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interviews by Psi-IE5-atii s
V F d - k s_ C] k Twenty-three inter\'iews_ with the actors, technicians and artists telling the behind-tho
re en: ar c scenes story of the making of the most P o P ular lm of all time. 5 P ecial em P hasis ll given
to the amazing special effects of STAR WARS, with explanations of the techniques and
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Q David Bartholomew (New York) ~ T '
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Jgffngy Ffcntzen (San F-andsco) Interviews with director Steven Spielberg and special effects supervisor Douglas Trumbull
- reveal some lantaliliiig facts behind the production of this epic scienee ction film of
Dan Scappcf-0"] (Ncw York) First Cpntaet. Spielberg and Trumbull reveal how and why they have given their UFOs an
Don Shah (L05 -\Ill5) entirely new loolt. Flying saucers will never lieth_esa_me again.


t Jurdan R_ Fox Stopniulion animator David Allen esplains the trials antl tribulations of doing dimension-
buck Ganis al anirntitimi s|)t't'i3l effects on a modest budget. As director of special effects on his sec-
. nnd film iii as inaiiy years. Allen emerges as a ma'or talent in the field, and announces
l1'3LG;lf(.)"-lJ the production of the most ambitious stop-motion eature lm of his career.
an I . r\'l|'1 , I.

Alan Jones
(Iarl Macek
Paul Mandel]
Paul .\l. Sammon ~ e--~ --------' -
S. S. Wilson
it 7--~

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E*T ___...___ ~

_w__._ _ _ __,'L"'"' "- 5'""" *
st!-;ci-\t s"r-\izwAitsciu:mTs ~*<>*_""tt=~ i 5""i"w@;5j@>m
Photos land lll\1ll;|litIIlS for the feature Mnldiig
STAR lt.~lkS usrtl with special permission from
'"_"**'*"* '
Mi "'
nnl: or more of the following: Kenny Baker,
Adam Beckett, Doug Beswick, Robert Blalack,
Ben Burtt, Chris Casady,_]nhn Dykstra, Richard
t Edlund. Joe Johnston, Laine Liska, Carl Macek,
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e __#~,, _-
.-\l.|- RED soir. on COMM! NI(L\
llllervlew by i\llltC Childs and Alan jnries as
A" Rjgh Rcs-vd_ .~\ nt-wigt-nre tali-nt talks about directing his first horror film, opening to rave reviews.

STAR WARS" is the trzulvmark of -lltli (It'it- AA , W ,, ,,,____

tury-l-nit Film Corpnnitioii and I'h-- Star \\';irs .-\.\l\ lR\'ll\(; ()!\' 'l llli FURY interview by Sam l.. lr\'in._|r. 54
Corporation. LI.VEF.4.\"'I}|S'IIQltE is not ;issnt'i-
ated or otherwise affiliated with either The Star
W C ' 20th C '<l<' l~l
T " "'
|'hi~ star of Brian
77, s_- __--o-__-7

De Palma's IIt\\ film

' '
I-.5? and mental telepathy on
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l-'lLi\llN(} DOMINIQUI-I T"
Milton Subotslty's first Sword 8: nreery
a report iiy'K{ii{i|d and Alan Jones 52
production gets underway, a horror film, natch.
CINE!-AN'l'AS'l'lQUl-L is published quarterly at P. ________A_i_i_,.___.. ,_____________,_._~_,,
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O. Box 270, Oak Park ll. 60503. Single copies LE'lTl-IRS you the gentle readers tell us where we went wrong
' "_
when purchased from the publisher are $4. Suh- "'* '*""
' ' = i to, i is. irii ------.--<%____"_,_-_-._-_-~~
PLAN!-.TvOF intiiiuoswas
___ report hy s. s. wiim
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?lFnPlirl:"l:sutl':s0l;g5.ssl'l:ei \llJ;gl'l!ll:)!1l|l5ei|r:|-D
ax (ham... but picascgyluy hy iinmminnai A unique lowbudget stop-motion aniniation feature in search of distributor.
Postal Mtitiey Order in USA funds. Advertising '__'__H'm_M%*"'_"'H W in
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be answered unless accompanied by a stamped,
svlf-addwssvd "'l"P- svwnd lm Pt-mac WiilLiA1\i ciR|ii.i'6R'"i'iTTiiTNiTou iinterview by ]iiiy"iTt-7iiZFJ's0
alargalj li_rg!5c*:;:fg' The late director talks about lming the siipt-riiattiriil lit-stst-ller, to be his last horror film.
"ti t ' . -~~-----i-i~ V V H '-___--_--
Clarkc. ClNl-ll-AN'l'AS'IlQUl-I is a Registered
U.S. Trademark. Cover: Darth Vader on l.ukes tail, a dogfight lI\tl the llrutli Star, paiiiiteil by Ira tiilford :Cover

Stop-motion animator David Allen talks about his
new science ction film and the problems of doing
model animation special effects on a modest budget.
What might seem at rst glance as just another exploitation 7
ripoff of STAR WARS is actually an interesting little science
ction lm produced by the Charles Band company, featuring
superior stop-motion sequences designed and directed by l)av-
id Allen. The project began in eamest during late Spring l977
and was slated for Thanksgiving release, but the producers
were inspired by the eerie effectiveness of the animation and
allocated additional time and money for ne\v special effects
footage. Oddly enough, David Allen's involvement with the
film was a fluke that stemmed from his association with Steve
Neill, who designed the alien makeup appliances and special
effects props, and played an alien in the film's first reel.
Dave Allen had gotten Steve Neill several jobs in fantasy
films, one on KINGDOM OF THE SPlDliRS and another one
buildin the full-size head of THE CRATER LAKE MON-
STER. itleill had previously worked for Charles Band on one of
his productions. While Band was preparing LASER BLAST,
Steve Neill found himself extremely interested in Dave Allen's
PRIMEVALS project. Both Allen and animator Randy Cook
had just finished an early draft of the script, and a note of op-
timism was raised when Neill remarked that he knew someone
who might be interested in the property. A short time later,
Neill mentioned PRIMEVALS to Charles Band and another
producer. l had several copies of the script printed," recalled
Allen, and Charlie was given one. lle read it, but it took him
week: to read itso long, in fact, that l felt he was not that in-
terested in it. However, Steve Neill was very enthusiastic about
PRlMEVAl.S and asked me to send, via him, my sample reel
of animation. Charlie looked at it, and although he thought it
was interesting, he spoke in a somewhat distant way about the
project. He did say, however, that he had a project ol his own
called LASER BLAST, and on the basis of the footage he had
seen, he wanted me to create animated models of the aliens in-
.~' --4
stead of having actors in makeup as originally planned. Steve
was to do those makeups, so it might sound like he screwed
himself out of a job, but Steve was very enthusiastic about the
potential of animation. And l told Charlie that for the amount
of time and money he was giving to the assignment, there was
no way I could do all of it in stop-motion. l would have to
have at least one of the aliens as an actor in makeup, while the
two animated puppets would be chasing him as outlined in the
story. So Steve wound up playing the part in his own makeup.
l was able to play a lot of the shots to him so that l could cut
away from the animation whenever l needed to."
Dave Allen was given a schedule of about eight weeks in
which to complete all of the animated scenes. Assisted by the
husband-and-wife team of Steve and Ve Neill and camera assis-
tant Pault Gentry, Allen went out to the Mojave Desert and
photographed all of the background plates in one aftemoon.
Back at Allen's Burbank studio, process projection setups were
designed while Jon Berg began sculpting the prototypes for the
lizard men and huilt amtaturcs for them. Randy Cook, who
co-animated Tllll CRATER LAKE MONSTER with Phil Tip-
pett, was hired as the principal animator for LASER BLAST.
Modelmalter Greg _]ein designed and built the spacecraft seen

by Paul Mantlell

Tu]: Lvj'l: The alien commander

as seen in a communication on a
videosereen inside the alien ship.
Top /Hiddlv and Rigltl: Inside
their ship the aliens listen to the
new instructions from their lead-
er. 'l'he stop-motion aliens were
designed and constructed by Jon
Berg. The spaceship interior was
designed by Dave Cursun.M|ddIr-
Left: Makeup artist Steve Neill
in an alien makeup of his own de-
sign as a fugitive from outer
spate at the film: opening who
is exterminated by the two stop-
motion aliens who fail to retrieve
his powerful laser weapon. Neill
also built the lm's prop laser
gun. Middle Right: The stop
motinn aliens use their o\\'n laser
weapon. David Allen accomplish-
ed the composite of the laser ray
in the camera during animation
by reecting it in with a two-way
mirror. This obviated the need for
expensive optical work later on.
Hutton: Left: The stnp-motion
aliens, referred to as Mr. Brown"
and "Mr. Green during anima-
tiun, are bolted to an acrylic ani-
mation stage in front ol' a rear-
sereen projection. Bnjlam Middle
and Righl: Two additional rear-
screcn set~ups. The animation mo-
dels are only I3" high, and evi-
dence a sympathetic, even humor-
ous, character which aids the
lm's development.

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lH\\lI .|Illl ll\ ||l'(Ill\' .lll lK'll|\1 l\l.l\llI| in iiiiviiwiiiiq l|4I\\ \lI\| \\'l' lll|'l|I ll'.H kiiii; i||-- llllllI>I \\lll|IIlll l!\lll'lill!_' [H iiiiiii .i|> IIl'.\\l[l'
l\l11L'i|*>ll1 (IHIHP \\l\lli ll" l'\'il'\l\'lY ilr-Ill"-ll li.iil Q\I\ ll|\ll'.|ll ul ll.I\lllQ lll\|l\ ~iiil~li-iil\ i'|llII])ii\l\ll\lI\.
l\ ll|'l|I|I\('\ I\I\'\l'\\l'K l>\ ilii~ ~piri\ Ill llll ll]IH'.|l' .il Ill! l'lILl. li'< ~iill .i ~iii.ill .|ll\II\llll lii|i*ii~~iiiii;l\_ ilir \l.l\jl IIH iiliirli iliv
\ll.l4l.llil'I\. l'.\'l'lH\l.Ill\' |ii~ Il1'|Il|V|| \ iliv i |'l',|' (if .niiii\.i\ii-ii.' lHlIlll'l\ \\l'|l' lmllvil ilii\\ii \\.i\ II\.l4il Ill .i
l\H\' phi-~ii .i|l\ 4| \\Lll .|~ lI\!lll.lll\. _\'ii Ii-i;i- |'Ii<- \l4\|\-Illllivll [l\\]I|I\'l~ 4"v .i ll<'.ll. \))(l ll! l'\lll |Il.l\lll , .l|lll \\llll llllli l'('.l'
\'~ll i-\pl.iii|ii<ii\ .i.~" in \\'li\' ihi~ i|i'm~ii\i< lll<l' \\.\\ .I ll('\ll'l' <-\pi-~~.~ril .ii ih-- --iii~ri \i>ll. "I\iiii; ll\.|l |I\.lll'l'i.ll. \|v\l \ .iii \l'( ilir
|i'.iii~li-|'iii.i|iini |Il\l'\ |\l.|l'l is l11.lll1', |l\\| tin" In \|\|' ilii- li/.inl in.iii in-iili-l< |l.i\'i' li.|il lilllllillh -it llli l(l| lI'lIIlllH'll>\\.H|ll1lL<lll('
l\\|ll~l\I]I li\' .\!i*\v Xi-ill i\ .iii l\lll|l'lll uni. lillill ll'll \i'.ii.~' .i\_'ii I111 l\'\\ liii|I.ii;a' llll lll\ iiliun hi \lI'ill fur \'uiir lH)ll\. ll iiiiglil MT!!!
l|\ll\|Ilill' iiiil I lllll iil'~llii~"\\m'lil iuiil.iil l{.\l|ll.R.\' Ul llll. S'l().\l>. l(|\(i.\', liul |]|<-ii \\..i|].| |,- )[||||li'||| ill; [mm ,--[1,-i-.

li-ii~i'~ .lllll \H.\ls\"lll\l l'.iiii;\. llir

lllIl\.|\ i~ \llIll' I\!\\' ilii|ili<.i\iiiii\ Ill ll|U\(' llI_llll'\ \\ill |i.,||~ lmim. jug |,_|,>L\ |||, in [hp i|~l~_||i|n~;_
\_'\'l\('l'.lIlll \\lI\'!l llll llI.ll'll iiii-ii I'lHlI|l In ll! \l\'Ill iii |'Rl\l|.\'.\I..\, |.|\'1' \\.l\' .ii|.i hiii in -ll In-il Li-I Ill-il I-\ri*l\' \l\'lll\ in ||_,,,,
l..llllI iii llmi \']l.Hlll'.lll iii .iii .|Hl'll!]!l In lllillll --ii li.i\iiii; lllll1'lll\| mu-~ ll'|.l&li' |llI' 1,,-,,_ I l\,|\l'|rlllll'\|.lL[l'\|||_|[ _||(~]\Il"l|l'll|l'1l.
l'l|li Ill! II\.\(l r.iiii|-.ii1i' .ll\il \|ll|ll> ili<-ii lllI'l" I. \.\l.l{ lil..\.\'l._]i-ii lll'l'L iliil \Iill!l [>l'II|l' liiii l i ullltllll iiw Illi'|I\ ll('l .iii~v ilii lll>l(\
ll'\\lll'\\ iii li-.i\iiii; lItllll\1l ilir lll\l| \{\llL l\ ||I iii \\,i\. ll.i\i* \ll<-ii ii\.uli- ~Ili1ui~Ii~>II~-
~ \\'l'|l' l4I|I |.ii\_-i- [All l||<- ii-.iii|r<-~' Illl\ fvi-I."

.\li||1lI\lIllI>ll ll.|ll .ip|-lii.iiiuii~ llul lIlIl\'

11..-./.1//.-1,/,,.1,1_W.,.,.|~1,.i/in. W ./..,- ,,..i,...,, .,~.m.,v.-1... m,..1./, |<i- llll' .llllll\ hiii lIII' (iIl\1>|('lll l4Il lll\lll|!

.l\ \\\'ll. \\lllll' \l'\'lI'.ll \lll)l\ iiwil .i l iiliiiil i>|

Il\(' \lll]I Hwll, iii.iii\ \\i'i'i' l|UI\(' \\l|ll llii'
l!\ll\l.|lll|(' liixii I'll llll lllllkli \\lI'l' iii lniiil ul'
.i <-~\ iiii.i<_-i-. llll liii k i~ lu]|lIlIl1r\1I.||Il\
.i >lii;lii ]\\'ll\lllllHl\ ll]4I\lIl\l'l\l ll! .l\'lIl!l
\[l4llH l>|'1\l\l\'lII\. Ii i~ii'i i~.i~i. \'-iii \\.llIl
ihv |\\lHlll HI siiiiig iliiiiiii; l\|||>\'\H\. Yuii
ilini'i igri .i ll'lll lIl\ll \Hl| gr! liii i~\ims\|ri'
UH l'.l\ li i-iiil -ii Ill<' ~\\iiii; .iii<l .I Mull nl l)l\|l'
iii lIl'l\\ll'll. Ii'~ lIl'Ilil ih.iii .|I\.llI\1ll|lll'l)'
-li.ii-| ll'.lll\l_ ll |ll'|lllIl|\ IIH ll\i' \\ .|ll .-I iliv
lI\ll|ll'l i-I iiiiiiw, lnil \'lIl| ~liuiililii'l In hi
nim'i- ll HlIlH' lllllll i/.~ llll Ii pvr lr.|iiii-.
lll|\ ll! llHll|\|l iiiiqhi \l\'II\ |1l ~iii.ii k llr
l'..\l{ I ll \.\'. llll. I |.\'l.\( 4\l'(|l R5. liiii
il i> |.lllH'I iil|\'iii||> ll\.iI l{.iy ll.iri\li.iu.~i'ii
ill! lllll .iiiiiii.iii- hi~ \,|ll\lI' iiiiiii.iiiin-.\ ili.ii
\\.|\ ilimiiqliiiiii Ill! pii iiiri-. R.i\ nu
lllllllll ll\\'\l \\iii~.~" in \i>ll1\' \ll4|[\ ul llh .\.l\l'
ii'i\_" iili\i~|'\'v<l _\lllI\, lml lllf ll\i' iiiiisl
p.irl Ill! iiiii<li~l.~ ]1iii||l\' ll.lll .i riiil lb|.H'\
ih.ii \\'I'|\| lhlllx in .| \'l|l'il Ur .l1I'\'lll' HY

i_il.i~"~_\\l|l\ |ll\' lI\lI4ill\ IIl.||Ill\L[ uiil ilii-ir
I)\\'l\ \\l]I|IlIIl.\ iii in-iii 1-l |ll\'Pl'(I<l\\lII\.|\1l,
R.iy .lI\llll.|llll lllr \'[lil| \\il|i .i iiiiirli ll\llY\'
]III\i|i\'l' <y~'l<-iii i-1' i <>iiii'-il."

\'iii iinly i\ll\I'.|I\i\.Hl1ll\4ll .llTlLll
ml lI\\I\l.lll||'l'> .i ililhriili vliiin-. il i~ l>||l'l\
\llll|l.\ll'.lll|l', i-,\pi'i Lilly \\-illi suIIii'll|iiii_' lilu
.i rurki'l wlii'n' lhr slruliiiiig priililriil
lii-riniiv .il|ini\"l \llIlHi|f.\lll(', ll li.|p|ii~n\'i| in
l~\Sl-.l{ ll..\$'l' ili-spilv ilii- pviiiliiliiiii imi-

lillll iliiriiiig .iiii|n.ilinii. liil'ur|iiiiiilul\'. il

\\L \Z\ \/Q? ,, ' _4


"1, 1


l ,.
\ v..,:.-,

. wt.1

\\.v i

I $1 ~ -1.


Kim .\lil!~v1l/'!u\u\ //1-' !~=1'1r \'r111'~~1:---1! iv/111 H't11li 11i1h thv rust 111' 1111- ])l( 11111; l'l11~ film >L't'IllS 1l1c S1111 I-n1n11'11~ (.I1r1n111I1- ht-r.11ii1g 1111-

ll P"""V/ ""1" 1'1"" " "1/'" 7" l/"' 'l">""l '/"l'l 111 l'11ll11\v .111n11slr111'1\1r1'1l,.1111l1iv11t.(I;1ss.1~ l'11r 'l'lll-L (.R,\'l'l-.R l..-\Kl'. .\l(),\'S'l'lLl(,
"' ll" ""_"" ll "' " " /' ll ""' '' ll/',"

\'t|ts .1]1lI1'11.11 l1. 'l'l1c11 11111 s111l1l1~11l\' 1'11t 111 .1h1111t how I 1li1l11'1 l1.1\'1< R111 ll.1r1'\ l1.1\1st-11's
"""l""" """l'."'' """l",";."ll" \1'l'l."l"'"
11-I!(n1'/11)..-lIi.11 111.11.-.11p!1i /I1. 1-
/Hm th1~_\1~ .|l\lIl1.\l\1l s1'1|\11't11't's 11-hirh 1'1'.1ll1' .1r1' sy11111.1tl11-tit l'ii11-ssr in l1.1111J|ing 1l11- 11111n
11111 11l .1 1lil'l'1~1'1~11| 141'11r1'. It's .1lm11st lilw slurs .1i11l .111 tl1.1t 11'.1|1. \\l1.1t tl11-\' 1l1111't
11111i111.;111|111|1|11~1 1l11-.111-1~." rt';1|i7.1' is 1I1.11 1111l\' 11.111111'1h1~.111i111.11i1111is
\\';|S in .1 ]1|'t1\t'i|).1lsll1il11l thc ship /.1111111i1\1.' .\s 1l1i.|111-\i1~1\' is |11'in14 \\flHlll, tht-111-11' iiiinu ;1111l th.1t l unly l1.1\'1~ \\'\'l'I\ 111' vii,-ht
11\'1-r 1'r1-st 11l' .1 hill. .\t'11~1'
thc imliiinii it .1 s|I11'i.1l 1~l'lt-1 ts 1111' l..\S|-.l{ Ill..\.\"l .111: still 1-.'1:1'l;s 11> pull it .1ll 111151-1l11~1' l1c1.1\1s1 tl11
111is;11ist.11'111r\'. ll-\\'l' 1ll'1 iiltill I11 1111 I111" i11 p1'111;rt-ss .1111l 1ht- l'il111 will |1r11l1.1l1lv lbk' |11'1>1l\11'1'rs 111.-ul it so 1|11i1'kl\'. 'l'l1t-11 1\' ht-11

lmikr .1111! 1l1v it li\'<' -11'1i=1I1 1111 1111' n-nl 11! t'tlt'.1>t'1l >'1lIllllllH(' iii llll Spring <1! |91<\'. the l'il111 1'u1I\1's 11111 y1>11 find 1h.11 your
tl11- .-\llt'n s1\11li11. It's
just likc .1l.1'1l1*1'k1'1 l.111l (ivntry islmsy filniing s1'1'11cs 111' tl11~ wurk is in-i111; 1'1:|11p.1r1'1l 111 ))t'upl1' \\'l11i
1 sl111t .1111l 1h1~ 1ii1ly 11n1' i11 1l11-l'il1n|il4t*ll\.1\. ship i11 \l((|I .\'|l.l\'( .1111l R;1n1ly (I1mk is 1l11- l1.1\'1- sixt1~1-11 mun!/11 ;1111l ;1 l1-1\'1nilli11111l11l-
'!' Tll it 1111 1111 .1 l1u1>111 .1r111 .1111l inst ingt1111st11l'tl11'.111i111.11ing. l.1rs .11 tl11'ir 1lisp11s;1l. l..-\Sl-.R lll..\S'l'1vill
swung it .11'r<1ss 1111- 1'.1111c1'.1 in .111 .1r1'. l1's .1 .-\ l'1~1\' 11-1'l1ni1'.1| Hllllitps c.111s1-1l pr11li- 1111tl11ul>t1'1ll1' l1.1\'1- lllL'lH h11rli1111 1'|1ith1'1s .11
littlc risky: if lhc n1111l1'l l'.1lls. 1'1i11'r1- i11 lt-ms ;1l1in1_; lllL' 11-.11. \\'l11'11 tlw .11iin1;11i11n 1111- ;1111l1';1|li111;1111- the llcrt (l11r1l1111 111' tl11-

trnulilv. \\c 11111 s1>11it-p.11ltli111; 11111l1'r111'.1tli sci \\';1s l1111i1p1~1l ilnring l'il1i1ing. it 111.-1'1-ssi~ s11ip-n111ti1111 \\-urhl, nr s111i11~t|1i111; 1111 t l1.11
it .1111l 1li1l11't l1rv.1lt .1111' \\'ircs,s11 it \\'11rls1'1l t.1tt-1l sl11111ti11_1; .1 1'l11s1-1111 111' .111 .1li1-11 ;1s .1 1>r1lt-1'."
11111 r.1th1-1 l11\'1~ly. l'111 rt-.1ll1" 1lt'li1;l1t1'1l ht" s.1\'1"' shut. 111 lwi11s1~r11-1l\\'l1crc tl11: j.1rr1'1l \\'l1il1- tl1.11 just tttiqltt l1.1p|11~11 with l..\.\'
1'.111st' 1\'h.1t \\'.1s .1l11111s1 the worst sl1111 11l' srt wu1|l1l h.1\'1- l11~1-11 1listr.11'ti111;. "l{:1111ly l'.R l$l..-\Sl'. thc .1r1111'h.1ir .1nim.1t11rs will
the \\'l11>lc sh11\\- is n111v 11110 111' the l11:tt1'r (imik is.11'1~ry t.1l1-1111-1l;111i111;1t11r."s.1i1l .\|~ l1;1\'t- .1 h.1r1l tin11' fiiitlinii l11>111-s 111 pirk
shuts in 1l1t~ st'1|11c111't-.'l'l11' sl1i111'1i111t-s11\'1-r lt-ii. lint ht-s still lt;||l\l|1g. (lcrtziiii 111is- with as pmiiiising .1 |1r11j1-1'1 .1s 4\ll1'|1's

tli1' 1'.1111t'r.1 lcns. qntcs 11l| intn thv 1list;1m't' l.ll{(S \\'1'n' l\.lp|)lI]lHQ \\'l1i1l1 l1.1tl to lll' .1l>- pr11\'i1l1'1l ll1.1t it is 1l1111r
.1|11l l1.1nks. lt's .1l11111s1 tl11- only l\('ll&'\'1|lIlL lIl'l1C\l \\'i1hi11 llIL' juli. 'l'l11-rt simply is 1111 .1s lic 1-11\'isi1111s. .\l'|1~1'1t~11 y1~.1rs11t lryinig 111
sl111t 1il' 1l1c ship l'l\'i111;.l>1-1'.111s1- .1ll 1l11-111l1- limu tu1lu things nwr .1_g.1i|1. l'111 1i11lys11rr1' grt his "1ln'.1111" st11|111111ti1i11 film 111'! thc
it l l\111lt11s1~r\1"1n11rt'.1s;11lirut't11r11r|1r1>1l111'- rt-sult ul 1111 l..\$ l-. R 11'11rl;
1-r shuts ;1r1~ 1l11i1t- i11 singlv lr.1111t~ ;1i11l gr1111111l, .1s .1 l11s'

it-||5|1i|1i1|l;_|l)i15111111-y\'_ cr tl1;1n .1s .11't\1;1l ;111i111;1lur. ()11 th1~ lirsl svt lil..\S'I'. .\llt-11 h.1s pn11l111't-r 111
l11\1111l .1

(111 1h1~ |11,|i~1.<1>|mi1-_i| 1-ii1|_ |,,\$l-1R 11l'1'lTt'1'|s l 1li1l ;1l11i11t l1;1lf 11f tl1t~ stop-1111 (Ili.1rlt-s l$;1111l \\~h1 is williiig 111 1l11 tl1c|11'11-
BL.\S'l' is .1 inixt-1| l1;11; 11f rt~l.1ti1.1~ly 1111 liun. l 1li1l 1'1-ry [1-\\' ul thv: 111-11' 511-111;: .1 jut riight. ll{l.\lYl'l\'.\l..\' is .1l.1.s1'in.1ti111; 1.\-
l-uinwii 111-w1'111111'ts .1111ls1"\'t-r.1ls1';1sn11u1l.11'- l1'\\' l':1st 1l11s1'11|1s. .1 l11'.11.lsl10t lILI'k. .1 t11r11 t'11rs11111 |.1111.1sy \\~111l1l 1l1.1| 111 1l.11v
111111 .1

11.-_ _| ir_i1|,_-iiiiii-[1 111' rt-11-111 (jlim-I1-5 ltiiml tl11r1'tl1i11gs ll1.1t l'\'1' lict-11 ;1l1lt~ 1111ln1l\11' r1'111.1i11s 111i1.111|11~1l I11lil1111n.1k1'1'~.. ll11~1'111i
prnd111'tin11s. \\'ill1 Kim .\lill11r1l li1-.11li11i; ing thv 1'\'1-nitig l11111rs. 'l'l1c l1111gt-r_ 11-11 tn \'1'|1t is g11111l, 1l11~ 1.1l1-111 is 1'>l.1lIll\'l11'1l. .1|11l
thc l'lt-tligliiig 1'.1st .1s tl11' 1list'1>\crt'r 1il' 1l11- 111-1-11ty~l'1mt s1'1'n1:s r1'q11ir1~1l
s1i111ch111ly 111111 tl11' 1111i111~\' is tht-r1~. Sitppiirtt-1ll11' tl1.1|
.1licn l.1st'r gun. 11th1'rs i111'l111l1-
.1l1;1|11l1>1i<'1l \\'11rki111; I11-rt 1l11ri11gtltv 11.11 .1111] l1.1ll tl1t- ki111l 11l trip111l, |l11~1111tl1111k is \'1-11' 1111111 ls-
(Il1cr\'l Smith ;1s his girllriu111l_ R1111 .\l.1y~ night, il11c1't-ssziry. 'l'l1.1t's suiiivthiiiig l inst ti1'. l'lULl\l\'|l1)l\ 1111 lRl.\ll.\.\l.$ is \"l.1 lt'1l
(l\)L'l&'.|S the l1>1".1l slit-riff, ;1111l D1-nnis llurk- 1";1n t (ll) mystlf l1t1';111st 111' 1111' l'11ll'ti1111-1111 111 lit-ginl'1cl11'11.1ry 1, .1n1l th1~1-111111 s.1g;1nl
Ivy .1s thv tlt-piity sl11'riH'. l1it'l' .1|1p1:.1r.1111't's siti1>11;1t(IP(I." liuw it t-\'11l\'1-1l will l11~1-xplurt-1li111lt-|>th i11
.11111111g ll11- 11i11rt- 1's1.1l1lisl1t~1l 11.11n1'si111'lutl1' \\'11rki11_g 11i11lcr s111l1 1'ir1'11111st:1111"1's. .'\l- .1 l'11111rc iss\11'. B1-1111-1'11 it .1111] tl11- cu111'11r

R1>1l1l\' .\l1'l)1m-.1ll ;1s .1 pl1ysi1'i.111. .1|11l Kt't'11> lcn nltcn lintls l1i111s<'lf \1nl';1irly skcwcrt-1l rt-111 ])T(Ill\lL'llUIl 111' A]i111 l);111l'111t|1's 'll\ll.~
\\'y11n .1s .1
1111 1'r.11.1-1| 11l1l 1'11l1>|1ul. !\1icl1;11'l liy critics nl' his wurk. llt"s 111:1ki11g111:s1.-1' (l.~\'l'l-L. it lnuks likc suiiic ncw l1l1>1>1l will
R-W "-'l\"" ll \ll""'ll"\l klvlnut. .1111] t|11' rut of his mini111;1l i11\'11l\'1'1n1'11t with tlic l'i11.1llylie |i11111pc1l in11i .111 .1111'111i1' 1;;-1111'.
s1'n~1~11|1l.11 is liy R.1\'c .1111l l-'1.1nk l1'rt|li. ;1ni11111ti1111 i11 l..~\Sl'lR Bl./\S'l. l1\1t hc still Witl1.1Il1l11crt-spt-1'1tnthct1'1"l111i1'.1l1'xpcr-
ll11wt'\1'r 1111\'1~l in its .\p|1Y1|.1tlI 111 srit-1111' 1-x|i1:1"1s tu gct l)l;.\Slk'(l for any t1'1"|111i1':1l tisu 111' Rity ll.1rryli;111st-11. pt-rl1;1|1s 1v1' 0.111
fittinn, tl11- liilm .11l|11it11*1lly l1.1s its \\'1:;1k- l1l1'111isl1cs wl1i1'l1 might surl.1ct'i11 the film. l11uk [11:11-;1r1l snn11-ll1i11_1; f;1r 11111r1' i111;1-


111-sscs. "(>111-p111l1l1'111.".11l111itt1-1| .\ll1-11. is It's distressing i11 :1 way." 11\11s1:s .1\llt'11. gi11;1ti\'1- ;1111l thiring tl1.111 .111111l11~r 1-1i1l1.1rr.1ss-
that the .111i111;1li1i11 1l111-s11't r1~.1ll1' wnrl-1 \\'1:ll $111111.-11111 11ln';11ly .st'11l 1111: 11 rcvit-w lmin iiigly h;111;1l Sinlnitl 11l'l'1'ri11g.

.\. >9

|\\lIll\'[h!4'4' inim-
1-unit \il'\\\ \\il|\ l|lk .n'l~-|~.
ll! llllll i.ll\\ .|ml lilmr
'II4ikN\ \\l\|> liiiniglil
lllw lll.l'_'l< ml mu
|\lH'l.l 11- Iliv \< ll \ ll .i\
ll('\Il |)l'l1)\\ .

' Tn/1 Riglil: A IZISUI ninun in
ilw Drulli Mar 'l'n-m-Ii, am (K-
L'('"<lll rxninplc of llic ilclnilt
wnrk ilnnc in llw mmlcl shop
zil lmluslrizil Liglil K .\l-izic.
'l'lw 4|(ign is similar In \V\\ll
billllfihll) 1ll'li"ll'\j. Tiny light

Uw--~._.-. _
liullis in l|\l' cmmun lmrrcls <
scrvc us point liglil inurcrs for
(hr ziliilnzilvd |ClS\l' lilusls. Hul-
(um kiglilz A l('Sl sllnl ni lhc
lzisvr cannon minikllllfk Philllr '
gmphril by Dvnnis Murcn and
Dung Brswick. "Wr<lgc" n-fm
lu ;| srrics of cxpusurc lcs\s-
mu" fnuno is shin ui f'..8, f3,
H, and su mi. l'Iir nvxi day
~ ~ lhis strip is clu-ckczl ll! we
wliicli l'X|IU\lYl is hcsl. 'l'l\1'
Ins:-r cannon ininizilurv \\';|s
\_ fully IIl(Il0li1.('l| and npvruu-cl
by compuu-r In Cunlrul S\\i\'(l,
' -Q lizirrrl rrcuil uml lill. uml sv-
qucncing of (hr lighl bulbs in

signal lhv laser lire. Tn]! I.v]I:
On lnruliun l\&'i\Y Ilic !\luj.|vc

-Q- 3-\
-.. l)rsi"rl, filming [hr mnlurizcil
miniulun- ufilw Saml (irziwlvr.
~s..-_ "_.
..I I-_, The miniulurr is llplHlll'(| by
rrmuiv cnmrul from lmu-r
lcll. (Zliivf nunlvl mzikrr (lrunl
~o~, ~
McCunc (holding pmd] uml
Bill Slmurl zillvmpl in cficcl a
slight ilirvclinnzil chungv with-
uul gruing mine culusszil-sizul
hmlprinls in l';llTIl'Ll nuigv.
Iii'llm' L13/1: l)ircrmr (;-urgi-
Luczis laicv-to-luu~ wiih (ZZlI'0_
his vcrsiun of Ihr fabulous
' an mlmi [mm Friu. I.:uuz~ ME-
'lR()l0l.lS. Ifvlmr Riuhr:
I-"ilniing Lulu" (.\l;irk Hamill)
.uul (ISPU, in Tunisia, as (lacy
\'C0\|| for 'l'uskin Rziiclrrs.


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S,I.._|R ._'R$?
I/_ 1 111111 1110 1111-:1 f'11|: y1'111s. 'l'11i;\'_is_j1111 11111:
111n111|l.1t|11|111fl111 111|111.|11. 1| s 11111 .1 11111

111 111111111.11
_111- 11_111-.~'_|1:1

.1>|111 ts

.~1|11_11.11 1_l-
.' _ 1"11111'1.~]11. 1t s 1-cr\' 11111. hkr 11'1|s,l111lh1~k1111\\s.1l11l.11111111|11.1k1111;|111'-
(lry kn"! mllul "W M hmlrc (".'vmI
11l111- $111-1~11 11r
1'r1111t 1r11'1"1'ti1111' 11's 111-1'11 '1r11111111 1111' |11r1~~" -\w l"1|' |\111|'11lnr\ 111 111: is 1~1~1~"\' t11
mm my in -]u"c.l975' "C ask. m"1.if I yrurs, 111st] \v.1iti|1.1_; 111-r1'1'1't1'11
',""fl 1" "'' m ml mu "hm" SIAR
111 111; 111' 1111- 1\'11r1;.1"111 .1111. |11~r11.1|-1>k1-.1.>i1-r 111.1111-11-11s1~
|1|'11\'c11't11s11i1 1111' |11~1-11s 111';1p.11'li1111;1r sil- th.11
"\R5' "\ n'P|" I "".k5 l"l"'r WY "ska. \|;1li1111. .-\1 .\1il11'r i~' 1111 1-l1'1'tm|1i1"s 111-si1;111-r. 1"n11|r111
111 1li11
11> 11.1\'1-
111~111 1111
.1 1'.1ir 41111111111

mu r I ''ml 1 11" "h"l "_11__' Am. \\'c salt 1l11\\'11 with two11111111-s11l'\vi|11'1l11r~ I)i1/ I111.'1'11/1/1r1>111-11111111111111111! 11111111
"hm .w5 H I was 1" 1k"' "hd"l 1
1111; 1110 11111 l111111'1~ G1-111-r;1l 1111121" .1111! 1;11r- ll11' I1!111- 111-11111
"W "'*" "\f"' 'l""'1'1 '|'1""r5"'| "'3' 1'11 1111! \\'h;1t |111111_\\'|1.1l
11-1l1~111 1111 1111/1 1111 1-.\'1r111--11

1 wcrc |11'1'1'ss;1ry
Ur wktn furry 11111 1111: sp1-- pmicn 11 111114111
Q11!!! !1*:'1'l.'

111 111.1111 1i_k1~. 111111 111111 111. |1r11ur.1111

' H I rim in \._m '\,>
1 111111 .1|1|111~_111'11\"i1111s .11111111 Y1-11-1'1 11111114. 1

J 1 '
' 1t.
11;1s11'.111_'. 1t
1s _1\lsl ;11"11111111|1;11111|1 111' _.1lI
111111 11;1\'1- 111111 1|s11| 1111-

;111p1'1-11c11>11111s .1|111111 11.1111;1111_1111.11131m-
11111 1111 1111* 1~1111 111 1111~111111111.11111111'1
years.11111111111011i11111;1s11|111is|i1'.1t1-1|111'\'i1"1- k|1111\' 11111-1111-1' 1l1.1l \\111'k
|1\"l'l1R\'l|'l\\' BY PAUL .\|.-\NDl1L11 1-;1|111l1lc 111' 111;1|111l';11't11ri111; l1'1'1111iq\1cs. 11i1111'l 11111111" \1'111~1111'1
111111111 11r 11111. 1

1\'1- 11111111 111.1i11t.1i11

Li ht
2 agic 4


'l'ln-rv i< nu cn-rlil in ST.-\R

\\'.'\R$ fur l|ul\|slri:|l Light 8:
.\l:lgi1'," nnly [cur lhr im|i\'il| -
.\l whu nI;|n|\ul its various Ill-
purlmrnls. ILM. us lhr furilily
was \'1|||r1l fur shurl. lurzllrrl in
\'.|n Nuys, (I;||i!nr|\i;|,h('1';|mr
the mm M nu lm's pus!-p ru-
rluuinn, Jud lhn hmnc nf ils
f.u|I:|lic xpvcial1-Hvcls.Ifi|!l|!:
In I-[fccls c;unrr;m\;m Rich 1rd
lillluml lms \xpluinI\$ nn
the ~urf;u-1- M lhc Uvnlh Slur
crrulml hy_|m' \'iskuril in I hv
l|.,\l pzlrkilug lul. Bulh\'l\1p
imnl\<- .1 mmim; ramvru so
[hm llw shuts can uppcur u hr

[mm Ihr pcrspvclivr of .1 sl lip

yimg |1;|>l. I-1zll\mr\ is plun "-
gmplning llw IIIu(l|:l shup' s
l)r;uh Sl.1r'l'hn->huld" (u *P)
which i> .1 ~l:l n'<l\|c\iun nf u-
l)z~.|!l\ Slur Surlzm.-" (hm-
mm . "Ir unulvl slum I m
l:n;rll\cr l|\r l)r:nh Slur Sur-
Llcr" in \\\~u hm! .u|u.|rr sw-
liuns fll in (mun [nun mu Ids.
ln lhv lmuum plu\ln_ F.|lund
is in .|n 1-lrumr .n fight upw-
nlim; l|ll r;nnv:n| .|s il >\\'-m ps
|u\\' uvrr lhv rxplnsiuns. Th V
||\|i|1|im! in lhr la;n'kgru\|ml i.~,
uf cnm<<', ll.M. lirlluml is
i|\n~r\-icwnl on pugc I7. Tn]:
l.|'I!: lull 1-[frcls \'.un-'r;||n an
|)c'|\ni.~ .\h|rc|\ s1-ls up :4 5| um ui

llm~r X-wing lighu-rs flying in

fur|n:ni~m. lh-c;m.=r this sh m
l;l|lr|| fur |illl<' m0\'4m1'nl, all
lhrrc !~hi]| ro\x||l hr lmcll .41
-mcv, us! >.hi|\ ~)m|s in Hu-
film L.l]1I1| [nr n~l;|li\'c um \'c
whh I1 n'i|llin' lhnl ranrh hip
1 nnm-1| wp;|r;|l\'1\ . Murc n as
iI\llr\'i|'\\'r:| OH p.1\:\' 2|. n ul-
Imu I,-H: Thr l.|rq1' six [um
n\mh'| ul lhc Rrh Block .uh-
kunnrr riggcll fnr mm M--m
plu m |gr.|p|\\ .
t_ v






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'_ __
. \I
\__ _

im|1r1'ss .\'lr11m1ly "\'ll1"1li=l[P1=\@' lllill 1:"l'>'_1lR' l1Il<\'I\ '1
l'n1 not a rc\'0l\1li111121ry. 11111 at all. 1-1111-1-1| .1111! I 1-;1111 111.11

red lat ll. l)'~'"l)l'7 Ill llll lhc

work ought 111 gel 1l11' crulil and lhc
1 111-
._l|._'d;_|Wi"u mt. l'.qi|,;cm'_ mu. ;d;_
ll\l\l.L: mnrr l1'v:li1"\':1l1l1', 1111111-l'r;1|1kly. Y1111 k11m\.
.l111 1;1n111;1 1411 11111 .1111! 111-1 in ;111 11l1l 1'-15$

lnonty. l'|I1 il ll('lll) l0l(l- l "Wk \'i1l11:1l in 1';1cl1 .1r1;1 k|11'\\'1-111111gl1:1lm111 llu: x"""' ll_ll5 "ll l"l"l mlk ml lull 5 _'ll

"W" rkll) and lull ll-In "ll ml il. '1 Z |'.
1||1111I11'r-I/1r1'1-." 'l'l11-rs worm l:1scr s\1'11r1ls. 1

3l5'|l)lY ll?-H _ 1l1r L111

. . .' I .
.1111111 11111111511111. 1111

l_"l """$ '"n' lllw ullfn- kllli lulu lur

.1 1111

lnlln D) kslra 'l'n1111l111ll km-11' :1 I111 ;1ll11111l pl111l1111gr:1pl1y_

B111 il s1'1'111v:1l llh lll \\'1l$ "5"! ll? "\-l1l"\' li!l" {"7 lllllwr M.l." 'ml ll~\"'Y"-*3
S \ml ll gm. lul-
1111'1'l1.111i1':1l i11lv:1gri\\'. 111
llill Sl1111|r1 1v:1s ;1l111l11i1111 1'1111s1r111'li1111 ll"' f1'5"~ \"_""!4~"' 5l_" '
\f"\ l4|l'~'""5*" '> 1" '~'"'Yl1'Y
\1'11rk 11111 fi|11'. ll l1;11l :1|1]1r1'l11:|1si<111s ;1ll 1l11- 11lT. I 5
:1|11l 1111-1'l1.1ni1":1l 1l1-sign. .'\|l 11f1l111s1- |1v:11|1l1'
\\';1\' |l1r1111gl1 S'l'.\R \\.\RS. llkf_l l1"_"l"""~"" "WY "\"~l\~
with 1li1l11'1 \\ril1- 111111ms 111 one :111111l11-rnr 1111
l iusl 11.11 1.l11\\11 .1 |1i1~1"1-11f p:1|11-r
i11.1111l1li1l\1'l1;1| ll\1 :1l11'ns_ 11:1lk1:1l ;1r1111111l. ll11'Y "~"'*'
goiml 1., 1-1-1| |,|m- 1lr:1\\'i111gs. 'll11-y i111ply 14111
_|m| _|](1_ ~~()};;-_ -,~n-
lllll l" l"' 'l""\'- ll '33 "l'1ll' -Y'"l'i"\l*' 1" ll'T'~'~ ("'"'!-Kl |l"'\'' ~\'f' ""'Fl 5"!
$lI"|~ 5"""'ll"".\l \\'1|f\l\'1_'$
1'11"." l111:11l1~11|1:1
x1"1'<'1'11s :1111l 1l1:11 1':11111'r.1.
r1'l:1li1>11sl1i|1 1l1r1111gl111111 l|11' \1'l111l1.~ pn1jv:1"1. -\\\:Il\' I" |lI_"5l
I151 11l'1'1|11ip|111'|1l ;11\1l 1|1:11l1' 1111 .1 l1111l1;1-1 fur QM"! "'1 " ll-'_l"~'l}!"""~l ll' ('1"""f*
i1 111- :\| 0111' 11111111 we l1:11l 11111 l111n1lr1-1| 111-11|1l1'
11 .1|11l s\:1r|1-1l l1iri111; |11'u]1l1* 111 11111
ill ll-~\l- '5 5l"l'lY *"1|7-l!l l" l1'\' 1 .\!T""l' 5l~ 3'll'r slllll l-lY" _lY~ "ml 5" "~ -sf
gvllwr. .\l11| 11f ll11 QIICSSUS ll\.1l \\'1'I'1' 11111111" l|11'r1' was .1l\\':1ys $111111.-1l1111g of 111l1'rcsl 111

, [mm mrm..| Um H, 1. riuhh ll was Hf PL-.,],|c hm |;|m.. vrking f,,r|||;,||,,_~|-1.

\-N. |mn| H, ;|\' 5],-[11-;\|]\~ ~]\;|| >3;
1\'|1;1l 1v;1|1'1 111111114 I11 11'11rkl11-l'11r1- 1111-
u1l 11l 111111. \\'1ll11111| l1;1\'|11g
51111:1l|11' p|'11l1llII\S, 1's|11:1'i:1lly \\'i1l1
"'.1| '~-.
_I"'__~*"l ("Y l"'"l_"'~'

l_ I
111 1mI'
" 1511
' ~' -1 l" l
_ 1~1!
"1! l""l"
1w ins! In il <'r1';1\i11:|11'opl1;1s 111' l1:11l.
ll ll
l111il1 11. S11 l1;11l
.1ll I 1'1>11l1l 1l11 \\'.1s l1l11l'|' i1 ;1|11l~1.11" "(H1
1;1l\1- :1 sl1111 :11
""1" ll "In" lllmll ll HINHM h'"' I"""' If "1 ll ll 1", f"ll"l thy l l_' m
l11- l'i|11-Y" .\111l it .\"' l"1 1" 'l Ill" _'~//-"1-"1""57-lk ll-IRS'I11 ml klml
ll1c \\'
ll lllmllly lcmls
'c:1l1, 1-1'1I'Yll1i11!l' 111111n:1 l'1l11'1,_ 11111 _1.111l1' 111
11111}: 1111i11~ :1 1;.1|11l1l1- 1111 1l11-ir |1:1r1 l'11r1l11'111
III-\'I"/1 1| Hmjnr .1'Iu1Im! \\1|l. H11
I1 \\'111|l1l l1:1\'1- l11.'c|1 1111|111ss1l1|1~! l1 111-\*1~r
ll11' .11ur1l1ncl1111 1111111 n1111l1l> .1>
1,, ,1, --111$-_ ,4" ;,|,,_-;|1|_ 1-,1-ml [hr |,,".-\- ll"

l 1\'1111l1l'1'1' In-1-11 1l11111'. (I:111 you 111111141111? i"-!f"!:- "I '~"""$l'- l\ll"~<l 1| l'>\;_ll
soc. l111:1| f:111-
.1|11ll1'11il1l1l11:1~1111i|1m1~11l." Iuur [.1 11I111111 \l11|11.:s 1l1:11 p1'11pl1- 11-:1111 111
l .1 r.-11,1-1111 I \1'11qIr 11111 Illur _\1'r1'111 [,1
H1111 II 111'i'1'r .1m-1111'vI In_1_'1'I 1/um" /1r11/I1'rI\'.

-\""'l- II .\"' I""l" "5"" H"'l'- _\'""' -"'4"

l5\5Y'3"l\"~"l\"'~'~ \"" l-1" "l ml Rm 5Tl'l
.\1n111- 111uj11rl1Iu1- \1'r1'r11j11I11'11j II11/111.1! 1111-
III1 /1ru1Iu1'I1'1111 11/ .\'I'.-IR ll'.lR .1 .1'p11"i11I1j'- 1\\\Y~
_/1'1'I.\". lI1'11s1- 1/11 rm! liglzl any 1:1_1_'11r1'II1'.1 ur I11 n1u!1'm_q .SI.'lR ll.|R.\_V 1111 _\'11u lI1n1l1
11',/I/_\1 ;"y,''/'1/_ 1'nu!1'1l .1'un1r Imul 11] '.1'|//11:r:!1'1l1111>-
ll nmqy ml. dm. pmpcrly |,(.m|_. il. _/1,1,1-I1 1|11}' 1-11/111.1, I11:1'a|/.\"1'_ H11 I11,/1! :1'1II1_\-~
)II|1_ z'1-

/"'-\"'- ' ll 5 "'1" l4l"ll "l ll\""l- l"$"4l_ "'.""'l"",.,I)l' -wl. Illmk ll X hm,
11s11:1ll1' 1l11111' l11
l{:11'l1 |11'r>'1111 l1:1s
:1 1l111-11 1lil'l'1~1'1.~111

1lil'l'1"1'1.~|11 1"11111'c|11 11l'l111\\'

p1'11|1l1-. 1 -

ll \\'"ll l"' "l'TY l"l l" d" 5 l -\R ""'I

"' """""' /'l"' /'l""","_ p11l1l1c

ii .mk_\ M dncsn- null.
.;m,_ 1|-1. any \\'_\R5 just by svninq up an imk-'.m|(-M :1l1s11l1111:ly
1111, 11111. _l>l11:

l':11'ilily 11|1l1"ss 11111 l1.11l ll11~ 111'!-s1111|1<'l 111 1l<1 2Hlrjh\;lf_sl"i5\Li"?|:_:fk_l':(;iK}

il\u||llIlg qivc <l1i1

\\'h11'> i1 1-i1l11-r 1l111'.\"11'1 .1

|'l k'__ .n' ll I l'_l"'_ ll "l fl "ll'l_ l ' "_

\.U|\.": nmund mm.l|""g "ml IS .$s(.mm]1y
ry 11:10 :1 lnllc 111 scc s111"l1 :1 l11.':1\'y cull rc-
'*" 1

\ ~'_" -I ' ' "@ *1"

"Y "I" "_
.1 1111I1
11.1 11 1111l1|>1-n1l1111
-1111 -1_~|~1- 1l1,1img i1 :1r1-
ul .\1111l111> l1111 1l11
lhc l11-s1 p1-11- H." wl,t.r|-i.i|_
1"l1r11|11:1 <1! 1l11' l1l111~ 1l11\\-11 I011 1111

Pl" i" ll"' ll\'5l"Y "l!ll ""- \'" l4"'v ll'/|1'11 I Illfll un m\' I'l' .11! 111111 .\'1'1' u
ll. ll l"rll'4nmm.l.' .llc flucsllll lmy lllll-lb Slur ll'11r\"_"I
I11n11'l| of/11-11/111' 1111111-i11_q"I.Innmm_n_.[_M__
"ml1lu1~|l l"r "ml llllnlu "l Ill: l"-"l'.r llnlllg '1'-1"l"5"lll'~
llAm; U1" l.m"_. 11".. ;m(,11.r l|,ig_ n_"\_ [WI Ill,
ll11-r1-1.1 s|1|ll,
111 1 l1.1- 111119 111, s11 1l

11's \1';1sl11~1l 11111. 1\n1l ll11~|1 ll11-1 1:1k1- i1 111:1 \',,"\-,- 1:1, |,, 1|.-;,1 -i1h ;| 1111 11|'1'1;11s. s ll 1/,1},,';1 ,_1,,[,,q ,1
| km',- .'h_" \-nu nu-;m_ 11". -"uh; 1'...-M.
\!"\' l1l<*'__\ \'\l)"'_\"~'*"' "ml l)"l<1'""'"'" 51'? n.~:1ll1' 1lilTi1'11l1 11> 5:11 111111 1'11|11ril111l1-11 ll11.-

"lI'l- |""lI "Hi "Y l'"\ \l"""-I l"*'='l< \'""F 1111151 or 1l11- l1'.1sl 111 1l11- wnrsl 111' 1l1v 111-s1. QT \R \\' \|<<, 11".; 1.-my 1,, \|;,k;,_ 51

l1-11," 11r \_l1:11:s 1l1v: r11111HT~ ll}.
luvs l'll'c hrs l-lwll
11. war],/_ T um ll
llml "1" !_,n,"P_ 1.n.~$ mm:
lllc"H1 lm l'\"lll' l" [l:1111;l1s| R111 \\'1"r1- 11111 1;11|111.11l11
.5 kiwi lhmmh. I dun. mind il. I
ll1;11! H111
l11- 1":1|1 \\'11l1 1|, l1111 he s 11111 111 :1 |111s|l|1111 111

\\'|1.1_1 1|11' s\11l'l"sl11111l1l 1,, 1"; um- W1, I-W 1|. |m,\ ],Ym|\.-;i\-,, mnwr Hm, m"| mu CLOCK-ORR 0R_
\_\(;|.; _umm_ 1|-hi" Um|d-. hm. fmlcn
1l1'11:1;111i111' 1111 l'r11111

l'\~ l l"~"<'-"*_l "1" l*\ l;'\""1 ll" "Pl" -1| -"l ;1111l 11111-s wlm wv.-ru l<'1|sl pr111l111'l|\'1'.
111111 ;1ll l>1~ 1111 11111 11f ;1 s1:11'k. I111! ul
ll1:1l "11 5-"1 H, .\|;,<k.
l'll"'\"ll"' >'Y"" ""l""" -""l.1n1l
lY l'1"
l|.n. Tn. mm. .|m Wm. pn,|m__ S H, _\_"I,r_\,"nin hm: I/WW.-I
mg R11'l1:1r1l l.1ll11111l, lhll R1111-l11>ll R11l1- ,_,n,,,_
j l1i1- ll.1l:11'k. 1-\ll lhrvvc \\'11rk1'1l l1H:<'ll" "" 11111 1111111 11r lcss |l1;1|1 111l11'rs. I1 \\':1s11 1 :1ll :1 !1111I11'1\-1111?
Sun" it docs. ".\I11\'I/11~l-'ur1'1'~Ii1--lli1/1,
I "i\l*l"k""\'T l'l\"~' -*''~*|*"" $""'\'"l'P ""l*- lu.-1l 111' rusrs from 1111' 1i1111' 111- sI:1rl1'1l.
)',, " ()1, Imus! ||.\.' mm H mimm._ uim_
ln1|11. l 1lc1'i1l11l i1 h:11l 111 I11 i11l11111>1- :1111l ['1u-n- -1-|1- ;1 I111 11l'|11-11|1l1.- ll1.1l l1:11l 111 I11
jg ;, 1,-;,k_ |)"n- l.\'..|. 5;.
l" l"' |l"' l""l'l*' l" *ll""'l "'""' kind of
ilk N"! s1111.1r1~1l :1\1';1\'. S11 -1- l1:11l 1l11- s:11111~
15 \i-|.,ri_|| ])11m|;|||_ J1-|]|i11,;_ | 111,111
\\_l|ll 1'-\<'l1 "ll\\Y "\ Tillllffl I"

1l11' sl111l11> I111!

"\\l"i\'I|\"" |1r1>l1l1.-111s 1-1111 l1:1\'1.~ 111 1111 :1

ll_' ll" "ll'l$ "1" l" l' ""'_l"'"_l' ""'l' '1'll"" "1l" l'Y "i|'1"'~ l-1|" "l ll" 1";1r1'. just 1l11|1'l 1111"111i11|1 ll-1:11 1\'111'1l! l 1l1>

\" l"l_" l'Y "5"l l" ""_ llml "' llm llllll l\1lll >"l*' \'l>"\|I\1\I"l l\'"'- (l<'"TH'~ l<"'
I1-1'l\1r1's. l11\':11i:1l1l\ s111111'11|11-111:1k1's;11.'r.11"l;

l"' llll."' wlml ll $'l"'5 "'' lll "J5 l"Y"l "ll "W 'l'' 1"l l;"x $l"}'k'1l
11-:1y 11-i|l1 r1'q:1|'1l 111 ll11.' .11l|ni1\is-
:1l11111l l'l1v: l"<1r1'1'.11r \\'l1:1|1'\'v:r,;1|11l\'1111 11151
U 5,, in-1| Hf l|,;,l_ |('_,- .-1;,-|,l.,|_ 11-5 },|1_
-I|I""l- ll"! ll"'\' H"! I11" |>Iu- 11111 111' 1111'
5,; 1.-1.-|,m|\.~ S1..." ii um-1. or uvi-.._ 5 |
l)1'1l \~1111 1'1111\1'1/-'r 11.\'i11_g /r1111! ]1r111'1.'l1'1111 1111111111 1l1is 11l.111-. l l1;11l .1 l|'1~1' l1:1|11l 111
1111 llll|\11 the 11:11" l \1'.1|111:1l. 11:15 1'1-1'1 ll 1:11"ll*"\- I-l\)"\'\ 1:\'1.~|' s:1\' il :11;:1i11! l11l'
111'1111111!ju111'l 11-1'I111i1/111-!
|1\111'l1 .1 I111'\11'1': /ufrr si11l;111u11 1'1:-r1'l1111l1
fmm. "1; Wm mm. Hr. m_m:riJ|_ |-H mlk
\\1' l1.11| .1 l'm|11 pn1i1'1'1i1111111:1:-l1in1'l1111 I
11':1.~' 1111 1l11'ir 1111-11, .111s11'1_'ri|11_g 111 1l1v.'1I1scl\'1'.\'.
31mm U. |m.(.1m"i.s of it mm hm. 1 was
1li1l11'1 1141111.
l\'~11I1I 111111 1111' /1111! .\"I'.|I1 l\'.lII.\' 1.1 nnr :1111l s11 1|11~r1~ \\':1.~' .1l111 11! 11111111;1l n's|11~1'l.
um. and "K. 1,.||im|_|._.,_.m. |f_ mu
I11'1l11r_\- II11:1- 1In _\-u11.11'1-Il11'.\"I'.lI1' ll'.lI\'S ]'I|1'11 qimnn. H |,n.;|k1"
I/11 _/1'11 1'1'i1'n11' _/1'1'l1'1n1_/1'In|\'
I Q'._\.x (I-'.r&,l_ l_m.m. ml.n. Wu, I. ._\.

:1'I|1r1' H11" 11/:/1'1 1.1 11r1' 111 111111 In /11'1'j1'1'l1'1111 111111-111111? II11:1' 1/11 1111111111"-11111l]nriIx11:-1-r~ '

/111_1\i!1l1-_ in 1/11 Ir|nIIlI1111 11/ Jim]? z1'l1.-I111i11_1;]m]111l11rIIy! '


l'il111 l1'< .111 .11l\*1.~11111r1~~l';1|11:151 l'il111.'l'l11- |11-.111- ".~ H In." (,1-J |,im.
'l'l11'r1~ [111 111' .1\\'.< i11 1111'
.11'1- .1

'l'l11~1'1- i111 11.1>'11'1 I1 11l'il i>'1l1.1lil \:l\*'5 W111 .1 l'.111l.1.~'y l1.11"k- 1", /.,,,,] ,,/' /\-,,,1;. /11,11 'I'/1r I'11r11"'
|11:111y. 111.1111 111' 1111-111.
1~\'1-r\'ll1il\\: "l1-ll"~ vlllkll 1'-\I\ lit \!""""'l~ ll. ~'ll "ll l"-\~\"l'~\Sl-\ ll hill 5""-"" :1'u11[1I /11 1111 In:-.1I1irI_1' 11 :1-1'1'I.' ullrr I/11' /T1111
1i1111' 111 1l11
i|11|1r11\'1-1l. .1111l I 111.111 1111 1l11i111_1 il. H111 \1'ill1 .1 1n1;1l .1li1-11 .~"i11|.11i1111. 1lil'l'1'|'1-111 11-111-l1l
.1 M ,l.]m_~,.,/_
\\'c'1'1- 1'x|11~1'i1.~11c1~1l I11-l'111'1~. 'l'l11~ |l ms |mm,,_.|,;m: cu. |,t.|],|-1. mm '|'|u.\
1l11- 111111" .1|11| |n11111~1' 11-1 \1'vn- 1.111111. l 1l1i11k
film r1'|1~ 1|1c >111-1'i.1lrl'l'1~1'1>11r .,_.n. in, "um"-_."i"u "ml hum |.|'m.;.
'l'.\l{ \\'.\l{S is .111 .1111.1zi111_- 111111111111, 1'1 ,-|,,,. -35 n.|;,_\-u|_ |'"| 5",-._ IA. fun.
1l111's 11111 1111

r1'.1ll\ 1111111-1-.~~1~1l 1\>i1l1 11 .15 11111 .11 |1r111|1l 11f 1|11' l'\1111n~ Svlliqs 111111;1k1- 11 inl1'|'1'.\'|i1114 i11 11,.

11\' 11 ri11|1i1111 111 11. 'l'l11'r1~ 1\'.1.~ .1 1'1-r\' I" |"""'~ "l ll"
*""T\'l"1\~ ll > ~" "lll l"'Y- il. lls i11s1 purl 1>l' ll11- 1-1111r111u11s .1r1'1-|1-
/ 1 1-111 l
|'11r11111.111- 111111l1i|1.11i1111 ul |I1'l11I\.|ll|l1'.\ i11-
.11'1|1111-.11l\'11n111'1- .111'1Il\l" 1" \'l~|"- ll" l.1|11*1' 111' 1l1c film. l1s .1 \'11'1' 1'n11\11111'1'i.1l

1111-11111-. I lilu: 11. 1I11111gh. I 1I1111'I 1-:1r1-. II's 111111-11, 1111111151 111-111111-.1111-.1115 .1 fI-I1pr11j1-1.--
s11rI 111 :1 GUNI-l 'I'III-Z \\l.\I) 1-11111-1-111
\\I'I'II 111111 111' s111111- 1111111. X11l1u1l1- r1-:1ll1' k111111's
:15 I:1r :1s I'111 1-111101-r111-1I. I1's:1I111; 1lr:1\\- |111-- 11-11.11 :1 I1ul11gr.1111 1s :1|11I \-1-r1- 11-11 111-111111-
111r1-. Iu1:1l I':1111:1s1-. 'l'l1v:r1- r1-:1IIy is|1'I 111111-I1 l1.1\'1- .11-1-11 Il11-111. 'I'I11-r1-'5 .1 I111 111' s111l'I' '-
in Il in 11-rms 111 1-i11l1-111-v 111111-1;:1Ii\-ism :1111I lI1:11 111111 111 1'11". 1111111-1-1-r1-11111Iy1-11111-1-i\'1-s
iIs 14111111 1111-k1-111111-1111 $11111", ||' _j11_\-1 1l1;11 111 IIIis 1-1':1II)- i111-r1-1Iil1l1- IIIIII1; l1:1p|11-111111; 1111

1I1rilI. I1 I1rI111;s .11I\'1-|1I11r1- 11:11-11 111111 11111111111 1111- $1-1-1-1-11. .\|11l i1 1l111-s11'1.

I'11rc 1-1111.


111s I 1I:1\-1-11
:1111l 111-.111-I1

1111 1111- s11'1'1'I1 l11--



I)i1|11 l)1~I.1mr1-11lif.1-'1n1-1-I111ni1-11/ m11r:-1-I1'.1-
1-11.1-1-i11]111i11l. 'I'h11I /1111 /11 1411 111111-11

Il11- I11];
1-/,/1-1-1.1 I1|'.vI11r_1-.
/i1'1-1- 11
. .
11I.11- /11'
. 11' in .1 11-1-in
ll Y 11 :-1-r_\- 11/111/1-nl w/1111111111, /I111; '1 _1-1111 II \\-.1s l11I:1l I11-111-. II11111-\'1'r. 111111 lI1'I.;1\l-
I/:1111.-! r1-1111111 1-1'1-r 1-.1111-1-11-1I :1111-11111

11111 11 1\;1s1111-x|11-11si\-1-11111111-111-1-. I1 111111 I\I1l;II11{ I'11rI1' 111101 .1|11- 11-1111 1111- :1I11li11- 111
1-11s1 S2; 11111111111 Inr I|11- s|11-1-1:11 1-l'I'1-us i11 \\-:1lI\ 1l1111-11 I111: s11-1-1-I .1111l 1-li111l1 .1 I111il1Ii11g
$'I'.\I{ \\.\I{S. 5'1: 11111111111, '_' 1'1~:1rs, Z1115 is 1111:1||1- I11-1-11111.1 1111-. I 11111111 Ii1Il1- /1-i1/.1
$111-1-1:11 1-I'l'1-1-Is slmls. I Il1i11k I|1:1I'>- .1 l1.11-- 11-1111 k11111\- I11-I11-1' 1I1:111 1l1:11. .\111l I11-s 11111--
\\1- l1.11l
ur I'1111r
:1 3:1
s1111111i111.; r;111n. \\-11l1
111-r $11111. 'I'I1:11
lhis hill 111' 1_-11u1ls. |l1:11
I" -'I"1lII)' (I0 IIlI$-

III \'|'-"Y! <\"lI

11111-s|1'I 1-1111111 1l11-1111111-.1I1-1111111115111-s. 12:11-I1 II1.1I's 1111- 1-l.1ssi1- 1111111.; Il1:1I 111s-$1-s 1111- 11

111'!/111.1-1'1'11-1111-111s l1r11k1- 1I1111-11 i11111 Il11-1-1: 111 11111, I11-1*.111.w 1l1:11's 1111- 1111111 111' s-.1l1-s111:1u-
fin. .1.,m.m W, hm fm. nu-|, ,~.1|11|111si11-. l11|1111.11 kills 1111- 11111111111 1111-111rv 1111111.-1r1- 's
'I'I1:11's 111111- much l1:11| I11 l11- pr111l1111-11 111 11iIIi111;111-sx I11 |1r11\-i1I1- 11111111~1- 111 111-:1'
1111-:1Il111I1-II111-ri111l11I1i1111-. |11-11|1l1- I11 1111 11|111s11:1l 1"11|11"1-|11.1. 'I'l1.11'll r11111
I)11 1-1/11 .11-1- 1-1mr.1-1-I/'11.1' 11111 :1-I111 /1111 1-. 11. .\111I I 1l1111'1 >1-ll .1111-1111111; I 1l1111'1 f11;11r1- I
I-~Iulim1i:1-1! I/11- .1-//1-1-iul 1-_/I/'1-11.1 _/1'1'I1/ :1-ill: 111111111-
r1-gunl I/1 I/11' I111r1I11'11r1-1-1111':-1'111':-1-111]-1/? /Iv _\'11u \'1'1' 1'11!Ir 1/1':'1-/11/11111-/111' in 1/21-V )._ _.

I)11 1-.11I.1'i1I1-r1-1111rx1-I/11 r1:-11I11lI'm111r-1'!

111111 VIII! 1'_/JIM!-\ 11.1 11/1/1Ii1'11lI!1' I" Y/II/111.1 11/ 11!/11-r ].1I111 Il\-Iulm.
(111, 1111. I'111 11111 :1 r1-\11I11Ii1111:11-\-, 11111 :11 _g1'nr1'.\'1!,\' :1-1-ll?
all. I1~rI1:1ps only 111 :1 s1-11s1- Il1:11 I I1g111-1-1| ()l1. 5111-12 I \\-1111l1I lik1- I11 11s1- $111-1-1:1I I'll '|'1\i,- 55 1111- 1-1,/,//1-1v 1'", |||ki||\; ;|1,1,1|1_
1ll:11 1111: ]11-11]1I1- 11-I111 11111 1111- 11-11rI; 111114111 111 I1-1-Is 111 1-11111I1111:11i1111 11-i111 1lr.1111:1 in :1 |'.1sl1- '|'1-yr, m, n-_|_;,,n 3||1- 11,31 1~.1||1~ 1~_111|111|
111-I 1111: 1-r1-1111 :1111I I|11- 11111111-1-. l'|1-1 :1 II1-nry 1"" IIHII IS "Ill 1I1\'1f"llI'Il' ll I\i|\'I"\l ll I'll"- 111- 1-11111111111-1| 11-1111. 5111-, 1i1111- l:1]1s1' 1-l11111ls
I'11nI. I \1mk 1-r:1I'1sm1-11 11I'I' 1111* I11-111-I11-s 111 I:1sy 111 111-11-111-1- I11-111111 11:11-k1;r1111111I. I 1111111111 111- jusl .1 sI11;l11 111-1-n-1-;111k I11 qiw 1111-111 11111rc
III1-ir 1111-11 11-11rI;sI111ps :1111l |1111 1111-111 1111 :111 likv 111 I11: :1l1l1- I11 1-l1:111g1- :1 111111: I'r.11111- lI11r |l|'_|n\;|_ '||11-|-1-'5 "1, |-1~_|_1-.111 why 111- 1-;1||1
:1ss1-111111) lim-. I 15111-ss 1l1:11's 1111- 1-:1s11-$1 11-:1y 1Ir:1111:11i1- ]111r|111s1-s. I111 Il1inl1i111; 111' .1 s-1-1-11v |m|~|r_. ll P;".li.]_,|}. 1-muting SWIH.
111 :111s11'1-r i1. I 1I11111 1l1i11k 11-1-'1-1: 1111111; :11\1-- 11I I\\'1) 111-111111: 111 .1 s111gI1- 1-.11-. :1111I 11-1111111 11-1111s11I1II1-1-l1.1111;1-s 1,-111111.; 1111 11-1Il1 1111- 1-111111
11111111 1I1:11 I1:111'I 111-1-111I111\vl11-I'11r1- 111 11111 1111- .s-:11111- s1-1-111-. r1-I:111111; In 1\\'11 111111-1'1-111 11|' 1111- 11.11-M11-11111111 111.11 1-:1111111I 111- r1-pm.
m:111111-r or :111111I11-r. 11111 i1's 1-1-rI:1i|1Iy 1111- 1i1111- I'r;11111-s 111 111111-r 111 111-111-1: .1 1Ir:1111.11i1- 11111-1-1| 1111 :1 s1-1. Il's 11111141111; 11111 Il11~ 11-i111I11\\-
Iirsl 111111-iI's1-11111v111141-1111-r11|1lI1is ki|11I11I' 11111111, 11-ilI111111 :111 11111-r1-111. Y1111 111i1;l11 ;1111l s1'1'1|114 .1 |1:111111'.1111:1 111.11 Ilm-511'! 1-sis!
111:n111I':11-111r111g I1-1-cl. sl11111I 11|11- p1-1-s1111 :11 -I;'1 Ir:11111-s |11-1' $1-111111I :1111-11-|11~1-1-, 111.111.1111.; iI 1111 111' 1-11-1111-111s.

II" .\"'" /IIIIII- I"" 'I"'

./I"-I -""I'I.k' //1" III :1n1I 1l11]1|1I1-1- l11s \-1111-1- .1|11l l1ri11g 11 11:11-k I11 I1 11111111/1' Ii!.-1- 111111 r1~ .111;-_1_'1-1111111 .1urr1-11I~
"II 1/1" I""I"".k' "\' ./1" "~" 1"/" "I"I I/I/I l'l.1- gu1.1-7 1111r111:1I 11111-I1. R1-.1|Iy 1-r1':11I\1- s|11-1-i:1l 1-I'll-11s 1'1-111.
X11111 11-1-r1- g1-Ilivzg 111111 I11.1-1-r.1-. I111 >1-nu 1:111 1111 1151-1l1|1 111111-r \\':11's 1111111 I11 si111|1I1- Y1-s, 11's >111-r1-.111-111 111 .1 .\-1-1151'. .'\1-111.1ll\-
II1inI1- !l11'r1-.1- mm-/1 1n11r1'111 1:11:11:-1-r? 1l1-11111111; s1-11-111ilir 111'|:1111:1s1i1-11111-11111111-11.1. 11s lvss Il1:111 s1lf|1';II|s'II1 _11 s 11111 11l1r:1 r1 :1l
II"l"\Illl|II'- l1l'\$. RIII III1" -IIIII Is l"II" I111 \-1111 I11I:-1- 11111-1l1I'11_q .1/11-1-1'/1'1' in 11111111? 11's :11'111:1ll1 1111- 111111I1I11:1111111 111 r1-:1I111.
-I \\'\Y I-I~ I I<II'I 5"" II IIIl"'I"".!- III I l1:1\1- 1111s 11-il1I 1111-:1 111 11111111; 1111- 1111-11 lI11I s111-r1-:1I1s111 1s 11111 :1 l1:11l 1-l111i1-1- 111' 11-11111.1
will 1"!-llllilllf 1\l">\ll ll RIIHI ll" "III IIITIIKI \-1-rsi1111 111' .\I.\R.\'I'/$.\I)I".. 'I'I1:11 11-:1s :1 I'1I111 I11'1':1\1s1- I I111-1- s111'r1-.1Iis111..111d1l1:11's11111-111
I" 5111' II- I I\1"I ~"* I'I".lI'IIIK I1I5I5 I"? I 11:11-I11-11I:1rl1 I114:-II. (1111 111' 1111 111i111.:s 1111- 1I1i111;s 111:11 1-|'l'1-1-Is-1-1111I1l I11 11s11l 1111111,
l|\li\l' \\'I1Il<'-
RI :1l111111 11 is 1l1:11 11 11-.1s 1I11111- i11 .1 .s-i111;l1- 111 gi\-1- :111 11I1r:1-n~:1l .\'1-1151 I11.1s1I11:1111111111 .1
I"UI< 1" I105-\1\ 5 RI \- IIIIIIII 5115 \l"1'HI 1-1111111. \'<'I ll 1-11111111111-1I 1| 1.'l'l~\l llvlll "I \'is11;1I 11-:11' 1l1:11 11-1111l1l 11un11:1lI1- l1:1\-1- 111111-
:1s 1I11:\- 1-:1111I11 s11l':1r. "I.()(i.l.\".\' I1'l'.\' /111.1 111-11111, \':1rl1l1' 111' \-is\1.1I i111.11g1-r1-. .1I11I .1 l1;1111ll1-1l 11-1111 1li;1l11g111- 111 11'i1l1 ||111s11'.
Il|X1'I'.\'.l-(.'1III11 l.U(1'.1I.\".\' I1'l'.\'.' Sm /I1-I
.1-1'1- r1-;1l sI11r1-, 'I'11 1111- 11 11-:1s :1l11111s1 I1-ri1-:1l. .1111l I111 111111 I/1111/: _\-1111 31,- 11/1|-111-1/ 1[1111r1- _/'11r
ugrzl/1/|4\', I111I111_1r1Ip/1_1-, II11I11_1_1r11]1/1_\'/" \\1-ll. 11111- 111' Il11- I1-ri1-.11 ;1s|11-1-Is 111 i1 11-:1s 1111- 11-:1y ;|,/1,,-,~ V/,,,11,,_1_\~ /1'/1,1,1 ,1"./]11r 11/I|1'r i11,[1';-1/I11
1111- l111l11g1-:1111s l1111k1-1l liku 1'r:1]1. 'I'l1111 1-1111 111 11'l1i1-I1 1111 \-is11:1ls \1'1r1 l1:1111lI11l :1111I 1111 1,/_1~ H1/,,, ,1 ,1,/, 1,1/1r111l111-rI111-211?
1111 1111- si|1111l1- 1l1111l1l1- 1-x|111s11r1- 1\-1- IIIII in w.11- II1:1I 1111- .11-1-111-s 11-1-ru 1-1111r1-111gr:1]1I11-II. | mink 111; (|,,.,;_~; |1;|\-1- 11.-|| 1,111-"1-1| in
S'I.\R WARS 111-uplc :11. "G111I,1I1:1I's
:111d X1111 i1 $1-1-111$ 111 1111-. 11111--111111111 s:11' Il1.11 11. mm. UL" U. mm.\. is mm. _-;|i|;||,1.
:1|11:1zi111;! II11\1- 1Ii1l 1-1111 II11 Il111s1- I111l11- 11-111-111-11111-1-.11"11 I111-11111111 :11 11-1111-11 1111- 1'1l1I1 |,1-1-;|111- |11111|1I1~ 11;1\-1- 1-111111~ I11 I1:1\'1- l':1iIlI 111
gr:1111s'."' .-\111I 1I1:11's 11-l1:1I I'11\ I:1II;1111; :1I111111. is 1-1-1-111-111-11 111 Il11- 1-.11111*1-:1. 1-1111 |1111sI 1-1-;1s1-. H. |,.,;|,;|;|\~ ,,|' |,n,L|m-im: _,-P1.-141 1-|'|1~1<1
'II11- |11-111111: 11-I111 1l11I I.()(L\.\"$ RI'.\' s-:11 'll1:11's II. I1's lik1- 11111111114111-11 111|1:1|11-1-. 111111 in J f1~;|11m_~'1'i|m |1,r ;| [l(\'1_'|][ 111111111-1. I
111111-11 :1111I s:111l, "l.1111k 11-1~ll usv I111l11- 1111- 11-111111;; 1111 111.11 11:1q1- is 1111- 1111.11 1-I1-~ think mlu|;.,|,-1-gm-,,1-5.-,-gm;{his
grams! 'l'l1i11k :11I\'1-rIis1|11; |11111-1111:1I!
111' 1111- 1111-111. \\i1I1 Iilm.I11-:111l1c:11lil'II1-1-1-111 s1111-1-. Ink. mm _,,- 1| 11,15, ;1r1- r1-.11I1- I11 11111 $111111-
'I'l1i11k 111111 11-1111111-rl'11I i1'Il 111- I11s1-1- 11 1111 Y1111 1-:111 1:1k1- 1I1:11 \'1s11:1l 1111:1141-11 :11111Il11-r hm-ks "I, H, Mk. H "mm... ,1, n.| f;|"m\-
film!" 'Il11-\- I1:11I ;1I111I11I1'l\' 1111 1-11111-1-111 11I s11-|1 I11r1I1v:r. l1's s-111111-1l1111g 1l1;11 1-:111 111- ||.|m._\_ )\m| | dun- m.|.l.A"i|. mun ,u.r
11-|1:11 :1 1111I11gr:1111 \\':1s. S11m1- 11-1-111111-I11-111l s11l1Il1- I\;|lH.II\lI 111111111411 1-111111-111i1111:1l I1'1'II- 5|,-._ | mum _||| ,1-"N. u._m;"m|| |,|_u.l.
Ir11111 5:111 I-'r;1111-is1-11 s11I1l II11-111 :1 l1ill 111' 11111111-s 1111111114, 1-11l11r r1-|1r111l111-111111. 1-I1-. 1|. .,m.,
U1 H. ._.l||_ H. m..;|"_ (.\.,_.r\.
g11111Is ;1I11I s:111I "U11. 1-1111 1-:111 |1I1111111.;r:11111 11111 :11 1111- $111111 Ii1111' I 1111111; 1111-1'1"s 1|11- p|m.,_. .hm.(. ii i5 W. unlikrh. uh M
111111. 11'|| 111- i11 1111-1-c 1l1|111:11si1111s." lhullshil. .1|1iliI1- 11> 1:1-I |1:1rlir11l:11-11' 111111>-11:11 $11'111s .""1| Q" with H mm ;.n.. _,m|'_,-,.| up |,',-J.
' |Is :1 1:1-u 1li1111'11.1-1111111! 1111-11111111 Iur 111111-! 111- 1111- 11s1- 111 I1lu1- $1-r1-1-11. U1 1-1111r1-. 1111- [inn \.|m|_
\\I1:1I 1li]f1-r1'n1'1- 1101-s11 111:1k1-. \\l11'lI\1'r 1-1111 $111-1-1111-s 11-1>11I1l 1111111- 1111 1-11111-1-|1111;1ll1' .1.s \\'1- 1-;11111- |1r1-1I\- 1111511 111 \\1|1;|| W ;";|i]_
:1r1- 111111111151-:1|1l1i11g .1 l111I111;r:11v1 ur 1l1111l1l1- I|11- s111r1' is Q\'IH.'l'llI1(I. I:|11j11sI s-:11-1111; Il1':11 |- S" Um H, .1, "H, 5-|-_\R \\',\|{_\- _,m| 1-
1.-x|111si11g s11m1-1l1i11_1;I I 111 11|11-11 I11 1111- |)11I1I1Il1|I 11I 11s1111; s|11'1-1:1l |,;| J |,,| "1 5", ;u|d,.| H, W1, ||". Pd.-k.
'III11I'.1- all jmrl u/' /1|1hIi1- r1'l11l1'1111_1-, I 1-I'I1-1'Is. 11111 1111l1- I11 l1r1111;1111111111-1|11|11'11s1s M. -35 ;"m_||1-_ _\ ii mm! mm |.M|_l
1-111-.1-.1. I 1I1111-11, 11111 I 11 111I1:1|1-1
1 1-
1l11s]11-1'1-' 11-11 .11 1-1111 111;," ,4,,;"q 1-m,nm,|y 111-r 111111111 -1 111- -

I-lx:11-Ily. l1's :1 |111l1l11- r1-I.1111111s 14111111111-I1 li1-.1Il1- 11-I1111-11111-1-111i1111:1I I11-1:11l111I111;|':1|1l1y. 1;|y1-1l 1111-111- 1-l11s1- I11 11-l1:11 11-r 111-11111111111
pr1-1Ii1:111.-1I 1111 1111- 11111-1-111r's 111- 1111- |1r111I11- II'h11l 1I11 1-nu I/1i11I1- 11/ :1-111-11 1-111: I1! 511 11111 In 1111. I 1l1i11k lI\:1I 111- 1111111111; II11
1-1-r's l'UIIlL]Il 111' I11-1111,; :1l1lv: luI1III; 1111- |111I1- 1-1111r:-i1-1111! \1r1-1m1n_/-11111.11111111211-11_/711:1'? 1-1'1.-1-15 ||11_11~||11-|- 1111111-r 11111- 1-11111 .1111l I11
111- lay I1:Il1111g I|11-111 111cr1- 11-1-1-1: I111l11_1,-r:1111s 111 I'm 1l1i11ki111; 11I :1 1g11r1_[1'n11s 11|1s1-I 1|1.11 1~1~|-y 1-||-1~1'11]I1- |1_1111|]i111; 1|11-1-11111111111111-.1I111
' ' 11
Il11- sI1111\- .1111l 11:11-img 1111- ]111l1I11- 1'X|l1'l'I I11 1li1||1'| l1_|11|11-|1_()|-;|1|-Hi"1-,,mi|,,4;|.-|-1,35|)- l,n,|,|(.m | |,|,k(. mm |,.1m._ W. |m\-K.
1-1>1111- :1|11l .1-1~1~ 5111111-1|1i111g 111 1|1r1-1- 1l11111-11- |1r:11-11-. Y1111 11-11111 1111-r1*:11c .111 11111i111111s I1-1-I |1r11\-1-11 I11 :1 I111 11|'|1r111l111-1-1. I11:1I s111'1-1.1I 1-1-
siuns. 'l'I11- lrirk is 111.11 1111.-y 11<-\1-1-s:11- :1111-- 111 1111- srv.-111-, .1111l i1 1 1-1-r1- i111|1111-1;11111-is11.1I- 1'1-1-Is 11111 111- 11-1111.1-11 11111 .1111I I111 .1 11-.1.11111-
1111111,; 111111-r Il1:111 i1 11:1. I111l11_1_'r.11ns in 1| 11' 111;1I Il11- s1-1-11cI11-p:1rIi1-11l:11'Iy1111111111113. :1l1l1-;1111111111111l|1111111~1-.

Dgkstra 1

0. ~f|EX

\ \H\, \ M


- \\\\

\\ \m,,~

~.\\ \.\\ \

mu. \

\ \~\~

Iufli In I-Lth-rn (l.unrr;|m;m

Ri1|l.|H| lzzlhnul (lvh) <|rn\uu-
~u||--.~ lhv |vp\l'1|lilIl\ In [hr
l)\ k:~lr.|f|<~w cumvru fur pn-~
||\|ur (bury Kuru. lI.n\ Sn]-1"
pirnlx Ship, lhc .\1illr|\i\|m m-
um. i> nmumul for p|um|gu-
phy in (hv |nn'gIr|\\lI\1|. I4!-
mm: .\ diffrn-nu ;|I\\;|l' on lhv
uxnr ~11-up. Richnnl linlluml
tmghl) mmml.~ rhr n\n\('|m'nl
uf lhr l)\'k~lr:\l'lrx \'-|I11lIJ
wilh n Yht'usl.lI, or "juy.~livk"
J il \\'.A\ mllnl, \\'hi\"h he i\
Imhliug i|\l\i\h||\1|>.'l|1\1.1m-
|'r.| ix on .| hmun arm with
riuln in-I "I u-niml lruwl,
an-l is Inuumnl on :1 ~11!-(mu
truck lnr l1|rrin\IIl.|] mm-I. In
.nldi|i-m u uhrw mu\1'i. lhr
ju\'\liL'k .l|\n umlrnls lhr
umur< whh I1 u|)(f;1h' [hr
lilll'Yil' pun, [ill .nnI ml] .m--
nl n\n\L'm1'lll. 'llu~ wr.~.uilr
l)\;||'l\'\ mu |).|l\ uni ml]
.|ll xhr \\'.|y .1fu\|m|, .md um
lill in-In ~lr.|izlu rluwll 1.-an"
up, .-\.< lullunal pl'(n:f.llI1\ lhv
unumu I\\n\'r_ .|~~i~\.uu Illmg
Snulh (I1-11) vuu-rs lhrm inn-
u||ll|)\|lrr nu-mury \\-hivh .|l-
lm |lu- -';mu~r.| m n'p1'.ll du-
|'X;ll'l ~,|mr Inn\r.\ Iur c.n|1

c'lr|nr'IlI M uhv blur \rn-vn
|m\|msil:-. In .|ll nl' rhr fn'|u'l-
ir unlff \p.|\'r zu lion in S'l'.\R
\\'.-\RS lhv \l\ip.~ |u*u-r umwal
am im h. 1| w. [hr mu\'rm1'nl<
n| lhr lh k~(|.|[lr\ llllllrm \h.u

'IIl I
nrrzrll [hr illmmn of iqlu.

. _~-
:1 ()lt\1tiusIt,liet.1t1st. we rt treating .111 1111 . .
this fztntastic battle set-tie at the entl of it.

"-al "'1'"""- fl"- lI""""' "7 11]" l"~"'"" We startetl kicking :irot1t1tl itleas on how to
who is ||1t're:1t1\'e control of the flllllvllllh to U n and ll, pimwgmphk. pmu,s$_s I.-d
Iitreat tleal of restraint with re- ll.\t'. I met (~ieorge ant | s:111:1 |(in nu Hm in.
' .1

- - 1

Kan ll 'hl_ "WY "|"_"l-5" lvlwy 5" h:ttl put togetlier 1\'hith hzitl the liasit dy-
aboitt doing it. liveryttttie stitiietliiiitg gets iiamies and sereeti i.liret'tiutt he \\':1t1tetl. It
cl""fl- " 5u"~" i |l' ml "l"*_ w:1s cut from :1 biiiteli of \\'orItI War ll ino-
ttnn ts |11\':1l11:1ble 111 tenns of atiyone who is vi: (|m=_fi|n$_ Sun. K(,n.u '3, J-H rm.
Em"!' tt 4" filin like
t " 1 I"'*"' ' thi 5- lit-t.i11se
~ :1ge, inst '
:1 iotlgepoi _i;e to s tow t i te t | ynam .
' | | |
lh'~'"' ""' "l"""" l|""ll mi" "Y" NY '~'xP"' ie of wl1:1t he waiitetl. From tl1:it we modi-
si: 1" 1'|'=m.1:v- -\"d if 1'<u.i\1\ ilwuzwt the rim and motlifietl :1t1d m..t1it'i.-ti.
'l"ll' lll"ll- Y"""~' "l>"l""5|Y .\!"i".\! \" .1. first ntmtwtttiutl. 1! \'I!lI work ti! ll
(""1" ll 'll| \l"'Y- \""'Y '~XPl'"5i\"~' 5l"-
1| wit/I limit! .\Irt.'tni|' fit I/t'i'l'-Ill/ll-71$ I/11' mu-
(leorge l.t1r:1s was pretty gnotl in tlte ,1,-[51),,/,,,1,,gr,,/,/iy/
TIY "'1" l"~' 5" 1\b\" ll<'l"K ST-\R w~'\R~ \'es,i11 terms of the pl1oto.!T:1bl1'- trYit1l-Z
He was pretty right mt" with regard lo to limit, lttC1lll$t' it ii-as';i iiioiistmiis pru-
ivhzit l1e\\:1t1tetl. lle was \'eryeot1tise about jf('|_ || 5" 111; ;| |t,| of liptiplg \\~|it|]tI
ll- ~'\ l<" "l
*'l\i|"K'~'5 \\"'"~ 'm"k' hm l|"~Y . Rlchnrll h".ml hf l":" c"""m"l"
Z l1:1\'e l:111t;l1etltlitl lattgli :it the idea of try-
\\'" lllil"l'l4\| *'h1".1\'5 "5 \\"'" 35 -*T"iI Sm? 1965' gcmuli l"s."m "lam as 1' rst ing to do tl1:1t mueh in a Iiiititetl amoimt of
rltnttt<t'- and for the most Part T "\"\'\<l s'5," ".""l, "".""' H ""l"l f" time with less th:111 tlutllblt the amount of
ll""2|' ll Will 1' f4llT1""""l "f 1-15*" JUL. cslllclujcr S "lmml cl-llvus rm iiionei tli:1t Kubrick woiild want. So Grant
Since our shooting ratio was about 3:1, Rm" Y}"'5~ ' -'\l ll?! lf"""~ Y5 |'t"\"\<l- and i \.. Try (.|m.t.|y_k|m_ | .0"|i pm-|i.
we it-cre11'1 sliotitiiig dozens of shots from I _k1"l'~ll "'5" I tlld" I '?"" I" <_l_"l' -|4'' ,;gp_,- lmiy in .,.ms (,[|s' hm. he U".
uh. Ding*\".ll"5 I" ""'Y 1' ~"~'"'~' "'1" '35
U UM. Um. Hf l|.m_ W. wnuili
umlI.l ms .h1m"lL-d 1' hghuncum lk'.k
the film business for two ye:1rs:11ttli;ot1i1ui kuurcswouldmam,
gities look, how to |'lI(llll\l the 1ni11>
it as .rsMi|(. n sL.l_"|, us
tlo tn:1ster shots on the speeial effects when ""'5k I ""!| l'l'l"l{"i\l'hY- i'"" :"""5- possible.
may Tn. -;|||.d fun hm miikl. 1| mm "kl. pronto films, and _|t1st :1l_ot of exi1erttt1ettt- "7"" ",1. m,,w /- H. /.|-nun, I,,.,,;,I.,"_\-
'.'(l[ll, we tlith1't do :1 master and then mg" lr' Gllllc liars m. Sm .hm_"_"' t'm'nIt't'1I in tnittinlttr-1 /1/tulugrnpliv?
shoot a do/.en or more closeups to simply 5l" M41 "'3"-_ l)\"|"l "5 l'"f"l l"~' In ttiiiiiatttre pllotogrztiilti the first,
cover the seeiie as you wottltl in live :1tti1>tt. ~"f"l 1" -"'lM'*'r '5H"l l|""P'-l""5"' I most liasie problem is to make it look real.
W. .m.ku| u, J mm. l,..if;(_ kiwi uf tniniatiire :i1i1p r1111 mi li;it_ter1es. iisetl pri- I fl, hm U. oprniug Sim was Ii. mug
storylimirtl. .-\i1d I think tl1at's one of the "'""||)' "1 ll"! "'1"! ["7 \""".\'"l' P"l'5"5 iinportatit shot of the movie, beeztttse tl1:1t
things tl1:1t in the past l1:1s been tliffiritlt for '""k"l_'_|" *""l"l "ml hllll " 5"_""l is ~||;|\ ',,]| mgr k-\-,_-|-y,,m- ;|-ay [mm tn-_
special effeels people to tlo. Often times li|l|fY- '5 .\l\' 'l\l'"\ 1" "ll Ill" l""3""":" ing itt the theatre itito that leap of faith.
the tlirertors have very little utitler.\"t:11ttIit1i; ll": 5\"'5- ll B"3"l"_"_5 ffnd 5'n"l l'"'ll' George was very worried about that shot
of .t!n't'i]'t'nt1l_\' \\'l1at they want \1'ht't1 they "-K 5" "l l"!~!'~"_l' "l i lfl'"' "ml ztlsti. If you blow it t|1ere,ai1tl the atttlience
deal with :1 f:1|1t:1s1' sitiiatioii. Their visual 5"'~""'~' "l '5"l"l1'l' Hf" "'_"l|h"r,""" is nut roinpletely totalled out, yot1\e lost
concept is totally ethereal. They sit there "Y l"~"'f"'' if lf"ll"'{"" "en" R"_l"fl them. The sotttid effects and musie helpetl
and look at the screeii until they see what -4" l"'Ck_"l" m'' ''k'g M Ml "\l"'l 5 a great tle:il there. too. In otlter words. the
they .um_ (;."m. |m.;|_\. .33 guuli in [hm totnmerc1:1l house fora year atttl
:1 half. tlo- rs shm Sc H, SW, and H, mm, and
way. \\'hei1ever there was :1 question. it was "9 ckjclftlttte p|",|(igr:ipl1y_ 4'"
the look of the pieture. So initially, if you
a matter of me pressing to get an answer slmls |'k"_l'~ k'l"'g 7'UP """"'""'"1]"' see and accept that. then you've got it.
from him ;1 roitrise and simple and direct '35 l)'"lvl'Yl"h" Dykslm rm "k m Ifliv rlltl \-nu usr the l'irlul't'.riott rtglzl
atiswer :1t1d that's one of the things that SIAR "\_R5 ml l'_"l" one "li W kfy pt'r]'nrii!iur1 jilrntul?
'5""\|il""l"l l" ll"
\'m<'l'~"Y "T lZ"'"P- ll" clulnunls m lo .r"r.m"i1 Ur ]ml.usml I had poketl :1ro1tt1tl abottt a year earlier
and resultetl in the film coiiiing in close to I'll?!" "ml 'g_ m an Buys C '5 um and l1:1tltIiscti\eretl \'ista\'isiot1 equiptnent.
budget. rcny. 5, ""'
.m"' llnd U": umlm:" r _]oh1t Dykstra proli:1bly tliseoveretl it con-
The product was certainly worth the \K'\'l\_' iurklng Wm Jhll.D_yks"a 0 eurrently. The itlea of working witlt :1 large
m'"Y 5P""l' '""".\ P"'llll"K ml slulll" the special fans rm G"\l\(I""\' negative of that size was very exciting to
with some faith in the ability of sperial ef- me. 'Iet'l1t1ically, you t:1n't shoot minia-
feets to give tltetn something protlurtion ll Ill! _\'"" l"'l"'""' ""'"ll"l I" STAR lures with Ian:1\'ision lenses, or atizitnorphie
dollar-wise that will show tip on the screen. W.-IRS? lenses. those that squeele the image and
That has opettetl tloors for people in the Dick Alexander and I are friends. lle ts 1|-n unsqucgzq ii in pmjcciium |N_-;,u5 of
setise that studios are ttow less prejutlieed tlte machinist who basically built most of 3|] kinds f p|i;,] pmh|cms_ '|'] 1|;-pi]; of
against :1 film that involves a lot of effects. the equipment and kept everything Kuigi field is very strange. You can't get very
wk! '1'" .\"" Pl""~ I-"7 "'1' "'"'""'/I-111! ml he '35 5! K""ll fflfml "f .l"l"\'5- ll '35 close to tniniatures because they start (lis-
fttlurt? through him that _]oht1 found out about rm-ting in wqint way-_ You havc qt, 511001
Right now I'm eonsitleriiig getting tn- me. with spherical lenses or use models ten
gether :1 corporation of some of the people -'\PPi1R"llY Gilt) Kufll _l\ild lilk"_ll"- times the size we used.
who were working on S'I'.~\R WARS in key Pml"'5l Mound WW". i-"111 ll W515 Ul)\l"\15 \'ista\'ision is a double 35min frame.
positions. If that happened, we'd be iti the ha! he mchnology ." Ho. ,he .m (.10 0"" 9" ll": h"5i"5 "1 _5P3C'5\| CH-"5" l5 "'1"
position to negotiate for some good tleals. [he show -luhn told mm t
H d."' hhl Y9 k'f" "P" W"- ' H""B l ll-we O
not only for ourselves but for other per- cost. 3 lm of mlmcli mt us m
"I'P'"!}- bu ml ls. Hf mly .?? E cim
[_ C dupc mmr \" have m 5'19" the ("'5'
sons in\*ol\'ed in the industry who might be S7l imd '9 hCkg"""d -15 5I*i"@"3 cl!
working for us. Its a complex thing. But it b.ldunc' Oltcrwlcllll aulldli l Hi ll": ""~'f"5-_u"l5 Yml "5? \l"~ hcll'l1lk' Y5_"3"':v
gucs 0,, and lmiliw pniglk of mum," pic. f"B"\l lk-.l " 5:5? The I -"llfl if which is a 1_rery laborious process. We dtdt1_t
tun-s_ how in gm monc)v in "ier to pm, ""ed: "l"'~"f" -1c~\m]r~1T']'l~\"'~ ~15; have the time to deaI_wtth that. 200] did
duee, how to make :1 living. imttiricty, arul l_"' Ml ".d f :1 j li__ that. but most of their shots 1-vl't' 511181!-
all that other stuff is something that you've aucpl he Jubguiffrsl cm"r"";lk3': $0 X15 _m"~5i V-TY P"d"5- Fund 5h'5
gm H, (|;,| with day H, (u)" pm ,_~,,p,m|m__ !'4l PhllZ'-P 1- ll tlT'~1_l that _|llSl sat there on the screen for a long
ing GAL:-\C'I'IC.-X, but Wlltll I'm l)ElSICZlll)' P'f1 ff ":ld '."~ I "| }:"g "mt-
bargaining for is the opportunity to direct )0 p'rc\wus.h ms I-lumpefl at lm.c mil-' Btfmc STAB WARS l_3dY had PVC?
| '-
WUY k Or f CZ] l UYC \\()T k * '1h \*1~<l l ""0 1" '~mP1& l""|d|"E- ""1 seen a spaceship do these kinds of things.

we" as supervising mu spc, CU; "10"!" li""_W _~\ l '5 c"'P 91 That s why we wanted to dn ll. So it was a
c 1'3] e ff e K-;s_ tvhm h appe "Cd on T\R .
5P"~"l CHE! 5"-l'- "l J" P"C"lh f~k" matter of settling on the scale of the entire
WARS can happen 'again_ That "cud of Panmcnlv rl5CP d'~'P"mc"'~- m-C "1" project, how big the models would bc, be-
film is comin B back in a bi g wa'Y1 which shop and mum . .
CW" Y0" ""1 hi" ~l"Ylli"S "'1" 8 I
means we're all going to have work and -John mm me hm Gwrgc anmd '0 out of focus. 'I'hat's the prime rulc. Arty-
therc's going to be some really great make he mm because he mmed '0 have thing that goes out of foeus is a dead give-
achievements. It's durable lm convinced
:1waY- W! W""~'d ll"
"d'~'l | 5 as
small as possible so they'd be easy to heft


faith in it, l knew it could he dune. Not 0n- get the models close to the lens. The closer
|Y _fl1ll-bu! l l_""~'' If W9 "3" B'"K lo you can get the lens to your subject. the
build a production system to handle that nearer it can pass you by, hence the rnnrc
V"l\lm1? "f \\'ll<. Illa! W? hall lhc VQ bil5"5 dramatic the effect. The traditional effects
tools You need for successful special f- cameras are htunungoiir. The other camera,
f"u5' l'"'5l '5 3" il"5"l"-'l:' T'~'P'~'5"3llc1"f' the sister unit for the Dykstraflex which
era system, so that you _can rnake multt- we used for backgrounds and star fields,
P355 5ll5 1"~'l""""E U"! "kmfcill mo"? "l was a converted Tecltiiicolor rainera which
ht 5l"5 f"' C-1" c]'~"'""- 5'~l'""l- W! was about a foot high and about ten inches
Rd -1" ll5"l"|cl\' 'li1|l'lc m-U112 5Y5lm' wide, mounted on a huge head. The aneu-
Thufc -1" ll \' "mi" l"t'"(ll'"fi5- if Y9 lar displacement and all. the motions it did
do ' haw [hem "!~l''th_"" YP" r'~' "l ""hl\' were electronically matched ratiowise to
"T -1| 135! 5'~"'"*|}' llmlmll "'\ 'l]l Y"" 1'1" the tracking camera. So a shot that was
do. Al Miller designed the motton control made U" [he kmg "Mk ,_-[mid he mkcn mm-
systetn, which was _|ust iinbelirliable. lt was wiqhnut the 1-ackloop, using only the pan,
sf Yellilhlc hm We did" hilvc ml down tilt and roll to shoot the stars at iiifinit 3.
(I.l'TlC,l\Cl". Thats another thing. The old concept
lflml tor! of rr_nmriuriu:atimis problems of muhiptaning stars hm Y0 5. all he
t'YISllltf hettoevti (;!)1_Qt',w'I!) was ovcr.n.'1zs me is so phony and ridi(.u|0us_ \~"u',|
8"! P971141" '1'. lfll f""1'- 11"! the "f/("73- have to be in a rock storm for anything to
be passing that [ML
crew at lndustrtnl Light {'a'l\lngic, .reqiu'st'r-

ml away ni lIie'Satt I4'rnmido_ Valley? 5,1 up 1;. ,[(,g_]',-gm n.qm.,,C'.f,,, L

_l-lust halt mlgmg _'5! ulilnlll Pl; 4000 The real quality of the dog-fight track is
:;'nein;:?'abl;3'i:"Ony" llfccui :52 visceral. You don:t reiiieinlienanythiiig in
particular about it. lts moving so fast.3
7 P Y 3
had a hell of a lot to do. \\e had bitten off
C3 C
>|~hcn_.-5 so much action la mu make
" hlg ch"_k' ms f J"-1'15 "1 5i\Y"tl We point about that visceral quality that we
could do "' Bu W: all gured that we

were after When we got the dailies we'd

fl.m' T26 (Md. hm George W; M he"

see on the screen thisismeary blob go fly-

ls!Ej_/t-r!s(.'u1nn'ru1riui| Rit-Imrdlidlimd. "1"! i e "mml *8 of f d"l"Pmcm
stuff that he
ing liy. And here's another. It's on this
Hue bnckgmund . he. rm] Mm m pm i in
caused us to shoot a lot . .
. , ,
amump Y
large umugh 5, you c,,u|d gel gilt" 'hccP-h_7 5h(k5_"1d l5;d- "yd PVC context. There's all this junk in the scene-
the camera close enough to make them Ii? t epnggc L": aver mg a2 may 0' u5d "1 Eh! hi "ill"?! ml m"\'" if
]m,k[,jg_ "nhm ' C 92} 2 -I around. There's a key light, with a hunch
trim: it Itttfqm almul 1h- Ilykrlrnex d _I/'. """?Z" ;' '"' "P'g "my Of flags in from of it. and then-s
nag down hcrc O kccp
light 0 H. pylon
mmrm? an tz c nitqms wt! out .uca.r being lhtft-I.
It is a large-format camera that is small- C had mm] frccdfnn mhout hlm inmhu llghf d"'n l"~'\*' Will 3 bill Mi in
C, mm, mus, sm,,,_|a,.d_fu,.m;" mmcmi it there. We had the dog-fight lm. and we front of it, a pylon sticking down with
\\i\y, tilt fnm had spent a long time going over story- some vclvctwrappetl around the bottom nf
l \\'|ll PIN], fl) ll ilfun ti il ll l?
I r
ll. l\ll_ng "1 Fl "lick Wllh II ll"'"l-1hlt l OW

straight down to 30" up, and boom up antl hoards and conceptual material. _]oe _]0hn-
d"._ h is on u _;3_fm, ],_."g|, Ur "Wk. sum did thc 5tQrybQ;u~d_ Hg was jug ;;m;;z- ly realized that Ilia! was how it would real-
l electroiiieally controlled so that you can
run the lotallengtlt ..n|\t- lritfl, then back
ing. Ht did an awful lot on STAR WARS.
when George did get back, he spent
lY look if!"ihvvling 5"""~' lm ml 5'~'f"S
what we were zwing- 11's df5=lPPi'"l"S
up and iiiake exactly the same moves again about two weeks on the stage with me Wilt" Y-he KUY5 l" "W mudcl 5hP 5Pcd
so precisely that you e;int tell the differ- everyday. I'd make a shot on black-and- 4090 mil" h\"5 d!3ill"S CV97) link blb
l etice. white stock so he could see what the mo\'e
looked like, and he spent a lot of time go-
and f"!"3'5 lhf5 f|l5l\ Coming
"9"- ?|"Yll"i"!l f" ll1|lP1"'
Y1"-\ 951"! 51'"
3157055 thtl
I)i1I you ii.n':1uiiI:I|--/ui.r.tmatting!
gm -|~|m|-5 hm _],,|m .;"",..| H, ,p,_ in K,-,1-r ;q_ |||| ;|y_ \\'h;|; wnuld it bi; ticular shot. lii another shot, you may see
That was the initial idea, but l felt that like if we moved this way instead of that ""9 mill lf'~lll- -\5 ll \\'l"l'~'- Wm K"! U
hlue screen was the way to go. way," becaiise he had the whole cutting kw Wlllll ll"! mlt<lll lltvki lflw. lull You
iflial nmllu you t'fI|I1I.\'|' Iflt l|[ut- _u-n-no plan in his head. We couldn't have that. We "\'f 5'39 fl f" "IR" 5l10l~ Tl\1\l'5 "|\lll"'|'il1\!
pnict-st? had his dog-fight film. so we knew how the everytliiiig that we're doing. lhv reztlil-1!i<tI\
#1. Because, first, you can use coiiveiitioiial l'fftct Shots were cutting. \\'orkin_t; with llllll Will ll"! '~'X'~"l'l)\l"" "f ll"! hill 5liP5-
cameras, second, your matte is obtained (iLur_t:t on the sequence, he recognized \\'l\i-ll l'"" do 1"~'- 1\"ll "'1' l)\'1lll\ 51!".
from your tirigimil |1t'g;|ti\-t~_ and ||_|5 ti"; what the liinitations of working with the which is just sitting there the ships are
best chance of holding size and ni;itchin_q System were, and could then begin to live fairly visceral, rather than \ll|;\l.
exactly. We did some doublepass ntattiii_i5. with Hm Hmimlions in arms "f M5 i"1- whc" 6"!-'~' '3-1m'~' l""5k fml l'i"l1""l-
we spent that time shooting film tests of
but in onlt-r to utilize ii"; tg-[|\i1i;|\||_~ for agined effects scenes.
E inost of what we were doing, the exposure Ilnzu IYl(Itl)' new Iecliiiiqiit-s mirlforrnr of (Will 5|")! lN'f0Y \V"ll ihlml ll- U5!!! fl"
of the niatte would liave to be absolutely rqiii/ntietil rm-re th'r'i'Inpm[ .rpi'i'ifirrilI_v fur Y1fk'ttKL' film WC ll doth Part of \lu* St-
the saint as the t-\~p.>.m- of the objt-t-t, .\'l'.lR It.-IRS? (i"'1~'- and \\"L"il "11"P4"!"f"<'\'"lliI\s:-
otherwise when the models streak, as they l"-ach new situation that we faced pre- Th" 5'~"l~"*' "lllllll full fl 1| \!"\' ll ml
did a lot, the streak of the inattc has to be seiited a new problem, and a solution 'l"kPf! Y'~'llf"t; $""\l'll\flHl- llilltl \1\'ll' HI
exactly the szinie as the streak of the lI\li would often entail doing soiiietliing which |\f l'~'fl- WP Pick \I|> lIi$ lillt Hf iqltt lltul Put
del. You have to fill in all the sliadow holes had never been dune before. The runiiiiig l" "W l'l4"" l" ll"? '|'|""\"'~' fill" \'l'l""'-'"\
iiikc at ll..\l was doing soinetliiing new and 5"!-Z lhl 5lll' ll" 5*"~*- T" ml" 1'14" "' Pl"
so you don't leak the iiiatte. lt would liave
been ridiculous to do it \llt\lltlt'-|IL|SS. shouting .\I\t)\llt'l' first!" '1' shill "ll " ll"! l*\'l"". l"" ll" ll!-ill" II"
l knew that if we did tl<\'t'lti)) a blue Um ufllir-n|o_i'I itti/1ri'.v.\'iz-ejitn-trnj I/it" ll- i""l "IF" "1 lhl l)l'k*"'llf|*'X ?""l'fi\~
screen systein, that it would work. l had xpr-rt}iI 1-_/_'1t'i I.\' tutti Ilir n-nIi.\'lir \"iniitIu1ion our L-"mml i5 1' "'4 Wm "*'l\' l"- Y
complete faith iii that. (iconic did worry of _t/n't':I, ]mrIitti1nrl\' in I/ti !n'm"li .\'i' k"h5 " ii 'hi"| '?k'~' 1'"Y"'"'ft\'*'|l'
about it. Not that ttl\|t'l\ blue screen has i]H|HttJ. Ilnzu it1|.\' IIit'.i iitIn]'i't-1/? l"'5 5-!" l*'k\\'1\"l~ "T f'"''1"l5- l 5111"
been done for ;i long filth. lhit l think we \\'e knew there a certain d\- l'l' l"".\I|'*\"""l".\; ht lTi\<'i<. \\l1il'h ii lhv
h; wk.-n u. Slimm, Hm ,,|"t,|m. S,-n.,.n H mun [hm it hm! m h;|__ ml | km, mg, grossest llll)\'t. l*roiii the fihn we find out
you ha\'i- 1-nouglt time and inone\' to uo iii- George watited the ships larger within the hm Mil 'l"~' "l'.l"" '"'"~ l
l"' 1" lhl slim
l ll ll ill '-Y ""11 T lli"l ml l"'l \'"l\- frulne than most of the \\orld \\:ir ll foot- "I ill" "l""'~'v "ml l"'' hill ll '?\"l5 1" [Wgoes -ll
stiltants that were 2|\'.\ll-tltlt you r.ui do it. age we worked front. lit that, there \\t'|;- the end. So l ltirn the pot, the cinnera
lt hasn't been used in .| loin; tin\t' licczitlse planes inissing you by Ll liiindred feet or so. "P l|"~ "4"'k' ll "WY i"'\'l'|'-\\*'- l"\\' ll*>'|h
producers worried about it. 'l'l\ey'd sci" bad \\'heii the head for the llvkslraflex canierai ml '~""' li"'k- -H"? $lll' "W" ""l'-
blue screen shots. 'l'liey'd see blue fringe. was being desiigned, l tried to keep it as T|l1 ll" i|l"i""- 4l'l"~'1'1lI"1'l'=lII\t>'v-'ll\l'
But I had seen inan\' shots done where you narrow as possible, honing; off
half-inch a ""ll'l 55 1il- "1 ll""'l l"l\'\ l" llill" ill"
couldn't tell it was .i iiiatte shot. So l had here and thcre,|naking it so that you could \\'l1"|'~ i1l,lZ\'- Y""iT\' '~'>'\"\lf1\||l' l''kf"l ff


thc ship ztntl lnnving thr wurltl in rt-ltttinn y,_-rs 0,11-ing |,,,"| I-,, |hm|;|m] sq.
tn it. l:-rh.ips it has tu|nn\'<'fmn1 nne stile t-11; firiitm
|||y||k$ ;||tt| tlmiig tlr;|\\-tings.
of the st"rt'<'n tn the uthvr. It has tnl1.1\'v:t llt' :|tlt't\tlt't| t'ullt't;t' fur l\\'n yvurs ill .\ntt-
' ('\lf\'l'. Y (I\l Slllfl l Iy pfllgfillnll \I t|_\' 1| Ul'\l Ill
' Y (' ll l)\\' $
Zllll I st ll rt (I l J ni|n'\t '
. 1

pan, with ;tt\ :tt\'clt'r;ttiut\ mid tlcrclt-r:itiutt gm: in 19;g_ ||( mm -um 1., (j|] _\n,
tu it. Tlivn thc tilt has tn mzttrh it. ll has tn \\'url&iIl\; tumtrtls .t .\l.tstt-r uf l-inc .\rts tlt-~
tnll :1 hit. .-\llt'r you prtngmtn mic t'lt'tt\t't\t u. hm mppL.| Wiuml win." tn. |,L-mu
of tht rztntrrn Inution. you run it hark tu '.,"ki"u I,r,,|".55;,|L,]]\'_ |__m.r (,"_ [W H-_
llw hv1l- "W" tlmtv-11 "H" "H1 <"'- '""*' tttmt-tt 1. (llll .\rts in AI lt'.|t um t'.|'il\'.
Pli|YlK lllc r U"l'- 5\"~l 5" "- The m"5l /A U J {EU 7 7 .\tl;tm has \t\|t1hlt'lttl l'i\'t llllllllt-l\ktl

'-'"Pll5i"*"l l""!!T4"" '35 ll? *\llll'~'"l"m films with snmr \'t'r\ intrrt-slim; titlt-.~:

' l.4.H.t
" ~ ' I
;:li',agc. ll shlriitl
Falcnn hztrkittg nut of the llcttth St;u' dock
" like lmckini out of
quztlity. wliiclt was
D [E l
K]-I-Scll Ix 5\'\-Q |"I;_\\'\- ]_|(;|| 1"_ _\'_\l'_
-_ ~ _; "-
: .' .-
'|i|i|i; sigh)

~ . i
ki'l3'""'*"'- 1' -1"
"1" "-i"l"'"'- 4 D .. C G nut is llllnlll [U t-t~ tllSllllllll\'tl tl\t~.ittit'.tll\-
la" lf1;\Ilnl('; 5"l"ll3|"f ll;""i1l:ll::|l'l:::_-5 _ il in .'l5m|n, p.trt uf tht- in-\\ tn-ml tu hrim;
ml E l - ' " "' ll
"C "5
aI_schtml. wlicrc t'\'t'r','tl1it1g1tsltunkctlttptu
"?~ ' aiiiittuttctl shuns lurk int-1 ttttwiu l\n\t\'t'.s'.
Sk..m| mks R. ."rn.m| in H. .nrk.:
\\lR .ttttl t'lct"trn|ntttllyrutttmllctl. lt'rsnn- .\l}' pt! Slll ts the tint where the DEAR |_\_\'](;|._ KN-(yl-'1-|._ (;R()_\-_\-].__ _h|
4\1|Y- l |'}_|""!-I "1""' 1} "W $\'=\*'"f"l_"'*l1=\"l5 littlv:_]aw:ts ttsvtl an clcrtricztl \\'t'ztpnn l.l(;H'l' IX t'Ill-. .\'|'().\t, .t lm |lt.t| |tt_<
stllhuul. lIlltv:r1:'Avztslitlitizsltttl.:>tix:::tlfut;sci tn shoot RQDQ cur hr |)(-ginning Hf
q <"l"~' 1 "
ll L! Q '~' i " ' "
'3]"! h.'"l|;" . .. . . . . '_
ht-t-n \\url\ittg mi s|lmr:|tli<'l.tll} l(l\lll'lI\L1 the
past st'\'t~|i yt-an ;ttu. um tr tupus to
(mil slut

dwdvd vnrly "I1 liwl II \\'=\ 1" THY W" finish in my ttt*;|r ttt|tm~. \\'.\t<s is
tmu-hint-likc. If You usutl it. ztntl tt1:ttlt-ah.m- mil IUII. was sutttvw in tnsptrct iy his Hm fmmn. mm
Ittttl_\' /rt'r_/wt! \'\|r\'t's_ lhctt yu\|'\'c tgtkutt thv Josh ,\|c,1(|(||"5 ;||1i|1];|ti|)|1 (if [hp ](l
Hiinutt-m-ss uu_t tut" ll,1\;1ltl'lllUtIl;S plmny, _\|0"h_.|. in ]:0RB||)|)|.:N p|_.\\'|r_'|_ Ilun tmutlil wt 1I|'_/fur m1.l|\-.-.|/t_i|1_t_v_/
1'1\"|"P'"l'Y'"""\!*' 5'" 1* \l\"I"1"Y '5~ l{u|\pitu; is .\ prutcss t qivus y--u
sllpcrlccl ml ill "('1 illwn-lll:"i'
Ilntv It'n|t[|l _\-nu nth Iltr SI.-llt H.-lltb , .
nk .'\t|;ttu lluckctt
my M or is .|tt t|ttlltI.|ln|' .|ntl film ll_' "-I-llllll' ll "1\l~_l'"_4 -"l_\""'l" llli" _l"*"
m m.hiu.u H. W <'t_st'l\'<'lu-s .m cxtstitig |ni.u;t~ mt lilm.
l-"";_"!'_'/]li"'_'l" . I 1 I, horn in I950 ;tntl li\'t~tl must tit his lil't- in _ll' l_'l l""""' """'l"_""" " ""l"l"'{l"""
\l';lTu>;'"\"l"l 1'-1;" lt~' ~--' "_" l.u 4\I1t1tlt'>. "l l,,.| H. r l_iEh|n." |t-\_t<v}r llltll tlut t-tl|.tl|lt-.~|<u| tn ]l>t<\|ttt 41:
scat 1' wutt t t:|\*t' H tt\!Y\1 '1
tr . 1 rxtslttig nn.u;t- .n\\ tn )1 lul|t!(I.||II .||t\\'n|'"
that. l think if you shunt fur ;\ st;tlu of Hl, ,. . . . . . . . . trltrt-tl frntn lh.|t i|n.n.;t'. \\t- ]|_| H, _,l.i,J_

that mucll. tnuch ttt|1n't'u\t|tlltt'tlu|\t'll\:llI PAL l '\l"\Nl)L]'l' rzitr rtltt\t't>]1t' units fur _\"l'.\l{ \\'.\l{.\'. (hu-
ST.\l( \\'.'\RSuccnlttplisltctl. l;tttl .\1uiult'll is .t film hist<>ri.m .mtl slup~ pmjt-t't\'tl thr im:|\;t' lrutn tltr llttunllt tiff
lfltultt-unl1I_\w||1 \t'un'/tig/tt'rI/11!?! 3.3?! motion zmimzttur livitn; in .\'t'\\' York (Iity. mi|'ru|' unlu |]tt- utttlt-rsith~ nl .t ~;lutt wt
l'tl srnrr rt-rtttitt putts of 2001 higher. llc tlitl titlc ztttittmtiun fur mt NBC s|ut'i.\l ||;\pur or rel, \\'hit'h um-.m\ th.t\' \\'t~| t<>
sitttply ln:r;|ttst' tht-y htul intrt't|il1|t' ;tt1tl rt-t't'i\t~tl Al |{T1\lll frum tho .\l~'l |'nr 1| rt-~ W [y,|1]l\|1't'|][ Ur 1|-_||is-||.m-in m.|tt~ri_tls-.
attmunls of timv to tlu it in. Thuy wcrc scurcli prujcct nit s|u.~t"i;il t-l'l't-cts in I974. '|'ht- ttthcr r;||n<'r.t |iruit-1 lltl (mitt .tlm\t' t[i-
alulc lu sprtul lHtIl\llIS un at shut. wht-re we llis lung ;t\\';titt-tl lmuk, 'I'Itt' I-'v'i_t'/ti I-lit"/1/r_\_ R-|y |,,-n mm, [hr an ,\"|"\-_ -hi. 1,
wnulcl unly spcntl tlztys. Our upvcttintg shut. will l)C}1\ll)llSl1t'(l this summcr. mt-;,m 111; |]|(~ im;|ut~ \\;|> \'i\il||t' t-\'t-n il \\t-
35 lmlmnilm 415 ll '35- ""lY K"! |l""'l' l1\)'5 ttsctl np.t\|t|t' .trt m:|lt'ri.tls. 'l'ht* t'.\st'i\ti.|l

j ': "/ " : '/_'

~"1'"'~/'~=\-~""">" /.'~"!'"~ -'.'
I - W m. \t'qm'rtrr in IAIH-4'! 1/1. VII/H11 ix /,1.t<1..t
|'"'.l\'*" -"31 "'|'l\"l*"~'Y-\t'l' "'P}'-"-"*1\
-<'."' ,/,.- ti.-H. .t.-.-~.~.- .\.,. /I~u~ '/~/ .t~-I /~-/- >1-Hr
llntrrt [In], I/14' 1]t;{tlI|1'_/Hr 1/4/7t'r'r111_g'I \'ltI.\ H. mm,- '..,,> pm] ,,,| ;.>v|ll. |\xlR-5'?
mu ll/Int! \-nu. tirr In tr

1-rr _\'nl| ,1
1).-tt \-"1. .~t'.-.- .tt/t,m/.-
Wt wcrv .|l||t- to
tln utlr lnsst. Sun, wt"
\\'t'n tt';|l pltztsvtl. I'm |i|t'.|t'\l with it. t'\'t'tt _.
ll10\lt1lI it qt-ts only ll 15.5. lhtt in rt-tmspt-1-t.
\\'lIt'I\ yuu st.tntl hack .|ft\-r it's .tll on-r.

with \\'l\:|t yum knmv tmw. l hmk ill it frntn
.t lt'l'lH\l('.ll shttttlpuilll ;tt\tl say. sure. it
t|\\|lt| hr ttiurh lat-ttt-r. (cun_-r might h.|\'\'
.t|\ntht'r \\'.|y til ltmkitti; ail it. l ltmk .\t il ' ,_t
limit thc t"im~m;t|ugr:||\l\ir st;mtl|uiint
IIHIU zvuultl _\'uu tum H/I \'nur /|'t'l1'vtg,\
HIM!!! 1/1,-V/'1'Im_ lIYil[('III'/1'1-71* mt fl?
lthm't h.t\'v any l>;|tl Ittt'llIu|'it> of S'l'.\l{
\\'.\l{.\'. It \\'.ts |\tst .t \\nttt|t'|'ll|l l\])tl'ltI\t't'.
'l'ht~ u|\|\' llllIt' l Inst .my slt't'|i \\'.|.s \\'h\'|t l'tl
\\'nri'y .tlm\|t \\'llt'll\U|' nr nut \\'t-'tl laluw tho
ilhtsiun .tt smut puittl. l prnh.t|||\' lust ;t
rtn||tlr nit,-hts of sltt'|l mt that. lluittt; .| |iru~
jwt .ts'i;t- as this our is .t lt'.trnim_- pru- -7-
rt-ss. lt \\'.|s lntiltlim; 1| Stt'.u|.t\'.tri\|.s. ll\t'l1
ltxtrttim; ltn\\' tn play the thing.
.\"l.\l{ \\'.\l{ has |n.ult' spt-t' t'l'lt*1'ls
<'tmttuis.~t-ttrs tit .| lnl u|' ||t-uplr. \\v sit'ls
.|tnl l;|t||4h ulmttt tho tIllll\.ll l~l..\S|| (;()l{-
l)()N >t'|'i.|l, \\-lu-r<' tht- s||.trks .trt- l.tllim,-
ln\\'t\ frntn thr t'mkt*t> .\ml lhc $lIlul\t' is
Qttlll \t||_ hut |h.|t \\".|_s t)lItt' lhc s|.\tt' nf thy
.|I'l. lllusimi Tt'\tl\1l\lll0lI is guim; up t~x]m-
nt~n\i.|lly. .mtl t\\-t-my y\'.|t".s lrum t\u\\'_
$'l'.\R \\.\l{S i;uim;tultml\i\1st;ts runiy
A15 nut. lt'll slill ln*;t \'l;|ssit'.
\\'t- run still hank .|\ l'l..\.\'ll (i()Rl)1)X .i|\tl
tliu it. Yuttr |t'.t|| ul' l.tit|t is itt .| t|il'l't'|'t't\l tli
rcclintt. I

1-prm|u(.limSupt.-ism.(kn.-Q. _\]mh. 1111111111s 111111 1111- 1111-1111-1-, 111111-1-1'1-r. 111111 1| 11111111-l 111111 1111' "l1:11111 1lr;111-11 pl:11f11rm."
u. ".nlim_(| U, rm. hm rm. hunt 111- s
l1-11- 1|11111- :1 |1l11-11111111-111111. 111-1-1111'
111-1'.11111~ ;1|1p;11'1-111 41l1.111l11-r1- 11-1111111111 111- 1.1

1-1-;1rs 11111, 1111111 I\1-11' _]1'rs1'1'. 111111 111- 5 I11-1-11

_k_ .l H I k I H I .11 111111-1111111-1-111111111111.1111111 r1'q1111'1-1l. .\l1'111--

-"\ _ - l 1 ml u l lmll~1l |1.1r11111-111'-. 111.1111 111111-111111 11-.15 111 ]1r111-11l1- 111111 l'il111 :1ll 111' 1115 I111". 1111-111-1115111111111-r

111- 111114111 1111- 1l11g 111111-1l 1111 1111' 1-11.1ll1- |1r1-1111-.11111-1111111-1' 1-I1-1111-ms. I-.11-1-1- 1-111111111111-1l 111 11-1111 70 111 $0 $11111-1-11111
-- .. l . - l~1

If] _/(1, ll;|1-1l-

.\R \\.\R.\ lus 11-1-115! I111
. . .

.' -
. . -
l11-|11r1- r1-;11*111-11>
5 l

1-1111-.1" 111:
1-I11-11$ 511111 111 11:15 15111
\\';1$ l1111' |11 1-111-1-1111

I. an. |l Tn. dUm._ Millimu uf

' ' had hm." p(."l' and .0 hm .'1-l.*'
.11 l1-.1.~.l 11111- 1-11-111:-11111111111 1111-

1111 111111 111-11 1 11 1." 1111.1 '11.-11-:-.1

1 1,11
~l11|1 l.1.\1'1'>
1l1-~ >1l1r1-
1l1l1- 11'|11-
11111 111
111 g\1_1-

11 1-1:- l 1:1 1;1llk111g

1111111111 1n
. _ I111-11. 11| 111111.~1-_ 1111-rr 111-11- 1111- 1111-

llllclllllll-1 l|l' 5-lo lo-O00 3 Tl\ l


11111111 11'1'|'1' .111i11\.111'1l 111.1i11l1' l11' .\li1'l1;11'l 'I'I11' 1II1iu1nl1'1/ rwrr/11_1-.1 1111 II|1-v/'r1111lpr11-
1111-r1-. R11 l*1~11-1 K11r.111. l1 11.1.1 11111111 1'xp1r1- j.-1-11.111 Ii;_1I11 .1-11111.-.1 11'1'r1' 1111111 11111/1 grrnl
p1111'11ll. P11111111-111111 11151 11-;1s11 1 .1111l

(13111 \'11ll 1lI\:l_L{il11' 'l..\R \\.\RS "(,1 1-1111-_111 11n;.1111/11114; 111.11 1111111111111-1111111-111111.
l;1>1 ll\r1'1' 11111111115111
I 1111111 11111111 If 1-1111 r1- ;111'11r1- 111 1111s.
_- ' -- - -11" 11111 11 \1.1_\11'1 1111111 1111-
1. - . .

hm cckl
_ .
1111111; l1111~l111l. .
.\111111- 1-1~.1ll1
s|11ll 1';11111- 11111 _|11s1 111111111 1-1'1-ry 1111111-.11 l111111-111 11111-n
<11 111.11
S'l'.\R \\'.\RS.
T111151 1.151-r
' ' 1111. 11-1111.1-1l 1111
l111rr\' \11l;111
I1 /l1.-r.- 11111 1-1111! 1111111-111111-1-1-r mr1i1u. >11-11r1l.~' 11-1-rc 1l11111- 1111111111 111'

.\1.111111 111111111111 11-1'.11111.11 1-1-1111111111-111l.1~ I111-Iv /11111111 ./

.11 \
1111111-r\1'1-1' |'l111|11 l-.111-1-ls.. l111rr\'
. . . -
1-l11s1-11' 11-1111 l-rank \1111l)1-r\1-1'r. :1n1l 111- s
. . 1 ..

1111111-. 51-1-1-1-.11 |11-11|1l1- 1111 1111- 111111 11.111 11~111-l-1- .\l1- 111-1 .1-11111.1 1111- 1111- 11111-s 11-l11~r1~ 1111- 111-

11~1-1l 1-11-11r11;1l 11-1-11111111 111 l111'11 111-5111111111; 111111 l1\l1l1l111g 1111 1-11-1"1r11111r
1-1111-1111 1111- 1111 |11-1-1-111111 111'1'.1_\-11111. R11-11.11-1| 111- _I.111-;1s .111

1-.1ll11111l_ 1 11111111, \1.1s _I_11-1111.11'1l1 r1-> 1 11111s111l1- >111111| R.Zl)'_ I 111' 1111-
111-111 1111- 111- 1.-11111111 1._ film. 111111-111
I I 1ri|111-1 fur I11111. l l11-l11-1'1- 1111-1 1l11l
. 4:100
|111- 1111' 11111111111 1111 l 11111l1-r- .\'l.\|{ \\.\l{.\. 111.11 11-111 1111- 1111-11 l1.1111l ;1111111.1111111. 111- 1111- 111.11
s;1l1r1- 1-ll'1-1'1 11\1-r $111111-1111111; l1111-

1-1-.1ll1- 111111111'1-1'111111111-11- 11-.11. 11 11-.1> $111111-11-11.11 |11s|11r1'1l 111- 111511

s1.1111l 111- 1;.111- 1111- .1

ll1.111s|11-111.1 .\l1.11l11r'> .111i111.1111111 111' 1111- 111 .\11111sl1'1- 111 l\'l|11 1I1'1l [hr 11:-1-rlu_1-.1 /ur Ih1- I|m11[l11.11'r
1l.1111111. l 11111111111111-11111111 111.11
1-1-_|r (j_1] _\1-1. |1~_11-I111; 1.11111-_|l |11-i|111-1- 1-()1{ll1)l)l~'..\' ll..\N1-.l. 'l'l1;11 11-.11 .1 1111111 1'1111.\'!
.\.~ .111 111111111-1-ss1111111111' 11-11111-11111; 111.11 :1-111-/.-.-1I.l .\1g:1111, 1l111s1- 11~1-r1- 1111111 1111151111
.11111 .1111111.11i1111 1.11111-1'.1 11-1'l11111111->. l . . . . .
[111-1' \1-1'r1- ;1ll 1111111111-11-11 111' .\111;1 h.1x1111;11
.. l .
.1l11'.11-.1 1111111 l11r11-.11-1l 111 $1-1-11114 111.11 |111~1'1-
1-x1-r1'1.\"1-. 111- 111.1111 .1 111111 1l11~r1-, 11-1111-11 l1.1.~'
Kl'l'.\'(I|l l.\ l 1-()1{l1lI)1)l-..\ 1l..\.\1-.'l'. 111 1111- .\l111l1-r11 1~'11111 l-.l'l1-1'1s.111111111111-11r111'11pic-
I11-1-11 .11-11111111 .1 l11111- 1111. 1'.1ll1-1| 11-111-11 >1-1-
&\l'!l\""\'|" \\'11l1 1111- ;1111111.11111|1. l>\1l

.\'\'N('.. l'11'11 )11-11|1l1- 11-1111 11111-111-11 1111 111.11 1111; 1111- R_!1)'_! $11111. l 1111-1| 1111- l1l .\11111s11-r .11'u111-
1111- musl

my _1-1_111.1_11-.1 .11 .|11.||i1\-, l'n|'.1|-11111.11.-lv 1111- 11.111 11 11111111-11 11r1';1l 111 1111-.
1.111-r 11-111111-1| 111111 1111- 111 1111- 1-11111.1-1'11|11-1l1~ _11

$1'.\l{ \\'.\l{S: R11 s1 | 111-1-/.1-1l 1m;111- 5111- 1111111 11-rrifir .11111111111 11111-11r11 1111 1111151-

1.11-11111-111 1111 .\l11-11.11-l 1111- 1111'. 11 \1';1.< 1111111 11-11111 .1 L

5111115, r11111s1'11p1111;. ;11111111111111;, 111111 s|111111111_1;
.1111l 1'1-11-r K11r.111. .1111l .1> .1 1-1->11l1, 111111111-1'1-r l >1'1- 11 1|11s1|1|1'1-1.-
1.-1. I1.1:-.- 1.--"'1-ml 1'11! "1\1l"I_1' 1Hli"HI/"'1 1-11.11 11111111 11-1-11-11 111 1111-. 1111-111111-rs1~|f.

1/1111'! 111/1/'1-1 I1 I11 \'11m' .r1'1I|!. IIi1I1'11l1,/I-111] 11'/ml :1'11ul1/ 1-1111 1 11111i1I1r' I11 /11 _\'u11r l1'I|;|/ l_\-/11' 11/1q|1i]nm'nI11'1'r1-1'11 1111111

U111! 1'~11 :1-.'r1 11!1I1- /11 .'.\/1/111! 1-1111! url1'1I|1 111111/11-1! .\I11:I 1'11 $I.lI1' l\.lI1'.\', f_/ \-1111 ,1} ll,_\]j/
-\'/.ll1' 11.1/1-\'.' 1.11111! 1111111.-1111.-1111!! 'l'|1;11'.11111111'r1's1i111;1|11cs1i1111..-\s;1111111|
1ll11'lI'!/1' ~11
.\'111111- 111' 1111 11-111-11. lll..\\'\' l.l(illl I111 1111- 11111: 1l1.11 11.111 1111- 11111.11 11-11111 111 11 1-11111r.1>1 111 1111- 111111-I1-111111111111-11. s|>:11"1' ;1g1-
1-x.1111|1l1-_ 1.~ 1.11111 111 111 1111- 1-1-111. .111 1111-1 11-ll 11,11 1111- ~l111l 11l' |l1r |;1s1'|' 11111111-1 111 1111' I11-111111-;1l'l1-x 1-11111111111-111, 11-1- 11-1-rc 1111'

11.11-1| 111
1111-, 111 1111- '_'1I()l .\'1.11- (2.111 11-1 1 111-111'1'- TY 1 'l' l)""ll SIM"
,\1111-1'11-.111 (I111c111.11111g1.1|1l11'r 1/1\1r|'/11-1]
1-x;11'1 s.11111' r11111s1-11111:
1|. .1-[U-ls {Ur Cu. |;_ |)._\m|.1S-I-|||.-411-1.-X
1-111111-n1 1111

.| 1.11 11.-11.1l~ 1111'l111l1-1| l11111q 111111-11 .111 1111'.111-

111->11-111 1.11-11.11111 .1111! 1;l1111i111;. l11'.1\'l1\g pl.1>- 1/1.11 ...111/1.11-i1.- .11 .1 1111'11i.111.r.-I111.-/1_.;r1-1.11.1, (;(1,\|_\|,\y|1,\1|-3--1-5 5,, 151;-,(,_ 11 1,3, ;, 5.-,-.
\\ I 11-1-111 111 11-111-11 1111 .1 M111 .1.-n-.-11 1-1111:/111111-11/ 11/ lI11- 111l11r1, 11 1111- p|;|11- 5111111-1l111111111111-1ll1y 111.1111" 11-1-I1.
111.1 111r111.11|1111.\. 111-11

.\l'.\|{ \\'.\l{.\'_ I ll11'l1' 111111111 111' .1 /111111/1Im;1'n /l[1ll_/-HTIYI, 11111! ".|1I1m1 I1'1'1l1' Hi.-inn; 1,-y 1|1_~1-1-M5 1111-1-;||-Ii;-51 1,1" 11-hi1-I1
N 111111114111
.-/1'1 1111111111.-.11.-.1 1111.111/1!./1.111 .11.1'111.11.-./ is 151-_1_-, |1.,1,H|;,_,- 11,"...-11 .11.-m1|;,||1~ |,11i11;,
1-.111 1111- $11111 li111~ 111.11. .1 1111111 1-1-.1111 11111'r- I n,|,."|. mm 1-mm 5-mu-||_ .-"m.
111 1111. 11 \1'.1.~11 1111111 11x I111.-r1-_//1-1/. (.'1111l1/_111111-x]1l1m1 1/111! 11-run. 5...-W1
1->'1111L .1111111.1111111 1

'"'l",1,'_\'- |1l1-11- 11-1111 111111-11|11.-r1111-1l 1111111-11. ;1111l 1'x|111

*"" """""""l i" '>'"-l\'*lm "11 i''"'-


l /1.. 11.11....-.-/.. /1.1...11......1 .11 II 11 I'I...1... .11. l"ll\l' "_l'1l"\

'' ls ll" "" 'l" l""""'l""
'-1* "1" ll_"'""\ll ll" _'f\"1'~'Yi\ 111111111-r. ()111- T1-1111111-111
1111-111> 1-111 111-1111111111;
H,/,,,,,,.,,1 1, ,1,/,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,/,,-,1 _j,[,,,, 1,, /_., _

"\'l"'" /1'"" "" ll" l"\ill 1~'l'~

-\1l\"~" 1:11-11 1111-r1'11l 11-.11 1l1.11 11-1' l1;11l 1111 1-;11111-r11

I./1: M11111. 11.11111 .1..111./11111.11 1.11/1 .111
1\11\\'1'\'\*r. ill

]I1|-\'1.~' .1r1'11'l r1-.1ll1' 11 1111-.11 1l1-111. 111111'1-1111-111 111 :1r111-1>r11 111111-1-1111-111 1111-1'11;111-
1.1.-11 11 1., 111. /.-'. 11rL'1n|:\m. .111. l\'1v11.1 11.1]1.1.1'111.1
511111 ,1 11l;1111~1 \1~i\11 11 11l1111-

111l11'r 1111111;s1l1;11 .1r1~ 1111111-. 151115, I11 0111-

1.-11I1 H11 /.11 .1111I.1.-I.- 11.111.-.I /.11;11.-1-1'11'1.11 "1'11I.-. 1-1-1.1111111 111 s111111-
|'\'1- up 1111-11-11r1l ".1-11|1l11s111';111:1l"111 "1-;1sl 11111-1-51" 11111111111 r1-1|11ir1-1l.1rz11l11-1' ex-
H ""1!-l'Il""' =1 "'/~'- -"I1/1/1' -' I/1' l4"I'_*I""I_(_//H '_'fI~- 11111111-11

-\~"'/" "11 H11"! 1'11 l'111Il1. I71-"Ill-"1 I!/1' /I-\ 1111- 1l11-111111.11'1- r1-1'1-|11l\- 11111111 1s11'1 .1 p:1r111'- .11'1 111;1111-. S1-1'1-r.1l \|11s\l111ssf1|l 11111's 11-1-r1"
1111inmI1-1l urI:1-11rl1' is
( U '
.)l'll"l\l)'lll}'\lI1\l 1

'," """"/"'1 ;;"';' _;"" I

11l.1rl1- 11.1111-r1111g
11-111-11, .11
l1-.1s11111111'l11111l1. 111.11l1- 11>1111; 11-l1i1"l1 :1

;''\""'l "'[lJ"\h";"'l"I l"";:';';'I'"I:l"_':;'

..11.1,.. ll 11-111ls 111 1111-.111 ";11-|1l'11'i.1||1- 1-1111111111-1111-11" l11l11- l1l11- 1111111111;
-I 11111 1-1111r 111111111111 11-1111 :1

.. 1-. 11.1
U, RH Hm mm "Hm I, h__L,ImH1k, H,-"Hm-H,
.1111l >11 1111. 11111 11-1- r1-.1111 11111 1111 1-1111n111111s

11-.1>|1111111. l111.1ll1 1.1|111l

111 .111 111_1;1|111r s

"mm H MW, Imlmh-,,L, ,/H [hum Sm,-\ ,,,,L,/,1. .11111111111 111' 11-11rk 111111 111111. $11111. l1-11'r l\11r- s1'.1l1' (rum 1111- 111111-111|11- sl111p 111111-11 ;1111l1_l11l

;11r- 1111 11111- |111-11- 11f ;1r111-11rk 11111111111;

,',, ;,,,,,1 .,; ,,,,,- ,.;

1l11l 1111- 11.111

;,,,. ..1 _.|/.1,-,,,,,,_ _\1._ (;, 111- ,_1 .111 11'11rl~11-1l 1111 111111, 11111. 111- 1111-
:11 |l11- 11111--1111111lr1-11111
11-111-1'1i1111 1111- 11-;11l 11f 1111- 1l1r11111_;l1 .1 111.1_1g11if11-r
I1.-r1~.m.-.1.1m.1111;.11i1111.1I1-I1.m1. l1r11sl11-1l 1114111 1111

. I i

\ - \

- z 7 Y_ ;. K u
inrh s1":1le, \\*hieh wnrketl tlte first ti111e. in l-l11_1;l:1|11l takittg care of the really ex)>e11-
Ill! )" '""' ".\' /""'!'I"' 'l' 1"" si\'e sets and also 1111 the .\l'ri1'.1t1 .~'l11111ti111.;.
lliilllllli-|""1,/hrnml? $11 we were kind 11l\\'11rki1n; i11 tl1e<l.1rl: l'11r
l "\1\|lY lll"'l l"~ ""Y l"'"l|'~""$i ll"~' :1 while. l spent :|l111\tt four ur l'i\'e tttuttths
'"<' 51" l"\i'~'llY 5"l""l l-"T "'- \ll5l"' tl1>i111g;111i11t;1te1lexplusimts11-hit'l1\\-1.-reeu11-
\'isiu11 is a lrrm1'111I1111.\" lur111:1t tn work i11. .-,_.i||,|\- ing U, he in 11. mm and Tn.
H1111-c\'er, the n1eeh:111ir:1l |)l'tlltl1't1tS remain "UL '|'|',L- 11,in1.|,;,m1 [....(||,m.k | um .|i.|,,~1
he 5-1"'- Tl" "'4'." l"'"l'l"'5 '*'"' l1"'\'ll 111e that at1i111:1ti<111 really \\':1s11'1
and 5"l"l"l lY '1' "l"l""l
l(P"Yl'"\ "ml what they \\~:111te1l.:111lall th:1t st11lT\\'11u111l
stage. They i11cl111le1l tltings like :1 lack 111' up on 1111- ,,m_
hlll 5l'l'd "1lml'll'lY ml l'X1|.\-l.\l'~"'5"l"l ll'/1111 p1'r11-11I.1_1_'1' 11f_111111r,1/1111.1 :1'1'r1
sl1r111k:11;e pmhlents. .rt'r11/1/nvl?
"71"! 1, '""l "1' \'""' '"'/* "1111!-[7 \ll
tl1:1t e:1rl\ a11i|11:1ti1111, .1111l 11i|e :1 l1it 1

G""'~'|'1\llY l" ll"! 7"!" lP1""""l1 T 1>fel'l'<1rt. l-'11r t'4X;1tttplC, there \\':tsl<1l\t per-
"'"~' P""l"l"!-Z ldl"ll"4\l mm "l'~""'~'"l>'- e1111ial :1|1im:1te1l explnsimt sl1<1t,$l1nI .\'um-
.-\ I111 of that st11t'l' was 11111 i11cre1lil1|y pre- 1,.-, _]1_<;_ 111- 115,1 ;,|,,,m (111.-1-n .11 1~1-my
clscl WY \\"~"l utlllfltilc |T\11lll'-" l" "\1"Y 1lilTere111 \ersi<111s of that. \\'e were just try-
shnts nl tlte spaeesltips, most 111' the hltte in 1,, m;,};,_~ jg -.,rk_ .\| [hm mm-_ (;m,n=.-
screen \\-nttltl he euvere1l_11\ nrtlt-r 111 tn|111- Lu. .35 Ins. suruug m 1,. ;.."]u|,|,_. Jud
mlzc ll"'5 >l"" " ll"
5|"l)5 1""l 'l"\\' 51" there \\':1s11 1 enu111;l1 ft-1'1ll1:1el\. vet. was :1 lt l . |- ,, - |~ ,1-I _. .
"'1 ll? 5'"" ll5\'ll- ()"lY ll"! '"l"l"\l|"
1 _ _ _ _ .

1501111111n1i1:1ti<111s prolilent as n1111'l1 as .1n\'- .,ml:\.L O, H} :9 llllilrillililll U1 ill?

area of the hlue sereen was visible i11 the thing else, :1111l l think there may h;1\'e 111-1111 mm iimn l:F_:|_:ru_:i
Pl"""!-'-'"l'lY "l ll"
|"|'"="\""~'- O? 111"" :1 littl1' 1-1411 i11\11l\'1'd, 11111. \\'e l1.11l;1lre:11ly ml mum ;mfi(_(..;:n1,-will hilt, HT
bi\' ""1ll\'5 "~'|' '~l"" 1" "l1"l\"' ll? sl1n1:1l11111t lilt1'e11<1r twettty|11i11iat11resl1ip - !_ .1 | i| l~ , I, .- ll-"_
peripheral areas of thuse shuts. l11 atltlitiult

expl1>in|1S, and they \\'ere11'1 wurkirtg hy "_>lr"_( L xi W" ' lm 'iL'_m_|>- "_l"_,ml'm ll:
ll! lllli. there were shuts tl1at hllll ll"! the111sel\'es. Tltey |1ee1le1ls1>|11etl1i11g else. =\ mm' mmhmm rm hm Wu" is
atttl giant people. lle USHP5
prnbletn ul'sl1:11l0wsm1 tl1e hhte sereen. l1e- 51-1111111 1111it \\';|s e\'e11111:1ll1' set 11p;1111l11e1\' I \ '_| D . i :111e111le1l I eulleqe i11 .

cause in eertaitt setups, the ships wnultl he explusi1111s were l'il111e1l. B111 we \\'11rl;e1l 1111 n " lnhll. lr]"'_" l."'.l Him]? li.'_'_" ll:
right up near the hhte sereett. There were a11im:1le1l 1'11l1;1111"e111e11ts fur :1 l11n_1g 1i111e i11 H mf _(_lnu";. mull "l"l"_rl
shatlows at titttes 1111 the hltte pylon ship 1111 effort tn make tlte ll..\lexpl11si1111s s:1tis- m "":*_|'." l; .v yr _"' "l;'
supports. This sitttatiun 1":1lle1l l'11rue1asi1111- fy the tlireetnr. 3 Ur M. ml"
um m- ""\H_ "ml |_ (hill:
al prerise tnattes. D11 111111 lhinlt llml m11'n1u!1-11 T..l]"l)'"l__">" ."_'ll;|"_l"r 1. .];\. . 'l[' I. ll
ll ll
I'1'1' but-11 lnltl Ilia! n1m|_\~ 11] I/11*.1/11/1 i11- 1111:1111! r1-1tll_\' l1mI.- in
1'1/111-1'r11'1'11_1_'_ 1'.\/11'1'1'11II_\- "_'":\v "ll: l'__' m'l"."l'_ .i
lrr1'nrsf1'lm1'1l 1'11 Iiiiglriml hurl n In! u]'l:l1|1' 11 film like R l1'.4lR.\'I'
S'I'.4I lll """l".l ll "U". _."l_|' ml ".l'"'l
.rp1'll[mI1l1'u1s. . . Nu. nut yet. Realism :1111l l>elie\':1l1ilit1- "-"ll _-H l\1t'\1'1l I1} [)1-111111 1lt\er11se1>| l*""
Tltat was :1 little treat
:1rra111;e1l" lur 115 are essential to tl1e 1lr:1111;1. \\'h;11 we te1111e1l Slnilnh lllimurJPlW' _'\h-M "ll ul.'n.l$
by [he English (.n.._ My purnllur "Pink," .._xp|m_im L_"]mm_1_"_m1- Jnmunwd In :1111l 1l11r111r; s111n1111"r \'.11.1111111s. 11 1111111 11111
is tl1:1t :1 eertaitt antuuttt ul spill is 1111:1\'ni1l~ 1111111-_i11l1i1111i1_;|11_]ik1~;111_1||1-111111 111111_1k1- "r l" ""l']"'" _""| *_'l|'l""l"ll
11111 R01 M1-11-1-1 was 11111111 =-1-1-1 h<-\- .~.....,11.-1. .-1,11...1...... 1....11.........1....1..-
1 ~l1'. F" v]"""'**'f<|-"dl *1-_*;'"'>;";1|>j_'k{;
there sh11ul1l11 t have been so |r11t1l1 Hf ll. 111g smne .1111m:1te1l explnstmts 111 the pruper m'_m."_l Hc'T Hl N flf. l Ill fr
but vim shiny (-uni. surfaces and 5 0" cmncxh 1111111 \\l11t 1.111 11 sun 1111.1s|11I1.t 1 1111 11 -

there's an t1n:1\'ui1lal1le 111i11in1u111. Getting I 1111111111-r /11111. 1;. ,,1/H-,~ \1,,,],',,_\ V/,1, ""'\|'_":
pmblcms "l
ll'"5'~' lll'~l'l5 W115 ""'~'
in mu mmsrupk. dCPurcm_ I
"\" I'll? "l 11'l11'11
Q-I-_, H-_"R\-7
1I11'\- .1'11:1- I/11' j'11nl111l|'1' 1i.\1u1l.\' in|1l1e1l
' Y HM
""l" mfull
e1l\1r.1t1n11;1l |1l111s
lm l_'l"-
tuul-1 almut three months 111 get thnse sltuts This ll\i|1llll)L' .111 .1p11<'ry|1l1:1l tale, hut l :'_h|| "ll l|Wk""l;l?."{|: lls]::"$}l;riF.|l_("T
cnrreetetl. will repeat it :11t\'\\a\'. l llllll l1e:1r1l that the la |r ml '
"5 ' ' W hm "

l.1'!'.rlnk1'nn 1z\11n1pl1'11f!l1i.1.S11)'!I11'n peuple :11 l)is11ey'si11 fart. virtttally the ll l.'I.' '*l|l'l\'f'
1.1 u shut u_/I an urlur lIu' 1-111'/4/11'! mul
1'11 wlmle sttttlin went 111 see .\"l'.\R \\'.\RS. ml l'm'" '""i "'.'mr"," lr '
srmtv blur r1'j7:-rl1'1111.r spill mtln I1lspruji'l1'. They were plattning 11> tln :1 srieiire l'i1'ti1111 ill "r'll.l."'d"il "_ll'N"|'.;." f:l_ (_""l
Ifan 11111-111-r1'1'l1'1l ru111;mS|'l1'1'1 "ll"/1'. 1I11'r1' film almttt :1 1nile~l1>1\1g sp:1e1'sl1ip that lttlqltl ""5 U "l ' "rm" "5 m P U 5 l ".m"'m'
wuulrl hr 11 Imlr in his 1'l11*1*kI1m11'. I-..\'.'1t'!I\' get surketl intu :1 lilaek hule. The stun is PP m(Li-shot .z..wh l\ml\:"i-"- \-;"'(l.l]"rmls Hi
haw 1/11 _\-1:114 1,111 ulmul 1~l1'1n1'111tl1'n_g lltix? tl1at they 1le1"i1le1l't1> drop 1l1eir_sp:1t'1- 1-pie i):::g"|'|\'_' ''m:_' l"l":iv"'3:r
The mam ttlea was t11.r1_1nmt!: tl1e hhtl when the\ saw .\l.-\R \\.\R.\. ll1e\' were .
- - -
l . . . - .1

spill lrnm the blue srreen. What we tlitl was saying 111 it-:11l1 other, \\'l1er1- tlitl all tltese
make :1 matte which lelt tlte hlue srreelt ptt)plL' 1'un11' from?There's;11g1111g11lpeo- I . ' 0 '
"lnfm If 5ll'T".l"l flrrlil lz
. -
visible l111t masked out all tl1e pesky areas ple out there who did this itttpnssihle stull! llhlnm l'_T_'Hlml_
of l1l11e spill. This eletnent was used with \\'e'\e never I11'11nI of these 1.1111-s!" It's :1 lit- S MS " tinullx _ml.l;.DM::;;lP I'll.
tl1e pltotnm-;|phi(~ maucs U, prim H, .m_k_ dc __riL__ 111.111es. 11111 was resp1>11s1
_..._11 1 e 1111 . t1e
pit exterior. .-\ll 11111 uften, the spill wnultl lt1'!I1 mm zuurk 1'11 /mt1"Ii1'11Il_\' 1'2-wry 1'/l l_l'l".E"":'ll l"l l"ll'_*l"~'[~"l_""'}|"""5
be right 11p a_1;ai11st the e1lge11l'a1111l1jett.i1t _/'11lx .1/1111, I'll I111 _\-nu 11-1'n' 1111111111-rirtg 11/ "'l"\_ "l_ '3 h'll'i -lull) ":.ilhl';; Ill
cuntaet with the l1lue screen :1rea. We had
to go in and create /1n'c1'.1iu11 1'1Ig1'.1, do the
ST.-II1 ll.1lRS 1 r '111'l1 I/1 .1111 11 '
-nul1I1't'1r " "," slll "cm SW" m W I m . l l 5"
1~1111|pl1-111111, r l U J
WOYR Ol ll"- ltlllt ll'1\'1 511 tn speak. ln Dial vuu reatl the .\'1111'111m[ l:'11qu1'r1'r is- , . " I ' ' "
many (11St'. we fnund it neeessary to e0m- whirh inrltttletl an arlirle with 111111~ h\(()'l%l{'\

Pfvflliill \\'l1Bl'l ll W35 imPl'ilfliC&ll I0 Pm \\'_"\R3'' 1) '_ k f
U"" M
menl by George .\lather, uur pr111l11etiu11 " -R 1

_ , mm
duct these previsiun ed1z1's- What we were sttpervisnr? 111- mctttimtetl 1111- l':1e1 111.11 1111 ("UTE [MUS mmq"S' M up .l l"'""
left with in some of tl1e cutnpnsitcs are star 111111111 six weeks. it re:1ll\' luuketl as 1|1<111gl1 -*'Tlh'l l"l lull f W urslllll 5 u.'s'
backgnmnds coming ihmugh rennin Jams wt migh gm H, Mug imul On H, pip and 1:1111ee111r:1le1l111<1s1ly1111 the I)-ath .St'1r
but l don't nutite them \\l1t'I1lSt\ll1l I110 ture! That was late in I976. llanlly ;111\' ml lllghlim s"|"""-.5 I _'.5.4"'rl' Pluusf
'l- l-"CRY ["7 "5 lhi" "105! Ur ll\5'~' 5'1"" shuts were dmte. Millions 11f dollars hzul Cd lhcn skcd w..wmk ml SIAR ARS
am in [hr f;m..s1_ mus dislrucling pans of |m__n Spun and we had snmhing like for two reasons, I-trst. ll1a1l4:1 1111-111 1le_aI_<1f
he mm~ I gm "lEl"Y familial llh llmsc S30-40,000 a week i11 payroll. l'ru1l11eti1111 rcSp.':u my Gc.r-Li, l";'s' hls_mms' ms '"'
cock its! The standards were set ve W' hi K h. '
_]\.lSl \\.1snt' there.
-~ '
.1 (.art vnu mmgntt
' ' . Sl.lR l'~'!!T"Y1 ml l"5 \'|5\ll 5\"5l'- 3'~'l"""l- .l"l"\
. - .
not vnlv by Gwrsv Luws hut by Rub 1311-
lark. Robbie, of Course. rlitln't want any
cam5\mph(. is
11.11 11.11111/11111111121?
funmsliCa_||,,. mmumic us_
1 11111{11111.11.1.-111 DY".
'~PP'"?"l ""dl""= "".
by using ettstnm 1111l11str|:1l-ele1-
bad compusims going "UL pen of me who: non, umugh it _as.t truntt" eq111pm11l \\;1S extnqnely eh:1lle11_1;.
What was your working silualiuti like? exaqly plusang 31 111; gm-_ \\'m-king at "lg-H
wtmn | rs; S,-rd um M |LM' which IL was almost like being in 3 soap perm ltnvtnetliately _l'11ll1111'i_11g the 1'11111plt-tinn

W35 abclul "inc m"ll\5 an" lhc "B"lZ' with all the trials and tribulations we went "I SIAR w"\R5' cums "*'l l" '"'k m
lion was formed, George Lucas and Gary
Kurtz were nowhere to be seen! They were
through! In retrospect, it makes STAR
WARS all the more remarkable. I tNTt~LRV1t3W BY I'.'\Ul. .\l:*\NDl'lLl.
I" 5I\Ul l"lgl'0\1l"~I5 \15l" 01115-lilvm for the optical department. Rob Blalack
tilm41T1\- -\5 was in charge of the composite work: vet-
KIND, spending five months with Douglas I"lIl- Il'~XlII'~ I)Yk5l\'ilnX got to an Bil] Rim-lttilt hcipqti st-t him tip, Rub
'I'rumIiull and Steven Spielberg on the ef- Ill ll'"ll'l f\'Ul\'tll and wefound closerthat the studied the best techniques of blue screen
feets pliotograplty of the .\Iothership se- "\" l""\I>l'~'ll1Y" lliite. we in town and saw to it that we wo\tldn't get
quence which ends the film. lle is presently If'"'.\!|'"\""I~ "'' lilklll "'0 "lufll li1""~Tl\
l"'~' l" $I'l- I ""ll""~"I >':""lI l"~\m'~'['i1 matte lilies and all the traditional stuff tltat
working on the special effects for the

"4"" I" ll"}l"t-IT-1_Pl\ ll"~'" "5"\ lll" mill" seems iuher~-nt in blue screen composite
forthcoming tt-It-vision pilot G=\I.;\(2'lIC.'\ shots. The) did a great job. Blurred edges
under the supervision of_]ohn I)ykstra._Iini l'1\"'Ti\ 1" "lKIll- 5} ft" 1\I}""l .l"l' "l_""//'5
I '35 5I_l"\ ~"I"l< ill '"$I_"Ai"I Rllilllml
had never been dune before to this extent
Ilanforth eagerly awaits his services on
Tl.\lIiC.\'II~'.. where lte will be pliotograplr '-'5 _I"ll"'!~'. I" III IN? II"- '35 "I E"! in blue screen.
|.;v,_.n mung! he Om bank. mug:
mg H ,.qm.m.,. i,.|\.i"g ying rm-k,_.| ,,_.,,_ the ftlnt tlone belore our release date of
HY 29- I'll" l1\"I*l3""'_'~I5 "'"' ""I"~"I ll started out as our guide, we followed it
utilizing perspt-cti\'e pltotngraplty and the for only half the shots. George and his
teclmittues pioneered by Iloward and 'lhe- \f'l\tul'\'er we could. borne \\'trt Slllil l1l'
I'",R1\I5" "ml I)*l"' B'~"'l'Y- wife were constantly reeulting the film to
otlore Lytlecker, soniethint; that Dennis has """, make it better and In-tter, and in doing so,
always been particularly fond of. Ii"I" .\"' "-\'/[""l 1" ').\'l"_1'l'{./l*<\'
new or upduwd Shuts} Tn. being uddcd J"
trn .\y.\!t:rrt um! tvlty you met! rt |lL\'Itlllf of
1"""*"l!l"'ll /"'l'l"Il'-5' the time.
IIUIU Ilflf you gt-I im-nlrwl in 1In- t-_/_'/'1-r1.\'
II0lt' t'Xllt'ff\l ./in you film IfIlIYIiI1ft1lltH
,,/,,.i.,tmi;/iv 1, ST.-Ilt n'.|1es/ 4\\ llw *1:-rt ->l Ilw l"'_"J"\- 1-P-use l\1-
cas had some very specific ideas about the in H. I/uL,j'l-em'_n.l,m,x:,
l met _]ohn Dykstra during I974-T,-i
l1lT$l\lI' $I\Ul>- II" I1lI 3I'"Il' "Il"I III" It was tip to l{it'I\artl and myself to set
when he was working at Future General for up um miniawru W. would go U, hc Ca
Dong Trtunliull. .\t the time I was looking .\'eq\te|\ce using actual black and \vhi_te bat-
tle ftiotage and scenes from other airplane .|\u.,_. u. ships wen. pun om .h;L.\.
for work there hut nothing was available
movies, and what he wanted us to do was ship was L..ssm.y rm. the Sim" plan. il U"
for me. I soon heard frotn lint Danfortlt U. ml. Pym hm. in [mm Hf ll. blue
and liill Taylor that George Lucas was tin to duplicate each of those shots using X-
sf"-L-H. and 5-1 up mu c;,_.m in such 3
ing STAR \\'.-\R$. They inquired about dz wings. Y-wings. or 'I'.l.l".. ships. Our shots
would be cut right into his sequences and way that by tilting it at one angle and pm.
ing the work and found George sort of grumming ,l~,;";\in XL-5' wc -mitt] cm] up
non-responsi\'t'. George had his own way of replace the black and white footage as they
were shot. \\'hat he had done was pre-shoot with 501"-[||i|\g that |m,k,_-1| lit; what [hr
operating which just \vas not whatglint and storyboard called for. What tnade the shots
Bill had in mind. So nothing came of that. and preiedit the sequence in a sense a
storyboard on film. Using the black and work was setting up this stuff to look as
Frottt hearing what they had to say I sort though the ships were actually flying along
of got turned off by it. .\ number of other white footage as a guide. we knew the shot
length, ship motions, and direction of and not that the gamer; was raging tri\\';tt'd
people had contactetl tl\e offices about do- the ship or that a certain motor was stop-
ing the effects work and they didn't even travel for each xliul. But how do you do
this duplication? .\Iost of the cuts were be- ping at one point and starting at another,
get their calls returned. It seemed like which was exactly what was happening!
somewliere off in the middle of nowhere, tween '10-50 frames long, with these very
specific motions of the ships. ll'a.\' t-rwrytltiiig nmzorizml?
George Lucas was going to make this film. Except for explosion shots, everything
incltiriiiig rho I-t'ftt~i, II;- iIi<|ni set-m trio One approach is stop-motion the |no-
dcls can be moved to exact positions be- was motorized. There were a few hack
opt-ii to|i- tliuuglitsqr 5\|gg1;5tiun, ground shots where the camera was pushed
I later heard that_]ohn Dykstra bad gob
tween frames. lint john Dykstra insisted
ilk ships he blurred when traveling fast by hand, but in most of the ship scenes.
ten the job. I contacted_]ohn and showed everything was on motors. This meant that
him an educational film I made for Charles just as they were in the old battle footage.
This has always been a problem in stop- the camera would track and the boom arm
Cahill on the l'niverse. That had about one would go up and down and perhaps du
hundred twenty outer space shots in it, all motion; each frame is clearly defined, not
blurred due to speed. eight other motions, each with its own uto-
shot in lmni with a liulex. But I didn't tor, to produce one ship shot.
hear from John for about ten months. I \\ith the help of a half dozen engineers
and electronics men, a camera was built There is a pninl I should make regarding
thought that STAR \\';\RS had folded. All an advantage in using the Dykstraflex"
of a sudden I got aeall from him asking me that is essentially a motori'/.ed horizontal
animation stand, except that it shoots and motion control system in effects camera-
to go to work, and that was it._]ohn knew I work. Say you were doing a shot the way
had been working at Cascade Pictures as an runs continuously and is much more flcxi-
hle than any animation stand. The camera the Lydeckcrs did in the Republic serials-
animator and an effects cameraman. .-\ lot ying a ship down wires and shouting it at
nf people came around with a reel under is at the end of a boom arm with eight feet
of vertical travel. The boom arm is on a 40 high speed. You'd have a couple of guys on
their arm but they never held down a job. the lights, a few camera people, two or
50 .I0l"\ ffll I \\'Il5 fmPl9"l Ind llll I foot track for horizontal travel. The cam-
era can also pan, tilt, and roll. I-Zach of three guys rigging the wires, and one guy
\\Il5"'l .iii" I0 llukll ""<l'~Y PlL5\"'-~ I checking the ship in case the wires break.
'"""d "P \\'"kl"E Will Richard EIll"I"l these axes or motions is operated by a mo-
tor. By varying the speed of each motor, You'd probably have at least twelve people
who '35 1\II==\dY Bl lnduslrlal MEI" 3" on that crew. If you suddenly got an inspir-
Mil =5 Y5! C!5 i\"""1""J"- Rldlilnl with rheostat or joystick as well called it,
a camera motion, such as start- ation to change the shot somewhat, it
ii \lYY !lll"l'~3llY l'l"ll aml hid I1 Il 1 we can vary
would be a major undertaking. There
ll" {dill '~"l" QP l_Il 5IP ml "i"K ll" ing a boom-up, increasing a camera tilt, and
would be lots of people on the payroll who
ll-"l""' l""C""l"'eI- so forth. The real trick is being able to rc-
member each of these motor moves so that would just have to stop while wires are re-
T'""1' 0" ll I"! "f )'0"" l"'"P'1 "I 3""
rigged and the camera is repositioned and
l'""If"- '1""'~f'"m"' 1" "'"f"'l-- we could repeat moves exactly. This is
where the computer comes in. lt's not rmf the set is relit and it's really a big deal. But
The 3'6"!!!" 18 ill IIIM "'"5l""~ ban because the Dykstraex system can be run
3501" 27- I lhlllk ll"
"Me" Pl5" W35 Iy a computer, but more of a memory sys-
literally by one person, it's no big deal to
D0" Tl_\""b"ll-_ D"S'5 ll=d- WI"! "5 cus- ll" tem for the motors. Richard Edlund and I
woutd regulam me spud and dirccon on changc a ;hm_ All it mam; is that you'd
mechanical designer for much of the
tomequipmcnt. these motors ourselves. We call this pro- jl $0 Over ll1C Pfvgfam YOU already did
gramming" a shot. It might take one min- and run the ship from right to left instead
70" /""l'!i"'"l1 "1 5"'"/ f""""'"'"'- um [O pfqgfarn what Wm hc 3 on.5c0nd of from loft to right, and possibly repro-
Ilow much work r1|'d_vnu actually rlu? gram two other axes. So the system allows
I shnt about half of the effects shots shot, But that one minute gives us time to
"I ll"? follow the hlack and white footage and you to haveavcry relaxed climate in which
ml Pmbblf it M88" P|'C"li\g easy to move the starships to specific points. The to create the shots instead of a hectic one
backgrounds, which were relatively that often happens with a large crew. It en-
shoot. Foregrounds are th'c more difficult memory allows us to scc the action again
and again before we shoot it, modifying it ables you to work in an atmosphere that
thing. By foregrounds I mean starships and generates out of a very tiny crew to do
by backgrounds I mean stars, the Death and making it better. Later, we photograph
the shot running continuously through the shots that formerly would have required
Star, and matted paintings. the work of a dozen or more people.
What was yaur working arrangement motions, shooting at perhaps atwn-second
exposure per frame at f22 for depth of Changing camera placement or a lighting
with Richard Edluud? arrangement for a bettcr shot with the
The way it was set up when lstarted. field. This continuous motion gives the
ships natural blurs on the frame. Dykstraflex is a relatively easy matter.
I was to shoot backgrounds using our limit- The peel-0/fs were spectacular. How
ed, older Tcchnirama camera, and Richard These blurs caused enormous problems

. 22
were [liry ilmir?
The peeloll was one of the shots l had.
lzicli ship was shut on a separate piece of
film tn lie coinliined later optically. liut
the lI\tI\'\'lI\L'l\lS of earli ship using motors
were dillieuli tn tlo. ,-\ sliiiht inistake in a
speed rliaiige with any nintor would cause
thc ship to jerk luiiny in an unnatural way.
This was a t' prnlilein. We thought
1 this nut and tried to roine up with some~
thing that was easier than it actually look-
ed. .\lainlt'. the technitpie I employed was
using as tutu of the motors as possihle and
\ cralihing" the camera instead. as we call
it. (Iralihing is inn\'in_i; in on an object at
suth an angle that the ohjeei travels off io-
wards the side ul the lrainc instead of right
tow.iril the cainera. You don't have to ino-
tnri/.c the rainera tn make the ships tt\tl\C
in that way lit-cause the natural motion of
tlte ships as the camera mo\'es in is uuittg to
he the kinil oi "drift" you want. .\lainly l
tried tn a\'t\itl using the rainera pan aitd tilt
inuturs heeaiixe they ratlsetl the inost proh-
ltltlS, and lay erahhing the ctunera l elimi-
nated the need for tlinse inotors which
sinooilied out tlte $l\tl[. For iiisiaiu-e, the
cainera would inove in .iiid the ship wotild
start to roll at a eertain point. lt was also
motorized. The ship would then intwe to
one side and start tn fall away. At the Em! ii/'t'-1-Ix tll"|IViH|!1|Yl l)viiiii't.\1iin'ii tin I L-i Iiigliiiiig I'll AI I/ii. \| m ll \l I'l|].
same tiine, the eaniera lmuin arm would
go up, making it appear as thotigh the ship ent effects shots. they lelt that only ItY|t' lots wore liliie ol any kind, Now, ltl create
was diving dowit. \\'hen you run all these technique should be used instead ofinixing a liliii of the l1m-iirniiiid illuiniiiated
motions together and photngraplt it. you in. say. front and rear projeetioii or sodium ;;i;_|i|isi _i /I[|l| It liai kigriuiiid, we inake a Yl|_Q
get soinethinig tltat Iimkr like a peel-off. screen. .<\slot1!l as
all U the 5l"l5 '97? KW ulizw iii the inatte whiih \tIllll' out as a
Then it was done three more times for each int: ll ll? ll9"'~' l" Ill-1l W11). \\l' \\\'l"~ .l!"l"!l elear shape against lilai k. This is laid ii\'er a
ofthe fiitir ships. to take the time to do the he-'t blue screen color pti\lti\'L' pi-iiii (ll the tmt-iiniiiiitl oh-
Du \lIU Hlll1t1 Hiul in ull lliute peel-uff job ever. jeei against lilne. The clear area of the
.t/ii1_\' uiily one .\'/ll]! warfiltrtwlrit lime?
11 Till f"'"I"-ill"! 11" ]l1l1'll'-L I ""M" l matte allows tlte llflllllllll in of the lnrev
Oh. yes. Within that shot. i'z'er_vtIii'rig pick upa mn1lvli'ne riiiywlierc. ground object wltile the lilat k matte area
was shot on a diflerent piece of film. So There were a number of tricks we used blocks out the lilue si'i't-en. rendering it
there were several exposures. each photo- on show that helped nut. ln scenes where lilack. To luring this all togeilier as a rum
graphed against tlte blue screen. Each ship people and esh tones were involvetl, a /m\i'1i' i-/ml, we hipatk the matte with a
had tn ino\'e dil'ferently, which meant it great deal of time was spent to eliminate positive print of the h;itk_i_rroiiiidscene and
had to he on a differeiit program and set any matte lines and what we call lilue print this utttu iiiiexposeil lilin. tlten re-
up at a different perspeetive. So we actual- spill." blue light that spilled off the screen wiitd tlte now partiallv exposeil film, and
ly did lour programs on that shut. In addi- onto tlte helmets and laces of the guys in nntn it print a l'iiregi'iuiiiil positive print hi-
tion. there were two Y-wings in the back- the cuckpits. Some of the stuff that was pat'l;eil with the llCll(.|ll\t of the matte. :\nd
ground. liaeh one of lliun was shot separ- shot in l-lngland had alnt of hliie spill on it. In'Ii'i':-1' ine, none of this is .||\\' easier than
ately. With the star l>al'l&gl'<Yl1"lli Y0U'l'l llad we gone ahead and lelt it without ro- it stuiiids. l'\'e siinplilieil t\'L'l'\'llllllL[ in ex-
!i\ll<l"K l>l1\1l $t~\'en separate pieces of film toseoping, you would've seen througli their pl:iinini.; ii!
tn he combined. Then it was up tu the np- helmets and the sides of tlteir faces. So a (iimlil you i'.\/ilimi //it H\'| ~/ [hr hliiu
tieal tlepurtineitt to place the proper ships lot of work was done in the rotuscoping P)'[IIll_\'" tlll H/ll~4',| /Ilt'YYl|.ll!_H/|1TI' i/ii/>.r tern
in int"! "l cllfh "Ill" \\llll"l" llcltlllg 3") department as well. ll1lI|Hl[i'll jnr /ilio/iigrii;iIi_\-_ uiiil hill! I/ii-y
matte lines. You could see the dil'l'ieulty on .\laii_v of iu tlu nu! Ill1l!' a clear llY|([t'7" iii:/'/t-r /mm iiii tin/i'iiiir_\' hlllt Im1i'i'./
tit" Hill lu mill-KL illfk lhill llll lhk l1"l5 We .t!midi'rig of the ])YtIlCl[)ll' nitiolt-erl iii the Ordinarily you would have to light the
were lilming over a period ofdays \\'r Hlr blue .\'l'IttYl pmi:t'1s. hlue brace. The hlue pylon had its own in-
li"\1lli' going lu line up and luult as Well, you have to be ahle to generate ternal light. lt was actually neon wrapped
llloullll lhc 5llP5 W97" ac-all? lvllvwing two pieces of film. One is aperlect silhou- with a strong plastic tnaterial and coated
one another. ette of the object lo he matted. This is us- with the exact l|l\lL' pigment of the translu-
I\""ll"' imllonam "l'3k "1510 Ely" he ed to black out the background where the cent hlue screen. ln shooting hlue screen. it
illusion that then: were separate pilots fly- object will be. The second film is of the ol) is impnrtaiii I4! have as little reil and green
ing each ship. Thats why l didn't get into ject clearly lit. but against black. Basirally. in the blue color as pnssilile. \\'hen you're
repeating the JRYYIU ship-motion program this is double-exposed iitto the hlacketl out dealing with hlue paint. its going to eon-
four times in the peel-off. The main idea area of the background. ln color cinema taininate the red and green layers of the
was to get the feeling ofthe personality of tography, one way to do this is to shoot camera liilm iit addition to the blue. This
the pilots. That's where my stop-motion the foreground object against hltie. The eoiitainiiiatiiui increases the ehzutee of
haekground really helped. For instance, matte is created by first making a hlark- matte lines. You can cut that down a lot
there was a scene of the ships approaching and-white positive print with blue light and hy h.i\'iiig a liaeklit hluescreeii. In $'l".~\R
the Death Star anti diving down into the hi-packing this with the camera negative WARS, '1; \|t'tl it i|~;||i_<|iii-,_-|it |,;,k|iq mut-
surface. l had two ships ying off to the and printing this with rnl light ontoa high 5,_n-r-n iliieh \\';|s the liest we possibly
left while a third ship ies off more to- rontrast blacleand-wltite film. The hlue ftjllltl qt-t, The liltiig pylon lirace transmit
ward the right. 'llii:res a different personal- printing light and the red printing light in it-tl tlte i'ili'nli't 1|! iiilnr of the hat-king. So
ity ying that third ship. I tried to do that each case render the hlue background elear. hy elitttiltating the \'ll;|llt'k' of retl and green
at every opportunity. while the positive image of the object is contamination, we helped eliminate the
ll'iz.t blue .tcrt'eri used t'xclusi't't'ly? filled in by the negative, rendering the ob- elianre of getting a "glow" or matte line.
Right. The itlea that john Dykstra and ject opaque. Any blue on the foreground Ifltii .\l'It't'Y| t|lllll\'\ /ltlll i'!.\' :Imzt'bu<'!t.t in
Richard lidlund had when they got this job object would he clear and transparent, so the /mil. I1 lllll/\l'.\ vim ziwim/rr tu/i_\' .umn'
was to set tip the shots in an assembly-line we had tn make sure that none of the ships ii) Illt i'l'lI'Y'Llll IIn[I\'zunoi[ /i-i'Iiiiii'itiri.t !HI'l'V
situation. Since there were so many dil'l'er- had hlue markings and that none of the pi~ n|i'ii/ out n]'1lii'i'r :i'u_\' In iln I/It Itiiiil ufjoli

on into the painting and it reached a cer- Tnp: Jud cf/I-its l'lJ"lt!lIIY|l1IlDl'Il!llS.\l|!tYl lulu":
it-illi il lliul iuux (lune on ST.-IR It.-IRS. " /"L"'f_"""" ""flI"* "" ."' """'_5"" ""i"-'
Other people could come up with qual- tain point. what you actually saw was a
plinlugrapli of the _/'ir.i! _/'nznn~ of Richard's ''."' 11"" """""!,'_ " """'/""' """"'_""' "l."""'
ity provided that theyre interested enough " f" "'" *""-"_"~.' k"ll"_'
int." "Q"'f".'_"_
to it and have the smarts to know what shot. \\'e made a hlow-up of it about seven ',')"f'
an [mini In mm in. .t_/..t "1
.. do |l1CII\'SvSq\IZ.\l'l. placed that on a piece_of "Eh"-"_, "H H. m,]m.. um ,1|._~n.,l' _".Q"",.,.,-1.
. .

is iieetletl to get that kind ofqtizilily. .\Ian_y


inasonite. and the artist extended that with and 1".-r t~,,,.~;iilly .-it-Ii.-1! mm\~ 1/it-/min! inh In
people in town who Iiaye been doing this lllllllt Ill! him-im light nmm- to .rIinii~ tlimugli.
kind of work for thirty or forty years uc- a painting. That was the cm! [mini on the
first part of the shot. The two were blend Ilolluml .~tH l'"I""i"l 7'~/-kl lllll-'1 flllfki H"
re/)1 it as an imperfect technique. What we
ed together by lining up relative moves. -\'-H'_""L' If-\ I'll "'11!/1' I" '11-!'~\'_ !l'_1' llvrllll 5!
Iiad on ST.~\R WARS was a bunch of peo- "f1""' """"' "-7 """ """""" ""1" "' " """' "".""
ple who were just jumping into it fresh. al- Richard shot his part of the shot first. sol
had to match mine to look as though it _"'l""""1"_'l" /'I"'!"l"~I'l":d -<-If-"AM-l_\' flu"!
most like re\'oluti0naries. eager to do the H",/1"
3' 1/t.~\ hlllt "'\i'\''I ."d-~m"bi'd l-II-M1,?
no rhip t1||t|I41I|Ht'S
I M11")
" I " dd'I"on --I lo if 1le
eve H I 0" e.l 11 ll was moviii R in the same direction as his.
'h=i= = ~11 was mi-w fr--m -me SI-~1-t~u~-
cm rtrt':'1t pmi.-tr.
,,i...,..,,...,...<i. 1-..-
at-newt |wd\m-n=l--- in \h-w-s1<1-t~-
other, all the actions would ow. It was t4'|'l|1l\'gyn|!ft|g41t'litn|n]IIti'S11-IRl\Q-|RIm!tIt
ade hy Peter Vlalins. Bill Taylor. I-rank .Il|'1||.t iii llll i'IIu.o'nn i'n'r|!t'!l by I/It "lI!lt'Illtlll! of
\'anI)er\'eer and others. STAR WARS was very difficult to shoot. .~\ laser flash was in-
serted which blended the two cuts togeth- l/tr rt-mnilv l)ykrrnii~.\; t'umi'm llllll l/II i'ngtwiii-
the perfect showcase for blue screen.
II'h\'llirl!Itt'l1Incicrt't'ti/Iroc1'sxln'conic t~'r~ ll Y9" ll"->li ll ll"! 5l\0\ closely. you II\'n]Ili-~s1.i_q.~t,mii-rtmiih,
oliiiitltu in maniniollt prnilitcliott like Ylllhl I-7'-' I-Iblf-' 1" 59 "Ill" llllllllcnl-(L I '35
xu 11
really pleased with that one and it seems to ondary mineral. I had a I4-foot track on it
TIIE (.().\l.\l,-|.\'D.\lIi.\TS rvlticli wit;
'II~J.\' and the memory system could repeat
he the shot that Iias gotten the biggest re-
also S/lu! i'n I'i.rlaI'i'.ii'mi? moves~-I Teclinically it was something simi-
The development of mylar film had a 5P0" se - lar to t ie slit-scan process.
lot tt, du with today; iynpr()\>gmg|][ ht-. The laser nvonl flqlil wax also ri iuonllcr.
ll lnokcll loo real In be an anininlum nm'r- The .\'1v,'2-nmlion cluzrs Sl'l[ll(Iltt wax a
t-;|u,_- it (]o,_~;t 5|"-intt_ Thu-e is aqua] t|icv.i|lr]1ri.n'. Ilow rllll Ilia! idea |'t'olr't'.7
sltyinkaqg qt tht; lm w-him it i; tit-t-|t,|,;|_~t| ln_\'tl al2nn.t! .tl'l'1lllII to glow like ticmi
I heard that George was going to do
in making the mattes. They nu long,-r fit
In tflect - it was essentially
liulli. It was- some additional shooting for the Caiitina
the original negative and you can getia hlue
sequence. to shoot some more masks. Sol
.,r 3 Mack tim :\fuun(| thc mattutt ottjc-t_ n't tubing with light, though. They were
actually holding simulated swords made spoke to Phil Tippett and Jon Berg and
Shooting the original negative is one thing; said that maybe they could make a presen-
making mattes on different pieces of film out of front projection material. A light
source near the camera shining onto the tation of some bizarre costumes and l
fm tht; t-.,mpositt- Wm}; is ;mt,t|t,_-t-_ Tttt-re could take it to George. They made up a
3" _t,, ,,m,,_\t lltgngt that gt, .,,t_ 5",.-ttting front projection material hopefully would
Iiounee back brightly. Ilowever, it didn't few great sculptures ahoiit 6 inches high.
that Rut; [;l;t|;t<]t pointqtt out tt, nu; ~35 George loved them antl said. Hey. there's
the [F11] bgl\\'g'\_'|\ the two printer It;-.1t|5_ |l' quite work. So what George Iiad to do was
Pu! K!" overlay of the glow on lop of that another sequence in this film that you guys
that lens isn't perfect. you can get rid of a don't know about that involves a chess set.
traveling mattl. line in the center of the through rotoscoping. That's how they got
the different colors. I think the main thing \\'hy don't you make tip a hunch of alien
screen hut as git objt-t-t tng\'t: tiver to one creatures and we'll put them on the chess
side you can begin to pick it up. .-\riother yo\i're seeing is the overlay. A diffusion
effect was created by shooting the overlay hoard?" So it worked out both ways. l'hil
thing is that you try not to build up con- and Jon got to do some stop-motion and
trast in the niattes. You generate all your through a fog filter.
ll'!tul was llll main /HlIl)li7Yl it-illi Ming with Rick Baker got the job to do additio|i-
mattes off the original negative and make al masks for the Cantina. I also photo-
them all exactly the same size. if possilile. Hu'j'rnn! /1ro]'cct|'mi nmtcriul itt-onl.r alum?
It looked too solid, I think. George l.u- graphed the chess sequence.
l and put them back together so that they|l I nolicezl I'il1'r li1l1'nsIiuw'.r sun in llir
cats wanted soinetlting more like energy.
all lit right into eaclt other. If you keep the crnli'Ix (Ellerixliuw Sr. zcus (1 l!llII'1lIlf.tlI1l
contrast down in the iiiattes. the image something that you wouldn't want to get
close to. The image was so bright it was I)i.nn-_v'.i). Dir! /tr rlu ll of /he 7YIlllll'f)l1iYIl-
doesn't necessarily increase or shrink. All it
takes is the lIlL(lU do it, quality control} flaring the lens out. Perhaps if they had ingx?
more time to work on it they could haye lie did some. Ralph lacQuarri did the
.iiid the right cttuipment. llill Taylor has
heen doing some incredible blue screen gotten the desired effect riglit away. but rest.
ntallc painl-
the entire show was pretty much compro- llax the Iiuin inn 'lt'nu'nl a
work at Universal with .~\l \\'hitlock. Some ing!
i of the stuff in Tllli llIXl)El\'BL'R(i was niised because of the time factor.

No. it was freeze-frame of the rm! sun

How rnncli conlticl tlitl ynu limit with
alisolutcly sensational lI)"hl""-'Yl"l5l"l
I I/llllilll lite mus! tlfllllllll t~i.maI in ("1""_?"L|!l-I lluru tlitl you like ST.-IR lI'.~IR.\'7
ST.-IR II'.-IRS teas Ihi mic of Ilic t-mm-m (lnfe I Started shooting ships. l saw him lo\'ed it. George has made soiiiethitig
a lot. lle'd come up with the shots
he I
Ill]:/iiitg /Iuwrt into [hr lrt-tirlt n_/'1ItvI)i~1|tIt superior to everytliing else thats ever been
Slur and 1TZl'lll!I_E along on a _rn'nti'tigly i'n- wanted and work out a schedule with _]oli|i
Dykstra and production supervisor George done in this genre. Imagine. a classic fan-
_/'|'n|'!c mutt-, It tn," wry ,,[,,,ml,;gnti_t to
.\Iather. George Lucas would tell me the tasy-adventure film coming out in I977
Slur (late trip in 1001. IlU(LZ|.'USl/l|1Il7|It' that's more creative and imaginative and
feelings he wanted out of the shots and I'd
tell him what l wanted out of tlieni. and popular than anything the major studios
\t't- Sm-t,-tt out by uging Rt.-tn,-.1 t;tt. could turn out in 60 years of trying! We all
he'd win t. was very
But seriousl\It (ieorve
lunds shot of the approach down into the ' ~ -
feel honored to have worked on it. Really.
good on tltat. :\ll we really did on STAR

ti-tili_ slightly {|bQ\,'L it and lotikittg <10-n I.ucas' \'ision on .\'u!lii'ng sccnii intpo.rsilzlc anyniure in
W-\RS w'1! s to P ut Georve
into it. Ile dove the camera down into it. l-.
film. It was his movie; he wanted energy
ln1lny'.i l'l.tll|1I lf]i'c!.r llcc/tnulug_\'. {Hill lltal
all this mutitm t-Ont;-0]|tl quipf|"|Q|\[ Hm. .w't'nt: lu incliult /n'rjccli'mi. D0 _\-on xcc
anlI s)eed out of most of the shots. lle
ning at slow speed. lle played the action as ' I
I/tr nllimalt eff1'cI.r_/'i'lnt?
though it was the point of \'i|g\\' from the wasn't going to have matte lines or stuff ST.-IR IV.-IRS as
that was as boring to look at as .\I.-\ROON- don't think any film Iias reached that
ship diving into the trench hut he in fat-t P"l"l- 5'l:\R WARS ll is in thetoworks. 1

was only starting it just lnirely I)lllSl!ll' the F-ll don't know how thats going be but
ll loukrrl like :'t'er_v other xlml was an
cff|'c!.r sliul. theres a lot of stuff that we wanted to do
The trench itself was a miiiiatnre almtit in this one which we couldn't get into it. I
fifty feet long and three feet high. At one There were 360 composite effects shots
made from I000 separate elements. some- think STAR \\'.-\RS could have looked
mid of it was a forced perspective painting more documeiitary-like. more as though
which made it look like it went on forever. thing on that order. Most of these 1000 eI-
ements we photographed in five months. you were traveling in a spaceship flying hy
So what we had was an 84-frame cut with- looking at these things. I think it could
in that trench. ,-Inntltrr sltol lU"ll'_t lu Y1IlYl(l. I! looked
like n cluslcr of zvliilc slur: Imrxling into a have looked even sharper and more realis-
Ilow fl!!! was the ranivm acInull_\' nioi-- tic. You sliould've seen people in the cock-
ing? nebula.
That was done with streak photography, pits. more lens ares from the sun. more
We were probably shooting at the rate shots of the ships flying past the twin suns.
of three inches a second. Anyhow. what by increasing the amount of streaked dis-
tance per frame. l originally did it asa test stuff that we just couldn't get into. I'm
I've described was the rcconrl half of the hoping that it might happen on the nex-t
shot. The first half of the shot was apaint- and they liked it and used the tcst! It was-
n't done on the Dykstraflex but on the scc- one
ing by Ralph McQuarrie. When we moved

I 24

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"\\'l1 P" II"
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K1-11 R;1I|1111 1\'.1sI11'11\111I1\ i11|11 I111I11slri.1l II" ""'I""Y$' -\'I'*I"'- I """II"l I"'II\'*' II- II Ii1-\'1- ill
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11.1s \1'r\' $"~".\l" \\""I~- I'I\I'*Il'l\II\'- III" 11-r \1"I1;1111.11;1- I 11i1-k1-1l. 1I11-1"1- 11-1-r1- 1I1-1111-111s

D1-1111is .\I11r1'11. Ilis

I1.11'I11_-T1111|11l i11 s1111111111- I1.1r1I1-sl 11.1r1 11-.111 1I11- 1'1-11111. ri\!!I"\l III" 1I1;11 11-1-r1' i111'n'1lil1l1' 1Iil'li1"11l1 1111l1>.'I'I11'11I
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Kk-,, 51,1-"1 11".-1. m,,"|1,, _,1(;;,| ,1,-1, 1,1,1 11.11 11111111.
I11'\'11i|11; 1'111|1- 111i111l .11'li\-1-. II 11111 l'11r1;1'1 I).\\' 'I'III-. I-'.,\R'I'II S'I'()()I) S'l'II.I. l1;11I n
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.\l .\lill1-1.11-I111 l|.1s 1l1-~ 111.111-1'1-1l, .1111l 1l11- l1'1I111i1'i.1|1 11'I11111-111-kc1I
M11-11,1,,11_" '|']||-M1111, _, 111,1-_ |- 1-1,"m| "1, Q1) 111111114. I I11-Ii1-1'1: .1

ll11'11II|Y 1li1I 11'r1' 11-1-ll. Il111 S'I'.\R \\.-\RS.

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I11-111 11-lli111; 1111'.<1-ll" 1l1.1| i1 1-1111l1I l11- 1;1'1'.11.'
\\1- ;1ll .11;r1-1-1l lI1.11 i111-1111l1I111.1| I11 l':111l.1.\"1i1-
_,_ 111 1111ll (Ills 11l'l' 1'11r|1'1'lI'. II111 1I11- l'iI111 if
..-n I1-II 1l1111-11 i11 .1111 11111- ;1r1-:1. i1 111111l1l I111r1
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lhc l'iI|11 1111 l111;1'1|11-1', lI11' .\1'1|111*|111' 11I11-|1-
I'1-11'1' (I11.~l1i111; I1l1111->111 .1\l1l1-1-.1;111. \\1- l1111l1-
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1-1"1'1l1i1114 11-11 1;11i111; 111 l11- 1l11|1I11-1I 111-1-r i1,

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m11Ill1>1l 1'11i1-1- 1-111.111.11i111; l'1'11111 11-i1I1i11 lI\1'
II;1r1l1 \'.11I1-1- :111i|_ 11 |111111I1 111' i11.1111liI1l1-
li111-.1. \\'IlI\ 1111 .~'1111111l 1-l'I1-11>". .1111I \1ill1 1111

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k|\111\' 11-l1.11 111 \'.1\. I..1l1-1. .1l11'1 I)1'1111i> .1111I
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11rc111i1-1-1-. 11-1-111 l1.11L 11> 1I11~ .~l11111 .1111!

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|I1.1l I1.11l I11-1*111I11111*.II1-Ii1*\r11111'11111,I\1'.1<

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I'i111-1I 11111i1-.1ll1. (l11l1 .1l111111 '1"I. 111' II11-111
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' ~ _ II ;l::$Pi
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1I11-1111gl1. .\111I I 1li1I11'l L|11m- \1I1.11 i1 11'.1.~'.
hul s111111.-1I1i11g >1-1-1111-1I 111 l11- :1-1-111111. II i11.\'1 - -
1li1l11'| l1;1\'1- i1. \\1- 11-1-11' si11i111; 111-x1 111
1.-;11"l1 11ll11-r ;1111| .~1;1yi111; r;1ll11-r 11111-11111|i111.1l

I1. .\I111111111. I 1l1111'1 k1111\\-. . .'

N11w 1l11~1'v 11-111" 1111|y 11111- 11111111l1 I1~IIl. \
-\pp;11'1111l1'. 1l11.1' killul 1l11-111.11-l\'1s 111 1l11~
I 1l1-11.11-11111-111 1r1'i111; I11 141-1 |l11s1-
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11I1I1\1II11~1n111-1| llu 111.1111 l|111\ .1n111111l (Q
ships r11.11'i111; 1I1|\s'n 1l11- 11'1-|11l1 11-1~1'1~ 1-1-1-1 ' '
pm111i111-111 .1111l 1l11- 1-11l11r |1.1l;1111-1- \\.1s11I'l. ID
' W
Wu r1-11111 1li1l11'l ll1i11L 1l11-1'1- \\-1111l1I l11- .1111- 0
1i1111- 111 i1. 'I'I11-rc w1-1-1- ;1ls11 Ii11|1-
1-1>1'1'1-1'1 '
jerks .1111I pups 1l1.11 \\1-n- sl11111i111; 1111 111 1l11~ .
D -
sl\i]>s.1'1111|11l1'ss 1l1i111;s 1l1.11 l1.11l
I'r1-1|1i1-r1- 1l;1y 1";11111-. \\'1- 11'1-1'1-
111 l11- i1'1>11-

;1lI ;1s.\"1-111-
" ' ._

f D I \ '

I11-1I .1: 1I11: .-\1';11I'1-1111' 'I"l11-;1|rc. \\l'1.- lL.11|k11_11 ~-'|. -L. Sl0p|.| plmdm-liun W.
11-1111 was 1;1|1]11:11.-11 11 ._
11 11:1 1.5111111; 111

III __ _.
11 . . 1 _ - _ , ,
_ _
1l11-1' r1111 ;111 11l1I \\'.1r111-r II1-us 'I)111'k 'II_I IIINL I" II LI IIIIIII
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.1111| i1 11.1.1 l1iI;1rl1111s. S11 1111 111111111 11;1s 11-1. \\';1s \1*111' I11'1 I 11111. 1'1-1'\' 11- I 1111-1 I II11: _
IIIIWH $'|I1\R \\T\R-\I I>1'1111I'- III" \\'\'"' -III 5" slmls 1li1l 111 lhul
lI1z11 \1'1- puinl \\'1.-r1-
III"'1111. II" IIIIlI' 111:1\'l11- u11I\' -10% 11f ll11- final show.
(.1.'|1111ry-I~1x I111;11 .1111l \\'1- sllll - -_ , . V _ - 1 I
1Ii1I11'l k1111\\' \\'l1;1l il \\':1s 1;1>l|11; lu I111|I1 likc. 5" III II'~IIIIIIII"IIg II0' IIIIII I IIlII"IIIIIIII
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|::r11\111;|l\1111_11*.1I1;;.11r-1]-:;:_-1- Rnlwn l_||_k M_m|_ i"_n__d in 111-11 i|1-l1111_1_s1~, I1i1';I1-)11'1'1l 11|11i1:1l 11ri|111*rs

:1 1111
_' I I I

.1111! >.11\1111I.1-ll'1-11s |'11>1 1111111-
, l'irs| 11111111111; i11 ll11-;11r1- i11
H. hm. simim-_ H. ',),l.|.;m.l| |iu|n$_(1i| SW I" I"'I"'I "' '
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ILII II"I." IIIIIII'I- III I"II',I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III li11l1l sl1n11-s .1r1111111l |!Hi1\. "I11 1l11-
i1111-111I;1l I"'/"I'I"I I'I"'I"I I", NILIIII|l1.1,
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.1111| .1.~'k1-1| 1I I \\;111|1~1l111

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sn.-111-s. I1 11-11.1" su l111r1I 111 l11- 11l1|1-1'1|\'1- .11 I-PW mm (__k Ml! I I 1l1-s11'1I11'1l 1l11- p111I1l1-111s, ll\1|\' .1111l 1l1.11
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W. UHM |,_-. H, |,"i]|
of \\1-II, I11-r1~ 11 1;111's. . . . \\1- l1.11l II" 11,. l '1',
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pr1-5511111 1
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in {H1I|k1' 11 11.1:
l I M11111111;111
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|. was H"/.[,~.;,/,],.1
mkim: MM|,".||\.1"..|u. | "m_dH|__ 14'"
IIIL'\ l 1k_| I


. I

' . - . 1>1'11|1'11. l11'11111;I1l 1111111 11\\'11111'111|1-1'_1|11l1|11'

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1 i1:1l1_1v1>]11111,
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111111 1l1l11 1\1|>1111.1

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1. Ml m_my |.Ul,](. 1l1ll1111l1.HIl \ll "-I. I'_f IIINIII ?'>"I\I
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mm! h us im-n.|i|,|.1- ||m\.l.1|.|m|m0|" m;[_"_k l_g|" his uplicdl _|.h_H> \\l11-11 you 1111 1111 111 1l1111l1l1'|r.11111_' .1:v|1_1111,
|)IU,ig up my | M _| pi..lm_l_ Ln I dllml lmmis MM hind W 1.1111 1-11111111111~1 |11-11l1l1~111> .1111I1ll11111111.1.
was I1-11>
ll11111gl1l 1;11111l. I .~;1;1r11-1I 11>

I01,"I |)\.km| H, Mmnl H. nP|i._|| .1-|"..| - 111111 I 11-11l1l-111\

I 811
\ <11-111
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*l_ 111111-

III' I "IIII I"II lI'~'f'l'I" -'II_IIII IIII"- ~IIIIIII I1l1-|1.11'1111I1-11| .11 I111I11s11'i.1l I.i1;l11 .1111l .\l.11:i<' IIIIIEIIIII IIII.~IIII,II. IIII.II IIIIIIIII-IIII,I IIIIII I,I~IIII,III;III
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SI111111'1..111 1-l1-1'lm11i1-s1l1-si1;111-1'11-I111

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I"~-T -*'\'II"I' I"'I"I" IIII"- III-\ "1" -I (II I I'
max K.\.\'l-1. 11'. 11111 1/111/.' 11111 111-.11.111~11
. . .
1i1111. 'I'l11-ir 1"11111p.111\-_ .\I11|i1111I'i1"1111'1-.\'.I111'..

.11'1.~1- .1

>1 >11-111. 1'.111.1l1I1-

1'1-|11-.11.1|1l1- 1111111

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1111l11|1- 1.11111-1.1
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"I 111 1111- i11

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for mg mm md H. In lh lh '
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ing was ",|._ C km, "L" ii J"


hni|(_d II. II\ 1 . 1 1

.\II(.I\ (|.~\I{RI
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111l11111|111\ 1l1.11 \\1 11>11|,

1I111\-11 111 11111 guy,

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1l1111g lI\:1l 1111l1u1I1' I1111 (I1-111-1;1' [.111-.1s1'1111I1l \'111.1lis1 .1111| .~1111q11-1-il1-1' lI11r II111's1*lI1.1ll111'a,.1 \1'1l111i1|111-< 11-1-11 1;1-1|i111_- \-1-1-\ 1,-111111. H11-
l111\-1-gin-1111." II11Il1-\s11111Il1;m'1l1'i111.'111.11i1' r111-L l1.1111I. l'il111 1I111-~11'1 l1.1\1~11II 11111' I11-\1 1-H111-|~ 111 i1.


wizs *1
Ti 3921a


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11111 11111-11 11.11..-11

111111-111-11 1111 1111- 1111111111111

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/1111111111.11.111-1111.11.1111;11 111-

1.1111111111\\.1r1l~ 1111- 111111/11111.11

.1~ 111111 ~|11-1~1| 1111\.1111 1111-

111-11111 .1111l 1111-11 1.111'111|1-11-

111111111-1. l111>~l1i|1~11111111111111
1|11|111111\11\1'. H11 1'111'11111
1111-11 1111.11i1-111111-111:1.1111-1111
.111111\1-1111\ 1111- 111111111111-1 1111
111~.111|1 11\1.~11.1111>\ 1.11111-1.1
l.l1111~ 1l1~~|1;111-1.111111l111~11.11111
|.1.- _1.1111111111 111111.. .111 .1

111111-11 |111~|11111\1- |>.111111|1gl1

1..1 .11 111. 1-1111.11 111.

111111111111111.111111-11114111 1111

11111~11111 111.11 11~ 1111111-11-11;-111

1111;1 11111111111111-11111'111'\11|"
11111.11-1_1..111|111 11111111111111! 1111

l11111I11111111.111111 11~111,1111111
.11 111111 11111111-111 .1111;|1-~ 11111-
111111-111 11111111-111 111111111~1.1
1.1|111r11 111.111-1111-111 111111111 1111

.11.-1111.111 77.11-111.1.. - 11177
"1)/11111111v11- | 1 1 --

paration time. lt took its six nionthsjust to ease, the ship didn't actually explode. lt
[ think it would bc 3 Inigulkc {Q
git the macliiiliery ltigCtllLr.!ll took us pm was ;. m;,t\.| ;q,|n;i.,|._
think of STAR WARS as um ui_
in d=~= =t~c~-
would unjustly (lty the Cff0|'l.5 Of
- M H :v:;;s::..'::':z:;.::*t:.1.;:::42-*::1::::;:iIi
nating what the stage was doing and mi
the left-hand wingmang the e< ilosiilii of
whm.wc were (hing was hm. [Mus um. the left-haiid win nah and twoisets oflas-
Past special cffccts workers "'5 ht
-!. ffeiheiits ' The K-l'LIiLll
pmdu('m' we Tm the
ultimate space film. ._R
be t Bl. Ck
ed hen we
at our best. _\ et iii last three months, |. gin eight
ersthats r f.|
0 r 3 when essentially everytliing was worked sup "L? Sui n G lmk U H
out, very refined, the shots that we did at and my l.)l.S' "_ Tm .rugh.c"li '
that point were maybe only 40% of the fiii- $_".lm.m' Hm lasers cw lmn.u-d m H"
.-\ lot of the opticals were pushed through.
al show, so the reinziiiiing lillZl- don't rt'pre- f".l_0i l""_' u.'.d [ht Sm iv lmnu-ll [mm
There are about ten shots that l feel work . high ml H .'c dd P. W '"h.' "f
really well, and a lot of them have to do sent our best efforts.
with or happen around the Death Star, The t'fji't"I.t tuere ht-|'n_g tllH||' in l'mi h""'m ml, lm""'s ""lu""'d M "_l"" ll" ll"

.Vu_v.t. aml I'll lire nrliun ti-as mn.tI!_\' ln'i'ng W c"'lf"~"*'~ ll"'"' 1|" ll"*"'
when the ships are coming in, when you irony!" mm" [M ':'ih f my "in": Nut
first see them over the l)eatli Star. A cou- xliu! in Engluml. ll't'rr lItt'\' Iiritig IlIlIl!' t-un-
currenllv? 5""c "l'5 M -in [hem i" wrk' lm
plc of these are optically perfect from my i
[Ur the MUS mi (fr "W '.rs' and ve
point of view. l'm completely satisfied We were starting into production while
_lmf'l {|'l"_
they were shooting iii 'l'tinisi:i. \\e hatljiist 38] l_""T":S_ "F4 1
with those. U g';":i;"v M Y? unnlmuaf
lflinl niakes you cringe iulien you see ii? finished asseinliling the stage eqiiipinent _'
'l:"m5_ l_F '31 lP_". ':'is' It
l think some of the shots of tltc pilots and the optical equipment antl they were
lming in Tunisia siiiiiiltaiieously. We were ii _"?ll_' _"mll.ii 's.~?|'|" lg if
don't work too well, probably about 20%
of them. when they're in the trench.'l'here working on tleli\'trll1_t!_ some front projt:c- lmnui ' "if ,L_fm_''ll I ."L_', l ._ K lm,-
tioii plates to he \lSttl iii liiigland iii .-\pril i:ms'_l'i_]' _ |lr''_'_"_l"_g:'i_l: iqllisyu
are matte pt'0l)lCmS. There are some of the
i976. "r_5 kv in _u I _rf i 2''c
opticals that. when l look at them, l would if." ':'_?_( l_" L\;,"_"l"{s Ln
not want to have kept in. l'(l have to look ll'ns lIll'T(' u emitmmtt't'n!ioii.r pmlilrm? IL?
There: always a comtnunications proh- l_l:" mi _."l.'_ _ _"'.l_l|":'m 4 I
at the lm to point them out. Overall. I'm ?)Y"|u1{,_;:-K) J: .m".|'' I _sl yim _"
very satisfied with how the optical effects lem in film with a large group of people,
partictilarlv technical people. There eonltl Fm ' H U m_ . VHS Hg W um m'm?m
lllfnl Out. given the difficulties we had to have been inore communit';ition in tenns of I. PM J pnilm "W manc (WU hm "l.m'
"Ill," U, S, a Mm, Hm, amumla "m_ hm dwv "UM". in Englmuh Th sure, then print the second eleiiient, which
quires a lot of l(itnl'iUY1t'lfl on the part of m Ills ms. wmlm hc"p ml 5 tx-
1"]"bfl'fl. 1" HWY! will 1'4 "l1'l'1|-"II 11/
pl"d"g' P lmi ii l"-W'fi mane .m'"
P'l "f ml i""1.E' 59 "11 Y1"! C41" ~ll' the technicians and the tlireetor to coin-
municate. 'l'hat's a very rare thing to tlo in [hm nil mu lmm the ':xpl"sm' puumg 3
""E'l '1' Why 4095 H"-5 IIIIPPPYI?
the midst of all your protliictioii prtibleins. luillmiuvfl. mu? U ml). or mm nu lye
ll Y0" \l"'0ugl\~-'6 hilll (hill Pl'0l1-
Ilutu t!!7.\'1'1\' ;I|'1!l.nt'n.t it-urk with vim? Pm ' mi l""S S Mi the mic" slnlils
lvm ocCasi0nally~we call it blue spill." c.m "Y mm C
and other people call it wrap:ir0\md." lie would see the finished optiezils. l'tl m bliik' umixlmscd
next print the trench lit-hind all three ul
This csscmialh, is whcre ghg object you're present them it, him cvcn. .,.,.k
or Cw.
,,\hL.,, week and tn. "iliqm. hL.m_ L,-d these. cti\'eriirg that with another protec-
phumgmphing again the btuc strut,"
picks up, usually through reection if it's accept certain ones and ht-tl ttirii hack oth- "V" '"l'_" _'|ih "_l"d"'5 !' 5h'l5 "ml he
ers. .\ly role was largely to finish work that "c"ih' "5 uuuws is in lnilm hc Sm and
got a shiny part on its surface, the blue
other people hatl tltlllt as realistically as ll'_ l5'~"5' -'\ "_-1"" '5 "~"l"~"l l"_ll hi"
screen and reects it intu the camera lens. '|d -i"'*'5 l""ll '_ln']"'fl 'mgm_'
So when you look at your daily, you've got possible. It was fairly ciit-and-dried in
terms of what Lnras gave inc as feetlliat'k. ""1" nmny ~q'""""'i Hr." '.lw'
Y\" "l'_l9L'l- Y"\1'\"~ Kl" l/"1" hlul-' 5l"lkt-I1. lle either liketl it or he tlitln'|. .-\ few shots H '35 mly mt K"r"' I d 5373'
correctly exposed, and you've got a patch I fr) "I W Slims VCR me gc'mi'u
had optical reiuleriiigs and there was some hm
r lllllfl Pt-Yhilpi Yiglll in ll\l' millilltt Of the Y"-'""l' I." R. "u's W "i'"l)5"ul
object. lf it's in the middle of the object. etiiiiiiiunicatitiii there, biil what l did was them at eight perf and rethiced thein to
wrcts m, pmhkm we simply hand mm_ largcly u"_mu|_driu|_
scope it nut. lf you don't hand rntoscupe (Inn l('t' lulu the .\/Ill! of Ihirili l'mIt-r.\' rm" .l'rr. 5"? T smnul Mn 3 l;l'i"
it, then that blue reflection is in the middle ship mill I.l.I:. figlilrr t'lI!Il/IlU|f!IlI.\ rmiriug i'~ilT 5' T cw Mr. m gm Hum. m
of the object and prints the backgrountl tluimi [hr IhwlliH]-""m_[ Slur In-ucli um! tlrlnil ilt" Hui-nil" try a1'' immg cp:m.m.'n5
generatioii. then printing
;\:t1\l'ltll)t' llilllf
jun mu. u. hlue scream 'SIry in ("MK /In-H-"2,

Iluw tliil you l'lIfl1fIltlt'I[)fll? The elements of that shot were. working ":.\-Ii;mli. W slit. "mu. hf'}r'/ .

\\'e avnidecl it by moving the object fur> from the liack forwards: l) the stars. which I .6, i-'-IR..'f_5i'i';"_'..l __ '.:I""";".7"'

Ii Iv 1; inlgh If/_-i m ti/~/_'./'\j' m ml
tlier away from the screen when we eotlltl. were shot on one piece of film. 'llie\' rt-pre-
sentetl the ttintimt of the trench shut. the ' " i"'|' {'7 f"",",'f_"""~/"f |~
ll a qilcstinii of lmw far a\\'=iy from the I iujk it- _m_d< R t rut. U:
screen you can get your object. The further t\tI\L'l1t pulling down the trenrh. The caiii- -l
era has a zooin motion to it as it niu\'es l Hlilu "!:"|l,m_Pi ||'\_ruiS_' Hi
Y1?" C1!" RI-'\ 3'0"? SCYEUI lmm Khf l1l1j<<l
the better tiff you are. like 20 Ur 39 l'<"~l- down the tretieh. atitl the stars rel'lt'ct every H :\.ii|l _f|il,n.|i, Stu tlhn, ti-lihirh. M-..P|1.s
motion the eainera iiiakes except the Ski-mil rt -"fl-ll H r|f Ti p.r.uu.l.i[
"1 l""l RH Ill"in 5?""\' ilmulll Of \rl<l-
ats and cut tln\\i\ on -/.tmiii; 2) and Il) the trencli plus its matte, ""1", it "(LES H i In Ii ii H ' Tl ililifur
tinn. \\'etl bring
"19 i\"">ll"1 of 561""-I1 \\'l' W"? llii $0 \\'l which wasn't shot hhie scret-ii. 'l'hat was m;~. g Pm l fms um. ll)nQiu.s'
shot tltitililepttss. l'ht'\' shot the trench lit i," us,:"i~ |lm'r:.r1S(,-i f'f'\l_..d.
did" hay" 3 lm "f ll"'~' "ill" 5Pllll"K 0"!"
|mi~ PH. ;
the object. .-\nd whcti that llitll\'\ \\'l1ll~ the way they wantetl. then they floodetl xp|1%mm'[ mi it Kn, <.". In J~sJ
it with '\\'l\ilt'ill|ll\l so there were esseiitiiillv Pr? l U. U mmhmm 3" i' kc 1' lmmmg
'"l um ll 9"" 1 ""5 imilnillln" l"harI- very few sliadtiws. and shot it again with ship 5" ilwnifini. ms iiillcwirlcs 0r cf-
"'9'" ml l"' "'57" ll" 11 l\3"ll3"lm11lll
us i|".". mil dull 'ih' I inns "I
m'\'5- The? lid -1 1" "l il"5?- lwlilluil "3
ulway-;|\~.,iL| bluu pi|]_
the. same program to iiizike its niatte. We
Md H, mal'_ H) hold "W Sm Um; 4) qiiaiitity it has ll lo! ol optirals, trztvellintg
l)artli Vader aiitl his riqht-h.intl M.
\\'i|1t!ltt;|Ii, '"" "'""-1.5 .".d |'l\'.Fr"ic" dials h
Tl" m5l Pl)l'~m'l'5 lllul will l5 'h'~'" 2,.
-[tit-11 is (,1 me ,,,,,_. "hm
up has _Iot ol tliffienlt ll\l|\l;Ii\ll'l' pliotoq_ra-

your screen is lileetling into theUL-Mc edge of pliy. lhat s the ltykstyrat-x c;unera, wlnrli
you, ,,|,j|_ 11.5,, you in. n, ht Thu). .,_.r,. U mu. Pic. Ur m,,,_ -|-imsk. hm
ships Tn, sh", Mm, "(__": 5) H, .i_ is what l woultl say is one of the umque
Cdgc of u. object M ma p,,im_ we had
man (m u. |,.n_|,;m,| Sim. Wt," ,.xP1m|L. M leatiires. the ranier.t platform antl the fat't
(1|n(- |\()\ with amt,-5 which hm] gpill tm that it was ilvllllill systt-in for_the eanicra.
u}; hclml-_ 1; would comc right umund 3 ,_.L.rm;" p,,im_ "L. was Sh," 0 ;"m,|.r
pic,-1. of mm with Mm. |m,.ki"u_ G) ml 7) lhal. and _us|ii_tg an optiral printer. atitl a
1| j] of |||,_- 1-|m1_ '[h,_-1-,3 -35 no (|,;[i;_ ll"
l"l".t! 1\"~Y)'"
the lasers that llaii Solo sliuot-s. 'l'ht-re are ll_' lf'k'\l "l'l"'1"'ll
tion point there, so the animators had to _h"ll- lihi """"Y 'lf{'5 ll
rotoscope the edge of the lielniet. two series of lasers. One set went iii front 1'

of the lt'ft-hand wingnixin, and one set went "_!l i"'|'"""'"_'"l- ill" ll l'"" Y "'5 Ill "l"
Ilow lung tlitl il lake In ctniiplrlr 1/It _'4"'~'- Y"" "5 l'"'!4l'"|'"4 \\'l1l|'5 l'('~" tl""'-
lieliiiitl the ship; R) the final eleiiient is the
oplfeal rfferls?
lt took roughly twetity-two months to
finisli them. And that includes all the pre-
explosion of the left-hand winginaii.wliich
is inattt-tl on top of the Ship itself. in this
" l"~ l-L '5 u "ll"1"'~' -l* lm-
maylic. I
that it wmtld he pmccsststl and tm't:tIliil- him his rlttthvss tvcrc nn ;t win" Immu that
ctl. Iiurly on itt the tnztkintg uII thv Iihn nu rnllztpsctl tlll itttpttct.
unv. I um ~ " I) nrttI \'".tt Irr\"
' I An) no.1 \\-l'
hntnttn, rnlml ur cwn why Itv \\-tts in the:
\.t s .t' II 41.4- mu I It I tr -It/ It'll Lu"tn x _t,,t-
1 "-~t' \'nu willt

musk. I thtntght I wnttltl Ill r;tIlt'd in tn I IIL\('l' rrnlly h.ttI nntrh itt tltr \\'.ty ul-
Iuup the 1II;lIt>t,'\lL', Intl |n'rIt;t|ts for lA'\>lI~ tIirt't"tiun. In ;tIl tny pztrts I rztn stty lllill, cs
nttty rvttsmts I \\';tsn't. as at thttl sntgr ttu ct-pt IIIOSU Iur tlirvrtur 'lt'r1'm't' I"'isIt1'r. Lu-
nnr rcztlizvtl thv Iilttt wuttld tttrtt out In In nts tnltl nu" In Inc tnyst-ll utt(t I was in tltv
. tht: Iiiggvst _t;russt:r u\-ur. lt>ssiIiIy thuy suit, sit I Ill('l|I\l' :ts villztitnnts .ts I pussiltly
ctntIdn't ittstiI\' lln: t'\]n:t\s't' t>Ist'tnIInt1Inr nnthl Th;tt's \\-lt\' I think I"t;tttIu'|tstvitt
mv tttmtcs .trt~ .tpprn.nItt'<I \\tuttuI\. I\tr\-
'I'It.1t RnlIit!,\' Slmtv inlt'r\'it~\\- \\';ts ;t lut Imdy Ittts this K.trluI'I' Iixzttiun ttII thc I!H|I\-
c of ttnttsvttsv. First. Lurtts is rt-|ttirtt'<I as .stcr's Itttn|>1'rint; t;n'tttI<'tt1'ss. Intt th;tt's tu-
satyittg that In: knc\\' tn) \'nirc \\'uttltIn't ltc lttlly \\-rotng. 'I'ltt~ ;t\ttIicnt'n' sltttttltl Irv rc-
@ ttscd. $u"t>tttI, that I only ;tt't fur Inn. I Iit'\'m'd when thu Iilm is nvcr tlt;tt lltry
dtin't. I'tn \'t'rys1'rin>tts;tlmttt it.TItird, lIl;tl \\'un't tn<'t't Itim itt ct tI.trk :tII<'y\\'.ty. IIt'
,, . I'tn very rich zts I n\\'n ;t t*lt;titt t>II(;\'|||I\;tI- slmultl In' as nztsty zts pussililt-. I wurkt-tI
LIICII5 tttt\s!! I'm not rich. I n\\'|l unr qytn ztnd ;tn tm Iht: Ilttrth \';t<Itr \\':tlk. I wztntcd pt'u|ih:
IJC pl'l)CC$SC(I ;\l\(I mlaltcized. IIIIIBI intt'rt'st in ;tn cxcrrisv t'uttsttIt;tttt'y itt II;tr- to rtttt lwhind tnv Inf i~I'I't-rt.
Ruing stone intcnriew was 3 kn of mds. u Ittrgcl tIc|_tnrttttI'ttt Stun in I.tttttIun. II'/ml ttlmttl I/rt irqtrrl?
nonscnsc Lncas is rcponcd as Saving and thttt ts tt. I m sttrv starry \\';ts <'tr- I \'t' It1"t'n ttskctl tn do IIIC nvxt l\\'t>. l-t>r-
lhm he kncw voice wuldnal be cttI;ttt'd In-c;ttt4st' I_s\\';t|:]n-II my rztr ttt tttll tttttzttrly Iur tttr. l):tr|It \.ttIt-r has In-rf_tttt\'
. stttgc Inr ;t Irtrnd s Rulls I{ttyrt- ;ttttI \\'l\u thc must ntt'tnnr:tItlt*'t|:r tn tltc ltlttt.
I lllollghl I \\()l|I(I
llSL'(I. IN? C2lIIl'(I Ill tlid I htttnp intu thc Iirst dzty I dr<n't- it IIt"s the cult I'it;\trt'. I uvl tltv tnnst cxlt;t-
I0 loop IIIE (IIlI0g\|t.II IJIII (Il'<"\lI'- (IIITY KIIIII KHHI IIIl' R"/I1'".L' ttrdittttry ttntuunt n|' I';tn tnttil. I uut r.tthvr
sluttt itttcr\'ivwt'r what must It;t\-c jtttttpctl tntIt(f|l((I wltrtt I \\~;tstt'l ittvitrnl ull tht"
I Invt playing tnnnstcrs, says Dttvc I"\tttt'lttsintts. pnltlirity tuttr itt tltc $t;ttt's .ttnI t|_tt-y tIt't"ss~
Pruwsc, \\'Itn was itt\crvit:\\*cd in Vol '3 Nu ~I III III. IIIIIIII IIIIIIII III-III IIIIII"II"II' '~"I I"~'"IIl' III 4'3 II"~' "IIIII?'I\'I5- II II"'' "J"
ahuut Itis rnlc ;ts the tnmtstcr in |I:ttntnvr's IIIIIII I IIIIIIIII H II" IIIIII II"~'' I'I"lI'I I1" "III" I'"III' II'"' III'~'
FR.\NK|.;\tg'|"|.;|N AND nu; _QxS'|*|;R It was \-t'\fY IIII' IIIII IIII\l$It's \\'t'rt' l|\lIII' Iilnt. .\Iy tnthlirity tttrcnt tltinks it \\'1>nhI I)l'
FROM III'lI.I.. Irn\\'st: also pI;t\'t:1I the tnutt- IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II k';llI.;I" IIIII III IIIIIIII III -I -I""I II"II II I "~'"I I" III" $IIII"5 'IIY5'*'III
Sm. in ||;"nmcr-S earlier HQRROR 0|: tn]! HI \\'IIII'II I \\'"Y\' I""I' I1\l'I'I$ "I "1""-I5 ttndvr the It;\l\llt'r Durtlt \':tdcr Ittvttdvs
I-'R.~\.\'Rl~lNSTl-LIN. IIt>rn in ttmmt in 1934, '~"' I"""" I'" f I""II" ='!.' '" =\'""i-'1\~" \~I1i'"h I Ihiltk is :- win t>I=m-
pmwsc ,_.m,m.l| ll: ml. of Brmsh ||L.u._ I"I"llI<$. OIII HI \\'IIlI'I1 \\'-I5 I'~II II III III" I've In' in thc Intsittuss Iur III yours ttt>\\-
wcigm L-dug Chumpilm n, "Wu, years vntl. .-\t'Itrs\ tny Itt';tII tttrttrd ttnntnd ttt tltu mm. hi. am. ".'_.m}. mm..' ml mm. lim
running l962_1964_ and rirul umk_R_ut_ tnztsk \_\-nltuut ll mm'tntz. so they tntddtltl tt tn-g!,,n!|\g in I-lit-k. I \\-rtttltl hv zt Imtl Ito! lu
L The "omrimy uf K. Tigmm-mm mic tntl with ltntnt rttI>I>_v:r. Itt tltt"s\\'nrtlItt1Itt m|5!|i,||-,_ U u_ | um m J |,;| m-,;,u;mm!
led to work in tho Iilm Intsincss, wltcrc his I IIIIIIIII IIIIIII II" II IIrI.IIII III II IIIIIII III I IIIIII I5""" III"!II -1- II II III -"" "W
muscled 6 fttnt 7 inch frame was used fur :1 II IIIIIIIA IIIII IICIIIIIII IIII II IIIIIIIIIII' IIIIIIIIIII II"'~
',-/,,,_\-_ )3, "H"; [,'),,- ,[,,|',,q 1/,,-m,
director Stanley Ixubrtck.
- -
and ]llSl cntnpIt:t-
~ - ruuldtt t st-1' tvn Ivrt nt Irunt nl ntu. 1
ed scenes for direcwr Russ \|cyL_r in u mm ll./rt yuu I-I! tn ttturl lllllllll I/tt' \:t'nrr/-

\ I-5_ I-|,u~|;|1]y) 351],-,,],| l||k(- yluul wk-


abm |],_. |;,ilish ],k_wrk gn,up' the svx _/IA II- so tttttt"It_'ttttt.'rt' tn ttcttt ;t_n< tnr. :t_i\:;tys
p;5m|_ II"-I I4II0\\' IIII I"~I'I1II L'III'I'I 5I'<'T\I-\'. scu lhv ltltns I ttt tttvt)l\'t'd tn. I Inn hI=\R
hut thu |)I"(II)I('III nuts they ltrnkc. Yutt ltttd \\';\RS. It's Izrml Iilytttt all nwr ;t_t;;tin.
,/lm. I/I-,1 ya K H, Pa "J-nun" I,-mI_ tu In: cztrclttl nut tovhit thc twn swurtls |u- (~35 m;It~ ;| film | I-an mgr my kig A, -j|h_
"1-H s'I~__|R HRS? gt-tltt-r ztnd clttsh. \\v: I'UIlUZITSllI fur thrvv mtt trytnt; tu :trr:tn_\;t- st~p:tr;tt<' sltmvtttgs us
Gcmge Lums gm in much Wm my ttnd L'\'t.I] ltcI't>rt' thc ItI_tnh;ttI sl:trtt_d
\\1'vI>;.s_ nirist til my ltlnts arc |lInttsh| X-r;tt_|.'d.
gum jug twfnn, Chrisumls 1975 and I mm sltuuttttg .-\lv:<" tttnl I \\lt'.rt- Iirtrlvd zthtntt tt \\tth Int; strc1'tt ztntl I)<tII>y suttml tltc Itlnt

abuul u. Sm. ml "M-[,_.n.d ml. .m"_.r U. Ihv srvstttt Itu:t\tsm' It duvstt t luuk an ;tII Itlw Inst titnv was ztl tltv :\fl\llLllI\ Itlrn I-cstival
ch E\\);1Lt-
I . .1
.t Yullt-r I i;\n_|
asked him ll, lm-[cK_"u_ h,m,n H, N, apart from the fact that they
II was t"Itorcngr;t|tIicd. I kttm"kt'd 4\l"t.
tng .t\ um st.tgt'. In tltt' sustw \\'Itvr1' I slrtkc
\vhv:n' it was only 3:'itnm ttttd Hut suttnd,
and I ft-II ;|IC('|], I
wen: in custutnc Irtnn Itt:.1d to Itml, and . _.
hr: said that um \\'Zl 1lI0\';|I)Il' tcdtly-lic;tr '
type and the other \\;ts thv \'iII:tin. Itt my "I
experience 1-wrytittc n'tm~mI1cr.s the villztin.
and Darth \':|th:r s<ntmIt:d nu to ;t 'I'. Lucas
rcnlizvtl I could lmld my mm with pc'up|t'
like .~\le< Gttinnvss. so I didn't lt:t\*:- to do
any tests.
Ihtvx t'1 Izuthrr yutt lhul _\'uttr t'ut'n-
want '1 ttstvl in IIt1'j't'rtaI_/'t'Int?
Yes, it dues. I \\-us cutttv:ntt'1I that _Iamcs
Ilarl ]nnus' voivv was used. In:r:tttst' I was

I playing thv: villztin. :\llhuugh I was ztwart
that my \\t-st Country urn-tttul \'nit"r:
\\'uuItIn't I21: ttsud zts it is, (it-orgc tnltl mu

-0' Ifa; (I

Mike Cltiltls and :\I1\I\_](111LS arc I.uttdnn-

basctl currt-spontlcttts and rcgulttr cttntriIt-
uturs. I
/ I, .. .

Uuttr Pmwsr sun: his Dnrllt I'n1Ivr Itrlvnrt It-illt

Alva Guittttcxs !n'lu't't'n takrx of Iltt't'r Inn! sword-
ghl rm lltr I)-nth Slur.

I _


5TE\/E|\l SPIELBERG Interviewed by Robert Villard
This w.1s lhe year nf l'.'\R \\'.\RS 11- Mn-,-,mm 1,, 1|"; |m.1-mlmu-m P,,[i,-y 111;1||y :1 l)is11ey 1r11e-life ;11l\'e|1111r1' 1111 the
\\';1s11'1 11'. (Ie1'l;1i11ly I977 will he remem- nf 1l1e film .\s
1es1i1111n1\' 111 1l1e 1111-
111111. I-\l1Yl\1fl'1|l"!l
her1:1l fur (leurge l.111;1s' f:1s1-p111"e1l f:1111:1sy preee1le111e1l see11ri1y 111e;1s11res-i1np1>se1l 11p- .\fler lhe ST.-\R :1-\RS pl1e_11111n1'v11111.
spe1'l.11"11l;1r, I111! llie l11111;~:11\':1i1e1l release 11f nu (}|_()]-; |-;f\(f()["\"[']-'_R' gpi-||,\-m -;,_<_ lhere was 11 1e11_1le11ey lur 11111111 |o11r11.1l1s1s
5l"' Sl'l"ll"'r.\Z'5 513 |"l"l"" PH) "l*'l"'l' himself, 1le11ie1l e111r:11\e1' 111 1l1e sl111111i1I1: 111- I11 IR Cl<05l'1 l-XCQUN H"-R5 l" "5 5l"~'
f4""-Y l"'*'\ll"ll""" (ll-(Ali l'lNC()\'<\" r;11iu11 1m one 1:1-1'z1sin11 when he f.|ile1l 11> [*"'' l_'r"llK"'s$l'r' ml l"-*5 l'_"'l-ii
TER5 (H: Tl'_- Illlllkl) Klxu "WY l"5Pl' |mul11ee 1l1e req11ire1l Seeuriiy (lle;1r.1m'e ""'- l_'l"ll'_"r!4 "'.llh"5""l' CLOSL ]'\-
11111 only 1111- same lype of pup11I;1r phe11- |$;|11,;q (>l()liv|_l'<R5 fl!" jll ill" k'">\l_|"l -I Yfi" l""
111111-111111 11>" $lZ\R \\'.'\R$ \'11i0yv1l. il may '/'im1- 111111 .\w=1-1:111-1-I1 hmh .||lpr1.|1'l\l'1l !'"'\' 5l~\R -'\R-* '-'5 ''""l~ " '*"
1111- pr1|\'1 .1 s1'ie111ifi1' 1~1m1-
111.111-$1 i11 1111- 1111- Q11151-1 1-'.x(:11ux'1'1-;11s 111'1i11- fur 111. .1115 >'l"\\'" "HI" ll? \\1'Y1_= ll '15 "''r
munily 111explore;1111lres11l\'e 1l1e11ges-1>l1l i|;I|_- H,-r
;,,ri,_-5 ,,n 11"; [;[m_ _"| 1",), really :1 rare. ()f rourse. (.1-urge [l.u1':1s|
1|11es1i1u1 of Ul"()sigl11i11_1;s1l1rnugl1u11l the |,|-1-|ik,i,," nugim. Tn. mun. mm." ;1111l l .1re fr11'111ls .1111l we were lmlll 11w;1re
wurl1l. 11-I11-11 [hey s1ip11l;11e1l :1 111-1-1| fur 11111-.1111-11 llI:|l one 11f1>11r lwn films l1;11l 11>r11111e11111
The lung, l;1lmri1ms, ;1111lexpe|\si\'1l1irll\ Iuehi111l~1lIe-sce|1es 111111 _~;p1~1'i.1l e1'fe1'1s slills lirsl. .\1 one pninl. we were e1>111i111;1111l in
of Spin-ll>erq's film has l1ee11 1-x1e11si\'1'ly

1|,i||\|;|r;11e 1l1epmp11se1l.11-1i1'l1-s. Spring (ieurge was going 111 p11ll lurk
1:l1r<111i1"le1l i11 1he press. S'l'.\R W.-\RS Iri- ll1i|11;11ely, press pr1~\'i1~\\-s uf 1l11- fi11ish- f1>r(Ihris1111;1s. .-\111l then we |111s|1edhuek 111

|""P|\-l"llY '~'|"l'1'.1l'~'<l $llmiI1gly from 1111 e1l film were s1;11_;e1l in f\'11\'e|nl>er in lmlh (Il1ris1m:1s. (Ze1ar_1ge 1'.11111' 11111 in Spring. S11,
where 'll\u\l1.[l\ l'111 sure l.\11';1s wm1l1l 1lis- 1,1111 .\11g1'les 11111l New York, full11we1l by really. lmlh films wen |11;11le i111lepe111l1-111
ex1r.1\';1g;1111 press 1"1>11|'ere111"1-s \\l\l('lI in- nf 11111 .111111h1'r .1111l 1l1e nnly 1'1>111p11ri11g
eee elu1le1l_ as p;1r1i1'ip;1111s, 11111 nnly \\-ri1er/1li- 1|1_11 11-1-111 1111 (l\lri|11_1 pr111|1|([i1;|\ 11-;|5
/"/'~' -\'"|I/l "H" I'"l "" II _'/"11/'"l' /'l'l""/"' r1-emr $11-\e11 Spiellnerq, .\li'
l>111 pn11l1|1'ers (I1-urge .1111l one ;111111l1er
l 1'u111p|:1i11i1\g 111
,l""|"I:I"Ih"'I{":: 1"h11el 11|11l_|11li;1 ll1illip_ (flll-LS'l'lN(i.'l'.\l ;1l>m11 wl1.11 .1 lI1'I1'/1 i1 is 1nsl1u111 special ef-
I/h mnuil WILL hf hm mIh'm." lm l)Rl\'l;R). slurs .\le|1n1l;1 111111111 1l$()lT\l) 11-eis .11\1l huw we're never gnilig 11> 1l1> 11
mu, mm [M_\-M, A-/,1-II,",u|,m,;,-"m,,.,. ,\ l-'()k (ll.()l{\'). Terri Curr (()ll_ (JUDY ;1111l .11;.1111f '
1'n11l1r [I1-u;_'Im Iv11mh11ll n'1uI!1 in 11 m-11 I|1;,_'I1 \'Ol.\'( I-R.-\XKl~l.\'Sl'l-Ll\')..1n1lfour-ye.1r (I1>1nme111i|1g fnrlher 1111 (Il.()Sl'I l'l.\'-
mr1/-.-11'11lr//.1"I1. (Zuffey, (I1)l'\"l'l-.RS'
1>l1l el1.1r1ner C1111 1*11111p11ser ]11h11 rel;11in|1sl1ip \\'llll ST.-\R

.~l/111:1. I'h- (.I.lI.\I-. I-.,\'(_l)l'.\'I'i.If.\i/m111w11rv- \\'1lli.1ms U.\\\'. S l.\l{

WARS), sp1'1'i;1l 1'l'~ \\_\RS, S1111-l|u'r1; 111111-ll, .-\ I111 11f peuple
111.1: 1--"1;-1-111 I-I/In l1'1ll111v'1\ 11- Ill. I? '1 fin". feels 1'111|r1li1\;1111rl)1>11ql.1s'l'r11|11l111|l l'llNll: 1.111 111 llll-, l)l'.l-.l
1l1i11ki111; 1l1ey were sev.-1
.\'1.1.;..1.. 1111/1,, 1... 1:11//.11, /MI--r -\I~'1-~11 .\ s1*.\(:1-. 11m'ss1-.\', .s'11.1.x'1' R1'NXlN(i) 1111 _|.\\\'s 11. (Fur n1n\'i1' is 11, 111.1111 1111111
I!11I!r/-1, 1117111111 s1-1,11 _\/mlln'r1.', 1111M/'l""" ;1111l l'l-() ;1111l11|ril\' llr. _l- .\lle11 ll\'111-k, \'e;1rs llilfereni frnm Sl'.\R \\'.\R.\'. ()11e11f
i"'"' ""l' I'""'' /""'l"'
7 77. T7 wit; " \\r11len
11'1" /"UL 1u1l1ur 11f 'I'I11~
.y11Ir1qu1r\. 1'!-'l) ihe "
11;. um! .11/m1.,m.,
.111, //1 /_ ,1 11. /.~, 4/'/1.4.. 111 .
" \~/11-r1'1':111-' I \'11',-11113
' ' ' .
1-111'u11r'1'i11' 1l ' I"
~ ~ ""-~
w.1s 1h;11 11111 uf
I ' I "

()||\'iu1|sly, 1l11' (I].()Sl'. lz.\'(I()l'.\"l'l,Rb resp1>111~_s |'r1|m (he ;1111|i1-111-1.-, 1|11|1- 20 (~11-11
111111p.111y was .1s 11111-res1e1l i|1 11:11r1i111; 1111' 1'1m1p.1re1l i1 11> the 1111>\'ie. I1 1li1l|1'1 111"<'11r
p1111' lh.11 l.111vr 1"11111e111i111 In he e111l1\|si- press llpull 1l1e film's r1-le.1se .1 i1 \\;1s in 111 1l11~ ulllers. S11 l'111 e111'n11ru1;e1l 1h111
;1s1i1".1ll1' e111hr.11'11| lay the 111e1li.| .1s .1 511* s1u11ew;1|li11g" lhe press 1l111'i111; 1hr lil111's (Il.()Sl-. l*..\'(I()l'.\"l'l-.RS is :1 1'n111p|elely or-
11111l (I11ni111; fur 1l1e N1 .\I1-ss.1111'/l".1111'rl-1in- 1li|'fi1'11l1 11es1.|lin|l periml. .\111' l1.1111;11\'1r" igi1\.|l IlIn\'i1' will s1.11\1l 1111 ils 1>1\~11 for
1111'"! l'llH1~(lll()5l'- l--\C()l'N'l'l'-R5 0|" 1\e1;;11i\'e ;111i1111les \\'1111l1l musl ||rnp1-rly he ye.1rs. _|11li.1 [ll1illips| has .1lw.1ys referred
lllli llllkl) Kl-U. 1'" lllv Hlhvr ll-mil. .1ime1l .11 1l1e fil|l\YH1II1'|V\ ;1111l 11111 1111 film 111 S'l',\R \\'.\RS .1s 1h1- Ines! 1r.1iler (Il.()$l-L
l1.11| 111 \'irl11:1lly keep 1|1e press .1wz1' with :1 ilself \\'l1i1'l1 seems eerr.1i11 In he 11 hlu1k- li,\'(I()l7N'l'l-.R.\' pussihly l1;1\'e."
1111111 fur 11111rc 1h.111 l\\'0"_l'1ll'. 11ml -HI :1f lmsler 1>l' in1"re1lil1le ])r11|Inrli1l1ls', .1111! 1le- [.111-.1s n-111-111111 (IL()Sl EN(Z()UZ\I-
ter111.11h ul 1_l1.11 "s1le111'e 1s 1l11"_111;1rke1lly
h1|sl1l1' re.11'111u1 111 m;111' |1>nr11:ll1>'l5 In ilk
sen-1'1llysn. 'l'l-.RS.' lle re.1lly flipped 11111. l \\';1sl111ppy
1.\ I111 nf press people were 1lis1r1-sse1l by lnr 1l1:11." .\'piell>er_1; lu';1111e1l.
flllll I\<\\\' Ill-ll ll ll-Ii '>|ll'm'1l- lhe 'I'1'm1- seuup re\iew wl\i1l1 .1ppe;1re1l in Spiellierq \\'.1s prep.1ri11g _|.-\\\'S .11\1l e1li1-
N1-wsp.1p1~r ;1111l |n.11;.1/.i11e\\'ri1ers ;1r1m|11l 1he \11\'e111l1er 71h issue, luefnrr 1l1e press i111; Sl'G.-\Rl..-\.\'lJ l'..\l'Rl-.55 when he
1l1e 1'111111lr1' f11u1gl11 frnillessly 1l1m11Qlu>\1l preview. lr111|111"er _]11li;1 Phillips .11l:1111.1n1ly wmle 1l1e firs! .15 p:11_ges 11f his scrip! for
fil111i111; ;1111l 1l1e ex1ensi\'v pusl-prn1l\11"1i1|11 1|e11ie1l ;111y e1|ll11xim1 wi1l1 'I'1'm1'.;1|11l.\'piel (Il.()Sli F..'\'C()['.\"l'l~lRS. "ll spranig from
of (Il.()Sl'. l~'..\'C()l.N'l'liRS 11> exlrzlrl any hen; expl.1i11e1l 1h;11 l"r;111k Rieh s11111el1uw I11-1111; e11riu11s .1h1|111 1l1e s1.1rs:1111lsp;11"e lr;1-
lhimg l1e\'m11l llie1'11111p1111y-iss11e1lp11|1|i("i1y 14111 wi111l nf the lop-seere1 'l'ex.1s s11e.1l-4 pre- \'el .1111l \1'.1111i1111 111
1,11-1 uff
1l1e pl;111e1 .1|11l
r1-le.1s1-s. .\'11u11e1\'.1s;1llm\'e1lu11 1l1e sel. .\'11 view .1111l flew
1l1er1', kihl111u.i111; .111 11|1s11s~ h:1\'i111; .151-111i~1111l1;1ppy1'l1il1ll11|1>1l11111l ln1>k-
i1\1enie\\-s were permillenl wilh eilher 1":1s1 pe1"1i111; g1-111lem;1n 0111 of his pre-;1rr;111ge1l ing fur es1'11pe," was his 1'xpl:111111i1m. l
11r crew me111hers wlm, in f:1s"1, si1;11e1l \\-ri1- lirkel by inf11rmi11_1; him 1l1e sneak was 11e- lu\'1- sei1'11ce fl(llu|1 I1111 l 111-\'er in1en1le1l

Interviewed by Dan Scapperotti, page 36

[ll] GLA5 TR LL 33
"Of u|| "W k-"5 of [|m5a(| nf U]-(_) paper. I Iielieve the gtweriitiieiit is t'o\'ering what I was going to do with the extrater-
.pnn' mu. Hf "Wm an. hos-|._ ln '.::;t(iietlt_iii_g tip. Ilee';iiis_e- of this Freetlpiii (if restritil. 5_o I fiiitilly took a deep Iireath and
. oiiiiatioii .\t t. I ro_|ttt Illiitliotik \\ as ilt- ditl what is there.
my hunni I walnul "Ur I.nc0"cr I t"Ia.ssifietI. I don't know how many prireless IIe went tliroitgli alitiitt IO designs he-
l1l|N'31u'fl|l- . . . (II.\ tlonitiieiits that really either t'(tItfl|lI\ fore arriving at the final yersiun. They
'5'\i'~'n SI"'~'|bcrg or ilisprtwe lI-Us lia\'eti't lit-en afl'et"tetl liy sort of e\'ol\*ed. I.ike from preta-human tti
the I-ieetlotii of Inforiiiatioii .\t't. Iimmy Iiiiinannid -went the whole traiisitioii. .~\l-
this movie to Iie a \ti'(1't'r. I wanted this (Zarter. whether or not you know this. hatl ways short. though. One thing that I was
film tospeaka kiiidof spt-t'iil;iti\'e reality." Invi Ill-'() expt-rietit'i-s four or five years intending in that seqitetiee was to show
Spielberg aektiowletlgetl that \\'lllIt)\lI ago. (hie of his eamptiigii promises was that that there was a very strong and workahle P

the incretlilile stireess of his previoiis film. he was going to get to the liottom of the mixing of the raees from wherever they
_].\\\'S. (Il.()Sl-l l"..\'(I()l'N'l'l',RS would still lI"() tlilemiiia in this rouiitry. antl I'm still t'a|ne from."
waiting for him to pay off on that one!" \'ilmos Zsiginnntl (l)liI.l\'IiR.-\NCll.
lie a treatment gathering dust in his files. I I*lXlRliSS)
wtiiiltl have hail to wait iiiitil I hail a smash, Special effects wi/.ard lloiiglas 'l'rumlitill ()I<I5I-'.SSl()N. SU(I.~\Rl..-\I\'I) H

Yer) ltearly went iiiiasked for his etiormntis receivetl eretlit as tlireetor ofpliotograpliy.
heeaiise I think llollywtiotl was very rltiseil
"ff H, mi, kimt Hf J pi.-um-_ |,.-,.-;m5,_- -1; eoiitriliiititins whieh pretloiniitate the tla/./.- litit five other top eiiieinatograpliers also -

ling last forty niiniiies of (Il.()SI-'. I"..\'- had their names appended to the protItie- '
enee fiction tIoesii't inake any money.
(IUI'.\"I'I".I{S. ".\lioiit a year liefure Doug tion eredits. . .herause l kept shouting
I 'l'lit-re have only lieeti really four or five

lireaktlimiigli fihiis. and dozens. lI1.l\Ilt' ralne onto the film," Spiell>ll'\l recalled. ilie iiiovie!" Spielherg explained. "I kept
"the seript was lieitig written antl I was sit- adding stt'ttt'. Ilill |l"raker| wasn't avail-
hiintlretls. that didn't Iireak through, I aIileaiitI_]tihii.\lotizowas,'l'hen_]nIin.tou.
tliiiik I-'()RBII)l)I-LN ll..\.\I~'.'I'. l)I-.S'I'IN.\- ling down with a sketch artist nametl
'|'|()y y|()()y_ 3t)t|1_ $'|j\R \\'.\R mt George _]eiiseii trying to put down these said he wasn't twailahle. antl |I.asz|ii| Ru-
\\"\R (ii:
'||||', \\'()R1_1)5 m_,.tt- |]'|()|]l-y amt iinpossil>lt- ideas on paper iii color and the vars was. Kt)\';\l'S tlitl a hit of stuff in the
next iirtililem was, how _tlo I put this on crazy httttse. .'\l\tl _|ohii did a few piek-tip
most of the oiliers did not. .\Iy feeling was shots tif (.ary. :\I\lI they all work alike! It s
Hi -.,1.| m;,t;.- ;| |,i.-mm likv this 5mm-.
1 film? I really know very little .|I)tI\lI special
day. hm | "l....|...| _]_\'5 or n.i\;"g tit. effects. I know a lot more now than I did strange they all have a similar style. which
_]_\' U _,i|,,v 5,,mC.,m- H, my ~||.n. mkr three or four years ago! lint then I really is why I hired tlient. I'i.\'l't:|iI ftir Fraker.
only knew the .-\ll(Is of spet' efltrts_.i_tiil who I iliitik was miteli different. Ile has a
SIN million. go liiake a ino\'ie!' harder key light. . .it's much tiitire Fairn-
n as U, in. ...",_|| ;m.U1.m,_.m .,fm,u.| I didn't know that miieli alitntt realizing
them. I went to Ilnug reliirtantly lIt"(-tlI>C pean. They all ltioketl at tlte film antl they
U]-() ;,mi,.,rg- |)r_ 1|-m.k_ 5pkt||,,_.|.g Ex, liatl to mateh. Ihey looked at the scenes
p|;|im..|_ --UL ttynck mu. day -as Siuing I lelt Doug wniiltlnt watit to do this. lle

has heen tlireetitig aiitI he liatl other pro- eotnittg after and heftire. heftire they shot
aroitiitl antl iiieketl tip the iiewspaper and
reatl alioiit a inovie eompatiy iti Ilollywoutl ,l'~l"5-n i"lYll'"\i!._ so tl\'~Y '5""l1l m\5l' ll": mm
Sim: his ml (11105-1.; |.;_\~C()L-_\--l-HRS ()1:
Iiritmliiill, of eoiirse. was 'lllILl'L'Slltl. with the liglitiiig.
'|"|||-1 |"|||R|) K]_\'|)_ and |- -nm_- "W J One of my very strong feeIings_ aliotit '_Ilioiigh SpieIherg's titie en<"ouiiter"
kind of Y-,,,,I,V\. h."..'.!
'1-ha P|"_|_. was _\\_'orking on (II.()Sl'l I-..'C()L'.\"Il-.I{." saitl while on ltieatioii proved to he a tretnen-
-.,;m..| in his |,.,.,k_ 1/,,- 1']-'1) ]<__\-,,.~r,',-H.-,~_ Iriimhull. was that hieveii was really set tlous let-tlowii when II turned out to he an
'fi\;||'5 |,(,- ~,_- fir mu
|,\- "m|1" on hreaking some new grtiiintl and trying Iiclio satellite. he did have one story to tell
|).,c gvil-1|,-rg |,;m,_-if |,c|].-\-.- T ;m- to ptit onto filtii images or illitsions that I ahoiit something extraordiiiary that he
felt were of interest to me. I li.itl an op|iur- vlirln I see. \\'hile working in_lt-fferson. Tex-
_ heing nioiiittiretl liy extrtiterrestritilsll |tn as, lie iiiikiiowingly (ItL'(l(t(I iiitti ti reputed-
not |iersoii.illy ruin-itit-ed until I h;|\~t- a tunity to work on ST.-\R \\".\R.\' and rej_eet-
UI<'() experience myself. l'ni eoiwitieetl etl that Iieeause it was, in my UIIIIHIIIII. ly haunted hotel!
that stiinetltiiig's going on that's liafing more of the same from \\'l\t'l't"I was rtitniiig I kept seeing things out of the CHYIICI
PL.,l,|.. 1|" ,.,. Ii. -.,r|.|_ _\|| | mink '5 frotii. I had spent .i lot of time shooting of my eye! liveryotie else felt the saine
5I1'5lllI5 1"l Pl-""'I5 -ml ml-" ml I "5 '1\Y~ 5" "1 I'1\"l'<'~"l '""l*11,l!51"1l Kt" "l" "I
worth millions of seieiitifit" tlollars to trv to there in almut leii iiiinutesl lla\'e you ever
fintl out what the hell's going tin. lint -I've |\l_l\l'Y lilttell with it. I think that (Il.():$l".
I-..\(I()ll\ll'.R.A was a iitiique opporttitiity stotitl there atitl you think you_see some-
.ilw.iys Iieen of that pliilosopliy that I'- tti do sometliing new. antl it alsn_fttlt'<l thing. aiitl you turn aiitl theres nothing
Qm mh;.(.Um._(m_m.hufun. | ml sign
with a lot of projects I was working on there. \\elI. that was happening every three
or four seetmtls and it was freaking me

\._"_" \.,".__w aiiyway with Tlhnni f|lm._"

' ' Spiellierg. who is erethtetl iii the film for out in the hotel. It was midnight antl there
"\'isiial I-lfferts (Iuiit'epts." explained his was iioliotly in the hotel hut me antl two
lialf~solitI. Iialf-transpareiit exeriition of the prothietioii people, antl we all felt this
spacecraft: I wanted to do that lieeausel Iltirig. .-\t mitliiiglit we went hack to the
ear. we apologi/.etI \\'e're not going in

fee] that it's inure than just nuts and Iiolts.

That there's someiliing ptissilily inter-di- stay. The tiearest Ilolitlay lnii is l:'i miles
inensional aliout tlietii. l'eupIe who have away. We get in the ear. \\'e start the engine
Ill-U experiences don't desrrilie rivets and antl the ignition is tlead! 'l'he eiigine wuii't
liiilkheatls. 'l'hey don't tlesrrilie the huttnin startl So we had to wake stiineliotly up at
inoving this way atid the top tnoviiig that the gas station antl he liot-wired the ear for
way. They really lI('SlTil)t' sutttethiiig :la::- its antl we got out of there!"

ling. sort of acetylene hright lights. uti I-raiieois lriifftiiit. the famous I'reiieh
some sort of a solid striieture. antl they new wa\'e" tlireetor. surprisingly tirreptetl
ean't see I)ll'I\\lt' the lights are so hright." a role (written especially for him Iiy Spiel-
(Ititicerttiiig the tlaz/.liiig" red light tIis- berg) as a scientist tletliratetl to get tn the
reriialile on the hark of the alieti ship. liottoiii of the UFO mystery in (Il.()SI-L
Spielberg laitglietl. "That was the little retl l.\'(I()I'N'I'I-IRS. "I was itttimidatetl hy
flag in the Iiaek of a triiek when the two- him. quite frankly." Spielherg reealletl.
Iiy-fours hang otit too far. That was iust IIere's l"raiit'ois Trtiffaut rtiniiing arotiiitl
part of freaking out one day antl saying, \\'yoinin_g. antl I wanted to talk ahout all of
Give that siieker a Inf! lt'_gltI!"' his old films and he wanted to talk ahtiul

I .l
.-\t one point. Spiellierg was riiniored to the part! IIe was pretty tniteli the one who
have aliaiitloiied his footage of the .-\liens. drew from me the eourage iti turn amiintl
That was very early that I thought aliutit and tlireet him.
tnayhe not sliowiiig ;itiytliing." he statetl. "()ne of the iitterestittg things he did the
I liwed 1101)]. hut Iwanted to we stime- first day l t'oiiltlti't tpiite get my point
thing at that point. I wanted Stanley to I aeross to Iiiin iii English, nor through his
wanted something to mu!t'rt'tili:t'. .-\nd I French translator, antl so he asked tiie to
eoiildti't twoitl. after this stantl right next to the lens liehintl the
ing soniethitig. It was a dilemma for a eaitiera antl he would wateli my face. and I
couple of months. I really didn't knuw would play this and he would imitate every
Spit-Iln-rg'\ [H'!Ia'l1II|'1|I t'l|tllII!|It'V. Lt-/1: 'I'i-rlmi?
tlillli u! lit.-_IJ|':v'Ik 7'~ii:.-rltrmling ZH!ti"!!t1lfil/ill
""_' TU "#1-'~i"~=1\ 1'"-' " "'_' "
"7"I I" H": "'Ifl""'" "I D"''.II""."'_I"I'M",
r//--<1.\. km/1/. Lu.-mh. (!'nHhlI|_\ Int//-nu)
ug;m,,_\ "Inn"-W '_"m_ I|_mmI Hm", H
Upm mm, H, ,/H./H. \,,,,;,,.,_/H-[,_

I:n'i.|l muvv. .\lllI the nuxt tliiy whrn Is.iw

tln: tI.tily I YL'.|II7.l'\I that Ium rm urlnrl"
II, '""'"

Spit'lI!t'f_t1 sztitl 'I'r\| mzulr nu cuin-

mcnt .ts tu the tIil'l1'rt'iiu-s in =\mcrit'.|n
IilntItt;|l\itt_|_( Inim thv I".ttrnpc.m IIICIIIULIS.
. .lntt I run tcll yuu tl;.|t in llIt' timc it
lnnk Inc to ntzikr this mu\'it'. 'Iru|'I:iut
wmtv: it nnvcl. two scrct-i\pl.iys, rut Ll Iilm
and shut at mu\'it-1"
In (II.()SI~l I~IY\'(I()IT.'\"I'I-LRS, u|\t' im|mr-
(Ir;|pv.-tl inut liqht .tmI I .lI[I, Uh, (Butt, I
mt,_~y \\-hq's gning tu strp up ;nuI .tsk Hit qllvstiun \\IIt'l'I this mu\'it- t'untt's <\ttl'
It .\\.t.\"n't intc| 'I'h1' $l'I'l'tl\])I-l\' lIl"
sc_r|Iii-tl .i mnnntinn not .i S[)t'llII(' tnu\ttI-

nun tn my first ilnift. But I in-i-ilt-<1 .t |lI.Il't:

Iur the lI1tI\'lt'IU\\'lIl(I\Ip_>tl I t'ltt|st' ntll nl
.tll tltc wcstvrn slzitcs, \\\'uniinq. I ilun't
kltnw why. .-\|uI thrn ll|It|', when I \\'.is nut
tltcrr with IIIt'lUt'.IIItIIIII1.lI\.lQl'f,_]()t'()II.Il'
\\LIS tryint; tn liintl .tn vyc-pti|ipiii|_g Itinttiutt
Inr tho nmunt;tin synihnl. It |||st
pvttul that thv lwsl ruck Iurm.|tiun, thv
must unusuul \'isu.iIly_ w.|s thr I)v:\'il's'I'<1w-
cr in \\'ytnt\i|t_t;."
.'\t this vntl nl' (II.()SI-. I'.X(Z()IL\"l IlRS.
it is impliul m;in\' tli.s;tp|u'.trt-1|" |n~n~
|IIl lIIl'<'\ItIHI\II III-\'l"I'}' \\'l''- Ill I-ll'l. l<\I<l'"
su hut
.\" .is tlu- rlnsinq nntsir, Suys Spitl
twm; --h W .|H"u\.d A||~.r H. Pl.l_\,i,, Ur
tt..- rim. in 1>..t1...\. \\1- 1'.-1| tho mutt-_ ..1,
tlumqlt it \\.is .t ui< r lttlI'IlIlt'lII, \t't'IIH.'lI in
l\;|\'c lltt' t'IIl'(I t|>ni.ikt~ .i t'ut_n|m'nt III rt-


\'tr_\1' r\'t-rytlnntg up until thv List I50

uski-tl .| <|m-stiuu 0| thc .iutIit'nt"t~
.uuI Illt Tl'IllIII>l \\'.|s llIII\'\\'II.I| 3U-:'iU;
tn. ])('(I,II( whu likutl it <litIn't /I|1'|' it 1]-y
likutl it; .unl thr ]It'tI])l(' who tlitIn'| like it
\\1-rvm/umun/I II.|\'ini_' Stt'lI thv t'ilm lmtlt
w.iys_ t.ikt- my wunl lur it, it \\'tn'ksI|t~ttt~r
witlmut thr sultq."
Our su-tic \ rut lrnttt lltv lilm \\'lttrt'
tltrcc l\t'litu]Itt'r_~: ititrrrvpt I)n-yluss un his
i<)\lHlt"y lu \\'..mi|m~ li(r1 sumlimz hon.

;i t'_mt.isy_ I [I].|lI( [I)g' r]i_mt;t-


ZIIILI thc cups .II"L surniumling him .nul

tzmt st'qttt'|1t"t' l|I;t' plzicc in IIHIIRI. Spic]- -llnl-IHI lhv l'I"() .nuI Irn/.v:n" in link int; ||it'l\lrt'$ nl him .imI usltinq l|\I('IItIIlS.
In-rg has ht-vn rlizillcttgctl us tn thc signiIi~ I-\"RIi1I I'lYII-IHII fur inn"). "It's l*.inst\-i|t's .\ntI thcn, of cnursi-_ tltr tit-xt thing tl\.it
c;tnt"c of that sct|ttt-in-<'. whirh he st.tunt'ltly IIIl'"I'I'- I'\II_ IIIl'"'.-_*' II"IIII"\l III IIIIII H'tH>I't$ h.i|i]n-ns is thr mrn in whilr suits jump ntll
tIt'ft'mls: Fur mc. thu sct|\tc|n"t- was thu I" II"I\'I- "III-II \\'II>
-lg!-1'15! l_l-" ~\III\'I_III'I.1! uftliv I-'.t"ninilitic \.nt."
first tnujnr vluv to thv sky tmtcs."I'lt1- pt'u- 5"" "I "IY IIII1l.\lIII_-'II"II- "I "IY l'IIII"'*IIIIY- In the intt-rt-sts of p.iring, >t't'HL'
plv: thcrc \\'t'r\' murh innrc rt'c1-|iti\'t' uml III"I"~' IIIIIII I'II'IIIIII.\I I "'"I I '"\IIII "Is"
OP"_mimh.d_ in ll. Budhisl m._ H, M, was Sl'l'.|])|)L'\I. as \\'.| I1|IlI't'l|\lt'I\\'(' whcn
hkr tn st't' ltzippclis \\'hcn thr 112-ycur LI
it us |u.idL.| nu [)n..|~S_\. Hum cnlrr
cc-pt StltlIllIlIt1 thvy<I at |iigIittln.-so "Ill llthrl knurks un tltr tltmr, JIHI hts \'l1II' thc .\licn ship. \\'In-it thcy tukc I)n-yliiss
fivv: ttutt-s;imI it got thc 1-ntirc |nyst<'ri- II"'II iII"} .\!"'" II_II\I III}I' II-'_" _I*"I~\' -III\I into iinnthcr rmnn untl ]If\'I)l|TL him .iml ht-
uusu suh-plnt prnjcct tiff tlu.-grnnntl. I Ivlt III'~'" I4II5 IIi"~' .I\II$v IIIYII I5 III! \\'II-II cmttcs nut \\t-ziring jump suit .I Int till
that in Intlin thc pcnplc zirc clnscr tn thr II1IIII"~'I"I IIII \I<'I I\-lIII- \\'II\'II II"~I' *'1lIII_" (;||ncr.t'is lt) Itl .|SSlItt\t'tI. I shut st-\'t~r.tI mn-
czirlh .1|\tIv:;itIt utltcruml thcsky. untl Ijust IIIIVII IIIIII I\I""'I'_I "II III" I"'"' RIIIII II"~"' mcnts \\'hvrt' ho is t1i\'t'1\ .i rt-lt'.t.\"t- tn sign.
Iclt it would ht :1 Int mun pruliulilv tn (In \\'I"5 II-III I'l"III1I"II'\I- IIv: signs his own I)c.|th \\'.irr.inl' IIt't';I\lSl'
it in II'ItII;I lhzin tn (In it suint-wlicrc in 'I1';| III5 "IF II"P'~ III-ll I{il'II-"KI III'lYI_\lS$ hv:s lt'.t\'it1tg our uwn ;i.stmnu|ny. IIIL mun
neck, .\lc\\'_]i:rst-y. would In: rvlurttctl. .\Iy Itnpc is tlnit t'\'t'ry- says, In: \'t|lIILI In: t'tII|SIlI(l'l'LI tcrlinirully
Sltuultl snmcthing likc this uccttr," ht 0111 \\'l>llIlI IR !''l\lTIll\I Willi llllflllll I<IH'\\'- ilczttl, .iml In-'5 uskvtl tn sign ;t lut of Inrms.
|:nipIt;|si'u:tl, thv:rt' will hu mu liakc mc tu I<?I.'~ Ii\I III" I" 5II III II"! KIl'I1l'Il'IIl\): \'I1-l"\- Ilc signs amt lnrm ;il'tcr tht" ntltvr," Spit'|-

' your I1':ttIcr.' It's going tn bu tnuch I]1tIl'(' bcr with lhv lut|nIrctIpt'uplc \vlmc.itttc out hcrg liiutgliul. "Hut lll.ll rciilly iiitt-rruptcil
cuinplirutuil than tliut. It's going tn In: ;i and just listen In (hunt cntuittg Llnwtl Irmn thr ll-t-Iim; .it lhc cml of thr mm-iv."
conibinatimi of tt-It-putliy ;|n(Inn1c sort if the cxpuricitw! I wmiltl |u\'t' to sprtul .in .'\.s in thr tt\'l'L|II thrttst .iml int-.ining til"
:1 utiivcrsul laiitguugc, which is ntzitlwtniitics hour with thcm, zmtl I'm surc Drcyfuss his Iilm, Spicllwrg l'II.lIZI('lL'TIZt'\I his um
' or music." would conic iluwn in ;| Icw ytuirs .uuI ht~'Il U-pl Hf (-X[|';||('r|1-[fi;|I l],j,, -_,\-; -'1 R-ally
Qucstinnctl ZIS tn thr l'L'SLII\I)I;|l'|Ct til thu spltml an lmur with snmclmily. zmtl ht-ll he ft-11 |||_ ;-,,m- m;,y| L-||.,\|g|, 1;, gr-| |-n- _
Dr\'iI's Tower muuntiiin, iisvtl ZIS 2| key to tlchricfctl and ht-'ll go hack looking Iur [his [U nun U, (mm. |.u._ Mm H, um In .|m|m
the UFO mystury in CLOSE IiNC_()UI_\- wile] Runnitz." Spit-llu-r2; |i;iusctl_.i|itI tltfn "mi fur gm") \.mn m_.]|_ MS M," 0|-
TI:RS' I" KI"III"5 IIIIIIIII-I5 mIIIIIII' I" I,I'"I' II he 5 5m' I'_II II I I"r""l prnvcs its:-II. l\'nlnuI\' z.|p|inI us with .| rus-
20III' SIIIYIIIIIIII PI"I*'5I"I- II '*I5IIlI IIIIII' IIPCT "*""" I Io m'""' IIIIIIIIICS r"lI mir Iuscr hcutn. I rt';ill\' \\';|ntt-tl this tn he Ll
IIQIIIII I iIII- A5 1'_ IIIIIIIU "I III? III III IcI':u"ns_I'f' CLOSE ENCoUNYI:IiRS In'|u:\'uIcnl LXLll;lI\_t.4Ul_ ;tll tho ti-ns uf
sixth day of shouting zit the I)c\*ils 'Iuwcr Cilm tu tls present Iurm, the must with-ly [|mmm|s J UH) n.l,n_ "Um. Ur ||.m
gu down and I suddenly saw thc mountain III<' urv luistilc. In my llt'.tri, I w.tntt-tl uur I-Ln
Walt Disney tune, I\hcn You \\'ish Upon t-Uumcr 1, |,c pm-.f[_"

/Tl!-\ l-'v'H't'/III by Siva-mt SpirIIn'rg." Div! punt-nts that we cnultl build up almost in
In It'll _\-nu tulml hr tmrtlt-11 or u-rrv ynu any ]1;|p T \\';|n[fd rm 3 singlc 5\ru,;lu|-_
ulzlr In I/ti't'[t|]I your ntttu i1lm.\'l' l'l\*crything you see where there are multi-
I tlt'\'tlti|it'tl a lot of my uwtt itlcas. l\'s plc t>_l>,iHs is really a single system usvd in
|ust that Stewn wrntt the strct'ttp|a\ ltnn- mulllllll: -l\*- llll ll" 9*-'lll" "l 50""
sell" with a lot of \t'r\' spt'<"ifit' sct|ttettt't's in "l ll "llilllilll 5l?1PK5' lllw ll": "1115 "T HY"
.. ntintl. typvs nl nlijt-rts and types of 1'n- l"'ll_}'l"{_5-
'35 llfill ll 5lRlll"g5 ""E
_l_) ll'
, . - . t .

I Hiya _f||'1|l]l___|'l.:|:'~'-" rnttnturs. llr had a \'t'ry clear itlca nf what ll'~'1l

lm xlnr I m spud" '

he wantctl h\' the timr l t"amt' on the pit"- lltk ll
ll lcclllllcill Y'~5'3ill"5l C Ululd
get were always described in terms of hril- '
ft.~t'ts. 'l'ht- dirt-ctor mttst mm m. hm ,1n.;,(|\. .,-mt. 1|. _,-n.t.,",|;,\.
more lttl|\' ttntlvrstantl the tccltttieal atttl wurl-tt'tl tlttl .i vt-rv t'lalmr;ttt stnr\5- ll"' ll!~!ll$ l llll"*'"l "lll_l"""l""5 mi"
hoard for the whnlc pirtttrc wnrkint; with 599' l "PlY 5llilPc- bl" ll 5li'P ill
)l0lt'\' iti\'0l\'l(l ill \'plli1ll t'llt'tls in "l

(-corgt ]vn~tt|_ .t \tt|lt't tllttstrator. Steven -'35 5l""ll lmllllul "l5l'~'i"l 5"mf"
tll(lt't. lti ttltt'].1,'Till" dffm properly mt
" -

and l a 1.vrrrtl right then t-\'t-ti ltrfnrc l start- ling I " mam] surface ml had "Wis
the film .as..a huh. . .
N1 Mk M H". |,i\.mn._ Hm 1. MM ml. ttt ll, or anything like that.
H-1" ,'7'h.w"' {Hm .w{" I-I Pun
l"-_'"4-5 I" *"f("'- "" "PP'; I" I
"L" ll"-.m'M hr .-imwd lwqlllc nf lo
" lrtttttlittll
lintttgltv tvnttltg tnt-rtgt'tit'
is know"min
he was m\'nl\t-tl ttt the rrtsattntt .h.I|

"ml l"""|"|l4..'h|". hl'mk"' .H.. |'l'i the vtttirc prnit't't and fttnt'tiunt'tl more 'f"" '1'././"""'1L I'll: ml! "" I/ll '- P.l"
'."k'.lL "?. .h.]m m "'."'l.l' xlkim 'i""' than iust as the tlircctnr. l also had tht: "'l'>//""l- ll! W5 Hi" "1"! ml 47/
M 'h'h in H.' '\")0 \\i) l\.()xl?' point of \*it'w that l wantctl tn clarify how I/'1 "''?
--J-\ lmuiuiml if."-i "W ~\i\~\' Wk mids that was wortlvtl as l had the bad t'xpt-ri- ,ll ms ""Y ll c'l'f']__l cm 5hl"'
id" m ]..'m4' H Hnimhn mm H ".'"-I cttcv: of working for 2": vvars on I001 and '"l' ""'ltl ml) ll "~ ill" 'h"l}' id"
that you L-v;-r knuw what 5| 0;
lt~;tturt' ltlm |Irtttl\ttllttlt was an asstgtttnettt my h;,_ Kubrick Mk; W cred which -,1;
for the ]1t:t' pltntmgmpltic t'fft't'ts tut the Wm ..'_.i;|1 ||]mmumphi_ H-fL.s |).$iE"_ shape tltese things would come in. There is
mntttttm-ntal llllllz .\ Sl1\(Il{ ()l)\'S.\'l".Y. Cd and |)in.1.|| h. m"|.\. K|".iL.k_.. -I-in" a littc by the little kitl who is very enthusi-
'l'rt_t|ttbull llll>t't!_\l.\|\ll"\\'I.)l'll(l on 'l:_lll'l "mm ms in_-ir;,- ;m| P--mcd mc about the ships. This innocent little
.\.\l)_R(l.\ll'.ll.\ 5_lR-\l\ fill Rv_lIl'l'l>\\ll'. fmm Ruin H. :\._h.|"y _\.;,d QWL. fm, ktd ts the only one who hatl a positive,
\'I'\'1IlHI\: ll\\' ||\'\' |1lt0lllllT-lPlll<' rlfv\'\>'. H". Hm] ],.;;,| .m._ ' good Vibes response. l|cs seen the extra-
. "ml lh"l ml l" SHl';'\'T RVNNING i IIntt' ntun\' tm|n']1[_\' n/' I/tr .-llfvn tlill wrrcsulllls imd WY llmk llk"llmllY'l'c
l!I'i'_. _fnt' wltirlt l\tHIlnl only t'reatt-tl the W, _u,, 1/m,,}_k,;, /,,._/',,,,. \.,, ,,,,.,';.,-,1, H. playmates. \\'ht:n the one saurt-r comes
t'Xttttst\t' spvttal t-llrcts hut tlt|'cctctl as hm. I/ml ,,'".,_\- U _,,.I,,y over he yells lte-trc:tm." That was in the
wrll, rxpantlittg into -l|'t'.ts \\'ltt"rc ft-w spt-- ~|m[-5 on 5.n.L. is \.l.I.\. l.|",_. m what stript. so we made a kind of ire-<rcatu tune
rial t-ffcrts tt'rh|titians ha\'t' ltuvn pt'rtnit~ 1|. m.;ui;|| n,m_q,| -115: 1', 5". V1, shaped olijrcttt that hall a lot nfotltcrlights
ted. |l-'or an intt-r\'it'\\' with llntnglas 'l'r\ttn- k|m._ t,spu.iu1l\, whh .h_ M prinu in on it in gm-1 Hf mukc it [L-5; di("|_'f|\;\hlQ_
bull, and article, ttll the making of Sll.ll.\"l" H. |mmMim- [(;;g;j;.|,|_ 1],";-;,_;",, im{|(- (htr of Ihr fim-.t! t']']i't'l: i.t UH .V|lltt7
Rl'N~\'l'\(l- T '-':::Sl- \\'a\' lt\i;|tllit'\t what we waittrtl, tn tnattl\ ""11 /ll-" l"'"$/l I/ll "-"l""'-"~"l"".\' 1""
lrulttlitlll is mu of tltv IIt'\\' lvrvvtl nf M Q-|,,,-,~|\ 1,5 p,,i|,11. |_ _.\|1l-I, ||\<m.k-5 J-,-. lmnlIt_ r/'1I hv I/tr pnlfru mrx. Ilnw was
young filnttnakvrs who In-lit~\'c that a tnn- ml. ;L,h"ig5v 11".. in .m|,_.(| 1,, n.|t U, 1],, ,[,,,,,-;! i

ll" lll"r" ~"l"'"|l | i l"l""Y """im"l some kind of ltttinannid form with \'t~r\' 0"! "l "l" mill" l<ll'1\$ llllll \\'ll'~"'
prorvss, tutu in \\'hit'h all aspects nl thr pro< mi cxln,mml_s_ slmnw "hm an;. ,_-\v,_-y 3 tihjctfl |iast'$ over, \\'l\t'l| any pht-n.
"'h"'r' H. in man and with an o\'crsi7.t-tl head, nu cars m:tttr$. it was tn vast a corres-
h'i"" i'"l'|"'"'. "'|' <1It\t:n<\n
potitling light on the people, thc environ-
llll\'* llll "l'l"'l"'lY l" Pl" llll- l'lll5"' and largr t'\t. 'l'ltt~sv: \\'t'rt- sntnc of the
l'l'"\l_'f l_"-"'ll" 'lll' lll-" "*'*_l lll'l- llllcll basit fuaturtis wt: trit-d to atlltt'rt' tn. ln the ment arntnttl it,_sn that it all tit-d lngctltcr.
I R\l\-*l0R<\l- 'l'l' l' "ll l"'~"'l "5 t'xtt-t"rrstrial crowd scvttt-s, we ttst'tl small If an orange tIll|L('l went over, a hig orange
TH 4* l"""'ll'~' >"l""'l-l ll"'l* l_"'- ll l5 t*hiltlrt'n who wvrv cast sput'ifit".tll\ for tltin light wottltl pass across t-vt:ryune's face. In
almttt >|Iat't tt'.t\'t'l, but with an important nus Jml [HIS and nu. lhcsl. nmgks -hi-h ||- ["11 |,,,(,||| 5-|w ||;,;r,_- Wu; nu qty U,
\lllil"'l'\'ll"\'- "l>llL' l""~'l'"l ll-ill 1"I\l\'Il"\- \'(]\| l|\|||li|\t'\l pit'[\|rt'$ of, \\'c itttprtt\'t'tl tin tltat hvcattst: we t'nttldtt't drive a light
l'-"Y *\'lllIl\l>~" -\-ID lI'\1"\lI\lll. ll l5 -llllllll u-| A |i|[|.- _,m| 1]-y -,_n- ,,1\~ st-ll ["7 sottrve through the tnll lumth and tnake it
t*xplti|.tlit\t\ itttn the hutnan mind rather Umul Sn.|.5_ ' believable. \\'hat we did was to shoot a real
than rxploratinn un'tl|mtit"uII_\- into nutct |_-T .]"Sl."p_~. T _.u.m Curl
uscd u lull horn) 4) lm-aiiun in 1,05 ,\ng-It-5 with
spare. .\ll l ran say is that it will hr Vt-ry R;h_|ti |t.\.;-mt U, mi. H. _'\|;. ..Xpn._ no effects \\'lt:ttsnv:\'t'r. Then \vt: built an
lll-l\'\' "I1 -\']It't'i1t| tl'ft't'ls thr ultimatt' spt-- Si. -imrm-u.r_ an m;,.'m.m5_ ]._|(| mm-l._ itlcntiral tniniatttre toll lmnth with little
rial t'l'ft-tts trip." mums ml |-;_i_|| ..xm._i(,"_ '|"|"r nu. fir glass windows all tnatlv uttt of plastic and
t"xtratt~rrt-s'trial vntt st-c in that wall of light, "ll l'ill"l'~"l 5"" ll 1| lllcllllllll !l'"Y ml "ll
II-in tlnl \llII lnt'tIYlIt' |'rt:-:>[zw/ zt-tilt _, arr. mi" Jml ".xmk..|\. M" cn.;mm._ it is trarks we could fly mtntatttn; [l|~'()
t.'I U.\'I:' I'..\'l.'Ul.\'II{It.\'! hm;',i| hm |-<5 ]"";|m,i(| Hm" l|"_.1;"|C through the toll booth whirh were ill\ttt\in-
l tgnt a wall from $tt'\t- Spit-llwrg .tkit\t1 mu-5 [hm -.,|l- ,,u|_ '|'|-R-35;,1,|(,f";m. ated and lit-up all the various sttrfates of
if l was possibly a\'ailaltlt' tn tln tltt'|iirtttrt-. |,,m||.-\' H, it ;,|"| ||~ 5}-1-H1 Sum-Um-_ the toll booth. 'l'hat sttrface illumination
II .\t first ul.ttttt' l \\.ts not terribly itIt\'rt'stt'tl. ;,,,,| \-," ,-_,,, _,|m,,,-| _,~l-.- ||m,q|, ;;_ it -3; was simply dnublwcxptisctl n\'r;'r the real
l \\'a intn a lot of st-trrt proit-cts and was |-;|[|t'- _; fairly _<|;\||-t-;,|t- ptipw-t pht1|t)- toll hontlt so that the reflections nn the
tint t~spt'ri.||ly intt*rr>lt-tl in tlniut; spt't'i;tl ;_rf;|I|]\|~|l up-_|i||t ,t mii_mm- |),|('k,_I1t1\l[\(l_ windows correspond tn all the lighting
llltt'l$ llll -\I\HllN'Y lllI'\'<l<'T -1* l'll lllIK<'ll'tl \\'t' built a smallt-r sralr \'t'rsit\tt nf the .\ln- effetts and shifting shadows that would
Sll.l-LN l' Rl'X.\'lN(;. \\'bt-n l nwt with |i\tl',\lIi|l and pltttltn1t'.tpltttl it .n_'ainst that, nccttr naturally on the miniature.
St;-\'t*tt we really tnrt t\'t' tn rye nn wltat he _|t [hr _\/mrrtlii/ t/HHY II/I|'Il.\ tnmr Irnm, Wax Ihul st'qu'1t(1' rrmletl by trial and
wantt-d to at'ltit~\'t- and what l would like to t'!r.\ tmnr ,l,,n." mu] ,,|mn urnmnl. It'll! rrmr nr rlirl yutt ltnvr fl all plannt-:1 in ad-
acltit'\'t-. 'l'l\<' prnjt't't really tied intn a int of an Iln'\- _\u/1/nun] In In-K tlartcr?
thin_t;s I wantvtl tn \;tl tgnintg and wt: really It is bard tn makt" out just what that is. \\' knew that was how we were going to
st~cmt'tl tn lw spt-akitn; the satnv l.tttt_{tt.tgYt'. IIn;t' Inrgw :t'||.\ 1ln- H|nI/:'/ 1,1 1In- _\h|IIn~r- do it. We planned it helort: we shot it. The
It was also an nppnrtunity l'nr IIIC tn amass ,tlti]_/ exact details of how we built the miniature
Six It-ct itt tli.tmtltt. lt is a very t'nmpli- WCYC Still UP lf gr-1h5. '8 (let-ill!-ll WC
a lot of t't|ttipnn'|tt l wantt'tl to put tnqvtlr
cr at sntttelmtlt t"lst~'s t-xpt't\st'. Sn we set rated ntiniaturt'. \'t-ry tlt'l.tilt~d, and took Wvull llll1l-I lllil 1!" lXKl'~'l tl\1l7llUll Ol
up a deal to not only make the pi<'tttrt' but t~\~t-ral months In build. lt is full of all ll lll lmlllll 1" mllllturv and photograph
it with a matchirig lens or we could shoot it
tn set up a spt't'ial facility that would in- };iml> nf tritky irim; Syqt-tn, ml m-on
cludt: a lnt nfttt'\\ l&iIttl.\nft't|\ti|lInt'ttt.t1t'\\ lig|1ti|t|_[_ ttttngstclt bulbs and v\'t'r\' im.tgin- with a different lens hy building a forced
tet"hnit'al innovations, new kinds of prnjct"- ;,|,|. kind nf fi|,r,_. ,,p|i1t_ perspective miniature, whith ts in fact what
3'0" !|1';'|'r trr any n/ Ihr ,\']mt'r,tI1[); WI: did. The tnll booth tniniatttrc was abi-
- tors and new kinds of cameras a total fa~
;',~r\t ./,-,;rI\_ I'I|,-\- ,m- ,1'I;",;\~,\ /|(1[/14'(/ in Zarre-looking, bent-shaped, ftircctl perspec-
cility gearrtl to this type of work, the fit\-
cst possihle gnotlics to play with. So l [fa/QM, /],,;m,m\-_I||'/,,t;,;,-;,-1)-y,-? live miniature, built for purposes of light-
_ agrcctl to tin it. That was just about two ' -nwn. wen. 3' mph. nf doze" dm-cunt ing and pm-Sp-|iv_ [1 workcd pufoqly ac.
years ago [I l/75] . types. What we tnadt: up was sort of a UFO 5"-"8 1 Plim-
()m- of the _tt'n't'n rrnlilx is "l'i.tua! Ef- kit. It was a modular system of UFO com- l'd 53) ll lot-lll lbul ""0 l0 Ill?" Wk5

- 36
1 .\li1I1Ilr: l'1'11111I -'_l/-11-11 1 r11|I11r I)1111qI11\ 'Ir1m1!111II
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ivl111I Him. l'I11- 11111111111 1"1111Ir11I In11"k/'r1g 1l1'1'|'1'1'
11111 11111! 1'11 1I11'1 11.-111 111 /11111 1111/1 1111- ,\I111/11-r- .
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.1111l 1111-11 1411 sl111111 .111n11:111i|111 rlsr, 11111111114
for 1111- 111111 1111'111111-11.111; llI1 11cx1 1l.1y. S11
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1114111. 'l'l11- .\1111 l1.11l 1411111- 11111111 11-111-11 111*
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i1 1\.1~ .111 .1l1~11l1111-l1' l1l.111l1 1>111|111' sky.

Q .
1111-rr1\'1-r1-1111111111111111.11 11.11. I11 |1111|1r11-
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.1r11111111 ll11' l11111.<1', .11111 1111111 \\'1- 111111111-11:1
li11l1" sky 11.1/.1*1l1.11 11-1-11111111111111-1111,1111
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111 film |1l111111ur;1)1l11*1li11.11111u1'\\'.111'r1;11111.
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111111111 1111111-r I/11111 711111111, (.1111I1I 111111 r.\'-

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\\'1~ 111.1111-1|


l11111>in11 1r.111. .11;;1i11 $11111

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in 1.111

1.11.1 ,\111;1-lcs,
11.1111; 11\'1'rl1111ki11_1; :1

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1 r~ '

.1 11.1i1111"11 sky .1111l .11l111*11 .111111l11'r 1'x]111s11r1'

111 >1;1r> 1111 .111 .111i111.11i1111 11.11111. ()11r 111.1111
51.11111 1'1111l1l .11"r111111111.111- 11111111: |1;1i111i11gs
41111111 six 11'1"! \\'i1|1' .1111| \\'1' 1'1111l1| 11111 Ll

_ ll
l'r:11111' 1'li]1 111 1111- 111.1111: 1.11111-1.1 .1111l pr11j1-1'1
:1 1r:1111c .1111! 1r;11'1' 1111' w1111l111\-s of 1111-
l111il11ings, p.1i111i11g 111 .1ll 1111- lighls.
1'111111l11'l 141:1 .111 1'x|111s11r1' 1l1;1l i111"l111l1'1l1111:
111111111-111 1115111 1111111-111w11pl11s111cli1;l11s111
1111' 11111111111115, s11 ;1ll 111111.~ |ig111s \\'1*r1' 1111;11-
ly 1111111111--1~xp11su1l 111. T111-11 111- slml il sin-

I/- 11- _ Z
C[,()Sl{ I-ZNCOUNTERS (_)F THE to entertain people iii general. I was very Right: Wlieii he was young he started in
']"|RD K|ND was a jomjh. imcgrab frustrated \\'lll\ how movies were being the movie l)llSlI\tS. I \\~as_liorii in I9-I2 and
Cd rudunion I
, p
Id I
, '_l
_d one
made. laver since the anti-trust arcortl that
separated the studios from the theatres, the
I thiiik he left tlte business abotit I9-I3
when the war started. lle worked on ilillli
"_any other \\'1l); 1h3l '5 one of ll"? studios coiildii't owii their own theatre WIZARD OI OZ antl some other filins.
I)! roblems with films in iicneral chains. That esseiitiallv cri Pi )led any kind \\'lien the war. came he became iitore ola
.- tlit~F-litilt-Iyiitlustry
. - .
lL'gllll";l\lC' eiigiiit;tir Lillil went lllllklrlle
. . .

and the mg pr-"|)|cm fur Sp-Cm] cf,

, .
of tet"liiiical[gro\yt:i_iii
._ in terms n exiiiition. .vt-rytiiiig _|\.tS\ cra iusincss. ieii startet ma 'iiig . -

kc pculllh L _a "lwdla handed locked in right there. It was either 35min l.liNT RUNNING I asked Iiiiii if he would
luumgc that '35 Pll"Il"1l1l'l by or Yllinni, and a certain shape theatre,antl like to come and work with iiie. lle is a
somebody else at sonic other time. A certain kind of srrt-en, and ccrtaiii II\L'Lll()- hrilliaiit engineer and I need a lot lIfS])t'(l;\I
lot of producers and directors think "P wliiiil sysleiiis, and thats ilic i-vii) "'5 '~"ll"'""g.' I "'. ""Y l'|l'g " c"l"
\ras.I1t\\' rigs. lzverything I use is not a\'atl- L
h - I - i been -\ll the iiinovatioiis that Iiappeiit-tl
I at lo
CM Ills, ll, '"":,spl-Cm before that resulted from coinpetition be- able off the shelf. \\'e build evcrytliing spi:
cial to meet special needs. It scents that
"I-rms whc" Yllu W ""(mgh- tween the stiidins. with Ciiieiiiascope, \'is-
~l)0tlgl;l Trumbull ta\'ision, anil Totltl-.-\O. .-\lI the iinpro\'e- every picture, every project I work on
meiits that Itatl been going on simply stop- needs special eqiiipineiit. So lie sort of
g],_- fmmc and p35,,-(1 Um Hg)"; as T pcd. I came up ivitli some ideas tliat_l started with me on Sll.l'lt\"l' RUNNING
m-(|,_-(|_ |,|,,,_~k by |,1m<k' in g1-,,"p' -;\|, tlioitglit would be major breakthroughs in antl\\'e'\'e been working C\Cl"SlI'lCL.
|,1;~k puinh how iiio\'ies roultl be |.)l'IU\0gT;]]lllL'Itl., pro- ]oIin llykstra worked with me oti Sl-
'|~|u.n_. was also J .i1|. Jug. sh," "H1". jcrietl and presented to the pitblic. l'uture Ll-j,\IT RUNNING and then we worked on
w|,|,_. ,-,,,"r\.i(|,_. hi,-|| was |,,|;,]1\- mini. (ieiicral gave iiie an opportunity to tlo that several projects after that. _]ohn took
I lun._ W. hum mm. W. dcmij,.,j [,m_,.,j experiinciitatioii. l'in now ready to shoot ST.-\R W.-\RS. which I ditln't want to \\'ork
Perspective iniiiiattirt-s of the lI\tIlZllll|l't)lll1- l' ms 'l"' l' ml I 4 """Y "' 0" l1l'1l\1$\ I Wilnil l"|"'5\'-ll I" dull!-I 3"
trvsitle with fieltls and little liariis antl l""''5 ["7 L lmlly "Cw ll"""' "Ill" 5I'1C'-' "I)~'l'1- .l"l"l "ml I lKclll' hill
built a smaller version of this more sophis-
btiiltlings, all of which is very dimly expos- _l1_ "v"l_"_""_(f'1'll"1ll'fl'|_l'* f"1)/l"" Ill '1"
ed, just enough to look real. \\'c couldn't ""111 (-I-)5? I--\(-OI-"~\'I4'il\'~\:' ticated electronic machine called a Mini-
find any real terrain that matched our Y'5- l""l\"'\ G*"1'Y-Tl
ed all the special effects.
5"IlY 5uI""l|'4"-l' Sfili Ii" kl<lY""l '~'l"\lY"lllF ll "P I0 I0"!
motors controlling camera pan, tilt, dolly
7 Tilt St!/Iltllt't at l/It lYIl/ ll'Ill'Vl' you //fl-I l""'' (il"lt"lI! 54'1"! """l|"1ll!l'!/I0? and focus. You could run them automatic-
t'lHYIl' lu lflt' "lanrli'iig fit'liI," tens lltal all H" -'ll'l"ll'niy .-lwaril? ally interlocked which was a big jump he-
one snuiiil stage? 0|"! of the systems we usetl on CI.O5l'l yontl what we built for 'l0(ll, which wasn't
It wasn't a souiitlstage. It was shot in an Ii-\lCUUN'll'lR$ we call a Motion Control any more complicated than a washing ma-
airplane hangar in .\IobiIe, Alabama. \\'e S)'l'~ J PYNIY 5"Pl1l5\l1\lt-ll 1'l'~flYl>I\ll chine. So when john went to tlo STAR
went to Mobile because it was the only Illa "~'C"I"-ll"!-I 5Y5"5m rt" Tl-'C""ll"l all he WARS hf 5lIlfl'~ll blllllllllll Ill" I"-XI H5I\ll'i1'
place we could find a big enough building, movements of the camera in 1| slioi. The iion of this electronic systein and my fath-
\\'e looked all over the world, mostly in the 54" kind "I 'i"-'lll"- hull IYY ll" 511" '37 W0ll<l TOY lllm 15 ll Kl"'-I "11 |h"
Unitcil States, and stumbled on these two PI-PI J5 m11ll9Y"fI111l- W515 \15ll ft"
51 1-I my lllhff \\0Ilt'<l 0" CLOSE l'1NC0UN'
\-cry Iufgf ;iiyp];,|w i,;mg;"5 at 3 (ii5ud air. different purpose in STAR l\'.-IRS. T-liis Tl-LRS in the same capacity. Ile ended up
fit-iti in i\1Di,ii_ F,-i, ii-Y M-; "0; big system that we built was iiominatt-d for an building camera equipment for both of us.
Academy Award this year as a Technical We actually share equipment occasionally, I
enough. We ended up adding a big extcn-
sion tn one of the hangars. We had to build Achievement. share designs. We're all sort of a small
3 |_r,() for, [cm (mm [hf cm] uf |,;|u5 We went _on location iii Mobile, Ala- group of people doing the same work and
[hf \ was Six [if|1clufgcr than [hc biggul llama with this electronic system. We hatl a it makes the process of technical advance-
Suumt 5133,; in ;|,,||y-m,d_ Thu was 3 big special camera built that had sensors wliicli mcnt happen a lot faster because we hay:
big 5-L |; inciudj not only [he st-L bu; are optical encoders on the pan, the tilt, such tight communications. My tlail built
the ,1-gs mum; the 5 and J huge mack the focus change, and the dolly track all the mechanical systems for the Motion
dmpl, 360o umund_ we jmm um [Cm om movements. We could record within a Tracking _ystein, plus conquered a_lot of
um. end. J" blacked um .h,_.. [he sun U; l0,000tIi of an inch anything that the cam- other engineering prtililems on thepicturc.
hluf imding gins cxicmt (mg craman did during a take so that once we Hutu was (.L().Sk hN(_.()UI\l!;RS to
)1, w,-N U" [hg -1; mm-/| 9/11" ;,',m- went back to shoot the miniature or to work an cmnpart-ll to Q00]!
am] ""1 I'M; at H. mv,;";mp pau~;",,g in shoot the effects that correspond to that It was certainly a job of eq_ual
H H. ,-ff,-1-1;? shot we could recreate those moves cXact- tude. lhe difficulty for me on f.l.OSl. I-.l\-
\>(.5_ |l was u mmjjy pmdu, ly so that when you matted two pieces of COl_Il\ITl-IRS was the sort of bizarre juxta-
ML | ,_v,,,,|dn', ha. dam. it any Um" lm together they _moved_c-xactly together position of extremely unusual effects in an
,y_ That is om. M ht big Problems Wm, as one. Ordinarily in movies you re doing a extremely ordinary setting. This is one of
mms in gmemj and he big pmblcm rm, special effect and you have to lock the the most difficult effects to achicvc in my
SP-i;,| ttffc-ms pt-up|c_ They are ways camera, you cant pan or tilt or change opinion. l think it is a simpleotask to_ cre-
h_1n<]_-(1 |'L,,,ug. [hm was phuwgmphuj by anything. \ou don iv touch the camera. atc laser beamsjind spaceship fighters in an
,,mh,,|y ,_-[Sc M mmc 0"," mt _,\ 10 Or lliis makes for_static images. \\lc wanted a essentially comic book atmosphere than to
P,-,,d,,.,5 and dirccmrs mink [hm ynu Cm lot more exibility than that since our ob- be tied down to reality with just ordinary
just buy some special effects when you're jffli WU" moving ii l0l- This W35 ii Wily. fur country roads with fcncc posts and trucks
and cars. You have to make all this stuff
through. I think that l).\l\lI\'t\TlON AL the first time in movies, to have that kind
l.ll\' is a classic example of that. You can't of camera freedom during a composite happen and yet be believable. It was very
take that approach, and that's what they matte. Itjust worked tcrrifically. difficult, certainly more difficult than
did. You just can't save live action photog- This award then is for the equipment 2001, and a lot more technically sophisti-
rapliy once it's photographed incorrectly. rather than a special effects award for the cated.
If they allow the camera to jiggle or move lm? The budget fur CLOSE ENCOUNTERS
during a matte then it is just hopeless. That Yes, it's something you apply for way is quoted at between 818 and I19 million.
lm could have been good, I'm sorry to tell before the other awards are even nominat- Haw much of that was far special t-ffcrls?
you. I was involved in the picture. I helped ed. The Technical Awards Committee will I'd say $5.5 million was for photograph-
it get started. I was going to co-produce it eventually make a decision on the award ic special effects. I couldn't say how much
and possibly direct it. We had some fantas- and announce it bcforc the official Acade- money was allocated to Roy Arbogast's un-
tic designs and some good script ideas and my Awards ceremony which features the it doing the practical physical effects. Roy
they just tumetl it into shit. It's really a other voted categories. This award is more was in charge of things like screws that
shame. like a decision making process within the come out of the floor and smoke effects
What is I-ulurc G('!t(7l (.'0rporali'ori? Academy's Technical Branch. It shouldn't and jiggling mail boxes, and all that comes
Future General is ii company that I even go to me or to Future General but to under the heading of mechanical special cf-
fon-ned 3% years ago, a subsidiary of Para- the two guys who built the system. fects. ,
mount Pictures, to do research and devel- I understand your father, Dan 'l"rum- This year special effects films seem to
opment on how movies are made and how bull, worked on STAR WARS? be a /ad. Do you think the studios will can-

Ii .\1|1l1/11: 11111111 1/111-I1 1-11111111 I111111-I111 Iv11111I111II,

1111.1-1111 $111.11 \1.1/

S111. H1. 11-, .1111! 111.1/1. .111.-11
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111111/1 11:!l1 I'11111I111Il11111//1-1 .1. 11 :11 1.111111111-
1I11 /.-/1111 ./1..111/ 111.111. 511111111 1. 1.1111. 111.111. .
111! 111111-11 /111111 I/11 1,-I111: l'11I1_- _\!1/1111/11 [P1111-11
' /1111 1. .1 1/1. I I-11 11/1.-1/1 11/11111.11 11.1 11111. .-I
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11111! .1h11:1_ :111I11111111- In 1 1 111rm1111111111-1/11 I1111111'.
TI11- 1!11111I 11111111111111! 11111 111/111:-1-1I I11 111111111111 1

11-I111. /111,-111 111111 .1 11111.1 1.111A-. I11./!11111.~ Th.-

; 1111.11-1 J11]!!! 1.1.1./11111 11.11. 11 ...1,1;11.1./1 .1111.
1.1111111. 1/ 111- 1111111. .111.

' 1

111/1-1111 /11-11:-|'l_v /11:1-'11!-1/
1 111\'11 - 1; 11111111
11r\.1 50-11
_- 1 1.111

.111-1-.1111. 1111- l'.1l111111 l'1111n .\"1'.\R


\\,\1{.\' 1111' i11.~.1.1111 1- is 111-1-11v 111-.11-1-.11111 1111-

11111111.1r1-141-.11i111;1111 11111-1-1111|11i1..\1111
11111 1.111111-1111-111111111111111-11-\-i~i1111, \-11-.111141--
11 1-111111g11. '|'|11-|-1- .11-1* 11\'11 Ill.1i11r 11-I1-11111111
pr11i11'l> 1111 .11 l'11i\'1-r.-;11. 0111- i.~ l1L'CK R1)
(11-.R.\' .1111| 11111- is 1-.1111-11 (;.\1..\(jl1('..\. T111
1.1111-r is .1||1|11\1 .1 1|1|1'1-1 1-11111 111' S1.-\R
\\'.\1{.\' ;1s .1 11-I1-\i.\-11111 1'1-1-11-1 11-1111 .11|i1'1'1-11-111
11.11111. |'|\1' 1-11.1r.11'|1-n .11-1- .111 1111- >.11111- I1-111-.
|l's .1 1-111-1111'. l5l'(I1-Q R()(1-LRS ix 11-11111; 111
r1-1-r1-.111- 1111- 11.1.\.\-i1- $11111 111 11111-1-1 R111;1~r- 111

1111- L"1l11 (I1-11111r\'. I13 .1 111111111 111111-11-111

111->i1_r11 11111 .11;;1i11 11 l1.1> .\]1.11'1'1\1[1 11.11111-s.
(I1.().\'l-1 1-'..\(I()L'N1'1.1{S, l'111 1-111-1-, 11111 111-

1111-11-111111 .11111 11 11-11] .\p.1\\'|1 .1 11-1111l1- 111111111

111' 1'11-1111; 1.1111111 111111 l'l-() 1111115 .11111 11-11-11-
>i1111 ri|1'1111.\-. l'111111-11111.111-l\-. 1111-11- .11-1-11'1
111.11 111.1111- 1111-111 1-111-111 |11-1111l1- 111 1411 .1-
r11111111.11111 1 11111111 i1 i> 14111111; 1111-1-51111 in .1

I'111I11_\- '1 .1111-11\1_/11/ 11-i1-111'1- V/1'1-111111/1'l111.1
.1-1-1-111 I11 I11- 11111111 I11 11 1-111111131-r 1_-1-111-n1I1'1111
111 /iIn1111uI1-1-1'.1- .1111-/1 111 I.111-111 111111 .\'/11'--II11-rg.
_L llI1_1- 1/11 V1-1111 Il11'11I.- I/11.1 1.1 I111/1/11-111111,-?
1-mm 1-x111-ri1-1111-. l \l|l111l


.1111! .1 1-1-1-1.1111
.||1111\|111 111 \,-
1 1.1111.1\-y .11111 .1 1111 111' >111-1'i.1l 1-1'11-1-1. .\1l 1111- ~\
l)1>-|11-1- 111|11.- 111111 1111-ir .111i111.1l11111 .11-1- |'11l1
111 |11'1'1.1l 1-1'11-1'1. S|1i1-I111-1-1.1 .11111 1.11111 .1r1-
1111- 5.11111: 11-.11-. l'111-y'r1- 1111111 L-111-5 11-111111.11-1-

11r1111-11 1111 1111 (his 1-1111 111 1'.1111;1s1- $11111, .11111

.111 111r1-1- 111' 111 111.11-1-11 111111 .1-11|11-1 H111111 11111-
\-11-s 11-I11-11 11-1- 11-1-r1- 11111.1-. \\'1- .111 111.1111- 12111--

1-i.11 1-1'11-1-ls 11-111-11 11-1- 1\-1-r1- 11-11 y1-.11s 11111. \\'1-

1_'r1-11- 11|1 1111 1111-111. 11-111-r1-.11 1111- 111111-r 11-1-11-

11i1-i.111s 1.11111: 1111111 1111->1r.11i1'i1-11>1\111i11 $1-s

11-111 \1-111-r1- 1111-r1- 11-.11 .1 1111-1-1-1111 11-11111111l11'1
11111111- .1111-1111111; .11111111 5111-1-1.1] 1-1'11-1-ls .11111 .

1111-r1: 11-:15 111511 .1 s|11-1-i;1l 1-I11-1-1.1-'111.111 \1'1111

11i1111'1 11111111-11 .1|1y1l1i111; .11111111 11ir1'1-11111;.
'1'111- 11111 511111111 111-)1.1r1|m-111 $1-s11-111 1-11111111
1-11 1-1';1rs .1141. \\'l11-11 p111-1.11110 11111113 .11111 ::~-
|111r1.111l1- 1-111111-r.1s .1111! p11r1;111l1- r11'11r111-rs '
1-.11111- in 1-1-1-r1-111111y 11-1-111 1111 1111-11111111 .11111

1111- >l\111111 1-111l.1|1s1-1|. 11 l11-1-.11111- 11 11-1111111

11i1'1'1-r1-111. 1|11i1-11 51111111 1111 I111-.11i1111, 111-111111-

n1i1- $1-s11-111 .1111| 1111-y 11111 r111 111' 1111- 111-1-r

111-1111 11-1111-11 1"11|1silc1| 111 1111Il1111zi11g 1111-ir

s1;1g1-s 111111 g1'll11\g ri1111l1111-ir 111-|1.1r11111-111$.
511 1111- 111111-r 1-1'11-1'15 |11:11|1l1- 1li1111'1 141-1 in-
1-1111-1-11 i11 1111- |1r1111-ss 111' 111.1ki11g .1 111111-i1-.
'l111'y \1'1-r1- 11ir1-11 1-1'11-1'1 1'xp1-r15. 1 1111111; 1111:
1-111111111-r 1'il1111n.1k1-rs ;1r1- 11111-gr.1l111_1; 5111-1-1:11
1-111-1-ls 111111 1111- 11-1-111111l11gy 111111 1111- s111ry
i1111> 11111: |1.11-k.1_1g1- 11-11i1-I1 l 11111111 is 1111- 11111}-

'- 11-11y 11 1-1111 111111111-11. 1 11111 1-1111111111 up 11-1111

1111-.15 11-1111-11 ;1r1- 11111 jusl _1;i11\111i1ks 111111 11111

11 jusl 1111-11$ 1111 sp1-1-1111 1-111-1-ls, 11111 i111-:15 111

11-Il s111ri1-s 111111 111-.1111: 111111-i1-.1. I .1111 :1 111111-

111a1;1-1, firs1, 11-1111 1111s 1111 i|111-r1-s1 111111 .111 _1
1-xp1-11is1- in s|11-1-1111 1-111-1-ls, 111-1-111111. T111: 111-
r1.-1-1111 must m11r1- fully un111-151111111 1111-
pr1111'.1s i11\'11l\1'11 in sp1-1-i;1l

11-1-111111-111 1.-1"~

11-1-15 i11 11r1|1-r 111 i1111-gr:11e 1111-111 pr11p1-rly

1111.11 1111- film .1s:1wh11l1:.
f.} ,,,,
~ ,-1l~.~_DW'rY.-:9-t

51.111111 /mm
II.-t_\l.\'1-I 'I'IU.\ /I I.-
I.I-. Y, 111rnt1!I\ 1'11
r1'I1"11\1 I11 JIHI1 ([111- '
I11r\ -I-1-.\_ I.r_!I.- I'l11-
l_11111l .\!11.\'I1 r, 11 <11-
,,r.,x/1. .11. .1 .111 '
Irrmhi :11 I111 I1 .
M11111: 11111111 r (_/1111
.\l1'uI111.l l1m-1-11!)
/1111111 lI1n11111I1 11

11.111 111 1-1'11111.<1 111-

,-1,1111. /'11.-11 1.1111.-
m1 1"I111u1'1'11l /m1/1.1
111111 11111 <1-1-11 1'11

[I111 Iinul Iilm, 11111!

11111 n/Il1u'r1I I11
1111111111!-1'11 11':-r .1111-



ll.-\.\l.\'.\'l'l().\ .'\l.l.l-LY .-\ Lfllth (Ie1\tt1rt'~ ;11'r11ss 11 r;11li;1ti11|1-s1'ur1'l1e1l l'11ite1l t;1tes. \\'lll'll-l l.lNl~'. lil-.\l-LR. ()|1er.1ti111;1111t11l:1
l-'11s R1-le;1se. I0/77. l11 l)el.11xe (I11l11r ;1n1l tl1e s11rre;1l i11f1'r1111 11f hitter 1'el.1ti11t1sl1i|1s secret 111ilit;1r1' i11st:1ll;1ti11t1 i11 tlte Smith-
S1111111l fltill. 9.3 mittutes. l.\e1'11ti\'e pr11- .1111l l;1n1ls1';1]1es he e111111111ters 11111111; the west. :1|111;1re|1tly 111;11111e1l by l1.1ll' tl1e
1l111er$. ll:1l Ltttttlers. l4nl1l1y l{11l11-rts. lr11 \\'.1y were ;1ll 1l:1rk i11 t1111e. i11lti111g i11 tre;1t~ :1\';1il;1l1le 11111111111-er i11 th1- .\ir l~'11r1'1-. \'i11-
1l\11'e1l hy _]er11tne .\l. 7.eit|11;1tt. l;111l .\l.1s~ 1111-111 .1111l. 11t11st rele\';111tl\'. highly 1'i11e- 1"e11t plays pttrt 11l' .1 t\\'11-111.111 te.1tt1\\h11se
l.111sk1'. llirertetl I11 _];1el1 Stttiqht. St'ree11- |n11ti1. (Ih:1r.11'teristi1.1lly tl1e pr111h11'1-rs 11l l'11111*ti1111 it is t11 |1r11\'i1le .1 n-t;1li.1
play hy .-\l;111 $l1;1r|1.1111l l.\tls;t llellerl1.1s~ l).\.\l,\'.\'l'l()X .\l.l.l-.\' h;1\'e et1tl1\1si;1sti1- strike l11r1'e it1 tl1e 1'.1s1' of 11111"le.1r .1tt.11k.
e1l 1111 tlte t111\'el hy R111;er /.1~l111.111'. .\ss11 .1lly .11h11itt1'1l th;1t it \\'.t> 1111-1'is1'ly Zel;1/.- (ieurqe lepp;1r1l (wisely 11111l1"rt1l;1yi111;.11t1l

ei.1te |1r111l1t1"e1. .\l;111ry(I11l1et1. lr111l111'ti1111 t1y'.~ \'is11.1l t;1let1ts tl1.1t 1lre\\' th1-111 111 tl1e s.11l1lle1l with .1 l1yl1ri1l S11t1tl1er11 .111'1-111

111.111.11.;1=r. llill ll;1\'i1ls1111. llireetur ul |1h11- 1\'11rk itt tl1e first |1l.11'e (11:13:29). S11 it 1111l1' 1111 .-\11geli1111 1'1111l1l1lre.11t1 11|1l is tl11-

t111gr;1phy. ll;1rr1' $tr;1tllin1;,_lr. lr111lt11'ti111\ \\'11\1hl l1e .1 further juy 111 tell you tl1.1t 11tl1er te;1111 met11l1er. \\'ithi_11 111i1111tes 11!
tlesiqtter. lrest1111 .\111es. .\lt1si1 l1y_]erry Z1-l;1/11y's it11.11;istie t;1let1ts l1.1\'1- heett the film's opening tlte 11l1li1;.1t11r\ l111l11-
(i11l1lt11itl1. .-\rt tlireetur. \\'illi;1111 Cruse. faitlthtlly the me1li11111 tl1.1t
tr.111s1111se1l 111 1';111st arrives. l)ireet11r _];t1'l; Smitght tn;111-
Set 1lee1>r:1t11r, \'11nn;111 R111"kett. .\ssist;111t \\';1s liter;1lly I11-qgitn; f11r tlte tr.111siti1111. .11;es 11111 nl his few efl'e1'tive s1'e111*s here;
1lire1'tur_ D1111 Ruherts. S1111111l.llrt11'e lli- L'11f11rt1111.1tely. the tr:111sl'11r111;1ti1111 11l'1111- 11$ 11 lilftf 11111111111er-1're;1te1l 111.111 11f the
se117.. litlitetl hy Fr.111k l'riuste. S111-ei;1l el'- \el 111 s1'ree11j11s| 14111-s lieqqitig. CS.-\ fills tlte sen-1-11. srures 11f white 1|11ts
feels. .\li|t1111 Rive. S|1e1'i'.1l pl111t111;r;1|1l1ie lt's .1 tiretl truism th:1t \\~he11 llully l1l11ss11111 silently 1111 its s11rl.111-. Ulf-1';u11~

elTe1"ts. l.i11 D111111. D1111 \\'ee1l. l"r11t1lt \'.111- \\'11111l l;1ys l1.1111ls 1111 this type 11l'1;e11eri1" t'r;1 tl1e tlry \11i1"e 11l' .1 te1'l111i1i.111 1'.1lt11l1'
1ler\e1"r. Stunt 1'1111r1lit1.1t11r. l)e;111_]ell'ries. 111;1teri;tl. .1ll the eletttettts erttriatl t11 the tlrnnes 1111t tlte 11111111-s 11f1ities \\'l111se .111-
_g1~.\!11II11ftl11-|1ie1'e lltt|l\t'.\'l11|flt'lt'YlL;|- t1ihil:1ti11n those 1l11ts represettt f\'1~1\
'l'.11111er . . . . . . . . ._];111-.\li1'l1;1el \'i11eent lions. t"11l1ere111'e- .tre i111tt1e1li;1tely s1*r;1|1- Yurk. ll1il.11lelpl1i.1. \\'.1sl1i11et1111. .1111l .111

l)e|1t1111 . . . . . . . . . . . .(ie11111;e I1~|1|1.1r1l pe1l i11 f;1\'11r11l tl1e 1:l'l'eets. ll.-\.\l.\'.-\'Il().\' 1111. .\n11:11ge1l1l1111 ;1s st;1tisti1' the et111n11i~

_|.111i1'e. . . . . . . . . . . .l)11111i11i11\1e$;1111l;1 .\l.l.l'.\ is 1111 1lilleret1t itt this respeet. ty 11f tltis 111.1ssi\'e 1le\tr111'|i1111 e11\111ter-

K1-e1g;111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.111I\\'it1el1l .\1t1l it's .1lw.11's 11 l1.11l. l1;11l sign when 11 ]111i11te1ll1y tl1e1let;1rl11111'11t11fit<111e1'h.111-
llilly . . . . . . . . . . . _].1ckie l-'.;1rle llztley seiettee li1'ti11t1 film is rel1'.1s1*1l with 11 11it11- ie;1l l111111;1t1 11hser\';1ti11t1 hits .111 ugly 11111-
Perry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ki|1 .\'i\'e11 111i1'k. l).-\.\lX.\'l'l()N .-\l.l.l*.\' e1111ti11\1es te111|111r:1ry 1lis;1ss111"i;1ti1111 s1|u;11'ely 1111 the
ll;1ski11s . . . . . . . . . . . .\l11rk 'l'.1yl11r this s11rry tr.11liti1111 with .\'1111111l :1 Iltill." he;11l.
l'eel1t1iei;111. . . . . . . . . . . . Trent l)11l'.111 simple-111i111le1l |1r111'ess tl1.1ts\1rn1tm1ls the l'11f11rt11t111tel1' it's the only sueh 11l1ser-
.\l111111t:1i|1 .\le11 . . . . . . . Rt>lIltl l)111111er ;1u1lienee with speakers .1111ls11l1jeets tl1e111 \;1ti11n tl1e film l1;1s t11 tttztke. .\1111ther i11-
. . . . . . .\'1'.11111111(il:1ss t11 tlte ill11si111111f:1t1r;1l |1111\'e111et1t. lt's 1111- terestittg ele111e11t 11f e1111tr;1st \\'l1ieh he-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .];1111es l;1rkes thing ttmre than 1111 ex|1;1nsi1111 of \\'illi;1111 tgitts t11 1le\'el11p early 1111 the r11t1Hi1t he-
. . . . . . ..........R11ger(I1'ee1l (.:1stle's
' i11l;11111111s 1_vi111111i1'k l11r 'l'lll'. t\eee11'l';11111er's 11111t1"1111l'11n11ity ;111tlP1-|1-
l.;11\1lers. . . . . . . . . . . .\l\1rr.1y ll.1111ilt11n 'l'lXGl.l-.R. the lmtt httzzer. .1111l just ;1s p;1r1l's tliseipline. l111tl1 11l \\'l1i<'h ;11"t11;1lly
relevttnt. e11111ple1t1e11t tlte success 11ftl1e11tl1er1h1r-
But l).-\1\lN.-\'l'l()X .-\l.l.l-'.\"s l;1ekl11s ing their \.1rit111s .11l\'e11t\1res q11i1'l;l\'
S11l't 1111 tlte heels 11l' tlteir |1l1e1111me1\11l- ter 1|11;1lities must l1e l;1i1l;1t the feet t1l';1ll sinks 1\'ith111tt further trztee. 'l'l111111gl1t. .111-
ly sneeessfttl S'l'.~\R \\'.\R.\' e11111es l)1\.\l~ i11\-11l\'e1li11 the|1r11jeet.1111tj11st the suuml ]1.1re11tly 111 Fnx. 11111st11't 11tl i|1 tl1e \\'.11
\'.\'l'l().\' .\l.l.ll\'_ lfllth Cetttury-F11x's 1lep;1rt111e11t from tl1e tacky pr1>tlt1eti1111 ufthe \'is11.1ls.
latest l1i1;-httthget ufleritttg the eltrrettt i11 \';1l\1es 111 the 1'i111ler-liluek editing t11. e- .-\lter the .1tt.11k Stttight 111111-es e\'1-111s
seie111e l'i1'ti1111 l1111111\. lt wuultl he J ple;1~ |1e1"i;tlly, the 'l\' .\l11\ie 11f the Week stvle 1|11it'kly. s11 11s tn get 1111 with the 1r11ss-

s11re t11re|111rt that this first filmetl 1\11\'el srript by .>\l;111 Sltarp ;1111l l.11e:1s lleller 1'111111try juurttey emtstittttittg the 111re 11f
11l l{111;1'r 7.el.11.11y's. 11I\t' of the most eln l\\'h11 tlitl the 11ther\\'ise l'i11e writing the slim st11ryli11e.'l'w11yearsl1;1\'e|1:1sse1l.
1|11e11t .1111l puetie 11f ;1ll l';111t:1stie writers. ehures 1111 'l'llli DlR'l\ l)OZl-..\'). I11 their \i11ee11t ".1111l .11111tl1er s11l1lier (l.111l \\'i11-
is ;1ls11 the first s11eeessl'1tl seienee fietiun ;1lter;1ti1111s. Sh.1q1 .1n1l llellerl1.1\'e1111t 1111- lieltl. l11use .1111l funny] have 1lr11|1|1e1l1111t
film nuir. .'\lter .1ll. Zel;11.1\y's lmuk lc1111~ ly 1';tstr.1te1l hut l11l111|11111i/.etl Zel;1z11y's uf the set-\'it'e .t111l live itt .11111the1' l1t111ker
irernitng the e;1ptt1re ;111tl l'11ree1l lust ritle 11f t111\'el 11$ 11-ell. eotttittg 1111 \\'ith :1 ]1r11tlt1et ziway fr11111 the re1tt;1i11it1g1t1e11. Their time
l*l;1rtl1s s11le re111;1i11i11g llell's .-\11gel. :1 sort 11s l>l;11\1lly i1111fle11si\'e .1s \\';1n11 t'.1pioe;1. is itlletl ;1\e;1y 1111 l111l1l1ies; \\i11fiel1l |111it1ts
of Post-ll11l11r:11tst EASY Rll)l-LR). was :1 rule \\hi1l1 sh11t1l1l h;1\e l1eet1 p11r-
I11 .1 mttrttls 1111 the uttter \\';1lls 11f their 11111-
wurk $11;1ke1l in 11u1'r'.\ nihilistie ;1t11111s- trztyetl l1y\\'illi11m S111itl1,e\'ery11t1e's l';1\n- erete home. \'i11ee11t takes expetlitintittry
pltere :111tl itnztgery. llell 'l':11111er'jo\1rt\ey rite genre \'ill:1i11. hiker Tanner has heen rides 1111 11 dirt hike it1t11 the 11e.1rl1y 1lesert
tlilutetl into an .'\ir l-"urre officer. _];111- t11\\'11s, se;1r1"l1i11g for s11r\'i1'i11q life (;1tt11tlt-
\lieh.1el Vinrent pt1rtr.1vs the role 11s if er feeble e1'h11 l'r111n the lmuk) l'epp-.1r1l
by M. he'll just wtttttlercd in. 11l'f the Set of still the lifer, elerts tu stay it1 t-he serviee

st , . .


_ 5' -

. . .takes everyone for a ride."

antl begins eonstrurtirn; the l..tntl|n.tster. rook. yietitn and resitlent ther faceless hack. lf we have high LX|)L(-
a large. .tll~pnr-pose terrain antl ;n|uatir srreamer with alttltllillq vapitlity. .~\ntl tations for the new f.mtasy antl stienee
eruiser (also the eentral set~piet'e of the there's more. l.nter a tough bttt ettte kitl fietiun films. then we are fortgettinq the
lilin. lylaekie lzarle llaley] ho lives on ltis wits similar booms of the ':'>0s anti '(it)s and
These inuntlane routines areas quickly by beintr ;t tleatl shot with .t stone at forty only have our own naiyete to blame.
skimmetl n\'er. The main installation is at yartls. To be completely fair. there are a few
citlentally le\'ele<l by a sleeping soltlit-rs llefore they liiul their expected lztlen effective sequences. The aforementioned
trittarette ii;-nitim; a gas leak. \\'itlt the in .\lbany. this \\'utttlerf\tlly tlemotgraphie eoekroaeli attaek manages to work tip
death of all personnel save Vincent. lep- lntmh also have to tope with era/.etl ra- some queasy suspense. and tlte apocalyp-
panl. \\'infieltl anti another airman. the tlinaetive retlnet ks. tornatlos anal titlal tie storm wltirh heralds the titlal wave
quartet tleeitle to tlri\'e to .-\lbany in The waves. Sharp antl lleller obviously spent a (punetnatetl by pure bolts of energy hiss-<hnaster \\hieh has (om-eniently e-noil < of the stntlio's time watehitn; int; o\' even begins to approaeh a
been honseil auay from the blast. \\hy the late show. sense of wontler. llnt this bniltl-up is im~
.-\lb;tny. Ratlio tnessaiges have been reeei\'- lt is easy to see where tlirerlor _]at'k metliately vitiatetl by the terrible quality
etl front that area anil. as Peppartl tersely Smiigltt fits" into all this. llis reputation. of the following miniatures. the amateur-
infurtns ns. lleeattse it's there." resting largely on films protltn etl ilurint; ish proeess work atnl. ineretlibly. a quirk
The Lantlmaster itself. tlesitgnetl by the late 'lills anal early 'TUs. almost exrln elip of the tleath throes of the islantl from
De.|n _|effries at .t reportetl rost of some siyely sprang frotn the wonl .nl\"entnre."'s .\'l'l,.'\.\"l'l$. 'l'lll-. LOST C()l\"l'l-
53t)tl_t)tttI. is also a tlisappointment. That tltese films \\ere neither atl\"entnrons Nl'..\'l'. This may generate a lleetintt pang
Lookim; for all the uorltl like .1 fnturistie or partitularly t'ttterl.|illlliq tnany of his of ttt)St'.|lt.[ia for the more knowletltgeable
\\iintebat,-u ontfittetl witlt internally eon- works lie there anti stare bat k at yon oh- in the atttlienee. but it eertainly tloesnt
trulletl roeketry. it merely beeomes the yionsly meant little tn the insulatetl, oth~ qualify .ts toinmittetl filmmaking.
l..\ freeway tlriver's ttltitnate fantasy. entorltlly jtnlqement of the stntlios. ln ln the final analysis. there's really so
\\'ith its appearance l).\.\lN.\lll).'\' .\l. their eyes lte was probably .t natural. little to say about a film like l).4\.\l.\'.-\~
l.l'l\' tlrnp all further pretense and he- Yet. inexplitably, Smitght reeeiyetl Tl().\' .4\l.l.l-.\' who. after all. hasn't al-
ttit1\es effertssaturate1l. Since there are some ttootl t'|-itiral press tlnrintg the per- reatly seen it a tlo/.en times before? that
no eliaraeteriLations to speak of, antl less intl. (hie experts that this T('\ll\l'tl from its only legitimate reverberation is per-
plot. at this point the srripl tletgenerates K.-\l.l'.ll)()$(I()Pl-.'s oyerall kinky quality. eeiyetl as a question. I'/n question. really.
itttn .1 p.|r.nle of ineitlent.strutng tot_-ether or. in the rase of ll.~\RPliR. l.|nl \'ew- Despite inrreasing tnarket sophistication.
with no reqartl for n.irrati\'e< ontinnity or tnan. .'\'ot lltruttuli any expertise on why have seienee firtion lms remained
enherente. l'ntler violent. perpetually ltal Sntiqht's part. lle's also nu'tt{er to continually eyelie. eontinttally lormulair?
lueinatory skies (nitely tltittt laser pho- genre material te\'en. itt a 'l'\\ll.l(2ll'l' lt'x a terrihle irony that the machine
tot{r.|plt\' effet ts, but poorly t otnpositetl). 7.()f\l-. episotle titletl 'l'he Lonely." put- whirlt pmtlnees pirtttres from spinning
\'int'ent antl Peppartl set off on an otlys- tint; out a sturtly tnootl pieee). but he's etnulsifietl reels. sountl from lines printetl
sey towanl every eoneeivable seienee t'ie- repeatetlly stuhbetl his toe when workitng utt tltat emulsion: that tlte only true amal-
tion eliehe of the past thirty years. with it. Tllli 'l'R.\\'l-.l.l.l.\'G l~.Xl-.(IL'~ eram between lnagir. art antl teehnology
The assortetl tnenaees the l.antlmaster 'll()Nl-.l{ eottltl have beett a tgootl blank the only trtte seienee firtional intlnstry. if
confronts seem to be eulletl from the re- eometly antl shoultl have matle Staty yon will should remain so stubbornly
jeetetl bits of an olil S.-\'l'llRl).-\\' \'l(}ll'l' Reach a star. but Smight llubbetl both. conventional in its treatment of fnturistit
l.l\'l~l skit. \\'ere initially treatetl lu tl\.tt NO \\\Y T0 'l'Rl'..-\T .'\ l..\l)\' was slop- themes.
most lo\'.thle of atomic tttanifestatiotis. pily eunstrnttetl anti fonefetl us too lint why go on? l).~\.\l.\'.-\'l"l().\' .'\l.-
uiant ltltg$st't1r]1ltlt1$. aml even, in the tltirk aslire of Rtttl Steit;er'spentltant for l.l".\' is nothing more than a bit;-butlget
film's natlir, killer eoekroaeltes. Ken .\litl- ham. The l\' atlaptation of Tllli lls monster movie. tlevoitl of the eharm,
tlleha|n's hantllintg of these insects is per S(IRl'..\.\llXG \\'().\l.'\.\' was tnerely te<li- oeeasional loony graee. antl even less in-
funetnry. hartlly up to the stantlartls he nus. but $|nit;ht's other liratlhttry atlapt:t- telligenee than its pretleeessors. This ut-
set for himself in 'l'llli lll'll.l.STR().\l tion. 'l'lll'l ll.l.lS'l"R.-\'ll-ll) .\l;\l\'. was terly petlestrian filln stantls as Contempo-
CllR(),\'lCl.l'l or Pll.\Sll l\'. .~\nother not only in exeerable taste but also one rary proof of the axiom whieh holtls that
ttoary plot ileyit e is tlraetgetl whimpering of the greatest single public insults to an those who tlo nut learn from the past are
onto the srreen when the men fintl a establishetl living writer that it has ever doomed to repeat it. ln trying toeover all
beautiful \\o| livint; alone in the ruins been my misfortune tn stumble upon. So the l).'l!$. protlneers Zeitman. Masl.ntsky.
of l..|s \etg.|s. Poorly tlressetl alltl tnatle it shoultl eome as no surprise that et. al. ran only eotne tip with a no-hitter.
up. in terrible neetl of loention lessons.
Dominique Santla portrays her role of
$mit;ht's involvement with l).\.\l.\'.\Tl()I\'
.\l.l.E\'. finally. is just the work of ano-
l).~\.\lN.-\'ll().\' .'\l.l,l-LY takes everyone
fora ritle. I
Scrrtrs frnm J WO-
MEN, Rahvn Alr-
mart's nlntrtrn-film,
currently in releasi-
by ZOIII Ct'ntury-
Fax. Right: Three
women in nttr 0]
]am'cr- Rule:
paintings, fmittled
by Bnrllti Wind.
3/IK ,-
T' %
> ->

\;" - _.
Le/1: Sissy Spncrh
[H Vl l'tIll' l(]IAl'IlCC _,
whielt plays njflter
CARRIE persona, as
. .- ' . - ~
. ~

-.4 P
she watches the nil!- I .,.v -- ~ -
no * "_
birllt 0/ Rule: child
and refuses lo go for

4* _
. ~__

a dnclv. Odd make-

up and hnirtlrcssirt,
and S P an-I: '1 rigid
budy mun-meals

add In the scene: - -

disturbirtg quality. '_.v_.'.v ~

.,,,_Ft_ .

cial features that made them look like throughout. bringing cyclic feminine asso~
3 WO.\lliN A 20th Century-Fox Release. ciations floating to tlte surface. Sot1'tC~
4/77. I22 minutes. Del.uXe Color. Pro- birth-related twins. For photographs they
sometimes donned identical clothing. tintcs this is accotnplished with a watery
clucecl, written and directed by Robert scrim overlay on the bottom half of the
Altman. Music by Gerald Busby. Art di- Identities merge in dreams. Identities
merge itt ii \\'().\ll'li\', based on Robert frantc, moving like a tide, similar to those
rector, _]amcs D. Vance. Edited by Dennis devices imitating tidal waves which are
Hill. Director of photography, Chuck Ro- Altman's dream. I was in financial trou-
sher. Visual consultant._]. Allen llighfill. ble," said Altman. I needed a picture sold as novelties.
the hospital. The three women are Millie, Millie and
Sound. _]im Webb. Chris Mcl.-aughlin. As- very badly. My wife was in l just dream- \\'illie, a name-game not unlike the way
sociate producers. Robert l-Iggenweiller, Everything was shaky. And
all of characters were named in Altman's l.\l-
Scott Bushnell. Makeup, Monty West- ed tltis lm, as a film. l dreamed title, the .\Gl-LS. The childlike linky Rose says her
more. Murals by Bodhi Wind. Production it-the locations. the cast, the
theme. There was no third woman in the real ttame ts Mildred. The rose tn an an-
executive, Tommy Thompson. in rub mm
dreatn. There were Shelley Duvall and cicnt symbol of set"retya.sRosicrncians.
Sissy Spacek becoming thrce women. ln aitd the rosy cross of the
Millie Lammoreaux . . . Shelley Duvall
Pinlty Rose. . . . . . . . . . . Sissy Spacek the writing of the outline the
third wo- Duvall is .\lillie Lantmoreatix, who has.
Rule man, the Janice Rule character. just perhaps, borrowed hcr identity frotn her
Willie llart , . . . . . . . . . ._]anicc
previous rootttmate, Deidre. The root of
Edgar Hart . . . . . . . . .Robert Fortier imposed herself.
The film makes its own transformation the word "twin" means two strands
Mrs. Rose . . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Nelsott twisted together," and the l'ilms main
john Cromwell -from a near ANNIE HALL-like look at
Mr. Rose . . . . . . . . . .
feminist extrap- two characters, both transplanted Tcxatts
Polly . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie Ann lludson cultural conditioning to a
. .Patricia .~\nn lludson elation that has more in common with in California, are "doubles" of the ac-
Peggy . . . . . .
the science fiction of Joanna Russ than tresses, as r.t-vealed by the names of their
Ms. Bunweill. . . . . . . . . .Sierra Lecheur Mclies hotnetowns. Millie is from Houston, as is
Dr. Maas . . . . . Craig Richard Nelson the usual American film. Georges
Do\'all. linky says she lived near Long-
. .
fetnale counterpart \vas :\liCe Guy Blache
(no one seems to know for view," site of Spacek's hometown, Quit-
Roy is not as Thinnes Shelley Du\'all. who may idea man.
and a_]OURl\'l-.\ TO lllF. F.-\R SIDE Oi" surc) deserve credit for creating the
tell stories, and Pinky, described by Spacek as a blank
THE SUN wouldn't net as many doppel- that film could be used to Melies, direct- page, begins work as the Desert Springs
gangers as 3 \\'().\ll-LN, a visionary tale of who, in the same period as
ed fantasies. mysteries and Poe adapta- Rehabilitation and Geriatric Center where
cosmic twinning. The notion of cosmic Till-I old person is paired with a young
lN each
twins or time twins"people unrelated tions, eventually producing about a woman attendant. llere l'inky meets
by birth but leading parallel liveshas YEAR 2000, science fiction
worltl ruled by women. Forgetting lllache Millie, fittds .\lillic.s lifestyle (no of constant
basis in fact (albeit unexplained except cottsunter chatter "perfect" one else
by astrologers) and also has relevance and its_own origins. the male-dominated
film industry has, for decades, devised bothers to listen) and begins to fill in the
here, especially so since Spacek and l)u- serve blanks. .\lillic lives at the Purple Sage
vall are the same age- 27. The German countless movies in which women
and ;\parttncnts itt at bright yellow bachelor
physicist Otto Hahn, who received the merely as backdrops. display fashions actions of girl apartment. linky eagerly moves in
19-H Nobel Prize for splitting the uran- skin or offer reactions to the
the women are not with Millie, immersing herself in .\lillic's
ium atom, was born March 14, I879 ~the melt. stories where life, borrowing her possessions, her Social
same day Einstein was burn. One of the part of the plot but are "furniture," as in
llender- SOYl,F..\"l' GRICILN. Security nutnber and eventually her
most curious cases is that of_lean natnc.
son and joyce Ritter. Both were horn in ln Ii \\'()MilN it is mmt who are cast as
sex ohjectsrelcgatcd to the background Also employed at the DSR.-\(i Center
the same five minute period on February alcohol, are the identical twins, Peggy and Polly,
20. 1947, in a White Plains, New York where they role-play with guns.
that who pcrsooify thc filttt's mystical exten-
fathcrs who held simi- uniforms atttl motorcycles. unaware
hospital. Both had The sioos of doppelgangcrs. reflections. rc-
lar jobs at the same airport. Five children their authority is being usurped. placements, matches aml shadow ilIt;t_t;t's.
were in each family. When _]tan and central tnale figure is I-Zdgar llart central
involved with all |ts an ancient theme, and twins have
Joyce were six, they began living next because he is sexually as a boozing turned up in countless horror and fantasy
door to each other. causing a great deal of three women. lle is depicted
motions pictnres l).'\RK lNl'RUI)I-LR.
confusion in the neighborhood and at frontiersman with no frontier left
to con-
ersatz cowpoke, uselcsslcftov- Till". DlN\\'lCll ll()RR()R. Till; O'l'll-
sChool~-for they had nearly identical fa- quer, an a
llR, SlSTi-'.RS and more.
er from the West with a phoney nt;tscu-
line movie-style banter that rings hollow leggv and |'ollv ttsuallv glance around,
toss t-lit-ir hair and walk iii t-otal synchron-
by From the beginning. water flows


:. . .a visionary tale of cosmic twinning.

iZ;11i1111. I11 1111: 11';1tcr .11 1111' I)SR,\(1 (I1'11- \'i\'1<> i11 .1 1'11HI.1l11>1' >1.111~. (111111 1111111-11. 1111- s\'111'11r1111i/.1~1I 1'1-14141/I11l11 11.1111. I"..1rl1'
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her sI11111l1I1~r) g;111'ks .11 1'1-11141 .1111I I'11lI\' \'i11~ 1ink\'. S1111 1'11|1l.11'l I'i11k\"> 1-1111-1-11' 1111114111 1111-"1l1i1'1|11'11111.111"1'11111'1-111.1>11r-
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lh.11 1111-1 I'11r111;1111irr11ri111;1g1' $\1_11111'.\'l1|1g .11'1'i\'1- 1111111 Q11i|111.111 1111 (ir1~\'111111111l. .1111| 11.11 I11-1-11 .1l1.1111l11111-1l I11 I'.111;.1r_ I'i11k\'
the r.1n- 1'.1s1~s 111' 111irn1r i111.11;1- l\\'i|1.~ 11-1111 Iuringing 1111111-1111111; 111' 1111- 1111.11 .1111I 1111111 .1111l .\Iilli1-1'11I1 1111111. \\i111 .\l1I1i1- .111 i111~I'-
s11n11*limcs 1-\'1~n I1.11'1' I11-:1r1,.1|1|11.-111Iix .1111l 'I'1x.1s11.151 \\IlI1 1111-111. 11111 1111-1 >.1\ Ii11l1- 11-1111.11 1ni1|11iI'1- .1111I I'i11111' 114111111111;
111111.-r 11r1;.1|1s 1111 11il'I1.~rv111 si1Ir> 111' 1111* |l1.11 111i1;l11 1'l.11'iI'\' I'i11I11"> 1111141111. 1'l11- 1.1- .\liIli1-K 111-111.11111 111.11 1111- Q1-1 .11l1111111', 1111-
bumly. ll\1'1'. Y.I{.. ;1pp1'.1r~: 111111-111 .1111'.11'1'1111\.1 |11.1l1' 1'I1il1I 1.\ >11Ill111111. .\l1|l11' 1*1111'1'1;1-s
I(i1Ii111; 11-i|l1 .\IiIli1~, I'i11ky 111111111'1> 11111 l1i111~'1'II' .1111l i\ 1 I1-.1111 1l11111i11.111-11 I11 1111111 \\'i1Ii1~'.1 l11111>1- 111111 111-1 1111111111-
In111I 11-11111 il's like I11.-1111,; 111~i11.\". 111.1 111111 I'i11I.1".\' 111111111-r. 1111- 111111111 \1.11'1 111 11.111111 1-\11>111I1'1l. .1 111111111-111 11111|1I11~.\i1-1| i11
s11"i11'I1'.," 1111 1111-1 cvcr 111-1 1111-111s1-l\'1-s ,\Iilli1-'.\" I11-1111111111 11'I11-11-1111-y111.11\1-1111'1- I'i11k\"s 1l1'1-.1111. .\'l11- ~|.1|1 l'111k\ 111111 .1
mixnl 1111? .\1i1li1.' 111112111! 1v;1111 111 I11-.11 |11'11111|11i111; I'i111\1' 111l11- "r1-11111'11."(>111 111' 1111111111 11.11111, 11111 Ii11L\ 11-.111~ 111111 .1~ il
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;1l11s 1-\'1~111s 111 1'111111~. 'I'I11-1' .11-1'i\'1~ .11 .\IiIIi1."s 1'.1r .1111| 111111i1111i11q .\Iill11-'> 11i.11'1' I'.1~I1i1111. I111 Ii11k\ 11.1.1 l11-1111111- .1 ll.1r|11_
.\IiIIi1"s I1.111g11111. I)111l1;1- (Til1"_ .1 11.11 ll1.1l 1-11|ri1', .1I11111111;l1 ll1I~ 111-11 1111111.1n l1.1\ .1.~ 111111 \'i111li111\1' .1~ 511.111-I. i11 lI.\I{RII..
1<'pr1*s1-111.1 .1 fi11;1I l1.1s1i1111 111' 111111111; \\1-s| .111 .11;q11~s.~'i\'1-111->.~ .1111I 11111-11 n1.111111-1' 1.111.. 111-1" 111111'k1' |1.1\1 111111 11-1-111~ 111111111. I11-1
r111 111;1s1'11li11i11' \\'i1I1 i1s1lir1 11'.11'I1I'111'I1ik- i11_1; in Xlillic I..1111111111'1-.111\. Ii11k\ 11.1\ >1-\ 11.111-1111 11111 1111-11~l1 1-1111-111 11111 .111111~111.
rrs .111111.1r1g1-lr.111_1;1.'. 1111111 1111- I11r|111- 5.1111 11.1111 11.1i\'1-. 11111 1111' I'111I.1111il1i1- 111-1'~.1111 II1-1' Ii|111i1 111111111 1\111'111-11-1-1|
1'1-.11 1111- .11111
.\p.1r11n1.-111s .1111l I)111Ig1~ (Ii11- .1r1' r1111 111' s111'1'1'1'1I.\ [\1l11<r1- .\11I|i1- 11.111 l'.1i11~1I1 111' .1.~ ~111111r1111i~1i1 |11111: \l11- i11I11-\\'11111.111
E1lg.1r 111111 his prv1g11.1111 \1'il'1' \\'1IIi1-. \\'i1li1- sI.1lI|11II1' 111.111i|111l.1111114 1111-11 i11 .1 |11'1-1l.1- 1111111111111-111Q1111 .\I.111.
cxpn-1's1x I11-1 p1.'I1I\l|1 r;1_1;1- 111 .1 s1~1-i1~.~ 11I 111ry 11.11';1111-11 >l.1\i>l111 ~111'r1111111l I11-1 i11~1 ll11'1~111li111;i~.111-.1|1l11111,111Ii11 111111-. .\
l':1111.1x1i1' swi111111i11g 1111111 11.1i111i111;s 1.11 .1. 111->11-il11~1| 111 12.11111-1' \iI.11"~ lIT_111111L_ 1'1-111111 (Z111.1-($111.1 111111. 11111111111111; 1111-
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:n1l $.1\';1g1.' >1-was l11'lw1-1-11
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mumls. p.1Illl1'1I 111' II111II1i \\'i1111 .1111111l'11'11 .~:11I1s1'n'i1'111 111l11~r I'i11I1\'111i1li1- 111111. 1~1'1'1n.111 11-\1~.1I~. 111.11 11114.11 11.11 1111-11 111 .111
S(1.'I1 111r1111gl1 11111111111; 11'.111-1'11'I1iI1- >y111'I1~ .\Iil1ic11i11k1' .1l11111> Ii11k\'111illi1~ 111 1.1I.1~ 1111111-11111-11 11111111-111 111111 .11_-1111. .\1111r1Ii11q
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I1ys 111111111111 11111.111i11g s1'n1'1.', 1111- 11111111-11 1lr1'.1|11. 1|11i11~ 11il'l1-1'1'111 1111111 1111111 111111 1111-1' kiII1~11l1i111. Si~.~.1 11 ~111-1-111 11. S111-I11-1
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R1'1ir1'1l 51111111111111 I-.1Ig.1r, 111111111111 111 111.1i111~1l, s11l1li111i11.11 .1111l 1'11111i1111.1lI1 111 I.ilI1-1| I1i111.' .\1111 _|.111i1'1< 1.1111111 111.11 >111-
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I"11r1i1.'r. also l1.1x his 111-in. .\IilIi1- i111r11~ Ii11I.y i11 .1 1111111111 1111-, I.11il'1'1l i11 1111- 1l1i11I.11111-1111111-111.11'1-1111111."
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1 rcrls 1111. 111 l\|1\l 1111111111-. '11 is .11'.1ri1';1- s.1\11'1' 1111 1111- 1111111 111' 1l11~ >.11111~ 111111111114. |'i11I.1 .1111! \\'ill11- I11'1~.1s.1 I1-111111111 111111~1~
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1.-1111111 1"I1.11'.11'11-rs;1r1' 1111111 11;11111-1| 'I'11111. 1111-rl.1i1I 111111 .1 11.111-I1 111~rc1~111il111- >11|11-r- l1.1_~ I11-1-11 1'1~11l.111~1I I11 .1 I1-111.111-1l1iI1I, \\'11I1
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sl't'Il|'S [mm
:1Ll.l:'()RO NON
TR()I'I'(), now in
rrlmrr h_\~ Spcc|'alt_\'
Films.l.|'l'l: The cu!
/mm l~'ulsr 1'risli"'
rrni.-nibvrr ilx Itmnr
us |'I turd In lun/t. 11
Jfidlllt! All vscala
luv lends lu pcrdi-
liun and the moulh
uffltr I)et'|'I in "The
l"|'n'hir|1. " Riglt I:
businrrs jrum lin-
jiimlc S|'I"|tIlf.


ALLEGRO NON 'l'R()lP() .~\ Specialty black-and-white set-up each section of brilliance, yet he hcltl back, adhering
Films Release. 9/77. 75 minutes. Del.uxe animation. There is something uncotn- closely to a mass-market formula. l$o/.zet-
Color. Produced and directed by Bruno fortable about these set-nes. funny as to has Disney's technical ktiow-lio\\' but
Bozzetto. Screenplay by liozzetto, Guido they are, yet tltey are absolutely rrttcial takes ltis creativity into areas of expres
hlanttli, Maurizio Niehetti. Animators, to tlte equilibrium of the filln. Bozzetto sion where Disney would not h.t\'c ventur-
Bozzetto, Giuseppe Lagana, Walter Cia- sets up the proverbial orchestra in a pure- ed. Titus, the aging satyr from "l'relurlc
vazzuti, Giovanni Ferrari, Gianearlo Cere- ly Fellini-like visualization of old wonten to .~\fternoon of a l"aun" etnerges as a
da, Giorgio Valentini, Guido .\lanuli, Pao- decked out in outlandishly tacky garb, fantasy creation with an avid hun\;u1 de-
lo .-\lbicoeco, Giorgio l"'<irlani. Animation blowing sloppily on tonedeaf horns. The sire. lle lusts for the sexual attention of
and special effects photography, Luciano Maestro is portrayed by at puffy, gro- young nymphs of the serene wootllaml,
.\lar1.etti. l.i\'e action photography,.\lario tcsque ltalian actor. Perhaps Bo7.7.etto and is as syntpathetie as he is pathetic.
Masini. Live action assistant director, should have reserved making fun of l"'el- Bozzetto also doesn't tnind letting the
Maurizio Nichetti. l-lditing and sound ef- lini for his next filtn: the strangeness of housewifey honey bee in "\'l\;|ltll'.s Cun-
fects. Giancarlo Rossi. Music by the Ber> the live-action characters mixes up the certo in C-minor" sting one of the gam~
lin Philharmonic Orchestra, Herbert \'on concepts. Still, the framing are an effcc- lmling lovers right on the ass. And. in
Karajan, conductor: Prelude to .-\fter- tiye combination of li\'e action with aniv "Ra\'cls liolcro." .t stark, frightening sa-
noon of a Faun" by Claude Debussy, mation, where cartoon and reality do, as laant to Disney's Rite of Spring" seg-
Slavic Dance No. 7" by .-\ntonin Dvor- l'm sure Bozzetto \\-ottltl like to have it, tnent of l'.-\.\"li;\Sl.-\, tnan destroys the
ak, "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel, "Valse merge inawhirl\\'intl of fantasy. last rc|nn.tnls of an emblematic animal
Triste" (Sad Waltz) by Jean Sibelius. lloz/.etto is 39 years old, based itt .\li- heritage in 1| stinging indictment of hu-
Concerto in C Minor" by Antonio \ival- lan. ltaly, and produced his first cartoon tnan evolution and savagery.
di, The Firebird" by Igor Stravinsky. feature, T.-\lUM, in l9:'wN. llis first filtn "Bolero" is the film's most oulstantl
Cast: Maurizio Niehetti, Nestor Garay, released in the United States, \\'l-ZST .-\Nl) ing segment, depicting a surreal evolution
Maurizio Micheli,.\laria Luisa Ciozannina. SUI).-\ U965). was lost in a distribtttion from the energi'!.e<l residue inside an old
Italian with English sub-titles. shuffle, but he has not gone unnoticed. Coke bottle to the age of dinosattrs and
Once a student of famous linglisb anima- beyond. liven the horror and primeval
l am, happily, unafraid in calling .~\l.- tors John llalas and _]oy liatchelor (.~\N|- imagery of this sequence has its own
Ll-LGRO NON TROPPO the most irnpor- l\l;\L l";\Rhl), llozzetto now owns a pro- special elegaitcc. The golds and browns
tant animated feature film in years, at tluction company with associate Guido eareen off of red-tipped mountains and
least measuring up to early Disney, and .\lanu|i (who also worked on .4\LLl-IGRO shatter through the dense, grey air of ann
far surpassing anything done in the fieltl NON 'l'ROll()). llis short subjects have tlter era, settling on the rain-drenched
since YELLOW SUBUARINE H968). lt been seen in various International Tour- earth inhabited by the denizens of an-
l redefincs the art of commercial anima-
tion. Italian producer/director Bruno
nees, and his most recent short, OPICR.-\
(I973), is included in a package circulat-
cient, craggy landscapes. The dinosaurs,
after having braved a severe storm and
Bozzetto does more than just steal the ing on PBS as The International .\l\irn:.t' the volcanic upheavals of their prehistor-
torch from the likes of George Dunning tiun Festival." ic terrain, enter a city of moving sky-
and lleinz lidelman. H'e adapts a range of The recurring thematic statements in scrapcrsthe cetnent monstrosities rise
styles under one conceptual umbrella and Bozzctto's work, frequently about hu- from the ground in a seeund's notice,
allows his composition to spill onto a manity and concern for our planet, justi- murdering the pitiful animals by shearing
campagrtn irtfirtile with imagination. But fies his use of surrealistic imagery. In Ol- through them mercilessly. From the solid
in structuring the film asa satire of F1\N- ERA, for example, a demented Fiagro mass arises a mile-high human figure. lts
TASIA, setting six animation sequences paints Death over New York City, its face is human, but wait. . .it cracks apart
to classical music, Bozzetto cannot avoid harbors soaked in disease, polluted from within. revealing the luathesolne
an invariable schizophrenia in his work. plague, as the Statue of Liberty sings her living head of an ugly ape, leering mis
He obviously respects Disney, yet the song of dispair through a gasmask. ln ano- chievously, a leader over a land of a new
film works lcss as a parody of FAN- ther film, SELF SERVICE (1972), vora< humanity. The sequence is a masterpiece
l TASIA than as a showcase for Bozzetto,
whose vision does not adjust to Disney's,
cious mosquitoes parody man's insistence
upon wasting natural resources.
of charged cmotionalism, one Disney can-
not match for impact and sheer dynamic
even metaphorically. The initial calculation in sending-up force.
Framing sequences filmed in tonal FANTASIA is Bozzetto's conceit to tear Not that there is a need to defend Boz
down the impunities found in commer- zetto against Disney. The fact remains
cially animated films Disney could have that Disney and his crew filled 5 need for
by experimented uently with his technical articularly produced, professional anima-


ml 1f?

-_-in Y K.


-1 I


It redefines the art of commercial animation.

tion at .1 ti111e when .11h1lt" e.11't111111s did U111 is the tin.1l shut f1-11111 the l'a1111 hnihlinig .1 h.1111l .1111l luot ]oin1-d as 11111.,
not 1-\tst. .\'\11'l1 was l)is11e\"s positive i11- .\'l'L{l"l'I\l, when .1 11111111; tgirl l1ei111;1'lt.1se1l tl1e11 twu arms .1111l legs \\'lIlIHlll .1 head.
fhtetn 1- tl1.1l eqnall\' prufieient artists like I11 the \.ll\l lies tluwn i11 .1 s11l11ly 1;1'ee11- .111d so forth.
.\l.1s and l).1\'1- l-leisrlter fell to the 11.11 lined tne.11l11\\'. Sheslowly1liss11l\esi11111.1 l{11t1ndin1.gtlti111gs ull'11i1ely is .1 rnte l1it
side. 'l11d.1\'. the l)isn1-1- stndios have 11-1t 11i1;l1t skv -1\'1'1'l1e.11l. 1usn1i1all\' 1lri|1pi11_t; ahunt 1u11fur111it1' set 111 "Sla\'i1 l).1111e
\\'itlt1l1'.1\\'11front tl1e r11i1gn1.1 tl1ey'\'e1're.1t into the dusk. .1111l tlte11 dissol\'i111; intu No. T," with .1 .\l.lll-\l.lQ.|/lIll"l'|ll' e111li111;
e1l for tl1e111se|\'es. l'l1ei1' f11r1nnlapirtnres the lltilliutis of stars of the |1ea\'e11s. This that works as .1 ntultil.11'ere1l joke about
furre \('\tll' lin1it.1tions 1111 their 1'reati\'- goes l1r\'11n1l ly1'i<'.1l; it is |1.1ssi1111.1te and tl1e ntilitary. ittt\1iti\'e .1rro1;.1111e 11f 111.1113
it\. B11//.e1|11 displays the e11er14\'.1111l11ri- sentient, as if \\.1trl1i111; .11n.1ssul\1111'u11r mind. and plai11 old \-11l1;.1rit1'. lluv./.ett11
1;in.tlit\' llis|1e\' 11t11'el\a1l_ \\l\l('lIl\lT1\LllllI tlinated tolurs assin1il.1te tlten1.sel\'1-s onto piles on tlte jokes pretty tl1i1 l; and fast;
senility 11\'er tl1e years. (Zreat talent .1~ .1 1'.1n\'a.\'. forniinig.1paititinu. that's tl1e puint. l-.1st l1t1t 11ut tun fast.
hotlttds i11 .1ni|n;1ti11n today [Bo|1(11dre'. .\ seeoiid st't't\t' uf reqitisite l1e.1nt\ 111* llo//.ett11 has the 1'.1p.11'ity t11sen'ettp1'ar~
Peter l~11l1les, \'11ji Knri, I11 11at1te inst .1 enrs in "Tl1e Sad \\.1lt1.." wherein a lonely 1111111 1'.1\'i.11'. while l)is11e\' gives us steak
few). l111t none has p1-otltieetl as impresr Ke.111si.111eye1l l111t1se1'.1t s\1n'eys its on<'e~ and klnt/es like ll.tksl1i1.111l1arel\'ntt1ter
si\'e :1 work .1s.\\' TRUl'l(). happy tw11~st11ry honie, nuw .111 ;1l1.n11h111 .1 salad. Tl1e 1'le\'er11es.s is se1l111ti\'e. the
llu/.m'lttt is gutsy i11 apprnarltitig l1is 111.1- ed, w.1rt11r11 skeleton of .1 l1t1ihli111;. \\'itl1 teniperanre prodigal.
teri.1l, .111d is ;1l1le to rotnniettt on more all 11f its dreams and p.1st 11l1liter.1ted, the Te<l1|ti<'.1l 1're1lits are untsta111lin1_;. l';1s-
tl1,1n d.1n1'ing alligators or talking deer. .1|ti1n.1l senses its own existenre wasted tels are 11\'erwl1el1ning, haths of pris|nali1'
.-\ final pr11l1le1nwit|1 .\l,l.l-l(R() .\'0.\' witliottt tl1e love and <11tnl'urt of human l1ar|n11ny. Sight and sunnd fills the mind
'lR(lll() is its ending. lt is tla/.7.ling, re- ity. Standim; witle-eyed. gazintg into a11 and l have 1111 tlunht niost \'iewers le.1\'e
ntarkal1l1' interestinig, and e11111pletel' in enintionless eatnera. it hears tl1e a|>pr11ael1 the theatre with implaitted l111es ;1111l tin1'<
11n11prel1e11sil1le. In it, the .\laestro intro- of an 11tnit111us ste.1msl111\'el; shortly, even lures tltat, in their minds, retai11 the ftill
dttres a li\'e~.11'ti11n rltaraeter to eliuuse a the gutted t111nl1 of its ine.n1des1'e1tt 1111-111- magie of the literally animatetl screen.
finale, there l1ei1ng no tratisitional method uries will l1eren1o\'etl. I-rnxen in tin1e, tl1e Rivers are an ainaleatn of shiny silver and
to end tl1e filt11. Tl1e;1etion shifts to .1 pair rat disappears. lt;I\lI\g, like the (Iheshire l1h1e reeetioits. radialintg like .1 half~sil-
of lovers, one of wliom, the woman, eon Cat, .1111111tli11e.'l'l1at. too, gratlitally melts \'ered mirror. The filttt is perfert tor el1il~
tinn.1llt' throws the same retttrnittig man away. \\'itl1 this inrretlil1l1- shot. lloz/.ett11 dren (if they .1re not liatnperetl by prn1l~
nff l1erl1al1'o11y. .\ see11t1dfi11.1le shows an makes us realize a sense uf loss whielt is ish parents who may object t11 snttte art-
npera singer l1itti11g;1hi1;l1 note. while, un l1e.1rtfelt. fttl nudity), as it lives as an 11ne111li111;l1ar-
another planet, a monkish wise ma11 .-\ third extra11rdin.1ry scene takes r.t1;e 11f color and relr;1eti1111. The small
rlasps his ears in ;1n11oya1\ee. \\'e are then plaee during The lire Bird" entry. In it, ones may not \1nder.sta111l the eon1plexi-
hotnharded with a stieeessinn of unrelated the snake froni the (iarden of l~'.1lr11 has ties of llu1.zettu's 1'o1n111e11t.1r1', lllll that
earttiott one-liners: .1 hamster views tnan 11 e.1te11 the f11rl1idden fruit. lt t11ml1les is nut iniportant i|1 lie11 nl the startling
on a treadwheel, a wontan pieks a flower through .1 myriad of futuristic psy1'l1e1lel- cartoon fal1rie.1tinns.
whieh, i11 retaliation, huries her, ete. The ia: a room of w.1ll-to-w.1ll tele\'isio1ts site Lastly. .\l.l.l-.(iK() N().\' TR()l'l() has
skits are amttsitig, hut forsake .111 earlier 11aI responses tn "sex."f11o1l."a111l"\'io- l1ee11 praised l1y reviewers in 111.1113 cases
e1111ti11t1it' in hopes 11f a quirk laugh. le11ee;" the snake is tted witlt a11 unruttt for the \\'r1|tIt; reasutts. Their premature
.\lttt"l1 of the film is full of virtues, 11nt- fortahlt Chesterfield sttit and ntatelting eritiral eiaettlations of 1l;1ssir" and "The
weitthing wl1ate\'er strttetttral uhstaeles tie. sent on an assenihlyline of disjointetl New l)isney" miss the si1;11ifira|1t'e of
lluzzettu ratinot hurdle. Foreniost, there hands wl1iel1ititnxieateit with stiekly syr~ ll11zzetto's film. To say tl1at he replaces
is the atiimation. F;\l\"l;\5l.'\ was an a<'- inges; the rewards of religion. a rruekpot Disney is l111n1l1.1stie liyperliule. l11 tr11tl1,
ceptahle "trip" for liead-sters of the last of gold eoin. empties into a11 open donie Bozzetto merely outshines a Disney of
l two tleeades; .4\LLl-LGRO NON TROl'l'() of a Byzaittine eathedral. I11 the end, the the sixties and se\'e|1ties. Disney may have
is a liealthy overdose. lt uverexteiids exl1attste<l and disigttsted snake, liaving l1ee11 a master of the art f11r|n;B<1/.zett11 is
mood, pare, a|1d e11lor-and fares well in witnessed all the snfferitng .11t1.l false joys a11 apposite eomparison. .~\l.l.l1(JR() NON
its ittdulgeiwe. The classical music is fam- of humanity. t'11t|t1l\S-llp the apple and TR()l'l() is not so mn1:l1 a elassie as a
iliar, ranging from "ll11lero" to l)\*nr.'1k's leaves it with a e1111f\t.se1l Adam a|1d l-Ive. latidmark. Let it pave its way towards :1
Slavic l);1nee N11. 7," "The Sad Waltz" The transgression thrmtgh this weird superior titiderstaiitling of the animated
hy Sibelius, and The Fire Bird." The or- world of artificial stimtilations is, to |loz- form i11 film. llopefully, and soon tuu, we
eltestratiutts are, i11 retrospert, nothing zetto's credit, sttstained mania. The epi will he ahle to gaze npon more talents
speeial. though somehow ahle to give in1- snde hegins with an engaging nse of elay like llozzetto. filling our need for unique
pettls to Bu7.7.ettn's illusions. At least
three srenes will linger i|1 my memory.
atiimation. depicting God's e11nstrueti1111
of Man and \\'t1n1a11 fro111 "seratel1," first
and positive euntributiuns front the field
of commercial animation. I
.\l;ulc in lEH.!, hiii l\('\\'l\' Cupyrigliiml
unil rclmisml by Raiyniuiiil Rnh;iiii:r. iliis
is u rmiirirkiihly i'ffm'ii\'c cx.iiiiplc uf ;i
scrm-ii f.iiry i.ili-. \\'riiimi ;iml \llfCLlC(l hy
Scrgc kll Puligiiy. \\'lll\ iliiilugnc liy _]miii
(Iucimiii. ihc film .i|su scrvcs .is ii mniicisr
'll'klll;llli\I\ mi (lniliir si rccn vffccis. 'l'lir:
npmiing Stl|\ILlIL'k, highly Ii'l11l|\l$(Cl\l of
X()Sl~'l.R:\ll. l'nllm\'.s .i lI(\Tl~(l!'.l\\'Il
in an m'ric Lll1|l\.L|\l ,i
LUJ&'ll h;irn~lling up
iindcr grey. ilmiil-limkiiig skics. lnnigcs
fnllmv likr .i r;ii.iliiigi|c: .i sinisivr. ciiri
SI.'f\.llll limping \\'lllI .\ pi!-lvg, crmikiiig
(l<Hll'5, .| liuiyliiig \\'ll\il. J i'rm~piiii; l>l;irk

cal. ll siniiigc l\iilll(|H1\l1 \\'hn (llSil|I]1('l\YS

fruin his lnrl-<ml ln.-ilrnuiii.
l.l\lI' nn. uficr ilr Puliigiiy has <lu\'i-lup-
ml his plol. \\-1' !l'l\l\ in ilir Gniliir iii zi
l.l\L'\l-lll;i' L'l|\l(.'Il(( ih;il is ilic ciiiuiiuniil
Lllltl siylisiir liiglipuiiii uf l.l\l' filiii. This
iiinc, lum.iiisi' uf ilic kll\'i.'liIp|IILIIl gi\'v:n
In llIL' i' iii p.iriii'iil;ir. ;i q.nnc-
kccpcr. .i in-;ililiy girl. Allhl hcr pour li.ilf-
sistcr. huili nf \\l'llIl\l lic has zrmyn up
'I'II!. lIII.!.S ll.-I I'I-.' I-. )'I~..\' \\'iih. ihc .\".iim' kinil nf ((iuihir) lll\;|_\1lS l'III-. (.'U.\'H-..\'.\Ilr.\'.-ll.
.irc imhiiml \\'llll ;iii lI\ltII\Ll\' ruiimiiiir
'l'lll'l llll.l.S ll.-\\'ll l'.\l.S ;\ \';iiiqii.inl SL'I\S(' ih.ii is nuiliiiii; Slhirl of lXlT;l\lfillH- \\'.ill-u-r. Srrm-iipl.iy hy l);i\'i<l \li'(;illi\'rai'.
Rvlc.is1'. l()/TT. lii (Iulur. ST Il1lIl\ll(. .iry. J5 llh' qsiiicki-i~pi'i'. slri-p\\.ilkiiii;. \\'iih: .'\llllN|l\\' Slurp. .\'\is;iii lciili.iligim,
I'rmlii\'v:il hy l'rii'r Lin k1~.\\'riiicn.i|iilili (.|l'Tll ufl ihc rirli \\'4II1l.lIl ivlinin lic Sn-|ili.inir lh~.irli.iin. .\'uriii;|n lislilvcy. .\lcr-
rcciml hy \\'cs (ll'1\\'L'l1. \\'iili: Siisini l.;i- ihinks hu lines. l\('l' \\l\ll(' \1li\\'l\ fliiii<'i'iin; \'yii_]nlnis. Shriln Ki-ilh.
nivr. Ruhcri lluiisiuii. .\l.iriin Spm-r. \'ir- i1liusi~lilu~ ilirungli .i Illiliil1llglIl'lil'l\.{lIlll\- Tin" films of Ilriiish linrrur \\lll figure
giiiiu \'inii-ni,_|.|iiics \\'liii\\'urlli. ml scrii-.~ -if Ihllllhll >'\lllH\llI\llIli_{S, unly in luii- \\';ilkur iisi|.illy igm ;i spzirsc cx|iluiia-
l-'nr his I\\'\\' film (ihc iiilu is iiussilnly .i find .is hr I'l'.\(lIL'S his cuiiiiigr \li.ii shr has iiun l'l'll';|$L' l\t'l(', us this. his I976 clluri
jnkv un 'l'lll-. .\'Ul'f\'l) OF .\ll'Sl(I's Sllgilf inziigiiuilly i'li.ini.!cil inin ihc |llIiIl girl. lll( ll()l'Sl'I 0|-' .\l()R'l.\l. Sl.\'. rvlmisml un-
cuziiml suing lyrii), \\rs (Ir;i\'cn niiiy nni mic hr iriily luvrs: (hr iln-.iin yisiuii iisml LlL'!' its uriiginiil slinniiiig iiilv hiii L\\l\'(l'll-
again lI'.l\L dug lI\lii lh-rgniziii fur his siury .is S\ll)tilllS\lii\|a iriiih. ml ;is l)l-).'\'l'll'S l)()()R. \\'riiicn hy liis
(us hc lll(l fur l9T'_"s l..~\.\'l' ll()L'Sl-. ().\' (Incl:-;iii's |lI'l.\i'll< u in llli film kl('lll'l\' iisiml l'iIl\(I!'l l).l\'lll .\lr(ii|li\'r.iy, .iml pm
'llll". l.l'.l~"l). hul l\iI\\ his wuik is lILlli'l l'Xl(lIL.l.\' lii-ymnl lll.|l<\g\lC'\\'l'llll\\1 (.inil (l\li'lil llllll ilirm'iml liy \\;ilkcr. ihr lilm is
cmilrnllml. .iiiil hcriiiisc ihu \\-liulv .i playing llll lMliIl\. \\'liu ri-.i|i|ic.irs ;i yiriilciiily ;inii(I.iiliulic i-xvriisc in i

smisi: of siriiriiiru. ll\L' lH)I'Yi)I'/llS|ll'lll ;|l ihv film's rliin.ix lu<ll.|I\gi'\l1'Sliill'.'$, in iyhirli ;in nlil pricsi (.\nihuiiy Slurp)
iynrks mun' i'ffm'ii\'cly. (lliyiinisly. lIIiH'i' f;iiry lill(' llisliiuii, .|iiil ilimi rriiiiihlcs llllil lil.|L'lU\\;\il$ yniiiiig fCll1;|ll ]lJl'llI\Ill(f liy
muiicy \\'.l$ spviii. ;in1l ihc .\l(;.\l cnlnr ilnsi). lluih in ihr lush spiriimliicss ufiliv i;i|n- rvmiriliiig ihvir i'mil'i~s.siuiis. \\'lirii;i
prnccssiiig hvlps iininrnsuly. l'hu sinry. A. film, .iiid iii spri ifiis likr ihv ilcsiigii uf yuiing iirivsi l)(l'\>l11l uiriuiis ;il>i>iii liim. '
hii L'UI\lTl\t'll in sci up lhi: ])Il'II\i$(, ihc uiikcpi Ll\llll'.\\l wiih fiingcrs nf \'inrs Slmrp gncs lirrsrrk ;inil In-gins killing. us-
tunccrns 1| iniilii~gmicr.iiiuii f.iiiiily iyhn puking ilimiigliiisinim'ii>i's.iii1l1-xicriurs. ing. .iiiiniiig uilicr rliiirrlily ll('lS. an in-
are sinnulml in ilivir car and lI;llll'Y iii ihu iliis film St\lh_s iiniliing loss ili.iii .i ]'- ll'l\SL' hiirncr in lI;lllL'l nnv \'llllI\'| in
LltSk'Yl llllkl ;|l'l slim-ly \l\'lilI1llL\l lay Ll iirc riin fur (Iucic.iii's ign-.ii ll]-..\l"l'\' ilmiili. .i rns.iry in .sir.iin;h- ;ll\(|ll\i.'f. .|inl;i
group uf ilcscri ir.i/iii-s. This is nnr nl ll\l' .\Nl) 'l'lllz Bl-..\.\"l'. wliirh hr will iiiiikr |HIliIl\lil llusi fur .i llllfll, ihv l1|lll'f1lPJ\-

fciy |'l'l'L'lll liurrur films ili.ii is pm-f.iiiiily: full! yi-.|rs l.iim'. iiviiliirly n;isiy cum L'|\llilIl. .\ll iliis iin-
ihc \'.i1:iliuiiinq fziniily. wliu lminl ligliily I)lIi'flI Iinrllinlimirzv .ih;|sliml flL'lllll$l\llCS is ilmic \\iih a

inguilirr in fiiglii hm k, is i'l.|ssic.ill\' .\ini'r-
iuin. .'\l\1l \\'lllI ll\i' hi-1|: uf UHC of ihuir Wgwj l 7?
'l'lll-. (I(),\'I-'l-..\'.\'lU.\.\l. .\ii .-\il;is l'ihns
sir.iii;hi f.i< .inil ihc film is clvvvsrly pui
im;i~|lim' illlll p.nml sn .is in iniiiimi1.c uur
ilishi-Iii-|'. \\'.ilkcr )il.iys liniii.igi~ In his lini-
Rin Tin 'liii~lilu' fziniily pcis. iriiiiml fiurru
rur ln|'lw.ii's ilii~n~'s 1| lurking Si'l\'.il1l

|m_iim'iuruml.ii;|'vssnrlilii'n'l|ys.i\'iiigihc R1.-lc.|si~. .'i/TT(iT(i]. In (Inlnr. I015 niin-

l\\ll\\;lIl suinr lilimillciiiiiiii. ihvy L'\'l'Hl\\- \ll('. lrmliirml .iml \lll\'l'llll hy lviur iyiih .i glass ryv who iiirns uill In l)l'
ailly win. .ililiuiigh ii llll i.ikcs ll iull. In .i jiliml girlfrimiil Iimin iliiriy yc.irs
ciiriuiis ll\i|l('L', (Ir.i\'i'n l\;l l!l.|(lL' ll\t i'r.i~ 'IIII' I'II.'|.\'l'H.\I Ii.-iRII.\' liclbrc. .inil ilivri-'s .i \'ll'l\|.|l r.ii;ilni;i|c ul
xii-s iiiiu .i f.iinily .is \\'l'll siiiipnsmlly .i lliirliiurk .inil ll\('|IIks, in
lIYl'lll'|' chilil ll.l$ igrnnn up. ;|l>kl\lill\l ;i i'hiiliii_i; ilir riilirc
si'Xii.|l \\'\'ll lli;il .|(-
pmsiiiiilc. .inil sirml .iii ii<liliiiun.ill\' ininr ruiiiiis fur Sli;ii'|i's \\'.|Y]lt'(l l)l'l\1|\'llIf ;\l\\l
sirmis Il\;\ll <l\liI, \\lllI .iiiuihi'r nffspriiiig .i .in .ii'uniip;iiiyiii_i; .ihiiur|n:il ninilicr/snii
girl whn ilm'i<h-s In hi-lp ihr hiini.ins. li's l'\'l.|ll4ilL\l\l|I ili.ii so ufu-ii in lliiclimcl,
lL'|ll In ll\llHll'!' nr, ;ii ll\\' limisi, in-iimsis.
all hi/zirrv Q--inq mi a llIlI\\l\llk lcvcl; ihc
scruml Qk'I\l'f.lll(Ill, \i:i ihcir lI\\l\ ingi'ii\i- L \ _i

. 'l'|iv: hunk of ihr lilin is qiiiic l\l\'l'. \\'ill\

rnlnr plmiu_igi';i|1liy lay lrim'_]cssnp. .iml is
iiy. rlu.nly |'ini'n;cs llll \i'[i|Y/\l!\'l\'lIf in _

mu Ii f.imily. lliii un .i l7lU\>(l-1\l\\l'\1\llS ivy- l ' ;ihu\'c .i\'vi'.ii:1'. l\l'I\ lay liriiish si.iii~
i'l. sinw (Ii.i\'mi is prim'i|i.ill\' -\ ll\lL'Hll'll il.irils. 'lhc ailing is wry qmul llIllllil.
mliinr. llll film l\\iI\'\'S .iluni; (|\llll \\lll\ Slurp siilkiiig .ilunii likv ihu wry
ly. ilvvil. .\'\is.i|i l'rnli.ilii1uii AS ihr ciirrciiily
Ihiriil I171/liIIlIIIli'IA' lLl"I'\bl'l7.(ll liuruim'. ;ll\(l Siqiliiiiiiv lh-.|<li-
ill, whu iyisuli i;\i;i|ml, iinlikv. siiy
_]n;ni (Inlliiis, from \'irgin.|l hrc.iilili"ss hcr~
'l'lll". lll.\.\"l'().\l ll.\R()X .-\ l{.iyiimiiil uincs in (Il(ll'l qirlfrimiil mlcs. Tliv: LlHlll\2
Ruliniicr RL'l&'.l$l'. I2/77(c~l1fl. In lll.n"l; K jiisi riils nff. \\-iih ihc lllll) <lII\\'il\('iII\{l)'
\\'hiii'. 98 miniiii-s. Prmliirml hy (Iinisnr pui uff .iiiil Slurp llIll'(' .ig;iin inking ulf
iiiim ilc l'rmliii'liniis ilu lilins. l.ii'is. l)i~ _' ziflrr l'riili.ilii;nii. ihis iiinc iiiiiiiipmlcil.
rcciml hy Si.-rgc ilc lulii;iiy. Scrm-n|il.iy lay Thu .il>i'ii|nin-ss iniplirs ihc iln|iiiii.nim- ul
(lc l<:lii;ny \\'lll\ iliulugiic hy _]c.iii (Inn i-\'il wiiliuiii riailly liziyinig [<1 slimy ii. iisii~
lL1l\l. \\'iih: _l<';in (lurii-.iii. .-\l;iin (Iiiny_ .illy ilir inisi.ilu- of "ills ilircly ppssiiiiisiii
Oilvliv _|ny<'iix, v];lll}' llnli, Cl;\\Hll' Sinn- hnrrnr films.
yail. .\iiilri' l.1'f.nir. (}.ihrii~llc lhirziiii. I)i1:-i':l Ilurllmlnnirw

CO.\l.~\ [.\licl1;1cl (irirlitonl l11itt'tl:-\rtists Big \\;1tt'r. sloppy 11.1w :1n1l tlioroiiglily
2/78, 1\l1'tro1'olor. H3 1ni11. With: Gene
1ic\'t' lhljoltl. .\lit'h:1cl Douglzis, Rivlurtl
plltllC|;tlIlL clim:1x 1|u.1lil') this :1s (|llLlL'l{ l
nost:1lgi:1. lYnlort11t1:1t1- l11~<":1\1st~ .\1~\\-lzinnl
\\'i1l|n:1rk. "(Irichto11 finally gets lu play
h:1s :1l\\':|1s lu'1'11 1111 iiitcrvstiiig,il'11111~\'1*11.
i11 :1 hos|tit;1l. and pvrlunns t'xtcllt'nl
sur- ruiitriluitur to tl11' qvurc i.1'. 1EITfl'5
gery on Robin Cook's lvustscllcr :1l1ot1t :1
hlatk n1:trkct i|1 urgzin tr:1nspl:1nts. Pon- l)().\"'l' llli .-\l"'R.'\ll) (H7 'l'lll-l l).'\RK.
lllTUll cxposition loppvtl off. r1:;1ms 111'
.\l:111yof tht oltl lll'.\'().\'l) 1'|1i.\'o1l1-s \\'t'rc
trxt :1r1' tlistillctl intu pithy :111tl cmirisc int<-lligrnt (who 1'.111 forget
i11\*<'111i\'1' .1n1l U
dialogtic Cctu'S, :1n1l (.onk s mvsd stlt<l<'11t The Sncrvtl .\l11sl1mo|11.' with .\'c\\'|.111tl
nhscssioli with lit-httlilling t1:cl1ni(:1I dou-
;1111l |1ro1l111'1'r (lollit-r Y1111111; :11't1|:1lly t'.1l-
lwlctulk is rinscnl uttl i11 (Irirl1ton's tight ing thc titlt-tl l'11n1g11so11~r;11111'r:1?), as wt-rc
No-I:1111l's spur.uli1' 1'o11tril111tio|1s to thu
:1111l :11lmirt1hlc srripting. The l1c:1\y n1c1li-
1';1l flzivurilig oc1':1siot1:1lly lukcs its loll ct|t1.1lly i11consisu'11t 'l'llRll.l.l~lR. But tl1is
t'ntr1' r1'sol\1's itsull .1s .1 svlf~ripolT this
rl1.1r:1r|cr\1'isv:'lilljt>ltl h:'_1;it1s ;1s :111 auto- |1ilnt' is
1n.1t1111 r;1tht'r tl1.111 ;1sscr|i\1'.' ititlircctly
:1 \'irt11.1l ru111:1k1- of .111 oriqi11.1l
lil-lY().\'l) svmiivitt tillnl "l'i1l:1l \\'.1\'t-'
;l\lSll\g .1 11.1st1' tl1cn1:1li1" mitl-film hrc:1k l1r11:11lc.1st i11 lfltitll" I11u/.\l. .\'uu1nmn
i11\\'lIlLlt the story must p11\tst' to illut11i-
n:1t1' hcr l111m;111ityl>11t thcn thv: super-
scienrc thriller t:1kr:s nwr, hurtling us Oll, (SUI)! |(Z.1rl Rcincrl \\'.1|111-r llms,
zuilh lhijohl into conl'ron1;1tio11s with :1 ltl/77. (ulnr, lU~l mi1111t1's. With: (Zcorgc
lc-cring hit m:1n. u grusnmv:ly rczilistit" clac- ll11n1s._|oh11 l)1'11\'cr, Trri G.1rr. "'l'l1v:l1cst
trortttioii :1111l r:1mp:111t p;1r:1noi;1 ;1s shc rust for :1ll\t'is|11 l'\'1- 1-1'1-r st-1'11. S;111|11' 'l'\'
, ' sitrotn huntnr l1:1sl11-1|\\'itl1 11.1i\c prol'u11
drlvcs into thr omi11o11s goiligs-1111 ;1t thc 'i tlitirs. l'm OK/Yo11'ru OK tl11~r:1py for thv
_]cl'lv:rso11 lnstitutt-_ with its :1licn :1111l .\T:<ll1'I'II.U'I'
spi|1cfr1-rziiiig ilisplny of 1'o111:11os1' l111|11:111
inzisst-s. who :1|1p:1rc111ly 1-iijoy living 1l1~~
\'cgt't:1l>lcstl1t- lmldcr for thu ill1~1;.1| or- l111l1'1l. R1-int-r's i111|1r1-.~:sim1 of I'/11' I'i1!11r1

pcrlmps futuristic (or .1lic11) 11-orltl :1|11l Imrizm (-'m_\' is mutt, l111t
g;1t1-running. Uittlcr (Iri1"l1to1\'s tlirccliuti
u_/ l1.1rtlly\\'urll1
tlcnst-ly p;1rn<lyi111; tho kind of l>;1t1.1li1y llIt' |1ri1'c11l' :11l111issiu11."
thr ti-clt1111loqit":1l 1ri\'i:1 carrics 11 11111111-y~ th:11 1l.1ily s11rro11111ls us :1n1l svt-111s to l1:1\'1-
llJ('l& q\|:1r:1nlt'c \\~hih: riulcly cxposing tl1- I-rwlt-rii"/1' .\'. (.'!ur/tr
potv1tti.1l for such pl1c11o111c11;1 to on-rr11l1'
hunmns .1ntl tltis film 1lc111o11str:1|<'s th.1t
l>c1'o111c the 1-111l-prmltlct of 1'i\'iliz:1tion.
llrspitc this l>1ttl_11t-1, l.yn1'l1's spt1i:1l vi
lt'1'ts,i|1<'l11dit1g:1 (m1'1'l1:1|1i1'.1l) ht'.1st/1'l1il1l
S'l'.\R lll.()'l [lit-lro l"1'.111risri] .\lo11:1rrl1
ll/T7(t'tit1), l-..1st111.1111'olor, K119-1) min-
the l1u111:111 v:l1:111<'11t :1s wt-ll will 1'1111|int1c
to s1~1-p tlirougli the 111.1t'l1in1'ry in (Iricl\t-
11nd some stop-niotion, ;1r1~ si111pl\ 1-xtr.1~
ordinary. 111111 the 1vl1ult' is gi\'ttt .1 strik~
1|t1-s. \\'ith: l.1'o|111r.1 R11l'l'. Kirk .\lurris.
(iorilnn .\lit<'h1'll. "l'..1rth sciciitists lm.1r1l
1111's film work. :1 l1it murc c:1t"l1 timr.
.-\ ingly :1l1sorl1i11g qu:1lit1' hi l"1'c1l lilincs :1 sp.11'1~sl1ip ;1111l l>l;1st ol'l' for thc ll11lr:1
cn111pctt'|1t, proll-ssio11;1lspccul;1ti\'ttl1rill- 111111 llt.'fl)LTl (I;1r1l\\'cll's lightinig .1ml
er, sometimes roltl, murc oftvn chilling. pl1o- t'(lll$lL'llillllllI; thcir ship is .111 .1l11|11in1111t
tograpliy, prol1:1l1ly thc fin:-st l1l:u"k-;1n1l- foil lt1llll;|l\lt'L; (luring ilt-1-11-$11.11 r1'p;1irs,
hut 1l:'fi|1i|t'ly ciigrossirig." Scltmv wliitc pltotograplty 1-
I)111~1- 1lu111- si111'1' tltv'~lUs. I thvy 111.1i11t;1in :1 1v1'i14l11lcss11t-ss 1'l'l'1-rt hy
:1m not 1::1sil1 gin-11 to n\crst:1t1:|111~|1t. 51-1: juiiiping ull tr.1111pnli11cs: thcy l.111tlo11ol1l
ER.-\Sl-.Rllli;\l) [D:1\*i1l Ly|1cl1| A l,ihr:1 this thing."
Film, lll/77, l>l:1tl-< & whitu, 90 minutt-s.
I).111'1I Ii.1r1I1.1I|1111v:1~ l'l,.'\.\'li'I' OF 'l'lll-1 \'.\.\ll'lRl.S scls; .111
.1li1'n l:1|1_1;11':11;c must hr 1l1'1'i]1l11~r1'1l. to
\\'itl1:>|oh11 Nzincc. Cliurluttc Sl1:w:1rl. .-\l-
l1-11 ]ostph. _]v::1n|1e lS;1tt's. "l'r11tl11u'1lo11
'llll~'. l.\'(IRl-.l)lllLl'l lll'l.K
|K1'11111'tl1 \vl1it"|1 unv 11p-:1t11l-<'11n1i11g sclt11l.1r t\'i:1 thc
:1 _]oh11son| CBS-'l'\', ll/77, t't1lt1T. H10 tltuitlly llnglish ilulihingl r1~n1.1rks Snuiitls
sliot-string with p;1rli:1l uid from tlu: .1\H, 111i11ut1~s. \\'itl1: llill Bixh1'_ S11s.111 S11lli\':1n.
this lilni is truc r:1rit1::1t1nrigi11;1l\\'ork likv B11lg.1ri.111;' thc plot ilisiiitt-_1gr:1tt's :1l'tcr
Lou Ft-rrigiio, .l ark (Zol1*i11. Kviiiicth forty miiiutcs :1111l thc tlircctor invclits
that svcviniitgly has no :111u'cc1lc11ts i11 tlw |ol111sot1's|il11'r.1l:1l.1pt.1tion ol'th1: .\l;1r\1l I

grnrc. lt is|1<1t.1l1str:1t"t,l1ut ild1:cs:1(o- two or thrcc new tltlt' \\l\lt'lI pron-1-1| si-
(lotnics bclicmotlt is .1 li\'t'l)' ;1n1l c11u'r- 1111tl1;1t1vo11sly'. l"irst rv:lc.1s1'tl lt.1Iy as
hcrt-111 plot 1h:s1'riptio11. i11 l':1v:t, it tlclics t.1i|1i11g picrc of n1clo1lr:1m;1. licttcr lay f.1r

1|:-srriptioii of .111) kind. lt is :11 011cc Z + :'1 .\ll.\'Sl()Xl~'. llYl)R.'\. Xl1>11.1r1'l1 l1;1s
tl1:11\ thc 1<1n1i1 hook itsrlf. llis 111"1\' :1n1l rut sonic 1-xpository s1'1'11cs fmin the rur-
sliocking and l'1|n11y:1111l is 1l1't-ply :1111higu- \':1stl1 more 1'l'l'v:1'ti\'v: origin of the llulk is
uus, not unlikv: rcnt tluhhul \'1'rsio11. which 1lo1's11't ht-lp.
lcryptogrtuit without
11 uitlctlliy Bill llixl1y's t'o|1vi11ci11g|mrlr:11';1l This film has rcpoitcilly hvun sl1o1\'n o11
clues. Prnd11tt'1l, tllH'('ll'(l, tlcsigiictl, writ- of l)r. l):1\'id llrttcc ll:111111r. who \\~l1vn .-\n1t-ric;111 1cl1*\'isio11. :1|11l, .1ltl1o1tgh the .11l
It-11 and 1-tlitctl hy l\u\'id l.ym'l1, the lilm pitmpcd full of g:1n1m;1r:11li;1tio11 turns i11-
1.-1'1:11|1' divitlcs its time l>t'l\\'Lc'|\ 11nl'li11t"l1-
c:111tp:1ign for thc tln-.1tri1'.1l version is
to :1 st-11-11-l<11>t-t:1ll, grccii-ski11111'1l Louis niru, thv lull ll-utttrv c:111't 1o111p1:tt- with
ingly 1lcscril1in_1; :1 hru1.1l. 11ight111:1rish, l"v:rrig11u. Susan Sulli\".111 rxrcls :1s l)r. its11\\'11tr:1il1-r." /1-V/]n'_\'I~'n~11!:t'n
1\l:1rks, untl iiitlcctl |h1' tourliing
I-It-l-5"-I/1'!!!-'-'1/) hut tlooniul rt-l.1tio11sl1ip h1't\\':'1'11 li;1nt1cr 'IIIh I.\L'R!,I)II1LI. II!'LK
and Marks is good tlcul morc lioncst .1|11l
ulft-cliiig th:u1 su-11 i11 most str.1igl1t<lr:1~
mzttit" scrivs. _]oh11so11 pron-s liimsclf an
adept writcr/prutlitccr/tlircctor; thv: first
five minutes :1rL' luvcly. thc lztst live min-
utes :1rt- gloriously pop-tr;1gir i11 thr way
that 1\l:1rvt'l Coniics usul to he ln:l'orc
they wcnt down lltL' tiihv.-s. :1111l i11 lic-
twccn we can alnm.\'1 ln'|ic\c in that s1'\'cn
foot green mnnstt-r." .-llun Iirvzimvl

THE Nl-l.\T STEP llE\()Nl) [_]oh11 New-

l:m1.l] TV Sy111lic:1tio11, l/T8, tolor, 23
minutes. With: l,:1r;1nc St1:\'t-ns, Brian
Scott. .-Xctur/tlircrtor Ne-land altcmpts
to rc\i\'il'y his old ON!-L STI-ll Bli\'U:\'l)
scrius with this '70s update. Pilot episode
"l'sun;uni' tlcals with plight of young wo-
man co11fi11ctl to :1 \\llL'L'lCl1;.|ll, u|1:1l1lc to
flee :1ppm:1cl1i11g tidal wttvc. Some :1l-
tcmpt at motlttilulilin\\'u|Il:tn is res-
cued by autistir huy, 11ml svglnvnt is shot
in vidcot:1pchut ubiquitous n;1rr:1ti(1|\,
monotonous pruccss shots of upproacliing

ii-' Ina
CINEFANTA TIQUE is your guide
to a filmie Sense of Wonder
VOL 1 no 1 iiii Ihc ill iii DRACULA A. view; MARRIED .=\ .\1os- VOL ~1 rm s vote no 1

"The riiiiii of TCIIIICQ riiiiei" lliltflttlBflln DE Piillil iiiii

kiilplll-i.I'i oii Fiiiii" Ill|'Vey! 11. '72ll lXI\II\QI';diYECi0f 110- STER 111011 0LTl.R 51>.\c1.
i!!)' Splttlt l)fI lllt miiiiii; iii
14 riiiiii blltd DII the life iii rim riieii. viiiieiii Price lhd RCIIOIPCCI. (MIC! lllitle ld IIIIEFVICW;
filming Will \'il1lDl1 Ind uiiii ciiaiiiei CARRIE; Wfilti DlVid Gtrfdld
Rllpuli iiiiiii 1911 lhlllgh Robe" QUIIIY Dfl 1111.
O7] filming [lit USCII-Wiihg iiiii C"\'Cll l(Cl'Il'\iCi3l'\ CIQIIC
"riie Dillpptlillltc iii PHIBES RISES AGAIN. \'o1.31~:u3
DAMNED" 0II iiie P1D- Till iiiiiiiii of 1iiiiiiii1iiy" CLOSED MONDAYS; piiiiiii wmeii iiii riiiiiiiiii 1./tun or
1111. TIIE LUST for television; Rob-
dilction and diltrihutioti prc1b~ \'()L
NO 3 Q on psychtrliorrnr films iricluiI~ preview DEATII CORPS.
INVASION or 1115 iioov iii; ililtfitwi Willi R0i)I'l .-\1- (II Wise riiiiiiiiii ALTDREY
i! iii iiiiepii iii,-i iiiiiy vow N04
ieieiiee rilllll riiiii. pfbdllfild SNATCHI-IRS RIIHHPCCI ind driCl\, ciiiiii iilixlu Jll
Illlervitw with diYC(l0f DOI1 wiiiiiiii Cilllt; wiliilim riieii Rl'!IO!'ptl 1111; D.-\Y 1111-; iii; 1111. si:N111~:1:1.; 0!!-[hr
by Hllmtf. l('I iepiiii Of riiiiiiiiii PEOPLI.
siqiiidiieiiiiiceiiiiie ROYIICIO ioii UI1 Filming 1111. EXOR- 1..s1t111 STOOI) STILL Will!
111111 111111. 1"01tt;0r, Larry
VOL N02 diitlllltl1111-. CRAZIES iiiii c151; CUTE! Pill Elli lllg COYP|(h!I'l!iV! ll"iI2IViW!; f!~

DOC s.\\~.1\t:u;iiiieiiii_|=iii=i [ION DII T\hll\'TI Fil-ID! 1,11-.ii,i. CUIIEII UI1 riiiiiiiiii l)I'lMON!;
The Hillnfy ld 1e<iiii1qiii rtlmig ~1c;111 01" 1111; 1.1\'-
illiti itludiig i|'IICI'\'itM5 Wllil Juil iiiiiiiii [lit
of FINDS) riiiii .\!li!l'Illi0l'I" ING 111..-\11i11sii rriiiiiiiiiii OI1 11. lili!
iiii iiii wiiii with 1tii- CilAII\iJCI'! On
Milk wiiit. dtllig lpttill IHECI! ind riiiiiiiiii iii llfitik iti lming 50111: CALI. i1ii- PIIIKIUCCY/t.ilf!ll0f ICNTI iii iillttp riii 151..-wt DR.
Pill 1 by
KEVIN Ic iT(idI( 1'i=ii<iiiiii11- .\lURI'..-\U.
with Illbdli illiIIllLiOII ipeeiii DARK s1.-xiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiei 1." 11 LO\'lNG;7..-\l(DOZ.
effeCI.\; DRACULA '11. ii pXl- Ind pltillflf .'\I'IllItlI\y' miiiiii lilllfiltd iiiiii II ll'It' l)aIllC IU
Ill! '0Il;|lii)l'l iii voi. 2 NU-I ieiiiiiii RING KONG; riiiiiiiiii \'o1.s 1~:o2
view iii the ciiiiniiiiiio 1.i-= Key! kiiSk'\-IS!
Ray ".IJY)'l'\i'lUlln CID Ipttlll =1-
iiiiii iiiei fll!i!2d ll COUNT CDLYICIIIIKIIC i'I'0d\1l'Iil)!l! iiiii The Filming iii 1111. ixmzi 111 1111. DF.\'ll. A D.~\tGllT~
NOTHING BUT THE CIST including interviews with ER .it llammer. fects and SINB.-\D AND THF.
DRACULA. lming EV}. OF Tllli TIGER; filming
NlGllT;Sll.l>.N'l' RiNNlN(i. William Fnedkin. _|ason .\liller,
lllli Illtlp iiiiii niei Smilli; vo1..=i NU !)I!l'iAi erreeii riii'1'ii1-; CR.-\T-
vo1.1 no s

vo1.: N0 iieiiiiipei-1 iiieiiiiiiiig

'l'lll-L.\l! Filming .-\um" i\.\'11 iiis 1:11 I.AKI-L .\i0i~is11;iti prtr
"orieiioi FIIIIII) Fiiiiii Daiei" ~1
not; iiieiiiiiiiig ilrrvitwi Will! (i\l(t\' 1-iiii x. Llllfu! 0I"l
Pf0d\lI.Cf iiiiiiiii SI-lilnlJk)' OD iiiimiewi with (ii[l"lu! Gl)I~ 111
iillryl iiii-iiiiissy riiiiiiiitiiie iiiieeiiii 1.. Q. Jill!!! Ind WYIICY iiiiiiiiiii iii ci\1>1i1co1t:< ONE;
Japanese PIOd\l(liOl\ Cmpiy; AI!\i(\.IS with piiiiiii pIt\'iCw! iiiiii l)0l1il! ind WflI(I'-pi'0- piiiiiii iepiiii iiii Ill! !Ij!(Ied
PORTRAIT 0111-;.\11~1\' RClI0- Oh AND sow 1111. sc1tz.\.\i- i.i\lCCF Ted SiIEI'lilI'I\i;pfOti\.l(- lilliln i;111iiiii; interview will!
spt iiiiiio at OIIC of oie RIOS! INC s1.\111s and vi\u1.1n1= ff iti diICClOl HHWIILI zieiiiii diY('IUr l.0Ui! Malle 0" riiiiiiiiii ililkfllp riii CLOSE 1;r<cot11~."
HORROR; the iaiioiyriiiiiiiir DII riiiiiiii FL]-ZSII GORDON: 111..-icit MOON; ".-iii (lllt 11.11501" 1111-; 11111111 KIND.
eiiqiiiiiie iaiioiy riiiiii iii ill iiiiimiii
.iiiii niiiii pll)liIll'CI' _]\'f0fI"lC zeiiiiiaii D
oriiei Alb!" SA t>'.iiiiiii1riii.iii diIClUr Jiiqiies T0\il\\'Il\' |II- iiiieeiiii iililli Cll"petiICI iiii i.eii=i TD
difCil"lr iii I1\II1)' gttlll riiiiis. eiiiiiiiigiipiiiiiiriiiiiiiii iniY\ilev~' riiiiiiiig DARK ST.-\R; iiimiiii 11 l.L\URlIIS" OH whv KING riiiiiiiiiiii.-\.\1.\'.ir101\' .~\l.l.F.\.
Clligiltdi Rullbt iiiaiiiiiiiiiaii (CURSE or 1111-. DEMl).\'l; = i\|\'l iiiiiiiiiiiii riiiiiiiig votwc R()N(Z iiiiiiiiii IIOI l)!
vo1.<'i >10
interviewed DI1 DR. _lEK\'LL piiiiiii IIPOYI li riiiiiiiiii "lII'\- FRANRENS'l'InIN. Pililtiflll PXQVICW LOG.-\N'S :1

(l9Sl). mer's FRANKENSTEIN AND RUN. 'l'lII'. WICRLR MAN. ihe story
AND .\lR. HYDE behind Anthony Shaffer's oc-
FORBIDDEN PLANET Retro- VOL 5 NU 2 cult masterpiece, the CITIZEN
\'0l. I NO 4 with Terence Fisher; a report
The Makiiig of I.OGAN'S RUN KANE of honor lms, includes
"The Five Faces uf George on the perils of being an extra spec! with comprehensive 1n-
in SO\'l.I.NT GRl>.l-.N;director terviews; roundtalile discussion including interviews with Saul interviews with star Christo-
Pal" career article on the great pher Lee; writer Anthony Shaf-
science ction movie maker; a john llough on lming TIII. with writer _|ohn .-\. Russo and l).iviil, Michael :\titiet!un_ I):iv-
LEGEND OF III-LLL ll()iSF.. producers Karl llardman and id lelag Goodman. William I. fer, director Rohin llardYiPro-
survey of ABC Movie of the diicer Peter Snell, and many
Week fantasy TV movies. Russell Streiner uti the making Nolan, George Clayton _]ohn-
of NIGHT OF Tllln |.l\'ll\'C son. George Pal, L. B. Abbott, others; director David Ctcrien~
berg on RAHID; producer Mil
VOL 2 NO I Christopher Lee Career Article, DEAD; Christopher Lee on the and Dale llenessy; The Special
introduced by Peter Cushing, filming of MAN \\'lTll THE i'.lfetL\ of FLESII GORDON tun Subotsky on TIIONGOR.
; The llistory and Technique of sets the record straight on who
Fantasy Film Animation" Part with an afterword by Terence GOLDEN GUN; director .\ior-
ton lleilig on lming ONCE; did what and how. VOL G N0 HVOL 7 NOI
J by Mark Vi'nlf;interview with Fisher: French liorrur and fan- Hiking STAR WARS, twenty-
film director Paul Wendkos on tasy lms; director john EDOI: Film Poetrv" essay and
visual appreciation;KULCll.-\K \i'Ul. N0 3 three interviews with the at-
THI-L MEPIIISTO W.-\l.TZ; di- dis and producer _]a|nes C. O- 51

tors, .irt1sts and lmmakers

rector Alan Gadney on lming Rourke on filming SCIILOCRI; TIIF. NIGHT STAl.Kl>.R. I-ilming 'l IIF. ().\lF.N including
interviews with Gregory Peck who made it possible, with a
MOONCITILI); pictorial report interview with new British hor- special emphasis on the crea-
ror lm star Mike Raven. VOL -I Ni) 2 and director Richard Donner;
on filming DRACULA A.D. '72 tion of its amazing special ef-
at Hammer; FLESH GORDON. Retrospect THE lNCRl>.DlBl.I. Roman Polanski on the filming
VOI. 3 NO 2 SHKINKINC MAN including A uf Tlllz TENANT; career arti- lerts; Steven Spielberg and
cle on \'larlimir William Tyils; Douglas Trumbull on making
VOLZ N02 Producer Charles ll. Schneer Jack Arnold interview ;tt.l ca-
(Il.(lF. I".N(I()UN'l'ER$ OF
on his long association with reer article; Brian De l'ali't'i.i iin .-\ntmauun's Michelangelo and
his worlt for the Disney studio. Till". TIIIRD KIND; David Al-
cial Issue: interviews with /\r~ Ray Ilarryhausen and lming filming SISTERS and I'llA,\'-
TOM OF TIIE PAR.-\DlSI.; iii len tin the model animation of
thur P. Jacobs. Pierre Iloulle, GOLDEN \'O\.-\(;I-'. UF SlN- l..-\SI'.R BLAST; Amy Irving
BAD; Richard Matheson career rector Robert Fuest, writer Mi- VOL 5 N() ~l
Franklin J. Schaffner, _]. Lee THE W.-\R OF TIIE WURLDS on 'lllE l-URY.
Thompson. Ted Post, Rod Ser- interview; writer-director .\Iich- chacl Moorcock and star _]un
ael Crichton on filming WEST Finch on filming Tlll-Z LAST Retrospect with comprehensive
ling, Michael Wilson. Charlton interviews; _|im Danforth on
lleaton, Paul Dehn, Maurice Fl WORLD; photo previews on DAYS OF MAN ON l-ZARTII;
vans, Kim llunter. Roddy l\Ic- lrning at Amicus of FROM producer Gerry Anderson and KING KONG and his resigna
Dowall, john Chambers. _|erry BEYOND THE GRAVE, THE effects technician Brian _]ohn- tion from the Oscar Academy;
Goldsmith and William Crcher; BEAST MUST DIF. and MAD- son on lming SPACE: I999; photo review of George Lucas
_ STAR WARS novelizationipre
Bruce Dem and Douglas Triim HOUSE; David Niven on por- photo preview TIIE ROCKY ,
bull on filming SILENT RUN~ EYE OF THE TIGER.
NING; Peter Cushing interview- THE EXORCIST feature re- THE STEPFORD WIVES.

A W "5 ""6
CLOSE!) .\l()ND;\\'S
1; xn 1



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l.\' .\h\.\l Q! F

l.\\'.\SI().\' ()1-' THE

BOl)\' S :\'llIHERS
- .\'o 3 m, 7 I


L.-\.\D ()l- THE LUST

\'nl 6 .\n I
' '

1-'"Rl$'l0l"ER I-BE \~..|...... | ~..,..|... \ \-...-M ;- \umlw| \.|..,.., ~ \.."..,. \-\\un|< -. \..."|.,. 1 \-.|...... 5 ~...... 1
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Tllli l.[\' .\'($ l)l'l.-\l)

\-nl I N" 4 \|||u|I\r \..|.m.1 \.....|."
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Vulumc | Numhn 1 '\umI>(| | 1 4 \~\.....1 w \uv1\I|rv < Vol s .~..4/wn 1 .~4..1

W ,--_~

. al|:mqAs1'|o|:1
\'ul 2
Nu _
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I 79-Q,-= 1 l.i>n'cl .n h-H .m- jun

fl bulfi -.1 lhr suhjuls Ilf

l'OR'l R.-\l'l' OI"

. mujnr JHi(|l') in uur
JENNY p.|sl i\|rs. I-mm Tllli
j I-.X()R(IlS'l in SlNB.\D
Vol I Nu 3
;\.\'l) llll-L F.\'l-1 Ol-
(;um<;a |(o.\1u0 'l'|ll-I 'l|L;hR In ST.-\R
v-| 2 .\'. 3 -= \\'.\RS,\\-(-1-\n~r in nll.
SILFN .\'m<; "51?! Sullsrrilvc m 1h.- n-\'i:'\\'
I _..'=1 nf lmrmr,>y and
' _:r.: u-iclur rlinll films,
N .-\.\'D TH!-I
[GER \\-nu-I 2 Nlllilhn |
""' \'..|.m. s wmn- ;- \..1m..
\um|vrv \
W \.,|...w s \\m\l|!| a
and rr1'vi\1' \'uur topics
in xhu m.\il. \\':'ka in
.nlv;|nrr of nr\\'\l.1|u|
.---_.-______;_________.____._____________.___ dis"ihulim" Am. _hl_
STAR WARS sl'B(:k|P1|uxs (IlNl.l>.\NI.\llQl'l>., P u mm :70. Ink
I'\l(k. II |.1\\n~ l\II\1I\ nu >.|~~|1~ yuu'n- .|l ll. pi1k up
v| 6 N" 4 |,..|...| ll m\ ||1!n\>||vv\|-||r\ .>..|"1., ||., |.. > ....... .4 \|||>u "W. .v | M... .. lhuw \.|lu.1hlc hack
mu-1 I -"um-m-.| um m |.,.\ |\\l|!\ uh] M-\.",,..., ..W~ .u Y W. | .,. .
|]Unr\'uI no m 1 \\1|u|\ !Il\f |.., .- . . . gnu! uvnnuhr | nu! m , mu | --um .. H . W
ruu . luv, |.... ,.|,.., , .\ - ~ \ |..... In
Irv "-
g issu-\ um may lun-
|,,,,, ,,,,,,_ ~~.,1 \|..... M |niss|-xl, \\-hilv llu-y last!
I-ur \'uur pnll1'\'linl\. .||l
|| ||\...\--m
nlhl inn!) \m"
$121 .'1,|: ~\|huripKiun ma 1,.-k
issur rupi:-> arc muilul
\"" 3 N" 4 | | Tm" \'ra|\ :25 in m'|l\1'l0pL's m 1|rri\c
hn||\( unun un|nurkc4l, (Q:-I wriuus
THE WORLDS \.wm about (hr pu-|\n' .|n\l
Vul 5 No 4 suhscriln: Mm-1

THE WICKER .\iAN In mu 1., .-.|

V016 No 3 _,_ _::_____

comic lines delivered offhand hy a cast of T"I'-' ./"- (_"_i~" H "If _l{14i{"1 1"""" -If-<i"l1""1"
virtual amateurs. .~\lthough mere glimpses 1"/"" If/I/'-,_~\l.:.\IIt;': t't:rrrt|II\' oi n:;t-are

of his
(.inm_r.s mom W _n_
featttre work provide an insightlb ."'l" 1' "' "
1'" "'{'."'I"'_"""' ""
mrmt. .w<.m .\!n|\h|'rg' mul .1 tmf .~<II|mm.
' . '. g I1'rI!Iunt: .\r.,t.-1,, "Irv: '11.," Ilurrlmn (1.-111.1114
rum. ll...-11, .111... fl no I|m'.\' mun.-1 appli-
. -

lWl"1"""!!_lY "'_F"'"'1l!"!_'9!'"""l}'
_P""Y "\1H1'Hl\| ~l|'R\l- 1" lllb \l-\-\l- m|n_r mm-It !VuIt.(7:rnn (ii--Iv mm tin" lmlimx
IUY-1| "'"N'" "I Km" "l='""1\l fore tfrrrlnrt. '1'n.- .-.w~ti='.- "tit/tt'I4l n' rm.-I1 Vin
pamlmg upon his success as a (IllltlUl.
'I'ragically, his eareer is now ended. 7~~~4~* Te ~7
hmm 1.1 t'rl1Il!II|'f4\
~ 7'

lflrmi rlirl ynur irii-u[:'rmrul nu I'll!-.' hassles, and so forth. So that preprntlu<'~
M.-l.\'I1'()I' lugfY1.7 tion time was well-used and t't'tntu|ttI\'.tl.
I was on |n\ w.t\' to London to work I had :1 ten-week shooting sehedule.
on the srore for I).-\\' OI Tlll-. .~\I\'I~ ht-ginning on .\Ia\' I7 through the stirri-
.\I;\I.S. .~\t the airport in l..-\_ lpirked tip mt-r. I chose San Iranriscn over .\'rw
a copy of Graham's hook to while away York (Iity [where the hook is set] to
the tenhour fligltt. In l".ngland_ I was so shoot the film ln't";n|se San l'ram"ist'o is
exeited liy the property that I phoned my moody in a way New York isn't; the fog,
agent from the London Airport and asked areliitet'ture, yery .\Iediterranean. There
him to huy it. were no live interiors, though. .'\ll of the
I talked with (lrahatn almut the possi- inside work was done at (IRS in llull\'~
hilities of making his story into a film. wood.
You see, Graham is Ilnglish. which makes \\'he|t the film is finished, and I'm

""'"" I"1I'~
him an unlikely candidate for writing a
story about .-\|nerit'an Indians. Ilut he was
enrouraging ahout a moyie project, and
working on some posbilululling and opti-
eals now [f\o\e|nher, I977], .\\'t'u~l.|tt-
hassy has a neat promotional campaign
worked out. I ean't tell you exactly how
are tne aeress to hack rround material I
Thirty-year-old William Girtller. PYW ii;-edetl for the script. \Tlien he read the the film will he sold, hut I do know that
l"'~"~"' ml lll"'l""' If Tl"? *\lI\~\'ll'OU srript. the things I'd t'l|attgt'tl i|t his hook it is to he l:lown~up to Tlhnm from Il"nnn\
lana\'isinn atul four- and six-track stereo
'15 kllll .l1|""1lYY 21 I" ll" l"llllIIl"*'5- were to his liking; in faet,lw even thought
prints will he struck [reportedly in the
I" 1' lll*"'l7"'\ "1ll\ "'31" Mllllllilv 'l'll* some of my atltlitions might have heen
new Dolhy optical sound process]. .\ lot
'~'"l"ll |"'4"l""5 I"? 1' |'' I-ll"~ (ilnll good in his original tale.
of effort is going into the fihn, which ran
kll5<'\l51ll hi5 \\'l>l'l 1'11 Tllh -\l-'\l\llT()l' ll! It-'!mt /t'i1|r1.\ 1|] rliungr-.\' it''It' mmlr?
Graham's book went to extremes that possihly he exhihitetl. in the tradition of
\I\'l'l"lWT. il5 ht fllllilwllI1\>5\-Pl'"ll\lf\l'"\ (It.()$t-'. t'.X(;()t'.\"I't*.k.\ ()t' Ttttl THIRI)
chores mi the Pi1l\l\'='. am occult thriller. l tlltl not wislt In deal witlt. t lI"l'ilIl'(l the
schetluletl for release hy .\\'CII~I'iIlI.|SSY story uniformly as a personal ordeal for KIXI) and ST.-\I{ \\'.\RS. as an e\-ent."
Pictures in I"'ehruary. The filtn eoneerns the characters directly involved with this lfhu! .\url 1|] fl/t_\'.\'|'t||[r!I1|lo[!l|'t4lIxpt'
an ancient .-\|nerican Indian demon tnani- girl. (lrahant hrought in thin s like the rinl t'_1_'/'1-t'I\' rift you zvor/t-iri_gY zvilli?
I\'ational Guard and tlte New \gork Police The prohlems witlt the makeup were
festing itself in a rnodern~day woman

Ilepartrnent; using dt-\'it'es like that tends trentendotts. 'Iom Ilurinan and _|ue .\Ie-
lti:l:'l9), and is based on the novel l>y
Kinney worked on the .tppli.tnce. and
linglishman Graham .\Iasterton. Girtller to untlerettt eredihility; it's like sortie of
those seienee firtion films of the fifties, the actor used lu portray the ancient In~
was usually associated with low~Intdgel
where hattalions of melt were called in to dian dentnn was literally \\'eiglttt'tl~tl<t\\'tt
drive-in quiekies, such as .'\llIl\' and in latex ruhher. The particular makeup
(lRI7.ZI.\'. Ilis in\'ol\'enn'nt with Tllli fight off invading aliens. Realism can be
took five hours to put on and two to take
.\I.~\.\'lTOU stemmed from tlte success of maintainetl without resorting to action
hi5 l'l'I-vtlll fill". Tllll l)-\\' OI" ilillll that destruys the fantasy ttItttt'pt. off earh day. There is a lilfllt srene in the
.\.\'I.\I.'\I.S, his hest work to date. Tlllu .\Iueh of the gore in the hook haslieen film, done with makeup and sperial ef-
.\I.~\.\'ITOLJ appears to have permitted eliIt\iI\Jtt'tl. We hatl two choices in making feels including the moek~womh of Karen
Tandy. created hy (iene (iriggs and Titn
Glflllff I" ll"-\"5l'lI1ll ll? '~'\1l\lH-S "I KX- the film. We eoultl have tnade a driye-in
Stnythe, which is the most graphiceffeet
Plvllllllll filITI"11ll'1ll\_!- llli '~'"ll"l5ll\"\ shocker of immense proportions, or ll
in the film. It took two-and-a-ltalf days to
illmlll "'5 .\!l""'- llllll ll"! TIP! I" 'Y"l'~' class production. The story eould have
film and lasts a minute onscreen. There
Will 1'l"Y .l"" cl-17 ll"1 1'15" PIJY5 ll heen done either way. I wanted to get
is no hluod. oozing uids, or ripping
(l"'5"" I" ll" m"\l- '~'""Pl*"l Will 1" 3"" away from the kinds of films I'd In-en do-
flesh. The way ll was done. coInpli|nent-
ple hudget of l>\'4r 51l.ll(lll.l|0U. "lf<|' ll" ing -up until that point. So I was alile to
ed hy I.alo Sehifrin's srore, achieves a
PI""ll I-"'1'" "XClll"l!""llI l>l""""~'- fittanre ahout three million dollars from
private investment groups not associated weird ethereal mood.
Gl"""5 l""'k.ZT"""d I" Ill""~\kl" One thing the audience will not he pre-
hifll l"~'E"" Will_*l"'5""'"-"Y '<"k I ll" with the studio I:\i\('t)-l_.I11lI1ISS)'l. In do-
pared for is the ending. wltirh is rom
-'\" F"\'- '5 ["51 I*"""'5- -\S_YLU\l (W ing things in this manner. I will, hopeful
SAT.-\N, \\'alS lltilllt In l97l~ "I5 'UYl* "P ly, produre a film which is ahh: to work pletely different from the one in the
hook. .\ly ending will leave the viewer in a
l"'"_"Kl\ ABBY (I974) F15 l""ll"'~\"l I better for me.
state of shock. So. if you are oriented on
l*"'5"'"c- K'~""""kY~ "I5 hes ""k "I There are other minor changes to the
Graham's finale, forget it. This finish is an
hi5 Pull"! '15 TREF- ON A My--\i_II' story. tnainly character relationships that
needed clarifieation and tightening. I end-all. Too had I ean't tell your readers
HOOK ll973l- milk _ff"' $13-000 I" ahout it. . .I'm doing some of the special
35mm ml '5l"Y- '5Uml"m_"Il l"Y'l1'"d' changed the john Singingroek chararter
[.\Iichael :\nsara| , the mortal medicine effects work on the ending now, as a inat-
"Ll 8"" Will 5'"'~' 1""5"Z Il\"W5"~\Y
man, from a husinesslnalt to a farmer. ter of fact. \\'e'\'e had prohletns in getting
The strieken girl, Karen Tandy [Susan the kind of results I'd like. and itis .1 ease
Strashergl , has a closer personal relation- ofnty own perfeetionism. I really want to
ship with the mystic tleteetiye llarry I".r- make a dent with this feature.
skine [Tony Curtis]. Who! are _\-ourfulum jilm pltmx in [hr
ll'r'n' lhrrr any tIiff|'n41I|'r.\' in pru11tu'- grnn-?
ing I/tt'_/'t'ln| i1t:lrpnizlt'rt1I_v.7 I'|n developing an idea for a science
The seript had been written and laid fietion fantasy called TIII-I ()\'l.R-
out in storyboards when .-\yco-Embassy I.()Rl)S. The first seript for it is presently
came in. They have really been a part of heing written hy Ilarry Kleiner [I~'.-\I\'-
Jeffrey Frentzen lives in Orittda, C;\lifor- T.~\STI(I \0Y.\(Jl-I, lIITI.l.I'I'I'| . and it is
nia. His Retrospect feature on director this production from the lieginning. Their
help got us from seript, through prepm- nu! ct STAR W.-\RS rip-off, if that's the
llerk IIar\'ey's C;\RI\'|\.';\I, OF SOUI.$~ current fashion of things. I'd also like to
will appear in a future issue. ductiun, and before the cameras in ahout
get hark into the aetiult-:ide\'nl.tlre genre,

by JCffl'Cy Fl'IltZCll
three months. a near-reconl. They offered
guirlance on eertain matters promotion
scripting prolilems, general: pruductiorl
and have purchased a new hook titled
.-\l'\rr my in'g:|li\'c ruinmcms A\l")|l
S'I'.~\R \\'.\RS ((i:l :25), I was clxidml 'nd~ i
lvssly by rcznlcrs IIl('TI.LI\lIU\I$ llllll I
linln'l likr lhr film." I m~\*cr 1lI(I I iliiln'l
lilu: $I'.-\R \\'.~\KS. In I;n'l.. I cullcil il 1|
nniqnv: ;|cl1i:'\'i'||n'n| in sp:'<'i;il cl'f-us."
.\Insl irzilv lCllLI' wrilcrs u\'|.-rlnukul llml
and ZIISII l';|ilcil HI znhlrcss lIIL'I1I\I\'( to
my sprrifit crilimisins nl SI.-\R \\',\I{.\',
inSl1';l\I rnnnplziiniing ;lI)n\ll lhc Incl lh.|l I
clmsc In crilirim: the Iihn in lhc first l
plum. Tln-y nsnully sklusu.-|>pc1l lhu issnc
hy cniicnliiig llnn, yrs. S'I'.\I{ \\'.\RS i5
jun-nilc, yrs. il is llp(l'fI('I.II. ycs, ll is
mic rcpcliliun ul' cvcry .uIvc|n\|rc l'ihn
clirlir ul lhu p.isi l'iIl\' \'l'.H'\', yrs. \'l,
yes Ifnl I/mI'\ [hr I.-[ml -1 I/ilm (irnrqr
l.m'u\' mmlzwl In mu/"1', um! il'\ _/mi,"
they clmrns. .1 litany ih.n siippnsnlly in-
\ZlII(I;|Ik'5 all this svriulls l'l.m-s of S'II\R
W.-\RS, which arc 4III\'I1I\I cu-u In rnhid
I;|n;ni&'s. .\l'lvr ninking mc next lu I-.ln-n-
vzrr Srrimgr or "A|r];l" I-.llisnn_ they in-
\';|ri;|l>ly sign ufl, .\I.|y lhc l"un'c Bu
With Yon."
liui \\.\Il. lhis lypc of rlicmrir is
likcly In c|n'nnr.u;v: .nm|lu~r uml of
vrnnk Ivllcrs, .nnl I'l slA( any num-
Iurlnrcs un liihn us lllI(I'I2\IIlI1\lIlI. Sn Iv!
nu: gvniirrl lu S'l .\R \\,\R.\' .nnl .nl|nil
lhul I \\-.15 (mm iiguin in ll\< I-'urrr .nul
lh.|| I h;u| /uu \\';||rliin_g _\"l'.\R \\'4\I{.\' .nul
c\'v:n saw ii mun lh.|n UIICU.
I ilnn'l lhink llu'rc's any gnan gulf
sup;ir;ning $'lI\I( \\'.\I(S' Inns ;nul S'I'.~\R
\\'i\l(S' :lvlr.n'I<>rs. hut lhr rln-lnrir .nnl
cinulimmlisin mi lwlh siilvs l\.is ])0I.ll'l'l(kl
npiniun. .\s .1 n'rl\|iir.|l iirliii-\'1-um-nl in
rlI|l1I!I.lI{lIl|_[, .\"I.\l{ \\',\I(N is rc|n.\rk.|hl1'
in in.n|y \\-;iy.\3 JIHI lhu inn-rvivws l1~.nur'
ml this I>'$\ll' .is .\lukin_;' .\"ILlI( ll'.-lI\'.\' .\I'
lrsl tn llu" :|1~ili\'.|liun, inign-nnil\' .nul
rn'uli\ily ul lIIl' l'iIinin.|kvrs IlI\'1)I\'L'lI. Ihil
lt'(IllII\|lll'- 4l"l| in lhis L'.I.\'('. s| cf
I1-cis, is llnl .||\r!|1I in itsvlf, Inn .i m|':IH\
uf pnrlniyilig su||1n-lliilni \\'urlh\\'l\ilc .|s Ll
fihn. It l.\ki~2 \_fYl'.lI LI!-II nf $('.ll('I\ll\\{ un

my purl In finil Jnyllnm; \\'urlh\\'hih~ ur

i|ni'|'1'~:li|n; in .\"lI\R \\I\l{S In-vmul IIH
|IL'('I.|I 1-l'l'<'r|x.\\'h;\| Linus A/lI|\l' In
film is rmnglily [hr n"[j|' 1-qni\'.|lcnl of
R.iy lI.irryl\;n|sci\'s _\'In|l-IIIHIIIIH fihns. Wc
wail frum sn-inc in >k'l'lIL' fur lhc hn|n'1l-
fur inlrnsiun uf ;| |Il|\'L$III]l ur l.iscrhl.isl
In cnlivcn llu: slum-. .\s \\-r \\'.|ll \\-1-rc
sul>jvrlml In :1 lul uf lmrmwcd hnsincss.
usually ilnnv fur lwllvr snnn~\\-lu~n- vlsr.
I run zipplznnl I.\u':|s fur mlvvising sunu
intriguing .\'pi'<'i.|l 1-l'fri'ls xi'\|\|1'm'cs, Inn
HHISI I .IIn ;ip||l.|ml him fur lnniging
llntin nnlu ;| puinlluss .n'linn slurylinc
|n:n|1I\'\l\\'ill\clCpll|l1'ss rl\.n';n |urs'.'
Ihll \\'.iil, $'I'.-\I{ 4\R4- ix _/nu, su why
ann I kimckiin; ii? I'|n rm! .|nlil'nn. I um
inlcrcslml in l><'ing lhv: l\ypcr-vnplmr-
in \\lllI ivhirh lhc |iI|n l\.|s lwcn rvu-i\'nl.
mnl pnllimg ils llnkc siicu-ss illlu .\nllll
--1 " ml of pu|'s|n''(i\'1'. I'hc s(|kiA|I l'nru's
\vl|ii'h |n.|lu~ lms inn IIICLIIZI cu-nis,
clcvniiing lhvir lmxnlliru 1l'\L'I|Il!v inlu lin-
's lnnnlrvils nl' niillinns nl' lI(lII.If .|n-n'i \\'rll
iiiulcrsmml. Inn lhcy h.|\'u imiliinq In Ill!
\\-i\h .|-slliclirs. _\"I4\R \\'.\RS is -L-rlAilIlI
fun. lml it's nu-ilinrrc fun. In hr .I|l]>'l i-
JIl\I in lhc s:|nn- .irrl\ \\'.iy IIl.II Hill \|lju\'
lhv wisvrr;u'king mlml and \'|11'< rill-i ls
in I*()RIIl)I)I'.N I'l.i\\I'.'I'. I l'in\l it ilis~
4 nppuinling ll\.il l.n\';|s I1-It ho h.nI In n'
gross lu ll\;|l lcn-I In hr UlIln'rl;|lning. Ilis
mrn 'I'llX IITIH slmws lh.n hc is r.\\li-
uf su inmh mun". I
.-\t last. the first Sword Sorcery film l)().\ll.\lQLl-1 was originally scheduled .'t---1|-at /HM ll-\ll4\il-Z17-I 1"" l""' "I Jlillwi
a'_:i~nl X1|rt|'n' I'rmlu}~||_~n.r lug.-1
from producer .\liltou Suhotslzy and his to he made in (Iauada hut was switehetl SHIN!-tl~'\"t\

new p;u'tner. Atttlrew lloually, went he- '" >"""" "" ~""1P*""*" *I""' }'.Y7i.'lT..'I.)i /l.','l;'.,'fZ~}.,.' 'f;1'..'i,'.',l'{. ,.";;T'7iL1L,,'.'-i'
fore tlte eameras at l~1nglaud's Shepperton l" "4"""' 5l''-"00 l]"
for vast, as opposed to the
um; R..n,m.| |l!llf]t1!!IS1-"l7!lHIl\lvllillll
min W, In m,"_, ,;,,m,L. I-hi. -1, uh H,
Studios. l)().\ll.\'lQUl-L is a psychological

j Tj
lttllv vl 5>lt4"-"ll" til-* 5l_~"-"ll" l<" tur-'\ |H|I|n tum/. 1/ulllytl rm1,/.;1.,;.,..I:,m.
thriller with supernatural overtones about S:rrt|'n l'V|llfl|l'[ft|7!X hm an r.\'tiIivtL
David Ballard. played by Cliff Robertson. east. of wlurh half ltad to he l-reut'h-(I:ut- SIAIYYII L-'
linvu/1 1! /IHVIIIY, !un{i|\\' am! .\'rirt|t| /felfllll
subtly trying lo drive ltis wife l)ominit|ue
(Jean Simmons) temporarily into a men-
tal instittttion so he rau tlelye into the
Says Suhotsky: l'\-e had the srript for
this picture for years. lt was one of the
last ones frotn the .\mieus days. hut .\lax
W if
ll/m\ /I/1I"""//"Y lh-' /ulnn.

different in many resperts. l)el'ahna had

if ii
faruily funds to ltelp out his ttear hank- to persuade tue to do ()lSl-'.SSl().\ and
rttpt business. Uuespeetedly. he drives |_]. Rosenberg] didn't like this sort of
film. lt's ealled l)().\ll\'lQl'l-. herause l even tatue to l~'.ntglautl to talk me into it.
her to suicide attd itt lttm is driven to sui- \\'ith l1().\llXlQl'l-. l needetl no persua-
eide himself by ghostly \'isions of lter tor- want the ads to read l)().\ll.\'lQll~. \\ill
make you shriekll"' sion .|s l lot-etl the srript. lt is tlifferent
mented soul. After many twists and turns and l like .\lit'ltael .\utlersnn a lot. llr's
all is explained in the deuottetnent.
l)irettor .\lit' .'\|tdet'son, \\'l\osepre-
yious genre films l.()(i.\.\"S Rl'.\' and very stituulatitug and asks for your opin-
l-lveryhody working on the film is eon- ion all the time and is anta/.ingly recep-
vineed that nohody will eyeu rome elose DOC S.\\'1\(}l~'.: 'l'lll~'. .\l.\X l)l- lll{()X7,l~.
ha\'e hardly endearetl him to qeure eu- live to ideas. (Iourtlatul, in ()llSl-'.SSl()X,
to guessing tlte l)l.-\l!()l.lQl'ES-type end- was olisessetl by a great love: llallard. in
ing. In fact, when Suhotsky was looking thusiasts, explains why In-'s iu\'ol\'ed in
this pieture, wltirh is tuoth-stly htithgett-tl l)().\ll_\lQl'l;_ just wauts_ to get his wife
for financing. he sent produvers the out ol the way as he's in an awkward
script with tlte last four pages missing attd hy his usual statulartls. "l'm tuakltttg this
film heeause l wattted to. regardless of ,",\-ili'lll4.'
invited them to guess the explanation. lh-lalm.i toltl us that one of tlte rea-
.\'ohody guessed right. the hudget. l s;t\v the opportuttitirs for
leading the audiettre wl\ere\'er l wanted sorts lte wanted Robertson was because
The script for l)U.\llNlQLl-'. was writ- he tteetlrtl strong audietu e identification.
ten by F.dward and \'.t|erie .-\hraham them to go. The story intrigued me. ht
editing l'ttt slowing it down to add sus \\'e asked Cliff if he felt this was the satnr
frotn the hook lflm! Herlmriing (Him! hy reason .\m|erso|t eliose hint) really l
llaroltl l.awlor. The team ltas supplied pense and pttt the at|diem'r itt tlte mood.
.\ly last pietures were really prodtteer's tau't answrr that. l'm sure l"|u just mar-
scripts for Suliutsky's other prujttlS, tpiee value and people will assoeiate this
'llll'. .\lU.\'Sl'l".R Cl.L'll and Kl.\(i pietures. ()n l)(L\ll\'l(_)L'l". .\liltnu is lr.t\'-
ing me very murh on tuy own. l also film with llt-laltua's. and hopefully go
(IRAN. litlward .-\hraham direetetl a llril it. l hope you're wrong. actually, or l
lish l-'ilm lttstitute short in l9(i'_' called knew l eould attraet .t top rate tast and see
l approached tnost people on a personal might tget ufft'|'ttl a disaster tuoyie and l
'l'lll'l ll'l'. based on the Poe story, which eau't stand thetu. l don't eoiisitlrr myself
altraeted the attention of Suhotsky. lt is le\'el. _|enny .-\gutter was ideal fur the role
of Ballartls half-sister.\\'el\ave the added a' at all. l'm .u\ tXtttitttl|r who
only now that a long-promised tlirertorial lurkrtl-ottt and is now living a rotttir
assignment is about to materialize. with atlvantage of working togrtlierpreyiottsly
on LO(L-\.\"S RUN and she was the first strip life in New York with my rollertion
.\braham set to dirert his own seript of of seven antique planes."
'l'lll-1.\l()XS'l'l-'.R CLUB. person lasked._]eatt Simtuotts for l)omiu~
ique was exactly right. and (Iliff Ro||ert- l{ol:ertson's next movie is (()()l)
son was so perfevt in ()llSl-.SSl()I\'. he 'l'l.\ll'.S ll.\l) 'll.\ll'.S writtru by _Iames
.\like Childs attd =\latt Ioues are our Lon- had exactly the riight sort of enitztnatir Kirkwootl who ro-wrote .\ (Ill()Rl'S
*_"""l""l*'"5'1'"~lPlll'l5Yf'F'l qttality that l needed. lle ran say more l,l.\lz and there is a possibility lltal Rm
utterytews for our feature <1" 5|-\R with one look than a|t\ amount of dia bertson may direet it himself. \\'oultl lte
WARS in this issue. logue. .'\s for l"lora Robson ['l'lll-L Slll"l'- like to dirret a thriller? .\'o. l'd he very
'lil'lRlil) R()O.\l, llllz, t\l()NS'l'l'lR. llll-.| apprelteusi\e, hut I oultl loye to he in .t
llitt'ht'oek one. just to see how he does
by Mike Childs and she was born to play the sinister house-
keeper. Using well-known aetors will keep it."
lluring tlte a|'tet'uoon we spent at
the audieuee guessing. One familiar name
Alan Jones alone would forus ttnneeessary S\lSpltltH1
on that t'ltarat"ter."
Shepperton, we u'att'hetl .\lit"hael .-\ntler-
sou painstakingly direet tlte east on tlte
Iran Sirrttrtmti. (Iomplementittg the strong rast are set oli l)omi|tit|tte's plttslt bedroom and
Geesou (l"l*'..-\R IX 'l'lll-l I\'l(ll'l', listened to the musie t'tt|t\ptist'tl for it hy
lil'lRSl~'.RK, l)()().\l\\'.\l'Cll. .\ (I.-\Nl)Ll-. David \\'hittaker, a piano rhapsody. \\'hit-
l"()R 'l'lll'l l)l".\ll.). "This is similar to taker did the tnusit for S(IRl-l.4\.\l 4-WI)
l"'l'i:\R li\' 'l'lll'. Nl(ill'l' but a tnttrh hetter S(IRl'l.-\.\l .-\(i.-\lN.
film. The seript is good and is tnaittly \'is- lt remains to he seett whether the film
ual whirh makes it different itt approarh. lives up to tlte east and Suhotsky's faith
.\liehael _laystou t(IR.\/.l'l. 'll-\l.F.S and entltusiasm for the story and its di-
Tll.-\'l' \\'l'l'.\'l-.SS Q\lA\l)4\.l-1&5) plays Gee- revtor. S.tys Subotsky. l tnean it when l
son's lutshaud and l)ominique's best say that .\lieltael is the first dirertor l\-e
friend. l'm doing this heeause .-\udy worked with where every ottt of his
l)onally's a friend and lte asked me to. eltanges atul ideas have been exrellent.
and heeause l love horror movies, espe- Only yesterday he raiue up with a better
eially tlte ones from the early Fills and idea than mine to explain the end and
'60s." l'll he seeing the rushes later on."
Simon \\'ard is playing l)otninique's l)()4\lll\'lQk.l) may sound like a weak
chauffeur attd is tnakiug this movie hot entry in the genre, hut let's hope it's sue-
on the heels of his recent seienee fivtion eessful_ because Sul>otsky's Sword Fe Sor-
assignment ll()LOC.~\US'l' JUUO, to he rt~ eery lrodut"tious has a strong lineup of
leased by .~\Il as Tllli Cll()Sl-'..\'. Round- projects for the future. Due to star in
ing out the east is Ron Moody. who irou- l97N are 'l'lll~'. .\l()I\'Sl'l-'.l{ Cl.l.'l$ and
ically lost the Best ;\etor Osrar for his 'lll().\'(;()R (ti:Il:'_?4), with _]ohn Stears
portrayal of Fagin itt ()l.l\'liR! to costar (S'l]\R \\'.-\l{S) now signed to do the
Cliff Robertson, who won for (Ill.-\Rl.\'. physical effeets. l'he longwdelayetl 'l'lll*l
Moody plays a corrupt doctor and reeent- .\ll(IR()N.'\U'l'S is now in preparation
ly appeared as the l.ookeeper in 'l'yburn's under the Sword & Sorcery banner. with
little seen l.l-lGl-'.i\'D ()l~' Tllld \\'lRF.- .\lit"hael .-\ndersott set to direet. And Su-
WOLF. hotsky plans to provide author Stephen
We talked to Cliff Robertson over Ring (C;\RRll"1. ililll-L SlllNli\'G) with his
directorial debut. hased on one of Kin?
t 1 lunch about doing a film so similar in
some respcets to OBS!-LSSIUN. This is own short stories.
l).-\.\lll-'.l\l'lll-I ().\lli.\' P;\R'l ll
(hi lhr hccls nl lhr lllllll'fl>\\S rc-
3}l\)l\.\\' lu Tlll; l'.X()l{(I|.\l ll|\|l'l [li:'_':
IX). .ll\l'}' l'HIll;IYl|. |>m<lurcr of lhv
l'ullu\\-up film In Tlllz ().\ll~.X. \\'l\n pm-
llucul lhc nri_\;in;ll film .| wl-ll. is \llI('l)l\'
rcrncd nlmul lhv: <l;|ln.;cr> u|' rilling ml lhc
l.lll-Ll\ll of .1\\*.min\; cyrlv: "4\\uli<'m 1-
wr.-rr lll\Ltl nmuml llll l>lm'k \\lu-n 'l'lll-.
llERl-l'l'l(I n|n~m-ll, lml lllry llilln'l igcl
zmnlhcr l'.X()RClS'l. They igul mum'-
llling 1-nlircly llillcrciil. ll lli>.lp|mi|ilc|l
lhc .l\lLllL'l'll't' lhcy gm mud, .md lhc pic-
lurc (lied. W1.-'rc guing lu gin: rm ().\1l'.X
ll. nul smm-lllimg llifll-rcnl. 'l'lu'y'rc qu-
ing In go .lml l\.|\'c lhv s.l|m' l'c.|rs .|lu.l
nilxiclirs lhcy lmd in ().\l|-..\' l."
Tu muku lhv scqllcl. whirh In-gull l'ilm-
ing Orluhcr l_ in l.\, il will rusl iflllh
(Ivlllllry-l-'ux :'|,OUU,Ul)()lo m.|il\l;li|| lhc
pr<ulm'li<u\ sl;mll;|nl> wl lay lhc nrigilml.
PI'Ukl\11'('I.l for H1l)(l('\'| $'l,8Ul),00(). lnll.|-

liml. cnmlrincll wilh filming in lhv L'l\ill'd

Slalus |'.llhl'|' ll\.m l'.ngl;m<l, .|l'n>\lnls fur
lhu im'rc;lsc. 'l'llu nurrcul \\l)flll\\'lllL' lynx-
uffilc uf 'l'lll-. ().\ll:.\' >l;md> .|l .ilmul
Thc nrigiiml ||irlurc'.\ l|'|\]Illl';lllUl\
lhc Sun uf S.|l;m \\'lllll(l he misl-ll lay lhv:
Prl-sillcnl nf lhc llnilul Sldlcs hm-n
.|llv|-nl fur lhc >cl|uc|. "\\c fCSUl\'L'll |h;|l,"
lh'r|\ll.u'l| ux|1l.|i||s. l);||uiv:|i' l\l)W living
wilh hia \lHl'll. 'l'hnrn'> l)!'l)lhCY. mu." ul'
ll\L' \\-(.llii. mrn in lhc wurlll licull of
Tlmrn l|ulu.~.lri\~.~. llv l'uul1ln'l hr lhl-rr
fur his lnull1r|"s lllm-nil. su lhc l'r<'silcnl
l'.i|nc il slm\\~> lhv: puwcr nl lhc l.|n\ily.
l).|micii \\'.l> livc in lhc lusl UHC. lur
lllis mic \\'c'\'c guilt .ihc;|ll nlmlll ciighl
yv:zir.\'. 'l'hurn'> lI!'UlllL'|' is mzlrricll lu .1
sv.-rulnl \\-ill-. 4\II and has .l sun n.l|m'll
.\l.|rl\ l>\' .| prl-\'iu\ls |n.lrri;|gl', \\'|m is llll .lgl- .|> I)-|lIIl('lI. So lhv: l\\'u .|rl~ rou-
>ins Jllll wry rluw. i\|\Ll lhis is lhc slury
uf \\'lI.|l lnlppcris In l).miicn. .lml \\l\Jl
luppciis In the pcuplc nirrullmlillg him,
wllcn he igcls ln his lhirlvvnlh l>irlhd.|y.
ln lhc l'ir>l pirlurc. D;||ni\-n was;l-ly
un.i\\'.irc ml" his dcsliny. lll lhi> unu hc
finlls mu who hr i>, uml _\l.|f\S building
his ]m\\'c|' h.l>r."
RltlL.\I'll l)unncr, whu klll'l'L'lL'd 'l'lllL
().\llz.\'. \ln.|\'.|il.|blc dun lu his SUP-
l:l{.\l.-\N l(lI1lIHlllllI.'Ill, so lk-rnh.irll hin-ll
.\likc Hl)(l\(t' (\\'hu lr.msl;|ll'1l .\lirh;icl
(Iri<"lilmi'>' 'l'lll; 'l'ER.\ll.\'.-\l. .\l.'\.\' lu lhr:
sl"n-cn) ll llirull ().\lll.\' ll. llmlgvs haul
lnscu ul'l'1'rcd 'l'lll-1 OMEN. lml l\lfI1LLl il
lluwn. .\lidw.iy lhmugh |1rim'i|1.l| pinning-
niphy in (lllinlgn. l\<|wc\'cr, lludgcs was
fircnl uvcr Ll llil'f:'rv:m'|: uf upiniun run-
rcrning lhv <'n|irv:pl and rrplalrul hy Dun
Taiylur. \\'ln>sl- lnsl piclurc was 'l'lll. l5-
L.>\.\'l) (H-' DR. .\l()Rl~L.-\U. licrnhurll has
cllsn lnkcli on ;l cu-prulluccr, (Ilmrlcs 'l'.
Ormv. whn >L'l"\'k'(l as ;l>l)l'l11lC prudlicur
on 'l'lll-1 ().\ll-L.\'. and wurkcd in 1| similllr
lupm'ily for _]nhn BUUHIIRIH un l)l-ll.l\'-
l{R.'\XCll. Y..~\Rl)OZ and Tllli ll|'iRl'1'lil(I.
Since all uf THE ()l\lliNs principal
|:l\.|r:nl|.'r. suvc l);m\i|:n, mcl unlimcly
llL'llllI$ during lhu cunrsc of ll\L' first pic-
lurc, lh'rnl\.1nl had lo cusl lllc scqucl
from srrulcll. \\illi;lm "Ultltfll, who
\\.ll'lICLl down lhv Grcgury Pork purl in
lhc original, wus sigrlcll In pl;l\' 'l'l\um's
l)I'<)ll\CI. Lcc (lrzml pl.iys 'l'hurn's \\'il'v:.
l"'ullrlc-on-ycur nld_]<nr.\lli:m Srnll Tay-
lor, u mcmlu-r of lingl;md's prlmligiuus
Royal Sliukcspcurc Cuinpaliy. was siglwll

I 11/11i1'1-1I I/1111 Il11-r1-1m- I11-11 1-r11li11_g1 I11 $1-1-111-1 In-"1 'I'IIl-. I-'l'RI'. H1111-11II\ in 11-11111-

,1,. H,,-,,, 31
/1.1111 1/1111 1.-.111/1111--11.11. T11/1: .-111111 /1111111.-1.1.1
gm mum:

-I-hm. -H h..(_"-l ml _| 1-1-11111111-.1 I11-11111-rI11'1-/11111-1-111111111-x/1I111I1-1 1/11-


1 -11 W1
Y"- I (5-'\RR" "' II" ' """' "' "I'
111.1 /111;11,1.\.111111111.-111,11.1111"/111.1 111

"I-K H " I
II" I hm "' II "5
1I11: I;1s1 s1"1-111- 111- shut. .-\Il lI11- girls 1\-1-r1-
/11-11111! !11r1'1-1,1 .11111111-1111-11111111111/11111-11.-111'
1,. ,,, ;,[,.,.,1,._\.h.,,m\._
I1irk1-ri|11g 111-1-1' 11-I111 11-1111I1I 111-1 111I11- in lI11- I -

I115! sI\111. I-.\-1-1-1- 1I;11' 11 1-I11111g1-1I. II11-11 I

I111-k1-1I 11111. I 1I11- 1-111Ii111;. ;1111I II1-i;111 s11l i11 1111 1l11-.1111Ii1i1111s. (11-11r1;1-

I.1|l;|s 11-11s r1-11II1- sh1-. II1-1'111111-s11Il', 11I11-11


II11:-1-111111 1-111111-1-/I /1'I111i11_qi11 (.l1i1-111,111!

1I1111'1 I-1111111 I1im,11s ki111l 11I'1-11I1I. II1- '1
I 11-.1111 111 1411 I1111111-I II111-1- (II1i1";1_1;11I1111 1-1111
1h1- i1111-r\'i1-11- .1111l I I1111I j11s1
I'\1- h111I .1 1gr111-ling s1'I11-1l11I1-. I r1111 I111r1-~ 11-11s 1I11i1111 i 1

. 11f1h1- h11s|1i1.1I Ir111n .11111111-r.1-

I11111 1-\'1-1'\- 1I.11- I.1s1 11-1-1-k 1l1r1111gI1 1I11- 1111111- 11u1

s|r1-1-ls (Ihi1'.11;11. I I1r11is1-1I 1111' I11-1-I s11 I

111' li1111. I'1I I11-1-11 I;1i1I 1111 I'11r six \\'1'1'ks .1111I I
I1.11I s1.1rl 1-111111i11g 1111 lhc I1.1II 11I 1111
I11 h111I11| I11-1-11 i11 1111 11111Ii1i1111 I'11r.111-I1iI1-, 1111

f11111. II111r1.111111s1-I1-i111111' lI1i1.{Il. I \\'-Ls i11 I \\'.1s s'1iII I~1i111I 11I 1I1-Ii1'.111-. (;1-111-1;1- 11-.1s
s111'h |1;1i11, 11111I I11-1-1-'s Kirk I)1111gI.1s r1111- ;1ski1111 ki111I 11I' s1111isli1'.1l (|\11's'II11|1s 11-ilh
11i11g .1l11111g si1l1- 1111- .1111I I lI11111gI\1: II I his I11-.11l I111ri1-1I .1111I I 111.11 11-111111-1| .1 Ii11I1-

I'1-1-| lI1is 1\'.11' ;1111I I'111 1111-1111-1I11'1-1-. Kirk I111111.1|1 11-;1r|11lI1. I k1-111 I1111ki111g 111-1-r .11 1h1-
11111s| r1-.1II1 I1-1-I i1. \\h1- 111111'l I11- ;11I111il 1111111-r ;1111I 1I11-r1- 1111s Iri.111. II1- 111-1'1-r
ii? I'1-111I111'1-1- I-'1'.111k \'.1I1I.111s' 11111\1's 111-1-r 11111-111-1I his 11111111I1 I1111 I i11s1 11-.1II1' I1-ll
.1111! I .1sk. II1111-'1 Kirk?" .\111I I11- s;11's. s111111-1I1i1114. \\'I11-11 I 11-.1Ik1-1I 11111 I jusi
"()I1.l11-s 1I11i111; si1-11|1si11 I1is \\i11111-I1111411." k111-\1- I \\'.1s 14111111111I11(I.\I{RII-..
II1- \\.1s 1111l1' ki1I1Ii111; 1l11111gI1. I I1111111I1111l ll11-r1- 11r11'll1i11g
H111 1111 1'11 (..II1I1Il: .

1.111-1, I1111 I I11-Ii1-1'1-1II1i111. 1/111! 1-1111 mi_11?

Inmg. \\'1- l1;1\'1- .1 sI111l 11I11-1-1-1I11-r1-'s;11;1111 I'ir- 'I'I11-1- I1.11I 11 s11'|11' 11I11-1-1- 1-1111 s.11\ (1.11-
i1111 .1111I 1|11-1'1'1- 1I11i111; 1111' 1'I11.s1--1111 11111I ri1- 11s .1 1-1111111; six 11r s1-\'1-11-1'1-.1r-11I1I .1111I
I977. I1111\-1-11111'I1111I1-_j1-rks?I1's1-11si- Sissy 111.11-1-1| lI11- |1.1r1. 'I'I11-1 111.11l1- 1I11-
.\'.1111r1I.11'. .\llg\l.\'I 24!. .1 11-1-1 1-1111 k11111\-
I1-111-c I1i1;1g1-r 11|11I I1.11I I11-1' I11-I1i111I
11i1;I11 i111I11-\\'i111I1(Ii1\-. .\1111- I1-\'i111;.'.'I5. 1-1' I1.1\'1' ;1 111111 I'i1'1-1| 1I1.111 111 I1.1\1- 111

is 1\-.1i1i111;f111'1I11-11'1-1\- 111 finish s1-11i111; 1111 r1-1-11.11'l 1I1.11. $11 I .1sk_ (Z1111 I I1;1\'1- .1 131111 I1-111-1-. ll 11-11s i111"r1-1IiI1I1- 111 11-.111'I1. .\111I

.1 s1'1-111- I'11rIIri.111 I)1- I.1I111.1's 111-11-1-sl 1I1riII- sI1111'.' .\111I 1l11-1"Il s".11- s111111-1I1i111; Iik1-, 1I11-1 h111I .1 Ii11l1- girl
f11r 1I11- I1.11k sI1111 111

1-1', 'I'III-. l- FRY. i11 11-I1i1'I1sI11-s111rs. \\1-11r1- "Sissy S|1.11'1-k 11-1111l1I11'l 111-1-1l.11;1111 shut." I11-r runniiig I'h1-1- I1111I l11-1- i11 1I11-s1-
1111-111'. I
'I'I11-1-'r1- 11111 s1-ri1111s 11I' 1-11111's1-. 1h1-1"rv: 1-1111111; 1I11lI11's';1111I lI11- I'1~111'1-11-.1s11\'r1-si/-
1'1-I.1x1-1I i11 .1 r1-1111<1I \\i11111-I111;-11. (I11rri1-
111111 ki1I1Ii111;. 1-1I. I1 11-11$ l11'.sl1-ri1'.1I. I \\'.1s 1'1-.11|i11g .1
I'IsI\1|', 11-I111 is \is'i|i|\1; .\1111-. is 1'1'.sli|11; i|1
1I11- I1.11-k. (I11r11I King 11111si1" .s11I'1I1' pI.11's. Kirk's I11-1-11 l1111I\il\g 1111- .1 I111. .-\l Iirsl. s1'ri|1l 111 lI11- 1i1111- 11-I11-rr 1I11-1 11-.11111-1I 1111-

pI111- I'1111r11-1-11~1'1-;1r~11l1I. I s.1i1l 111 Sis-~

,\1111' is .1 \-1-11-r.111 111' 1I11- 11111141-. II1-r 1-xl1-11- I |'1s1-11l1'1Iil. I I1;11I:1\-1-r1-1-111111i<111;1ls1"1-111- 111 11

$1. G111I, I 1-;1n'1 ]1I.11- I'11111'l1-1-11." 1\111I

s-i\'1- 11-I1-1-isi1111 11-11rk I1.1s i111-l111I1-1| ().\'CI-l 11111I I 11-11s g11i111g11fI'I11r11-11 11rI'iI'l1-1-11111i11-

1111-s. 11-11rki|1g 1111-s1-II 1111 i11111 1I1is sl.1I1-. sI11- s;1i1I. ;\m1'. I'111 .1|111111 111 111.11 sis!
.\N F..\(;I.I-.. 1I11- 11i111--I11111r 111i11i~s1-ri1-s.
.1111l lI11- PIIS .11l.1|11;11i111111l'SI11-r11'11111I.\11- 1I11-11 gcllillg i11 Ir1111l 11I' 1|11- 0.11111-111 11n1I I)1111'1 gi\'1' 1111- 1I1is 1-1111 1-.111'1 111.11 I'1111r-

1I1-rs1111's I'.\I .\ I-'()()I.. (I.-\RRII-'. is I11-r 1111- 1I11i111; i1. Kirk 1;1k1-s 1111- ;1si1I1- .1n1I says. 11-1-11!"
II'I11111Ii1l_1'1111 Ihin/1 :1-I1111 I1'n1111111I.-1-1!
I1 1I11-.11ri1'.1I l'il111 priur 111 'I'III-. I-'l'R\. "Y1111 I1.1\-1- 1I11- s"rri|11 1l11\1-11. 1-1111 k111111-
11-I1.11 1-1111'r1- 1I11i111;, s11 1-1111 1I1111'l 111-1-1I .1II 1-1111 I11 11-11/11 in n-111-1.11-_/'11r II11-1!/1111! 111-111-
\\i1I1 I11-1' I..111r1-11 II.11;1Il 1-1'1-.1. I11-r 11|1i1|111-
.11"1'1-111. .1111I I11-1 1-[I11-1'1-11I 1111-s1-111"1-. sI11- is lI1111 1i1111- 111 11-11rk 1111 111 .-\111I I i1." 11/'(f.-IRRII-.'?
lI111111;I11. ".\I1-. (111I! I I1.1\'1- m_1- 11-.11 11I 1Ii1h1'1 k|11111- \\'I111| I11- \\.1s' 1I11i11q. I1
111111-.1siI1' I11r1;11ll1'11.
11-11rkin1; 11111I 1-1111 h.1\'1- 1-1111r's." I r1-.1II1' 11-11s first m11\'i1-. \\'1- sl1111 11i1;I11 I'11r

II1111- 1Ii1I 1-1111 g1-I lI11- /mrl 1'11 'I'III-.' 1Ii1I11'1 11-11111 "I.1*ss1111 .\'11|11I11-r'I'1-11" f1'11111 1I.11-, ;1111I I j11s1 1I11 11-I1.11 I11- 11-Ils 1111-. I111

I-FRY! Kirk. B111 1I11-11 I s"l11r11-1I 111 1'1-11ll1' 141-I g11111I 111 11-.1Iki11gI1111-k\\';1r1Is.

lIri.111 1;1ll1-1I 1111- 11111- 11111n1i11q, ;\11\1'. 1ir1-1|. ;1111I I 1I11111gI11 11I .1II 1h1- 1I1i111gs I11-'s I)i1I 1~1111 1111I1'1-1- I/111! 1-1111 11111 11-1-11 1'11r

QUI 1111 lI11- pI.1111- 111 N1-11 \11rI1 ri1;I11 111111. I11-1-11 s.11'i1111;1I11111l 1-1111s1-r\'i111.; 1-1111r1-111-rg1- guiiig I1111'I-:1-111111 in lI11- 111111.
I f11r 11-I11-11 il's i1111111rl.111l. If it's 11 11-i1I1- I 111-\-1-r 1-1-1-11 11111i1-1-1| 1I11- 1111- lI11- |il'.\|
I-'1-1111k \'.1I1l.111s 11-.1111s 111 1111-1-1 1-1111.

11-.1111 1-1111 111 I11- 'I'III-'. I-L'R\'." I I1.11I

i11 sI1111. 1I1111'1 gi\'1- i1 .1||. S.1\'1-- il for 11-I11-11 1i1111- I s.111- il. $111111-I1111I1' s.1\s 1I11-11-'s .1

r1-.11I 1I11- s1|'ipl. I'1I r1-.11I 1I11- I11111k I11-- 1-1111 l1.11-1- 111 1I11 11 1-I11s1-1111. I lis11-11 111|1i1n l1ir1I I'l1'i111g I1.11'k11-11r1Is.'
1'.1\|sr I k111-11- I1'i.111 11-.1s 1I11i111g i1. II1-'s1111' 111111-. I-'.\1-1-1-1I1i11q l11- ~.;1i1I 11-.1s s111111-1hi111; I Uh. 1l1111 r1-111i111Is" 1111-. s111111- 111-1111I1< .11~

ll's I'1111r11-1-11 r1-.1|I1' I1;11I 111 I1-.1r11. .\'11w I ;1sk 1111-s1-II, 111.1Il1- lh1111_1gI11 I \\.|s 11 \-iII.1i11 1I1r11111;I11111l
I'ri1-111I .1111I I 11-.1s' i1111-r1-s11-1I. .1

1'1-.11-11I1I i11 1I11- I11111k .1111I I1I11111ul11."()l1, "II111\- I1i_1; is 1I1is sI111l'.' .\r1- 1-1111 1-1-.1Il1' (l.\RRII-l. 11-I1i1-I1 npss 1111-. 'I'h1-1- 1I1111'1

1111-."' l|' 1'1111'1-1- 1;111111.1 s1-1- 1111' 11111I1-r.s1.1111I. I-.1-1-11 11-I11-11 I sl1||'l <1-1-i111; 1I11-
111-II. _I111Ii1- I-'11s11-1'." S11 I 1Ii1I11'11-\-1-11|111r- 1;1111|1.1 s1-1-

IIri.111 I1111I s.1i1I .11 11111- |111i111 lh.11 I1111I1' 111111-1-1111-111s. I'Il Q1-I i11111 i1 |1I11-si1'- 1'11|11- s111111- |11-11|1I1- s1ilI lI1i11k I'111 i111111 1111-
s111- 1I1.11.
\\isI\ wt-1-ks 111111. I 11-h11I1- 1I1i111;. 'Il1;11 1I111-s11'1 111.1k1- s1-11s1-.
1I11-1-1- \\'11s' .1 |111ssiI1ili11-. II1-s s111'I1 .1 1111111.! .1II1-. I I k111-11- 1l1.11 111-11

1111111.111's 1Ii1'1-1'111r. I 11-1111I1l l11\'1- 111\111rk 111i1gl11 l11- .1li\-1- 1111I.11'. Kirk k1-1-ps 11-IIi111; 511111111I'1I11-11-1-i1-11-sIn-.11Is.1\'1I1.11 I'111i11
.\111I 'IIII-. I-'l'R\' I1.1s' 1111-. \'1111'1'1- g11i111; 111 I1.11-1- .1 I11-iIIi.1111 11111I11-11-I111I1-1I1i111;. I 1I1111'1 Iik1-I11-i111;111is-
11-i1I1 |1i111 .1I1\-111-1".
1-.1r1-1-ri|'\'1111s11r\i\1-1I1isliI111." 11111I1-rs111111I, I111.1\1s1 I 1I111111;I11 1111- 111-11
I11-1-11 lI11- 11111s1 1'l1.1Il1-111;i111; |1;1r1. I'|11 1;l.11l
111 I11- 1'l1.1II1-11111-1I. I 1\';1s 11Is11I111|1p1- I111 1I11- Iflml 1I1'1I 1-1111 1/11 I11 //1-1/1111-u _1-1111r\1-l_/'! I111-11111111-0 \\'11s 1111-111' 1-I1-.1r.
I I11111k1-1I-1111111 1I11-s1- 111.11"I1i111-s i11 .1 II11:1-1Ii1/1-1111 1111-1! S11-1-1-11 .\']11'1-II11-1-111'
first 1i1111- 111 I11- 1111111I11-r 11111- 1111 1I11- 1-11lI 111-1

1I11-1 r1-.11I 1111- I1r.1i11- IIri.111 s1-1 lI1.11 1111 .1I111111 11 1-1-.1r-.1111I~.1~
sh:-1-1. X1111111111111-1-111111sk, I)i1IlI11-1-1-111 s1-I11111I s1'1-111- 11-l11-r1-

11f 1'1111r film?" I11-1-1111s1- (I11-1' 11-111-1-s ;1111I I |11'.1k1- 11 |11111I1-I 1r.1i11 111111-1-. .\I1' I1;1II'11g11, 11-I11-11 \v1- \\-1-n- 1I11i11_1; (I.\RRII-'..
11111 11111
11Iph;1 \\'ll\'L' .1r1- |11r111-1I i11111 1-I1-1'|ri1- 1-11r- I'1111'1-1- 111111~ [i1-1111' :1-[H1 S11-1-1-11?
1"1111'l1-111 1111- 11111.

I)11 1-1111 lhiula 1111- .\'1'ri/1! fur THE r1-111. lIri1111 I1.11I g11111- 111 1"I11-1-k 11111 this \\'h11111I1I1'1111H1111?
I-'1/I1I'1'.1 I11-II1-r II11111 1111- bun/1-I 1-1|11ipm1-111, ;1111I (I11-1 s1'l 1111 this 1111-1-1i111; I j11.\'I I11-uni 1/111! 1-111111-111/11-r1-. I I11-uni
I11-111-r. I 11-.1s r1-.1II1' I11r 1n1- 1111111 111 1I1isIillI1-i11sli11111- .1111.I gt! (I111! 111111 11-1-rr 11':-irig :1-ilh S11-1-1-11 11111! I1i.1
| I'I11- s1-ri111 is 111111I1

1Iis1111p11i11|1-1I 11-I11-11 1-1*r111i|1 11111115 11-1'r1-I1-II h1111k11I11p i11l11 il.

I1_ \\;|s ki111I 11I' Iik1- i11 1l11_qI.'In11r.
11111. I111! h111\- 1-1111 1-1111 Iilln
s1cl115 11I' R11I1- lI11- lm I11-1";1\1s1- I 11-1-111 111 {Ill"I1 .1lph.1 ()11r1I111; I-.I1111-r.

I.1 il I 1111- II1111 I-.'!m1-r 111/11111

511-1-1-11s] 111111 m1 1"|111r.1tl1'1'
111 |.-\111Ir1:\\' 1' right 11IT. 11111I lh1-1- l111.1k1-1I .11 1-.11"I1 111I11-r 1 11 _1_111i11_q

I'I1-ing 1I1r1111gh 11ir, visiliig 1-;11-l111lh1'r?

1I11- kind 11I' lI11- 11-111' ll\1-1-1I11i11 1I11-I'il|11. I 1Ii1I 'I11I11 in !I11- /ilm 1-1-r11'1111 11] IIII~. Il'l[.'
i11l1'11si\-1- 1-11urs1- 11-i1I1 l|11-111 11-I11-r1 I .\'111 .1|11'1n11r1-. 'II11-r1- 11-.1s 11 1i|111- 11-I11-11
I was i11111 1h1- ps1-1"I1i1" 11spc1-1 m11r1- II11111 1111

1I111l' 1-1111I1_I I1-111-11 I111\\- 111 _1;1-1 1I1-1-p1:r in111 1I11: I11: 11-11s g11i111; 1111I11 1I1.11. R11I1(I11l11-11,1I11-
11111-1I1i11g 1-I51-, 111-rI111ps I11-1-11us1:
wI1111 1111- 1-I111r111-11-r is :1II 11I1u111. .-\II (I111! 1IiI'I'1-r1-111 sl.111-s <1I1"1111s1*i1111s111-ss. I \\'11Hl- pr111I1111-r. knows I-111111-r. 'I'11 k1111\\- I-'.I1111-r

I1ul il's v1-r1 I111r1I I11 1-1I 111 f1-1-I lI11- Cll$1|lIullS .111 I \\1111'l do is I-ll11\1-r, .1111| I11 1I.1sI11-1| lh.11i1I1-.1
111 I11\-1-
s(11I'I' I';1s1-i1111l1-s 1111-,
pI111111- 1I1i11gs i|1 1I11- IiI111. 111-1111111I. h11l I I11-.1r I-'.I1111-r I11sl lI11- p.1rl 111
n-1uk1-lI111ls11r1oI'1I1i11g 11-111'k11|1I'iI111.
sumr G1-rm;111 sI11-|1h1-r1I 11r $111111-lhing. It's
ll11z111I1'1l1-u11j'1'r.11 n11-1-/ [J1-Iu1m11?
I m1-1 IIri1111 111 .111 11111Iili1111 I11r S'I\R jusl 11s 11-1-II. I 11-1111I1I|1'1 11-.1111 him 111I1--.11'1-
by Lu J1. W.-\I{S. G1-11rg1: Lucas 11-11s s1-cing pe1ipI1- humc.

U J; __
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In pl. l).|lI'llll\. 'l'lus kill is .| nninq

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? l{icl\;|nl Burlun. in-> in<'n~lihl:x ll.|n<l

_| minc. .\lrnm_[. wry .|il1luu<'. l'<-m'lr.|l\m;
'1 J" vyus, lNHIII|ll\|_{ \'nirv just wall; All nvvr
' ..._ r If . ,

\'n\|. 'l'lu-y i\|>l llm\'l lr.nn Luls lur.u'l|1iu

"llll is \l ) .\'l-. us.
//"1 I

' 1' nu-r wrr m.|\'u'

1 I ~l ,-

,1 l$l~l.\RS ur .\lII\\l'llIlI\\1 lllll ll\i\ kill is su|
ii D~ 1
l H YS\'ll lu lac llll i\l\lll'l\fll. llv 1.m'l |usl
' a lac sonar \'llIl\l|\l]> [rum Jrnlllul ilw rnrn
5 W..,f$_ q_."5'_'_
cr. llr l\.|slnl11' iusl -I \'\l|ILflHf-|\'ll)| In lu-
ln.'liv\.|l>l\'. .\ml um mu (XIII Yl.lll\ M."
l).\.\lll*lX \\.is slml can .1 l\\'1'l\'n~-\\'vck
. " _""._ql". scliuliilc. limsily mi lnmlinn in (iliingugu
9 ;|ml \||1]iL'Y \\'is1 nnsin_ and is l\1)\\ in |msl~
"' _~*

pr mluriiun. ll (I nl ll u llym )lHl slm'lm

\\ nik ll\\'4!l\'L'\l .u\ <'l.|lmmu' '|n':'i.|l vl'l\*:'ls

1., sri|\u'iuv. l'lu- film will luv Tll(,l\lll lliis
Q Q. ' _ suinnivr.
~ ~ ' l)c|u'mlim.1 mi llu's\1ru-ss ul (i.\ll'..\ ll.
lcriilunl .|lrn'.nl\ l\.|s tun l'urlhcr wqiivls
"' in llll' mill. In lhc I\l'Xl mu, lu-'ll lw lll
In's l .m- l vr s n -c.i rl\ |\\<- nuns .\ml ll
;, I
' -'3 _ Q
I1 4 '
m llll f-mi-uh IIHC lwll ll! Jlllllll .5, un
v .

' .
his nuiy ln _\rin.n;c\llmi.'s rum'u|ii ul' ,-\rin.n;rnl1lnnI
l \\-ml\ln'l lrll \u\|. ll wonlml gi\'1 it
;i\\.iy. Hm it's rcrminly mu .m .muuir
lllllll. l-In-| -if ilic n\.|lh'r_ ilumqli. if \'lI\l
llllil; l\.|nl in iliis um". yuull srr \\-h.n i|s
Ihm .\'Im\'

.\l(lXli,\ll:\"l' is llw |Il'l)jCl'l Ill. i|n|1'-
FY pumlmil prmlmrr lulm l-lnry and his
S|i.|r1-l'ilms lnr. unup.i|\y, lmsul nu lln
l'r<'qucmly .|nllmlu\;izul nun-ll.| -if llic
s;nm' iiilc by\'\l lii\;\.{l('_]l, iinmlily .||
|i='.|rin|; in _]nl\n \\'. (I.|||\|>lu'll\ 4l!l||[u_|_' I.

__. .u llury pnul\|\nl \lm\|||n'||l.\r films in

Xrw \'nrk_ \\'urk\~1l .1! l.|\|m .|ml \\
an rxc|\|li\'r .\l l..i\lm;u\ Kukldkn .\l(l.\l'-
.\lli.\"l' \\ill lac cli|'\'ru'i| l|\' l'lur\', \\l|u has
('nll.\lI1br;|!(ll --n llic kTk\lllll.l\' with
'l'l\c liilm (nlll\'l'H,\' lhc slrugglr ul .1
lu'ln\u]|>gi\'.ill\' \|i1su|il\isli1".|l1'1l r.|rr |i\'-
im; rill 4|: \lllS]HIlll'll pl.mu1 .|s lhcy liqlil
.n4;iinsi li\l 1-nrruln limum nl .| \.|sl (;|<'-
lit lu||1pin'. .| cunlvsl lcss nl lmuc lurrc
llum ul inqrmlily .|ml \\ill. l-lnry has
n\\'|I\'1l lhr lilm ri|_{lIl\ In llw Biqqlr |i|'1>|l-
rrly fur sn'\'|:Y.|l puns. A|Il .uquirril il l7L'-
rziusu hr lcll il ul|'x'n'd .| m'\\' ilin'1liun
fur ll\l' .\riv|n'r lirliim lilm qcnrc, .m .|ll\'I-
n;m\'r II) ll\l' |nu|iiim\.il "s|i;n'c u|n~r.i
slinul '1-m up Alf lIlliY1\lll\' l'rum s|i.uc"
sln|'\li|lL. .\lU.\ll'.\ll'.\"l'. liu\\'r\'rr. will
l|.|\w- -xu'nsi\c \l\\l.ll rllm ls, s|wil'i<.|lly
llll pics:-m ul lhr l".m]iin~'~ \':m inlvr

slclllu AlrIIllllA~ 'lln- pir|un- will lic lilmul

primzirily in llu l'l1ili|Ipim.-s \\lu~n* ;\ m'\\
mulli~milliun < film l.ilmr.|mry \\'.|.\
rccvmly \'lIlISl|\ll'll(l. l-lnry is in\'rsiig;|l-
inq llir usv nl' lll'('|H7lIl( mzulimg pru-
ccsscs In .|i\l in rrcunling ul lhc pm-
iccl's cl.ilmr.|u~ \'is\|.\| \~fl'1'Lls. .\ lliinl nl
mv n.|mim; lur ll\l' S.-',_uun_n0I| lI\|ll\{(l
has lwvn Y;|lS(kl, lml sumu (lilliuilly has
lu.-on cnrniiiilrrnl in 1>ln.|inim; hm king in
ll<|ll\'\\unll \\'ln:rc suulius srrin inlunl un
prmluring unly S'lI\R \\'.\RS imimlimis.
Flory lus .|lsn ])l.lHIILll Ll surics nl' hig-
lmnlgcl films lmsml on ilu: Cpit _].nncs
lllish ([111]-\ In I[i_|;hl |ulr.|l1>\{y, in ('UllZIll-
nl'.llllil| \\'i|l\ lllisli. 'l'hc film scrics \\'u\ll1l
nlcmil man's cnilqiivsl uf ii\lcrIull.\r spncc
and lluc l'urm;uim\ ul .1 (i.|l;|'lir ri\'ili/.u-
I.l'llV S. I'i'm/m.\

Shooting begins February 28 on what witlt giant slits along the facefront that that I didn't have to worry about on a
promises to he the biggest science fiction sees into no recogniI.;tble face. The Cy- theatrical film like ST.-\R \\'.-\RS. Space-
epic ever produced for American tele\*i- lons destroy the solar system. hut a group sltips anti detailed tnodels have to be built
sion. Bttdgeted at $7,000,000, G.~\L.~\C- of human colonists escape the holocaust, on larger scale, just so the viewer can tell
TIC.-\ will begin as a three-hour movie to searching through space for 1| legendary what they are. l'erspecti\'es also have to
he broadcast on .-\BC-TV in May, witlt thirteenth planet called Earth." The Cy- be simplified. Stars and starfieltls propor-
two additional two-hour sequels lined-up lons get wind of the colonists escape and tionally must he bigger and brighter: in
for production sltould tlte pilot special be chase after lltem. Refuge frotn the Cylons some cases, the stars have a tendency to
a success. Universal is producing the film, is found for the humans in a gigantic disappear because of tlte contrast element
and is being careful not to conjure any space cruiser Galactica, belonging to oth- and tonal resolution onscreen. The scope
allusions to ST.-\R WARS, although it ap- er human colouials. The duration of tlte of the prodttction will in many ways rival
pears obvious tltat the only reason G.~\- film describes the colonists journey to S'l.'\R \\'.'\RS in ambition. yet there is a
L.-\C'l"lC.~\ is on the slate at all is due to Earth in Galactica, with battles against time factor to consider. The incerdibly
the success of Lucas' film. john Dykstra the Cylons and other variotts t'xtraterres- complex shots in ST.-\R WARS which
has been natned line producer, and will trial fiends. The perils described in the took weeks to do, simply cannot he done
be in cltarge of all special effects to be script are many.includingalaser battle itt in GAL.-\(I'li|(i.-\ in light of how much
created at his lndistrial Light K" Magic space, encounters with a black hole, and time there is, althottgh I ltave learned
facility. lixecutive producers are Glen .-\. an adventure in an alien City of .\iirrors. sotne shortcuts in effects since ST.-\R
Larson attd Leslie Stevens. Larson recent No cast has been signed as yet, but \\'.-\RS, which can he used to an advan-
ly created .-\llC's ll.<\RD\' BOYS/l\';\1\C\' Stevens wants Lorne Greene to portray tage in G.'\I..-\CTlC.~\." Dykstra concedes
DREW l\l\'S'l'ERll-LS. Stevens was creator the leader of the hutnan colonials. .~\l- that. due to television's need to maximize
and producer of 'l'lll'l OUTER Lll\ll'l'S, though not yet in production, Dykstra quality of product to amount of money
SE.-\RCl*l and the ill-fated INVISIBLE has already completed altnost all of the spent, he will employ process photogra-
.\l.~\N with David l\lcCallum. Larson did film's grandiose special effects. at a cost pity and other trick tnethotls to achieve
tlte original script for G.-\L;\C'l'lC.-\, pre- of SI ,O0l),OO. Some of the makeups will the look of what we dont have on hand."
viously known as S'l'.~\R WORLDS, and be designed by Rick Baker and Carlo Other effects already filnted include
both he and Stevens are presently prepar- Rantbiddi. llaker is reportedly working on highly complicated blue screen teclt-
ing the two-hour sequels in script form. the conception of tnany alien head make- niques merely pioneered in ST.-\R \\'.-\RS.
Three other scripts are in preparation in ups, including the evil Cylon masks. While llis extraordinary Dykstraflex equipment
the event ABC decides to bring G.~\l..-\C- most of G.-\|..-\C'|"lC.-\ will he shot on and computer registration processing
TIC.-\ hack as a regular feature in their sound stages at Universal, some location units will be responsible for the ultrzt-real-
i978-79 lineup of special programs. work may be done at a futuristic-looking istic effects. The interior control room of
Larson's script has a basic science-fan- shopping center ilt Beaclt. the Galactica crttiser will be an accom-
tasy storyline, but the main appeal of Dykstra, as producer, is pleased with plished integration of both full-si~/.ed and
GAL.-\C'llC.<\ will probably stem front the latitude of control he ltas in relation miniature sets. Several special effects
the special effects work. The story am- to the variety of special effects work and shots will utilize a moving camera.
biguously lakes place either in some dis- live-action drama. Because the lack of Despite U|tiversal's claim that G.-\L.-\C-
tant future or predating mankind on adequate time to prepare storyboards to 'l'lC.-\ meticulously avoids similarities to
Earth. Colonial planets in some far away be circulated throughout the production ST.-\R W.-\RS, the parallels still seem to
solar system fall victim to a group of in- team, the instant liason between Larson, exist. Thankfully, the studio was wise in
terplanetary terrorists called Cylons, who Stevens and Dykstra, who has a concep- packaging the combined talents of Lar-
are described as physically puny aliens tion of both optical work and story ele- son, Stevens antl Dykstra to helm the pro-
without acute senses of touch, taste, hear- mcnts, cuts down on wasted time. ject. .-\t least people with some idea of
ing, or sight. They must wearamultitude just as we used the 70mm negative where to take this kind of story, with
of metallic costuming and electronic format on ST.-\R \\'.-\RS, G.'\L.~\CTlC.~\ is substantial technical anti dramatic back-
hardware to amplify their ability to per- being shot in 35mm for reproduction on grounds attd considerable taste, have com-
ceive their environment." The Cylons' your average television set. .-\s well, tele- plete control overit.
helmets are deliciously frightening designs vision presents certain limitations visually _]effrey Frent-/.en 8: _]ordan R. Fox

- 1

I, .
The space ark Galac-
tica. tlllt n/ Ralph
_. I McQuarn'c s pn~-pm-
duclimt pn|'nl|'ngs
.\; fur the prnposrd
Unitvi-rrnl n~luvi.n'rm
.4, / series 6.4L.-ICTIC.-I.
tn a related story,
Univcrsal's proposed
television series of
._ Q -*:"i;,~
r been placed on a

. .
, -
_. -r.
back burner" and
assigned to producer
Leslie Stevens for
further develop-
ment. Story editor
rm... David Gerrold has
,.,. reportedly left the

/I series, after writing
the pilot script with
. wxr, V _.<
7 executive producer
Andrew Fenady and
purchasing nine oth-
ers from writers
.-A such as D. C. Fon-
tana. J. Michael
Reeves, Tom Swail
and Dick,Morgm.
l'l..'\Xl-QT Ul" 'l'lll'l l)l.\'()S=\l'R$ is in
tho lnw, luw lnnlgrt t'l.|.ss, hut it spurts :1
lmrslc of tllI\US.|\lfS Jllll 1| rt'|n;|rk:|lil<'
mnnunt nli ;|niin.itiun. 'l'lic l'il1|i||i:|kt-rs
h;ul littlv: niuin-y, but thvy tlitl l\.l\'L' timt.
.iml spcnl smnc l:'| IIl<ll\lll iluing llll s|:c-
Cllll t-ffcrts .ilu-r li\'u ;|tlltII\ pliutngnipliy
was &'0t1||)l|:|1'tl in _]\ily l,I','li.
Tho titlc, ilulilu'r.|tt-ly cxplicil. sums
up thv plul. .\ igrnup nf fiiliirv .\|mt't' tru-
\'v:lv:rs rnish lands on thv |\Ll .nul, with

liltlc l\0])L'<lfft'St\|l',tt1\ll lt-urn tn sur\'i\c
in .in l'll\'il'lItIIl|l'lll \\-hirh is inst clmrk full
nl' \linus.n|rs. iiwliuling thr main \'ill;iin, :1
ilrliglitlnlly umthy try:||nms;|nrns rcx.
'l'hv ntlritiun mtu JHUIIH; lllt $\ll\'i\l>f!v is
high until llicy l(.lflI In c<|upur.ilv: tn \lr-
lvntl tliciiisclvcs. Shunning .| put s|mt'c
t';i\';ilry Yl't'\lL, tho film lr;i\'cs tlu-in nn
thc plzinrt. rvsignul In living nlll llltlr
ll\'l.\' lhcrc.
._~ ' lm~\'il;ilaly lln: film .uifl'i'rs fnim its lnw
.'In- ' lnitligcl .iml from thc |'il|mn;|kcrs' Lurk u|'
cxpcriciirc. ll is 2| first luzitilrc film fur .il
w~ _ - nmst on-|'\'n|\r in\'nl\'u| .nnl l\I\\ . .|s-
> . v

pct ls uf the |>ru|_l\it'tiun :in- lwlnw pair. 4\s

.| first t-lil'urt, llmngli, it has ninth to ruc-
(tIH1('I\(l il.
Hit niziny .ind mrictl tlilIU.\'.l\lf iimdt-ls
.m.- nutznulinq. They \\'crt~ t'I'l'.|lttl by t-x-
vt'\iti\'t- |IlU(l\lL'll' Sicplu-Ii (I/.crk:|s, \\'illl
;|rn\.itun-s huilt lay \'it'tnr .\'il>lm.'k. lmm
. 1|, " sincwy slrulhimniinm In l'l.ilil>y l|rn|\lu~
s.iurus l\\'lllL'l\ (i[(l'l;.lS ;|nitn.itt-tl liiiiiscll]
lllt :|n' |n;ir\'t~lnuSly klCl.lllL'll. skillfully
t'Xtt'\llC\l lifrlikc \'ft'lll\lfL'. 'l'ht- lyr;|nu~
'," sunnis \\'i(l1.\l.|lltl$ cluxt-n|>s .|tl|nir;il>ly, in
"6!'> ,0-4
clmling l\ul luukim; right into his hur
rcmluus j.|\v>. 'l'lnnigh ninxl ul thv tlinu
snurs .m- ;|n;tlu|nit'.illy l';|ilhf\il in uirrcnl
pulcn|1tulu|;ii".il tlu-nry, t|Ht' is zi ringur: .\n
L'X\'CllL'lIl copy uli ll;|rryl1;\||st'ii's t't|nu'tl
rlimlus;|\ir\|s" from Tllli ll]-..-\S'l' FRU.\l
211,000 F.-\'I'llU.\lS wliirli mzikvss 1| t';nm'u

I 1/."
.ip|n:.|'c. Thu intijnrity uf the t|nin\;|-
tiun is pcrl'ur|m'l In l)mu,;l;|s lh~s\\'irk,
nuw working on l);n\l'nrth's -|_l4\l'-l(;I\l>l.;
Thu juh nfcninpusiting llu: inudcl din~
usznirs with llu: livv nrlinn was lillctl by

' .r - _|1llI'lL'5 .\\l|l]lL'Tll. un \\'lIU(' slnry thu

~ ~
_ -_ 1 *
Ralph l.n1';is script is l>.|Sttl. llr .|nd CZ!!!-
kus tlcsignt-1| must of thc Cu|II|)I\SlltS.
'l'l\1'y\w:iit tn llIt' \';|squc1. Rncks. (I;|lilnr-
niu, lncutiun t\\-n \u-cks Jhcaid of this livv:

4" . - nrtiun crcw, pifkillg zinglcs .|nd prvcisr
('IIHlL'Tll si:tups fur thv: scqut-iiccs in \\~hit"h
lhc LllI\US1|lll' wurc to .|ppt~;ir.
l.i\'t' 2l('lll)I\, umlcr |imd\|t'v:r-tlircrlur
-"/ _..'_ 0-" '
Iumcs K. Slit-.|, was linishcml in ulmut
lhrcc \\':":ks. 'l'hcn work l>t'g;m on lllt
tU|Y\Pt)lll'S in the ;ll1lII\;|lit1I\ studio. .-\\ip-
pcrlv: p|:rl'oriiu'il lhc mzittc wurk. ITlLll('lIL'(l
'- the zmimuliun inodv:ls' lighting and pur-
e-\i _\,
_ spcrlivc to that in thc live zirtinn hark-
gruund plutcs. zind tlitl cnlur |';|l('l\lllg lic-
twcvn mini;il\m- sct pieces and hark-
ground |1l;it|: iinugcs. llc also unilnutcd
the stnithiumiiniis and triccrulnps sc-
(|lu'i\rcs. _|im l)1ll\rtIfll1 pmvitlctl fuur
inzittc paintings for thc film. No distribu-


, "
timi plans lmvc yut ln:|:n l1;1llZCllft)fllIC
Cinrniu llymunit-s |)l'l>(l\lC\ltH\. I
by S. S. Wilson
Top: ,-I l_\'V|l1l||\1H||S and slrgnxuumx, .\'n-1| in
lL.~I.\'l;1' OI" TIIE l)L\US.-|UR.'. .H|'ddIr: .~|
t-.>;,_\ 1,/' IIar1'\/|m|_n'n t nt_\IIlit'ul -m.-(1,.,.mmt

-, _. rlmkrs u hrir] llYl!|'0 Q/1pn|nlv|r1' us an "in"


/I.~. 11~u~m.- .4 Ilvmrrumums.

.g,..|'. i .- H
though we won :111 the (lliicatgo
:11\':1r<I .11

l"1's1i\':1l. we 1li1ln't ntalte .1 1listril1u-

$1-'""\ !'"'r1I (.'1).\!.\ll'.\'I1I.\'.
~_l'I'~l~"l_' -ll--7'-i '4"i"-
" 'l'i""""""'_

I've Ii"/"I H """l""'1' "".l"""' ""1"" lh /'I"'I.S
tinn 1l1':1I straittht 11\\:1\' \\'l1i1l1 1110:1111
f,I:';:.:iUI'('\'.'.;i l'<""V'"'I"['l"';"'- !"'I"";'[I.'l'; kill";

Yet j mm
lIllI\ i11 fur $1111-11' time. (I0ltt1nl1i:1
';;:-"I\_'_","";'I";,'I'_( 5"
had the |lIt'l\t|'t' . nriiginally. I went to llol- ml." l;,[",:,.',:""_; I'M! In 1/1. .
m .\u1m.1
|Y\\'""\l I" "H " ll" 1'11""--mil"\1"\\l\vY
1-~11.-11,11. .111. .-11/1/1.111.. (.-11;-111,111.

np|1t'1l i1. .\'-111 .\l|i1-11 .\1'tis1s has ll.

11111111-11111111 .1111.

\\'I1i1l1 is str:11tqt'. I1e1';111sc they \\'1lttlttl it

urigitially. It's only n<1\\' 1l1;11 I feel 1-1-:1
serttre and :1l1I1- to do what I
itng nl'I1yst1-ri:1\'er1' \\'1'll i|11l1n_s1'|1:1rti1"\1-
want rather than inake films like Ill-'.l-Ll thul _\-1111! f|I1YYIl 1u1111
'I'/11' A/i'In1 :1'11,\ 1'11
I Ill.
of I1111i'r.wn, .\'1-:1-/r'r\'1-_\~. ll'n.\1'1 [um-Iy a
U11: 1r1.11'ru1r 1/11' \1'n'1-1|pI11\' r1'|'!l1
l11uIg1'l11r_\' 1'um'1'r1|, nr rlirl you 111'1'I1l/I111
l1'n.r1'mur_\' It'1'!tn_ iuliy vlivl you 11'11111 In
1 V/11m1l|'r1r|'1\'?
z1'ril1' Il1|'.\'fn1rI|'1'11/11r 111111"?
N I!
(I().\l.\lIl.\'ll).\' was n1:11le I1ec:1use the ltoth, really. 'l'l11- 1111111 Ivntlqet for the
1"l1:1r.1r11-rs i|1 it \\'1'r1-|11'<1pI1" I ktiew. They
film was S-lll(l,lI(ll'l. \\'1- were 1':1i$i111.g f\1111ls
the .s:1|11e time we wt-re slumtiing the
were not 11111r1l1-rers, hut there was :1 real :11
|1i1'tur1'. \\'e ltatl t11stup:11 11111-p<1i11t he-
.\lrs. 'l'r1'iluni and l".1th1'r T11111 i11 1111'
1'l1ur<'l1 in
1'.1\1s1- 1l1e 11111111-y ran 11111. 'I'I11~
life. .\ls<1. when I \\'.1s little I \\:1s t'rigl1|1'11- ;1I\\-ays qrrat place to
etl by the st.ttt|t's i|1 the 1'l111r1'l1. I11 fart l'.1tterso11 \\'.ts :1

the wl111l1' .1111l>ie|11'1- 11l';11'l111r1'l1. 1111111-. is nittnler $111111-11111-, so I tl11>11g|1t. I1g:1\'1-1111'

the feelitig tl1:1t if $111111-11111 \\':1s heing
une of ft-.1r. I nsctl it :1s:1(i11tl1it'1':1stI1'. trues on as usual, \\'hi1"h is
The .\l:1ss is take my Imily and 1111' hluud. 11111r1l1-red. life
tltonqlit it woultl he \\-h:1t Ilit1"l11"m'k puts :11'n1ss so well. Ilere
it is s:11"rifi1'1'. I :1

n we are i11 tl1is11t'fi1'e :1n1lrigl11 there i11 the


good Itlt'.l tn I1.1\'1- :1 inttrder going 1111 tI\I|"

l1:1tl1r1111n1 s11111el1111ly ruultl l1e n1ur1lere1l
-I//""1 5"l"- ing the ritual (In|11|111111io11 with those Iit- k|111\\' it. I love that :1s-
tlc igirls. :1ll sy111l>oli1' hriiles of (Ihrist. I and we \\'u11l1l11't
pert of fiI111111:1kin1; and that's 11-l1:1t
On the sttrface. .~\lfrv:d S11l1~'s lmrmr h:1\'cheen:1n'\1s1'1lofIieinig:111ti-(I:1tl111lic.
GR.-\Y RII.~\lS()I)\' deals \\'itI1. Ilue 111 a
(IO.\l.\lll.\l().\ is :1luri1I.l1l11u1ly.1|1d That just isn'1 true. I \\~:1sn't 1n;1ki111.; any
$1.111-|11e11ts :1l11111| the Clnirclt. It \\':1s1>11ly
three s1~1"11nd l1ri1"f1-11111111111-1' :11 the start
se11s:1ti11|1al sliocker. I1111 astute critics of the pietttre, the 111:1i11 1'l1:1r:11't1-r's wlinle
l1.1\'e seen through the. :11 times. in1'1>n1-
tl1.11 milieu I \v.1n11~1l to use.
'1 Ihv /1111111111-j11.\'1 1| hi! 11m I111]/IiI1y1_1 life is ruined. D11 many people rt-:1li"/.1' tl1.11
prel1e11sil)le plot and ltailrtl :1 new 1lir1'c-
fur _\|;l1r1n'1'ru';'|' I111rmr]}u|I' just hy one person ttntcliiltg you. you :1f-
turial tale11t :11 work. Sole studied in I'.n- feet eyt-rylimly elscs life? I'm very into
\'1>11're ri1;l1t.11t'ru11rsc. I \\'.1ss1'.1re1l 111
rope at the ;\c:1den1y of l"ine .-\rts and that \1'.1y of lonkiitg :11 life.
I11 lJTl he go near .\lrs. 'l'retl<111i i11 case I gave :1\\':1y
IUIYI5 U"l\"~f5ll of l'lor1'l11'e. the story 11111 early. It was :1 str111't11r:1I I.\|1 '1 .~lIp/1n11.11- I11 .\'u[l1*'.1' grn11'.rq|11-
won first prize at the N1'\\'\nrk Film l"es~ [Hl7fY11_\'1|f nf 1/11" [111 !111111l11r:l n11I11'r

tival foraslturt entitled l);\\'I)Rl'l.'\.\lS. and 1lire1t11ri:1l ])ft)l7l(III 1l1:1t I l1:11l to n-li1'f1'11 1111*/T1111?
111-1'1_rs11ry 14111111
Sole's first picture, I)I'.I~'.I' Sl.l"ll'.l. ran lmpe \\'11rke1luut. 'I'l1e111urtler1'r's 1n111i\':1-
I guess linilgct only :1II11\\'e1l11s
so. 'II11'
In!" l'ill |""l1ll"\$ llllt- I0 I15 Stlflflll tiun is :1 little woolly hut it doesn't tli1ni11-
to provitle him with one set of pants, as
Pl1Yl\I>){Yl\Pl\ll' Iitllllt-Ill lII\1l ll W115 tlul I0 ish t|1e sl1111'ks.
llilil? he is 11l1\'i<1usly :1 big man we had to :1111l
ll\lS t>l\\lI\llY Cl\1\I'R1' lltl l\i>' l1\\'k'f. It'I1_\' 1/11'_/11111 x1*11'11

its str1>1\g- get lIttlI1 special ordered. his idea 11f S11
Richard K. Rtisetilierg. l>v:r.1111e the pro- Because tlte Cl\\ll'Cl\ was :1t
1l1e11. Catherine [tl1en111tl1er| heing :1
tl1e pt-e-stain went wildly over the top.
ducer of his tl1ir1l film. (lO.\Il\lUl\'ION. est
I1\1t we l1:11l to let l1i111 get on with it.
.-\.\lI-ZRICAN SOAP foII11\\'ed l)IiI-'.I good Catholic \\'ol1l1l11't h:1\e re-married.
'Il11'.r1"1*111' 111/11'r1* .-lI1'1'1.1lru11gI1'.1 1I11'r111
SI.IlI'1I' and Sole is now working on a Families went to Clturcli as :1 group; :1ll llnw
z11u.\' 1/1:11 r1n111'?
fourth film, another psycliological thriller the relatives would get together. .-\n1l 1'1 q11|'11' .\'1ru11_q.

most important. tl1e l\lass was still said i11

looks like she I111rts it. hut she
tentatively titledGI{.-\\' RII.-\ISOD\'. We doesn't :11 :1ll. It was :1 series ufquick cuts
spoke to Sole on the eve of C().\lMUl\'- Latin. I think we carried it off well. I
didn't want an overe1nph'.1si1.e1I Il11lly- that I tliought was important. Ihad to
ION opening to ecstatic reviews in the show ;\li1e was capalile of doing that sort
l.11n1l11n press. The filn1 has been picked
woud I96I. I wanted it :1 bit surrealistic.
We screwed up over the phone h1111th,I1ut
of thing, \\'l1iel1 was of course to throw
up for dislril)uti11n i11 tI1e United States tl1e audience off guard.
by Allied Artists a11d l1as undergone a we robbed it as we wanted the directory
'I'I11'r1- arr 1111111 .r11r[1r1'.r1' 1-11.11|'r1g1 [11 1111'
ghastly title change 111 ALICE, SWEI-'.'I for another scene. A lot of people think I.11ul11 .\l1'll1-r (_/11.11111 .\I1ll1~r's 111110),
the PSYCIIO poster is a bit tacky too. _/ilm,
.-\LlCl-L. Ilnrlml((i1'urg1' Ruy IIi!l'.r 1v1'f1').
It/I111! are yn11rf1'1l1'11g1 abnul using 1'x~
L1'll1'a11 R0111 and Iirmikv Sltivlrls.
You arr a .r1'lf-1'v11f1'ss1'd Ililchcuckf11~ plivil blood a111/grin? didn't have any money for 1::1sti11g
The way (IO.\Il\lU1\lION is cut makes it I :1

II11111 (l11'fI is _\1u11r rnmmilnienl 10

director. so I mailed the screenplay to the
look more bloody lh:1n it is. You prohab-
U11-Iiurmr/fa111n_ry _q'1|r(',7
ly thought you saw more tltan you a1tuaI- four top agencies i11 New York. It began
Who isn'1 a llitchcock fan? I lean 10- to get read by lut of people and all
ly did. If that's the cas1'1henl'm pleased.

wards horror as it offers so many varied these people rang me up. I didn't pursue
opportunities. C()l\I.\lUl\'ION is a "kiIl ll shocks, a11d I'm glad. I went to see a them. Estelle l;1rsons wanted to play
me, kill me, and have fun" picture. My cheap mafia movie once and no one
blinked at the violence, but when one of Aunt Alice but the Screen Actors Guild
next, GR.~\\' RH.-\ISOD\'. is a different wouldn't let l1er do it o11 a deferred pay-
psychological drama with more character the characters spat, the audience gasped.
We are so jaded toward violence these
ment basis until they read the script and
dcvelopment. I made DEEP SLEEP as a
days that I wanted to say, lley, when liked it. By that time. it was too late fur
start in tl1e movies. Tax shelters were Estelle. But we made tI1e first union film
around a11d wl1ere I live there are lots of you kill someone, it hurts." I purposely
used parts of the hody that an audience in history on deferred payments, as the
lawyers and bankers, so I scroungcd the Guild let us continue. BrooI1es mother is
money, just to get started. It's been a could relate to. When Aunt Annie gets
a friend ofmine, and after this she turned
long haul with COl\lMUNIOl\I. The film stabbed in the foot. well, everybody has
stabbed his toe at some stage. And when down .'\UDRliY ROSE and did FRI-l'l'f\'
has been around for I8 months and al- B/\B\.
Dominick gets hit repeatedly in the
mouth with a hrick. a lot of people have What an your plans after filntirig
phobias concertiing their mouth. At the GR.-I I Rll.-I!S()I)Y7
Mike Childs and Alan Jones are our Lun- I wa11t to write some more screenplays
don-based correspondents. Virgin Islands I-ilm Festival a child psy-
chologist asked me if she could show the with Rosemary Ritvo. \\'e have one idea
at the moment. a black comedy about the
' ' lm at one of her seminars because she
Medici family. I1 involves lolts of stab
by wanted her children to realize that viu-
lence isn'1 fun like it's portrayed on TV bings, poisunings and death!
Alan cop shows. I think I put across the feeI-
lN\'.'\Sl()N ()l*
'l'Hl-'. B()l)\' SI\'.<\'l'Clll~lRS
___. .-\n u|t1l:1t1~tl r1~111.1lu- .|n1l 11-I/:11-I 111 D1111
5i1'g1'l's lmrrnr c'l.1s.si1 11f the \.|n\1' titl1'ln--
K-_ 1"\ g.n1 slttmting ()1t11l11~r ill l'1>r pr111l111'1~r
'~s~ Rnhvrt Solo mt S.1n l'r.1n1'is1'1| l111'.tti1ms.
4.. ~_ Solo zmd his Suln l'i|nt.s l|n'., in .1n .1t-
tvmpl tu 1'mul.1tt- tho kiml 11l'pr1|tl111'tiu|t
sccrtsry \\'lti1"lt sttrrmtiidt-tl Cl.()Sl-. l-..\'-
C()Ul\"l'l"ll{$ U1" 'l'lll"l 'l'lllRl) Kl.\'l), l\.1s
lmrrctl pn-ss from thc scts ;n11l lnt'.1ti1n1s.
A ll'I|nI .1r1' tltcy trying tn luscp s1~1'rt't you
may wull;? 'l'h1' urigitul lJ:'i6 .\lli1-1l
.\rIists fil|11 is .1 cult f;1vnritt~ .1n<l was
liusctl 1m thc pnpttlur lurk l~'im11'y 11m'1-l
'l'!11' Hn1I_\' Smllr/11'r.\.
I\'t'\\' film st.\rs l)<>n.1lg,l $\tthcrl.1n1l in
thv: Krvitt .\lt'(I;trthy r1>l1'. .1 city lu';1lth
ittspvctur whn tlis1"1>\'crs t|\.1t pml pru-
plu" are rt-sputtsilrlv fur \1rl>.1n 1l1'1'.1y. \\'.
I). Riclttvsr adds s1'\'t'r.1l nc\\' plut clctttcttls
lu his Stiflpl. imltttlinq li])stt'\'it'L' to 1-1111-
ogy. Spurcs tr;t|1.smit .1 1|isv.ts1' tltrmtgh
the rityk w;1tcr .1|t1l fnutl supply \\'hi<'h
f:1t"ilit.tt1'.s thc "|mtl"t:1k1-uvvr.
lhil K;1\tfm;1|1 tlir1~t't.s. K.ntfm.11\'s pru-
\'i11\1s 1'r1'1lits inrlutlv tltr |n1~|n1>r;1l1l<' off-
hcut filtn (}()l1l)S'I'l-.l.\' llflliil), \\'lti1'h in-
lcnninglt-d :1 1l<1c11|nc1it;1ry .1ppr1a.11l1 (in-
tt'r\'ia-w with .1uth<1r .\'t-lsutt .\l1_'r1'nl with
fztntatsy clvmcnts (L1111 Gillwrt as tln: pru-
phvt l".lij;1lt in rnnt<'mp1>r.1ry (Zhi1':t1;1>).
Kuufmzm hull l1c1:n ;1t1|11n1n1"t~d ;1s tlllL't'Il)I
on thc off-.1g;1in-1111-;n;;1i11 ST.-\R l'Rl.K
fvulttrc, ;1n1l rcpurtctlly ;1sl;t-1| l1l'UI\1lTtl
Xittt1iy to .1p|)c;1r in l1\'\'.-\Sl().\' Ul" 'l'lll".
l$()lJ\' $X.'\'I'(Illl-LRS us .1 rvsttlt 11f their
;tssmi:ttiutt nn that :';1rlicrpruj1'1't. Nimuy
plays :1 |1.syt"lt1>l<| who l1t~fri1'n1ls Suth-
1'rl;1ntl ;1n1l thrn s\t1'1'1nnl1s tn the putl
|ncn.iu'. .\'itnny's mlr in thv: film ;1p|>1-.1rs
I/ tn ln: svtnmlttry. .15 he stnyctl rm luc;1tin11

unly ;1h111tt ;1 mtmtlt lncfurr \ll|l1lt'llt\).{ lic-

ccmlicr -1. Sliuntittg uf thv n1ntt|>li1'.1t1'tl
- cffccts ltltc putls arc cnlnrful. 1;r1'<'t1tl1"\'ils
J that literally tltgttlf their victims) is still
living ctnttplctvtl.
Also c.1st ;1rc llrunkc
.-\1l.1ms .1nd \'<'r-
u11i1";1 thc l):1nu \\'y11tt'r;ttt1.l
(I;1rt\\'ri_1;l1t .1s
(Iurnlyn _|1:11cs rli;1r;1ctcr.\'. I)1m Sicqvl. tli-
M rt.-rtnr of the uriqinul film, has .1 uttttvu
rulc 11s :1 <".1h 1lrivcr. K1'\'in .\lc(I;1rtliy, st;1r
nf the urigittztl film, ztlsnl1;1s:11"111m:uml1:
us lhc pods first victim. Unc snurrv dc-
scriln-1l thv: upcning :15 .1 |nntlifi1":tti1m of
tht' 1't\<lirtg of Sivigt-l's film, with .\l1'C11r-
thy runningnntnttl>ttsyltighw;1y.only to
be struck tluwn 11n1l killtul 11s hc scrvszttns
You'rc next!" .'\l the film '5 vml, Suther-
Iuml is thc lune s\tr\'i\'<1r nf thc p11dt;1l;c-
uvrr, resulting in :1n ttitdiscluscd shtick
cntling." Unitcd Artists will rclvt-;1s1: lull: in
jt-jfr1'_\' I"r1-11!:1*v1

tatrm(nt --1 04.111-111.;14s|11..w1.1-111 111111:-111111111111. 11 11111.

CINl>.h\NlAhlIQ\'l> _-|u11t-11111111. '41!"/77. 1| 11.-.111".-1
1111.111=1|\. L1] .~|1 --t -1--11 11.111111 4. 11.) .11-111111 1111111 rtpttnn
prnr nn.un.4|1.1-1.11.-1.1-1111..-.1...1t11=--111111-1111111-11 -1:1
.\'.t.--1111-11-4.1111 P111 1111.11.41 1.111112. s||.1-.111-11--1111" 1111-1'
1411111111 1.1114 11 41. 11> Nzmrt 111.1 1.-11191111|p1m|1
.1m.m-1-11 11111 1111111,. 111.1." Puhluhrl irrdrmk .s.1:11111.
em N. |.--mt-1111.011 P111 |tt1111-1100102.91-I11-11: 111111-1511111,.
mp 1.1111--t: 111111 11 1.111= 111111 11 m.n>x11--~11 111--an--1-am.
1111111;-.111-.111-1--11111 11.11111. 111.1114" 11...". 11111111111111.1111
111" --t 111-111.111-11 1) mu
11.9.41 pmttl. tum lalrugr 11.-1
utplll 1-.111 111114 11111111; 911.1-11; 12 mnnthnl, tusou 11.11111
11--. .1-pm --t1|11;1 111114 ;"-1 1-- f|l|n| 4111-). tum
W11 lIH\llJlllII\I 40:: 111-1111. unu 4-111111). 1h.') mu 11111-
1-11p11.-111- 1411211--1.;-p,15s1|1111111i. 101 > 1.-1.1 1-.111 11111111-

11111 55141-1.;=),4ss1;141:11.1). 1041 rm 1111111111111.-1.; am

(nvrt L 230 1.111111). |0<) 11-111 1lutr\hutm|r 'vIl'_'-I laurugrl;
ss91If:1111.1|. ton utptn 11111111111141.1111. -:04: 11111.11), not
11111.1). tum 11-111111111--111 11-11 1,111. 21:11 (1-111,11). :02 111
11.111. um 1--111. nun 111-11). 105001111-111. int--11.11
lhn 111- 11.111-111-1111 111-<11 1 11- 1.-"=11 1-1.1 iumplrlr
1-14 1141-1-
hedrnrln s. (2111:. IIWIIII.
.-\ l.E'l"Tl-IR FROM LORD SU.\l.\lF.RlSLl-1
lt'Ii.-n (.I1ris1npI|1-r Lee rx/m'.ts- universal agreement] being suspi~
ed |'.\'lre1ltt' dis/vIeasvm' at smite of cious are patently absurtl. Sum-
David Ilnrlltnlmm-n"r c:nnmer1l,r merisle is definitely suspect, no
rimcrrning his perjm-ntnnce as matter who plays him, whether it
Ltml Smnvnerisle in any issue dl- be myself or a member of the cut-
rnlrrl In 'I'IIl:' l\'I(.'!\'EIt' r\l.~l.\' (6: rent East End of London School
3:9). I rneuumgrtl him In pul Itir nr East side of New York crop of
nhjeclimts in u'n'lin_t1. 'I'/11' ]nIluw- actors: whether he be playetl by a
ing is mi exerrpl [rum nt7tt'YfL\' tlwatrical Knight int Dame) or a
_!rne|'nns riglil-;n1gi-It-l!t'r. prominent member of what I call
the llritish Repertory Company
In Ill) years as an actor in e\'- (always the same in every per-
ery conceivable medium, I have formance). But I um the actor
repeatedly ltatl tn bear with stoi- eoncemetl and I tens the actor
cism, fortittnle, and quite fre- chosen: the presentation of the
quently intlifferenet-, tl1e slings character, who is indeed :1 villain-
antl arrows of outrageous critics. otls but also charming "persona,"
On no occasion ltave l bothered was the one decialed on by the au-
to reply~it is consideretl unwor- tbor, producer. director antl my-
thy that actors and actresses self and is undoubtedly the cor-
shoultl tlemean themselves by "an- rect approach. lf l should appear
swering |iaek:" like the Royal in une shot limiting furti\'e," it is
Family, our lips are sealed and it with very good reason: l have nu
is one of the unwritten rules in tlesire to be the sacricial victim
our profession that the opinion of next year and I am contlcrnetl
one person does not necessitate that Howie's comments may be
the distinction of a reply. \\'t- sim- striking home tn my "flock."
ply do our best with the often tm- 1-\s to Summerisle looking lu-
worthy attd frequently uninspiretl tlicrous in the procession. l
material at our disposal antl leave would defy any actor in the world
it at that. Alas, it seems that all not to look so,ifwearing trousers,
too frequently a critic cannot tlis- sneakers, a|1 old lace dress, a chalk
tinguislt between an exceptional white face and a longhlack artifi
;1tlt\r or actress creating an altnust cial wig. It is ohtious that lslmnlrl
(.I|r1'.t!o[thrr Lee us I.nnl Smnn|eri'sIr untl Brill Eklunrl ut ll'iIIuu' an miraculous acltievrment out uf look lutliemus -even ridiculous
1""/vl'l4!l !""" I/" ll'i15ll'. IL I'll (II-ll will rrrtr of TIIE lt'I(.I\'I'.'R .\l.-IN poor material, sloppy prutluction, as it is all part of the tratlilional
it-nil /hr I/tr rl]:!1!l1Y|g' clniidr In /nus In/.011 n'stm1t'n,e ji'[n1in_q. hack direction, banal writing and pattem of the dance and the sinis-
--- barely competent phntography ter meaning hehi|1tl the apparent-
atttl a less than adequate actor ly jolly revelry ttttIItl'L'lttl with
l was delighted to see the latest is- tttinttte version works very nicely. who acltietes virtually nothing the pagan fertility rites. lt is made
sue |6:Il| with its ctt\'er a1|1lt'o\'- llefinitely :1 first-class film which but is fortunate enough to have all the more me:1ningl'ul by the
cntge on 'l'lll \\'l(IKl;l( .\l.-\.\'. takes the genre to a new level. the services of a fine director antl apparent absurdity of the leading
Christopher Lee has spoken fre- crew, the immense pleasure of a figure (which is incidentally ex-
quently and fondly regartling this Ml(Ill/\l-Ll. l). l..-\N(i really well-written part in a fine plainetl quite clearly in the film).
project, and perhaps your well- .\linneapolis, Minnesota script, with excellent supporting l know what author .-\nthony
written researching may be the casts, superb photography and Shaffer intended: he is the final
shot in the arm it neetls. lcertain- [We unrlerrlmid your not/t|.t|'nn. production expertise, etc. ln the jutlge, and he and the real makers
ly hope so and certainly :tppreci- .-lcluully, ,-lliraxus Filnts 11] .\e1e one case, the dice are heavily of the film were entirely satisfied
ate the fine job you'\e done! Urlenns. trhu own 1-.\'cIntit<r l'.S. loatletl against you; in the other, with my appearance and charac-
anti Ciinudimi di.tlr1'!mIimt rig/ilr e\erything is done for you. But terilatittnr
ROBI-lR'l' lll.()Cll In Tllli ll'IL'I\'l'.'R M.-Ir\' were run~ which is the greater rltallertge and ll is because l feel so strongly
Lns Angeles, California (used! 'I'Itry are fth_ti'n!I_\' t'n!tIim- which is the greater victory? ()bvi- about this remarkable film that l
plating Iilignlioti atruinrl IIemis- ously, tl1e former. have broken a 3U year silence as
/rlterr lir!nn-x, /or IIn'irunuu!/mr- Having spent a great tleal of an actor. .-\ critic is certainly en-
You say Tllli \\l(IKl-IR .\i.\X was ized d|'.r!r1'lml|'nn n_/' llte /ilvn. T/tr my career, through no wish of my titled to his opinion [when hack-
neter relrasetl in the United [vrinl _vnn raw tmr um :1] llie uri- own, creating something out of ed up by qualifications), but Mr.
Slates. Cheek your f.1ets;gt't your gimrl lt'un1--r Hm: copies, pmt-i'd- nothing, making the unbelievable Bartholomew's comments regard-
sources straight. Tllli WlCKl:lR ed In IIrm1'.t]1Iirn- Ivy .-flvraxiis for helievztlile, atttl carrying a eonsitl- ing my casting as Summerisle,
.\l.>\.\' definitely played in San l)i- l'itkfY|g ]lllI1IlIX|S only, telten erablr load with an almost total whilst they are unilisputably his
ego in '7-I or '75. lf that doesn't II:'nt|'_t]2/|en' expressed ittI1'n'_rI in ;tl\Stlkt of support, l would never own, are rentlered wholly i|1ap-
mean a "release i11 tlw llnitetl Inilrlintr an cerlailt I-~rn'rnm'uI deny that l have often llll to propriate and totally irrelevant by
States," perhaps we shottltl he tlislrihtilimi I-iglils In !Iti']iInt.l put tleptliless characters through delivering cheap comments about
part of Mexico? their paces." The fact that l have any other films tl1at l have been
almost always sucteetletl in elevat- involved in o\er a very long and
BILL RICH.-\Rl)S().\' 'l'he plot of 'l'lll-l \\'lCKliR .\l.-\N ing these "perso|tae to any level not unsuccessful Career.
39'_'O'/2 .\iissisippi, San l)it-an (I.~\ is similar to that of a lEl7l 'l'\- of t'rt~tlihility at all is to my credit (Zongratulations again on your
motie called Bl..~\(IK NOON. in and should not be usetl asaeheap tletlieation and devotion to this
l.-I1'!ttall_\'. fl lf||t',t!t '1. lt'r tnt-nlinn- which a minister (Roy Thinnes) is feeble excuse for a derogatory filmyour mitgalitte will be of e-
eil iIteSnn Iegu VlIl!|Xt' \IlIl ten-r lured to an isolated western town, comment on my performance as normous help. 'l'he Wicker .\lan
In tn! [mgr J3. ltkim.-r llmt film and systematically corrupted by Lord Summerisle. Yes, .\lr. Bar thanks you is his magical way
0/I1Iltti [he ]|'Im in .-lllimlu. I'll-are the townsfolk (who include Ray thnlnmew, I have been in some and so tlo l and all his admirers.
up-'I|t'nt-I in-r-' men/\ /or lhe .\lilland, \'\'ette Mirnieux and cheap, awful pictttresz" an actor
piirpvue uj x-tlirjittiiig l'.S. ,ttnz'1'nt- llenry Silva). It turns out that has to live. Only a very fortunate (IHRlSl'Ollll'lR LEE
men! ItL\'-S'lt'fItV lunar and do no! they are escapees from the Salem few can he selective in their Los .-\ngclcs,(lalifomia
tnnslilnleu ""| witch hunt, who must periodical choice of roles, but l am fast at-
ly renew themseltes by a blood taining that enviable if precarious The n]]i'c1'ul l'.S. prernirrr of
sacrifice to Satan. The minister position. l am not proud of many THE ll'l(,'I\'l;It' .\!.~l.\', Ueluher ZS
.~\fter seeing in your new issue tntlS up being burnt-tl alive, while nf these pictures, but l have in no in .\'ru' Urlnms, was cancelled.
that the Tllli \\l(IKER .\l.~\.\' suspentled by one leg, liked the way been responsible for their PIm1_r/nrlltegnlu, (t'lel;ril_\ erettl
wottltl have its oifieial LE5. prem- llangetl Man in the tarot cards. quality: l have never degraded a tin" nuw being jimilized [or Iltix
iere in New Orleans on October ehar:1cterl have never played a r]Iring. IIntmttV, TIIII IVICKER
'13, lam rortfusetl. l saw the film S.\\'lSE part in which l did not feel l .\l.-l.\' rlid oflrn in Iesl engage-
in the first week in October in Vancouver, BC,('.'1natla could do something. 1-\ntl l am men!_t 1|! |I|e.\leudu|4*bmvIt Cine-
.\I|'nm'npn!1's, at the Wnrlrl Thea- not ashamed of any performance ma 6 1'n]at'Ixnn, .\lis.rissippt'. .\'u-
tre. The lm had a Warner Bros l have given. l'l'"lb|'Yll, pla_\-ing for lwu weeks,
lugu and l'ariet)' listed it as a You people are not to be bcliev- The reviewer's comments on grossing I5-I78 and nl I/tr lni1'er-
llemipshere Pictures release! ed! You devote an entire maga- my appearance as Lord Summer- r1'!_v (.'1'm-mn in Balun Range. Lou-

l found 'l'llE WICKER MAN zinc tn one movie; you have me isle (unquestionably one of the isiann, Nnttentber I8, pla_\-ing 33
tn he an exceptional film. The Bl drooling in eager anticipation fur best things l have ever dune by days, g1ox.n'ngIl5,926.

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Weve captured the rebel ship. This is no ordinary rebel ship. (WHEEZEl)
Darth. It's obvious they're here The last time I felt such a disturbance
to rescue the princess. in the lorce was when I connected
my respirator to a blender by accident.
It took forever to get the
granola out ol my visor.
the crew on that film would eventually
find themselves on ST.-\R WARS and I'd
got to know them really well. One of the
makeup chaps forwartletl my name to Gary
Kiirtz when he found out what they want-
ed for the niovie. Chewliacca was the only
part I was offered ziitd I took it. The Sin-
Iiatl movie was jttst movement. so lprefer-
retl the Chewbacca | ) art as it iiito Ited
more. But I don't consider myself an actor
at all.
Itlml tilmtil Hi: [mm [Iii rvlt has E
uiigily [IUl]U@@
Peter Mayhew was born May I9, I944,
" '

I didnt realize it would sky-rocket the

in Barnes. London. .~\fter schooling. he way it has and I certainly don't consider i:i
worked for a wholesaler of electrical sup- myself famous at all. I like people not
plies, and then became a pnrter at King's knowing who I am wlieii I walk down the
College Hospital. at Denmark Ilill, London. streets, apart from the (ll)Vlt7\lS stares be-
The 7 feet, '2 inch tall hlayhew eventually cause of my height. That's perhaps why I Came Fish" is the l|_1"gi(.r or auras
rose to the rank of Deputy Ileatl Porter _he- enjoyed thc_parl so much bec_aiise I could lkhbie RL.ym,|ds and smg" [audit Fisher
fore his great height came to the attention lose myself iii the role. I ni quite ;i_sIty pe_r- hum Ocmim. 21' 1956_ prh, m M.u.p\;ng
of producer Charles ll. Schneer. who cast son_really, hut once in that suit. lll{'L' I did her mic as princvss Leia in S-|-AR WARS
htm_ as _IIr_notoii in_ SINII.-\l) _/\l\D 'IIII-. again recenytly on Tlllz l)O.\l\\ .~\I\D .\I.~\- 5|; had ;|pp;m_-(1 in $|i.\MpO0 Wm] var
l:\ I. Ol- IIIII IIGLR. tlte beginning of at RII: SIIOII, I can blame any mistakes on rm Emmy. and smdicd uuing in London
whole new career. that alter-fgo. at the Central School of Speech and Dra-
lh" 1"" ml) P"b!""~ 1"! H "-f ma. .~\lso :i singer, Carrie appeared on the
London age ".il| her mmhen shc is no.
War your rule iii ST.-IR IV.-IR a IffYl'lI tiimr you won?
nxiiill iij_ your [furl III7sI.\B.-If) .-l.\D Tl. __]us_t extreme heat. It was a one piece Cnnsidcring J mlmbcr of mm Hers that
Ell: I)!" TIIE ZIGER. siiit with :i Zipper tip the hack, knitted out will kc up up U [he vimcr of 1978'
My acting career started with a news- of yak and mohair. The mask was fibre- when she will rcsnmc her wk, as Princess
paper article. \\'heii I was at King's College glass which had I)l'L'II cast from my own Leia in Sr_\R v,\R H
hospital (I.oiidon).a reporter came down to face. There was no trouble there as it was I I '
do a story on me. Ile was writing an arti-_ all ironed out .1" the planning stages. I no Wm mu, H-I,"n,f|-(H-0" mom-,S_,
cle on big feet for tlte (.'i1inr.i.r Hunk of could move easily and I soon got used to I-m'no bu but I like movics like TH];
Rl'(lIY([.\'. llc Iiad seen me walking around the heat. In the garbage disposal scenes DAy THE EARTH STOOD STILL and
and thought I'd make good copy. It ;it- there was a ridge built on the set which I |.~0RB")DEN pL_,\]\'|.;T smy Ones um
tracted the attention of the producers of stayed on as they didn't want to get this like THE T|M|.; M_\C|NE_ '
the Sinbad movie and they asked me if I expensive suit wet and dirty. Did Wm ham. a I, 0/ cmnpl-h-U" fl"
would be the .\Iinoton and as I knew my Ihe noises emanating from my lips I'm Wm, mi. M p,,',,c,.S_. L,.,~a_7
height would come in useful for some pur not too siirc about. I did them and they ' ycS_ 3 lmv Everybody from sixwcn O
pose ljumped at the opportunity. A lot of were recorded but I'm not sure if that's me Venn, who Could kmk sixwcm It was 3
on the soundtrack. The early scenes are kn of pcopk._ ~n"_.y never wamud any
INTERVIEW BY dchnllely 'e' I h'"lf'_N"bdy has 53" names though because they didn't want
Mn; CIHLDS 3; ALAN JONES anything though and it s too long ago to people to say 0Ii_ yeah.i Nick Note I
remember now
Pr in .\Ia_vlirw as Cliviubnrca. Wfl';';' ;,';f";f0l";4;';'"'i~"WP "1" >'~' l.'.i...S'iZ'l,lii'.7''l"i}.is Till i'.iTl
we -had relationship. LIp(;II3.I1Ci(;IC(:l'RlSIn:;t?'ttLyVL'(l aginul four
more t an a rients ip.
lh. Id ont t h.k
in any-
- < _
, -
one got on that well with him as he really n_m,l)l'-('l,y" Mu H Hum M mu" as you
isn t that sort of person. I can get on with Oh H cm W n den
s Y 5- H7 ~ I v ' 3
mogtcgplc an? We hail lob wind; I. ed. George calls it the most expensive low
mm; twig" um: glw you cl H ri budget picture ever made, because they
A' fair amount "c.d say ..Chc_ie I had to plan every shot. Everything had to
bi it Illa 5%-iv. 9'? sIlti."gEf':"':"C}:'c'
F'_,_U.Iv\1 want you here."- He always called ine
Chc\*'e. But lot dc P ended on \'h;it
we C i cl in
'nu see
F0the nmovie rum "Z 5 0
is in the scn P t ' includ-
wereHdoing and where. I preferred the stu-
h C
ng t e e c s.
dio scenes to location as I liked ll1L sets Wk I -1 H" ml In I-W Wm?

and I did not feel so alienated from my siir-
a gun I more
.. Faster
and I 1 - ' L ' I.
intense. Those were "
rouaillllnlgiss up'.m.0" 0/Uwfm? his actual directions. At one stzigehc lost
I'm not .a science fiction .fan ,but I love his VOICE and up joked about gcmng two
hoards xed weeach with their own horn
adventure films and I Invcd it. Ive seen it
on op and ..|_~a",.. chalked on one and
four times now and I still see things in it Mom lmcnsc," chalked on he "then He
21:: Igsscll lilffnrci some ts ank; also told,me to stand up straight a lot and
C Pena 7 ma C me m in act more like a Princess.
"aver elm" dld "mm" I Can '"'_"b" D0 on Hiitik ou CHIl7fllIlIl'(l to your
hem bung hm good of Crsc' (hm 5 hm rolc as iiiucli as yo: would hum" liked?
maillly IO the fan III. we didnil 5 he George didn't really have the character
spcc'?l.cccIs w go mm Mm we hugm well defined. He gave me a lot of freedom
the finished movie would be good, but not and rcsP0nsibimy_ The rs day I me
that good. When I saw the boxoffice re- Gcorgc he said that 1 could chmgc my dia_
tums from the States it really shook me. loguc mat I [ch unwm,-unable saying_ In
Whatbeen the sequel?
asked do it and I mink [hey fact, I changed very little. Now when I see >

want a tribe of Wookies in the next one. At ~

the moment it's still an_ idea. In the first INTER/w BY

script there was a scene of me with my MIKE CHILDS 85 ALAN JONES
family, but in the script modification that
was thrown out and it was ncvcr filmed. I Mike Childs and Alan Jones arc London-
based correspondents.
L_JL_l L_.l

Kenny Baker math: his film tlt-but i|\
ClRCl'$ OF HURRORS in I960, playing
a t'lu\\'n, while ctnplnyctl in llilly Smart's
(Iirrns. llis small si/tc, unly 3 ft't't 8 inches
tall, math: hitn uniquely suitctl fur thc part
of R111)? in ST-\R WARS. Burn :\\lg\tSt J4,
I934 in llirminghatn, ltal-u.-rji>i|1t'tl a tour-
ing \'arit'ty act t'allt'tl Bnrtnn l.t'stcr's
.\1itl_t;tts" at the aigc nl Hi, amt has hcctt in
s|tu\\'|msi|tt'ss <:\'t'r sinrc. In I960, whilc
playittg l)upt-y in Snn\\' \\hitt' and the
St-vt-n l)\\'arfs ()n lct-," hc mct his cnrrt-nt
-4l"'*"\' l5"'""' Fl-/"" *'/"1"":Y""II"'" /-ll! H" srarctl. If \vt"tl tlunc it again it wtntltl ha\'t' |tu\\'luttsit\c:~> partner jar}; lur\'is. a tlwarf.
Ihr [mutt $1." 111'!/| .\ItnL' Ilmmll. [Right /I/tnlu [X-tn m,,n- [um hm T -W fri,;|\|t-mt 'l'm;t~tltt-r they fnrmctl musical-1"uinctly
t"'l'.\"'L'/ll /5'77 -"1/I l-"'HIHr\>F"-\' 5'7" 1-""" that wt"tl splat aigainst the wall and tht'"tl

7 '7' *
act callctl Thu .\lini-'l'unt-s," and ltavc pur-
""* 4 """ '2" b ha\'t' to ltrint: in Ruhhy Bcttstm and _]nt|it'
Fnstcr! 'l'ht' _t1arl1;n1t tlistmsal st't'nt' was ftm
for twu hours antl tltt'n it tun hut antl hur-
fnrmrtl in llritain. l'l\|rupt' and I\'urth .-\f-
rira. l"n|ln\\ini.g ST.-\R WARS. Bakvr ap-
pvarvtl in (ivnv Rut|dt'nl>trry's $ll-.(I'l'Rl-1
hn\\' l saitl a lut uf it, I wish ltl thatn;t'tl ing. \\'t' \\1'rt' wttarintt \\'tt-suits untlcr uur antl starrt-tl in thc film \\'().\lll.l.\'(i l*Rl'll-,,
ntnrv. llttt tl\at's lI\t' just ht-int; strict with tt\t[fi[5_ lt-trr .\l:tyltt'\\' [Cl\1'wharc;t| just which alsu fcaturcs the tlcbut of his charm-
mysclf. Thv tmly thing ymi tnt||tln't it-ll frivtl upin that suit. ing wife l-lilccn.
from thc script was thc stylt: and that was lt'!m! tvux [hr mn.\'I 1/1:/']'ituI! Xtt'tlt fur
nnt" thing that (it-urgr t"u|nmunit'att'tl rvsally you In .\'/mot. lluzu:litl_\'utt_g'r1 [hr //url uj R_I)_"?
' wrll tu all of us. For cxatnplt. hc w.nttttl It was all difficult really. :\t"tin_\; is pm- l think an agcttt uf mint: gut wintl uf it
thr tlialt-_i1ut' rcatl straight.;r: "l tlmuttltt tcntlinig. Yuu haw tn usc pnittts tit R-ft-r. and fmtntl nut they were lunking fur a
l rtt'ui1tti1.t't| your foul stt'nt"h, 'l'arkin." cnn: like an tttiltappy lt>\'t' affair anti that small guy. Thcy uffcrcd mc tho part. hut
Not thruwn away lilif l W35 \>Tl\!l"1\ll t~!tl- sort uf thing. \\'t'|l, l tlnnt knuw what it's when l wnrk l ha\'c to runsidcr my part-
' int: ttt ah: "\\ht'n l ramc on lmartl, yntt likv to \vatt'l\ a planut whirh is my ltutnt: runtinut.-tl pagc DU, cultnnn 1

kttmv. l thuuglit. thv stnvll, \\'hu is that?" living hluwn up. Thv fact that all l'm hunk-
Gcurtgc tlitln't want us to chuat likc tltat. ing at is a chalkctl t'ir<'|t' tnakcs it \\<:rs::. .'\l-
Gn fur hrnkc. . .ant| I wont fur hrnkv. su, y<u|rt' untlvr trctnvntlutts prt-ssttrc. lt' lNTER\'IlIW BY
l\'t|.\ fl ttI:ttt\'t Iltr |'rtlt'rtlt'mt [41 gujnr II nut just a rasc uf uffinq your lincs hut .\1lKE (Illll.DS R .-\I.Al\' JONES
j|t:wtt'Ir /unIu.\\' 11]//tram/t ./ that thc >015 haw tn hi rt'pairt'tl antl t-xplu-
(ivnngc wantvtl In tit a film ht" \\'antctl siuns n'ti\;\.;1'tl and anytltimt thunagctl rc-
Kruttv Hukrr (fr/I) mu! /tit /I||rlt|4V juik I'ur:t't,
tu st-t-. Gcurgc and Gary Kurt! |tit"kt'tl up a ]>l;|t-t-it [f thy rt-~t;it;, it/Iv playrtl lltr (.'Iti-~! jinn: in S'I'.-IR W.-IRS.
l\l\\'S]l;t|lL'l mic \tntlay tn tn srr a |nu\'it' STAR l1'.-IRS IItm'_;'t'1tttI[_\' tunx guirtg In /Ilrm ll rituiiml nig/|It'IuIt tn! ktmtrti u.\ "I'h-'
nuthim; that thcy \\'.|lIl\'ti tn
ant! tht~n- \\'a.~' I,,- ,| ;[[/Y/|'n'1|[ ,q,,y_\- with it ,I|i('j}-1,-"1 mg], .\l|ni~'I'm|.-t. "
nah nut aml st-t~. Thu-3' tit-1-itlctl tht-rv just |t'!;y 111,- i-/i,m_q,- ,,[m|'m[?
\\'t'r1'n't any gnutl picturrs artntntl l"lash _\|;\j]3 |,,_~t-;mt- \-;-ry,m- h;|5 ])|g(tm1c
G"Y\l"" ll W"! 'ill- R"ll" """l if Y0" funtl uftl\t'sci"l\arat"tt'rs. lt's ft|rtl\trat|\'v:tt-
\\'t>"'l< ""1 ill ll-I31 ST-'\R l~\R$ l\J '~'\'TY' tttrcs uf, nut a st*t|t|t'l. \\'t' start filming at
Iltilttl in il- (i\'ur_\:t' at ttlll'S|1l\((' Uivtl Iv lt\1Y F.lstr<'t~ aftt-r K\thrit'k's Tilt. $lll.\'I.\'(}. \\'t-
llll l'l.L!l\l> I" ll\'~ 11'1"/\ R".k""" -I'll' illlll hatl a inkc at utu stagc that thc nrxt film
"il"'/ H1" ""4/H l"|1 |l'11ll\\'-l"ll'll Ill" wnultl start up as wt" rt's\nnul lmws aftrr
"""'l1 '""\''- 5" hr '"h' his mu tltv |1rcst'|ttatitm nf thc tnrtlals in the first
Tin" t-/it-mi.\'Ir_\ /n'I;t-rt-rt _\'nu_ Iwml am! |m_
llumill ttwr/it .\'u/rrrhI_\'. lt't|.\' [hit /mnl Ilntv Ill! _\'()tt mutt _\'nur rltumrlrr In
ttmrk nr mtluml? tlrt--lup in lhr ttr.\'1 /ilnt?
(i1'~>tt:\'\'-t~'l ant'n\'tt1l>Il't1i1'rv.t|w lhrrv \\'t-ll, I cnttltl marry Luku, hut il' t mar- ' t

nf us lt)gt'||tt'r. .\ppart'ntlt' tht-rc wt'rt' rivtl ilatt I think that wmthl ht mutt intt'r-
annthcr thrvv i|t vast wv t|it|n't work. lntt vstimg. tnnrvsn frum thc puint nfvivw that
at ttu timr \\'t>\tlt| it ha\-1' ht't'n mix antl \\-t' wt'r1' always st'rt*an\int: at each utht'r. I
match. Wt tlitln't t.(<t alum; inst like: that. tan also say that I nt'\'cr want tn wcar
\\t' tarvfully psycltvtl varh utltrr nnt. llarri- lltuSt' hairy varphnnt-s again. l alsn don't
sun ttsvtl tn yvll at int" furnnt ht'itn1ahlt- lu want Leia to be su straight nuxt titnv. Nut
tlt't'i\lt' wlwrt to rat and .\lark anti l ttstal tu ht'l|tlt'ss. ur \'irtimi1.t-it, hut tho start of girl
sin: 'l'\' jintglrs tu_i;t'tl\cr. . .lmt with s||s|ti- who lusvs hur passpurt nn the >p;tr<'t"raft.
ciun. It ttmk HS ahnut a\\'t~t'k to tlt't"ith' t-x- li'Itt'n tlitl you xrr [hr rout/Ilt'I|'tI film
artly what (iv:ur_|;~: saw in thc thrcc uf IIS _/'ur1I|:'v/Yrv! Iimr?
tutgcthcr. I watt'ltt'tl tht' scnritt); in l,tttttl<1|\. lntt l
Yuu 1/it/n'! u.\'t' u \'l|mI girl. llt'n' I/ttn' tlit|n't sci: all the spcrial t'fft't'ts until a
any purIiiularl_\' tIungrmu.\' .tn'nt'.\'I/ \\'tt'k ht'ft>rt' it nttcttrtl in thv: talt'5. F.\'t-n
'l'ht- t'll;\.\'|l\ crttssiitg was thirty ft~t't antl though l was sn t"lnst' to it I cuultl stw" and
what is so aitnoying is that ttltilnatrly yuu ft't'l the tnagir it prutlttrtwl. I t|itln't kntt\\'
can't \'\'t'n sm: that it is mt. Wt only tlitl
that scvtic n|\tt' and .\iark and l wt'rt' rt'ally
thcn that autlicnccs would agrt-t' with mt.
I 2
1-1111111114 l1;11l 11.1_ 111- r1:111l}. like 1111- rnlmls --on 1|. Suhjcct 0| mbm_ | 1|.
ll g11nII1111'.1
1I11I (.1-11r_q1- I_111u.1 _1,'111'
. slzlrlul,
l wcnt lo. pr11fcss0r .
lhrmg :11 St. .\_l:1ry s U111\1'1's1ly for

H, ,,, Em,/_. ,,,,;1

\\1- |1.11l 111111-rh 1111111111 111111 1ll11s1r:11i1111s axlvicc l told l11111 1111 pr11l)l1'n1> and
hc was \-cry ilnu-l.5k.(| "Ht" | dd

I11 R.1l|1l1 .\l1'Q11'.1rri1'. ;1111l as y1111k1111\\~1l1c

l|l111 111ll11'r11l 1'l11s1'|1' 111 1l11'm. .~\ I111 111 1l11' him I had y, mmi U (In it in
1'n'1li| is .\l1'Q1111rri1. |l11' I011}; 11l1l11' .
.. .
1l111: 111 l11111
11111 11111111111
\\1'll, I11 lllrcw 1111: 11111 sa1\'111g
l wasM
11.1111 1111111 111- 11111111-11111111-11 lalk1ng 111111111 11 1111-111y~y-111 |111u'l-

111111-11 111 1111.

C1 |l111~'v.'
. ill11\"1r;11i1111s
. .1111111-1l1I\' . ~_]11l111 S11-;1rs
* (11'11r1;1' l.111.1\ M1011 1~\.111|\ \\l1.11 I11-

G _ '_"l ml
* |''_l"~' '5 -5i"l l"_"'f'l 1
my 111l1 111 11111111 1";1s1v.'1'. ll1l11
1 1 s11l1s1:ril11'1l 111 lhc pirlurc tl1111 \\';1s11'l snip!-
:1 1_11;11l1: 1~1l 111 ;1lI,j11s1 s111111:1l1i11g I |111il1 f11r 1l11- l'1111
'35 1 '~ r" "'X"l'l"- 'l' -ll" B3773 of il 1l1;11 T011111! 11s 11-11v i11111 1l11:pi1"111r1'. ll
ll 0 l1;11l 111 11';1r 1l11\\'|1 1111 1:x11'ri11r l11.'1.'1111s1.' i1 wurks n.u1|\..C|1|m'h_|m_.Sn-|il?
' " 1\':1s11'1 1l11' 11-111' (l1.~11rgc l1;11l <'11\'|s111111'1l 11. 11'/,1 H. \.,,, ,,,(,]',,,,,,,/,1,-,,,y
U 'll1;11 r11s| 111111101",11l'1'1>11rs1.".I1111 1l11.' l1111|_1;1'1 T1. _.\ru',U_|)L.,,, mm1L.|_ U1" -|,i-1
@@ was 111'\'1'r _;1 |1r11|1l1"111.(1.11'y l_\11r17. s;1\\' I" 1l11'r1.' \\'1:r0 11111. K1'1111y l;1k1:1l1.11l l11l1;1\C 11

' 1l1'.114s|1lv.' 11|_111;1111_'_rs. \\1.' 1l11l11 I \\';1s11'AI11"|\' 111111'l1i111.' 1l1111 \\'11rk1-1| fur him. ll 1\';111'1 :15
1'}_1'11l11'r. ll 1l11: l1l111 l1:11ll1c1.'_11111;11l1-1111l11' ,-i|],|c as vlm-in him in 11 1111|1c1l-11|1 1i11
@ g 5 l 5-\
WY '""ll
s1r;111'l1, \\'l1cr1';1s wv s1'1111r1'1l scr;1p
h5""' l'"'I' '~""\"l""!4 1":1n. H1: 1'1111l1l11'1 1111111 f;1s1 ;1111l i1 l1;11l
h_\lm.,_.| and prlu_r|y sprmnl m H. Um.

:1 ;1111| junk l1c;1ps 111 111:1 \\'l1;11 \\'1' \\':11111'1l. l1 [Cu mun. P as ll. M11" (mm. |n."_ -H.
U] D D F was :11] 1111' |1111r1: |1r111l11r111111 \*;1l111~ l11r_]11l1|1 _.U,m1 mm|.| had U, "mu. Em and dip its
J1 . B"'T}'- lllinl lru. 'l'l1;11 was ll11*]1r11l1l1~|11. 1l11' m11'l1-
" "' "1"" "/ " ""1"", /"'"" "" ;111i1's 111 1l1is 111111lcl ;1111l |n;1ki111;i1l111>klik1-
U, , . "l";' K1'l1I1" 111111l1'l. .1> i1 11-.15
l.|i],,m.m_ -H. Hm mm. it hm In .m.k
1.1111 11111-111-11 \\'i1l1

ll11' 11|1111:a1ls \\'1r1' w1ll-d11111-, hut N11. 11 111.111 (11-111141-.~1. ll1- \1':1s1'1.'rys1>r1111g
thv: 11111111-1 was 1111 1l11' 11111' \\*1ll1 ll11' "_" "I-H 1'11I"I- \\<' 1-_1l l_|"~f\I\:l\ -1 |=1l '1' "1"" 11-11s 1111 film 111111 i1 11-.11 |11'rl'1'1l.1111l1i11'l11's.

arlisls. 'l'l1a1l's \vl11-r1~ 1111111isl:1k1-s can

be mm|._ A" 0 ic.l| mm ht. dmu.
l _'_
_I:I\l .\\_l\ Rl(,()_\.'
.\\1_ 11111

'l'h1-11- 1111-1'1: |1|'11l1l1'11_1s_i11 'l'1111ii.1 l1;*1i_.111s1'
s1r.111g1- r111 111 1_r.111s111|ss11111x 1:111.111;111"1
1l11' $111111. $111111; 1-11. H111 1l1;11 was >|11s1 :1
11111 .1111l 011-r ag.1111. .\111l1111g I|l\> ll.l_\'. l1_111_I 1l11|111 l1k1- 11 11111 1l1-- um. "1-|(.m1,"im: .m.ri_||_
\\'0rkL'(l f11l H1111. 1111 ll11' 51:1 l llllS l""''"'-1~ |l'1"|" |"~'>("f"" I k""'- O11 1l11- s11l1iuc1 111' r11l1111>. I11-l'111-c 1l11~

picl11r1~." 0"" 'f./ ""'f' ""1""/'"/"'_" " "' /_'["' lm

s1;1r11'1l. l \\'1'|11
\k,\,-s. l1ni_Hi. |-m,mh.i.(.
111 l'r11l'1's.s11|' 'l'l1ri111;
mm him
I\ I.11,'/1! .\uI1r1. II11:1' 1/11/ \'1111 1111111:-1' I
1/. ll \lF\ Illllfl-\l'~_(l
.\1c.1rs was l111r11
111 li11ck111gl1.1111-
"'; |h Hk1'11'l11'";'
'11 1l11- l G1-111 Ht -1- "3 'l'T1l>l\"\>_ -mll \\-I>
shin. in 1113+ Ht mru.| his mn.l.r J5 _, 11111|| l 111l1| I11111 I l1.11l f|\'1.' 11111111111 1111l1111
. 1\( () H C; ll\\' (I1 U ll I'll 1' '1 ' ' , . .' | ,

M mn nu Um Mvnk I M Mn
,, 1 . _ _ 1


' 19

m"l"| 'kcr U ml" I-"nah \\'1111l1l i11l1il1i1 1l11' 11111r> 11 1l11'l \\"11111'1l111 PL
'""r mm REACH FOR HUI-' SKY l'i1;l11 will!
'1 ~'\\-11r1l 111 1l11' l1'1111l I 1l1'\'is11l 1 mu.h.m ll l"-W your |.'mlrH'.Hnwl-.r'
Bristol l11ll1l111; mum: l 1l11l 11. ,-\5 111111"l1 11$ )"1>llll\'- I lll~ll"l_1lll<
l111il1li111; 111i11i11\11r1: 11f .1 ;1
l1'11l Flll ll
-"-. ||- f"_

j r l$111111 .' 1111 1

. 111|11'11pl1~ 11'l11>l1;1\-1-1-1-s1';1r1'l11-1l 1l11' ~11l1|1'1'|
Jf ()-~"" "' l)lS(' ['1 l1"'
1~ ' ' ' ' .

1 -- -
111-rr1"11.111'1l\\'11l1:1r1H1~1'|1\'1'111.111n.1l 1- k. I
."' 3" "5" '.* '" "" ""
__ . 1

.1-111-11 .111 111L,\1)L1111.\1,1,. 1111 1.-111-k 1'" .1111| 1111- .11111~1~ .1-11111 111-11-11'1 11-111111 11-111-11 ".
lb l-""Y m"~ H5 i''ll"'l (IIIIT-M. 111111 .1'l1'1*\'1~1l .1 \"1.1l>l1i111 f11r\\.1r1l 111111i1111 J dlahlllnlll ll llw" k4".l'\\.-lvllgvl
S I-"R I'll.
clllylhry B \-G ll"\x(;' ~l*"|""5 n"'.5 'l "11|1'1111" 1111111-i1l1.1li1:ll\1
l'i\1*1l11|1 ll11' 11
.' |11111111_r.1|111-1 hr \ MW rm."""/11,111,171-111:1!
in VI 1

'r111-; 1'11-11141111-1-111. 111.~ .11.111.<11-1.1111 \111 11',,|,' 1~

." .
1.11111r.1 -,-,-
11~ 11.11
. , , /_/11 //1111__1.-.11
In I _\,_ 1'1-111' 1"
Hm .
Hm 1' 1

('"~ ml TU0-\)kRO-.. "ml l""'l"h"


~ ~ ' ' 1

1l11ll\il\1'n'1l111111-111 1l11~11111l'1l
l'll.\>l~. l\. II1 11.15 .1111.1l11 .1r1|.~1
1l11'1111-'l1 1111 I I 11k11 l -_ l1 11111 11'rri
l 11 1\ 1l1s11l11lv.l\ I
"'l " I1.
. . 1 -1

"I fl ll n.1]."\.L.
. .
. . - .

hm .'h "
. .
. 1 -
111111 1111 . . .

1-1 sl11]1>H'\11ll<_\l1 .1111111.1111111 f or 111


| 111 m l|.1.m1n,|" l1l1~ 1111111; H ()k;1\,

111s.1\'. l1'1's l;111~ 11. 1|11-1111-

"~> "- "ll |f_'""_"* M

. - . ~ 1 1 .
["11" WM _\.m,_ ..

lhc l'|l111's. R1'1'v111ly |_.>_ H |;.1'l wk much if hm en. an

"" hf Hm" "'l ll" *"'~"*- Hm l "
R.111k ()1'1;.11111..11111|1 111

he l111s 1l1>111- cl'l1-rls 1111 1l11' 11111111l films fur ind _|_. mm H, .Am.m .._ hm f

ruck Hmmuh .1. [cm i |m,kn| HM. 1", 'm 5... gm ''l"l >'" l" l"~ -_\" l'l'" -'| _*"

\'1's;1111l\\-11rk1'1ll11r I-L.\ll
" l""__"'4 "ml "' l"".' '.'"""g
1l11' 1,'r1111p 1111

c11|1111l1'x i11 l~'.1114l1sl1 H U" \.u..n 1" 1". U W H. |."1. W

11l - | ll.11...k|11111. ..
I hl1.1r>
- '_ . 1-
1 111rr1111)
_ -
. Hm
M H". H.

KL. . ,H
uh J" n',m.J1 \\'11rk1'1l l1r.<1111111-11111l11's1~1111 1l1|s|1|1'111r1'. h H" H .n V .

mmm 1].. HM." W1 In W. H. n.~.|l~ P " l> ~'_ ~'

V " _-"~ "Rn" -
\'11l\'1:1l l.111|11:l1|11g l11111;~p11s1p1>111'<l
|", U; \~ \\||1IRliL|_\ mm. mhq. __ . . ' '. 1".111 1'r1'1l11s l1s1 1~\'1'r\'l1111l\'1111'l111l|1111 1l1r l1;1
hm I Ind .| m mr .n.,. Dirk 1h..i" - (.10.,
' .

_4; , ' ll11~ 1-H1-1'111l 1l11-l11;l11 l11'.11111-1111-rq1111;lr11111

1l11' ul hl.\Rl.()(.l\. fur |1r111|111'1'r


H. uh". hm. W am. U, .m.n .mk_ - IB \_- 4 -

]l.;m_I1i.n,. |;m;m.r -uh An...-mr (;,n|.," nl lh Hi n_\nl_ 1r111111.\ 1\|11r1. r1.111 \:1r1111. B111 ll.1m1l-
-llvsslcr ' "_ u- S-'_m l- "I. E ' IQ" ~\'"\i_llI- vb
;1ll 1'I111i111'1'rs;
.. . .1|11l 1l11>1.1rA1 1\_'\\_1-0111. ll1'r-
ln.M|m.," fur U. mm
. .|m.h
S11';1rs' 1'11-'wr1111:
his 1"...
1l11' .w1"11111l-1lr.1l'1
hi-1 rm
"H: N
. V l

.Sm11l1. 1lu1r11|._111.

111r|11'1l i11l11 ;1 11;1l s1'1'1~111|1l.1\ l1\' l,1~11|1 I5; _' _ "" "_,' L 1|" k*'\' l>1>)'- (-"lIl \\l\Fl l'l"~'4lll 15 lm.
(~,,;|-[mm M1, _g._" is R.l,"u.k| H; 1,. .1. l '1 *_ ' " _'_'-' ","f- .1111l 1l11- 1.11-1 1l1.11 1111' l1111's1l11|11'1 141-1 .1111 ls
. 1, . . . .\ |11111l1H)111111|1l11-1l
H " r | B", _| _i_
lr.11111\\11rl1 l1111l1
link m 1111 |,.mm.
|1.111l 1.-l-1'15 1l11' ~=~
Uniwd Ki"m|m_
s1>1.~1'1;1l 111.111 111
*_l -|_ _ " '~> -- -I _" \ kn11\v, 1111 l\'1~ l1;11l 11ll1'r> 111 1411 111 1l1c

"UH. I/I .

Wm , m;.I;.'.,I I . ....

:_fll|;" -"- i
1*" 1'?
"\' '1"'1.1'..'1--
1- l""_l]]
-in l""h ll
$1.111-s .1111l\\'11rk.l1111 I \\'1111'1
1>ll1 .1111! 111
. .._,,-
l1.1\1 .1 gr1.11 1111l1111r1 l11 r1, .1111l
1111. l'111 Brit

H-Jigs, -_ - l ._ ~' - .1 1.1n11_11|111111> 11111..1_111l\\\ .1r1 .1l\\.1'1>l11'111g

ml K " 1-1k1'11l11r;11-1111-.111l11r11111.111*l1'. 99' 11f11ur

ff 1*?
S1r;1i1;l11l'11r\1-;1r1l. r1~.1||1'. I 11-.1 1|11- li1'.\'1 :,:t]:|.::ll!ll1l-ll_-lll1\. "L __'_/H._I(_, H
Bri1isl1 11'1'l111i1'i.111 .~'i14111.-1l l11r 1|11- |1r1111:1'1, [ml UN/_;;"\'.,m[ ""l. ""m:?.|"" lb s.';''S'
1'\1'11 l11'l11r1 _]11l111 ll;11-ry l1l11' l'r111l111"1|1111

Thc w|_d|\_

D1:si1;111'1'|.;1111lls|.1r11'1l1111.\111111sl 1,"1
THW [mm mm
H l'
s111111s1l11l11y 11!
lull" n\_"_'n.\ mini
> I '_
_11111>1.1 11111 111 r1~
11:~1~1111> 111
l)|1'k l'r11l1. Il1r11111;l1|11
. .- _'

(>""l'/ -"I-IR ~'|/(5 "1?" I

I_:111 111 1111 111111111 111111111 1111111111111!

' '1 ""1111


lill l1\ .~'11'.1111 1-l'l'1-1'1s \\'i1l1 1111' .1i1l 11l' s11li~ -\_'-fl" 111111 /I11 !:111'l11I1 1/11.1111 1-/11111 1r111' /Hr

|x|'|.1R\'".j' |;\' 1111i1| \';1l\'1's. \\'l1;11 l 11.111 i11 11111111 11-.15 .1 1111- -I-1" "'-IR-*1 fl" ['1- "1."I1 11 v(_-'ll'1'. /1!1I\"/ 5)
(_1,JrPm_m|mm ,hk.k,_ .1111/1.1111 1111.11.11. //1. 1.1/1.1, .11., /11.11.1111 111
.\lll\l; (.H|l.l)S k .~\L.~\.\ _]O1\l; 11.11 1111/1 .3I11111 1111!\ 11111- I1n1'/ 11111111h1~
"" "'" " """"lI11'""-~"

-4"" ll1'11II1
~ 11.-.1.11111"11,,1 .1; 1/1.
m;.km1'. Rum, ,1 mum, 1,. ,mI,,.,,-I P-,(..
/11111 .1. 111111.... I1-1'11'1 :1.-11.-1
.\l1k1' Cl1il1ls 11ml .\l.111_]11n1's .1r1- l.11111l1111- ]~ri_1,'I111111'1I l1_\- (.'I11'11-/1111 1'11 1111

l111s1:1l 111rrcsp11n1l1:11_1s who r1.-1.;11l:1rl1' 1.'11\cr .\I11_r_.' 3-,,.,,,, l ,,.,,,l.d ,,,,,. ,,,;,,,,, ,,,,, M..." in ,1. 1,7,, M
l".11glisl1-l1;1s1:1.l f1lms1n pr1>1l11c111111. ll1:11 |>11'1-c 11f 111111111 11-115 u 11111:-ul'l' l all.

1 I _ \
.- -

\i\-yA 4
\\\.!" 4

2. .1 ' pf!-


,4. .011
re-creation to the poignant aging of Cicely
I I! ' 3 '1 ' H . _7
Tyson in the 'r\'-rum 'l'lll-1 .~\UT()lll0G-
1:-'.,"':,,,_.;i':,,, bum _ Em you-d
Ri\lll\' Ol- MISS _].-\Nl-'. ll'll.\l.-\N for
need three of me O do il in mt
'h"5l ll? _5li":~"l l~"f"Y 1"\'1""l Will
I: lIt'n' urtylltirtg not in Nu" film that "k'~'l) unlsl slim 'l5" "l9_l:)0:
you would lilterl to ham seen incltulvll? Born tn New \ork in Rick and
Thc are who you don sec in the [i_ his family moved to CU\lI\2l, (.ahforma two
na| Hm of he mm_ but naming has gum. years later where he spent_h|s formative
ma regnh years. He developed a keen Interest in the-
"am. you bu." appmm.;.d fu, STAR
WARS Idon- mink it-S u mismkc
atrical makeup and fantastic pl\ysiogno~
mics at a ra_tl|cr young age and continued
Tcmavc|y_ I
to work thllgently at hts hulihy _of mask
to do a sequel long as-S done TIL -|-he

science fiction market has hardly been tap- maklllg llmng ll lf""_;i' Wall? Rlfk l"ll'
ed a_|oh at :\rt Cloke} lrotlut trons tn I968
pcd ye. The ms I heard was that Gcnrgu
while he was sttll tn high scl_\ool,_antl he
would write the story but not direct it. It Soun dc-velopctl close ft-ietnlslitps with such
would he a completely new storyline. I'm artisans as _]im llanforth, David .-\llen, and
not even sure if l-ox has an option, Doug lleswick who introduced him to pn
Would ST.-IRLOCK have lmppt'm'zl if it fessional techniques for making masks antl
hadn't been for STAR ll.-IRS? doing fantastic forms of makeup. llis first
No. This is a sad thing. I've been offered major untel rt a'|ng
k" tn
' tl 1; it ficll
'1 was th e
alotn f science f ietton
' f'ltms. b ut one l iasto '
construction of the elaborate costtttnc for
be so careful and make sure the money is I969 low-lmdget feature.
()C'l'.\l\l.-\l\', a
there to do it well. l'm particularly involv- and he was soon creating his own masks
ed in STARLOCK due tn the fact that and facial appliances for merchantlising
Gordon Hessler and l co-wrote it. The ori- during the Halloween season.
ginal script was by john Starr and it was In 1971, Rick came into his own with
impractical as a working draft. The Slar- his creation of the apt" suit and makeup for
l7k chafing '5 in fa" v\mP"?lli\. hut we SClll.OCK!. John l.andis' spoof of horror
9371" hc accused 9|. Pli!E"l5m 35 me QTY l5 films, which was soon followed lay the cre-
5 l-37 Tcmovcd f\'m he 0Yilli"ll- live atitm of a two-lit-adetl gorilla suit fora typ-
found superb locations. suggestive of other
worlds. in the south of France that noonv
solar Iwqnt to lu_rth~'rmv
has diwv=r=d_-
it-.11 .\n> film. Tm-1 'rnt.\'(; \\'n"n 'r\\'o
n|~:.-\ns. .'\s ma HS that film \\'LlS. Rick's
hizarrc coslttme creation was a sight to lie-
'7"lnE 93"" "id Wnh ""5 cXP"lC9 llm D |,t,||_ '

convinced I could do it well.

ln I973. Rick moved on to higgcr antl
I-" .V""' l1f""l*' ("W474 -P1"""l 1//"'11.
do [hem physically as much as possible? hetter things. .\lakt-up artist Dick Smith,
his childhood idol with whom he had heen
Yciv d"lllY- ll?" "01 3 "lck m1\"- llm corresponding since W69, selt-cted him to
3 P"\'l5l 3 ha"- ln STARIIOCK I 5! hi Rick Baker is probably the most prolific
assist on the production of Tllli l'l.\()R-
ve h""dl'cd Yilfd [Tack "f 3 5P1"-"5hlP 35 ii young makeup artist working in |lolly-
star. 3 Pmblcm C"l1\lnlY- ll"! I'll ll" ii. il"t"l wood today. llis credits read like an t'nCy- CIS'l'. Rick gained additional expt-rience in
clopedia of the hi1.arre and the fantastic, making tnolds and went on location with
\-" budll l5"" lh=1ll=\l'B=Yl'h m3\_lYllY of Smith in Iraq. llllritlg nit fillttiltg of tut-1
lms Ms dvnv pticullv lwcww no we has from the simian time of his KING KONG
I-ZXORCIST. he n|anagt'tl to gt! the jnl)
the guts to stick their necks but and try (with a little llclp from his mentor) of cre-
them physically. I believe a lot of films can v - ,
> _~

lh B

ating thiplicatc heads of (it-offruy Holder


totally he achieved by the use of only phy- [N1 ER PAUL MANDLLL

and \'aphct Kotto for l.l\'li .-\.\'l) l.l~l'l'
sical effects. Optical: have their part of
course but filmmakers use opticals to the
extreme, I Doug 5.-;,,~,';1, jfulplj m,-;1.,_\~ pyatgpygv ,,f;;|t~
bug-r)''|1 Cantina band members.
DIE. and followctl it in I974 with perhaps
his most grizzly creation. the monster liahy
for Larry Cohen's IT'S .-\l.l\'l'l! Other jobs
itteluclctl a death mask for l)a\id (Iarratline
in l)l'l.~\'ll| R.-\(Il*l _ll()lI U975), special
makeup appliances for .~\ll"s SQU|R.\l, and
the complex gorilla suit for Dino l)el.aur-
entiis KING K().\'(i. an arduous affair that
I \ spanned the period of ()ctol>er 1975 to Oc-
tober 1976. Some of his more recent works
inelutlc a cameo appearance in his own cus-
tom gorilla suit for _]ohn l.andis' KEN-
TUCKY FRH-ll) .\l()\ll'l and the tnucous
I monster for .\lax Rosenlit'rg's Till". IN-
.'~f~- , o-.. CRl'lDlliLl'l Ml-ll.l'lI\'(2 M;\i\'.
~\,, _. . :1 Director Brian Dcl';|lma sought after
Rick to do special makeup effects for his

It . X .

lm J? new film 'I'lll-l l"l'R\'. Rit'k's current pro-

{$7 \/
Q , '
ject is a sequel to Larry Cohen's l'l"S
' A 7

i: '~
,,""' .-\l.I\'E! entitled l'l l.l\'l-IS .-\(2.-\l\'! for

' _ ' '
V , i P
kw. K

.;"~V/ . . which Rick is creating not one. hut Ihrcr

mechanical mutant l)1llIlC. a challenging
' ..
.4 \ my ., assignment for any makeup effects artist.
- wt \l.l\ c-
|(ltl'l~t - .- -1 L't'| Lt
-- l.\l (J8.- Qt - 1Rick tut 'rt U
supt-r\'isc the creation of alien creatures fur
at.;;yL'\v ~ ~
4, - __ adtlitional (lamina st't'ncs in ST.-\R \\'.~\RS,
he couldn't have picked a hettcr man for
~u." _,' ~. -

the job.
Doug lleswick is a talented voung model

4%-\ "" ~ % - _

" ~.'
maker and stopanotnm animator. Born in

. ~

19-l7 in Iamt-stown, New York. ht-_anil his
I parents l11tt\'t'tl to .'\t\gt'lt'$ when he was
five and hc attended elententary schools in
\ ~ ~ . San Fernando. lie didn't go to college. l

- ~
' s.
' .~ -
D ' g\-o. Zr;
registered and decided tltat wasn't what I
really wantetl to tlo. I wautetl to try to get %-\
into the movie business soiiieltow."
Like all other ttotable animators work-
ing in Ilollywuotl today. Doug startetl ottt
by producing his own 8mm stop-motion ~.
home movies. Ilis first real contact was ]im
Danfortli in I966 wlto referred him to .-\rt G *.lgL~>.
Clokey Prothietioiis, a familiar training
ground for many S\op>muti0n animators,
including Daiifortli himself. During his four
*1 l'?\.
years at (Ilokey's, Doug worked on a series
of sixty-five GUMBY films and eu-animat- _
ed aboitt half of them. Ilis tlecisioii to free-
lance after leaving (Ilokey's resulted in his
collaboration with Riek Baker on several
lm projects. sv
In I970, Doug went to work at Cascade
under the supervision of Phil Kellisun and
Tim Baar, and tlitl occasional work over at
Gene \\'arrens Excelsior Pictures. It was
during this period that Doug f()\||](I I\i|11cIf
on the set of I-LICSII GORDON anti work-
ed with \\'ah Chang on an iiiipressive stop-
motion etltieational film entitletl DINO-
SAURS, 'I'lIli TERRl|ll.I-1 LIZ.-\RDS. Wah
built most of the inodels and Dung ditl
about 80% of the animation. a hefty task
that spanned a period of about eight
months. Reeciitly, Doug has been involvetl
in a variety of projects. Ile built the iniiiia-
lllt'L submarine usetl in 'I'lll'l l\I.~\N I"ROl\I
.1\TL/\.\"I'I5. createtl the (Iantina bantl
heatls for ST.-\R \\';\RS. and worketl on the
soon-to-be-releasetl IL;\Nli'I' OI 'IllI*'.
I)I.\'OS.'\llRS with stop-motion ftlmmakers
_]im .-\upperle and Steve C"/.erkas. Ile is pre-
sently tlevotitig his time and talent to _]im
Danfortli's 'lI.\II'lG.-\'I'li. and there is a
strung possibility that he will be assisting
_]im on the animation a wish that Doug
has harlioretl for a long time.
l.aine I.iska is a talented stop-motion
animator whose television work reflects his
air for character animation. Ile is hut one
member of that iiiicrocosm of professionals
duing their frame-liy-fratne thing in the
network of Ilollywooil commercial liottses. I.
Ile was born iti I950. One of the extraortli- ' '
nary things about Laine is the fatt that he
never attentletl any institutions of liiglter
gtlufuliun M111 glmgb [() r;'I\' rm M5 ;||1\\~m-k_ I.nt'm' Lt'sIm'x gnu!-like Ctirtliiiit alien, our of/'ot1r '11 buill for Iltr S1'qlltYlCt.
making ti living for liitttsclf rather early iii
life. "I started animating professionally in really stood-out like sortie of the other ]],,w ,[,',] W," gr, hu.,,h,|.,/ in 5-r__|R
I97I zifterlreturnetl from military ser\'ice. ones." Iierg atltls: I tlitl two of them, t|*_.|k_e;; i
I tveiit to work on a short etltteatiotial film only one of which got ittto the filitt. It's [ruin-,~; 1)-uni; _\|m,_-H mm nu. Hwy WK.
at Casratle l'ietures untler the super\ision the one with eyes on either siile of its IIt';t(I. trmkjng fur nmktup at-li;_< M, M111 4., (11,;
of Ihil Kellison. \\'itli a gootl recoiitittetttlar It wasn't really .i tiiask. it was more like a stuff that was tlone in Iinglantl. Ile gave
tion by Davitl .-\llen and with ;i lot of help big liantlpuppct. It looketl like a lizitutncr- George my tiatne antl I went to IIAI with
it I\lI'l|C(I into four aiitl a ltalf years of heatl shark ZIINI was tloue from a Ron Cobb my portfolio ;||\tI lalkcil to him anti pro-
steatly work. Saitl_]on Berg of laiitte: Ile's ilesign. It appears iti eloseup. Tliere was tlttcer Gary Kiirtz. It turnetl out that I was
very fast antl very good." really a lot ttiore to it. \\'e shot a lot of one of the Itisl people they talked to. 'I'liey
l.aine is tttost notetl for his animation of stuff with it. atttl I tIon't think you roulil hatl seen just about every artist iti town
the Swiss .\Iiss eoiiimerrials done at CI(I really tell exactly what it was without a that tlitl effects makeup aiiil appliatices.
aml a oiie-sliot recreation of Speedy .-\lka- longer cut. I tlon't think that was the pat- lt'|~rrn'I 1I|i'_v lIlU||V(' 1|] _\-our It'll!/i on
Seltzer with a retnarkahle fitlelity to tltc ing George wanteil to use for it. antl that's I\'I.\'(, I\'(),\'(i?
original that was tlone at Swift-Cliaplin in why it's in there so briey. The other one Itu/rt-r: Dennis ntentionetl to tlieiu that I
the Il:'ills. IIe's worketl on the Green Giant l tlitl was just a skull-heatletl guy. \\'hit'h was KI.\'(i KONG. This was before the film
village antl Itas recently createtl a stop-mo- was just a rubber mask. was releasetl, sometime in Noyetnber I976.
tion cliaracter for Stroh's Beer. :\l\tIIIlL'l "5t>IIll'\iII \\'lll> ltullltl IN lt1'I1lil>I\\'tl i so there really wasn't any publicity about
one of his contributions to film fantasy Rob IIottin_ Ile was Rick lI.tker's .issiI:tttl me at the titne.
was his remotlification of the Great God anil eertainly contribiitetl to the Cantitta They saw my work, aiul (ieorge and I
Porno iii I"l.I1SlI GORDON. Ile is preseiit- seqiteiice. There was rell) 1| ""111 ltlien that talketl at Ieiigth about the (Iantina st-l
ly creating aliens for (i.\I..-\(I'II(I.4\. Rick sciilpteil. lt_hatl :i big csposetl brain qttence and the tlifferettt alien concepts. |

Stop-motioii animators .Ion Ilerg aittl with a terrilic wise ohl man eliaracter on \\ e Iiotli hatl a lot of ftiii being very enthus-
Phil Tippett, ititcrviewetl elsewhere this is- its fare. Iiecause of another commitment. iastic about the film. Ile showetl iiie
sue for their work on the eliessgame se< Rick was not able to complete it. so Rob aroitiitl Intlustrial l.ight &' .\Iagir. tolil me
quenee in S'l'.-\R \\'.~\RS. also eontribtttetl came in. Rick tlitl half of it, tlteti Rob tII(I what he wattteil, antl asketl me to submit a
makeups for the Cantina sequeiice. Says the other ltalf and iiiatle .i nioltl of it. Iii bitl. I went home. figuretl it up. antlcallPtl
Tippett: I worketl oti four or five tlc\'ilish- the picture, I think its in the backgroitiitl it in. But I tlitln't hear front them.
looking things. I ilon't tltittk any of them and a little out of focus." I started work on another picture ('1|IIClI

"\1111.1|1\ 1111~ ~1111Z
11.111111 11.111\ 111.1i.11111
\11111 111 11111\ 11.111\1\

.\ 31 111111;-1 1. \11

111-; 111 11111111111.1111:

11111 111.1\1\.\ 111.11 111111

7 111111 ~111i111_~ 1111 111\

~111111111\1.11\\\111 1

\\111~11111.1~1111111111 I

1:11 11.1111-_1_111111111. \11111-

111111\ 1t1\11111\. 1111\
.9 1111111111|1111111-\11\
11111111 111 1111 11111

111.11 \\.1~ .1 1111111111\
\\111"\\1111 111.1\1. 111.111
111.1111 11\.1111.1~~|1111

I1'111I11: Din-1-1111 (;1-11rq1- 1.111-.11

11111111] .1111! n1;1k1-1111 1111111
[)1-111; I11-111-i1-I1 (mi111ll1-1 \\-1111
1;-1~1111_111.1\-1-1111 .1 .<1~1-11111111
.11 ll..\I.1l11ri111;li|minq11[1111-
(l;1111i11;1 \1'1|1u'1\u' n1:1k1*11|1
11111-1'1 :11 l111111~1ri.1l l.i1;111 1&-

1111111 I111 \111'1\1-r\ H1111 S1111-
111.1-111 1111 1111111111 111-1-1. 1111-
1n;1k1-11|1 11 111- S111.m I-11-111111111.
.1111! 11-11> l1111111;|11 1111-r 1'r11n\
l-.1114l.11\1l ;11111 11111111111-11 |1\- Rick
l$.1k1-r'> w\'11|\1l unil xnukx-up
11-.1m 111r =11m1~ .1111li1i-111.11
1-1111i~1i11q 11f D1-111; 111-~11-ick
1111111-11. .111- 11111-n11-11-1-1| 1111

1111- |11'1-11-111111; .11111 111]111\\i1\g

1111111-.~. I'11/11.1-//: .\'111111~1111I11-
(2.1111i11.1 111.111-1111 111111111 11111
11.111111. l'1u- nnli1\i~1\1*11 11111' in
1111- 1-1-1111-1' ~l111\\-~ I111 1l11-
|1.1111l 1-111111111 1u.1~k~ l1111k111l
pri-1r111p.1i111i1\u. \I1111Il1 I.1'//:
111.1111-1111 1111'r1~. 111111111111 l;.1r\
K111|/ 11i1_-111] ~11.1|1~ .1 pi111111-.
1111-: 1..1i111- |1i~k.1 .1~ 1111- l\||'r\
111-.111111~ 111111 11 1.111111-~ 11i~
111-.111 .1111-1 H.111 $1-I11 l11.1~1~
121-1-1~1111,l111111;111-111-i1 1. \\'1-.1ri11g
1111- 111.111; 1111-11 1111 1111- lI.1111i11.1
11.11111 (I1\ml111, l\11n 1-.1lk1n11ur1_1
111 1|11~ 11.1111 111.1~k.11111 11-1-11 in
1111-1111.11111111..111111-1111 1111111-11
11~ 1111- 111-11-1\11|1i~l1 111.1111-11-1
11-i1|1 I1i~ 11.1111 111 1|11~r.11111-r.1.

I11-11-1111 I.--1/: 1111111; 111-~11-i1k

1111-1 111111 1111- 1n.1~k~ .1111!
l1.11111~ 1111 1111' lI.1111i|1.1 15.11111
11111111111 11111111 111- 111111111-11
1111111 R111. 1511111-|'~111~>11;|\.'l111'
111.1111-111111.1111\.1~~|1r11d1|1'1-1| in
1-\ 11.11111-l.1~k.1.


Lainr Ijika (1-(mill [mm righl) pi-4-ks mil uflhr
Imc/I uj um" u! lliviilimsIn-rn'u1rd null ;IIu_\-mi in
1I|i- mmlimi Kll]|Il'IlL'|' 1 mkv Sumr iiir--l-[inn
[mm (iv-irgr Iluru. (_u'im|1I_l'rm|| ll-11). .\l:|!iV!_Q in-
! pn<iI|'nn an I'I|iI 'I'i1-/ml (Iv/1), n|'zIri!lg .1 inw-
mil/'|.<I: um_vk_ Kim hilkiulmrg (]I|!l_1!!IUlll) mul
I)/mg If-aixrirk (right). p!u\'r'ng IIH4 1|! hix hug-
r_\'<d nnI!lS!|!.i.

\v sclllul fur unly svvvn alirns. \\'i' wmiml up

doing ll\irlrv.~n. alnl il was Ihvn lhal hr ulc-
cidul In ilu lhc hand cnmlm.
Iluzv Ilill I/ml rumr nlmul.
31'-\'=ll'1'/\f That was iiilrrvsliiig. \\'r nlill
not kimw ahunl \hv: hand nnlil wu wrrv
lnur wcvks inln lhv prujucl. Gcurigc lalras
llruppul by wi\h Gary Kurlz In soc hnw we
wurv ruining along and they lmliccll lln:
licml l was working on. ll was ins! sup|ms-
vd lu ho a|n>|lu:r nnv ul lhc lN'il(l in the
qrmip, 'l'hcn lhcy sun of ll\l(l(lll(l lugcllwr
and camu hack and saiil. llry. vnnhl ymi
makc mnrc of this guy?" .-\|nl l saiil Sun.-.
\\'l: ran makc as many as you wanl. .\ml
they said \\'u want ln h:n'1- a lilllr rnmlm
in lhc ll1llT<lUll\ sri'm'." Thal was [hr first
we In-anl nf il.
Ilmu lung ilirl il lulu In film \nur_1mrl
of Nu lluulinu .\"rqzu-nu!
If/lL'l-r: They slim all nl unr slnll in um-
day. 'l'hal was Ilu: slay l was \'\-ry in\'ul\'ul
in applying lhc makcnp fur 'l'lll-. lN(IRl-ll)-
llLl'l .\lll.'l'l.\'G .\l:\.\' and l \\'asn'l 1-\'i'n
un lln' sci whvn lhvy lilmcnl ii. Our srciws
wcrc all lll$k'l'lS. 'll\\'rc's .\ gmnl llcal nli lhc
sci|ncn<'c lhal Stuart l"rcul>nrn \li<l in ling-
THE ll\'CRldDIlll.l-l l\lF.L'l'll\'G M.-\I\'. .-\l- ly a Imml puppvl. Sonic nl' my other char- laml. =\ll 0|" unr slnll is iilv:nliliahh- only
lcr l was wcll into lhal, l gm a tall fmm atlcrs wort in lhv hackgnmml. Then was a in (hm |||>m- uf lln: lvalling playrrs arr in il.
lhc il(L"(l\|lll;IH\ at ll..\l whu luhl me lhal (Iyvlups-likc thing: anulhvr mu: russvnllllril 4\|1y 5-hm (J yn-;|[\||';~ il|-i||ki||u_ 1;|I};in,;_ )1
they wanlul nw In slarl making lhv alicns. a _\;<I1l(:lill ;\llull\\.'r was a big. whiu: furry rl-;";|in_|; In <||m~|l|iii;; whcn you dun! sci
l explained lu lhcm lhal I was i|\\<rl\'c<l in guy with lunr L-yrs. l gm In play "him" in ||- main ],;|r ,,|- _\|;"-k ||;,m;11(,r _\1l-,- (;"i.
anollwr lm and hardly llilll lhr limc. lhc mu\'i1'. Actually. all ul ns who wnrkml m-55 >35 mu m|'|_ '[lu- .,1|||- gm \\'||;-rg
llowc\1'r. they saill that lhvy likvil my on lhcm |I\;\|\aigcll In gr! inlu lhr Zll'l. l c\'- V, ,/,, -1- [hv |,-(ls _m,_| u. "mi" hm Tn.
slulf and wanlcil nu: very hallly \n du il vn gm a laugh l'|n ll\\' guy whn .srra|c|n~s l|4,|- by $|\|;|n_ 11 is ;| mun-i-|m| m_|l<\||;
and askml il (III\lll\ll|g cunhl he wurkvll his licadl arlisl. l havv: llw liiglicsl |'cspi~c| fur his
um. l talked with lhcm again and luhl Ih-.\'zi'ir/\~;\\viliillhirlcvnllil'l'cn:nlalii'ns -.,rk_
them lhal l ('l>\ll(l gm a rrcw lugvllu-r and ainl l lllll scvrn of nnu parlirnlar lll';|(l for l\',|x !I||- (in-mlu rlmmrlrr um-1|] _\'nur\?
S\l[NI'\lSI., lhal l would nnl hu mluimginiirli lhal hand. Rick llaki-r llunalnl sl-u-ral nli m;||1 I5-cl)Qr|1 (ll l|l.|l um-, lml wv:
his masks lllal hc alrcally lll|(l malh". \\hal- pm a l!|t'I.lll\IIlSIIl in il. Tl. |",|,|;|m. "ml

of lhv wnrk Inysvll. Thcy :|grccil In lhal

aml \\'Ll'L happy wilh lhc arrangvnivnl. l 1"\'vr was availahlc wc usul In lill-up lhr hail hg~g~|\ shul in limglaml lI.lll llan Sulu
got a crew lugcllicr nl Sl)ll' l'ri1'mls whn l>arrm>m aml llw lllll ||\asl\s rvally llk'l|N'll. ialkinq 14; (i|\|_'(l1>_ and (irvrnlu wasjusl snrl
wvrr ahlv: lu nlu ihv \\'nrl;: l'l\il l'ip|1cll. Iful-vr: Thusu uhl masks hail hvcn sil- uli shakim; his llcanl.l'l|c1'uslu|\u- was ship-
Duug lh'swic'k. _]m\ llvn; aml l.ain<' Liska. ling on my sh;-ll fur yv.n's. 'l'hvy wi-rr W-1M-,_.|-]|,_.n.;|m|.l.I,m J |m.-|m;S| in 1
.-\ll uf lhvm an slop-n\nli<m aniinamrs, lhruwn i|\ [hr (lay thus \\'Ll\' slml as lillvr ln m_|l\\- [hp mmiih and cars |]HI\l'. \\'c ri-~
ll'a.m'l Um! an rnlzl rn-zv In I|uz':',/'11! ll" ll"! l>1"'l4!l""'|"l~ -\l\"'l' l "W ll5"\-\}'- shnl (in-i-ilu's cln>s\~n|1.s aml rv.-laim'\l lllv
nmln-up--fjl-cI_\'? ihvy cmlnl up wry lI1\l\'lI in lllv Jvrv" l\\'<I-SlllI\\RlllllIl lalgland.
Ba/cor: .-\cm.illy llllS slnll w;ini really _ur~11ml. _l>m' in parlirul-Ir \\u\>' a vrum|m' /I! ll.-1 i1 mu /1rrII\' awinl an 1Il.- .\~.~1

makcup. Sincv wr unly hail six wv:i'ks aml a \\'l'Yl'\\'"ll "1'k llllll l "1-"l" 1 -I "1-|~*"l"'"* llml elnv?
limilvsd l1ull_i;v:l, wv (l)\ll(l not tlll anything ilnrlinn in-ml Ilu!.'i'r: l knnw nnv story that l ran lcll
oulslamling or rulnpliralvd. 'l'hv:y wi'n- all l!'/ml mull-riuI.\ rm-rr I/lfllll-1!!\ lll|l|Il' H/.' ynn almlll. llmn; llcs\\'irk. l.ainr Li.ska._]un
hasically slil-rnhhrr masks, so il was jusl a Ilv.\'n-1}-/.~.' .\ll ihu In-ails lur lhv halnl llcn; and lhil 'l'i|>pi-u \\'crc all wvarinu lln'
mallvr nf l11\\'l|Ig \hi' ahilily lu Sk\ll|)l and rmnlm \\'\'rv mailc unl nl' lalcs lnnn llw masks in lhc (Ianlina haml L'l>ll1ln| almn;
an ahilily Inmakcmuhls.'l'ln-y all hail lhal same mulil. They haul snrh lnugv lmllmns wim <um- |l|l)Ll\ll'|lUll scrn-l.n'ii-s than
ahilily. Thc l;Ill>\\'lI.(lg$ lhal lhry lackcil in lirails ihai wu n~i|il'm'rul lhr lalvx will! wurkcil fur ll..\l. 'l'his mask was a mlcsiqn uf
doing sumvll\in_i; of that snrl, l km-w all gau/.c. 'l'hc l.ll\'X llill nul ha\'v lu lw vcry mim- |h_|| was <'l|am;nl sn|ni~wl\.n lay llmiq
almnl. sn l could lcll tlu-in lmw In iln ll. thick smrr the lll'ilkl_\' wi~|'i~ gin-n llns vslra lL'>\\'kl_ whu srnlplul n. ll luukvil wry
Ilnzu many (In|mi'I<r.r /Iivl }\-nu rrrulu snppurl. ll'\\l||l('ll that unv k'l\1lf.\l'lll' and murh likc snmvlhinq [min 'llll". (ll 'l'l".R
fur[hr(fmililmii-l]m'21cr'? II\;l\lk' t'\'\ll l'upii' frum lhr mnhl. ()l l.l.\lll'S. whirh is whal (ivn|'|_[1' wanicil.
Ifnkrr: I hail very liulc In (ll! with lhv unirsi-_ ihc hands had lo gm wiih il, sn l 'l'lu-so puuplu wcrv SUI]!-Il\Ull(IlI animamrs
SC(|Ull\ll l)\llSlLll Ur lhc far! lha\ l gm llw $\'\ll|lll'\l our svl u|' hanlls and rasi l'nnrl\~vn alnl ihcy lllilll\' llu-sv masks in surh a way
crew l4r){\ll1L|' llI\Ll Sll|llI'\'lS(l whal l nnilll. of lhum. l.aim~ In-lpul ll'll pain! ilu-m. \\'c lhal il was \'ii-nially i|n|mss"ihh- In ll|'l'1llllk'
l llcsigiiuil a Cl1\l|llL' nf lhc aliens aml (lid kinil ul' l!\,l-]H'\)Ll\ll'L(l lln-m on an as's'vm- ur soc ll\rmn;li ihcm. lh"\ansi~ l was so
om: hcad which is nnl uvcn in lhc lilm. hl\' lilw. l lhink \\'L'lH>\|i;lIl1lllul|l_/iIr/)_Q|l/ lmsy, l rvally iliiln'l cxplain vrrl c.n'cl'nlly
alllmn_i;l\ ll is one uf lhc lwllcr lwails. Im|.\ ul' lalrx fur ihc prniiwl and il's all almul (hr lhings lhal slmuhl l1l'llllll( In
l Smnc nl lhc lwsl alicns wr lnailv ari'n'l qmicl \\u alsu hail almnl 500 puumls 0| ||\.|k1' a mask \\'r.||.\hh~. 'l'hc mils air huh-
|:\'1'n in \hv: piclun.-. lllun'l know why. l'm plaslcr fur l!\l\l(l>'. 'l'ha| s qnilv a hi! ul'ma- \\'as lllis lilllv |n\||ul mulllll ll\.\l |h\~ nmn
just assnniing lhal lhcy di\ln'l nil in wvll. la-rial in work wilh. slcr hail. .\lus| of ihrm hall |nnsi\'.ll inslrn-
I.i.vL'a: l lllll four. \\'hcn yun go inlu lhc I /mum //ml _\'nll aw-1'v:i'm-/m1_q nu a :v'r\- lnvnls slnck in lhvir mnmlis. 'lln'si- sun-ii
harmmn, l (llll lhc first cl\ara<'u:r you scv. light \&'Ill'lIllI|', Ynur nlll/111! In|.\||nl1!:l'I|g|'I| or ciglr ]>1'uplL' in lhu halnl wu|'r lryjin; lo
ll was snrl of a 'l'-ln'ailcil guy \\'i|l\ iglnwilig lllul l'|'.\]I|'\ I. synr n|| lhcir inun-s' In a llrniw (i4IlIllII\.Il\
cycs andpnrplish in<'nlur.'lhalwas;u'l\1al- I./,\/cu: (Mginally. (irurgc uunhl haw rrrmwl. 'l'lu-3' lilmcll llu-m fur a unlpll ul

llnurs and wound up with an intrctIihln' of tI1t-pict11rt'.'I'l11"y \1|ult'rst<1ml thr situa-
amonnt nI' Itmtagc of thc I1a11dpIayin_1;. lit" tinn, tlmttgh. \\t' g.1\t' ll1tIl\ :1 ht~ll nI' a Int
Cause they had to he pliysical, dancing tnnrc tI1an what they arlually paid Iur.
around whilt thcy wcrv playing and nut Thcy wcrc \'t'ry _tgratvlul. hut I was nnt at
I7I". "III" I" I"*'-1II\I- IIWY 'I'I'I' '~'I"5 I" all happy with wI1at we had in it. 'I'ht'
passing nut. It was a Int uf Inn \\';|ltI\lItg (hing; .L.n. (-mlk.|}- dmu._ Q. did mm-.
II II1IIIII'5- -'\II "I5I4I1I'~" "'1" .\,!"I' '""IlI
11 thing likc !n'1'nI_\- mun.\I1'r.\' on a .\'t'.\- zwr/4
5Ii""I "P i""I PIIIIII I"
III5 ""II II" "XI" s<'ht'duI1:. lint wt wt'r1'|tt t'u111plaining. \\t~
8"" 'IiI"~'I"~' 'iI "I5" 5"" I"""I' I"II watttcd to do as inurh as wc ruuld Iur
WI"~'I'~ III" II'~"II5 '~'"IlI III 'IiI"'Y \\"'I"~' pt-uplt-. I partirtilarly likvd (i1'n|'_1;t-s
breatlting so hard, the whulc hcatl was t*un- ;n;iu||1- ;tI1m1t thc Iiltn, t'spt'tially aI't1'1' i;,.
tractiitgantl t'Xpa1tdi11_\g.'I'|1t'ywt'nt thru1|gI1 jug |]|n,g), ||,,_- ,_-xv-ril-|~ nf K[,\(;
hllI\lI1l1l""'I KONG. wlti-rc I was \\'urI&itt1; Inf |)tu|tlt'
Ill'.m'itk: That mix kind of wcird. I'ht' -tn, |1;| U i|][pg[y' ;|| ;|||_
mouths of thc band tlt;tt:1ttt'rs wt-rr just /1 ;m_\- gum] 1 X|'4' .\lI tttm|\' /inniliur
littlc intlcntatiutts. 'I'l1cy wcrc st\1I|1tt'tI that )m!Iu'.t /'iuul!\' gr! .n'r1'1'n crmlfl. I I

way sn thcy wuuld Inuit like they wvrv lt,|I.-',-y,- ']"]|t-y \\'|_'rt* wry nin: in giving
ready tn hlnw intn a tttusiral instr\1111t'nt. credit [0 c\'t-rylmtly. I uriiginally wont in
That was the only plarv I tuttld set ll! thvsrc knowing that wc would nnl n'rt-ivc
makc an airhulv. so I put a Iittlc \'t~1\t thcrt-. cn-tlit for this. But tht-y wrrv so plt-ast'd D
On the day nl the slmut wt: I't1\1tttl 0\11- with thr work that wc tnntt-d nut in Illlll KID
sclvcs in thcsc masks with hardly :1 place to and fur tin; ttmiwy, that Gary Kurr/. t1IIt'r-
breathe II' \m1 '. ltad tht'n\ nn for a shnrt t-tl mv trcdit .
I told hnn that I um tl nl
~ . . I n ca Q
PCTIQKII II \\';\ IIIILH Ittll \\'l' ll-"Ill ll IIO I- takt: it without I01-li11_t; g.;\1iItyI1ct'at|st' I was
tum tn twcnty~|nin\1tt' lakes in tht-in. Wt: just s\|p,k.n4;5ig_ ()n.|- ll. yl-rs in mmiu
wcrc doing a pantnmimv to some old I'ur- piptttrt-5, lI]\|'( s ht-t~n 5|; m;||iy |;t-<;pIt- that
tics" music. It wasn't the atstual musiv usvd |'\<c ltmkt-d up tn as the pt-nplc wlm actual- _]m1 lh-rg is a stup-ntntiult animator who
in the film. it was just smm-thing to gi\'t us ly did tI1t- work, unly tu find nttl latcr Ihal spcciali/.cs in tht- nntstrtictitm of articulat-
a ht-:11. \\'c were Iiltttctl lhrrr !inn'.<. caclt thvy \\'t'rt' tIq1;1rl|ntnl Iwads who had \'ir~ cd armaturcs Inr slop-ltlutiolt puppt-ts. llis
IIITIC IIII"K 1\I""I I'1'"IY "I""I'~'- 5" T tually nnthiltit In du witl1 a spt'tiI'ir n1akc- hall-and-s<tt-kt-t skt-Ivtmts haw litt'ralIY l"'"
wcrc i11 thusv things for about an hnur. Wt: \|p_ | ft-lt t||;|| 1 ((|\|l(l "1 [4, |hl- ;||m; \id1'1l thv I1at'l;Im|tt' ul tharat'tt:rs ani1natt'tI
only tuuk thvnt tall utwc in that time pcr> (hing mysclf, I said that II \ut1 1;l\t inc hy suvh stnpaiintiuti I111ninarit's as David
iotl. WI: would pnll thr gloves off and thv U-(Ii; \-ml |\;|- H, j|<]"(| ,_-{<t-r\|jm|\- an .\Ilt'n and _|im Dattlurtli, tn nanw hut a
5'"I .I5I P""I'lI "III "I IIm- II III 5" my <*rti\\'. 'Iht'\' saitl tht-\ wuhld work II\\~ IIUT" I" I9'III- _I""
I"~.\I-"I 4\"II"1|II"I!
bad, we wen: FL-I)l'L{llI\Illg our nwtt air! 5(,,m.l],;g mn_'_\[u.r 1. "lid ||- (;;m|;,,;, while still high sclmol. l't-rhaps the must

\\'hile the pruptnan was giving us an utta- 5,_-|m.m-._ Jun |;l.m ml Hm -|-ipm. mt furtttitutis t'\'t'111 altt-r high scluml _\;radua-
sinnal shot of nxygcn, Gary Kttrtz was gt W -|-55 gm;-_ 5, 1|-Y -,_n~ |,;\|,l,t- 11, 1;, tiun was his ;1<'t|1|ai1\t;11|1"t- with I)a\i1l .-\|-
ing amund slitting the masks undcr thc U. "mtg; as q,,p.|,,;i,,,, ;,,,i,,,;m,r,_ 1'1-Y lcn. "\\'ht-n I mt-t llan-. I slmwt-1| him smnc
' chin with a knifc or :1 raznrlilatlo: tn rrcatt: pm [Mug |;l-i~k'_,- "mm. -ilh mg,-_ ti. I'm1ta1;c that I had tlunc ul a littlc gorilla
"gills" for us. [(,rm;ml-1-_ |_;,in,_l |;k;|_ M, lid J |,,; f Ilattghsl how many pvnplc do I/ml? and
You 1/i:I11'1 t|I|lft'l]l!llt n brt'uII|in_g pro! U. .urk_ "ms |.h Um f ll. tn-|;l_ In gut Hit a job dni11y; the IilIsI111ry I)ut1gh-
Im iliirirzg !I|1*_n'uI/nun xlugv? ]_,';/-,,_~ | am-55 ] (,|m-||,,- um |.,| in 1|- lmy at (Iascadv: I'it"tun's whirh turnvd into
Rt.ttvit'/: \\'cIl. nu! Ilanghsl I pttt it on s|||'f|._ ins! mu. Hf lust. |,'i",: ||u| imp. a lull-ti1n<'j0I1. lIt~I'1>rt' that. _Iu1\ atttndttI
II? I "IIIIII-' II 1"II I IIIII IIIIS I"II' I III puts smnt'tin11's. It would l1a\'t-I1t't'n 1tit't- to 581"!" ~\I""II'I| (III? II"III'll'~' It" I'" Y'~'1\I'5
IYOIII IIIIII I '~'"\IIlI II"-I "III "IT I"II"!-I I- l1t' linked with this Iiltn mt film. 'I'l1t'n' and It'll tn |mr.s\1t' his intvrcst in stop-111n~
5" III'I'* IIIIIIIII 5I"~I" I" III -W I""I'II'I wcrc a Int ul nan\t'.s' up tltrrt". and a Iut of timt attilnation.
WIIII II- -'\I5"- I IIIIIIIII II"" IIII ""AI- namcs that didn't qvt up tltt-rc. .\n\'huw. it _]1>n I1t't';1|nc a rt-gular nictnhcr of tht-
II"Y "-IT K"I.\! I" 5II""I- 1""I I IIIIIIIII 'i"I wasn't rt-ally work, it was I(IIl"7- ltni. (Ia.statIt- crow in I969 a|1d staycd tI1t-rt- 11n>
IIY "1'"I5 I" 5I"' "P "I""I'I'553IIIY- "\5 II I'Iv.\':t'ir/.'.: I think it was lltt grt'at1'st ex-
I"IIII ""I' "3 'I'"~' III PI"I!!I'iIIIIII I-I'"m 1t~|'i<'ntt ul tn\' lift inst tn In: t'u|1|1c1"tt'tl, -- - ; ; ,
l\ HR\ IL B\ I AUI \\DIIl
v - y _~

II"~' IT""II TI"! I"I""II G4"? ~"I1"'I'~II I" "II I-\'t'n in a stnall way, ivith a I'il|tt ul tltat pu-
our gIlIS." Y1! \\'""III_I"5I I'~'*'I IIIIS I'"'~'I" trntial and scu|1t'. II tht-y t~\t'r du almtltvr
"II"! I"~ I "5 lI' " *"P"I'
Lis/cu: I also gut stuck in anutht'r one
""\'- I Iwvv I R" "'1' *'I1='I\*'@' W WI; 1'" il-
I I-/in Tip/n-I! (1.-/1) .1-in III"
1:--1; It'll/l mp .S"I.-IR
II.-I RS t'!u'x.t1m'1t I/u'_\' muvlr unrl unimulrrl.

that I ltapptsitcd tn ntultc. that tltirk-suitctl

crcaturc with Imtr uyt-s. sn I can't hlamc
anynnv: hut 1nystII'. It gm very. vcry hut.
.~\Itt'r ahutit two ltuurs. I ltatl tn hang my
head nut the upcning in the hatzk uI' thc
thing. I guess that's talh'tl rushin_t; tht' ton-
bit and fnrgvtting a fnntlama-tr
stru<"1it>n a
tal thing. namely that pr.-nplc ha\t' tn
brcatlicl It S|.tH\t(I to work nut okay,
thuugh. _ \.
urlmml Hm! :Iu_\'l'
It'u.t (it'nr_qr I.|1ms
Ifnkrr: Oh, yvah. Despite tht' intidt'1\ts I
' mcnti0nt'd, it was a very casy-going experi-
cnrv antl vvt-rym1t' thcrt that day had a lot
of Inn doing it. Gt-urge got very in\'nI\'ctl in
the 1lirt'ttin|t of it. llt~ was busy running all
' aruuntl sluppiitg \'ast~Iinc on the hand mem-
bers tn make thcnt all Slllliy-I(tl)I;It|_t{,
T/tr (.'unIinu .\':'q|u-nrr Iurmvl nu! In In
mu nj I/tr /|i_1_-I1 ]111ft|l.\lI| I/irfilnt in Hm! il
pnmi:/ml u ,Ii:l|T"l' I.-iml n_/'t'mnit' n-I11-Y/.
Ilulrrr: 'I'ha|'s what I t1ndt'1'stat1d. \\'h1'n
I saw thr film I just IIi|ipt'd nut. I r.1\'t~1I to
Gt-urge: and Gary almut it hut I allnust It'll
liltv: a]mln1gi7.i111; I1cr.|11st- I didn't Irrl that
the stuff wt' did was up to par with |ht' rust
1 wn.<\ ("U V,
Kw _.\vvv4
\\\ <M,,,[
\<\ 1:. (.<\_ ]\:\
\Y\\\\ ..\ W,
~<\~ _\m: |.w
~.~.\<w~. M: ;<~~~
\\i:k1(Y1.Yv \*_<\\\
>. \iz~
ii |.I{|\\<I|{!!.

<v -\\\.\;.\
_W>~.1\r\; -H \k ;

Hm! ~<m~1w MW
gm v.

/~;'= raw n\.< .|rlin|\ >ll|\|(n\L'

lilmml in l'1|\gl.||n| am |m
[hr |\r.\.~ (i|4\|rr.\ \\'rn' ~nprrin\~
pnsl'||. 1.. the hurkgrmlnrl
(Ilw\\||.n<.| (l'\-u-r Y\1.|yhv\v)_
(IIH'() (.\I\ll|nny D;||\i-'ls) -null
R!-U13 lK:'nn\ Bukrr] sure .|l
.||\ ~;|y n\.~.~|>~;m1, \\1n1--
Lukv (.\l.1rk lhmill) .m|l Brn
(Alm (Luim\rs~.~l ]i>n~n .|.~ l|.||\
s..1~- (|l.|rri>n|\ mm) \\.||'n\
lhv |'u||nl> lh.n l|\('\ h.u| hr!-
lrr In H11 \\|-"Riv win, [hr
.u.~~ Q\|n\ -.-r-- \llpl'rimpn\-
ml ru-n in lhr lung .~lml.~ wrh
.., \l1i.~..\|i|I41l. 1-ml 1ap;,.-u

(lrfl) and jun B:-ru (right) .|ni-

n|.|lim; |Iu- cluwzi Iiq\m'~ .u
ll..\l. I-lu-rylluiuu; is xlnnpral in
hl.u'k xn [hr -\\ linll mu hr >\l)1~
l'fiI!\[ll!.\\'( .. lhv .~1..~\~ 1,....m
in [hr nu-1 n>IIlpu\i\(. _|...\
Hun; .||u| mm 'lip|n'H .- in
nr\ic\\'\-4| |>I\ nw ,-rm--|m
.-.1 lnll\|\\'i|n; ;-..=--.~. HHIIHYIIZ
.-\ K|.,~.-up lm-k ..~ ~..m- (If m.-
rlu-\~ hgur-a~ do hnuh-. l)riuin-
..u\ m.- |_'||r|-~ \\-.-r.;>..,,;>.N-.|
1., In v\lplfllllprI\ll| as um--1
lmh-Qr.\n\\ m. n-- mm. .-1
|'|iIn'r~\ L1-L4.

_~ 7 I1-
til I974 when the company changed man- lt'lit-rc war the aiiiniatinii .r/tut? would peek in and see how we were doing.
agcment and became CPC. Among the Berg: It was shot on one of the back Once the ideas were nailed down and the
many character's he's animated besitles stages of IL.\l. All the facilities weretliere. stop-inotion began to progress, we were
Poppin I~'rcsh are Hans the Nestle's .\lan, Dennis .\luren, who's hatl a ltit of experi- pretty much on our own. George was very

Ogg, and several others for Kellogg's. lle al- ence with stojrmotitiii situations, tlid the busy with the cutting and the sound mix,
so has the novel distinction of having heeii lighting setup and the eamerawork on it. hut he cared enough to get involved antl
the ankles anti hands" of the _]olIy Green While we were still busy finishing up some "take suggestions.
Giant in 2| special makeup devised by Rick of tlte puppets, Detinis was setting things I)o you limit any fatiorilr tflYt'lt'7.t
Baker for color extreme closeups. up for us. IL.\l also had some people liuild qnimig !Iit- micr yuu built?

ll _]oiis inost recent work includes making the actual animation table. Tf[IlI(fl.' The only one I made that had
the armature for William Stroniberg's Tllli II'Iiust' itlca was it I0 /tat't' .rlnp~itintt'mt any kind of story value was the one little
i CRATER l..-\Kl-I l\I()NSTl'lR and some figures in lIttft'r.i'l place? bt~;ttit- who pick; up the guy that hop;
armature work for the film l..\SERI*lL.'\S'l, 19".?-' Tl" llllllill "'~'Pl l Ill" (C55 across the chessboard and throws him
with effects by I)a\-id Allen. Ilis joint ef- 51""? 15 CUM-'l"l hi Gr\' l-"(#15 ml down. I actually built that particular one
fnrt with Phil 'l_l|)])t.lllll( sculpture and Gilt) K\"l7- '15 mm? "l II "11""! l"~55 several years ago. It wasn't for a specific
animation of the clicssmenga\'e S'l'.\R game. They wanted little people inatted- pwjt-t-t or aiiytliing;itwasjust something]
WARS some unexpected moments of won- in Ill-\l Wlllllll llllllh G'~0TlZl 511" lillTl'RE* was doing on my own while experimenting
tier and delight. WORLD \\'l\ll\- l l1?ll'~\'- llll it ilmllilf '~" with new materials. I had it in the shop one
Phil llppelt is a fine sculptor antl a ql"~"l-C l" il- B"! ll '15 %\fl\lIlllY 1" lllcll day when we were doing the makcups for
hard-working guy. lle was horn in l95l in that Georttf llild ll"-ll Yeil" 33 ml ll "7" the Cantina sequence. When Lucas saw it.
ll"lllY- Cillifvfrlin. antl received his Bach- l "P l" lUTURl1'ORl-D l>Y 5l"~'~"' "l"Fl he really liked it a lot and said, Iley, that
elor's Degree from the University of Cali- dencc. After seeing FIJ'I'UREWORI.I), he wuutd r,_.;,||y hc gr; rm. {he (.|,.s s.
fomia at Irvine in I973. I've been inter- was sort of disappointed in seeing that quenu._-- Thc hing had bu. siuing in my
estctl in stop-motion work ever since Ray someone had already used his idea. When ch,-I for 3 tong [huh amt though, this1

Harryhausen came out with THE 7TII Phil and I heard through Dennis Muren whuht hr 3 r;||y gum; Chuncc to gt-lhhh
VOYAGF. OI SINB.-\l). I spent my spare that George wanted some more monsters f;|m_ | had m;,,j,_- an-;,,,gL-mt-ms that ht-y
time sculpting and doing practice anima- for the Cantina in addition to the ones huh; just be ,,-,,',,g that mnh-u|;" mu.
tion. lmet Dave .~\llen and_]im Danforth in that Stuart Freeborn had built, we made ,_t|_ tn ning hut my hwt,i,_~_ [just fhafgfd

1968._'lhey've helpe_d me considerably." up some small sculptures as design ideas [hem uh 3 hut hash [hr that pupp,_~l_ RC.
IhiI landed his first job at Pr_ojects Un- for George and Gary to see. In the interim, m|y_ Jon and | pt tug,-tltt-I 3 link; lhs.
limited, where he did some minor work Rick Baker got the job as supervisor and plav of the creatures for George and sent it
for the film S0.\lI'l KIND ()I~' .-\ NUT under we worked with Rick on that. When up '10 him_ | had thc |,u1j,;,mt.(,t-1.;,_-t an-ha.
the supervision of Gene Warreii and Wah George saw our little models, he and Gary tum f|g[n()\'1_'|J from (ht; tntitlgl |,t-ft;t-t- wg let
Chang in I969. It called for front liglitl kind of Pvllfd "P ll"~' lllm "l "5l"8 5lP' it go. So he's in possession ofthat particu-
lmck llglll "illll llli" ll'l'd
motion animation of a little car. It was sup-
ll ""7ll"-
I)u you Item" any i'tlt'a ti-Iiy tlic imfiiiu~
lar puppet right now. But as far as I under-
gtatitl, tltey don't own any tlesigtt rights on
posed to he driving lialf-way across the lion is ntt'rt'ly .ti1ptriiiip0st't1iii !Iit' .rci'iii'? that tmtg,
United States, then tuni into a picture Berg: George wanted that transparency. I1 Iuoki-tl rlrtitigt'1_\' riiiiilar In I/It TIIIITIIX
postcard located in one of the corners of The main idea was to product: a representti- "Int/t'l in I:'Ql'I.\'().\'.
the screen." lle eventually became one of tioii ofan electronic hologram. .\latting the TI-I)[)l'll-' .-\cttially, wlieit you're using a
the Cascade crew and has worked at var- figures onto the board would have render- standard ape armature like "Number .\IB-5"
ions production houses in Ilollywond on a ed them solid. So what we did was shoot it or something like that, certain models tend
freelaiice basis, including Filml-'arc. l-lxcel- against black velvet and they doubled it in to look siniilar to a certain extent. When
sior :\llllI11\lC(l Moving Pictures, and Crca- one of the old basics. The live action por- youre doing the "basic humanoid monster-
tive Film Arts. Ile sculpted Tllli CR.-\TER tioiis of the chess game were pliotographed weirdo shape there are bound to be simi-
l..~\Rl'l .\lO.\1STER under David .~\llen's sup- on the pirate ship set over in linglantl. ()rig- larities.
crvision, and then went on to ST.-\R \\'.~\RS inally, they planned to have video scan Iicrg: That was the largest figure. I think
to sculpt (Iantina makeiips antl build and lilies printed into our animation just as had Phil was intrigued by the model that Dave
animate the chcssinen with _]on llerg. Phil been done with Princess l.eia. Once we fin- .-\|len built for IlQUI.\0.\l. There are ct-r
is presently involved in _]im |)anforth's l5lKll 01" i1"lmi!lll"\. it \vas sent tiff to the lain proportional similarities between the
Tl.\lEG.<\'lE. When I last spoke to him, he Opticals department. I tloiit know where two. Incidentally. that model was the only
had just ptll tlic finislting touclit-s on a or \vl\rn the decision was made. but the one with II fully articulated armature in it,
pterodactyl. idea of the \it.lcti scan was dropped. Ido eytgfytlting tglge was ttiin-tl_
know that they were under a tremendous |1';|_\-7| l it Ital! trying In gt! Jtylistvl ac-

lt'Iial was your it-urltiiig tirraiigvirtt-til? amlmm "l l""355ul' "I Bcl lllll 5\\|lT ll"l5l1- linii out nfu-i'rt'ftgi1ri'.rI'
Tf[I])t'ff.' Each of us did about half of cd. So I don't know whether the video scan Bprg: It always is, although we would
the chess set. jun did the lead animation. I was too time-consuming. or that it just 11;/ pycfggtjto have everything jnintetl,
was mainly involved with the animation of didn't look good enough. h'; jun um ,,( hose things hm uhch Imp.
the hackgrountl characters, The way we Ditl you lend In gt"! in Hie tuuy ofrat-Ii pt-n whch yuu'r working on a project. The
worked it, each of us would take half of other it-Iii'Ii' niifitiatiiig mi the Xllltll .tt'l a1 original concept and requirements were
the chcsslioard for any particular shot. One Hit same Iinir? much simpler. .-\s we got into it, there were
I of us would animate half the characters 'I'i'ppctt: No, not really. llverything mom ht; that we,-t~ coming op_ Thch
while the other person would animate the went surprisingly smooth. When Jon and I 50mg hf 1|"; ;tt~|it,n; tht-y wmttt-tl bggan to
other lialf. arrived at ll.l\l, all the setups were made gm; htttc mt, ,_-t,mpt;t-att-tt_
II'trt' then" any l|fht'7IlIIf7IlHlt!Y_f? and everything went amazingly well. Isup< [)|'(/ you ghoul llic tziifnialiuii on single
Berg: No. Phil antl I did the chess pose all I could say is that we just really frairtt.r? I'zu' Iinirtl of um'cuiiipaii_y in [lo].
scenes together and built all the charac~ had a great time. We encountered absolute- lywtmtl wIIt'rt' .t[)t't'd is su inipurlaiit, you
ters. Do you remember the little one that ly no hostilities. .~\nd George was really t-an gt-t in lytitt[)It' if you're caught rliotitirig
jumps up and gets thrown down? That was great to work with. uii ririglvs.
one of the more memorable bits of husi- Was around wltilc you u-t'rt' aiii'~ Bcrg: We knew we were under pressure
ncss that I animated. mating? to finish the animation as soon as possible
' I Iluio niitny ntiiiiittltvi l7lUlIt'I.t art !Iit'rt'? Berg: lle came in and talked to us. We so the optical lab could make composites
l set the thing up with the gures on the in time for the release date on the picture.
Tippcll: I believe we originally built

ten, but George Lucas axed two of them. board and he kind of arranged them, which But there wasn't anybody breathing down
so finally there were eight models that was nice. We were able to throw ideas back our necks. We had a tremendous amount of
showed up in the final lm. We built all and forth. He just didnt come in and dic- freedom. \\'e shot everything on singles.
It these weird and crazy things, and by the tat_c what he wanted; we all discussed the but because of the electronic/holographic
time we put all ofthem on the chessboard, moves and the various bits of business. It look that was called for in the sequence,
it kind of looked like a bunch of spaghetti! was George's idea to have the character we were trying to run a bridge between the
' We had to pull a few of them out in order hop over to the front, so we rigged that up. absolute smoothness of a Doughboy and an
electronic effect. We were trying to pro-

to make the scene more intelligible. After we had started shooting, he or Gary


tlure -1>1111*tl\i1uz \\'Ill1 -I -\'/11"! 1"/4 I11 ii. it. It was what they :1'111111-11 to tlo. .\111I

that looketl .1rtifit'i.1lly getteratetl. hoy. that is soinethitttg that you just t|11 not
lI'1r1' 111111 /rlt-1111'1I 11'1'II1 II11- r1'.\'11l!.\' Ilml f1'n1/in this town!
_\111uk""? I'.'1-1'vj\11n1' ;1~I111 z1'11rl.'1'1I 1111 I/11' /r1'1Iur1'

['1'/1p1~/1; Sure. \\'c woultl have prt-ferrctl /,1,1[_[111111'11g !l11'11_;-1 /11 11111 111111111 (/1-11rg1 I.u
w l\:1\"v had u link" more time w 1:" lmrli 1-11.1 111 11 1/111-11111 111111111 11 /111111.111 I11-1'11t1_ IJ11
over .11ul reshoot tl1i1t1zs,l1t1t Lucas Ielt that yuu I1u:'1'11111-/11-r\111111[r1j/I1 1'11'111111111 /tint!
the .11titt1.1ti111t was ;1tlet|\1.1te for the Iilnt. I [;1-y_g_- '[']1t-1-1-'5 1,1tt- imjtttm
|],_,1 | rt-,
suppose. 111e|11l1er well. l'l1il antl I .~l111wt-tl up .1l1o11t
II11:1- l1111_q1I1'1I lI11'11111'n1111i1111 I111.-1 111 1/11? 7:0!) one mor1ti1114 at the st.111t' \\'l1t-re we
/l'I".k'-' I think it was .1l)t|\ll .1 \\1'1'k. \\'v were 111 l1e sltootintt the (I.111ti11a shots. \\t-
shot more Iootatge than they ttsetl. \\'e tlitl were out i11 tl1t'l1.11'k w.1iti1114 I111 the 1|ll\Ll>
some closeups of the stull, hut it ;1ppar1'11t-
ly tlitltt't rut into the set|t1e11ce for the ti1tt~
to sltow up 511 we ct111l1lqeti11.11ul li11tl1111t
just how things were 1;oi11_1; to he littetl up. @@@u@U
l".\ III-II (I'~'"T.\lI' \\'3IIl='II~ II"! KIN "'31 "Ill\1' .\s \\e looketl 1l11\1'11 tlte .tlle\'_ tl11'rer11111e
-=lww fit riulu inw H11 til-"1-Ire (;1~111.-1- 1,111.11 .111 111- 1111111.-11 11-1-;11-11111.1 1-1-11.

Il'/ml it'll //11' HIIIHVP 11/ I/11' 111|1'n111l1'1I1

1'Hl1Il'|""'I I" /III fill, "I"!
tllt-ton shirt .111tllo11ki111;like
_\l'tt-r we saitl Iiotul 111t1r11i11t;,
.11-e1'.11;1' _t_'ut,
yo111'e\'e1'y1l.1 l1@U@@u@
lI*".k~' 'I'lt1't1' were three tltmettps tltat (it-11r1;e," we 1~11t1-rrtl the stage. lle took .1
were tlroppetl, as I recall. 'l'hct'1' \\'1t -1
look .11 sotttr of the tnasks ;111tl saitl. llt-y,
is there any \;1s1'li11e .1ro1111tl l1e1t~'_"' Ihe11 51111131] ILllDU(il
G'~'"Y\!I' \\'i1lIll'll HI one of the t'l1.1r.u'tt'r> l1t- knelt tlown on the lloor a11t| st.11'tetl
IIHIIIIII!-Z 'IIII III'~' IIIII'~'I- 'I_III'"' \"~'I'I' -IIW sloppittg this stuff 1111 the alit-11>. \\1s.1itl.
stink re.1tti1111 sltnts of the t'l\.|t';tt'l\'r>. I
tlti11k (ieorge felt it was more tlt.ttt ttc11's-
-~t),,n[ \-1,1, um ,1, 11,111,1|,_,1}\"_\m|]t,-
Mi1|_ ~-_\,,_ 1|1ii the l'1111st11l't'!"\\'hith 1111s
5-"Y II" III'~' '~ql1e|1ce. so 11e.1t l1ct.1use usually the pt-oplt~ [1't-
\\'l1e11 wt tl1i11k oi 51'.-\R \\.\R.\', our in-
Iltcitl-'11mll1'. we nwlullv st-lrwl \~"~rk- 111.11..-.1 1111 11.11-1 11.1 1-111111111 .11 --11111." 11
iti.1l itttpressiott is tl1.1t of .111 entltrallittt; \'is-
IIIK "II III" IIKIIIIF5 II" III" I'III'5 .I('~IIIII' I"'I"I"' was so g1'e.1t to see .1 11111 111.1l~tt111 this ~11|u1'
11.1l expt.-1'ic1u'e, \1'l1it"l1 it 11nt|11estio11.tl1ly is.
III" C-IIIIIIIIII SIWI5 \\'I'I"' lI"1l"ET1Il'IIIII -"III sitting tlowtt .1|ttl tlointg s<1ttttllIII\t{
ol the tttiittl-l1t1gglit1g r.t1:zle~tl.11.-
startetl attitttatiott after the CaIttin:tt'lt.trat'- him-1| Jud tut-gm hm -5111 t1_ ||1- \\l> pm Yet l't11' .1ll

ters were built. \\'e hatl just Iinisltetl \\'ork- _, H-,3 n-14u_,t,|c W-m," H ,1-1-11-M3,, /.le the screett, the elI't'tti\'1"ttess of carlt

ing 1111 the C;111tina.111tlwt-111ri14htt111 t11tl1r ;,t,.,t,1|1i1,,_"_,]]_ illusion \111ultl he lost tore\1~r witltout tlte
\\'ht-11 we wete tltt-tltess proper soutttl el'|'ctt. \'i.\'11.1ls opt-11 the eyes
II' R-"I"-'1 II W115 I'll-IIIIY Hnttpressetl.
11 511111111111; t;.1111t-,
.111tl st1111ttl raises the goose hutnps. l)ittti1t-
I'III<' PI'YI"I 'III 1II"I "I1'II"II' .1-M111: 1111 (iconic the tie-111-t-.1. 1111 .1 li ttle
11~t111l1l t.1l-11'
in .1 vet) SIIIITI 5llIl'? "I IIIIIl'- IIIIII KIWI I pa11111mi111e. lump tltetn111'erl1c|'e.1n1lstt1ll' II IIIF IIY"-'II>'_"I "III' -I"II_III*' "II'I'1I_"
were working crazy hours. sotttethittg like like |lt;|t_ It tt-,1; l't111 t11t't' him ltinxett up. tt11t1.1t1c;1lly l<1$cs!ts]H||tt'lt. lh.1tsy|1tl1111t1t
relatio11sl1i|1 is rt-le\'.111t to .1ll gettres of the
lltrvv in the ztltrrlwwt til semi or viultt in \'t111 k11t111~. l111 111111.-1| 111 11>1.11.i11_t; 111 t~11111-
ttttwies l1t1t it is a11 es|1t-cially settsitive issue
the tnorttingl ttterriztls where tliings are tteiterally more
I'll in! _\'o11 1111-rt hulh !111[1p\- 11 _1_'1'! ttptiglit. (ieoree was so nit e to work \1itl1 with sciettce l'i1ti111t. It is tliI'l'icult to itt1a- ,

.tt'r1*1'n t'r1'1lfl atttl so ope1t,jt1st .1 terriliit cotttrast. Ile was gine tlte opt-nint; shot i11 S'I'.-\R \\'.-\RS
as .t!11]1-1110111111 nr11'n111l1:r1.
Berg. It was terrific. I can't tell you how going for this sense of e11joy1tte111. I'|n .11- tvithttut that ittcretlihle roar. I.ike\1'ise, tl1e
ways aina/.e1l when I see S']'.~\R \\'.\I{.\'. It \\'ot1kie (.1 fancilttl exteitsion of George l.u-
great a pleasure it was to work on it aml
how lucky I Ieel to have heen associatetl runs tl1e spectrttm 11l'ett1t1tio11;1I respottst-s, e;ts' n1.1la11111te tlog 11.11netl l11tli.ut:1) ;111tl R2-
l111t there is tltat all-itttportattt sense oli [1111
I)2 lose their contatgiotts cl1.1r|tt witltout tl1e
I with it. Dennis .\Iure|1 was the guy who proper voice. S'I'.-\R \\'.-\RS is it fusioti of
kept pushing our names to work on the aml ettjoymettt tltrotiglttutt tl1e whole

tltiltg. When I think of tl11: pressttre tltat sight .1tttl sountl taken to the extreme. Sur-
l film, and he 1leser\'es :1 lot of cretlit Ior get- prisingly, most of its i1111t1\';tti\'e sou111lef-
ting us on the picture. .-\nother interesting George n1ust'\e hcett untler while .1ll tltat
fects were larigely tlte work of t111e i11tli\'itl\.t-

thing was that we were working under tlte was going on, I Iiml it ittcretlihle that lte
al .1 young .t11tl talentetl Iilttttnaker/sottntl

coultl still getterate tltat sense oI Iun antl

assumption that we \1~t1ultln't get screen
credit. But we got it. George :1ntlCary tlitl
that for us. They were not obligated to do
wontler and ettjoytttettt. That itt itself is .1
1t~ni|'it-;1|1i,_\1m,c,,L I recortlist
_|. _]
.1 1 ll 1;,
natnetl, lien Iiurtt
l (. '.'I'l1is isi._kintl of
1111 11 5 true. toot snunt ts t_.t 1.11

for grzttttetl l1et'a11se tt s 111 there, .1n1l II e\-

Il11I 'I'1p;1>1I1n111t/11S1l-lit ll.-IRS '1 clttnu t'1m11- /i_t-11r1a\.
erytlting is l1elie\al1le in tenus of sonntl,
S111/1-11111111111 1u11'n11|t11r
you just accept it, .\Iost people come out
of movie without eveti knowing that any-

<1_ thing was tlutte. that stntttd is all pieeetl to-

gether and Iaketl .111tl tltat ntayhc none of
the voices are real and all of the footsteps
are articial."
_ Ben
matle him
is a fantasy film Ian. and that
esperially suitahle for ST.-\R

-I ~ - I MARS. IIe
New York
nine years
was horn in I9-I8 i1t Syracuse,
anti lived tnost of his twenty-
in the east. Many of his child-
hootl years were spent protlucing effects-
orientetl super-H movies. lle graduated
from 1-\l|egl1e11y College itt Pettnsylvania
with a tlegree in physics. You see what
training itt physics tloes for you? You im-
mediately go into something else!" After
that, he (lecitletl tltat lte wantetl to do film-
making on :1 professional level.
During the next year. lien ntatle sotne
lms and won some contests, alter which
he tried producing commercials in Syracuse
for a year, gaining experience hut not mak-
ing a living. In that case, I was doing pho-
tography, lighting and sound. and working
with a lot of guys." Ilis Iilms became more


7 sopl1is1i1":1t1'1l in the special effects area, speak English. They 1Ii1l11't 11-ll 1111: much
making use 0f
n1i11i:1t11r1-s and matte p:1int- al11111t the n10vi1'.
ings. 111- set 1111 l1is 1111-11 front pmjt-1ti0n IIuu-1li1II!11'_1-11]1]1rm1r/11-nu?
systt-111 :1t 11111111-. .-\t 1111- ti1111- lI..\I was i11 its The first thing they s:1i1l 11':1s. \\'1- l1:1v1- P "_
fom1ati\1- Sl;t1.{1'S :111d lien 1v:1s 1:11-e11 the :1s- tltis giant 1"r1-:1tttr1- \1'l1t1's like :1 big t1:111I)
signmvnt of 1'1-s1-:1r1l1i11g different s11\t11tls I11-:1r. I11-'s :1 _1;1111d guy. 11111 s01111-111111-s I11-'s
for ST.-\R \\'.-\I-(S, I11: spent s111tte 11f his ft-r01i1111s. \\'1- 111-1-11:1 111111-l1t1111:1n \'11i1"e1'11r
time at the f:11"ility t1-sting 0111 visual cf
feels. "l11'1;1tts1-
pr11v1-11 t1s1-ft1l_ I
my 1-xp1-ri1-n1"1-
1li11 s111ne 111i1111r tl1i11_1gs. I
i11 eff1-1'15
him that's r1-ally l11-li1'\':1l1le l1t1t 11111 r1-1:11g-
11iz:1l1l1- :ts :1 k11011*11 ttnimztl." In :1 f1-11' weeks
ti1111-. it l11-1':11111- 1-\i1l1-11t that t|11-1' 11':1|1tt-tl a

was 111-\1-1' i|1 1"0111et11i1111 10 1111 :1n1'thi11g 11'h0l1- r1-111-r111ir1 111' s0111111s. I fi|1:1lly sa11
script. with
m;1j11r.'I'h;11 11'as11'1
my goal. Iw:1s1l11-rt-111 tl11:
tl1t-111 111011.
111111 1:1lk1-11
kitttls 011-11i1"es I \
\\l11-11 doing 1"11111111er1i:1ls it1 $1'r;11't1s1- :1111I 1-qttiptnt-11t s0ut1ds. TI11-1' 111-1tl1-1lsn11t111
b11r1- 1111 fruit 1':1r1-1'r-11'is1', B1-11 111-citlt-tl 111 f0r 1\'e:1p011s :1n11 l1:tr1l\1':1rc :1n1l 1111-rltztnical
c11|1ti|1111- his higlter 1-1l11t';1tinn. lI1- n1:11l1- :1 111-\*i1'1-s. They 1litI11'1 t1-II 1111: this i11i1i;1ll1. I
lil111 1-t1titl1-11 (il~'.NliSIS 11-hi1"l1 111-:1lt with guess 1111-1' 11-1-r1-11111\'i111_1 sI1111ly. 1r1'i11_1; 11111
the 1'11-:1ti111111ftl1e U11i\'1-rs1-. lt s1-1-111s tl1:1t p1-111111: 10 s1-1- 11'l1:1t they c011l1l 1111. ;\l1111tt
c1'1-r1'0t11- has :1 film 11:tn11-tl Gl'l.\'I-ISIS! I
guess tl1:t1's s111111-11111114 1111- all l1.tv1- i|1si1l1- 0f
us." ()11 1111- basis 111' tl1:tt film. 111- was
1111- same wt-1'k that I stttrtt-11 in _|t1ly 11f
I975, they rc1111-(I sp;111- in \':111 Nttys f11r
Il..\1 :1n11 l11:1.g:1n 111 staff it 11'i1l1 111-111111-. S111 '
a11':1r111-11 :1 st'l10l.1rsl1i|1 :1111I 1111-111 111 1111- I11-_1;a|1 111 in\'1'nt" s11t111111:Ife1"1sf11rST.-\R
gra1|11at1- s1'l1110l of (Z1111-111:1 :11 USC fur \\'.~\RS. I

11111-1' :1111I .1 l1:1lf 1'1-.1rs. Tht-11-, he l11-1":1n11- an Ilnw tlirl _\-1111 11111111-1-1!?
instrttrtur i|1 1111111111. I1-t1r|11-11 the t1-1"l1n11l0- Iiasicttlly 11-11111 I 11i1I1\':1sl1r1:t1k 11111111 th1-
:1|1tl l11'1".1n1e .11'li111:111-11 111 the II0ll1'~ 1-ntire s1ri|11 into 1lifler1-111 1:111'g11ri1-ss11e-
11111111 111t11-i1- 1'11l1my. 1*i:1l \'0ic1-s. 11-1-111111115, 1-1-hi1'l1-s, 11110rs. et1'. I
I11 .\I:11' 11f I974, 111- 1'0111|1I1-11-tI1\~11rk 1m was trying to fi11d s0t1t11ltl1:1111'011l1ll1c :11)
:1 t11111i1- 1':1ll1.-11 Kll.I.I)O7.l'lR 1111 11hi1'l1 he pmpriate a1111 11ri_11in:1I. I11 :1 film like this.
ditl tnittiattttres :1t11l :1m1.-11-0r crashing i11t0 y11t1'recreating a t111:1l f:1111:1sy 11'0rI1l. l\'11th>
.-\Iri1":1." It was 110111 for ll11i\'1-rsal a1\1l the ing r1-ally exists. N11111: 11f 1111' eqttipmt-111
efft-cts 11er1- shut in Ilitnm. 'l'h;1t 11-11 111 ntakcs any s011t1d during filming, 11r 1111- I11-11 Ihml.
work :11 Gr.1|1hi1' films :ts :1 s0t11111 1-tlitnr s0t1n1l it 1l01-s111ak1- i$t11 the right 11111-. .-\ll
and 111111-r l1:;1r11i11g j11l1s in that fi1:I1l. "I the 51-ts 104111 great l111t tl11-y'r1- 1111:1111 111':1t1. 1111; 51111111] 1:111-1"|s in ST.-\R \\'.-\RS, .1n11
did 50111111 editing 011 1:1ri11t1s Kt1t1g~l"11 Thert.-'s1111life t11tl11-111. .-\ll ki|11ls111's1111n11s 5111111; 111' 11 -35 111<11,11|1|1- 1111111111-1~1| 111 1|11-

pietttrtzs. s11r1 11f off-tl11--11-all, 11011-1111i11t1 11'1.-r1- tu give it 1"r1-tlihility and 111
nee1le1I 5111111-f;15i111,11,
prt1j1-1'15.gaining 11111r1- 1-xp1:ri1-11re as 1111-1' make it excitittg. It's n01 just tn tnake it [_,-1', gr; 1,1-k 1,, 111,- 11*,,,,k,',-_ ]],,1,~ ,11',[
cam1-along." :t1"ce|11:1l1le. The whole movie is :1 c0n1ic 11,1111-1,~1111~/1111-"11-11?
1 In recent 1'1-:11's, I31-11 workt-11 it1 t1l1sC11re b1111k. It 111-1-tl1'1l r1-:1II1' et1t'rge1i1; s011n11s \\'i1l1 1l1c \\'1111ki1.-, my r1-s1-:1rcl1 i11111l\*1-tl
cP5"~'mc5" "1 5*"'"il Rue" C"|'"\1l" lm5- that 11-1-re visceral. 11few things initiallv. 0111- 11':1s 10 111-1011111111-
3m""K 1119' ll0l1l1Y'00D I-)Ul1l5' l)i1I .1ri1'11t'1-f1'r!1'1111 fiIm.1' Ii/111 I"()ItI1Il) all 11f the tliffert-nit m1'tl1<11ls p1-11|1l1- 11:11-1-
\'-'\RD "11 Dl'l~\'l'll R-QR 21m"- will 11" I)I.\' PL.-1i\'l:I' 1/111! t1-1'r1' 11111'1/ur .1'11u1t1I 1'11 11s1-11 111 mutlify 50111111 111111 pr01l111:1- \'t1ic1-s.

ad-'*'"I "1 ST-R I-'\R51 he '35 Cllufcll i11111'111'1'\111u1'11111111 11-av? I 1"t1II1-1'11-11 11f weird 1:111-
tapes 11f;1ll kinds
'lll1 "'~'4"i"K "ll Ill" 5l '~'"'~"'I 1*" ll"? Yes. iti 11av. 'F()R'IIII)l.)l-LN Il..-\.\'I'I'
:1 gu:11.g1-s antl
st111li1-1l tl11:111 1'01 :1Ii1-n-s01tn11-
5l" ""11 5l"~'"' 9"" 3 Yul "c5*'i\"5Il"!l 11-115 :1lI 1-le1"1r011ic. 'l'l\1: first ;1s|>1-1'1 G1:11n;1- 1111;; 1111f;1111ili:1r 1"l1.1ra1t1-risti1"s. I 1\'1-nt 111

Ih"- "C Ill 1" l"ln Ill" Sam rm ST-'\R s1r1'ss1-11 in our initial 1"0n1'1-rs;1ti1111 11-as 1l1:1t l:1ngu:1ge l:tl1s 111 v:1ri1111s 1111i1'1'rsi1ies. 1'01-
I-'\Rs 11- WIW" I 11' B'~"- Ill '35 l)u5ilY h1- tIi1l 1111111-11111 rtnvtlting in the pieture l1'1"t1-11 t:1|11-s, and hit'1'1l 111-111111: 11-l111s]111k1-
engaged in retnixing .~\1\I1lRI(i}/\N GR1\F- 51,u11(|i|1g 1-|,_-(1m,111-_ 13-11111115 R2l)'_1 11-;151]1 u|1usu:1I .-lj'ri1'n11 l;111g11:1g1-s, r1-t"1111l1'1l them,
H 1'1" 5""'*" "I -\"'"C," /1"1'""l"' I" only 1-211-1.-pti11t1, l1ut 1-\e11 I11
u-1,11-;1]]y c|,_.C1r1,1111-_ S1111-1
11i1ln't 511111111
Allkl lll\IR'1l I" Wllill ll")' l\1"l 1" $1? I
tztlketl tn p1-01111: who l1;11l ar1ifi1"i:tl voice
the Salt I"r;111cis1't1 art-:1. II1- _|ust c0111pIet1-11
II"? \"~'lIXI"K "I STAR W-'\R5 in G@'lm?ll\1 1141,,-\XE'l', i1' l11-1"0m1- :1 cliche. .\1:111\- film; huxcs :1111I r1-1"11r1l1:1l s1111111ls 1111111 ztnytltittg
101"! \'?l\1l5'~"l"\"~'l'5'i15l" l'i\l"'\1l"'Y- have 1'0pi1'1I pieces 11f it. l1u1 1hey'\'11 111-1-111 it\\1\l\'i|tt{ \t1it"1- |1111difi1':t1i11n as i|1 syt1tl11--
1 been as successful. I1 was :11-1-r1' alit-11 sc0r1-. $17-I-'l5~ T111- lllI-'|1l\lm<-' <<II"l>""Y 11"" 11"
kinds 01 wt-ird r1.-$1.-:11'1"l1 1111 111111 10 stun-

'I"1"I"' Y9" w""' "1" 0f "'1' f"'~" P-'"' ,~\I[l1()ugIl I was a big fan of I-:ORBIl)I)l-j]\
Pl "l"'df' ' STAR w1'IRsP"'j""l? Pl-\1\[T and 1 1111-1| 111 1111_1]111 11 [111 11f voices in tliffert-ttt ways. S0 I 1ri1-1lt111'x-
I 5l'P5*' I '35- G371 ml C6978? "~"' things like that. it was not the :1ppt't1a1h PINK 115 ""l"Y i'"""55 -15 I '~'""ll-
"arching I1" PcPl'~' 1" _USC I d" SPCCIJI they wanted fur ST.-\R W.-\RS. Thcv 11-:1nt- Th! '""kl hi"! I" 1'" 1ll'"""l"l Ill
effects and costume 1l1_:s1gn, and artists an_1I Cd .1131 Gmmc 31-Y5 1-_1||,_-1| _111 ;,,q,,,1;,- f1-r1-ntly l11'e:1us1: I11: was :1 r1-al :111i1n:1l. T111-
model-builders to des1gn spaceships. Thts ,,,,,,,,1,,,,L-k_ .119 c\1,_-1-31111111,: is 11-111' and challenge 1111-re was to fi11d s01n1: ;11"tu:1I
was in June of I975. Ultimately, Gary |if,_-.|ikC_ |1 11111.51,-1 51,11,111 5,,-1|11;c_ T111-1: animals, r1-1111111 them. an1ls111n1-h0wmake
Kurtz contactctl some professors at USC is 3 11-11111-n1-y 11f c]c1mni1- 5111111115 11, be use of tl111se s0u1111s f11r his speetslt. \\'1- ini-
and asked them to recommend someone very P11,-c_ _.\n,__1 11'; 1,-11 dune so 11111113. tially tltuugltt that In-urx \\'11uIt1 111- pretty
who would be interested in working on the limes to creme 1, f11111_y fu.|i1,g_ 5T,\R good, 111111 they 11-1:1-1-. I r1-1111111-tl all kinds
soundtrack. I was recommended since I \\'_.\R5 1; 111-151-111iv 1,1 5,, 11111,-' familiar 11f bears that I 1-11ul1l fi111l. I r1-1111-11 I11-:1rs.
was the biggest fanatic down there in terms gen-5' Y" '5 51; 3 rn[sv_ T111 main went to r:111rl11-s 11~l11-1'1: they 111111 pet bears.
of sound effects. P111511-111 111111 C1-,_-11111111 51,11111_|'f1,1- 1111 Pic. and then t'e111t'1le1l all different kinds 0f
l)1'(Iy0u know Gt-urge Lucas? 1111c was 111111 1-U11 1111111 11, make 11 [,1~|1y. animals. I went 111 zoos a1111 11-curtlv.-11 sea
I tIid11't ktinw him at all. I knew of him ;1[,]g_ '[1111 11g11i11_ i1c1,11]1|111 |1 111,, 111111111111 lions and 1':1mels and trietl 111 111-11-rmit1c
but I never met him. Their main itlea was hg1_~;11_151_- 1111311 i1 1,1-1,11]d 1101 11 1,1111 of 1111 what animztls ltad 1"ert:1in sp1.-1-1"l1pa1t1-ms.
to gather a young, inexpensive crew with align 1-1111111-_ l1'1m.t .1'111m:l like
S1-11 11-uul1l'1-1 !11'1'11 lltry
lots of fresh ideas. After the re1'ommenda- WI1111 kiml nffilm_1' I1a1l lltc I11-11111;-,1! 1'n~ irlrulfur H11 l1'1111ki1-.
tion, I was interviewed by Gary Kurtz and u;-1111-1111 you 1'11 11-11111 1,_f51111111[jI Sea lions a11d waIrus1's 11-1-r1: 11-rrilic.
got the job. My first assignment was to l would have tn 53y I was i11111;111-d ;1 Bears are very good. .~\s it 1urn1'1111t11. a lot
come up with a voice for the Wookie. .~\1 1;-1;11 deal by ;1lo1Qf11-;11 mnvics and B11111! 0f the W11oki1: 11.-as mostly "b1-ar." Even
that time, the Wookic played :1 slightly big- movies. There really hasn't been :1 space] bears 111 the same species still have differ-
gcr role than he eVCn1u;1lly ended up with. fantasy lm like STAR WARS other than 1:n1 personalities!
The story was still evolving at that point. the Fl./\SII GORDON serials of wltich I Dial you .1pt'1trl any lime m-ur I/11* ([ur-
They had a third draft of the script. and I loved the sound. I tried to go hack to them 1111-I-,\Iu11l1'r1-_v sltorr
wIt1'r1- 11-11 liunx are
lhlllk "WY ""l\"1llY 51"" "1 ll? 1<""lh and see how the sounds were created. WAR pn-11nI1-111 m1tlp1'11])l1' ur1' .t1'un'1I/
draft. I think they were really concernecl OF TIIE WORLDS was another one. A lot Actually I went 10 M:1ri111-l:1111l. 11-here
'bI h"l" 3 "".lY Chilmclel lhll l1ld"'l of the material in that film was similar In they had public c<1llct"ti11ns 0f animals. l




Al I




K' 1

making a character like the Wookie suecess-
ful cw" mung H S wt. sum is Um I-.1
that \ou /Hl4Ill' that its .in aniinal sound lt
has the feelinvR of s l ieeeh to it and vou un>
tlerstand llIi\(llC'S trying to say soiiiething
as an aniiiial. lle makes sort of /imikirig
soitnds that a huinaii

' ._
\\, .~\R.S. C .

. ..
tatinot do. fhat htlp
ed make him acceptalile as a real creature.
Th pmhlun HS r.rn_m Um, in 5!-R

3 oii had _] and bandpeople, all

kg r
'i'h lb" "'K""i_"h" "ll-l""i
warm. lovable, somewhat liumati side of his
l'"']'' I-ht "l"'mn'c pun -"S g':n'
Hid by 'ylPes""er' H: ""1" P? of ms
'3 >"r"l g hr)
lilended together. \\liat
rf ".5" " _r Sm"___"l""
l"l1((lll'lI\lklll sounds in tliert, squttks pro-
,n I

l did as sit damn

and decide that R'.' was Ioinv to sa\' some-
thing like. _,
Look out! .. wlieti
5" . L
" .-L"

a soldier ap-

inst mcnl 1"
. '


M. U

\iI\w!,.,,.,$~;~o ""
. _

V. l:k_::4";l "'2'? 5 0 U proached. Then l'd try to come tip with it

ii ) .-15
re: I t I. ;L"l .'k.' , 1. Iv seiitenee that had some etnotional feeling
\~M' .
._,_\ "Q,'ur?;:g_':$i;m:;L:: ':.I\.(:.'";\'.U\i2,..,
to . it.
ld. make sotne beeps and .run my
l_ \ O i

-r 7
Q '4, .
' . '
voice through a synthesizer and go into my \\\
\\~ ~ -

Ti \ ~\\' \ H" H"-"I"'I ;m"l I"f',:"{ 71 ''/]"n"x lilirary of cute meclianical sounds atid put
spullk play! Fm hm mm J [ml m them all together. I also hle\\ through .i \\.i-
7 B - \~_
ii oftliing. ,
- . . . , lCl|)l])t and got this
- _ -4 ,_
neat little \\l\lSll(.
- , - i

ii :

yv t ' \e5' r"5'*""h'*"l lms M hlxh

I The svrilltz'Si':er it u l<t\'lnmnI iri.t!ru-
' ml . 4*. . hoxG' I f"'l 3" H "Id r"""mhng5 and !7lt'Ill. Iltiw rlirl vnti rim yuiir: t'uiu' Ilirougli
i .
tried to stud) what had been done so tltat <1, - '

I could do it myself or do it better. lliere
., Yu can Hm 3 Smmd [mm H mikc mm

tu '1 ll PI. ?l"_s" u e _ fresearclt
for sound
I) wk the eleetroiiics of the synthesizer. You can
I P 3
_; - .1 .

1'59 m mm"s
on it,_and Jen l_ile \\lio
R "r" U then lilend it with tones generated from
the actual keylioard as well as sulijeetini,' it
A - . I I. Irememlier what hap-
. V "_\_ In imi
~~ mu "n H " W l "' , to the various electroiiit" processes that tlte

_' _ _

gr:' _,|\ inc .w".m"w 0 my simnds dim". m k|:\(

synthesizer hasvoltage-controlled filters
_ - _ -_ . .. - , . ' . into prot iicing musii:.. o .. per onnet .- on
4 "3 ' ' l-- *'-i J Lhdnu ur In SIAR i."\Rs hmt mud it until l came UP with something tltat l
[Mfr "|"'g'*'d hm "g""y Puke 3 ms felt worked right. You could make little
''d ""'d "/fa "'9" 8"" B"-m
A cuhlt rillurlied I0 a mdin lower with
"|"'~' i" "'"5'~'!WU Hmly
"ym, l-[mun-11., whistles
I .,
and things and put it through the
I I | | Q l
ll IIHYIIVVIICY. [I151 Hill II] I'It'.tI!I41ldJ m.o'.i1i',i dtl'iS- . iv"! 11511;" -"\< """\"}< 11 """-ff ="}'"_
nu s. G.""'d"' he l'""'3 h'""'

iii I/it-_miimliiyST.~tR ll.-tRS'1ui--rs. with slight electronic envelope as it is

I .
alien extortiotiist who talks to llan Solo , called.

and pulls a gun on him, sort of a hit-man -I-/H. mm I,/~ H. J;"<I,_ in H". In,-Hg
would make arraiigenients to go in there alien. l~'.\'entually what was used for Greetlo Hm wt. xpl._1m.[a,_ [Hm] I,-,1 mm. .n"_
wheti the |1tll)liC wasn't around and tried to was a language which was "invented" from 5,31 ,,/1) '
get recordings. This went on week after Peruvian ltimti. 'l'hat was a very iiire lan- Thcfc arc iwi, i,um|_ (mg i,f |ht- Rt-ht]
week. Meanwliile. l launched researeli into guage. l used it a couple of times in the pie- igiutkmie ithhmq amt hm. i,[ ii. 51;" |).
the areas for weapons. l went out to army ture. lt was u_sed for a gold. hug-eyed roliot sqtoyt-t_ ] rt-t-imit-it ;| hit of innit-i-i;i| nt tht-
liascs and missile launches and took wea- in the Sandcrawler. lle said a couple of Mojave air races, high-speed aircraft flying
puns out to the desert, shot them, atid re- things hut you didn't understand it. lle was ten ft-ct ahnve the ground. I took those and
corded explosions, For vehicles, lasers, and also speaking lncan. Some of that was just glnwt-ti tht-m tinwn trt-ineiidoiisly. .'\ lot of
spaceships, l spent lots of time at various stolen. l just took words without knowing the very high f['t_(l\|L|\Li[ would therefore
airports, .~\ir Force liases, and factories what their meaning was and strung them timp (l(|\ut1 to ;| mtirc ;nitlihlt- rttnttc, l then
where they tested turliine engines. The together with the help of at\ assistant. l mixqil that with the wlioosh" of jet
main idea was to take those sounds, pro- found gt stuticnl ;|t ltei-kt-lt-y named Larry plnnqs and ;i iitumjci-];i|,_ 'lht- r[ ghip
eess theiii and orchestrate them like musi- \\';irtl who is a linguistics expert. lle eould was the thunderclap and the jet sottnds.
cal instruments. imitate voices. So l hrought hini over, we '|h t'()1|d gnuntl -35 I);|5i(;\Ily m;tt|( up of
S "' W"'-" ""11 """lP"-"4!" "1-ll-f \\'"Ykld ""1 ll: |iE\K'-'- "lid l\< mimil"~ll two elements: a low frequency rumhle and
ferent ani'ttial.iI' lncan very effectively. Larry liecame the part of the gnuttd of thg Gtmtlyt-nr Blimp
ln the end, l took recordings of hears. voice of Greedo. lt was phased elevtroni1'al- slowed way, way down! I spent a long time
camels. walruses, lions, and a few cougars ly so it hatl a strange, alien quality to it. lit rt-cortling the Blimp. It's one of my favo-
and extracted sounds out of them that phasing, you take two iileniiealeopies nfa ritt gtyuntlg, it (gt-;|tt_-ti the sense of sonic.
were similar iii color. The difficulty in duli- voice and put them nut of sync just a tiny thing gigantic moving, Thc ntixt-i-5 tiiti ,1 Int
hing 1' li1""1l! 55 "ml W)" luv! 1 5 Um ML of special enhancements of low frequencies
sistent you just can't cut a dolphin to a Ilow would yuiigoaboutiIr'visitigalati~ for that pmlituiar eff-i mm [,1 mm-I
walrus! lt has to he homogeiious. l picked gimgefnr RI.I)Z.? words when they did the finai mix. they
various hits of those animals, sounds which R? was the most difficult one of all. He Wonk] use spam] fiiis am] cxaguralc ht.
were eonsistent, and huilt won! li's!s out of was a potpouri of little sounds. That was mmming aspc of in you (Quilt do that
ll"-l"*l|\'~Y"5 Svllnd ~'\- 5- C- 0- '~'l'5- I "Wk the om M718 in ""7 Piclum hm '35 Suing with 70mm stereophonic sound hut not
each one of those and reproduced it at dif to be electronic, but it had to he totally wilh an Oniinary plicui "uCk_
ferent speeds. plus or minus, a little hit of tlnderstandahle in terms of emotion. \ ou "ow about Nu. [asnsy
one animal or another, sort of like musical dldlfl u"dY5li\"'J X4l'~'llY WI"! he 511"] hm Thgn; arc hits hf iiffr,_-ht kind; hf hi5.
""l5- 0""- Y9" 711""- his hawh "f dlfkr 7 3 I 'h he "1"
mc /""" ers. llan Snln's laser was different from the
ent sounds, you could draw isolated bits of P'""'"5'"l """' Um
will 1"" f""-h Empire's, The basic concept of the lasers
\Vl>"l5" "Y 5Yi|h|5- VH1?" You t-'mbl'"7 'l""lf' R2,? _ _ _ was to come up with something explosive
Wm and "Y 1" miikl "P 3 >"l"l"" hm The much ph.".m "la was 'm"c5ng without having it sound like a gimshul. It
gives the desired feeling. The \\'ookie ended bl" |l5 l""_ flmllll" and \*''k"'" i" ~;in't gning tn hn Ditty Harry; M;|gnntn_
"P '1"! 51*Yi"S 1! h| 1 C '""'d 'h" PPl' R2 '5 unsmcessful "]Y , he ex Again, this entailed a lot of research. What
l" W115 ""TY 1""-l he had 1150" W 01' six mm hm 3 lo I P'~Pl h"_' hm as really worked well in the end was the strik-
51l9fB5~" '9'-ch Ph9- HE'S 3 "cry lchcmc ba_h'_Cc ing of a long cable suspended from a radio
Did you ever iticorpurate any Iiumati uf mechanical and organic characteristics. [Owen you have in find a MW" with jun
muvids in llie composite for lltr Wnu_ki'e? The touch phone is too cold. We had an ex- thc right frequency, and I fnund nne.
There's not a touch of the human voice pcrimental version of R2 as something like "aw ,1,',1y"u hi; P0,, that M,-,1?
in there. It's all animal. A human could not a touch phone but it didn't have any mean- | was on J hike with my faih and he
makr the sound that (hr Wwkie mikes i"i;- accidentally walked iltl this cable! It
You could mimic it, but l'm convinced llvw was R2: uoicefinally acliieued? made ii g-i-mt sound! i told myself that this
that there is no way you can totally dis- Basically the essential character, as it has got to be exploited. It was almost a
guise the human voice. The real problem in tumcd out. was to combine the electronic whipping sound at 3 vci-y high pitch, T0

use that sutuul Inr the lasers, we ltatl to I'd always have alternate suunds. Ilr would
slow it down a great deal. 'I'l\at was the Ima- respund to what I had and give nte his rear-
ir sound lntt a Iut ul things were atlded tu tiun In it. One example ul this was R_. Ile
it ha/.uukas, screeehes of various kinds. was just snrl ul lianunered nut syllahle Ivy
ctr. On smne ueeasi<ms. there were ltutnan syllahle. There were the usual tlilliettltirs
screams mixed in witlt it in urtler tn give it ul' heing consistent. making it suund like
a Ireakislt quality. the satne tharatter tmng t\lIl.tIt'tl stittt\tl\
Tlttll .\'umt1l.\' Ii/tr ,mntr 0/ I/1| !rit'lt.\
- - George would listen and react and provide
Illttm/mmt (|'rm- tinrttin tlivl fur I/tr .\InrIiutt guidanee.
n'n'um in (it'ur_gt' I'u/i\' Ili.'lR OI TII/2' - I)u_vu||hur'1 u "/at ~.. rtlt -"W u mlr // .-.1!
- * .

lt'()RI,L).\'. ll'/ml tern .mnn' n_/'1/tr .\'//rti]'I't' I have many. Sound rlleets in Holly-
mum] 1-Iemt-ulx llml you lI,\t'1[]-U1 lite 1/1:/l wund tnuvies are usetl uver and uver again. E,
frrrnl /u.\"er,\!
l_\'/It'.\' uj I'ni\'ersaI is using the saute tlt\t|nlei't'l;|p
There were so many. it's almost itn|>ussi~ they reeurded Iur I*R.\.\KIz.\'S'Il-lI.\i in U ll
hle In tleseriln: thetn. The "twanging" las- I931! You ran hear the same l'a<'t~ punches
ers were used fur the Stunntruuper guns. and dtmr slams in tuany nld nuwies. I ln\t' U
In sntne eases. there were pistul shuts mix- that rrazy kind of emttittttity. I have a fa\'~
etl in with animal sereatns speeded up. In nrite .\'tn't|nt. In fact. I used it in $'l'.\l{
nther eases. I used electrical ares rntnhined \\'.\RS! It's in a lut ul' \\'arne|' llrns iimvies.
with dry ire squeaks and actual artillery It's the srrealu used in 'IIII~'..\I! when the ..-I-h(__ _n_ prh_lh|_ ummd
shells in ight. llear in mind that the laser guy is heing eaten lay ants. and it's used in _

has an att;u"k." 'lhere's a beginning, a a lut tat" westerns whenever a g\|\' gets an ar- 5l"|'Yl7mlr(l lm"l~I5' I hull lllrcv 35'
middle, and an end, all rutnhinetl. The n>\\ in llte hark. I \t.\t'tl it fur the Siurm~ sistants helping me on sturylmartls,
suund dues nut exist. You ran't go uttl aml ""t"'T \\'l\" I-\|l>' I'll"
J1" -Il'\'>>-_ almnst three sets of tlu'ee-httndred-
Iind a ratlin tuwer tn get that eurnplete H11 _\-nu >Ilm_|It yvlttr work Ill \|_m|:/ _1_/- n. lumrd (.l_|_S."
suuntl, 'l'he tuwer eahle was used fur the jeels Ix II1l[!t!!1lit 1;] 1| nrze Irrml tn u.\'1n_e -

quit'l\ atta1l;." 'I'|te tnitldle and end ul the nmrr rn'uI|'t'|'/_\'./

snund elliert were entirely tlil'l'erent. don't lznuw. Ilnliurtunau-l\' the tratli-
I ~l"'~' -l"l"'" I ""' "I ll l"' l"-"*1""
Ihr 1||m1.\/n-I-1I:'r.\'!
.-luv! tiun tmwaulays is In get the film nttt tun Ilf' I-"'l'f'Y1'li:_ll1'| ~l_l'l\'-'_l' Sil--\R

Must of that was the sound of jet planes quiek getting the ear dunr slants and get- ll_"_r_'_ "I l'li'll- ll ll4""l '" l"1\"" '2'

taxiing amuntl the runway. 4\ gn-at deal ul mu U. |-Umslups in NW.-_\. m,_r um. 1| \t \\.|> llllt'tlI_ t ten tnmttl tu I.n>;\I1gk-
it was lirrewav tralilie nuise reeunletl
mm, rm, H, pm" sound I_Up|l, m n,u||t les. lle atlentled l'asadet|a City (Inllege antl
stup ;|m| mink t.'.l.Mi,|y_ H S hm," mm: t~nrullrd tn. sunie |nt1\_n~nt|al artt'lasses
thmugh pi||t._|ttst lots ul crazy stufli. llt-Inn
Iiitl _\'uu lmrr .m/r/ti.\'Iiruh~1I rrrurtling H for S" mm. yt.m.5- k_.ryhmh. iml lakes \\h|< h In-lprd \lt.t|tt his tare:-r.
equi/nltenl In it-1-rlr reillt? it for gfanted. .-\hnust nul>utl\ gues nut re- lll"l' l "'l"l I" l"" "" """"irl'l'I l'l
S.;",(.|_ M Um.5 up wiih mm. hr. I suun tlt:||tgt'tl |n\' tnintl." Ile then spent a
Xuthing that <I|)ltlSIl\';tlt'tl, really. I had
several .\'agras. a emtple nf Tears, a sy|ttlu'- euneepts fur an\' partirular picture. Unlv a ilmlllll "l limrl ll (llll"m'. Mllc.(l"ll-ll
sizvr. and digital delay units. I was ahle In few filtnmakersilike (ieurgv I ur \\ Stanlev "I l"i ll"'l "I Ill l"l"m"l llllslli" l""'
K"brk.k' Jud I.-mmis |.-"rd (;"mm|_|_ n._l|i7_l, grain. a hreetltng gruund Inf nian_y uhlltt
transfer quarter-irn'lt tape In mag track my

sell. \\'e had a Kern l'ni\'ersal eight-plare ll, impurrmu. nf mun inn. wry rm persunnel wltn wurlwd at II\tl\l\' Iaght
sure that' they
i and \Ia vie,
editing llathetl, a very nire (it-nnan ma- fully S\l|)LI'\ll' it and
tnake '
twu sc'tem'e
.. .
In tmn Itlnis
. .

vet sutnethint uri rinal and dr.unatu'a \' e

ll -_ wurl\e<l un
chine which I liked hetter than a tI\n\'lt'ul;t.
. .. . ' .

ll'u\' I/l1!I1I:/unrttl II..\l! lieetive in teriits nil snuntl. 'I'hat'_< wh\' their l""l"I"_ 5l'\R '\R5' lllllll Ill. ml.i.lI
a TtIlt.|l\t' ul the nrtgtnal

.\ttttally no. it was all dune at lnnne! Piums jump mu M ML ' telt-\ismn_. (_)_ne>was
During the liirst year of prmluetiutt. they //utr itruulrl \'n!l _i't1n| u/I wmr ttmrk nu AK
Uli "ll" (lRll)~" Ind Ill
S'I'.\R \\'.\'I'(III, a ninety-minute .\lys-
_e']"_.|R ||'_.|R_ey
were all in I~'.nglan\l and the ]>t'0]tlt' at IIt.\I
' '

were in\'t-nting things. I wuuhl wurl; at ltwas all interesting and it was all tnltl- TY "I Ill ""l"._. l_" -\_ll(i- ll" ""_"'l\'
hnnte and spend a little time at lI..\I slt<mt~ hall. wuultl sav that I was highl\' nmti\'at-
I ""'"ll"l"l ll"" l"5""~5 l"' (I-\l--I-l-l(i'\
rd U Mk nu prniwl mu. S-I-_\R \R5_ at II..\I under the st||>er\'isiun ul'_]ultn I)\'k~
ing emuputer readuuts fur the S|ll|l't'ltlp
tlashlmartls. \\'hen George eatne hark from
Iittrupe. we went tu San l"raneiset> where
all the editing was dune. We worked there
heing a hi_g Iantasy Ian. It was an ineretlihle
atnount uI wurk and a Int of Iun. I I.\"I'I'iR\II'il\' BY [|\llI4 .\I.~\l\'I)IiI.I.
Iur six ur se\'e|t munths just putting the 1.,.-,/../M1,," 1.-Mn.-t-.,;, /It. 1,.-.< utnzlwl ../ //I: n.-1'.11u,,./.-a.1.- Runmv.
piettire tugelller. adding sound efleels. try-
lltg nltl dillerent pieces nf rnusie. and stud-

t'ltlg the different \'ersi<ms ul the film. \\'e
eventually arrived at what we lllnttgltt was
more ur less tlte Iinal prmluet.
ll'Iml KtlIIl[l[ yuu t':ut.ri:Irr the mnxl |m~
uxnul axjn-rt nf /mm ST/IR ll'.~lkS tt'11.\/Ht!
I wnultl say it hail In tln with the ap-
proach to the pirture. that we startetl
working un the sound long lvefnre any film
was shut, which is never dune. Usually the
sound entries last, except maybe when you
an: dealing with animation. While the ed-
iturs were editing the variuus versitms of
the picture, I would rut and mix the reels ,

of music and sound efleets and speech.

, Then we'd sit down and watch the tempu-
l rary version and react to it as a enmplete
entity, which is never really done. Su we
were ahle to evaluate early euts of the pie-
ture editorially Iielure it was finished.
Dir! lienrgt I.tu"a.r gttirlr yntt, nr were U
yuu lulally mt your mutt!
Iiverything that I would do, George
would come in and listen to. Then we
would discuss it and he'd approve or disap-
prove. So he would direct me. OI cnursc,

J _ L;
just kind of added parts to a lot of them tailed draltings
lietween design work and storylioard stuff. Iiivl you 4/o any reurlr on 1'.\'_lIln,\ion.\.'
'l'he majority of the people in the model Yes. l did. \\'e started off testing with
shop were detailers and :t$ett1l>lt'rs of ships acetylene gas and plastie models of the
that had In-en rast. 'l'he three lighters the Boeing 747 to see il that would work. \\'e
x'\\'l".\!- llll Y'\\'l"!l~ l"\ll ll\l' 'l'~l-l'l- Slllll finally ended up using just your standard
were all made up of parts that were east in squili. a mixture of gasoline and |I'|Ull\lYJllS
lnain. So it was just a matter ol assemliling and \-ertnieulite. lt gave a pretty good seale
theni. (irant and a couple of other niarhin- X|)l()it)t\_ S()|'|\g i,|' [ht-m \\;~n- glut; M
ists did tlte heavy construction work. lay- ll..\l. hut most of it was actually done utt a
ing the foundations of the ships. soundstage out in llollywood. We rented a
Ilntu mm|_\' .\t:'m'.\' teulllrl _\-on ray at-rrr stage and hung up a lvlue screen and spent
slorylmrirr/1-1/? a few days down there shooting explosions.
.\ll in all, there were proliahly one thou? lt'|'n- Ihrrr any mlrllmll lliingr 1/mt _\-nu
sand storyboard drawings that were done. ltml In llo?
.-\t one time, l had three assistants helping l did most ol tlte work on the star lield.
me on stnryl>oartls_ almost three sets of That was a tnatter of taking a sharp ohjeet
350 hoard srenes. We kept redoing them. and punrhing holes in a painted piece of
changing sltots and adding shots. l ended plexiglass. lt had to lll' redone a few times
up redrawing all the hoards that ltad lteen to get a natural-looking star elfeet.
done! 'l'he storyboard wook took well over Did you do any of!/n~ mullr ]miu1ing.r?
a year altogether, on and oil. l worked on one. l don't l>;no\\' ii it was
ll'n.\ |'I en.r\~ In _\Iur_\'Im||rIl [in- 1lugj'igIil.\'j/ ever used or not. It was one of the Pirate
In |'.r\t-nn-, \-on /lirlltut-1-flIairlouz for \'nIl Ship in the Death Star tlH<l<l!\! l*1lY~ l llllllk
i'ism1l!_\'. I ' leter lillenshaw _]r. came in later and paint-
1-||_'5 hm. ii __"..| Um. hm Gcmgl. ed over it! Ralph t\leQ\|arrie did all of the
I-.'/1.-cl:il!||;1mmr]m-jnlnulun. [M1-J5 (1.-p;,n.| [mm that r-.,mt,;n f.,.,;;,g,_- planets. They all lilended together so well.
alter a while. lle be_i;an to make up shots of you really ro\||dn'l dislimtnish lwt\\'evi\ lil-
stra. .\lany of _]oe's storyboard drawings his own. What finally got on tlte screen was lenshaw's and .\leQuarrie's work. .-\n<l they
have heen rontpiled into 'l'I|t- Slur llnrr about hall ol that original lilaek and white were Illl!lI' so well. you couldn't tell that
!n'lrI|lmuk. published by liallentine. lootage. l|n glad lte did that. l think the they were matte paintings, anyway.
elfeet he aeltievetl lay changing a lot oi the Ilnze zuuulrl you mm up your it'll!/i mt
//,,. ,/[,1 W, E,-I r-,,,m,~.-;,,[ H-[111 _\"l'_-|R shots was much nieer. .\ lot of the mo\'e- Ihejilm?
lll-IRS! l ments of tlte ships seemed to work for the lll \'5$'~Il'~'C. \\'|11Il l tlitl 011 $'l':\l{ i-'\R5
World War ll planes hut didn't work too "1t'll Willl l-\ll'1l5 llllll l7)'l1lri\1lI\<l lllkv

People knew from those two television

I \\'l\
produrtions worked on the lilm. lloli Shep well for our spaeeeralt. e\'eryone's llt.Sl ideas and put them down
herd was head of the \\'.\R or TH]-'. Ilntu .1/.1 _\'nu _q.. uImu1:lnin_g'!Itl' pm-.~.1 "H t>1\v1'r- I v-"\i<!rd m>'=vll1\"iI\l<'rt>H'l-
\\'URl.DS produrtion and he heeame the pvrx]n'rt|'z~r' puiling for the /mrizmi of Hie "T "ll '-l'TY""l">' 'd<'i\5v l_"'~'l\ll"g '3' "W"-
produetion coordinator on S'l';\R \\'.-\RS. l)t(|l/I .\'!nrlrrne/11/ .-\ lot ol_"p"Pl_ 1'5k_mc ll l W35 til "\~"Y '

Who! tear \-uur]i'r.r! lurk on the film? We shot the model of the trench with a ll ll": 5l"\R -R5 5lC'~'5l|l5' ""l l Will
When l first started on ST.-\R \\'.-\RS in ~<lx;') |;;u1\|;|';; and hm} 1),; ],|,n up_ '|]- ly wasn't. liveryone else's imagination was
August 197.1. I began he storvhoartling the
P enlargement was ahuut 3()"x 41]" ant | | kind of funneled through mine and Ralph
mill" llllllc 5'~l"'~"l"l "5l"R llll- l5"'\"\ limb painted over it. l actually ended up paint- ~\l*'Q"5\"l\"$- ll." J."-l Pl P'~'""ll <1 P3P"l'
age that George Lucas had compiled from ing out most of the photograph. autl drew tlte ideas that a lot olpeople gave
World Warlltlugligllts. The treneh model itself changed aliout us ll "5 |"l'~'Y'~5""Fl ml 1' l"l ll ll-la
ll/"U """'_" ~"'" "/-l"~""_/51"-_:' hall-way through. lt was originally wide
=\ ll "l ll \\'115 (mm ll=\l TU; 0| l5Rl- and sltallow. \\'l|en Lucas saw it alter we
il'-'\lN- 5""\ "l ll $15 lml" llRlDGl'15 -'\'l' had gotten a huneh ol shots of it. he deeid- U

'l'UK(v)v~Rl. 'l'(_)R:\l TOR-'\l TURIV. _ll_-ill etl that he wanted it narrow and deep. So
l'll-01. U33 5QU-\DR0N- "ml 5"""~' ll ll we changed the model. which meant (hang

z I 7..
'35 Quill '~'lml'il l""l1l.ll- Quin -1 llll "l ing all the paintings! So there were three H
l""\1'.!" 5-"1" lml"
ll" m"l" l)-\<\l llllsllh sets of paintings at four dillerent heights.
twelve paintings in all. They were done <n- l , W 5. '

I/lt l'l"l'k '1'"! l"'"l" 1".k"

"M )'"" Ill.V er a period ol about three months. They

/lllillll ""'1]l5l -k*'l"'l ""5" 5"" would take ahout two or three days to _,;; .
'1' i"l'!d {Yul l)' _'i"'5lll".\l ll- l '_""5l paint. That work started in September of ' Q .

have watched tt ten ttmes on a movteola 1976 and cm un lhmugh Cinismms . * .

lnsl I gcl 1" idea "I ll: 3"l"n' Tlw" l ll/ta! teut1lrI_\'ou tlIl|XllIl7 your Y7l1|.\[ 1/[13 4 7
would take it shot by shut and try to in- 11'.-1,111,-k 1)|1_'1_-IR ||_-|R\?
. 1
l'~l'l"'\'l lhl m\>\1I"l\l5 ul (hf Jill! /-CF05 .-\etually, l would have to say tt was the I I I '

and .\lustangs tnto .\l-wings and T.l.l'l.

lighters. lhat was kind of fun.
storyboards. The most interesting stuff,
however, was the design work. Because of
. Q. _.,,\

lfhal rlitl you do m.\'t?

. the matn
.* hattle sequentes
storylmarded l started re-designing the
. _
all the changes in concept and the redraw-
mg of the same shot over and over .again,

the storyboards just got to lie kind of a


.(\ "
4 / .

spaceships. (Iolin (Iantwell did some proto- hassle. l should mention that we only did U WI;
type spaceships. lle huilt them at home. ln the elleets storyboards out here. .-\ll the K: ~.
laet, they're pirtured in that photograph of live aetion storyboards were done in , t

me in .'l1m'riz'nn (.'im'utalugrupher [pp 703] land. \

where I'm acting out a dogfight mo\'e with Ilnw zlizl you euurrlinate \-um rlrngris
the ships in my hands. They were nice. hut teillt the work of lite mmlel Imiltlen?
they were a little too sleek. kind of l\';\S.'\-
like. So we kind of romautiei1.ed thetn. .-\ll
The way it usually worked, l would do
the sketrhes. get them okayed hy George
the ships were eventually re-designed and Lucas and _]oltn Dykstra, take them into
some new ones were added when seript
ehanges oerurred. l did most of the model
painting and the forced perspeetive paint-
the model shop and talk to Grant .\leCune
or someone else who was assigned to that
partieular model about how it was going to
ings, all kinds of odds and ends. he huilt. .\lany of the models were huilt di-
I)|'rl you hui11lan_\- uflhr arlual ntu:IelxI/ rectly from sketehesmost oi the guys in a
l did a lut of model building, hut it real-
ly wasn't the heavy construction stuff. l
the model shop had enough on the hall to
gure thin s out without the need for de-
l M
l{.1l|1I1 \\-.1: 1~x1~1'1i.~:i111; his .n|i\'111' nlrnv l1\ \'i\'v .11 it. .~.n I I1;11I In Lu-)1 11111111; I>.11'k 111

=4--I111; 11-s11|1\1m-1'~1'l1~>11l.11 1I11-.11;1-11I~ix\n \\'<>1'k .1| \n1n1-ll1in1;. .\l111111 1913" I 1.11111 111

I1z11n I111\\' 11- 1lr.1\\' .111-I 11111 I. \\'i1l\ n\111I1-II111; I.u~' .\n1;<-I1-~. I I1.11I .1 1nnn<-\ s.1\'<-1|. lilllr
1-1.11. I illvrn 11-.11~ I.111~1- I11 lu'1 .11111- .1 1>1-111- .1n1I 11111 >.11 .11-111111111n\'Ii11I1-I11-11>ri11\'<-n~
mr1ri.1l .n1i<1. lIL~ mnk .1_~.111-1I111i1.1lill\w It 1- \\11rl<i111;. |11s1 \|1|'I nl <I1'r.11\\i11q.11ul1Ir-
lr.1l<1|' I.1sl1'1I. <l'I .nuI nn. I411 1111- nvxl I\1'n- \'1'Io|1in1; i1|1-.1~". It \\'.1~ <un11'Il1i|111 I I\.11I
I" Y"~""'> II ""I"1'II\ "'|'""I'l'\ "ll ll\\' \\.1|H:'1l In (In Inr .1Inn1g(im1'.\\ilI1u11I I1.1\>
.\> l{.1I| , I1 l 1111 11. I \\1\'~ in. .111\ 1111l in n\in1I. X 11~\11I1~.' nn|l11Iu'\',
I. , U
1 __ .u'u>|1.11vi1\1I11>|1.
. . . . _ . _

PIEFI .1I\\.1\\ i1111~1-1-$11-1| in IIIIIII.ll'\' .1i|'11'.1Il .n11l Ilu |\I.11'1' In wll II nu nnlllinq inn <Iuin11

q i (fl
I'~"'l~"\- | \\'-H killll HI \'I\u111-@1111; ~111-n1- 11-11.11 I \1-.1n11~1I 1111111. II111 I 14111 .11'.1II $111111

(l \ (-7
nfl. " Ilc 1~\'1:I\l\l~\ll '~"" """_I\\'<I 'III IIIIIH. '
_ - '
_ A .
1-111111;-I1 1111111 '1nn1~ p1~11|1Iu I111 \\'v1'v 11111-1

Ll, H L

.5 .
I hrs! by nlnlmi SHIN ll\\'-\lI'Il\II HlIl">-l\l'l'l
1>~>lvI -111-ll-=l\'I'l\' \\'1>I'kiII\:--111-rvvI'<><I\1r
{inn p.1i11lin1;\. IIi\" .1_~<1_>ri.11i1111 \\-i1I1(;1-m'1;\~
I.\11.1\ >1-1-111_~ 11 I1.1\1- I11lI1Ilc<I.11<-11.nn1lv~
cslcnl in l1.1\'inq
h.11| .1 ||ru_i1'\'l 1-
I111" (IIIS N1-\\'>
nr1I1.1lu111I<lp.11n\ rn1lu'l\.
1111- wurk
llu-y \\.1nu-1|
fur 1l1v1n.
1111 ,\p11lln

I \\.1.~
.1 1111-11\

5 13'
1 ' U
A \l'1I
.1.I I

sin" 111 1n-.1u' l.1l1ul11\1~;l\ 1Icl.1iI1-1I 1'1-1 111.1l~
l\ '. 111111
\1~111 ni.

\"nI'lspnkc11. grnllv n\.1n, R.1lpI1 .\Ir-

14111111 n-mlun-1 .1n1.I I'1l In-011

In .\1nnu111c
I111" 1|ni\1-
.11 Iiuunq
" . I "

I1-\\' v.11'.\'.11lI.111<Inn,1In-
In \\111
' 1r kl:
Q\\;11'|'I:' I\' quilt I1nizI;1lm111 I1i~; .11"! ;1n<I IIS I111; \I1u\1' .\)111]l11 I'Ii1;l\l>. \\urkinu lllrrr. I
".\I)' ins|1ir;1tiun cu1m'.\' lo mc |1I;1- 1'1-I.11i1-11.\l1ip 111 Ihc 1-I1-1111-ms <11 \'1'im'|11n' I'i<-~ @111 i|1lcr1'\'IcuI in 1111-i1-.~ .1111! >1.1111-<1 1I1i11L-
bu|)|,|c5 rising in 3 (.|mmpgm. |)(,|t-_ (inn .1111! I.1111.1~;y.'l'I1isi111_1-1\-11',<m~1>I 1l1<- I111; ;|Iu)\|I> 1n;1kl111; smnr 111 1ny m1-n. I hur-
by .\I11g11.1n-11-, ~'-\'1i\'c_\:1
I lav (Imvn and rvsl. 'I'Iu~ ideas runw
I1-11' 111111111-1| ,1-I1111|1| 1-11111-11 .1 ln1~_111I s 1-.1111-~1:.1. I 1111! 1-1111-1-1111.11-11.1-,
< . . . |1<-1111 11111 11111 11111; \ll'I.HI .1m|1r1.1u\1
1I11- 1111- \\-I111|1- I111. I .1I>111I11I><1111r >u1\'I>11;111I>
I-ml 5om'~''I'|T "Huh. "W ml H5" input pr1-.\*:'1\l in his Inn 1n1lrI'i111~.111.1I*
.111 I111 .111 1-1l\n'.1tin1\.1l film .1 \\'1-ll .1 ]H'umu~
slowly In the cunsciu11s I1-\'cl.'ll11-11 I 1i,\~1 1111151111-1| in .1 lifl-111111; ]1r<1jr<'I III l'i111li111; 1i1>11.1l 11-<11-k. 'l'h.11 14111 1111- n\1'rlin11 111-01111-
3~;,|- and pain; my piL~u|r;-_;_" llw 1i1;l11 1111111-1_ fur _I1i.< \~.11im| 1.1I1~_111>. in 1I11- l'iIn1 |111i11us>.
.\ll1'1 n111pIu|11\1; I11 \\'u1k on .\'I.\R .\nn1- 111 Illcsc \uI\l.n'I \\'c1'1' 111 |\'.1I\||1'
\\',\RS. .\Irl_]u.1rrir did |1r1~~|11'111I1111i1111 <Ir I'il1n> umil I 11101 Il.1l Il.1r\\'1m1l
.1n<I .\I.1l~
-\\'lIHI 1" 1* "1'=" "41" "1 "I" "11" "I ,-11111.1 11111 |-.1i111i111;> In! (;.\I..\(IIl(I.\, .1114 111-~11 1111111-1,1,, 11-11., 1._,.| 11.4.-,1 1.-1.11111 1'...-
_L" ~\_".l!'~'I'~'~*- RI_lI ~\I*Q\\f'\'"l' ""'k5 """' is lmw l\.11'1l .11 \\'n1'k 1I1->iq11i111; .1ml p.1inlin1; (I1-11r1;v I1\n'.1s nn I IIX I IIIH |I.1r\\nn1I i>
"'Z_"III\' In-;1\1_|1I'"I I1""'"!4>' "ml -"k'~Il'I'$ m-\\' 1rv.1|\11'us. nrw1'11l111r1-~1,111-\\ ru111r.1)1~ 1-|~.-11]-.1 fur (hp 1i|]1~, Jml _mim.||i.m|_
-llwh 1'rv=_\\v_rv-" {"111 \\'hlh' Hr
~'!w"I\ 111-111! 111.111. 111~\1-1i\'i|iz.11i.111.111.111.-11.1111-1-111111.-1 11.... 1,_..1 _, 1. 111,1 1.-111111 111.11 11111-1-1->111.
Isllul1='mlv=\1>l'*5'13}!\'1\'11I="w!'~- "H \\'-wk 111.11 -111 I.1\|n1'I\ 1111- 1111111111 11.... ..1 .~"11\|< |-,-..,,|.- ,.11| 11,1111 11 11 .1 11.1.11 1.11;-1. 11 .11
'1" 7""H*' l<"*'*" l=\*$ y\> *'* *"*" " \\7\R> II 1.111111 .\'|;\1< n.\.\'<:1-.. [I.||\\'uu1I 11111 111.1.-

""Y "I ""' """ P="'"'"R ""4 "ls" M 11111. .111. 11.111 .1 111111 11.111.-1|1:1.|..\1<\\'.\'11~.1<
In much I
II. SH dcsiglh '\IUQrrI_' 4.rk _ I! 1151' 1/11/ \||" 111'! HIi'n[;1'r/ in /[Im\_/ 1n
' 1 1rc|1n1<l\nliun ;1I llni\'1-r\".1I i|1 l.l7I. ".1
3? cI"?s.c|y .'IIh F'.c_rg? ll'[a_st.m )I.m;.II: I wnrkul fur lhc I$m'i|11; 1n|n|v.111y nmii s1i\'m'n' I'i1IIu|1 I.1I1- svl in lI\1~y1~.1r '_."_1I"1 .\I)
. w}fh?,")*:_:\_:f ;:|f::"|fc1f|\ };|;:li~sl:_({";; |suaa. 111-11.._11 1-1 11-1_-1 1111 .11-11111,; 1-.1131. 11111. 11-111111 1.1 1111- M11111-1- 1..-1.-.11 111. 1111:11-


. . rn1n1m'n'1.1l 1ll\1>'lr.1lm|1. nu! |\1sl zlmm; .1r1 urs \vl1upnp11l.1n-.1 1Ic\'.1.\"1.1I1'1l I'..1rll1. . . .1\"
InrI]nlm by

Bznllvnlmv: Ilunks.
Slur Ilarx Iur ll\1' .1irrr;1I'l in1Iuslr\'. I \1x{'1I In 1111 >mr\' n-|111ru-1l 3:15:-IGI I \\'.1> ;1slu-1| In 11:1 sunn-
ill1|s|r.11iuns Iur K:1is1~rIlr;1]>l1i1 .-\ns in lhc |1;1intin1.;s for |ln:n1. nirc big p:1inlin11_' of
C an I
' I ' l ' ' " IiI'1irs.In1l I\\':1sn'l\'\'r\'l1.111\' lhrn-.
rc.1lly 1|\11'rn-slml In llnr .1rl<. IHII I
I \\.1s

>'n1m- nI'1ln' In-\'>1'1-m'1;,likr I\\'n\1I\l1lul.1l-
1-1 lnr (.1-nrqc. I-nr llu-1n I tllll .1 \'vl\1r|c
I1\lTER\'IE\\' BY (I.-\RL .\I;\(IIK l;nn\\' lmw In 1511 &l.1rn~1I .1n1l lm\1' 111 .\nr \\'l1i<'I1 w;1s s1|p|ms1~1l In gu uul nn this

Ralph ,\I Q1111"-11' 111 I111 L1; Arm--I--.1 111111111. I-.11rI\ .\' I.-IR I\'.-II1.\' 1!.-111/1 (HUI ./1/1 HI .1 1.-11,! 1/.m1'1'I1/1-v 111-I/11111111111 Imp. ~11! (V111//Irv my/1!).

\ J- 11.

40 ___,|
/D 1/

ll\tt'IpilIt\llllg and tliey_eiiiliodietl what he (}nrg had \1-ry gpqcif id;-;|5I thg
was llllt'tt'Ilt'lIIll1 putting across on the |)m.t|I va(|. C|IuI.uctI_.r for inm"u._
sereeii. I think it gave him a t'liani"t' to <le- (- II,
'u"II"I( l>" I um J? 5mu I
, 4|
. ' I I | - . . . .
velop his ideas at his leisure. so to speak,
rather than working in the heat of prothir an illrllglll B-1Im1'I1l Will 3| ll" of
tiuti where 'tl\l'\t _i;<-i a lot of people in- wrappiiig aiitl black bands and folds
\ol\'ed and inoney's being spent at great kind of l|[(_-|-ing_ llc said 1);-1|;
rates. 'l'lieii lie wt>iiIil\'e hail to struigigle vadI.I. will he c0mig_i" kc H.
with production ilesiqiiers and all kinds of I k- I I- k I I -

lulu ' 4m(I_I0 ltd l U Hg nu


crtiftsineii. I don't think that he iit-cessarily

felt he hatl to eiigzige an ex ltIISl\'L )ftItl\lt~ l|lIl'55c- -

tion ilesigiier at this prt-liiiiiittiry siaee l>e- Gkalph LQun'

cause he had his own ideas. George roiilil
protliict. .\layhe not like

|IIII.I. dm." |i.rII||I.!

I.\.,_.I.I.l|IinI_I |IImsI.|[_ a real polislietl
lle draws quite well. lalioriously and a little
lull hm -T dl I Tl ml W lkml m
polisli our props as iniich as tlivy did IIQ.
I.m'us gm'i'\'11ti tl ]1'n' lYYll|_tI'4'.\, /rum ttI!!l Inll T .wUL' mu-li ll, In. J nary Isl-
it lmnkx um! lJl'lt'T .miirt'i'.t iiml \'IHl lnnli mli lllullrc and "llJ""'l$ Hull gm"?
to lie on screen as loiig, or iisetl through-

NIII IIxIII_IIIA_ GCIIIIIII IIIIII IIIV sIII_I_II-II_ gut the whole picture as they were in
ideas. the Darth \'atler clitiracter for in- Um . . . I
\I staitee. Georttc tlescrilietl him as soineoiie I_III:III'IIf'III';""'.\' /"""".- 1/"! ,\"'" "11""! .\'
r r: ' ' ; '; - . '
Y1; =\" "

\ 13.1".iIZi'ill.~t'i'.Z ..'..i' i'..'i.i'. L-kill '.'.'i ' 1"-9* "W" ="">"' 2'
I-IIIIICIIIIIII "II SIIIIII ..nIII,I|I YIIIIIIII WI" IIII them \\ere ilone hefore the film was even

l l e
I coming-in like the wind, kind of sneaky. l I
Slllrln ' . n MIwas I l
TI inn S. do M l irod\ic- Kl
I YCI IIIII IIIIII IIIIIm:sSII_CI.. llt>lIILlt'lt{I\l'Y liiretl. [he ilay _]olin liar:
'I'/irii I.iim.t nrnrkml t'ln.\'1'l_\' witli you in fl "."I ll _\' ll": ll") .l (ml lwl "ll ll
cn'ati'ng the i'nt'irurmi1'nt IIHII 1Ii>.vigrii'iig P".1"$ llml
wl. 'rkml'i ml klcslluu ml
for the film. I then started work-
YI_S_ |II [ht I.IIIIIsI_ III IIIII, I.IIIII.I_I,sIIIIIIIIs lllgIt')tl the inatte |IllIl\llI|t.{S and on other
Ralph .\lt'QIut77'lt. ahoiit the plot we caiiie up with some i|i- lm'lls' I II
I'" l'

teresting prolileins. One of the first artioiis D -\"' -/""1 ""1 l' 'I "_"''
Callvd for in the early script was limpire
trrriplivl tu t'tl[)l|l7t' _\-niir l'l.\lll /lwsigiis on
grassy planet surface, and aliens in space .. II
5\|ii_ '1hg- lm didn; gt-i (lulu-_ ]\'u [hay troopers burning through the outer shell of /'l'";
are working on other projects. Aiiyway, the spacecraft that Luke and 3I(l were in. U-ll .d.l the mm ml" ('v'm!C Ilk-
llal and Matthew introdticetl ine to George and then we realizetl that the air would es ""l' NW5" p'""-gs "-"5 '5"IllI"l- "Ur Ul-
cape. The people iii the passagewtiy would lorts to qt! I down on paper \\ George I
Lucas. ahout two years hefore he actually ,I I I
"'l' 5" UM "4 f"" " l ll ll

approarheil me to work on S'l'.'\R WARS. have to he eqipped with some sort of

spacesuit. That's why those masks were in- he needed them ' \ii\'tlii|iq that was done
George nieniioiietl at the time we first met
"l" "'
4 -

that he wanted to look at some of my stalled. In the discussions we thought we l"'"' l'l' -l" -l"l"I5lf'" 5 t

slides. lle said he was interested in doing a coultl use hreatli inasks." George coined in teriiis of our |)l'I.llllIlll;lt\'. t-florts -

science fiction liliii he didn't call it S'I.\R the phrase and he said they might lie kind H "I "","""'hI". ' -"M" wrk Hm,
\\'.~\RS at that timewith a kind of comic of ornate. ' I didn't know how ornate, or tl|lIlIQt' tnuk plmv in the t'lll|71I(ll'7't' Illt'III-

- _

hook suliject matter. \\'hen he got ready to what the nature of ornateness would he in 5,'/"1 _-9""'1 ":'"l11" '-
do the filni he came and talked to me. this universe, so I gave them a technical Imir initial tlYtIlllIlQY zurre ilvtk, ulmust
_ _

wliich was a liig surprise heeause he liatl look with tubing coming forward that 1/f""""'"' 1'2", rmm-E !'"l mm Hm"
tlone .-\.\IllRlC.-\.\' GR.4\FFI'Il in the meaIi- might support the way they are put togeth- I"'l'lI-*"""''l'' l'"""~-
I lm not
so fond of the lines' thev ttave
time, which was very successful. Naturally er and tlte way the air comes down through I I <_ -

I agreed to do what he wanted. them, with vents, etc. \_d"'I 5 helm ml I? m""k' lhml ll
What kind ofasti'qmrurit iliil \'nii get" .-Ire vmi ri'_/1'rring tn Darth l':i1li'r't mask I'll m"r'' lo cnlli""~ l\I|5 KTL'1\\IslLIe andI to
George wanted me to do what I-did for Illlll LII-lH"S snorkel tltlll'l' in llllt nfyoiir IWICP Illls l]'~'~l
than II.i jlllllg down look
Fl? I" l'l_'c'
that I gave him.
llal. just support his script with \'isuals. prclirriiiiary pairitirigs? ,

Exactly. ll IE, y Irl_s_l"''I"I "ILI" 5"'"5'*" . I

George felt that it was the kind of script
that people weren't very impressed with. I-uukiltgat the artwork in the n[f|'i"1's of Il "Ill 1'1", M I
Ihe idea seemed kind of funky. Ilc en\'i~ I/ii Star liars Lorporaliuii, it st't'ms llltll "",'fl_'"_
sinned the picture as a real visual cxperi- you prntvirleil nut unl\' fullv rt'mlt'rt'1l
II right.
.d that
II I is what Genrgc
.usI like IIIC
ence. much more so than a story. It wasn't paintirigs but also ninricrmis .rIii'lrIit-s mitl W? 3 Cr . Sm I . H J

true science fiction. George called it a sci- tIt'si'giis. \""TR0p0lls .mh"l ll wuuld be Okay
But I wanted it to look male .not clum-
ence fantasy. and even the fantasy aspect

George would give me aspecific project
' sy, and not a liig robot clonipinq around
was non-traditional. Ile had a lot of ideas. He would have been happy to let me go ,. . _~ '
Ile liatl comic hook pages and nther source ahead and do something on everything in l.lh_ 3P0 I lld " lul of skkuhcs "ml l
the picture, and I almost did. Although my
thinkI. I made him quite elegant
material lie wanted me to see. Once I gut

to work he liked what l was doing and he renderings were not always used. Most ul UH. .0. H U m"y' H U
would come by every once in a while ' to the art I drew was used in some lomi liow-
one painting
I I~_ IL,Ii ll luuki
in ltllllt I) _:
Y!Illltf :lifft'r~
check up on the work. My ideas seemed to ever. john Barry [the English production ',''
"ll AtI M"the time I did the I '
painting George
be in line with his. George was very specific designer] picked up things that l had in my
about most nl the work. paintings and used them with a great deal
Ilaw many paintings did you rlo iiiilially of flair and amplificati0nhis ultimate Tap: TM, II,bI,l _IPIIIII,pII,l II" II,/-IIIUUI IIIIIIIII "/-
for Gt'ur_qc? Death Slur architecture. and 50 lvrllh " iv-m, with .ti't't'ral i'-wig/ and
I think we had something like four did a lovely job of staging this stuff. "ay /,,, ;,',,,,_ 1;,.- ;,|m..-1 )';1|;{||l|;gm5ly_g4'i'||
when we first went in with paintings to There is a great deal of architectural or Ralph McQiiarri't~'.i pri--pmductiori painting, one
I-ox. We used the two robots coming across structural desi'gn in your paintings. u/twt~nijt--ta-v in- i'xt'cu!i'|1 for STAR WARS. arid
the desert, the light sabre duel, the Stunn I wanted to make thcsc paintings as l'r1'_vrIl)f m_rv iwlpublistirdiii The Star Wars Port-
Troopers in the hall with drawn light sabres CIOSC to what would he on the screen as f"l' "1 '"-I '""_"f by 5"""'"' B"?l"- B""'"
and the attack on the Death Star. possible. That was a product of, or a result g:/I" .\:I"_2"?,'I';" "'I3'.dfI';:fI'I "1 "".'ff '_ If
What function does a prepruductiori of our wish to make the people at Fox feel "Ham
U/lgofHIa space
i character
pirate,I with U")
ralmmi Idetail.
painting serz1e_? Does it glue Ih1f|:ll"lkl.'Y that we had picture that was going_to
a_ Bouam RI-II,;I,_. M(QImm~I.-I Imrm-M; m,m.P,f,,,
'1 vim" of hr! <'"I1P 1" 4"" I! "WW1? hi" H quality lmagr. one that Wrisrr K swirls Chrwbacca called [Dr clothes and I1 /rm? lemur-
szrue to sell his idea to a studia? 10 be trashy scicncr ction. because it did tit appearance. l\IcQuarrit' also 1'xt'cI4lL'd matte
I think it did both for George. lle liked have a comic book script. It was going to paintings /nr STAR WARS.






"IIIIY III\I~'II III*' II'IIIIII' I'I"'- IIIII I'IIIIIII'I' I'iII1'1I 1I1.11 |1i1'I11" .1|11I 1I\.11 \\'.1s .1 1411111I 111.111

11-1-1h. ;11_11I s11 f11r1I1. (II11-11-I1.11"1';1 1\~;1s k_1111I11I [0, |,;m_ 1|. -311 \,||i1_m.|\- W1, ,5 ,1-11;
III'l\lIIIl'IIIII\-L ""II\' 5" IIIIIII III? I"-I-I III III I (1111. '1' .11'1' 1\\'11 1IiI'lI1'|'1'11l ]11'1111I1'. Illll
film. I thmk lhc w.1y 11 h.11I 111|1I.1\' 1111 1h1' .1.-n. um. simildr in mm. ._|\1_-_

s1"r1~1'|\, (II11-\\'I1.11'1';1 11.111 \1I1i|1\.1l1'Iy I11'111'r 11', 1/,,1,,-,,,,\1,/,,',,,_1 1/1,1; \1,,,, H-,,,,/,-,1 1,,

1/11 1'11 1/11 /111f11!1'11_q\ \1111 11'1'r1' 1u111l1[1' !11_q1I
Ilh11l 11I11111I \'1111r 1-11r[_\']mir1Ii11g 11_/I I.11I.-1- ,,/,/,,.,,;-,,] /,,,_/
.\'I1'\-2111111.-1'r11.\' 11_uirl? (i111r1;1' q.1\1* 1111- .~"|1r1iI'i1 .1s.~'iq1111\1'1Ils 1111

'I'I1;11 \\'.1s r1;1lIy q11i11- 11 111;1j11r |1l111 1111151 11I' lI11- >11-111-< 1I1.11 I \\'1111I1I p.1i11l. II1~
1"I1.1111g1- 1h;11 G1-11r1;1~ h.|1I 111 Q11 1hr11111;h. \\'11\1l1l s.1y_ "I'1I IiI\1- 111 I1.1\'1~ .1 \'h11111I 1hi<. E
'I'I11-r1';1r1 .1 I111 11I 111;1i11r sluifls in IIH. |1l111. 111 I'1IIik1'|11I1.1\'1'.1sI111111I'1h.11.II'y11us1~1-
($1-nruc inst 1'1111l1I11'1 1I11 ;1II 1I\.11 I11.-\\;11111~1I .n1\'1I1i11q 1~l.~1-, iI 1-1111 11.1111 1111|11<111111-lhi|11_'
111 1111, I-111 111111111111 1111-11 1111111111 111- 5111111 1111 vllwr
-1~"1w-1-1 -Ind 1:1" li|111'- ~41 -\I\\'1\<I-"
(hi, S11 1h1-r1- \\'1'r1~ .1 1111111I11-1' 111' s11'1\1s 1h.1\ I 1Ii1I
G1'11r1;1~ 111;11I1-

girl. 'I'h1~11
II;111 .\'11l11
H" my 1\\\II>. lh.1l \\'1'r1'11'1 i11 lI\1's1'1'i]1\. @
11-1111I1I I11- 1I11- r11I111s1 hon .1111! 11-1- 1'1111I1l I1 I111! /1 rm/11-1111111 In _\-111111,1111111rI11l!
I1;1\'1- Ii1|I1' 11'11.\'i111\ I11-1\\11'11 1|11' 11111 I I11\'1- 1'11I11r. I I1k1- ~111l11I1- 111l11r s1"I11-1111-s

1'I\.1r.11u'rs. 'l'I1.11 111111; 11k.1\-. I1111 .11 ,<111111- 1I1;11 .1r1-111 r1.1IIy 111111.-I11-. I 1hi11k I'111 1-1-ry "Ir11h;1I1Iy the must aitlriliulaihlc Inc-
11111111(11-111111-111-1-i1l1-11 111111.1k1- 1.11k1-1111111 1'1\ili\"v In 1'<'I~>Y- -I1 "IfII"'I' l"I*I "1" I 1111 i11 1l11- siicccss 11f S'l;\R \\';\RS
.114.1i11.||11I I1ri111; i|1 1h1~ I'ri1111~ss .15 .1 lI1ir1I *'"\II'I "~I"" III" \'"I'" I'\'|"T\' I 1"\lIlI llY was u. rm. "H" wt. wt-|11nl in H 5'1,
.1|1yll1i111; 1~ls1-. I \\'.1> i1111~r1~sl1~1I i11 1"11I11r .1:\ J
(I111l II,\I \\11s 1'1-uII\'
-l I'r1'1- 11111I Im11~
I *I"'I
1li,[ 1!,,< 1l1iI1I.I11"I_'11r1~ I1".1111-\'1'11r1'1111-ml11-r.111ylI1i11u _ __
H1111 111111 _,_v11 11/111111 ;'1',1~11,1I1';1'11_,_1

v!<-- I M11 l=-k1--- 1"-"wv h!<v1\1\1I1lv-

I 4" 1-'=\~ -"I

111111/1111/1111 111111 11111111111111, I1'I.-1- 1/11~ 111--_l

(.'1111!1'r111 \'11/111-1111' /11r1_\-1;111;1I11_/

c11I1' :1I111111 Ihc 1-111r;1111.'1- 11I I11;h|. Ih1'1l1*s1'rl 11111p1-11pI1' rcsuI1c1I that Ir11111 11111105-

(i1'11r1;1-\\'.1|111'1I1||i kiml11lr11\|uI1_Ii|1l1- 5"l'I"' I5 >I Ii""I I'XIIIIIIII' 'IIII II I'1III"Il pI11-11-. S1-1'1-rail 11f thr 1'x1-1"1|li\'1- 1y|11~s
k.1m._,f,m." kind Of I,|;-1. 3 sun ,|- .||\. Iighl. high
_|"1,. "m."m._ H. l|mL,|n M ml. ml. 11111111
I \\'1111I1I l11'\'1'r1I11111s1' 111111.1I11'
I111'.111s1- i1 1l1.11-$11 1I1111k.1si1\11~r1-11i11u.
1';1|I1~1I il "I'h1- (Iminlry (IIuI1."'
1|, 1. miqhl tn." nd J |m.;";m\ l I1.1l B111 \\-h1~11 11111\'1- 1;111.1r.1k1111;l11;I1l. \1I11-11.1 ( l1'.1111 .\I1'(l11111~ \\';1si111'I1.11'1;1'11I'lI11~1"11n-
\\'1111I1I I'i1 his 111.-1'1Is. I 1l111111;l1l. in II11-l1.11'I1 IIIIIIIII 1\1lI 11.1111! IIII I I 1|I1
1111 111 1I11~
HI\\ I 11I' ;|II 1l11~ 111111I1'I .~;|1.11'r1'|';1I| ;1II1I
Hf "W mind mu MS p|_"_.l. -|m|11 luv. |I11~

\\.1|'mlI\ |'1'1 1111 .1111I 1h1' II '\11'li1111

111i11i.1l11r1-> 11s1~1I i11 S'I'.\R \\.\RS. II1* was


,l h. 1l1\I
.., '-
1 I . I

Ii1|l1- i1I1'11\1~s. |i||l1- IIIIIII

..._ I . -
II ,
I I-I 1 1111I
V 1111~111I1-1I 1h1 I 11i\'1r\"i1\'
\111'1|11'11l1;1- wI11-r1~ I11- 11111};
I ""
111 .11
III""' I II"'

I11\"1r'1111r I Iikv 111 h'1\-1- 1111111.-1I1i1114 I'111- 1111- I III-III IIIIIIII1,, .1 I111 11! |1I1111111_r1'.1|1I1y .1111I film 1"I;1>s1s.
1-111. 111 >'11111|i_1;I11. S11 I 1h1111qI1l <1! 1I11- (I.111- I"""I"' I"_ "IIIIII III-III YIIIIIIII III H ( ir.1|11 1;r;11I11.1l1-1I ;1l'11'1' s|11-111Ii1\g UIQIII
li1\'1 I11-i111; 1'1-mnl |1"1lI \\I1i1h is l'1irI\' I III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIII' IIIII I 111'Hil\g II;11"I11-I111">' 1I1-111-1'1-" .11\1I 11111 ;1

I;\'II'I\l i .1|11l 1I;1\'Ii -I11 I'iI11*ri111

11~;11'> .1
III 1u|."H.|_ | hm-I kl 1|. h.ui|_\-
I I '
hivh .1
,|,'u-ls IIIJ. .
j11l1 i11 lI\1' |111'1Iic;1l I'i1.-I1I i|111r1I1-1' l11s1;1\' 11111

I ' I" I
1I11w11. 1Iir1\'

Ii1;I\l 1hr1111qI1 1Iill\ \\i111I11\\>.


I MI I'.1mili.11'1\1111'
In .k il i. \. .n. H; J"! um
11111111111 1-1111111;
.. \11 . .M'
s 1 . 1 1 1

I w.1n1 1-1'1-1-\'|I1i111; 111-l'i111~1l1I1.11 is

' I . .1

11'lIs1> \vI111 \\'1'1-1' \'.\\11_{I1l 1111 i11 1|11' >.11111' .\"i1- .

11111111111-11-".1111 l'"H'- -*1-"\v1~1>1lv 11-11-m1w1I~-1-I111-1"-'1'

11.1li111\. .\I11111| I'11111' \'1-.111: 11-11. h1- >l.1l'|\1I
I'IIIIII IIIII I \ll|I|.1l\ 1l11~ 11\11.1II1'II1111h.11
1.11111-11111111 1111- 111111111

11151-1I 1I.1yIi1;l11 wI1cr1' |I11- .1<"1i1111 l.1k1's ~

I111il1Ii111; 1n111I1-Is I111" 11111111-y. I just ;1I\\'.1ys
|,|_.l._ f;]u.n.11 Wm, imty 5m_,|._ _\|.- r," 1'1111111s.II11|_|111111'11.11-11l_1|1111k1111;.1I11-1_1\'-
.\ 11l' |11~11|1l1- 1h;11 I
1Ii1I m111I1-l111.1I~i111;. I111
, 1115111 1.1111 1'i,.- (1-1,r1.- 1511.-1| 11 1,1,1 |,,. 1-r.1ll 1-H1-1'1 111 1111- 1-1'.-11|1 111 .111 11111.11-111-1.11l>.
III I I r |- H A H U1-|i"|_ H 11-1-11 i11111 s]11'1i.1I 1~I'1'1-1'15 ;1111I '1-1'1-
I I II 1 I PI-I I'"'> I"i
I" 1

il I1-11' li11l1 111111"I11~.' '~'-II/-I III \It? rki11-I r11 Ii\'i11-. |r\'
II I1-1l1 II
1l111111;h1 111.-1-1I1-1| .1
i1 I
111;1k1' 11
I1111k I1*s\'
hkc .1

1'1's111\1; ]1|;11'1- .1111I

. .


1I11 lh1'
.11 1'

s.11111.' 1|1i1114.
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11111141-s1 s|1i|1>111111'11 111 1111- 111111. '1'|11-s1'.111- 1111

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|1111111-1 1-1-111-1-$1-1111-11 .111 111111.11
11111-111111! 1111 111.11 5111.111 .1 s1-.111-. 111111111 11111111-111.111-11 111-1-1-.1 111111111-.\11|1~. 111.11

m11n\' 11111111-I.1 :1-11111111-1111 1111- II11-r1- //11:1~ 1111111_1- 111/.-1-.1 11/ I/111.1-v 1111111111111-1-1-.\- 11151 11111-11'1 11.111111-11 111 111111111 .~1111.11111111-.
:1-1-r1-11/1111-1-I111-r? /1l111'1'1111.1 11-1-1'1-,1_'11i111_-1111! '1'l11- 1'.11111-1-.1111.111 11>11.1ll1' 11111->11'1 1.11 .1111-

.\1111111 s1-1'1-1111-1'i\'1-. 111.11 1111-111111-s 1111- 1 111111111 ~;.11' 111.11 \1-1- |11-11l1.11111-1111-11-1111 1l1i11-4. 111- 11|sl 1;111-> .1111-.111 111111 1111.11 111-K

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111 .\"l'.\R \\'.\1{.\' 1111 .1111- 111 .~ix \i111-1-. '1'11i~ g1'.1)1l111'.1111'. 1111- ,].1|1.1111-.\1- 11.1\'1- 11111 111 1111- 111.11 111- 111-1-1-11'1 111.1\1111|111. 11..\111.1.~11-.1111-
1-1-1->.11ili11' 111 1111- 11111111-I1 .1111111|1.111-1l |111~'\1~ 1111111 111 11111111 111.111i111; 111i11i.1l1111- >1'|>, 11111 1'1-1-r .11111 11111.11-.111111-.111.1.11-1 111 1111- 1-1-1-.1111

ill 11111-11 1111-1 '1-1~ 111111111q1.111111-11, 111111111 111- 111'11111-|11-11|1l1-1'1-111111-111111111 111.11 111111;-

1>1<' 1'11-H11-1'1 1111- ~1=1I'\'1>-1.11'1l~ 1II11l~111i1111.~ 1111~

.1111l 11 1""M"" " 1'1-11.1111 11-1-1-1111111 1-11111-1 11- 11.1111-11. I11 .\"1'.\R \\.\l{.\. 111-1-1-.1111 11111-1'1-. .\1-11-1-.11 111 1111-1-x1-1111i\1- 1\]11-11.1111-1|
11- Il11w-1\.I1:\-1.11111-1.11111-1111111111111: 1111-mini-1 1~1~li1-11l11~.11-i11 -1111i-_-111 111i11i.11111~1-1. i1 -'1l11- 1111111111-1 1211111."

at ll.M


. \\1.\:,~w\ \ \
4 H
\,~;'\~\ I
In: '1
\ V

~ 1l?\>'H \\l'v
4 m1 \I\( um

Sunu's \\nrk~lmp an ILM i~

lhl ||\mlrl ~hup_ \\|prr\i>1'4| In
Hnml .\lc(Imn-, inlrr\ir\\~u| nn
llw prvu-rlinu p.|gr, in ch.|rgv
nl lhv u||\.\lr\n'linIl oi all lhu
\$___ u\mk'l <p;n-c1'm[l and mini.|<
um-~ uwxl in Sl,\R \\.-\RS.
I\'|'L'hI Tn/1I.1II:Mmlclhuilrlvr
av'\ I);|\in| Bv;|<l:-3' wnrking on .1
mull u-rwiun nl lhc Rrlu-I
Bluckzulv Runnrr usnl in [hr
ml filrn> upvning shul. 'l'lu~ mu
lvl \\'.\~ u\ul\inul nun nl solid
.1|\|li1\ll|ll Ivy Ii:-zmlry ZIIIILIIIII
l-.rl.|n|I, with linzul rh-luilim;
.md umplxiu by Durc _|n|\r\.
I\iyI|I Twp IH;-ht: l'.n|l lIu>m|\
(h-ll) znul l,nnu- l'\'lrr\nn .11
lI..\l, mvrkiuuu-|\1lu~\-m\<lnu~
liun of am X-winu figlllrr.
N-ur lhr \\|pp|\ nl mul|t| km
lnr ||1i.~:'|'ll;\|n'-rm llvmiling
lhr h.|ckqn\|m|. Rigln 11../'
mm: .\ miniulnrr lnnll .\'pn-rh-r
\|\('l| fnr --nly unr |lnl uhr
mm 1-|'rh<~'|'mkcn R;|i<l-<r> nn
lhr\'1i\\'-|l\'hiI\\; (hr \|u-ulcv
lip lhrnlngh .| -~;m\-.,,\ r.-1".
lhi~ ~hn\\~ll\r;1|nu\||\l nfrlw
mil pm mln l|u' |!\mlr|.~. I;-
I.r!!: .\lmlcl m.|k<'r l)u\<gIum-s
.1u.|<lu ~ l).| I .uk ~ ~!u I 1 ||

.. p\lmI [III Mm >1 run pho-

ln\;r.|p|\}._|u|u'\ >|n-rinli/.':l in l

.|ddinu drl;|i| In mmlrls. uml

vuiniznun-\_ and also :1.~~im<:l
lhr uangr n'.|m\'l:|1m'|\ in lhrir
acl-\l|I .|nr| |Ihuln];r;|ph. Hr i~
inl:-r\in'\\<'(l un lhv (ullu\\'im:
p,|g1'._\I|'1I1: 1..-/z; 'l'|u' l)lItl|l
f * _ _ __
Sm Surf;m~ m\ miwll plut-
um In m am "mm-h \\('-


linu In-inu filnu-rl. Thv mmlvl

xhnp 1'n|\\ln|cl1'<| (hr lurgr
~v.|lr mini.nurc um nf \.lriun:~
inn-rluckinq l\\'u>fnul squzlrc
wcliuns um m foam. F.xpIu-
sin" hv |.v \'i,k.i|. [1977
.Z()|h (I:-mury-I-ux (Inrpurw

mm] Ifulmna /..-/'1; .\|m|l|
maker Sn-\r (i.1\\'l1'y \\~urk> nu
llw n'nn\lr\|1liun uf l);mI\
\';||lrr'.~ cuslnm 'l'.l.|".. ship. ;\ll
nf lllc mm|1'] shim \\'cr<' mn-
slnn led I/I (1 \f;||4'Tur n~.1||sm.
~ , , vu-rpm lhv hngr Slur Destroy-
: Pf, -|m-0| \\'i|\ 1/400 W11-.

u- 4 I



' v_'__



\ x

about the whole place was that everybotly would be repeated exactly as before. It
was really itwolved. Evervbotlv knew as may sountl tt)l"l1pltl2llL(l, but once you've
much about the lt'Illlft movie as they sat down and figured it all ottt. tt tnakes
could. That knowledge wasn't stifled. Since sense.
then, I've found that on a lot of movie sets. \\'e used a sitnilar system on (Il.()Sl". F.I\'-
they don't really want you to know any (I()UN'll-IRS OF 'l'lll'l 'l'lllRl) Kl.\'l). lt
more than you have to. ()n STAR \\'.\RS, was built by some of the people who work-
we had the opportunity to see all of our etl on the l)ykstral'lex for ST.-\R \\'.'\RS. ln
dailies every day. lt was a pretty close-knit fact. it was actually an older system. We
thing, atttl they really didn't mind if we had to use motion control equipntt-m. I
took the fifteen minutes to go watch guess tltat is Hie way to go if you're going
dailies. They knew we would put in the to tlo a lot of complex multipass moves. ln

0 time later. because we were that cnthusias- sotne instances, there would l>e!Itir1_\' min-
tic about our work. ule t'xpo.rtm's on smue shots. There wottld
lfltal u~1t.\' vour main ]'tmclt'un in the nto- he 5 mm. pass it ."u|(| mm. atmm mgr.
'l"l "WP tv minutes per frame by the time you add-
ed [hem tn!
\s far as the models went, e\'er bod
lllll 3 lllll'~' ll '~"i"r) llllllll vl ll'~"5 lllclc *1"
"9 ll /ml IIltY Hill!/4'ls Ilirl you zunrk nu?
l'~'" ll l"~l "_l "5 Yl<l".\! l"_lllcl'C- Grill ln Anti-rt'eu!t Cintn|n1ugm/1l1t*r [pp 702]
I harl to redo the Rebel Blockade ~\l*'](]:""1' C"_"l|l"ill'-ll '-';~'YYlllllli- ll'~' \l\i15 there's a shot of sonieont-s handholdinga
.we -~-ii .. gm. .=-~----I in M 3. ';:~':.,'::.:.':.:"1::-:. ::..::::
- -_ cannon ant a o o o tors u ta tun
ll? opening shot' Hm, originally was "5 '"~l'!tl- Til
Ev! 1" '"l'k ml If "1 ll show up in the film very well. Originally.
gulllg l-0 be H3" Sol 5_5lllP- The Tu hi"? _q"5|ll"\5- \~'B'll Rik l1l"\- ll" \\-15"! they were going to have it move. They put
mm l l1illfl W35 lhill ll l00li(l 100 ll"? l"l'"l 0f K"Y ll-11 fcll ll! l-ll K" 5\Il"ll fiber optics in it which would act as a point
much like SPACI-Q1999, and 50 they (':lY_\l ;1"ll"'"ll"4'Y\(l;_lll~ lle l'\'11lllY light source wltett the laser beants were ro-
scralched in we ended up making it g)('t(1de:;1il:'::l |r'ens|)iti':;|.-"sf i<':(tnt;.<|:;ramtS1tt |i~t:lttt.ult was all Plcxtglass and aluminum
t. .4 - - - t _~ ~ e.
on a larger scale "f
ll l'91lllY millicsll ll"- 5<llll ll "\l"l1ll\"~ I worked on the detail on Darth \'atler's
lt's the small stuff that vou nti ht not out- sh , l it ft ~t, 1 . I th sh' s. . n l h '1 - <
Dave Jones is a model maker with a ta- right realize ii OH lllff Ship. lfut subcon- etlllptifuttltgtitltei stiiite1lif tlie nililds1. l(\\'tirl,t-
lull l"l' -llllllg ll'"~' llll-Tll ll) I! I1'liI\iI\ll1Y<- seiouslv \'ou are seeing that there is this de- ed on a lot of the X-wings and did all of
ll ll ll
"ll"Y l'lll"lll5 ill lcCllPl'~"l tail there. I think it rt-aI|\' does make it the detailing on the Y-wings. We all kind of
5i"l'~ll5 ll""'lll"P ill llllll'llll Llllll llllll more believable. l spent a good portion of pitehetl in where sotnebodv was needed.
ll-lgll ll "5 llulll lll l9'l7 ml illltllllcll the time working on the Corellian Cruiser. lh: vuu rt-mt'mIu'r [hr lirxl full \'ou /lirl
Clllllnlllla Slfllc Cllllullc ll ll'lll lll"ll- \\e called it the Star Destroyer when we u!lL.\f? i '
$'~l"l'"l= lllll J llucllcllll ll -'l'l ll"'?l'*"*' worked on it. lt was the delta-sltapedcruis- l artuallv started-ottt working on the
tn Industrial l)esign. Tltat' rt-'1\llY l"' l er that the llntpire had. The model was Death Star.'\\'e did that in a few different
E4" l""l"*7tl "1 5l=\R 1\R5- .l"ll" l)'l" about three feet long. l)a\'e Beasley and I seales. The round globe was a clear plexi-
5"-1- llll SlPl_"T"l- .ll J"l"\5l""- .l=""'~ spent about a lnontlt just doing the fine de- glass sphere about three and a half feet
5ll""'l ml q""'~' l'' "ll"-T5 lull .!""1
11 tailing on the lmllwn of the thing so that across. l believe Ralph .\lt'Quarrie did the
lllmulill ill l\'~15l P-1" Ul ll" l"'~l5l"-ll ll'~" the camera could pass underneath it for the initial painting on ltalf of the sphere to
5l_E Pl"'7ill"- '~'ll lllullll '""5l "l lllvm opening shot attd the lettering could be tnake it look like a metal globe with differ-
llll":l .\{""l\'1"'~_ fmlll ll"~"-ll ll i!~ !-"l picked up as large as it was. We were really ent textures and trenches on it. Then they
lmlnlng ll" illllsls lll"7 l)-'L'- uliilfl ll ll? happy about that. When we saw it at the wanted it to appear as though there was
llllnli illlll Yll" llil"'~' ll ll" lllmllgll "5 li" 35 preview, everyone was clapping. It's inlv:r- light on the surface of the globe, small
design education goes is to be able to make |ing_ at mm puim tq -n- giug m l,,,,'[,[ sm".u.s of |iQm' 5 Rah) ."|d
Y9"? '" l""l"lYl"~'5- l '35 illll'~' 1" ll" ml" the bottom of that ship. lt would've been through the paint and pttt a liatterv of
deli _l'illllY "3" ml l m"ll"l 3 l""l'llm'~' .lll_ll lmlll fI"l_\' fl'l'/ l"Yl,. lld llIl' l1lI1\'~l'il lights itt back of it. l put so many holes in
lll llllllllcc my illy lllllllll-all 5cll"lll' A5 ll '0'-llll ll-"'55 ""l'~'l' ll ll!-1'-Mlle '~ll1"'l "f ll\l5 that thing! l also had to extend the paint
l\l"\l}l 0111- l '35 01" "l. ll? fmll l)F<{lllf: really large object. lint when they ran the jut, ;m,ulm| ||- sittl-5 5;, \||;- [)L-;|t]| 5;;
l"l'klllli lll ll\l lll lllrl'lllll" ll_ll*:l' i\'_5l5 "ll lllc "1l"l5\l\"_'- llllll ll1|\l' 1\"ll l ll?" could rotate further during a given shot.
l'\lg"'l'l)fl_ll'lllll"'lllll1 llls |:"f"ll__ lll Sgjlll lilllfflt ll l_\1l'"<l fl"! f"\II- l)o you know the big dish that focusetl
-IR td E: lint l<Yl:;'] -l\l1 \'ll";'i]i};:; lterrnl you triivllwri Ill II11'11r!tmIjI!nt- [hc 1)-Mt guys cm.rm- n.~; ()r;gi|mlIy
"3 3" "5 Pl? ("'3 9 *' l U *7 in o !Itt.t!nr.thi1.rI/ that lislt \as I in t l situat'l ritht n ~

CLOSE l';'\lC0UNlll';llS Ol: Tllli TlllRD gY{s, l was. lit addition to detailing the the viiualulr 'lilil-reils linelsltot itiiilntt-ririin
Klxl-l 'llll sllcll lllllcll lllll'*'lllllll"*'l's ls models, l worked as an assistant with Ken ('inumutoqrup/trr [pp 71"] that shows "t
Ralston under Dennis .\lttren on the opera- picture of it and the lights that were going
. . .

slillulitlilli _T.l'Tllllli Slllcll-ll millml

Dl-_\,l.\.' ll
' |-n~..
~. -. = -1.0

hifttinglloliif-hltifltiinbll l>l-tlitttsti
ll ulsloll S loll ll l ll l Rn
""w ""1

#1" >'""'1~"

H "-~"1'
the physical information in, but he would
llflit-ii it'';-7L"|'Iirlili'l.I-Hi lilll
- 1'-I--;.
couldn't build it that way. So that dish was
ii-TI-l?r.3"QIIt.i Ill I-'.'1t-I-.'|7.a.~"-i'\?
. l uyllzlflul ll:"l)_llcl)ll':nli.llilm ill lllll inforntiationi into the tnemury. \\'ltile we Nxltl negatii'e aiitl projecf ii ontti large
mt mail lip? rknfu. n]';)_rf vl";ll"r1l:l.;'. were programming. so that the l)ykstral'lex painting that Ralph .\leQuarrie had origin-
51.3" Ur ml Hen ll ml I. ' J had a quick aeeess to the ntL'tnor\' svstem, allv done of the Death Star. but it was flat.
hcli l llmdumcll l Sl1lr.l.l.lll"rkl"-li ills" the infonnation could also he broitzrzt-Itttvtetl The\ decided that tht'\' wantt'll llll llliml
lllll'llllll'j lglmss l llls lll 5l"\R AR5 l"l hm, |-;,m],m ;,(-~55 m,_-|m,|-\<" lit; |]-
-_\ to lie able to rotate. wltieh would give it
alllal; llvrl"l"'ll lnlilllllill. 1. !.k _7 . chip in a calculator. lf we wanted to "save" "1"" <l\l"_ll- lllllilllli \\'l"~'" ll"Y l\"'ll*'ll ll
ml UH 'l'. ml
m-l*..'m" ".1" ' '.' the program, we'd pla\' it onto a tape eas- l\1""~ "5 llllllll ll"' ""7ll*l~
. \_m1lly luriung H" sr"\R "\.R was ette. Some of the time we'd have to match I" -'\l"l'll1l"\ (llll'~'lll1|l"!-{Till-'l'l' ll -"ll"'"
klml of 1 -lmlllli .l"l)' ll was gram hm was movesthe two elentents might not be shot ll l"H'lli1 X/Ivl //1]) 7-11] "VI 1/II "I'll//I 511"-
sll llmll llllullll ll lvilsllllllll lll1.lls llmlllllc on the same day or even the saute month! The cnplfvm rem! "Ill-' hm"/tlil fmrli/H1 tens

llrltllgl \l\,lllll|l'l1i';{l:l,:1_;,m::li:p:l|fl
ll" lllll llll lllll lllllll ("ll ll ill
So wed have the progratn for the shot in
st ; ' nt: .Bvt; 'n th- mtu,th'
itiiiittlse olfntliis |)i'tii_'rti;iittl\\t)\tl:l
filmwl mt u .n'puru1|' /mitt In ,!lIfll1|t|' [Is
'. I-'
/lg I


llllll llllllllllllllls llld lllc sllllcllll "'ll"il5' l be cotwertetl into a tt|;tgtttti('lllt1p\ll5t' for (iuess wh-itlllt w'tsn't We shot the
dont think it was anymore expensive than smmgc on "R, ph.|mL.|;; H. ,,,m:m.|; gm. Dcnh en, mag, l;,s C did _pur.m.
3 lol Ur ulllcr mmi"l$' rhc llmwsl lllml! P\ll$l \\'<I\ll<l bl l'\"'l>l\\"~fl'~ll ltllfk I" II" passes on the rticket engines ofthe X-(vings
'~'l"'~"""lf llPlll5'~'- illllill l'l'"'\\"~'l'5l"" and all those, but on something as tin\' as
l ll\iTllR\'lE\\' BY PAUL l\lANl)lil.l, would t'm'rgi:t' the tnotors and the move ltmw light 5,un~\-5 on ltw 1);-;|||, _51;",m,
way! it I1111 1-1111 111-\1-r 501- i1 i11 1I11'11111\'i1~. I1 I1:11l
I)i1I _\-1111 xuvrk 1111 miy 11_/' !l11~ 1-.\'p!11_1'i1111 Il.1yI1111' |1i1111|1s i11 il .1111l 1111' 11'h11l1' I1il 111
xvlilpx? 1.1I1:I S11 1\-hiI1- I was 11-11rki111; 1111 tl1.11.
I 11'111'kcd 1111 5111111-. 1\ I111 111 1l1:1l \\'.1s (Z1-11rgc \\"1111I1I 1"111111' I11" .1111I l.1k1- .1 111111; .11
1111111: 11u1 i11 II11: lI..\I pnrkiiu; I111. 'I'h1' $1111 i1 111111 11-1-1l |.1lk .1|11111l lI11~ 1'1-1.-Ii11g.\' h1- l1.1d
was used as 1111' kvy Ii_1:l1l.'Il11"yl1;11l;1l11'1"k 1111 il. Il1~ \\';1s kind 111' .111 1'.1sy-14111111; 14113.
01:1 time p11si|i1111i11_1g tI11: 51111. II jusl 1Ii1I11'l (11111 11111111 11'l11-11 I)1-1111i> ;1111l K1-11 111111

w:1|1| I11 I111I1l still! (;c111-1;1- ;111d I \\'1-r1- s|.1111I1111; 1I11'r1- .1111I |.1lk-
lI11.1'11'! II11~r1' 11 /1r11I1I1-111 111 1111111-I11'11'1_' 1'.\" i111; ;1I11111l 11 sI1111 \\'1- 111-11 14111111; 111 d11 11-1*

pI11.1i1111. f1'I1111-1/ in .1'1111I1'gI1I 21111/1 lI111.1"1~ I/1111 I1.11l 1h1' $1111-y|111.1r1Is i11 1>11r h.111ds .,\'111111- :1 Cl
14-pp,-filym-1I11111111-? 11111111; 14111" 1'.11111' \\'.1Il1i111; in, I .111]11'11.11l111I

']l1;|| 1111,; nf 1111- 1111-1;,-1 ;|;I\';|||;1(q nf him :1111l .1sk1~1I I1i111 il' I 1'1111I1I I11-I11 hi111 111'-
1h;1l 1i1111'. 11'.1s 1'\'1'11 IilllL' C,
u5i11_1; hhic srn-1'11. 'I'I1v 1li11'cr1'111 1~I1'1111-mg 1';111s1' .1| 1l11~r1- .1

(.111 I1c 1:11l11r-1:11rr1:1"lc1I. \\'I11:r1-11$ if \'1111 1111 l\'l'\\' '1" /1" >'*'|~ II l\"|"'ll ""| I" l"'
<'\'cr\'lI1i111; I11-lil 1;1k1'11r if \1111 I1;1\'1.~ 111 l'~'\'l'" 5I"1'll'\'|'1ll I \l"\'-"5 l"' -""1 (il"YL"
1111 11'\'1:r\'lI1i1111 1111 1111' 11ri_11i11:1I l11'1:;1li\'1.-_ i1 zirc l;1irl1 q11111l l'1'i1-111I>. II1' i11s1 i1111'111I111"1-1l

has 111 I11 1111: pr11|1cr 1*11l11r 111 l1v_1gi11 11-ilh. him .15 S11-1'1-," .111di1 \\.1s 111111 I.1l1"r 111111 I
'I'I11:r"s 1111 11';1\' 111 1"11rr1:1"1 f11r lhc 1IiI'11'l'- 11111111111111 11-1111 h1' \\'.1s. _]111- \'isk111"iI I11-g:111 11'11rkin_1; |1n111'ss11111-
Cmt111IigI1lIl\g. I111! ;1'11rI.' 1111 1111- 1\I111/11-r.1I11'/1 /'11r my in 11- ,1-(iA,| L-|'(.-111,, [31-111 ,,|, 1-'|_11_||
l1<r1' \'1111 1111 [I11 .1I11111If11r 1I111.n' 11111 (_'l41)_\/-_
[_"\'(_'1)1_\'!-I.-/\1_\~ U; /-I; I-"H", (;()Rn0_\ in OIL -I-hr. Tn. |m,kim_ [1 1r
'i'""' "~"/'1"-"""-I7 I(l.\'I)I' s111111-11111- 1\~h11 1:1111I1l 1~xpl11-
1111 111i11i.11\1r1>

. l \'rkcl.\ll D"-".l$ \llm'n ll m"il"' Y"5- -l-l""' "~' l"Il\ -I |'\\\' H1118 \\'111'k- 5111115. I .\"l;1r11-1l lh1-11. .1111l

ll 'c""' li's"_"llY Ill" "llihl """"' 5" "mfl II"! 1'" Ill! ~\l"|l">l'Il' (i"\'!4 .II"- 1"\'ll_- 1l1;111ks 111 I'11111 S1111-r111.1111;111 1111- j11I1."_]111:
of hill ' I'll l"' 'l' "1 "'r"' I1:|1-1 .\111I1-1'1111. I1;1rr\' .\lI11'i1;hl.111.1\'I11~six is .1 51-I1-1111111111 |111\v1I1'1 111.111." 'Il11-r1' 1111'
Il'r'~'~ Tl'r'~' 1' "'l"~" '' "I lli"" 111- s1'\11\ 111-111111-. l)1'1i11i> .\I111'1'11 1Ii1l';1II 111' 1111s1'l11111l\' nr'1|1111'1'11|i1'1~|1r111g1'1111<i11whic h
llmcs "ml H315 llmy l"-Ii "xpl"' """l 1111:1'iI111i111;111'1I11-\I11ll11'1'sI1i11 111 I1-'1r11 1111- 111111 I|'~ s111111-1hi111; 1-1111
si1111s. Wc did 1-x|1I11si1111s 1-111-ry 11-:11" Y4!" I1 1-1111 i1111I1l 1'1'111gI1- 11111 11111'1'111'1'1I1-111 I/1111 1111-11 111 I1-'1r11 1111 \'11111' 11\\'11 11111 \'1111 I1 111'
r0u'I11 pnssihly i111;1_1;i111'! I11ili:1II1'. \\'l"l r1'11II\"1'111/11'r1-1l \'111- 111 1/11 1/11 :1~11r/1 \'1111 1l1'1l 111 k111111' s111111'1111ri\\'l111 '1lr1"i1I\ I1 is 1 I'\'r11
lung ll": 'l"l~ I" [mm "I Ih" ll" 5""'~"" [11 1/11"11111111-11/1111/1_ :1I111I :1-1111I1I1'I I11? (I;1r1l' 11-1111 will I1'| 1-1111 1-x111-ri1111-111."
5 hm the l"l "5 5li"l""rI" ml ll ()111' i111'i1l1-111 h:1d 111 1111 with II1~11 Burl! ]111.- 1ls11 1I111'\1 111i11i1l111'1'\" 11111d1~l~1\'111k

'll l' "l"'I"5 I IL il_l'3' "'"ll I5l 11111 1111111111 1II\\'l 1111111. I 1hi11k 1&1-11 11.1>11111' 1111-I slill pI1111111;r1|1l1\' 11111 I11\' 11'111'k1-d 1111

RI(li"l lillllllml ""1|ll.\ll\ 5I"'1"l c1|"'Y1\ |"' 111' lhc first p1'r>1111.s $'I'.\R \\'.\I{S .11'l\1.1II\' 1'\'u1'.1l .\I.1rl\' I'r111'I1 .|l\lI'(I.|\'-lIl1|1'l\<
Sid 1\'
in u.].\.i;" |m. sud S [AND ()1
\v:1r1lslI11: 1:xpI11.\i1111. Thu 51111111115 1'x]1I111I |,in.|_ Ht.-A Hm. in (m-;|_-iU,m[1\. MM ||,
ing 511 1';1sl !l\;1l 1.-\'1:11 :11 J00 Ir;11111:s 111-1 .\"1.'1'- $111110 slill pl1111111_v1'.1pI11' l'11r 11>, 11111Ilh1'11l11- 'l'III-, I.0.\"I', l".\R~()I"| $][\(jI-_ Xl"lS JI] 1|
urid, 111: I1:1d 11 I1cII 111 :1 111111 sI11\\-i11_1; it sl;1r|1'1l1;1"1li111; i|1\'11I\'1~1| 1111111 111 |h1~ 111111111 'I'lIl". I.O.\"I' S.\l (.I*.R. II1' r1'1'1-11111 111111-
dowii! I\I11sl 111 111111 11111111111: did11'1 1:11 1.-1l'1-1'15 1111' 1h1-sI1111\'. I 1'1.~1111~111I11-1'11111.-1i1111- |1I1'l1'1I 1h1~ 1~x|1l11si1111s 1111- (l.\l..\(I'I'I(I.\ .11

us1:11. 'Ih1'11 11'1" \ri1-d 11111111111; 5111111 $Ili|lS 1111-1' \\'1~11111111111lI11-.1i1'r.11'1-s.1111l1'1-11111|1-11 II..\I. .1111I \\'111I-11-1| 1111 II(.I\ I{()(;l'.RS_ .1

d11\\'11 :1 14111110 wire 11111.1 1'Xpl111li111.g lI11.'111 as dil'11~1'1.~111 .\'11l|l1ds 1'1-11111 I-:'1|.~1 .1111l .1ll lI\11s1'. 'I'\'-11111\'i1" 1111' I11i\'1-1'>1.1I. (I11rr1~11|ly_ 111- 15

lhcy p11ss1:d i11 Ir1111l 111lh1' 1:;11111:r;1. S111111' I51-11 I1r1111gl11 i11 s111111' s1111111ls 111' 1Ii1'l'1~1'1-111 1I11i11g 1111- 1-x|1l11si1111s l'11r I.\' 'l'IIl-l I).\\'h
01'II1u.11' gut in lhc 11111\'ic. lI\' 1hc11, '1: d1'- things |11\1s1' I'11r1l1c I'ir.1l1' Ship,
I11: 11111111-1I ()I" 'I'l|I'l (I().\Il-.'I'. .1 'I \'-11111\'i1- I1.1>1-111111 Il
\'1'|11pc1l -1-11ougI1 lc1*ln111I111;y' :\l111111 11111111 ]1I.1yi11g il I1.11'k\\';11'1ls. 1h1~11 1111111111; i1 r1.-.1l (Z. \\1~ll.~" ;1I11111| .1 1111111'l 1\'l1i1'h >1rik1-s 1111'

m11d1:Is, gctli11g\l11-111111\l11:ri1;l1l1'1111sis11-11- sl11\\-_ Y1111 1"11\1ld l11*;1r .1Il 1h1' I1ydr.111l11 s1.111~ 111 ,\1'17.1111;1. .1])]>|11.|\'II1'1I
ll1~ l1.1s l11~1-11
\ cy, so lh:11 1I1c\' \\'1.111I1l11'1 l1;1\'1'l11I1;1\'1: s11 dunrs cl11si1114 .1111I ll11- ;1ir1'1':1|l |.1ki111_g 1111. I11- ]1r111l111"1'1' 1111rk 1111
I1\\'i11 .-\II1~11 111 'l'III.
muth uI :1 1I111rg1' in (l1c111 111 I1I11\1' up ($111111 .\I1'(I11111- I1;11l .1 r1~.1IIy 1111'1- s1-l 111 .\\\.\I{.\I._|111~1s21,.1111I1'l.1i111> l11I1;1\"1->'1'1'11
right. TIMER 1\'1-r1: <'11\1|1I1' 111' X ;1111l \'-
11 Y.1111;1h;1 $111-.1l\11'.\' i11 [I10 111111l1~I shop .11 1'\'1-1-1' s1'ic1111' 110111111 1iI111 1*\'1~r111.11l1-I "I'1I
wings I1I11\\'i11g 11p. \\I1c11 llu-\' \\'1'rc11111\'i|11; limv. \\'I11'11' 111-11 |1111 \h.1l 511111111 1111, 11
ll11: Iikvs 111 111-;1r .1II 111' 1111' 11-1111; 11111'.1r1I >'1'i1'111"1'

un the _gui1Ic 11'ir1's. :1ll 1111: |1i1'11:s k1.-pl 1.1111111; was jusl 1'.1111;1s1i1'! \\ 1' \1~1~1-1' .1II sillinu 1I1c1'1- 1:11111i11111:d p:11;1- (Ill, 1'11h111111 .1

in the s;11n1' dir1:cti1111. I lhink it I1111ks111111"l1 lryimg 111 rrv;1l1~ 1111-s1' lilllc 111i11i;11\1r1's.
lX'|"|-1R\|[~]\\' BY _\|[(jK (;_.\RR|

I mnrc lL1|IISli(' !I1:1\ w;1\'. N11m' 111' lhc111 \\'cr1.~ 1111111" .1111I (I11-y 11-1-11 .1lI
II11111 1li1I I!11- .1l11']1'.\' gn 1111:1111 I111 zufn-.1 kind 111 ;111111r|1I11111s sI1;1|11'5, I1111 111.11 511111111

111111 1'.\'p_11r1I1* 1111 1'111'? Iluw 11'1'r1' Iliry Iriul r1:;1Il1' gz1\'1~ 1'11-ryl1u1ly ;1 I111 111 g1! .-\111I 3"! Hm, "Hm-HIM, Hm, H/,~m, My/..,_\. .,,,,,1,,,_

g1'n'1I11j]! (h11sc ;1111111'|1l11111.\' sI1:1p1>.~1 .\111111 l11-1";11111- 1h1- ,,,,,,, ",,.,. ,_,,L,,,,, M.,\_I, M _\-,,-,_, X,-I, /H, ._\._

I I11'Iic\1'
lhc \\';1\' *1: w11rk1.'1l
111111-1| us lhc 1{r1111111I. 1\11111I1cr
i\ was ll11' s11\1r1:c 111'1'lc1lri1ily.
il, lhc sp;11:1'sI1i|1s lh;1l :11l1Ic1Is11 111111"I1
1111111111111 k1111w11 11.1 S'I'.~\I{ \\'1\RS.
111 1111'
|1h1-11- ,1/11.111111, l,,.,_1,,,, I,/,,,,,,,_1m/1111-11
11111" 11.1-/11111111111
]111- I1'_1I1'111"1'I1'r111I11171171111"
111 111,- n11'11i,,_

_|11s\ :11 1I11: right 1n11111c11l. s111111:I111dy w1111Id

push .1 l111ll1111 111111 Ri<"h:1r1I 11'1111ld do :1
1\I1ip-p;111 1111 i1 11s il
111-111 I11.
Ir11c1' I.11_g.111 1:11nc in ;111d did s111111' 111111-
(111;r;1pI1y 1111 lhc 1~xpl11si1111 shnls for S'I'1\R
\\'.'\RS, 11111. I think 111' \\':1s cn-1Ii11'1l ;1s :1
506111111 unil 1::1m1'r;1111;111. IIr111:1- \1'111'k1'1l1111
'.00I.I I11'Ii1:\'1: I~'11111r1' C1'111.~r;1I 11'ilI I11 d11-
ing 1'l'1'1'1'ls I'11r I1l(IK R()(ZI~'.R$. 111111
Bruc1' 11'ilI I11~ 1111' 1lirc1"l111' 111' |1I111l11gr.1pl1y A 1
1111 1111- live 111111111.
I)1'1l y1111 I111:-r any 1-11111111"! 2111!/1 (1'1~11r_q1-


I 1Ii1I11'1 h11\'1' 111
1"1111rs1', I111l
\\'urk with I1i111 1'l11s1-11'.
lhcrc 11~1:r1' li1111's 11'l11-r1' 11-1: . __'
ti 7
1\'1111I1I 1Iis1uss 1'1'1'l11i11 lI1i11_1;s. I l1.11l l111'1:1l11
IIN. R1:l11~I I1I111'k;11Ic R1111111'r. 1111' ship 1l1;1l
gels ch;1s1'd i11 lhc 11111-111111; shut. T1111! origi-
nally was going 111 he II1111.\' $11111 '1 511111. 'I'I11' 1

rumnr I I11.-11rd w;1slI1;1| it I1111k1'1l 11111 11111111

Iikv: SI.'\(II-L: I999, 111111 s11 1111') s1r;111|11'1I
ill \\'1' 1*111l1:1I11]1111.1ki11g lI11' lIl111"k;11l1' R1111-
111~r 1111 .1 I;1r_11cr s1;1I1: I11" 1111111111; s111:1II1'r dc-
1:1iI 1111 il. I r1'1Ii1I ll11- 1-11\i11' l'r1111l1~111l11l'il.
pulling 11 s111;1II1r 1'111*I-111111111il.lI1;11s11r1111
11111114. II ;11'111:1Il1' I1;11I:1lil1'111'kpil i11si1l1: 111

,1: -.

Action by
il\I M \ \

w \_ \, -

\ ~ I r: -\ *

ww *' \
\\ 71\ t \

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\ ~H\E
\ \\\'!\
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\\ \ 1,

Mm! \~~ i

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{W \

.~\[u'r much Iruillrss lriul uml

3': rrrn! ul n.=\1._|m- \'m<m~a1 was
vzallvll in lu trcalc lhc minia-
lun' txplnsiuns svcn in STAR
WARS. Viskucil is inlrr\'ic\\'rd
on lhr pron-ding and follow-
ing pages. Righl: l'\vo of Jun
Viskm'ils T.l.l~l. ghlrr vxp|u-
sions which grvully a:|\h:un:r
hulllc srqm-nu-s !>clm-rn lhv
Millrninm l"ulcun and lmprriul
Srmu Ships [mm lhc l)v:nh
Star. .~\ll of lhr: T.I.E. figlilrr
rxplusinns wcrc |lunhlr~cxpus-
Top I.-II: Tho climactic vxplw
siun nf lhl D1-.uh Slaw filmul
;|| l'ru<lucrr> Slmlin in Hully-
\\'mNL Likc lhr T.I.E. ghlvr
4-xplnsiuns. this was ul>n sup-
rrimpnsvrl uwr lhv l)v;nh Slur
minialun-_ Fur this <-xplnsiun
Viskucil usvrl 3| Spcriul Tilun
Blvv\d," which lcznws :1 gus-
[ypr nf .|\|r;| or gluw iii il dies
:n\':|y. Bnllmn I.-/I: _]m~ Vis-
kucil (In-I1) um! Inc _|<\hnsum
prvpnrv zm X-wing |Ill\l|\| fur
cxplusiun. 'l'h:- mmlrls were
sumvl um! pn~hr0kcn sn lhul
drbri> v.r<-nlrd by lIvt- vxplw
sinus wnuld fly u an lh(' (Iv
sirml zn\g|r.

I111' l':\I1'11.'1I'\ 1111/1 !1:'1'-111111111 1-_\'/1I11\11111 1111

>1.-111 u'.111.~'.11.111.1//1 1/1. 1.11111 11-/1, .1111-/-111.

11-111 11111! 1111 1/11- 1I11Im1'!11111 111 1/11 l11111I1.\111r.
II111 1111111111 .-111.11 111 1111- /1111111111111I11111-.1 11
\!r111'11111g 1/111 I-1 If_'Il_ 11111 !1[11111I11I II11 II.\I.
111-111 11/1/111111 11111 11111111 I1: 1'1 111111-11! 11/1 1111-

1/11 /11;111'\ /1111-1 _\'11111I1 m:1'l1'1. I\'11111\ If11I1'. 1 21111

11111 :11;11I:11I 1111 1/11'. 1/1111.

111ntit1\11'1I I111111 |\.11;1- 8!

I11'ti1111. Right nun 1111-1I1.1Il1'111;1' i\ 1111- 1111-
1I1'.11' 1-\|1I11i11t1 111 thr .\.111 ()t111I1'1' I11\\\'1
||.1nt t'1'1|\|i1'1'1I I111" IIlI'. \\'.\l{.\I. I 1'.1n't

1111' 1Ii1I 11111 1-1-1 111 1/11 1/11 1111'111'111111'1<

1'.\'/1I11\1'111111111SI.II( II'.Il(.\'.'

1 \\111'1I 1;11t .1ru11111l 111.11 I 1Ii1I 1I11~111i11i.1-

t11n'1-x|1I11si11|1~I111' l'l.l..\'II (i()Rl)l)N_ .11t1I
K1111/. |I1.111k<
-I ~ 1.11\

.\Iik1~ .\Ii11111'. K111t/ gut 1111' I1i~11l'I'i1'1~

.1n1I \\1' t.1lI1t1~1I .1|1u11t 111\' urk. I t11hI hittt

1111.11 1 1-1111111 11.1, .111111{11.11 1'11 1111- 11111.1.

_p lI1~ I1.11l.1I11t 111 Iliith i11 1111' .1111I \1.t\'1' 1111' tl11-
I1n'.1k l111'1'1l1'1I.
,. <- 1'11u1114h, 1h1- I'ir\t timt I 1'\'1'1
ul .\"l,\R \\'.\I{.\' \\.1s .1t .1 \t't't'tt\i|ig'
ul .\1\lI'.Rl(I.\.\(iR.\l'lI'I'I.1t l'.\(I. I.111 .11

just 1111'11ti11n1'1I 1I11~ 11.11111' 111111; .1n1l tI1.1t
> tI11 1111I\' tin11' it \\'.1\ p11I1li1i/.1'1I. .\
l'ri1'111l 11|' minr I1.1pp1'111'1| 111 l1r i11 tI11-.1\11li-
1'1111' .1111I t11l1| n11' .1I1u\1l il. I .\'.1i1I. "lhis
th1'11 u11t .11\1l 1
1" 1;11\"> quim; 111111.1k1~11111~l11'Ilul'.1>I11m.I'1l
1'1111ti11n1'1lIn1t1111.11;:-lifi 11111 1-11111 I1'1;
1Iu\\'11 .111.1in. .\l\ ~I1i11 11<1'1I t1111111'I1 1111
1'1'n .\\lI".RI(I.\.\' (ZK.\l"l'I'Il .1111| 'I'IlX-
111'r. \\'1' h;1\'1' l11'111 t111;1-tI11'r Iur liIt1'1'n _

kn1 11 \\'l1;1\ S l.\I{ \\'1\I{.\' wits 1_{11itt\g

y1'.11~. .\t th1'~'.1m1'ti1111~111'\\1'r1'1I111'11>.111- 1111't.1I 1'1l111- $11 111 .1II1-\'i.1t1' thi\ I h.11I .~'
kli I I

111't-u11'1"t".\'11'\' |<.\111:1<.\ |.1111-11- 11-111 1111 11.1.11~ 111.1111 1111 1111- 11-111111 111.1111 I I? I'I"
nh I.1I1'1\t I'\' .~'h11\\| 11111I \ 11- \\t'1't'111t\\'in<- 11 1111111111 1-.1111-1. 1 11111 11-.111 11111-1 11.1111. II-II ~'> ='I"'"' I""" Y-"> -"4"- ~"I
gut 1111
\Iik1~ 1'\Ii11111' .11\1l -'
111\''1>I|' ;11t11;1Ily
\\.1\ I \.1\\' \\.1> th1'11\11_;I1 .1 '
1-1I .\'t11nIu111 \\'.1s i11~:t .1ru11111I1l11'111r111'|'.\\'1-
1Ii1I11't \\'.1n1 111 11>m1nit u\11~r|\'1'> 111 .1 film
l1'11.~' \\I1i1'l11li~turt1'1l 1'\1~r\tI1i111; #11 I 1'1111I1l~ ""~" "I * I I4" I U " r"""' "I
|It'11I1\'t1\ in s1-1- I1111'.1>. \\1- tuuk thc .\t11II' \\'1' h;11l 1111
fur six m1111th~ \\I11~11 \\1' 11111I1I .111ti1i|1.1t1' .1 H'""""- 'I'l\.1t \\.1~
11't 1111l\1 11

lut 111 h11'r.1t1\'1' I11111I-1|n11\'. I \nr111'1ItI11'IiIm it~'1'II'. l ltiul t1>~1I1t1I'Ilr .1I11|\11.1t I'i1'<t \\it|1 lI1l2$I| (iURl)()X t11 _\'I111\\' him \\'h11t \\'1'

1Iuw11 111111 lim1'\ lur tI1.11 r1'.1.\<111. l.1-~ I)il- 1h1- I1-141' 1111rnllrn hut 1I11~\ h.11I 11111 111 <11\1l1l1I11..1111I tri1'1I\'1-11'h.1r1It11141~111111I11-
[Ihrry r.1t1h1't\' it tu it 1n11\'i111; l1.11 I1\\.1r1l~. 1>i1tu1'1'. \\'1' shu\\1*tl I1i11\ .1ll thi> >t11l'li. JIHI
I1'y._|uI111 II.1r1'\\ .1\si\t.1|\1 \\'.1.~ lr11 11n <111|1

1lu1'ti1111 I)1'~i1;111~1'l 111'1'~11.11I1'1I 1111' tu 1|11 it. I h.11I .1hu\1t lI-I i111h1'< 11I 11111\r1111'11t in hr w.1s \'1-r\' 1|\1i1~t. \'t~1'\' 1'11rt1-1111. ll1".~' 1l11'
typr |u~r~m11 tl1.1t yuu h;1\'t' tu k1'1'|1 tI11~

.\I\ |1.1rtm'1' |1I.1\1'1I u111' 11l' tIi1'_|.1\\';1.\' \\l111 1'.11 I1 I11'.1\'\' I1'14 <11 th1' .~ult11iun \\.1~ 1111111]-1 111

it. i\ \\'h;1t it 1;.1\1' 1h1' 111- 1'111\'1~r>.1ti1111 1;ui111;, I1t'1'.|11s1' l11"II stop it.
1'ulI1'111~1I 1h1' rul1ut\' Iur ~'11.1|1 ttu't.1|. I 11nI\' \\'hi1 I1 I 1Ii1I_ .1111I

l1'.1n11'1I 1h1' SIt1|\ h\' r1'.11li111;1I11' m.1q.1/i111'~ l1ut .1 I111 1111110 .111i1n.1ti1111. (II1.1ngi111; 1Ii~- .\111I it'~ 11 wry l1.11I I1'1'Ii|11; t11I1;1\'1't11I;1't'p
;1lt1'r\\';1r1Is. It \'.1\ \'11i11\'11I\'1'1I.1111I I h.11I 1111 t.11111'1111'.111t ru1'ki111;|11r.1I1uut 1hi1't\' ti1n1'~. thr 1'un\'1'r>;1ti1111 1g11i111;, tr\'i1111 t11 s.1y th;1t
\\.1~ r1'.1II\ \\1'lI 1Iin'1't1'1I.'Il11'
Ii11t'.~'. I n11i>1~\ .\II tl11' 111111; \'I111l~'\1s1'1I tl11'n'|1Ii1'.1\\itl1tl11~ yuu \s'.1nt .1 |nI1,11r tI1.1t \'u11'r1'1111i|1gt111I11
11I'11111r~1'\\1'rt'1IuI1l11'1li11.1lt\'r\\'.1r1ls. thinl Ivq. I11 I'1111i.~i.1, I11'1.111s1' ul thv r,11Ii11 1411111I lltinus l'11rhin1. .-\I't1'rw;1nls,XIiI\1'1'1m
IJ11 111111 1111111.; 111:'1'1I1'1I \'1111r 1-11'"
.1-1111 >i1;11.1I~; I111111 tI11~ \'.11t1I, thc uthcr m111I1'I tin\11-1I tn \\'ri|1~ I.111'.1s .1111I t1'll him tl1.1t \\'1'
1111 1/11 /11'r\111111I1'!\' 11/ 1-Ir11111-II1'11111j/ w1'11t h.11vir1' .1111l k1'pt1 r.1.\'I1i111;i11t<11111' .1ll \\'1'1'1~ \111i1t1; Iu\'11|l\t'\l|1 with 11>h11rt pr1~1'11-
I tr11-1I 111. \u11r1 .1 Int l1111i11-1l with .1 thr 1i1111~. 1.1111111 11! .1 I1.1|1l1~ .\r1|\t1'|11'c. \\1- h.11I llll

thuiiuh. ;1r1'1\'t $1111. .-\II I r11\1I1I

r11I11\t 1I11 I!1'1I\'1111/111-11 r I111'11I1'1111 111 111111111 111111/1-1' \\'l11I1' >t~1|\|1'111'1> pI.1t1|1t'\I.1111I >t11ryI>11;1r1lc1I.
I" Ihvth h;11I .11I\'.111t.11;1'> .1111I 1Ii\'.11l\'.111t.11;1's, \\'1' 11111 11111' 111' [I10 |1111Is I'r11m SlI.l'.N'I'
\\-I "WW II lllhl YllIl_l \\'ilI\ lI\'~' IHKHI put tr:1ctur
wI\111'\'1'r ]111kt'. l,111;1.< s.1i1Iit1;111111I1ru11uI1. r1'11II\. I11 th1' 1I1'w1t it \\.1\ I'11'1'zin1; in tht' RI'XNIN(;. \\'1' '1-rc 1;11in11 I11

II""III III" "I" it, h;1\'1' it r1~111utt'run-

III" \"'" "-\'l'I'III II "IIIFII m11r11it\1; .1111I \\'1' .1II \v11r1' .111ur.1I;>, I1.1t\1 .1n1I
1111. .\x"1:
lr1'11tI> 1m1I1-r111'11th
1111111-11. .11111 111111 1111111 111 111- .11111 1111111111-.
11.~1'1 11-1-1/1-1'11_1'\ H 11 11.11 11111 sco'1'1'
1111111-11~.-. 111*

III" I"~'~"I '35 "II -I \\'I\'I'I- III~\' | YIIH1 "II .-\R(l'I'IC. Tltrtt it 1h;tt\1;1'1I 111 \'i11h*nt h1'.1t \\'1' gut Imsy tlning other things ;111tI t11t1|1I-

"" ;1111I thvn \\i111I. .-\II t\'|\t's11I n't r1';1lly irunir th;1| l'11ur \'t-;1rs
it. It'>
II 1\'1'.1tI11'ri1111111- 1I11

th.1t this s11ik1'.~ 1111tl1uI11'Im1't11111I1lnlut i11. 11;-I '[']11~ 11.111111 11'I'|1'1't1'1I .1 I111 uI' thv h1'.1| l:1t1'r l \\'.ts 1'.1lI1~1Ii111111I11tI\1-mi1\i;1t\1rc 1.-x
Thu \vI111I1' thing 11111\'1'1I 1gr.1|1hit\'. It
1111 1|11',111;]1_ pl11>;i1111s.

w.1\11't Iiixml 1I1u111gh. II I m11\1'1I it .1ru11111I Ifhul 11/111111 \'111Ir 111111/.-1'11_1_1 r1'I1111'1111\I11']1 1\Iu\lll 1'i1;I1t tnulilhs I>1'fur1' ST.-\R
t|\1i1'I;l\' it \\'1111I1l IiIt uI'I'.'Il1;1ts why I \\.1\- M11, 111,- ,,1h,-r in ,,,,1_ ,-1/1,-, ,',,//\- _.| 1,1;,,,,1\- \\.-\RS 1'.11111' uut, .\Iik1- t;1lk1~1I with l.\11'.1s
n't ttt th1' r11I111t \\'h1'1t 1t I'.1IIs 11\'1'r i11 tl11' 11,1111,/1_ 11-I11, /1l11\-1-1/ .\"1~1' I'I1r1'1'/11:11. ;1111l Kurtl. .1I1u11t s1.~tti111g 1111 .1s .1 >1'1'untl-1111it
1I1's1'rt. It \\.1.~' r1'.1IIy 1'r11111)11'1l i11\i1I1'. .\Iy '1'1111y 11115 _1l1i1;I11, II1-3 .1 SI1.1k1'p1-.111-.111 -lrt 1Iir1'1'tnr .m1I tluing .1 lut ul' |;1rg1' 111i11i.1-
1'II111\\'> \\'1'n' slttrk 111 m\' si1l1 .11\1I I h;11I _111111 ;1|11| I'm 11111, I111t \\'1' 11111 1111 l
I'i111-_ t\1n'>. This \\;1 i11 S1-1111.-111I11'r11I' IJ1ti, ;1111l

1\\11 1;r.1I1 h.1111II1's i11 front 111 1111' ;1mI |\\'11 1111111; -1- m11,_~11 ,,|' C_||'fi\' 1-1,-)11~r_ ]|_,ni_\-1,11 [.111 11$ \\'.1nt1-1I thia s1'1'11111l1111it I11
t11 s1't 1111

s\\it1'I11'>,1111t' Iurli1;hts ;1111I11111' Iur tht' 1111 I'ur1I I 1li1I11'l my l\\'\1 \\'11nl< t11.'Il11'r1~w1'r1' HPI III" II-III "IIIIIIK IlI'1I"*' IIYIWIY-I \\'-I5 III"
tors 111 |111w1'r 1I1u li11l1t.\'. 'I'I11'r1' \\'.1~; cu 111-11 1I1'I'i11itt~ 1 _111111_ 1111- I-_11_1;|iI111111111113111 hitul s1'I11'1I11h'. .\IiI;t~ was I1ru111;I1t i11 t11 1l1>

much I111!/.i1\1; ;1111I \\'I1irri111; 1g11i111; 1111 tI1.1t .1111l tl\1' .\n11'ri1.111 11110. .\l1'1 (ui|1111'>s '11s III\'I~' Il".\!\' IIIIIIIRIIIIW 5*!-I "II II"! I)"-III1 Sll"
I"l<\ \\hi<h lht X'\\'it\g .1t\1l Y-wi|1_1; ships
wh1-11 I.u1'.1- "Cut!"
I \\'1'1\t 1111 until
\'1'Ih'1I 1411-.11. I)u11't 1g1~1 1111' wrum; tI1u11gl1. th1'r1'
\\'l1i1'h up with
s111nt'un1' th1- I11-;11I with 11 h;1m-
hit 1111' 1111 \\'.1'1111l'ri1ti1111.1t .1II. \\'nu|1I <'r.1sh. II1' 1.11111' 11|11-

1/ :1-11r1'\' you 11111! \'1111 'r1' 11 t'1r_\' v/11- W115 r1':1lIy vxniting. .1t\tI (Z1'11r_1;1' was very
1n1'r 111 Sin)! 1111*. 'I'h1- t\\'u ;1r111\' u|u'r.1\1'1I II1-1'\
impr1'ss1'1I with it, I1\1t tl11'r1' \\".1sj11s\ nu
Irum iiitltl 1'1111I1I11't 1l11 m111'h, hut tI11'\' 11111111/11'r1111111I1'!\' 11111111111 1111111_\' p1'11]1[1'
l1111k1-11 1-IT1'cti\'1'. I 11.11! 11 $1-.11 it\si1I1' 111111 I 11111111-1111111-/1111 1-1111 /1111/1 I1I.-1'7 Itwtwy Ivfl in t|11'l1\ul1:1't I-111->\\'hu\ I1u1'us
it Iikv w:\nt1'1l 1Ii1ltl1-1111111" scl. um!
-\Iik1' -mly
11--.11 lr;1]1|11'1I intu 11 h.1r111-ss s11 l was
;1Is11 X111 111111-I1 11.111 1111111111111 11-.1lly. t 11>.

manic 11s 1'11111I11rt;1I1lt' 11$ |111ssiI1l1'. 'I'h1' I11'ing ;1ss111'i.1t1'1I with :1 s111'1\'ssI11l film, I 1li1I .111fur it tI1.1t I was rcully

tnztin pr11l1I1-111 was g1'ttin_1; my 1-1-1 intu \\'h11 11111-s11'1. I'\'1' .1|1pr11;11I11'1I pr<1\l1l=1I.l1uli\\\':1s1ml\l1'1|i11lh1'fi|1n.

I11-1'11 111 1I11

lhll Ivct of thc ruhul us thv sl1u11I1l1'1 111 th1' (l]\lL'l .111tI I'1l h1\'t' 111 1I11 thr film as 11 lI'/111! /1111! lI1.\l1[u1t1' 11-1'!/1 1I11'1'.\';1l11_\1'1111.\

the [nut was 0111' lung ;11'm and I h;11I 11> svrivs, hut I I1;1\'1' my p.1r|11<'r In 1'1111si1I1'r. 11! 1111' /111111! \-1111 11'1'r1' 1111I1'1I1'11?

111.\1 11111 1|11i11- .1 1111 1111111-\|1111~i111111\ .1111111.1\'1' I111-1'1-1-11111111-~|1.111.>1111111111;11111. 111.1111 .11111.111\'1'11|11\1'11il.111-111-1111-11111r
11111 .11'111.1l 1-11111.1 11111\1i111;11|1_;-1111-1-1-. l'111-~1- 11111111111111-11
11-1-1-1- 11\'1-1- 1111- .11111.1l 111111 11111-1111; 1111- 1111111. 111- \\.1\ 1-1-11 111-l|11111
X-111111-.~. 1-11'. 1111-\ 11111 1111-111 111\11111.111'.1\ -11111. 111 111.11 1-1-1111-1-1. 111-11-1-1111-11 1111.111111 1111.11 I
111.11 \'1111 11111111 ~1-1- .111\ |1.11'1i1111.11 11111 111 1111111 1.1111.111 11.111 1|11111' .1 11111 11\'i111; I11 11.11111-11.11111\\'11.11\\.1~11'1|11i1'1-11111.1|1.11'111'11-
111-1-11.111 111 111-111'i\. l111-11- \11-1-1- 111.11 .11-1111]1l1- 1-1-1 1111 1111- 1~\]1111>i1111 .11111~1i11 |1.1111111-1-.1111- 1.11 ~1-1|111-111-1-.
111\]1.11k\.1111l 1111-11 1111- 11.111111 111i111;> 111111111 111111.111111-11111-1111111-1111-1-\|1|11\i1111\1.1~
1-111, l1'I1\' 11-1-rr 1/11 I.I.I-_
Il111I/1 111-1111 1'11111/
1111-1-.1111 1111111 1111. S111111- 111' 111.11 ~11111 \\'.1~ 111-1111;11.1~1 q1111]1111'1.'1'111-1.11111-1.111.111111
1111- .\'111r 1-.1/11111111111 \/11111-1/! /111!
1111/ 1/1111!1I1-
1111..\1\K1\(1111 SI \1\ \\'.\1\\',
1111 1 1
11 \ 1111 111'11111\'i111_',\11111.1111111-111111-1-\|1111<11111 11111-~1 1'!/1r1-/111111/1 /11/1I11:1-11/11I1I1111In1111/1'/1.1
1.111 11 1111 .\l1(I-1\'.1111-11111111111q11.1111111-11' 1111. \-1111'11 111- 1-1-111111; .1 11-11111-1-114111 111- .1 111~1 11-1-1111-11
11 111 11111-1. 111-111-1 111111
1.11 1 1-\1|11~.i1111\ - 1111-1-I .111i111-.1111\\11.1111.111 1111111411-11-11 11111\'1-1111-111, 1111-1-111-11
1 1 ~ 111 11.111~ 1111111111-1-\1111\1111-1 111 1111- 1.1\1- 111 1111- 1.1.1.
l111~\ 11.1111-11-11 -411111-~11 1.11-.11 111
1'111111111|11~1111111-111 1111- 1-\|1|11~111111 (11-1-1; .\11-
.\'11111'1 111111 1'1\1111;]1.1~.1 11. 1111- 1'1-1'1 1.111 1-\- 11111111-1-1,111111|1.11'1-11 111 1111- X 111111 \ -11111;-~.1
|1l11,~.i1111 i11 1111- 1.1.1.. 111.-1111-1<1-1|111-1111-11111- 111111111 1111- 1.1.1..11141111-1-~1.11111-11111111-111-1111
1-1 11111 1111-\' 1111111111111-11.1 11.1111 .11'11111111 .111 ~i>11'111111111111-]1.11'.1l1'1-\]111111111\,111111111-1 111 1111111111-1-\|111\i11111111-111.

111.1 -
- .

. ' 1111 R111 .

- 111 -111 1111 11 1111- ~1111
. .\'1' i1 1111 '
1- 111111
' -. 1\1< 111111 . 111111111111111111111111|11\111111111
. . ' -

.1 11i1l111 11~1- .111\ 111' 1-1'11-11 .1111-\|1l11<1111111-1111111.1111-\)1111~i1111.

111 11-'-H11 51-H --"1 1" 11" H--\1 1'-"'1\"I\: 1--1. -11111
1111111-.11111.111111-. 11.1-11.11'1i1111.11-11 111111111 111.11 11111~. 111- 111~111.~\1-11
1 111 111 111.11. 111- 11.11111-11
\ I111 111 1111-11 111111- 11.11 11.1111-11 1111 1|11- 1.111.i1~1111-I11-111111111-111111. 11.1111-.11-1111 1111- 111-.1111.\1.11111.1-1111-.111_1111111
111 1111- .1

,ni,'.i_,mn. ..,|mi_,m |,..1,,H. mm. 1,,-,,uu|,| ll11;. ,/,',/ 1-1111 1/11 /I11 .\' .111,/ )':1~1111- 1.1- 1_-111 11111111 111111111-..11111i11111111111111111111111-
1111-111 111111111'111.11-1-1111-1111-11.11-111.11111111111 /111-1111--11' --1------I--1i--~11----1-I--'1-I--i-~
111-1- 111-11. 11 1111111'1 1111111 [i[111- 1111- \11i]11- 111-1-1- .\11 1111- X .1111l Y-11111;-~ 111-11- .11'111.1l1\ 11'/111! 1111111-r11 1/11-1-1/1 .-1-11-1- 11111. I11 11/111
1'1-.1 I11 1-\1111111i111_-_ .\11 1111-\' 1'1-11111 .1 ~1~1111111 111111111 1111. \1 l1..\1111-\11111.1~1-1-11-1111 1111--1- /I11- ,-_1/11111111111.
1111i 1 1 111-1-1
_ 1111-1111111111-1.1111-11"<|.|(1|'1'111l111- 11111111 111- 11111111111-11111111-1r1->1.\\1-~1-1 1111-111 .\11 1111'1'\]1111\1111l\ 111-11-1111111-11.11 11111111
111111 ~." 1111111111-11 111 |11'1111111 111111 111.111.1141-1' 1111'\\i1|1.1\1-1'\'11111-111111-1111-r1111-1 1'.11111- 111- I 111 11-.11111-- 111-r 11-1111111. 1-111-111 1111' 1111-
1).11111 1.1-<11-1'.1.11111-1-.1111.111 l1r111'1- I.111_-.111.11111 \\1111 111111], m_111.1,| 111, 111,- 1,111.1 111-1-1-11. 111-.1111 $1.11 .11 1111- 1-1111 11111111 \1.1~ 111111111-
|11\' 11-11. 1.1--.111
L \\111'L1-11 1111 '._ll1lI. .1|111 1~ 1111' \111|1\ \\1-1-1- 111':-111'111.1-11. 1 \\1111|11~.1111'1- 111311111.-,1 _11 11111 11,1111 11.-1 \1~11111.|_ X111-111,11
\l\I'1'-"l1\ ~1-----liu 1111' 111-11 .\'1.\1{ 1Rl.K. 1111-111 111 .1 11-.1\' 111.11 1 11-1111111 11-.1111 1111-111 111 1111-1-11 i.~ _'-1 11-.11111-~111-1'11-1111111. \\'1- 11111.11l1
1111_-1-1111-1-111-1.11111-111111-1111.111-11111i1|111- 111.11 1111-.11 1111- 1-x|1[111i1111 11111.1111 1111- 1.11111-r.1. 1-11111 1'_'.'1. I1 11-.1~111
.11 11111 1.111, .11111 11.11111
1;.1\'1- 1111' 1'\|1111\11111~1 1111- /1'1'11-_'r.1\'iIy 1-1'1'1'1'1 11111 11.11 .111111|11'1
i11~i\11-11 |11'1111-111111- 1 11111 ~'111\1.
111-1-111-11. I 11111111-11 11111111 1111111111114 111111 1111- 11111111: 1111111-.11. 1111-11-11111111111111
1111- 111111- l1'I1111 1I1'1/ 1-1111 1111- /111 1111- 11/I111-1.1/1/11
1.11111-1-.1 111111111-11\11'.1i1;111 up. 11.1\'i111; 1111- 1-x- $1111.11.11111.11111111-11111-1111-1-1-..1111111.1\-1-1|11- 11.1111!
1111 1111111
1111111- 111\\.11'1l \-1111. 111.111-.111 111 1_-.1>11l1111- .11111 1-x11[11~1\1-~ 111111111 1111- 1111-11 111' [111-
1 .
_\l1[1-1-.111 11111111111111111111111-11111 1;.
111'|111;111g1111'1.11111-1'.1111/11.1111-x]1l11\11111.|11\1' 1111- ~111|1. \\111-11 1111111~
11 11111-11 11 1.~ .~111\\' _1|111 1-_|-,11|\|_ 11111.-1| \1_|\-1- 11 1111- .-1|.-11 111'
11..\1 \\.1s 1111111;-. \\'1-1 1111s11'111 11-11.1 |11]11- 111111 1'111111q|1 1111' 11111 111 ~1-1- 1111 .1\111|1.1| 111'111i~ 111-111-11 41111 1111-11-~11! 1111- 111.1111-1 1111-ll 1 um.
-- I-I--~1~ 1----1~-1--<-1-- I1 \\--- 1-I---"---1 ---- I1--' --1--l\-i---.-~ I1-ll---1:
1111- 1-x|1111-11111 14111-1
1111. 11 1-11111 -11'.111;I11
plpr 11.1.~ 1-1-1 1111.~11 111.11 11-111-11 \\'1- 11111 1111111
111 1111-
111111-i1111.~111111-111-1-1-11.11l'111111111-1'< .\11111111.11
\ .1111! Y-111114 1-1-
1111.111111-111111111.11-1-1111111111111 111....-.
\\'.- 1,_,,| 1-.11, \-1-|'\- \m_,1| .-1,1..,g,,,,. ..,,
1111- I11-.1111 $1.11 .~11r1.111- 111.11 111-1111111111 1111
111111-111111111111-1.11111-1'.1.111-11-.11.111111111. 11.11 1'1-11 11111111111411-1|. \\'1-11.111.1\1-1\ 111111; 1|. HA1 ,_,,kim. |,,_ |-|u| M H. mu.
1'1 1111 11111131 /1r11/1/1-111 1'11 11111/1-1'11u 111111-.(11111111->i1l1-111111.11 111l11- 111111111 111- .1 1-1111 1111111_.1111111.111 '1. Huh Ah. H
111 111.
1.111. \\'1-'11 11.1\'1- 1111' >111|1 11111111111-11 1111 1111- 1-,,1|],["| 1,1- [An-L1.-_ [1 ],;| 1., 1,11 1.-H ,-m||]_
1111- 111.1111 111-111111-111 i~ 111.11 y1111 111.1k1- .111 111111-1-1-1111..111111111-1.111 111111l1111.1r1 111111111111. 11111 _| 1.1 111.11,-1-111.1,.-1,, 1.,-.-11111 \._,],-_
1-1| 1111111
1 111111-1111





11111 1111.111.

Y1111 11.1\'1-
111_\-1'1 1111'1-x|1111\i111111111111111111 11111111111111
|1.1>1 1111-
11 1111111

1114' 1-\'1-1'\'1111111;
\\.1> 1111-.111\i1\u
\\.1~; 111.111-11 11111 |_.| --
.-1 111.-1111111111
77' '7
I|1,11I1 .\/111 1.1 111-11/1 1/ I11
7 77'
\I1I1-1 .\l111
11.11 1-1 111 1111111.11111-1-
.1. 111 1.11<;.\.\' ' s 1<1'.\-.
1111111111111 1111.'1'11.11 111.1111- 11 1111111111
- "'- -" """"':"~'
.\111Vl1' 1r1l\/1,
"" "/""i"- -/"
\1111 .
/11 /111

\1-1- 11-.111-1 1111 111.11 11111;1- <1-1. .11111 1111- 1-xp111111111;

. 1111 11 1:111-111.-/.
11 11111111-.1>.11111.111\-11111\'1111;1111- _\1,'11.11;1.11I.-,11I1111-11-11111111
11111-~11'1 -1.111-. /11111111111..1111./111111
11111111 Y1111 1.111 11-11 111.11 11 ~' 11.1r11. M1,,-,,',,,,_.,, ,1, 1",, ,,m,|,;n H, ,1,;,, mm;
1111 1 .1 11111111-1. 1111-11- 111-1-r .~1.111- pr1111l1-111$ II1-:1- 1li11' ([1-11111 .\l1'('11111- /1-1-I 11/111111 I111 /111111111-111111 11111111 11111 I111. 111111 /1/.1111 /111 /1.-1 11
11111 1 1111- 1-x]1111>-i1111.\ .11 1111- 1-1111 111' 1.()~ 11111111-I1 I11-1'11q1/1-1lr11\-1-1/7 14111111-1-,1l11111111!11111111111111.
(1.\ .\'.\'1{l'\'.11111.
1111- 111.1|111-111 111 1111- .~1111'l I 11111 1111
51. \1{ \\'.\RS. 1 11-11-11 111 $1.11 .1\\.1y 1'r11111
.11111 1111- .1 111-1-.11 111-.11. Y1111 jun 111111'1 su-
11111 1k1' 111 111111-r >11.111-. 1'111-r1- \\.1.\ .1 1111 111'
11.11111-. 1.1|1.1s i11~i.\-11-1| 11111111 11.111111;
11111 11- 111 .1 11|'1'11.1111y111- 1'1'l'1'1l 111r 1111' $11111.

11111 1 \\ .11111-11 111 11.11 .1\\'.11- 1111111 |'ir1-\-cry

11.11111 .11 111-11.1.1k1-~11111k1-.1j11>1111111111s1-1-
11 r1- 111 ~1p.111- 1-11111-r. l.111'.1~1 \\'.11 13111111; 1111111-
111r #111-1l.11'11|.1r .1~1|11'1| 111' i1. .1111l
111 1- I ~:11|1-
11111 1-11-.11111-1~11i1|11111111111111.11.

1111111 :1-11-1- H11 1/11-11/11 1_1-/1.-1- 11/ 1-.1-/1111

11':1 1111-1/1111-1/11-1/1'/(1'r1-11/1-//1-111.
1 1111-11 .1 I111 111 111111-1-1-111111.111-ri.11w111 1111-
1-x|1l11\11111>_ \1111. 111.11;111-#111111, 111111111-rs.
1'|11- 11111 .111-_ 1;.1.~1111111-. 1111111_-.1111'111.1111.1111r1-.1
1111-11 111 111-1-11 1111- 1.1.1.. 1i1;1111-r 1-x|1l11_~'i1111>
1111111~.11-111. 111-1111; .1 1411-1-11 11.11111- 111111 1111111
111.1 1111.
lir\-1 111 .111. 1 111-\'1-1 .11'111.1l1\' 1111-1-1111.1
1.1.1.. 111111111. 11 11.11 .111 11111i1'.1|1'11 11\'1-r, 511
111.11 .111 1 11.111 111 1111 11.1 1111111-11p\1i111.111
1-\|1 1111-11111. 1 1'.1111 r1-1111-111111-r 11-11.11 1111.-
1 111- 111i1.111 \\1-r1- 1-\.1111\'. 1111- 1111111115 11-1-rc
1111i11- 1111.111. .\1 1111111. 1 1'.11111- 1111 \\-1111 .1
11111- 1111111 1- 111111111. .11111 11 11111 11111111-11111-1-111
1111-1 1.11111.11-.
\\'1- 111-11~r >1-11111 .1111 111 1111-.\-1- 11-1111 111,-111s
1111 1111- 1-x|1|11si1111~". 1111- 111111.11 111.151 111 1111-
1-x11 111~;11111 111111111 1111111 1111-ll 1111. 1|
111111 1111-11
11111 1111 111-11'ri11r.111-, 11151 1111.111y 11|;11'k 11111,
"Ru I4Nl" l Illllllll \\.:u1-
ml In l\l<\\ llil llu

l,~4|l|| \l.n ulll 11> 151.

ll \| |.nl\|n~; llll. .m<l
\\:- ll|\(ll\\lll lll.|l. ll:
\\l||1|<<l In \|~<" .1<|.lm.
\\illl |l1<- llt.llll \|.|l
\|\\|lI<'.|(l l>1|l |\ "HI
4|<1\\|| I4 llll\<'_ .unl ll
I-1! 4l(l\\l\ [4l Ilv!\\4
.1|\rl \\v |u\l l.|u|<|n'1
\ l\l\lI4ll

Tn/1 Ri_eh!: _]m- Viskucil arms

lhl mndcl oi lhc Rvbrl l!|u1'k-
udu: Runner wilh an rxplusivr
for blur scn-1-n phulugrupliy.
The mmlvl is muunlrni upsixlv
i|(I\VI\ In give lhc \'Xp|uiun
lhc prnpur zcm-graviiy vffvci.
Bullum Riglxl: Fuur rxamplcs
oi Adam Bvckvllk ainimalnl
explosions, &|(Il1l lo cnhaim:
rurly lIlLll|ll|UB|l' cxplusinns
|'il1|u"(l zil ILM. Nnnc oi lhrsc
rurly rxplnsions wen usul in
the nal film. B1-ckcu is inter-
vicwcrl nn pug: I9. To/1 Ll/It
Filming Ilir blur scrccn 1'xplu-
sinn of (hr Ru.-hcl Bluckaulr
Runnvr. jun: Viskucil juilgcnl
lliis vxplnsion as unsatisfac-
lmy bccuusr nf uxucss smnkr,
but lh'n' was no limo in rc-
(ilm ii. ll ;1|1p\':|r us :1 quirk
cut in lllr nal film. .\l|'IdIr
I.:'/I: (lumcmman Ricluml i'l(l'
luml (behind cumvru on (ruck)
gcls his cyvlzrnws singed by
nn(' ul'_]<u- Viskucils Tn'|u"h
|:xplnsin|\ in i|l(' ll..\l parking
lul. Chief mmlvl muku (irzml
1\lc(Iunr ;|ml_]0hn Dykslrn ub-
scrvv All lair rigl\l.Iiu!Iuu| l.r_I!:
4|' sl'I~up ul Pru-
|luccr's Sludiu iur X-um]-\
wing \'XPlnsiun. .-\ high-spvcd
\;1ml'f films (mm in-low. The
lung lulw is cunnucluil In u hnl
uni! which bluws the 1'xplu-
siun spark and i|\'l)|iS In gin-
lhl: illusinn of shin, mn\':~m1'nl.
.<\ Y-wing |s III pusllmu zit [up

for filming
r? A


_ -1! & 1 --

For the Death Star explosion I iiseil It'oiiIrI _\Il|l I'll .\"I'.'IR III-IRS 1'1!/v|'I.TI's ealleil .i Sperial 'l'itaii llleiiil." It is iiiisltilgii" ,\i-it-iii-i'_/it-liiiii filni?
a uas explosion, so that .ifter the partieles Possilily. ll is an lioinaige to all the atl-

.ttir;i iit
' tie
I 'IltI'
roine iowartl yoii. there's still a gas-type of
air ie tiii il,;iiit I yotteatt atttl
ly see this in the sltow itself.
f' ~
venture artioit fantasies. not jiist in film
I ttit aso I tie
I "10
. s ptit
rotighs. \'erne, ett". Niist:iliti;i meaits re-
I) itiai.,;i'.iii 5, B ttr

I\' it -Iiirigi-rniiil i"reatin_t; an era that people reinenther li\'-

Yes, it is very ilantgerotis. ing throiiith, so iii that sense. ito. it isn't.
Oii Sl'.\R \\'r\RS I never h-Ill any II<t"II1$ apart from the fart it's tlte sort of ino\'ie
Q" "II |tH'itt-ttttrely. Nolioily was hurl or tltat people rememlier aetiiia utit in their
seraielieil on tlte show. I got .i sntall Inirii liaekyartls.
oit my liaiiil tllI\'t', hitt that was it. I iloit't Iliix Iflt _/'i'lin /H'l'YI ,\'Il('l'!'SI/Hf lfllt In I/It
eoiisiiler the work ilaiigeroiis iiiiless you're W _/in-! [Ital il is iIerit'a!i'1'e nf_/'iiniiIi'iir gt-iiri".i,
ilealiiiq with .i fire ntiisaiiee. You ilo have nillier I/tun l)r|'Il_t{ i'iiiini'uIi'i'1?
to know what yoti'i'e iloiiig, aiiil yoti I\.t\'l In any fairy tale your (lI1tt;ttlL!'S are
I" Ill! -I IIl"~II>l' IIIIIII II"! IlIII- t ~ _- , ___ arrliety tes. In one sense tlte story is etit
II"II' II'I"'I III" "XI'I"~"-"III 'I"""II"'I7 I I tun making A ,3uIud nh 5.5 HI. aitil tlril'tl as it was fixetl witltiii those pa-
Tliey were all elei'ti'ottieally tletoiiatetl (ll|)I I5 KIIIIIL IIIIII I III i1|1">=1III"EII rameters. hut if it tises familiar eleineiits
"SI"! ~\|\III>- -\ "\""I"'I "I IYII"-*' "I Ii\III* from the premise that it's got to he it's hi-eaiise the films we took tI\IfiI\S]III'1l-
""i' W"
1'|Ii..'FI.l\~IT'III;I.'i?i .l'.'a ."il'.'iT' * g"" "' """ " "' "g" IiIl3'-.iLllTl7$ll.-'l'.ifill7iIili7lT~
"I "I "H I/" I-\'lI""""'II _\"" IIIII /"T Hal hc III-l.l(-fa an urhng on It
ll lll\0l\'I-'5 ll SIIUW PIZIIIKZI
I)/1 _\-on ]m~_/1-r lt'l'UIYI/I117!-XIII!l1_('ST.lR
.\l'.'IR I\'.lIt'.\_ lln-re niii.\'I he II Illllltljlll I/iii! II"I\'- 1lII(I t|',|R_ ;,, u-,-31,-my y[/1i'y'1/tint J00]?
\un ieerr I't'l|II_\' flfllltif ~_/ that itt'VitI '1 in coiilrastctl with jungles. Lucas won l 2001 is mmc seit-iiiifivally oriented. I-\s
the 7IIlIi'f|'.' (Ii,-|_" I\'e iust saitl, this is a fantasy fairy tale, the
Yes, they lI.\\'l' t|\IIIl' a lilirary of my ex- latter was far more serious. I really <'aii'i
l'I*'>'I"II- I "I">I II-I"I I~'I"l'II IIIl'III I\\" IIIIII' Gary Kurtz met I"r;iiieis l"or<I Coppola eoiniiient oii that as srieitee fiction writers
'II"I"I I'*II"5I"II-* ~'II"Il"II"I'- "II III "II- "I'I' Llllflllgifillllilil of 'l'llli 'IliRR()I{ for
Roger have heen workinig in Imth eamps at the
II"! t'"III'~ "I "I"IIIII- III \II*I ""1 II" "I"$I
RI (Ioriiiaii iii I963. While visiting Coppola's same level for many years.
~" II-~\I- stttilios in San l"raneisi"o in I969 iluriiti; the In [lie (Irnrge I.I4tll.\' irili'ri-ii-u in RIIIIIIIL
were shot .it li-otIiieer's Studio. on one of 1miq,,f'||[X [133 ||t- tcl (It-orge Lucas. Stone, Iii is 1/iuileil ax .\'u_\'in_e Ifltll Iliefilni
ilte larger sotiiitl l.ii;e with a ~Ill-foot <'eil- 1 IEYT3, Kllfll .iiitI (In|ipol.i ro-proiliieetl i'.i unly _I':7" of I/Ii .\i1ri'e.\'.\ he Il'IIlIII'Af i'I In
hm. so iii-it we I11-I I'II"II!lII mini 1" I11-We .-\.\IIlRl(I.\N GR.-\IIII'l for l.\tt.\. mi its I.-. ll'oit/il\0ui1_qni'?
III1III\l\!I'reXplosioiis. plieiiomeiial Iiosoffiee atiil eritiral siieeess \\'e aehie\'etl far more tliaii You
II IIII~'I' VIII IIII "III" III" IIII II"\\- I provitletl the hase tipuit which SI.-\R itttlst reitteinlier that artiele was a series of
IItt\l trirks tt|I my iliat I ran .ipply to
sleeve \\'y\R -35 |mi|i_ five ilone over a period of time thtrinq post-
II- I'\'I '4'" IIII "I-I\Il'1IIII1II I"'I' *'"II$IIII'I"
~I Kiirtv. was horn iii I9-HI iii l.os ,\iigeIes. protltietioii antl then all eollateil togetlier.
eil iloini; now that I've seen the filiit many gn,4im: up "W". mm in 5;, |.-|._"-;u,_ '.\$ li -35 ;| [i|t' -I-it \\-t- -are M our mogi
IIIIII'~ I TIKIII/-1' III-II III\'I'I' 1II'I' IIIRIIIY "III" ehilil he made his own Kiiiiii ino\'ies antl \II'$II<I'III" "5 YIIII III IIII1IHIII*~ III "'I"~'
efl'i~eis that I\tt\lltI give tlieiit. _lttst like in M-mt in gehuol protliietioits. Ile stuilieil workiiii; IS hours a ilay trying to get the
Iht' ll-lll\'I'. All the elttl. where the words film M mg [l||iy|;yi|\' of S|i\|[I\1Q]'t\ (j;|Iifor- ino\'ie fiiiisheil in time for its premiere. I-\ll
5I-\I{ V-\I{-9 I'I"' "I- III"
5"" "II II' nia. anil worketl Il\iiI1(.illllfI;tl anti eihie;i- the prohleins seemetl magnifieil. 'I'hat arti-
IIIII I'?IIII*'II> "It lire. 'I'hat's one HI lIIl' PX tional films after igratlttation. Ilis entree in- PI" III'IIIIII'~'iI III"I"~' IIl.\!IIII\"~ 5I1II"III"III5
plosions I'm really pnniil of. very tiniqtiel to ft-attire filiii work was for Rotter (Iorimiii titan positive ones whieh makes it all seem
II-IIII/I / \'"' "-.I'I"I"'I~I 'II'I"'I II""/\' iii yariotis rapaeities on several low-liiitliget like soilr .\!I'III"~'5 'I"- -\'I 1"II"'"' IIII'~"'
jitr _\'oi1' exploitation films. Kiirtr. ivorketl as lah III$ III" IIII" III IIt"~5II I- IIIIIY III" IIIIII'I5
There was only oite shot that tIiiIti't |['(I\||i\'i1|]\. <-lectriti;tii, e;iint-r;||n;in, eiliim-_ can piit a pereeittage siireess rate on it as
work for ine. Ijust saw too niiirli smoke. It sotiiitl mixer. and still pliotoigraplier. gain- we are so close ;\llLl11llI see all its fl;i_ws antl the shot of the Rehel Illoekaile Rtiiiiier ing t'X|it't'i<ItLt iii almost every }lIl;||; of ft-;|_ prolilenis. htit oiire the ])l('lt.llI(' is oiit.
.it tlte very Iiegiitiiiiig. I wantetl to retlo titre film prodtietioii, Ile lieeame an assis- that's it. You eant keep explaining i_t for-
tliat shot very Iiailly. I pleailetl with I~'.il- taitt tlirertor aiiil prodiietioit i'oor<Iin;itor '~'\\f- '1' K0IT1I>">ITIIllI II I"I "II IIII$ IIII" IIS
ltiiul and \\'lItil\'lI' else was arotinil at the oit two .\loiite Ilellman westerns. 'l'llF. it (lid ha\'e_:i relatively low lnitlget eonsitIer~
time to reilo it, littt they iIiiIn't have the $lI()()'ll.\(I and RIl)l*. IN 'l'III-'. \\IlIRI.- int: its sttli_|ei't matter, Iiiit I woiiltl put the
time. That was the only explosion I wasn't \\'I~\'II- -'\IllI' I\\u Ykll\$ I" II"! .\Iari|ies as I"'I"'_'~'IIIll" 5II'~"5I'5 I1IlI'IIIIIf'II III.\!IIf~I-
happy with. .-\|l of the others tiirneil out a eameramaii, etlitor and still pIioto_t_rr.ipher I'roni I/Il' Iiiirl_tti'lllP,\' lf_"I"I "fII"_H'. It'll!!!
ins; f_||\|;|,~|il-1 he rettiriietl to USC for atltlitioiial courses lt'!I.\"f'l|' nivxl lII]_/[(11,/It/]l't'I In ueliii'i'i'!
l)i'iI you (Ill any jiill-xi'iili' i'.\'pIo.ti'oii_i- in anti eilitetl several low-Initlget featttres. In l\ot |tist om I\IlIIII'Y *'II"I'I- IIIII III
5"/'_.|R |i'_.|R_\';/ l9Tll he heeame associate |)fUtI\Il'l|' on whole of the hattle seiitieiiee at the eittl. It
I did Um. sh. .|.n. "H. _]_| ;|u_,,;|-5 .\Ionte IIellm;m's l'\\'() l..'\t\'I~'. IlI.=\(IK'l'()I_ was iust so time eoiistititiitig.
.i small ile\'iee to R..l)2 aiiil there's a small Jtttl (Ill.-\l\'l)I.l;R. a ileteetive inii\'ie with -I-Y ll I'{"'III""' I~ I"/I"! III! '"""".\' '"_I_"I-

explosion. 'l'hat's the oitly live aetioii one 1\l'II (IIIl<'5IIIII I-l'5I4ll (IRIFIIII-_ I\IIIIl II\'l$ II" )"'II1IIIIII .\"'I If'I'I"III'4II"II!~'/I I" IIII'/'1'"
[hm |-H. H." dm._ Jud | min}; it wmcd. in Saiisalito with his wife .\IeretIttlt and two jrom (I t'Tt'fll't' [IUIIII oj i'iiii'!
otit well. Ily the way. that little explosion tlatigliters. and is eiirreiitly prepariiti; the Y IIIIIIIII-!YI'IIII<I I5_"II III" I*"'IIIII"II II"-
is the same type of explosion iiseil iii the prutliietioit of S'l'.'\R WARS II. I~1I\1lI1II'I'IIIII- III'"IIII"II"II III""-IllI'Y- f'IIII"Ii
final shot of the Death Star, so you can see antl a host of other tasks. lntt l think on
the tIifft'!'t'ittL' in ii ht-iirtg plioioii-r;iplit~ii live ii',,_,~ ;/N M,-,-/,;,',,,, U] 5'/_.|R ty_.|R$ II\i$ fill" II }\'1I$ "W J"I1_ I" WI lI\1Il GI'I1Y.I!\'
anti applieil to miniatures. 4\I| the other ,,<[[\- ,1,,,- ;,, 1],, n; Hm; ,,-,-,- mu ,,,,_ IIIIII '~'Tl'IIIIIIK III I~'(I"I"'II 5" III~I'"III\I!lI:I
li\'e-at'tion explosions were iloiie in I".iig- ,/hi, ,,[\,,',_, I I/Z ,,,,,;.,',rx Hm, W, Im,-._ oii aiitl tlo what ht ean do liest. tlireet. 'I his
lantl hy _lolin Stears aittl his erew. HIM), ,'"[I'1 M TI; ' film was pre-pIanne_il to the iitlt tlegree and
IJi'iI _\-on ii-nrlr i'lnxil_\' ieitli /.IIt'.Y)? George jttst saiil \\'ottliIn't it he gr;-M if with these pre-set lintits antl logistics hail
No. I saw hint a hantlful of tiiites at Hm". was J (>IIllrc!l4-IRIS, (;Un|(m (mp to leaye hiin free of any prohlenis. I_thtl_a_r-
most. Ile wotiltl he talkiiiig with l.ogan UL. p|yi"g m"..}.n._-- \.|1_ hut. .uS_ with lox a lot, lnit I lll.'Illl'\\'I\lI it. lhis
more than he woulil with iiie. liera\ise_ of n-l 5" we |L.(.ih.d m milk. it m",c|\.,_.s_ we a pirttire that George partieularly likes
lsn t
the eamera setups. Ltieas is a very mtl<I- |i_."Scd it an mmgh "H. |kim:f;\M_ to make. In fact we Imtlt prefer smaller
maimeretl persoii. very siift~s|iiikert. _IIe ER1C__\N (;R_\|:|.-|-|~| and did U. ..|mim1 films with fewer crew members aittl he
talked hriefly with me as to what he (I like n___n_| mm hm, we muld ht uh! m up likes shooting in a semi-tloruiiieiitary style:
to see. tiiitl more or less gave me ftill reign Cumpmh H, en-'__(_s T w;m,d_ hit! we knew all this hefore starting_ the
to do what l really wantetl. George has picture auid I know that he fouiitl it limit-
really given me the creative freedom to , , ing. so I made it as trouble free for him as I


IN"Rv"" B
_ _ V

shnw what I can do and I think I rame (nulli-

through. MIKE CHILDS 8: ALAN JONES Dfll you euer panic ubuul guiiig uuer

bllIlL:|'l? neellell .ll\t| l_hei| r.lll\
|IU1'1|\lSl' ]>.ll'it'll.[ \\'l|.\' [\|\- |,;|L-kw-m||| is U 1|. u.-hi_n|

\\e_ thllll_l:llt ;lt rlne stzllge thlll we were llisellssillll llee.ltlle l<'ll_llnll.llll. lhe lllulk, sh: (."_l.m"_ |".Udu(.liU" "mq_
SPl'l\lillHLl11UH' than we llrlgllllllly esllnllltetl bl [he ml, lt, hint |l\ _| \\t'th Ille tel i\> . I
Ill ltl ldh M

"it-_|] i,lrl,-ull w.l~' l.lhlll lllll l-l the \l l'\'\'ll PT. vtllltll, lltltl ll lltthl 1-)

mainly i)t(;l\ISl .st'ienl"e fiction fihns h;l\'e~

n't relllly tll)lIl' that well. 'l0tll uml; years |l|.ly .ll\t| l'l]Ii.ltkli l>\' lil.\ll\.lllt\. (ht this film lt was my _|ll|) tn see lhllt
tn nl;lkl' its nlllney llzlek ;\l\(l'\\'\ Pl;\l\l\k'li oll ll',|\ ]l-hll ll'l'/ll'llnl\ lIlIltl\'\ [hr llnil l' ll)! ]_l|(~;| hm] l-\-cl-}-l|]ing hr n.quiH.(|
mm gm "H um dn hm hr can

S30 lllllllllll tn llrellk even. \\ e weren t eeell 1],, ,_,,,,\,4 _/ W

ll with llllll llelrlre .
sllre we ll tlll t|l;lt hut we went ;llunl; wltll \;-<_ \\'r-.l .1. He-tl
. _. V.

it as it was ;l film we wulllell lll

ln.lke Zllltl T _\-|_,,-|,-,| \-h,,,1i,,u_ 11,- |,,|,-, 1|, 41,, W,-. if h"~"li h"- I _l j!'}' uh l
we i\2\(i ltl |\tt|lt.lilUll'\\';ltl\l>l|l1|lt1f.|l\ .|\I ,i,, ]l||\ \\H)ll' qllllll l]\t'||]r'_\ _,ml _,1
_]4\|lI\ ll illl, lllll l tlezlll \\'tlh ll.
[um Hwy Mmiu. H. i.|.l,n.uiM|_ (hlry Kurt/.
llienre lint there \\'|lu i\ZIYl(i nllr upilliull.
I-~ki~.l' f'llt'lL Hm! /wrlivvlur r~'~"\' .s1;l!t llilles 1/lllfl '1 1|/Irtl ftt 1,l_1.m,1
"'~l -""'" I"'I'-""~? tlllll II//ll ll-lrl:ItullIl' llulrl lmlil Ill!/' lull]
1' lrl llsl ullr lll tn lllll lril'l\l|\. like .\|lill

W" \\*'|"~' l'l'~\'i\l"l'l| l" Ill! l-1"! ll-ll fill or (.'llr1'.\lmm. ll'lllll lllllllll I/ll'j|1tlIl'lt'I\ -'1' llelll, (illpplll.l_ rlr lh" l'.llln.l_ lllll \\e'll min: selnl
\ film wullhl he llzlllly !'l( eivell l)lt';l\l\' ill" its rr/l-ill llll lllr? T tll.ll l'-ml l\ re|mrtlll| |]- mk M
Iiaht-lwzlrtvd v~\\='r1=-inlnvnl \1-luv :--l vritivl 'l"llt< t'l.l>4ll\ \\l"\l' \\'.lil\'ll -.. illllll i~ In .\\" (I|l,\l"l'|-.l{ 'l"\l"u= '|'lll-. I-..\ll'll{I. .\"l'l<ll<l-.s
Willi 1" '11 W" *'|'i""1""l 1"" 1ll'1||Yll"-\|- ellrr llle right l'i|lenl.l< ill l'llli\ lel'litul,i,l'. ltl\CK, lt\ll th.ll l\.l> nlrlre ill .ln ill iuke,
5\"'l\'l$i".\l|. lllel" -\""l"| 1'1-' fill" fer my lllr my lll \t'l'('(l\ Jllli ll:-lIl\ |.|lililil'>. Vllltlillll my lillll (ilIl'lit\I\ >ll'l;|l\. .~\> l -..\-
'l'llere'> .lh\lll\ tll.ll prllllleln. l ull llilh the tlll>l|l;h_ l'nl nut tnllkinlg lIlI(' l|t\l\\'> lhr
_\\l"" ll '35 1"! ""j"Y"| ll " lh?" |""l-
Llllilllt, .. tlllll l-.lll'l ill ll\.ll Lllltll if the I'('- \'t I'i|1l i~ Q...-.1 .tl\li lull ;l]l|Il'l|.|l'itillL[ il ll-llll
|'|\\' illlmvlli-lit l"'l*"\ rv=\\"\i~"\ 1-IR \'
the |I|'lll\i.\l lll.ll it's gill tn lle lls lgllml llr
llh5"ik- '9 '*'T'~' ']'i|'.\l 1'" ll"<"| \\'"l'l| "f \'il'\\'s lift l'l'>l.ltil ill il the H'\i\'\\.\ .I|t |l.lll

m""l|""11\\h1"l\1\l'l"'"\'*l'=ll'l"'"""""~ lilill it t',llll iii llllll .l\\ll|li Tilt llllll ll.l> ('\t'lll:t|lt'I' lilllll llll'l>l'l\Lil|.ll.
!l"l'5 '1' hi "W "l,']" limc "fY1\l'-I lleen |\il'kl'll up .I.\ .l |\('\\.\ \'\l'I\l l'\'el'\\llll'l\ Ilun \IIll lull lumnlrull ||!l /hr .\I.lIl
ll'_lIl'.\' nlmliu I/ml |\ |_'r1/l/ling I/ll" tnlrlll!
411- I
"WY hl\"" |"~"'" i|*'1\\"'| l" "5 ir '\"l hill l|' ;lll\l l'nl llllpinl; it \\'lvtl'l liill\illl\il illll'l\'\'l
ml" hm '1' \\'"lkl'll 1'" ill tlle pit lllre. \\'r-"tr lrvinl; ll! keep lllll'l\'\l l'erl|lle ill the sl iellee fit iillll I rlnlnlnnit\'
llmc 1" l'"'\i*'\\' H-l. Wm-rim nu 5-]_\R \y_\R "1 UM.
it sulillly until ll week hefure its llpellinlg. |~||mlillq ll\' pre\'i<-wille ll ll! tllelli.l llellllll-_
-\l*" ll": R35 li""|"'l!"im4 '"1"k'~" hi" lleei.lys. illlel'\'ie\\ers, ell . 'lh.ll\ the l'e.lml\ .lll.l\' lrllnl the \l'l'ilI\lS \ill( ill thl \l\'I\l'l'l
bccn mull-Z".d but M "W 6'1 "cur "M \\'| "' '~"""""l ll' ml" l" ""l"'1lll"" 4' .llllll lllitlk tll.ll is trill i1)l'lil\' l;l'|ll'|.ll.llllli
um. 5-l_ that \\'-1;\n-lllwr f=lelnr- the S.lll Sr-l.l~li.lll lillll l_l.\'ll\'.|i .lllll ll l)\,t\|- mm, 11,- W ii (;|_<;_\-|, 1-__\'(;()l-_\"n,|<_\*
ll"}'"""/ ./'1'" ville. 'l'lli< l\.ll the ll\'lI||il \\'ill\ we it .\l\<l ()|- '|'||l, |'|||R|_l K131) will ,-L-|n-rs ht-l,_,|.
lL!llt'H it zmlx
mu.rII_\- III I'.ll_g'Ilm1I_ it'1|,\ kt. il in m-m-,-_m- (~||(h\|\i_|\'|lL l .ll\\-l\'> .lnle.' ll:lrl.l|l l'.|]i_\~',,,Juan. mgr W mm
""".\' "."'i'~ ll, " ."' "'"'"""'~ "" lhi"k H|.|-\i$ llllll llltllhl J" \ TH l llel'.l\l_se llle f.ln.llili~nl <li.\l|l|'|I> llitll .lntl lie-
1"/7 """' l""il"|'l*> IMF l""1I\' ht """'l-I l';t\lt' peuple .lre qnilll; tn see the nlllvie lltll
lhllll "'51- nies ilI\'lIi\'\\i lll\\\ll_[l\l l'ver<>lle Hllhl i\.|\l' |,k.-lum [hm Jm |,,_ [ml |, .l\|$(' ifs u
I l'0"\l|1\|"l'll 1" Uri -lltlll


il wllslrl ;. lllllll-will-d picture ""1

uI1\'=\- he-ml all-\Il il -HM \\-H"l'*| l<'~*'1' ih lllilll; [U lill llllll il lll.|kl' ].1|hli('|-~ l'\'Itl
just her:luse l_lf tlle llllrtsiillllell ill;lnll. (_',,,,ll, 1,|I/.- (mitt 111,- \|lII1|'I_) M. |..,_ | M J |(.l.r H. Mhm, My |-mm
but _l>el-nllse lll C;lllr(II'I\l;l ll \\';\ lllemhers \\l~ ll-rllll lll;lLe tIl\(' il \\l' rlml'l llet .l ,_.,_h,_m. M ||M.m.d .|i.h Mm Ml W

.ms'd- in: mds"Y' nu ms "'1': "f """"l'|"Y "' "kl" H" "l\"" -ll" pl.|lll'l \\""l\' |l\Nl\' was t.lken serillllsl\' llnless the\' i\.|\i
511-". _\"[}\R \\'_\R$ J1 ]r_,,i| 5] liml-,1
axis m5\J' ""'\'"5 Tim "W r"3' 'hY inl; on il I\lI\\ .l|lrl it itl\'ul\l'> .l sllllw I

('()[\[|;|I\'|| with illllgles. \\'e> intellll- _\|\. "W" Vic. ix HM H. mm lucr hm
Uni\'ers:ll and l'nitetl .-\rtists palssell un tlle
l"".ll*'l- T'"'> <"l"" l'"I ' "1".. "4 ~"'l'-\R -\R-* l=- W -- "H-llillle lilm =-~ life iikt0(. tile 1l1i|lirt'll Hi lull-IY 1lI\ll(l
ml l"~'"l'l" "Y d" he l"('l5 ""4 '"""1" l|le l'll.lrlllt<-rs were llll1'l'l>'lil\ll t'l\<>\H4l\-"H1 pll.ssilll\' he the .l.-trullwllts uf ll)HllYH'l|\\
l\m'$- -'\\ 1*-131 75% 1>f\l\<'lvl1l-' '1' "ml \\I\lll| ill li('\'\'it)]llti. ilk lint mm tr. .lll .ll\<l if ll\t.'\' AH lo lI;l\'t .. l'l\t' .ll lllt llillr
illtrlllllleliull In the e|l\'il'unlnrllt .l|lll the m-prillg ,|;'iyi| _|]",\|1 ll-m, i|l| j| he-1|;-r
\\"~' ''\\' l" '9 l"d"5"Y ll '35 1\l"'\|| -\
'l'\lll llulll'.s UH) sllurt .l time |'l,y ll-m ll) il;|\l ,1 sense ill f;lnt.lsY llhm"
l""h"~'ll P""ll*' i" -TIL .l"|"\ n'k$"1| ll-Ill l'iI1ll'.lt'l(l$.
_| trip lll llle .\lul>ll or .\l;lr.s th;ln he lulll il'.\
<"|Y \\"\k'~'l| "" t'"'"'1'"'i~\| ml 5"-F-~\'T lu lleeelrlp the ])L'tSHIl;|i |'el.llil>llslli|vs. The
\|"l'f """Y' l.tsl will he l~x;let|y the .\';llI1\'. l.lll'.ls wlln'l Q. lhlll .l.s _[ll nnt lllere? Re.lli.slll will nut
R\iN\~|-\'(L 'l\-1| "1\'1"" \\'-15
\\'""<l 41$ Y|1"|'Y'"""5 'il|\ llll fill" iIl1l\I- tlirert. lle's tml llllsl .lt the lnunlenl \l'l>rk- |ll.lke .l|l\'llne lgll l)\l\ zlnll lillll slllnethillg
ll)'- int; on 16min exp:-ritnent.ll films. l'll like f<lrlllelllsel\'e.~l.
lt was also II rzlse llf <lislinl1\lishin_l; wh;lt
juh title they sllllnhl he e:llegnri1.ell llnller.
ln lnnst nluvies nune of these peuple get 1|
cretlil alnywlly. .\l0st erellits rlln fur 30
feet. Ours rlln funr nlilllltes [lilill feetl . Tn
J eertllin extent. the larir!_\' eomment was
an oversight, hut the stlltliu tlitl eul some
llf the credits as they thought they were
tlm lung. l'm all ill fzlvur of giving erellit ..
where it's due. hut l'ln nnt sure jllst lluw
mueh ll screen eredit helps the leelllliclll
side of the inrlustry. .~\ resllnle is lnlleh
more impurlzlnt frum their puint ufeiew.
Wax l|Y|_\'llIl1I_L' taken nu! u_/i lIlt' film in
the l'rIilin_e llllgex I/ml _\'II|l llllllll Irma" lill'
ell In lI1ll't Xtl!l in tIu'j'inr'.rIlerI film?
We took nut Ll llll of things fur time re.lA
I sons. hut :l Int we didn't even Si\Ut>I. From
the sereellpluy we lk out :1 lung seene on
the \\'oukie's planet that in\'ol\etl uhllut 20
of them. We rlitl shunt the scenes of Luke's
i friend who leaves tojoirl ill tlle fight and is
killed at the climax. hut it sluwed down
\ the earlier part rlf tlle film and was excised

Gary Kurt: (Ir/I) and (ienrgr Lums at ILM dur-

ing the filmivlg uf inserts /or the .ll(]Ill"lL'k' st! in
the irller-fur of thl']nwa's junk-laden Slmdcmwler.
With In: technical bncltgmlmd in lmmnkirlg,
Kurt: luns t'nll'ma!el_v ivltlnllwd in the filming of
STAR WA RS. pvuviding support which freed
Lucas to function crcatiriely as diverlnr.


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