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Cherith Brook



C A T H O L I C W O R K E R Summer/Advent 2017
So E lijah did according to the word of the L ord; he went and lived by the C herith Brookand the ravens brought him bread I KINGS

Ten Years of Schooling

by Eric Garbison
The year 2017 marks the Personal Sacrifice real economic in equality of Mutuality
11th anniversary of Cherith When Jesus said Blessed ourday. Over the years I have been
Brook Catholic Worker! We are the poor he was making Feeding the hungry, clothing guilty of oversimplifying our
decided to round down. There the claim that those on the the naked, and welcoming belief in equality. Sometimes
is so much to remember and so margins are exceptionally the homeless, Peter Maurin I assumed our commitment to
much for which to be grateful. loved by God. In contrast reminded us, is to be done at equality implied that there is
Over the past decade, God has to any society that shames a personal sacrifice. This claim no leadership. But I have come
gathered hundreds of people or scapegoats the poor, the pushes against what is often to accept that learning to follow
in this simple place to use society of God is the kind of called charity today. It moves doesnt mean I must avoid all
their gifts, skills and passions place where the last are first, us to solidarity. Remember moments for giving direction,
in a myriad of capacities. Each the unloved are loved and the those who are mistreated as if oering vision or withholding
individual has contributed publicly humiliated are held you are mistreated, Hebrews a needed insight. Indeed
mightily to this eort; each with great esteem. 13:3 says. there have been times I have
little act of faith that has made The gospels also judge the There are many ways to withheld leadership simply on
us what who we are today. first to be last. Woe to the sacrifice for others: time and principle at vital moments and
We recently had a party rich, Jesus states in Luke as talents are a fine place to start. when others were asking for
to celebrate all of this. In his counterpart to blessing Money and possessions reflect it. If I refuse to take the lead I
preparation Jodi has been the poor. Wherever Christians an awareness that authentic may be depriving the group of
sifting through many pictures. are comfortable and auent, community embodies economic a needed role at a needed time.
We have been conjuring up we have distorted the gospel. patterns where no one has Followership is essential
names of interns, past guests Dominant society wants to too much and no one has to the body of Christ. When
and volunteers. We shared lots make poverty the problem. too little. I have personally I follow, I acknowledge that
of do you remember when? But Jesus was constantly found safety and status to be the woman currently in the
conversations. Milestones also diagnosing wealth as our the toughest challenge. Its lead sees and understands
invite reflection, so here are malady. In order to proclaim often what keeps us locked something I do not; I embrace
a few that rise to the surface good news in our world, we into systemic injustices such my need of guidance and I
forme. must give attention to the as racism and other forms of trust her ability. It may mean
fearing the other. following guests, following
Faithful living will cost us volunteers, or following even
most or all of thesetime, the so called lesser members
gifts, wealth, possessions, of community, no matter
safety, status, identity. how awkward it seems at the
Learning to be better while not moment. Living in community
clamoring to be better o is a is about discerning where
lifelong journey filled with fits and when you need to be led
and starts that are easily side- and then following with grace
tracked by desire for comfort and enthusiasm. Following
or claims of entitlement. means lots of time and
And yet, only when we take energy listening actively and
such a pilgrimage will we acknowledging that each
move from paternalism and person brings something to our
privilege to solidarity, from common life that is essential;
human communities that In authentic community we
single out status, ethnicity or discover that each person is in
nationalism, to the Beloved some way both guest and host.
Community of God. Jesus models this when he
Continued on Page 2
2 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Summer/Advent 2017

Continued from Page 1 Divesting of our material leads to fearing or regretting the many important outcomes.
follows the Spirit of God. The wealth and social collateral is dullness of life, read Matthew For one thing, they create
Spirit pushes him into deserts one way to claim the abundance 6:25-34 or Br. Lawrence. If while the opportunity to establish
or storms the seas around of the Divine Life. We need scrubbing pots and pans you feral hives in nature outside
him. The Spirit of God leads to practice greater economic wish you were doing something of human shenanigans. They
Jesus as she invites him to foolishness as a living parable sexier or more radical, read also diversify the gene pool,
banquet halls and kicks him out of the richness of our inter- Jesus wilderness temptation or strengthening future hives.
of synagogues, thrusting him dependence in Christ. Dorothy Days journals. At other times it is better,
among both amiable and hostile frankly, for weak hive to die.
crowds. Even to the end, Jesus Pray without ceasing Swarming matters Ultimately, swarms remind
follows her from the charismatic In washing, drying, hanging, Swarms are an amazing us that, no matter how much
entry into Jerusalem to the folding, sorting, hoeing, pulling, phenomenon of bee life and work is invested in a hive, we
humiliation of his cross. thinning, weeding, watering, nothing gets a beekeeper more are not really in control.
Woven into the egalitarian dumping, turning, spreading, animated. A swarm happens At one point we dreamed
and servant life of Jesus is scrubbing, sweeping, wiping, when a queen decides to leave a and wrote a lot about roots and
the conviction that folks flushing, dusting, mopping, hive. Secreting her pheromone stability. I still dream for such
deserve to be treated with chopping, rinsing, stirring, on the way out, the queen things, but lately I have come
equal dignity, their gifts and mixing, fixing, replacing, invites a huddle of worker bees to accept that, like bee swarms,
presence received by all, and cleaning, emptying, filling, to escort her on her journey. If community leavings are
to be given their place at the hauling, raking, shoveling, the the conditions are right, a new, ultimately good. It is a natural
podium of our life together. Catholic Worker way is to see feral hive will be established in process for folks to come and
Its not simply a question and claim the divine life when some hollowed tree or a lucky go, although even the best
of how to welcome the gifts surrounded by the mundane. beekeeper will catch it. leavings can be accompanied
of those who have been left It calls us to explore the God Hives swarm when they get with feelings of tension, loss,
out; we must constantly incarnate in the unremarkable crowded, when old queens are sadness and introspection
be looking to acknowledge events of everyday. If we rush making way for new ones or all healthy but hard.
leadership in places we have through the now to get to some when young queens dont want to Like swarms, I believe God
been conditioned to overlook future event, we have potentially risk a fight. Sometimes swarms uses mobility to create new
or to notice when we have missed that divine-mundane. oer relief to an overcrowded communities where none
arrogantly pushed our way to The Biblical expression to pray hive; other times they weaken an existed, to send out new leaders
the head of the line. Leading without ceasing can be a chance already impotent one. into new vocations and to give
and following well is a dance. to do every act and experience We beekeepers love to brag stale communities a fresh start.
every moment as prayer. about catching swarms, but we And, though not all closings are
Release When sorting clothing hate to see our hives diminished a sign of a problem, God can
When communities give donations brings boredom, by this self-imposed eviction. close communities when things
into the pressure to become isolation or wishing that your life We like to think we can are diseased or infested. Ive
bigger, more eective, more was more exciting and meaningful, prevent, predict or redirect a come to accept that through
bureaucratic, more successful read Jean-Pierre de Caussade or hive that is showing the signs, these cycles of comings and
by the standards of dominant Kathleen Norris. When mopping although by then it is often goings we learn about sin and
culture, then its time to give the floor for the hundredth time too late. But swarms have grace, redemption and hope.
more things away. Downward
mobility is a solution for the
church in our post-Christian
world. Where Christians have
Once Upon a Time Where the
by Jared
consumed more than our
Once upon a time, quite some time ago
Sidewalk Ends
share and stued our bellies
full, where we have justified I hadnt had a shower or no place to go. by Jennifer Wake
endowments, glorified Where the sidewalk ends and the road begins
I stayed in the trees, Are the doors to Cherith Brook.
in our buildings projects, battling mosquitoes and the bees
inflated sta salaries and And with some encouragement,
expensive programming for Where the sidewalk ends and the road begins
I fell to my knees. I found Jesus out of a book.
the comfortable, we must
call for renunciation. As the I met a fine lad, I wanted what he had.
institutional church continues Where the sidewalk ends and the road begins
He showed me the ways of Christians, I got a brand new look.
to flounder, I believe God is now I cherish good, and let go of the bad.
helping us divest when we were
not willing to do it ourselves. Sometimes Im smiling and sometimes I pout! Where the sidewalk ends and the road begins
We need a new call to But one things for sure, Cherith Brook, I hope you can drive down the road
voluntary poverty--to work for I leave with a smile and thats no doubt! instead of walk.
free and with a free conscience.
Summer/Advent 2017 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 3

by NaNa
The Myth is that
Storms have to do with punishments.

That they are GODs response to sin or his

disappointment in us as his children.

May I suggest that it is actually the opposite;

It is the conformation that we are flowers that,
The Father has planted and he desires to grow.

No matter how painful or inconvenient, it is

necessary for the flowers beauty.

To the struggles of necessary storms in


I am that flower.

A special thank you to the local businesses
who regularly donate to us.

Great Harvest BreadCo. Cosentinos

Downtown Market

The Roasterie Coffee Marshs Sun Fresh

4 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Summer/Advent 2017

February 2007: January 2009:

- Purchased storefront and housewith loans - Nick and Micah make one year covenant
from the bank - Common purse starts
-Garbisons living in West apartment, Steve - Land and property put in trust
Sheridan and JC move into house
April 2009:
May 2007: - Mark Mize executed
- Elijiho Aroja moves in
- House blessing June 2009:
- Start Friday night sharing at Jurassic Park - Alexandria Phillips, Brice, Jerome Harris,
June 2007: Harlan Dunbar, Earl Alton and Wilbur
- Somolian refugees move in stay for summer
- First intern Trey Thompson moves in - Josh Armfield and Paul Newman
- First showers offered movein
July 2007: July 2009:
- Carriage house demolished - Resist SOAP/SODA ordinance
- Villarreals (family of 6) move in
September 2007: August 2009:
- Sarah Cool starts Cafe Kiskeya - Open cafe side for hospitality
- Elijhio deported to Honduras - Mike Turner moves in
- (1st call from Nick Pick)
September 2009:
December 2007: - Talks begin of new nuclear
- Showers installed and Christ Rooms added weaponsplant
to building
- Replace rolltop with window
2007 2009
January 2008:
- Liberty Hunter interns

April 2008:
- (2nd call from Nick Pick)
- Sarah Cool and Izabelle (daughter) move in

May 2008:
- Host Faith and Resistance Retreat
(Immigration focus, Eric arrested!)

June 2008:
-Burmese refugee families moves in

September 2008:
- (3rd call from Nick Pick)

October 2008:
- Raymond Scott moves in
- Nick Pickrell and Micah Waters move
in for only 3 months

November 2008:
- Started hosting Womens Day once
a month
Summer/Advent 2017 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 5
April 2011:
- Tuck point and paint building

May 2011:
- Host midwest Catholic Worker Gathering,
Transformation Not Annihilation, 52
arrested include: Jodi, Eric,
Elisabeth, Josh, MicahandNick

June 2011:
- Sarah moves to Atlanta
- Bees move in!
- Allison Rozga and Sophia
Reed move in

September 2011:
- Micah & Taryn get married
- Carol Harr and Jeffrey New move in

January 2010:
2010 2012
January 2012:
- Receive 6 non-interest loans to pay - Roland Smith moves in
off the bank
March 2012:
March 2010: - Brian Straussberger interns
- Gary & Tims apartment burn
- Chickens move in! - Lonnie arrives

June 2010: May 2012:

- New interns Anna Mullen and Elisabeth - Josh and Elisabeth
Rustchmann move in get engaged!
- Attending City Council meetings to August 2012:
protest building of new Nuclear Plant - Steve moves out

July 2010: September 2012:

- Introduced to the Enneagram :) - Sr. Therese meets with
spiritual director
August 2010:
- Eric arrested at ground-breaking October 2012:
of new Nuclear Plant - Solar panels installed
- Tim Chisholm moves in

September 2010:
- Elisabeth moves in
6 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Summer/Advent 2017

February 2013:
- Lonnie Welch moves in
- Katherine Ebling interns

March 2013:
- Mural installed
- Sean Ferguson interns
- Chickens get a fence and house
- Gary gets new apartment

April 2013:
- Josh and Elisabeth Armfield get
married and move to Sweden February 2015:
- Rodney and Caleb Madison
June 2013: move in
- Participate in first KC Garden Tour
June 2015:
September 2013: - Olivia Paschal and Micah
- Nick moves out Chrismann intern

November 2013: July 2015:

- Bedbugs move in - Garden tour

August 2015:
- Austin Dey and Kimberly
Hunter intern

2013 2015
May 2014:
- Caleb Madison, Theo Kyser and
Nicole Linnemann and Melanie
Kowalski intern

June 2014:
- Pay off all non-interest loans!
- Dickey Stogsdill moves in

September 2014:
-Nick Pickrell and Sarah Dunne
get married
Summer/Advent 2017 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 7

January 2017:
- A group travels to Washington, D.C. for
the Womens March Shower
May 2017:
- Virginia Davis moves in
July 2017: Socks, Socks, Socks
- Grace and Ben Parker Sutter move in Tennis Shoes (esp. mens 9-15)
August 2017: Jeans & Belts (30-34; 4-6)
- Allison moves out Boxers & Panties (S & M; 4-7)
October 2017: Cold/Flu Medicine
- Celebrate 10 years with barbecue! Cough drops
Winter Coats
Hats and Gloves
Shampoo & Conditioner
Body Wash/Shower Gel
Razors & Toothbrushes
Foot Powder
Tampons & Pads

Antibiotic Cream

2016 Reading Glasses

African American Hair
January 2016:
- Food Not Bombs use space to cook
- Tony Rice and Vince Wyatt
move in Needs
May 2016: Sugar
- Standup KC rallies and Powdered Creamer
protests in Chicago
Baking Soda
- Lonnie moves out
Dish Soap
June 2016: Salt & Pepper
- Joe Cooper and Vince Hot Sauce
Wyatt move in Toilet Paper
- Emily Whitney interns Tissues
October 2016:
- Standup KC rallies in St. Louis
Energy Saving Light Bulbs
December 2016: Stamps
- Caleb moves out Bus Passes (31 day & One-Rides)
- End Common Purse Post Cards (Postage Paid)
Ten Year Anniversary Logo
Created by Mark Bartholomew

Cherith Brook
Catholic Worker
3308 East 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64127
(816) 241-8047
[email protected]

Who We Are Upcoming

Nonviolenceto live by Jesus other, we can do more together connection with the goodness
model of a nonviolent way of life
and his Sermon on the Mount
manifesto (Matthew 5-7)
than we can do on our own (Acts
2:38, 42-47, 4:32-35).
of Gods handiwork, the proper
meaning of labor and self-
suciency, our intimate
Downward Mobilityto live connection with nature, the
Hospitalityto welcome simply, practice alternative need to steward native resources
everyone in a manner that mirrors economics and voluntary labor November 22-26 Closed
and discern appropriate
the upside down nature of Gods among people on the margins and December 9 -- Workday 9am- 1pm
technologyall to celebrate
reign (Luke 7:36-50, 14:7-24, excluded from lifes resources.
the sublime mystery of Gods December 18-January 7 -- Closed
etc.); to daily welcome everyone Downward mobility comes at
creation (Genesis 2:4-9, 15-16,
as Christ(Matthew 25). personal surrender and connects January 13 -- NO WORKDAY
Aims andMeans).
us to an economy of grace (Luke
Communityto live together 9:57-62; Mark 8:34-38; Matthew Catholic WorkerWe are a part February 10 -- Workday 9am- 1pm
and share a life of table fellowship, 6:19-21, 25-34, 7:13-14). of the Catholic Worker movement
economic resources, labor, study, March 10 -- Workday 9am- 1pm
co-founded by Dorthy Day and
prayers and worship and to trust Revaluing Land and Labor
Peter Maurin (See Catholic
that by covenanting with each to rediscover our original
Worker Aims andMeans). More information is coming soon
on future roundtables in 2018.
Visit cherithbrookcw.blogspot.
com/email to subscribe to

OurSchedule our monthly email updates

with information about other
upcoming events.
Showers Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8 :00-11:30 am
Prayers Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:15 am; Thursday at 12 pm
Community Meal Thursday from 57 pm
Work Day Monthly, 2nd Saturday from 9 am1 pm

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