Riddle Kids

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201 Thematic

Riddle Poems to
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Build L iteracy
Short, Irresistible, Guess-Me Poems
Perfect for Shared Reading, Circle Time,
and More!

by Betsy Franco


New York Toronto London Auckland Sydney
Mexico City New Delhi Hong Kong
For my Uncle Sam who played
imaginary games with me
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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Cover design by Norma Ortiz

Cover artwork by Cheryl Phelps
Interior artwork by Jane A. Dippold
Interior design by Sydney Wright

ISBN: 0-439-13121-9
Copyright 2000 by Betsy Franco
All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Instant Ideas for Using Riddles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Riddles Selections

Colors and Shapes

Which Mystery Color? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Which Colorful Fruit or Veggie? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Which Stoplight Color? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Which Shape Am I? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Farm Animals
Whos Down on the Farm? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Whos Being Fed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Which of the Five Senses? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Which Part of Me? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
How Do I Feel? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
What Makes Us Special? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Which Favorite Toy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Popular Animals
I Spy: Which Animal? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
What Kind of Bear? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
What Do You Know About Penguins? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Which Whale? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Which Community Worker Am I? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Transportation: Which Kind? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Whats the Weather Report? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
What Will I Wear in This Weather? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sky: Whats Shining? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Letters and Numbers

Which Letter? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
How Many? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

All Sorts of Animals

Can You Bee a Bug Detective? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Which Pet Do You Pick? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
At the Beach: What Am I? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Whos in the Ocean? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

At School
What Can You Find in the Classroom? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
What Am I Playing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Balls: Which Sport? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Interesting Animals
Whos Hatching? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
If You Met This Dinosaur, How Would You Greet It? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Whos in the Rain Forest? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

Calendar and Seasons

Which Season? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Which Month of the Year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Which Day of the Week? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Which Holiday? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Resources for Riddles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

or t o f p oe
t r y
Introduction ni ng?
ts i s t im ar
Wha eless, fun, and packed with le
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Take a gue
ss! R
iddle poems, of course!

Riddles are one of the oldest forms of poetry riddle? Youll observe kids supporting one
for a good reason. They make us grin! They anothers learning.
make us think!
Enliven morning meetings with easy-to-

Builds key literacy skills

Sharing riddles: read riddles in pocket charts. Simply write

Strengthens higher-level thinking skills

the riddles on sentence strips and tuck them

Captures and focuses student attention

in each pocket. Write and/or illustrate the

Enriches thematic units

answers on index cards and slip them in, too.

Adds fun to every lesson! Excite students with creative, interactive

bulletin-board displays. Staple large manila
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build envelopes onto a bulletin board. Write one
Literacy will benefit your teaching in riddle on the front of each envelope. Then
many ways. Here are just a few ideas for tuck the answers inside each corresponding
putting them to work in your classroom: envelope. In order to encourage kids to use
the riddle bulletin board effectively, intro-
Inspire students during shared-reading duce it to the class. Invite a pair of kids to be
time. Copy riddle poems onto chart paper bulletin board helpers. Have each child read
and turn your emergent readers into reading- aloud one riddle from the bulletin board to
time helpers. The kids will feel proud to use the class. As a whole class, discuss which
your teachers pointer to model how to read words in the riddle are clues to the answer.
from left to right, point out helpful words in Then say to each helper: Read us the
the riddle, and identify initial consonants. answer from the envelope, please! Help
Ask, Which words are clues to solve the children build self-confidence in riddle

solving by inviting riddle on your shirt, raise your hand!
them to visit the Choose a child whose hand is raised to state
bulletin board the riddles answer. Then invite the other
in their free time. children who are wearing that particular
Keep the riddle color to join the group. Continue the process
poems fresh and until everybody has joined the group. This
engaging with flexible format extends oral literacy and
selections from makes class management fun!
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

201 Thematic
Riddle Poems. Delight students with collaborative
riddle books. Invite each child to choose a
Encourage hands-on learning with riddle favorite riddle from 201 Thematic Riddle
poems represented on finger-friendly Poems. Give each child a piece of plain
flannel boards. Copy riddle poems and white paper on which to copy the riddle and
answers onto colorful sentence strips. Place draw a related picture. Laminate the student-
Velcro on the back and stick. Kids can created pages and three-hole-punch their
match riddle poems with riddle solutions. left edges. Then link them together with
Your students will enjoy this multi sensory brass fasteners to assemble a special class
treat. And youll hear them read with book. Celebrate poetry by inviting students
confidence. to share their favorite riddle poems with the
whole class. Then give your collaborative
Build oral literacy during transition times. book a place of honor in your classroom
Turn transition times into exciting language- library.
learning times. If youre studying colors, read
selections from Which Mystery Color? (14) Invigorate your learning centers with
and Which riddles on audiotape. Kids will love to
Stoplight Colors? hear themselves reading, and youll love hav-
(18). Use lively ing authentic assessments. Add audiotapes
color riddles to to student portfolios. Help kids hear how
motivate kids to theyve improved their reading fluency. Play
form a line, visit the tapes at parent-teacher conferences.
the library, pre- Tapes enable parents to listen to their child
pare for a field read and actually hear what their child is
trip, or just get learning in your classroom. Document stu-
ready for a snack. dent development and reinforce emerging
Say, If you are literacy with kids reading on tape. Make the
wearing the most of an essential assessment tool in your
answer to this PreK2 classroom.

Instant Ideas f
or Using Riddles

Add rhythm and rhyme to every aspect of

your emergent literacy program with the playful riddles and
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

activities in this book. The following pages cover some of the

ways these cross-curricular riddles will add fun and
flavor to your classroom instruction!

Refresh Thematic Units Let9s9Practice!
Enliven your thematic units with rhyming
riddle activities. If your theme is colors, for
If you want to add zip to your thematic unit
example, choose selections from Which
on shapes, read selections from Which Shape
Mystery Color? (14), Which Colorful Fruit or
Am I? (19). Teach your students to recognize
Veggie? (17), and Which Stoplight Color? (18)!
shapes and the words that name them.
Are poems about school more appropriate
Reinforce the concept that words denote
for you? Then share selections from What
meaning. By offering both printed words and
Can You Find in the Classroom? (53), What
paper shapes, children at different language-
Am I Playing? (55), and Balls: Which Sport?
learning levels will be able to participate with
(56). Let 201 Thematic Riddle Poems jump-
relative ease.
Make paper cutouts of basic shapes,
start your thematic unit with poems that will
delight emergent readers.
providing kids with concrete examples of
word meaning. Print the shapes names on
Which Shape am I? index cards.
Put the shapes and word cards on your
A bathroom tile,
a checkerboard game chalkboard ledge.
Ask the class, Which shape or which word
my four straight sides
are all the same! is circle ? Invite one child at a time to
Im a __________. select either a shape or a word card. After
Answer: square each childs correct choice, repeat the
word aloud and show the corresponding

Invite children to think of other words
shape. This is the square shape. And this

is the word square! that begin with the same sound by asking,
What first sound does this group of
Not only will this exercise reinforce childrens
words share?
Brainstorm more words that begin with
knowledge of shapes, but it will also help
them build important connections between
written and oral language. Use it at circle the same sound. Write the words students
time! What better time to study shapes? generate on chart paper, creating a word
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

bank of Mm words. As you encounter

more Mm words in literature, add those
Build Essential Phonics Skills to your list!
Help children construct knowledge about Variation: Encourage
letter sound/symbol relationships. Invite children to use words from
them to listen for initial consonants with the Mm word bank to compose
riddles from Which Letter? (40) Focus stories. Each time a word in
your lesson on hearing initial consonant their stories begins with Mm,
sounds. have your students underline
it. Invite students to read their
stories from your classrooms
Which Letter? author chair. Celebrate literacy
This letter of the alphabet at every turn!
is in some messy words you know,
like mucky, muddy, mopping, milk.
Teach Rhyming Word Families
Now write some other words below!
Teaching emergent readers to recognize that
Answer: Mm many words rhyme introduces them to the
important concept of word families.

999 What Pet Do You Pick?
I swim in water all day long.
You feed me little flakes.
The same initial sound appears in messy,
If I were wild and not a pet,
mucky, muddy, mopping, and milk.
Read the poem together. Tell your stu-
Id live in streams and lakes.
Pick a pet.
dents, Say the sound your ears hear
the most. Answer: fish

Which words are helpful clues to solve this
999 riddle poem? Be sure to discuss any riddle
poems that seem especially challenging for
your students to solve.
Capture your students attention with trans-
parencies. Roll that overhead projector out
from the closet. Its an incredibly powerful
Whos Hatching?
teaching tool!
Choose a rhyming riddle from 201
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

They are skinny and long

Thematic Riddle Poems. Use permanent
curled up in their eggs.
marker to copy it onto an overhead Then they slither right out
transparency. with no arms and no legs.
Project the transparency onto your wall Whos hatching? ________
screen. As your students read along with Answer: snakes
you, encourage them to listen to the
sounds that combine to create words.
Ask your students to identify the rhyming
words. How are the endings of these Let9s9Practice!
words similar? What rime do they

Cut an oval egg shape out of colored paper

share? Highlight the rhyming words on the
transparency with a bold-colored marker.
Use chart paper to record word families.
and rest it on your chalkboard ledge.

Whenever you encounter more words Write a riddle on the board from the
with the same rime, add them to the selection titled Whos Hatching? (57)
word bank! Cover the riddles answer with the paper
egg so that the children cant see it.
Read the poem aloud to your class.
Please note: Youll notice words that rhyme
are not always members of the same word
family. Then ask, Whos hatching? Lift the egg to
show the answer. Have students support
their answers with clue words from the
Enhance Critical-Thinking Skills riddle.
Playful rhymes provide a comfortable, low- Variation: Break the class into a few
stress setting for creative problem solving. mixed-level groups. Provide each group with
Invite children to use word clues to con- several poems to solve from 201 Thematic
struct an answer. By providing clue words, Riddle Poems. When each group has com-
riddles invite kids to make educated guesses. pleted the activity, meet as a whole class to
Help your students be riddle detectives! Ask, share riddles and answers.


Make Pocket Chart Learning
More Meaningful
Pocket charts are versatile and valuable
teaching tools. Use them to reinforce a les-
son, enliven a Read Aloud, or enhance a
Mega-Fun Technology Tips Guided Reading experience. A pocket chart
Add a high-tech dimension to learning is essentially a sturdy wall chart with places
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

with riddles. Use your classroom comput- to insert words, pictures, and sentences.
er to reinforce language arts skills and Most have ten rows of transparent plastic
introduce new ones in inspiring ways. pockets that readily provide a generic frame-
work for poetry, songs, and literature. Pocket
Improve Reading & Writing Skills charts make building literacy hands-on and
minds-on! Use them with your students to
Have students:
link text to pictures, match words that
Invite older kids to use word-processing
rhyme, and much more!
software to set some of these riddles in
type. Ask students to identify rhyming
words with boldface. Which Season?
Develop a class book of original riddles. In _______________,
Invite students to write riddles and trees are nice and bare.
then to illustrate them with drawing
and grays the color of the sky.
We like to play in the snow all day.
Cultivate Listening & We like the ________, you and I.
Speaking Skills Which season?
Have students:
Answer: winter
Celebrate reading by recording some
of the 201 Thematic Riddle Poems on
audiotapes. Put them in your listening Let9s9Practice!
center, where kids can read and listen
to their best-loved riddles.
Create a class videotape of your Using a Pocket Chart Is as Easy
students reading their favorite riddles as 123!
aloud. Share it with parents at Riddle poems in pocket charts add pizzazz to
open house! your language arts program.

Enjoy the poem above year round (62).
Animals, Me, Popular Animals, Letters and
Copy its generic text onto white sentence Numbers, All Sorts of Animals, Interesting
strips. Then tuck them into the rows of Animals, Calendar and Seasons, and
your pocket chart. Science, of course. Revisit the Table of

Write the words spring, summer, winter,

Contents pages (34) for a breakdown of all
the riddles in this book. Put riddles to work
and autumn on strips of the same color
for you. Theyre an instant way of bridging
paper. Put them, in no particular order, in
the gap between language arts and other
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

an empty pocket towards the bottom of

content areas.
the chart.
Write the phrases that describe winter on
sentence strips of another color. Tuck
How Many?
them in the spaces of your riddles frame-
work. Now youre ready to share the Add 2 plus 3
poem with your class. Its that easy! and every time
Variation: your answer will be me,
Writing new versions of a no matter if youre adding
riddle is a good method frogs or wild chimpanzees.
for exploring descriptive Answer: 5
language! Place the frame-
work on the pocket chart
with a seasonal word
tucked in the uppermost
row. Ask, What phrases Let9s9Practice!
describe this season?
Youll start a seasonal
brainstorm! Write the Boost student understanding of number
student-generated phrases concepts with simple story problems from
on sentence strips and How Many? (47) This activity works well in
small groups.
Write the riddle poem on the chalkboard
insert them in your generic framework.
Youve created a riddle innovation!
or dry-erase board. Write each of the
numbers 1 to 10 on index cards. Place the
Connecting Reading With Math number cards on your boards ledge, in
and Science no particular order.
Math and Science are everywhere. Youll find Invite your students to fill in any two
them embedded in Colors and Shapes, Farm numbers in the blanks to create a simple

story problem. Read the riddle aloud.
Ask the kids to write the problem on
paper. Ask, Which mathematical opera-
tion did you need to use? Addition?

Boost ESL Fluency With Solve the problem on the board.

Encourage good study habits by asking,
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Skill-Building Riddle Poems How can we check our work? On the

Provide hint tickets on index cards. board, write the problem presented by the
Each card indicates the answers first or riddle: 2 + 3 = 5.
last letter.
Write several possible riddle responses
on a dry-erase board. Reluctant writers Let9s9Practice!
will readily join the fun if they have
choices. Invite children to fill in the
circle that corresponds to the poems Extending Learning With Riddle
solution, familiarizing them with Innovations
standardized-test formats!
Children love to create their own rhymes,
Offer illustrations and photographs as especially riddles. Make the most of the
answer choices. Students who use riddles in this book by using their different
oral-language comprehension will structures as a springboard and a model for
choose the picture or photo that best writing. Ask your students what they notice
represents the riddles solution. about riddles. What do these riddles have
in common?
Ask students to try these ideas when theyre
constructing riddles:
Name the subject of their poem indirectly.
Supply specific and vivid clues.
Challenge the reader to solve the riddle.
Assume the persona of the mystery
Provide clues through an unidentified

structure of their favorite riddles from this
book. Read aloud several excerpts from 201
Which Letter?
Thematic Riddle Poems with your students,
This letter of the alphabet including the riddle at left. Ask, What makes
is in some silly words you know, a riddle . . . a riddle? And remember, a rid-
like slurp and slug and slip and slide. dle poem does not need to rhyme to be con-
Now write some other words below! sidered a riddle. Writing in rhyme may be a
daunting task for young writers.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: Ss
surprising serious super

Youre ready to write riddle innovations.

Separate your class into a few mixed-level
groups for this activity.
Invite each group of students to brain-
storm alternate
words for the
poem. Insert
those new
words in place
of silly and
slurp, slug, slip,
and slide. For
example, silly can become surprising or
serious or super.
Ask children to develop their own riddle
poem innovations with the support of
their small groups. When everybody has
rewritten one riddle, encourage your
emergent writers to share their writing
with the class, peers, and family.
Variation: If your students liked writing
innovations, theyll love writing original
riddles. Remind them to think about the

99 Which Mystery Color?
Cherries, apples, pomegranates,
ladybugs, and roses.
At circus time, the clowns all wear
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

this color for their noses.

Name the mystery color. ________
Answer: red

Its the darkest dark

of the sky at night.
Its the color you see
with your eyes shut tight.
Name the mystery color. ________
Answer: black

On American flags
both old and new,
Theres red and theres white
and theres this color, too.
Name the mystery color. ________
Answer: blue

The color of a daffodil
thats growing in the sun,
or a bunch of eight bananas
that are ripening one by one.
Name the mystery color. ________
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: yellow

The color from mixing

red and blue
is the color of plums
and grape juice, too.
Name the mystery color. ________
Answer: purple

The farm has rows of peas and beans,

some peppers and some lettuce.
This is the color that we eat
when Farmer Betty lets us.
Name the mystery color. ________
Answer: green

Its a pumpkin in the autumn,

ripe and golden in the light.
Its a jack-o-lanterns face,
bright and scary in the night.
Name the mystery color. ________
Answer: orange

I see this color
all around
as snowflakes float
down to the ground.
Name the mystery color. ________
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: white

What color is a robins song?

What color is a breeze?
What color is the buzzing
of a busy honeybee?
Name the mystery color. ________
Answer: any color you choose

Which Colorful Fruit or Veggie?

Outside Im green.
Im pink inside,
where all my little
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

black seeds hide.

Which fruit is it? ________
Answer: watermelon

Im bright, bright orange with green on top.

The sound I make is crunch
whenever you eat me as a snack
or munch me in your lunch.
Which veggie is it? ________
Answer: carrot

I come in red and yellow.

I also can be green.
I may be the home of a hungry worm,
so make sure I am clean.
Which fruit is it? ________
Answer: apple

With all my eyes I still cant see.

I grow down underneath the ground.
You eat me whole or cut me thin
and fry me till Im golden brown.
Which veggie is it? ________
Answer: potato

Which Stoplight Color?
Ladybug in
the flower bed
didnt cross
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

when the light turned ________.

Answer: red

Bee, whos such

a busy fellow,
waited to cross
when the light turned _______.
Answer: yellow

Grasshopper hopping
in the beans
crossed the street
when the light turned _______.
Answer: green

Which Shape Am I?
A pizza, a clock,
a bicycle wheel
I have no sides,
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

but Im for real.

Im a ________.
Answer: circle

A door, a book,
a tabletop
four corners wait
where my four sides stop.
Im a ________.
Answer: rectangle

An arrowhead,
a party hat
Ive got three sides.
Now think of that.
Im a ________.
Answer: triangle

A bathroom tile,
a checkerboard game
my four straight sides
are all the same!
Im a ________.
Answer: square

Whos Down on the Farm?

He cock-a-doodles
on the farm.
He is the farmers
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

loud alarm.
Who is he? ________
Answer: rooster

Her babys called a little lamb.

Her coat is soft and white.
The farmer cuts her wool each year.
It keeps you warm at night!
Who is she? ________
Answer: sheep

He has a very wobbly chin.

His wings flap up and down.
Thanksgiving Day, hed fly away,
but hes stuck on the ground.
Who is he? ________
Answer: turkey

She chews her cud.

She softly moos.
Her fresh white milks
her gift to you.
Who is she? ________
Answer: cow

He barks and runs around a lot
to herd the sheep together.
He keeps the farmer company
in every kind of weather.
Who is he? ________
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: sheep dog

Paddle, paddle, paddle.

Dive, dive, dive.
Quack, quack, quack.
Its good to be alive!
Who is she? ________
Answer: duck

He hoots and hoots in the barn at night.

He catches lots of mice.
He turns his head this way and that
and blinks his two large eyes.
Who is he? ________
Answer: barn owl

Clippity clop, clippity clop.

She lifts her head to neigh.
Shes trotting to the big red barn
to eat some fresh-cut hay.
Who is she? ________
Answer: horse

Whos Being Fed?
Someone on the farm today
was happy to be fed.
_______, _______, _______, _______
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

is what that someone said.

So tell me, who was fed?
Answers will vary.

Try these sounds in the blanks:

sheep: baa, baa, baa, baa
duck: quack, quack, quack, quack
pig: oink, oink, oink, oink
rooster: cock-a-doodle-doo
goose: honk, honk, honk, honk
goat: naa, naa, naa, naa
cat: meow, meow, meow, meow
horse: neigh, neigh, neigh, neigh
cow: moo, moo, moo, moo
chick: cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep
chicken: cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck
dog: woof, woof, woof, woof
turkey: gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble


Which of the Five Senses?


A cricket does this with its leg. A bat can use its ears for this.
I do it with my ears. I do it with my eyes.
I do it when a siren sounds I do it when I look at a bird
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

or people scream and cheer. or watch a full moon rise.

What do I do? ________ What do I do? ________
Answer: hear Answer: see

A boa does this with its tongue,

I do it with my nose.
If someones baking cookie dough,
then I am sure to know.
What do I do? ________
Answer: smell

A cat has whiskers just for this. An eel does this with its skin,
I do it with my hands. a housefly with its feet.
I do it when I pat a dog I do this with my mouth each day
or feel the silky sand. when I sit down to eat.
What do I do? ________ What do I do? ________
Answer: touch Answer: taste


Which Part of Me?
Theyre perfect for batting,
and thats not all!
They each have an elbow
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

for throwing a ball.

Which part of me? ________
Answer: my arms

I use them when I kick a ball.

They take me where I want to go.
They fit inside my socks and shoes.
I use them standing tippy-toe.
Which part of me? ________
Answer: my feet

I use them when I run and jump.

They help me when I skip a rope.
They both have knees that help me bend.
Youll guess this part of me, I hope.
Which part of me? ________
Answer: my legs


I use them to eat. I use them to clap.

I use them to point and to write.
I use them to paint and to brush my hair.
I use them to fly a kite!
Which part of me? ________
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: my hands

This part of me
can wear a hat
and wink and smell
and hear and chat.
Which part of me? ________
Answer: my head

All ten of them get wrinkled

when Im sitting in the tub,
and if I trip on something,
then one of them gets stubbed.
Which part of me? ________
Answer: my toes


How Do I Feel?
When someone hurts my feelings,
or a good friend moves away,
I start to feel pretty _______.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

The world looks kind of gray.

How do I feel? ________
Answer: sad

Whenever its my birthday,

or when Grandma brings us treats,
I get a _______ feeling
thats warm inside of me.
How do I feel? ________
Answer: happy

When someone breaks my favorite things

or calls me yucky names,
then I feel very _______.
Its kind of like a flame.
How do I feel? ________
Answer: angry

When my friends yell, Happy birthday!

and I cant believe my eyes,
then I get this special feeling,
and that feeling is _______.
Answer: surprised


What Makes Us Special?
My Name
No matter what I say or do,
my name will always be the same.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

It starts with ___

and ends with ___.
Now count to 3 and say my name. ______
Answers will vary.

My Friend
Friends at home,
Friends at school,
Friends both old and new.
I have a friend with __________________
(example: long brown hair or a yellow shirt)
My friend is next to you!
Answers will vary.

Someone in the Classroom

Theres someone in the classroom.
Its one of all of you.
Ill tell you what s/he likes to do
and that will be the clue.
S/he likes to ____________________.
(example: play on the swings)
So now can you guess who? ____________
Answers will vary.

Variation: Tuck kids photos in your pocket chart backward after So now can you guess who? When you
read the riddle together, invite one child to flip the photograph around to see his/her classmate!
Hint: Laminate photos to make them last all year!

99 Which Favorite Toy?

He sits on my bed
with his brown furry hair
and his paws without claws.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Hes my old ________ ________.

Answer: teddy bear

Hear it flapping in the wind.

Watch as it takes flight.
Run around so it stays up.
This toy is called a ________.
Answer: kite

Its string is quite long.

It spins high and low.
It twirls up and down.
Its called a ________.
Answer: yo-yo

Im blowing balls into the air,

but they can get in trouble.
They stop and pop on anything sharp.
You guessed! Im blowing ________.
Answer: bubbles

99 I Spy: Which Animal?
I spy with my little eye
a mammal with a spout.
Its bigger than my grandmas car.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

It swims to get about.

I spy a ________.
Answer: whale

I spy with my little eye

a mammals big brown jaws.
It lives in caves and hibernates.
It fishes with its paws.
I spy a ________.
Answer: bear
I spy with my little eye
a bird that wears a suit.
Its black and white.
It slides on ice. Its really very cute.
I spy a ________.
Answer: penguin
I spy with my little eye
a creature sleeping upside down.
It sleeps in dark and spooky caves.
On Halloween it flies around.
I spy a ________.
Answer: bat

What Kind of Bear?
Hear me growl my growl.
See my brown, brown hair.
I hibernate in winter.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Im a furry ________ bear.

Answer: grizzly

Hear me growl my growl.

See my black, black hair.
I hibernate in winter.
Im a furry, big ________ bear.
Answer: black

Hear me growl my growl.

See my white, white hair.
Im not the hibernating kind.
Im a furry ________ bear.
Answer: polar

What DoPenguins?
You Know About
We penguins live together.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

We swim together, too.

We all live in a _________.
Well save a place for you.
Where do we live? __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Answer: rookery
We penguins move along the ice.
We waddle, and we slide.
Our slidings called ___________ .
Its such a slippery ride!
What is our sliding called? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Answer: tobogganing
We penguins have some enemies,
like _______ in the sea.
If one appears, we head for ice
as quickly as can be.
Who is our enemy? __ __ __ __ __
Answer: seals
We penguins come in different heights.
We can be big or small.
The giant _________ penguin
is the biggest one of all.
Which is the biggest penguin? __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Answer: emperor

Which Whale?
The h________ whale
is known for its song.
The b________ whale is famous
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

because it is so long.
Answers: humpback, blue

A k________ whales mouth

has some sharp teeth in there.
It uses its spout
when it comes up for air.
Answer: killer

The s________ whale

has a pushed-in snout.
It moves its fluke
to swim about.
Answer: sperm

Which Community Worker Am I?

Fire! Fire!
I fight the blaze
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

until its done.

Who am I? ________
Answer: firefighter

I get up early
just to bake
your cookies, rolls,
and bread and cake.
Who am I? ________
Answer: baker

In rain or snow
or sun or hail,
I walk to your homes
to deliver the mail.
Who am I?________
Answer: mail carrier

Stitches and itches,

slips and falls,
colds and flu
I fix them all.
Who am I? ________
Answer: doctor

Im there for you
both night and day
so you are safe
at school and play.
Who am I? ________
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: police officer

Math and reading,

science, too.
I teach these things
to all of you.
Who am I? ________
Answer: teacher

Let me help you

find a book
on bears or bees
or how to cook.
Who am I? ________
Answer: librarian

Transportation: Which Kind?

All Aboard!
We go speeding
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

down the track.

What is it? ________
Answer: train
With seat belts on,
we drive around.
We stop and go
all over town.
What is it? ________
Answer: car

The pilot takes us

up so high
a giant bird
up in the sky.
What is it? ________
Answer: airplane

Up in the sky,
above the clouds,
propeller whirring
fast and loud.
What is it? ________
Answer: helicopter

Across the lake
I row and row.
The harder I pull,
the faster I go.
What is it? ________
Answer: rowboat
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Flap, flap, flap,

Wind in the sails.
Waves in our faces.
Time to bail!
What is it? ________
Answer: sailboat

Pedals twirl
and wheels turn.
We ride to school
and then return.
What is it?________
Answer: bicycle

Whats the Weather Report?

In winter when it falls on you, It can steal your hat.

you always look surprised. It can blow your hair.
But when you try to catch it, It can make the leaves
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

it melts before your eyes. dance here and there.

Whats falling? ________ Whats blowing? ________
Answer: snow Answer: wind

It pitter-patters on the roof.

It waters garden flowers.
When we go out without a coat,
it gives us all a shower.
Whats coming down? ________
Answer: rain

Puffy white pillows Rumble, rumble,

fill the sky. boom, boom, boom!
They hold the rain Dazzling light
way up so high. fills up the room!
Whats up there? ________ Whats happening?________
Answer: clouds Answer: thunder and lightning

99 What Will I Wear in
This Weather?
To keep my hands warm
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

when building in snow,

my m________ go with me
wherever I go.
What go with me? ________
Answer: mittens
I put on my r________
and pull on the hood.
Whenever its raining,
my r________ feels good.
What do I put on? ________
Answer: raincoat
Whenever its sunny,
I pull on my sh________.
I wear them to school
and for all kinds of sports.
What do I put on? ________
Answer: shorts
On windy days,
I hold my ________,
or off my head
it flies like that.
What do I hold? ________
Answer: hat

Sky: Whats Shining?
Sometimes its small, sometimes its big.
It shines at night way out in space.
It seems to follow you around.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Some people say it has a face.

Whats shining? ________
Answer: moon

First one comes out, then thousands more.

Some people wish on them at night.
They form the pictures in the sky.
They make a very twinkly sight.
Whats shining? ________
Answer: stars

It rises each morning and stays in the sky

till its nighttime, and then it must go.
It shines on the flowers and gardens and trees.
They need it in order to grow.
Whats shining? ________
Answer: sun

There are nine of them,

and earth is one.
They orbit round
and round the sun.
Whats shining? ________
Answer: planets

Which Letter?
This letter of the alphabet
is in some awesome words you know,
like alligator, ant, afraid.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Now write some other words below!

Answer: Aa A

B This letter of the alphabet

is in some beautiful words you know,
like bubble, bunny, butterfly.
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Bb

This letter of the alphabet c

is in some cool words you know,
like cactus, cake, and cottontail. C
Now write some other words below! C

Answer: Cc

This letter of the alphabet

D is in some dandy words you know,
like dolphin, duck, and dinosaur.
D Now write some other words below!
Answer: Dd

This letter of the alphabet
is in some easy words you know,
like eat and egg and even eyes.
Now write some other words below! E
Answer: Ee E
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

f This letter of the alphabet

is in some funny words you know,
F like feather, fast, and fiddler crab.
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Ff

This letter of the alphabet
is in some good old words you know,
like garden, growing, green, and give. G
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Gg G

This letter of the alphabet

is in some happy words you know,
H like howdy, hi, and Halloween.
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Hh

This letter of the alphabet
is in some interesting words you know,
like igloo, itch, and ice-cream cone.
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Ii

201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

This letter of the alphabet
is in some jazzy words you know,
like joke and jeep and jump and jig.
Now write some other words below!
J Answer: Jj

This letter of the alphabet
is in some king-size words you know, K
like kindergarten and kangaroo.
Now write some other words below! K
Answer: Kk

L This letter of the alphabet
is in some lively words you know,
like leap and laugh and lightning bug.
L Now write some other words below!
Answer: Ll

This letter of the alphabet
is in some messy words you know,
like mucky, muddy, mopping, milk.
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Mm M
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

N This letter of the alphabet

is in some nifty words you know,
N like nice and nothing, night and newt.

Now write some other words below!
Answer: Nn

This letter of the alphabet o

is in outstanding words you know,
like open, old, okay, and orange. O
Now write some other words below! O
Answer: Oo

p This letter of the alphabet

P is in some playful words you know,
like pizza, pollywog, and pop.
P Now write some other words below!
Answer: Pp

This letter of the alphabet
is in quite a lot of words you know,
like quick and quack and quilt and queen.
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Qq
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

r This letter of the alphabet

is in rip-roaring words you know,
R like race and ran and ride and riddle.
R Now write some other words below!
Answer: Rr

This letter of the alphabet
is in some silly words you know,
like slurp and slug and slip and slide. S
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Ss S

T This letter of the alphabet

T is in some tiny words you know,
like to and two and tip and top.
Now write some other words below!
Answer: Tt

This letter of the alphabet
is in some unusual words you know,
like underwear and upside down.
Now write some other words below! U
Answer: Uu
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

V v This letter of the alphabet

is in some very nice words you know,
like velvet, vest, and valentine.
Now write some other words below!
V Answer: Vv

This letter of the alphabet

is in some wonderful words you know, W
like wiggle, wild, and waterfall.
Now write some other words below! W
Answer: Ww

X This letter of the alphabet
is in extraordinary words you know,
like x-ray, exit, excellent.
X Now write some other words below!
Answer: Xx

This letter of the alphabet
is in some yummy words you know,
like yogurt, yam, and yellow cake.
Now write some other words below! Y
Answer: Yy

201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

This letter of the alphabet
is in some zippy words you know,
like zigzag, zipper, zip, and zap.
Now write some other words below!
Z Answer: Zz

How Many?
____ little ladybugs
pretty as can be.
____ flew down and
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

landed on me.
How many ladybugs
left in the tree?
Answers will vary.

Take the numbers ____ and ____. (Insert two numbers.)

Im somewhere in between those two.
They say Im _______. (odd or even)
So who am I?
Just use the clues I gave to you.
Answers will vary.

Add ____ plus ____

and every time,
your answer will be me,
no matter if youre adding
frogs or wild chimpanzees.
Answers will vary.

Can You Bee a Bug Detective?

I have 5 eyes,
2 pairs of wings,
3 body parts,
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

and other things.

But most of all
I jump so far,
when it comes to my hop,
Im a superstar.
Bee a bug detective. ________
Answer: grasshopper

I always wear a crimson coat

with dots on either side.
I fly away if I get scared.
Its hard for me to hide.
Bee a bug detective. ________
Answer: ladybug

Please come to our house for the afternoon,

and help us make our honey.
We can pay you with a sticky treat
because we have no money.
Bee a bug detective. ________
Answer: bees

I come from cocoons
so cozy and tight.
And when it gets dark,
I flutter near light.
Bee a bug detective. ________
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: moth

My front and back look quite the same.

I wiggle all around.
Youll find me in the garden
digging tunnels underground.
Bee a bug detective. ________
Answer: worm

I spin a web.
I lay some eggs.
I walk around
on eight thin legs.
Bee a bug detective. ________
Answer: spider

I have a lot of little feet

that I have never stopped to count.
They say I have 100 legs.
Now that is quite a large amount!
Bee a bug detective. ________
Answer: centipede

Which Pet Do You Pick?
I swim in water all day long. They say that I have nine long lives.
You feed me little flakes. I land on four soft feet.
If I were wild and not a pet, I purr and purr when I am rubbed.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Id live in streams and lakes. The sound is really neat.

Pick a pet. ________ Pick a pet. ________
Answer: fish Answer: cat

When out on a walk,

I yip and I yap,
and when I get tired,
I sleep on your lap.
Pick a pet. ________
Answer: puppy

Ive got long ears and a cottontail. My tail is long,

I hop on big back feet. my whiskers, too.
I wiggle my nose to thank you Id like a piece of
when you give me carrot treats. cheese from you.
Pick a pet. ________ Pick a pet. ________
Answer: bunny Answer: mouse

At the Beach: What am I?

I look like a star,

but Im not in the sky.
I cling to the rocks
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

when a wave comes by.

Im a __________.
Answer: sea star/starfish

Inside my shells
there is a pearl
for any lucky
boy or girl.
Im an __________.
Answer: oyster

Do not spend me
at the store.
Im a dollar you find
when you explore.
Im a __________.
Answer: sand dollar

Whenever I want to
switch my shell,
anothers shell
will do quite well.
Im a __________.
Answer: hermit crab

99 Whos in the Ocean?
Im a fish with fins
gray, white, or dark.
Ive got rows of teeth.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Im an ocean ________.
Answer: shark

My flippers help me
find a meal.
I swim and bark.
Im an ocean ________.
Answer: seal

I squirt out my ink.

Im a sourpuss.
I come with eight legs.
Im an ________.
Answer: octopus

If youre into large beaks,

then Im the one.
I fish in the ocean
Im a ________.
Answer: pelican

What Can
You Find in the
I have 2 hands. I have a face.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

My hands go round and round.

I have the numbers 1 to 12
instead of smiles and frowns.
Find me in the classroom. ________
Answer: clock

I have four legs.

Im made from a tree.
You stuff your books
inside of me.
Find me in the classroom. ________
Answer: desk

Im a yellow fellow with a pointed head.

Im thin as thin can be.
But I leave a trail on a blank white page
when someone writes with me.
Find me in the classroom. ________
Answer: pencil

Im covered with lines,
and Im most often white.
Im handy when
you want to write.
Find me in the classroom. ________
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: paper

I take your books from home to school.

Im red or blue or green or black.
You zip my zippers here and there.
Im always riding piggyback.
Find me in the classroom. ________
Answer: backpack

Im rainbow colors
like red and blue.
When you draw or color,
Im what you use.
Find me in the classroom. ________
Answer: crayons

Over my head
What Am I Playing?
and under my feet.
The rope twirls around,
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

as I jump to the beat.

What am I doing? ________
Answer: jumping rope

I climb the ladder

and then sit down.
Whoosh! Im swishing
to the ground!
What am I doing? ________
Answer: sliding on the slide

Draw the squares

in white or black.
Throw a stone.
Hop up and back.
What am I doing? ________
Answer: playing hopscotch

Im It. I chase you

one, two, three.
I try to catch
the friends I see.
What am I doing? ________
Answer: playing tag

99 Balls: Which Sport?
Its going through the hoop.
The happy crowd
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

lets out a whoop.

Its a ________.
Answer: basketball

Home run,
single, double, too.
You hit this ball
and catch it, too.
Its a ________.
Answer: baseball

You use a racquet

to hit this ball.
Its yellow or white,
and its fuzzy and small.
Its a ________.
Answer: tennis ball

This ball is made of leather

partly white and partly black.
You try to get it in the goal.
You kick it up and back.
Its a ________.
Answer: soccer ball

A reptiles 99
Whos Hatching?
hatching out today.
She has big jaws
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

and starts with A.

Whos hatching? ________
Answer: alligator

A light blue egg

in a cozy, little nest
out comes a bird
with red on its chest.
Whos hatching? ________
Answer: robin

This reptile is breaking

her egg with a crack.
She hides in the shell
that she wears on her back.
Whos hatching? ________
Answer: turtle

A little babys hatching out
whos covered all in yellow.
Hes peeping and hes cheeping.
Hes a little, feathered fellow.
Whos hatching? ________
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: chick

They are skinny and long,

curled up in their eggs.
Then they slither right out
with no arms and no legs.
Whos hatching? ________
Answer: snakes

These creatures used to rule the earth.

They hatched from giant eggs.
They all had different sizes
for their tails and heads and legs.
Whos hatching? ________
Answer: dinosaur

If You Met This Dinosaur,

How Would You Greet It?

Its brain is the size of a walnut
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

in a head thats very small.

Its back is filled with lots of plates
that stand up sharp and tall.
Hello, S____________.
Answer: Stegosaurus
Its the largest dinosaur of all.
Its neck is very long.
Youd run as fast as your legs could go
if this one came along.
Good-bye, Br____________.
Answer: Brachiosaurus
With two sharp horns
and a fancy collar,
this dinosaur
could make you holler.
Hello, Tr____________.
Answer: Triceratops
The fiercest of the dinosaurs
has strong back legs and feet.
It uses a mouthful of very sharp teeth
to tear and eat its meat.
Good-bye, T____________.
Answer: Tyrannosaurus rex

Whos in the Rain Forest?
When Im eating my ants,
I couldnt be neater.
I use my long tongue.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Im a giant _________.
Answer: anteater

I have very long fur,

except on my nose.
Im the slowest of beasts.
Im a _________ with three toes.
Answer: sloth

With a giant-sized beak,

and a tail like a fan,
Ive got bright-colored feathers.
Im called a_________.
Answer: toucan

Watch me swinging through the trees.

They say Im very spunky.
See me hanging by my tail.
Im a forest spider _________.
Answer: monkey

I have two very bulgy eyes.
I live in trees and logs.
You see me hop, you hear me croak.
I am a spotted _________.
Answer: frog
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

I am 15 feet long.
No sound do I make.
Ive got a forked tongue.
Im an anaconda _________.
Answer: snake

When I leave my cocoon,

I go fluttering by.
My wings are like jewels.
Im a _________.
Answer: butterfly

Im fast and Im sleek.

Im a rain-forest star.
My spots make me handsome.
Im called a _________.
Answer: jaguar

Which Season?
In _______,
trees are nice and bare,
and pretty snowflakes fill the sky.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

We like to build in the snow all day

We like the _______, you and I.
Which season?
Answer: winter
In _____time
trees have brand new leaves
and baby birds fly in the sky.
We like to dig and plant all day.
We like the _______ time, you and I.
Which season?
Answer: spring
In _______
trees are full and green,
and bright, hot sunshine fills the sky.
We like to swim and splash all day.
We like the _______, you and I.
Which season?
Answer: summer
In _______,
trees are orange and red,
and leaves are twirling in the sky.
We like to jump in the leaves all day.
We like the _______, you and I.
Which season?
Answer: autumn/fall

201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Generic Poetry Frame:

In winter, (change the season name)
trees ___________________________.
and ___________________________ sky.
We like to ___________________________ all day.
We like the winter, you and I.
(change the season name)
Answers will vary.

Variation: Once the children have guessed all the names of the seasons, make a new activity.
Fill in the seasons, and have the children fill in the blanks of the generic poetry frame below.

Which Month of the Year?

Theres always a month of the year

when Martin Luther King Day is here.
Its number one.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

We have wintry fun.

Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: January

Theres always a month of the year

when Valentines Day is here.
Its number two.
Theres a heart just for you!
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: February
Theres always a month of the year
when St. Patricks Day is here.
Its number three.
You have to wear green!
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: March

Theres always a month of the year

when the beginning of spring is here.
Its number four.
There are tulips and more.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: April

Theres always a month of the year
when Memorial Day is here.
Its number five.
Bees buzz in their hive.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: May

Theres always a month of the year

when the end of school is here.
Its number six.
Time for picnics.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: June

Theres always a month of the year

when the fireworks show is here.
Its number seven.
Its summer heaven.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: July

Theres always a month of the year

when the last month of summer is here.
Its number eight.
The weathers great.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: August

Theres always a month of the year
when the beginning of school is here.
Its number nine.
The classrooms shine.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer: September

Theres always a month of the year

when Halloween is here.
Its number ten.
We dress up again.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: October

Theres always a month of the year

when Thanksgiving Day is here.
Its number eleven.
The turkey is heaven.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: November

Theres always a month of the year

when gift-giving time is here.
Its number twelve.
There are candles and elves.
Come and whisper the month in my ear.
Answer: December

Which Day of the Week? I picked a day
a day of the week.
Ill give you a clue,
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

for each is unique.

Answers will vary.

Clues for You:

Its the first day of the school week. ____________

Answer: Monday

Its the middle of the week and has the longest name. ____________
Answer: Wednesday

Its the last day of the school week. ____________

Answer: Friday

It has seven letters, and it comes after Monday. ____________

Answer: Tuesday

Its the day before Friday. ____________

Answer: Thursday

Its the first day you can sleep late and play all day. ____________
Answer: Saturday

Its the last day of the weekend. ____________

Answer: Sunday

Which Holiday?
Black and orange are the colors we use
on this happy holiday.
Can you guess the day Im thinking of?
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Youre right! Its __________ Day.

Answer: Halloween

Green and white are the colors we use

on this happy holiday.
Can you guess the day Im thinking of?
Youre right! Its __________ Day.
Answer: St. Patricks

Red and pink are the colors we use

on this happy holiday.
Can you guess the day Im thinking of?
Youre right! Its __________ Day.
Answer: Valentines

Red, white, and blue are the colors this day,

and theres a reason why.
Can you guess the day Im thinking of?
Youre right. Its the __________.
Answer: Fourth of July

Resources for Riddles

ABC Animal Riddles by Susan Joyce. Peel Productions, 1999.

Calculator Riddles by David A. Alder. Holiday House, 1996.
201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Cliffords Riddles by Norman Bridwell. Scholastic Trade, 1990.

Creepy Riddles by Katy Hall and Lisa Einsenberg. Dial Books for Young Readers, 1998.
Eight Ate a Feast of Homonym Riddles by Marvin Terban. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1982.
I Spy School Days: A Book of Picture Riddle by Jean Marzollo. Scholastic, 1995.
Kindle Me a Riddle: A Pioneer Story by Roberta Karim. Greenwillow, 1999.
Lightning Inside You: And Other Native American Riddles by John Bierhorst.
William Morrow & Company, 1992.
Playing Possum: Riddles About Kangaroos, Koalas, and Other Marsupials (You Must
Be Joking) by John Jansen. Lerner Publications Co., 1995.
The House With No Door: African Riddle-Poems by Brian Swann. Browndeer Press, 1998.
Weather or Not: Riddles About Rain and Shine by Rick Walton. Lerner Publications Co., 1991.

Check Out These Riddle Websites!

http://Scholastic.com/inschool/reproducibles/writing/seesaw1cv.htm Explore word
games: puzzles, rebus riddles, and more!
http://www.kidjokes.com Visit a riddle extravaganza designed just for kids!
http://www.nwf.org/kids/ Visit the National Wildlife Federation to read Ranger Ricks
Riddle Picks!
http://Scholastic.com/ispy/make/mak.htm Make Your Own I-Spy! Books and software
by Jean Marzollo and Walter Wick.
http://Scholastic.com/magicschoolbus/games/riddle.htm Discover the Magic School
Bus Riddle of the Week!

201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources


201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources


201 Thematic Riddle Poems to Build Literacy Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources



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