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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,382,646 B1

Shaw (45) Date of Patent: May 7, 2002

(54) KICK SCOOTER STEERING CONTROL 4,775,162 A * 10/1988 Chao ..................... 280/87.041
MECHANISM 4.951,958 A * 8/1990 Chao ....... ... 280/87.041
5,048,632 A 9/1991 Battel ......................... 180/181
(76) Inventor: Athony Shaw, 21 F-3, No. 218, Feng 55
2- - - 2
A : 1492 E. st al - - - - - - - - - - as:
OOKS C al. .........
Chia Road, Taichung (TW) 5,762,351 A 6/1998 SooHoo ...................... 280/267
5,924,710 A * 7/1999 Milne .......... ... 280/87.042
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,950,754. A * 9/1999 Onish, Jr. ................ 180/181
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5.997,018 A 12/1999 Lee ............. ... 280/87.042
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 6,170,242 B1 1/2001 Gordon ...................... 56/15.8
6,206.388 B1 * 3/2001 Oluboter ... ... 280/87.042
(21) Appl. No.: 09/767,697 6.224,076 B1 * 5/2001 Kent ....... ... 280/87.042
D445,145 S * 7/2001 Yang ......................... D21/423
(22) Filed: Jan. 24, 2001 6.279,930 B1 * 8/2001 Chang et al. .......... 280/87.042
7 6,286.843 B1 9/2001 Lin ......................... 280/11.28
(51) Int. Cl." ................................................ A63C 17/02 6,299,186 B1 * 10/2001 Kao et al............... 280/87.041
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................ 280/87.041; 280/87.042; sk -
280/11.28 cited by examiner
(58) Field of Search ........................... 280/11.28, 87.01, Primary Examiner Brian L. Johnson
280/87.041, 87.042, 87.043, 87.05, 266, Assistant Examiner Bridget Avery
267, 263, 14.27, 14.28, 124.111, 124.179 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Browdy and Neimark
(56) References Cited (57) ABSTRACT
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS A kick Scooter Steering control mechanism includes a five
2,032,657 A 3/1936 Frederickson ............... 280/111
bar linkage formed of a bracket, two toggle members and
2,531,933 A 11/1950 Clark .......................... , two follower levers to achieve a three-dimensional linking
2,791,440 A * 5/1957 Guidobaldi ............ 280/87.041 effect for enabling the front wheels of the kick scooter to be
4,054,297 A * 10/1977 Solimine ............... 28087.042 turned Smoothly to change the steering direction.
4,403,784. A * 9/1983 Gray ......... ... 280/11.28
4,550,926. A 11/1985 MacIsaac ................. 280/112.2 6 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

29 40 21(41)
a A

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U.S. Patent May 7, 2002 Sheet 7 of 7 US 6,382,646 B1
US 6,382,646 B1
1 2
KICK SCOOTER STEERING CONTROL footplate of the kick Scooter and turned vertically upon
MECHANISM horizontal movement of the arms of the toggle members, the
follower levers each having a first end coupled to the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION footplate of the kick Scooter and a Second end coupled to the
The present invention relates to kick Scooters and, more arm of one of the toggle members.
Specifically, to a steering control mechanism for kick BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
FIGS. 1 and 2 show a handlebar-controlled kick Scooter FIG. 1 is an elevational view of a kick Scooter according
according to the prior art. This structure of kick Scooter to the prior art.
comprises a footplate 1, a bracket 2 fixedly provided at the FIG. 2 is a bottom view of the kick Scooter shown in FIG.
front side of the footplate 1, a rear wheel3 pivoted to the rear 1.
Side of the footplate 1, and a steering control column 4 FIG. 3 is a front view and partially in section of the kick
fixedly provided at the top side of the bracket 2, two Scooter Steering control mechanism according to the present
actuating members 5 bilaterally pivoted to the bottom side of 15 invention.
the bracket 2 and respectively fixedly connected to the wheel FIG. 4 is a top view of the kick Scooter steering control
axles of the front wheels 6, a link coupled between the mechanism according to the present invention.
actuating members 5, a Spacer 7 mounted on the link, and FIG. 5 is a top view, partially in section, of the kick
two Spring members 8 respectively mounted on the link and Scooter Steering control mechanism according to the present
Stopped between two opposite Sides of the Spacer 7 and the invention.
actuating members 5. When changing the Steering direction
of the front wheels 6, the actuating members 5 are turned in FIG. 6 is a bottom view of the kick scooter steering
one direction to compress one Spring member 8 and Stretch control mechanism according to the present invention.
the other spring member 8. The spring members 8 prevent an FIG. 7 is a front view of the present invention, showing
overturn, and automatically force the front wheels 6 back to 25 the Steering direction of the front wheels changed.
the center position after the turning force has been released FIG. 8 is a top view, partially in section of FIG. 7.
from the front wheels 6. The bracket 2, the actuating DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
members 5 and the link form a four-bar linkage to achieve PREFERRED EMBODIMENT
a two-dimensional Swinging movement about the pivoted
point between each actuating member 5 and the bracket 2. Referring to FIGS. From 3 through 6, a kick scooter
According to this structure of kick Scooter, the front wheels Steering control mechanism in accordance with the present
6 receive a component of force in the turning direction and invention is shown provided at the front side of the kick
a downward pressure from the rider through the bracket 2 scooter's footplate 100 for steering control. The footplate
and the actuating members 5, and the downward pressure 100 comprises two spherical connectors 101 at its front side.
interferes with the transmission of the turning force to the 35 The Steering control mechanism is comprised of a bracket
front wheels 6. In order to overcome the downward pressure 10, two guide rods 20, two toggle members 30, two axle caps
when changing the Steering direction of the front wheels 6, 40, two spring members 50, and two follower levers 60.
the rider must employ much effort to the front wheels 6. The bracket 10 is a substantially I-shaped frame compris
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ing a top beam 11 and a bottom beam 12. The middle part
40 of the bracket 10 is fixedly fastened to the front side of the
The present invention has been accomplished to provide footplate 100 by a fastening element, for example, a Screw
Steering control mechanism for kick Scooter, which elimi bolt 13. The top beam 11 and the bottom beam 12 each have
nates the aforesaid problem. It is the main object of the two through holes 111 or 121 at two ends. The guide rods 20
present invention to provide a kick Scooter Steering control are respectively fixedly connected between the through
mechanism, which enables the rider to control the Steering 45 holes 111 of the top beam 11 and the through holes 121 of
of the kick scooter smoothly with less effort. It is another the bottom beam 12, each having an upper part of polygonal
object of the present invention to provide a kick Scooter croSS Section 21 and a lower part of circular croSS Section 22.
Steering control mechanism, which provides a five-bar link The toggle members 30 each comprise a circular axial hole
age to achieve a three-dimensional linking effect for 31 coupled to the lower part 22 of one guide rod 20, a first
enabling the front wheels of the kick scooter to be turned 50 arm 32 and a Second arm 33 arranged at right angles, and
with less effort to change the Steering direction of the kick two protruded portions 35 and 36 disposed at the top
Scooter Smoothly. According to the present invention, the sidewall thereof. The first arm 32 of each toggle member 30
kick Scooter Steering control mechanism is installed in the is respectively fixedly connected to the wheel axle of each
footplate of a kick Scooter having two front wheels and front wheel 200. The second arm 33 of each toggle member
adapted to control the Steering of the kick Scooter, compris 55 30 has one end terminating in a spherical connector 34.
ing: a bracket fixedly provided at the front side of the When turning the front wheels 200, the second arms 33 are
footplate of the kick Scooter, the bracket comprising a top moved horizontally. The axle caps 40 each comprise an axial
beam and a bottom beam; two toggle members respectively hole 41 of polygonal croSS Section fitting and coupled to the
fastened to the front wheels of the kick scooter and pivoted polygonal upper part 21 of one guide rod 20, and an uneven
to the bracket and disposed at two Sides between the top 60 bottom edge fitting over the raised portions 35 and 36 of the
beam and the bottom beam, the toggle members each top sidewall of one toggle member 30. When the toggle
comprising an arm, which is moved horizontally when the members 30 are turned with the front wheels 200, the raised
front wheels are turned through an angle; a Spring members portions 35 and 36 of the toggle members 30 push the axle
respectively coupled between the toggle members and the caps 40 upwards. Because the polygonal axial hole 41 of
top beam of the bracket to impart a downward pressure to 65 each axle cap 40 is respectively coupled to the polygonal
the toggle members, two follower leverS respectively upper part 21 of each guide rod 20, the axle capS 40 are
coupled between the arms of the toggle members and the prohibited from a rotary motion relative to the guide rods 20
US 6,382,646 B1
3 4
and forced to move upwards along the guide rods 20 when a bracket fixedly provided at the front side of the footplate
receive pressure from the raised portions 35 and 36 of the of Said kick Scooter, Said bracket comprising a top beam
toggle members 30. The spring members 50 are, for and a bottom beam;
example, compression Springs respectively sleeved onto the
upper part of polygonal croSS Section 21 of each guide rod two toggle members respectively fastened to the front
20 and stopped between the top beam 11 and the axle caps wheels of Said kick Scooter and pivoted to Said bracket
40. When the axle caps 40 are moved upwards, the com and disposed at two Sides between said top beam and
pression springs 50 are compressed. When the axle caps 40 Said bottom beam, Said toggle members each compris
are released from the pressure of the toggle members 30 (the ing an arm, which is moved horizontally when the front
front wheels 200), the compression springs 50 immediately 1O wheels are turned through an angle;
push the axle caps 40 downwards to force the toggle
members 30 back to their former position, thereby causing Spring members respectively coupled between Said toggle
the front wheels 200 to be returned to the center position. members and Said top beam of Said bracket to impart a
The two follower levers 60 each comprises a first ball socket downward pressure to Said toggle members,
61 horizontally facing the footplate 100 and coupled to one two follower levers respectively coupled between the
spherical connector 101 of the footplate 100, a second ball 15
Socket 62 facing vertically downwards and coupled to the arms of Said toggle members and the footplate of Said
spherical connector 34 of one toggle member 30, and two kick Scooter and movable vertically upon horizontal
jackets 63 respectively covered on ball Sockets 62 to Secure movement of the arms of Said toggle members, Said
the ball sockets 62 to the respective spherical connectors 101 follower levers each having a first end coupled to the
and 34. footplate of Said kick Scooter and a Second end coupled
The function and advantages of the present invention will to the arm of one of Said toggle members.
become apparent from the following description. When the 2. The kick Scooter Steering control mechanism of claim
front wheels 200 are kept in the center positions, as shown
in FIGS. 3 and 5, the second ball Sockets 62 of the follower 1, wherein the footplate of Said kick Scooter comprises two
levers 60 are disposed at a higher elevation than the first ball 25 Spherical connectors disposed at a front Side thereof, and
Sockets 61, the axle capS 40 are maintained in close contact said follower levers each have a ball socket provided at the
with the toggle members 30, and the compression springs 50 respective first end and coupled to one Spherical connector
receive no pressure. When the front wheels 200 are turned of the footplate of Said kick Scooter.
in one direction as shown in FIGS. 7 and 8, the toggle 3. The kick Scooter Steering control mechanism of claim
members 30 are moved with the front wheels, and the
second arms 33 are turned with the toggle members 30 1, wherein the arms of each of Said toggle member com
horizontally through an angle to force the follower levers 60 prises a spherical connector disposed at one end, and Said
to turn vertically, and at the same time the raised portions 35 follower levers each have a ball socket provided at the
and 36 are moved with the toggle members 30 to push the respective Second end and coupled to the spherical connec
axle capS 40 upwards along the respective guide rods 20 to 35 tor of the arm of one of Said toggle members.
compress the compression SpringS 50. When the turning 4. The kick Scooter Steering control mechanism of claim
force is released from the front wheels 200, the compression 1 further comprising two guide rods respectively inserted
springs 50 immediately push the toggle members 30 to force through Said toggle members and Said Spring members and
the front wheels 200 back to the center position. bilaterally connected between Said top beam and Said bottom
AS indicated above, the bracket 10, the toggle members 40 beam.
30 and the follower levers 60 form a five-bar linkage, 5. The kick Scooter Steering control mechanism of claim
achieving a three-dimensional linking effect and preventing 4, wherein Said guide rods have a non-circular croSS Section
obstruction between parts. Therefore, the front wheels 200 and are respectively mounted with a respective axle cap
can easily turned with less effort to change the Steering
direction of the kick Scooter. respectively Supported between Said Spring members and
45 Said toggle members, Said axle cap having a non-circular
While only one embodiment of the present invention has
been shown and described, it will be understood that various axial hole fitting the non-circular croSS Section of the respec
modifications and changes could be made thereunto without tive guide rod and an uneven bottom edge; Said toggle
departing from the Spirit and Scope of the invention dis members each have at least one raised portion respectively
closed. 50
fitting the uneven bottom edge of the axle cap on each of Said
What the invention claimed is: guide rods.
1. A kick Scooter Steering control mechanism installed in 6. The kick Scooter Steering control mechanism of claim
the footplate of a kick Scooter having two front wheels and 1, wherein Said Spring members are compression Springs.
adapted to control the Steering of the kick Scooter, compris
Ing: k k k k k

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