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Cadillac Area

A Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce Publication

Business Magazine
JULY/AUGUST 2013 Volume 19-NO. 4

A night of recognition
Essenmacher & Minor honored by the Chamber
See pages 8 & 9
Mission Statement
The Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce is a visible
business leader that advocates and drives business
opportunities. Through business alliances, we are a
catalyst for our membership and provide a persuasive
regional voice benefiting our communities.

2013/2014 Board of Directors Reinventing Business

Jon Catlin, Executive Director
Chemical Bank 775-6151 he Cadillac Area Chamber of every year based on what we hear from you,
Kelly Cater, Vice-Chair Commerce has been the leading the members. We value your opinions and
Rec Boat Holdings 775-1351 voice for businesses in this area thoughts and welcome the opportunity to
Mike Hamner, Past Executive Director for over 110 years. No organiza- hear what you have to say!
Avon Protection Systems, Inc. 779-6200 tion can survive that long without Technology changes at an ever increasing
Scott Hunter, Treasurer a mission and vision that is well document- speed. Computers from a couple of years
Baird, Cotter & Bishop, PC. 775-9789 ago are now obsolete, the software needs
ed and embraced by all its employees. Also,
David Cox the company needs to be flexible enough to have more current versions, more com-
Wexford-Missaukee ISD 876-2260
to adapt to different times. Whether that munications are being done with hand held
Eric Baker
Wolverine Power Cooperative 775-5700 means reviewing programs and seeing if they devises than ever before. Social Media is an
Dennis Benson are still relevant or embracing technology important marketing tool to get your mes-
Dennis H. Benson, PLC 876-9405 and utilizing it to be more productive. Your sage out, to let your customers know what
Tim Knaggs Chamber of Commerce is and has been rein- products and services that you have and to
Fekete Knaggs & Burr Insurance 779-7919
venting itself constantly over the years. let them know about what is new within
Bill Kring
9 & 10 News 775-3478 Our Mission Statement is as follows: The your organization. That was not the case a
Dr. Kyle Hogg Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce is a mere 10 years ago. We are so thankful for
Dental Health Professionals 775-9797 visible business leader that advocates and the generosity of our members that have
Melody Hurley drives business opportunities. Through helped us to keep our costs down in terms
Walmart Supercenter Store 775-8778
business alliances, we are a catalyst for of some hardware. We have rolled out new
Dan Minor accounting software that is helping to keep
Cadillac Casting Inc. 779-9600 our membership and provide a persuasive
Kelly Smith
regional voice benefiting our communities. us current with the industry. We have new
Baker College of Cadillac 876-3100 This is not the original mission statement, Chamber focused software that is helping
Don Schepers nor is it the second one, we look at it yearly. us to better promote our membership and
Schepers Agency, Inc. 825-2411 Is it still relevant? Is it what we want? Is it allow additional opportunities to showcase
Mike Stebbins what we do? This is an example of how we the member to member benefits and help to
Mercy Hospital Cadillac 876-7200
look to reinvent the Chamber. market your businesses! All of this has hap-
Brian Williams
Blue Heron Cafe & Bakery 775-5461 The Chamber offers many different pro- pen within the last three months.
grams to meet the diverse needs, wants and At the same time the Chamber staff has
CHAMBER STAFF 775-9776 schedules of its membership. We have the been out and about talking about the new
Bill Tencza, President morning Rise Up! Cadillac, the lunchtime investment structure. In the past we were
[email protected] programs like the Lecture Luncheon Series, mostly an employee count based dues orga-
Doreen Lanc, Director of Membership Services the Leadership Learning Series. Annual nization. Based on the number of employ-
[email protected]
events like the Briefcase Open Golf Outing, ees you had determined what your dues
Deb Gillies, Leadership Director/Accountant
[email protected] the Governors Breakfast, the Greater were to the Chamber.
Amanda Hamilton, Administrative Assistant
Cadillac Area Business Expo, the Annual In an effort to reinvent itself and with the
[email protected] Meeting and Awards Dinner, ... just to name help of Past Executive Director, Mickey
Doug DeYoung, Vice President of Government Relations a few! The Chamber reviews the success and Putman and Katy Huckle, we started this
and Business Development challenges of each program to determine process over four years ago. We had focus
[email protected]
how to make it run smoother, how to make groups to find out what we were doing right
Annie Shetler, MI-SBTDC Business Consultant
[email protected] it better, how to make it more relevant and and what we could improve on and what we therefore more valuable for the member- should focus on.
Printer:Pleasant Graphics ship. We tweak almost every program continued on page 3
Publisher:Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

The Cadillac Area Business Magazine is a publication of the

Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber reserves
the right to edit or refuse articles and advertisements submitted
to the Cadillac Area Business Magazine and reserves the right
in its sole discretion to accept or refuse inserts and other mate-
rials to be distributed through the publication.

2 July/August 2013 - Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

Improving your Chamber
Continued from page 2
Even then we were reinventing ourselves. We talked to other chambers
around the country to find out how other chambers were working with
their memberships. And then we formed a committee to take a look at Northern Michigans only authorized dealer
all of the information about a year ago and decided that we should move
from an employee count dues organization to a membership investment
organization. You will now choose what level of investment you would
like to make in the Chamber. The different levels offer different oppor-
tunities for you to market your business and determine how active you
choose to be in the Chamber. We have received great feedback from the
rollout and we look forward to answering any questions that you might
have regarding the different levels. Another reinvention!
I want to thank our Chamber staff. Amanda Hamilton at the front desk,
Deb Gillies, our Leadership Guru/Accountant, Doreen Lanc, Director of
Membership, Doug DeYoung, VP of Government Relations and Bill Tencza,
the President of the Chamber. Our staff is great, knowledgeable, accessible
and willing to help in any way they can. It is such a pleasure to work with
people that have a caring and outgoing attitude for our Chamber. We offer furniture & technology
I also want to thank Mike Hamner for leading the Chamber for the past solutions to meet any budget
year. His passion for the Cadillac area is evident and we are grateful for
his leadership. Katy Huckle and Bill Cinco have each served six years on Baker College, Cadillac MI
the Chamber Board and we appreciate your dedication and input.
The Chamber is poised to undertake 2013/2014 year with much opti-
mism and a new membership investment structure. We will continue to
process of reinventing ourselves to make sure that we meet the needs of
our membership. We thank you for your support. Ph: 231.421.5443 Fx: 231.421.1824 PO Box 7046 Traverse City, MI 49686
Jon Catlin,
Chamber Executive Director

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Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce - July/AUGUST 2013 3

Manufacturings continues to be
lifeblood of the economy
Manufacturing is the lifeblood of the equates to 12 percent of the gross domestic during 2009, there were still shortages in the
Cadillac community, and quite frankly, the product and 12 million jobs. In all, manufac- hiring pool, Bennington said.Other challeng-
entire country. turing equates to nearly $2 trillion. es include an older workforce as well as get-
That was the message Borg Warner Plant Bennington also said during his June 21 ting workers who can keep up with the tech-
Manager Todd Bennington shared with those presentation that when he was a child, his nological advances.
in attendance at the Cadillac Area Chamber mother would say he needed to finish his food By fifth grade, 45 percent of students are
of Commerce Lecture Luncheon at Baker on his plate because there were starving chil- not excited about math or science, and by
College in June. Although that would seem dren in China who would love to eat that food. the time those students reach high school the
obvious to someone involved in the industry, Over the years, that saying has evolved. number increases to 75 percent. There also is
Bennington shared information that proved Today, Bennington said parents should be a lack of interest in technology and engineer-
his point and why there needs to be a focus in stressing that their children finish their home- ing, he said. That is going to need to change if
education on science, technology, engineering work because the people in China are starving the country wants to remain competitive on a
and math or STEM. to take their jobs. global scale, he added.
Here is a little food for thought. Realistically, Bennington said 85 percent of To improve this, Bennington said school
Cadillac has a diverse manufacturing base jobs will need workers with post-secondary counselors and administrators need to under-
that includes automotive, defense, packaging education or advanced training. This includes stand the environment and needs of manu-
and marine. There are more than 50 firms that manufacturing. The idea that only the under- facturing as well as the compensation levels
employ more than 4,000 people. Bennington achieving or bad kids take wood shop or of manufacturing workers. He also said there
added that roughly 30 percent of Cadillac resi- attend career technical centers is as outdated is a perceived bias for four-year colleges over
dents work in the manufacturing sector. as the idea that manufacturing is not a viable two-year degrees or trade certifications.
On a national level, Bennington said the option for a career. We have to educate our people, educators
United States remains the worlds largest The problem now is that not enough work- and parents, he said.
manufacturing economy producing 21 per- ers have enough education to meet the needs
cent of global manufactured goods. That of manufacturing.Even in the worst times

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4 July/August 2013 - Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

2012-13 Cadillac Leadership Class breaks
out at Day Break for its closing retreat
Submitted by: Brian Bejcek, Deb Maxey,
Mike Morin and Janine Skunda up 50% since our group took on this proj-
What an amazing journey these past ect helping to inform the public about this
nine months have been. The class began in wonderful opportunity available to our
September with a two-day opening retreat seniors.
and concluded with a full-day closing We wish to sincerely thank all our sup-
retreat in mid-May. porters, donors, presenters and past class
Through these retreats, we were able alumni for all your support. We would
to interact and determine each others also like to extend a special thank you to
strengths and weaknesses. This helped Bigelow Exteriors. Their generosity and
tremendously throughout this experience by forward to a positive outlook for the Cadillac fine craftsmanship has helped make our proj-
helping to mold us into an efficient team. As area now and into the future. Our class proj- ect successful. Through this class we have
fun and exciting as these events were, it was ect DayBreak the Next Generation has learned many things about our amazing com-
nothing compared to the months in between. been a huge success. From the generous dona- munity and the giving people who reside here.
We have been guests of many businesses in tions received from business, individuals, the Taking people out of their normal work envi-
Cadillac, toured areas throughout the city, Cadillac Variety Show and the Leadership ronments and comfort zones to pull together
and had opportunities for field trips that Friends Dinner, we were able to complete both as a team and pull off such a meaningful and
are reserved for this elite program. Through phase one and phase two of the project by pro- successful community project has truly been
these amazing behind-the-scenes interac- viding new vinyl siding, windows and roofs an awarding experience for us all. Our class
tions we have been able to get a better grasp for both the house and the garage. Were now time has come to an end however the friend-
on the community we live and work in. This working on phase three, signage for the facil- ships weve developed will last a lifetime. The
new found knowledge helped to evolve our ity. The place looks great! We have received 2012-2013 Cadillac Leadership Class is truly
perception(s) of the community and look feedback from DayBreak that their usage is the Best class ever.

Dental Health Professionals is pleased

Quality is Never expeNsive! to welcome Dr. Cameron DeHaan to
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& Commercial Vehicles & Trailers Dr. DeHaan is a recent graduate of Detroit Mercy School of
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childrens dentistry. He is a 2005 graduate of Cadillac High
Complete Suspension System Service School and a 2009 graduate of Hope College. Now after an 8
year abscence, he is glad to be back in Northern Michigan and
looks forward to becoming a part of the Cadillac community
once again.

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Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce - July/AUGUST 2013 5

MAY Deadline for the September/October
2013 Cadillac Area Business Magazine
Rise Up! Cadillac is August 7, 2013. Share your
business/organization news!

Hosted by:
McGuires Resort
Sponsored by:
Life SMILES Dentistry,
Tracey Warner
Lecture Luncheon Series Ribbon Cutting
Michigan Economic
New Hope Shelter
Development Corporation:
Programs to Assist Growing
Presented by: Tino
Breithaupt, Manager,
Michigan Retention
& Growth Michigan
Economic Development

On Friday, May 31, Tino Breithaupt,

Regio nal Mana ger for Mich igan
Reten tion and Grow th at the Mich igan Econ
Chamber Calendar
Development Corporation (MEDC), presented at the
Luncheon Series. Breithaupt discussed a variety
of State
programs that can assist Cadillac area businesses
their growth and expansion opportunities. Topics
during this program included, MEDC financing progr
performance-based grant programs, export fundi
ams, August
ng to Lecture Luncheon Noon - 1:15PM
assist companies expanding into new markets, strate
gic TBD
growth assistance, procurement and business-to-busin
ess Baker College of Cadillac Student Center
connection programs and programs that help comp
identify talented and skilled workers. If you are intere
sted Rise Up! Cadillac 7:00AM
in learning more about any of the MEDC programs,
please Hosted By: Wexford County Historical
contact Tino Breithaupt at (231) 620-1565 or at breith
auptt@ Society & Museum

6 July/August 2013 - Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

Ribbon Cutting JUNE
OReilly Auto Parts
1212 North Mitchell Street
Lecture Luncheon Series
Industry and Education
- A Great Combination
Presented by: Todd
Plant Manager,
BorgWarner Thermal

Mr. Benningtons presentation

inc lud ed a sob eri ng loo
at glo bal com pet itio n and
the im pac t of wo rkf orc
Legislative informat preparedness on our ability
ion as well as as a country/community to
Northern Michigan compete. From global
Regional Chamber compensation comparisons to
Alliance updates ca new initiatives to drive
n be found at: workforce development to un meet the challenges of
der Legislative future employment needs.
Advocacy, click on No
rthern Michigan Bl

in business
Learning Series
a program of the Cadillac
Creating an Energizing an Area Chamber of Commerce
Engaging Work Culture - April
Motivating Employees and The Sandwich Generation
Volunteers. Eileen Dunn, Aging Health Care Specialist MS,
CMC presented The Sandwich Generation
dan Ellis
Presented by: Barbara Jor The Sandwich Generation is a generation of
ing & Lea dership Development
Center for Coach people who care for their aging parents while
supporting their own children, and working a full
The Leadership Learning Ser time job.
Bar bar a Jor dan Ell is. The Sandwich Generation has three basic challenges to
is the ow ner of the deal with and try to find balance with in their lives:
Ba rba ra
Center for Coaching & Leader Raising their children and being part of their lives
Development based in Tra Assisting their aging parents and in-laws
City. Maintaining their own identity; leading their own lives
Th e edu cat ion al pre sen tat and careers
wa ys for org ani zat ion s Having time to enjoy their lives and the financial ability
her e
to hel p cre ate an atm osp to do so can be dramatically affected by care-giving
plo yee s and vol unt eers needs. Keeping the negative effects and stress level to a
where em
aged minimum will take a lot of planning and organization.
become truly energized, eng
Learning to ask for help when needed and knowing where
and passionate?
ng your culture can boost to find it is imperative. Knowing and respecting ones own
She expressed how changi
rale, performance and in limitations is essential.
employee and volunteer mo
ion a better place to be.
general, make your organizat

Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce - July/AUGUST 2013 7

Uplifting the community spirit
By Mardi Suhs
The recipient of the Spirit of
Community award doesnt like to be
singled out for praise. And although she
defers to the many people who work
with her, this is a time to celebrate the
spirit of Vickie Essenmachers leader-
Nominator Rosemary Rokita, who
befriended Essenmacher through the
Friends of the Cadillac Wexford Public
Library, said it hit her one day that
Vickie had to be nominated for Spirit of
Community award.
To me, it was so obvious that she was
eligible for this, explained Rokita. I
know her passion for these statues and
for all that she does to make the commu-
nity a better place to live and to welcome
visitors to our area.
The statues are the bronze, life-size
Seward Johnson sculpture exhibit
that became a sensation last summer
and returned this summer, thanks to
Essenmachers efforts.
Vickie has made the sculpture exhib-
it a point of pride among community
members who took pleasure in inviting
family and friends to come visit and take
a walking tour, Rokita said.
But beyond this exhibit, Essenmacher
has been involved in many activities
over the years that uplift community
She just loves Cadillac, said her hus-
band Doug. God made her a person
who catches a vision and when she does,
she doesnt let go.
Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce
President Bill Tencza was quick to point
out that Essenmachers ideas are backed
by an ability to get everyone on board.
She pulled together the cooperation of Nominator Rosemary Rokita and Vickie Essenmacher, Spirit of Community recipient.
the City of Cadillac, she secured volun-
teers to unload and place the statues draising abilities, its a blessing that the Cadillac Garden Club, where she
throughout the lake front and down- Essenmacher does all she does as a vol- launched the Holiday Home Tour in 2000
town areas, and then she asked for and unteer when she could easily put her and has chaired the event ever since. This
received financing from individuals in skills to use in corporate public rela- popular annual event attracts visitors
the community. In 2013, she received the tions. from around the state who come to tour
key to the City of Cadillac from Mayor Instead, shes happy in her chosen four area homes decorated for the holi-
Bill Barnett on behalf of the Friends of career of dental hygiene by day and a days by talented garden club members.
the Library. generous volunteer in her free time. Essenmacher is an active member of the
With her forward thinking and fun- Another Essenmacher passion is First Baptist Church of Cadillac.

8 July/August 2013 - Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

Dedicated to the community
Seated dead center in front of the speak-
ers platform at the Cadillac Area Chamber
of Commerce Annual Meeting and Awards
Dinner, Dan Minor shifted in his seat
when he saw Bruce Peacock approach the
The best friends met in 10th grade at
Cadillac High School. It was Peacock who
nominated Minor for the Outstanding
Citizen honor.
And when he addressed the crowd of
200, Peacock looked straight at his buddy
and joked for a moment. And then he got
down to telling the success story of a self-
made man who loves Cadillac.
He shared that Minor became a brother
to him when he moved in with Peacocks
family during his senior year. When
Peacock headed off to college in Miami,
Florida in 1982, Minor headed to the hot
foundry floor at Cadillac Casting. Six years
later Peacock returned home and discov-
ered they worked for the same company
in different cities. As they renewed their
bond he noticed that wherever they went,
young adults approached them to thank
Minor for coaching baseball and football.
Dan is a guy who has always worked
with the youth in our community, stat-
ed Todd Bennington, BorgWarner plant
manager. Our community is important to
He has taken on Cadillac like he was
born and raised here, Peacock said. Hes
in the community doing good things for
people and most of it goes unnoticed.
But his efforts to save Cadillac Casting
from extinction did not go unnoticed.
When Hayes Lemmerz declared bank-
ruptcy in 2005, Minors passion for the
foundry and his vision for the future con-
vinced investors to rescue the company Dan Minor, Outstanding Citizen recipient
that was founded as Malleable Iron in
1920. and has in excess of $100 million in sales Imagination Library, he became our finan-
Dan didnt want to see a business with annually to the automotive industry. He cial guy, explained Chamber President
that local history wiped away, Peacock holds the same titles at 3Ppoint Machine, Bill Tencza. We needed somebody to set
explained. He sold the idea to investors Inc and ATD Engineering and Machine. the bar and put the dollars behind it.
with his heart. It was all about his pas- Since achieving business success, Minor Dan stayed local, stated Peacock. I
sion. is turning his attention to local charitable never doubted that he would accomplish
Minor has risen to near-legendary status work. what he put his mind to. He just went out
in the industrial community with a resume Recently, he became a founding mem- and did it. He was driven, hes a self-made
that includes 26 U.S. patents on metal ber of the Imagination Library to pro- man. But those words fail in comparison
casting machining methods and process- vide books for the children of Wexford/ to his passion, his caring and giving. He
es. He is the president and CEO of Cadillac Missaukee Counties. wasnt born here but you wont find any-
Casting Inc., a company that employs 400 When we got involved in launching the one more dedicated to this community.

Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce - July/AUGUST 2013 9

Past winners
Past Outstanding Citizen Recipients:
1980 Carl T. Johnson 1998 Jack Benson
1982 Patricia Anderson 1999 Keith Merchant and Tom Huckle
1984 Keith McKellop 2000 Maynard Thompson
1985 Jim Comp 2001 Steve Anderson
1986 Bill Winn 2002 Pete Stalker
1987 Jim McGuire 2003 Dennis Benson
1988 Carl T. Johnson 2004 John MacLeod
1989 Craig Weidner 2005 Todd Bennington
1990 Dr. Charles Dumanois 2006 Darlene Merritt
1991 Larry Davy 2007 Chris Huckle
1992 Gerard Winkle and Della Garneau 2008 Ron Blanchard
1993 John Horrigan 2009 Paul Liabenow
1994 Jim Anderson and Kathy Balzuweit 2010 Bruce Schafer
1995 Cindy Gorman and Esta Emmons 2011 Jon Catlin
1996 Doug Brown 2012 Jeremy Winkle
1997 Ron Andrews

Past Spirit of Community Recipients:

1997 Dr. Glenn Verbrugge 2005 Judy Coffey
1998 William Rzepka 2006 Sue Peterson
1999 Regan ONeill 2007 Pat Goggin
2000 John Bishop 2008 Mickey Putman
2001 Sue Westhauser 2009 Matt Gibson
2002 Carol Potter 2010 Katy Huckle
2003 Jackie Soltman 2011 Tracey Kanouse
2004 Mary Blackmer 2012 David Burrill

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10 July/August 2013 - Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

Baker College enrolling Autumnwood of
students for fall 2013 McBain announces
Baker College of Cadillac is enrolling students for fall 2013, with fall classes new Administrator
beginning Monday, September 30. Registration continues through the first week
of classes.
Some of the career programs offered at Baker College of Cadillac include Twenty eight years ago, when Autumnwood of
agriculture technology, public safety, fire science, computer numerical control, McBain was built, Rick Marion held the position
elementary teacher preparation, welding, criminal justice, 9-1-1 telecommu- of Assistant Superintendent of Construction, then
nications, nursing, surgical technology, marketing, management, accounting, Social Services Director and ultimately he became
Microsoft networking, entrepreneurship, human resource management, busi- the administrator.
ness administration, CAD design and therapeutic massage. Twenty years later Rick Marion returns to
New this fall, there is an advanced manufacturing technology associate degree Autumnwood of McBain as the administrator.
program. I have always considered Autumnwood of
McBain to be a jewel in the county. I am of the
belief that with the right guidance, Autumnwood
Cadillac High School ranks No. 17 of McBain could become a stronger, more viable
organization that could better meet the needs of
Jo Spry, Superintendent of Cadillac Area Public Schools announced that Missaukee, Wexford and Osceola county residents.
Cadillac High School ranked #17 in the Best High Schools in Michigan rankings Moving forward, Marion sees Autumnwood of
released by US News & World Report. McBain becoming more integrated in the communi-
Michigan high school students must earn at least 16 credits in various sub- ty, expanding programs and services, creating inno-
jects and take an online course before graduating. The state challenges schools vative approaches to community partnerships and
to report early warning signs of future high school dropouts, and hosts a com- providing education related to the economic impact
petitive grant opportunity for high-poverty schools, according to the Michigan on the area.
Department of Education.
US News & World Report reviewed 21,035 U.S. public high schools; 206
Michigan schools made the rankings.

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Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce - July/AUGUST 2013 11

Dianna Haines to The Lakeview
Dianna Haines has accepted the posi-
tion of Coordinator of Admissions and
Marketing. She brings with her 37 years of Honesty and Integrity are the
Foundation of Our Business!
customer service experience, passion and
dedication to working directly with others.
She is a member of the Cadillac Rotary
Club, currently serving as their Secretary, Over 200 vehicles to choose from!
on the Advisory Board for Career Services If we dont have what you want in one of
at Baker College and on the Business Northern Michigans largest inventories -
Management Administration Advisory
Dianna Haines Well find it!
Board at the Wexford-Missaukee Career
Technical Center.

Springfield Commercial
Roofing named to the
Duro-Last Admirals Club

In recognition of achievement in workmanship, customer satisfac-

tion, and 2012 sales volumes, Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. recently wel-
comed Springfield Commercial Roofing to the Admirals Club.
On behalf of the Duro-Last board of directors, I would like to con-
gratulate Springfield Commercial Roofing on their achievements in
2012, said Duro-Last Chairman of the Board Jack Burt. The founda- 1110 N. Mitchell Cadillac, MI 775-2413
tion of Duro-Lasts success through the years has been built on our Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-5:30 PM, Sat. 8 AM-2 PM, Other by Appt.
solid relationships with independent roofing companies.

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12 July/August 2013 - Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

Thank You 20th Annual Briefcase Open Golf
Outing Sponsors, Golfers, & Volunteers!
Alro Steel Corporation Mosaic Potash Hersey
Audiological Services of Cadillac Rec Boat Holdings, LLC
Baker College of Cadillac ServPro of Manistee, Ludington and Cadillac
Blarney Stone Broadcasting, Inc. Springfield Commercial Roofing
Cadillac ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery Webber Benefits Group
Cadillac News Wexford Missaukee Career Tech Center
Cadillac Urology Practice Mulligan Ticket Sponsor:
Chemical Bank Lakeside Title, LLC
CIC Benefit Consulting Group
Coldwell Banker Schmidt Realtors Buy-a- Foot Sponsor:
DK Design Group Chemical Bank
Edward Jones / Kyle Farmer Sponsors of Gift Certificates & Prizes
Fox Motors of Cadillac Blue Cross Blue Shield of MI
Godfrey Chevrolet Buick Carroll Retirement Plans & Investments
Highpoint Cadillac GMC Dons Auto Clinic
Law Office of David Peterson Firstbank Cadillac
McGuires Resort Fox 32/9 and 10 News
Midstate Bolt & Screw Company Mercy Hospital Cadillac

Special thanks to the Eldorado & McGuires Golf Courses Staff!

*Proceeds benefit Chamber Programming, Services and Legislative Advocacy.

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Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce - July/AUGUST 2013 13

Welcome New Members Direction, Success, Leadership...
Be a building block of the
22nd Leadership Class
Blarney Stone Escape Bar & Grill
Broadcasting Lonnie Barkett
Sheryl Coyne 101 East Harris Street
6514 Old Lake Road Cadillac, MI 49601
Grayling, MI 49738 231-388-1067
McLain Cycle Shop
Robert McLain
Ds Outdoor Service 314 North Mitchell Street Cadillac Leadership is accepting
Darin Zuback Cadillac, MI 49601 applications for the 2013-2014 class.
932 Farrar Street 231-775-6161
Cadillac, MI 49601 Mission Statement
231-775-3447 To provide an engaging atmosphere for the
development of emerging leaders with
Hamilton Ranch
Douglas Valley Trucking opportunities for identifying and investing
Vineyard Gary Hamilton their skills and passions to benefit the Cadillac
Kendra Remai 10695 West Geers Road community while creating lasting relationships.
5375 Douglas Valley Drive McBain, MI 49657
Manistee, MI 49660 231-884-9600 Please contact Deb Gillies
231-887-3333 at the Chamber for more information 231.775.9776 or [email protected]

Business Directory
Roofing Eye Care Office Supplies
The Latest Looks
in Sunglasses!
Rooftop Fall Protection Office Supplies Office Furniture Ad Specialties
A Division of Springfield, Inc. Richard M. Brenz, M.D.
Michigans Largest Independent Office Products Dealer
Put Your Life On Our Line 502 Cobbs Street, Cadillac
Next Day Free Delivery
6509 M-37, Kingsley, MI 49649 231-775-1248
Phone: 231-263-5300 / 888-469-0059 Local Single Source Supplier
[email protected]
Open 5 Days/Week Locally Owned Phone: (231) 577-7110 Fax (231) 577-7114

Womens Health Construction RECYCLE

Edward Dracht PAPER, PLASTICS,
President METAL & MORE
Padnos believes is a strong value for
paper, plastics, metals, electronics,
Build Contracting and more as a renewable resource.
Serving the greater Cadillac area since 1972. We Offer:
Butler Steel buildings CONVENTIONAL FRAMED BUILDINGS Free recycling of Paper, Cardboard
Commercial Industrial Institutional Agriculture Churches
and Plastics 24 hours of every day.
WILLIAM M. LONG, D.O. Offices Rubber Roofs Concrete Flatwork Complete Turnkey Projects Get Paid for old steel, aluminum, copper, brass, etc.
Keep Cadillac clean and environmentally sustainable.
7800 US-131 S., SUITE C, CADILLAC, MI 49601 Phone 231.779.1167 23350 100th Ave. Marion, MI 49665 office: (231) 825-0035
Fax 231.779.1175 email: [email protected] fax: (231) 825-0038 Call to find out more! 231-775-7132 cell: (231) 357-8718 1111 Leeson Ave., Cadillac, MI 49601

14 July/August 2013 - Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

Thank you
Baker College of Cadillac
BorgWarner Thermal Systems
Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce
Reinventing Business
2013 Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner Sponsors!
FirstMerit Bank
Fox Motors of Cadillac
Rec Boats Holdings, LLC
(Four Winns, Glastron, Wellcraft & Scarab Boats)
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of MI Law Offices of King & King Rexair LLC
Chemical Bank Mercy Hospital Cadillac Wolverine Power Cooperative
Firstbank Cadillac Piranha Hose Products, Inc.

Data track 2012-2013

Wexford County Jan. 13 Feb. 13 Mar. 13 April 13 May 13 June 12 July 12 Aug. 12 Sept. 12 Oct. 12 Nov. 12 Dec. 12
Labor Force 12,903 12,989 12,970 12,993 13,594 13,844 13,831 13,706 13,337 13,245 12,927 13,197
Employment 11,283 11,383 11,425 11,544 11,926 12,278 12,114 12,046 11,953 11,937 11,656 11,670
Unemployment 1,620 1,606 1,545 1,449 1,668 1,566 1,717 1,660 1,384 1,308 1,271 1,527
Rate 12.6% 12.4% 11.9% 11.3% 12.3% 11.3% 12.4% 12.1% 10.4% 9.9% 9.8% 11.6%

Missaukee County Jan. 13 Feb. 13 Mar. 13 April 13 May 13 June 12 July 12 Aug. 12 Sept. 12 Oct. 12 Nov. 12 Dec. 12
Labor Force 5,579 5,659 5,646 5,641 5,696 5,920 5,892 5,760 5,623 5,595 5,485 5,645
Employment 4,889 4,933 4,951 5,003 5,168 5,231 5,225 5,195 5,155 5,148 5,027 5,033
Unemployment 690 726 695 638 528 546 667 565 468 447 458 612
Rate 12.4% 12.8% 12.3% 11.3% 9.3% 9.5% 11.3% 9.8% 8.3% 8.0% 8.4% 10.8%
For more information go online to

A Healthy Work
Starts Here
Helping your business prevent work Work injury treatment
injuries is our first priority. Work Drug screenings
injury prevention and education DOT physicals
promote safe work habits and can Wellness programs
significantly reduce lost work time. On-site health screenings
No matter what your needs, you FAA physicals
can consider us your partner in Breath alcohol testing
occupational health and medicine. Vaccinations
Assistance with OSHA/
MIOSHA compliance
Pulmonary function testing

Same Day Appointments | 400 Hobart Street | Cadillac, MI 49601 | (231) 876-6180

Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce - July/AUGUST 2013 15

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