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Standard Chartered

Standard CharteredBank,
Application for Export Bills for Collection
Application for Export Bills for Collection

For Bank Use

Ref No.:
Seller: Buyer (name and address):

Tel: Ref: Tel:

Contact Person: Contact Person:
Collection Details Buyers Bank (name and address):
Currency & Amount: __________________________________
Payable at sight
(specify tenor): ___________________________
Release Documents Against:
Payment (D/P) Acceptance (D/A)
Documents Presented
Docs Draft Invoice Cert of B/L AWB Delivery Packing Weight Inspection Sellers
Origin Order List List Cert Cert
Other docs:

An extra copy each of invoice, insurance policy and B/L / AWB is required for the Banks retention
Handling Instructions
Protest for Non-Acceptance (D/A) and / or Non Payment (D/A & / or D/P)
Advise reasons for non-acceptance and / or non-payment by SWIFT
Acceptance / payment may await arrival of goods (D/A & D/P respectively)
Collect your charges from buyer
Collect Interest from buyer at __________ % p.a., from _______________ to _______________ (dd/mm/yy)
Do not waive interest charges (if not ticked, both interest and charges may be waived)
Request buyer's bank to add its aval to the bill of exchange
In case of need, contact the following for information for instructions (please specify):

Others (please specify):

Financing / Settlement

Currency and amount of purchase / discount: __________________________________

Discount bill before after acceptance (for usance bills only)
If purchase / discounting is refused, do not dispatch documents pending our further instructions
Credit proceeds to the following account number: _______________________________
Use this forward exchange contract reference to convert proceeds: ____________________________
Contact us for further instructions upon receipt of proceeds
Others (please specify):


We agree to be bound by the terms and conditions

S.V. in the Standard Terms, General Trade Terms, and
the Trade Service Supplement - Export Financing.

Sellers Signature(s) & Stamp

Copyright 2008 2009 Standard Chartered Bank. All rights reserved. Appln_ExpFin_Exp_Bills_for_Collection_(with_TSS)_Bahrain_2009_v1.doc Page 1 of 2
Standard Chartered
Trade Service Supplement
Export Financing

This Trade Service Supplement supplements the General Trade 10. If We provide any pre-shipment financing to You, You will
Terms and applies to any negotiation, prepayment, purchasing or deliver to Us all the original documents required for
other financing We provide to or undertake for You where You are presentation under the relevant LC or the underlying Trade
the exporter/seller under an underlying Trade Transaction. Transaction (as the case may be) as soon as possible and,
if We require, such documents will be delivered to Us for
1. We may negotiate, prepay, purchase or otherwise provide financing. You will ensure for the financing of any LC that it
financing against or in relation to that underlying Trade is restricted to Us or freely available.
Transaction and any related Trade Document. The terms of
that negotiation, prepayment, purchase or other financing 11. We may pay any proceeds of any pre-shipment financing
(including any requirements as to security) may be set out directly to Your supplier(s).
separately and agreed between You and Us.
12. We may convert any pre-shipment financing to post-
2. Any negotiation, prepayment, purchasing or financing of any shipment financing when the relevant LC is issued and We
Trade Document relating to an LC will be subject to the receive the documents required to be presented under the
version of the UCP stated in the LC. The presentation of any LC.
Trade Document for Collection will be subject to URC.
13. If any amount which is due to be paid to Us under paragraph
3. If We request, You must provide Us with a copy of any 8 above is not paid on time and in full, or any amount so
Trade Document relating to the underlying Trade received by Us has to be refunded, or any document
Transaction. delivered to Us is forged or contains information You know
is incorrect, any financing that We have made available to
4. If We provide financing to You on an open account basis, You in relation to the underlying Trade Transaction will
You must deliver to Us evidence (satisfactory to Us) of the become immediately due and payable by You, and We may
underlying Trade Transaction. reverse any payment that We may have credited to Your
5. You represent to Us that You have not obtained any other
financing or granted any Security (other than to Us) in
relation to the underlying Trade Transaction or any related
Trade Document and that each invoice, purchase order or
any other similar document or instrument which is presented
to Us for financing represents a genuine sale and delivery of
goods and/or services.

6. Unless We expressly agree otherwise (or We have

confirmed an LC issued in Your favour and You have
presented compliant documents to Us), any financing We
provide to You is with full recourse to You in all

7. We may apply any amount received by Us on Your behalf or

for Your account from any person against any amount You
owe Us.

8. You must ensure that any amount which is due to You by

any person (including any issuing or confirming bank) under
or in relation to the underlying Trade Transaction is paid
directly to Us and accordingly You must give an irrevocable
payment instruction to such person. You will provide all
assistance We require to allow Us to collect any such

9. Where We undertake Collection on Your behalf in relation to

the underlying Trade Transaction not under an LC, URC will
apply (even where URC is not referred to in Your collection
instruction). We are not obliged to check any documents. If
We agree to check any documents, We will do so without
any liability including if We fail to identify any discrepancy or
irregularity of any kind. If payment is not received from the
relevant drawee within 60 days after We receive the first
document(s) from You, We are discharged from all further
obligations under the Collection and We will attempt to recall
the documents from the collecting bank and return them to

This document is available in Arabic upon request.

Copyright 2008 2009 Standard Chartered Bank. All rights reserved. Appln_ExpFin_Exp_Bills_for_Collection_(with_TSS)_Bahrain_2009_v1.doc Page 2 of 2

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