy of Reiki today is already a proven fact. Reiki is a universal
energy which absolutely anyone can use. A necessary condition for this is so-
called connection or tuning of a person on the frequency of this energy.
After a person once tuned to this frequency, the ability to use the properties of
this energy stays with him for whole life. All this fits in esoteric, and even
scientific aspects of the impact of Tibetan singing bowls per person. A bright
example may be an analogy with water: water is the universal solvent, which has
certain properties of the physical and chemical nature. But the adding other
chemical components in water (such as potassium permanganate it will change
the color of water, salt taste will be changed) or the application of other
physical conditions (at subzero temperatures water freezes and goes into the
aggregate state of the ice, with a high temperature of over 100 degrees Celsius
water boils, and it will move into steam). So Reiki energy is universal in its
properties and quality. But its application and the direction is controlled by
a specific technology (the method), and the intention of the person tuned to its
frequency. A unique feature of Reiki energy is that it is completely regulated by
the highest goods of the universe. In my vision this universal energy can have
other names, but its primary property is the fact that it is universal.

There are techniques, methods and practices which can help you to integrate the
use of the Universal Energy of Reiki in practice with Tibetan singing bowls, thus
strengthening the harmonious and healthy effect of both methods. There is a
speculation that monks in monasteries in the Himalayan highlands did such
Book Viktor Ogui Tibetan singing bowls and universal energy of Reiki
Massage using Tibetan singing bowls for pets
Massage using Tibetan singing bowls for pet is used for the treatment and
prevention of chronic colds without medicines. This is an effective method of
natural healing. Many techniques used for humans are also applicable for
animals. For example, the impact of Tibetan singing bowls can reduce the
animals aggressiveness.

Massage using Tibetan singing bowls for pets

Harmonization of space (room cleaning) using
Tibetan singing bowls
In life in modern stressful social situations many conflict communications leave
emotionally heavy atmosphere in the rooms or places where the person lives.
Many people, even a little sensitive people may feel fear, depression, anxiety,
grief or sadness in such places. As an example, childrens homes and hospitals.
I am deeply convinced that the practice of Tibetan singing bowls in such places
will harmonize the atmosphere even without people.

The simplest example of practices with Tibetan singing bowl for the
harmonization of space (or room cleaning) from negative energy will be to
remove the sound in the room for 4050 minutes. More sophisticated technique
may become a ritual of dealing with the Tibetan singing bowl and removing the
sound from it in the perimeter (or in certain sacred picture) in a space that need
to be harmonized.
Harmonization of space (room cleaning) using Tibetan singing bowls
Structuring (charge) of the liquid using Tibetan
singing bowls
It is well known that water has the ability to collect information and to wash it in
itself. The simplest example is the research related to the impact on the structure
of water prayers (mantras) or swearing. Harmonious sound of Tibetan singing
bowls affects the water, and this effect is similar to prayer. Sound improves its
structure. Such water can be used in various fields of human activity. However,
I dont recommend Practices to drink it! It is difficult to say exactly what
elements and compounds are in the alloy from which the bowls are made,
especially in the case of their oxidation.

To structure (charge) water (liquid) it is necessary to place the Tibetan singing

bowl in the liquid or the liquid in the bowl, and then remove the sound for 4050
minutes. In my private practice, there is a positive experience in structuring and
using of massage oils.
Structuring (charge) of the liquid using Tibetan singing bowls
Harmonization of the human biofield (aura
alignment) with the help of Tibetan singing bowls
Practices with Tibetan singing bowls allow to harmonize the human biofield. It
is known that diseases, stress, and other pathological things negatively affect on
the human aura, and this leads to further deterioration. Tibetan singing bowls
align aura by its harmonious vibrations, harmonizing the human condition.
Harmonization of the human biofield (aura alignment) with the help of Tibetan
singing bowls
Harmonization of the human energy system (chakras)
with the help of Tibetan singing bowls
According to the theory of traditional Tibetan medicine and Vedic texts, apart
from the physical human body there is an energy (thin) body which structure is
made of energy centers (chakras) and the system of channels through which
there is a moving of thin energy which is necessary for the harmonious
functioning of the physical body. Various pathogenic factors may adversely
affect these energy centers, affect their activities, and through this activity of
the physical body. There is an assumption that each chakra is functioning at a
certain frequency characterizing one of the notes an octave. Tibetan singing
bowls which have the frequency of vibrations (sound) similar to the note
(frequency) which the chakra operates with, they will transmit this vibration,
improving its function if there is a breach, bowls will fill the chakra energy.
Harmonization of the human energy system (chakras) with the help of Tibetan
singing bowls
Power gymnastics with Tibetan singing bowls for
In the tradition of Tsering Ngodrub there is a power gymnastics with Tibetan
singing bowls, which allows you to establish and maintain a relationship with
the energy with singing bowls, with the world of singing bowls and with masters
of the transmission line, and it has a bright healing effect for Practice.

Power gymnastics with Tibetan singing bowls for Practices

Practice with Tibetan singing bowls in places of power
of the planet
Many places of power of our planet have the properties to allocate huge amounts
of energy, similar to Reiki energy or energy possessing not universal, but
specific properties (Kailas in Tibet, the mountain towns in the ancient kingdom
of Guge in Western Tibet, a mountain complex Sunducki caves Pandora and
Kushkulatskaya in Khakassia, the dolmens in the Krasnodar region, the lake
Svetloyar in Nizhny Novgorod region, etc.). However, to gain access and to start
using this energy in places of power of the planet we must perform certain
practices for discovery of a place, setting it on a vibration of this energy and
adaptation to the properties specific to a particular energy. Such technology
allows to use the resources of these places with minimal risk. Practices with
Tibetan singing bowls allow to execute all these manipulations with minimal risk
and maximum efficiency.
Practice with Tibetan singing bowls in places of power of the planet: Lake Bele, Khakassia
Practice with Tibetan singing bowls in places of power of the planet, cave of Milarepa, Tibet, 2014
Practice with Tibetan singing bowls in places of power of the planet,
Stonehenge, UK, 2015
Tibetan singing bowls in the tradition
of Tsering Ngodrub (Tcering Ngodrub)
Our educational policy is not quantity but

The second principle of our training:

Learning with the best!
Master Class Tibetan singing bowls and yoga, Osaka, Japan, 2015.
The principal difference between the tradition
of Tsering Ngodrub from other traditions, practices
and methods

Certified Course Tibetan Singing Bowls: Sound Healing and Acoustic Massage (Nada Yoga, Nada
1. You need only one (1!!!) Tibetan Singing Bowl for qualified practice
of Tibetan singing bowls massage for the prevention and treatment of
pathological conditions.

2. There is no need to buy a lot of bowls, this means the absence of huge initial
financial outlay.

3. All methods of Tibetan singing bowls massage, presented in our tradition

(school), are available for using by any person without availability of
compulsory of medical education, psychic abilities, music or education abilities.

4. In our tradition, Tibetan singing bowls are considered to be a unique piece, not
only as a musical instrument or a mysterious esoteric or magical thing of power

5. In our tradition there are additional seminars, practices and technologies of

using Tibetan singing bowls with esoteric or magical side (shamanism, Bon-po,
nada yoga).

6. We organize regular expeditions to places of power and interact directly with

the native tradition.

7. Our students practice with the Tibetan singing bowls regularly and a lot for
themselves and for the patients.

8. We work directly with the Masters, traditionally producing Tibetan singing

bowls and offer Tibetan singing bowls, proved their high quality.

9. At the seminar, we teach how to practice with singing bowls.

10. We do not force to buy our Tibetan singing bowls (Tibetian singing bowls of
our Masters).
These Tibetan singing bowls
The uniqueness of the trainings and missions
of Tsering Ngodrub school
1. Master trained and received initiations from teachers of Traditional Tibetan
sound massage (in Nepal, India, Tibet, Ladakh)

2. Master has considerable experience of sound massage. This means he

performs these techniques not from time to time, but almost every day. Not
only for himself but also for his patients!

3. Regular use of these techniques is included in the basic salary of Master,

which allows him to travel regularly to places of power and learn from native

4. Master has a medical degree, 20 years of practicing of massage, 9 years

worked in a hospital as a massage therapist, this means that massage is the main
kind of professional work of the Master.

5. Master regularly uses Tibetan singing bowls sound massage in the procedures
of classical Russian massage to various diseases.

6. At trainings Master provides information about the normal physiology and

human anatomy, as well as the subtle anatomy and energy aspects.

7. Master integrated some healing practices (including Reiki, Cho Myung-Reiki,

traditional Tibetan medicine, Yuthok Nyingthig) into the conventional technique
of Tibetan singing bowls sound massage. He also adapted some of the traditional
technologies and knowledge of Sound Masters to modern social conditions.

8. The seminar provides a clear technology of using of Tibetan singing bowls for
independent practice, as well as intuitive component. This means that
immediately after the seminar you will be able to use them in practice.

9. Master gives you his experience! He also transmits those developments that
he got in his regular practices with Tibetan singing bowls.

10. You dont have to have esoteric or music abilities a technique sent by the
master will be effective even without them. Of course, if you have a regular
deliberate practice.

11. Master has a vast experience in the effective training of the classical Russian
massage and bannomu art (since 1999), as well as he has teacher degree.

12. The seminar is held in Russia, which eliminates the need for the cost of a trip
to another country.
The course vibro-acoustic Tibetan singing bowls massage (nada yoga, nada-massage), Nizhny Novgorod,
Cave Vajrapani, Tibet, 2014.
The advantage of the Tibetan singing bowls massage
to other similar methods
1. No direct tactile contact with the patient.

2. The patient is in clothes.

3. No need for consumables.

4. Doesnt require any esoteric or psychic abilities.

5. The minimum required set of bowls can be simply transported.

6. Has minimal contraindications.

7. Can be performed with the lack of practice of medical or musical education.

8. Allows the expert to develop during the practice!

9. Has a beneficial harmonizing and preventive effect as at massaged, as at the


10. No aspect of using of personal energy in the practice of Tibetan singing

bowls sound massage sound and vibration work only.
Certified Course Tibetan Singing Bowls: Sound Healing and Acoustic
Massage (Nada Yoga, Nada Massage)
Masters autobiography
For 20 years I practiced classical Russian massage therapeutic use or in
rehabilitation medicine, as well as in the practice of sport. The first nine years
I worked for a massage therapist in the municipal hospital 23 in Nizhny
Novgorod (Russia). There I owned great experience in medical (rehab) massage
I worked as with patients who had pneumonia and bronchitis, as well as with
patients in a coma in intensive care with a diagnosis of meningitis or
meningoencephalitis; with patients having poliomielitopodobnoe disease or low
back pain, scoliosis, or various forms of spinal hernias. I just cant list all of

In general, working in municipal medical institutions in Russia in the past and

now is great practical (and life!) experience that cant be accumulated in any of
the commercial medical institutions!

At the same time I started to teach the course massage with the help of the
invitation of one of the training centers for retraining the population. The quality
of methodical material, which was available at the time, didnt satisfy me, and
I began to prepare my handbook, which was very convenient and efficient in the
use of massage training courses. All this was very successful and effective, and it
allowed to publish this handbook in Rostov-on-Don, edition of 5000 copies
in 2004.: Classical Russian massage for 15 days. A teaching aid. It should be
noted that today this handbook is a rarity.

Then I actively explored, developed and created a variety of massage techniques

in Russian, Turkish (steam) and other ethnic baths. Also, during the training of
staff employed in these areas, in spas and fitness clubs I had prepared a series
of books on various massage techniques. Especially, I am proud of the book
Bath massage, which was published by the St. Petersburg publishing house
Peter in 2008 (Russia), edition of 4000 copies., And the following year it was
republished, it has an edition of 5,000 copies. Both of these publications are
already rarities. Im very proud that in 2008, it was translatedq into the
Lithuanian language and published in Lithuania (Vilnius: Satwa), edition
of 1000 copies.

Ten years out of twenty, I practiced and studied massage in the spa and beauty
industry. During this time I was lucky enough to learn something from many
great masters in the field: I studied lymphatic drainage massage techniques
of Pascal Cochet, Spanish massage of Enrique Garcia, craniosacral therapy
of Marian Cisco, Japanese shiatsu massage of Rosero Trujillo (Charo), Tibetan
massage Ku Nye of Dr. Nida Changtsanga, Ayurvedic massage of Ramesh,
Tibetan massage by the tradition Amdo of Tsering and many other masters. All
of the techniques that I learned, I necessarily applied in practices, and after this
I integrated them into my regular practice of massage.

All these years, I have maintained my regular practice as a masseur I worked

directly with patients.

In 2009, my dreams came true and Ive traveled to India for month: Delhi,
Varanasi, Bodgaya, Khajuraho, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Dharamsala, Manali,
Shimla, Relavsar, Delhi these are just the most significant landmarks of my
journey. During my school years, and the years of study in medical school,
I diligently studied and practiced yoga under the guidance of Victor
Vladimirovich Dundukov, who in his turn, during the Soviet era, studied with
Gennady Statsenko. That youthful interest to this mysterious and mystical
country, led me to India in 2009. A desire to see and feel the life inside the
country, the capital of yoga, Buddhist relics all these irresistibly drawn me
Asia I am very happy that I traveled around the country like a savage,
moving by public transport (who was in India of those times can imagine what it
was!), staying in budget hostels all of this allowed us to see the country and its
inhabitants from the inside. This is a very unusual and powerful experience!
There was also the first time I met Tibetan singing bowls
After India, I was lucky to get into even more mysterious and beautiful country
Tibet! To pass the inner and outer bark of Kailash, to visit the Guge mountain
towns, to do some practices in places of the power in Tibet, and to leave there
some part of you and of your heart! There my meeting with Tibetan singing
bowls continued.

Then there were expeditions to Tibet and Little Tibet Ladakh, in the Altai
(Belukha climb Mount East), then back to Nepal Meeting the monks and
lamas in the mountain monasteries, performing spiritual practices of Tibetan
traditional medicine in tradition of Yuthok Nyingthig. Meeting with native
culture and practicing massage traditional for these regions. I was lucky to study
Tibetan medicine, Buddhist spiritual practice for doctors of Tibetan medicine,
mantratherapies and Tibetan massage Ku Nye with Doctor Nida Changtsanga.
Inspired by his teachings, I performed two single gate retreat for Ngondro
practice and Guru Yoga in the tradition of Yuthok Nitik, solitary retreats for
healing mantras. Also, I was lucky to become a personal student and to receive
instructions from Yogi Lama Pema Rangdrol, participate and sometimes assist
him in the conduct of Buddhist practices and rituals.

At the same time, I met huntsman Anatoly Sergeyevich, who spent many years
in Yakutia, who kindly gave me some folk pharmaceutical recipes based on our
Russian natural resources. Using of them allowed me to help some of my
patients and friends. In combination with the technologies of the Russian bath,
they were giving a very strong health benefits.

All these years I continued to study the properties and effects of Tibetan bowls
on the human body, not only the esoteric properties, but also scientific! Together
with the doctor of fitness club Nadezhda Ryndyk we conducted studies about the
influence of Tibetan singing bowls using the method of diagnosis of the
functional state of the body with the help of variative pulsometry. And we got an
unexpected and very interesting results! I was lucky to have a consultation with
the famous bell-ringer in Suzdal, and to learn a lot about Russian bells and
chimes, and to connect it with Tibetan singing bowls and so-called temple
bells. And thanks to the friends of the Polytechnic Academy of scientists from
Nizhny Novgorod, they helped me to find out many aspects of the consist of the
material from which made Tibetan singing bowls.

All this time, I continued my regular journeys and trainings with Master of the
Sound and singing bowls in Nepal. I am very grateful that the Master and all the
people helped me, and after three years I was lucky to travel to Nepal, to live
in Masters family, and to study with the master himself!

Today, I can say with confidence that the Tibetan singing bowls are not only a
musical instrument or a mystical thing, they are completely real-life material tool
which really and physiologically effects on the human or animal, it has definite
and scientifically determinable physical and mechanical properties.

Research, conducted by my students Sergey Matveev and Tatiana Polyakova in

body oriented therapy and bioenergy, confirmed it! As an example of the
personal experience with the Tibetan singing bowls in combination with classical
therapeutic massage I noticed a significant reduction in the acute period of
diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and an increase in periods of remission
in my patients.

Unfortunately, formal clinical trials could not be done because of the high
financial costs on such studies.

At the present time, and this is 2015, we plan to organize an expedition to the
Kingdom of Bhutan and the Mustang in conjunction with the Centre for
Development Lakshmi (Nizhny Novgorod), with the intention to find there the
answers for many questions about the practice of Tibetan singing bowls. As its
known, in Bhutan, Ladakh and Mustang, the tradition of Tantric (Tibetan)
Buddhism is still alive. As these countries or regions, unlike Tibet, avoided
interaction with China in 5060 years, and as a result of so-called Cultural
Revolution, a huge number of cultural values and Tyne bearers of these
traditions were destroyed in Tibetan China.

Learn from the Master Tibetan singing bowls in Nepal

Learn from the Master Tibetan singing bowls in Nepal

Today it is very difficult to find a real bearer of the traditions of spiritual or

healing practices with Tibetan singing bowls. This is because over the time they
physically become less and less. In addition, only few can keep line tradition
clean and pass it to next generations. And even more, integrating or bringing in
these practices something of your own, that means to take to yourself the
responsibility to carry it into the world! That is because of the probability of
errors and lack of understanding or feeling is very big.
In addition, any research in this area, as well as the expedition to find the bearers
of traditions and saving the practices, is very expensive, as well as it is expensive
in time-consuming resources.

Tibetan singing bowls

From the author
Colleagues, I am looking for a base for researching effects of Tibetan singing
bowls (TSB) in the spa and beauty industry.

Purpose of the study:

Check the method of Tibetan singing bowls massage to patients around the same
age group with a deep chemical peel or people after plastic surgery. The choice:
10 tested people plus 10 people in the control group. There is an estimation of
speed and quality of the rehabilitation period, and psycho-emotional state during
the rehabilitation period. From my side there is providing of high-quality
treatments to a tested group of patients for a reasonable salary from the
company, on base of which the study is conducted. From the part of the company
there are the patients during rehabilitation. The cities where is desirable to
conduct the research: Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg or any EU country.
Master Class Tibetan singing bowls and shamanic journey, the International
Festival The Call of the 13 shamans in Tuva
Next book
Impact of Tibetan singing bowls massage in the
tradition Tsering Ngodrub on the human body.
Research and experimental testing
Viktor Ogui. Impact of Tibetan singing bowls massage in the tradition Tsering Ngodrub on the human body.
Research and experimental testing
Anna Tarasenko
Author of the book covers:
Painting Tibet, 100x50, oil on canvas, 2015

Novocherkassk, Russia

Painter, architect, poet, traveler, member of the expedition to the source of the
Ganges (May 2013), the expedition around Mount Kailash (September 2014)

Tel.: +79185277493


e-mail: [email protected]


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