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Freedom of Information Act

Open Records Law

Judicial Watch, Inc.

Your Reference For Ensuring Transparency, Accountability

and Integrity in Government

Because No One Is Above the Law

Judicial Watch Inc., 501 School Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Open Records/FOIA Overview

Chapter 2: Privacy Act Overview

Chapter 3: Listing of agencies and contact information

Chapter 4: FOIA/PA Exemptions

Chapter 5: FOIA/PA Request administration requirements, remedies & litigation

Chapter 6: Sample FOIA Letter

Chapter 7: Sample FOIA Appeal

Chapter 8: Sample PA Letter

Chapter 9: Sample PA Appeal

Chapter 10: Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Chapter 11: References

Chapter 12: State Open Government/FOI References


There is no other legal instrument routinely available to the general public that has allowed for
greater accountability of government decisions and for the protection of individual privacy rights
than the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA). For more than 15 years,
Judicial Watch has fought to promote transparency, integrity and accountability in government,
politics and the law. Judicial Watch’s unique status as a member of the media (per the U.S.
District Court for the District of Columbia) supports its mission as a litigating public interest
educational foundation. In this handbook, Judicial Watch seeks to put the knowledge of using
federal and state open records and privacy laws into the hands of all individuals interested in
learning more about the decisions, operations and activities of their government, as well as to
gain access to information the government may have that relates to them.

The centralization of power at the federal level over the past century and the sheer vastness of
the federal bureaucracy have made it easy for officials to keep important decisions from public
scrutiny. Small offices and agencies have been given decision-making authority of which many
Americans have likely never heard. This handbook seeks to empower Americans with the ability
to: (1) identify records sought; (2) draft, submit, and administratively appeal requests; and (3)
prepare to litigate FOIA and PA requests regarding information that they seek either for public
benefit or information that pertains directly to them which they have a right to access.

Encouraging numbers show the American public does not take their rights of freedom of
information under the FOIA and PA for granted, as demonstrated by the growing use of both
laws. According to the government’s own numbers contained in a summary report put out by the
Department of Justice Office of Information Policy (OIP), the number of FOIA and PA requests
filed with federal agencies and departments was at an all time high in Fiscal Year 2007:
21,758,651. This represents a 2% increase from Fiscal Year 2006. Curiously, the number of
requests in FY 2008 dropped dramatically to 605,491. At least part of the decrease can be
explained by a change in how the Justice Departments counts and reports their statistics.

Do these requests for information accomplish anything to bring about more ethical conduct and
accountability for decisions made by the Washington elite? Do they have an impact on the lives
of real people? Yes! Through FOIA, Americans learned about the Census Bureau’s plans (now
revoked) to involve the controversial group ACORN in the 2010 Census. They received
information about the government’s role in the ongoing economic crisis and massive bailout of
financial institutions with taxpayer money beginning in 2008. Americans obtained lists of
almost 300 Saudi subjects, including members of the Bin Laden family, which the Bush
administration allowed to leave the country shortly after 9/11 with little or no questioning by
authorities. After the anthrax attacks in the fall of 2001, postal workers in the Washington DC
area learned the United States Postal Service knew the Brentwood mail processing facility was
contaminated with anthrax at least four days before they chose to close it. Over the years
Americans have learned about the long-concealed health dangers of certain substances, drugs
and medical procedures, the lack of security at nuclear laboratories, controversial details of the
concerning the assassinations of public figures, and the government’s role in previously sealed
controversies, investigations, abuses of authority and scandals – all using information received
through FOIA. America’s experience with its freedom of information laws can hardly be called a
useless exercise.

Judicial Watch alone has filed over one thousand public information or record requests under
FOIA and PA, at all levels of government since its founding in 1994. In 2008 alone, Judicial
Watch filed almost 200 requests. Judicial Watch has set FOIA and PA legal precedent in the
United States District Court for the District of Columbia several times. Today, with Congress
having little or no desire to perform its constitutional obligation to control the functions of the
executive branch the burden of fighting for accountability and oversight are increasingly
becoming a matter for individual citizens and local communities. It is the hope of Judicial Watch
that the American people, their families, churches, and community groups will use this handbook
to inform and defend themselves from the adverse power and corruption of government and
bring about a renewal of ethics and good conduct in public life.

Chapter 1 -The Freedom of Information Act Overview

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, was enacted by Congress and signed
into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966. The enactment of FOIA gave the public the
right to obtain and access information from federal government agencies. Previously, the
government placed a burden on the individual making a request to prove a right to examine the
documents. The enactment of FOIA reversed this process by placing the burden upon the
government to justify withholding the documents. While FOIA does not require the government
to create any documents regarding an information request, it requires that the agency releases
any document, file or other record that already exists pertaining to the request. FOIA was
amended in 1996 to include electronic information.

Only Executive Branch agencies of the federal government are subject to FOIA. It does not
apply to Congress or any of the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court, or to the White
House, including the Office of the President and Vice-President, as they are constitutional
offices, not agencies. Individual offices of the Executive Office of the President (EOP), such as
the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which serve directly under the President, are subject
to FOIA. Multinational organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Trade
Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank (WB), of
which the United States is a member, are not subject to FOIA because they are not federal
agencies. FOIA does not provide access to records held by state or local government agencies,
private businesses or individuals. However, states have their own statutes regarding the access of
state and local government records and individual state agencies should be contacted for further

FOIA applies to any federal agency records which are either created or obtained by an agency
and under the agency’s control at the time of the request. Under FOIA the term “record” includes
any information under the control of an agency that would be subject to FOIA, including records
in electronic format, maps, photos, digital data, handwritten notes, and video and audio tapes.

A FOIA request can by made by any individual, partnership, corporation, association or foreign
government. Requests can also be made on behalf of any person by an attorney or
representative. Federal agencies are excluded from making FOIA requests; however, states and
state agencies may do so. There are two exceptions to the open eligibility standard for making
FOIA requests. The first exception is fugitives from justice if the requested records relate to his
or her fugitive status. Secondly, agencies of the intelligence community are precluded from
disclosing records or information in response to a FOIA request to foreign governments or
international governmental organizations. Both exclusions also apply to representatives of the

A request must be made in writing and clearly describe the records sought, preferably in bulleted
or numbered items. If possible, the request letter should cite a news report or other public
evidence that the records requested exist and are in the possession of the agency. The request
should be sent by certified US mail, with the USPS certified tracking number listed on the letter
below the mail address. Many agencies also accept requests by email or facsimile. If the

requestor chooses to use these methods, it is important to send a copy by certified mail as well
for tracking purposes. For a sample FOIA request letter, see Chapter 6.


Frequently, a requester is focused on obtaining the correct documents and crafting a precise
request letter to achieve that goal. Many people may not realize that failure to ask for a fee
waiver or writing a poor request for one could result in a substantial bill for search, duplication
and review costs. Agencies typically require payment of fees prior to the production of records.
By preemptively requesting a fee waiver and imposing a limit on the amount you are willing to
pay, the request process is smoother. If you fail to stipulate the fee limit or fail to request
notification before fees are incurred, you may be left with a large bill that is unaffordable. An
inability to pay the costs could result in a denial of access to the requested records.

The Freedom of Information Act allows agencies to charge fees for duplication costs
(photocopying or reproducing the records), costs of searching for documents (the staff time spent
looking in agency offices or archives for the records), and document review costs (the staff time
spent reviewing the records to see what information is responsive to the request and looking for
exemptions). In 2007, Congress amended FOIA law that no longer allow agencies to assess or
charge search fees for requests if they do not respond within the legal time requirements.

For the purposes of FOIA, there are three categories of document requesters:

Members of the Media are persons who obtain information, interpret that information,
and distribute it (in formal print broadcast, radio) on account of public interest. Members
of the media can also be freelance reporters who demonstrate that they will or intend to
be published. Educational and non-commercial scientific institutions whose purpose is
scholarly or scientific research are included as well. This category is most advantageous
to a requester, entitling 2 free hours of search time and the first 100 pages of document
duplication free.

Commercial requesters are individuals or groups who are involved in profit making
activity or who have a for-profit business interest in the requested information.
Requesters in this category can be charged reasonable standard fees.

All others are those not in one of the classifications above. Examples of the requesters
who fall into this last category are people seeking information for personal use, public
interest groups, and non-profit organizations. Standard fees can be charged for
duplication and research, but not for review costs. The requester in this category is
entitled to 2 free hours of search time and the first 100 pages of document duplication

With 2 free hours of search time and 100 pages of free duplication in the first and third requester
categories – small, clearly defined and described requests that are easy for the staff to locate and
retrieve, and amounting to only a few pages – likely will not incur fees. For requests made by

members of the media and all other categories further waiver of fees is possible, assuming their
requests are more complicated, requiring a more complex search and involving a greater volume
of records.

The category of a requester does not automatically mean they will be given a fee waiver. The
requester must demonstrate a public interest in the release of the records. Fees can be waived or
reduced if the information disclosure is in the public interest.

Courts applying the "public interest" fee waiver provision of FOIA typically take into account
four factors in determining whether to grant a waiver: (1) whether the subject of the requested
records concerns the operations or activities of government; (2) whether disclosure of the
requested records is likely to contribute to an understanding of government operations or
activities; (3) whether disclosure of the requested records will contribute to a "reasonably broad"
audience and whether the requester has the "ability and intention" to disseminate the information
to the public; and (4) whether disclosure of the requested record will contribute "significantly" to
the public understanding. See D.C. Technical Assistance Org. v. HUD, 85 F. Supp. 2d 46, 48-49
(D.D.C. 2000); 28 C.F.R.§16.11(k)(2)(i)-(iv). Requests for "public interest" waivers are judged
on a case-by-case basis. Larson v. CIA, 843 F.2d 1481, 1483 (D.C. Cir. 1988).

Commercial requesters that have a financial interest in the information will find it difficult to get
a fee waiver because information disclosures they seek are generally regarded as a matter of self
interest, not the public interest at large. Additionally, if the disclosure is primarily for the
commercial interests of the requester the waiver will likely be denied.

Requesters who seek a fee waiver should ask for it in the original request letter, even though a
determination on the fee waiver request from the government agency could come much later in
the administrative or litigation process. If the waiver is denied, requesters have the right to

The key factor in applying for a fee waiver in the original request letter is to demonstrate that the
disclosure of information significantly enhances a broad public audience’s understanding of the
operations and activities of the government. When making the case for public interest release of
records, it is important to be logical, factual, and resist emotional or personal attacks against
government officials or agencies. That is not to say you cannot discuss the human element
impacted by the government decisions of which you are seeking disclosure. This is best done by
explaining that the public’s well-being is affected by the decisions and there is a need for the
public to be informed of these decisions that have an adverse effect on their lives. Emotional
attacks will not help persuade officials that this request is in the public interest. Continue
thinking of how this information would help people understand the decisions and operations of

The requester must demonstrate the ability and intention to disseminate this information to the
public and should cite past examples of dissemination. For example, newspaper, columns or
published reports written by the requester, appearances on radio and/or television shows, or
productions of the same by the requester, etc. The requester should describe in the request letter

what he or she intends to do with the information. Establishing a public interest in the subject
matter is not enough to qualify for a fee waiver. The requester must show the ability and
intention to publish the information.

Categorization as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

alone is not enough to qualify for a fee waiver, although it can help demonstrate the requester
does not have a commercial interest in the information. Prior fee waivers granted by the agency
have no effect on the agency’s analysis of the current request, although it is beneficial to cite past
fee waivers and categorizations (such as previous classification as a member of the media);
however, those assertions alone are not enough to qualify for a waiver.

5 U.S.C. § 552 (a)(4)(E) provides that an entity has “substantially prevailed” in a case when a
judicial order or written agreement has been issued, or the agency has changed their position on
current matters. In that case, the agency will use any of their legitimate funds to pay for attorney
fees and litigation costs.

Response Time:

Once an agency has received a FOIA request, the agency has 20 business days to respond. The
20 business day period begins the day that the request is received by the correct agency, but no
later than 10 days after the request is received by any part of the agency. There are three
appropriate responses to a FOIA request: (1) compliance with the request; (2) non-compliance
and the reason for not doing so; and (3) the request of an extension of not more than 10 days due
to “unusual or exceptional circumstances.” Unusual Circumstances occur when (a) an agency
needs to collect information outside of their head office, (b) there is an unusually large amount of
information to process, or (c) the cooperation of another agency is necessary to obtain the
requested records. Exceptional Circumstances occur when an agency is experiencing a back log,
or when the requester refuses to modify the size and scope of their request.

There are two exceptions for when an agencies response time is automatically extended; when an
agency needs to clarify an information request from the requester, or when there is a fee dispute
between the two parties

If any other adverse response is received, requesters have the right to appeal and may file an
administrative appeal within the agency. Failure to administratively appeal may result in an
ability to litigate. If no response is received or if an administrative review upholds an adverse
response, the requester has the right to sue in Federal Court. For further information about
appeals see Chapter 5. The FOIA allows requesters to sue government officials who refuse to
release information, but the requestor can only obtain attorneys fees, awards of court costs, and a
court order for the FOIA request to be answered.

Often, groups and organizations have a compelling need to get to the full facts and truth of a
government decision urgently and time is not on their side. The ability to get the full truth about
a government action or decision quickly is needed in order to properly inform and protect the
rights, life, and physical safety of the public. FOIA requests can take years to be answered or

completed, especially if the requester does not follow up or file a lawsuit over the request. This
reality is of no use to those who need immediate answers for time sensitive problems. For
example, a request about an official who made controversial decisions in the executive branch
and who is now up for a high profile appointment for another sensitive position is an urgent

For urgent cases, 5 U. S. C. § 552 (a)(6)(E) provides for “expedited processing” of FOIA
requests. The statute requires that “a determination of whether to provide expedited processing
shall be made, and notice of the determination shall be provided to the person making the
request, within 10 days after the date of the request; and expeditious consideration of
administrative appeals of such determinations of whether to provide expedited processing.”
Within 10 days of filing a FOIA request with a request for expedited processing, the agency is
required to inform you if the request for expedited processing has been granted or denied. If the
request is granted, your request will be put ahead of other requesters seeking information from
that agency and will be given greater priority.

Occasionally when granted expedited processing, especially if the request is narrow with a clear
description, the agency will respond in full with the records sought within the 10 working days.
However, this is not usually the case and expedited processing simply results in having your
request put ahead of others – which indeed will save some time. However, even if granted
expedited processing, it is important to keep in contact with the agency FOIA office regarding
the search progress and when you can expect to receive the requested documents. We suggest
maintaining contact by placing frequent, but reasonable and courteous, phone calls to the staff
person assigned to the request and following up with letters documenting phone conversations.
If left alone a requester that has been given expedited treatment may not receive the records
quickly enough to achieve the purpose of their request. Denial of an expedited processing
request may be administratively appealed or litigation pursued if given an improper initial
response or denial of administrative appeal. Furthermore, a demonstration of a compelling need
by a requester making a request for expedited processing shall be made by a statement certified
by such requester to be true and correct to the best of such requester’s knowledge and belief.

Every FOIA request is important to the requester; however, every request cannot be granted
expedited processing. There is a definite and defined criterion for being granted expedited
status. The requester must state, demonstrate and certify that:

(1) Failure to obtain requested records on an expedited basis could reasonably be

expected to pose an imminent threat to the life or physical safety of an individual; or

(2) With respect to a request made by a person primarily engaged in disseminating

information, urgency to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal
Government activity.

To be granted this status it is necessary to show that failure to get these records in a timely
manner will imminently threaten the life or physical safety of someone such as a person on death
row needing urgent information for his appeal, or someone who needs facts about a nuclear
waste plant that is alleged to be dangerous to a nearby town. Otherwise you must certify that you
are a person or organization primarily in the business of disseminating information such as a
news reporter, a publishing house, and you have an urgency to inform the public of the
operations and activities of their government. One could request expedited processing under
both provisions, if a requester’s circumstance and situation falls under both provisions.

Individual agencies may have additional provisions, options, or requirements for expedited
processing. We advise potential requesters to check agency regulations and websites for
additional criteria that individual agencies might have in addition to those mandated by FOIA
itself. A list of agency FOIA websites with contact information can be found in Chapter 3.

Both provisions for expedited processing require a compelling need on the part of the requester.
In particular, the person requesting is required to submit a “statement of certification” stating
that: (1) they are a person or entity primarily engaged in dissemination of information (if this
applies to them, as in the second provision above) and (2) to the best of their knowledge and
belief, they have a “compelling need” for the information being sought. This “certification
statement” can be as simple as a paragraph consisting of a few sentences in the request letter, or
it can be attached to the letter itself. It does not need to be notarized by a Notary Public. The
procedure for statement of certification may vary among agencies.

Agency Responsibilities

It is important to understand FOIA policy and how it contributes to our nation’s principle of open
government. It is essential, however, for agencies to apply FOIA policy in practice. FOIA is
dedicated to openness, effective implementation, and accountability. Agencies are instructed to
consider partial disclosure when full disclosure is impossible. When partial disclosure is viable,
the agency providing the documents must indicate the amount of unavailable information and
what exemption prohibits its release. Agencies should consistently provide prompt responses to
FOIA requesters and use the technologies available to supply the public with dependable and
useful information.

There are certain requirements that all federal departments and agencies must follow to facilitate
the process for FOIA requesters. Once an agency receives a request it must respond within the
time requirement and assign that request a tracking number. The tracking number allows the
requester to monitor the status of the request. If an agency rejects a request entirely, the
Attorney General must notify the Special Counsel and Congress of any civil action that follows.

The public can also benefit from an agency’s responsibility to file annual reports. The report
must include the number of requests received, the range, median, and average amount of days a
response takes to be issued, data on the 10 oldest pending requests, and other information. These
responsibilities were put in place to make the process more transparent and to allow the

American public to hold our government to the highest standards of transparency and

Chapter 2 - Privacy Act of 1974 Overview

Congress passed the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC § 552a, in the midst of the abuses of the Nixon
White House and alleged abuse by the FBI and other government agencies with regard to the
holding of, and dissemination of information on individuals and groups at that time. Particularly
troubling was the growing trend of government agencies to store massive amounts of personal
information in computerized data banks. The PA act allows a citizen to learn how records are
collected, maintained, used and disseminated by federal agencies; it also allows individuals to
access that information and seek correction of inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant information.

The Privacy Act recognizes an individual’s right to be left alone. It gives a citizen the right to
inspect government files maintained on him or herself, prevent improper distribution and/or
dissemination of those records, and the ability to challenge errors. The act forbids any
government agency from releasing personal data kept on anyone as part of a “system of records”
or transferring it to another federal agency or department for uses not compatible with the
purposes for which the information was collected without the individual’s written consent.
Federal officials who improperly release these records may be sued for damages, court fees and
attorney costs.

The only records subject to the PA are those that are maintained in a “system of records.” Under
the law a record includes most personal information maintained by an agency about an
individual. A record contains individually identifiable information, including but not limited to
information about education, financial transactions, medical history, criminal history or
employment history. Whereas a system of records is a group of records that is retrieved by name,
SSN or other identifying number assigned to an individual. Not all personal information is kept
in a system of records; however, this information would be accessible by making a FOIA
request. The Department of Homeland Security and the Automated Targeting System are
exempt from providing some of these records due to ADIS (Arrival and Departure Information
System) information that relates to national security, law enforcement, immigration, and
intelligence activity.

The PA gives an individual citizen (including a person being investigated, persecuted or

retaliated against for “blowing the whistle” on corruption) access to documents that could clear
his or her name or provide evidence of retaliation. It can also provide a legal remedy to seek
justice for the improper disclosure of government-held personal information by officials in an
effort to discredit an individual.

Judicial Watch made legal history in March of 2000 in its class action lawsuit over the “Filegate”
scandal. A U.S. District Court ruled that President Bill Clinton, his wife Hillary, and his staff
had violated the Privacy Act by releasing information from the personnel file of Kathleen Willey
to the press in an effort to discredit her charges of sexual assault. Clinton and his administration
released personal letters that Mrs. Willey sent to President Clinton. Although Clinton as a
constitutional officer might not have been subject to the PA, by disseminating such information
without her consent he became the first sitting president to be convicted of a federal crime

because the release of the information was done as a part of official business and not as a private

Only United States citizens and aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence are eligible to
make a PA request. As a result of this provision, nonresident foreign nationals must use FOIA to
request records about him or herself. A citizen or organization seeking information under the
Privacy Act about another individual must get a release waiver signed by the individual the
information regards to allow the government the ability to release the records.

The Privacy Act, like the Freedom of Information Act, applies only to the agencies and
departments of the executive branch of government. Although the PA, like FOIA, does not apply
to the White House, penalties apply for any individual, journalist, government agency, official,
or constitutional officer who knowingly releases PA protected material to others as in the case of
former President Clinton. The PA was written to minimize its effect on FOIA. Many journalists
and government watchdog groups consider the effect of the PA on their ability to collect
information to be minimal, but they voice objections none the less.

Individuals seeking information on or about him or herself will find that similar rules apply to
making a PA request that apply to making a FOIA request. The records sought should be clearly
defined and identified and the offices or repositories within an agency or department that the
requested records are located should be specified – unless you desire all relevant offices of the
entire agency to be searched. A person’s full name (including any past names or alias), date of
birth (DOB), place of birth (POB), Social Security Number (SSN), and title, if appropriate,
should be given in order to facilitate the search for records. See Chapter 8 for sample PA request

If these records are to be sent to another party other than the requester, then the requester must
give written consent to the transfer. For example, if an individual who is accused of a crime
wishes to make a PA request for their FBI file and wishes the information to be sent directly to
his or her attorney, the request letter must state that this individual is his or her counsel and give
written consent for the agency to release the records to the attorney. The release must also
include the address to which the information is to be sent and the notarized signature of the

Likewise, if a citizen wanted to request information on another living person, that person must
sign a waiver, provided by the PA office of an individual agency and often available online, or
notarize a letter stating a desire to have the records released to the requester. Each agency has
different rules for such waivers and releases. Records of the deceased are requestable. To
request the records of a deceased individual you must provide the person’s name, aliases, date
and place of birth, a copy of the death certificate or newspaper obituary, and why you think the
agency or department would have the requested records.

Under the PA, fees can only be charged for record copying costs. No fees are charged for the
cost of search and review of the records to determine any applicable exemptions. Many agencies

will not charge fees for making a copy of a PA file, especially small files, and an agency can
waive fees if they pose a hardship.

There is no fixed time in which the agency must respond to a Privacy Act request; however, it is
good agency practice to acknowledge receipt of the request in 10 days and provide the
information requested in 30 days. At many agencies FOIA and PA requests are processed by the
same personnel and are attended to in the order in which they are received.

The balance of protecting the individual’s legitimate right to privacy versus transparency and the
public’s right to know often pits civil libertarians against journalists and vice versa. What is one
persons claim to privacy can be another person’s allegation of a “cover-up.” [For an example, in
an open record case Judicial Watch found the FBI using “privacy rights” as a justification to
withhold the name of Osama Bin Laden from publicly available newspaper articles that were
released under FOIA.]

The PA includes a number of exemptions which in many ways mirror the exemptions of the
FOIA (See Chapter 4 for further information about exemptions.) These exemptions allow
government agencies to transfer or release information on an individual without his consent for
law enforcement purposes, for use by Congress, the Census Bureau and similar government
agencies, as well giving agencies the ability to release information determined to be public under

Similar rules apply when a PA requester has been denied information under one of the PA
exemptions. Like requests made under the FOIA, an adverse determination must be appealed in a
timely manor, respectfully refuting the claim of exemption. See Chapter 5 for more information
about appeals and Chapter 9 for a sample PA appeal letter.

The PA has penalties for violations as well. An official who disclosures of too much personal
information in response to a PA request can faces monetary penalties and sanctions.

Chapter 3 - Federal Agencies' FOIA Web Sites

Federal Departments

• Department of Agriculture
• Department of Commerce
o National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
• Department of Defense
o Air Force
o Army
o Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA)
o Defense Contract Audit Agency
o Defense Contract Management Agency
o Defense Finance and Accounting Service
o Defense Information Systems Agency
o Defense Intelligence Agency
o Defense Logistics Agency
o Defense Security Service
o Defense Technical Information Center
o Defense Threat Reduction Agency
o Department of Defense Education Activity
o Marine Corps
o National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
o National Guard Bureau/JA-FOIA
o National Reconnaissance Office
o National Security Agency
o Navy
o Office of the Inspector General
o Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff
o TRICARE Management Activity
o United States Africa Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States Central Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States European Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States Joint Forces Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States Northern Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States Pacific Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States Special Operations Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States Southern Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States Strategic Command FOIA Requester Service Center
o United States Transportation Command FOIA Requester Service Center
• Department of Education
• Department of Energy
• Department of Health and Human Services
o Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
o Food and Drug Administration
o National Institutes of Health
• Department of Homeland Security
o Bureau of Customs and Border Protection
o United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
o United States Coast Guard
o Federal Emergency Management Agency
o Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
o United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
o Office of Inspector General
o United States Secret Service
o Transportation Security Administration
• Department of Housing and Urban Development
• Department of the Interior
• Department of Labor
• Department of State
• Department of Transportation
o Federal Aviation Administration
• Department of the Treasury
o Comptroller of the Currency
o Internal Revenue Service
o Office of Thrift Supervision
• Department of Veterans Affairs

Federal Agencies

• Agency for International Development

• American Battle Monuments Commission
• Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
• Broadcasting Board of Governors
• Central Intelligence Agency
• Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
• Commission on Civil Rights
• Committee for Purchase from People who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
• Commodity Futures Trading Commission
• Consumer Product Safety Commission
• Corporation for National Service
• Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
• Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
• Environmental Protection Agency
• Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
• Executive Office of the President
o Council on Environmental Quality
o Office of Management and Budget
o Office of National Drug Control Policy
o Office of Science and Technology Policy
o Office of the United States Trade Representative
o Privacy and Civil Liberties Office Oversight Board
• Export-Import Bank
• Farm Credit Administration
• Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
• Federal Communications Commission
• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
• Federal Election Commission
• Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
• Federal Housing Finance Board
• Federal Labor Relations Authority
• Federal Maritime Commission
• Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
• Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
• Federal Open Market Committee
• Federal Reserve System
• Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
• Federal Trade Commission
• General Services Administration
• Institute of Museum and Library Services
• Inter-American Foundation
• Legal Services Corporation
• Merit Systems Protection Board
• Millennium Challenge Corporation
• National Aeronautics and Space Administration
• National Archives and Records Administration
• National Capital Planning Commission
• National Credit Union Administration
• National Endowment for the Arts
• National Endowment for the Humanities
• National Indian Gaming Commission
• National Labor Relations Board
• National Mediation Board
• National Science Foundation
• National Transportation Safety Board
• Nuclear Regulatory Commission
• Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
• Office of the Director of National Intelligence
• Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
• Office of Government Ethics
• Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
• Office of Personnel Management
• Office of Special Counsel
• Overseas Private Investment Corporation
• Peace Corps
• Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
• Postal Regulatory Commission
• Railroad Retirement Board
• Securities and Exchange Commission
• Selective Service System
• Small Business Administration
• Social Security Administration
• Surface Transportation Board
• Tennessee Valley Authority
• United States Copyright Office
• United States International Boundary and Water Commission
• United States International Trade Commission
• United States Postal Service
• United States Trade and Development Agency

Chapter 4 – Exemptions

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act contains 9 exemptions to mandatory disclosure in the interest of
protecting national security, individual and business interests and certain internal government
practices. Records that fall within one of the exemptions can still be released at the discretion of
the individual agency. Even a document containing exempt information can be released with the
exempted information redacted. This is an important feature of FOIA because it prevents a
request from being denied in whole because a single section or page falls within one of the
exemption categories.

With the advent of technology it became difficult to determine what information, be it a word,
paragraph, or pages, had been withheld. The 1996 amendment to FOIA mandates that agencies
must identify the locations of deletions and show the deletion within the actual document when it
is feasible to do so. In order to account for withheld documents, agencies are required to provide
a Vaughn Index. The index must accomplish three things: (1) identify each document withheld;
(2) state the statutory exemption claimed for each document; and (3) explain how disclosure
would damage the interests protected by the claimed exemption for each document withheld.
The purpose of the index is for an agency to justify any withholdings it has made and do so
sufficiently enough to allow a court to decide if the withholdings were proper and the requester
to challenge the withholdings.

The first FOIA exemption relates to national defense or foreign policy records that are properly
classified according to an Executive Order. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(1). This exemption protects
classified information and records on the basis of national security. The classification guidelines
are established and maintained by the president. Classified documents may be requested under
FOIA; however, they must be reviewed by the agency to determine if the record still requires
classified status.

The second FOIA exemption safeguards the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency.
5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(2). There are two categories of documents which fall under this exclusion. The
first is documents or information regarding personnel rules or internal agency practice that has
no public interest, such as vacation policies. The second is information that if disclosed could
lead to the circumventing of law or agency regulations. Material falling in this category has to
regulate internal agency conduct, such as a procedure and practices manual. Information falling
within this category is frequently seen as trivial administrative matters.

The third FOIA exemption allows agencies to withhold documents specifically exempted by
other federal statutes. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3). However, the statute must: (1) require the matter be
wholly withheld from the public in a manner leaving no room for discretion; or (2) must
establish particular criteria for withholding; or (3) refer to particular types of matters to be
withheld. This exemption simply incorporates other statutes restricting information into FOIA.
It is the agency’s duty to demonstrate how the withheld record comes within the identified
statute. Agencies are required to list the statutes they use that relate to Exemption 3 in their

annual FOIA report. Those reports are reviewed annually by the Office of Information and
Privacy and are accessible on the Department of Justice’s FOIA website.

The fourth FOIA exemption prevents disclosure of trade secrets and commercial or financial
information obtained from a person and considered privileged or confidential. 5 U.S.C. §
552(b)(4). A trade secret is a commercially valuable plan, formula, process or device used in an
industry that resulted from either innovation or substantial effort. Courts have determined that
information qualifies as a trade secret if disclosure is likely to hurt the competitive position of the
person or company who submitted it or if the disclosure would impair the government’s ability
to get such information at a future date. Commercial or financial information is easily
identifiable without special provisions; however, its privileged or confidential nature must also
be determined before disclosure. This exemption is intended to protect both the government and
submitters of information as it protects sensitive trade, commercial or financial information
while also assuring the information is reliable as a result of the safeguards.

The fifth FOIA exemption protects inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters which
would not be available by law in other than an agency in litigation. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(5).
Exemption 5 is grossly overused by agencies to deny FOIA requests. The three primary
privileges invoked in Exemption 5 are deliberative process privilege, attorney work-product
privilege, and attorney-client privilege.

The deliberative process exemption was designed to give agencies privileges against discovery in
order to protect agency decision making. Granting agencies privilege would encourage open and
full policy debates as well as prevent early release of working policy. The D.C. Appellate Court
has stated that the language incorporates all civil discovery rules into FOIA. In order for the
deliberative process privilege to be invoked the communication must be both predecisional and
deliberative in nature. Documents are predecisional when they are prepared prior to the adoption
of agency policy. As such, Exemption 5 typically does not apply to post decisional documents;
however, this applies to the document’s content rather than the date of production. Documents
are deliberative when they “reflect the give-and-take of the consultative process.” It is the
responsibility of the agency to show the information satisfies both qualifications.

Exemption 5 also protects documents and other memoranda prepared by an attorney in

contemplation of litigation. The work product privilege extends to civil and administrative
proceedings, criminal matters and documents generated in preparation of an amicus brief. Work
product privilege broadly extends to litigation that has not commenced, but is probable; materials
prepared by non-attorneys under the supervision of attorneys, information shared with a party
holding common interest of the agency; and factual material.

Attorney-client privilege is also protected under Exemption 5. This includes confidential

communications between an attorney and client relating to a matter for which the client has
sought professional advice, facts divulged by a client to an attorney, opinions given to clients and
to communications between attorneys regarding client supplied information. Attorney-client
privilege extends to cover communications where the specific information is confidential, but the
basic subject matter is known to others.

The sixth FOIA exemption safeguards personnel and medical files and similar files the
disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. 5
U.S.C.§552 (b)(6). The Department of Defense has broadly, and unlawfully, interpreted (b)(6)
to include the names of all Department of Defense employees. They base this novel application
of (b)(6) on a personnel memo citing the “Global War on Terror.” Judicial Watch is fighting to
reverse this disturbing trend by the Department of Defense – one that obviously violates botht
the spirit and the letter of FOIA. This exemption protects the privacy of an individual’s personal
information in government files, it does not protect the privacy of corporations or group as there
is no expectation of the protection of personal privacy. Protection of information provided by
corporations or groups would be provided by Exemption 3. Agencies are expected to maintain a
balance between the individual’s privacy right and the public’s right to the disclosure of
information. Exemption 6 overlaps with the Privacy Act, however, information exempted by
FOIA is can be disclosed under the PA.

The seventh FOIA exemption protections information complied for law enforcement purposes. 5
U.S.C. §552 (b)(7). The intention behind this exemption is to allow agencies to withhold law
enforcement documents in order to prevent interference with the enforcement process.
Exemption 7 has six sub-exemptions.

Exemption 7A protects information that could interfere with law enforcement proceedings
thus protecting active investigations. This exemption is applicable only if an investigation is
pending or planned and the release of the information will compromise the investigation.

Exemption 7B allows an agency to withhold information that, if released, would deprive a

person of the right to a fair and impartial trial. This exemption is aimed at preventing
damaging pretrial publicity. In order for this exemption to be claimed the trail must be truly
pending or eminent and the release of the information would seriously interfere with the

Exemption 7C protects records that, if disclosed, could warrant an invasion of privacy. This
exemption is very similar to Exemption 6 in that they both protect against invasion of
privacy. However, Exemption 7C is used to withhold information that could, instead of
would, warrant an invasion of personal privacy and is used only in the confines of law
enforcement purposes.

Exemption 7D allows agencies to withhold information that could reasonably be expected to

disclose the identity of a confidential source. Its purpose is to prevent the loss of confidential
sources by protecting the source’s identity so the source is free from the fear of retaliation.
The protection of this exemption stretches further than just individuals – a state, local or
foreign agency or authority or any private institution who has furnished confidential
information with the expectation of anonymity is protected under this exemption. However,
not all sources in an investigation are considered confidential. Confidentiality is determined
on a case-by-case basis.

Exemption 7E prevents the disclosure of information that would reveal techniques,
procedures or guidelines for investigations or prosecutions. Disclosure of such information
could lead to circumvention of the law.

Exemption 7F protects information that, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to

endanger an individual’s life or physical safety. This exemption has been interpreted by
courts as providing for the protection of names and identifying information of individuals
who are connected to a request regarding a law enforcement matter. The protection of this
exemption remains even after involved law enforcement officers have retired.

The eighth FOIA exemption prohibits the disclosure of information contained in or related to
examination, operating or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency
responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(8). This
exemption typically only applies to agencies such as the Federal Reserve or the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation.

The ninth FOIA exemption protects geological and geophysical information and data, including
maps, concerning wells. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(9). This exemption is rarely used and has yet to be
clearly defined. This provision has been used to prevent the disclosure of information regarding
natural resources, from groundwater to natural gas.

Privacy Act

The Privacy Act contains 10 exemptions. Unlike the Freedom of Information Act there are three
categories of exemptions: special, general and specific. PA exemptions apply not to a record, but
to a system of records.

There is one special exemption in the PA. The special exemption states that nothing in the PA
requires an agency to grant access to any information compiled in reasonable anticipation of a
civil action or proceeding, including administrative hearings. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(d)(5). This
protects civil litigation files from access by individuals, but does not incorporate deliberative
process or attorney-client privileges. This exemption is self-executing and does not require
implementing regulation.

There are two general exemptions in the PA. The first exempts records maintained by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA). 5 U.S.C. § 552a(j)(1). The second exempts records maintained by
an agency or component thereof which: (1) performs as its principle function any activity
pertaining to the enforcement of criminal laws; (2) consists of identifying data compiled for the
purpose of a criminal investigation; (3) is associated with an identifiable individual; or (4)
reports identifiable to an individual compiled at any stage of the process of enforcement of
criminal laws. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(j)(2). There is no time limitation on this exemption and it applies
even if there is no trial or the investigation is closed. Additionally, the exemption is to be
applied to records, not agencies – if a law enforcement record is held by a non-law enforcement
agency it is still exempt.

There are seven specific exemptions. The first specific exemption applies to records that relate to
the national defense or foreign policy and are properly classified. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(k)(1).
Classified information is also exempt under FOIA and normally is unavailable under both acts.

The second specific exemption applies to investigatory records that are compiled for law
enforcement purposes. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(k)(2). The exemption is limited to cases when as a result
of the record maintenance; an individual is denied any right, privilege or benefit to which he or
she would normally be entitled to. In this case, disclosure of the record is required to that
individual except when it would result in the revelation of a confidential source.

The third specific exemption applies to records pertaining to the protection of the President of
the United States. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(k)(3). This exemption also applies to records of any
individual receiving protection from the Secret Service.

The fourth specific exemption applies to records that are required by statute to be maintained and
used solely as statistical records. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(k)(4).

The fifth specific exemption applies to investigatory records that are used for employee or
contractor suitability determinations. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(k)(5). This exemption covers
investigatory materials compiled solely to determine suitability, eligibility or qualifications for
Federal civilian employment, military service, Federal contracts or access to classified

information. The exemption only applies to the extent that the information released would
compromise the identity of a confidential source who provided information to the Government
under an express promise that the identity of the source would remain confidential.

The sixth specific exemption applies to the Federal service exam or test materials. 5 U.S.C. §
552a(k)(6). Records containing testing or examination material used solely to determine
qualification for an appointment or promotion in Federal service are exempt when disclosure
would result in compromising the objectivity or fairness of the process. This exemption
essentially provides for the withholding of questions used in employment test.

The seventh specific exemption applies to records that are used to determine potential for
promotion in the armed services. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(k)(7). The information is only exempt to the
extent that disclosure would reveal the identity of a confidential source who provided the
government with the information under an express promise of confidentiality.

Chapter 5 - Exhausting Administrative Remedies

In order to file a legally proper FOIA lawsuit, it is imperative that all administrative remedies be
exhausted before litigation is considered or begun. That is, did the requester do everything
possible to obtain a favorable result from the agency before going to the courts?

Upon receipt of a FOIA request an agency has 20 business days to respond to the request. When
a response is provided it can do one of three things: it can completely fulfill the request by
providing the records in full, be partially adequate, or be completely unacceptable.

An inadequate response is a response in which the agency, in the form of a letter, does not fulfill
the agency’s required action under FOIA. Common examples of inadequate responses are the
failure to respond with a written letter within 20 business days or a letter acknowledging receipt
of the letter, but completely devoid of any details regarding the determination of the request, the
fee waiver or of expedited processing.

Depending on the type of inadequate response, the requester has several options. A complete
failure on the part of the agency to respond at all to the request within the statutory 20 days can
be immediately litigated. There is no need to administratively appeal a complete failure to
respond. The requester may wait longer for a response or follow up with a letter or phone call,
but these steps are not necessary. A lawsuit can be filed on the twenty-first day if the agency has
completely failed to respond in any way to the request.

An agency response that is timely but nonetheless inadequate due to a failure to address the
actual merits of the request can also be litigated immediately. A response that fails to address the
request or the fee waiver or to advise the requester of his or her FOIA rights is not considered to
be a substantive response under FOIA. A requester who has received a timely, but inadequate
response, has the option of waiting longer for a more adequate response, following up with a
letter or phone call requesting an update, or commencing with the filing of a lawsuit. If the
requester is unsure whether the response qualifies as substantive, filing an official administrative
appeal is the safe route as it protects his or her litigation ability in the event the court decides the
response was substantive. It may be best to follow up with another letter or phone call, for
several reasons. First, it demonstrates a prudent, “good faith” effort to resolve the issue before
resorting to litigation. More importantly, the reason for the lack of response could be a clerical
oversight, the first letter may have gotten lost in the mail or in the office. A follow up letter
could compel a legitimately overworked staff person to respond to the requester with the
requested records or a determination on a fee waiver or a time frame of a better response will be
available. It is important to remember – the goal is for the requester to get the requested
documents and not to have to file a lawsuit.

Unlike an inadequate response, an adverse determination is a decision or ruling by an agency

regarding the request that, in some way or another, denies access to the records. Typically, the
agency responds by stating the documents requested are covered by one or more FOIA
exemptions or by claiming they searched all their files and no records responsive to the request
were found. For more information about FOIA exemptions see Chapter 4. Such a determination

is called a “no records response.” These determinations, if done within the 20 days, do not
satisfy the request, but do satisfy the agency’s statutory obligations, and, therefore require an
administrative appeal.

In cases where the requester gets an adverse decision such as the withholding of records under an
exemption, a response that no responsive records exist in possession of the agency, or a denial of
a fee waiver or expedited processing request, the agency must, by law, provide the requester with
administrative appeal rights.

Appeal rights give the requester the ability to send another letter to the agency, this time in an
effort to get the adverse determination reversed by another authority in the agency. This
authority has been designated to the FOIA appeals officer who accepts all such appeals from

The agency that issues the adverse determination must: (1) notify the requester of the right to
appeal; (2) identify the appeals officer and the officer’s contact information; and (3) state the
date when the appeal letter must be received by the officer. If this appeal information is not given
in the adverse response letter, the requester can automatically sue under the law. However, it
would be more prudent to follow up with a phone call inquiring about the appeal rights and
asking that the response to be put in writing.

Most agencies require the appeal be sent and received within 30 days of the date of the adverse
determination letter. Agencies normally give a shorter appeal time for an appeal for expedited
processing of 10 days. Administrative appeal deadlines are strictly enforced in most agencies and
appeals received even one day late can be denied as being “untimely.” Thus it is imperative that
appeals be sent in a timely manor. If the requester has missed the deadline by a few days or
weeks the request should be sent anyway, as some agencies will accept an appeal a few days late
and some appeals officers are lenient.

If an appeal has been denied for being untimely the request would need to be resubmitted and
upon receipt of an adverse determination a timely appeal can then be made. In the case of a
requester who has received a partial disclosure and appeals the withholding of those documents
and the appeal has been denied for being “untimely,” a request can be filed seeking only the
information that was withheld.

In the appeal letter, it is important to include all relevant facts for overturning the adverse
determination including: (1) support for the further release of records withheld under any
exemptions or reasons why the exemptions used by the agency do not apply to the record
requested; (2) providing more details, or a rebuttal, about the requester’s ability to disseminate
information and public interest value of the records in order to overturn the denial of a fee
waiver; and/or (3) provide more information, or a rebuttal, about the requester being primarily
engaged in information dissemination or having a compelling need for the records in order to
overturn a denial of expedited processing.

The appeals officer will only be able to consider the information and the record in front of him or
her to make the determination on the requester’s administrative appeal. Again, it is important to
be respectful, not to personally attack the FOIA staff that made the adverse determination or the
government officials whose decisions are the subject of the requested records.

Although adverse determinations and government citations of the FOIA exemptions are as
different as the request themselves, some common adverse determinations have basic responses.
For example, a requester seeks information on a 40 year old decision to prosecute a now
deceased mobster. In response the agency asserts the FOIA exemption (b)(6) (privacy) claiming
the release of the records would injure the privacy rights of those involved in the trial or
preceding investigation. They also assert (b)(5) (deliberative process and attorney work product
doctrine) claiming these records, if released, would expose the memos and drafts of prosecutors
prepared to make the decision to prosecute. Disclosure of these documents could make current
prosecutors unwilling to make similar decisions for fear their records would be opened up at a
future date. And (b)(7)(E) (circumventing the law) claiming release would disclose the important
details of deliberation or dialogue between law enforcement staff. In this case, the records would
disclose the important deliberations between FBI investigators looking for evidence and
Department of Justice prosecutors comparing the level of evidence with what is necessary for a
conviction. Exposing this coordination of evidence seeking and preparation could give criminals
an insight into what type of evidence they need to cover up in the future to avoid prosecution.

The appeal letter for this case could argue that the mobster has since died and retains no claim or
expectation of privacy. Secondly, after 40 years, the investigators who collected the evidence and
the prosecutors they shared it with have moved on to other jobs or retired. Additionally, there is
no fear that current prosecutors would be afraid of disclosure of their notes in a case that is 40
years old. Lastly, it could be argued that the methods of collecting evidence and the evidential
standards for seeking prosecution has changed substantially, as well as the government’s systems
for evaluating evidence being revolutionized by technology. Thus it could be argued that the
claims of exemption are moot, but a public interest value in the disclosure remains – the public
will be assured that justice was done. It may be difficult to get a fee waiver in a case like this
because the information is historical and not likely to contribute to a significant understanding of
government operations and activities because the operations and activities to be disclosed have

The most difficult FOIA exemption to penetrate is (b)(1) – records which are currently and
properly classified in the interests of national security or foreign policy. This includes many
records held by the CIA and State Department. On occasion it is possible for the State
Department or another agency to release further records withheld under (b)(1) after a FOIA
appeal. However, after a denial of an administrative appeal the only further recourse for a
requester who is fully dedicated to obtaining the records is to file a lawsuit, requiring a judge to
view the records in camera (confidentially, behind closed, secure doors) to see if public interest
warrants declassification. Most of these challenges do not succeed.

A response to an administrative appeal by the agency FOIA appeals officer is required within 20
business days of receipt of the appeal letter. If the appeal is denied, the agency is required to

outline litigation rights in the letter – stating that under FOIA you now have the right to sue in
the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, or the Federal District Court where the
requester’s principle place of business is. If the requester gets not response to an administrative
appeal within 20 working days he has the right to begin litigation because no response can be
considered a denial of the requester’s rights. However, before filing a lawsuit it is still advisable
to follow up with a phone call or a letter inquiring about the status of the appeal.

Throughout this whole process it is important to have the advice of an attorney who is familiar
with FOIA because unexpected twists and turns may occur. Hopefully the requester will be able
to avoid litigation and be able to obtain the requested records without resorting to the court
system. However, if a requester has gone through all administrative channels and still receives
an unsatisfactory response, the courts are an option.

Chapter 6 – Sample FOIA Request Letter



FOIA Officer

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request

Dear Sir/Madam:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552), requests that the [Agency]
produce all correspondence, memoranda, documents, reports, records, statements, audits, lists of
names, applications, diskettes, letters, expense logs and receipts, calendar or diary logs, facsimile
logs, telephone records, call sheets, tape recordings, video/movie recordings, notes,
examinations, opinions, folders, files, books, manuals, pamphlets, forms, drawings, charts,
photographs, electronic mail, and other documents and things that refer of relate to the following
in any way, within twenty (20) business days: [Insert detailed information about documents
If any responsive record or portion thereof is claimed to be exempt from production under FOIA,
sufficient identifying information (with respect to each allegedly exempt record or portion
thereof) must be provided to allow the assessment of the propriety of the claimed exemption.
Vaugh v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir 1973), cert denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974). Additionally
any reasonably segregable portion of a responsive record must be provided after redaction of any
allegedly exempt material, me as the law requires. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b).

In order to help determine my status for purposes of determining the applicability of any fees,
you should know that I am [insert a suitable description of the requester and the purpose of the
request]. I am willing to pay fees up to the amount of $___. If the fees will exceed this amount,
please inform me before fees are incurred. I can be contacted at [include preferred method of
communication], if necessary to discuss any aspect of this request.

I look forward to receiving the requested documents and a full fee waiver within twenty (20)
business days.


[Telephone (optional)]

Chapter 7 – Sample FOIA Appeal Letter

VIA FACSIMILE (202) 555-1234 AND



FOIA Officer

Re: Appeal of FOIA Request ###

Dear Sir/Madam:

On [Date], I filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with [Agency], requesting
[Describe requested documents.]

In a response letter dated [Date] [Official, Title] denying my request. [Insert detail from letter
about why the request was denied]

This letter respectfully appeals the determination of [Name of Official]

The information requested under FOIA must be disclosed because… [Insert reason.]

I also appeal the decision to charge me for search and review costs. [Insert reason.]


[Telephone (optional)]

Chapter 8 – Sample PA Request Letter

VIA FACSIMILE (202) 555-1234 AND

CERTIFIEDMAIL No.: 1234 5678 9101 1121


PA Officer
Name of Agency
Address of Agency

Re: Privacy Act Request

Dear [PA Officer]:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. §
552a, I seek access to and copies of all records about me which you have in your possession
within twenty (20) business days. [If seeking a specific document give as much detail as

To assist with your search for these records, I am providing the following additional information:
[Include full name, social security number, date and place of birth. You may also provide
additional information such as other names used or former places of residence.]

If any responsive record or portion thereof is claimed to be exempt from production under the
PA, sufficient identifying information (with respect to each allegedly exempt record or portion
thereof) must be provided to allow the assessment of the propriety of the claimed exemption.
Vaugh v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir 1973), cert denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974). Additionally
any reasonably segregable portion of a responsive record must be provided after redaction of any
allegedly exempt material, me as the law requires. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b). I reserve the right to
appeal any decision to withhold information.

I promise to pay reasonable fees incurred in the copying of these documents up to the amount of
[Specify a dollar amount]. If the estimated fees will be greater than that amount, please contact
me before such expenses are incurred.

If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me by [Telephone number
optional]. Please end the documents to: [Specify Address]

I will look forward to receiving the requested documents within twenty (20) business days.


[Your Name]

Chapter 9 – Sample PA Appeal Letter



PA Officer

Re: Appeal of PA Request

Dear Sir/Madam:

This is an appeal under the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act of the denial of my
request for access to records.

On [Date], I requested access to records under the Privacy Act of 1974. My request was assigned
the following identification number: ________.

On [Date], I received a response to my request in a letter signed by [Name of Official]. This

letter respectfully appeals the determination of [Name of Official]

The records withheld should be disclosed to me because [Insert Reason] This appeal is also
being made under FOIA and any additional information that would be disclosed under FOIA
should be disclosed.

I can be contacted at [Insert Telephone Number], between the hours of __ and __, if there is need
to discuss this appeal.


[Telephone (optional)]

Chapter 10 – FOIA and PA FAQs

What is the Freedom of Information Act?

The Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552) (FOIA) was enacted by
Congress, in 1966, in order to give the public the right to obtain and access information
from federal government agencies. While FOIA does not require the government to
create any documents regarding an information request or answer questions posed in a
request, it does require the agency to release any document, file or other record that exists
pertaining to your request. FOIA was amended in 1974 to force greater agency
compliance and in 1996 to include electronic information.

What is the Privacy Act?

The Privacy Act of 1974 (PA) provides safeguards against the invasion of privacy by the
misuse of records and applies to personal information maintained by agencies in the
executive branch of the Federal Government. The PA allows a citizen to learn how
records are collected, maintained, used and disseminated by federal agencies; it also
allows individuals to access that information and seek correction of inaccurate,
incomplete or irrelevant information. Additionally the Privacy Act provides a safeguard
against others accessing information about you that could warrant an invasion of privacy.
Agencies subject to the FOIA are also subject to the Privacy Act.

Who is eligible to make a FOIA or PA request?

A FOIA request can by made by any individual, partnership, corporation, association or
foreign government. Requests can also me made on behalf of any person by an attorney
or representative. Federal agencies are excluded from making FOIA requests; however,
state and state agencies may do so.

Only United States citizens and legal permanent residents of the United States are eligible
to make a Privacy Act request. Therefore, nonresident foreign nationals may use the
FOIA to request records about him or herself.

How do I make a request?

The first step to making a request is doing research. Determine if the information you are
seeking has already been made available. This information may be available at online
FOIA reading rooms, on electronic research databases or by requesting the documents
from public interest groups. Your research will also inform you as to the key events and
decision-makers on your topic, help you pinpoint documents and agencies in your
requests, and keep you from requesting material extraneous to your interest.

FOIA or PA requests must be made in writing to the agency which holds the records. The
letter should state that the request is being made under FOIA and/or the PA, identify the
records that are being sought, and include the name and address of the requester.
Inclusion of a telephone number can expedite the process by providing a means for the
agency to quickly contact you. Fees vary with the status or purpose of the requester, so

the letter should include the category to which you belong – commercial, educational,
media or “other” – as well as a statement of your willingness to pay fees. Additionally,
PA requests may require a statement or notarization to verify identity. Check with
individual agencies for their policy.

Should I make a FOIA or a PA request?

The provisions of the FOIA and PA overlap in parts. The laws have differing procedures
and exemptions, resulting in the ability of information to be exempted under one law and
disclosable under the other. To take maximum advantage of the laws, both should be
sited in the request; however, requests made for information that does not relate solely to
the requestor may only be made under FOIA. If you have doubts about which laws to
utilize, cite both the FOIA and PA when making an information or document request.

What kind of information can I request?

FOIA applies to any federal agency records which are either created or obtained by an
agency and under the agency’s control at the time of the request. Records can be in print
or electronic format, maps, photos, digital data, handwritten notes, and video and audio

The only records subject to the Privacy Act are those maintained in a system of records.
Under the law a record includes most personal information maintained by an agency
about an individual. A record contains individually identifiable information, including,
but not limited to, information about education, financial transactions, medical history,
criminal history or employment history. Whereas a system of records is a group of
records that is actually retrieved by name, SSN or other identifying number assigned to
an individual. Not all personal information is kept in a system of records; however, this
information is accessible by making a FOIA request.

How much will it cost to make a request?

FOIA requesters may have to pay fees covering some or all of the costs of processing
their requests, which can possibly include search and review costs and the cost of
photocopies. Fees vary with the status or purpose of the requester. However, if disclosure
of the requested information would substantially benefit the public interest, the laws
generally require a waiver or reduction of such fees. Additionally, if the cost of
responding to your request is so small that it falls below a certain level, most agencies
automatically waive assessment of the fees. The agency cannot charge search fees for
documents that were not provided within the legal time frame of 20 days (or 30 days if
the agency requests an extension).

Under the Privacy Act, fees may only be charged for record copying costs. No fees are
charged for the cost of search and review of the records to determine any applicable
exemptions. Many agencies will not charge fees for copying of a record, especially with
small files, and an agency can waive fees if they pose a financial hardship.

How long will a request take?
Once an agency has received a FOIA request, that agency has 20 business days to
respond to the request. There are three appropriate responses: compliance with the
request; non-compliance and the reason for not doing so; and the request of an extension
of not more than 10 days due to “unusual circumstances.”

Under the Privacy Act there is no fixed time in which the agency must respond; however,
it is good agency practice to acknowledge receipt of the request in 10 days and provide
the information requested in 30 days. At many agencies FOIA and PA requests are
processed by the same personnel and are attended to in the order in which they are

What happens if my request is denied?

Not all records are available to be released; some records may be withheld to protect
important government interests such as national security or law enforcement. If an
agency determines it will not comply with the request or you have received an adverse
response, you may appeal the decision. You must submit an appeal postmarked within 30
days of the denial letter. The agency is required to respond to the appeal within 20 days.
If the appeal is denied, then the agency must inform you of the provisions for a judicial

What kind of information is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act?

The nine FOIA exemptions (5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(1)-(9)) are:
• records currently and properly classified in the interest of national security;
• records related solely to internal personnel rules and practices, which, if released,
would allow circumvention of an agency function;
• records protected by another law that specifically exempts the information from
public release;
• trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a private
source which would cause substantial competitive harm to the source if disclosed;
• internal records that are deliberative in nature and are part of the decision making
process that contain opinions and recommendations;
• records which, if released, would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of
personal privacy;
• investigatory records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes;
• records for the use of any agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of
financial institutions; and
• records containing geological and geophysical information (including maps)
concerning wells.

What kind of information is exempt under the Privacy Act?

The Privacy Act contains similar exemptions. They are:
• (d)(5) information compiled in anticipation of civil action or proceeding, including
administrative hearings;
• (j)(1) records maintained by the CIA;

• (j)(2) records maintained by an agency which performs as its principle function any
activity pertaining to the enforcement of criminal laws and which consists of
identifying data complied for the purpose of a criminal investigation, associated
with an identifiable individual; or reports identifiable to an individual compiled at
any stage of the process of enforcement of criminal laws;
• (k)(1) records relating to the national defense or foreign policy and are properly
• (k)(2) records that are investigatory and compiled for law enforcement purposes;
• (k)(3) records pertaining to the protection of the President of the United States;
• (k)(4) records that are required by statute to be maintained and used solely as
statistical records;
• (k)(5) records that are investigatory and used for employee or contractor suitability
• (k)(6) records that are Federal service exam or test materials;
• (k)(7) records that are armed services promotion evaluation materials.

Chapter 11 – References and Informational Links on FOIA and PA

Text of the FOIA

Text of the Privacy Act
Citizen’s Guide to FOIA
“Your Right to Federal Records”
Justice Dept. FOIA Guide
Justice Dept. Privacy Act Overview
Justice Dept. FOIA Electronic Reading Room
State-by-State Open Records/FOIA Resource
FOIA Contacts at Federal Agencies
Federal Agency FOIA Web Sites
Justice Dept. FOIA Policy Manual
Annual FOIA Reports of Federal Agencies
Justice Dept. FOIA Post (web updates)
Department of Defense FOIA Handbook

Chapter 12- State Open Government/FOI References

State governments are not subject to FOIA, as the Freedom of Information Act is a federal law.
However, all 50 states have their own versions of open records laws. In order to make a request,
please use the following links for reference.

• Sunshine Week
• Sunshine Review
• National Freedom of Information Coalition
• Reporters Committee for the Freedom of Press
• Citizen Media Legal Guide
• Open the Government
• Society of Professional Journalists
• Timelines for Production for All States

• Alabama Public Records Law

• Alaska Public Records Act

• Arizona Public Records Law

• Arkansas Freedom of Information Act

• California Public Records Act

• Colorado Open Records Act

• Connecticut Freedom of Information Act

• Delaware Freedom of Information Act

• District of Columbia Freedom of Information Act

• Florida Sunshine Law

• Georgia Open Records Act

• Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act

• Idaho Public Records Act

• Illinois Freedom of Information Act

• Indiana Access to Public Records Act

• Iowa Open Records Law

• Kansas Open Records Act

• Kentucky Open Records Act

• Louisiana Sunshine Law

• Maine Freedom of Access Act

• Maryland Public Information Act

• Massachusetts Public Records Act

• Michigan Freedom of Information Act

• Minnesota Data Practices Act

• Mississippi Public Records Act

• Missouri Sunshine Law

• Montana Public Records Act

• Nebraska Public Records Law

• Nevada Open Records Act

New Hampshire
• New Hampshire Right to Know Law

New Jersey
• New Jersey Open Public Records Act

New Mexico
• New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act

New York
• New York Freedom of Information Law

North Carolina
• North Carolina Public Records Law

North Dakota
• North Dakota Open Records Statute

• Ohio Open Records Law

• Oklahoma Open Records Act

• Oregon Public Records Law

• Pennsylvania Right to Know Act

Rhode Island
• Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act

South Carolina
• South Carolina Freedom of Information Act

South Dakota
• South Dakota Sunshine Law

• Tennessee Open Records Act

• Texas Public Information Act

• Utah Government Records Access and Management Act

• Vermont Public Records Law

• Virginia Freedom of Information Act

• Washington Public Records Act

West Virginia
• West Virginia Freedom of Information Act

• Wisconsin Open Records Law

• Wyoming Sunshine Law


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