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An Oracle White Paper

September 2009

A Technical Overview of the

Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and
Database Machine
White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine ............. 2

Todays Limits On Database I/O ......................................................... 2
Exadata Product Family ...................................................................... 4
Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server ............................................... 4
Sun Oracle Database Machine ....................................................... 8
Exadata Architecture......................................................................... 12
Database Server Software ............................................................ 13
Enterprise Manager Plug-In For Exadata...................................... 14
Exadata Software.......................................................................... 14
Exadata Smart Scan Processing .................................................. 15
I/O Resource Management With Exadata..................................... 19
Accelerated Performance With Exadata ....................................... 21
Exadata Storage Virtualization...................................................... 22
CONCLUSION .................................................................................. 27
White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database

The Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server (Exadata) is a storage product optimized for use
with Oracle Database applications and is the storage building block of the Sun Oracle
Database Machine. Exadata delivers outstanding I/O and SQL processing performance
for online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing (DW) and consolidation of
mixed workloads. Extreme performance is delivered for all types of database applications
by leveraging a massively parallel grid architecture and Exadata Smart Flash Cache to
dramatically accelerate Oracle Database processing and speed I/O operations. The
Exadata storage products are a combination of software and hardware used to store and
access Oracle databases. Exadata provides database aware storage services, such as
the ability to offload database processing from the database server to storage, and
provides this while being transparent to SQL processing and database applications. The
Exadata Storage Servers are also packaged in a complete end-to-end database solution
the Sun Oracle Database Machine. The Sun Oracle Database Machine is an easy to
deploy out of the box solution for hosting the Oracle Database for all applications and
delivers the highest levels of performance available. Database Machine and Exadata
storage delivers breakthrough performance with linear I/O scalability, is simple to use and
manage, and delivers mission-critical availability and reliability to the enterprise.

Exadata is a joint offering from Oracle and Sun Microsystems. Sun is providing the
hardware technology used in the Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server. Oracle
is providing the software to impart database intelligence to the storage and Database
Machine and is tightly integrated with the Oracle Database and all its features. The Sun
servers combine the power of the latest generation of Intel Xeon processors with
Sun's system engineering expertise. These servers offer the needed density and
expandability to satisfy the most demanding datacenter applications. The Oracle and Sun
partnership makes possible the delivery of the Sun Oracle Database Machine and
Exadata Storage Server and the revolutionary capabilities it provides.

Todays Limits On Database I/O

The foundation of the Database Machine and Exadata is smart database software to handle the
complex applications deployed to drive the most demanding enterprise business needs. The

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Oracle Database provides an incredible amount of functionality to implement the most

sophisticated OLTP and DW applications and to consolidate mixed workload environments. But
to access terabytes databases with high performance, augmenting the smart database software
with powerful hardware provides tremendous opportunities to deliver more database processing,
faster, for the enterprise. Having powerful hardware to provide the required I/O rates and
bandwidth for todays applications, in addition to smart software, is key to the extreme
performance delivered by the Exadata family of products.
Traditional storage devices offer high storage capacity but are relatively slow and can not sustain
the I/O rates for the transaction load the enterprise requires for its applications. Instead of
hundreds of IOPS (I/Os per second) per disk enterprise applications require their systems
deliver at least an order of magnitude higher IOPS to deliver the service enterprise end-users
expect. This problem gets magnified when hundreds of disks reside behind a single storage
controller. The IOPS that can be executed are severely limited by both the speed of the
mechanical disk drive and the number of drives per storage controller.
Traditional storage products provide the Oracle Database a narrow and limited interface to
database storage. Many bottlenecks exist in the database I/O path restricting data bandwidth,
and hence limiting overall database performance when using traditional storage products.
Database servers need many Storage Area Network (SAN) Host Bus Adapters (HBA) to provide
the bandwidth necessary to deliver data, from storage to the database, at an adequate rate. Very
often the number of HBAs required to deliver adequate performance cannot be supported in the
server, or are too costly to provide. And SAN switch cost and complexity increases dramatically
to provide the required bandwidth and redundancy. In addition large storage arrays cannot
deliver adequate bandwidth to the hundreds of disks they house. This results in the potential
performance of disks being artificially capped well below what they are capable of providing.
Disk performance is bottlenecked on the Fibre Channel Loops (FCL) to disk and the processing
capacity of the storage array.
Traditional storage devices are also unaware that a database is residing on the storage and
therefore cannot provide any database-aware I/O or SQL processing. When the database
requests rows and columns what is returned from the storage are data blocks rather than the
result set of a database query. Traditional storage has no database intelligence to discern the
particular rows and columns actually requested. So, when processing I/O on behalf of the
database, traditional storage consumes bandwidth returning data that is not relevant to the
database query that was issued.
Exadata products address the key dimensions of database I/O that can hamper database
Exadata is based on a massively parallel architecture which provides more pipes to deliver
more data faster between the database servers and the storage servers.

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Exadata is built using wider pipes that provide extremely high bandwidth between the database
servers and the storage servers.
Exadata is database aware and can ship just the data required to satisfy SQL requests resulting
in less data being sent between the database servers and the storage servers.
Exadata overcomes the mechanical limits of disk drive technology by automatically caching
frequently accessed data delivering unprecedented levels of bandwidth and IOPS.

Exadata Product Family

There are two members of the Exadata product family. The foundation of the Exadata family of
products is the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server. It is used as the storage for the Oracle
Database when building custom database systems. The second member of the Exadata product
family is the Sun Oracle Database Machine (Database Machine). The Database Machine is a
complete and fully integrated database system that includes all the components to quickly and
easily deploy any enterprise database application requiring the best performance, and includes
Exadata storage.

Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server

The Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server is a database storage device running the Exadata Storage
Server Software provided by Oracle. The hardware components of the Exadata Storage Server
(also referred to as an Exadata cell) were carefully chosen to match the needs of high performance
database processing. The Exadata software is optimized to take the best possible advantage of
the hardware components and Oracle Database. Each Exadata cell delivers outstanding I/O
performance and bandwidth to the database.
The Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server is a fast, reliable, high capacity, industry- standard storage
server. Each Exadata cell comes preconfigured with: two Intel Xeon E5540 quad-core
processors, 384 GB of Exadata Smart Flash Cache, twelve disks connected to a storage
controller with 512MB battery-backed cache, 24 GB memory, dual port InfiniBand connectivity,
management interface for remote access, dual-redundant hot-swappable power supplies, all the
software preinstalled, and takes up 2U in a typical 19-inch rack.

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Figure 1: Exadata Storage Cell

Exadata Smart Flash Cache

Each Exadata cell comes with 384 GB of Exadata Smart Flash Cache. This solid state storage
delivers dramatic performance advantages with Exadata storage. It provides a ten-fold
improvement in response time for reads over regular disk; a hundred-fold improvement in IOPS
for reads over regular disk; and is a less expensive higher capacity alternative to memory. Overall
it delivers a ten-fold increase performing a blended average of read and write operations.
The Exadata Smart Flash Cache manages active data from regular disks in the Exadata cell but
it is not managed in a simple Least Recently Used (LRU) fashion. The Exadata Storage Server
Software in cooperation with the Oracle Database keeps track of data access patterns and knows
what and how to cache data and avoid polluting the cache. This functionality is all managed
automatically and does not require manual tuning. If there are specific tables or indexes that are
known to be key to the performance of a database application they can optionally be identified
and pinned in cache.

Exadata Storage Server Performance, Bandwidth and IOPS

The Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server comes with either twelve 600 GB Serial Attached SCSI
(SAS) disks or twelve 2 TB Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) disks. SAS based
Exadata Storage Servers provide up to 2 TB of uncompressed user data capacity, and up to 1.5
GB/second of raw data bandwidth. SATA based Exadata Storage Servers provide up to 7 TB of
uncompressed user data capacity, and up to 0.85 GB/second of raw data bandwidth. When
stored in compressed format, the amount of user data and the amount of data bandwidth
delivered by each cell increases up to 10 times. User data capacity is computed after mirroring all
the disk space, and setting aside space for database structures like logs, undo, and temp space.
Actual user data varies by application.
The performance that each cell delivers is extremely high due to the Exadata Smart Flash Cache.
The automated caching of the Flash cache enables each Exadata cell to deliver up to 3.6
GB/second bandwidth and 75,000 IOPS when accessing uncompressed data. When data is
stored in compressed format, the amount of user data capacity, the amount of data bandwidth

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

and IOPS achievable, often increases up to ten times. This represents a significant improvement
over traditional storage devices used with the Oracle Database.
The performance specifications of the Exadata Storage Server are shown below.

SAS Based SATA Based

Exadata Storage Server Exadata Storage Server
Exadata Smart Flash Cache 384 GB 384 GB
Raw Disk Capacity 7.2 TB 24 TB
User Data Capacity Up to 2 TB Up to 7 TB
(without data compression)
Raw Disk Data Bandwidth Up to 1.5 GB/sec Up to 0.85 GB/sec
Effective Data Bandwidth with Up to 3.6 GB/sec Up to 3.6 GB/sec
Effective Data Bandwidth with Up to 36 GB/sec Up to 36 GB/sec
Flash Cache and Data
Flash Cache IOPS Up to 75,000 Up to 75,000
Disk IOPS Up to 3,600 Up to 1,440

InfiniBand and the Exadata Storage Server

Oracle Exadata storage uses a state of the art InfiniBand interconnect between the servers and
storage. An Exadata cell has dual port Quad Data Rate (QDR) InfiniBand connectivity for high
availability. Each InfiniBand link provides 40 Gigabits of bandwidth - many times higher than
traditional storage or server networks. Further, Oracle's interconnect protocol uses direct data
placement (DMA - direct memory access) to ensure very low CPU overhead by directly moving
data from the wire to database buffers with no extra data copies being made. The InfiniBand
network has the flexibility of a LAN network, with the efficiency of a SAN. By using an
InfiniBand network, Oracle ensures that the network will not bottleneck performance. The same
InfiniBand network also provides a high performance cluster interconnect for the Oracle
Database Real Application Cluster (RAC) nodes.

Exadata Storage Server Configuration

In figure 2 below, a small Exadata storage based database environment is shown. Two Oracle
Databases, one RAC and one single instance, are sharing three Exadata cells. All the components
for this configuration database servers, Exadata cells, InfiniBand switches, Ethernet switches,
and other support hardware can be housed in, and take up less than half of, a typical 19-inch

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Single-Instance RAC
Database Database

InfiniBand Sw itc h/Netw ork

Exadata Cell Exadata Cell Exadata Cell

Figure 2: Exadata Storage Cell Based Configuration

Oracle Exadata is architected to scale-out to any level of performance. To achieve higher

performance and greater storage capacity, additional Exadata cells are added to the configuration.
As more cells are added, capacity and performance increases linearly. No cell-to-cell
communication is ever done or required in an Exadata configuration.
Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is used as the file system and volume manager for
Exadata. The disk mirroring provided by ASM, combined with hot swappable Exadata disks,
ensure the database can tolerate the failure of individual disk drives. Data is mirrored across cells
to ensure that the failure of a cell will not result in loss of data, or inhibit data accessibility. This
massively parallel architecture delivers unbounded scalability and high availability.
When using Exadata, SQL processing is offloaded from the database server to the Exadata
server. Exadata enables function shipping from the database instance to the underlying storage in
addition to providing traditional block serving services to the database. One of the unique things
the Exadata storage does compared to traditional storage is return only the rows and columns
that satisfy the database query rather than the entire table being queried. Exadata pushes SQL
processing as close to the data (or disks) as possible and gets all the disks operating in parallel.
This reduces CPU consumption on the database server, consumes much less bandwidth moving
data between database servers and storage servers, and returns a query result set rather than
entire tables. Eliminating data transfers and database server workload can greatly benefit data
warehousing queries that traditionally become bandwidth and CPU constrained. Eliminating data
transfers can also have a significant benefit on online transaction processing (OLTP) systems that
often include large batch and report processing operations.
Exadata storage is totally transparent to the application using the database. Existing SQL
statements, whether ad hoc or in packaged or custom applications, are unaffected and do not
require any modification when Exadata storage is used. The offload processing and bandwidth

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

advantages of the solution are delivered without any modification to your application. And all
features of the Oracle Database are fully supported with Exadata. Exadata works equally well
with single-instance or Real Application Cluster deployments of the Oracle Database.
Functionality like Oracle Data Guard, Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), Oracle Streams, and
other database tools are administered the same, with or without Exadata. Users and database
administrators leverage the same tools and knowledge they are familiar with today because they
work just as they do with traditional non-Exadata storage. Both Exadata and non-Exadata
storage may be concurrently used for database storage to facilitate migration to, or from, Exadata
The nature of traditional storage products encourages inefficient deployments of storage for each
database in the IT infrastructure. The Exadata architecture ensures all the bandwidth and I/O
resources of the Exadata storage subsystem can be made available whenever, and to whichever,
database or class of work needs it. I/O bandwidth is metered out to the various classes of work,
or databases, sharing the Exadata server based on user defined policies and service level
agreements (SLAs). The Oracle Database Resource Manager (DBRM) has been enhanced for use
with Exadata storage to manage user-defined intra and inter-database I/O resource usage to
ensure customer defined SLAs are met. The I/O resource management capabilities of Exadata
storage enable tailoring the I/O resources to the business priorities of the organization, and to
build a shared storage grid for the Oracle databases in the environment.

Sun Oracle Database Machine

Oracle is also offering a fully integrated platform for all your database applications. The Sun
Oracle Database Machine is an easy to deploy out of the box solution for hosting the Oracle
Database. A fully integrated solution ready to be turned on day one takes a lot of integration
work, cost and time, out of the application deployment process. The benefit of a common
infrastructure to deploy any application on, whether OLTP, DW of a mix of the two, creates
tremendous efficiencies in the datacenter.

Figure 3: Database Machine Full Rack

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

There are four models of the Database Machine Database Machine Full Rack, Database
Machine Half Rack, Database Machine Quarter Rack, and Database Machine Eighth Rack are
offered. Depending on the size and purpose of the database to be deployed, and the processing
and I/O bandwidth required there is a system available to meet any need.
Each Database Machine runs the same software, is upgradeable and includes common hardware
components. Common to all Database Machines are:
Exadata Storage Servers, either SAS or SATA.
Industry standard Oracle Database 11g database servers with: two Intel Xeon dual-socket
quad-core E5540 processors running at 2.53 Ghz processors, 72 GB RAM, four 146 GB SAS
drives, dual port InfiniBand Host Channel Adapter (HCA), four 1 Gb/second Ethernet ports,
and dual-redundant, hot-swappable power supplies.
Sun Quad Data Rate (QDR) InfiniBand switches and cables to form a 40 Gb/second
InfiniBand fabric for database server to Exadata storage server communication and RAC
internode communication.
The ratio of components to each other has been chosen to maximize performance and ensure
system resiliency. The hardware composition of each model of Database Machine is depicted in
the following table.

Sun Oracle Sun Oracle Sun Oracle Sun Oracle

Database Database Database Database
Machine Full Machine Half Machine Machine Basic
Rack Rack Quarter Rack System

Database Servers 8 4 2 1
Exadata Storage 14 7 3 1
InfiniBand 3 2 2 1
Upgradability Connect multiple Field upgrade Field upgrade Custom field
Full Racks via from Half Rack to from Quarter upgrade
included Full Rack Rack to Half Rack
InfiniBand fabric

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

The performance and capacity characteristics of each model of Database Machine is depicted in
the following table.

Sun Oracle Sun Oracle Sun Oracle Sun Oracle

Database Database Database Database
Machine Full Machine Half Machine Machine Basic
Rack Rack Quarter Rack System
Exadata Smart 5.3 TB 2.6 TB 1.1 TB 384 GB
Flash Cache
Raw Disk
SAS 100 TB 50 TB 21 TB 7.2 TB
SATA 336 TB 168 TB 72 TB 24 TB
User Data
Capacity Up to Up to Up to Up to
SAS 28 TB 14 TB 6 TB 2 TB
SATA 100 TB 50 TB 21 TB 7 TB
(without data
Raw Disk Data
Bandwidth Up to Up to Up to Up to
SAS 21 GB/sec 10.5 GB/sec 4.5 GB/sec 1.5 GB/sec
SATA 12 GB/sec 6.0 GB/sec 2.5 GB/sec 0.85 GB/sec
Effective Data
Bandwidth with Up to 50 GB/sec Up to 25 GB/sec Up to 11 GB/sec Up to 3.6 GB/sec
Flash Cache
Effective Data
Bandwidth with Up to Up to Up to Up to
Flash Cache and 500 GB/sec 250 GB/sec 110 GB/sec 36 GB/sec
Flash Cache IOPS Up to 1,000,000 Up to 500,000 Up to 225,000 Up to 75,000
Disk IOPS Up to Up to Up to Up to
SAS 50,000 25,000 10,800 3,600
SATA 20,000 10,000 4,300 1,440

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

In summary the Exadata products address the key dimensions of database I/O that can hamper
More pipes: Exadata is based on a massively parallel architecture which provides more pipes to
deliver more data faster between the database servers and storage servers. As Exadata servers
are added to the database configuration bandwidth scales linearly.
Wider pipes: InfiniBand is 8 times faster than Fibre Channel. Exadata is built using wider
InfiniBand pipes that provide extremely high bandwidth between the database servers and
storage servers.
More IOPS: With the intelligent and automatic use and management of Exadata Smart Flash
Cache to avoid physical I/O effective IOPS scale to handle the largest most demanding
Smart software: With the Smart Scan processing less data needs to be shipped through the
pipes by performing data processing in storage. Exadata is database aware and can ship just the
data required to satisfy SQL requests resulting in less data being sent between the database
servers and the storage servers.

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Exadata Architecture
The hardware environment for a typical Exadata based storage grid was shown in Figure 2. Each
Exadata cell is a self-contained server which houses disk storage and runs the Exadata software
provided by Oracle. Databases are deployed across Exadata cells, and multiple databases can
share Exadata cells. The database and Exadata cells communicate via a high-speed InfiniBand
The collection of Exadata cells shared between a set of databases is referred to as an Exadata
Realm. The set of three cells in figure 2 is an example of a realm. Realms ensure the isolation,
and hence protection, across a given set of databases. Mechanisms are provided to move disks
and whole cells between realms in a controlled and safe manner.
The architecture of the Exadata solution includes components on the database server and in the
Exadata cell. The overall architecture is shown below.

Single-Instance RAC
Database Database
DB Server DB Server DB Server
DB Instance DB Instance DB Instance Enterprise


iDB Protocol over

InfiniBand Switch/Network InfiniBand with
Path Failover


Exadata Cell Exadata Cell Exadata Cell

Figure 4: Exadata Software Architecture

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Database Server Software

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 has been significantly enhanced to take advantage of Exadata
storage. The Exadata software is optimally divided between the database servers and Exadata
cells. The database servers and Exadata Storage Server Software communicate using the iDB
the Intelligent Database protocol. iDB is implemented in the database kernel and transparently
maps database operations to Exadata-enhanced operations. iDB implements a function shipping
architecture in addition to the traditional data block shipping provided by the database. iDB is
used to ship SQL operations down to the Exadata cells for execution and to return query result
sets to the database kernel. Instead of returning database blocks, Exadata cells return only the
rows and columns that satisfy the SQL query. Like existing I/O protocols, iDB can also directly
read and write ranges of bytes to and from disk so when offload processing is not possible
Exadata operates like a traditional storage device for the Oracle Database. But when feasible, the
intelligence in the database kernel enables, for example, table scans to be passed down to execute
on the Exadata server so only requested data is returned to the database server.
iDB is built on the industry standard Reliable Datagram Sockets (RDSv3) protocol and runs over
InfiniBand. ZDP (Zero-loss Zero-copy Datagram Protocol), a zero-copy implementation of
RDS, is used to eliminate unnecessary copying of blocks. Multiple network interfaces can be
used on the database servers and Exadata cells. This is an extremely fast low-latency protocol
that minimizes the number of data copies required to service I/O operations.
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is the storage management foundation of Exadata. ASM
virtualizes the storage resources and provides the advanced volume management and file system
capabilities of Exadata. Striping database files evenly across the available Exadata cells and disks
results in uniform I/O load across all the storage hardware. The ability of ASM to perform non-
intrusive resource allocation, and reallocation, is a key enabler of the shared grid storage
capabilities of Exadata environments. And the ASM mirroring and failure group functionality
provides much of the data protection and resiliency across the Exadata environment. With ASM,
data is mirrored across cells to ensure high availability in the event of cell failure.
The Database Resource Manager (DBRM) feature in Oracle Database 11g has been enhanced for
use with Exadata. DBRM lets the user define and manage intra and inter-database I/O
bandwidth in addition to CPU, undo, degree of parallelism, active sessions, and the other
resources it manages. This allows the sharing of storage between databases without fear of one
database monopolizing the I/O bandwidth and impacting the performance of the other
databases sharing the storage. Consumer groups are allocated a percent of the available I/O
bandwidth and the DBRM ensures these targets are delivered. This is implemented by the
database tagging I/O with the associated database and consumer group. This provides the
database with a complete view of the I/O priorities through the entire I/O stack. The intra-
database consumer group I/O allocations are defined and managed at the database server. The
inter-database I/O allocations are defined within the software in the Exadata cell and managed

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

by the I/O Resource Manager (IORM). The Exadata cell software ensures that inter-database
I/O resources are managed and properly allocated within, and between, databases. Overall,
DBRM ensures each database receives its specified amount of I/O resources and user defined
SLAs are met.

Enterprise Manager Plug-In For Exadata

Exadata has been integrated with the Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) Grid Control to easily
monitor the Exadata environment. By installing an Exadata plug-in to the existing EM system,
statistics and activity on the Exadata server can be monitored, and events and alerts can be sent
to the system administrator. The advantages of integrating the EM system with Exadata include:
Monitoring Oracle Exadata storage
Gathering storage configuration and performance information
Raising alerts and warnings based on thresholds
Providing rich out-of-box metrics and reports based on historical data
All the functions users have come to expect from the Oracle Enterprise Manager work along
with Exadata. By using the EM interface, users can easily manage the Exadata environment along
with other Oracle Database environments traditionally used with the Enterprise Manager. DBAs
can use the familiar EM interface to view reports to determine the health of the Exadata system,
and manage the configuration of the Exadata storage.

Exadata Software
Like any storage device the Exadata server is a computer with CPUs, memory, a bus, disks,
NICs, and the other components normally found in a server. It also runs an operating system
(OS), which in the case of Exadata is Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 5.3. The Exadata Storage
Server Software resident in the Exadata cell runs under OEL. OEL is accessible in a restricted
mode to administer and manage the Exadata cell.
CELLSRV (Cell Services) is the primary component of the Exadata software running in the cell
and provides the majority of Exadata storage services. CELLSRV is multi-threaded software that
communicates with the database instance on the database server, and serves blocks to databases
based on the iDB protocol. It provides the advanced SQL offload capabilities, serves Oracle
blocks when SQL offload processing is not possible, and implements the DBRM I/O resource
management functionality to meter out I/O bandwidth to the various databases and consumer
groups issuing I/O.
Two other components of Oracle software running in the cell are the Management Server (MS)
and Restart Server (RS). The MS is the primary interface to administer, manage and query the
status of the Exadata cell. It works in cooperation with the Exadata cell command line interface

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

(CLI) and EM Exadata plug-in, and provides standalone Exadata cell management and
configuration. For example, from the cell, CLI commands are issued to configure storage, query
I/O statistics and restart the cell. Also supplied is a distributed CLI so commands can be sent to
multiple cells to ease management across cells. Restart Server (RS) ensures the ongoing
functioning of the Exadata software and services. It is used to update the Exadata software. It
also ensures storage services are started and running, and services are restarted when required.

Exadata Smart Scan Processing

With traditional, non-iDB aware storage, all database intelligence resides in the database software
on the server. To illustrate how SQL processing is performed in this architecture an example of a
table scan is shown below.

Figure 5: Traditional Database I/O and SQL Processing Model

X The client issues a SELECT statement with a predicate to filter and return only rows of
interest. Y The database kernel maps this request to the file and extents containing the table
being scanned. Z The database kernel issues the I/O to read the blocks. [ All the blocks of the
table being queried are read into memory. \ Then SQL processing is done against the raw
blocks searching for the rows that satisfy the predicate. ] Lastly the rows are returned to the
As is often the case with the large queries, the predicate filters out most of the rows read. Yet all
the blocks from the table need to be read, transferred across the storage network and copied into
memory. Many more rows are read into memory than required to complete the requested SQL

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

operation. This generates a large number of data transfers which consume bandwidth and impact
application throughput and response time.
Integrating database functionality within the storage layer of the database stack allows queries,
and other database operations, to be executed much more efficiently. Implementing database
functionality as close to the hardware as possible, in the case of Exadata at the disk level, can
dramatically speed database operations and increase system throughput.
With Exadata storage, database operations are handled much more efficiently. Queries that
perform table scans can be processed within Exadata with only the required subset of data
returned to the database server. Row filtering, column filtering and some join processing (among
other functions) are performed within the Exadata storage cells. When this takes place only the
relevant and required data is returned to the database server.
Figure 6 below illustrates how a table scan operates with Exadata storage.

Figure 6: Smart Scan Offload Processing

X The client issues a SELECT statement with a predicate to filter and return only rows of
interest. Y The database kernel determines that Exadata storage is available and constructs an
iDB command representing the SQL command issued and sends it the Exadata storage. Z The
CELLSRV component of the Exadata software scans the data blocks to identify those rows and
columns that satisfy the SQL issued. [ Only the rows satisfying the predicate and the requested
columns are read into memory. \ The database kernel consolidates the result sets from across
the Exadata cells. ] Lastly, the rows are returned to the client.
Smart scans are transparent to the application and no application or SQL changes are required.
The SQL EXPLAIN PLAN shows when Exadata smart scan is used. Returned data is fully
consistent and transactional and rigorously adheres to the Oracle Database consistent read
functionality and behavior. If a cell dies during a smart scan, the uncompleted portions of the
smart scan are transparently routed to another cell for completion. Smart scans properly handle

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

the complex internal mechanisms of the Oracle Database including: uncommitted data and
locked rows, chained rows, compressed tables, national language processing, date arithmetic,
regular expression searches, materialized views and partitioned tables.
The Oracle Database and Exadata server cooperatively execute various SQL statements. Moving
SQL processing off the database server frees server CPU cycles and eliminates a massive amount
of bandwidth consumption which is then available to better service other requests. SQL
operations run faster, and more of them can run concurrently because of less contention for the
I/O bandwidth. We will now look at the various SQL operations that benefit from the use of

Smart Scan Predicate Filtering

Exadata enables predicate filtering for table scans. Only the rows requested are returned to the
database server rather than all rows in a table. For example, when the following SQL is issued
only rows where the employees hire date is after the specified date are sent from Exadata to the
database instance.
SELECT * FROM employee_table WHERE hire_date > 1-Jan-2003;
This ability to return only relevant rows to the server will greatly improve database performance.
This performance enhancement also applies as queries become more complicated, so the same
benefits also apply to complex queries, including those with subqueries.

Smart Scan Column Filtering

Exadata provides column filtering, also called column projection, for table scans. Only the
columns requested are returned to the database server rather than all columns in a table. For
example, when the following SQL is issued, only the employee_name and employee_number
columns are returned from Exadata to the database kernel.
SELECT employee_name, employee_number FROM employee_table;
For tables with many columns, or columns containing LOBs (Large Objects), the I/O bandwidth
saved can be very large. When used together, predicate and column filtering dramatically
improves performance and reduces I/O bandwidth consumption. In addition, column filtering
also applies to indexes, allowing for even faster query performance.

Smart Scan Join Processing

Exadata performs joins between large tables and small lookup tables, a very common scenario
for data warehouses with star schemas. This is implemented using Bloom Filters, which are a
very efficient probabilistic method to determine whether a row is a member of the desired result

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

New Smart Scan Offload I/O Optimizations and Functionality

With Oracle Database 11g Release 2, several new powerful Smart Scan and offload capabilities
are provided with Exadata storage. These include: Storage Indexing technology, Smart Scan
offload of new Hybrid Columnar Compressed Tables, Smart Scan offload of encrypted
tablespaces and columns, and offload of data mining model scoring.

Storage Indexing

Storage Indexes are a very powerful capability provided in Exadata storage that helps avoid I/O
operations. The Exadata Storage Server Software creates and maintains a Storage Index in
Exadata memory. The Storage Index keeps track of minimum and maximum values of columns
for tables stored on that cell. When a query specifies a WHERE clause, but before any I/O is
done, the Exadata software examines the Storage Index to determine if rows with the specified
column value exists in the cell by comparing the column value to the minimum and maximum
values maintained in the Storage Index. If the column value is outside the minimum and
maximum range, scan I/O for that query is avoided. Many SQL Operations will run dramatically
faster because large numbers of I/O operations are automatically replaced by a few in-memory
lookups. To minimize operational overhead, Storage Indexes are created and maintained
transparently and automatically by the Exadata Storage Server Software.

Smart Scan of Hybrid Columnar Compressed Tables

Another new feature of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 is Hybrid Columnar Compressed Tables.
These new tables offer a high degree of compression for data that is bulk loaded and queried.
Smart Scan processing of Hybrid Columnar Compressed Tables is provided and column
projection and filtering are performed within Exadata. In addition, the decompression of the data
is offloaded to Exadata eliminating CPU overhead on the database servers. Given the typical ten-
fold compression of Hybrid Columnar Compressed Tables, this effectively increases the I/O rate
ten-fold compared to uncompressed data.

Smart Scan of Encrypted Tablespaces and Columns

New in Exadata is the Smart Scan offload processing of Encrypted Tablespaces (TSE) and
Encrypted Columns (TDE). While the prior release of Exadata fully supported the use of TSE
and TDE on Exadata it did not benefit from Exadata offload processing. This enhancement
increases performance when accessing confidential data.

Offload of Data Mining Model Scoring

Another new function offloaded to Exadata is Data Mining model scoring. This makes the
deployment of data warehouses on Exadata or Database Machine an even better and more
performant data analysis platform. All data mining scoring functions (e.g., prediction_probability)
are offloaded to Exadata for processing. This will not only speed warehouse analysis but reduce

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

database server CPU consumption and the I/O load between the database server and Exadata

Other Exadata Smart Scan Processing

Two other database operations that are offloaded to Exadata are incremental database backups
and tablespace creation. The speed and efficiency of incremental database backups has been
significantly enhanced with Exadata. The granularity of change tracking in the database is much
finer when Exadata storage is used. Changes are tracked at the individual Oracle block level with
Exadata rather than at the level of a large group of blocks. This results in less I/O bandwidth
being consumed for backups and faster running backups.
With Exadata the create file operation is also executed much more efficiently. For example, when
issuing a Create Tablespace command, instead of operating synchronously with each block of the
new tablespace being formatted in server memory and written to storage, an iDB command is
sent to Exadata instructing it to create the tablespace and format the blocks. Host memory usage
is reduced and I/O associated with the creation and formatting of the tablespace blocks is
offloaded. The I/O bandwidth saved with these operations means more bandwidth is available
for other business critical work.

I/O Resource Management With Exadata

With traditional storage, creating a shared storage grid is hampered by the inability to prioritize
the work of the various jobs and users consuming I/O bandwidth from the storage subsystem.
The same occurs when multiple databases share the storage subsystem. The DBRM and I/O
resource management capabilities of Exadata storage can prevent one class of work, or one
database, from monopolizing disk resources and bandwidth and ensures user defined SLAs are
met when using Exadata storage. The DBRM enables the coordination and prioritization of I/O
bandwidth consumed between databases, and between different users and classes of work. By
tightly integrating the database with the storage environment, Exadata is aware of what types of
work and how much I/O bandwidth is consumed. Users can therefore have the Exadata system
identify various types of workloads, assign priority to these workloads, and ensure the most
critical workloads get priority.
In data warehousing, or mixed workload environments, you may want to ensure different users
and tasks within a database are allocated the correct relative amount of I/O resources. For
example you may want to allocate 70% of I/O resources to interactive users on the system and
30% of I/O resources to batch reporting jobs. This is simple to enforce using the DBRM and
I/O resource management capabilities of Exadata storage.
An Exadata administrator can create a resource plan that specifies how I/O requests should be
prioritized. This is accomplished by putting the different types of work into service groupings
called Consumer Groups. Consumer groups can be defined by a number of attributes including

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

the username, client program name, function, or length of time the query has been running.
Once these consumer groups are defined, the user can set a hierarchy of which consumer group
gets precedence in I/O resources and how much of the I/O resource is given to each consumer
group. This hierarchy determining I/O resource prioritization can be applied simultaneously to
both intra-database operations (i.e. operations occurring within a database) and inter-database
operations (i.e. operations occurring among various databases).
When Exadata storage is shared between multiple databases you can also prioritize the I/O
resources allocated to each database, preventing one database from monopolizing disk resources
and bandwidth to ensure user defined SLAs are met. For example you may have two databases
sharing Exadata storage as depicted below.

Database A Database B
(Single-Instance) (RAC)

Exadata Cell Exadata Cell Exadata Cell

Figure 7: Inter-Database I/O Resource Management with Exadata

Business objectives dictate that each of these databases has a relative value and importance to the
organization. It is decided that database A should receive 33% of the total I/O resources
available and that database B should receive 67% of the total I/O of resources. To ensure the
different users and tasks within each database are allocated the correct relative amount of I/O
resources, various consumer groups are defined.

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Two consumer groups are defined for database A

60% of the I/O resources are reserved for interactive marketing activities
40% of the I/O resources are reserved for batch marketing activities
Three consumer groups are defined for database B
60% of the I/O resources are reserved for interactive sales activities
30% of the I/O resources are reserved for batch sales activities
10% of the I/O resources are reserved for major account sales activities
These consumer group allocations are relative to the total I/O resources allocated to each
In essence, Exadata I/O Resource Manager has solved one of the challenges traditional storage
technology does not address: creating a shared grid storage environment with the ability to
balance and prioritize the work of multiple databases and users sharing the storage subsystem.
Exadata I/O resource management ensures user defined SLAs are met for multiple databases
sharing Exadata storage. This ensures that each database or user gets the correct share of disk
bandwidth to meet business objectives.

Accelerated Performance With Exadata

Exadata storage provides unmatched performance improvements for typical data warehousing
workloads. Full table scans will receive an arbitrarily large improvement due to smart scan
filtering and the balanced hardware used for Exadata-based data warehouses. Exadata storage
servers deliver a scale-out architecture such that as cells are added to the configuration,
bandwidth increases. This, coupled with faster InfiniBand interconnect and the reduction of data
transferred due to the offload processing, yields very large performance improvements. Often a
ten-fold speed up in these operations is seen when using Exadata storage compared to storage
products traditionally used with the Oracle Database but in many cases a 50-fold, or greater,
speedup is achieved.
Two examples of real world performance improvements follow.

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Tablespace Creation Average
Index Creation
Handset to Customer Mapping Report
CRM Customer Discount Report

CRM Service Order Report

Warehouse Inventory Report

CDR Full Table Scan

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 8: Telecommunications Application Performance Improvement with Exadata of 10X to 72X

M e r c h a n d is in g L e v e l 1 D e t a il:
P e r io d A g o

M e r c h a n d is in g L e v e l 1 D e t a il:
C urre nt - 52 w ee k s

S u p p l y C h a in V e n d o r - Ye a r - I te m
M o v em e nt

M e rc ha ndi s i ng L ev e l 1 D e t ai l by
W ee k

M a t e r ia li ze d V ie w s R e b u ild

D a te t o D a te M o v e m e n t
C o m p a r is o n - 5 3 w e e k s

P r o m p t 0 4 C lo n e f o r A C L a u d it
S a le s a n d C u s t o m e r C o u n t s
G if t C a r d A c t iv a ti o n s
R e c a ll Q u e r y

- 5 .0 10 .0 1 5.0 20 .0 25 . 0 3 0. 0 35 .0 4 0 .0 4 5.0 50 .0

Figure 9: Retail Application Performance Improvement of 3X to 48X

Exadata Storage Virtualization

Exadata provides a rich set of sophisticated and powerful storage management virtualization
capabilities that leverage the strengths of the Oracle Database, the Exadata software, and Exadata

Exadata Storage Software

As discussed earlier, the Exadata cell is a server that runs the Oracle Enterprise Linux as well as
the Oracle provided Exadata software. When first started, the cell boots up like any other
computer into Exadata storage serving mode. The first two disk drives have a small Logical Unit
Number (LUN) slice called the System Area, approximately 13 GB of size, reserved for the OEL

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

operating system, Exadata software, and configuration metadata. The System Area contains
Oracle Database 11g Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) data, and other metadata about
the Exadata cell. The administrator does not have to manage the System Area LUN, as it is
automatically created. Its contents are automatically mirrored across the physical disks to protect
against drive failures, and to allow hot disk swapping. The remaining portion of these two disk
drives is available for user data.

Exadata User Storage Virtualization

Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is used to manage the storage in the Exadata cell. ASM
volume management, striping, and data protection services make it the optimum choice for
volume management. ASM provides data protection against drive and cell failures, the best
possible performance, and extremely flexible configuration and reconfiguration options.
A Cell Disk is the virtual representation of the physical disk, minus the System Area LUN (if
present), and is one of the key disk objects the administrator manages within an Exadata cell. A
Cell Disk is represented by a single LUN, which is created and managed automatically by the
Exadata software when the physical disk is discovered.
Cell Disks can be further virtualized into one or more Grid Disks. Grid Disks are the disk entity
assigned to ASM, as ASM disks, to manage on behalf of the database for user data. The simplest
case is when a single Grid Disk takes up the entire Cell Disk. But it is also possible to partition a
Cell Disk into multiple Grid Disk slices. Placing multiple Grid Disks on a Cell Disk allows the
administrator to segregate the storage into pools with different performance or availability
requirements. Grid Disk slices can be used to allocate hot, warm and cold regions of a
Cell Disk, or to separate databases sharing Exadata disks. For example a Cell Disk could be
partitioned such that one Grid Disk resides on the higher performing portion of the physical disk
and is configured to be triple mirrored, while a second Grid Disk resides on the lower
performing portion of the disk and is used for archive or backup data, without any mirroring. An
Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) strategy could be implemented using Grid Disk

P hysical Cell Grid Grid
Disk Disk
Disk Disk Disk
Grid Disk

Figure 10: Grid Disk Virtualization

The following example illustrates the relationship of Cell Disks to Grid Disks in a more
comprehensive Exadata storage grid.

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

Once the Cell Disks and Grid Disks are configured, ASM disk groups are defined across the
Exadata configuration. Two ASM disk groups are defined; one across the hot grid disks, and a
second across the cold grid disks. All of the hot grid disks are placed into one ASM disk
group and all of the cold grid disks are placed in a separate disk group. When the data is loaded
into the database, ASM will evenly distribute the data and I/O within disk groups. ASM
mirroring can be activated for these disk groups to protect against disk failures for both, either,
or neither of the disk groups. Mirroring can be turned on or off independently for each of the
disk groups.

Disk Group Ex ada ta C e ll E xa da ta C ell Cold ASM
Disk Group
H ot Hot H ot Hot H ot H ot

Cold C old C old C old C old C old

Figure 11: Example ASM Disk Groups and Mirroring

Lastly, to protect against the failure of an entire Exadata cell, ASM failure groups are defined.
Failure groups ensure that mirrored ASM extents are placed on different Exadata cells.

Disk Group
Exadata Cell Exadata Cell

Hot Ho t Ho t Hot Ho t Hot

Co ld Cold Cold Cold Cold Co ld

Failure Grou p Failure Group

Figure 12: Example ASM Mirroring and Failure Groups

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

With Exadata and ASM:

Configuration of Cell Disks (LUN creation) is automated by Exadata software.
Optionally, multiple Grid Disks can co-exist on the physical disks to tailor performance to the
needs of the database application or construct an ILM strategy with Exadata.
ASM automatically stripes the database data across Exadata disks and cells to ensure a
balanced I/O load and optimum performance.
ASM dynamic add and drop capability enables non-intrusive cell and disk allocation,
deallocation, and reallocation.
ASM mirroring, and the hot swap capability of the Exadata cell, provides transparent data
protection and access across disk failures.
ASM provides for double or triple mirroring to tailor the protection to the criticality of the
ASM failure groups are automatically created with Exadata to provide transparent data
protection and access across cell failures.

Migrating to Exadata Storage

Exadata storage can be used in addition to the storage arrays and products traditionally used to
store the Oracle database. A single database can be partially stored on Exadata storage and
partially on traditional storage devices. Tablespaces can reside on Exadata storage, non-Exadata
storage, or a combination of the two, and is transparent to database operations and applications.
But to benefit from the Smart Scan capability of Exadata storage, the entire tablespace must
reside on Exadata storage. This co-residence and co-existence is a key feature to enable online
migration to Exadata storage.
An online non-disruptive migration to Exadata storage can be done for an existing database if
the existing database is deployed on ASM and is using ASM redundancy. The steps to
accomplish this are:
1. Add an Exadata grid disk to the existing ASM disk group.
2. ASM then automatically rebalances the data within the disk group moving a proportional
amount of data to the newly added Exadata grid disk.
3. Then a non-Exadata disk is dropped from the ASM disk group. ASM would then rebalance
or migrate the data from the non-Exadata disk to other disks in the disk group.
4. The above is repeated until the entire database has been migrated onto Exadata storage.
In addition, migration can be done using Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) to backup from
traditional storage and restore the data onto Exadata. Oracle Data Guard can also be used to
facilitate a migration. This is done by first creating a standby database based on Exadata storage.

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

The standby can be using Exadata storage and the production database can be on traditional
storage. By executing a fast switchover, taking just seconds, you can transform the standby
database into the production database. All these approaches provide a built-in safety net as you
can undo the migration very gracefully if unforeseen issues arise.

Additional Data Protection With Exadata

Exadata has been designed to incorporate the same standard of high availability (HA) customers
have come to expect from Oracle products. With Exadata, all database features and tools work
just as they do with traditional non-Exadata storage. Users and database administrators will use
familiar tools and be able to leverage their existing Oracle Database knowledge and procedures.
With the Exadata architecture, all single points of failure are eliminated. Familiar features such as
mirroring, fault isolation, and protection against drive and cell failure have been incorporated
into Exadata to ensure continual availability and protection of data. Other features to ensure high
availability within the Exadata server are described below.

Hardware Assisted Resilient Data (HARD) built into Exadata

Oracle's Hardware Assisted Resilient Data (HARD) Initiative is a comprehensive program

designed to prevent data corruptions before they happen. Data corruptions are very rare, but
when they happen, they can have a catastrophic effect on a database, and therefore a business.
Exadata has enhanced HARD functionality embedded in it to provide even higher levels of
protection and end-to-end data validation for your data. Exadata performs extensive validation of
the data stored in it including checksums, block locations, magic numbers, head and tail checks,
alignment errors, etc. Implementing these data validation algorithms within Exadata will prevent
corrupted data from being written to permanent storage. Furthermore, these checks and
protections are provided without the manual steps required when using HARD with
conventional storage.

Data Guard

Oracle Data Guard is the software feature of Oracle Database that creates, maintains, and
monitors one or more standby databases to protect your database from failures, disasters, errors,
and corruptions. Data Guard works unmodified with Exadata and can be used for both
production and standby databases. By using Active Data Guard with Exadata storage, queries
and reports can be offloaded from the production database to an extremely fast standby database
and ensure that critical work on the production database is not impacted while still providing
disaster protection.


Exadata leverages Oracle Flashback Technology to provide a set of features to view and restore
data back in time. The Flashback feature works in Exadata the same as it would in a non-Exadata

White Paper A Technical Overview of the Sun Oracle Exadata Storage Server and Database Machine

environment. The Flashback features offer the capability to query historical data, perform change
analysis, and perform self-service repair to recover from logical corruptions while the database is
online. In essence, with the built-in Oracle Flashback features, Exadata allows the user to have
snapshot-like capabilities and restore a database to a time before an error occurred.

Recovery Manager (RMAN) and Oracle Secure Backup (OSB)

Exadata works with Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), a command-line and Enterprise
Manager-based tool, to allow efficient Oracle database backup and recovery. All existing RMAN
scripts work unchanged in the Exadata environment. RMAN is designed to work intimately with
the server, providing block-level corruption detection during backup and restore. RMAN
optimizes performance and space consumption during backup with file multiplexing and backup
set compression, and integrates with Oracle Secure Backup (OSB) and third party media
management products for tape backup.

Businesses today increasingly needs to leverage a unified database platform to enable the
deployment and consolidation of all their applications onto one common infrastructure. Whether
OLTP, DW or mixed workload a common infrastructure delivers the efficences and reusability
the datacenter needs and provides the reality of cloud computing in-house. Building or using
custom special purpose systems for different applications is wasteful and expensive. The need to
process more data increases every day while corporations are also finding their IT budgets being
squeezed. Examining the total cost of ownership (TCO) for IT software and hardware lead one
to choose high performance common infrastructure for deployments of all applications.
By incorporating Exadata and the Database Machine into the IT infrastructure, companies will:
Accelerate database performance and be able to do much more in the same amount of time.
Handle change and growth in scalable and incremental steps by consolidating deployments on
to a common infrastructure.
Deliver mission-critical data availability and protection.
Exadata and the Database Machine provide this solution.

White Paper Title
September 2009
Author: Ronald Weiss
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