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FS 5Learning Assessment Strategies


Episode 1


Name of FS Student: Aliswag, Judaline S.

Course: BSED Math Year: 3rd
Resource Teacher: Maam Jermilyn T. Cabay Signature:
School: Betwagan National High School

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will be keen in identifying

and naming different assessment methods used in the classroom.

My Map

To be aware of the assessment tools that were used in the

classrooms, I find interest in observing teachers assessment practices.

To hit my target, I work my way through these steps:

Step 5.Reflect on your experience.

Step 4.Confer with your FS teacher your assessment


Step 3.Describe how each assessment method was used,

including your personal observations.

Step 2.In your list, classify assessment methods as to conventional and


Step 1.Observe at least three classes and make a list of the assessment methods
used by teachers.

My Tools

As I visit the school and observe the assessment practices in at least three classes, I
document my observations using the activity forms provided for me.


(To be used during the actual observation of the 1st of 3 classes)

School Observed: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan Sadanga, Mt. Prov. Date of Visit: Feb. 21, 2017

Grade/Year Level: 8A Subject Area: Mathematics

Assessment Description

Performance Before the teacher proceeded to the next lesson,

Assessment (warm-up she first wrote one problem on the board for the
exercise) students to answer. The teacher serves as a
secretary, writing the students answers on the
board. If the students answer is wrong, the teacher
asks the student to analyze the problem closely to
see what makes their answer wrong.

Demonstration The teacher demonstrates her lesson step by step,

asking the students if they have understood what
she is explaining, if not, she again rephrase her
explanation and sometimes explaining again using
the mother tongue. Also, while explaining, she is
relating the subject matter to real life situations.

(To be used during the actual observation of the 2nd of 3 classes)

School Observed: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan Sadanga, Mt. Prov. Date of Visit: Feb. 23, 2017

Grade/Year Level: 9A Subject Area: Araling Panlipunan

Assessment Description

Reporting The teacher grouped the students by 5. Then he let

them browse their books and find the meaning of the
certain word/s he has written on the board and
letting them give a short definition of the word/s.
After that, one representative of each group reports
to the whole class what they have written on their
papers. After each reporter is done talking, the
teacher gives words of appreciation to each reporter.

Question and Answer When the teacher asked a question, the whole class
answered his question in chorus. If their answer is
correct, he writes the answer on the board and gives
a brief description or explanation.

Activity The teacher gave time to the students to read a

certain text on their book and after the students have
read, the teacher let them answer the questions he
has written on the board.


(To be used during the actual observation of the 3rd of 3 classes)

School Observed: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan Sadanga, Mt. Prov. Date of Visit: Feb. 21, 2017

Grade/Year Level: 7B Subject Area: Mathematics

Assessment Description

Peer Review/Group The teacher grouped the students without any

Activities particular number of members in each group. She
then distributed those students whom she thinks is
more knowledgeable on the subject matter to each
group. That student who is more knowledgeable has
the responsibility to teach his/her group mates, to
explain the step by step process in solving the given
problem and to entertain his/her group mates

Retelling The teacher asked a student, usually a volunteer to
tell what has been discussed during the past
meetings and before the end of the period, the
teacher again asked a volunteer to tell or to
summarize what has been discussed so far.


(Based on your observation of the 3 classes)

School Observed: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan, Sadanga, Mt. Prov. Date of Visit: Feb. 21 23, 2017

Grade/Year Level: 7B, 8A and 9A Subject Area: AP and Math

Conventional Description of How

Types Assessment Method was used

Multiple choice Not at all observed

Role playing Not at all observed.

Short essay test Not at all observed.

Authentic or Description of How

Alternative Assessment Method was used

Use of checklist on There were no checklist used but the teacher write
student behavior the names of the students who are misbehaving
and having them visit the principals office or the
guidance counselor and letting them make a letter
saying that they will not misbehave again.

Journals Not at all observed.

Products After the topic, the teacher gives a quiz or activity
to see if the students have really understood the

Self evaluation
questionnaire Not at all observed.

After the discussion, the teacher let a student
summarize what has been discussed on his/her own
understanding about the topic.

Not at all observed.

Student logs
Every hour, the teacher checks the students
attendance to see who escaped and who is not

Not at all observed.

1. Was there a variety of assessment methods used by the teacher? How

relevant was/were the assessment method/s used?

Yes, there was a variety of assessment methods that were used by the
teacher. That is, from written response to performance type of test like

group reports and oral recitations. The assessment methods used is very
relevant in ways that it measures and evaluates the learning skills of
students. If that assessment method is the one that makes the students
learn or improve their learning and makes them understand, then it is only
appropriate to use it.

2. Do you think the expected students learning behaviors indicated in the

objectives were properly and appropriately assessed through those
assessment methods?

Yes, I think that the expected students learning behaviors indicated in the
objectives were properly and appropriately assessed through assessment
methods because learning objectives and assessment methods are
anchored to each other. In the first place, one purpose of assessment is to
measure the learning behaviors of students indicated in the objectives.
Without the assessment method, the learning behaviors of students that
are indicated in the objectives will not be tested whether accomplished or
not, on the other hand, without the learning objectives, you cannot come
up with an appropriate assessment method.

During my observation, I was captivated by the two teachers that I have

observed Maam Jermilyn and Sir Allen. The way they teach is really amazing. While
sitting on one corner of the room, Im telling to myself that someday if even I will pursue
to become a teacher, then certainly I will look back on this day and say, I will be that
kind of teacher. Just like them, I will always utter good words to my students. Words that
will uphold their confidence, to bring about their good attitudes, to create a classroom
that is full of love, friendship, unity and free of criticism, unfairness and bullying and also
to earn their trust and respect. Just like those two teachers who are doing their best for
the students to learn and imparting all knowledge to them that I call it as the true heart
of teacher.

on Focus
FS 5Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 2

MY ATM CARD (Available Test & Measures)

Name of FS Student: Aliswag, Judaline S.

Course: BSED Math Year: 3rd
Resource Teacher: Maam Jacqueline Guimong Signature:
School: Betwagan National High School

My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be able to design my table of specification and
design my pen-and-paper test.

At the end of this activity, I will be able to know the relationship between the
teachers learning objective and the assessment tool to be used.

My Map
Designing and using assessment tools sounds interesting, especially if I
know their curricular intentions. I take calculated strides in pursuing this interesting task
through these stages:

Step 6.Reflect on your experience.

Step 5.Analyze and interpret the data obtained

from it focusing on target competency.

Step 4.Conduct the pen and paper

test in a class.

Stage 3.Make a Table of Specification and

construct pen-
and-paper test items on the subject observed.

Stage 2.Study the teachers

objectives of the lesson. Observe
his/her class, focusing on the
evaluation part of the lesson.

Stage 1.Visit a class on a subject

area of your choice.

As I visit the school, I study the teachers objectives, formulate test items, and
interpret results, make a clear documentation of my tasks using the activity forms
provided for me.


School Observed: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan Sadanga, Mt. Prov. Date of Visit: March 8-9, 2017
Grade/Year Level: A and B 7 Subject Area: Science
Subject Matter: Layers of the atmosphere

Teachers Learning Objectives

To identify the different layers of the atmosphere.

To differentiate the different layers of the atmosphere.
To explain the relationship between altitude and temperature of the different
atmospheric layers.
To explain the effect of the interaction between the negative and positive
charges on the magnetic field.
To show appreciation to the beauty of the Northern and Southern lights.
To show understanding to what is being discussed.
To have the students participation during class discussions.

Desired conditions and criterion levels of the learning objectives

Formulation of objectives must be the first thing the teacher must do

because this will help the teacher in measuring the learning of the students and their
behavioral traits. Learning objectives must also contain the three domains which are
the affective, psychomotor, and cognitive domains because these are essential in the
students learning. Without the learning objectives, the learning will become less
effective and it will confuse the teacher. Learning objectives must also be in
accordance to the subject matter to be presented because it is the focus of instruction
and assessment. Also, formulating the learning objectives will make the discussion a
lot easier, manageable and smoothly delivered.


To help you prepare your pen-and-pencil test which you will soon administer in the class
you have observed, please remember to:

1. Make a two-way Table of Specification. Make sure that you focus on the current
subject matter of the class you observed, and that you target the higher levels of
learning behaviors. Please adopt the TOS format prescribed by the school where
you do your class observation. If the school has TOS templates, ask permission
to use it.
2. Show your TOS to your FS teacher, then to the classroom teacher. Get their
comments and suggestions and improve your TOS.
3. With approved TOS, formulate your test items. Write each test item in an index
card, indicating the subject matter and the desired level of learning behavior to
be assessed, among others. (Please use pencil in writing your test items to
economize on the use of index cards).

Sample Format

Subject Matter: Layers of the Atmosphere

Level of Behavior: Cognitive Domain

Test Type: Objective type of test

Test Item: 40 items

#s 1 15 (Identification)
#s16 22 (Enumeration)
#s 23 32 (Explanation)
#s 33 40 (Labelling)


4. Make an Item Blank by organizing the index cards containing your test items.
Show it to your classmates for their comments and suggestions, then to your FS
teacher for checking, and finally, to the teacher.
5. Prepare a test papers for finalize items.
6. Get the classroom teachers permission to administer the test.
7. Administer the test to the class for which the test is designed. Then check the
papers and record the students scores.
8. Do an item analysis and make interference out of the result.
9. Indicate the item analysis results of each item on the index card where you wrote
the item.


Assessment Test in Science

Layers of the atmosphere

Name:______________________ Schedule:______________ Score:_________
Section:_____________________ Date:__________________

I. Understand each question properly and choose your answers from the
words written on the box. Write your answers on the space provided
before the number.

50 km. Atmosphere Thermosphere

Stratosphere 500 km. 75 km.

Cooler Day time Hotter

Night time 85 km. 100 km.

10 km. Troposphere

_____________ 1. What layer is closest to Earth?

_____________ 2. The altitude of the troposphere extends up to how many kilometres?
_____________ 3. What time can the Aurora be observed?
_____________ 4. The mesosphere extends from 50 km to ______ kilometres?
_____________ 5. What layer can we found the ozone layer?
_____________ 6. This is the thickest atmospheric layer?
_____________ 7. What happens to the temperature in the troposphere when the
altitude increases?
_____________ 8. The thermosphere is found between 85 km and _________
kilometres above Earths surface?
_____________ 9. What layer does rain, snow and clouds occur?
_____________ 10. The stratosphere extends from 10 km to ________ kilometres?

II. Identify what is asked. Write your answers on the space provided before
the number.

_____________ 11. What do we call the light display that is observed in the North Pole
due to a charged magnetic field?
_____________ 12. What do we call the light display that is observed in the South Pole
due to a charged magnetic field?
_____________ 13. How many years before we can again observe these light
_____________ 14. What year was the light displays were last seen?
_____________ 15. These are called the rock fragments that came from other planets?

III. Enumerate what is asked.

A. The different layers of the atmosphere?

16. ___________________
17. ___________________
18. ___________________
19. ___________________
20. ___________________

B. The 2 types of light display.

22. ________________
23. ________________

IV. Explain. 5 points each.

A. Why do the meteors burn in the mesosphere even if the temperature is cold?
B. Can you still breathe in the mesosphere? Justify your answer.

V. Label.



90 39 33

70 38

50 34

30 40

10 37
0 35
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20

My Analysis

1. Do you think the teachers learning objective was appropriately

assessed by your test items? Why? /Why not?

Yes, I think the teachers learning objectives was appropriately

assessed by my test items because as I designed my test items, I
based it on the learning objectives set by the teacher. Some of the
questions were used to assess the students ability to recall and
identify the important things about the lesson that was discussed.
There are also some questions that assessed the students higher
order thinking skills like how they reason out and how they relate the
lesson to real life scenarios.
When I issued the test items, the students were able to answer it
correctly, that means that the learning objectives set by the teacher
were achieved.

2. Why did you have to study the teachers learning objectives prior to
developing an assessment tool?

I have to study the teachers learning objectives prior to developing an

assessment tool because the teachers learning objectives is the basis
in designing the assessment tool to be used. Also, the teachers
learning objectives must be consistent with the assessment tool
because these two goes hand in hand in improving the learning
outcomes of the students. The use of assessment tool also determines
if the learning objectives were achieved. Also, the assessment tool is
considered good, appropriate, and effective if it is connected to the
teachers learning objectives.

My personal reflection of thought and feelings regarding the Peace Concept on

Dictionary defines fairness as the quality of being reasonable, right and just. As a
teacher in the future, I must always maintain fairness towards my students in whatever
that is going on in the classroom. I think that being fair is one of my way in implementing
good attitudes to the students. Also, as a teacher, I must not be stereotyping so as to be
fair because stereotyping will only cloud my judgment towards my students and will
likely trigger hatred from the students that will soon trigger bad behaviors.

It also says here that fairness is not only a matter of teachers attitudes towards
students but it also involves the use of assessment tools that are appropriate, valid and
reliable. As a teacher, I will make sure that the assessment tool that I will use is
something that the students will understand and improve their learning or performance
and that is appropriate on the students grade or year level. I will also let my students
know what my learning targets are and the assessment method to be used so that they
will likely know what to do and that they will not be lost in the maze of concepts being
discussed in class. I will also inform my students about their progress so that they know
how to adjust or strategize to improve or maintain their performance. Lastly, when
assessing students performance, I must have a criteria in checking so as to have
fairness in scoring or grading students outputs and be the basis of improvement.

on Focus


In assessment, fairness is not

only a matter of teachers
attitude towards students. It also
involves the use of assessment
tools that are appropriate, valid,

FS 5Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 3


Name of FS Student: Aliswag, Judaline S.

Course: BSED - Math Year: 3rd
Resource Teacher: Maam Jacqueline Guimong Signature:
School: Betwagan National High School

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will be well informed and knowledgeable about the
principles of authentic assessment and its effectiveness and usefulness in the
I will also be keen in understanding effective measures or strategies in using
authentic assessment so as to have a high students performance.

My Way
Authentic assessment is an alternative way of assessing students learning.
To be able to use it, I must first have deep understanding of it.

To hit my target, I fly in good shape through these destinations.

Read articles on
new trends of 2
classroom Visit a class and
assessment. interview the
teacher on 3
his/her Write a reflective
experiences in journal on the
using authentic activity.

Definition of Authentic Assessment &
Why It Is Useful With Students With Special Needs

by Stephany Elsworth

Authentic assessment allows students to show their knowledge using real-life scenarios.

In traditional testing methods in education, students usually complete multiple-choice,

fill-in-the-blank or short answer assessments to show their knowledge of a subject.
These tests usually have little valid use outside the classroom. Authentic assessment,
on the other hand, is a type of assessment in which students use their understanding of
a subject to solve real world situations and problems. This type of evaluation can be
beneficial to special education learners because it allows them to show their knowledge
in a variety of ways.

Drawbacks to Traditional Testing

Many children with special needs have difficulty when it comes to expressing their
knowledge during assessments. For example, a child with a reading-based learning
disability might have a thorough understanding of photosynthesis but might fail the test
because he does not understand the way the test is worded or because he has difficulty
reading the questions. Traditional tests are usually timed, and rely on the student's
ability to remember isolated facts that have been taken out of their original context. A
poor score may cause teachers to make incorrect assumptions about the child's
knowledge and to plan improper learning or remediation activities.

Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment, also called direct, alternative or performance-based assessment,

gives students other opportunities to show what they know. Authentic classroom
assessment tasks include creating posters or other artwork, keeping learning logs or
journals, conducting experiments, working individually or in groups to complete projects,
giving performances or presentations, building a portfolio, writing letters to authorities to
address an issue, or organizing a solution to a community-based problem.


Authentic assessment is beneficial for all students, but is especially helpful for special
needs students because it incorporates social and behavioral skills necessary both
inside and outside the classroom. Students learn how to work with others during group
projects, for example, and must practice positive character traits such as honesty and
perseverance while completing experiments or conducting research. Authentic
assessments integrate higher-order thinking skills, since students must apply their
knowledge in creative ways to solve problems. This helps children build connections
with the world outside the classroom, and it builds self-worth as students learn that their
contributions to society matter. In addition, learning tasks can be simplified to meet the
child's abilities without losing the authentic nature of the assignment.

Disadvantages and Limitations

Authentic assessments are advantageous to teachers for gauging a student's in-depth

knowledge of a specific subject, but this type of assessment does not work as well when
the instructor is attempting to assess a broad range of skills. Although most teachers
use rubrics when grading authentic assessments, this type of assessment is much more
subjective than a typical pencil and paper test. It also takes longer to complete an
authentic assessment than a regular examination, which can take away from learning

My Tools

For this episode, I document my engagement in the task using the activity sheets
provided for me.


Definition of authentic assessment and why is it useful with students with

special needs Stephany Elsworth

It says here that authentic assessment, also called direct, alternative or

performance based assessment allows students to show their knowledge using real
life scenarios. This is a type of assessment in which students use their
understanding of a subject to solve real world situations and problems. This type of
assessment also lets the student show their knowledge in a variety of ways. This
includes tasks like creating posters or other artwork, keeping learning logs or journals,
conducting experiments, working individually or in groups to complete projects, giving
performances or presentations, building a portfolio, writing letters to authorities to
address an issue, or organizing a solution to a community based problem.

There are also benefits in using authentic assessment, these includes how the
students learn to work with others during group projects and practicing positive
character traits such as honesty and perseverance while completing the project. It
also integrates higher order thinking skills since students must apply their
knowledge in creative ways to solve a problem. This also helps children build
connections with the world outside the classroom and it builds self worth as
students learn that their contributions to society does matter. Also, the learning tasks
can be simplified to meet the childs abilities without losing the authentic nature of
assignment. All in all, authentic assessment is beneficial for all students because it
incorporates social and behavioral traits necessary inside and outside the classroom.

If there are benefits, there are also some disadvantages and limitations like
when the teacher is attempting to assess a broad range of skills wherein the
assessment does not work pretty well. This type of assessment is also much more
subjective than a typical pencil and paper test and it also takes longer to complete
than a regular examination which can take away from learning minutes.

1. What were your personal strategies in choosing relevant articles to read?

My personal strategies in choosing relevant ideas to read is that first, I tried

to read newspapers and magazines but I couldnt find one that is related to
authentic assessment so I searched the net. After that, I picked the one that is
interesting for me and that which provides useful information and that which I can
relate to and can use in the future when I will be in the field of teaching.

2. What are your insights and feelings about the new trends in classroom

My insights and feelings about the new trends in the classroom assessment
is that, with this new trend that I read, I have come to know the benefits and the
disadvantages as well as the limitations of using authentic assessment. I have
come to know that not all the time and not all circumstances, the teacher can use
authentic assessment. That if you use authentic assessment, you must do it at
the right and earliest possible time so that it will not be done not just for the sake
of passing but rather, it will be a great achievement for the students and the
teacher as well.
Behind all that, I think that using authentic assessment is really great and
interesting because through this, you, as the teacher will know more about your
students abilities, their talents, skills, their feelings and how far their knowledge
and behavior have reached and how strong and ready are they to face
challenges they are encountering.

3. What is your most meaningful learning from this activity?

My most meaningful learning from this activity is that I have learned that if
were talking about producing students who are talented, strong enough to
overcome challenges in life, strong willed, not easily give up, confident, we
must equip them with lots of authentic assessment to activate their higher order
thinking skills, to strengthen their creativity, build up their strengths and to
brighten up their weaknesses. Also, I learned that one form of authentic
assessment in which, you, as a teacher engage students in real life problems
will make their mind strong and sharp in finding ways to solve the problem and
when they are in the outside world, outside the four walls of their classroom, they
will be able to know what to do.


What are your experiences in using the authentic assessment?

When I interviewed the teacher on her experiences in using the authentic

assessment, she said that using it is sometimes great and sometimes not. She said that
it is great in a way that in using authentic assessment, students and the teacher as well
are able to discover their skills and through the use of this type of assessment, the
students are helping to the current issues or problems of the school. For example is
when the teacher let the students make a project and those projects were used in the
school maybe not by the students who made it but by the next students after them.
Also, it is great because through this, students will not only acquire knowledge but other
fortes as well.

She said that sometimes its not great because some of the students are not
participating, they are just depending on their group mates for outputs. She said that
when these students will do this every time, laziness and being dependent with other
people will be developed within themselves.

What are the problems you encountered in using the authentic


When I interviewed the teacher about her problems in using the authentic
assessment, she said that it consumes so much time in a way that sometimes lessons
are delayed because most of the students are doing their projects during class hours
and instead of students helping their parents during weekends, they spent their time
doing their projects. Also, authentic assessment needs effort, students must give all
their effort to finish their project. It also needs finance, in order for the students to do the
project, they need money to buy the things they need that must be bought and this is
the most problem of every student. Also, most of the time, students are taking authentic
assessment lightly rather than seriously just for the sake of passing the subject.

1. How did you feel about the teachers experience in the use of authentic

About the teachers experience in using the authentic assessment, I feel encouraged
because even though she encountered some problems during her experience, she still
managed to push through in using it. I think that its worth trying because being a
teacher, you must try everything just to make your students learn, its the teachers duty
to think about the welfare of her students. Im also blessed by her because she did
manage to make it happen because of her eagerness to assess her students physical,
intellectual, spiritual, and moral capabilities. When I will also be in the field, no matter
how many obstacles I will encounter in using authentic assessment, I will try to use it
over and over again if that will make my students learn many things. I will do the same
thing my resource teacher did.

2. What do you think have been the gains enjoyed by the teacher and his/ her
students from using authentic assessment?

I think that the gains enjoyed by the teacher from using authentic assessment is that
she was able to discover her students strengths and weaknesses and because of this,
she was able to adjust her learning strategies. Also, I think that the teacher is proud to
be a part of her students discovery of their talents and skills.

As for the students, they gain enjoyment because they were able to interact with
each other and sharing their ideas together during these activities. They were also able
to discover about their hidden skills and talents and what they can achieve through
these. They were also able to gain confidence and can now easily express their

3. Which part of the teachers use of authentic assessment do you feel like
improving or revising?

The part about giving group activities. Instead of grouping the students with many
group members, I will group them only by twos so that all will be participating and
contributing. Also the part where in the teacher engaged the students in an on the
spot oral report where the students are forced to activate their intellectual capabilities
and how well they explain things without even writing it first on the paper. I will improve
this by making it an on the spot presentation or performance instead of oral reports
to see how fast the students think and relate the given topic to reality and also, maybe
through this, they will be forced to show how talented they are.

FS 5Learning Assessment Strategies

Episode 4


Name of FS Student: Aliswag, Judaline S.

Course: BSED Math Year: 3rd
Resource Teacher: Maam Jacqueline Guimong Signature:
School: Betwagan National High School

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will be skillful in designing process-oriented

performance assessment.

My Way

Now that I have deeply understood the principles and concepts of authentic
assessment, and learned lessons from teachers experiences in using it in the
classroom, I can now go through the process of designing performance assessment by
walking through these steps:

1. Visit class and identify performance- based activities.

2. Choose one performance- based activity and study its processes.
3. Design a performance assessment plan for the activity you have chosen.
4. Develop a portfolio of you assessment plan.
5. Reflect on your experiences.

4.Develop a portfolio of
your assessment plan.

3.Design a performance 5.Reflect on your experience.
assessment plan for
the activity you have 2.Choose one performance-
chosen. based activity and
study its processes.

1. Visit a class and identify

performance-based activities.

My Tools

As I observe the class, I note down the significant observation of the

performance-based activity in the classroom. Then, I make a checklist of the important
things I wish to consider in my assessment planning.


School Observed: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan Sadanga, Mountain Province
Date of Visit: March 8 and 9, 2017 Subject Area: Science
Grade/Year Level: 7A and 7B Subject Matter: Layers of the atmosphere

Describe in bullets the performance-based activity you observe.

The performance based activity that was given was an on the spot group
The teacher gave each group a topic to report where in the students based their
report on their advance reading.
It was done after the teacher gave the instruction on how they will report and on
what are the important things to consider on their report or in short, the focus of
their report.
The instruction of the teacher was clear and easy to understand thats why the
students were able to execute it properly.
The activity encouraged all the members of each group to participate and each of
them gave their piece of mind about their topic.
The activity was connected to the learning objectives set by the teacher.
The activity was given to evaluate if the students really read their lesson and if
they really understood what they are reading.
The activity given is in line with the lesson for the day.
The activity was effective because it activated the students sharpness of mind
thats why they were able to reason out and answer the questions asked by the

Based on my observation, I make a checklist of the important things I wish to
consider in my performance-based assessment plan.


It must arose the students interest

It must improve the learning outcomes of the students
It must successfully cater the students multiple intelligences
It must correlate with the learning objectives
It must create a meaningful learning
It must cover the important skills and knowledge of the students
It must develop the higher order thinking skills of the students
The instruction must be clear and concise
The performance based assessment must be valid, reliable and fair
I must have a criteria in rating the students performance
I must have a clear and appropriate learning targets before I will take into action
the performance based assessment
I will first make sure if the materials to be used are available before engaging into
such activity
I must take into account the time to be consumed
It must be according to the needs and nature of the students
It must be relevant to real life situations
I must take into consideration the situation of the students
It must involve all the students participation

After making my process-oriented assessment I write down a few notes about my plan.


Name of School: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan Sadanga Mt. Prov. Subject Area: Mathematics
Grade/Year Level: 7B Subject Matter: Dividing Polynomials

What are the best features of my process-oriented performance

assessment design?

It is time manageable.
It has the students full cooperation.
It has a criteria for fair judgment of students performance.
It has clear instruction for students to be able to execute it properly.
The development of the students intellectual, morale, spiritual and physical
well being while on the process of doing the performance.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my

process-oriented performance assessment design?

The specific conditions that are necessary for a successful use of a process
oriented performance assessment design is, first and foremost thing to consider is
that it must be based on the learning objectives so that the teacher is guided on the
task she is about to give. Second, the teacher must set a standard on how to rate the
students performance. Third, the teacher must make her instructions clear so that
students will not be confused and that their performance will be executed properly.
And last but not the least, make sure that the students will do it by themselves not by
letting others do it for them so that learning will really take place.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

The user should keep in mind that not all the time and not in all subject matter,
the process oriented assessment is suited and applicable.
The user must also pick the appropriate assessment tool to be used.
The rating system should be known to all so that students will do well on their
The user should also know that the learning objectives has a great contribution
on the students performance because the performance relies solely on the
learning objectives so it must have a relevance.

Prepared by: Aliswag, Judaline S.

Organize your process-oriented performance assessment plan in a Show Portfolio with

the following suggested entries.


Learning Objectives:

The students will be able to demonstrate the step by step in solving the given
The students will be able to explain their solution.
The students will be able to show understanding on the activity and be able to
solve any given problem easily.
The students will be able to participate actively during the activity.

General Performance Tasks:

Group the students by four.

Let the students solve for the quotient of a given polynomial problem using the
different methods and with complete solutions.

Learning Episodes:

Perform the activity given.

Demonstrate the step by step process in dividing polynomials.
Compare and contrast the different methods in dividing polynomials.

Assessment Tasks:

Let the students present their work to the class.

I will ask the students about the process on how they solved the given problems
and arrived at their answers.
I will ask them about the problems or difficulties they have encountered while
doing their activity and the things that they have learned.
With their overall performance, I will rate them using the rubrics that was set.



Criteria Very Needs

Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Improvement

8 6 4 2

Knowledge Wide range on Excellent Average Low level of
on the topic knowledge content content in content in
knowledge knowledge knowledge.

Discussion The topic is The topic is The topic is The topic is

and well discussed discussed and discussed and discussed and
explanation and explained explained with explained with explained with
on the topic with a high considerable some limited
degree of information. information. information.

Participation All the Most of the Some of the Few members of

on members of members members of the group
demonstration the group participate in the group participate in the
of the topic participate in the participate in demonstration.
the demonstration. the
demonstration. demonstration.

1. Do you think your originally designed process-oriented performance

assessment can appropriately assess the teachers learning objectives?
Why?/Why not?

It depends on the subject matter. With the 3 different subjects (Science, Araling
Panlipunan, and Math) that I have observed with the corresponding subject matters
(Layers of the atmosphere, World Culture, dividing of polynomials and Probability), only
the Mathematics subject with the corresponding subject matter which is dividing of

polynomials and probability are the only ones that can use the process oriented
performance assessment because there were problem solving involved and that the
solution is required. On my originally designed process oriented performance which I
made use of dividing polynomials as my focus, I can therefore say that it can
appropriately assess the teachers learning objectives because upon rating the
performance of the students, you can be able to see if the learning objectives have
been met.

2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students process-oriented

tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

Teachers need to give a full attention to the students process oriented tasks
because for example on the problem solving part, the students tend to exert more effort
on the process so as to end up with the correct answer. Also, process oriented tasks
must be given much attention because it is better to correct the mistakes while still on
the early processes than correcting the whole process because the outcome is wrong.

It is important that teachers need to assess them because the process or steps are
highly prioritized in a process oriented performance assessment, just like in some
cases like how students come up with the wrong answer but the process is correct is
much way better than coming up with the correct answer but the whole process is very
wrong. Giving more credit on the process is a way of motivating the students to exert
more effort and to increase their level of interest and also to let them do the task on their
own, not by just copying or guessing.

3. In what conditions can the process-oriented performance assessment be

used more appropriately?

The process oriented performance assessment is more appropriately and

effectively used in laboratories such as experiments, in math subject on its problem
solving, in research works, and in some other subjects which requires steps or process
to be followed to come up with the right output or outcome.

It is really hard to design a process oriented performance assessment because

it needs a lot of thinking and consumes so much time just by creating and also you have
to consider all the things that needs consideration and to take everything into account.

Looking back, during my observation, it seems so easy for the teacher to execute
process oriented performance to the students because at that moment, I think that
they will just execute it without thinking about anything but now I realized that there are
so much to consider so as to make the performance a success. Putting process

oriented performance assessment into writing has never been a just just because you
have a long long way to go before you can put altogether everything that concerns it.

Also, I remember my first resource teacher, Maam Jermilyn on how she put so
much effort in explaining the process when she discussed the topic about dividing
polynomials, and now I understand why. The process is more important than the answer
because without the process, you will never arrive at any outcome at all and in some
instances that you know the outcome but you never have understood the process, then
its useless. Knowing the outcome but not knowing the process is not learning at all
because learning takes place in the process.

During also my observation, there are students who are complaining because
according to them, they dont understand the process at all and they say that they cant
cope up, but I have been thinking, it must have been harder on the teacher to design a
process oriented performance assessment an easy one so that it will be levelled on
the understanding of the students. She must have felt that way because I have felt that
way when Im designing my process oriented performance assessment.

Anyway, as a student, the process of learning has never been easy, it is in the
process where you will commit many mistakes, this is where you go face to face with
failures and it is in the process where you want to give up if you cant understand and
dont know the next step, but keeping a sharp mind and never giving up, only then you
will arrive at a very great outcome.

FS 5Learning Assessment Strategies


Episode 5


Name of FS Student: Aliswag, Judaline S.

Year: 3
Course: BSED Math
Resource Teacher: Maam Jacqueline Guimong Signature:
School: Betwagan National High School

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will be skillful in designing process-oriented

performance assessment.

My Way

Now that I have developed the skills in designing process-oriented performance

assessment, I can now go through the process of designing product-oriented
performance assessment by journeying through.

Reflect on 1 Visit a class and identify

5 your . product-oriented activities.

Develop a
4 portfolio of your
assessment plan. Choose one product
oriented activity and study its

3 Design a performance
assessment plan for the
product-oriented activity
you have chosen.

My Tools

As I observe the class, I note down the significant observation of the product-
oriented activity in the classroom. Then, I make an assessment plan.


Name of the School Observed: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan Sadanga, Mountain Province
Date of Visit: March 8 and 9, 2017 Subject Area: Science
Grade/Year Level: 7A and 7B Subject Matter: Layers of the atmosphere

Describe in bullets the product-oriented activity you observe.

The activity intends to measure the knowledge and understanding of students.

The teachers instruction was clearly stated and is easy to understand and
The activity focuses on the learning competencies of the students.
The teacher provides coaching (assistance), feedback and reinforces
motivation upon them.
The task was done by group that allows them to mingle with others.
The task procedures and criteria was clearly communicated to students before
the main task was given.
The activity encourages analization.
It also develops the communication skills of the students.
It measures how well the students deliver their reports, how well they answer
the teachers questions and how proficient their grammar is.
It also reinforces confidence upon the students.
It develops their way of talking and their posture in delivering their reports.
The students did their best.
There is positive interaction between the students and the teacher.

My Plan

Now that I noted my observation, I compose my thoughts and think about what
product-oriented assessment design I think is more appropriate for the classroom I have

I want the students to create their own product based on their knowledge
regarding the subject matter. And in designing my product oriented assessment, I
must consider the following:

Giving students a sufficient time in doing their activity to ensure a quality output.
Ensuring that the students will not encounter any problem concerning the
materials that they will use.
Discussing to my students the rubrics I have set so that they will have a basis in
doing their activity.
Grading everyones cooperation so that all will be working.
Grouping the students fairly so that those students who have talents will be
distributed to every group.
I will make sure the activity is an interesting one so that students will enjoy what
theyre doing to reinforce good attitudes upon them.
I will make sure that the different skills of the students will be enhanced through
this activity.
I will let the students learn something out of the activity they will perform.
Checking their activity every time for motivation, correction, and further revision if
need be and to see how far they have accomplished.
I will also ensure that the students will see the relevance of what theyre doing to
the real world situation so that they will do the very best they can.

From the procedures I have listed in the preceding activity form, I make a final plan of
my product-oriented assessment design.


Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to participate actively.

Students will be able to organize things properly.
Students will be able to create their outputs creatively.

General Product- oriented Performance Task:

Making of their final output.

Presentation of their outputs to class.

Target Skills:

Creativity skills
Communication skills
Designing skills
Knowledge and understanding skills
Skills in using art materials correctly

Learning Activities (Specific tasks):

Researching of related pictures to paint

Watching related movies and reading related articles then summarizing
and reflecting on it.

Assessment Tasks:

Creativity and relevance to the topic


Name of School: Betwagan National High School

School Address: Betwagan Sadanga, Mountain Province
Subject Area: Science
Grade/Year Level: 7A and 7B

What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment


The product oriented performance assessment design must be effective,

authentic and valid.
It should develop the students higher order thinking skills.
It must consider the domains of learning.
It should develop the students art skills.
It help support the development of technical and mental thinking that leads to
the students independent and creative learning.
It determines how students are knowledgeable and learned on the subject.
The multiple criteria or standard of excellence is pre specified and public.
The application of the performance assessment in real world setting.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

The product design should be appropriate to the learning objectives.

It must be effective.
The resource materials to be used must be available.
The task should focus on what is really to be assessed.
The task should be suitable for the students interest and level of intelligence.
Scoring rubrics should be presented in public.
The task must motivate the learners through this design.
It must be reliable and valid.
The learning targets must be clearly and appropriately defined before engaging
the students in a product oriented activity.

Prepared by: Aliswag, Judaline S.


Learning Objectives:

The students will be able to reflect on the thing they have learned about the
layers of the atmosphere and the things concerning the auroras (Northern and
Southern lights).
The students will be able to overcome problems they may somehow encounter.
The students will perform the task required of them with full participation of all.

General Performance Tasks:

The students are going to read any books or newspapers or magazines or

articles or they are going to look for movies to watch that is all concerning about
the layers of the atmosphere and the northern and southern lights.
The students will look for pictures of the northern and southern lights.

Learning Episodes:

The students will choose one form of the aurora and make a painting of it
observing the proper colors and tell their observations.
The students will summarize the movies they have watched or the newspaper or
article or magazine they have read and give their reflections, insights and

Assessment Tasks:

The students will present their outputs to the class.

I will ask the students about their problems they have encountered on the activity
and the things they have learned while performing the activity.
The rubrics for the reporting and the painting must be different.
I will rate their paintings based on its creativity and proper colors used.
I will rate their overall performance using the main rubrics.



Very Needs
Criteria Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Improvement

8 6 4 2

Contents of the It is concise, Concise and Not concise

summary. clear and brief. brief. Brief clear and brief.

Neatness of The summary The summary The summary The summary

the summary. is very well is clear and is not is scribbled and
clear and organized. organized. unorganized.

My Analysis

1. Do you think your originally designed product-oriented performance

assessment can appropriate assess the teachers learning objectives?
Why?/Why not?

Yes, I think my originally designed product oriented performance assessment can

appropriately assess the teachers learning objectives because on the fact that it is
based on the learning objectives set by the teacher. Also, it is in relationship with the
subject matter or the scope of the topic. It also focuses on what to assess that reflects
the learning targets.

2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students product-oriented

tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

Teachers need to give attention to the students product oriented tasks because
these will determine whether the students demonstrates their skills on the level of
proficiency if they are a beginner, a skilled or an expert in such given tasks and on their
learning. It also provides evidence that students can use or transfer their learning to real
life situations. It also generally represents the students learning or deep
understanding of the concepts, principles, theories and skills that are acquired during
the instructional process. It also develops students extra ordinary skills like creativity
and being artistic that will reflect their personalities.
The teachers need to assess them to measure the students progress in their
academic performance in class. Also, to know if students understand what they are
learning and if they can demonstrate their level of understanding to achieve success in
their endeavors.

3. In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be

used more appropriately?

The product oriented performance should get the interest of the

The learning environment where they will perform their product oriented
activity must be suitable for the students.
The product oriented performance is more applicable when measuring
the psychomotor domain of the students. Psychomotor domains such as
engaging the students in making their portfolios, paper compilations,
journals, slogans, drawings, posters, demonstrations, dramas, role
playing, oral recitation, and many more that requires innovative and skills.
It is also appropriately used if it provides complexity of skills and
competencies to sustain the activity.

In answering this episode, I have learned that product oriented assessment
somehow mirrors and measures students performance in real life situations. In using
this assessment, students learn by themselves because they experience the task first
hand and that they apply their knowledge, skills and understanding in a real world
setting. I also learned that using this assessment is essential because students
proficiency on the task are being assessed. It is also essential because it encourages
and motivates the students to do complex tasks on their own.

Throughout this field study and on my observation, I learned some strategies

from my resource teachers that I can use when I will become a teacher in the future.
That is, as a teacher, I should be skillful in choosing appropriate assessment methods
that I will use and while doing that, I must also continue to observe and give more
attention to my students because all of them have different characteristics and
capabilities that I should enhance through the use of these different methods, strategies
and assessment tools.

If I have learned something from my resource teachers, I also learned something

from the students that is if the assessment to be used catches their interest, they can
earn beyond what is in their lessons inside the four walls of their classroom. If the
assessment is good, it brings out the best of students in the different facets of their
learning. It is also beneficial to them and to the teacher as well and they tend to enjoy
every activity that they are tasked to accomplish.

So, all in all, in order for the project oriented performance assessment to be a
success, teachers need to be really equipped in planning and conducting the said
assessment so it will encourage learning to take place within the students. Also, in
planning, they must take into account all the important things that needs to be
considered in this kind of assessment.

My Thoughts on Equity in Assessment:

The dictionary defines equity as the quality of being fair and reasonable in a way
that gives equal treatment to everyone. It was mentioned here the words equal
treatment, fair and reasonable which in fact is sometimes not applied by some.

I think that equity must be really observed in the classroom by the teachers.
Sometimes, I really observed that some teachers are not being equal to their students.
If that particular student is a slow learner or someone that triggers the teachers
patience, they tend to disregard that student which is not supposed to be. Some cases
why students fail is not because they dont know anything, its because the teacher
doesnt apply equity at all.

When someday, I will be a teacher, I will always remember this word. No matter
how slow learner or hard headed my students are. I will always apply the concept of
equity and I will try to enter bit by bit into their lives and change their perspective when it
comes to learning. I will also motivate them one by one until they will realize the need to
learn more.

I think that applying equity to all will really make their learning less miserable and
more interesting that will really increase their performance.

on Focus


For the students, learning becomes

more meaningful if there is equity in
our assessment practices. Since
equity respects individual learning
styles and students direction,
students performance increases.


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