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Asian Spine Journal

412 Rouzbeh Study et al.
Motiei-Langroudi Asian Spine J 2017;11(3):412-418
Asian Spine J 2017;11(3):412-418

Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Long-Term

Motor, Sensory, and Urinary Outcomes
Rouzbeh Motiei-Langroudi1,2, Homa Sadeghian3
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, Pastor Hospital, Bam University of Medical Sciences, Bam, Iran
Neurosurgery Service, Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Neurovascular Research Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Study Design: Retrospective study.

Purpose: To evaluate how motor, sensory, and urinary outcomes of spinal cord injury (SCI) patients were influenced in the long term.
Overview of Literature: SCI is a potentially disabling and devastating neurological outcome that can occur because of spinal column
fractures. Most studies have not evaluated or have failed to show the influence of different surgical approaches and other parameters
on neurological recovery.
Methods: A thorough history regarding sensory, motor, and urinary complaints was taken from 103 patients with SCI due to vertebral
fracture; patients were followed by a thorough neurological examination. Subsequently, all medical records of patients, including neu-
rological state after trauma, trauma mechanism, treatment protocol, surgical protocol, and imaging findings, were evaluated.
Results: Of the 103 patients, 73.8% were survivors of a major earthquake and 26.2% were victims of vehicle accidents; 92.2%
patients were surgically treated, while 7.8% underwent conservative management. The mean follow-up duration was 10.3 years. In
follow-up visits, 67.0%, 12.6%, 13.6%, and 6.8% patients showed no, partial, substantial, and complete motor improvement, respec-
tively; 68.0%, 26.2%, and 5.8% showed no, mild, and substantial sensory improvement, respectively; and 73.8%, 17.5%, and 8.7%
showed no, substantial, and complete urinary improvement, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that sex, age at injury
time, follow-up duration, trauma mechanism, and stem cell therapy had no effect on motor, sensory, and urinary improvement. Higher
initial scores on the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) classification, lumbar fracture level, and performance of laminectomy
improved motor outcome; higher initial ASIA scores improved urinary and sensory outcomes.
Conclusions: The initial ASIA score is the most important factor for prognosticating motor, sensory, and urinary improvement in SCI
patients. Lumbar (L3L5) and thoracic (T1T10) fractures have the best and worst prognosis, respectively, in terms of motor recovery.
Laminectomy during surgery improves motor function.

Keywords: Treatment outcome; Spinal cord injuries; Surgery; Treatment; Spinal fracture

Introduction result of spinal column fractures. Car accidents, falls,

gunshot wounds, and natural disasters are the most com-
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a potentially disabling and mon causes of SCI. The treatment of choice for vertebral
devastating neurological outcome that can occur as a fractures with SCI, whether complete or incomplete, is

Received Aug 17, 2016; Revised Sep 29, 2016; Accepted Oct 18, 2016
Corresponding author: Rouzbeh Motiei-Langroudi
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, Pastor Hospital, Bam University of Medical Sciences, Bam, Iran
Tel: +98-344439401, Fax: +98-3442510847, E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright 2017 by Korean Society of Spine Surgery
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Asian Spine Journal pISSN 1976-1902 eISSN 1976-7846
Asian Spine Journal Traumatic spinal cord injury 413

surgical reconstruction and instrumented fusion with or disabilities, including those with SCI. A thorough his-
without decompression [1,2]. tory regarding sensory, motor, and urinary complaints
In the long term, SCI is associated with multiple medi- was taken. The patients then underwent a thorough
cal (pressure ulcers, pneumonia, atelectasis, and others), neurological examination (including motor, sensory, and
urinary (autonomic dysreflexia, neurogenic bladder, and urinary status) prior to reviewing the medical records.
others), and neurological complications in addition to Finally, all medical records of the patients, including
pain. The chances of neurological recovery and improve- their neurological state after trauma, trauma mechanism,
ment are different in different patients and depend on var- treatment protocol, surgical protocol (if performed), and
ious factors, including primary neurological state, trauma imaging findings were evaluated. Patients with an intact
mechanism, vertebral fracture type and location, and age. neurological state after trauma, no evidence of vertebral
Complete SCI, older age, thoracic fractures, and fractures fracture, or missing data were excluded from the study. In
accompanied by dislocations generally follow a more dis- patients with multiple contiguous vertebral fractures, the
mal prognosis [3-7]. Among all these factors, the extent level with the highest imaging indicators of instability that
of neurological deficits (mostly based on the American was also consistent with the motor and sensory deficit
Spinal Injury Association [ASIA] classification [8]) has level was considered as the level of fracture to be incorpo-
been considered the most important predictive factor for rated in statistical analysis. Age, sex, trauma mechanism,
functional outcome and prognosis [4]. Of patients with preoperative and follow-up ASIA scores, preoperative
complete SCI early after injury, 5%20% will experience and follow-up urinary status, preoperative and follow-up
improvement to some extent [3]; the figure is higher in sensory examinations, level of fractures, and surgical pro-
incomplete lesions, albeit possibly over a very prolonged cedure performed were then recorded in a computerized
period after injury [6]. database. The primary outcome measure was the change
Although it has been shown that there is a better chance in motor force, sensory examination, and urinary func-
of neurological recovery in SCI patients undergoing sur- tion. The reexamination, final follow-up evaluations, and
gery for vertebral fractures, compared with conservative data analysis were performed by a neurosurgeon (R.M.L.)
management [5], most studies have not evaluated or have who was not involved in the treatment of any of the pa-
failed to show the influence of different surgical approach- tients. To reduce any potential bias, data analysis was
es and other parameters on neurological recovery. Here, also performed by the other author (H.S.) who was not
we conducted a retrospective analysis of patients suffering involved in any patient examination.
from SCI (and cauda equine injury in patients with mid All analyses were performed with PASW ver. 18 pack-
to lower lumbar fractures) after vertebral fracture and age (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Univariate analysis of
assessed their recent urinary and neurological state. The data was performed by t-test for quantitative measures
majority of these patients were survivors of a major earth- and chi-square test for qualitative measures. Logistic re-
quake in December 2003. The objective of this study was gression was used for multivariate analysis of the effect of
to evaluate how the motor, sensory, and urinary outcomes studied parameters on outcome. For all analyses, p-values
of these patients had been influenced in the long term by less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
treatment type, surgical procedure, and other factors. All the patients had provided their consent to partici-
pate in the study. The study design was approved by the
Materials and Methods Ethical Committee of Medical University, and the study
was performed with adherence to the statements of the
The study was conducted in a retrospective cohort de- Declaration of Helsinki and regulations of Institutional
sign to evaluate the predictor effects of multiple past Review Board.
risk factors on the motor, sensory, or urinary outcomes
of patients with SCI. Patients with documented medi- Results
cal records indicating spinal cord or cauda equine injury
due to vertebral fracture were visited in July 2014. All the 1. Patient data
patients were registered in the Welfare Organization of
Bam, Iran, an organization with a record of patients with In total, 103 patients were enrolled in the present study.
414 Rouzbeh Motiei-Langroudi et al. Asian Spine J 2017;11(3):412-418

There were 57 females and 46 males, with the mean (Fig. 3).
standard deviation age at the time of trauma being
28.310.5 years (range, 1155 years). The mean and me- 2. Treatment data
dian time passed since trauma (the follow-up period) was
10.32.7 and 11 years, respectively (range, 219 years). After the trauma, all the patients were transferred or re-
Most patients (76, 73.8%) were survivors of a major earth- ferred to other cities due to the lack of surgical facilities
quake that had devastated the region in December 2003, in the primary earthquake town at the time of trauma; 95
while the other 27 (26.2%) were victims of motor vehicle patients (92.2%) were surgically treated and eight (7.8%)
accidents (MVA). The median ASIA score at the time of underwent conservative management (including complete
injury was A (Fig. 1). Fig. 2 displays the fracture levels, bed rest for at least 1 month and immobilization with
the most common being T12 and L1 (29 and 25 patients, orthoses). Surgery was performed in eight surrounding
respectively), comprising more than half of the patients cities, all with major academic referral centers. No surgery
(52.4%). Although L2, L3, and L4 fractures were observed was performed within the 48 h after the trauma. All the
in six, seven, and seven patients, respectively, there were patients underwent multiple sessions of limb physical
no L5 fractures. For the ease of statistical analysis, C1C7, therapy, as recorded in their medical records.
T1T10, T11L2, and L3L5 fractures were classified as The surgical procedures included posterior spinal fu-
cervical (C), thoracic (T), thoracolumbar (TL), and lum- sion with pedicular screws (PS) in 75 patients and Har-
bar (L), respectively, and specified as such in the analysis rington rods (HR) in 14 and anterior cervical fusion with

70 66 70 65

60 57 60

50 50

40 40

30 30
20 18 19 20 18
Injury 14
11 11 F/U
10 10 11
0 0
0 0

Fig. 1. American Spinal Injury Association scores at the time of injury Fig. 3. Number of patients within each fracture level category. C, cer-
and follow-up (F/U) visit. vical; T, thoracic (T1T10); TL, thoracolumbar (T11L2); L, lumbar (L3


30 29




7 7
5 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5

Fig. 2. Number of patients within each fracture level.

Asian Spine Journal Traumatic spinal cord injury 415

a cage and plate in six. Of patients with T, TL, and L frac- 80 76

69 70
tures who underwent PS or HR, 36 (34.02%; all in the PS 70
group) underwent laminectomy in these levels with canal 60
compromise, while 53 did not. Only two patients (1.9%) 50
underwent a neural stem cell transplantation (NSCT) 40
procedure. 30 27

20 18
13 14
3. Follow-up visit data 9
10 7 6

In the follow-up visits, 69 patients (67.0%) showed no Motor Sensory Urination
change in their motor force, 13 (12.6%) showed partial
No Partial Substantial Complete
recovery (less than 5/5 muscle force) in both proximal
Fig. 4. Motor, sensory, and urinary improvement at the time of follow-
and distal muscle groups (defined here as partial improve- up.
ment), 14 (13.6%) showed complete (5/5) proximal but
partial distal recovery (substantial improvement), and
seven (6.8%) showed complete recovery (complete im- 120

provement) in all the muscle groups. In terms of sensory 100

100 100

improvement, 70 patients (68.0%) showed no change 27 86.7 86.7

(26.2%) showed a 13-level decrease in the sensory level 80

(partial improvement), and six (5.8%) showed substan- 60

tial improvement. There were 76 patients (73.8%) with
no change in urinary function (no urinary sensation and
completely or intermittently dependent on catheteriza- 20
14.5 14.3
tion), 18 (17.5%) showed improved urinary function 0
(defined as substantial improvement), and nine (8.7%) ASIA A ASIA B ASIA C
showed complete recovery (normal urination, no need for
Motor Sensory Urinary
catheterization, and multiple records of normal urinary
Fig. 5. Percentage of patients with any degree of motor, sensory, and
ultrasonography) (Fig. 4). The median ASIA score at the urinary recovery based on initial American Spinal Injury Association
time of follow-up visits was still A; however, it had signifi- (ASIA) scores.
cantly improved from the time of injury (p<0.001) (Fig. 1).
The percentage of patients with any degree of motor, sen-
sory, and urinary improvement within each ASIA grade is NSCT had no effect on motor improvement (p=0.99,
shown in Fig. 5; there was a significant prognostic effect p=0.99, p=0.58, p=0.74, and p=0.23, respectively), while
of the ASIA grade on each function improvement (p<0.001 better postinjury ASIA grades, fracture level, and per-
for all three comparisons). Further analysis showed that formance of laminectomy were significantly linked to
in terms of the occurrence and extent of motor recovery, improved motor outcome (p<0.001, p=0.005, p=0.04, and
there was an ordinally significant difference between all p=0.04, respectively). The highest influence (odds ratio)
three ASIA grades (C>B>A) (p<0.001 for all compari- was observed in case of the initial ASIA score, followed
sons). However, in terms of sensory and urinary recovery, by fracture level and laminectomy. Among fracture levels,
only grade C was superior to both the groups (p<0.001) the best outcome was observed in L, followed by C and
and there was no significant difference between A and B TL, while the worst outcome was observed in T.
5. Effect of study variables on sensory outcome
4. Effect of study variables on motor outcome
Similar to the influence on motor outcome, this analysis
Logistic regression analysis showed that sex, age at injury showed that sex, age at injury time, follow-up duration,
time, follow-up time duration, trauma mechanism, and and trauma mechanism had no effect on sensory improve-
416 Rouzbeh Motiei-Langroudi et al. Asian Spine J 2017;11(3):412-418

ment (p=0.35, p=0.56, p=0.92, and p=0.97, respectively); mild SCI) or E (neurologically intact) groups. The mean
in addition, fracture level, performance of laminectomy, follow-up duration of the patients was more than 10 years,
and NSCT had no effect (p=0.82, p=0.69, and p=0.99, one of the longest periods for SCI patients reported in
respectively). Only better postinjury ASIA scores signifi- the literature. None of the patients with grade A impair-
cantly improved sensory outcome (p<0.001). ments after trauma showed motor improvement, while
all patients with grade B and C impairments showed im-
6. Effect of study variables on urinary outcome provement by atleast one grade. In addition, the extent of
motor improvement was greater in grade C patients. In
Sex, age at injury time, follow-up time duration, trauma contrast, patients with grade A and B impairments had an
mechanism, fracture level, performance of laminectomy, identical poor prognosis in terms of sensory and urinary
and NSCT had no effect on urinary improvement (p=0.51, improvement, patients with grade C impairments showed
p=0.70, p=0.64, p=0.26, p=0.63, p=0.28, and p=0.83, re- a much more positive outcome (more than 85% chance of
spectively). However, both preinjury and postinjury ASIA improvement). This was supported by the finding that the
scores were related to improved urinary outcome, with the postinjury ASIA score, in other words, the neurological
initial ASIA score showing A greater influence (p<0.001 state after trauma, is the most important prognostic factor
and p=0.005, respectively). for motor, sensory, and urinary outcomes, a finding show-
ing clear agreement with previous results.
Discussion Performing laminectomy at the time of surgery was
another factor positively influencing motor improvement.
SCI is a potentially disabling and devastating neurological Although it has been shown that in SCI patients with
outcome of spinal column fractures that is associated with vertebral fractures, there is a better chance of neurologi-
a high social and economic burden for the patient, family, cal recovery in those undergoing surgery than in those
and healthcare system. Moreover, it most often involves receiving conservative management [5,10], most studies
the patients in their most productive period of life. The have not evaluated or have failed to show the influence
burden of the disease is highly related to the extension of different surgical approaches and other parameters on
(number of limbs involved), severity (partial vs. com- neurological recovery. The role of decompression at the
plete), and total duration of paralysis. time of surgery also remains controversial. For instance,
Different values have been reported for the recovery in a series of 23 patients with SCI after TL fractures who
rate, and the extent of recovery has been shown to differ did not undergo decompression at the time of fusion,
depending on each patients condition. The most im- Miyashita et al. showed imaging evidence of canal remod-
portant factors predicting the extent of recovery are the eling in all the patients. However, their series lacked a
primary neurological state, location of injury within the control group with decompression to compare the results
spinal cord, trauma mechanism, vertebral fracture type [11]. In contrast, some other studies have favored a role
and location, and patient age [3-7]. of laminectomy in fusion procedures in patients with dif-
The ASIA score early after trauma is reported to be the ferent degrees of SCI [2,12]. The latter studies also include
most important factor predicting the chance of motor re- case series without nondecompression control groups.
covery [4]. It is one of the most accepted and used classifi- The results of the present study, however, have provided
cations for the extent of neurological deficits after SCI and evidence of better long-term motor outcomes with lami-
classifies patients from A (complete motor and sensory nectomy or decompression.
injury) to E (normal neurological state) [8]. In general, the Another factor that influenced long-term motor out-
rate of neurological recovery in patients with grade A im- come but not sensory and urinary outcomes in this study
pairment has been reported to be around 25%45%, while was fracture and injury locations. The best outcome was
the value has been reported to be as high as 65%75% for observed for lumbar (L3 and below) fractures, and the
patients with incomplete injuries (grade C and D) [3,4,9]. worst outcome was observed for thoracic fractures (T1
This study included 103 patients with spinal fractures T10). Moreover, none of the patients had a L5 fracture,
complicated by different grades of SCI (ASIA A to C). which may indicate a low potential for neurological
None of the patients belonged to grade D (relatively compromise at this level. These results are in accordance
Asian Spine Journal Traumatic spinal cord injury 417

with those of previous studies showing worse outcomes Conclusions

for thoracic fractures. Thoracic spine injuries (excluding
T11 and T12 levels as these are considered to have a more In conclusion, the results of our study indicate that the
favorable outcome) have even shown a lesser potential for initial ASIA score is the most important factor prognos-
neurological recovery [4] than cervical injuries that have ticating motor, sensory, and urinary improvement in SCI
a better outcome [9]. This may be justified by the absence patients. Performing laminectomy during surgery also
of a spinal cord in the lumbar vertebra, leading to a better favorably influences motor improvement in these patients.
chance of recovery. Lumbar (L3L5) fractures show the best prognosis and
The present study has some limitations. First, it is retro- thoracic fractures (T1T10) show the worst prognosis in
spective, making the interpretations less exact. However, terms of motor recovery.
a prospective design with such a long follow-up period
is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to complete. This Conflict of Interest
retrospective design, however, has the advantage of pro-
viding at least 10 years of follow-up time for evaluating No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
the influence of variables. reported.
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