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Cover By Bookandcoffeex

No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means electronic or mechanical (including photocopying, recording and any
information storage or retrieval system) without written permission from the
author. This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, business, places,
events or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, and actual events are purely coincidental. All the characters are the
property of their own creators i.e. Auguste Lupa (of John Lescroart), Enola
Holmes (of Nancy Springer), Marie Russell (of Laurie.R.King).

I am dedicating this book to my parents

for their unconditional support and to my
Best friend and a brother Hamza Waqas

"Ever wondered what would happen if the Holmes family had

children? Would they solve crimes in the bustling city of London? This
novella will enable you to meet the great London-based Holmes."

Let's see how these new and younger editions of the great Sherlock
Holmes follow in his footsteps and put criminals behind bars.

Please keep in mind that I don't own Sherlock Holmes and this book is
purely about his grandchildren.

Primary Characters

Oliver Holmes:

18 years old grandson of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler. Son of

Auguste Lupa. A detective by genes. Always wears his granddads cap-
--Sees it as a crown. Thin, tall and gaunt like his father and
grandfather. Very particular about clothing. Head of Team Holmes.
Nicknamed Sherlock Junior

Katie Holmes:

19 years old Granddaughter of Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell.

Daughter of Raffles Holmes. Has pink, wavy hair. A bright-eyed girl
with a worried-looking face. Small, silver eyes. Strongly resembles her

Allen Holmes:

20 years old Grandson of Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell. Brother

of Katie. Eldest of Sherlock's grandchildren. Seen as the co-leader of
Team Holmes. Has a scar stretching from his nose to eyes. The origin
of his scar is unknown except that it's from his horrible past

Sunny Rain: 19 years old youngest grandchild of John Watson and

Mary Morstan. Daughter of Rosamund Watson. Medium heighted girl
with blonde hair is curious and seeks adventure .Has a mole on her
left cheek. Wears glasses

Knight Holmes: 20 years old grandson of Mycroft Holmes. Has

memorized every crime committed in London since 1950.

Tigra Holmes: Granddaughter of Enola Holmes Has an encyclopedic

knowledge of herbs, wild plants, drugs, and poisons.

Alex Holmes: Grandson of Sherrinford Holmes, Together they are

known as Team Holmes.

Crow: (he is not a bird). Underworlds don who is the grandson of


The arch enemy of Holmes' family. He is the head of the most evil gang
of the city The evil geniuses.

Alexandra Matchget: She is the room mate of Oliver, Allen, and Katie.
A Greece by nationality; she has come to London to have a degree in
mass communication.

Robert Louis: A fat young student of Martial arts.He lives in the room
(room no 926) just opposite to Oliver's room (room no 927).

Chapter 0: Genes Reunited

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

-Oscar Wilde

A bright yellow cab comes to a stop at the gate of The Learners

University. A young student gets out of the cab. He is the grandson of
Sherlock Holmes. Twenty years old Allen is followed, out of the cab,
by his sister Katie and cousin Oliver Holmes. Oliver's tall, gaunt figure
makes him look the eldest of the three, which he isn't. He also bears a
striking resemblance to his grandfather. He has his grandfather's cap
tucked into his pant pocket and a pair of sunglasses hooked on his
baby blue shirt. All three head towards the bustling canteen visible
from the main gate. They then ask a man about the location of a
certain room.

"Hi! Excuse me, but could you please tell me where room number 927,
Richard Hostel is?" Allen enquires."

But Allen," Oliver asks his cousin, "do you even know where Richard
Hostel is?"

"Oh yes, I do. The man cuts off their conversation short, "I'll show you
where it is. My room is 921 so it won't be any trouble at all."

"That's brilliant!" Oliver piped in.

Katie finally spoke, "What are we waiting for? Let's go- I'm exhausted!"

The three plus the friendly stranger makes their way up to the hostel.

"So, what are your names? Questioned the stranger. My name's

Allen Holmes," Allen pointed to his left, "she's my sister Katie," he
pointed to his right, "and he's our cousin Oliver Holmes. We're proud
grandchildren of the great Sherlock Holmes!"

The man stopped in his tracks and stared at them with wide eyes,
"Did you say your Grandfather was Sherlock Holmes? Like the
Holmes?" He then turned to face the three with excitement in his eyes,
"Oh guys!" he screamed, "I don't believe it, and youre all alive!"

"Why? What had happened to us?" Oliver just looked at the stranger,
confused."Yeah, as you can see we are perfectly alright. And who are
you and how do you know us?"

While her cousin was confused, Katie was instantly suspicious of the
seemingly friendly stranger. Well, now I can see you're fine Katie.
Anyways, coming back to the first question, you guys actually know
me. I'm your cousin- Knight. I'm the grandson of Mycroft Holmes!"

Allen studied Knight's face trying to find familial similarities, "Really?

Aren't you supposed to be living in Poland? Knight looked at Katie
like she had grown another head, "Who told you that? I'm living in
London and have been since I was born.

As a matter of fact, I've never seen Poland. Well, Father Raffles and
Uncle Lupa told us," Katie raised an eyebrow as she spoke.

Oliver cut in before Katie and Knight could start an argument, "I think
perhaps that there was a mishap. Or maybe someone is hiding
something from us. Anyways, nice to meet you, Knight. Could you
please show us our room so we can cool down a tad?"

Knight's smile suddenly turned into a big grin, "Sure, but I'd like you
to meet someone else first!"

Knight led them up a flight of broken stairs to the 4th floor. Once the
four reached the right landing, Knight lead them to room 921.

Knight walked up to the door and knocked. When no-one answered he

proceeded to shout, "Open up! I have a surprise for you!" Finally, the

door opened up to reveal a teenage girl at the door and two students
behind her.

"Look who I have here- Oliver, Katie, and Allen, our cousins!"

The girl who had opened the door examined the three's faces in much
the same way Allen had just a few minutes ago, "Are you kidding?
Aren't they supposed to be dead?"

"Gush! Why does everyone think we're dead? As you can see we are
perfectly fine!" Katie said with an over-exaggerated eye roll.

The girl standing near the dresser rubbed her eyes and seemed to
hyperventilate, "Oh. My. God! I can't believe my eyes!"

"Hello Sunny.Tigra, Alex," Oliver greeted the girl by the dresser, the
girl at the door and the boy sat on the bed.

All the cousins looked at him in confusion wondering how he knew

who they were. How do you know who they are?" Allen voiced
everyone's thoughts. Thats pretty easy," Oliver gestured to Sunny as
he spoke, "I saw her locket said S.R. and the list of people who are in
this room were on the wall. Only one name had the initials S.R. and
that was Sunny Rain.

Thus she must be Sunny. There were two male names on the list and
one of them was Knight, who we've already met, so the other one
would be Alex. That just left Tigre, who opened the door," Oliver
explained it all as if it was completely obvious.

As they all gaped at him, an awkward silence set in."You sure are the
grandson of Sherlock, man!" Alex broke the silence and there was an
audible sigh of relief, though no-one knew who it was from.
Sometimes we just have to open our eyes and see the whole of the
world," Oliver stated, clearly confused as to why everyone had gone

Knight gave Oliver another look before turning to the three in the
room, "Anyways, this brainier is Oliver Holmes, he is Allen and she is

All at the same time Tigre, Sunny and Alex greeted their cousins.
"Well, could you show us to our room now so we can relax a little bit,"
Oliver got Knight back to the main mission at hand. OH, Sure. Follow
me," he then turned back to the other three and said, "Just wait a
minute. I'll be back after showing them their room." Knight then led
Allen, Katie and Oliver two doors to the left.





Before he left them to their own devices Knight asked, "Could we eat
dinner together in the dining hall later..?"

"Sure thing Knight. I'm looking forward to it," Allen answered whilst
half pushing Knight out the door.

Katie shut it behind him. "So, they weren't in Poland then," Katie
stated the obvious. "We need to ask Father and Uncle about it. First,
however, we should find out who our roommate is,"

Allen looked about the room as he spoke. And how do you know we
have a roommate?" Katie asked her brother as she jumped onto one of
the four beds."

Because there are four beds in both of the rooms we've been in,
so there must be four people per room. There is no dust which means
someone cleans the room regularly and hostel management said they

wouldn't be cleaning our rooms so it must be another student- i.e. our

roommate," Allen explained as he checked out his new home away
from home.

But," Oliver started with a smug look on his face, "our roommate is on
vacation. Everyone has to be in their rooms between three and six pm
every weekday and he obviously isn't here. Only those on vacation are
out of their room. Also, there is no luggage here besides ours. Allen,
Sherlock Junior has defeated you again!" Katie said through bursts of

Allen glared at his sister as he climbed into one of the three remaining
beds. "I'm tired," Allen yawned, and I am going to take a nap. Me to.
You know, when they said 'Oh! You're alive!' it kind of felt like they
wanted us to be dead," Katie mumbled as she also climbed into the
bed she had claimed.

Oliver sighed, "That shouldn't be a problem- surely Father will give us

an answer..." With that the two siblings fell asleep whilst their cousin
sat, lost in thought.

Coming up next.

What are their parents are hiding from them?

Who is their roommate?

& why has Knight asked them to gather in Dining hall.

The answers to all these questions are hiding in CHAPTER ONE:

The haunted house of Bahamas.

Chapter 01: The Haunted House of


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and
I'm not sure about the universe.

-Albert Einstein

Alarm rings.
"Wake up Katie it's 6:05 now," says Oliver. Shaking her body. "Allen
didn't we have to go to sports room," screamed Oliver.
"Oliver why don't you sleep in the noon or allow us to sleep? Asks
"Yeah, what do you do all this time" saying Katie who is looking like
that she had chased a hen.
"Nothing special, its 3 hours since you are sleeping Allen and didn't
you have to go to sports room "Oliver while combing his hairs.
"Oh yeah" Allen.
Katie "I would also go with you" raising her head from the blanket
"I am waiting for you both outside"
says Oliver leaving the room.
"Hurry up kat," Allen says as he gets up from his bed.

After 15 minutes.
Katie and Allen came out of the room.
Oliver "come on let's go"
Katie "so you know where sports room is?"
Oliver replies "yeah "
"it's a few minutes walk from our room" Oliver adds on.

After 5 minutes.
"Well it's not a room' "Katie declares.

"Yeah it's two floors building "Allen agrees." because first, it was just a
room with only one sport, but later it was made into a building ".
Oliver "but this name was common in students "
"Well it's interesting but which game we would play there. Katie
"Chess ".Oliver answers.
"Bazooka, says Katie.
"But where is chessboard "questions, Allen. Well we have to do a
search ". Oliver replies.
In the meantime, a girl pushes Allen.
"Hey, can't you see. Are you blind? Allen shouts.
"I can, I can see your scar the girl whispers in his ear.
After hearing this Allen runs off like a mad dog is chasing him.
"Where are you going Allen shouts Katie.
"Where is that girl, what did she said to him, asks puzzled Oliver.
"She had vanished in the wink of an eye." replies Katie. "Then go to
Allen. He would be in his room." Orders Oliver.
They ran towards Allen shouting his name.
In the room, Allen is sitting on the bed facing the wall.
"Why had you run off from the sports room? "Asks Oliver.
"Nothing, there is no specific reason for it" answers Allen. No specific
reason for running like a mad person! Oliver

"Forget it we have to go for the dinner with our cousins" announces

Allen and he leave the room, waiting outside.
"There is something important," whispers Oliver in Katie's ear.
I am worried about him. Katie.

After 30 minutes outside room no 921.

"Open up knight be fast everyone is waiting for you," screamed Allen
who is standing there with Sunny, Alex, Oliver, Tigre and Katie.
"Ok just one minute," says Knight.
After 2 minutes knight comes out of the room, dressed in a red shirt
and black pant. All of them start their steps once they see him coming

"So what are you guys studying," Knight asks.

"I am studying physics " Oliver.
"I am studying forensic science and Kat is in botany. "Allen replies.
"Good me and Alex are in criminology," tells Knight
"I am studying journalism ". Sunny Rain tells.
"And I am in botany. Tigra Holmes

"Here we are in the front of the dining hall. Oh, I love that aroma."
food lover Sunny comments.

The dining hall was a square grey building, with narrow windows in
straight rows. There was nothing about it in the very least picturesque
or attractive, for it was far too modern to at all. The chimney at the top
was making clouds of smoke coming from the delicious meal waiting
for them.

They all poured in through the wooden door. The hall was a calm and
quiet place with the student having their dinner.

"Here take a seat "knight offers the red seat to Katie.

"Thank you "Katie replied
"so why have you gathered us all here? Oliver questions.
"To tell you that we are going to the Bahamas with our university,
said Knight.
"Really Katie Holmes.
"But why?" Oliver.
"They take their newbies there for an educational trip. & now it's our
turn". Knight answers.
" & when are we leaving," Allen asks.
"Day after tomorrow...." Knight...............

Oliver comes back from the dining hall he dials the number of his
uncle Raffle.

"Hello, how are you son? Raffle Holmes "I am not ok. Why haven't you
told us about Knight, Alex, and Tigra?"Oliver

"I think you know about them pretty well," Raffle asks."Yah I know
about them pretty well now. Uncle, I want to ask why did you hid it
from us" Oliver shouts

"Ok, I would tell you once when you will come back from Bahamas"
Raffle replies in a soft tone.
"Who told you about the Bahamas? Oliver is shocked.
"Allen " Raffle answers.
Oliver put off the phone angrily.
At the airport.
Knight everyone had got their tickets.
Allen: yes sir".
Knight "ok so get up to your seats"
The journey took about 8 hours, arriving at 2 o'clock. (Local time).

"It's raining cats and dogs here," Allen says."Yah the weather is mostly
like it." Oliver replies.......

The team Holmes is staying in a university's hostel. They have an 8

bed where they are living together

"Guys, shall we go for a walk?" Oliver asks.

"Sure, that would be fun!" Knight exclaims.


"But first we should ask our teacher. We must take her permission
"Allen says.

."I'll go and take it from him!" Sunny shouts.

"Ok, you can go" Knight Answers.

After five minutes. She has allowed us but she wants to talk with us."
Sunny informs them.

Oh, I wonder what she wants to tell us! Alex responds getting up from
his bed. They leave their room shut with the keys in Oliver's pocket.

"Good day, Ma'am! So you wanted to meet us? Allen asks him.

"Kids beware! There is a haunted house here. I have heard the story
from a local who tells that a beautiful young newlywed couple moved
into this lovely home shortly after their glorious wedding. However,
shortly thereafter the couple had a terrible argument. It is said that
the bride left the house, upset and the groom followed shortly

"Neither of them ever returned to the house and the building

remained unoccupied from that day to this. Everything was left just as
it was. The table was set for dinner; the food on the stove and all of
their clothing and wedding gifts were left behind. Children playing on
the grounds talked of seeing two figures in white floating about the
house, hence it is called the Haunted House of Bahamas." The teacher
told them without stopping in between.

"Maybe we should move back," says terrified Katie.

"No, we will go. There is no such thing as a ghost...." Oliver tries to

calm her.

Meanwhile, in the opposite room -"So Rose, you and your sister are
terrified of ghosts, yes?" asks Katherine.

"Yeah, they are much afraid of them. Mary agreed.

"No, we are not. Rose declares.

"Ok then let's go to the Haunted House." Says Katherine. "Its just a
10 minutes walk" She adds.

"And why not go in the night? Let's see who is afraid of ghosts" Mary

"We will go," Rose says.

Next day in the morning all of the cousins have woken up by the noise

"Looks like someone is crying, come on let's go and see," Oliver says as
he gets up from his blue bed.

A woman of age 50 or around is crying hard.

"What happened? Sunny asks as she is curious to know.

"A student named Rose has been killed in the Haunted House and she
is her mother." A person explained.

"How did it happen? Oliver asks.

Crying, Katherine tries to narrate the incident as Knight leads her to

their room

...On the night, we decided to go to the haunted house because Rose

and her sister were terrified of ghosts they decided to prove us wrong.
So that was the best place to examine them. I was in the lead, using

the flashlight to illuminate the cobweb-filled crannies. I and Mary

were, scaring the girls at every opportunity we had. We had finished
exploring the first floor and were halfway down a second-floor corridor
when Mary turned around and saw that Rose was no longer behind

"Rose? Where are you?" Our whispers grew louder as they began to
backtrack along the corridor. "Stop fooling around." Rose was hardly
the type to wander off. "Rose?" And then we heard it. Several muffled
shouts followed by a piercing scream. Rose's scream! When I and the
rest of girls stepped into the dusty bedroom, we saw the 18-year-old
girl stretched out on the bed frame. A hunting knife was protruding
from her chest, the black handle grip facing her shoes. At first, it
seemed like some perverse joke.

"Rose?" Hillary gazed down at her own hands, now suddenly covered
with blood. "She's... She's dead. I was just stepping forward to check
her pulse when Hillary gasped. OH, my God. Did you see?" She
pointed out into the hallway. "Someone with a knife. Instinctively, I
and Mary gave a chase, inadvertently leaving the surviving sister
alone. No more than 30 seconds later, as we pursued the murderer
among the clouds of cobwebs through the downstairs rooms, a second
scream brought us up short. We instantly reversed our tracks. You
left me alone!" Hillary screamed as we ran back in. "Let's get out of
here." We all agreed. "Katherine ends up as she bursts into tears.

"Interesting" Oliver replies.

"The police are investigating the case" Katherine adds on.

"Ok, Allen would you please leave Katherine to her room?


"Sure" Allen replies.


"I have already told you that there are ghosts," Katherine says as she
is shaking with fear.

"There is nothing called a ghost. Be calm! Off to the Haunted House!

Oliver commands.

On their way

-"I saw the body when we were leaving. It was only a single blow that
proved to be fatal, in a downward thrust of a knife and they have also
found cats blood on there. Tigra explains.

"Well, it's more than interesting....".Knight says And they have also
found another knife from a tree nearby it too contained the blood of a
cat. Allen says

"Oh, I know who is the killer is! Oliver exclaims stopping right in his

Coming up next:

Who is the murderer?

And the story behind Allen's scar?

Find the answers to these questions in Chapter: 02 Family feuds.


Chapter 02: Family Feuds

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

-Mae West

"Oh I know who the murder is," says Oliver, stopping dead in his
tracks. Its Mary's sister! ".

"What? But how have you figured it out? Sunny asks looking at him,
straight in the eyes.

It was super easy. Her sister was jealous of her, because of Mary's
achievements in school and college. Her mother was going to send
Mary abroad, which Hillary was not going to absorb easily.

Oliver is interrupted by Knight. How do you know that she was going
to send her abroad?" Knight asks.

"When her mother was sobbing and crying she shared that her
daughter was about to go abroad." Oliver patiently answers.

"Anyway, continuing the explanation, they knew that the other girls
would be pranking them in the haunted house so, the two sisters also
decided to scare their friends. But poor Mary didn't know the thoughts
running through her sister's mind. That is why they had already
arranged a broken knife and cats blood."

"Now they started their prank. She had already set up the grisly scene,
smearing herself with cat blood and sticking the broken-off knife into
her blouse. Then she quickly said that there was someone there. Once
they responded to the call and ran after her, she attacked her sister
with a real knife, cleaned it and proceeded to throw it out of the

"Oliver finally finished, taking in a deep breath. Well, this solves the
puzzle. Should we inform the Police? "Allen questions.

"So, there is and was no ghost?" Katie asks

"I have told you earlier that there is no such thing as a ghost!" Oliver
explains, exasperatedly.

At the police station-

"Well done boy you have solved this case. Thanks for assisting us!" the
beaming Police officer says after hearing Oliver's strange tale.

"Well, this was impossible without my friends,-The team Holmes,"

Oliver says with a smile shaking hands with the police officer.

Next day at the airport-

"Well, that was a memorable trip! I will always miss the Bahamas."
Tigra says, longingly.

"Hugh! It was definitely a trip full of blood, ghosts and a lot of work!"
Katie answers, grinning.

At Heathrow airport-

"Allen, your phone is ringing!" Knight says as he hands over the phone
to Allen.

"Oh, thanks!" Allen replies, gratefully as he receives it from Knight.

"Hello, Allen speaking," he says, merrily as he picks up the phone.

"Allen, the news we are going to give you is very sad and painful but
you have to admit it as this is the reality," the mysterious speaker

"What? What news"? Exclaims a worried Allen. Oliver comes up to him

after he hears Allen's words.

"Raffle Holmes and Auguste Lupa are dead" announces the speaker.

The mobile phone falls from his hand and then the first tears break
free, followed by an unbroken stream.

"What happened," Oliver asks him.

In room number 927-

The grandchildren of Sherlock are crying as the tears fall from their
eyes' in a steady stream, whereas their cousin is trying to calm them.
Although this calamity is felt by all the 7, Katie, Allen, and Oliver have
had the fatal blow.

Meanwhile, there is a knock on the door. The black wooden door is

opened by Alex where he sees a thin man with round glasses holding a
letter addressed to them. The man immediately leaves after handing
him the letter.

"Knight there is a letter," Alex says in low, dumb voice. He hands it

over to Knight. Knight quickly starts reading it.

"So, Team Holmes you have received the news of your father's death
and I presume you are crying and having that emotional scene, but I
wanted to tell you that it is I who have created the enmity between
your uncles and forced them to live far away, by promising them your
life. But keep in your mind that my next target is you and no one has
ever escaped from the Crows attack.

From the One and Only Evil genius, Crow After reading it, Knight is
struck dumb.

He wondered loudly, "Crow? Who is he?" he then hands the letter to


After skimming through it, Allen starts crying more hardly after he
reads the name Crow.

He mutters loudly, although unable to utter a word. Oliver Katie, you

have asked me about my scar. Today I will reveal my secret to you."

"17 years back," he starts, when I was only three years old, Crow
broke into our house one night and holding the knife by my neck he
asked my father to sign a paper, saying that he would live far away
from our Uncle and Cousins."

"Our Dad and Uncle were forced to sign on the paper. That is why you
people were told lies about each other."

Allen is then abruptly interrupted by Sunny who asks "But how did
the scar appear?"

"After they signed the paper they hit me with the knife on my nose
which has never healed properly and has left this scar."

"Hi, guys how are you..........."

Coming up next:

How Crow is going to attack team Holmes and how are they going
to defend themselves?

Are there parents murdered by Crow or its just a claim?

Find the answers to these questions in Chapter: 03 poisoned


Chapter 03: Poisoned

If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his
inferiors, not his equals.



"Hurry up Robert gives me a page and some coal from that fire place
Tigra screams out to Robert who is paralyzed from what he had seen
just now.

He sees a paper lying on the floor and some coal in the fireplace. He
doesn't know what she is going to do with it. "Here take it. Robert
hands over the items to Tigra who is murmuring "God please help us,
please help, help. She puts all of the coal in the page and blew it into
his mouth.

First vomit comes out of Oliver Holmes followed by a second one. Tigra
repeats the process several times until Oliver's whole shirt is done by
the vomiting.

"Please open your eyes now, please," Tigra says as she is still blowing.
Robert is continuously giving her coal so that Oliver could be rescued.

God answers her prayer and Oliver opens his eyes. Tigra says with a
sigh "now he is saved".

Before now:

"Hi, I am Alexandra your roommate," Alexandra says by a way of

greeting. But looks like something has happened here. Can I know
it please?" She says as she saw that three of the people there are
weeping continuously She put her reddish brown bag on the table.

Sunny replies her "Their uncle and father are dead Katie starts crying
copiously after hearing the sentence pouring out of Su nnys mouth.

"Oh, it's a grief to hear this Alexandra says as if she knew it before.
Guys it's time for Dinner anyone wants to come She announces as
she looks in the mirror.

"Come on Katie, Allen, and Oliver. You haven't eaten anything since
that bad news. Knight says as he puts his hand on Allen's shoulder.
Allen and her sister stand up in response. "Come on," Knight says to
Oliver who is sitting on his bed having his head down.

"Can you please bring the dinner here; I dont want to go there to the
dining hall?" Oliver says as he lifts his wet face.

"O.K. will ask the waiter to send the dinner to your room. Knight
says. I am also not going I have the assignment to work on. Can you
please send me the dinner in my room? Tigra says as she looks on
Knights face.

"Ok, I will say it to the waiter," Knight says. Thanks it would be very
nice of you. Tigra says it with a smile.

After a while, there is a knock on Oliver's room. A thin waiter is

standing there with a dish. He hands it over to Oliver who has opened
the door and walks back. Not a moment passed that a scream comes
from Oliver's room. Tigra who was going towards the bathroom
responded immediately to the scream and comes in room no 927.

She sees that Oliver is lying on the floor and the dish is there on the
table. A white liquid was coming out of his mouth. What she has

learned in his forensic lectures says that he has been poisoned maybe
from the dish that has come recently.

Another, a boy who was walking just outside the room a fat boy from
room no 922, Robert came into the room, responding to the scream.

Back to now:

Allen and Katie comes back shortly afterwards. Oliver is on the bed
and Tigra was sitting next to him. He is not properly conscious but
can hear and see them.

"What has happened to him? Allen and Katie ask as they

run towards him.

"He has been poisoned Tigra replies. Maybe from the dinner that the
waiter had brought. Her add-ons.

"It is surely the work of Crow," Katie says as she is more than worried.

"I will take the revenge from Crow. From today onwards, we will walk
in the footsteps of our elders. We will fight crow and will prove the
world that we are grandchildren of Sherlock Holmes. He says as his
voice hardened.

Coming up next:

What is going to happen with Professor long nose?

Who has poisoned Oliver?

What is the mystery behind their new roommate?

What has happened to the university's lockers?


Find the answers to these questions in Chapter 04: The

mysterious lockers.

Chapter 04: The Mysterious Lockers

Dont walk in front of me I may not follow
Dont walk behind me I may not lead
Walk beside me just be my friend

-Albert Camus

2 weeks have passed since Oliver was poisoned.

The doctors have advised him to stay in bed. He hasn't been to

university in this period and is taking rest in his room. Yet no one has
been found responsible for the incident and no clue has been found.

Allen & Knight are talking about professor Long nose who are not
coming to university for a week now.

"Hey, Knight it been a week now that Professor Long nose is not
coming, "Asks Allen.

"Yes, he is very punctual and never takes an off from his job. It's quite
so surprising to see it. Maybe he is ill", replies Knight.

"He has been forced to abandon the ship. A group of students

complained against him. A voice comes from behind.

Allen is irritated by this. No one has asked you". Allen replies as his
face turned red.

"And no one is talking to you .I am telling Knight "Alexandra replies

with even more turbulence.

"Guys, no need to fight, cool down! Knight Replies here.

"Ok it's time for my class, will see you later," Allen says while looking
at his watch.

On his way, Allen sees a lot of people gathered around something or

someone lying on the ground in front of student lockers. As he comes
closer, he can see more clearly .It's a man or a woman wearing jeans.
Her shirt is a mixture of blue and red.

"She died from a bullet" declares Tigra who is also there at the

"How can you say? We cannot see any gun here nor has anyone shot
at her. She fell to the ground after opening her locker and soon after
blood started coming out of her body" someone from crowd speaks

Everyone leaves the body thereafter police has arrived, who were
called by the university management.

Three more deaths were followed in the next two days.

No clue is found except that it was fired from a 9mm gun. That is
discouraging for the Scotland Yard. Oliver has not been told about this
mystery. He leaves his room only for the bathroom which is located in
the same corridor where his room is.

Meanwhile Sunny and Allen try to investigate these mysterious deaths

that have left everyone frightened and puzzled.

"Eureka" screams Sunny.

"What happened?" Allen replies as he sees a mechanism fitted in the


"So that's how they were doing it, now we can tell this to Scotland
Yard," Allen says.

A 9mm gun was fitted in the locker. As soon as the person opened the
locker it fired the bullet. But it only works the first time.

"Oh you kids are a genius," Says inspector Moriarity, after hearing the
story. So now it will be quite easy for us to catch that fish".

Oliver (Katie is looking after him) is coming outside of the Bathroom,

where he meets Robert.

Robert asks about his health and asks him whether he knew the story
of the mysterious lockers. Oliver answers him in negative. Robert then
starts telling the whole story from the beginning. As soon as he
finishes Oliver thanks him for the information and went to his room
where he starts thinking about the story.

He does not speak any word to Katie and pretends to sleep. After a
while, he comes up with the solution and asks Katie to phone Team
Holmes and ask them to come here at once.

Katie does as Oliver asked. Shortly, everyone starts gathering in room

no 927.Alexandra although not invited but comes there.

"Why don't you tell me what's happening here." Oliver questions Allen
and Knight. "You should have told me".

"Bro you are ill. Doctors have told you to have rest. Knight tries to

"I AM NOT ILL. Do you understand?" Oliver replies. His voice


"So you have gathered us here for the fight," asks Tigra.

"No, I have gathered you here to tell you who are responsible for all
the deaths."

"Who? Questions Sunny as her curiosity increases.

"Professor Long nose. Before you ask any question how I figured it out
first I will myself tell you all about this. The four students
who died were those who complained about Professor Long nose. So to
take revenge from those

, Professor started to kill them one by one."

And I tell you that the fifth one has arrived in the university and she is
also going to be killed too, go and save her. Oliver explains all of it.

The fifth one (jerry) is saved by Scotland Yard and team Holmes. The
Professor is arrested by the police. Team Holmes and Oliver are
praised all over the City of London. But this is not bearable to Crow
and his gang "Evil geniuses". Crow has also sent her daughter
Alexandra as his spy.

Coming up next:

The blue whale game has reached Learners University and Oliver
and his team has to save teenagers falling into the trap. While
Alexandra is sending each and every report to his father Crow.

Look out for how team Holmes deal with it in Chapter 05: The
Suicide challenge

Chapter 05: The Suicide Challenge

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.

-Elbert Hubbard

Professor Adam ran into Principals office and starts telling the story
without permission to enter. The principal is disturbed by this act but
agrees to listen before scolding him.

"Sorry sir but it is very important, a student of biotechnology has

committed suicide after playing the blue whale game. The professor
shouts in tension.

"Sit down professor and tell me the whole story" Principal,

now, realizes the depth of the situation. He instructs his PA to bring
glass water. Professor Adam starts telling the news with more detail.

"Sir! Today morning, a student of biotechnology Alaric Abbot jumped

from the department of biotechnology after playing the blue whale

"How do you know he was playing the blue whale game? Principal
asks interrupting him.

"Sir! He has craved the word F57 on his arm with a knife and there
is danger that more students are going to suicide Professor

Next 5 days, 7 more suicides.

"Oliver had you seen all those suicides" Allen asks.


"Yeah, and do you know what! I am going to play that game too".
Oliver says quite confidently and in his senses.

"What? Are you out of your mind! I always thought that you are a
genius but you proved me wrong? Allen says with his mouth open.

"Yeah I am a stupid & I am proud of it.Now don't disturb me I am

looking for the curator" Oliver says with VK opened on his phone.

"What! Give me your phone Allen tries to snatch the phone from him.

"What give it to you?

I have spent 3 months learning Russian. I cannot quit it here.There is

no way back. Oliver says as he leaves the room.

"Hey, Oliver Allen screams. Katie comes in "why are you screaming?"

"That idiot is playing Blue whale"

"Who idiot," Katie asks

"Oliver! Katie is surprised and cannot believe in these words that

have just struck her ears. What! Are you kidding?"

"That what he has told me "Allen answers and pick up his phone and
starts messaging

9/17, 1:17pm Knight Can you come to my room now

9/17, 1:18pm Sorry currently busy

9/17, 1:18pm its an emergency

9/17, 1:18pm Ok wait for 15 minutes


9/17, 1:19pm Waiting

As Knight has promised he arrives exactly at 1:35.

"Whats the problem bro" Knight

Oliver is playing Blue whale game and I dont know where he is now.
He just left the room angrily" Allen says with the sweat of tension.

At the rooftop, Oliver is sitting with his legs hanging down.

#Curator find me.It's the third time he has posted it.

And finally, he got the reply. A curator messaged him about the link
and he instantly opened it, a page opened which asked him to sign up
after a warning "You cannot expect to live. But he ignored it and
started playing.

Oliver: "I want to play."

Administrator: "Are you certain? Once you begin you cannot quit."

Me: "I understand. Yes, I want to play."

Administrator: "The game lasts 50 days. You must complete each task
diligently and provide proof that you have done so via photographs."

Oliver: "I understand."

Administrator: "No one must know about the game or what you are
tasked to do. Unless we ask you to do it. Do you understand?"

Administrator: "At the end of the game, you die."

Oliver: "What if I chicken out?"

Administrator: "I have your information. We know where you live, we

know about your University, and we know how to find you. We will
come after you."

Oliver: "I understand. I want to play."

Administrator: "Very good. Let's begin. Your first task is to wake at

1:45 am tomorrow"

Oliver: "Ok I will contact you tomorrow"

"Oliver, what are you doing there?" Knight came up shouting with
Allen behind him

"Chatting" Oliver's face is blue from the light of his mobile phone.

"Chatting with administrator right" Allen

"Bro listen it's my life and I know what to do I am not a five-year-old

kid do you understand Oliver scream

"But you are behaving like one Allen

"Just mind your own business Oliver stood up and just walked away
from there.

Allen went over to Knight realizing that talking to Oliver is useless.

"We have to do something" Allen. "That's more than serious".

"We should tell principal now, that's serious" says Tigra.


Oliver coming into the room and putting his mobile phone on the
bedside table. No need to tell him and listen I am involving you guys

"In the game Knight queried.

"Yes, we will play with the curators" Oliver saying confidently.

"How? Always curious Sunny asks the question from Oliver who is
seeing everyone's shocked faces.

"Don't ask me questions just tell me does anyone of you know a

computer expert" Oliver asked.

"Yes, I know one. Hes from our university Alex speaks.

"So let's go, Alex will you come with me," says Oliver who is picking up
his phone.

They both walked to the Cameroon hostel to visit that expert. On the
way, Alex asked him some questions about the blue whale game (that
why he is playing it).Oliver told him that he wanted to catch the
curator and he has a solid plan for it. Alex asked whether he will
share it with him but Oliver refused.

Soon they were in room no 126.

"Hey, Billy how are you. Its Oliver and he want to ask you for
something" Alex greet

Oliver tells him that he wants to Photoshop his arms picture with a
blue whale drawn with it with blood. Billy resists at first that the
hacker may find a way to his account but later agrees on itches
delivers it in five hours on his face book address.

Soon as Oliver got the picture he sent that to the curator who was
impressed by Oliver's response he sent over. In

The next five days, he received different types of tasks waking at 4:20
talking with another person playing the game and his seventh task
was to meet with the curator.

He was waiting for this one quite a long time and he asked Knight and
Allen to accompany him. He was scheduled to meet the curator at the
tally Bridge at 5 pm.

He was there right at the given time so was the curator.

Curator taking a 9mm gun to Oliver (who is thinking that he will ask
him to suicide, Knight wants to come out).He says, I don't want to kill
people anymore but they force me to do that. Before Oliver asked him
about who was to do that Curator pressed the trigger. Struck dumb
there Allen and knight rushed over to him.

"What he has done, Knight asks?

Oliver taking out his phone and calling an ambulance as he can see
he has no breath. At the same moment, he opens an app "Track it"
and starts checking the dead man's mobile for all the information he
can get.

He finds the number of the person who was forcing him to do this evil
act and track it using that app

Knight had already phoned New Scotland Yard and they too came
right there. Oliver shared their address with the police who was
astounded to see this family detective.

The following hour the admin of all this blue whale setup was
arrested. The queen came to meet Oliver and had a nice 15 mines with

him praising his courage and inherited skills of deduction. She also
praised the abilities of Auguste and Sherlock.

Finally, the evil Blue whale was over, thanks to creative


Coming up next:

The ghost of the bloody Mary is here again and killing and scaring
the Capital of England.

Look out for how team Holmes deal with it in Chapter 06: The
Bloody Mary.

I advise all of you guys that doing suicide is not the answer to your
problems be a man and face them, remember that someone loves you.

Chapter 06: The Bloody Mary

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you
did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

-Maya Angelou

Room no 92. Four girls sitting in a circle, with a bottle between them.
Its 9 o'clock in the night with no class tomorrow. So they can enjoy
their game for a few hours from now.

Antika spins the bottle and it points to Jessica. It's her turn now and
she calls for truth. Elizabeth asks her the question.

"What is the secret you never shared with anyone"?

"Hmm," She thinks for a moment. I failed my math exam in the

college. She reveals it because there is no point hiding it now.

This time Jessica spins the bottle which points to Antika, she calls for
a dare. Zohar has to give him a task.

"Emm. Tonight at 3:13 am you have to wake up and say Bloody Mary
in front of the mirror three times." Everyone is silent in the room. As
they know what it means.

"Are you mad Zoha? Do you want to kill her?" Elizabeth asks.

"No problem I will do it. There is no such thing as Ghosts and Bloody
Mary is just a 'joke'. "Antika says although she is terrified from inside.

When the girls were about to spin, a voice came from outside.

"Girls I can hear you, you are still awake. I am coming to you in a
minute" warden 'screams' from outside.

"Hurry up lights off, Zoha says as she and the girls get into their bed.
Antika whose bed is with the switchboard turns off the light.

Meanwhile in room no 927

"Oliver, Oliver" Alexandra shouts from outside. Oliver is in the

bathroom for about half an hour now and Alexandra cannot wait for
more now.

After two minutes Oliver opens the door. Here, are you satisfied
now"? Oliver says angrily.

Alexandra comes out after 5 minutes, Katy and Allen are already into
the world of dreams but Oliver is awake using his mobile.

"My father wants to meet you Alexandra speaks in a low voice.

"Your father, Why? Oliver speaks as he is suspicious of her.

"Because he is inspired by your achievements and was a great fan of

your father and grandpa .He wants to meet you next week on
Sunday," Alexandra tells him.

"Ok I will see if I got some time," Oliver says and turns his face away

Room no 92. 3:13 am.

Antika gets up from her bed and goes into the bathroom where a
mirror is hanging. Zoha is seeing all this although she does not want
to come up in front of Antika.

Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. She starts repeating these words. Zoha is
waiting for the ghost to appear.

Then suddenly Antika screams and falls on the floor. No ghost but any
breath .Zoha starts screaming calling for help shortly afterward,
warden comes at the spot.

She calls principal and informs him about the entire situation. He
instructs her not to call Police or ambulance as it will only hurt the
image of the university. Instead, he tells him to call Oliver and his
friends, the Team Holmes.

Oliver arrives there with his friends Alexandra also follows them.

"She died out of fear." Tigra declares.

"It was my entire fault," Zoha says sobbing. Everyone draws their
attention towards her.

Oliver asks Knight to inquire her about what happened. Knight does
as he was commanded to do so. Zoha tells him the whole story.

"What, no ghost appeared and she died" Knight's loud voice falls into
the ears of Oliver.

"Of course, there is no such thing as ghost Oliver explains as always.

"Then why she died? There was surely a ghost that is why she died,"
Katy says as she is more than afraid after hearing the words died of

"You remember the case of Bahamas. Then you should not believe in
ghosts" Allen speaks the words of Oliver.

"But then how it happened," Sunny asks.

"We will get the answer soon" Oliver declares.

Next morning in the principals office.


The principal has asked Oliver to come to his office. Where he

instructs him that this event should be kept as a secret and at no cost
should be revealed. He also orders him to solve this mystery before the
sun rises tomorrow.

Oliver confirms that he will solve it by midnight.

When Oliver reach his room where all the team Holmes have gathered
he asks Alex to search about the legend of Bloody Mary.

Alex just tells him what he already knew. That you have to say this-
this this. Oliver is not happy with the reply as he was looking for a

"How can someone die out from that thing which does not appear?
That totally out of my imagination." Allen says as he had died
thinking of it.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes you have solved the mystery, Allen. Oliver is more
than happy hearing it.

"How do I have solved the mystery," Allen asks. Then he also start
repeating the word yes.

"Can anyone please tell me whats going on? Asks Knight.

"Actually staring into a mirror in a dimly-lit room for a prolonged

period can cause one to hallucinate. Facial features may appear to
"melt", distort, disappear, and rotate, while other hallucinatory
elements, such as an animal or strange faces, may appear. So it was
only her imagination. Oliver explains.

"Ok so poor Antika died just out of her imagination," Katie Says after
hearing no ghost word in the explanation.

"Yup. And I cannot wait to tell it to the principal", Oliver


The principal was happy to learn that the case has closed. Without
hurting the name of the University.

At room no 927.The phone rings

Coming up next:

Crow wants to meet Oliver. Does he want to attack him or just

want to give him a warning?

Look out for how team Holmes deal with it in Chapter 07: The
first meeting.

Chapter 07: The First Meeting

Without music, life would be a mistake.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

At room no 927.

Oliver is reading a book lying on his bed when Alexandra's phone

starts ringing. She is not in the room and Oliver has a bad habit of
attending phone calls on other's phone. Forced by his habit he
answers the call.

Alexandra's Father: Listen, Daughter asks Oliver to come at the

Westminster Bridge today at 4 noons. Did you understand? Let us
show him the right path.

Oliver understood that there is something wrong here. He quickly

aborted the call in half and messaged him.

Sorry, Dad, weak signals. I will surely tell him.

Good and do come along with him.


Alexandra plunges into the room.

"Oliver you are using my phone," She said angrily

"That is not but important tell me who is your father?" throws the
phone to her.

"Oh, so you knew took, then I am the daughter of Crow, working to

keep an eye on you. And yeah you will be surprised and angry to know

that we have killed the real Alexandra Matchget. But if you tried to tell
this to your friend, they will receive the same end as your father and
uncle met."

"And for your information, I am your cousin Shrubsole the

granddaughter of Eurus Holmes and Moriarity. Hahahahaha
surprised Na. Ok; boy will see you today at Westminster Bridge in the
noon. Bye." She said as Oliver is left into the world of imagination, he
cannot believe what she had just said.

She leaves the room. Allen comes in with Katy who is coming from the
sports room.

"Ah, you have been losing from me since the last week," Katy says to
her brother.

"Yah but I will beat you tomorrow hopefully. What happened to you,
brother? Allen asks from Oliver.

"No nothing I am going to meet someone today in the noon 4 hours

from now," he says wearing Sherlock's cap and His long black boots.
Wearing the long coat he gives the look just as of his father and his
grandpa the great Sherlock.

"There is something wrong, quickly follows him," Katy commands

quite unusual.

Oliver gets a cab and instructs him to take him to any coffee shop
close to the bridge.

Allen and Katy follow him on Robertss car.

"From where did you have his car," Katy asks from his brother.

"He used to keep his keys in the flower pot outside of his room so, I
got it from there."


After a drive of 25 min, Oliver is at his destination. There is a lot of

time before 4 so he will be there drinking some coffee and thinking of
Crow's objectives.

Katy and Allen are in their car just in front of the coffee shop.

After staying there for about 3 hours, he got outside tired from people
asking for autographs and got onto the walkway at the Westminster

Soon after 15 mines before the specified time, Alexandra (Shrubsole)

comes in with her father Oliver's uncle. They are accompanied
with some of Crow's men.

"So my daughter has told you of whom we are. Says 49-year-old Crow
with evilness falling from his brown eyes. Looking perfectly like
Moriarity he more evil than him. And furthermore, he is also Holmes.

"I don't have very long talks I am here only to tell that if you become
the rubbish of my way than you will be thrown into the dustbin likes
what we have done to your father and uncle. So change this crazy
plan of team Holmes or otherwise, you know what is about to come".

"And if I tried to stop you Look like Oliver is underestimating him.

As soon as he completes the sentence. One of Crow's men picks and

throws Sherlocks cap into the river.

"I think you understood, I will meet you again in three weeks at the
same place same time" Crow says as he goes off to his Aston Martin.

Allen came running to him. What are you doing here? Oliver asks as
he is looking over the floating cap of pride.

Coming up next:

After this big twist and Oliver knowing quite a lot of secrets. He
decides to meet some other important people.

Look out for how team Holmes deal with it in Chapter 8: The
second meeting.

Chapter 8: The Second Meeting

"A good friend keeps your secrets for you. A best friend helps you
keep your own secrets."
Lauren Oliver

The last couple of days went very hard for Oliver who was missing his
grandpa's cap and tranquilized by secrets revealed by Crow. There is
an invasion of question running in his minds.

"Is Crow really my uncle?"

"What does he want from us?"

"Why didn't our elders tell us about him?"

"Are there some other secrets lying under the carpet hidden from

"Should he leave the idea of team Holmes and save himself and his
friends life?"

His mind is punctured by these questions and so is the situation of

others. Now to receive the answers he has to visit his uncles living in
London. But should he go without telling his friends? Obviously that
is not possible because he doesn't know their address; he has to take
someone with him.

He chooses Alex Holmes to accompany him, the grandson of

Sherrinford. Obviously his father should know all the secrets because
Alexs grandfather was the elder of all the siblings. He asks him to
accompany him to his house. His father Jayden Sherrinford Holmes
lives in Chelmsford, an English city in northeast of London.

It took him 75 minutes (no need to calculate it as its 1 hour and 15

minutes) to reach the beautiful city of Chelmsford. As soon as he came
out of his car, a lot of people surged in to take his autograph. Oliver
was happy seeing that he has "inherited the legacy of his poor father
and grandpa".

At 9:50 AM they were standing in front of Jayden's house. Seeing it

Oliver can guess that Jayden is a rich man.

As it was Sunday Jayden may haven't got off from his bed yet proven
by the fact that the daily newspaper was not collected from the door.
Oliver picked it up and saw the headline.

"OLIVER THE NEW SHERLOCK? People have already predicted it

although Oliver is too far from gaining this title.

Taking holding the paper, Oliver knocks at the door. Alex has already
taken some gifts for his father because his father is offended when
someone comes empty-handed to his house. The door is not open yet
but Allen's message has come before.

"Where are you? Maybe he has felt the missing soul of Oliver from the
university and in five minutes he again texts "Are you with Alex". He
ignores the message and knocks for the third time.

This time a weak shout comes "coming, coming will you break the
door? Alex comments on this statement "He is always irritated by

At last, the door is opened by an old man with grey-white hair around
his balding. He had a wizened face and a back slightly hunched. The
sound of his weak bones tells the story that at his age; life has
stopped giving and only takes away.

Oliver is stunned by the words "Grandpa". As Alex hugs him. Is he still

alive? He questions, the word of his thoughts comes on his tongue
unintentionally. "Yes, my boy I am still alive and has the answers to
all your questions" the reply comes by the old, wise tongue.

Another secret is revealed and many to follow.

Alex and Oliver sit at the chair followed by their surviving grandpa.
He is out for the morning walk" Sherrinford tells him about Jayden.
Oliver puts the paper on the table and asks him about his age.

He replies "One twenty-six". Surely he must be given the Guinness

world record.

Oliver asks the question about his health. His reply stuns him "Ask for
what you have come for". They are interrupted by the arrival of Jayden
"How are you" he says to be the way of greeting.

Jayden looks older than his much older father. "Your family is
complex" Oliver remarks. "Not only mine but also yours," Alex says in
an affirmative tone.

Sherrinford starts narrating the story as the angel of death is hovering

over him.

"My sister Eurus Holmes was married to Moriarity. After my parent's

decision and my sister's counteraction. But they don't know what was
to come will destroy the family. Crow like his father and mother
proved to be the criminal a poison, which has strangled over family.
He signed an accord by your father and uncle Raffle that they will
never again meet their cousins."

Sherrinford breath is ending with his words.

"Now he is after you, you should be away from that evil guy otherwise
you too will be his next target and he Nev...Err mi...Ss. his dart. I

know are angry over your father's death but you to
keep the name of the Hol......mes not by fighting against him but by

Obviously, these were not the words Oliver wanted to hear.

"Goodbye," Sherrinford says as he lies in the hand of his son

breathless. Maybe he was only alive to advise him and finally, the
wings of the Angle of death folded. Oliver tear falls on the ground.

He leaves Alex and his father in his home in the night after the burial
of Sherrinford alongside Sherlock's grave.

Oliver leaves the city with his red eyes filled with tears. He has two
weeks to decide.

Coming up next:

Oliver is only left with two weeks to decide whether to surrender

or to carry his family's legacy.

Look out for how Oliver deals with it in Chapter 9: The dawn.

Chapter 09: The Dawn

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
Dr Seuss

Oliver is trying to find some peace as he has been left with only one
week to decide. Food is the best way to boost his thinking so he
decides to give a visit to the cafeteria. Calm, quiet & full of tasty
aromas it's the best place for Oliver to function his brain.

He sits on the table at the corner of the cafeteria, before giving order
for a grilled salmon BLT & oolong. The TV is in front of him the 55
inch large is muted as in every cafeteria.

Soon the breaking news catches everyone's eyes when the news
channel aired the following lines on the TV:

"Robbery at Bank of England stuns the nation despite high security"

"5 billion pounds looted at BoE by Evil Geniuses"

"New Scotland yard is into the investigation to investigate the biggest

robbery in England ever happened"

These lines struck Oliver more than anyone else. Soon more words
gasped his attention; the owner too decides to raise the volume.

"Blast at Sub Club, Glasgow leaves 24 dead more deaths feared. Police
are investigating trying to find the connection between the two

Oliver already knew the answer so he leaves the cafeteria without even
seeing his meal and heads up to his room. Allen asks him as soon as
he enters trying to be away from the bloody news running on the TV.

As he didn't know what's going on in Oliver's mind and what crucial

decision he has to take against the evil he asks.

"Oliver have you seen those incidents. I think we should investigate

them and there is nothing to investigate. We already know that it is
being done by Crow"

Out of anger and frustration, he holds him by his collar and by

looking at his eye's he says "What do you think.............His
eyes meets the scar which was made by Crow and he just leaves the
room and runs away from there.

As he is running, he thinks that every person he is seeing is, in fact,

Crow who has disguised himself. A rare brain disorder, known
as fragile delusion. He is continuously running until he faints and

He opens his eyes in room no 921 (yeah you guessed it right he is

rescued by Tigra)

"Poor lad," she says to knight and others who are standing at the
moment. (Alex is not there as he is with his father back at this home).

"What happened Oliver why were you running? Are you practicing
marathon next week Knight asks?

"He is after me, he will kill me... someone please save me, "Oliver says
in utter depression totally out of his senses.

"Who? Who you are talking about?" asks Sunny.

"No, no one. I just need to sleep thanks for your assistance" Oliver
says getting out of the bed and leaving the room.

"Something must be happening"


"I can guess," Allen says as he too leaves the room.

Sherlock Holmes comes to his amateur grandson Oliver.

Sherlock Holmes wearing his detective dress and with the cap that
was drowned by Crow comes forward to Oliver and says,

"My dear Oliver, No need to panic I know that you can hold your
nerves up against him". Oliver is shocked by the sudden appearance
of his grandpa and the same cap which was lost in the tides of River

"But Grandpa I need to give him the response and I am left with no
clear option, what can you expect from me. & can I get that cap back?"
Oliver asks eyeing that cap.

"Remember the Reichenbach falls, my dear Oliver; you have to do the

same. About that cap, you will get that after three years." Sherlock
replies as he fades away.

Oliver has got the answer to the situation.

Coming up next:

What the answer he has got the problem. Will Oliver fake the
suicide like what Sherlock did or will he do something else?

All is the left to the final chapter the sunset.


Chapter 10: The Sunsets

"Tears are words that need to be written."
Paulo Caulho

Today is the day for the decision. A decision which will not only affect
the life of few individuals but the whole of London. And yet not anyone
is aware of it, although Oliver has decided with the help of his
grandpa, but he is still hesitant to take the decision.

Oliver has asked all of his cousins and sunny to meet in the library's
discussion room. That is one of the most barren places in the
university. All have gathered there on Oliver's call that has something
important to say.

Oliver starts, "Guys I am here to share something very important. I

was asked by Crow to stay away from this team Holmes idea."

Knight cut his words in between "so you had surely given him an
answer right on his face".

All of them were expecting a positive answer from there Sherlock


"No, I have decided to surrender to him and dropped off the idea of
Team Holmes. It is in the interest of all of us. Oliver surprises

"Don't you want to take revenge of your father and uncle's death?"

"What are you mad?"

"His brain is not functioning as I think so"

There were different responses in the room .Everyone speaking against

the decision except Tigra who remarked straightforward "He must
have taken this decision after thinking, he is not mad .your thinking
level just cannot match his"

Oliver thanked her and continued...

"You may not understand this decision now but I am sure that you
will understand this after a couple of years. We are not in the position
to fight him now. Look the whole of the state is unable to catch him
although he is walking freely in the town. We cannot match the
strength to overcome them. Let's leave it to the state."

Oliver leaves the room followed by Tigra .The rest is left commenting
on this decision.

He is going to meet Crow on the same bridge they met a couple of

weeks ago at the same time. This time he will be dropped there on
Robert's car. As scheduled, he was there at 10 in the morning. Crow
was wearing a western style business suit, with his bald head
shinning. As always he was accompanied by his two guards (the same
one who were with him on the previous occasion) & his daughter
Shrubsole Holmes.

Oliver was dressed in a full evening dress and when asked why he was
dressed like this he replied: "My father used to dress in this suit when
he has to take a difficult decision".

"So boy what have you decided to do? You wanted to meet the same
fate as of your uncle or do you want to save your life?" Crow asks
looking in Oliver's eyes.

"It is the most difficult decision of my life" Oliver starts as he has a

long speech to follow. I know" Shrubsole breaks his silence.

"I have decided......I have decided to surrender I will not rise against
you" Oliver says although his tongue is not allowing him to utter these
words. "I want to save the life of my cousins and mines, forgetting
about the rest of world."

"Gracias, I knew that you are not an idiot and stupid like your uncles
or grandfather. You have taken an excellent decision." Crow is happy
seeing no opposition from his side.

"Goodbye, Oliver." Crow puts his hand on his shoulder and leaves him
there immediately. He sits in his car and just leaves Oliver with a scar
on his heart.

Shrubsole to her father in the car "Do you think that he has actually
surrendered". Crow replies in a satisfying tone "It doesn't matter if he
has surrendered or not but the words he has spoken shows that he
has lost his past. He adds on "don't worry my princesses he cannot
rise again". Shrubsole smiles back.

To Be Continued................

Coming up next:

The party is not yet over but the book has will meet you soon

Writing a book is like eating a camel, and for some reasons for the last
5 months writing it, I felt like eating a herd of a camel. But
fortunately, I was not alone in this process. I want to thank all those
who help me on this journey.

Thanks to my parents for their moral support, my teachers especially

Madam Huma Naaz Khattak, Madam Darakshan Younis, and Madam
Nighat Parveen.

My bestie and my brother Hamza Waqas.

My Wattpad friends Momina Hammad, Maryam, Rhea, Jay and many

others for their motivation.

My friends Rafay Muhammad, Yahya Kamran, Hamza Haroon, Dayan

Saleahean, Syed Ahmed Shah, Shiraz Ali Baig, and Shaheer Imran.

BookandCoffeex for such an amazing cover.

And finally Wattpad and Amazon for providing such an amazing

platform, to share our stories.

I am also grateful to Mr. Arthur Conan Doyle, John Lescroart, Nancy

Springer, Laurie.R.King, for their wonderful stories about Holmes, for,
without their books, my story would not exist.

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