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masonic monitor,



Compiled in Strict Confor-niity with

Past Grand Master of the M.'.W.'.Grand Lodge of Kansas,

WM. M. SHAVER and A. K. WILSON, Publishers.

Copyright, 1892,

William M. Shavkr and Henry F, Toevs.

Copyright, 1899,

William M. Shaver and Albert K. Wilson.




KANSAS. 1893.
At the 37th Annual Communication of the
M.-.W.-. Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. of Kansas^
held at Hutchinson February 15 and 16. A. D.
1893, A. L. 5893, the following action was taken :

M.-. W.-. David B. Fuller, Grand Master, in

his annual address, recommended: " It is further
recommended that Shaver's Monitor,' so-called

be adopted as the Official Monitor of this Grand

Jurisdiction." (See Proceedings 1893, page 168.)

This address was referred to the Committee

on Reports of Grand Officers, which reported
relative to this recommendation: "That so
much of said address as relates to the adoption
of 'Shaver's Monitor,' so-called, be approved."
This report was adopted by the Grand Lodge.
(See same Proceedings, pages 196 and 198.)

At the 2d Annual Communication of the
M.-.W.-. Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. of Okla-
homa, held at Guthrie February 13 and 14, A. I>.
1894, A, L. 5894, the following action was taken

"Onmotionof Bro.DouGLAS,the Grand Lodge

adopted Shaver's Masonic Monitor as the Stand-
ard Monitor for the Jurisdiction of Oklahoma."
( See Proceedings 1894, page 41.)

Certificate of Endorsement.

*THE Monitor of Ancient Craft Masonry,

complied by Bro. William M. Shaver,
Custodian of the Work, conforms to the
Work of the M.-. W/. Grand Lodge of A. F.
and A. M. of Kansas, and as such we cheer-
fully commend it to the Craft.

jas. p. howe,
Geo. F. pond,
Custodians cf the Work, Grand Lodge of

February, 1892.

^T^HE demand of the Craft throughout the

State, for a practical, working-text
Pocket Monitor of the Three Degrees of An-
cient Craft Masonry, arranged in conformity
with THE WORK in this Grand Jurisdiction, is
the only excuse offered for this publication.
The original editions of the Monitor popu-
larly known as the "Kansas Monitor," being
completely exhausted, the Compiler deemed
it wisest to prepare this work from the original

standards, rather than issue a corrected re-

print of a work in which, unquestionably-
were errors.
The basis of the present Monitor will be
found to be Webb's Freemason's Monitor,
er'-tion of 1816, arranged in the form of work-
ing-text, according to the best standards, and
in the precise order required in the Ritual.
In his researches in the preparation of this
work, the Compiler has found many, gems*
which he believes will be welcomed by the
numerous band of Masonic workers who de-
light to embellish their monitorial ritual, and
these are placed in proper position, in the form
of optional matter.
Not only the Installation Ceremony and the
Burial Service, but also a full compilation of
the Ancient Ceremonies, and the Ritual of a
Lodge of Sorrow, have been added, and, it is

believed will be appreciated.

The Compiler acknowledges with grati-
tude, the many
kindly words of encourage-
ment and advice received by him from emi-
nent Craftsmen over the State, during the pro-
gress of this work, space alone preventing a
more extended acknowledgment.
That the result of their joint efforts may
meet the approval of their brethren, is the
hope of Compiler and Publisher as they start
forth this little volume.
William M. Shaver,

January i, 1892.
Opening and Closing the Lodge.
Forms of Prayer at Opening 13
A Charge used at Opening 14
Forms of Prayer at Closing 15
Benediction at Closing 17
Opening and Closing Odes 17

The Degree of Entered apprentice.

Section i.

Interrogatories '

Address to Candidate 22
Prayer at Initiation 24
Scriptural Recitation 24
Light---- 25
Great Lights 25
Apron Lecture 26
Another Form of Apron Lecture- 26
Another Form of Apron Lecture- 28
Working Tools 32
Sectio7t 2,
The Badge of a Mason 35

Section s.
A Lodge 36
The Form 36
Supports 36
Covering 37
Furniture 38
Ornaments 40
Lights 42
Jewels 42
How Situated 43
To Whom Dedicated 44
Tenets 45
Four Cardinal Virtues 47
Charge 51

The Degree of fellow Craft.

Section j.

Scriptural Recitation 54
Working Tools 54
Section 2.

Operative Masonry 56
Speculative Masonry 57
Of the Globes 58
The Use of the Globes 5^


Of Order in Architecture 59
Of its Antiquity 59
The Five Orders
Tuscan 60
Doric 61
Ionic 62
Corinthian 62
Of the Invention of this Order- 63
Composite . 63
Of the Invention of Order in Ar-
chitecture 64
The Five Senses of Human Na-
ture :

Hearing 65
Seeing 66
Feeling 67
Smelling 67
Tasting 68
The Seven Liberal Arts and
Grammar 70
Rhetoric 70
Logic 71
Arithmetic 71


Geometry 72
Of the Advantages of Geome-
try 72
Music 73
Astronomy 73
Music [Second Form of Lec-
ture] 74
Of the Moral Advantages of Geo-
metry 82
Charge 84

The Degree of master mason.

Section i.

Scriptural Recitation 86
Working Tools 87
Section 2.
Masonic Dirge 89
Prayer at Raising a Brother 91
Another Form of Prayer 92
Lecture 93
Section j
King Solomon's Temple 97
Descriptive Lecture on the Tem-
ple 99
The Three Steps 103
inePotof Incense 103
The Bee Hive 103
Tha Book of Constitutions,
Guarded by the Tyler's
Sword 104
The Sword, Pointing to a Naked
Heart 105
The Anchor and Ark 105
The Forty-Seventh Problem of
Euclid 106
The Hour Glass 106
The Scythe 107
Lecture on Masonic Symbolism.- iii
Charge 129
Section i.
General Regulations for Proces-
sions 132
Section 2.
Consecration, Dedication and
Constitution of a New
Lodge 137
General Remarks 137


Consecration 140
Dedication __ 154
Constitution .

Section 3
Installation of Officers of a Lodge. 156
Section 4.
Installation of Officers of the
Grand Lodge 183
Section 5.
Laying Foundation Stones 209
Section 6.

Dedication of Masonic Halls 225

Section 7.
Festival Days 240
Section 8.

Grand Visitations 241

Section p.
Masonic Funeral Services 243
General Directions 244
Service in the Lodge-Room--- 248
Service at the House or Church 257
Service at the Grave 267
Ritual for a Lodge of Sorrow 283


Most merciful God Supreme Architect of

Heaven and Earth! We beseech Thee to

guide and protect these, Thy servants here
assembled, and fulfill at this time, that divine
promise Thou wert pleased to make, to those
who should be gathered together in Thy
Teach us to know and serve Thee aright.
Bless and prosper us in all our laudable
undertakings, and grant, that allour conduct
/nay tend to Thy glory, to the advancement
of Masonry, and finally, to our salvation.
Response: So mote it be



Most hdy and glorious Lord God! The

Great Architect of the Universe ! The Giver


of all good gifts and graces! Thou hast

promised, that where two or three are gathered
together in Thy Name, Thou wilt be in the
midst of them, and bless them. In Thy Name
we assemble, most humbly beseeching Thee to
bless wsin all our undertakings, that we may
know and serve Thee aright, and that all our
actions may tend to Thy glory, and to our
advancement knowledge and virtue.
And we O
Lord God, to
beseech Thee,
bless our present assembling, and to illumi-
nate our minds, through the intercession of
the Son of Righteousness, that we may walk
in the light of Thy
countenance and when ;

the trials of our probationary state are over,

be admitted into THE TEMPLE not made
with hands, eternal in the Heavens. Amen !

Response: So mote it be


Behold, how good and how pleasant it is

for brethren to dv/ell together in unity !

It is like the precious ointment upon the

head, that ran down upon the beard, even

Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts


of hisgarments ;

As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that

descended upon the mountains of Zion : for
there the Lord commanded the blessing, even
life for evermore.
[Psalm CXXXIII.]



Supreme Architect of the Universe Ac- !

cept our humble praises for the many mercies

and blessings which Thy bounty has conferred
on us, and especially for this friendly and
social intercourse. Pardon, we beseech Thee,^
whatever Thou hast seen amiss in us since
we have been together and continue to us

Thy presence, protection and blessing. Make

us sensible of the renewed obligations we are
under to love Thee supremely, and to be
friendly to each other. May all our irregular
passions be subdued, and may we daily
increase in Faith, Hope and Charity; but
more especially in that Charity, which is the


bond of peace, and the perfection of every

virtue. May we so practice Tliy precepts,
tliat, through the merits of the Redeemer, we
may finally obtain Thy promises, and fmd an
entrance through the gates into the Temple
and City of our God ! Amen !

Response: So mote it be !



Great and glorious Lord God Ruler of !

Heaven and Earth We are now about to


separate, and return to our respective places

of abode. Grant that every brother may
practice out of the Lodge those great duties
which are inculcated in it, and with reverence
study and obey the laws which Thou hast
given us in Thy Holy Word and grant, O ;

Lord! that brotherly love may prevail, and

every moral and social virtue cement us.
Amen !

Response: So mote it be


May the blessing of Heaven rest upon us,
and all regular Masons May brotherly love

prevail, and every moral and social virtue

cement us ! Amen !

Response: So mote it be !

The following Odes may be used :

Tune: Evan. C. M.

With - in our tern - pie met a - gain,


ei~^^ r^ ^ ^^ >5

>^^ t^f=^=t

With hearts and pur -
pose strong,

-I 1

^ m
We'll raise our notes of grate-ful praise,
^ I
_ I

i^: <&-

With nn in our sonsf.


Around our altar's sacred shrine

May Love's pure incense rise,
Bearing upon its mystic flame
Our music to the skies !

Ttne: Autumn.

8s, 7s, L>.

Now our so - cial la - bors clos - ing,


Hom - age of the heart we pav ;

^-^ :^ i=T
I :2==^

Each in con - fi . dence re- pos -ing,

=K2=^ZZZti=t^ -^
D. S. Thus we'll pass life's storm-y o - cean.


Kind -est tho'ts that ne'er de - cay.


B :l h

Land-ing on a hap- pier shore.


I 5SE5 ^ -#-r-*-

Let US each,
^ . d

# :^

Time's commotion,

S^*^ *3*:

n u 1



Do you seriously declare, upon your honor,

before these gentlemen, that, unbiased by
friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary mo-
tives, you freely and voluntarily offer yourself
a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry?
To be answered: I do.
Do you seriously declare, upon your honor,
before these gentlemen, that you are prompted
to solicit the privileges of Masonry by a
favorable opinion conceived of the Institution,
a desire of knowledge, and a sincere wish of
being serviceable to your fellow-creatures?
To be answered: I do.
Do you seriously declare, upon your honor,
before these gentlemen, that you will cheer-

fullyconform to all the ancient established

usages and customs of the fraternity?
To be answered: I do.


Mr. As you have petitioned for


admission into our Ancient and Honorable

Order, and have been accepted by a unani-
mous ballot, it becomes my duty to inform
you that the Institution of which you are
about to become a member, is by no means of
a light and trifling character, but of high im-
portance and due solemnity.
Masonry consists of a course of hieroglyph-
ical and moral instruction, taught agreeably
to ancient usage, by types, emblems and
allegorical figures. Even the ceremony of
your gaining admission within these walls is
emblematical of an event which must sooner
or later overtake all mankind. It is emblem-

atical, at least in some small degree, of

nothing less than your last great change,
your transition from Time to Eternity.

You are aware that whatever a man may

have gained here on earth, whether of titles,
wealth, honors, or even his own merit, can
never serve him as a passport to the Grand
Lodge above but previous to his gaining

admission there he must become poor and

destitute, blind and naked, dependent upon
the Sovereign Will of our Supreme Grand
Master he must be divested of the rags of

his own righteousness, and be clothed in a

garment furnished him from on high. And
in order to impress these truths more deeply
upon your mind, it will become necessary,

agreeably to the usages of Our Order, that
Are you willing to submit to these regula-
[ Candidate assents ] .

I will now leave you in the hands of these

true and trusty friends, who will give you all
necessary instruction, and prepare you in a
suitable manner, as all candidates have been

prepared before you.
* * * * * * *
! ;



Vouchsafe Thine aid, Almighty Father of

the Universe, to this our present convention
and grant that this candidate for Masonry
may dedicate and devote his life to Thy ser-
vice, and become a true and faithful brother
among us Endue him with a competency

of Thy divine wisdom, that, by the secrets of

our art, he may be better enabled to display
the beauties of Brotherly Love, Relief and
Truth, to the honor of Thy Holy Name!
Amen !

*** /Response: So mote

* *****
it be !



* Behold, how good and how pleasant it

is for brethren to dwell together in unity

* It is like the precious ointment upon the
head, that ran down upon the beard, even
Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts

of his garments; As the dew of Hermon,

: :


and as the dew that descended upon the

tnountains of Zion
* For there the Lord <:ommanded the
blessing, even life for evermore.

iVi the beginning God created the heaven

and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
Aiid the Spirit of God moved upon the face
vi the waters.
And God said. Let there be light: and
therewas light.
In solemn commemoration of that sublime
vent ********

The HOLY BIBLE is the rule and guide of

taitlithe SQUARE, to square our actions

and the COMPASSES, to circumscribe and


keep us in due bounds with all mankind, but

more especially with a brother Mason.


* * * A Lambskin, or White Leather

Apron, which is an emblem of innocence, and
the badge of a Mason more ancient than the

Golden Fleece, or Roman Eagle; more honor-

able than the Star and Garter, or any other
Order that can be conferred upon you at this
time, or at any future period, by King, Prince,
Potentate, or any other person, except he be
a Mason and which I hope you will wear

with equal pleasure to yourself and honor to

the Fraternity. Take it,
[Or the following Apron Lecture may be
used :]

* * * A Lambskin,
or White Leather
Apron, which an emblem of innocence, and

the badge of a Mason, the distinguished

badge of a Mason.


It may be that, in the coming years, upon

your head shall rest the laurel leaves of vic-

tory from your breast may hang jewels fit

to grace the diadem of an Eastern Potentate ;

nay, more than these, with light added to the

coming light, your ambitious feet may tread
round after round of the ladder that leads to
fame in our mystic circles, and even the pur-
ple of our fraternity rest upon your honored
shoulders but never again from mortal

hands, never again, until your enfranchised

spirit shall have passed upward and inward
through the pearly gates, shall any honor so
distinguished, so emblematical of purity
and all perfection, be bestowed upon you as
this which 1 confer to-night. It is yours

your name is inscribed upon it; yours to wear

throughout an honorable life, and at your
death to be deposited upon the coffin which
incloses your lifeless remains, and with them
laid beneath the clods of the valley.
Let its pure and spotless surface be to you
an ever-present reminder of a " purity of life
and rectitude of conduct," a never-ending


argument for nobler deeds, for higher

thoughts, for purer actions. And when at
last these weary have come to the
feet shall
end of their toilsome journey, and from your
nerveless grasp shall drop forever the working
tools of life, may the record of your life and
actions be as pure and spotless as the fair
emblem which I place within your hands to-
night. And when your trembling soul stands
naked and alone before the Great White
Throne, may it be your portion, oh! my
brother, to hear from Him who sitteth as the
Judge Supreme the welcome words of " Well
done, good and faithful servant, enter thou
into the joys of Thy Lord." Take it, * * *

[Or the following Apron Lecture maybe

used :]

* * * A
Lambskin, or White Leather
Apron, which is an emblem of innocence,
and the badge of a Mason more ancient ;

than the Golden Fleece, or Roman Eagle

more honorable than the Star and Garter, or
any other Order that can be conferred upon

you at this time, or any future period, by

King, Prince, Potentate, or any othier person,
except lie be a Mason and wliicii emblem,

plain and unadorned, has, from a time whence

the memory of man runneth not to the con-
trary, been the peculiar clothing of all Free
and Accepted Masons.
The citizen toiling in humble poverty, and
the Prince commanding the resources of em-
pires, have alike worn it, in the conscious-
ness that it has lightened the labors of the
one and added dignity to the power of the
other. It may be that you now are, or yet

will be, so firmly intrenched in the confidence

of your fellow-men, or so deserve their grati-
tude, that they will elevate you to the highest
position of honor, trust and emolument, and
cause your name to be inscribed high on the
Pillar of Worldly Fame, but never before
have you had, and never again, my brother,
will you have, a higher mark of favor and
confidence bestowed upon you than this,
which I, as the representative of these breth-

ren and the Craft throughout the world, am

about to present to you.
This emblem which Solomon wore when
arrayed in all his glory, which invested with
additional dignity the immortal Washington,
and which has been eagerly sought and
worthily worn by the best of men of your
own generation, I now take pleasure in pre-
senting to you. Its spotless white is emblem-
atical of that purity of heart and upright-
ness of manhood which we expect and
sincerely hope will hereafter distinguish the
conduct of all your personal and social affairs.

This emblem is now yours to wear, we;

hope, with equal pleasure to yourself, and

honor to the Fraternity. If you disgrace it,
the disgrace will be augmented by the con-
sciousness that you have been taught, in this
Lodge, the principles of a correct and manly
life. It is yours to wear as a Mason so long

as the vital spark shall animate your mortal

frame and at last, whether in youth, man-

hood or age, your spirit having winged its

flight to that " House not made with hands,'

when amid the tears and sorrows of surviv-

ing re/atives and friends, and by the hands
of sympathizing brother Masons, your body
shall be lowered to the confines of that narrow
house appointed for all living, it will still be
yours yours to be placed with the evergreen

upon the coffin that shall enclose your re-

mains, and to be buried with them.
My brother, may you so wear this emblem
of spotless white that no act of yours shall
ever stain its purity, or cast a reflection upon
this ancient and honorable institution that
has outlived the fortunes of Kings and the
mutations of Empires. May you so wear it,
" So live, that when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan that moves
To the pale realms of shade, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death,
Thou go not, like the quarry slave at night.
Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."
Take it, * * * * *



The Working Tools of an Entered Appren-

and Common Gavel.
The Twenty-four Inch Gauge is an in-
strument made use of by operative masons
to measure and lay out their work but we,

as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to

make use of it for the more noble and glorious
purpose of dividing our time. It being
divided into twenty-four equal parts, is em-
blematical of the twenty-four hours of the
day, which we are taught to divide into three
equal parts, whereby we find eight hours for
the service of God and a distressed worthy
brother eight hours for our usual avocations

and eight for refreshment and sleep.

[The following clause on the use of the

Twenty-four Inch Gauge may be added :]
A proper division of our time, and con-
forming as nearly as possible to that division,
is of great importance in the transaction of

our worldly business. The division above

set forth, is admirably contrived for the pro-
motion of our comfort and enjoyments. A
portion of our time is thus allotted to the
service of God ; of that beneficent Being to
whom we are indebted for our existence, and
on whose bounty we are dependent for the
comforts of this life. What duty is more
pleasing than that intercourse which every
reasonable creature ought to maintain with
the great Author of his being ?

The Common Gavel is an instrument

made use of by operative masons to break
off the corners of rough stones, the better to
fitthem for the builder's use but we, as ;

Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to

make use of it for the more noble and glorious
purpose of divesting our minds and con-
sciences of all the vices and superfluities of life,

thereby fitting our bodies, as living stones,

for that spiritual building, that " House not
made with hands," eternal in the heavens.

[The following clause on the use of the

Gavel may be added :]

We are admonished by this instrument to

divest our minds and consciences of the vices
and superfluities of this life. Let every
brother ask himself, when this instrument is

presented before him, if and con-

in his life
duct he adheres to this admonition. Let him
endeavor to curb those unruly passions which
produce dissension ; restrain those propensi-
ties and inclinations which lead to vice and
folly let him give more attention to the in-

structions contained in the Book of Life,

which we revere as the guide of our lives and
the rule of our faith, that he may be the
better prepared, when the awful period of his
separation from the things of time and sense
approaches, for the enjoyment of happiness
in another and a better world, where moth
and rust corrupt not, nor thieves break
through and steal.



* ,
* * The lamb has in all ages been
deemed an emblem of Innocence he, there- ;

fore, who wears the Lambskin as a badge of

Masonry, is thereby continually reminded of
that purity of life and conduct, which is
essentially necessary to his gaining admis-
sion into the Celestial Lodge above, where
the Supreme Architect of the Universe pre-
* * * * * * * :? *


The Third Section explains the nature and

principles of our constitution, and teaches us
to discharge with propriety the duties of our
respective stations. Here, too, we receive
instruction relative to theForm, Supports,
Covering, Furniture, Ornaments, Lights and
Jewels of a Lodge, how it should be situated,
dnd to whom dedicated. A proper attention

is also paid to our ancient and venerable


A Lodge isa certain number of Masons

duly assembled, with the Holy Bible, Square
and Compasses, and a Charter or Warrant
empowering them to work.
Our ancient brethren usually met on a
high hill, or in a low dale, the better to dis-
cover the approach of cowans and eaves*
droppers, either ascending or descending.

A LODGE is an oblong.
Its length,from East to West ; its breadth,
from North to South its height, from the

Earth to the Heavens its depth, from its


circumference to its center. It is of such

vast dimensions to show the universality of
Masonry, and that Masonic Charity should
oe equally extensive.

This great fabric is SUPPORTED by


STRENGTH and BEAUTY ; so called because

it is necessary that there should be Wisdom
to contrive, Strength to support, and Beauty
to adorn all great and important under-
They are represented by ***** *


Its COVERING is no less than the clouded

canopy, or starry-decked heaven, where all

good Masons hope at last to arrive, by the
aid of the theological ladder, which Jacob,
in his vision, saw ascending from Earth to
Heaven ; the three principal rounds of which
are denominated FAITH, HOPE and CHAR-
ITY and which admonish us to have faith

in God, hope in immortality, and charity to

all mankind.

The is Charity, because

principal of these
our Faith may
be lost in sight, Hope ends in
fruition, but Charity extends beyond the
grave, through the boundless realms of


The Furniture of a lodge is the

HOLY Bible, Square and Compasses.

The Bible points out the path that leads to

happiness, and is dedicated to God ; the
Square teaches us to regulate our conduct by
the principles of morality and virtue, and is

dedicated to Master
the the Compasses

teach us to limit our desires in every station,

and are dedicated to the Craft.

The Bible is dedicated to the service of

God, because God
to man,
it is the inestimable gift of
^j-^g Square
to the Master, because, being the proper
masonic emblem of his office, it is constantly
to remind him of the duty he owes to the
Lodge over which he is appointed to preside ;

and the Compasses to the Craft, because, by

a due attention to their use, they are taught
to regulate their desires, and keep their
passions within due bounds.

LThe following additional clause relative to

the Furniture may be used :]

The Bible is valuable also, as it affords an

authentic history of mankind, and by exhib-
iting the actual manner in which societies
were formed, offers the best theory of the
social compact. Its historical parts, whilst

throwing much light upon the traditions of

our order, tend also to show with great
probability, that those general principles of
morals prevalent amongst the rudest and
most unlettered nations, and which have,
perhaps, been too hastily attributed to the
efforts of natural reason, are more rationally
to be ascribed to direct revelation, and will
appear, with all the errors and impurities
which time, situation, and the proclivity of
corruption may have produced, to have been
the broken glimpses of a fuller and clearer
light, originally radiated directly from
The purity and sublimity of the morals of
the Bible, have at no time and in no country
been questioned ; in vain do we look among

the writings of ancient pliilosophers for a

system of moral law comparable with it.
From it may be collected a system of ethics
in which every moral precept founded in
reason, is carried to a higher degree of purity
and perfection, than in any system of the
wisest and most celebrated philosophers.
Every moral precept founded on false prin-
ciples is totally omitted, and many new
precepts added, particularly corresponding
with the objects of religion.


The Ornaments of a Lodge are, the

The Mosaic Pavement is a representation
of the ground floor of King Solomon's
Temple ; the Indented Tessel, that beautiful
tesselated or skirting, which sur-
rounded and the Blazing Star, in the
center, is commemorative of the star which
appeared to guide the wise men of the East
to the place of our Savior's nativity.

The Mosaic Pavement is emblematic of

liuman checkered with good and evil
life, ;

the beautiful border which surrounds it, those

blessings and comforts which surround us,
and which we hope by a faithful
to obtain
reliance on Divine which is
hieroglyphically represented by the Blazing
Star in the center.

[The following clause on the Mosaic Pave-

ment may be added :]

Whilst the Mosaic Pavement is before us,

we are instructed to boast of nothing ; have
compassion, and render assistance to those
who are in adversity ; to walk uprightly and
with humility ; for such is this present state
of existence, that there is no situation in
which we can be placed, but is subject to re-
verses ; to-day our feet tread in prosperity,
to-morrow we totter on the uneven paths of
weakness, temptation and adversity. Whilst
we tread this Mosaic, let every Mason bear
these facts in remembrance, and as the dic-

tates of reason and conscience prompt him,

live in brotherly love.


A Lodge has THREE LIGHTS, situated

East, West and South. There is none in the
North, because of the situation of King
Solomon's Temple it being situated so far

North of the ecliptic that the sun or moon at

their meridian height, could dart no rays into
the north p'art of it so we Masonically term

the North a place of darkness.


A Lodge JEWELS three IMMOV-

has SIX ;

ABLE and three MOVABLE.

SQUARE, Level and PLUMB.
The Square teaches morality the Level, ;

equality ; the Plumb, rectitude of life.


The Rough Ashlar is a stone as taken from

the quarry in its rude and natural state. The


Perfect Ashlar is made ready by the

a stone
hands of the workman to be adjusted by the
tools of the Fellow Craft. The Trestle Board
is for the Master Workman to draw his de-

signs upon.
By the Rough Ashlar, we are reminded of
our rude and imperfect state by nature by ;

the Perfect Ashlar, that state of perfection at

which we hope to arrive, by a virfuous edu-
cation, our own endeavors, and the blessing
of God ; and by the Trestle Board, we are
reminded, that as the operative workman
erects his temporal building agreeably to the
rules and designs laid down by the Master on
his Trestle Board, so shall we, both operative
and speculative, endeavor to erect our spir-
itual building agreeably to the rules and de-
signs laid down by the Supreme Architect of
the Universe in the Book of Life, which is

our Spiritual Trestle Board.

Lodges should be situated due East and
West, because of the situation of King Solo-
mon's Temple.

King Solomon's Temple was so situated

because, after Moses had safely conducted
the Children of Israel through the Red Sea,
when pursued by Pharaoh and his hosts, he
there^ by divine command, erected a Taber-
nacle, and situated it due East and West, in
order to perpetuate the remembrance of that
mighty east wind by which their miraculous
deliverance was wrought and also to re-

ceive the rays of the rising sun. And as that

Tabernacle was an exact model of King Solo-
mon's Temple, therefore all Lodges should be
situated due East and West.


Lodges were anciently dedicated to KING

Solomon, because he was our first Most
Excellent Grand Master but Masons of the

present day dedicate theirs to ST. JOHN THE

who were eminent patrons of Masonry and ;

since their time there is represented in every

regular and well governed Lodge, a certain
POINT WITHIN A CIRCLE: the Point repre-

sentlng an individual brother, the Circle rep-

resenting the boundary line of his duty to
God and man, beyond which he is never to
suffer his passions, prejudices or interests to
betray him on any occasion. This Circle is

embordered by TWO PERPENDICULAR,

Parallel Lines, representing St. John the
Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, who
were perfect parallels, in Christianity, as well
as Masonry and upon the vertex rests the

BOOK OF Holy Scriptures, which point

out the whole duty of man. In going round
this Circle, we necessarily touch upon these
Two Lines, as well as upon the Holy Scrip-
tures and while a Mason keeps himself thus

circumscribed, it is impossible that he should

materially err.

The Tenets of our profession are BRO-


By the exercise of Brotherly Love, we are

taught to regard the whole human species as

one family the high and low, the rich and


poor; who, as created by one Almighty Parent,

and inhabitants of the same planet, are

to aid, support and protect each other. On

this principle. Masonry unites men of every
country, sect and opinion, and conciliates true
friendship among those who might otherwise
have remained at a perpetual distance.


To relieve the distressed is aduty incum-

bent on allmen, but particularly on Masons,
who are linked together by an indissoluble
chain of sincere affection. To soothe the un-
happy, to sympathize with their misfortunes,
to compassionate their miseries, and to re-
store peace to their troubled minds, is the
grand aim we have in view. On this basis
we form our friendships, and establish our

Truth is a divine attribute, and the foun-

dation of every virtue. To be good and true,
is the first lesson we are taught in Masonry.

On this theme we contemplate, and by its dic-

tates endeavor to regulate our conduct.
Hence, while influenced by this principle,
hypocrisy and deceit are unknown among us',
sincerity and plain dealing distinguish us,
and the heart and tongue join in promoting
each other's welfare, and rejoicing in each
other's prosperity.




Temperance is that due restraint upon our

affectionsand passions, which renders the
body tame and governable, and frees the
mind from the allurements of vice. This vir-
tue should be the constant practice of every
Mason, as he is thereby taught to avoid ex-
cess, or contracting any licentious or vicious
habit, the indulgence of which might lead
him to disclose some of those valuable se-
crets, which he has promised to conceal anii


never reveal, and which would consequently

subject him to the contempt and detestation
of all good Masons, ********

Fortitude isthat noble and steady purpose

of the mind, whereby we are enabled to un
dergo any pain, peril or danger, when pru-
dentially deemed expedient. This virtue is
equally distant from rashness and cowardice;
and, like the former, should be deeply im-
pressed upon the mind of every Mason, as a
safeguard or security against any illegal at-
tack that may be made, by force or otherwise,
to extort from him any of those secrets with
which he has been so solemnly entrusted
and which was emblematically represented
upon his first admission into the Lodge, * *

Prudence teaches us to regulate our lives

and actions agreeably to the dictates of rea-
son, and is that habit by which we wisely
judge, and prudentially determine, on all

things relative to our present, as well as to

our future happiness. This virtue should be
the peculiar characteristic of every Mason,
not only for the government of his conduct
while in the Lodge, but also when abroad in

the world ; it should be particularly attended

to in all strange and mixed companies, never
to let fall the least sign, token or word,
whereby the secrets of Masonry might be un-
lawfully obtained, *****

Justice is that standard, or boundary, of

right, which enables us to render to every
man his just due, without distinction. This
virtue is not only consistent with divine and
human laws, but Is the very cement and sup-
port of civil society ; and, as justice in a
great measure constitutes the real good man,
so should it be the invariable practice of
every Mason never to deviate from the minu-
test principles thereof, * * *

[The following may be used :]

** * Our Mother Earth, which aione
of all the elements, has never proved un-
friendly to man. The bodies of water deluge
him with rain, oppress him with hail, and
drown him with inundations. The air rushes
in storms, prepares the tempests, and fire
lights up the volcano but the earth, ever

kind and indulgent, is .found subservient to

his wishes. Though constantly harassed,
more to furnish the luxuries than the neces-
saries of life, she never refuses her accus-
tomed yield, spreading his path with flowers,
and his table with plenty. Though she
produces poison, still she supplies the anti-
dote, and returns with interest every good
committed to her care and when at last we

are called upon to pass through the " dark

valley of the shadow of Death," she once
more receives us, and piously covers our
remains within her bosom thus admonishing ;

us that as from it we came, so to it we muse

all return.


As you are now introduced into tlie first

principles of Masonry, I congratulate you on

being accepted into this ancient and honor-
able Order; ancient, as having subsisted
from time immemorial, and honorable, as
tending, in every particular, so to render all
men who will be conformable to its precepts.
No institution was ever raised on a better
principle, or more solid foundation ; nor were
ever more excellent rules and useful maxims
laid down than are inculcated in the several
Masonic Lectures. The greatest and best of
men in all ages have been encouragers and
promotors of the Art, and have never deemed
it derogatory from their dignity to level
themselves with the Fraternity, extend their
privileges, and patronize their assemblies.
There are three great duties, which, as a
Mason, you are charged to inculcate,to
God, your neighbor and yourself. To God,
in never mentioning His name, but with that
reverential awe which is due from a creature

to his Creator ; to implore His aid in all your

'laudable undertakings, and to esteem Him as
the chief good to your neighbor, in acting

upon the square, and doing unto him as you

wish he should do unto you and to yourself, ;

in avoiding all irregularity and intemperance,

which may impair your faculties, or debase
the dignity of your profession. A zealous
attachment to these duties will ensure public
and private esteem.
In the State, you are to be a quiet and
peaceful subject, true to your government,
and just to your country you are not to

countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but

patiently submit to legal authority, and con-
form with cheerfulness to the government of
the country in which you live.
In your outward demeanor be particularly
careful to avoid censure or reproach. Let not
interest, favor, or prejudice, bias your integ-
rity, or influence you to be guilty of a dis-
honorable action. Although your frequent

appearance at our regular meetings is earn-

estly solicited, yet it is not meant that

Masonry should interfere with your necessary

vocations, for these are on no account to be
neglected ; neither are you to suffer your zeal
for the institution to lead you into argument
with thosewho, through ignorance, may
ridicule At your leisure hours, that you

may improve in Masonic knowledge, you are

to converse with well informed brethren, who
will be always as ready to give, as you will
be ready to receive instruction.
Finally, keep sacred and inviolable the
mysteries of the Order, as these are to dis-
tinguish you from the rest of the community,
and mark your consequence among Masons.
If, in the circle of your acquaintance, you
fmd a person desirous of being initiated into
Masonry, be particularly attentive not to
recommend him, unless you are convinced he
will conform to our rules that the honor,

glory and reputation of the Institution may

be firmly established, and the world at large
convinced of its good effects.




Amos vii, 7-8.

* Thus he shewed me :

* And, behold, the Lord stood upon a

wall made by a plumb-line, with a plumb-line
in his hand.
* And the Lord said unto me,
* * Amos, what seest thou ?

* * And I said, A plumb-line. Then said

the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumb-line in
the midst of my people Israel
* * I will not again pass by them any


* *

The Working Tools of a Fellow Craft are


The Plumb is an instrument made use of

by operative Masons, to raise perpendicu-
lars;the Square, to square their work, and
the Level, to lay horizontals ; but we, as Free
and Accepted Masons, are taught to make
use of them for more noble and glorious pur-
poses the Plumb admonishes us to walk up-

rightly in our several stations before God

and man, squaring our actions by the Square
of Virtue, and remembering that we are trav-
eling upon the Level of Time, to ''that un-
discovered country, from whose bourne no
traveler returns."

[The following clause on the use of the

Working Tools may be added:]
The Plumb is an emblem of a fair and hon-
orable and cautions us against any de-

viation from an upright conduct in all our

transactions, whether public or private, keep-
ing steadily in view that course of conduct,
which will lead us to the heavenly mansions
of eternal rest. The Square is an emblem of
morality, and instructs in the golden maxim,

"do unto others as you would that others

should do unto you." The Level serves as a
memento that we are equally subject to
diseases, to accidents and various afflictions;
that we are equally under the protection and
care of the Great Parent of all ; and that we
are equally doomed to die, to be leveled with
the dust, and to corrupt.



By OPERATIVE MASONRY we allude to a

proper application of the useful rules of
architecture, whence a structure will derive
figure, strength and beauty, and whence will
result a due proportion, and a just corres-
spondence in all its parts. It furnishes us
with dwellings, and convenient shelters from
the vicissitudes and inclemencies of seasons ;

and while it displays the effects of human

wisdom, as well in the choice, as in the ar-

rangement, of the sundry materials of which

an edifice is composed, it demonstrates that a
fund of science and industry is implanted in
man for the best, most salutary and benefi-
cent purposes.


subdue the passions, act upon the square,
keep a tongue of good report, maintain se-
crecy, and practice charity. It is so far inter-
woven with religion as to lay us under^obliga-.
tions topay that rational homage to Deity,
which at once constitutes our duty and our
happhiess. It leads the contemplative to view
with reverence and admiration the glorious
works of the creation, and inspires him with
the most exalted ideas of the perfections of

his Divine Creator.
* **
* * * Because in six days God created
the heavens and the earth, and rested upon the
seventh day ; the seventh, therefore, our an-
cient brethren consecrated as a day of rest from

their labors, thereby enjoying frequent op-

portunities to contemplate the glorious works
of the creation, and to adore their Great


* *

The Globes are two artificial spherical

bodies, on the convex surface of which are
represented the countries, seas, and various
parts of the earth, the face of the heavens,
the planetary revolutions, and other par-
The Sphere with the parts of the earth
delineated on its surface, is called the TER-
RESTRIAL Globe and that with the con-

stellations, and other heavenly bodies, the

Celestial Globe.

.Their principal use, besides serving as

maps to distinguish the outward parts of the
earth, and the situation of the fixed stars, is

to illustrate and explain phenomena

arising from the annual revolution, and the

diurnal rotation of tiie earth round its own

axis. Tiiey are the noblest instruments for
improving the mind, and giving it the most
distinct idea ofany problem or proposition,
as well as enabling it to solve the same.
Contemplating these bodies, we are inspired
with a due reverence for the Deity and His
works, and are induced to encourage the
studies of astronomy, geography, navigation,
and the arts dependent on them, by which
society has been so much benefited.


By Order in Architecture is meant a system

of all the members, proportions and orna-
ments of columns and pilasters ; or, it is a
regular arrangement of the projecting parts
which, united with those of a
of a building,
column, form a beautiful, perfect and com-
plete whole.

From the first formation of society, Order

in Architecture may be traced. When the


rigor of seasons obliged men to contrive

shelter from the inclemency of the weather,
we learn that they first planted trees on end,
and then laid others across, to support a cover-
ing. The bands which connected those trees
at top and bottom, are said to have given rise
to the idea of the base and capital of pillars ;

and from this simple hint originally proceeded

the more improved Art of Architecture.

The Five Orders are thus classed the :

Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian,

and Composite.
[The description
of the Five Orders is here
given accordance with the text of Webb's
Freemason's Monitor, edition of 1816, but it
is recommended that the same be omitted,
and to proceed directly to the clause entitled :
Of the I n vention of Order in Architecture.

The Tuscan, is the most simple and solid

of the five orders. It was invented inTus-
cany, whence it derives it name. Its column
is seven diameters high ; and its capital, base
and entablature have but few mouldings. The
simplicity of the construction of this column

renders it eligible where ornament would be


The Doric, which is plain and natural, is

themost ancient, and was invented by the
Greeks. Its column is eight diameters high,
and has seldom any ornaments on base or
capital, except mouldings though the frieze
is distinguished by triglyphs and metopes,

and triglyphs compose the ornaments of the

frieze. The solid composition of this order
gives it a preference in structures where
strength and a noble simplicity are chiefly

The Doric is the best proportioned of all

the orders. The several parts of which it is

composed are founded on the natural position

of solid bodies. In its first invention it was
more simple than in its present state. In
after times, when it began to be adorned,, it

gained the name of Doric ; for when it was

constructed in primitive and simple fcrm,

the name Tuscan was conferred on it.

Hence the Tuscan precedes the Doric in rank.

on account of its resemblance to that pillar in

its original state.

The Ionic bears a kind of mean proportion

between the more solid and delicate orders.
Its column is nine diameters high its capital ;

is adorned with volutes, and its cornice has

dentals. There is both delicacy and ingenuity

displayed in this pillar, the invention of
which is attributed to the lonians, as the
famous Temple of Diana at Ephesus was of
this order. It is said to have been formed

after the model of an agreeable young

woman, of an elegant shape, dressed in her
hair as a contrast to the Doric order,
which was formed after that of a strong,
robust man.

The Corinthian, the richest of the five

orders, deemed a master-piece of art. Its

column is ten diameters Kigh, and its capital

is adorned with two rows of leaves and eight

volutes, which sustain the abacus. The

frieze is ornamented with curious devices

the cornice with dentals and modillions.

This order is used in stately and superb



It was invented at Corinth, by Calli-

machus, who is said to have taken the hint
of the capital of this pillar from the following
remarkable circumstance. Accidentally pass-
ing by the tomb of a young lady, he perceived
a basket of toys, covered with a tile, placed
over an acanthus root, having been left there
by her nurse. As the branches grew up they
encompassed the basket, till, arriving at the
tile, they met with an obstruction, and bent

downwards. Callimachus, struck with the

object, set about imitating the figure; the
vase of the capital he made to represent the
basket, the abacus the tile, and the volutes
the bending leaves.

The Composite is compounded of the other

orders, and was contrived by the Romans.
Its capital has the two rows of leaves of the

Corinthian, and the volutes of the Ionic.


Its column has the quarter-round as the Tus-

can and Doric order, is ten diameters high,
and its cornice has dentals or simple
dillions. This pillar is generally found in
buildings where strength, elegance and beauty
are displayed.


The ancient and original orders of archi-

tecture revered by Masons, are no more than
three, the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, which
were invented by the Greeks. To these, the
Romans have added two the Tuscan, which

they made plainer than the Doric, and the

Composite, which was more ornamental, if
not more beautiful, than the Corinthian.
The first three orders alone, however, show
invention and particular character, and
essentially differ from each other the two

others have nothing but what is borrowed,

and differ only accidentally the Tuscan is

the Doric in its earliest state, and the Com-

posite is the Corinthian enriched with the
Ionic. To the Greeks, therefore, and not to

the Romans, we are indebted for what is

great, judicious and distinct in architecture.



[The description of the Five Senses is here

given accordance with the text of Webb's
Freemason's Monitor, Edition of 1816, but it
is recommended that the Monitorial descrip-
tion be omitted.]

Hearing is that sense by which we distin-

guish sounds, and are capable of enjoying all

the agreeable charms of music. By it we are

enabled to enjoy the pleasures of society,
and reciprocally to communicate to each other
our thoughts and intentions, our purposes
and desires while thus our reason is capable

of exerting its utmost power and energy.

The wise and beneficent Author of Nature

intended,by the formation of this sense, that
we should be social creatures, and receive the
greatest and most important part of our

knowledge by the information of others. For

these purposes we are endowed with hearing,
that, by a proper exertion of our rational
powers, our happiness may be complete.
Seeing is that sense by which we distin-
guish objects, and in an instant of time,
without change of place or situation, view
armies in battle array, figures of the most,
stately structures, and all the agreeable va-

riety displayed in the landscape of nature.

By this sense we find our way in the path-
less ocean, traverse the globe of earth, deter-
mine its figure and dimensions, and delineate
any region or quarter of it. By it we meas-
ure the planetary orbs, and make new dis-
coveries in the sphere of the fixed stars. Nay,
more, by it we perceive the tempers and dis-
positions, the passions and affections, of our
fellow creatures, when they wish most to
conceal them ; so that though the tongue
may be taught to lie and dissemble, the
countenance would display the hypocrisy
to the discerning eye. In fine, the rays
of light which administer to this sense, are

the most astonishing parts o^ the animated

creation, and render the eye a peculiar object
of admiration.
Of all the faculties, sight is the noblest.
The structure of the eye, and its appurten-
ances, evinces the admirable contrivance of
nature for performing all its various external
and internal motions ; while the variety dis-
played in the eyes of different animals, suited
to their several ways of life, clearly demon-
strates this organ to be the masterpiece of
nature's work.
Feeling is that sense by which we distin-
guish the different qualities of bodies ; such
as heat and cold, hardness and softness,
roughness and smoothness, figure, solidity,
motion and extension.
Smelling is that sense by which we dis-
tinguish odors, the various kinds of which
convey different impressions to the mind.
Animal and vegetable bodies, and indeed
most other bodies, while exposed to the air,
continually send forth effluvia of vast subtilty,
as well in the state of life and growth, as in

the sta;.e of fermentation and putrefaction.

These eifluvia, being drawn into the nostrils
along with the air, are the means by which
all bodies are smelled. Hence it is evident,
that there is a manifest appearance of design
in the Great Creator's having planted the
organ of smell in the inside of that canal,
through which the air continually passes in

Tasting- enables us to make a proper dis-

tinction in the choice of our food. The organ
of this sense guards the entrance of the
alimentary canal, as that of smelling guards
the entrance of the canal for respiration.
From the situation of both these organs, it is

plain that they were intended by nature to

distinguish wholesome food from that which
is nauseous. Everything that enters into the
stomach must undergo the scrutiny of tasting,
and by it we are capable of discerning the
changes which the same body undergoes in
the different compositions of art, cookery,
chemistry, pharmacy, &c.

Smelling and tasting are inseparably con-

nected, and it is by the unnatural kind of life

men commonly lead in society, that these

senses are rendered less fit to perform their
natural offices.

On the mind all our knowledge must de-

pend ; what, therefore, can be a more proper

subject for the investigation of Masons?
By anatomical dissection and observation, we
become acquainted with the body but it is ;

by the anatomy of the mind alone we discover

its powers and principles.

To sum up the whole of this transcendent

measure of God's bounty to man, we shall
add, that memory, imagination, taste, reason-
ing, moral perception, and all the active
powers of the and bound-
soul, present a vast
less field for philosophical disquisition, which
far exceeds human inquiry, and are peculiar
mysteries, known only to nature and to
nature's God, to whom we and all are in-
debted for creation, preservation, and every
blessing we enjoy.

The first three, Hearing, Seeing and Feel'

ing, are most revered by Masons, * * *


[The description of the Seven Liberal Arts
and Sciences is here given in accordance with
the text of Webb's Freemason's Monitor,
edition of 1816, but it is recommended that
the same be omitted, except the clauses en-
titled "Geometry" and ''Of the Advan-

tages of Geometry," following which give the

second arrangement of the Lecture on Music]
Grammar teaches the proper arrangement
of words, according to the idiom or dialect of
any particular people and that excellency of

pronunciation which enables us to speak or

write a language with accuracy, agreeably to
reason and correct usage.
Rhetoric teaches us to speak copiously and
fluently on any subject, not merely with
propriety alone, but with all the advantages

of force and elegance ; wisely contriving to

captiVate the hearer by strength
of argument
and beauty of expression, whether it be to
entreat and exhort, to admonish or applaud.

Logic teaches us to guide our reason dis-

cretionally in the general knowledge of
things, and directs our inquiries after truth.
It consists of a regular train of argument,
whence we infer, deduce, and conclude, ac-
cording to certain premises laid down, ad-
mitted, or granted ; and in it are employed the
faculties of conceiving, judging, reasoning
and disposing all of which are naturally led

on from one gradation to another, till the

point in question is finally determined.

Arithmetic teaches the powers and proper-

ties ofnuipbers, which is variously effected,
by letters, tables, figures and instruments.
By this art, reasons and demonstrations are
given for finding out any certain number,
whose relation or affinity to another is already
known or discovered.



Geometry, or the Fifth Science, * * * *

Geometry treats of the powers and proper-
ties of magnitudes in general, where length,

breadth and thickness are considered from a ;

foint to a line, from a line to a super/ices,

and from a super/ices to a solid.
A Point is a dimensionless figure, or an
indivisible part of space.
A Lijie is a Point continued, and a figure
of one capacity, namely, length.
A Superjices is a figure of two dimensions,
namely, length and breadth.
A ^c'/zV is a figure of three dimensions,
namely, length, breadth and thickness.


By this science, the architect is enabled to

construct his plans, and execute his designs ;

the general to arrange his soldiers ; the engi-

neer to mark out ground for encampments
the geographer to give us the dimensions
of the world, and all things therein con-
tained, to delineate the extent of seas, and

specify the divisions of empires, kingdoms

and provinces ; by astronomer is
it, also, the
enabled to make his observations, and to fix
the duration of times and seasons, years and
cycles. In fine. Geometry is the foundation
of architecture, and the root of the mathe-
Music teaches the art of forming concords,
so as to compose delightful harmony by a
mathematical and proportional arrangement
of acute, grave and mixed sounds. This art,
by a series of experiments, is reduced to a
demonstrative science, with respect to tones,
and the intervals of sound. It inquires into
the nature of concords and discords, and
enables us to find out the proportion between,
them by numbers.
Astronomy is that divine art, by which
we wisdom, strength
are taught to read the
and beauty of the Almighty Creator in those
sacred pages, the celestial hemisphere.
Assisted by Astronomy, we can observe the
motions, measure the distances, comprehend
the magnitudes and calculate the periods and

eclipses of theheavenly bodies. By it we

system of the
learn the use of the globes, the
world, and the preliminary law of nature.
While we are employed in the study of this
science, we must perceive unparalleled in-
stances of wisdom and goodness, and, through
the whole creation, trace the Glorious Author
by His works.

[Note. Second Arrangement of Lecture
on Music, the use of which is recommended
in place of the first. This Lecture should be
given, whenever possible, with organ ac-
companiment. The organist should com-
mence playing with the beginning of this
Lecture, using soft stop combinations, play-
ing with crescendo and diminuendo effects,
throughout the entire Lecture, yet never loud
enough to interfere with the voice of the
speaker.- At the word " War," the speaker

will pause while the organist plays, with full

organ, the strain indicated from the '' Mar-
seillaise"; then the soft accompaniment is
resumed while the speaker continues the
Lecture until the words: "Home, Sweet
Home," when there is another pause, while
the organist softly plays the strain indicated

from " Home, Sweet Home ". As the speaker

continues, the soft accompaniment is re-
sumed until the word " Universe," when

the Lodge is called up, and all unite in sing-

ing, with full organ accompaniment, " Be
Thou, OGod, exalted high," etc., to the
tune: ''Old Hundred," as indicated. With
the display of a little taste a fme effect can be
Music is thatelevated science which affects
the passions by sound. There are few who
have not felt its charms, and acknowledged
its expressions to be intelligible to the heart.
It is a language of delightful sensations, far
more eloquent than words ; it breathes to the
ear the clearest intimations ; it touches and
gently agitates the agreeable and sublime
passions; it wraps us inmelancholy, and
elevates us in joy ; it dissolves and inflames ;

it melts us in tenderness, and excites us to


Air: Marseillaise Hymn.

Full Organ. I

- \-

The martial strains of national airs heard

on the rough edge of battle, have thrilled the
soldier's heart, causing him to burn with an
emulous desire to lead the perilous advance,
and animating him to deeds of heroic valor
and the most sublime devotion; amidst the
roar of cannon, the din of musketry, and the

carnage of battle, he sinks to the dust;

raising himself to take one long, last look of
life, he hears in the distance that plaintive
strain, " Home, Sweet Home,"

air: Home, Sweet Home.


rc; r^

It was our mother's evening hymn that

lulledus to sleep in infancy ; and the mellow-
ing tides of old cathedral airs, vibrating

through and arches, have stilled the

and sweeping away the discord-
ruffled spirit,
ant passions of men, have borne them along
its resistless current, until their united voices
have joined sounding aloud the chorus of
the heaven-born anthem, " Peace on earth,
good will toward men ;" but it never sounds
with such seraphic harmony, as when em-
ployed in singing hymns of gratitude to the
Creator of the Universe.

[Note. Lodge called up. All unite in

Tune Old Hundred.

: L. M

^ -6^ -^- -6^


Be Thou, O God, ex - alt - ed high

mm sg

I =^n

as Thy

glo -

fills the


-?$>- -tr- ^- ^ if: l^/rs

-So let it be on earth dis-played,

Till Thou art here, as there, o - beyed,

-$i. -^- -*$!- --
4 ^^^
1^ ^i^^

:ti: n
[Note. Lodge is seated.]
* * * * *,* * :ic Xc


Geometry, the first arid noblest of sciences

is tliebasis on which the superstructure of
Masonry is erected. By Geometry, we may
curiously trace nature through her various
windings to her most concealed recesses. By
it we discover the power, the wisdom and the

goodness of the Grand Artificer of the Uni-

verse, and view with delight the proportions
which connect this vast machine. By it we
discover how the planets move in their differ-
ent orbits, and demonstrate their various
revolutions. By it we account for the return
of seasons, and the variety of scenes which
each season displays to the discerning eye.
Numberless worlds are around us, all framed
by the same Divine Artist, which roll through
the vast expanse, and are all conducted by
the same unerring law of nature.

survey of nature, and the observation of
her beautiful proportions, first determined
man to imitate the divine plan^ and study

symmetry and order. This gave rise to socie-

ties, and birth to every useful art. The
architect began to design, and the plans
which he laid down, being improved by ex-
perience and time, have produced works
which are the admiration of every age.

The lapse of time, the ruthless hand of

ignorance, and the devastations of war, have
laid wasteand destroyed many valuable
monuments which the utmost
of antiquity on
exertions of human genius have been em-
ployed. Even the Temple of Solomon, so
spacious and magnificent, and constructed by
so many celebrated artists, escaped not the
unsparing ravages of barbarous force. Free-
masonry, notwithstanding, has still survived.
The Attentive Ear receives the sound from
the Instructive Tongue, and the Mysteries of
Masonry are safely lodged in the repository
otFaitliful Breasts. Tools and implements of
architecture are selected by the Fraternity to
imprint on. the memory wise and serious
truths ; and thus, through a succession of

ages, are transmitted unimpaired the excellent

tenets of our institution.


Being advanced to the Second Degree of
Masonry, we congratulate you on your pre-
ferment. The internal, and not the external
qualifications of a man, are what Masonry
regards. As you increase in knowledge, you
will improve in social intercourse.
It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties

which, as a Mason, you are bound to dis-

charge, or enlarge on the necessity of a strict
adherence to them, as your own experience
must have established their value.
Our laws and regulations you are strenu-
ously to support, and be always ready to
assist in seeing them duly executed. You
are not to palliate, or aggravate, the offenses
of your brethren ; but, in the decision of every
trespass against our rules, you are to judge
with candor, admonish with friendship, and
reprehend with justice.


The study of the Liberal Arts, that valu-

able branch of education, which tends so
effectually to polish and adorn the mind, is
earnestly recommended to your consideration ;

especially the Science of Geometry, which is

established as the basis of our Art. Geome-

try, or Masonry, originally synonymous
terms, being of a divine and moral nature, is
enriched with the most useful knowledge
Vvhile it proves the wonderful properties of
nature, it demonstrates the more important
truths of morality.
Your past behavior and regular deportment
have merited the honor which we have now-
conferred and in "your new character it is

expected that you will conform to the prin-

ciples of the Order, by steadily persevering in
the practice of every commendable virtue.
Such is the nature of your engagements as
a Fellow Craft,and to these duties you are
bound by the most sacred ties.


Ecclesiastes xii, 1-7. ,

* Remember now thy Creator in the days

of thy youth, while the evil days come not,
* Nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt
say, I have no pleasure in them; While the sun,
or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not
darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain
* In the day when the keepers of the
house shall tremble, and the strong men shall
bow themselves,
* * And the grinders cease because they
are few, and those that look out of the
windows be darkened,
* * And the doors shall be shut in the
streets, when the sound of the grinding is low,
and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird,
and all the daughters of musick shall be
brought low ;

* * Also when they shall be afraid of that

which is high, and fears shall be in the way,


* * * And the almond tree shail flourish,

and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and
desire shall fail
* * * Because man goeth to his long
home, and the mourners go about the streets :

Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the

golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be
brokea at the fountain, or the wheel broken
at the cistern.
* * * Then shall the dust return to the
earth as it was and the spirit shall
: return
unto God who gave it.

The Working Tools of a Master Mason are
all the implements of Masonry indiscrim-
inately, but more especially the TROWEL.
The Trowel is an instrument made use of
by operative masons to spread the cement
which unites a building into one common
mass but we, as Free and Accepted Masons,

are ta'oght to make use of it for the more

noble and glorious purpose of spreading the
cement of Brotherly Love and Affection ; that

cement which unites us into one sacred band,

or society of friends and brothers, among
whom no contention should ever exist, but
that noble contention, or rather emulation, of
who best can work, or best agree.

[The following clause on the use of the

Trowel may be added :]

The Trowel teaches that nothing can be

united without proper cement, and that the
perfection of a building must depend on the
manner in which the materials are joined
together. Charity, the bond of perfection
and social union, must connect in one,
separate interests, so that like the radii of a
circle, which extend from the center to every
part of the circumference, the principle of
universal benevolence may be diffused to
every member of the community. This is a
further spiritual use which should be made or
the Trowel, by Free and Accepted Masons.


Tune: Pifvel's Hvinn.

a-i= 2 is:

Sol - emn strikes the fu - n'ral chime,

n ^



J3.,' 4^ '^.



2 Mortals, now indulge a tear,

For Mortality is here !

See how wide her trophies wave

O'er the slumbers of the grave !

3 Here another guest we bring ;

Seraphs of celestial wing,

To our fun'ral altar come,
Waft our friend and brother home.

4 Lord of all ! below above

our hearts with truth and love

When dissolves our earthly tie,

Take us to Thy Lodge on high.



Thou, O Godknowest our down-sitting

and our and understandest our

tliougiits afar off. Shield and defend us from
the evil intentions of our enemies, and support
us under the trials and afflictions we are
destined to endure, while traveling through
thii, v?.le of tears. Man that is born of a
w-oman, is of few days and full of trouble.
He Cometh forth as a flower, and is cut -down ^

he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth

not. Seeing his days are determined, the
number of his months are with Thee Thou ;

hast appointed his bounds that he cannot

pass turn from him that he may rest, till he

shall accomplish his day. For there is hope

of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout
again, and that the tender branch thereof will
not cease. But man dieth and wasteth away
yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is
he ? As the waters fail from the sea, and the
flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth
! !


down, and riseth not up till the heavens shall

be no more. Yet, O
Lord have compassion

on the children of Thy creation, administer

them comfort in time of trouble, and save
them with an everlasting salvation. Amen 1

Response: So mote it be

[Or the following prayer may be used :]

O Thou great and glorious Lord God who. !

canst alone defend amidst the manifold

dangers which beset our pathway through
life; shield and defend us from the evil
intentions of our enemies, and support us
under the trials and afflictions we are destined
to endure while traveling through this vale
of tears. And O
God we pray that Thou

wouldst raise this our brother from his fallen

estate, and guide him evermore in an upright
walk and conversation. May the 'still small
voice of Thy Spirit whisper in his ear the
words of wisdom ; let Thy fatherly hand
ever be about him, and do Thou, O God
direct his feet in the paths of peace ; may his
breast safely keep and guard the trust which
MASTcn; A\Ai>ON. 93

friendship there reposes ; and when at last he

shall have diligently executed in the rough
quarries of earth the designs which Thou
hast inscribedupon his trestle-board, and
shall be stricken down by the ruthless setting-
maul of Death, may he be raised to the life
eternal, be found worthy of fellowship with
the good, and in the Grand Lodge above be
permitted to see Thee face to face, to worship
Thee there in the beauty of holiness for ever
and ever. Amen !

Response : So mote it be !

The Sacred Volume informs us that David,

King of Israel, had determined to erect a
magnificent Temple for the service of the
Most High God, and for that purpose had
collected materials in gold, silver, iron and
brass; but "the word of the Lord" came
unto him, saying, "thou hast shed blood
abundantly, and hast made great wars ; thou
shalt not build an House unto My Name,
because thou hast shed much blood upon the

earth in My sight. Behold, a son shall be

born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and
I will give him rest from all his enemies round

about : for his name

shall be Solomon, and !
will give peace and quietness unto Israel in
his days. He shall build an House for My
Name and he shall be My Son, and I will

be his Father and I will establish the throne


of hiskingdom over Israel forever."

David, bowed down by the weight of years
and infirmities, and drawing near his end,
assembled the chiefs of his people and
acquainted them with his design to have built
a magnificent repository for the Ark of God,
but found that it was the Divine Will that

^ihis greatwork should be accomplished by

jiis son Solomon. He desired them to assist
.'n so laudable a work, and directed that when
it should be completed, that the Ark should

be deposited therein, together with the Holy

Vessels. David died soon after in the seven-
tieth year of his age, having reigned seven'
years in Hebron over the house of Judah, and
thirty-three over all Israel.

Solomon ascended the throne of Israel

amidst the acclamations of his people, and
under the most favorable circumstances.
Having made peace with his enemies, and
firmly settled the affairs of his kingdom, he
determined to carry into execution the
important work of erecting the Temple. He
commenced it in the fourth year of his reign,
in the second month, and that he might
prosecute. the work with greater expedition,
he applied to Hiram, King of Tyre, the
ancient friend and ally of his father, to furnish
him with timber in abundance, cedar trees, fir
trees and algum trees, out of Lebanon, and
also to send him a man ''cunning to work in
gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron,
and in purple, and crimson, and blue," and
that could "skill to grave with the cunning
men" of Judah and Jerusalem. Hiram,
King of Tyre, cordially responded, not only
furnishing the cedar and cypress of Lebanon,
but he also sent him Hiram, the son of a
widow of the tribe of Napthali. He was the
most skillful and accomplished artist of his

age, "to work in gold, and in silver, in brass,

in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in
blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson also ;

to grave any manner of graving, and to find

out every device which should be put to him."
From his designs and under his direction, all
the rich and splendid furniture of the Temple,
was begun, carried on and finished. So
highly was this distinguished man esteemed
by Solomon, for his talents, his virtues and
unblemished integrity, that he appointed him
Deputy Grand Master, and principal surveyor
and master of the work.
The work on the Temple was progressing.


In the Third Section many particulars

relative to King Solomon's Temple are con-
sidered. This Section also illustrates certain
hieroglyphical emblems, and inculcates many
useful lessons to extend knowledge and
promote virtue.


This magnificent Temple, which Ion?

challenged the admiration of the world, far
exceeded in splendor all other structures
which had hitherto been erected. It was

begun in the month of April, A. M. 2992, four

hundred and eighty years after the Children of
Israel came out of Egypt, and was finished in
October, A. M. 2999, and one thousand and five
years before Christ. It was located on Mount
Moriah, near the place where Abraham was
about to offer up his son Isaac, and where
Davia met and appeased the Destroying
Angel, which was visible over the threshing-
floor of Oman, the Jebusite.
The construction of this grand edifice was
attended with two remarkable circumstances.
From Josephus we learn that although more
than seven years were occupied in building it,
yet during the whole term it rained not in the
day-time, that the workmen might not be
obstructed in their labor; and from sacred
history it appears that there was neither the
sound of the hammer, nor axe, nor any tool

of iron, heard in the house while it was

The Temple was symbolically supported by
three Grand Masonic Pillars, called Wisdom,
Strength and Beauty so called because it is

necessary that there should be Wisdom to

contrive, Strength to support, and Beauty to
adorn, all great and importai/t undertakings.
They are represented by * *

famous fabric was supported by

fourteenhundred and fifty-three columns,
and two, thousand nine hundred and six
pilasters, all hewn from the fmest Parian
There were employed in building the Temple,
three Grand Masters, three thousand three
hundred Masters, or Overseers of the Work,
eighty thousand Fellow-Crafts in the Moun-
tains and in the quarries, and seventy-
thousand Entered Apprentices, or bearers of
burdens. All these were classed and arranged
in such a manner by the wisdom of Solomon,

that neither envy, discord nor confusion,

were suffered to interrupt that universal peace

and tranquility which pervaded the world at

this important period.

[The following descriptive Lecture on The

Temple may be used :]
The for this Temple were
immense. There were employed in it vast
quantities of gold, and silver, and precious
stones. Everything was made ready before
it came to the spot, that nothing was to do
but join the materials. The top of Mount
Moriah, on which it was erected, was inclosed
with a wall. Into this there was an entrance
on every side. Into this outer Court, every
clean Hebrew, or proselyte of the covenant,
might enter. In the middle of the outer
Court but nearer to the west end, there was a
Court of the Levites, stretching from east to
west, and surrounded by a low wall, of
about four feet high, that the people might,
over the top of it, see what was doing by the
priests. This Court had two entrances, one
on the north side, the other on the south. In


this Court, just before the east end of the

Temple, stood the brazen altar, and the brazen
sea and lavers. The Temple, properly so-calledj
stood from east to west, near the west end
of the Court of the Priests. On each side
of its entrance, at the Porch of the Temple,
stood the two celebrated Pillars of brass
they were regarded as a striking memento of
the promise of God, that he would establish
the throne of David, and make the nation of
Israel strong in His might. Passing through
this Porch you entered the Sanctuary, or Holy
Place, at the west end of which stood the
golden candlesticks, on the south side, and on
the north, the ten golden tables, containing
the loaves of shew-bread and the innumerable
golden vessels for the service of the sanctuary,
and in themiddle between them stood the
golden altar of incense. Passing through the
Sanctuary lengthwise, you entered by a 'fine
veil and a two-leaved door of olive-tree, into
the Oracle, or Most Holy Place, into which
the High Priest only might enter, and that
only once each year on the Day of Atonement.

In the Most Holy Place stood the Ark with

its furniture ; and Solomon made two new
cherubim of olive-tree, which overshadowed
the two golden ones and stretched their wings
tlie whole breadth of the House. The wall of
the House was reared with alternate layers of
fine cedar wood and hewn marble the inside

was carved with figures of cherubim and palm

trees, and the whole inside, floor, walls and
roof, was overlaid with gold, and set with
innumerable diamonds and precious stones.
In the erection of this superb edifice, we
perceive not only the piety, but the wisdom of
Solomon. The had reached their highest
state of perfection, and every species of
knowledge peculiar to -Freemasonry was
lavished upon it.
About eleven months after the building was
finished, and just before the Feast of the
Tabernacles, this Temple was furnished with
the Ark and other sacred utensils, and it was
dedicated with solemn prayer by Solomon,
and by seven days' sacred feasting, and by a
peace offering of twenty thousand oxen and

one hundred and twenty thousand sheep.

Nothing ever equaled the splendor of its

consecration. Israel sent forth her thousands,

and the assembled people beheld, in awful
adoration, the vast sacrifice of Solomon
accepted. The flame descended upon the
altar, and consumed t)ie offering ; the shadow
and glory of the Eternal proclaimed his
presence between the Cherubim, and the voice
of His thunders told to the faithful of the
Craft that the perfectness of their labor was

The Three Steps usually delineated upon

the Master's Carpet, are emblematical of the
three principal stages of life human
Manhood and Age. Youth, as Entered
Apprentices, we ought industriously to occupy
our minds in the attainment of useful knowl-
edge; in Manhood, as Fellow Crafts, we
should apply our knowledge to the discharge
of our respective duties to God, our neighbors
and ourselves that so in Age, as Master

Ma'sons, we may enjoy the happy reflections


consequent on a well-spent life, and die in the

hope of a glorious immortality.

The Pot of Incense
* ****
an emblem of a pure

heart, which is always an acceptable sacrifice

to the Deity and, as this glows with fervent

heat, so should our hearts continually glow

with gratitude, to the great and beneficent
Author of our existence, for the manifold
blessings and comforts we enjoy.
The Bee-Hive is an emblem of industry,
and recommends the practice of that virtue to
all created beings, from the highest seraph in

heaven to the lowest reptile of the dust. It

teaches us, that as we came into the world
rational and intelligent beings, so we should
ever be industrious ones never sitting down

contented while our fellow-creatures around

us are in want, when it is in our power to
relieve them, without inconvenience to our-
When w^e take a survey of nature, we view
man, in his infancy, more helpless and

indigent tlian the brute creation he lies


languishing for days, months and years,

totally incapable of providing sustenance for
himself, of guarding against the attack of
the wild beasts of the field, or sheltering him-
self from the inclemencies of the weather.
It might have pleased the Great Creator of

heaven and earth to have made man inde-

pendent of all other beings but, as dependence

is one of the strongest bonds of society,

mankind were made dependent on each other
for protection and security, as they thereby
enjoy better opportunities of fulfilling the
and friendship. Thus
duties of reciprocal love
was man formed for social and active life,
the noblest part of the work of God; and he
that will so demean himself as not to be
endeavoring to add to the common stock of
knowledge and understanding, may be
deemed a drone in the hive of nature, a use-
less member of society, and unworthy of our
protection as Masons.
The Book of Constitutions^ guarded by
the Tyler's Szvord, reminds us that we should

be ever watchful and guarded in our thoughts,

words and actions, particularly when before
the enemies of Masonry ever bearing in

remembrance those truly masonic virtues,

Silence and Circumspection.
The Sword, pointing to a Naked Heart,
demonstrates that justice will sooner or later
overtake us ; and although our thoughts,
words and actions, may be hidden from the
eyes of man, yet that
All-seei7ig Eye,
whom the Sun, Moon and Stars obey, and
under whose watchful care even comets per-
form their stupendous revolutions, pervades
the inmost recesses of the human heart, and
will reward us according to our merits.
The Anchor and Ark are emblems of a
well-grounded Hope and a well-spent Life.
They are emblematical of that Divine Ark
which safely wafts us over this tempestuous
sea of troubles, and that Anchor which shall
safely moor us in a peaceful harbor, where
the wicked cease from troubling, and the
weary shall find rest.

T/ie Forty-seventh Problem of Euclidt

was an invention of our ancient friend and
brother, the great Pythagoras, who, in his
travels through Asia, Africa and Europe, was
initiated into several orders of priesthood,
and raised to the sublime degree of a Master
Mason. This wise philosopher enriched his
mind abundantly in a general knowledge of
tilings, and more especially in Geometry, or
Masonr>^ On this subject he drew out many
problems and theorems, and among the most
distinguished, he erected this, which, in the
joy of his heart, he called Eureka, in the
Grecian language signifying, " I have found
it," and upon the discovery of which, he is
said to have sacrificed a hecatomb. It teaches
Masons to be general lovers of the arts and
The Hour-Glass is an emblem of human
life. Behold ! how swiftly the sands run,
and how rapidly our lives are drawing to a
close. We cannot, without astonishment,
behold the little particles which are contained
in this machine how they pass away almost

imperceptibly, and yet, to our surprise, in the

short space of an hour, they are all exhausted.

Thus wastes man To-day, he puts forth


the tender leaves of hope to-morrow, blos- ;

soms, and bears his blushing honors thick

upon him the next day comes a frost, which

nips the shoot, and when he thinks his

greatness is still aspiring, he falls, like

autumn leaves, to enrich our mother earth.

The Scythe is an emblem of Time, which
cuts the brittle thread of life, and launches us
intC' eternity. what havoc the
Behold !

Scythe of Time makes among the human

race if by chance we should escape
; the
numerous evils incident to childhood and
youth, and with health and vigor arrive to
the years of manhood, yet withal \\e must
soon be cut down by the all-devouring Scythe
of Time, and be gathered into the land where
our fathers have gone before us.

Thus we close the explanation of the

emblems upon the solemn thought of death.


which, without revelation, is dark and gloomy;

but we are suddenly revived by the ever-
green and ever-living sprig of Faith, which
strengthens us, with confidence and com-
posure, to look forward to a blessed immor-
tality and we doubt not, that on the glorious

morn of the Resurrection, our bodies will

rise, and become as incorruptible as our souls.

[See note following.]

Then let us imitate * * * * * in his

virtuous and amiable conduct; in his un-
feigned piety to God in his inflexible fidelity

to his trust ; we may welcome the grim

tyrant, Death, and receive him as a kind
messenger sent from our Supreme Grand
Master to translate us from this imperfect to
that all-perfect, glorious and celestial Lodge
above, where the Supreme Architect of the
Universe presides.

[Note In place of the last clause the fol-

lowing may be used. When the lecture on
" Masonic Symbolism " is used, this should
be omitted.]

Now, let us see to it, and so

by the Plumb-line of Justice,
regulate our lives
squaring our actions by the Square of Virtue,
that when the Grand Warden of Heaven
shall call for us we may be found ready. Let
us cultivate assiduously the noble tenets of
our profession, Brotherly Love, Relief and
Truth, and from the Square learn Morality,
from the Level, Equality, and from the Plumb,
Rectitude of Life. Let us imitate our * *
* * in his amiable and virtuous conduct,
his unfeigned piety to God, and his inflexible'
fidelity to his trust. As the * * * which
bloomed at the * * * * betrayed ^

the place of * , so may virtue, by its ever-

blooming loveliness, designate us as Free and
Accepted Masons.- With the mystic Trowel
let us spread liberally the cement of brotherly

love and affection ; circumscribed by the Com-

passes, let us ponder well all our thoughts,
words and actions let all the energies of our

minds, and the affections of our souls be

employed in the attainment of our Supreme
Grand Master's approbation ; that when the

hour of our dissolution draws nigh, and the

cold winds of Death come sighing around us,
and his chill dew already glistens on our
foreheads, we may with joy obey the sum-
mons of the Grand Warden of Heaven, and
go from our labors here on earth to everlast-
ing refreshment in the Paradise of God;
where, by the benefit of a pass, of a pure life,
and a firm reliance on Divine Providence,
shall we gain a ready admission into that
Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme
i^rchitect of the Universe presides ;
seated at the right hand our Supreme
Grand Master, He will be pleased to pro-
nounce us just and upright Masons. Then
shall we indeed be fitly prepared, as living
stones, for that Spiritual Building, that
" house not made with hands," eternal in the
heavens where no discordant voice shall be

heard, but all the soul shall experience shall

be perfect bliss, and all it shall express shall
be perfect praise, and love divine shall ennoble
every heart, and hosannas exalted employ
every tongue.


[Arranged from Mackey's work: "The

Symbolism of Freemasonry."]

[Note. With the hope that this beautiful

Lecture may encourage more of the Masonic
candidates to become Masonic students, its use
is recommended, should the time permit.]

J/y Bi'other: Among the many beautiful
and appropriate definitions given of Free-
masonry none is more comprehensive than
the one to be found in the English lectures :

"Freemasonry is a science of morality, veil. J

in allegory and illustrated by symbols."
Freemasonry presents itself most prominently
to our view as a science of Symbolism. In
tracing the progress of Freemasonry, we shall
fmd it so intimately connected with the history
of philosophy, of religion, and of art, in all ages
of the world, that it is evident that no Mason
can expect thoroughly to understand the
nature of the institution, or to appreciate its
character, unless he shall carefully study its
annals, and make himself conversant with

the facts of history, to which and from which

it gives and receives a mutual influence. The
brother who unfortunately supposes that the
only requisites of a skillful Mason consist in
repeating with fluency the ordinary lectures,
or in correctly opening and closing the Lodge,
or in giving with sufficient accuracy the
modes of recognition, will hardly credit the
assertion, that- he whose knowledge of the
"royal art" extends no farther than these
preliminaries has scarcely advanced beyond
the rudiments of our science.
There is a far nobler series of doctrines
with which Freemasonry is connected, and
which no student ever began to investigatewho
did not And himself insensibly led on, from
step to step in his researches, his love and
admiration of the order increasing with the
augmentation of his acquaintance with its

character. It is this which constitutes the

science and the philosophy of Freemasonry,
and it is this alone which will return the
scholar who devotes himself to the task a
sevenfold reward for his labor.


Freemasonry is a science a phllosopliy

system of doctrines which is taught, in a
manner peculiar to itself, by allegories and
symbols. ceremonies are external addi-
tions, which affect not its substance. If we

seek the origin and first beginning of the

Masonic philosophy, we must go away back
into the ages of remote antiquity, when we
shall fmd this beginning in the bosom of
kindred associations, where the same philoso-
phy was maintained and taught. But if we
confound the ceremonies of Masonry with the
philosophy of Masonry, and seek the origin
of the institution, moulded into outward form
as it is to-day, we can scarcely be required to
look farther back than the beginning of the
eighteenth century, and indeed, not quite so

The philosophy of Freemasonry is engaged

in the contemplation of the divine and human
character ; of GOD as one eternal, self-

existent being, in contradiction to the

mythology of the ancient peoples, which was
burdened with a multitude of gods and

goddesses, of demigods and heroes ; of MAN

as an immortal being, preparing in the present
life for an eternal future, in like contradiction
to the ancient philosophy, which circum-
scribed the existence of man to the present

There is no science so ancient as that of

Symbolism, and no mode of instruction has
ever been so general as was the symbolic in
former ages. Man's earliest instruction was
by symbols. The objective character of a
symbol is best calculated to be grasped by the
infant mind, whether the infancy of that
mind be considered nationally or individually.
And hence, in the first ages of the world, in
its infancy, all propositions, theological,
political or scientific, were expressed in the
form of symbols.
It is not to be hoped, in the short space of a
ground of Masonic
brief lecture, to cover the

Symbolism, a subject upon which volumes
have been written, and eminent and learned
men of various ages have spent years of
ripened research, but if the entrance to the

mine be but uncovered, and a glimpse of the

untold treasures be but obtained, the enquiring
mind will necessarily delve for itself into the
riches, and the object of this lecture will be
attained. There will be but time to briefly
glance at one class of Masonic symbols, and
try to read a few lessons from the language.
Looking then, in this way, at the

philosophy of the institution, coming down
to us, as it has, from a remote age, having
passed unaltered aud unscathed through a

thousand revolutions of nations, and engag-
ing, as disciples in its school of mental labor,
the intellectual of all times, the first thing

that must naturally arrest the attention is the

singular combination that it presents of an
operative with a speculative organization an
art with a science the technical terms and
language of a mechanical profession with the
abstruse teachings of a profound philosophy.
We are taught that Freemasonry is of two
kinds, operative and speculative. We work,
it is true, in speculative Masonry only, but

our ancient brethren wrought in both opera-



tive and speculative. Now, the operative art

having, for us, ceased, we, as speculative
Masons, symbolize the labors of our predeces-
sors by engaging in the construction of a
spiritual temple in our hearts, pure and
spotless, fit for the d.-velling place of Him

who is the author of purity where God is to
be worshipped in spirit and in truth, and
whence every evil thought and unruly
passion is to be banished, as the sinner and
the Gentile were excluded from the sanctuary
of the Jewish Temple.
To construct his earthly temple, the
operative mason followed the architectural
designs laid down on the Trestle Board, or
tracing board, or book of plans of the
architect. By these he hewed and squared
his materials by these he raised his walls

by these he constructed his arches and by ;

these strength and durability, combined with

grace and beauty, were bestowed upon the
edifice which he was constructing.
The Trestle Board becomes, therefore, one
of our elementary symbols. For in the Masonic

ritual the speculative Mason

reminded that,

as the operative artist erects his temporal

building, in accordance with the rules and
designs laid down on the trestle board of the
Master Workman, so should he erect that
which the material is a
spiritual building, of
type, in obedience to the rulesand designs,
the precepts and commands, laid down by the
Grand Architect of the Universe, in the
Bible, the greatbook of nature and revelation,
which constitutes the spiritual trestle board of
every Freemason.
But the operative mason required materials
wherewith to construct his temple. There
was, for instance, the Rough Ashlarthe
stone in its rude and natural state unformed
and unpolished, as it had been lying in the
quarries of Tyre from the foundation of the
earth. This stone \^as to be hewed and
squared, to be fitted and adjusted, by simple,
but appropriate implements, until it became
the Perfect Ashlar, or well finished stone,
ready to take its destined place in the

Here, then, again, in these materials do we

find other elementary symbols. The rough
and unpolished stone is a symbol of man's
natural state ignorant and uncultivated;
but when education has exerted its salutary
influences in expanding his intellect, in
restraining his hitherto unruly passions, and
purifying his life, he is then represented as
the Perfect Ashlar, or finished stone, which,
under the skillful hands of the workman, has
been smoothed, and squared, and fitted for
its appropriate place in the building.
There are other elementary symb<:>ls the ;

three described, however,

the rough ashlar,

the perfect ashlar, and the trestle board, and
which, from their importance, have received
the name of ''jewels," will be sufficient to
give some idea of the nature of what may be
called the"symbolic alphabet" of Masonry.
Let us now proceed to a brief consideration of
the method in which this alphabet of. the
science is applied to the more elevated and
abstruser portions of the system, and which,
as the Temple constitutes its most important

type, may be called the "Temple Symbolism

of Masonry."
Both Scripture and tradition inform us that,
at the building of King Solomon's Temple,
the masons were divided into different classes,
each engaged in different tasks. The mode
in which these three divisions of workmen

labored in constructing the temple, has

been beautifully symbolized in speculative
Masonry, and constitutes an important and
interesting part of temple symbolism.
Thus we know, from our own experience
among modern workmen, who still pursue
the same method, as well as from the tradi-
tions of the Order, that the implements used
in the quarries were few and simple, the
work there requiring necessarily, indeed, but
two tools, namely, the Twenty-four Inch
Gauge, or two foot rule, and the Common
Gavel, or stone-cutter's hammer. With the
former implement, the operative mason took
the necessary dimensions of the stone he was
about to prepare, and with the latter, by
repeated blows, skillfully applied, he broke

off every unnecessary protuberance, and

rendered it smooth and square, and fit to take
its place in tlie building.
And thus, in the first degree of speculative
Masonry, the Entered Apprentice receivej
these simple implements, as the emblematic
working tools of his profession, with their
appropriate symbolical instruction. To the
operative mason and prac-
their mechanical
tical use alone is signified, and nothing more

of value does their presence convey to his

mind. To the speculative Mason the sight
of them }s suggestive of far nobler and
sublimer thoughts they teach him to meas-

ure, not stones, but time not to smooth and


polish the marble for the builder's use, but

to purify and cleanse his heart from every
vice and imperfection that would render it
unfit for a place in the spiritual temple of his
body, hi the symbolic alphabet of Free-
masonry, therefore, the Twenty-four inch
Gauge is a symbol of time well employed the ;

Common Gavel, of the purification of the


At the building of tlie Temple, the stones

having been thus prepared by the workmen
of the lowest degree, we are informed that
they were transported to the site of the edifice
on Mount Moriah, and were there placed in
the hands of another class of workmen, who
are now technically called the Fellow Crafts.
At this stage of the operative work more
extensive and important labors were to be
performed, and accordingly a greater amount
of skill and knowledge was required of those
to whom these labors were intrusted. The
stones, having been prepared by the Appren-
tices, were now to be deposited in their
destined places in the building, and the mas-
sive walls were to be erected. For these
purposes implements of a higher and more
complicated character than the gauge and
gavel were necessary. The Square was
required to fit the joints with sufficient ac-
curacy, the Level to run the courses in a
horizontal line, and the Plumb to erect the
whole with due regard to perfect perpendicu-
larity. This portion of the labor finds its

symbolism in the second degree of the specu-

lative science, and in applying this symbolism
we still continue to refer to the idea of
erecting a spiritual temple in the heart.
The necessary preparations, then, having
been made in the first degree, the lessons
having been received by which the aspirant
is taught to commence the labor of life with

the purification of the heart, as a Fellow

Craft he continues the task by cultivating
those virtues which give form and impression
to the character, as well adapted stones give
shape and stability to the building. And
hence the Working Tools of the Fellow Craft
are referred, in their symbolic application, to
these virtues. In the alphabet of symbolism,

we find the Square, the Level and the Plumb,

appropriated to this second degree. The
Square a symbol denoting morality. It

teaches us to apply the unerring principles of

moral science to every action of our lives, to
see that all the motives and results of our
conduct shall coincide with the dictates of
divine justice, and that all our thoughts^

words and deeds shall harmoniously conspire,

lik** the well-adjusted and rightly-squared
joints of an edifice, to produce a smooth,
unbroken life of virtue.
The Plumb is a symbol of rectitude of
conduct, and inculcates that integrity of life

and undeviating course of moral uprightness,

which can alone distinguish the good and
just man. As the operative workman erects
his temporal building with strict observance
of that plumb-line, which will not permit him
to deviate a hair's breadth to the right or to
the left, so the speculative Mason, guided by
the unerring principles of right and truth
inculcated in the symbolic teachings of the
same implement, is steadfast in the pursuit
of truth, neither bending beneath the frowns
of adversity nor yielding to the seductions of
The Level, the last of the three working
tools of the operative craftsman, is a symbol
of equality of station. Not that equalitv of
civil or social position, which is to be found
onlv in the vain dreams of the anarchist or

the Utopian, but that great moral and physical

equality which affects the whole human race,
as the children of one common Father, who
causes His sun to shine and His rain to fall on
all alike, and Who has so appointed the
universal lot of humanity, that death, the
leveler of all human greatness, is made to
visit with equal pace the prince's palace and
the peasant's hut.
In the third degree the symbolic allusions
to the Temple of Solomon, and the implements
of Masonry employed in its construction, are
extended and fully completed. At the build-
ing of that edifice, we have already seen that
one class of workmen was employed in the
preparation of tlie materials, while another
was engaged in placing those materials in
their proper position. But there was a third
and higher class the master workmen
whose duty it was to superintend the two
other classes, and to see that the stones were
not only duly prepared, but that the most
exact accuracy had been observed in giving
to them their true juxtaposition in the edifice.

Itwas then only that the last and finishing

labor was performed, and the cement was
applied by these skillful workmen, to secure
the materials in their appropriate places, and
to unite the building in one enduring and
connected mass. Hence the Trowel, w^e are
informed, was the most important, though,
of course, not the only implement in use
among the master builders. They did not
permit this last indelible operation to be per-
formed by any hands less skillful than their
own. They required that the craftsmen
should prove the correctness of their M'ork by
the square, level and plumb, and test by these
unerring instruments the accuracy of their
joints ; and, when satisfied of the just
arrangement of every part, the cement, which
was to give an unchangeable union to the
whole, was then applied by themselves.
Hence, in speculative Masonry, the Trowel
has been assigned to the third degree, as its
proper implement, and the symbolic meaning
which accompanies it, has a strict and beau-
tiful reference to the purposes for which it

was used in the ancient temple for as It ;

was there employed " to spread the cement

which united the building in one common
mass," so it is as the symbol of
brotherly love that
cement whose object is
to unite our mystic association in one sacred
and harmonious band of brethren.
The Temple is now completed. The stones
having been hewn, squared and numbered in
the quarries by the apprentices having been
properly adjusted by the craftsmen, and
finally secured in their appropriate places,
with the strongest and purest cement, by the

master builders the Temple of King Solomon
presented, in its fmished condition, so noble
an appearance of sublimity and grandeur as
to well deserve to be selected, as it has been,
for the type or symbol of that immortal
temple of the body, to which the Great
Teacher significantly and symbolically alluded
when He said, " Destroy this temple, and in
three days I will raise it up."
The Temple is indeed fmished, but as
speculative Masons our labor has not yet
\iastek mason.

ended, nor indeed can it end until this mortal

sliallhave put on immortality, and in that

all-perfect and glorious Lodge above, where
the Supreme Grand Master of the Universe
presides, we shall have received the reward
of good and faithful craftsmen. The search
for the Word to fmd Divine Truththis,
and this only, is a Mason's work, and the
Word is his reward.
The aspirant enters on this search after
truth, as an Entered Apprentice, in darkness,
seeking for light the wisdom, the
light of
light of truth, the light symbolized by the
Word. For this im.portant task, upon which
he starts forth gropingly, falteringly, doubt-
ingly, in want and in weakness, he is pre-
pared by a purification of the heart, and is
invested with a first substitute for the true
Word, which, like the pillar that went before
the Israelites in the wilderness, is to guide
him onwards in weary journey. He is
directed to take, as a staff and scrip for his
journey, all those virtues which expand the
heart and dignify the soul. Secrecy, obedi-


ence, humility, trust in God, purity of con-

science, economy of time, are all inculcated
by impressive'types and symbols, which con-
nect the first degree with the period of youth.
And then, next in the degree of Fellow
Craft, he fairly enters upon his journey.
Youth has now passed, and manhood has
come on. New duties and increased obliga-
tions press upon the individual. The thinking
and working stage of life is here symbolized.
Science is to be cultivated wisdom is. to be ;

acquired ; the lost Word Divine Truth is

still to be sought for. But even yet it is not
to be found.
And now the Master Mason comes, with
all the symbolism around him of old age
trials, sufferings, death. And here, too, the
aspirant, pressing onward, always onward,
still cries aloud for " light, more light." The
search almost over, but the lesson, humili-

ating to human nature, is to be taught, that

in this life gloomy and dark, earthly and
carnal pure truth has no abiding place
and contented with a substitute, the good

Mason calmly awaits his entrance into that

Second Temple of Eternal Life, there to
receive that true Word, that Divine Truth,
which will fully reveal to us God, and His
emanation, the human soul.
Finally, my brethren, shall we not, one
and all, so live, that, when the toils and cares

of the world are over when from our nerve-
less grasp shall drop forever the working

tools of life when felled by the grim
destroyer, Death, our bodies shall, in cor-
ruption, lie far from the unfinished Sanctum
Sanctorum, we may rest assured that in the
fulness of time the Strength of the Lion of
the Tribe of Judah shall indeed for us prevail,
and we shall be raised to perfect fellowship
with the God of Truth, and receive the wel-
come commendation " Well done, thou good

and faithful servant enter thou into the yjy


of thy Lord."
Your zeal for the institution of Masonry,
the progress you have made in the mystery,

and your conformity to our regulations, liave

pointed you out as a proper object of our
favor and esteem.
You are now bound by duty, honor and
gratitude, to be faithful to your trust; to
support the dignity of your character on every
occasion ; and to enforce by precept and
example, obedience to the tenets of the order.
In the character of a Master Mason, you
are authorized to correct the errors and
irregularities of your uninformed brethren, and
to guard them against a breach of fidelity.

To preserve the reputation of the Fraternity

unsullied,must be your constant care and ;

for purpose it is your province to

recommend to your inferiors, obedience and
submission to your equals, courtesy and

affability; to your superiors, kindness and

condescension. Universal benevolence you
are always to inculcate and, by the regu-

larity ofyour own behavior afford the best

example for the conduct of others less
informed. The ancient landmarks of the order,
entrusted to your care, you are carefully to

preserve ; and never suffer them to be

infringed, or countenance a deviation from tlie

established usages and customs of the

Your virtue, and reputation, are
concerned in supporting with dignity the
character you now bear. Let no motive,
therefore, make* you swerve from your duty,
violate your vows, or betray your trust but ;

be true and faithful, and imitate the example

cf that celebrated artist whom you this
evening represent. Thus you will render
yourself deserving of the honor which we
have conferred, and merit the confidence that
v^ e have reposed.
; ;




When the Fraternity appears in public

procession, the Regular Order in Procession
will be as herein indicated, subject however
to such modifications as the peculiar ceremony
demands, which modifications will be indi-
cated under the appropriate sections.


When the Grand Lodge appears in public

procession, the Regular Order in Procession
will be as follows.

Grand Tyler, with drawn sword ;

Grand Stewards, with rods ;

Grand Pursuivant, with sword of

Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer ;

A Burning Taper, borne by a Past

; ; ; ; ;


The Holy Bible, Square and Compas-

ses, on a velvet cushion, borne
by a Past Master ;

Two Burning Tapers, borne by two

Past Masters
Grand Chaplain and Grand Orator
The Tuscan and Composite Orders,
borne by two Past Masters ;

The Doric, Ionic and Corinthian

Orders, borne by three Past Masters ;

Past Grand Wardens

Past Deputy Grand Masters ;

Past Grand Masters

Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, borne
by two Past Masters ;

c Grand Junior Warden and Grand

Senior Warden ;

Deputy Grand Master

The Book of Constitutions, carried by
the Worshipful Master of the
the oldest Lodge present
The GRAND MASTER, supported by
the Grand Deacons, with rods, and
.followed by the Grand Sword
Bearer, with drawn Sword.
; ;


When Lodges appear in procession with tlie

Grand Lodge, they will be arranged in Regu-
lar Order in Procession, and march before
the Grand Lodge, preceeding the Grand Tyler.
Ifbe a procession of the Grand Lodge
only, Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts,
Master Masons and Past Masters, in the
order named, by two and two, follow the
Grand Stewards.
When Lodge appears in public procession,
the Regular Order in Procession will be as
follows :

Tyler, with drawn sword ;

Stewards, with rods

Entered Apprentices, by two and two;
Fellow Crafts, by two and two ;

Master Masons, by two and two ;

"2 Past Masters, by two and two ;

Secretary and Treasurer ; ;

'^ Junior and Senior Wardens

The Holy Bible, Square and Compasses,
borne by the oldest Member of the
Lodge not in office ;

The Worshipful Master, supported by

the Deacons, with rods.

When the Grand Master, Deputy Grand

Master, or other officers, present or past, of
the Grand Lodge, join the procession of a
Lodge, proper respect is to be paid to the rank
of such oftlcer or oftkers. Their position
will be immediately before the Wardens of
the Lodge, and two Deacons with rods, will
be appointed to attend a Grand Master,
Deputy Grand Master or a Grand Warden.
When the Grand Master or Deputy Grand
Master is present, the Book of Constitutions
will be borne before him. The horor of
carrying this Book belongs of right to the
Worshipful Master of the oldest Lodge in th;
jurisdiction, whenever he is present. The
Book of Constitutions must never be borne
in a procession unless the Grand Master or
Deputy Grand Master be present.
In entering public buildings, the Holy
Bible, Square and Compasses, and the Book
of Constitutions, are to be placed in front of
the Grand Master, and are to be surrounded
by the three Burning Tapers; the Grand
Marshal and Grand Deacons must keep near
the Grand Master.
The post of honor in a Masonic procession
is always in the rear. When two or more
Lodges join in a procession, the Lodges take
precedence in the order of age, the oldest

being in the rear, unless otherwise arranged

by some special provision.
All processions w-ill return in the same
order in which they set out.
When a procession faces inward, the
Deacons and Stewards will cross their rods,
so as to form an arch for the brethren to pass
Marshals are to walk or ride on the left
flank of a procession. The appropriate
costume of a Marshal is a cocked hat, sword
and scarf, with a baton in his hand. The
color of the scarf must be blue in the proces-
sion of a Lodge, and purple in that of the Grand
Lodge. The proper clothing for brethren in
procession, is dark clothes and hat, white
gloves and apron.
When a band of music occurs in the
procession of the Grand Lodge, when othe*-
Lodges are also in the procession, it wiK
immediately precede the Grand Tyler when;

it occurs in the procession of the Grand

Lodge alone, it will follow the Grand Tyler;
when it occurs in the procession of a Lodge it
will follow the Stewards, if all the musicians
be Masons, otherwise it will follow the Tyler.
When Knights 1 emplar, in uniform, appear
in the procession of the Grand Lodge, they
will act as escort, and march just before the
Grand Lodge; when in the procession of a

Lodge, they will act as escort, marching just

after the Band, except in Funeral Processions,
for which special provision is made.
When members of other branches of the
Masonic Fraternity appear in uniform in a
precession, they will be assigned a position
between the Master Masons and Past Masters.


Under the Law in this Grand Jurisdiction,

any number of Master Masons, not less than
seven, being desirous of forming a new
Lodge, must apply by petition to the Grand
Master, blank forms for which will be fur-
nished by the Grand Secretary upon applica-
tion. Such petition shall be signed by the
Brothers who are desirous of being authorized
to open and hold the proposed Lodge, and to
work therein ; and every Petitioner shall
produce satisfactory evidence of dimission
from the Lodge of which he was last a
member, or show that such Lodge has ceased
to exist. In such petition there shall be
nominated one Brother for Master, one
Brother for Senior Warden and one Brother
for Junior Warden. Such petition must be


recommended by the Lodge nearest to th

place where the proposed new Lodge is to bd
located, and in such recommendation it must
be expressly stated first, that the petitioners

are Master Masons in good standing second,


that they have provided a suitable place in

which to hold their meetings third, that the

Master and Wardens nominated in the peti-

tion have satisfactorily exhibited their skill
by an exemplification of the Work of Ancient
Craft Masonry.
As there is oftentimes a grave difference
of opinion between the Grand Master and the
local brethren as to the advisability of the
forming of a proposed new Lodge, ample
correspondence with the Grand Master, by
which he is made thoroughly conversant with
the peculiar facts and surroundings in the
case, will sometimes save much time an4
labor upon a petition.
Lodges, working under Dispensation, are
merely the agents of the Grand Master grant-
ing the authority their presiding oificers arc

not entitled to the rank of Past Masters

their oftkers are not privileged with a vote or
voice in the Grand Lodge ; they can not elect
officers or make by-la\^'s ; the Master and
Wardens are appointed in the Dispensation,
and can not be changed without the special
approbation and consent of the Grand Master

granting the authority, or of the Grand

Lodge; the Master appoints the officers
subordinate to the Wardens, and may fill any
vacancy in their stations. The Master and
Wardens appointed require no other authority
than that contained in the Letters of Dispen-
sation to assemble the petitioners and com-
mence their labors, witliout any ceremonies
of Consecrating, Dedicating or Constituting,
or Installing of Officers. The powers of a
Lodge under Dispensation are limited to
accepting candidates for the Mysteries of
Masonry, and conferring the Degrees upon
them ; they can not receive or act upon
Petitions for Membership. In case of the
cessation of such Lodges, their funds, jewels
and other property, accumulated by initiations
into the several degrees, become the property
of the Grand Lodge, and must be turned over
upon demand.
When a Lodge under Dispensation shall
have passed the required probation, and the
Grand Lodge shall have granted a Charter,
(if one be granted) they are then consecrated,
dedicated and constituted, and have their
officers installed, and are thus confirmed in
the possession of their property, and possess
all the rights and privileges of a regularly
constituted Lodge, so long as they conform
to tlie Constitutions of Masonry.

After a Charter is granted by the Grand

Lodge, the Grand Master appoints a day and
hour for the performance of these ceremonies,
or specially deputizes some competent and
qualified Brother to fully act for him, congre-
gate the Brethren, and consecrate, dedicate
and constitute the Lodge, and install its
officers. If the Grand Master, or a Past
Grand Master, in person, conducts the cere-
mony, the Lodge is said to be constituted in
AMPLE FORM; if the Deputy Grand
Master, or Grand Senior or Junior Warden,
or an officer entitled to be addressed as Right
Worshipful, it is said to be constituted in
DUE FORM ; but if the power is vested in
any other person, it is said to be constituted in
FORM. The various officers of the Grand
Lodge not present, have their places supplied
by the presiding officer from tlie qualified
brethren' pressnt.
On the day and hour appointed, the Grand
Master and his officers, or their representa-
tives, meet in a convenient room near the
Lodge to be consecrated, and open on the
Degree provided for by Sec. 7, Art. II, of the
Constitution of the Grand Lodge. The
officers of the new Lodge are examined "by the
Deputy Grand Master, and after assembling


in their Lodge Room they send a messenger

to the Grand Master with the following
Most Worshipful Grand Master: The
officers and brethren of Lodge,
who are now assembled at their Lodge Room,
have instructed me to inform you, that the
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient,
Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas was
pleased to grant them a Charter, authorizing
them to form and open a Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons in the town of
They are now desirous that their Lodge
should be consecrated, and their officers in-
stalled in due and ancient form ; for which
purpose they are now met, and await the
pleasure of the Most Worshipful Grand
The Grand Lodge then walk in procession
to the Hall of the new Lodge. As the Grand
Master enters, the brethren are called up, and
the Grand Honorsf are given by the new

fThe Grand Honors cfMasonry are of three kinds

the Private, the Public and the Funeral, and each of
them are used on different occasions and for different
purposes. ^
The Private Grand Honors are the D.'.GS.". and SS.\
of the three degrees, and are performed in a manner
; ;; : ;


Lodge the officers of which resign their seats


to the Grand Officers, and take their several

stations on the left.
Ifthe ceremonies are to be performed in
public, the Grand Marshal then forms the
procession in the following order

A Tyler, with drawn sword ;

Two Stewards, with rods ;

Entered Apprentices, two and two

Fellow Crafts, two and two ;

Master Masons, two and two ;

Junior Deacons, with rods ;

Senior Deacons, with rods ;

Secretaries ;

Junior Wardens
Senior Wardens
Masters of Lodges;
Past Masters.

known only to Master Masons, and can only be used in a

Master's Lodjje. They are practiced by the Craft only
on four occasions: when a Masonic Hall is to be conse-
crated, a new Lodge to be constituted, a Master elect to
be installed, or a Grand Master or his Deputy to be re-
ceived on an official visitatio' to a Lodge They are used
at all these ceremonies as tokens of congratulation and
homage. It is evident from what has been said, that the
mode and manner of giving the Private Grand '-'onors
can only be communicated personally to Master Masons.

Then follow the officers and members of the

NEW LODGE, arranged in Regular Order
of Procession (see page 132), with the fol-
lowing addition immediately following the

Secretary and Treasurer will come two

brethren carrying the "Lodge"; the
" Lodge," technically speaking, is a piece of
furniture, made in imitation of the Ark of the
Covenant. Where a rep;ularly-made Ark
is not available, a temporary arrangement

The Public Grand Honors, as their name imports, do-

not partake of this secret character. They are given
upon all public occasions, except funerals, in the pres-
ence of the profane as well as the initiated. They are
used at pubhc installations, at the laying of corner stones
of public buildings, or in other services in which the
ministrations of the Fraternity are required. They are
given by striking the palms of the hands together, first,
the rigiit hand upon the left three times, second, the
left hand upon the right three times, third, the right
hand upon the left three times, making nine concus-
sions in all, or technically " three times three."
The Funeral Grand Honors, as their name imports,
are used at funeral or memorial services, and are given
in the following manner: Both arms are crossed on the
breast, the left uppermost, and the open palms of the
hands sharply striking the shoulders; they are then
raised above the head, the palms striking each other, and
then made to fall smartly upon the thighs. This is re-
peated three times, and while the Honors are being given
the third time, the brethren audibly pronounce the fol-

lowing words when the arms are crossed on the breast:
"We cherish his memory here ;" when the hands are ex-
tended above the head "We commend his spirit to God

who gave it;" and when the hands are extended toward
the ground "And consign his body to the earth."


can be made of a box, of an oblong-square

In the procession, next after the officers
and members of the New Lodge will come the
Band of Musicians, if any ; following which
will come the Grand Lodge, arranged in
Regular Order of Procession (seepage 132),
with the following addition between the

Grand Pursuivant and the Grand Secretary

and Grand Treasurer will come
A Brother, carrying a Golden Vessel con-
taining Corn (Wheat) ;

Two Brothers, carrying Silver Vessels, one

containing Wine, the other Oil.
procession moves on to the church or
house where the services are to be performed.
When the front of the procession arrives at
the door, they halt, open to the right and left,
face inward, and the Stewards and Deacons
cross rods, while the Grand Master and
others in succession, pass through and enter
the house.
A platform is erected in front of the pulpit,
and provided with seats for the accommoda-
tion of the Grand Officers.
The Holy Bible, Square and Compasses,
and Book of Constitutions, are placed upon
a table in front of the Grand Master ; the

" Lodge" is placed in tlie center, upon a plat

form covered with white linen, silk or satin,
and is itself covered with a loose covering of
white linen, silk or satin, and encompassed
by the Burning Tapers, and the Vessels of
Corn, Wine and Oil.
The following services then take place :

Tune: State Street. S. M.
n ii ^ J
! !


Mr=* ^^ 4=1:
5=^ ^
Oh, in Thy tern -pie, Lord, a - bove

9# 1^: 1
* 3^
3 I

Hear and ac - cept

our praise.

9# 1
Shine on this festive day,
Succeed its hoped design,
And may our Charity display
A love resembling Thine
May this fraternal band,
Now consecrated blest
In union all distinguished stand,
In purity be drest

The following, or an extemporaneous

prayer, will be offered by the Grand Chaplain:
Great, Adorable and Supreme Being We !

praise Thee for al Thy n cies, and especially


for giving us desire, to enjoy, and powers of

enjoying, the delights of so ety. The affec-
tionswhich Thou hast iir.planted in us, and
which we can not destroy without violence
to our nature, are amon^ o chief blessings
which Thy benign wisdom hath trestowed
upon us. Help us duly to improve all our
powers to the promotion of Thy glory in the
world, and the good [of our fellow-creatures.
May we be active under Thy Divine Light,
and dwell in Thy Truth.
Extend Thy favor to us who are now enter-
ing into a Fraternal Compact under peculiar
obligations. Enable us to be faithful to
Thee, faithful in our callings in life, faithful
Masons in all the duties of the Craft, and
faithful to each other as members of this
society. Take us under the shadow of Thy pro-
tection ; and to Thy service and glory may we
consecrate our hearts. May we always put
^ ;


Faith in Thee, have Hope in salvation, and

be in Charity with all mankind. Amen !

Response: So mote it be !

An Oration, or Sermon, upon the designs

and principles of the Institution, is then
delivered by the Grand Chaplain, or some
competent Brother appointed for that purpose
after which is sung the following Ode :

Tune : Dnke Street. L. M.

How blest the sa - cred tie that binds

# A^ \ *f-
-H^ -^mm
-<5^ -
g -

In sweet com-mun-ion
kind-red minds !

i a. Q.

i^ ^^


How swift the heav'nlv course thev run,

-^-T Si
i ! M ipl
1^ I

Whose hearts.whose faith .whose hopes are one.

Together oft they seek the place
Where Masons meet with smiling face
How high, how strong their raptures swell,
There's none but kindred souls can tell.

Nor glowing flame expire,

shall the
When dimly burns frail Nature's fire ;

Then shall they meet in realms above,

A heaven of joy, a heaven of love.


The Grand Marshal then forms the officers

and members of the new Lodge in front of
tne Grand Master. The Deputy Grand
Master addresses the Grand Master as

Most Worshipful Grand Master: A num-

ber of brethren, duly instructed in the
mysteries of Masonry,
having assembled
together at stated periods, for some time past,
by virtue of a Dispensation granted them for
that purpose, do now desire to be Constituted
into a regular Lodge, agreeably to the ancient
usages and customs of the Fraternity.

The Records are then presented to the

Grand Master^ who examines them, and if
found correct, proclaims :

The records appear to be correct, and are

approved. Upon due deliberation, the Grand
Lodge have granted the brethren of this new
Lodge a Warrant, establishing and confirming
them in the rights and privileges of a Regu-
larly Constituted Lodge; which the Grand
Secretary will now read.


After the Warrant is read, the Grand

Master then says
We shall now proceed, according to ancient
usage, to constitute these brethren into a
Regular Lodge.
Whereupon the several officers of the new
Lodge up their jewels and badges to
their Master, who presents them, with his
own, to the Deputy Grand Master, and he to
theGrand Master.
The Deputy Grand Master presents the
Master elect to the Grand Master, saying :

Most Worshipful Grand Master present: I

you Brother whom the members of the

Lodge noW to be constituted have chosen for
their Worshipful Master.

The Grand Master asks the brethren if

they remain satisfied with their choice.
[They bow in token of assent.]

The Blaster elect then presents severally*

his Wardens and other. officers, naming them
and their respective offices. The Gra?id
Master asks the brethren if they remain
satisfied with each and all of them. [They
bow as before. T

The officers and members of the new Lodge

form in front of the Grand Master; and the
ceremonies of Consecration commence.
The Grand Master and Grand Officers
now form themselves in order around the
"Lodge" all kneeling.
A is performed, very
piece of solemn music
upon the organ, while the " Lodge
isbeing uncovered [that is, the loose covering
After which, the first clause of the
Consecration Prayer is rehearsed by the
Grand Chaplain^ as follows :

Great Architect of the Universe Maker !

and Ruler of all Worlds Deign from Thy !

Celestial Temple, from realms of light and

glory, to bless us in all the purposes of our
present assembly ! We humbly invoke Thee
to give us at this and at all times, Wisdom
in all our doings. Strength of mind in all our
difficulties, and the Beauty of harmony in all
our communications Permit us,
! Thou O
Author of Light and Life, great source of
Love and Happiness, to erect this Lodge, and
now solemnly to Consecrate it to the honor
of Thy Glory Glory be to God on high
! !


Resp07ise by the Grand Lodge: As it

was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall

be ; world without end. Amen !

Response by all the Brethren: So mote it

The Deputy Grand Master presents the
Golden Vessel of Corn, and the Grand Senior
and Jii7iior Wardens the Silver Vessels of
Wine and Oil, to the Grand Master^ who
sprinkles the elements of Consecration upon
the "Lodge."
The Grand Chaplain then continues :

Grant, O
Lord our God, that those who
are now about to be invested with the gov-
ernment of this Lodge may be endowed with
wisdom to instruct their brethren in all their
duties. May Brotherly Love, Relief, and
Truth always prevail among the members of
this Lodge May this bond of union continue

to strengthen the Lodges throughout the

Bless all our brethren, wherever dispersed ;

and grant speedy relief to all who are either

oppressed or distressed.


We affectionately commena to Thee all the

members of Thy whole they family. May
increase in grace, in the knowledge of Thee,
and in the love of each other.
Finally May we fmish all our work here

below with Thy approbation and then have ;

our transition from this earthly abode to Thy

heavenly Temple above there to enjoy light,

glory, and bliss, ineffable and eternal

Glory be to God on high !

'Response by the Grand Lodge: As it was

in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be ;

world without end. Amen !

Response by all the Brethren: So mote it

A piece of solemn music is performed upon
the Organ while the "Lodge" is again

While the Organist is still playing, the

Grand 3Taster ax\sts, and standing with his
hands stretched forth over the "Lodge,"
exclaims :

To the memory of the HOLY SAINTS

JOHN, we dedicate this Lodge. May every
! ! ;


Brother revere their character and imitate

their virtues
Glory be to God on high !

Response by the Grand Lodge: As it was

in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be
world without end. Amen !

Response by all the Brethre^i: So mote

it be
A piece of music is played while the brethren
of the new Lodge advance in procession to
salute the Grand Lodge, with their hands
crossed upon their breasts, and bowing as
they pass. They then take their places as
they were.

The Grand Master then rises and Consti-

tutes the new Lodge in the following form,
all the brethren standing at the same time :

In the nameMost Worshipful Grand

of the
Lodge and Accepted Masons
of Ancient, Free
of Kansas, I now constitute and form you,
my beloved brethren, into a Regular Lodge
of Free and Accepted Masons. From hence-
forth I empower you to meet as a Regular
Lodge, constituted in conformity to the rites



of our Order, and the Charges of our Ancient

and Honorable Fraternity and may the ;

Supreme Architect of the Universe prosper,

direct and counsel you in all your doings !

Response: So mote it be !

The Grand Honors are then given

or private, as the case requires.

The new Lodge having been Consecrated,

Dedicated and Constituted, the Officers are
then to be installed.
At every Annual Election in a Warranted
Lodge, it is necessary that the oificers should
be installed. This ceremony may be
performed by the retiring Master, or by any
Past Master. At the Annual Installation, the
Installing Officer appoints some Present or
Past Master, or, if none be present, an old
well-informed Master Mason, to act as
Marshal, whose duties will be to present the
officers elect severally in front of the Altar for
The Officers can be installed only when
personally present ; ofticers-elect not installed

on or before St. John's Day, in December,

can be installed only by authority of the
Grand Master. The appointed officers may be
installed at any time, and any such officer
appointed to permanently fill a vacancy may
be installed at any time the Master may direct.
At some convenient time, prior to the
ceremonies of Installation, a Lodge of actual
Past Masters may convene, for the purpose
of investing the Master elect with the
Characteristics of the Chair.
At this convocation there should be present
at least three regularly-installed Masters or
Past Masters. None but regularly-installec
Masters and Past Masters of Wari-antec
Lodges are entitled to b^ present at these
ceremonies ; Chapter Past Masters, who have
never presided over a Symbolic Lodge, are
not entitled to be present.
The Master elect is then obligated to the
faithful performai :e of his trust, solemnly
inducted into the Oriental Chair of King
Solomon, and invested with the characteristics
of the Chair.
When more convenient, these ceremonies
may be performed after the Installation
Ceremonies, and when, by reason of the
non-attendance of a sufficient number of
Masters or Past Masters, or other good cause,
't becomes impracticable to perform these

ceremonies prior to, or upon, the day of

installation, they may be attended to at the
earliest ronvenient time practicable thereafter,
it is not to be understood that the above
ceremonies are considered, in this Grand
Jurisdiction, a necessary pre-requisite to a
Master presiding over a Symbolic Lodge,- but
their use is recommended by the Grand Lodge.


The time for Installation having arrived,

the jewels of the several officers art collected,
and laid in an orderly manner upon the Altar,
for convenient use.
The Grand Master [or Installing Officer']
then says:
Right Worshipful Deputy [or Brother
Marshal] H e you carefully examined the

Master nominated in the Warrant [or elect],

and do you find him well skilled in the noble
science and th jyal art ?
The Deputy [or Marshal] replies :

Most Worshipful Grand Master [or

Worshipful Master]: have carefully

examined, and so find him.

G, M. [or /. 6>.] You will then present
him at the pedestal [or altar] for installation.


The Deputy [or Marshal], taking the

Master elect, presents him at the pedestal [or
altar], saying

Most Worshipful Grand

Master [or
Worshipful Master] : my worthy
I present
Brother, A. B., to be installed Master o^ this
[new] Lodge. I find him to be of good
morals, and of great skill, true and trusty;
and as he is' a lover of the Fraternity, I doubt
not he will discharge his duties with fidelity
and with honor.
The Grajid Master [or Instatling- Officer']
then addresses him :

Brother : Previous to your investiture, it

is necessary that you should signify your

assent to those Ancient Charges and Regula-
tions which point out the duty of a Master of
a Lodge.
The Grand Master [or Installing Officer]
then reads a summary of the Ancient Charges
to the Master elect, as follows :

I. You agree to be a good man and true,

and strictly to obey the moral law.''
Ans. do. I

II. You agree to be a peaceable citizen, and

cheerfully to conform to the laws of the
country in which you reside ?

Ans. I do.
III. You promise not to be concerned in
plots and conspiracies against the govern-
ment, but patiently to submit to the law and
the constituted authorities ?

Ans. I do.
IV. You agree to pay a proper respect to
the civil magistrates, to work diligently, live
creditably, and act honorably by all men ?

Ans. I do.
V. You agree to hold in veneration the origi-
nal rulersand patrons of the Order of Masonry,
and their regular successors, supreme and sub-
ordinate, according to their stations and to ;

submit to the awards and resolutic is of your

brethren, in Lodge convened, in every case con-
sistent with the Constitutions of the Order?
A7ts. I do.
VI. You agree to avoid private piques and
quarrels, and to guard against intenlperance
and excess ?

A71S. I do.
VII. You agree to be cautious in your
behavior, courteous to your brethren, and
faithful to your Lodge ?

Ans. I do.
VIII. You promise to respect genuine
brethren, and to discountenance impostors,
and all dissenters from the original plan of
Masonry ^
Ans. I do.
IX. You agree to promote the general good
of society, to cultivate the social virtues, and
10 propagate the knowledge of the mystic
Ans. I do.
X. You promise pay homage to the
Grand Master and to his
for the time being,
officers when duly installed and strictly to

conform to every edict of the Grand Lodge,

or general Assembly of Masons, that is not
subversive of the principles and ground-work
of Masonry?
Ans. I do.

XI. You admit that it is not in the power

of any man, body of men, to make innova-
tions in the body of Masonry ?
Ans. I do.

XII. You promise a regular attendance on

the committees and communications of the
Grand Lodge on receiving proper notice and ;

topay attention to all the duties of Masonry

on convenient occasions?
Ans. I do.

XIII. You admit

that no new Lodge shall
be formed without permission of the Grand
Lodge and that no countenance be given to

any irregular Lodge, )r to .

y person
clandestinely initiated therein, being contrary
to the AncientCharges of the Order?
Ans. do. I

XIV. You admit that no person can be

regularly made a Mason in, or admitted a
member of, any regular Lodge, without
previous notice, and due inquiry into his
character ?
Ans. I do.


XV. You agree that no visitors shall be

received into yourLodge without due examin-
ation,and producing proper vouchers of their
having been initiated into a regular Lodge?
A71S. I do.
These are the Regulations of Free and
Accepted Masons.
The Grand Master [or Installing- Officer'\
then addresses the Master elect as follows
Do you submit to these Charges, and
promise to support these Regulations, as
Masters have done in au ages before you.''

The Master having signified his cordial

submission, as before, the Grand Master [or
Installing Ojfficer'] thus addresses him :

Brother A. B.: consequence of your

conformity to the Charges and Regulations
of the Order, you are now to be installed
Master of this Lodge, in full confidence of
your care, skill and capacity to govern the
The Master is then regularly invested with
the insignia of his office, and the Furniture
and Implements of his Lodge. The \arious
Implements of his profession are emblem atical

of our conduct in lire, and upon this occasion

are carefully enumerated.
The HOLY WRITINGS, that great light in
...asonry, will guide you to all truth ; it will
llrect your paths to the temple of happi-
n^^o, and point out to you the whole duty of
The Square teaches us to regulate our
actions by rule and line, and to harmonize
our conduct by the principles of morality and
The Compasses teach us to limit our
desires in every station, that, rising to
eminence by merit, we may live respected and
die regretted.
The Rule- directs that we should punctu-
ally observe our duty : press iorward in the
path of virtue, and neither inclining to the
right nor to the left, in all our actions have
eternity in view.
The Line teaches us the criterion of moral
rectitude, to avoid dissimulatioii in conversa-
tion and action, and to direct our steps to the
path which leads to immortality.



to search at all times. Cause it to be read in
your Lodge, that none may pretend ignorance
of the excellent precepts it enjoins.
You now receive in charge the CHARTER,
by the authority of which Lodge is held.
You are carefully to preserve, and \a no case
should it ever be out of your immediate
control, and duly transmit it toyour successor
in office.
in charge the BY-LAWS
You will also receive
ofyour Lodge, which you are to see carefully
and punctually executed.
You will now be conducted to the East,
where you will take your seat in the Oriental
The Grand 3Taster [or Installing- Officer']
will then call up the Lodge, the new Master
being in the Chair, when the Grand Master
[or Installing Officer'] will say:
Master, behold your brethren
Brethren, behold your Master !

Let us salute him with the Grand Honors.

The Grand Honors are then given public
or private as the case requires. When the


Installation is private, after the Grand

Honors are given, a procession is formed,
and the brethren pass around the Lodge,
signifying their respect and obedience by the
usual Distinctive Marks in the different de-
grees as they pass the Master; during which
time the following Installation Ode may be
sung. If the Installation be Public the pro-
cession is omitted, and the Ode is sung only.

Tune: America. 6s, 4s.

^^m -3-ST-*
Hail! Ma - son - ry
di-vine, Glo-ry

t^^=t *3=ic=^
A \

P -^-0-
m. ?3^
ages shine ;
Long mayst thou reign ! Where'er thy

^^^ ^E=^ g

^:o 3EF
Lodges stand, May they have great command,

m^ *=^=jE=ti:
1 t^-t-

And al-\vavs grace the land ; Thou art divine.

0- -^0- M 0-'-0-0- ^ *-- M

Great fabrics still arise,

And grace the azure skies-
Great are thy schemes;
Thy noble orders are
Matchless beyond compare^
No art with thee can share;
Thou art divine.

Hiram, the architect,

Did all the Craft direct
How they should build;
Sol'mon, great Israel's king;
Did mighty blessings bring,
And left us room to sing.
Hail, Royal Art!

After the singing of the Ode, the Grand Mas-

ter [or Installing Officer'] calls the Lodge to
order, and the other officers are respectively
presented in the same manner as the Master,
by the Deputy [or Marshal] , when the Grand
Master [or Installing Officer^ delivers to
each a short Charge, as follows:

The Senior Warden.

Brother C. D.: You are appointed [or

*'have been elected"] Senior Warden of this
Lodge, and are now invested with the insignia
ofyour office.

The Level demonstrates that we are de-

scended from the same stock, partake of the
same nature, and share the same hope; and
tliough distinctions among m-^n are necessary

to preserve subordination, yet no eminence of

station should make us forget that we are
brethren; for he who is placed on the lowest
spoke of Fortune's wheel may be entitled to
our regard; because a time will come, and the
wisest knows not how soon, when all distinc-
tions,but that of goodness, shall cease; and
Death, the grand levelerof human greatness,
reduce us to the same state.
Your regular attendance on our stated meet-
ings is essentially necessary. In the absence
of the Master, you are to govern this Lodge;
in his presence, you are to assist him in the
government of it. firmly rely on your

knowledge of Masonry and attachment to

the Lodge for the faithful discharge of the
duties of this important trust. Look well to
the West.
He is conducted to his station in the Lodge.

The Junior Warden.

Brother E. F.: You are appointed [or "have

been elected"] Junior Warden of this Lodge,

and are now invested with tlie badge of your


Tlie Plumb admonishies us to walk uprightly

in our several stations; to hold the scales of
Justice in equal poise; to observe the just
medium between intemperance and pleasure;
and to make our passions and prejudices coin-
cide with the line of our duty. To you is
committed the superintendence of the Craft
during the hours of refreshment; it is, there-
fore, indispensably necessaiy that you should
not only be temperate and discreet in the in-

dulgence of your own inclinations, but care-

fully observe that none of the Craft be suf-
fered to convert the purposes of refreshment
into intemperance and excess. Your regular
and punctual attendance is particularly re-
quested, and I have no doubt that you will
faithfully execute the duty which you owe to
your present appointment. Look well to the
He is conducted to his station.

The Treasurer.

Brother G. H.: You are appointed [or "have

been elected"] Treasurer of this Lodge, and
are now invested with the badge of your office.
It is your duty to receive moneys from

the hands of the Secretary; keep just and

regular accounts of the same, and pay them
out by order of the Worshipful Master and
the consent of the Lodge. I trust your regard
for the Fraternity will prompt you to the faith-
ful discharge of the duties of your office.

He is conducted to his place.

The Secretary.

Brother L K.: You are appointed [or "have

been elected"] Secretary of this Lodge, and
are now invested with the badge of your office.
It is your duty to observe all the proceed-

ings of the Lodge; make a fair record of all

things proper to be written; receive all moneys
due tlie Lodge, and pay them over to the
Treasurer. Your good inclination to Masonry
and this Lodge, I hope, will induce you to dis-

charge the duties of your office with fidelity,

and, by so doing, you will merit the esteem
and applause of your brethren.
He is conducted to his place.

The Chaplain.

(According to the Constitution of Kansas

this is not a recognized officer of a Lodge, but
if a Clergyman be named to perform the vari-
ous offices required of a Chaplain in the Ritual,
he may be installed as follows:)
Rev. Brother L. M.: You are appointed
Chaplain of this Lodge, and are now invested
with the badge of your office.
It is your duty to perform those solemn ser-

vices which we should constantly render to

our Infinite Creator; and which, when offered
by one whose holy profession is *'to point to
heaven, and lead the way," may, by refining
our souls, strengthening our virtues, and puri-
fying our minds, prepare us for admission into
the society of those above, whose happiness
will be as endless as it is perfect.
He is conducted to his place.

The Senior andjiuiior Deacons.

Brothers L. M. and N. O.: You are ap-


pointed Deacons of this Lodge, and are now

invested with the badge of your office.

It isyour province to attend on the Master

and Wardens, and to act as their proxies in
the active duties of the Lodge; such as in the
reception of candidates into the different de-
grees of Masonry, the introduction and ac-
commodation of visitors, and in the immediate
practice of our rites. The Square and Com-
passes, as badges of your office, I intrust to
your care, not doubting your vigilance and

They are conducted to their places.

The Senior and Junior Stezvards.

Brothers R. S. and T. U. You are appointed


Stewards of this Lodge, and are now invested

with the badge of your office.
You are to assist the Deacons and other
officers in performing their respective duties-

174 hncient ceremonies.

'Vour regular and early attendance at our

meetings will afford the best proof of your
zeal and attachment to the Lodge.
They are conducted to their places.

The Tyler.

Brother V. W.: You are appointed Tyler of

this Lodge,and I invest you with the imple-
ment of your oifice. {Giving a sword)
As the sword is placed in the hands of the
Tyler, to enable effectually to guard
against the approach of cowans and eaves-
droppers, and suffer none to pass or repass
but such as are duly qualified, so it should
admonish us to set a guard over our thoughts,
a watch at our lips, post a sentinel over our
actions; thereby preventing the approach of
every unworthy thought or deed, and pre-
serving consciences void of offense toward
God and toward man. Your early and punct-
ual attendance will afford the best proof of
your zeal for the institution.
He is conducted to his station.


Worshipful Master: The Grand Lodge

having committed to your care the superin-
tendence and government of the brethren
who are to compose this Lodge, you cannot
be insensible of the obligations which devolve
on you as their head, nor of your responsi-
bility for the faithful discharge of the im-
portant duties annexed to your appointment.
The honor, reputation and usefulness of your
Lodge depend on the skill and
will materially
you manage its concerns;
assiduity with which
while the happiness of its members will be
generally promoted, in proportion to the zeal
and ability with which you propagate the
genuine principles of our institution.
For a pattern of imitation, consider the
great luminary of Nature, which, rising in
the East, regularly diffuses light and luster
to all within the circle. In like manner, it is
your province to spread and communicate light
and instruction to the brethren of your Lodge.
Forcibly impress upon them the dignity and

high importance of Masonry and serious!]'


admonish them never to disgrace it. Charge

them to practice out of the Lodge those duties
which they have been taught in it and by ;

amiable, discreet and virtuous conduct, to

convince mankind of tlie goodness of the in-
stitution ; so that when a person is said to be
a member of it, the world may know that he
is one to whom the burdened heart may pour

out its sorrows to whom distress may prefer


its suit; whose hand is guided by justice,

and whose heart is expanded by benevolence.

In short, by a diligent observance of the By-
Laws of your Lodge, the Constitutions of
Masonry, and, above all, the Holy Scriptures,
which are given as a rule and guide to your
faith, you will be enabled to acquit yourself
with honor and reputation, and lay up a
Crown of Rejoicing, which shall continue,
when time shall be no more.
Brother Senior and Junior Wardens You :

are too well acquainted with the principles of

Masonry, to warrant any distrust that you
will be found wanting in the discharge of


your respective duties. Suffice it to say, tliat

what you have seen praiseworthy in others,
you should carefully imitate; and what in
them may have appeared defective, you
should in yourselves amend. You should be
examples of good order and regularity for it ;

is only by a due regard to the laws, in your

own conduct, that you can expect obedience

to them from others. You are assiduously to
assist the Master in the discharge of his
trust; diffusing light and imparting knowl-
edge to all whom he shall place under your
care. In the absence of the Master, you will
succeed to higher duties; your acquirements
r.List, therefore, be such, as that the Craft

may never suffer for want of proper instruc-

tion. From the spirit which you have hither-
to evinced, I entertain no doubt that your fu-
ture conduct will be such as to merit the
applause of your brethren and the testimony-
of a good conscience.
The members of the Lodge all standing, the
Grand Master (or Installing Officer) delivers
the following


Such is-the nature of our constitution, that

as some must, of necessity, rule and teach,
so others must, of course, learn to submit and
obey. Humility, in both, is an essential
duty. The officers who are appointed to gov-
ern your Lodge are sufficiently conversant
with the rules of propriety, and the laws of
the institution, to avoid exceeding the powers
with which they are intrusted and you are

of too generous dispositions to envy their

preferment. I, therefore, trust that you will
have but one aim, to please each other, and
unite in the grand design of being happy and
communicating happiness.
Finally, my brethren, as this association
has been formed and perfected in so much
unanimity and concord, in which we greatly
rejoice, so may it long continue. May you
long enjoy every satisfaction and delight,
which disinterested friendship can afford.
May kindness and brotherly affection dis-
tinguish your conduct, as men and as Masons.


Within your peaceful walls, may your chil-

dt'in's children celebrate with joy and grati-
tude the annual recurrence of this auspicious
solemnity. And may the tenets of our pro-
fession be transmitted through your Lodge,
pure and unimpaired, from generation to gen-

At the Installation of the Officers of a new

Lodge, the Grand Marshal then makes the
following Proclamation :

In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand

Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
of Kansas, I proclaim this new Lodge by the
name of Lodge, No .
legally consecrated, dedicated and constituted,
and the officers thereof duly installed.
The Grand Honors public or private, as
required are then given.
At the Annual Installation of the officers of a
Lodge, the Marshal makes the following
Proclamation :

In the name
of the Most Worshipful Grand
Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
of Kansas, I proclaim the officers of

Lodge, No , duly installed.

The Grand Honors public or private, as
required, are then given.
The following, or some other approprial-i
Ode may then be sung :

Tune: Italian Hymn. 6s, 4s.

long pre-vail, And bind us fast May harmo-


:^=t U m


m -\

ny and peace Our hap


5- -Si-dN
^- -^

pi-ness in-crease,

^ Jl3Z|iZZlL

We on the level meet,

And every brother greet,
Skilled in our art;
And when our labor's past,
Each brother's hand we'll grasp,
Then on the square, at last,
Friendly we'll part.


May Wisdom be our care,

And Virtue form tlie square
By wliich we live
That we at last may join
The heavenly Lodge sublime,
Where we shall perfect shine,
With God above.
The new Master may return thanks.
The Grand Chaplain then pronounces the
following, or some other appropriate


Almighty and everlasting God, from whom

Cometh every good and perfect gift, send
down upon Thy servants here assembled the
healthful spirit of Thy grace that they may

truly please Thee in all their doings. Grant,

O Lord, power of mind and great under-
standing unto those whom we have this day
clothed with authority to preside over and
direct the affairs of this Lodge and so re-

plenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine,

and adorn them with humility of life, that,


both by word and good example, they may

faithfully serve Thee, to the glory of Thy
Holy Name, and to the advancement, for all

good purposes, of our beloved institution.

Response : So mote it be !

This concludes the ceremonies of Install-

If it be the Public Installation of the Offi-
cers of a new Lodge, the Grand Lodge and
brethren will return in procession to the Lodge
room, and the Grand Lodge then returns to
its own hall and closes.


At the hour appointed for the installation of

the officers of the Grand Lodge, the Installing
Officer[who is the retiring Grand Master, or
such Past Grand Master as he may appoint]
will assume the chair, call to order, and an-
nounce the business before the Grand Lodge.
The officers to be installed will then vacate
their places respectively [if any by them occu-
pied], and substitutes will be appointed for
the occasion.


The Grand Master and other Grand Officers

be installed, will be in waiting in the
elect, to
adjoining apartment.
The announcement of the Installing Officer
may be in the following form :

Brethren : Your Grand Master and other

Grand Officers for the ensuing year, having
been duly elected, we are now in readiness to
perform the ceremony of installation. The
W. Grand Marshal will announce to them
that we are waiting to receive them.
The Grand Marshal \\\tnxtWrQ.s, and on his
return reports
Most Worshipful Grand Master: The
Grand Master and otherGrand Officers elect
are without, in readiness to be installed into
office, when it is your pleasure to receive
InstallingOffi,cer. The W. Grand Marshal
will admit them, and conduct them to the
Grand East before the altar.
Should there be any objection to the in-
stallation of any or either of them, it must
now be made.
As they enter the room, the Grand Lodge is


called up by the Installing Officer in the usual

manner, and remain standing.
The Grand Marshal conducts them to the
altar in procession, two and two, in order ot
rank, the Grand Master elect and the Deputy
Grand Master being first. He then says
Most Worshipful Grand Master: The
Grand Officers elect are before you, and
await your pleasure. I have the honor to
present to you for installation R. W. Brother
A. B., who has been duly elected Grand
Master of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
of Kansas for the ensuing year.

Installing Officer. [To the Grand Master'

elect.] My R. W. Brother: The exalted
station to which the free choice of your Breth-
ren has called you, involves great responsi-
bilities,and requires to be inaugurated by
solemn sanctions. It elevates you to a posi-
tion from which the power and prerogative
may depart with the expiration of your term
of service, but the honor and dignity, except
by your own act, never.
And as we are now upon the threshold of a


great and important undertaking, Masonic

teacliings require tliat we sliould bow in sol-
emn prayer witli our W. Grand Cliaplain.
Grand Chaplain. Bretliren, let us pray.
Tlie Grand Chaplain may then make an ap-
propriate extemporaneous prayer, or use the
Eternal Source of Life and Light! We,
Thine unworthy creatures, reverently bow be-
fore Thee in adoration and praise. As when
we first saw the light at our mystic altar, we
first implored Thy guidance, protection, and
aid, so now we seek Thee for Thy divine
blessing and direction. In Thy might we are
strong, and without Thee, in our best and
highest estate, we are but frail and feeble be-
ings. We humbly implore Thy divine favor
upon this occasion, and upon the institution
in whose services we are now engaged.
Make it yet more helpful and beneficial to our
race,and inspire all who are connected with
itwith an ardent love to Thee, to each other,
and to every member of the human family.
Bless now Thy servant before Thee, who is


about to assume a new and important relation

to his bretiiren. Give him wisdom give ;

him strength ;
Enable him so
give him love.
to bear rule that he may keep in view the
best interests of the great brotherhood now
about to be committed to his charge. Teach
him to feel that he is about to assume great
and trying responsibilities, and enable him so
to discharge them as to win all hearts. Add
Thy blessing upon the brethren who are to be
associated with him in office. May they feel
a just sense of their accountability to Thee
and to the Fraternityand may they ever be

faithful and zealous, and assist to uphold the

hands of their chief in all good deeds. In
Thee, Oh God, as in the days of our appren-
ticeship, do we put our trust. Be Thou our
faithful Friend, Conductor, and Guide, in the
unseen vicissitudes of life before us, and
bring us all, at last, to see the Great Light,
inaccessible and full of glory, in Thy pres-
ence, where we shall behold Thee with un-
clouded vision forevermore. Amen
Response : So mote if be !

-I J


Installing Officer, W. Grand Marshal, yob

will conduct our R. W. Brother to the altar,
to take upon himself the obligation appertain-
ing to the duties of his office.

The Grand Marshal conducts him to the

altar, where he kneels, the acting Grand Dea-
cons holding their rods crossed over his head.
The Installing Officer then administers the
oath of oftke, the Grand Master elect repeating
after him, as follows:
I, A. B., in the presence of Almighty God,

and before the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge

of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of
Kansas, do promise and swear, that, to the
best of my ability, I will faithfully, honestly,
and impartially perform the duties of Grand
Master of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
in this jurisdiction during my term of office
and that I will conform to and maintain the
Constitution, Laws, Rules, and Regulations
of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of
Kansas, and the usages and customs of Free
and Accepted Masons, and at all times en-
force a strict obedience thereto. So help me

He then rises, and the Grand Marshal con-

ducts him near the chair of the Installing
Installing Officer, Most Worshipful Broth-
er [for from henceforth you are entitled thus
to be hailed] : In inducting you to your chair
of office, as a symbol of the commencement
of your government over the Craft, am per-I

forming a most solemn duty. By immemorial

usage and the irrevocable land marks of Ma-
sonry, 'you are invested, as Grand Master of
Masons, with powers and prerogatives which
are well nigh absolute. The interests of the
Craft, for weal or woe, are placed in your
hands during your term of office. The good
resolutions, which doubt not that you have

formed in your own mind that these powers

shall not be abused or perverted by you, I
would gladly strengthen by a word of admo-
nition, which it will not become me henceforth
to utter. The very consciousness of the pos-
session of a great power will ever make a
generous mind cautious and gentle in its ex-
ercise. To rule has been the lot of many,

and requires neither strength of intellect or

soundness of judgment to rule well has been

the fortune of but few, and may well be the

object of an honorable ambition. It is not

by the strong arm or the iron will that obedi-

ence and order, the chief requisites of good
government, are secured, but by holding the
key to the hearts of men.
The office of Grand Master is of great an-
tiquity and respect, and is one of the highest
dignities to which we may aspire. Its in-

cumbent, to rule well, should possess and

practice several important requisites.
As a Man, he should be of approved in-
tegrity and irreproachable morals; freed
from the dominion of a hasty temper and ill-
governed passions; of good repute in the
world, and practicing, as an example to the
Craft, the cardinal virtues of Temperance,
Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice.
As a Citizen, he should be loyal to his gov-
ernment, obedient to its laws, prompt in the
duties he owes to society, and a pattern of fi-
delity in all social and domestic relations.

As a Mason, he should cling to the old land-

marks, and be sternly opposed to their in-
fringement; be a proficient in the laws, lan-
guage, and literature of the Fraternity be de-

sirous to learn, and apt to teach though not


for a time a workman, yet be master of the

work, and qualified to earn his wages be ;

prompt to aid and relieve, and slow to demand

it; be ever mindful that, though elevated for

a time above his fellows, that he is elevated

by them, and that he is yet a Craftsman,
more sacredly bound by a Craftsman's obli-
gation and that he should cultivate every-

where, and at all times, the golden tenets of

Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.
As an Officer, he should remember, first of
all, that he is an individual Mason, sharing

in that respect a common lot with his Breth-

ren, and therefore interested in the welfare of
each and all be devoid of undue ostentation

and haughty overbearing, be accessible to all,

cultivating the closest friendship and the most
unlimited confidence with his associate offi-
cers* be eager to take counsel with his Breth-

ren,and ready to give it be patient in inves-


tigationand hearing be deliberate in judg-


ment be prompt in execution be forbearing

; ;

long and much with evildoers be ready to ;

reward good be devoid of favoritism, and


wholly impartial be watchful over the treas-


ury; having an eagle eye upon every portion

of his jurisdiction and breasting over the

lestless spirit of innovation.

Such are some of the most important quali-

ficationswhich a Grand Master should pos-
sess, and the leading errors which he should
avoid. It may be that most, if not all, of

your predecessors have failed to reach this

standard but it is attainable and be it your
; ;

purpose to reach it, and be a bright and shin.-

ing example to those who shall come after
It now but remains for me to clothe you

with the external insignia of your rank and

I now, with great pleasure, invest you with
this jewel of your office, whose symbolic mean-


ing will now have a new and striking signifi-

cance to you. [Presents the jewel.}
1 also present -you with this gavel, as the
potent emblem of Masonic power, which, in
your hands, should never be sounded in vain.
[Presents gavel.}

1 now surrender to you this seat of authority

[Places him in the chair}, and render you this,
the first act of homage due to you as Grand
The Grand Master, having been covered on
taking the chair, the Installing Officer uncovers
and bows very low.
Installing Officer. I now hail, salute and
proclaim you Grand Master of Ancient, Free
and Accepted Masons of Kansas Brethren, !

behold your Grand Master !

Grand Senior Warden. Brethren, behold

our Grand Master
Grand Junior Warden. Brethren, behold
our Grand Master
The brethren form procession on the north
side of the lodge, double file, facing the East,

the Grand Senior Deacon and Grand Senior

and Junior Stewards, with rods, in advance,
and march three times around the lodge, as
they pass the Grand East, saluting the Grand
Master with the usual distinctive marks in
each degree, during which time the following
Ode may be sung :

Tune: America. 6s, 4s,

I&3=EEi SEt3
Hail ! Ma - son - ry di-vine, Glo-ry of

m^ :N=i=N=)E t=^


I I-

^^^^fe&^^ ^ -0- -^ --
ages shine ; Long mayst thou reign Where'er thy !

^ ^p:* -'5'-^

I ' 1


Lodges stand, May they have great command,
m^ >=Pt

And al-wavs grace the land ;
Thou art divine
^'"^ f^ . r: \

^ I
Great fabrics still arise,
And grace the azure skies-
Great are thy schemes;
Thy noble orders are
Matchless beyond compare;
No art with thee can share;
Thou art divine.

Hiram, the architect,

Did all the Craft direct
How they should build;
Sol'mon, great Israel's king;
Did mighty blessings bring,
And left us room to sing,
Hail, Royal Art!

At the conclusion of the procession and

Ode the brethren, under the direction of the
installing officer, salute with the grand hon-
The retiring Grand Master may then ad-
dress his newly- in stalled successor and breth-
ren, and the Grand Master may, if he chooses,
also address the Grand Lodge. If he does
not wish to do so he may call down, and the
brethren continue seated during the remain-
der of the installation, except as called up
during the obligations. It will be proper for
the Grand Master here to announce the
names of the appointed officers, that they may
be installed with the rest.
The installing officer then proceeds with the
installation of the remaining officers, as fol-
lows :

Installing Officer, W. Grand Marshal, you



will now present the Deputy Grand Master

elect for installation.
Grand Marshal. Most Worshipful Broth-
er : have the pleasure to present to you, for

installation, R. W. Brother C. D., who has

been duly elected to the office of Deputy Grand
The foregoing address of the installing of-
and presentation by the Grand Marshal,
may be used for all the remaining officers,
simply changing the name and title of the of-

Installing Officer. W. Grand Marshal, you

will conduct our R* W. Brother [or W. Broth-
er] to the altar, to take upon himself the ob-
ligation appertaining to the duties of his of-

The Grand Marshal conducts him to the al-

tar, when he kneels, and is attended by the
Grand Deacons, as in the case of the Grand
Master, and takes the same obligation, with
the change of name and designation of office.
Installing Officer. R. W. Brothen You have
not been an inattentive observer of the cere-
mony of installing the M W. Grand Master

for you are aware that, in case of his inca-

pacity to act in contingencies mentioned in
our Constitutions, you succeed to his duties
and prerogatives, as you do also when acting
as his substitute in any matters specially
delegated to you. Your office, therefore, is

one of great dignity and importance and it ;

was in view of these considerations that your

Brethren selected you to fill it. Treasure up,
therefore, the suggestions made to the M. W.
Grand Master ; you know not how soon
they may have a personal application to you ;

and remember, also, that usage, as well as

our particular regulations, have placed you in
most intimate and confidential relations to
him, as supporter and counselor.

I now, with pleasure, proceed to invest you

with your jewel of office [ gives it ] and pro-

claim you Deputy Grand Master of Ancient,
Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas. You
will now be seated in your place, which is at
the right hand of the M. W. Grand Master.
He is now conducted to his place by the

Grand Marshal, but before he is seated, the

up the Grand Lodge,
Installing Officer calls
and thelDej:uty Grand Master is saluted with
the Grand Honors.
The other of the elective Grand Officers,
viz: the Grand Senior Warden, Grand Junior
Warden, Grand Treasurer and Grand Sec-
retary, are presented and obligated in like
manner as the Deputy Grand Master, but
without being saluted with the grand honors.
The appointed Grand Officers do not take the
The charges of the remaining officers in-
stalled [which may be varied at the pleasure
of the Installing Officer, when special occas-
ion requires,] are as follows :


Right Worshipful Brother The position


which you occupy in the Grand Lodge and

among the Fraternity is one of no little im-
portance. In the Grand Lodge, to control
practically the admission of all visitors, to
announce specially those who are of rank or
eminence, and to aid in the preservation of
ordir, and at all times to render counsel and
advice co the Grand Master, are high and re-

sponsible duties, requiring circumspection,

vigilance, and but when to these
reflection ;

is superadded the more onerous labor, in con-

junction with the Grand. Junior Warden, of

diligently preserving the ancient landmarks
throughout the jurisdiction, it then becomes a
trust of deep moment to the welfare of the
Craft. Your such
fitness for the discharge of
a trust undoubtedly led to your selection for
the office by your Brethren, and it will be
your duty and pleasure so to act as to justify
their confidence.
you with the jewel of your of-
In investing
and directing you to the place of your

immediate oftkial action, in the West, I am

performing a grateful duty.

Right Worshipful Brother As the duties


of your office and the qualifications of it are

almost identical with those of the Grand Sen-
ior Warden, except as it respects the introduc-
tion of visitors, I will only add to the Charge
given to that officer, that you be equally vig-

ilant and circumspect, not only at your sta-

tion in the Grand Lodge, but in the broader
field him his
of action without, dividing with
labors, and taking due care that the great
object of ^'our united solicitude shall remain
Accept the jewel of your and repair

to the South, being ever watchful, whether in

labor or at refreshment, that the High Twelve
of observation do not find you with your
work, and that of the Craft you superintend,
Right Worshipful Brother In intrusting

you with the books and funds of the Grand

Lodge, as appertaining to your office, I am
but their organ in placing them in your pos-
session, as one well qualified to keep and
manage them, as your past integrity, accu-
racy, and prompt business habits testify, an
appreciation of which has been evinced by
their choice of you as Grand Treasurer.
The keys forming the jewel of your office
have a twofold significance: They are in-

struments to bind as well as to loose; to make

fast, as well as to open. They will never,
I am confident, be used by you in any other
manner than the constitutions, laws, rules,
and regulations of the Grand Lodge shall


Right Worshipful Brother: Usage, as

well as positive enactments from time to time,
have rendered the duties of the office of Grand
Secretary more onerous and varied than that
of any other officer. Brought by his official
position more immediately into communica-
tion with the whole body of the Fraternity, it
is requisite that he should possess ability,

skill, and industry, to meet the various de-

mands upon him. Placed in a position where

he holds almost constant correspondence with
our Masonic brethren of every State and
country, upon him devolves, in a large degree,
the good name and credit of the Masonic fam-
ily of this State. The Fraternity should en-
able him to maintain it ; he should strive that

it be maintained. Courtesy and patience are

to be elements in his manners and cliaracter.
Vigilance and fidelity must also be necessary

Our Constitutions, my Brother, point out

to you fully the duties of your office, and I

will not recapitulate them. Your capability for

their prompt and faithful execution has in-

duced your Brethren to confide this trust to

you, and I feel assured that it is well placed.
In investing you with your official jewel,
the pens, I am persuaded that they will make
an endearing record, not only to your praise,
but to the welfare of a Craft so largely de-
pendent upon your experience and integrity.
Reverend and Worshipful Brother That :

Holy Book, which is the chart and text-book

of your sacred calling, is also the Great
Light of Masonry, and forever sheds its
benigxiant rays upon every lawful assem-
blage of Free and Accepted Masons. Teach
us from its life-giving precepts; intercede


for US with that Divine Majesty which it so

fully reveals and unfolds to us and warm us

by its lessons of infinite wisdom and truth,

and you will have faithfully performed your
sacred functions and fulfilled your important

It is fitting that an emblem of the sacred

volume should be the jewel of your office,

with which now invest you.


Worshipful Brothers: As messengers of

the Grand Officers, and as useful assistants
in our ceremonies, your respective official po-
sitions are of very great value and import-
ance to the comfort and good order of the
Grand Lodge. Vigilance and zeal are neces-
sary requisites of your offices, and we know
that you possess them.
As Grand Senior and Junior Deacons of
this Grand Lodge, you are now invested with
the jewels of office, together with these rods,
as tokens of your authority.


Worshipful Brother; The duties of your

office require energy, activity, and quickness
of perception. The good order of the Fra-
ternity, in its general assemblies and pro-
cessions, depends upon your care, skill and
assiduity. Possessing these qualifications,
you have been appointed Grand Marshal,
and I now with pleasure install you into office,
and invest you with your appropriate jewel.
It denotes command, as the organ of the

Grand Master, to whom you will be near at

hand to execute his orders.


Worshipful Brother: The sword which

you bear is the time-honored symbol of Jusdce
and Authority. It reminds the -beholder of
the dignity of the body whoe emblem it is.
It is also the guardian and protector of the

standard of the Grand Lodge. Be ever

faithful to your trust. Let this jewel of your
office remind you of its nature.


Worshipful Brothers In olden times,

your province was to superintend and provide

for the festivals of the Craft, and that duty
still remains to you, although there is rarely

occasion for its exercise. But we are taught

that "it is better to go to the house of
mourning, than to the house of feasting,"
and hence on you has been appropriately
disposed the dispensation of our beneficent
charities. That it is a grateful duty, all
hearts testify, and we know that yours most
fully responds to it. Receive the jewels of
your office, together with the white rods.
Worshipful Brother: You are to act as
the messenger of the Grand Lodge, and tha
herald to announce the approach of visitors
and strangers. In so doing, possess yourself
of the necessary information to announce
their rank and position properly, and exercisi
a sound discretion, so as not to interfere with
its labors. Be cautious and vigilant, that n<3

Improper person may gain admittance. You,

also, have your keeping the clothing and
jewels of the Grand Officers, which you
should be careful to keep in a good condition,
and neatly and orderly arranged for use at all
times. Receive your emblem of oifice, and
repair to your station inside the door.


Worshipful Brother: The' importance of

the duties of your place can not be overrated.
Care and watchfulness are indispensibly re-
quisite, and in all cases, unless thoroughly
satisfied with the character and identity ot
those desiring admittance, let your doubts
prevail. Ours is a sanctuary, intrusted to
you faithfully and vigilantly to guard, and
you have always at hand the means of being
fully satisfied. Irreparable injury might re-
sult from a negligent or careless discharge of
your duty. Your station is ever outside the
door, and to which you will now repair with
this jewel, and also with this implement of
your office. ^Giving a Sword.']

The several officers being now duly in-

stalled, proclamation thereof will be made in
the following form. Before doing so, how-
ever, it may be proper and expedient to have
an appropriate Ode or piece of music.
The Grand Lodge is called up when the
Installing Officer says:

Worshipful Grand Marshal : I now declare

the several officers of The Most Worshipful

Grand Lodge of Ancient', Free and Accepted
Masons of Kansas duly installed into office
forthe ensuing year, in AMPLE FORM. You
will cause proclamation to be made in the
South, West and East.
The Grand Junior Deacon proclaims in the
South, the Grand Senior Deacon in the West,
and the Grand Marshal in the Grand East,
each as follows:
In the name, and by the authority, of the
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient,
Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas, I
proclaim that its Grand Officers are now duly
installed in AMPLE FORM.
After each proclamation, response by the
Irethren: So mote it be.

The Grand Chaplain then concludes the

ceremonies with an appropriate prayer, or
The Grand Lodge is called down.

This Ceremony is conducted by the Grand
Master and his officers, assisted by the mem-
bers of the Grand Lodge, and such officers
and members of Lodges as can conveniently
attend; or it may be conducted by some com-
petent Present or Past Master, specially au-
thorized by the Grand Master as a Special
Deputy, w^ith full power to convene some
Lodge conveniently located, to which a Dis-
pensation isissued for that purpose.
The Chief Magistrate and other civil
officers of the place where the building is to
be erected, also generally attend on the
At the time appointed, the. Grand Lodge,
[or Lodge] is convened in some suitable
place. A band of music is provided, and the
brethren appear, dressed in dark clothes, with
white gloves and aprons.
The Grand Lodge [or Lodge] is opened
by the Grand Master [or Special Deputy]

on the First Degree, and the rules for regulat-

ing the procession to and from the place
where the ceremony is to be performed, are
read by the Grand Secretary [or Secretary],
after which the procession sets out in the
following order:
A Tyler with Drawn Sword;
Two Stewards with rods;
Entered Apprentices;
Fellow Crafts;
Master Masons;
Two Deacons with rods;
Secretaries and Treasurers;
Junior Wardens;
Senior Wardens;
Masters of Lodges;
Past Masters;
Members of other branches of the Masonic
Fraternity, in uniform;
Band of Music.
If the ceremony is under the direction of
the Grand Lodge, then
follows the Grand
Lodge arranged in Regular Order of Proces-
sion [see page 132], with the following ex-
ceptions and additions: the three Burning

Tapers will be omitted; following the Grand

Pursuivant will come the Principal Architect,
with Square, Level and Plumb; following the
Globes will come the Chief Magistrate and
Civil Oftkers of the place; the Grand Junior
Warden will carry the Silver Vessel with Oil,
the Grand Senior Warden, the Silver Vessel
with Wine, and the Deputy Grand Master
the Golden Vessel with Corn [Wheat.]
If the Ceremony be under the dit-ection of a
Lodge, after the first part of the Procession as
herein provided, following the Band of Music,
comes the Lodge having charge of the cere-
mony, arranged in Regular Order of Procession
[see page 132], with the following additions
and exceptions: immediately preceding the
Secretary and Treasurer will march the Princi-
pal Architect with Square, Level and Plumb,
pnd immediately following the Secretary and
Treasurer will march the Chief Magistrate
and Civil Officers of the place, and the Clergy
and Orator; the special Deputy Grand Master
will march after the Worshipful Master; the
Deacons, with rods, supporting him nstead of

the Worshipful Master; and the Junior

Warden will carry the Silver Vessel with Oil,
the Senior Warden, the Silver Vessel with
Wine, and the*Worshipful Master the Golden
Vessel with Corn [Wheat.]

A triumphal arch is usually erected at the

place where the ceremony is to be performed.
The procession, arriving at the arch, opens
to the right and left, and uncovering, the
Qrand Master, [or Deputy Grand Master]
and his officers, together with the Architect,
Clergy and Orator, Chief Magistrate and
Civil Officers, pass through the lines to the
platform, .while the rest of the brethren
surround the platform, forming a hollow
The Grand Master [or Deputy Grand
Master] commands silence, and announces
the purposes of the occasion, when the fol
lowing, or some other appropriate Ode is


Tune: Brownell. L. M.

S3 :^ H-4-
?eS -019-
-^- 9^0-^^-

When earth's foundation first was laid.

*ns -r '-^-s-ri6rT*r'



By the Al-might - y Art - ist's hand,



'T was then our per-fect laws were made.

9^^? 1

Es - tab-hshed by His
strict com-mand.

9~h^ f^- g

tefatihtepJitaq -ai PV-H-
All hail ! mysterious, glo-rious Masonry!

In vain mankind for shelter sought,

In vain from place to place did roam;
Until from Heaven he was taught
To plan, to build, to fix his home.
All hail ! mysterious, etc.

jllustrious we date our Art,
Which now in beauteous piles appear;
And shall to endless time impart
How worthy and how great we are.

Nor we less famed for every tie,
By which the human thought is bound;
Love, Truth, and Friendship, socially
Unite our hearts and hands around.

Our actions still by Virtue blest.
And to our precepts ever true,
The world, admiring, shall request
To learn, and our bright paths pursue.

The necessary preparations are now made

for laying the stone, on which is engraved
the year of Masonry, the name of the Grand
Master, and such other particulars as may be
deemed necessary. Its place i;s in the north-
east corner of the building. The stone i?

raised up by means of an engine erected for

The Grand Chaplain, or a designated Clergy-
man, tlien delivers the following, or some
other appropriate
Almighty God, who hast given us grace at
this time with one accord to make our com-
mon supplications unto Thee and dost prom-

ise that, where two or three are gathered

together in Thy name, Thou wilt grant their
requests fulfil now, O Lord, the desires and

petitions of Thy servants, as may be most

expedient for them granting us in this world

knowledge of Thy truth, and in the world to

come life everlasting. Amen!
Response: So mote it be!
The Grand Treasurer \_or Treasurer^ by the
Grand Master's [or Special Deputy's] com-
mand, then places under the stone a box con-
taining various sorts of coin and medals.
Masonic documents, and such other matters
as may be of interest; a list of which is read
aloud to the people by the Grand Secretary
lor Secretary'] .
Solemn music is introduced, and the stone

let down into its place by tliree distinct

Tiie Principal Architect tlien presents the
working tools to the Grand Master [or Special
Deputy] who hands the Square to the Deputy
Grand Master [or Worshipful Master], the
Level to the Grand Senior Warden [or Senior
Warden], and the Plumb to the Grand Junior
Warden [or Junior Warden;] when the Grand
Master addresses the Grand Officers as fol-
[NOTE. If the ceremony be performed by
a Lodge instead of by the Grand Lodge, the
parts hereafter assigned to the Grand Master
will be filled by the Special Deputy, that to
the Deputy Grand Master, by the Worship-
ful Master, that to the Grand Senior Warden
by the Senior Warden, and that to the Grand
Junior Warden by the Junior Warden; the
necessary changes to be made in addressing
the various officers as is required.]
Grand Master. R. W. Deputy Grand
Master: What is the proper jewel of your

Deputy Grand Master. The Square.

G. M. What are its moral and Masonic
uses }


T>. G. M. To square our actions by the

Square of Virtue, and prove our work.
G. M. Apply tlie implement of your office
to tliat portion of tlie foundation-stone tliat
needs to be proved, and mal^e report.
Tlie Deputy applies the Square to the stone
and says:
D. G. M. Most Worshipful Grand Master:
I fmd the stone to be square. The Crafts-
men have performed their duty.
G. M. R. W. Grand Senior Warden:
What is the proper jewel of your office ?
Grand Warden. The Level.
G. M. What is its Masonic use?
G. 5. IV. Morally, it reminds us of equality,
and its use is to lay horizontals.
G. M.
Apply the implement of your office
to the foundation-stone and make report.
This is done.
G. S. W. Most Worshipful Grand,Master:
I find the stone to be level. The Craftsmen
have performed their duty.
G. M. R. W. Grand Junior Warden
What is the proper jewel of your office?

Grand Junior Warden. The Plumb.

G. M. What is its Masonic use?
G. y. W. Morally,
it teaches rectitude of

conduct, and we
use it to try perpendiculars.
G. M. Apply the implement of your office
to the several edges of the foundation-stone,
and make report.
This is complied with.
G. /. W. Most Worshipful Grand Master:
I fmd the stone is plumb. The Craftsmen
have performed their duty.
G. M. This corner-stone has been tested
by the proper implements of Masonry?-. I
find that the Craftsmen have skillf.illy and
faithfully performed their duty, and I do
declare the stone well formed, true, and trusty,
and correctly laid, according to the rules of
our Ancient Craft.
Let the elements of consecration now be
The Deputy Grand Master comes forward
with the Golden Vessel of Corn, and scatter-
ing it on the stone, says :

\ scatter this corn as an emblem of plenty,


May the blessings of bounteous Heaven be

showered upon us and upon all like patriotic
and benevolent undertakings, and inspire the
hearts of the people with virtue, wisdom and
Response : So mote it be!
The Grand Senior Warden then comes for-
ward with the Silver Vessel of Wine, and
pours it upon the stone saying :

I pour this wine as an emblem of joy and

gladness. May the Great Ruler of the Uni-

verse bless and prosper our national, state
and city governments, preserve the Union of
the States, and may it be a bond of Friend-
ship and Brotherly Love that shall endure
through all time.
Response : So mote it be!
The Grand Junior Warden then comes for-
ward with the Silver Vessel of Oil, which he
pours upon the stone, saying :
i pour this oil as an emblem of peace.
May its blessings abide with us continually,
and may the Grand Master of Heaven aiid
Earth shelter and protect the widow and

orphan, shield and defend them from trials

and vicissitudes of the world, and so bestow
his mercy upon the bereaved, the afflicted and
the sorrowing, that they may know sorrow-
ing and trouble no more.
Response : So mote it be!
The Grand Master standing in front of all
and extending his hands, makes the fol-
May the all-bounteous Author of Nature
bless the inhabitants of this place with an
abundance of the necessaries, conveniences,
and comforts of life assist in the erection and

completion of this building protect the work-


men against every accident; long preserve

the structure from decay ; and grant to us all
a supply of the Corn of Nourishment, the
Wine of Refreshment, and the Oil of Joy.
Response: So mote it be!
The Grand Master strikes the stone three
times with the gavel, and the Public Grand
Honors are given.
: :


The Grand Master then delivers over to the

Principal Architect the implements of archi-
tecture, saying
Worthy Sir [or Brother]: Having thus, as
Grand Master of Masons, laid the foundation
stone of this structure, I now deliver these
implements of your profession into your
hands, intrusting you with the superintend-
ence and direction of the work, having full
confidence in your skill and capacity to con-
duct the same.
The Grand Master ascends the platform,
when an appropriate anthem may be sung.
The Grand Master then addresses the as-
sembly as follows
Men and Brethren here assembled Be it :

known unto you, that we be lawful Masons,

trueand faithful to the laws of our country,
and engaged, by solemn obligations, to erect
magnificent buildings, to be serviceable to the
brethren,and to fear God, the Great Archi-
tect of the Universe. We have among us,
concealed from the eyes of all men, secrets
which cannot be divulged, and which have

never been found out , but these secrets are

lawful and honorable, and not repugnant to
the laws of God
or man. They were in-
trusted, in peaceand honor, to the Masons of
ancient times, and having been faithfully
transmitted to us, it is our duty to convey
them unimpaired to the latest posterity. Un-
less our Craft were good, and our calling hon-
orable, we should not have lasted for so many
centuries, nor should we have been honored
with tlie patronage of so many illustrious
men in all ages, who have shown them-
selves ready to promote our interests and de-
fend us from all adversaries. We are as-
sembled here to-day in the face of you all, to
build a house, which we pray God may de-
serve to prosper, by becoming a place of con-
course for good men, and promoting harmony
and brotherly love throughout the world, till
time shall be no more. Amen.
Response : So mote it be !

If an orator has been provided, an address

may be made at this time to the assembled


A voluntary collection is then made by the

Grand Stewards among the Brethren for the
needy workmen, and the sum collected is laid
upon the stone by the Grand Treasurer, to be
placed in the proper hands.
The Grand Chaplain then pronounces the
following, or some other suitable
Glory be to God on high, and on earth
peace, and. good-will toward men ! O Lord,
we most heartily beseech Thee with Thy favor
to behold and bless this assemblage ;
down Thy mercy like the dew that falls upon
the mountains, upon Thy servants engaged
in thesolemn ceremonies of this day. Bless,
we pray Thee, all the workmen who shall be
engaged in the erection of this edifice keep ;

them from all forms of accidents and harm.

grant them in health and prosperity to live ;

and finally, we hope, after this life, through

Thy mercy, wisdom and forgiveness, to at-
tain everlasting joy and felicity, in Thy
bright mansion in Thy Holy Temple not
made with hands, eternal in the heavens.


Response : So mote it be
After which, the procession returns in the
same order to the place whence it set out, and
the Grand Lodge is closed with the usual for-

This ceremony is conducted by the Grand
Master and his officers, assisted by the mem-
bers of the Grand Lodge, and such officers
and members of Lodges as can conveniently
attend; or it may be conducted by some com-
petent Present or Past Master, specially au-
thorized by the Grand Master as a Special
Deputy, with full power to convene some
Lodge conveniently located, to which a Dis-
pensation is issued for that purpose.
At the time appointed forthe celebration of
the ceremony of Dedication, the Grand Master
[or Special Deputy] and his officers, accom-
panied by the members of the Grand Lodge
[if present], meet in a convenient room, near
to the place where the ceremony is to be per-
formed, and the Grand Lodge [or Lodge] is
opened on the Degree provided for by Sec. 7,
Art. II, of the Constitution of the Grand

The Procession is then formed by the Grand

Marshal [or Marshal] in the Regular Order
of Procession, [see page 132], with the follow-
ing additions: the Grand Junior Warden [or
Junior Warden] will carry the Golden Vessel
with Corn [Wheat], the Grand Senior War-
den [or SeniorWarden] , the Silver Vessel with
Wine, the Deputy Grand Master [or Worship-
ful Master] the Silver Vessel with Oil, and
the Deputy Grand Master [or Worshipful
Master] will be followed by four Past Masters
carrying the "Lodge," covered with a loose
covering of white linen, silk or satin. [See
page 143].
When the Grand Officers [or Special Dep-
uty] arrive at the center of the Lodge-room,
the Grand Honors, public or private, as re-
quired, are given. The Grand Officers [or
Officers] then repair to their respective sta-
The "Lodge" is placed in front of the
Altar, toward the East, and the Gold and
Silver Vessels and the Burning Tapers are
placed around it.
In the following ceremonies, if they are
performed under the direction of a Lodge, the
parts assigned to the Grand Master will be
performed by the Special Deputy Grand
Master; to the Deputy Grand Master, by the


Worshipful Master; to the Grand Senior

Warden, by the Senior Warden; and to the
Grand Junior Warden by the Junior Warden.
The arrangements being completed, the
following or some other appropriate Ode is

Tune : Duke Street. L. M.


I. Mas - ter Su-preme, ac-cept our praise

-#^- ^ 0^
^ S #
^ ?^t
m Still
bless this con - se - crat- ed band

9fc:z:g 1^

^-*^ I I

Pa-rent of light ! il - lume our ways,

9tFA=^^ mm^.
A\- :^

Y^-p i^g= i
^ 1

And guide us by Thy sovereign hand.

gi^^ Ii*
2 May Faith, Hope, Charity, divine.
Here hold their undivided reign;
riiendship and Harmony combine
To soothe our cares, to banish pain.

3 May pity dwell within each breast,

Relief attend the suffering poor;
Thousands by this, our Lodge, be blest,
Till worth, distress'd, shall want no more.


The IVorshipful Master of the Lodge to

which the Hall to be dedicated belongs, then
rises, and addresses the Grand Master as fol-
lows :

Most Worshipful Grand Master: The

Brethren of Lodge,
No being animated with a desire to pro-

mote the honor and interest of the Craft, have

erected a Masonic Hah, for their convenience
and accomodation. They are desirous that
the same should be examined by the Most
Worshipful Grand Lodge and if it should

meet their approbation, that it be solemnly

dedicated to Masonic purposes, agreeably to
ancient form and usage.
The Architect or Brother who has had the
management of the structure then addresses
the Grand Master as follows
Most Worshipful Grand Master: Having
been entrusted with the superintendence and
management of the workmen employed in the
construction of this edifice ; and having, ac-
my ability, accomplished
cording to the best of
the task assigned me> now return my thanks

for the honor of this appointment, and beg

leave to surrender up the implements which
were committed to my care when the founda-
tion of this fabric was laid, {presenting to the
Grand Master the Square, Level and Plumh],
humbly hoping that the exertions which have
been niade, on this occasion will be crowned
with your approbation, and that of the Most
Worshipful Grand Lodge.
To which the Grand Master replies :

Brother Architect: The skill and fidelity

displayed in the execution of the trust reposed
in you at the commencement of this under-
taking, have secured the entire approbation
of the Grand Lodge ; and they sincerely pray
that this edifice may continue a lasting monu-
ment of the taste, spirit, and liberality of its
The Deputy Grand Muster then rises, and
Most Worshipful Grand Master The Hall

inwhich we are now assembled, and the plan

upon which it has been constructed, having
met with your approbation, it is the desire of
; ;
; ; ;


the Fraternity that Ft shoiild be now dedicated,

according to the ancient form and usage.
The "Lodge" is then uncovered, and a
procession is made around it in the following
form, during which solemn music is played;
Grand Tyler, with dra\7n sword ;

Grand Stc\7ards, v/ith rods ;

Grand Pursuivant, v/ith s^7ord of state;

Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer
A Burning Taper, borne by a Past Master
The Holy Bible, Square, and Compasses, on
a velvet cushion, borne by a
Past Master;-
Two Burning Tapers, borne by two Past
Grand Junior Warden, with Golden Vessel
of Corn
Grand Senior Warden, with Silver Vessel of
Deputy Grand Master, with Silver Vessel of
The Grand Master, supported by the Grand
Deacons, with rods, and followed by
Grand Sword Bearer, with
drawn sword.

All the other Brethren keep their places,

and assist in singing, at the appropriate
times, the Dedication Ode.
When the Grand Lodge has made the First
Procession around the "Lodge," and the
Grand Master arrives in the East, it halts,
music ceases, and the Grand Chaplain makes
the following

Almighty and ever-glorious and gracious
Lord God, Creator of all things, and Gover-
nor of everything Thou hast made, mercifully
look upon Thy servants, now assembled in
Thy name and in Thy presence, and bless
and prosper all our works begun, continued
and ended in Thee. Graciously bestow upon
us Wisdom, in all our doings, Strength of
mind in all our difficulties, and the Beauty of
harmony and holiness in all our communica-
tions and work. Let Faith be the foundation
of our Hope, and Charity the fruit of our
obedience to Thy revealed will.
O Thou preserver of men! graciously en-
able us now to dedicate this house which we

have erected, to the honor and glory of Thy

name, and mercifully be pleased to accept this
service at our hands.
May all who shall be lawfully appointed to
rule herein according to our Constitution, be
under Thy special guidance and protection,
and faithfully observe and fulfil all their
obligations to Thee and to the Lodge.
May all who come within these consecrated
walls have but one heart and one mind, to
love, to honor, to fear, and to obey Thee, as
Thy majesty and unbounded goodness claim,
and to love one another as Thou hast loved
us. May every discordant passion be here
banished from our bosom. May we here
meet in Thy presence as a band of Brethren
who were by the same Almighty
Parent, are daily sustained by the same ben-
eficent hand, and are traveling the same road
to the gates of death. May we here have
Thy Holy Word always present to our mind,
and religion, and virtue, love, harmony,
and peaceful joy reigning triumphant in our

May allthe proper work of our institution

tliat may be done in tliis house be such as
Thy wisdom may approve and Thy goodness
prosper. And, finally, graciously be pleased,
O Thou Sovereign Architect of the Universe,
to bless the Craft, wheresoever dispersed,
and make them true *and faithful to Thee, to
their neighbor, and to themselves. And when
the time of our labor is drawing near to an
end, and the pillar of our strength is declining
to the ground, graciously enable us to pass
through the 'Valley of the shadow of death,"
supported byThy rod and Thy staff to those ,

mansions beyond the skies where love and

peace, and joy forever reign before Thy
throne. Amen.

Response: So mote it be!

Then is sung the first verse of the follow-

ing Dedication Ode;

Tune: Old Hundred. L. M
Ge-nius of
;^ :^^

Ma-son-ry, de-scend,

m^ gii g^l^grng -^-

IS -fZ-^

$ And with thee bring thy spotless train ;

-^ 7^- -^

2z^: :^=tt

^S :^=^
s: -x=^

Constant our sa - cred rites at- tend,

-t9- ' 4- H * -# ^


While we a - dore thy peace-ful reign.
-G- I

9fee^ -^- y 1^"


After the singing, the Grand Jnuior Warden

presents the Golden Vessel of Corn to the
Grand Master, saying:
Most Worshipful Grand Master: In the
dedications of Masonic Halls, has been of

Immemorial custom to pour Corn upon the

Lodge, as an emblem of nourishment. I

therefore present you this Vessel of Corn, to

be employed by you according to ancient usage.
The Grand Master then, striking thrice
with his Gavel, pours the Corn upon the
"Lodge" saying:
Name of the GREAT JEHOVAH,
In the
to whom be all honor and glory, do solemnly I

dedicate this Hall to FREEMASONRY.

The Grand Honors are then given once,
public or private as required. All then unite

in singing t'.ie second verse of the Dedication

Ode as follows:

Bring with thee Virtue, brightest maid!

Bring Love,bringTruth, bring Friendship here;
While social Mirth shall lend her aid
To soothe the wrinkled brow of Care.

While solemn music is played the Second

Procession is then made around the "Lodge,"
and the Grand Senior Warden presents the
Silver Vessel of Wine to the Grand Master
Most Worshipful Grand Master :Wine,
the emblem of refreshment, having been used
by our ancient brethren in the dedication and
consecration of their Lodges, I present you
this Vessel of Wine, to be used on the present
occasion according to ancient Masonic form.
The Grand tMaster X\-\tx\ sprinkles the Wine
upon the " Lodge," saying :

Inthe name of the HOLY SAINTS JOHN,

I do solemnly dedicate this Hall to VIRTUE.
The Grand Honors are twice repeated, pub-
lic or private as required. All then unite in
: !


singing the third verse of the Dedication Ode

as follows

Bring Charity ! with goodness crowned,

Encircled in thy heavenly robe
Diffuse thy blessings all around,
To every corner of the Globe.

While solemn music is played, the third

Procession is then made round the " Lodge,"
and the Deputy Grand Master presents the
Silver Vessel of Oil to the Grand Master,
saying :

Most Worshipful Grand Master : I present

you, to be used according to ancient custom,
this Vessel of Oil, an emblem of that joy
which should animate every bosom on the
completion of every important undertaking.
The Grand Master then sprinkles the Oil
upon the " Lodge," saying :

III the name of the whole FRATERNITY,

I do solemnly dedicate this Hall to UNI-

VERSAL Benevolence.
The Grand Honors are thrice repeated, pub-
lic or private as required. All then unite in


singing the fourth verse of the Dedication

Ode as follows
To Heaven's High Architect all praise,

All praise, all gratitude be given,

Who deigned the human soul to raise,
By mystic secrets, sprung from Heaven.

The Grand Chaplain, standing before the

" i.odge," then makes the following

And may the Lord, the giver of every good

and perfect gift, bless the brethren here as-
sembled, in all their lawful undertakings,
and grant to each one of them, in needful
supply, the corn of nourishment, the wine of
refreshment, and the oil of joy. Amen.
Response: So mote it be!
The "Lodge" is then re-covered, the Grand
Master retires to his chair, and the Grand
Lodge and brethren are seated.
An appropriate Oration may then be de-
livered, and the ceremonies conclude with
music. After which, the Grand Lodge is
again formed in procession, asatfirst, returns
to the room where it was opened, and is closed.


In every country where Freemasonry is en

couraged, its festival days are celebrated witli
great ceremony. These are, the festival of
St. John the Baptist, on the 24th of June, and
that of St. John '
e Evangelist, on the 27th
of December. They are days set apart by the
Fraternity to worship the Grand Architect of
the Univer'^e; to implore His blessings upon
the great family of mankind; and to partake
of the feast of brotherly affection.
It is therefore recommended to every Lodge,
annually to celebrate one or both of these days
in such way as will be most conducive to the
advantage li the Lodge, and the honor and
benefit of the institution.
Whichever day may have been selected,
the Lodge about to celebrate it should assem-
ble at its usual place of meeting, and having
been opened on the First Degree, the Lodge
forms in Regular Order of Procession [see
page 132]. If any Grand Officers be present,
they must be placed in the rear of the prpces-
sion, immediately in front of the two War-
Every officer must wear the jewels of his
office. On arriving at the Church gate, the
brethren uncover and open ranks to the right

and left as far as the Worshipful Master,

who, followed by the brethren, passes between
the lines, likewise uncovered, into the Church.
1 he same ceremony is observed on their return

to the Hall.
Divine service must be performed, and an
appropriate sermon or address delivered by
some competent brother appointed for the
occasion. Hymns and anthems adapted to
the occasion shall be sung, and after service
a collection may be made at the Church doors
from the brethren, in aid of the Charity Fund.
After the return to the Hall, the Master may'
deliver a charge from the Chair, upon such
subjects connected with the Order, and the
honor and happiness of the Craft, as he may
think proper.

The Grand Master, accompanied by the

Grand Officers, may, at least once a year, or
as often as hemay deem expedient, visit the
Lodges under his jurisdiction, to make the
customary examinations. When this laud-
able duty becomes impracticable, from the
extent of jurisdiction and large number of
Lodges, the Grand Master may appoint any
one or more of his Grand Officers, who shall

visitand inspect such Lodges as the Grand

Master shall designate, and make report to
him of the result.
The following is the ceremony observed on
such occasions:
The Grand Secretary, or Grand Master, or
Officer appointed to make the Visitation,
notifies the Lodge of the intended visit.
The Worshipful Master opens his Lodge on
the Third Degree, and places his Deacons at
the sides of the door, with their rods crossed.
The brethren arrange themselves in a line
from the door, on each side, inward face, to
the Chair, in the East. This being arranged
in this manner, tlie Worshipful Master de-
putes a Past Master to escort the Grand
Officers, in the order of rank, it being remem-
bered that the post of honor in a Masonic pro-
cession is always in tlie rear. The Grand
Tyler, if present, remains at the door.
The Grand Officers proceed up to the East
between the lines of brethren, when they open
to the right and left, and the Grand Master,
or presiding Grand Officer, passes through to
the Chair; they then close, and take their
seats on the right of the Worshipful Master.
Tlie Worshipful Master receives the Grand
Master according to ancient usage, with the
Private Grand Honors, and resigns to him
the Chair and Gavel, when the officers of the

Lodge resign their seats to the corresponding

Grand Officers, if present. The Worshipful
Master then delivers to the Grand Master, or
inspecting officer, the Warrant of Constitu-
tion, the Treasurer's and Secretary's books,
and a statement of the funds of the Lodge,
for his inspection. Having examined them,
he expresses his approbation, or makes such
observations as the circumstances and situa-
tion of the Lodge may require. The Grand
Master, or inspecting officer, then resigns the
Chair to the Worshipful Master, and the
Grand Officers leave their seats, and repair
to the East. Should the Grand Officers retire
before the Lodge is closed, the same ceremony
must be observed as at their entrance.

The services herein arranged for the Burial

of the Dead, are adapted for all the purposes
for which ceremonies of that character may
be required. The arrangement is such that

any portion of the service each part being
complete^may be used as occasion requires.
It isnot expected that the whole ceremony
will orcan be used at any one time. If the
weather should be stormy, or the body of the
deceased taken fc interment, to a distance,

where it would be impossible for the brethren

to attend, that portion of the service set apart
for the Lodge-room, or at the house of the
deceased, may be performed.

General Directid7is.

I. No Freemason can be buried with the

formalities of the Fraternity, unless it be at

his own request, or that of some of his family,
communicated to the iVlaster of the Lodge of
which he died a member (foreigners or sO'
journers excepted), nor unless he has received
the Master Mason's Degree, and from this
restriction there can be no exception.
II. Fellow-Crafts or Entered Apprentices
are not ehtitled to these obsequies; nor can
they be allowed to unite, as Masons, in the
funeral of a brother.
III. No Lodge, or body of Masons, can
unite in the ousequies of a person not a Mason,
without permission of the Grand Master, or
consent of the Grai.i Lodge.
IV. The Master of the Lodge, having re-
ceived notice of the death of a brother [the
deceased having attained to the degree of
Master Mason], and of his request to be
buried with the ceremonies of the Craft, fixes
the day and hour for his funeral [unless pre-
viously arranged by the friends or relatives

of the deceased], and issues the command to

tlieSecretary to summon the Lodge. He may
invite as many Lodges as he may think
proper, and the members of those may ac-
company their officers in form; but the whole
ceremony must be under the direction of the
Master of the Lodge of which the deceased
was a member.
V. Upon the death of a sojourner, who had
expressed a u'ish to be buried with the Masonic
ceremonies, the duties prescribed in Article IV,
will devolve upon the Master of the Lodge
within whose jurisdiction the death may
occur; and if in a place where there be more
than one Looge, then upon the Master of
the oldest Lodge, unless otherwise mutually
VL Whenever civic societies, or the mili-
tary, may unite with Masons in the burial of
a Mason, the bocy of the deceased must be in
charge of the Lodge having jurisdiction. The
Masonic services should in all respects be con-
ducted as if none but Masons were in attend-
VII. the deceased was a Grand or Past
Grand the officers of the Grand Lodge
should be invited; when the Master of the
Lodge having jurisdiction, will invite the
Grand oificer present, who has attained the
highest rank, to conduct the buria': "

VIII. The pall-bearers should be Masons,

selected by the Master. If the deceased was
a member of a Chapter, Commandery, or
Consistory, a portion ' the pall-bearers should

be taken from these bodies severally.

IXo The proper rlothing for a Masonic
funeral is a black hat, black or dark clcthes,
blfack neck-L white gloves, and a plain

square whiu linen or Ir.iibskin apron, with a

band of black crape around the left arm,
nbove the Ibow, and a si^ rig of evergreen on
the [eft breast, ^he Master's gavel, the War-
den's columns, die Deacons' and Stewards'
rods, the Tyler's sword, the Bible, the Book
of Constitutions, and the Marshal's baton,
should be trinmed with black crape, neatly
tied v/ith '/hite ribbon- The officers of the
Lodge should, and Past Masters and Grand
Officerr my, wear their official jewels.

X. Whik the body is ly'ng in the coffin,

t]-ere should be placed upon the latter a plain
white Jc. ibskin apron.

XI. If a Pkst or Present Grand Master,

Deputy' Grand M?=ter, oi irand Warden,
should join the procession of a private Lodge,
proper attention must be paid to them. They
take place after the Master of the Lodge.
Two Deacons, with white rods, should be
appointed by the Master to attend a Grand
Warden; and when the Grand Master or

Deputy Grand Master is present, the Book of

Constitutions should be borne before him, a
Sword-bearer should follow, and the Deacons
with white rods, should attend on his right
and left.
XII. When the head of the procession shall
have arrived at the place of interment, or
where the services are to be performed, the
lines should be opened, and the highest
officer in rank, preceded by the Marshal and
Tyler pass through, and the others follow in
XIII. Upon arriving at the entrance of the
cemetery, the brethren should march in open
order to the tomb or grave. If the body is to
be placed in the former, the Tyler should take
his place in front of the open door, and the
lines be spread so as to form a circle. The
coffin should be deposited in the circle, and the
Stewards and Deacons should cross their rods
over it. The bearers should take their places

on either side the mourners at the foot of the
coffin, and the Master and other officers at
the head. After the coffin has been placed in
the tomb, the Stewards should cross their rods
over the door, and the Deacons over the Mas-
ter. If the body is to be deposited in the
earth, the circle should be formed around the
grave, the body being placed on rests over it;
the Stewards should cross their rods over the


foot, and the Deacons over the head, and

retain their places throughout the services.
XIV. After the clergymen shall have per-
formed the religious services of the Church,
either at the house, Church or grave, the
Masonic services should begin.
XV. When a number of Lodges join in a
funeral procession, the position of the young-
est Lodge is at the head or right of the pro-
cession, and the oldest at the end or left, ex-
cepting that the Lodge of which deceased was
a member walks nearest the corpse.
XVI. The procession must return to the
Lodge-room in the same order in which it
marched to the grave.
XVII. A Lodge in procession is to be strictly
under the discipline of the Lodge-room; there-
fore, no brother can enter the procession or
leave it without express permission from the
Master, conveyed through the Marshal.
Service in the Lodge-i'oom
The brethren having assembled at the
Lodge-room, the Lodge will be opened on the
Third Degree; the purpose of the Specia(
Communication must be stated, and remarks
upon the character of the deceased may be
made by the Master and brethren.
If the Service in the Lodge- room is not to
be used, the Master will order the Marshal to

form the brethren in procession, to repair to

the house of the deceased.
If the Service in the Lodge-room is to be
used, after the appropriate remarks the Mas-
ter shall call up the Lodge, and will then pro-
ceed as follows:
IVor. Master. What man is he that liveth,
and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his
soul from the hand of the grave .^

Sen. Warden. His days are as grass; as

a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
Jtin. Warden. For the wind passeth over
it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall
know it no more.
W. M. Where is now our departed Brother?

S. W. He dwelleth in night; he sojourneth

in darkness.

J. W. Man walketh in a vain shadow; he

heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who shall
gather them.
W. M. When he dieth, he shall carry noth-
ing away; his glory shall not descend aftet

S. W. For he brought nothing into the

^/'orld, and it is certain he can carry nothing


/. W. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath

taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

W. M. The Lord is merciful and gracious,

slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

S. W. God is our salvation; our glory,

and the rock of our strength, and our refuge
is in God.

/. W. He hath not dealt with us after our

sins, nor rewarded lis according to our iniqui-

W. M. Can we offer any precious gift ac-

ceptable in the sight of the Lord to redeem

our brother?
5. W, We are poor and needy. We are
without gift or ransom.
/. W. Be merciful unto us, O Lord, be
merciful unto us; for we trust in Thee. Our
hope and salvation are in Thy patience.
Where else can we look for mercy?

IV. M. Let us endeavor to live the life of

the righteous, that our last end may be like

S. W. The Lord is gracious and righteous;

yea, our God is merciful.

/. W. God is our God forever and ever;

He will be our guide even unto death.
W. 31. Shall our brother's name and
virtues be lost upon the earth forever ?

Response by the brethren: We will re-

member and cherish them in our hearts.
W. M. I heard a voice from heaven, say-
ing unto me : ''Write, from henceforth blessed
are the dead who die in the Lord ! Even so,
saith the Spirit; for they rest from their

Here the Worshipful 31aster w\\\ take the

SACRED ROLL [a sheet of parchment or
paper prepared for the purpose], on which
have been inscribed the name, age, date of
initiation or affiliation, facts of his Masonic
history, date of death, and any other matters
relating to deceased that may be interesting
: !


to the brethren; and shall read the same aloud,

and shall then say
Almighty Father! in Thy hands we leave,
with humble submission, the soul of our de-
parted brother.
Respo7ise: Amen ! So mote it be
The Public Grand Honors should then be
given three times, the brethren to respond
each time:
The will of God is accomplished. Amen!
So mote it be.
The Worshipful Master should then deposit
the Roll in the archives of the Lodge. The
following, or some other appropriate Hymn,
may then be sung

Tune: Evan. C. M.

fe i^:

Few are thy days, and full of woe,

fTF=f=?=i S=f=&
f I i

; ;


Behold the emblem of thy state

In flowers that bloom and die
Or in the shadow's fleeting form
That mocks the gazer's eye.

Determined are the days that fly

Successive o'er thy head
The number'd hour is on the wing
That lays thee with the dead.

Great God, afflict not, in Thy wrath,

The short allotted span
That bounds the few and weary days
Of pilgrimage to man.

The Worshipful Master or Chaplain will

then repeat the following, or some other ap-


Almighty and Heavenly Father infinite in

wisdom, mercy and goodness, extend to us
the riches of Thy everlasting grace. Thou
alone art a refuge and help in trouble and
affliction. In this bereavement we look to
Thee for support and consolation. May we

power over a faith-

believe that death hath no
fuland righteous soul May we believe that,

though the dust returneth to the dust as it

was, the spirit goeth to Thyself. As we
mourn the departure of a brother beloved from
the circle of our Fraternity, may we trust that
he hath entered into a higher brotherhood, to
engage in nobler duties and in heavenly work,
to find restfrom earthly labor, and refresh-
ment from earthly care. May Thy peace abide
within us, to keep us from all evil. Make us
grateful for present benefits, and crown us
with immortal life and honor. And to Thy
name shall be all the glory forever. Amen!
Response: So mote it be !

A procession will then be formed, which

will proceed to the house of the deceased, in
the following order:

drawn sword;
Tyler, with
Stewards, with rods;
Master Masons, by two and two;
Members of the other branches of the Masonic
Past Masters, by two and two;
Pall-bearers, by two and two;

Secretary and Treasurer;

Senior and Junior Wardens;
The Holy Bible, Square and Compasses, on a
cushion, covered with a black cloth,
and carried by the oldest mem-
ber of the Lodge not
in office;
Worshipful Master, supported by the Dea-
cons, with rods.

If a band of music has been provided, it

will follow the Tyler, unless all the musicians
be Masons, in which case they will follow the
When the head of the procession arrives at
the entrance of the building, it should halt,
and on the proper order being given by the
Marshal it will open to the right and left,
forming two parallel lines and facing inward,
when the Marshal and Tyler will pass through
the lines to the end, and escort the Master or
Grand Officer inta the house, the brethren
closing in and following, thus reversing the
order of processionthe brethren with heads
If religious or Masonic services are to be
held at the house, all the brethren, so far as
practicable, will enter the house; if there are
no services to be held at the house, none but
the officers and pall-bearers will enter the

house, in which case the pall-bearers will be

the last to leave the lines and close in, the re-
maining brethren standing fast. The Tyler
will take and maintain his place just inside
of the door; the Marshal remaining outside in
charge of the brethren, if the brethren re-
main outside, the Marshal will reverse the
line^;, and open as before, bringing the right
or front of the lines near the hearse, the left
or rear near the door of the house, and leav-
ing space in the rear for the officers to occupy
as they leave the house.
Services at the House of the Deceased^ or at
After the religious services, if any, have
been performed at the residence, the Worship-
ful Master will take charge of the remains by
taking his station at the head of the coffin,
the Senior Warden on his right, the Junior
Warden on his left; the brother carrying the
Holy Bible will take his station at the foot of
the coffin, the Treasurer on his right, the
Secretary on his left; the Deacons and Stew-
ards will stand, one on each side of the coffin,
with rods crossed, the former near the head,
^he latter near the foot; the Chaplain taking
his place by the side of the coffin near the
center; the brethren forming a circle around
all, so far as practicable.

.If it isnot intended to use the Masonic ser-

vice at tiieresidence, after the officers have
taken their stations as above provided, all
will join in repeating the Lord's Prayer, the
Chaplain or Master leading; after which the
Master will order the pall-bearers to remove
the remains, and the Worshipful Master and
officers will retire from the house in the fol-
lowing order:

Tyler, with drawn sword;

Stewards, wi^h rods;
Secretary and Treasurer;
Senior and Junior Wardens;
The brother carrying the Holy Bible;
The Worshipful Master, supported by the
Deacons, with rods.

On leaving the house the Tyler and Stew

ards will proceed at once to their place at the
head of the procession near the hearse; the
remaining officers taking their places at the
rear of the procession, near the door of the
residence, and separating to each side, and
thus awaiting with all the brethren, with un-
covered heads, the exit of the body.
The officiating Clergy and Chaplain will
immediately precede the pall-bearers and the
body, and the body will be followed by the
immediate relatives and friends. As soon as

the irimediate relatives and friends have

jr-zcC. ":hi-ou:^h, the lines v/ill close^ commenc-
ing; -'r-t ".c the rear to prevent confusion by
the ::'^ncrr.l of friends fron the house
throui^ the li but making no forward

movement unti! head of the column moves,

'' ic
which will be '.b/J '-^e relatives have passed
through to the r-^r/uiges. The lines will then
move to the head of the procession, and pro-
ceed to the Church or place of interment, the
order of the procession be'ng plainly indicated
Ui thf remarks preliminary lo the Service at
-he Grave.
'f uu remains are taken to a Church, on
ari'ving at the Church the lines will again
form from the Church-door to the hearse,
and open order, facing inward and uncover-
ing, the head of the procession being at the
Church-door. The Tyler will pass through
the lines and escort the officiating Clergy and
Chaplain, who immediately precede the pall-
bearers with the body, the immediate relatives
and friends following, the Master and officers
and brethren closing in and f< 'lowing the
mourners into the Church, thus again revers-
ing the order of the procession. On retiring
from the Church, the brethren will retire in
regular order, as from the residence, viz:
Tyler, Stewards, Master Masons, Members
of th" other branches of theMasonic Fraternity,


Past Masters, Secretary and Treasurer, Senior

and Junior Wardens, the brotlier witli the
Holy Bible, the Master with the Deacons,
and will form outside from the Church-door
to the hearse as at residence, and will be
governed by the same rules.
The Masonic services, at either the residence
or Church, v/ill take place after the religious
services are concluded, and will commence
upon the officers taking their places about the
coffin as before provided, all the brethren
standing, and, if practicable, forming a circle
around the officers and body, whereupon the
service will proceed as follows:
The Worshipful Master or Chaplain \y\\\
repeat the following, or some other appropriate
Prayer, if the Lord's Prayer be used, all the
brethren will join:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed
be Thy name. Thy kingdom come: Thy
will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And forgive us
our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the
power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Worshipful Master. Brethren, we are

calledupon by the imperious mandr-jte of the
dread messenger Death, against whose free
entrance within the circle of our Fraternity
the barred doors and Tyler's weapon offer no
impediment, to mourn the loss of one of our
companions. The dead body of our beloved
brother A. B. lies in its narrow house before
us, overtaken by that fate which must sooner
or later overtake us all; and which no power
or station, no virtue or bravery, no wealth or
honor, no tears of friends or agonies of rela-
tives can avert; teaching an impressive les-
son, continually repeated, yet soon forgotten,
that every one of us must ere long pass
through the valley of the shadow of death,
and dwell in the house of darkness.
Senior Warden. In the midst of life we
are in death; of whom may we seek for suc-
cor but of Thee, OLord, who for our sins art
justly displeased. Thou know?st. Lord, the
secrets of our hearts; shut not Thy mercifu'
ears to our prayer.'

Junior Warden. Lord, let me know my

end, and the number of my days; that may I

he certified how long I have to live.

W. M. Man that is born of woman is of
few days and full of trouble. He cometh forth
as a flower, and is cut down; he fleeth also as
a shadow, and continueth not. Seeing his
days are determined, the number of his months
are with Thee; Thou hast appointed his
bounds that he cannot pass; turn fron him
that he may rest, till he shall accomplish his
day. For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut
down, that it will sprout again, and that the
tender branch thereof will not cease. But man
dieth and wasteth away; yea, man giveth up
the ghost, and where is he? As the v/aters
fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and

drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not

up till the heavens shall be no more.
S. W. Our life is but a span long, and the
days of our pilgrimage are few and full of

/. W. So teach us to number our days, that

we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

IV. M. Man work and

goeth forth to his
evening of his day. The
to his labor until the
labor and work of our brother are finished.
As it hath pleased the Almighty God to take
the soul of our departed brother, may he find
mercy in the great day when all men shall be
judged according to the deeds done in the
body. We must walk in the light while we
have light; for the darkness of death may
come upon us, at a time when we may not be
prepared. Take heed, therefore, watch and
pray; for ye know not when the time is; ye
know not when the Master cometh, at even,
at midnight, or in the morning. We should
so regulate our lives by the line of rectitude
and truth, that in the evening of our days we
may be found worthy to be called from labor
to refreshment, and duly prepared for a trans-
lationfrom the terrestrial to the celestial
Lodge, to join the Fraternity of the spirits of
just men made perfect.
5. W. Behold, O Lord, we are in distress!
Our hearts are turned within us; there is none

to comfort us; our sky is darkened with clouds,


and mourning and lamentations are heard

among us.
/. IV. Our life is a vapor that appeareth

for a little while, and then vanisheth away.

All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man
as the flower of grass. The grass withereth,
and the flower thereof away. falleth
W. M. It isgo to the house of
better to
mourning than to go to the house of feasting;
for that is the end of all men; and the living
will lay it to his heart.
Respcmse by all the brethren: So mote it be.
Here may be sung the following, or some
other appropriate, Hymn:

Tune Naomi.
: C. "M.

"0 ir
Here Death his sa - cred seal hath set.

* 1
U U-1 i-

-i^+- I^IZ^
^ -# ff#- -<5-^

On bright and by - gone hours ;

^' ^ -^.



The dead we mourn are with us yet,


Ours, by the pledge of love and faith ;

By hopes of heaven on high ;

By trust, triumphant over death,

In immortalitv!

The dead are like the stars by day,

Withdrawn from mortal eye;
Yet holding unperceived their way
Through the unclouded sky.

By them, through holy hope and love.

We feel, hours serene.

Connected with the Lodge above,

Immortal and unseen.

The Worshipful Master or Chaplain^ will

then repeat the following, or some other ap-

Most glorious God author of all good, and


giver of all mercy pour down Thy blessings


upon us, and strengthen our solemn engage-

ments with the ties of sincere affection May !

the present instance of mortality remind us

of our approaching fate, and draw our atten-
! !


tion toward Thee, the only refuge in time of

need; that when the awful moment shall
arrive that we are about to quit this transi-
tory scene, the enlivening prospect of Thy
mercy may gloom of death; and
dispel the
after our departure hence, in peace and in Thy
favor, we may be received into Thine ever-
lasting kingdom, to enjoy, in union with the
souls of our departed friends, the just reward
of a pious and virtuous life. Amen
Response: So mote it be
If the remains of the deceased are to be re-
moved to a distance where the brethren can-
not follow to perform the ceremonies at the
grave, or the weather be too stormy, the pro-
cession will return to the Lodge-room, and the
Lodge will close.

Service at the Grave.

The procession from the house of the de-
ceased, to the church, or to the place of inter-
ment, should be in the following order:
Tyler, with drawn sword;
Stewards, with rods;
Band of Music, if Musicians are Masons, other-
wise they follow the Tyler;
Master Masons;
- 18


Past Masters;
Secretary and Treasurer;
Senior and Junior Wardens;
The Holy Bible, Square and Compasses, on
a cushion, covered with black cloth,
and carried by the oldest
member of the Lodge
not in office
The Worshipful Master, supported by the
Deacons, with rods;
Officiating Clergyand Chaplain;
The Body,
With the insignia placed thereon, and the
pall-bearers on each side;

If the deceased was a member of a Royal

Arch Chapter and a Commandery of Knights
Templar, and members of those bodies should
unite in the procession, clothed as such, the
former will follow the Master Masons, and
the latter will act as an escort or guard of
honor to the corpse, outside the pall-bearers,
marching i. the form of a triangle; the officers
of the Commandery forming the base of the
triangle, with the Eminent Commander in the
When the procession has arrived at the
place 0^ \nterment, the members of the Lodge
Should form a circle around the grave; when

the Worshipful Master, Chaplain, and other

officers of the acting Lodge, take their posi-
tion at the head of the grave, and the mourn-
ers at the foot; the Deacons and Stewards
standing, with rods crossed, at the head and
foot of the grave, respectively.
After the Clergyman has performed the
religious services of the Church, the Masonic
service should begin.
The Chaplain^ or Worshipful Master, re-
hearses the following, or some other appro-

Almighty and most merciful Father, we

adore Thee as the God of time and eternity.
As it has pleased Thee to take from the light
of our abode one dear to our hearts, we beseech
Thee to bless and sanctify unto us this dis-
pensation of Thy providence. Inspire our
hearts with wisdom from on high, that we
may glorify Thee in all our ways. May we
Thine all-seeing eye is upon us,
realize that
and be influenced by the spirit of truth and
love to perfect obedience that we may enjoy
the divine approbation here below. And when
our toils on earth shall have ended, may we
: !


be raised to the enjoyment of fadeless light

and immortal life in that kingdom where faith
and hope shall end, and love and joy prevail
through eternal ages. And Thine, right-O
eous Father, shall be the glory forever. Amen.
Response: So mote it be
The following exhortation is then given by
the Worship/id Master
Brethren : The solemn notes that betoken
the dissolution of this earthly tabernacle, have
again alarmed our outer door, and another
spirit has been summoned to the land where
our fathers have gone before us. Again we
are called to assemble among the habitations
of the dead, fo behold the "narrow house ap-
pointed for all living." Here, around us, in
that peace which the world cannot give or
take away, sleep the unnumbered dead. The
gentle breeze fans their verdant covering, they
heed it not; thesunshineandthe storm passover
th'em, and they are not disturbed stones and

lettered monuments symbolize the affection of

surviving friends, yet no sound proceeds from ,

them, save that silent but thrilling admoni- i


tion: ''Seek ye the narrow path and the

straight gate that lead unto eternal life."

We are again called upon to consider the

uncertainty of human
life; the immutable

and the vanity of all human

certainty of death,
pursuits. Decrepitude and decay are written
upon every living thing. The cradle and the
coffin stand in juxtaposition to each other;
and a melancholy truth, that so soon as
it is

we begin to live, that moment also we begin

to die. It is passing strange that, notwith-
standing the daily mementos of mortality that
cross our path, notwithstanding the funeral
bell so often tolls in our ears, and the "mourn-
ful procession" go about our streets, that we
will not more seriously consider our approach-
ing fate. We go on from design to design,
add hope to hope, and lay out plans for the
employment of many years, until we are sud-
denly alarmed at the approach of the Messen-
ger of Death, at a moment when we least ex-
pect him, and which we probably conclude to
be the meridian of our existence.


What, then, are all the externals of human

dignity, the ^ower of wealth, the dreams of
ambition, the pride of intellect, or the charms
of beauty, when nature has paid her just debt?
Fix your eyes on the last sad scene, and view
life stript of its ornaments, and exposed in its

natural meanness, and you must be persuaded

of the utter eir.ptiness of these delusions. In
the grave, all fallacies ranks
are detected, all

are leveled, all distinctions are done away.

Here the scepter of the prince and the staff of
the beggar are laid side by side.

While we drop the sympathetic tear over

the grave of our deceased brother, let us ca^t
around his foibles, whatever they may have
been, the broad mantle of Masonic Charity,
noj withhold from his memory the commenda-
tion that his virtues claim at our hands. Per-
.action on earth has never yet been attained
the wisest, as well as the best of men, have
gone astray. Suffer, then, the apologies of
human nature to plead for him who can no
longer plead for himself.

Our present meeting and proceedings will

have been vain and useless, if they fail to excite
our serious reflections, and strengthen our reso-
lutions of amendment. Be then persuaded, my
brethren, by this example, of the uncertainty
of human life of the unsubstantial nature of
all its pursuits, and no longer postpone the
all-important concern of preparing for eternity.
Let us each embrace the present moment, and
while time and opportunity permit, prepare
with care for that great change, which we all
know must come, when the pleasures of the
world shall cease to delight, and be as a poison
to our lips and, while we may, enjoy the

happy reflection of a well-spent life in the ex-

ercise of piety and virtue, which, in that fatal
hour, will yield the only comfort and consola-
tion. Thus shall our hopes be not frustrated,
nor we hurried unprepared into the presence
of that all-wise and powerful Judge, to whom
the secrets of all hearts are known. Let us
resolve to maintain with sincerity the dignified
character of our profession. May our faith
be evinced in a correct moral walk and deport-


ment; may our hope be bright as the glorious

mysteries that will be revealed hereafter; and
our charity boundless as the wants of our
fellow-creatures.And having faithfully dis-
charged the great duties which we owe to
God, to our neighbor, and ourselves; when
at last it shall please the Grand Master of the
Universe to summon us into His eternal pres-
ence, may the trestle-board of our whole lives
pass such an inspection that it may be given
unto each of us to "eat of the hidden manna,"
and to receive the "white stone with a new
name," that will insure perpetual and un-
speakable happiness at His right hand.
The Worshipful Master then takes the
apron from the coffin, and the body is lowered
into the grave by three gradual motions.
The Worshipful Master then holding the
apron, continues
apron, is the emblem
The lambskin, or white
and the badge of a Mason. It
of innocence,
is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or

Roman Eagle; more honorable than the Star

and Garter, when worthily worn. This
emblem now deposit in the grave of our

deceased brother {depositing the apron in

the gravel. By it we are reminded of the
universal dominion of death. The arm of
friendship cannot interpose to prevent his
coming; the wealth of the world cannot pur-
chase our release nor will the innocence of

youth, or the charms of beauty propitiate his

purpose. The mattock, the coffin and the
melancholy grave, admonish us of our mor-
tality, and that, sooner or later, these frail
bodies must moulder in their parent dust.
The Worshipful Master then holding the
evergreen, continues:
This evergreen, which once marked the
temporary resting-place of the illustrious dead,
is an emblem of our faith in the immortality

of the soul. By this we are reminded that

we have an immortal part within us, that
shall survive the grave, and which shall never,
NEVER, NEVER, die. By it we are ad-
monished that, though, like our brother, whose
remains lie before us, we shall soon be clothed
in the habiliments of death, and deposited in
the silent tomb, yet, through our belief in the


mercy of God, we may confidently hope that

our souls will bloom in eternal spring. This,
too, I deposit in the grave, with the exclama-
tion, "Alas, my brother!

brethren then move in procession

around the place of interment, and severally
drop the sprig of evergreen into the grave,
with the same exclamation; after which, the
Public Grand Honorsf are given.
The Wo7^shipfu I Master i\\tn continues the
From time immemorial, it has been the
custom among the Fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons, at the request of a brother,
to accompany his remains to the place of in-

t The Grand Honors, practiced among Masons at fun-

erals, whether in public or private, are given "i the fol-
iowing- manner: Both arms are crossed on
the nft uppermost, and the open palms of hands
sharply striking the shoulders; they are then raised
above the head, the palms striking each other, and then
made to fall smartly upon the thighs. This is repeated
three times, and while they are being given the third
time, the brethren audibly pronounce the following words
when the arms are crossed on the breast: "We cherish
his memory here;" when the hands are extended above
the head: ''We commend his spirit to God who gave it;"
and when the hands are extended toward the ground:
"And consign his bodv to the earth."

terment. and there to deposit them with the

usual Tormalities.
In conformity to this usage, and at the re-
quest of our deceased brother, whose memory
we revere, and whose loss we now deplore,
we have assembled in the character of Masons,
to offer up to his memory, before the world, the
last tribute of our affection; thereby demon-
strating the sincerity of our past esteem for
him, and our steady attachment to the prin-
ciples of our Order.
The great Creator having been pleased, out
of his infmite mercy, to remove our brother
from the cares and troubles of this transitory
existence, to a state of endless duration, thus
severing another link from the fraternal chain
that binds us together; may we, who survive
him, be more strongly cemented in the ties of
union and friendship; that, during the short
space allotted us here, we may wisely and
usefully employ our time; and in the reciprocal
intercourse of kind and friendly acts, mutually
promote the welfare and happiness of each
other. Unto the grave we have consigned

the body of our deceased brother; earth to

earth {earth being sprinkled on the coffin'],
ashes to ashes \_7n0re earth], dust to dust
[more earth]] there to remain till the trump
shall sound on the resurrection morn. We
can cheerfully leave him in the hands of a
Being, Who has done all things well Who is;

glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing

To those of his immediate relatives and
friends, who are most heart-stricken at the
loss we have all sustained,we have but little
of this world's consolation to offer. We can
only sincerely, deeply, and most affectionately
sympathize with them in their aiflictive be-
reavement. But we can say, that He who
tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, looks
down with infmite compassion upon the widow
and fatherless, in the hour of their desolation;
and that the Great Architect will fold the arms
of His love and protection around those who
put their trust in Him.
Then let us improve this solemn warning
that at last, when the sheeted dead are stir-

ring, when the great white throne is set, we

shall receive from the Omniscient Judge, the
thrilling invitation, "come, ye blessed, inherit
the kingdom prepared for you from the foun-
dation of the world."
The following Ode will then be sung:

Tune: Pleyel's Hymn


=i^ ^ :^

Sol - emn strikes the fu - n'ral chime,

45L jo^ j2- #. :jf: jS. .^2.

W- i

s^S :
Notes of our de - part - ing time;

^ U

.a. .22.


As we jour - ney here be - low,

^ #=

i Thro' a
pil - grim - age of woe.
m jz. .(SL


Mortals, now indulge a tear,

For Mortality is here !

See how wide her trophies wave

O'er the slumbers of the grave!

Here another guest we bring ;

Seraphs of celestial wing,
To our fun'ral altar come,
Waft our friend and brother home.


4 Lord of all ! below above

our hearts with truth and love
Fill ;

When discclvcs our earthly tie,

Take l^ to Thy Lodge on high.

The servicec'-.-ill be concluded with the fol-

lowing or come other suitable


Most glorious God, author of all good and

giver of all mercy, pour down Thy blessings
upon us and strefigthen our solemn engage-
ments with the ties of sincere affection. May
the present instance of mortality remind us of
our own approaching fate, and, by drawing
our attention toward Thee, the only refuge in
time of need, may we be induced so to regu-
late our conduct here, that when the awful
moment shall arrive, at which we must quit
this transitory scene, the enlivening prospect
of Thy mercy may dispel the gloom of death;
and that after our departure hence, in peace
and Thy favor, we may be received into Thine
everlasting kingdom, and there join in union
with our friend, and enjoy that uninterrupted
! !


and unceasing felicity which is allotted to the

souls of just men made perfect. Amen.
Response: So mote it be !

Worshipful Master. The will of God is

Response: So mote it be
W. M. From dust we came, and unto dust
we must return.
Response: May we all be recompensed at
the resurrection of the just. Amen
Thus the service ends, and the brethren
may, if practicable open order and stand un-
covered, while the relatives pass through the
lines as they leave the cemetery; after which
the procession will return in form to the place
whence it set out, where the necessary busi-
ness of Masonry should be renewed. The
insignia and ornaments of the deceased, if an
officer of a Lodge, are to be returned to the
Master, with the usual ceremonies, and the
Lodge will be closed in form.
The following
Ritual for a Lodge of Sorrow
is recommendedfor use in the Lodges. While
necessarily of a funereal character, it differs
essentially from the burial service. In the
latter case, we are in the actual presence of
the departed, and engaged in the last rites of
affection and respect for one who has been
our companion in life, and whose mortal re-
mains we are about to consign to their last
resting-place. The Lodge of Sorrow, on the
contrary, is intended to celebrate the memory
of our departed brethren; and while we thus
recall to our recollection their virtues, and
temper anew our resolutions so to live, that,
when we shall have passed the silent portals,
our memories may be cherished with grateful
remembrance, we learn to look upon death
from a more elevated point of view; to see in
it the wise and necessary transition from the
trials and imperfections of this world, to the
perfect life for which our transient journey
here has been the school and the preparation.
Vocal and instrumental music are indispens-
able to the proper effect of the ceremony. The
brethren should wear dark clothing, and white


gloves and aprons. There is no necessity for

any attempt at secrecy in the ceremonies of
Sorrow Lodges. They may be held in churches
or public halls, or in the presence of friends at
the Lodge-room, with benefit to all concerned.

Preparation of the Hall.

\. The Lodge-room should be appropriately

draped in black, and the several stations cov-
ered with the same emblem of mourning.
II. On the Master's pedestal is a skull and
lighted taper.
III. In the center of the room is placed the
catafalque, which consists of a rectangular
platform, about six feet long by four feet wide,
on which are two smaller platforms, so that
three steps are represented. On the third one
should be an elevation of convenient height,
on which is placed an urn. The platform
should be draped in black, and a canopy of
black drapery may be raised over the urn and
IV. At each corner of the platform will be
placed a candlestick, bearing a lighted taper,
and near it, facing the East, will be seated a
brother, provided with an extinguisher, to be
used at the proper time.
V. During the first part of the ceremonies
the lights in the room should burn dimly.

VI. Arrangements should be made to en-

able the light to be increased to brilliancy at
the appropriate point in the ceremony.
VII. On the catafalque will be laid a pair
of white gloves, a lambskin apron, and if the
deceased brother had been an officer, the ap-
propriate insignia of his office.
Vill. Where the Lodge is held in memory
of several brethren, shields bearing their names
are placed around the catafalque.
Opening the Lodge.
The several officers being in their places,
and the brethren seated, the Worshipful Mas-
ter \n\\\ call up the Lodge, and say:
Worshipful Master. Brother Senior War-
den :For what purpose are we assembled.?
Senior Warden. To honor the memory of
those brethren whom death hath taken from
us; to contemplate our own approaching dis-
solution; and, by the remembrance of immor-
tality, to raise our souls above the considera-
tions of this transitory existence.
W. M. Brother Junior Warden: What sen-
timents should inspire the souls of Masons on
occasions like the present?
Junior Warden. Calm sorrow for the
absence of our brethren who have gone before

us; earnest solicitude for our own etern-^.l wel-

and a firrn faith and reliance upon the
wisdom and goodness of the Great Architect
of the Universe.
W. M. Brethren: Commending these sen-
timents to your earnest consideration, and
invoking your assistance in the solemn cere-
monies about to take place, I declare this Lodge
of Sorrow opened.
The Chaplain, or Worshipful Master, will
then offer the following, or some other suitable
Grand Architect of the Universe, in whose
holy sight centuries are but as days; to whose
omniscience the past and the future are but as
one eternal present; look down upon Thy
children, who still wander among the delu-

sions of time who still tremble with dread
of dissolution, and shudder at the mysteries
of the future; look down, we beseech Thee,
from Thy glorious and eternal day into the
dark night of our error and presumption, and
suffer a ray of Thy divine light to penetrate
\nto our hearts, that in them may awaken
: ! ;


and bloom the certainty of life, reliance upon

Thy promises, and assurance of a place at
Thy right hand. Amen.
Response: So mote it be
The following, or some other appropriate
Ode may here be sung

Tune : Bradford. C. M.

9-ltr S :fcN:1=:
^ *^
^ ^
O Broth-er, thou art gone to rest;


We will not weep for thee

^ I

1^ ^ -^VT-*^ ^ -^
^ ^^-
;: ;



For ihou
^^ ^-
nowwhere.oft on earth,

Vip^ ^^

-*-_- E3

Tliy spir - it longed to be.

2 O Brother, thou art gone to rest
Thy toils and cares are o'er
And sorrow, pain, and suffering now
Shall ne'er distress thee more.

3 O Brother, thou art gone to rest,

And this shall be our prayer
That, when we reach our journey's end,
Thy glory we shall share.

The Worshipful Master {taking the skull

in his ha7id'\ will then say:
Brethren: In the midst of we are in

death, and the wisest cannot know what a

day may bring forth. We live but to see
those we love passing away into the silent
Behold this emblem of mortality, once the
abode of a spirit like our own; beneath this
mouldering canopy once shone the bright and
busy eye; within this hollow cavern once
played the ready, swift, and tuneful tongue;
and now, sightless and mute, it is eloquent
only in the lessons it teaches us.
Think of those brethren, who, but a few
days since, were among us in all the pride
and power of life; bring to your minds the
remembrance of their wisdom, their strength,
and their beauty; and then reflect that "to
this complexion have they come at last;" think
of yourselves, thus will you be when the lamp
of your brief existence has burned out Think
how soon death, for you, will be a reality.
Man's life is like a flower, which blooms to-

day, and to-morrow is faded, cast aside, and

trodden under foot. The most of us, my
brethren, are fast approaching, or have already
passed the meridian of life; our sun is setting
in the West; and oh ! how much more swift
is the passage of our declining years than
wnen we started upon the journey, and be-
lieved as the young,are too apt to believe-
that the roseate hues of the rising sun of our
existence were always to be continued. When
we look bacl<; upon the happy days of our
childhood, when the dawning intellect first
began to exercise its powers of thought, it
seems as but yesterday, and that, by a simple
effort of the will, we could put aside our man-
hood, and seek again the loving caresses of a
mother, or be happy in the possession of a
bauble; and could we now realize the idea
that our last hour had come, our whole earthly
life would seem but as the space of time from

yesterday until to-day. Centuries upon cen-

turies have rolled away behind us; before us
stretches out an eternity of years to come;
and on the narrow boundary between the past

and the present flickers the puny taper \v.i

term our life. When we came into the world,
we knew naught of what had been before us;
but, as we up to manhood, we learned
we saw the flowers bloom as they
of the past;
had bloomed toi centuries; we beheld the orbs
of day and night pursuing their endless course
among the stars, as they had pursued it from
the birth of light ; we learned what men had
thought, and said, and done, from the begin-
ning of the world to our day; but only through
the eye of faith can we behold what is to come
hereafter, and only through a firm reliance
upon the Divine promises can we satisfy the
yearnings of an immortal soul. The cradle
speaks to us of remembrance the coffin, of
hope, of a blessed trust in a never-ending ex-
istence beyond the gloomy portals of the tomb.
Let these reflections convince us how vain
are all the wranglings and bitterness engend-
ered by the collisions of the world how little;

in dignity above the puny wTanglings of ants

over a morsel of food, or for the possession of
a square inch of soil.

What shall survive us? Not, let us hope,

the petty strifes and bickerings, the jealousies
and heart-burnings, the small triumphs and
mean advantages we have gained, but rather
the noble thoughts, the words of truth, the
works of mercy and justice, that ennoble and
light up the existence of every honest man,
however humble, and live for good when his
body, like this remnant of mortality, is mould-
ering in its parent dust.
Let the proud and the vain consider how
soon the gaps are filled that are made in
society by those who die around them; and
how soon time heals the wounds that death
inflicts upon the loving heart; and from this
let them learn humility, and that they are but

drops in the great ocean of humanity.

And when God sends his angel to us with
the scroll of death,let us look upon it as an
act of mercy, to prevent many sins and many
calamities of a longer life; and lay down our
heads softly and go to sleep, without wrang-
ling like froward children. For this at least
man gets by death, that his calamities are not


immortal. To bear grief honorably and tem-

perately, and to die willingly and nobly, are
the duties of a good man and true Mason.
A solemn piece of music will now be per-
formed, or the following Ode may be sung :

Tune : Naomi. C. M.

4--^ * J
t-vVfwj f
When those we love are snatched a-\vay,

00 r0

iL?d5 \==t
V-V-4- i



Our hearts the mournful trib- ute pay,

O 9 O -r 0-

^ I

While pity prompts the rising sigh,

With awful power imprest;
May this dread truth, "I too must die,"
Sink deep in every breast.

Let this vain world allure no more:

Behold the opening tomb
It bids us use the present hour;

To-morrow death may come-

: ;


The voice of this instructive scene

May every heart obey
Nor be the faithful warning vain
Which calls to watch and pray.
At its conclusion the Chaplain will read the
following passages
Lo, He goeth by rne and I see Him not.
He passeth on also, but I perceive Him not.
Behold He taketh away, who can hinder
Man that is born woman is of few days,
of a
and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a
and is cut
flower, down he fleeth also as a

shadow, and continueth not. Seeing his days

are determined, the number of his months are
with Thee Thou hast appointed his bounds

that he cannot pass; turn from him that he

may rest, till he shall accomplish, as an hire-
ling, his day. For there is hope of a tree if it
be cut down, that it will sprout again, and
that the tender branch thereof will not cease.
Though the root thereof wax old in the earth,
and the stock thereof die in the ground, yet
through the scent of water it will bud and
bring forth boughs like a plant. But man
dieth andwasteth away; yea, man giveth up
the ghost, and where is he? As the waters
fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and
drieth up, so man lieth down, andriseth not;
till the heavens be no more, they shall not

awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.

My days are passed, my purposes are broken
off,even the thoughts of my heart. If wait, I

the grave is mine house have made my bed

: I

in the darkness. I have said to corruption,

thou art my father. And where is now my

hope? As for my hope, who shall see it? They
shall go down to the bars of the pit, when our
rest together is in the dust.
My bone cleaveth to my skin snd to my
flesh. Oh, that my words were now written ;

Oh, that they were printed in a book ! That

they were graven with an iron pen and lead
in the rock forever! For I know that my Re-
deemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the
latter day upon the earth. And though after
my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my
flesh shall I see God. Whom I shall see for

myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not

For Thou cast me into the deep, in the midst
of the seas ; and Thy floods compassed me
about all Thy billows and Thy waves passed

over me. Then said, I am cast out of Thy


sight yet will I look again toward Thy holy


temple. The waters compassed me about, even

to the soul, the depth closed me round about,
the weeds were wrapt about my head.
I said, in the cutting off of my days I shall

go to the gates of the grave I am deprived of


the residue of my years I said, I shall not


see the Lord, even the Lord in the land of the

living I shall behold man
; no more with the
inhabitants of the world. Behold, for peace
I had great bitterness but Thou hast in love

to my soul delivered it from the pit of corrup-

tion. For the grave cannot praise Thee, death
cannot celebrate Thee; the living, the living,
he shall praise Thee as I do this day.
Are not my days few? Cease, then, and let
me alone, that I may take comfort a little,
before I go whence I shall not return, even to

the land of darkness, and the shadow of death,

A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and
of the shadow of death, without any order,
and where the light is as darkness.
Aninterval of profound silence will be ob-
served. The general lights of the hall, if
there be convenience, will be turned low, and
the four brethren will extinguish the tapers
near which they are placed.

Prayer by the Chaplain.

Our Father Who art in Heaven, it hath
pleased Thee to take from among us those
who were our brethren.
Let time, as it heals
the wounds thus upon our hearts and
on the hearts of those who were near and dear
to them, noterase the salutary lessons engraved
there but let those lessons always continu-

ing distinct and legible make us and them

wiser and better. And whatever distress or
trouble may hereafter come upon us, may we
ever be consoled by the reflection that Thy
wisdom and Thy love are equally infinite,
and that our sorrows are not the visitations
of Thy wrath, but the result of the great !aw
! ; ;


of harmony by which everything being con-


ducted to a good and perfect issue in the full-

ness of Thy time. Let the loss of our breth-
ren increase our affection for those who are
yet spared to us, and make us more punctual
in the performance of the duties that friend-
ship, love and honor demand. When it comes
to us also to die, may a firm and abiding
trust in Thy mercy dispel thegloom and
dread of dissolution. Be with us now, and
sanctify the solemnities of this occasion to
our hearts, that we may serve Thee in spirit
and understanding. And to Thy name shal^
be ascribed the praise forever. Amen.
Response : So mote it be
The Wardens, Deacons and Stewards^ will
now approach the East and form a procession,
Two Stewards, with rods
Two Wardens
The Worshipful Master, supported by the
Deacons, with rods.
This procession will move once around the
catafalque to slow and solemn music. On
arriving at the East, the procession will halt
and open to the right and left. The Junior


Warden will then advance to the catafalque,

and, placing upon it a bunch of white flowers,
will say ;

Junior Warden. In memory of our de-

parted brethren I deposit these white flowers,
emblematical of that pure life to which they

have been and reminding us that as

these children of an hour will droop and fade
away, so, too shall we soon follow those who
have gone before us, and inciting us so to fill
the brief span of our existence that we may
leave to our survivors a sweet savor of re-
Iht Junior Warden will now return to his
place, and an interval of profound silence will
be observed. The procession will again be
formed, and move as before, to the sound of
slow music, twice around the catafalque.
They will open as before, and the Senior
Warden approaching the catafalque will place
upon it a wreath of white flowers, and say
Senior Warden. As the sun sets in the
West, to close the day and herald the ap-
proach of night, so, one by one we lay us
down in the darkness of the tomb to wait in


its calm repose for the time when the heavens

shall pass away as a scroll, and man, stand-
ing in the presence of the Infinite, shall realize
the true end of his pilgrimage here below.
Let these flowers be to us the symbol of re-
membrance of all the virtues of our brethren
who have preceded us to the silent land, the
token of that fraternal alliance which binds
us while on earth and which we hope will
finally unite us in heaven.

The Senior Warden returns to his place,

and an interval of profound silence will be
observed. The procession will again be
formed, and move three times around the
catafalque to slow and solemn music, as
before. Arrived in the East, the Worshipful
Master v^\\\ advance and place upon the Urn
a wreath of evergreen, and say

Worshipful Master, It is appointed unto

all men once to die, and after death cometh
the resurrection. The dust shall return to
the earth and the spirit unto God who gave
it In the grave all men are equal ; the good
deeds, the lofty thoughts, the heroic sacrifices


alone survive and bear fruit in the lives of

those who strive to emulate them.

While, therefore, nature will have its way,

and our tears will fall upon the graves of our
brethren, let us be reminded by the evergreen
symbol of our faith in immortal life that the
dead are but sleeping, and be comforted by
the reflection that their memories will not be
forgotten; that they will still be loved by
those who are soon to follow them that in ;

our archives their names are written, and that

in our hearts there is still a place for them.
And so, trusting in the infmite love and tender
mercy of Him without whose knowledge not
even a sparrow falls, let us prepare to meet
them where there is no parting, and where
with them we shall enjoy eternal rest.

The Worshipful Master will return to his

place, and a period of silence will obtain. The
Chaplain will now be conducted to the altar,
where he will read

But some man will say How are the dead


raisedup? and with what body do they come?


Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not

quickened except it die and that which thou

sowest, thou sowest not that body that shal

be, but bare grain ; it may chance of wheat
or of some other grain ; but God giveth it c
body as it hath pleased Him, and to every
seed his own body.
same flesh but there is
All flesh is not the ;

one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of

beasts, another of flshes, and another of birds.
There are also celestial bodies, and bodies ter-

restrial but the glory of the celestial is one,


and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

There is one glory of the sun, and another
glory of the moon, and another glory of the
stars ; for one star differeth from another star
in glory. So also is the resurrection of the
dead. It is sown in corruption, it is raised
in incorruption sown in dishonor, it is
; it is

raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it

is raised in power; it is sown a natural body,

it is raised a spiritual body. There is a nat-

ural body, and there is a spiritual body. And
so it is written, the flrst man Adam was made


a living soul, tlie last Adam was made a

quickening spirit. Howbeit, that was not
first which is spiritual, but that which is nat-

ural ;and afterward that which is spiritual.

The man is of the earth, earthy; the

second man is the Lord from heaven. As is

the earthy, such are they also that are earthy
and as is the heavenly, such are they also
that are heavenly. And as we have borne
the image of the earthy, we shall also bear
the image of the heavenly.
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and
blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
Behold, shew you a mystery we shall not
I :

all sleep,but we shall all be changed in a ;

moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the

last trump for the trumpet shall sound, and

the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we

shall be changed. For this corruptible must
put on incorruption, and this mortal must
put on immortality. So when this corruptible
shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal
shall have put on immortality, then shall be
I -


brought to pass the saying that is written,

death is swallowed up in victory. death, O
where is thy sting? O
grave, where is thy

As the Chaplain pronounces the concluding

words, "O grave, where is thy victory?"
the lights in the hall will be raised to brilliancy,
the four brethren seated around the catafalque
will relight the tapers, while a strain of tri-
umphant music will be played.
The Chaplain will return to his place in the
East, and the following, or some other ap-
propriate Ode, will be sung to music of a more
cheerful character

TUNE! Gary.

SpS^Pg^ emn
One sweet-ly sol - thought

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I ^-t=^'^^: S: H:
Comes to me o'er and o'er:

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Bc^-ta=^El -^#-
I am near - er home to - day

- -r !
* *-t

Than I ev - er have been be - fore.

PEEEE^^Sg333 -^-^-i^-

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; ;


Nearer myFather's house,

the many mansions be
Nearer the great white throne
Nearer the crystal sea.

Nearer th-e bound of life,

Where welay our burdens down
Nearer leaving the cross ;
Nearer gaining the crown.

But lying darkly between,

Winding down through the night,
Is the deep and unknown stream,
That leads at last to the light.

Father, perfect my trust

Strengthen the might of my faith ;
Let me feel as I would when I stand
On the rock of the shore of death.
Feel as I \^^ould when my feet
Are slipping over the brink
For it may be, I am nearer home
Nearer now than I think.

The Orator will then pronounce the Eulog-


Then follows the following, or some other

appropriate Ode
Tune: Old Hundred. L. M


:=r '^

Once more, O Lord, let grateful praise

^m^^m i=^

I Wri^
fe i
From ev-'ry heart to Thee ascend ;

-^- 4- 4- -*- -^9- ^ -I -I

9jr m.
Thou art the
M of our days,

'^^^f?=-- -^ ^-

Our first, our best, and changeless friend.

-"^ '^- -^^ -^ d ^ ^
^ ^
Hear now our parting hymn of praise,
And bind our hearts in love divine ;

Oh, may we walk in wisdom's ways,

And ever feel that we are Thine.
Worshipful Master. Brother Senior War-
den, our recollection of our departed friends
has been refreshed, ana we may now ask our-
selves, were they just and perfect Masons,
worthy men, unwearied toilers in the vine-
yard, and possessed of so many virtues as to
overcome their faults and shortcomings?
Answer these questions, as Masons should
Senior Warden. Man judgeth not cf man.
He Whose infinite and tender mercy passeth

all comprehension, Whose goodness endursth

forever, has called our brethren hence. Let
Him judge.
Egypt no one could gain admit-
In ancient
tance to the sacred asylum of thetomb until
he had passed under the most solemn judg-
ment before a grave tribunal.
Princes and peasants came there to be
judged, escorted only by their vh-tues and
their vices. A public accuser recounted the
history of their lives, and threw the penetrat-
ing light of truth on all their actions. If it

were adjudged that the dead man had lead an

evil life, his memory was condemned in the
presence of the nation, and his body was
denied the honors of sepulture. But Masonry
has no such tribunal to sit in judgment upon
her dead ; with her, the good that her sons
have done lives after them and the evil is

interred with their bones. She does require,

however, that whatever is said concerning
them shall be the truth ; and should it ever
happen that of a Mason, who dies, nothing
good can be truthfully said, she will mourn-


fully and pityingly bury him out of her sight

in silence.
Worshipful Master. Brethren, let us profit
by the admonitions of ihis solemn occasion,
lay to heart the truths to which we have
listened, and resolve so to walk that wher
we lay us down to tlie last sleep it may b
the privilege of the brethren to strew white
flowers upon our graves and keep our mem-
ories as a pleasant remembrance.
Erother Senior Warden : Announce to the
brethren that our labors are now concluded,
and that it is my pleasure that this Lodge
of Sorrow be closed.
Senior Warden. Brother Junior Warden
The labors of this Lodge of Sorrow being
ended, it is the pleasure of the Worshipful
Master that it be now closed. Make due an-
nouncement to the brethren, and invite them
to assist.
Junior Warden {^calling up the Lodge'],
Brethren, the labors of this Lodge of Sorrow
beir.g ended, it is the pleasure of the Worship-
ful Master that it be now closed.

W. M. Let us unite with our Chaplain in

an invocation to the Throne of Grace.

W. M. This Lodge of Sorrow is now

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